diff --git a/api/openapi.yaml b/api/openapi.yaml
index aa3f3973..58242cd0 100644
--- a/api/openapi.yaml
+++ b/api/openapi.yaml
@@ -240,65 +240,6 @@ paths:
           description: Node Not Found
       - api_key: []
-  /api/v1/vdisks/list:
-    get:
-      tags:
-      - services::api
-      summary: Returns simple list of all known vdisks
-      description: |-
-        Returns simple list of all known vdisks
-        # Errors
-        This function will return an error if a call to the primary node will fail
-      operationId: get_vdisks_list
-      responses:
-        '200':
-          description: Simple Node List
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/dto.VDisk'
-        '401':
-          description: Unauthorized
-      security:
-      - api_key: []
-  /api/v1/vdisks/{vdisk_id}:
-    get:
-      tags:
-      - services::api
-      summary: Returns vdisk inforamtion by their id
-      description: |-
-        Returns vdisk inforamtion by their id
-        # Errors
-        This function will return an error if a call to the main node will fail or vdisk with
-        specified id not found
-      operationId: get_vdisk_info
-      parameters:
-      - name: vdisk_id
-        in: path
-        required: true
-        schema:
-          type: integer
-          format: int64
-          minimum: 0
-      responses:
-        '200':
-          description: VDisk Inforamtion
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                $ref: '#/components/schemas/VDisk'
-        '401':
-          description: Unauthorized
-        '404':
-          description: VDisk not found
-      security:
-      - api_key: []