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512 lines (365 loc) · 27.6 KB

File metadata and controls

512 lines (365 loc) · 27.6 KB 1.6.7

  • Moving arrow package to 'recommended' because of its size on macOS (> 100MB) 1.6.6

  • Require Shiny 1.8.1. Adjustments related to icon-buttons were made to address a breaking change in Shiny 1.8.1
  • Reverting changes that removed req(input$dataset) in different places 1.6.3

  • Require shiny 1.8.0. This fixes a bug in the shiny 1.7 versions that caused issues with all radiant packages. 1.6.2

  • Fixed a bug in Radiant by changing knitr options. Usernames with a space should no longer cause issues on Windows 1.6.0

  • Added a dependency on the arrow package to allow loading and saving parquet files
  • Added option to load and save parquet files and data description files (see Data > Manage)
  • Renamed Radiant to "Radiant for R" to destinguish from "Radiant for Python"
  • Addressed a bug that can occur when combining line graphs in Data > Visualize 1.5.6

  • Address deprecation issues in markdown >= 1.5 1.5.1

  • Added features in the UI to facilitate persistent filters for filtered, sorted, and sliced data
  • Improvements to screenshot feature:
    • Navigation bar is omitted and the image is adjusted to the length of the UI.
    • html2canvas.js is now included so users can take screenshot when offline
  • Added a convenience function add_description to add a description attribute to a data.frame in markdown format
  • Line graphs treated more similarly to bar-graphs:
    • Can have a binary factor variable on the y-axis
    • Y-variable only line are now also possible
  • Removed all references to aes_string which is being deprecated in ggplot soon
  • Improved cleanup after Radiant UI is closed 1.4.7

  • Code cleanup in different areas 1.4.6

  • gsub("[\x80-\xFF]", "", text) is no longer valid in R 4.2.0 and above. Non-asci symbols will now be escaped using stringi::stri_trans_general when needed 1.4.5

  • Add scrolling for dropdown menus that might extend past the edge of the screen
  • Addressed warning messages about Font Awesome icons not existing
  • gsub("[\x80-\xFF]", "", text) is no longer valid in R 4.2.0 and above. Non-asci symbols will now be escaped using stringi when needed 1.4.4

  • Added option to create screenshots of settings on a page. Approach is inspired by the snapper package by @yonicd
  • Added contact request for users on Radiant startup
  • Fix issue with R_ZIPCMD when 7zip is on the path but not being recognized by R 1.4.2

  • Use all for is.null and if object length can be greater than 1 as required in R 4.2.0 1.4.1

  • Setup to allow formatting of the shiny interface with bootstrap 4
  • Addressing is_empty function clash with rlang
  • Upgrading shiny dependency to 1.6.0 and fixing project text alignment issue (@cpsievert, #28) 1.3.12

  • Fixes related to breaking changes in magrittr
  • Fixes related to changes in readr argument names
  • Fix to launch radiant in a "windows" 1.3.10

  • Add Google Drive to the default set of directories to explore if available
  • Add back functionality to convert a column to type ts in Data > Transform now that this is again supported by dplyr 1.0.1 1.3.9

  • Fix for using the date function from the lubridate package in a filter
  • Removed functionality to convert a column to type ts as this is not supported by dplyr 1.0.0 and vctrs 0.3.1
  • Updated documentation using r-lib/roxygen2#1109 1.3.6

  • Updated styling for formatting for modals (e.g., help pages) that will also allow improved sizing of the (shinyFiles) file browser
  • Fix for \r line-endings in Report > Rmd on Windows. Issue was most likely to occur when copy-and-pasting text from PDF into Report > Rmd. 1.3.4

  • Minor adjustments in anticipation of dplyr 1.0.0 1.3.3

  • Function to calculate "mode"
  • Fix for "spread" in Data > Transform with column name includes "." 1.3.1

  • If radiant is not opened from an Rstudio project, use the working directory at launch as the base directory for the application 1.3.0

  • Updated styling of Notebook and HTML reports (cosmo + zenburn)
  • Documentation updates to link to new video tutorials
  • Use patchwork for grouping multiple plots together
  • Apply refactor to any type in the Data > Transform UI
  • Fix for when missing values differ for x and weights
  • Avoid resetting the "Column header" to its default value in Data > Explore when other settings are changed. 1.2.3

  • Fix for Data > Transform > Spread when no variables are selected
  • Set debounce to 0 for all shinyAce editors 1.2.2

  • Use zenburn for code highlighting in Notebook and HTML report from Report > Rmd
  • Clean up "sf_volumes" from the when radiant is stopped 1.2.0

  • Update action buttons that initiate a calculation when one or more relevant inputs are changed. For example, when a model should be re-estimated because the set of explanatory variables was changed by the user, a spinning "refresh" icon will be shown 1.1.8

  • Changed default quantile algorithm used in the xtile function from number 2 to 7. See the help for stats::quantile for details
  • Added me and meprop functions to calculate the margin of error for a mean and a proportion. Functions are accessible from Data > Pivot and Data > Explore 1.1.6

  • Improvements for wrapping generated code to Report > Rmd or Report > R
  • Data > Transform > Training now uses the randomizr package to allow blocking variables when creating a training variables. 1.1.3

  • Guard against using Data > Transform > Reorder/remove levels with too many levels (i.e., > 100)
  • Guard against using Data > Transform > Reorder/remove variables with too many variables (i.e., > 100)
  • Fix for DT table callbacks when shiny 1.4 hits CRAN (see rstudio/DT#146 (comment))
  • Tables from Data > Pivot and Data > Explore now have nr set to Inf by default (i.e., show all rows). The user can change this to the number of desired rows to show (e.g., select 3 rows in a sorted table)
  • Fix for example numbering in the help file for Data > Transform
  • Numerous small code changes to support enhanced auto-completion, tooltips, and annotations in shinyAce 0.4.1 1.0.6

  • Fix for Data > Transform > Change type
  • Option to fix_names to lower case
  • Keyboard shortcut (Enter) to load remove csv and rds files
  • Use a shinyAce input to generate data descriptions
  • Allow custom initial dataset list
  • Fix for latex formulas in Report > Rmd on Windows
  • Updated requirements for markdown and Rmarkdown
  • Fix for with shiny-server
  • Improvements to setup to allow access to server-side files by adding options to .Rprofile:
    • Add options( = TRUE) to allow report generation in Report > Rmd and Report > R
    • Add options(radiant.shinyFiles = TRUE) to allow server-side access to files
    • List specific directories you want to use with radiant using, for example, options(radiant.sf_volumes = c(Git = "/home/jovyan/git")) 1.0.0

  • Support for series of class ts (e.g., Data > Transform > Change type > Time series)
  • Require shinyAce 0.4.0
  • Vertical jitter set to 0 by default

  • Added option to save Report > Rmd as a powerpoint file using Rmarkdown
  • Removed dependency on summarytools due to breaking changes
  • Fix for interaction (iterm) and non-linear term (qterm) creation if character strings rather than integers are passed to the function
  • Remove specific symbols from reports in Report > Rmd to avoid issues when generating HTML or PDF documents
  • Keyboard shortcuts, i.e., CTRL-O and CTRL-S (CMD-O and CMD-S on macOS) to open and save data files in the Data > Manage tab
  • Various fixes to address breaking changes in dplyr 0.8.0
  • Added radiant_ prefix to all attributes, except description, to avoid conflicts with other packages (e.g., vars in dplyr)

  • Use stringi::stri_trans_general to replace special symbols in Rmarkdown that may cause problems
  • Add empty line before and after code chunks when saving reports to Rmarkdown
  • Use rio to load sav, dta, or sas7bdat files through the read files button in Report > Rmd and Report > R.
  • Create a qscatter plot similar to the function of the same name in Stata
  • New radiant icon
  • Fix for setting where both xlim and ylim are set in visualize function
  • Use an expandable shinyAce input for the R-code log in Data > Transform

  • Added an "autosave" options. Use options(radiant.autosave = c(10, 180)); radiant::radiant() to auto-save the application state to the ~/.radiant.session folder every 10 minutes for the next 180 minutes. This can be useful if radiant is being used during an exam, for example.
  • Emergency backups are now saved to ~/.radiant.session/r_some_id.state.rda. The files should be automatically loaded when needed but can also be loaded as a regular radiant state file
  • Replace option to load an .rda from from a URL in Data > Manage to load .rds files instead
  • Ensure variable and dataset names are valid for R (i.e., no spaces or symbols), "fixing" the input as needed
  • Fix to visualize now ggplot::labs no longer accepts a list as input
  • Add option to generate square and cubed terms for use in linear and logistic regression in radiant.model
  • Fix for error when trying to save invalid predictions in radiant.model. This action now generates a pop-up in the browser interface
  • Add a specified description to a data.frame immediately on register
  • Option to pass additional arguments to shiny::runApp when starting radiant such as the port to use. For example,"", port = 8080)
  • Option for automatic cleanup of deprecated code in both Report > Rmd and Report > R
  • Avoid attempt to fix deprecated code in Report > Rmd if pred_data = ""
  • Fix for download icon linked to downloading of a state file after upgrade to shiny 1.2
  • Update documentation for Data > Combine
  • Fix for format_df when the data.frame contains missing values. This fix is relevant for several summary functions run in Report > Rmd or Report > R
  • Fix for directory set when using Knit report in Report > Rmd and Report > R without an Rstudio project. Will now correctly default to the working directory used in R(studio)
  • Added option to change smooth setting for histograms with a density plot
  • Similar to pmin and pmax, pfun et al. calculate summary statistics elementwise across multiple vectors
  • Add Desktop as a default directory to show in the shinyFiles file browser
  • Load a state file on startup by providing a (relative) file path or a url. For example,"") or"assignment.state.rda")
  • Update example report in Report > Rmd
  • Add deregister function to remove data in radiant from memory and the datasets dropdown list
  • Fix for invalid column names if used in Data > Pivot

  • Use summarytools to generate summary information for datasets in Data > Manage
  • Show modal with warning about non-writable working directory when saving reports in Report > Rmd or Report > R
  • Apply to files loaded into radiant to ensure valid R-object names
  • Use the content of the Store filtered data as input to name the csv download in Data > View
  • Add "txt" as a recognized file type for Read files in Report > Rmd and Report > R
  • Allow multiple lines or loess curves based on a selected color variable for scatter plots in Data > Visualize
  • Indicate that a plot in Data > Visualize should be updated when plot labels are changed
  • Fix for #81 when variables used in Data > Pivot contain dots
  • Fix for radiant.project_dir when no Rstudio project is used which could cause incorrect relative paths to be used
  • Fix code formatting for Report > Rmd when arguments include a list (e.g., ggplot labels)
  • On Linux use a modal to show code in Report > Rmd and Report > R when reporting is set to "manual"
  • Use is_double to ensure dates are not treated as numeric variables in Data > View
  • Make sort and filter state of tables in Data > Explore and Data > Pivot available in Report > Rmd
  • Fix names for data sets loaded using the Read files button in Report > Rmd or Report > R
  • Cleanup environment after closing app
  • Fix column names with spaces, etc. when reading csv files
  • Additional styling and labeling options for Data > Visualize are now available in the browser interface
  • Fix for code generation related to DT filters

Major changes

  • Using shinyFiles to provide convenient access to data located on a server
  • Avoid XQuartz requirement

Minor changes

  • Load data(...) into the current environment rather than defaulting only to the global environment
  • file.rename failed using docker on windows when saving a report. Using file.copy instead
  • Fix for sf_volumes used to set the root directories to load and save files
  • Set default locale to "en_US.UTF-8" when using shiny-server unless Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_ALL") what set to something other than "C"
  • Modal shown if and Rmd (R) file is not available when using "To Rstudio (Rmd)" in Report > Rmd or "To Rstudio (R)" in Report > R
  • Track progress loading (state) files
  • Fix for radiant.sf_volumes used for the shinyFiles file browser
  • Improvements for sending code from Radiant to Rstudio
  • Better support for paths when using radiant on a server (i.e., revert to home directory using
  • Revert from svg to png for plots in _Report > Rmd_ and _Report > R_. svg` scatter plots with many point get to big for practical use on servers that have to transfer images to a local browser
  • Removed dependency on methods package

  • Fix smart comma's in data descriptions
  • Search and replace desc(n) in reports and replace by desc(n_obs)
  • Revert to storing the r_data environment as a list on stop to avoid reference problems (@josh1400)
  • Fix for plot type in Data > Pivot in older state files (@josh1400)
  • Used all declared imports (CRAN)

  • Fix for when variable names contain an underscore
  • Fix for find_gdrive when drive is not being synced
  • Fixes in Report > Rmd and Report > R to accommodate for pandoc > 2

  • Don't update a reactive binding for an object if the binding already exists. See issue rstudio/shiny#2065
  • Fix to accommodate changes in deparse in R 3.5
  • Fix for saving data in Data > Manage and generating the relevant R-code

Minor changes

  • Use dev = "svg" for plots in Report > Rmd and Report > R

Minor changes

  • Add argument to to format specified columns as a percentage

Bug fixes

  • Round to the specified number of decimal places even if input if not of type integer (e.g., 2.0)

Major changes

  • When using radiant with Rstudio Viewer or in an Rstudio Window, loading and saving data through Data > Manage generates R-code the user can add to Report > Rmd or Report > R. Clicking the Show R-code checkbox displays the R-code used to load or save the current dataset
  • Various changes to the code to accommodate the use of shiny::makeReactiveBinding. The advantage is that the code generated for Report > Rmd and Report > R will no longer have to use a list (r_data) to store and access data. This means that code generated and used in the Radiant browser interface will be directly usable without the browser interface as well
  • Removed loadr, saver, load_csv, loadcsv_url, loadrds_url, and make_funs functions as they are no longer needed
  • Deprecated mean_rm, median_rm, min_rm, max_rm, sd_rm, var_rm, and sum_rm functions as they are no longer needed

Minor changes

  • Added load_clip and save_clip to load and save data to the clipboard on Windows and macOS
  • Improved auto completion in Report > Rmd and Report > R
  • Maintain, store, and clean the settings of the interactive table in Data > View
  • Address closing Rstudio Window issue (rstudio/shiny#2033)

Major changes

  • Report > Rmd and Report > R will now be evaluated the r_data environment. This means that the return value from ls() will be much cleaner

Minor changes

  • Add option to load files with extension .rdata or .tsv using loadr which add that data to the Datasets dropdown
  • visualize will default to a scatter plot if xvar and yvar are specified but no plot type is provided in the function call
  • Improvements to read_files function to interactively generate R-code (or Rmarkdown code-chunks) to read files in various format (e.g., SQLite, rds, csv, xlsx, css, jpg, etc.). Supports relative paths and uses find_dropbox() and find_gdrive() when applicable

Minor changes

  • Require shinyAce 0.3.0
  • Export read_files function to interactively generate R-code or Rmarkdown code-chunks to read files in various format (e.g., SQLite, rds, csv, xlsx, css, jpg, etc.). Supports relative paths and uses find_dropbox() and find_gdrive() when applicable

Minor changes

  • Addins option to start app in Rstudio window
  • Upload and download data using the Rstudio file browser. Allows using relative paths to files (e.g., data or images inside an Rstudio project)


Bug fixes

  • Fix for #43 where scatter plot was not shown for a dataset with less than 1,000 rows
  • Fix for Report > Rmd and Report > R when R-code or Rmarkdown is being pulled from the Rstudio editor

Minor changes

  • Updated equation example in Report > Rmd

Minor changes

  • Use thousand separator for summary.pivotr and summary.explore
  • Fix in code-generation for table2data

Minor changes

  • Changed license for help files and images for to CC-BY-SA

Minor changes

  • Allow all textarea inputs and multi-select inputs to be resized manually by the user
  • Use 200 dpi for plots in Report > Rmd and Report > R
  • Data > Visualize now has an option to select a sample of data for scatter plots (e.g., 1K, 5K, 10K, or All)

Bug fixes

  • Fix for rounddf to ignore dates

Minor changes

  • Apply fixMS to replace curly quotes, em dash, etc. when using Data > Transform > Create
  • Option to set number of decimals to show in Data > View
  • Improved number formatting in interactive tables in Data > View, Data > Pivot, and Data > Explore
  • Option to include an interactive view of a dataset in Report > Rmd. By default, the number of rows is set to 100 as, most likely, the user will not want to embed a large dataset in save HTML report
  • Data > Transform will leave variables selected, unless switching to Create or Spread
  • Switch focus to editor in Report > Rmd and Report > R when no other input has focus

Bug fixes

  • Fix for decimals to show in interactive tables Report > Rmd and saved HTML reports
  • Better error messages for xtile and when binning data with too many groups
  • Fix for variable type warnings in Data > Pivot when filtering the table
  • Fix for \ in equations in Report > Rmd

Minor changes

  • Allow response variables with NA values in Model > Logistic regression and other classification models
  • Support logicals in code generation from Data > View
  • Track window size using input$get_screen_width
  • Focus on editor when switching to Report > Rmd or Report > R so generated code is shown immediately and the user can navigate and type in the editor without having to click first
  • Add information about the first level when plotting a bar chart with a categorical variable on the Y-axis (e.g., mean(buyer {yes}))

Bug fixes

  • Cleanup now also occurs when the stop button is used in Rstudio to close the app
  • Fix to include DiagrammeR based plots in Rmarkdown reports
  • Fix in read_files for SQLite data names
  • De-activate spell check auto correction in selectizeInput in Rstudio Viewer shiny #1916
  • Fix to allow selecting and copying text output from Report > Rmd and Report > R
  • Remove "fancy" quotes from filters
  • Known issue: The Rstudio viewer may not always close the viewer window when trying to stop the application with the Stop link in the navbar. As a work-around, use Rstudio's stop buttons instead.

Major changes

  • If Rstudio project is used Report > Rmd and Report > R will use the project directory as base. This allows users to use relative paths and making it easier to share (reproducible) code
  • Specify options in .Rprofile for upload memory limit and running Report > Rmd on server
  • find_project function based on rstudioapi
  • Report > Rmd Read button to generate code to load various types of data (e.g., rda, rds, xls, yaml, feather)
  • Report > Rmd Read button to generate code to load various types of files in report (e.g., jpg, png, md, Rmd, R). If Radiant was started from an Rstudio project, the file paths used will be relative to the project root. Paths to files synced to local Dropbox or Google Drive folder will use the find_dropbox and find_gdrive functions to enhances reproducibility.
  • Report > Rmd Load Report button can be used to load Rmarkdown file in the editor. It will also extract the source code from Notebook and HTML files with embedded Rmarkdown
  • Report > Rmd will read Rmd directly from Rstudio when "To Rstudio (Rmd)" is selected. This will make it possible to use Rstudio Server Pro's Share project option for realtime collaboration in Radiant
  • Long lines of code generated for Report > Rmd will be wrapped to enhance readability
  • Report > R is now equivalent to Report > Rmd but in R-code format
  • Report > Rmd option to view Editor, Preview, or Both
  • Show Rstudio project information in navbar if available

Minor changes

  • Overflow pre and code blocks in HTML reports generated in Report > Rmd
  • Read rdata files through Data > Manage
  • Enhanced keyboard shortcuts
  • Enhanced editing features in Report > Rmd and Report > R based on updates to shinyAce

Minor changes

  • Added preview options to Data > Manage based on radiant-rstats/radiant#30
  • Add selected dataset name as default table download name in Data > View, Data > Pivot, and Data > Explore
  • Use "stack" as the default for histograms and frequency charts in Data > Visualize
  • Cleanup Stop & Report option in navbar
  • Upgraded tidyr dependency to 0.7
  • Upgraded dplyr dependency to 0.7.1

Bug fixes

  • Fix for large numbers in Data > Explore that could cause an integer overflow

Minor changes

  • Export ggplotly from plotly for interactive plots in Report > Rmd
  • Export subplot from plotly for grids of interactive plots in Report > Rmd
  • Set default res = 96 for renderPlot and dpi = 96 for knitr::opts_chunk
  • Add fillcol, linecol, and pointcol to visualize to set plot colors when no fill or color variable has been selected
  • Reverse legend ordering in Data > Visualize when axes are flipped using coor_flip()
  • Added functions to choose.files and choose.dir. Uses JavaScript on Mac, utils::choose.files and utils::choose.dir on Windows, and reverts to file.choose on Linux
  • Added find_gdrive to determine the path to a user's local Google Drive folder if available
  • fixMs for encoding in reports on Windows

Bug fixes

  • Chi-square results were not displayed correctly in Data > Pivot
  • Fix for state_multiple

Minor changes

  • Specify the maximum number of rows to load for a csv and csv (url) file through Data > Manage
  • Support for loading and saving feather files, including specifying the maximum number of rows to load through Data > Manage
  • Added author and year arguments to help modals in inst/app/radiant.R (thanks @kmezhoud)
  • Added size argument for scatter plots to create bubble charts (thanks @andrewsali)
  • Example and CSS formatting for tables in Report > Rmd
  • Added seed argument to make_train
  • Added prop, sdprop, etc. for working with proportions
  • Set ylim in visualize for multiple plots
  • Show progress indicator when saving reports from Report > Rmd
  • copy_attr convenience function
  • refactor function to keep only a subset of levels in a factor and recode the remaining (and first) level to, for example, other
  • register function to add a (transformed) dataset to the dataset dropdown
  • Remember name of state files loaded and suggest that name when re-saving the state
  • Show dataset name in output if dataframe passed directly to analysis function
  • R-notebooks are now the default option for output saved from Report > Rmd and Report > R
  • Improved documentation on how to customize plots in Report > Rmd
  • Keyboard short-cut to put code into Report > Rmd (ALT-enter)

Bug fixes

  • When clicking the rename button, without changing the name, the dataset was set to NULL (thanks @kmezhoud, radiant-rstats/radiant#5)
  • Replace ext with .ext in mutate_each function call
  • Variance estimation in Data > Explore would cause an error with unit cell-frequencies (thanks @kmezhoud, radiant-rstats/radiant#6)
  • Fix for as_integer when factor levels are characters
  • Fix for integer conversion in explore
  • Remove \r and special characters from strings in r_data and r_state
  • Fix sorting in Report > Rmd for tables created using Data > Pivot and Data > Explore when column headers contain symbols or spaces (thanks @4kammer)
  • Set error = TRUE for rmarkdown for consistency with knitr as used in Report > Rmd
  • Correctly handle decimal indicators when loading csv files in Data > Manage
  • Don't overwrite a dataset to combine if combine generates an error when user sets the the name of the combined data to that of an already selected dataset
  • When multiple variables were selected, data were not correctly summarized in Data > Transform
  • Add (function) label to bar plot when x-variable is an integer
  • Maintain order of variables in Data > Visualize when using "color", "fill", "comby", or "combx"
  • Avoid warning when switching datasets in Data > Transform and variables being summarized do not exists in the new dataset
  • which.pmax produced a list but needed to be integer
  • To customized predictions in radiant.model indexr must be able to customize the prediction dataframe
  • describe now correctly resets the working directory on exit
  • removed all calls to summarise_each and mutate_each from dplyr


  • varp_rm has been deprecated in favor of varpop
  • sdp_rm has been deprecated in favor of sdpop
  • mutate_each has been deprecated in favor of mutate_at, mutate_all, and