A profile of a specification is a subset of the specification that defines a coherent set of functionalities and capabilities that might be offered by a system. Defining profiles allows a specification to be forward-looking and expansive without requiring implementations to support the full specification. Profiles also provide a roadmap for implementors by specifying stages they can progress through that will be useful to consumers of the specification.
The Base Profile should specify the minimal requirements to support defining and executing quantum programs. In addition to a set of LLVM instructions, the Base Profile may rely on a quantum instruction set defined separately, but should not make use of any runtime functions listed in the QIR specification.
The profile should specify all permitted LLVM instructions, and define all required constructs for the program to be valid and executable on targeted backends. This includes any attributes or other conventions to mark the entry point, and additional information required for execution, such as e.g. the number of qubits used by the program, if necessary. It should also define how to specify the program output.
The defined requirements should permit to implement a validation tool that guarantees that if the bitcode passes validation, it will be executed successfully on any targeted backend that supports Base Profile compliant programs.
Any Base Profile compliant program should also be compliant with the QIR specification and future profiles defined to permit for more advanced capabilities such as, e.g., branching based on measurement results and classical computations. If revisions to the full specifications are required or beneficial to meet this requirement they should be raised as early as possible with the steering committee.
A related workstream is to specify entry point functions including runtime initialization and finalization in the QIR specification. Any rules for entry points defined as part of this profile should be compliant with that specification.
The expected outcome is a document that clearly defines a Base Profile meeting the requirements outlined above. The intent is for the Base Profile to permit expressing quantum programs that contain no control flow or classical computations during execution. This specification will replace what is currently drafted as Profile A on the specification repository.
In addition to the Base Profile itself, one or more quantum instruction set(s) should be defined to provide the means to manipulate the quantum state. The quantum instruction set(s) specified as part of this workstream should meet the requirements specified by the Base Profile. Conversely, the Base Profile should not rely on any particular quantum instruction(s) being available.
To target a quantum program to a specific backend requires selecting a suitable profile and a compatible quantum instruction set. The profile and the quantum instruction set (QIS) selection together fully determine how the program IR should be represented. In addition to defining the Base Profile itself and at least one compatible QIS, this workstream will also add a section to the specification that contains guidance for defining and documenting addition quantum instruction sets going forward.
A template for a specification definition can be found here. This may serve as inspiration but it is not required to follow the template precisely.
Additional profiles will be defined by extending the Base Profile with additional instructions and required/supported runtime functions. The following features will not be supported in programs that are compliant with the Base Profile:
Branching based on measurement results:
For a Base Profile compliant program, the performed computations (instructions) must not depend on measurement outcomes, i.e. the instruction sequence is fully determined at compile time. See also the section on open questions that are to be answered as part of this workstream. -
Use of local variables and command line parameters:
For a Base Profile compliant program, all parameters must be known at compile time, and measurement results are the only non-constant values in the program. See also open questions around handling of measurement results that are to be answered as part of this workstream. -
Composite data types:
The use of composite data types such as structure types including tuples, and sequential types including arrays is not supported within a Base Profile compliant program. This also precludes the use of such data structures for callable values; i.e., the usage of subroutines as first class values is not supported within the Base Profile, and the use of function types is limited to globally declared LLVM functions that may be called as part of program execution. -
Classical computations during quantum execution:
Execution of a Base Profile compliant quantum programs should not require storing or processing classical values beyond storing and retrieving measurement results. Constant values of simple data types, such as for example integers or floating points, may be used as arguments in QIS calls if the chosen QIS contains functions that make use of such types. A common example are single-qubit rotations, that are supported directly by various QPUs and require passing in a rotation angle as argument. -
Dynamic qubit allocations and access:
Within the Base Profile, all qubit uses refer directly to a unique qubit id (requires an update of the full specification as part of this workstream). Runtime functions for qubit allocation/release are not available, and the lack of support for local variables and composite data types prevents any qubit aliasing. Prohibiting classical computations and branching based on measurement results furthermore precludes any dynamic qubit access.
Additional profiles to support one or more of these features will be defined as part of future workstreams.
Working group participants: TBD
Working group chair: Bettina Heim
If you would like to contribute to the workstream, please contact [email protected].
Launch date: February 2022
Estimated end date: end of March / early April 2022
Meeting schedule and/or channel(s) of communication: TBD
Current status: This workstream has been approved by the steering committee.
The work and status is tracked in the form of a GitHub issue on the specification repository. We encourage comments, inputs, and discussions on that issue.
The following topics should be fleshed out as part of this workstream, and the decisions should be captured in an appropriate part of the specification:
Qubit (re-)use:
This workstream will define whether for a Base Profile compliant program qubits may be used after measuring their state. The specification should also capture what guarantees the backend should give around qubit use, such as, e.g., whether qubits with a certain id will necessarily always be mapped to the same device qubits, and whether qubits can be measured repeatedly. The specification should also give recommendations for resetting the state of qubits if necessary. -
The Base Profile specification should define whether measurements may occur at any point in the program or only at the end. How to store and retrieve measurement results, as well as any related restrictions, will also be defined as part of this workstream. This in particular also includes defining whether any subset of qubits can be measured. -
Base Profile compliant QIS:
Any restrictions and requirements for a QIS to be used in combination with a Base Profile compliant program need to be clarified, such as, e.g., whether the QIS may contain instruction that return values. The workstream should also clarify whether a valid QIS is expected to be universal in the quantum sense, and whether there should always exist a mapping from one QIS to another. -
Dynamic linking and symbol resolution:
Related to the questions around how to define and specify a QIS, considerations around the linking stage should be captured. In particular, the specification should give guidance about whether supporting libraries and/or the QIS may be linked before or after compilation into a Base Profile, as well as capture how to symbols are resolved during this stage.