Before running this demo, please ensure that you have the following software installed:
- jdk 11: GraalVM
- maven 3.8.*
- quarkus 2.8.0
- docker
- dapr cli
dapr init
# clone code
git clone
# maven build
cd quarkus-dapr
mvn clean install
# build native binary for app1
cd demo
cd app1
quarkus build --native
# ensure app1 binary file exists
ls -lh target/quarkus-dapr-demo-app1-1.0.5-SNAPSHOT-runner
# build native binary for app2
cd ..
cd app2
quarkus build --native
# ensure app2 binary file exists
ls -lh target/quarkus-dapr-demo-app2-1.0.5-SNAPSHOT-runner
cd ..
In this demo, we will use redis as component for pubsub / state .
if you just installed Dapr runtime by dapr init
command, then redis should already run with docker:
# check if redis is running with docker
docker ps
# verify redis 6379 port
nc -zv 6379
if redis is not running, please start it with docker command:
# start redis by docker
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis --requirepass ""
# verify that redis is listening on 6379 port
nc -zv 6379
Start dapr runtime and app1 one by one in your terminal :
# start dapr runtime without app1
dapr run --app-port 8081 --app-id app1 --app-protocol http --dapr-http-port 3501 --dapr-grpc-port 50001 --components-path=./components
# start app1 in another terminal
cd quarkus-dapr/demo/app1
Check the log to see if app1 and dapr runtime start successfully.
Open your browser and access http://localhost:8081/pubsub/
In this way, we can run the demo application in IDE to quickly development without build native image, or debugging in IDE.
Start dapr runtime and app2 one by one in your terminal :
# start dapr runtime without app2
dapr run --app-port 8082 --app-id app2 --app-protocol http --dapr-http-port 3502 --dapr-grpc-port 50002 --components-path=./components
# start app2 in another terminal
cd quarkus-dapr/demo/app2
Check the log to see if app2 and dapr runtime start successfully.
Open your browser and access http://localhost:8082/pubsub/
This demo will show how to publish event and subscribe event by Dapr pubsub building block.
- start app1 and app2
- Trigger app1 to send an event to topic1 by url http://localhost:8081/pubsub/trigger/topic1
- App2 has subscribed on topic1, so app2 should receive an event from topic1
- Then app2 will publish an event to topic2
- App1 has subscribed on topic2, so app1 should receive an event from topic2