From fd564cf2db0f8f4229339577b36a426aa4d142cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ThrawnCA Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 15:56:01 +1000 Subject: [PATCH] [QOLDEV-749] add 'en_AU' locale config to Data Tables view plugin - Copy en_GB config as they're the same in all relevant ways --- .../public/vendor/DataTables/i18n/en_AU.json | 178 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 178 insertions(+) create mode 100644 ckanext/datatablesview/public/vendor/DataTables/i18n/en_AU.json diff --git a/ckanext/datatablesview/public/vendor/DataTables/i18n/en_AU.json b/ckanext/datatablesview/public/vendor/DataTables/i18n/en_AU.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9c2537d35db --- /dev/null +++ b/ckanext/datatablesview/public/vendor/DataTables/i18n/en_AU.json @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +{ + "emptyTable": "No data available in table", + "info": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries", + "infoEmpty": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries", + "infoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)", + "infoThousands": ",", + "lengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ entries", + "loadingRecords": "Loading...", + "processing": "Processing...", + "search": "Search:", + "zeroRecords": "No matching records found", + "thousands": ",", + "paginate": { + "first": "First", + "last": "Last", + "next": "Next", + "previous": "Previous" + }, + "aria": { + "sortAscending": ": activate to sort column ascending", + "sortDescending": ": activate to sort column descending" + }, + "autoFill": { + "cancel": "Cancel", + "fill": "Fill all cells with %d<\/i>", + "fillHorizontal": "Fill cells horizontally", + "fillVertical": "Fill cells vertically" + }, + "buttons": { + "collection": "Collection ", + "colvis": "Column Visibility", + "colvisRestore": "Restore visibility", + "copy": "Copy", + "copyKeys": "Press ctrl or u2318 + C to copy the table data to your system clipboard.

To cancel, click this message or press escape.", + "copySuccess": { + "1": "Copied 1 row to clipboard", + "_": "Copied %d rows to clipboard" + }, + "copyTitle": "Copy to Clipboard", + "csv": "CSV", + "excel": "Excel", + "pageLength": { + "-1": "Show all rows", + "1": "Show 1 row", + "_": "Show %d rows" + }, + "pdf": "PDF", + "print": "Print" + }, + "searchBuilder": { + "add": "Add Condition", + "button": { + "0": "Search Builder", + "_": "Search Builder (%d)" + }, + "clearAll": "Clear All", + "condition": "Condition", + "conditions": { + "date": { + "after": "After", + "before": "Before", + "between": "Between", + "empty": "Empty", + "equals": "Equals", + "not": "Not", + "notBetween": "Not Between", + "notEmpty": "Not Empty" + }, + "number": { + "between": "Between", + "empty": "Empty", + "equals": "Equals", + "gt": "Greater Than", + "gte": "Greater Than Equal To", + "lt": "Less Than", + "lte": "Less Than Equal To", + "not": "Not", + "notBetween": "Not Between", + "notEmpty": "Not Empty" + }, + "string": { + "contains": "Contains", + "empty": "Empty", + "endsWith": "Ends With", + "equals": "Equals", + "not": "Not", + "notEmpty": "Not Empty", + "startsWith": "Starts With" + }, + "array": { + "without": "Without", + "notEmpty": "Not Empty", + "not": "Not", + "contains": "Contains", + "empty": "Empty", + "equals": "Equals" + } + }, + "data": "Data", + "deleteTitle": "Delete filtering rule", + "leftTitle": "Outdent Criteria", + "logicAnd": "And", + "logicOr": "Or", + "rightTitle": "Indent Criteria", + "title": { + "0": "Search Builder", + "_": "Search Builder (%d)" + }, + "value": "Value" + }, + "searchPanes": { + "clearMessage": "Clear All", + "collapse": { + "0": "SearchPanes", + "_": "SearchPanes (%d)" + }, + "count": "{total}", + "countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})", + "emptyPanes": "No SearchPanes", + "loadMessage": "Loading SearchPanes", + "title": "Filters Active - %d" + }, + "select": { + "1": "%d row selected", + "_": "%d rows selected", + "cells": { + "1": "1 cell selected", + "_": "%d cells selected" + }, + "columns": { + "1": "1 column selected", + "_": "%d columns selected" + } + }, + "datetime": { + "previous": "Previous", + "next": "Next", + "hours": "Hour", + "minutes": "Minute", + "seconds": "Second", + "unknown": "-", + "amPm": [ + "am", + "pm" + ] + }, + "editor": { + "close": "Close", + "create": { + "button": "New", + "title": "Create new entry", + "submit": "Create" + }, + "edit": { + "button": "Edit", + "title": "Edit Entry", + "submit": "Update" + }, + "remove": { + "button": "Delete", + "title": "Delete", + "submit": "Delete", + "confirm": { + "_": "Are you sure you wish to delete %d rows?", + "1": "Are you sure you wish to delete 1 row?" + } + }, + "error": { + "system": "A system error has occurred (More information<\/a>)." + }, + "multi": { + "title": "Multiple Values", + "info": "The selected items contain different values for this input. To edit and set all items for this input to the same value, click or tap here, otherwise they will retain their individual values.", + "restore": "Undo Changes", + "noMulti": "This input can be edited individually, but not part of a group. " + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file