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My favorite Haskell function

My favorite Haskell function is zipWith const. It’s tiny. It’s in Prelude. It’s awesome.

Although initially it may look like one of those random combinations of values that typecheck but don’t do anything useful ((>>=) (>>=), anyone?), it encapsulates a powerful pattern that I found useful many times to make lists useful as data structures. Being aware of how it works made me find a lot of use cases, and I think everyone should know about this little peal!

A note on my frequent mentions of »works on infinite lists«. This is not just about working with infinite data, which I agree is not that often the case. Rather, it also means that the algorithm only consumes as much input as is required, so it does not do any redundant work. This is of course especially important, but not limited to, skipping an infinite amount of redundant work.

Example 1: dropFromEnd

drop removes elements from the beginning of a list. But how do we remove elements from the end?

The naive approach would be

dropFromEnd n xs = take (length xs - n) xs

This does not work on infinite lists (where of course dropping n elements from the non-existent end does not change the list at all).


dropFromEnd n = reverse . drop n . reverse

traverses the list three times even, and also does not work for infinite inputs.

At this point, you may be wondering how I’ll bridge the gap to selling you a cool solution with zipWith const, so here we go:

dropFromEnd n xs = zipWith const xs (drop n xs)

Wait, how does that work? Well, zipWith const xs has the same entries as xs, but since zipWith stops when one of its arguments has been fully traversed, it will only have as many entries as drop n xs. So, we get the list xs, but with n elements dropped from the end.

Example 2: Split list in half

To split a list in the middle, the naive solution is

splitMiddle xs = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs

Like dropFromEnd, this produces nothing for infinite input. But we can do better, using a similar trick as before. All we have to do is produce a list that has half the length of the input list, and use zipWith const again. We can do this by dropping every other element:

halfAsLong (x:_:xs) = x : halfAsLong xs
halfAsLong _ = []

Using this, we can generate the first half:

firstHalf xs = zipWith const xs (halfAsLong xs)

For the second half, we can now drop the first firstHalf-many elements from the input list,

zipOverflow (_:xs) (_:ys) = zipOverflow xs ys
zipOverflow [] ys = ys
zipOverflow xs [] = xs

Putting this together, we get

splitMiddle xs = let firstHalf = zipWith const xs (halfAsLong xs)
                     secondHalf = zipOverflow firstHalf xs
                 in (firstHalf, secondHalf)

This works even for infinite lists, where the input will be in the first component of the tuple, and the second one is of course bottom.

Example 3: rotateWhile

One last example that I recently needed. Backstory: a polygon can be described by the ordered list of its corners. But it’s not actually important which corner is »first«, as long as each corner has the same corner after it, the two polygons are equivalent. But if we naively compare the list of corners, we get the standard list comparison, which does not respect the rotational equivalence of polygons.

As a solution, we should write the equality instance

newtype Polygon = Polygon [(Double, Double)]
instance Eq Polygon where
    Polygon xs == Polygon ys = normalize xs == normalize ys
instance Ord Polygon where
    compare (Polygon xs) (Polygon ys) = compare (normalize xs) (normalize ys)

where normalize rotates the corner lists to have some arbitrary choice of element as its first, such as the minimum of the contained points. It doesn’t matter what »minimum« actually means for points, it’s just important that there is a well-behaved ordering, which luckily, tuples do have (compare fst, and on tie, compare snd).

Like last time, we can create a list of appropriate elements, and a list of desired length, use zipWith const, and get our result:

rotateUntil :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
rotateUntil p xs = zipWith
    (flip const)
    (dropWhile (not . p) (cycle xs))

And thus we get

normalize (Polygon xs) = rotateUntil (== minimum xs) xs


  • In the last example I’m using == on Doubles. That’s fine. + is the worse offender, but nobody yells at you when you use that one. Actually, up to NaN, equality of Doubles is perfectly well-behaved.