This application is work in progress, so it is not ready for production yet.
- Download the runnable jar from the latest release
- In the same folder where the jar is placed, create a file named
with contents similar to this - Run the application with the following command:
java -jar stundb-application-1.0.0-shaded.jar -Dapplication.port=8000
To run with Maven, you just need to run the following command:
mvn exec:java -f stundb/application/pom.xml
Run tests and then deploy to Maven Central:
mvn clean test -P runAcceptanceTests
mvn clean deploy -P publishToCentral -pl \!io.github.rafaelsilverioit:stundb-acceptance-tests
- FIFO cache
- Locking
- Contact other nodes through seeds
- Replicate data (using CRDT)
- Leader election
- Use Netty for TCP server
- Implement node statuses so that when a node becomes unreachable, it is ignored until it becomes available again and state is synchronized (remove leader status too)
- Retry contacting seeds until a node replies, up to a maximum number of attempts
- Move from Kryo to Apache Fury
- Use a BTree to store data
- Support JPMS
- TTL/Cache invalidation
- Create a Spring Boot app to observe nodes and expose actions through a REST API
- 100% unit testing coverage for the application module
- Acceptance tests for critical journeys
- Use Netty for TCP client
- Authentication (SCRAM/SASL)
- Allow state persistence
- Use Java Sockets for TCP client
- Deal with virtual clocks - Already have implemented an initial version clock, but still need to get rid of timestamps
- Change how synchronization works today - Initial change: nodes replicate changes to the leader node, then from time to time, nodes synchronize with the leader to sync their state with the entire cluster
- TESTS (unit & acceptance)!
- TLS Encryption
- Support multiple cache eviction policies
- Create a node gateway app to receive requests from clients, and load balance requests between nodes
- Payload compression/decompression when talking between nodes