diff --git a/build-parent/pom.xml b/build-parent/pom.xml
index 276567c91cab2..19ce068d52829 100644
--- a/build-parent/pom.xml
+++ b/build-parent/pom.xml
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
+ var subTopology = {
+ pattern: /Sub-topology: ([0-9]*)/,
+ startFormatter: (subTopology) => `subgraph Sub-Topology: $\{subTopology}`,
+ endFormatter: () => `end`,
+ visit: function(line) {
+ var match = line.match(this.pattern);
+ // Close the previous sub-topology before opening a new one;
+ if(subTopologies.length) {
+ subTopologies.push(this.endFormatter());
+ }
+ subTopologies.push(this.startFormatter(match[1]));
+ subTopologiesList.push(match[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ var source = {
+ pattern: /Source:\s+(\S+)\s+\(topics:\s+\[(.*)\]\)/,
+ formatter: (source, topic) => `$\{topic}[$\{topic}] --> $\{source}($\{name(source)})`,
+ visit: function(line) {
+ var match = line.match(this.pattern);
+ currentGraphNodeName = match[1].trim();
+ var topics = match[2]
+ topics.split(',').filter(String).map(topic => topic.trim()).forEach(topic => {
+ outside.push(this.formatter(currentGraphNodeName, topic));
+ topicSourcesList.push(topic);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ var processor = {
+ pattern: /Processor:\s+(\S+)\s+\(stores:\s+\[(.*)\]\)/,
+ formatter: (processor, store) => (processor.includes("JOIN")) ? `$\{store}[($\{name(store)})] --> $\{processor}($\{name(processor)})` : `$\{processor}($\{name(processor)}) --> $\{store}[($\{name(store)})]`,
+ visit: function(line) {
+ var match = line.match(this.pattern);
+ currentGraphNodeName = match[1].trim();
+ var stores = match[2];
+ stores.split(',').filter(String).map(store => store.trim()).forEach(store => {
+ outside.push(this.formatter(currentGraphNodeName, store));
+ stateStoresList.push(store);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ var sink = {
+ pattern: /Sink:\s+(\S+)\s+\(topic:\s+(.*)\)/,
+ formatter: (sink, topic) => `$\{sink}($\{name(sink)}) --> $\{topic}[$\{topic}]`,
+ visit: function(line) {
+ var match = line.match(this.pattern);
+ currentGraphNodeName = match[1].trim();
+ var topic = match[2].trim();
+ outside.push(this.formatter(currentGraphNodeName, topic));
+ topicSinksList.push(topic);
+ }
+ }
+ var rightArrow = {
+ pattern: /\s*-->\s+(.*)/,
+ formatter: (src, dst) => `$\{src}($\{name(src)}) --> $\{dst}($\{name(dst)})`,
+ visit: function(line) {
+ var match = line.match(this.pattern);
+ match[1].split(',').filter(String).map(target => target.trim()).filter(target => target !== "none").forEach(target => {
+ subTopologies.push(this.formatter(currentGraphNodeName, target))
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ for(const line of lines) {
+ switch(true) {
+ case subTopology.pattern.test(line):
+ subTopology.visit(line);
+ break;
+ case source.pattern.test(line):
+ source.visit(line);
+ break;
+ case processor.pattern.test(line):
+ processor.visit(line);
+ break;
+ case sink.pattern.test(line):
+ sink.visit(line);
+ break;
+ case rightArrow.pattern.test(line):
+ rightArrow.visit(line);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(subTopologies.length) {
+ subTopologies.push(subTopology.endFormatter());
+ }
+ var description = ["graph TD"].concat(outside).concat(subTopologies).concat(topicSourcesList).concat(topicSinksList).concat(stateStoresList).join('\n');
+ return {
+ description: description,
+ details: {
+ subTopologies: subTopologiesList,
+ topicSources: topicSourcesList,
+ topicSinks: topicSinksList,
+ stateStores: stateStoresList
+ }
+ };
+ var topologyDescription = $('#topology-description').val();
+ var mermaidGraphDefinition = toMermaid(topologyDescription);
+ console.log(mermaidGraphDefinition.description);
+ mermaid.mermaidAPI.render("mermaid-graph-" + Date.now(), mermaidGraphDefinition.description, function(svgCode, bindFunctions){
+ $('#topology-graph').html(svgCode);
+ });
+ $('#sub-topologies-details').html(mermaidGraphDefinition.details.subTopologies.length);
+ $('#topic-sources-details').text(mermaidGraphDefinition.details.topicSources.length);
+ $('#topic-sinks-details').text(mermaidGraphDefinition.details.topicSinks.length);
+ $('#state-stores-details').text(mermaidGraphDefinition.details.stateStores.length);
+ mermaidGraphDefinition.details.topicSources.sort().forEach(topic => {
+ $('#topic-sources-list').append(`
+ Verify you have an @ApplicationScoped
bean which defines a CDI producer method with a @Produces
annotation returning the Kafka Streams Topology