This resource type manages a Rollbar notification rule
To get started:
Sign in to the AWS Management Console with your account and navigate to CloudFormation.
Select "Public extensions" from the left hand pane and filter Publisher by "Third Party".
Use the search bar to filter by the "Rollbar" prefix.
Note: All official Rollbar resources begin with Rollbar::
and specify that they are Published by Rollbar
Select the desired resource name to view more information about its schema, and click Activate.
On the Extension details page, specify:
- Extension name
- Execution role ARN
- Automatic updates for minor version releases
- Configuration
- After you have your resource configured, create your AWS stack that includes any of the activated Rollbar resources.
For more information about available commands and workflows, see the official AWS documentation.
The Rollbar CloudFormation resources are available on the CloudFormation Public Registry in the following regions:
Code | Name |
us-east-1 | US East (N. Virginia) |
us-east-2 | US East (Ohio) |
us-west-1 | US West (N. California) |
us-west-2 | US West (Oregon) |
ap-south-1 | Asia Pacific (Mumbai) |
ap-northeast-1 | Asia Pacific (Tokyo) |
ap-northeast-2 | Asia Pacific (Seoul) |
ap-southeast-1 | Asia Pacific (Singapore) |
ap-southeast-2 | Asia Pacific (Sydney) |
ca-central-1 | Canada (Central) |
eu-central-1 | Europe (Frankfurt) |
eu-west-1 | Europe (Ireland) |
eu-west-2 | Europe (London) |
eu-west-3 | Europe (Paris) |
eu-north-1 | Europe (Stockholm) |
sa-east-1 | South America (São Paulo) |
Note: To privately register a resource in any other region, use the provided packages.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: Shows how to set a Rollbar notification rule.
Type: Rollbar::Notifications::Rule
ProjectAccessToken: !Ref RollbarProductionAppAccessToken
Trigger: exp_repeat_item
- Type: level
Operation: gte
Value: error
- Day Team
- Night Team