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Developer Documentation

Mike Ovsiannikov edited this page Apr 10, 2017 · 4 revisions


To compile and run QFS you need to have the following software packages installed in your development system.

RHEL/CentOS Debian/Ubuntu OS X Cygwin Notes
gcc-g++ gcc gcc-g++
make make make
git git git version 1.7.10 or higher
cmake cmake cmake cmake version 2.8.4 or higher
maven maven2 maven version 3.0.3 or higher
boost-devel libboost-regex-dev boost libboost-devel version 1.3.4 or higher (for mac, may need to install boost with '-no_single' option if only the /opt/local/lib/*-mt.dylib are installed)
krb5-devel libkrb5-dev libkrb5-devel
openssl-devel libssl-dev openssl-devel
python-devel python-dev for python bindings
fuse-devel libfuse-dev for FUSE bindings
java-openjdk default-jdk for java access
java-devel for java access

Repository Organization

    QFS top-level directory
    ├──── benchmarks
    │     └──── mstress                (Benchmark comparing meta operations)
    ├──── build                        (Build output directory)
    ├──── examples
    │     ├──── cc                     (C++ client example)
    │     ├──── java                   (Java client example)
    │     ├──── python                 (Experimental python client example)
    │     └──── sampleservers          (Scripts to bring up local QFS for testing)
    ├──── contrib                      (Contributions including sample deployment packages)
    ├──── conf                         (Sample configs for release packaging)
    ├──── scripts                      (Admin and init scripts)
    ├──── webui                        (metaserver web UI monitor)
    └──── src
          ├──── cc
          │     ├──── access           (Java/Python glue code)
          │     ├──── chunk            (chunk server code)
          │     ├──── common           (common declarations)
          │     ├──── devtools         (miscellaneous developer utilities & tools)
          │     ├──── emulator         (QFS offline layout emulator)
          │     ├──── fuse             (FUSE module for Linux and MacOS)
          │     ├──── kfsio            (I/O library used by QFS)
          │     ├──── libclient        (client library code)
          │     ├──── meta             (metaserver code)
          │     ├──── qcdio            (low level io and threading library)
          │     ├──── qcrs             (Reed-Solomon encoder and decoder)
          │     ├──── tests            (QFS tests)
          │     └──── tools            (QFS user/admin tools)
          ├──── java
          │     ├──── qfs-access       (Java wrappers to call QFS-JNI code)
          │     └──── hadoop-qfs       (Apache Hadoop QFS plugin)
          ├──── python                 (Experimental python client code)
          └──── test-scripts           (Scripts to test QFS servers and components)

Compiling The Source

The top-level Makefile automatically compiles QFS and generates the server binaries, client tools and client libraries. This section has information that gives you greater control over the compile process. This section also provides information to a developer who wants to write a QFS client application to access files in QFS. The mode of execution of a QFS client application is as follows:

  1. The application interacts with the QFS client library. The application can be written in C++, Java, or Python (python QFS adapter is in experimental stage).
  2. The QFS client library, in turn, interfaces with the metaserver and/or chunk server(s).
  3. If data is replicated, whenever there is a failure in a chunk server, the client library will fail-over to another chunk server that has the data; this fail-over is transparent to the application.

Compiling the C++ Code

Compiling the C++ code produces the metaserver, chunkserver, client, and admin tool binaries. It also produces the C++ client library. We use cmake to build the C++ code. You can use the top-level Makefile as a wrapper around cmake to build the project by simply executing make.

Once the build is complete, you will find the build artifacts in the build/debug directory.

Types of Builds

The default build type is a release build. You can execute a debug build by running make BUILD_TYPE=debug CMAKE_OPTIONS=. The build artifacts for this build will be available in the build/debug directory.

Debug binaries are useful when developing QFS since they include debugging symbols, greatly simplifying debugging. However, for a production deployment, it is recommended to use release binaries with debugging info enabled (such as, compile flags of "-O2 -g"). Having binaries with debugging info in production simplifies debugging should a problem arise in a production environment.

Verbose Build Output

To build with verbose output, use the environment variable VERBOSE=true to build. For example, use VERBOSE=true make.

make test Targets

To run qfs tests, use make test. This will ensure that all core functionality is intact. Note that this test invokes the metaserver and chunk servers locally and performs various checks, it may take a couple of minutes to complete. If you are running this from a partition that is nearly full, the test may fail. Please refer to maxSpaceUtilizationThreshold in Configuration Reference.

Writing Tests

C++ tests are stored in src/cc/tests. QFS uses Google Test as its testing framework. Unit tests which test specific functionality in a function or library can simply use a bare test, e.g. TEST(Foo, Bar). However, all integration tests (tests which interact with the metaserver or chunkserver) should use test fixtures, subclassing the QFSTest class. For example, you could add a new test class like so:

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "tests/integtest.h"

class FooTest : public QFSTest {
    virtual void SetUp() { ... }
    virtual void TearDown() { ... }

TEST_F(FooTest, TestBar) {

Furthermore, you should place tests in the corresponding directory for which functionality you are testing. For example, if you are testing functionality for code stored in the libclient directory, place the tests in src/cc/tests/libclient. Either a unit or integration test should be added for each functionality change to QFS. Please see the tests in src/cc/tests for some examples on how QFS has already implemented various tests.

Developing a C++ client

To develop a c++ client, see the sample code in the examples/cc/ file. The QFS client library API is defined in src/cc/libclient/KfsClient.h.

The C++ client should link with libqfs_client library and other libqfs_ dependencies. Note that default build will contain libraries built with the "Debug" option. This library code in this mode is "very chatty". Hence, it is recommended that you use the libraries built with "Release" option with your applications.

Compiling Java Side

Compile the Java code to get the QFS access jar (which contains the wrapper calls to native C++ via JNI; this allows Java apps to access files stored in QFS) and the Apache Hadoop QFS plugin jar. The Apache Hadoop QFS plugin includes the QFS access classes within, therefore, someone who wants to use QFS with Hadoop will only need to use one extra jar file.

Apache Maven is used to build Java jars. Use the top-level makefile (make java) to build the java jars.

Developing a Java Client

For Java applications, we use the JNI interface to get at the C++ QFS client library code from Java applications. One should refer to the Java client example at examples/java/ The QFS Java client library API is defined in src/java/qfs-access/src/main/java/com/quantcast/qfs/access/

The Java compiler should have build/java/qfs-access/qfs-access-<version>.jar in the CLASSPATH. In addition, to execute the client, build/release/lib should be in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, if it is Mac OS X). To build,

$ cd ~/code/qfs/examples/java
$ qfsjar=`echo ../../build/qfs-access/qfs-access*.jar`
$ javac -classpath "$qfsjar"

To execute,

$ libdir="`cd ../../build/release/lib && pwd`"
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${libdir}"
$ qfsjar=`echo ../../build/qfs-access/qfs-access*.jar`
$ java -Djava.library.path="$libdir" -classpath ".:$qfsjar" QfsSample 20000

Compiling Python Side (Experimental)

Python applications can access QFS by using the python extension module. This section describes how to build and install the python extension module. To build the python module, use the command make python. The file build/build/<distdir>/ will be created at the end.

Developing a Python Client

Python applications use the python QFS extension module,, to get at the C++ QFS client library. The example program examples/python/ illustrates how to write a Python client for QFS.

Set PYTHONPATH accordingly if you are using a install path different from the default path, so that the python run-time can detect the Also, ensure that LD_LIBRARY_PATH has the path to the QFS libraries. For example,

$ export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qfs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ python examples/python/
