In Greek mythology, the Ourea (Ancient Greek: Oὔρεα "mountains," plural of Oὖρος) were progeny of Gaia, members of the Greek primordial deities, who were the first-born elemental gods and goddesses. According to Hesiod:
- run dev database
docker run -d --name dev-mongo \
-e MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE=ourea_db -v /Users/lennon/recent/ourea/volume/data:/data/db \
-p 27017:27017 mongo
- use the 2 vscode plugins:
/ / NOTE: this is a note sample.
/ / FIXME: this is a fixme sample.
/ / OPTIMIZE: this is a optimize sample.
/ / TODO: this is a todo sample.
/ / FUTURE: this is a future sample.
/ / REVIEW: this is a review sample.
/ / TODAY: this is a today sample.
/ / IDEA: this is a idea sample.
/ / HACK: this is a hack sample.
/ / DEBUG: this is a debug sample.
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