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2.0 Raw Printing

Tres Finocchiaro edited this page Jan 23, 2016 · 51 revisions


  • ✅ 2.0 | ⛔ 1.9 | ...


The following code can be used for raw printing only. If you are unsure what raw printing is, please refer to What is Raw Printing?





Boilerplate code to send raw commands to any printer. See also ZPL, EPL, ESC/P for specific examples. If your raw language is missing, please contact support.

function printStuff() {
   var config = qz.configs.create("Printer Name");

   var data = [
      'Raw Data\n',
      'More Raw Data\n',
      'Even More Raw Data\n'

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });

Note: The raw commands provided may not work with your printer. Please reference your printer's programming guide for more information.

  • Albeit obvious, each example needs a trigger, such as a button, .e.g.
<input type="button" onclick="printStuff()" value="Print"></input>


Example for sending raw ZPL commands to a printer

Note: language: "foo" is only required if providing a raw image type in the data stream.

function printZPL() {
   var config = qz.configs.create("Printer Name");

   var data = [
        type: 'raw', format: 'image', language: "zpl", data: 'assets/img/image_sample_bw.png', 
        options: { language: "ZPL" } 

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });


Example for sending EPL commands to a printer.

Note: language: "foo" is only required if providing a raw image type in the data stream.

function printEPL() {
   var config = qz.configs.create("Printer Name");
   var data = [
      { type: 'raw', format: 'image', data: 'assets/img/image_sample_bw.png', options: { language: "EPL", x: 20, y: 0 } },

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });


function printESCP() {
   var config = qz.configs.create("Printer Name");

   var data = [
         { type: 'raw', format: 'image', data: 'assets/img/image_sample_bw.png', options: { language: "escp", dotDensity: 'double' } }, 
         '\nPrinted using qz-print plugin.\n\n\n\n\n\n'

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });


With this function, you can send base64 encoded characters/raw commands to qz using "base64". This will automatically convert provided base64 encoded text into text/ascii/bytes, etc.

function printBase64() {
   var config = qz.configs.create("Printer Name");

   var data = [
         type: 'raw',
         format: 'base64',
         data: 'Ck4KcTYwOQpRMjAzLDI2CkI1LDI2LDAsMUEsMyw3LDE1MixCLCIxMjM0IgpBMzEwLDI2LDAsMywx' +

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });


This feature allows a raw file to be spooled directly to the printer.

function printFile() {
   var config = qz.configs.create("Printer Name");

   var data = [
         type: 'raw', 
         format: 'file', 
         data: 'assets/raw-data.txt'
   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });


The ability to read the contents of an XML file containing Base64 encoded commands and send these commands to the printer.

function printXML() {
   var config = qz.configs.create("Printer Name");

   var data = [
         type: 'raw', 
         format: 'xml', 
         data: 'assets/zpl_sample.xml', 
         options: { xmlTag: 'v7:Image' }

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });


Print to local filesystem

function printToFile() {
   var config = qz.configs.create({ file: "/path/to/output.txt" }); // or "C:\\path\\to\\output.text", etc

   var data = [
      'Raw Data\n',
      'More Raw Data\n',
      'Even More Raw Data\n'

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });

Print to Win32 UNC Path

function printToUNC() {
   var config = qz.configs.create({ file: "\\\\server\\printer" });

   var data = [
      'Raw Data\n',
      'More Raw Data\n',
      'Even More Raw Data\n'

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });

Print to Win32 Device Namespace

Leverage printing API for writing to a Win32 Device Namespace physical device such as a Bematech/Logic Controls Pole Display mapped as \\.\LCLD9

function printToDevice() {
   var config = qz.configs.create({ file: "\\\\.\\LCLD9\\dummy" });

   var data = [
      '"\r\nMMM... COFFEE! :)\r\n"'

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });

Advanced Print Spooling

Spools jobs between specified endOfDoc delimiter. Useful for avoiding buffer overflows on unusually large quantity print jobs by spooling each raw job individually. Defaults to 1 job per spool, but can be overridden using perSpool option.

function advancedSpooling() {
   var config = qz.configs.create("Printer Name", { endOfDoc : '\n' });

   var data = [

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });

Special Characters


function printHex() {
   var config = qz.configs.create("Printer Name");

   var data = [
      { type: 'raw', format: 'hex', data: 'x1Bx00' } // or data: '1B00'

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });


function printDecimal() {
   var config = qz.configs.create("Printer Name");

   var data = [
      String.fromCharCode(27) + String.fromCharCode(0) // e.g. CHR(27) CHR(0) or Hex x1Bx00

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });

Combining Techniques

function printCombined() {
   var config = qz.configs.create("Printer Name", { language: "escp" });

   // Example only, not valid ESCP
   var data = [
      "My Raw Commands",
      String.fromCharCode(27) + String.fromCharCode(0),
      { type: 'raw', format: 'hex', data: 'x1Bx00' },
      { type: 'raw', format: 'image', data: 'assets/img/image_sample_bw.png', options: { dotDensity: 'double' } }, 

   qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });