- Remove play install referrer
- Fix crash with DefaultHttpClient lib
- Replace install_referrer with play install referrer
- Remove fallback to android device identifier. If Google Play services is not linked, a null is returned.
- Minor update to upload packet
- Added new one-step application level tracking for apps targeting 14 and above
- Dropped support for all deprecated methods.
- minor bug fixes
- Changed Opt Out function to be more concise.
- No Connection errors no longer logged
- minor bug fixes
- Fixes #8 Fixes race condition in QCLocation
- Fixes #9 Remove BuildConfig.Debug from library file
- Fixes #7 fileInputStream not closed properly
- small code refactor
- Fix bug in opt out called before start
- Update documentation for Google's Advertising ID
- fixes #5 - Exception handled
- minor bug fixes
- Updated documentation for Gradle support
- minor bug fixes
- Added support for Google Play Advertising Identifier
- added static App and Network label segments
- Swapped AsyncTask for background thread handler
- Added programmatic way of opting out.
- fixed event enqueuing for older android devices.
- bug fix for missing permissions on specific devices
- updated sessioning
- fixed opt out
- Added "network events" for the Network extension.
- Refactored location to be completely optional in src-optional directory
- Added optional calls specifically for periodicals and magazine measurement
- Added optional calls for Quantcast integration into 3rd party platforms.
- Fixed buffered reader calls. Github issue #3
- Simplified integration by adding
Deprecated `beginSessionWithApiKey`, `pauseSession`, `resumeSession`, and `endSession`
Reduced library size
In every activity you now call:
QuantcastClient.activityStart(this, <*Insert your API Key Here*>, userIdOrNull, labelsOrNull);
or every subsequent activity after a session is already started from another activity
QuantcastClient.activityStart(this); ```
In every activity you must call ``` java QuantcastClient.activityStop ```
- Github issue #1 fix: Null check for location
- Stability improvement
- Stability improvements and bug fixes
- Performance Improvements
- Fixed file access issue
- Smaller SDK footprint
- Bug fixes
- Added the capability to change the minimum event upload count
- Added the capability to enable secure data uploads
To change the minimum event upload count call:
To enable secure data uploads call:
- Various optimizations and bug fixes
- Renamed project and built JAR
- The project JAR has been moved from
- The project directory has been moved from
- Added API key implementation
- The option to record a user identifier at the beginning of a session has been added.
- Remover String vararg for labels
To start a session you now call:
QuantcastClient.beginSessionWithApiKey(this, <*Insert your API Key Here*>);
QuantcastClient.beginSessionWithApiKeyAndWithUserId(this, <*Insert your API Key Here*>, userId);
To log an event with labels you must provide a single
label or and array ofString
- READ_PHONE_STATE permission is now optional
- SDK updated to handle multiple activities
- Enable/disable location gathering handled by method instead of attribute
- Package restructure
The following line is no longer required in your app's
:<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
To allow the
to show you must now use:<activity android:name="com.quantcast.measurement.service.AboutQuantcastScreen" > </activity>
The import line has changed to:
import com.quantcast.measurement.service.QuantcastClient;
Required calls to the
should be done in everyActivity
of your project rather than just your project's mainActivity
now requires anActivity
instead of just aContext
The required call in the
method of anActivity
has changed to:QuantcastClient.endSession(this);
To enable location gathering you must now call: