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Code Contribution Policy

Mehmet Can Kurt edited this page Mar 29, 2016 · 3 revisions

Thank you for your interest in contributing to qfs! We welcome code contributions to qfs. The following is a set of guidelines and suggestions to make it easier for you to contribute to qfs.Please make them in the form of from your fork, and bear in mind the following guidelines and suggestions.

Before Starting Work

Before starting your work, make sure to check our issue tracker for tickets regarding your suggested change. It's possible someone could have already reported your bug or suggestion and the community has already discussed it in detail.

If your code change is complex, please consider communicating with QFS community at [email protected] to get feedback before submitting the pull request. This will save you time and effort in case there are design discussions to be had.

Submitting Changes

Please submit code changes as pull requests. A separate pull request should be submitted for each separate issue. In addition, for each commit you make, ensure the following:

  • Each commit deals with only a single idea.
  • Commit messages have a summary line that begins with its scope (eg: fuse: fix compiler warning). Depending on the complexity of the change, a detailed description of the commit should follow in the next lines.
  • If you have multiple small commits, consider rebasing to consolidate them into a single commit.

Furthermore, when making your pull request, ensure the following:

  • Your change is based on the current master branch (rebase if necessary).
  • The code builds properly and tests all pass
  • You have added appropriate unit and integration tests for your changes/fixes
  • Code changes are well documented and readable. You should update the documentation within the wiki directory if necessary.
  • Your changes conform to the style guide listed below.
  • In the pull request comments, please describe the code change and any tests you’ve done.

Pull requests will be reviewed and accepted (or responded to) by Quantcast as soon as possible.

Style Guide

QFS is written in C++. We try to follow the style guide below as much as possible. QFS has evolved over time, so there may be existing source files that do not adhere to this style guide, but all new code follows it and we're in the process of cleaning up the old files. If you find one of these old files, please feel free to submit a pull request to fix it.

Any new C++ code added should conform to the style and rules outlined below.

Golden Rule: functions, variables, and file names should be descriptive.

General guidlines

  • Files should have line lengths of 80 characters.
  • No trailing white spaces.
  • No tabs; use spaces. Indent 4 spaces at a time.
  • Header files must have a #ifndef #define guard.
  • Function parameter ordering should be input, output.
  • Place function variables in the narrowest scope possible.
  • Parameters passed by reference must be const. Use pointers for output arguments.
  • Do not perform complex initialization in constructors; instead use an Init method.
  • Use the explicit keyword for constructors with only one argument.
  • Do explicit initialization of all member variables. Define a default constructor if there is no constructor.
  • Minimize the use of function overloading, default function arguments, friend classes, and friend functions.
  • Use C++ casts (eg: static_cast<>()) and consting whenever it makes sense.
  • Be 64-bit and 32-bit friendly.
  • Prefer inline functions to macros.
  • Use sizeof(variableName) instead of sizeof(typename).
  • Be consistent with // or /* */ commenting style.
  • Each file should have a description of the file at the top.
  • Each class and function should have a comment saying its purpose.
  • Variable names should be self descriptive.
  • Function declaration: return type and function name on different lines.
  • Classes should have public, protected, and private sections in that order.

Typedefs and Class Names

  • Typedefs: Camel case (eg: MyTimeType)
  • Class/Struct names: Camel case (eg: class ChunkServer)

File names

  • Class-implementation files: UpperCase (eg:
  • Non-class-implementation files, with main: lower_case (eg:
  • Non-class-implementation files, w/o main: lower_case (eg:


  • Global: Please do not add global methods.
  • Namespace Scope: Camel case (eg: GetSampleSeq())
  • Class method: Camel case (eg: GetClassName())


  • Local variables: Use camel case, e.g. camelCase
  • Class member: Use camel case with an m prefix, e.g. mMemberName
  • Static variable: Use camel case with an s prefix, e.g. sReaderCount
  • Const variable: Use camel case with a k prefix, e.g. kPrevRef
