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138 lines (88 loc) · 3.82 KB

File metadata and controls

138 lines (88 loc) · 3.82 KB

Development Workflow Setup

NOTE: plugins should be installed from ~/.config NOT ~/.MachFiles/... never commit any plugins, history, or cache NOTE: changes should be made in ~/.MachFiles NOT ~/.config to ensure changes are reflected in git

Getting Started

Clone dotfiles

cd $HOME && git clone

Run setup script,

chmod +x MachFiles/scripts/.config/scripts/

Restart your computer

Update ZSH

Run sudo nvim /etc/shells and add /opt/homebrew/opt/zsh/bin/zsh (you can only use chsh on shells in this file). Run chsh -s /opt/homebrew/opt/zsh/bin/zsh Open a new shell and run echo $SHELL to confirm everything is set properly.


When getting the error about alacritty not being allowed. Do the following

sudo spctl --master-disable

Open alacritty, then run

sudo spctl --master-enable


Enter the following command to start a tmux session

tmux source ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf

Install plugins by pressing prefix + I inside a tmux window.


Running neovim will setup the initial plugin installations.

cd ~/.config/nvim && nvim

By default no lsp servers (besides for lua) are installed. Reference for additional installations.

Additional Notes: - setup any formatters/linters as needed with Mason - create a autocommand (BufWrite on save) to use a custom binary not supported by null-ls - performance enhancements can be made for certain lsp servers i.e. ignoring directories - disable unneeded options for specific LSP server (ex, update_in_insert, virtual_text)

Karabiner Elements

Add Karabiner to login items (System Preferences --> Login Items)

Launch Karabiner elements and grant full permissions.


Add Alt-tab to login items (System Preferences --> Login Items)

Set shortcut to "Command Tab" to override default MacOS Switcher

Change keybinds i.e prev tab --> command + shift


Disable Spotlight keybind with System Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Spotlight.

Add Raycast to login items (System Preferences --> Login Items) if not done automatically

Change keybind to Command + Space

Enable vim keybindings


Cleanup Finder (sidebar, remove tags etc.).

Cleanup dock and minimize

Cleanup menubar (add bluetooth icon and remove sound).

Setup Arc Browser - Extensions: Ad block, Bitwarden, Vimium - Change links to use default space: Preferences > Links > Air Traffic Control > Default: Most Recent Space - Setup bookmarks

MacOS Settings - Uncheck shake mouse pointer to locate go into Accessibility -> Display. - Hide dock - Increase Key Repeat (makes vim feel smooth) --> System Preferences -> Keyboard, maximize Key Repeat, and minimize Delay until repeat. - Hide desktop items

Change Screenshots to copy to clipboard (cmd + shift + 5)

Disable Hot Corners

Random Errors

Treesitter linting errors appearing in neovim help doc

:TSUpdate vimdoc

Window Management (Optional)

Open several desktops Keyboard Settings -> Shortcuts -> Mission Control -> Enable shortcuts for switching spaces System Settings -> Accessibility -> Display -> Turn on "Reduce motion" System Settings -> Mission Control -> Turn off "Automatically rearrange spaces based on recent use", enable "Displays have seperate spaces", and enable "Switch to a Space with open windows for the application"

Tips for Work Machine

  • Hook into build systems (ex, bazel) to increase performance if using neovim as editor
  • Add any aliases needed for (ex, jumping into a directory, running linter, running tests etc.)
  • Setup .gitconfig as needed
  • Modify .ignore to ignore specific build files etc.