diff --git a/conf/i18n/common-csCZ.xml.in b/conf/i18n/common-csCZ.xml.in
index 0fa30051a..cbb517f26 100644
--- a/conf/i18n/common-csCZ.xml.in
+++ b/conf/i18n/common-csCZ.xml.in
@@ -9,103 +9,103 @@
by {}
for {}
with a reason "{}"
No such alias. Use // to show the list.
Alias list:
you are now tempOP for this channel
Account name contains some invalid symbol!
Maximum password length allowed is {}
Trying to add account "{}" with password "{}"
Hash is: {}
Failed to create account!
Account {} created.
You must supply a username.
There's no account with username {}.
{} is already a Server Admin
{} has been promoted to a Server Admin
{} has promoted you to a Server Admin
{} is not a Server Admin.
{} has been demoted from a Server Admin
{} has demoted you from a Server Admin
Currently logged on Administrators:
Your game client doesn't support MessageBox.
\n\n***************************\nBy {}
Information from {}
for {}
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
Announcement from {}: {}
Could not broadcast message.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
You must be at least a Channel Admin to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
{} is already a Channel Admin
{} has been promoted to a Channel Admin
{} has promoted you to a Channel Admin for channel "{}"
You are now marked as being away.
You are no longer marked as away.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
That account doesn't currently exist.
You cannot ban administrators.
Audible notification on.
Channel Arranged Teams is a RESTRICTED Channel!
Max channel name length exceeded (max {} symbols)
Command disabled while inside a game.
Currently accessible channels:
All current channels:
Current channels of type {}
-----------name----------- users ----admin/operator----
Only admins may change passwords for other accounts.
Account does not exist.
Maximum password length allowed is {}
@@ -213,107 +213,107 @@
Trying to change password for account "{}" to "{}"
Unable to set password.
Message was sent to all currently available clan members.
All fellow members of your clan are currently offline.
Clan channel is opened up!
Clan channel has already been opened up!
Clan channel is closed!
Clan channel has already been closed!
Clan message of day is updated!
User {} was invited to your clan!
You are invited to {} by {}!
User {} is not online or is already member of clan!
This is one-way action! If you really want
to disband your clan, type /clan disband yes
Your clan was disbanded.
You have been invited to {}
You are now a clan member of {}
Clan {} was be created
You are no longer ivited to {}
You are already in clan "{}"
Clan with your specified <clantag> already exist!
Please choice another one.
Clan {} is created!
Clan {} is pre-created, please invite
at least {} players to your clan by using
/clan invite <username> command.
Invalid user.
@@ -325,55 +325,55 @@
{}'s command group(s): {}
Got bad group: {}
Groups {} has been added to {}
Groups {} has been deleted from {}
Got unknown command: {}
This command is only enabled for admins.
Current connections:
-class -tag -----name------ -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game-- ---------addr--------
Unknown option.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -389,43 +389,43 @@
You must be at least a Channel Admin to demote another Channel Admin
{} has been demoted from a Channel Admin.
{} has demoted you from a Channel Admin of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a Channel Operator
{} has demoted you from a Channel Operator of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a tempOP of this channel
{} has demoted you from a tmpOP of channel "{}"
{} is no Channel Admin or Channel Operator or tempOP, so you can't demote him.
{} has demoted you from a tempOP of channel "{}"
{} is no tempOP in this channel, so you can't demote him
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -441,43 +441,43 @@
{} has been removed from VOP list.
{} has removed you from VOP list of channel "{}"
You must be at least Channel Admin to remove {} from the VOP list
Voice has been taken from {} in this channel
{} has taken your Voice in channel "{}"
{} has no Voice in this channel, so it can't be taken away
Do Not Disturb mode engaged.
Not available
Do Not Disturb mode canceled.
-- name -- similar to {}
Invalid user.
@@ -485,179 +485,179 @@
Login: {} {} Sex: {}
Created: {}
Clan: {}
Rank: Chieftain
Rank: Shaman
Rank: Grunt
Rank: Peon
Location: {} Age: {}
Client: {} Ver: {} Country: {}
Last login {} from
On since {} from
Operator: {}, Admin: {}, Locked: {}, Muted: {}
Email: {}
Last login Owner: {}
Idle {}
Flags set to {}.
That user does not exist.
Server error.
You can't add yourself to your friends list.
You can only have a maximum of {} friends.
{} is already on your friends list!
Added {} to your friends list.
{} added you to his/her friends list.
All of your friends are offline.
{} was not found on your friends list.
Removed {} from your friends list.
Promoted {} in your friends list.
Demoted {} in your friends list.
Your {} - Friends List
Your {} - Online Friends List
, offline
using {}
, in game "{}"
, in game AT Preparation
, in channel "{}",
, is in AT Preparation
, is in a game
, is in a chat channel
End of Friends List
You are not in a game.
That game does not exist.
Name: {} ID: {} ({})
@@ -669,19 +669,19 @@
Owner: {}
Address: {}
Address: {} (trans {})
Client: {} (version {}, startver {})
Created: {}
@@ -689,99 +689,99 @@
Started: {}
Status: {}
Type: {}
Speed: {}
Difficulty: {}
Option: {}
Map: {}
Map Size: {}x{}
Map Tileset: {}
Map Type: {}
Players: {} current, {} total, {} max
Description: {}
Currently accessible games:
All current games:
Games in lobby:
Current games of type {}
Current games of type {} {}
------name------ p -status- --------type--------- count
Warning: That user is not online, using last known address.
Sorry, no IP address could be retrieved.
Scanning online users for IP {}...
There are no online users with that IP address
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -789,47 +789,47 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
That user is not logged in.
That user is not in this channel.
That connection doesn't exist.
That user is not logged in?
An admin has closed your connection and banned your IP address.
Connection closed by admin.
Operation successful.
That is not a valid session.
That session does not exist.
Connection closed by admin and banned your IP's.
Connection closed by admin.
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
Copied current scores to active scores on all ladders.
This game does not support win/loss records.
@@ -845,11 +845,11 @@
You must supply a rank and a valid program ID.
Example: /ladderinfo 1 STAR
Invalid user.
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
Account {} is now locked
Your account has just been locked
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -869,11 +869,11 @@
Banned users:
You are not in a channel.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -885,23 +885,23 @@
Unable to change channel flags.
Channel is now unmoderated.
Channel is now moderated.
Unable to open motd.
No motd.
Invalid user.
@@ -909,11 +909,11 @@
Account {} is now muted
Your account has just been muted
That user is not logged on.
@@ -921,39 +921,39 @@
Address information for other users is only available to admins.
Server TCP: {} (bind {})
Client TCP: {}
Client UDP: {}
Client UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: {}
Game UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: none
Audible notification off.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -969,31 +969,31 @@
{} is already a Channel Operator
{} has been promoted to a Channel Operator
{} has promoted you to a Channel Operator in channel "{}"
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
{} already is operator or admin, no need to tempOP him
{} has been promoted to a tempOP
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
You must supply a username.
@@ -1005,35 +1005,35 @@
{} is already a Server Operator
{} has been promoted to a Server Operator
{} has promoted you to a Server Operator
{} is no Server Operator, so you can't demote him
{} has been demoted from a Server Operator
{} latency: {}
Your latency {}
{} latency ()
Invalid user.
@@ -1041,35 +1041,35 @@
Connection closed.
Your quota allows you to write {} line(s) per {} second(s).
Long lines will be wrapped every {} characters.
You are not allowed to send lines with more than {} characters.
You must join a realm first
Announcement from {}@{}: {}
Invalid mode.
Rehash of "{}" is complete!
You are not in a channel.
@@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@
No one messaged you, use /m instead
Pending changes has been saved into the database.
That user is not logged on.
@@ -1089,27 +1089,27 @@
Banning {} who is using IP address {}
User's account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can unlock it!
/ipban a {}
You have been banned by Admin: {}
Your account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can UNLOCK it!
Access denied due to security reasons.
Invalid user.
@@ -1117,203 +1117,203 @@
Current value of {} is "{}"
Value currently not set
Unable to set key for
Key set successfully for
Invalid delay.
You've initialized the shutdown sequence.
You've canceled the shutdown sequence.
No such user.
You can't squelch yourself.
Could not squelch user.
{} has been squelched.
Invalid user.
Unable to determine client game.
This game does not support win/loss records.
You must supply a user name and a valid program ID.
Example: /stats joe STAR
{}'s record:
level: {}
class: {}
stats: {} str {} mag {} dex {} vit {} gld
Diablo kills: {}
Normal games: {}-{}-{}
Ladder games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
Ladder games: 0-0-0
IronMan games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
IronMan games: 0-0-0
{}'s Ladder Record's:
Users Solo Level: {}, Experience: {}
SOLO Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
SOLO Rank: {}
Users Team Level: {}, Experience: {}
TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
TEAM Rank: {}
Users FFA Level: {}, Experience: {}
FFA Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
FFA Rank: {}
Users AT Team No. {}
Users AT TEAM Level: {}, Experience: {}
AT TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
AT TEAM Rank: {}
There are currently {} user(s) in {} games of {}
There are currently {} users online, in {} games, and in {} channels.
Client tag set to {}.
Invalid clienttag {} specified
Server Time: {}
Your local time: {}
Invalid duration.
Your timer has expired.
Could not set timer.
Timer set for {} second(s)
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tmpOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
{} has already tmpOP in this channel
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
{} has been promoted to tmpOP in this channel
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
@@ -1353,19 +1353,19 @@
Max topic length exceeded (max {} symbols)
You must be at least a Channel Operator of {} to set the topic
{} topic: no topic
Unable to send TOS (Terms of Service).
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1373,15 +1373,15 @@
You are not a channel operator.
That user is not banned.
{} is no longer banned from this channel.
Invalid user.
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@
Your account has just been unlocked by {}
That user's account is now unlocked.
Invalid user.
@@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@
Your account has just been unmuted by {}
That user's account is now unmuted.
No such user.
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@
User was not being ignored.
No longer ignoring.
That user does not exist.
@@ -1425,11 +1425,11 @@
Removal from watch list failed.
User {} removed from your watch list.
Removal from watch list failed.
@@ -1437,15 +1437,15 @@
All {} users removed from your watch list.
All users removed from your watch list.
Uptime: {}
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1461,27 +1461,27 @@
{} is already on VOP list, no need to Voice him
{} must be on the same channel to voice him
{} already has Voice in this channel
{} is already an operator or admin.
{} has been granted Voice in this channel
{} has granted you Voice in this channel
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1497,15 +1497,15 @@
{} is already on VOP list
{} has been added to the VOP list
{} has added you to the VOP list of channel "{}"
That user does not exist.
@@ -1513,11 +1513,11 @@
Add to watch list failed.
User {} added to your watch list.
Add to watch list failed.
@@ -1525,39 +1525,39 @@
All {} users added to your watch list.
All users added to your watch list.
That channel does not exist.
(If you are trying to search for a user, use the /whois command.)
You are banned from that channel.
Users in channel {}:
Unable to obtain your account name.
(invalid date)
Reset {}'s {} stats
Reset {}'s {} stats
@@ -1569,39 +1569,39 @@
You cannot kick administrators.
You cannot kick operators.
{} has been kicked by {} ({}).
{} has been kicked by {}.
You cannot ban operators.
Unable to ban {}.
{} has been banned by {} ({}).
{} has been banned by {}.
Password for account {} updated.
Hash is: {}
@@ -1609,83 +1609,83 @@
Your account has been muted, you can't whisper to other users.
That user is not logged on.
{} is unavailable ({})
{} is away ({})
Unknown user.
User was last seen on: {}
User is offline
{} {} using {} and {} currently in {} game "{}".
{} {} using {} and {} currently in channel "{}".
{} {} using {}.
{} {} refusing messages ({})
{} away ({})
You are sending commands to {} too quickly and risk being disconnected for flooding. Please slow down.
This command has been deactivated
This command is reserved for admins.
Unknown command.
This account has been locked
This account has been locked
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
Oops ! There is a problem with the help file. Please contact the administrator of the server.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1701,75 +1701,75 @@
This command can only be used from the game.
Bad icon.
{} banned permamently by {}.
{} banned permamently.
{} banned for {} by {}.
{} banned for {}.
Banning only for: {} minutes.
This server has NO mail support.
Please specify which message to delete. Use the following syntax: /mail delete {<index>|all} .
Successfully deleted messages.
Invalid index. Please use /mail delete {<index>|all} where <index> is a number.
Succesfully deleted message.
You have no mail.
There was an error completing your request.
Receiver UNKNOWN!
Receiver has reached his mail quota. Your message will NOT be sent.
Your mail has been sent successfully.
There was an error completing your request!
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
@@ -1781,31 +1781,31 @@
Quiz has already ran in channel "{}". Use /quiz stop to force finish.
Available Quiz dictionaries:
Quiz is not running.
{}'s Quiz record:
{} has never played Quiz.
Top {} Quiz records:
This command is reserved for admins.
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
User "{}" is offline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/i18n/common-deDE.xml.in b/conf/i18n/common-deDE.xml.in
index 2ab0e831d..22cba0d73 100644
--- a/conf/i18n/common-deDE.xml.in
+++ b/conf/i18n/common-deDE.xml.in
@@ -9,103 +9,103 @@
by {}
for {}
with a reason "{}"
No such alias. Use // to show the list.
Alias list:
you are now tempOP for this channel
Account name contains some invalid symbol!
Maximum password length allowed is {}
Trying to add account "{}" with password "{}"
Hash is: {}
Failed to create account!
Account {} created.
You must supply a username.
There's no account with username {}.
{} is already a Server Admin
{} has been promoted to a Server Admin
{} has promoted you to a Server Admin
{} is not a Server Admin.
{} has been demoted from a Server Admin
{} has demoted you from a Server Admin
Currently logged on Administrators:
Your game client doesn't support MessageBox.
\n\n***************************\nBy {}
Information from {}
for {}
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
Announcement from {}: {}
Could not broadcast message.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
You must be at least a Channel Admin to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
{} is already a Channel Admin
{} has been promoted to a Channel Admin
{} has promoted you to a Channel Admin for channel "{}"
You are now marked as being away.
You are no longer marked as away.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
That account doesn't currently exist.
You cannot ban administrators.
Audible notification on.
Channel Arranged Teams is a RESTRICTED Channel!
Max channel name length exceeded (max {} symbols)
Command disabled while inside a game.
Currently accessible channels:
All current channels:
Current channels of type {}
-----------name----------- users ----admin/operator----
Only admins may change passwords for other accounts.
Account does not exist.
Maximum password length allowed is {}
@@ -213,107 +213,107 @@
Trying to change password for account "{}" to "{}"
Unable to set password.
Message was sent to all currently available clan members.
All fellow members of your clan are currently offline.
Clan channel is opened up!
Clan channel has already been opened up!
Clan channel is closed!
Clan channel has already been closed!
Clan message of day is updated!
User {} was invited to your clan!
You are invited to {} by {}!
User {} is not online or is already member of clan!
This is one-way action! If you really want
to disband your clan, type /clan disband yes
Your clan was disbanded.
You have been invited to {}
You are now a clan member of {}
Clan {} was be created
You are no longer ivited to {}
You are already in clan "{}"
Clan with your specified <clantag> already exist!
Please choice another one.
Clan {} is created!
Clan {} is pre-created, please invite
at least {} players to your clan by using
/clan invite <username> command.
Invalid user.
@@ -325,55 +325,55 @@
{}'s command group(s): {}
Got bad group: {}
Groups {} has been added to {}
Groups {} has been deleted from {}
Got unknown command: {}
This command is only enabled for admins.
Current connections:
-class -tag -----name------ -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game-- ---------addr--------
Unknown option.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -389,43 +389,43 @@
You must be at least a Channel Admin to demote another Channel Admin
{} has been demoted from a Channel Admin.
{} has demoted you from a Channel Admin of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a Channel Operator
{} has demoted you from a Channel Operator of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a tempOP of this channel
{} has demoted you from a tmpOP of channel "{}"
{} is no Channel Admin or Channel Operator or tempOP, so you can't demote him.
{} has demoted you from a tempOP of channel "{}"
{} is no tempOP in this channel, so you can't demote him
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -441,43 +441,43 @@
{} has been removed from VOP list.
{} has removed you from VOP list of channel "{}"
You must be at least Channel Admin to remove {} from the VOP list
Voice has been taken from {} in this channel
{} has taken your Voice in channel "{}"
{} has no Voice in this channel, so it can't be taken away
Do Not Disturb mode engaged.
Not available
Do Not Disturb mode canceled.
-- name -- similar to {}
Invalid user.
@@ -485,179 +485,179 @@
Login: {} {} Sex: {}
Created: {}
Clan: {}
Rank: Chieftain
Rank: Shaman
Rank: Grunt
Rank: Peon
Location: {} Age: {}
Client: {} Ver: {} Country: {}
Last login {} from
On since {} from
Operator: {}, Admin: {}, Locked: {}, Muted: {}
Email: {}
Last login Owner: {}
Idle {}
Flags set to {}.
That user does not exist.
Server error.
You can't add yourself to your friends list.
You can only have a maximum of {} friends.
{} is already on your friends list!
Added {} to your friends list.
{} added you to his/her friends list.
All of your friends are offline.
{} was not found on your friends list.
Removed {} from your friends list.
Promoted {} in your friends list.
Demoted {} in your friends list.
Your {} - Friends List
Your {} - Online Friends List
, offline
using {}
, in game "{}"
, in game AT Preparation
, in channel "{}",
, is in AT Preparation
, is in a game
, is in a chat channel
End of Friends List
You are not in a game.
That game does not exist.
Name: {} ID: {} ({})
@@ -669,19 +669,19 @@
Owner: {}
Address: {}
Address: {} (trans {})
Client: {} (version {}, startver {})
Created: {}
@@ -689,99 +689,99 @@
Started: {}
Status: {}
Type: {}
Speed: {}
Difficulty: {}
Option: {}
Map: {}
Map Size: {}x{}
Map Tileset: {}
Map Type: {}
Players: {} current, {} total, {} max
Description: {}
Currently accessible games:
All current games:
Games in lobby:
Current games of type {}
Current games of type {} {}
------name------ p -status- --------type--------- count
Warning: That user is not online, using last known address.
Sorry, no IP address could be retrieved.
Scanning online users for IP {}...
There are no online users with that IP address
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -789,47 +789,47 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
That user is not logged in.
That user is not in this channel.
That connection doesn't exist.
That user is not logged in?
An admin has closed your connection and banned your IP address.
Connection closed by admin.
Operation successful.
That is not a valid session.
That session does not exist.
Connection closed by admin and banned your IP's.
Connection closed by admin.
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
Copied current scores to active scores on all ladders.
This game does not support win/loss records.
@@ -845,11 +845,11 @@
You must supply a rank and a valid program ID.
Example: /ladderinfo 1 STAR
Invalid user.
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
Account {} is now locked
Your account has just been locked
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -869,11 +869,11 @@
Banned users:
You are not in a channel.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -885,23 +885,23 @@
Unable to change channel flags.
Channel is now unmoderated.
Channel is now moderated.
Unable to open motd.
No motd.
Invalid user.
@@ -909,11 +909,11 @@
Account {} is now muted
Your account has just been muted
That user is not logged on.
@@ -921,39 +921,39 @@
Address information for other users is only available to admins.
Server TCP: {} (bind {})
Client TCP: {}
Client UDP: {}
Client UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: {}
Game UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: none
Audible notification off.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -969,31 +969,31 @@
{} is already a Channel Operator
{} has been promoted to a Channel Operator
{} has promoted you to a Channel Operator in channel "{}"
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
{} already is operator or admin, no need to tempOP him
{} has been promoted to a tempOP
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
You must supply a username.
@@ -1005,35 +1005,35 @@
{} is already a Server Operator
{} has been promoted to a Server Operator
{} has promoted you to a Server Operator
{} is no Server Operator, so you can't demote him
{} has been demoted from a Server Operator
{} latency: {}
Your latency {}
{} latency ()
Invalid user.
@@ -1041,35 +1041,35 @@
Connection closed.
Your quota allows you to write {} line(s) per {} second(s).
Long lines will be wrapped every {} characters.
You are not allowed to send lines with more than {} characters.
You must join a realm first
Announcement from {}@{}: {}
Invalid mode.
Rehash of "{}" is complete!
You are not in a channel.
@@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@
No one messaged you, use /m instead
Pending changes has been saved into the database.
That user is not logged on.
@@ -1089,27 +1089,27 @@
Banning {} who is using IP address {}
User's account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can unlock it!
/ipban a {}
You have been banned by Admin: {}
Your account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can UNLOCK it!
Access denied due to security reasons.
Invalid user.
@@ -1117,203 +1117,203 @@
Current value of {} is "{}"
Value currently not set
Unable to set key for
Key set successfully for
Invalid delay.
You've initialized the shutdown sequence.
You've canceled the shutdown sequence.
No such user.
You can't squelch yourself.
Could not squelch user.
{} has been squelched.
Invalid user.
Unable to determine client game.
This game does not support win/loss records.
You must supply a user name and a valid program ID.
Example: /stats joe STAR
{}'s record:
level: {}
class: {}
stats: {} str {} mag {} dex {} vit {} gld
Diablo kills: {}
Normal games: {}-{}-{}
Ladder games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
Ladder games: 0-0-0
IronMan games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
IronMan games: 0-0-0
{}'s Ladder Record's:
Users Solo Level: {}, Experience: {}
SOLO Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
SOLO Rank: {}
Users Team Level: {}, Experience: {}
TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
TEAM Rank: {}
Users FFA Level: {}, Experience: {}
FFA Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
FFA Rank: {}
Users AT Team No. {}
Users AT TEAM Level: {}, Experience: {}
AT TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
AT TEAM Rank: {}
There are currently {} user(s) in {} games of {}
There are currently {} users online, in {} games, and in {} channels.
Client tag set to {}.
Invalid clienttag {} specified
Server Time: {}
Your local time: {}
Invalid duration.
Your timer has expired.
Could not set timer.
Timer set for {} second(s)
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tmpOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
{} has already tmpOP in this channel
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
{} has been promoted to tmpOP in this channel
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
@@ -1353,19 +1353,19 @@
Max topic length exceeded (max {} symbols)
You must be at least a Channel Operator of {} to set the topic
{} topic: no topic
Unable to send TOS (Terms of Service).
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1373,15 +1373,15 @@
You are not a channel operator.
That user is not banned.
{} is no longer banned from this channel.
Invalid user.
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@
Your account has just been unlocked by {}
That user's account is now unlocked.
Invalid user.
@@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@
Your account has just been unmuted by {}
That user's account is now unmuted.
No such user.
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@
User was not being ignored.
No longer ignoring.
That user does not exist.
@@ -1425,11 +1425,11 @@
Removal from watch list failed.
User {} removed from your watch list.
Removal from watch list failed.
@@ -1437,15 +1437,15 @@
All {} users removed from your watch list.
All users removed from your watch list.
Uptime: {}
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1461,27 +1461,27 @@
{} is already on VOP list, no need to Voice him
{} must be on the same channel to voice him
{} already has Voice in this channel
{} is already an operator or admin.
{} has been granted Voice in this channel
{} has granted you Voice in this channel
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1497,15 +1497,15 @@
{} is already on VOP list
{} has been added to the VOP list
{} has added you to the VOP list of channel "{}"
That user does not exist.
@@ -1513,11 +1513,11 @@
Add to watch list failed.
User {} added to your watch list.
Add to watch list failed.
@@ -1525,39 +1525,39 @@
All {} users added to your watch list.
All users added to your watch list.
That channel does not exist.
(If you are trying to search for a user, use the /whois command.)
You are banned from that channel.
Users in channel {}:
Unable to obtain your account name.
(invalid date)
Reset {}'s {} stats
Reset {}'s {} stats
@@ -1569,39 +1569,39 @@
You cannot kick administrators.
You cannot kick operators.
{} has been kicked by {} ({}).
{} has been kicked by {}.
You cannot ban operators.
Unable to ban {}.
{} has been banned by {} ({}).
{} has been banned by {}.
Password for account {} updated.
Hash is: {}
@@ -1609,83 +1609,83 @@
Your account has been muted, you can't whisper to other users.
That user is not logged on.
{} is unavailable ({})
{} is away ({})
Unknown user.
User was last seen on: {}
User is offline
{} {} using {} and {} currently in {} game "{}".
{} {} using {} and {} currently in channel "{}".
{} {} using {}.
{} {} refusing messages ({})
{} away ({})
You are sending commands to {} too quickly and risk being disconnected for flooding. Please slow down.
This command has been deactivated
This command is reserved for admins.
Unknown command.
This account has been locked
This account has been locked
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
Oops ! There is a problem with the help file. Please contact the administrator of the server.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1701,75 +1701,75 @@
This command can only be used from the game.
Bad icon.
{} banned permamently by {}.
{} banned permamently.
{} banned for {} by {}.
{} banned for {}.
Banning only for: {} minutes.
This server has NO mail support.
Please specify which message to delete. Use the following syntax: /mail delete {<index>|all} .
Successfully deleted messages.
Invalid index. Please use /mail delete {<index>|all} where <index> is a number.
Succesfully deleted message.
You have no mail.
There was an error completing your request.
Receiver UNKNOWN!
Receiver has reached his mail quota. Your message will NOT be sent.
Your mail has been sent successfully.
There was an error completing your request!
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
@@ -1781,31 +1781,31 @@
Quiz has already ran in channel "{}". Use /quiz stop to force finish.
Available Quiz dictionaries:
Quiz is not running.
{}'s Quiz record:
{} has never played Quiz.
Top {} Quiz records:
This command is reserved for admins.
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
User "{}" is offline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/i18n/common-esES.xml.in b/conf/i18n/common-esES.xml.in
index dc4b65a75..8b7e41540 100644
--- a/conf/i18n/common-esES.xml.in
+++ b/conf/i18n/common-esES.xml.in
@@ -9,103 +9,103 @@
by {}
for {}
with a reason "{}"
No such alias. Use // to show the list.
Alias list:
you are now tempOP for this channel
Account name contains some invalid symbol!
Maximum password length allowed is {}
Trying to add account "{}" with password "{}"
Hash is: {}
Failed to create account!
Account {} created.
You must supply a username.
There's no account with username {}.
{} is already a Server Admin
{} has been promoted to a Server Admin
{} has promoted you to a Server Admin
{} is not a Server Admin.
{} has been demoted from a Server Admin
{} has demoted you from a Server Admin
Currently logged on Administrators:
Your game client doesn't support MessageBox.
\n\n***************************\nBy {}
Information from {}
for {}
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
Announcement from {}: {}
Could not broadcast message.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
You must be at least a Channel Admin to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
{} is already a Channel Admin
{} has been promoted to a Channel Admin
{} has promoted you to a Channel Admin for channel "{}"
You are now marked as being away.
You are no longer marked as away.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
That account doesn't currently exist.
You cannot ban administrators.
Audible notification on.
Channel Arranged Teams is a RESTRICTED Channel!
Max channel name length exceeded (max {} symbols)
Command disabled while inside a game.
Currently accessible channels:
All current channels:
Current channels of type {}
-----------name----------- users ----admin/operator----
Only admins may change passwords for other accounts.
Account does not exist.
Maximum password length allowed is {}
@@ -213,107 +213,107 @@
Trying to change password for account "{}" to "{}"
Unable to set password.
Message was sent to all currently available clan members.
All fellow members of your clan are currently offline.
Clan channel is opened up!
Clan channel has already been opened up!
Clan channel is closed!
Clan channel has already been closed!
Clan message of day is updated!
User {} was invited to your clan!
You are invited to {} by {}!
User {} is not online or is already member of clan!
This is one-way action! If you really want
to disband your clan, type /clan disband yes
Your clan was disbanded.
You have been invited to {}
You are now a clan member of {}
Clan {} was be created
You are no longer ivited to {}
You are already in clan "{}"
Clan with your specified <clantag> already exist!
Please choice another one.
Clan {} is created!
Clan {} is pre-created, please invite
at least {} players to your clan by using
/clan invite <username> command.
Invalid user.
@@ -325,55 +325,55 @@
{}'s command group(s): {}
Got bad group: {}
Groups {} has been added to {}
Groups {} has been deleted from {}
Got unknown command: {}
This command is only enabled for admins.
Current connections:
-class -tag -----name------ -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game-- ---------addr--------
Unknown option.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -389,43 +389,43 @@
You must be at least a Channel Admin to demote another Channel Admin
{} has been demoted from a Channel Admin.
{} has demoted you from a Channel Admin of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a Channel Operator
{} has demoted you from a Channel Operator of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a tempOP of this channel
{} has demoted you from a tmpOP of channel "{}"
{} is no Channel Admin or Channel Operator or tempOP, so you can't demote him.
{} has demoted you from a tempOP of channel "{}"
{} is no tempOP in this channel, so you can't demote him
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -441,43 +441,43 @@
{} has been removed from VOP list.
{} has removed you from VOP list of channel "{}"
You must be at least Channel Admin to remove {} from the VOP list
Voice has been taken from {} in this channel
{} has taken your Voice in channel "{}"
{} has no Voice in this channel, so it can't be taken away
Do Not Disturb mode engaged.
Not available
Do Not Disturb mode canceled.
-- name -- similar to {}
Invalid user.
@@ -485,179 +485,179 @@
Login: {} {} Sex: {}
Created: {}
Clan: {}
Rank: Chieftain
Rank: Shaman
Rank: Grunt
Rank: Peon
Location: {} Age: {}
Client: {} Ver: {} Country: {}
Last login {} from
On since {} from
Operator: {}, Admin: {}, Locked: {}, Muted: {}
Email: {}
Last login Owner: {}
Idle {}
Flags set to {}.
That user does not exist.
Server error.
You can't add yourself to your friends list.
You can only have a maximum of {} friends.
{} is already on your friends list!
Added {} to your friends list.
{} added you to his/her friends list.
All of your friends are offline.
{} was not found on your friends list.
Removed {} from your friends list.
Promoted {} in your friends list.
Demoted {} in your friends list.
Your {} - Friends List
Your {} - Online Friends List
, offline
using {}
, in game "{}"
, in game AT Preparation
, in channel "{}",
, is in AT Preparation
, is in a game
, is in a chat channel
End of Friends List
You are not in a game.
That game does not exist.
Name: {} ID: {} ({})
@@ -669,19 +669,19 @@
Owner: {}
Address: {}
Address: {} (trans {})
Client: {} (version {}, startver {})
Created: {}
@@ -689,99 +689,99 @@
Started: {}
Status: {}
Type: {}
Speed: {}
Difficulty: {}
Option: {}
Map: {}
Map Size: {}x{}
Map Tileset: {}
Map Type: {}
Players: {} current, {} total, {} max
Description: {}
Currently accessible games:
All current games:
Games in lobby:
Current games of type {}
Current games of type {} {}
------name------ p -status- --------type--------- count
Warning: That user is not online, using last known address.
Sorry, no IP address could be retrieved.
Scanning online users for IP {}...
There are no online users with that IP address
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -789,47 +789,47 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
That user is not logged in.
That user is not in this channel.
That connection doesn't exist.
That user is not logged in?
An admin has closed your connection and banned your IP address.
Connection closed by admin.
Operation successful.
That is not a valid session.
That session does not exist.
Connection closed by admin and banned your IP's.
Connection closed by admin.
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
Copied current scores to active scores on all ladders.
This game does not support win/loss records.
@@ -845,11 +845,11 @@
You must supply a rank and a valid program ID.
Example: /ladderinfo 1 STAR
Invalid user.
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
Account {} is now locked
Your account has just been locked
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -869,11 +869,11 @@
Banned users:
You are not in a channel.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -885,23 +885,23 @@
Unable to change channel flags.
Channel is now unmoderated.
Channel is now moderated.
Unable to open motd.
No motd.
Invalid user.
@@ -909,11 +909,11 @@
Account {} is now muted
Your account has just been muted
That user is not logged on.
@@ -921,39 +921,39 @@
Address information for other users is only available to admins.
Server TCP: {} (bind {})
Client TCP: {}
Client UDP: {}
Client UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: {}
Game UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: none
Audible notification off.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -969,31 +969,31 @@
{} is already a Channel Operator
{} has been promoted to a Channel Operator
{} has promoted you to a Channel Operator in channel "{}"
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
{} already is operator or admin, no need to tempOP him
{} has been promoted to a tempOP
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
You must supply a username.
@@ -1005,35 +1005,35 @@
{} is already a Server Operator
{} has been promoted to a Server Operator
{} has promoted you to a Server Operator
{} is no Server Operator, so you can't demote him
{} has been demoted from a Server Operator
{} latency: {}
Your latency {}
{} latency ()
Invalid user.
@@ -1041,35 +1041,35 @@
Connection closed.
Your quota allows you to write {} line(s) per {} second(s).
Long lines will be wrapped every {} characters.
You are not allowed to send lines with more than {} characters.
You must join a realm first
Announcement from {}@{}: {}
Invalid mode.
Rehash of "{}" is complete!
You are not in a channel.
@@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@
No one messaged you, use /m instead
Pending changes has been saved into the database.
That user is not logged on.
@@ -1089,27 +1089,27 @@
Banning {} who is using IP address {}
User's account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can unlock it!
/ipban a {}
You have been banned by Admin: {}
Your account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can UNLOCK it!
Access denied due to security reasons.
Invalid user.
@@ -1117,203 +1117,203 @@
Current value of {} is "{}"
Value currently not set
Unable to set key for
Key set successfully for
Invalid delay.
You've initialized the shutdown sequence.
You've canceled the shutdown sequence.
No such user.
You can't squelch yourself.
Could not squelch user.
{} has been squelched.
Invalid user.
Unable to determine client game.
This game does not support win/loss records.
You must supply a user name and a valid program ID.
Example: /stats joe STAR
{}'s record:
level: {}
class: {}
stats: {} str {} mag {} dex {} vit {} gld
Diablo kills: {}
Normal games: {}-{}-{}
Ladder games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
Ladder games: 0-0-0
IronMan games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
IronMan games: 0-0-0
{}'s Ladder Record's:
Users Solo Level: {}, Experience: {}
SOLO Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
SOLO Rank: {}
Users Team Level: {}, Experience: {}
TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
TEAM Rank: {}
Users FFA Level: {}, Experience: {}
FFA Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
FFA Rank: {}
Users AT Team No. {}
Users AT TEAM Level: {}, Experience: {}
AT TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
AT TEAM Rank: {}
There are currently {} user(s) in {} games of {}
There are currently {} users online, in {} games, and in {} channels.
Client tag set to {}.
Invalid clienttag {} specified
Server Time: {}
Your local time: {}
Invalid duration.
Your timer has expired.
Could not set timer.
Timer set for {} second(s)
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tmpOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
{} has already tmpOP in this channel
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
{} has been promoted to tmpOP in this channel
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
@@ -1353,19 +1353,19 @@
Max topic length exceeded (max {} symbols)
You must be at least a Channel Operator of {} to set the topic
{} topic: no topic
Unable to send TOS (Terms of Service).
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1373,15 +1373,15 @@
You are not a channel operator.
That user is not banned.
{} is no longer banned from this channel.
Invalid user.
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@
Your account has just been unlocked by {}
That user's account is now unlocked.
Invalid user.
@@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@
Your account has just been unmuted by {}
That user's account is now unmuted.
No such user.
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@
User was not being ignored.
No longer ignoring.
That user does not exist.
@@ -1425,11 +1425,11 @@
Removal from watch list failed.
User {} removed from your watch list.
Removal from watch list failed.
@@ -1437,15 +1437,15 @@
All {} users removed from your watch list.
All users removed from your watch list.
Uptime: {}
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1461,27 +1461,27 @@
{} is already on VOP list, no need to Voice him
{} must be on the same channel to voice him
{} already has Voice in this channel
{} is already an operator or admin.
{} has been granted Voice in this channel
{} has granted you Voice in this channel
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1497,15 +1497,15 @@
{} is already on VOP list
{} has been added to the VOP list
{} has added you to the VOP list of channel "{}"
That user does not exist.
@@ -1513,11 +1513,11 @@
Add to watch list failed.
User {} added to your watch list.
Add to watch list failed.
@@ -1525,39 +1525,39 @@
All {} users added to your watch list.
All users added to your watch list.
That channel does not exist.
(If you are trying to search for a user, use the /whois command.)
You are banned from that channel.
Users in channel {}:
Unable to obtain your account name.
(invalid date)
Reset {}'s {} stats
Reset {}'s {} stats
@@ -1569,39 +1569,39 @@
You cannot kick administrators.
You cannot kick operators.
{} has been kicked by {} ({}).
{} has been kicked by {}.
You cannot ban operators.
Unable to ban {}.
{} has been banned by {} ({}).
{} has been banned by {}.
Password for account {} updated.
Hash is: {}
@@ -1609,83 +1609,83 @@
Your account has been muted, you can't whisper to other users.
That user is not logged on.
{} is unavailable ({})
{} is away ({})
Unknown user.
User was last seen on: {}
User is offline
{} {} using {} and {} currently in {} game "{}".
{} {} using {} and {} currently in channel "{}".
{} {} using {}.
{} {} refusing messages ({})
{} away ({})
You are sending commands to {} too quickly and risk being disconnected for flooding. Please slow down.
This command has been deactivated
This command is reserved for admins.
Unknown command.
This account has been locked
This account has been locked
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
Oops ! There is a problem with the help file. Please contact the administrator of the server.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1701,75 +1701,75 @@
This command can only be used from the game.
Bad icon.
{} banned permamently by {}.
{} banned permamently.
{} banned for {} by {}.
{} banned for {}.
Banning only for: {} minutes.
This server has NO mail support.
Please specify which message to delete. Use the following syntax: /mail delete {<index>|all} .
Successfully deleted messages.
Invalid index. Please use /mail delete {<index>|all} where <index> is a number.
Succesfully deleted message.
You have no mail.
There was an error completing your request.
Receiver UNKNOWN!
Receiver has reached his mail quota. Your message will NOT be sent.
Your mail has been sent successfully.
There was an error completing your request!
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
@@ -1781,31 +1781,31 @@
Quiz has already ran in channel "{}". Use /quiz stop to force finish.
Available Quiz dictionaries:
Quiz is not running.
{}'s Quiz record:
{} has never played Quiz.
Top {} Quiz records:
This command is reserved for admins.
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
User "{}" is offline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/i18n/common-frFR.xml.in b/conf/i18n/common-frFR.xml.in
index b2c2bff5c..9d4ffa6e0 100644
--- a/conf/i18n/common-frFR.xml.in
+++ b/conf/i18n/common-frFR.xml.in
@@ -9,103 +9,103 @@
by {}
for {}
with a reason "{}"
No such alias. Use // to show the list.
Alias list:
you are now tempOP for this channel
Account name contains some invalid symbol!
Maximum password length allowed is {}
Trying to add account "{}" with password "{}"
Hash is: {}
Failed to create account!
Account {} created.
You must supply a username.
There's no account with username {}.
{} is already a Server Admin
{} has been promoted to a Server Admin
{} has promoted you to a Server Admin
{} is not a Server Admin.
{} has been demoted from a Server Admin
{} has demoted you from a Server Admin
Currently logged on Administrators:
Your game client doesn't support MessageBox.
\n\n***************************\nBy {}
Information from {}
for {}
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
Announcement from {}: {}
Could not broadcast message.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
You must be at least a Channel Admin to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
{} is already a Channel Admin
{} has been promoted to a Channel Admin
{} has promoted you to a Channel Admin for channel "{}"
You are now marked as being away.
You are no longer marked as away.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
That account doesn't currently exist.
You cannot ban administrators.
Audible notification on.
Channel Arranged Teams is a RESTRICTED Channel!
Max channel name length exceeded (max {} symbols)
Command disabled while inside a game.
Currently accessible channels:
All current channels:
Current channels of type {}
-----------name----------- users ----admin/operator----
Only admins may change passwords for other accounts.
Account does not exist.
Maximum password length allowed is {}
@@ -213,107 +213,107 @@
Trying to change password for account "{}" to "{}"
Unable to set password.
Message was sent to all currently available clan members.
All fellow members of your clan are currently offline.
Clan channel is opened up!
Clan channel has already been opened up!
Clan channel is closed!
Clan channel has already been closed!
Clan message of day is updated!
User {} was invited to your clan!
You are invited to {} by {}!
User {} is not online or is already member of clan!
This is one-way action! If you really want
to disband your clan, type /clan disband yes
Your clan was disbanded.
You have been invited to {}
You are now a clan member of {}
Clan {} was be created
You are no longer ivited to {}
You are already in clan "{}"
Clan with your specified <clantag> already exist!
Please choice another one.
Clan {} is created!
Clan {} is pre-created, please invite
at least {} players to your clan by using
/clan invite <username> command.
Invalid user.
@@ -325,55 +325,55 @@
{}'s command group(s): {}
Got bad group: {}
Groups {} has been added to {}
Groups {} has been deleted from {}
Got unknown command: {}
This command is only enabled for admins.
Current connections:
-class -tag -----name------ -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game-- ---------addr--------
Unknown option.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -389,43 +389,43 @@
You must be at least a Channel Admin to demote another Channel Admin
{} has been demoted from a Channel Admin.
{} has demoted you from a Channel Admin of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a Channel Operator
{} has demoted you from a Channel Operator of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a tempOP of this channel
{} has demoted you from a tmpOP of channel "{}"
{} is no Channel Admin or Channel Operator or tempOP, so you can't demote him.
{} has demoted you from a tempOP of channel "{}"
{} is no tempOP in this channel, so you can't demote him
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -441,43 +441,43 @@
{} has been removed from VOP list.
{} has removed you from VOP list of channel "{}"
You must be at least Channel Admin to remove {} from the VOP list
Voice has been taken from {} in this channel
{} has taken your Voice in channel "{}"
{} has no Voice in this channel, so it can't be taken away
Do Not Disturb mode engaged.
Not available
Do Not Disturb mode canceled.
-- name -- similar to {}
Invalid user.
@@ -485,179 +485,179 @@
Login: {} {} Sex: {}
Created: {}
Clan: {}
Rank: Chieftain
Rank: Shaman
Rank: Grunt
Rank: Peon
Location: {} Age: {}
Client: {} Ver: {} Country: {}
Last login {} from
On since {} from
Operator: {}, Admin: {}, Locked: {}, Muted: {}
Email: {}
Last login Owner: {}
Idle {}
Flags set to {}.
That user does not exist.
Server error.
You can't add yourself to your friends list.
You can only have a maximum of {} friends.
{} is already on your friends list!
Added {} to your friends list.
{} added you to his/her friends list.
All of your friends are offline.
{} was not found on your friends list.
Removed {} from your friends list.
Promoted {} in your friends list.
Demoted {} in your friends list.
Your {} - Friends List
Your {} - Online Friends List
, offline
using {}
, in game "{}"
, in game AT Preparation
, in channel "{}",
, is in AT Preparation
, is in a game
, is in a chat channel
End of Friends List
You are not in a game.
That game does not exist.
Name: {} ID: {} ({})
@@ -669,19 +669,19 @@
Owner: {}
Address: {}
Address: {} (trans {})
Client: {} (version {}, startver {})
Created: {}
@@ -689,99 +689,99 @@
Started: {}
Status: {}
Type: {}
Speed: {}
Difficulty: {}
Option: {}
Map: {}
Map Size: {}x{}
Map Tileset: {}
Map Type: {}
Players: {} current, {} total, {} max
Description: {}
Currently accessible games:
All current games:
Games in lobby:
Current games of type {}
Current games of type {} {}
------name------ p -status- --------type--------- count
Warning: That user is not online, using last known address.
Sorry, no IP address could be retrieved.
Scanning online users for IP {}...
There are no online users with that IP address
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -789,47 +789,47 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
That user is not logged in.
That user is not in this channel.
That connection doesn't exist.
That user is not logged in?
An admin has closed your connection and banned your IP address.
Connection closed by admin.
Operation successful.
That is not a valid session.
That session does not exist.
Connection closed by admin and banned your IP's.
Connection closed by admin.
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
Copied current scores to active scores on all ladders.
This game does not support win/loss records.
@@ -845,11 +845,11 @@
You must supply a rank and a valid program ID.
Example: /ladderinfo 1 STAR
Invalid user.
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
Account {} is now locked
Your account has just been locked
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -869,11 +869,11 @@
Banned users:
You are not in a channel.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -885,23 +885,23 @@
Unable to change channel flags.
Channel is now unmoderated.
Channel is now moderated.
Unable to open motd.
No motd.
Invalid user.
@@ -909,11 +909,11 @@
Account {} is now muted
Your account has just been muted
That user is not logged on.
@@ -921,39 +921,39 @@
Address information for other users is only available to admins.
Server TCP: {} (bind {})
Client TCP: {}
Client UDP: {}
Client UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: {}
Game UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: none
Audible notification off.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -969,31 +969,31 @@
{} is already a Channel Operator
{} has been promoted to a Channel Operator
{} has promoted you to a Channel Operator in channel "{}"
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
{} already is operator or admin, no need to tempOP him
{} has been promoted to a tempOP
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
You must supply a username.
@@ -1005,35 +1005,35 @@
{} is already a Server Operator
{} has been promoted to a Server Operator
{} has promoted you to a Server Operator
{} is no Server Operator, so you can't demote him
{} has been demoted from a Server Operator
{} latency: {}
Your latency {}
{} latency ()
Invalid user.
@@ -1041,35 +1041,35 @@
Connection closed.
Your quota allows you to write {} line(s) per {} second(s).
Long lines will be wrapped every {} characters.
You are not allowed to send lines with more than {} characters.
You must join a realm first
Announcement from {}@{}: {}
Invalid mode.
Rehash of "{}" is complete!
You are not in a channel.
@@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@
No one messaged you, use /m instead
Pending changes has been saved into the database.
That user is not logged on.
@@ -1089,27 +1089,27 @@
Banning {} who is using IP address {}
User's account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can unlock it!
/ipban a {}
You have been banned by Admin: {}
Your account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can UNLOCK it!
Access denied due to security reasons.
Invalid user.
@@ -1117,203 +1117,203 @@
Current value of {} is "{}"
Value currently not set
Unable to set key for
Key set successfully for
Invalid delay.
You've initialized the shutdown sequence.
You've canceled the shutdown sequence.
No such user.
You can't squelch yourself.
Could not squelch user.
{} has been squelched.
Invalid user.
Unable to determine client game.
This game does not support win/loss records.
You must supply a user name and a valid program ID.
Example: /stats joe STAR
{}'s record:
level: {}
class: {}
stats: {} str {} mag {} dex {} vit {} gld
Diablo kills: {}
Normal games: {}-{}-{}
Ladder games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
Ladder games: 0-0-0
IronMan games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
IronMan games: 0-0-0
{}'s Ladder Record's:
Users Solo Level: {}, Experience: {}
SOLO Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
SOLO Rank: {}
Users Team Level: {}, Experience: {}
TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
TEAM Rank: {}
Users FFA Level: {}, Experience: {}
FFA Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
FFA Rank: {}
Users AT Team No. {}
Users AT TEAM Level: {}, Experience: {}
AT TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
AT TEAM Rank: {}
There are currently {} user(s) in {} games of {}
There are currently {} users online, in {} games, and in {} channels.
Client tag set to {}.
Invalid clienttag {} specified
Server Time: {}
Your local time: {}
Invalid duration.
Your timer has expired.
Could not set timer.
Timer set for {} second(s)
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tmpOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
{} has already tmpOP in this channel
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
{} has been promoted to tmpOP in this channel
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
@@ -1353,19 +1353,19 @@
Max topic length exceeded (max {} symbols)
You must be at least a Channel Operator of {} to set the topic
{} topic: no topic
Unable to send TOS (Terms of Service).
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1373,15 +1373,15 @@
You are not a channel operator.
That user is not banned.
{} is no longer banned from this channel.
Invalid user.
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@
Your account has just been unlocked by {}
That user's account is now unlocked.
Invalid user.
@@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@
Your account has just been unmuted by {}
That user's account is now unmuted.
No such user.
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@
User was not being ignored.
No longer ignoring.
That user does not exist.
@@ -1425,11 +1425,11 @@
Removal from watch list failed.
User {} removed from your watch list.
Removal from watch list failed.
@@ -1437,15 +1437,15 @@
All {} users removed from your watch list.
All users removed from your watch list.
Uptime: {}
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1461,27 +1461,27 @@
{} is already on VOP list, no need to Voice him
{} must be on the same channel to voice him
{} already has Voice in this channel
{} is already an operator or admin.
{} has been granted Voice in this channel
{} has granted you Voice in this channel
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1497,15 +1497,15 @@
{} is already on VOP list
{} has been added to the VOP list
{} has added you to the VOP list of channel "{}"
That user does not exist.
@@ -1513,11 +1513,11 @@
Add to watch list failed.
User {} added to your watch list.
Add to watch list failed.
@@ -1525,39 +1525,39 @@
All {} users added to your watch list.
All users added to your watch list.
That channel does not exist.
(If you are trying to search for a user, use the /whois command.)
You are banned from that channel.
Users in channel {}:
Unable to obtain your account name.
(invalid date)
Reset {}'s {} stats
Reset {}'s {} stats
@@ -1569,39 +1569,39 @@
You cannot kick administrators.
You cannot kick operators.
{} has been kicked by {} ({}).
{} has been kicked by {}.
You cannot ban operators.
Unable to ban {}.
{} has been banned by {} ({}).
{} has been banned by {}.
Password for account {} updated.
Hash is: {}
@@ -1609,83 +1609,83 @@
Your account has been muted, you can't whisper to other users.
That user is not logged on.
{} is unavailable ({})
{} is away ({})
Unknown user.
User was last seen on: {}
User is offline
{} {} using {} and {} currently in {} game "{}".
{} {} using {} and {} currently in channel "{}".
{} {} using {}.
{} {} refusing messages ({})
{} away ({})
You are sending commands to {} too quickly and risk being disconnected for flooding. Please slow down.
This command has been deactivated
This command is reserved for admins.
Unknown command.
This account has been locked
This account has been locked
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
Oops ! There is a problem with the help file. Please contact the administrator of the server.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1701,75 +1701,75 @@
This command can only be used from the game.
Bad icon.
{} banned permamently by {}.
{} banned permamently.
{} banned for {} by {}.
{} banned for {}.
Banning only for: {} minutes.
This server has NO mail support.
Please specify which message to delete. Use the following syntax: /mail delete {<index>|all} .
Successfully deleted messages.
Invalid index. Please use /mail delete {<index>|all} where <index> is a number.
Succesfully deleted message.
You have no mail.
There was an error completing your request.
Receiver UNKNOWN!
Receiver has reached his mail quota. Your message will NOT be sent.
Your mail has been sent successfully.
There was an error completing your request!
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
@@ -1781,31 +1781,31 @@
Quiz has already ran in channel "{}". Use /quiz stop to force finish.
Available Quiz dictionaries:
Quiz is not running.
{}'s Quiz record:
{} has never played Quiz.
Top {} Quiz records:
This command is reserved for admins.
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
User "{}" is offline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/i18n/common-itIT.xml.in b/conf/i18n/common-itIT.xml.in
index b6d42ad4a..b2843e0f2 100644
--- a/conf/i18n/common-itIT.xml.in
+++ b/conf/i18n/common-itIT.xml.in
@@ -9,103 +9,103 @@
by {}
for {}
with a reason "{}"
No such alias. Use // to show the list.
Alias list:
you are now tempOP for this channel
Account name contains some invalid symbol!
Maximum password length allowed is {}
Trying to add account "{}" with password "{}"
Hash is: {}
Failed to create account!
Account {} created.
You must supply a username.
There's no account with username {}.
{} is already a Server Admin
{} has been promoted to a Server Admin
{} has promoted you to a Server Admin
{} is not a Server Admin.
{} has been demoted from a Server Admin
{} has demoted you from a Server Admin
Currently logged on Administrators:
Your game client doesn't support MessageBox.
\n\n***************************\nBy {}
Information from {}
for {}
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
Announcement from {}: {}
Could not broadcast message.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
You must be at least a Channel Admin to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
{} is already a Channel Admin
{} has been promoted to a Channel Admin
{} has promoted you to a Channel Admin for channel "{}"
You are now marked as being away.
You are no longer marked as away.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
That account doesn't currently exist.
You cannot ban administrators.
Audible notification on.
Channel Arranged Teams is a RESTRICTED Channel!
Max channel name length exceeded (max {} symbols)
Command disabled while inside a game.
Currently accessible channels:
All current channels:
Current channels of type {}
-----------name----------- users ----admin/operator----
Only admins may change passwords for other accounts.
Account does not exist.
Maximum password length allowed is {}
@@ -213,107 +213,107 @@
Trying to change password for account "{}" to "{}"
Unable to set password.
Message was sent to all currently available clan members.
All fellow members of your clan are currently offline.
Clan channel is opened up!
Clan channel has already been opened up!
Clan channel is closed!
Clan channel has already been closed!
Clan message of day is updated!
User {} was invited to your clan!
You are invited to {} by {}!
User {} is not online or is already member of clan!
This is one-way action! If you really want
to disband your clan, type /clan disband yes
Your clan was disbanded.
You have been invited to {}
You are now a clan member of {}
Clan {} was be created
You are no longer ivited to {}
You are already in clan "{}"
Clan with your specified <clantag> already exist!
Please choice another one.
Clan {} is created!
Clan {} is pre-created, please invite
at least {} players to your clan by using
/clan invite <username> command.
Invalid user.
@@ -325,55 +325,55 @@
{}'s command group(s): {}
Got bad group: {}
Groups {} has been added to {}
Groups {} has been deleted from {}
Got unknown command: {}
This command is only enabled for admins.
Current connections:
-class -tag -----name------ -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game-- ---------addr--------
Unknown option.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -389,43 +389,43 @@
You must be at least a Channel Admin to demote another Channel Admin
{} has been demoted from a Channel Admin.
{} has demoted you from a Channel Admin of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a Channel Operator
{} has demoted you from a Channel Operator of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a tempOP of this channel
{} has demoted you from a tmpOP of channel "{}"
{} is no Channel Admin or Channel Operator or tempOP, so you can't demote him.
{} has demoted you from a tempOP of channel "{}"
{} is no tempOP in this channel, so you can't demote him
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -441,43 +441,43 @@
{} has been removed from VOP list.
{} has removed you from VOP list of channel "{}"
You must be at least Channel Admin to remove {} from the VOP list
Voice has been taken from {} in this channel
{} has taken your Voice in channel "{}"
{} has no Voice in this channel, so it can't be taken away
Do Not Disturb mode engaged.
Not available
Do Not Disturb mode canceled.
-- name -- similar to {}
Invalid user.
@@ -485,179 +485,179 @@
Login: {} {} Sex: {}
Created: {}
Clan: {}
Rank: Chieftain
Rank: Shaman
Rank: Grunt
Rank: Peon
Location: {} Age: {}
Client: {} Ver: {} Country: {}
Last login {} from
On since {} from
Operator: {}, Admin: {}, Locked: {}, Muted: {}
Email: {}
Last login Owner: {}
Idle {}
Flags set to {}.
That user does not exist.
Server error.
You can't add yourself to your friends list.
You can only have a maximum of {} friends.
{} is already on your friends list!
Added {} to your friends list.
{} added you to his/her friends list.
All of your friends are offline.
{} was not found on your friends list.
Removed {} from your friends list.
Promoted {} in your friends list.
Demoted {} in your friends list.
Your {} - Friends List
Your {} - Online Friends List
, offline
using {}
, in game "{}"
, in game AT Preparation
, in channel "{}",
, is in AT Preparation
, is in a game
, is in a chat channel
End of Friends List
You are not in a game.
That game does not exist.
Name: {} ID: {} ({})
@@ -669,19 +669,19 @@
Owner: {}
Address: {}
Address: {} (trans {})
Client: {} (version {}, startver {})
Created: {}
@@ -689,99 +689,99 @@
Started: {}
Status: {}
Type: {}
Speed: {}
Difficulty: {}
Option: {}
Map: {}
Map Size: {}x{}
Map Tileset: {}
Map Type: {}
Players: {} current, {} total, {} max
Description: {}
Currently accessible games:
All current games:
Games in lobby:
Current games of type {}
Current games of type {} {}
------name------ p -status- --------type--------- count
Warning: That user is not online, using last known address.
Sorry, no IP address could be retrieved.
Scanning online users for IP {}...
There are no online users with that IP address
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -789,47 +789,47 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
That user is not logged in.
That user is not in this channel.
That connection doesn't exist.
That user is not logged in?
An admin has closed your connection and banned your IP address.
Connection closed by admin.
Operation successful.
That is not a valid session.
That session does not exist.
Connection closed by admin and banned your IP's.
Connection closed by admin.
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
Copied current scores to active scores on all ladders.
This game does not support win/loss records.
@@ -845,11 +845,11 @@
You must supply a rank and a valid program ID.
Example: /ladderinfo 1 STAR
Invalid user.
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
Account {} is now locked
Your account has just been locked
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -869,11 +869,11 @@
Banned users:
You are not in a channel.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -885,23 +885,23 @@
Unable to change channel flags.
Channel is now unmoderated.
Channel is now moderated.
Unable to open motd.
No motd.
Invalid user.
@@ -909,11 +909,11 @@
Account {} is now muted
Your account has just been muted
That user is not logged on.
@@ -921,39 +921,39 @@
Address information for other users is only available to admins.
Server TCP: {} (bind {})
Client TCP: {}
Client UDP: {}
Client UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: {}
Game UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: none
Audible notification off.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -969,31 +969,31 @@
{} is already a Channel Operator
{} has been promoted to a Channel Operator
{} has promoted you to a Channel Operator in channel "{}"
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
{} already is operator or admin, no need to tempOP him
{} has been promoted to a tempOP
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
You must supply a username.
@@ -1005,35 +1005,35 @@
{} is already a Server Operator
{} has been promoted to a Server Operator
{} has promoted you to a Server Operator
{} is no Server Operator, so you can't demote him
{} has been demoted from a Server Operator
{} latency: {}
Your latency {}
{} latency ()
Invalid user.
@@ -1041,35 +1041,35 @@
Connection closed.
Your quota allows you to write {} line(s) per {} second(s).
Long lines will be wrapped every {} characters.
You are not allowed to send lines with more than {} characters.
You must join a realm first
Announcement from {}@{}: {}
Invalid mode.
Rehash of "{}" is complete!
You are not in a channel.
@@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@
No one messaged you, use /m instead
Pending changes has been saved into the database.
That user is not logged on.
@@ -1089,27 +1089,27 @@
Banning {} who is using IP address {}
User's account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can unlock it!
/ipban a {}
You have been banned by Admin: {}
Your account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can UNLOCK it!
Access denied due to security reasons.
Invalid user.
@@ -1117,203 +1117,203 @@
Current value of {} is "{}"
Value currently not set
Unable to set key for
Key set successfully for
Invalid delay.
You've initialized the shutdown sequence.
You've canceled the shutdown sequence.
No such user.
You can't squelch yourself.
Could not squelch user.
{} has been squelched.
Invalid user.
Unable to determine client game.
This game does not support win/loss records.
You must supply a user name and a valid program ID.
Example: /stats joe STAR
{}'s record:
level: {}
class: {}
stats: {} str {} mag {} dex {} vit {} gld
Diablo kills: {}
Normal games: {}-{}-{}
Ladder games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
Ladder games: 0-0-0
IronMan games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
IronMan games: 0-0-0
{}'s Ladder Record's:
Users Solo Level: {}, Experience: {}
SOLO Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
SOLO Rank: {}
Users Team Level: {}, Experience: {}
TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
TEAM Rank: {}
Users FFA Level: {}, Experience: {}
FFA Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
FFA Rank: {}
Users AT Team No. {}
Users AT TEAM Level: {}, Experience: {}
AT TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
AT TEAM Rank: {}
There are currently {} user(s) in {} games of {}
There are currently {} users online, in {} games, and in {} channels.
Client tag set to {}.
Invalid clienttag {} specified
Server Time: {}
Your local time: {}
Invalid duration.
Your timer has expired.
Could not set timer.
Timer set for {} second(s)
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tmpOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
{} has already tmpOP in this channel
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
{} has been promoted to tmpOP in this channel
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
@@ -1353,19 +1353,19 @@
Max topic length exceeded (max {} symbols)
You must be at least a Channel Operator of {} to set the topic
{} topic: no topic
Unable to send TOS (Terms of Service).
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1373,15 +1373,15 @@
You are not a channel operator.
That user is not banned.
{} is no longer banned from this channel.
Invalid user.
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@
Your account has just been unlocked by {}
That user's account is now unlocked.
Invalid user.
@@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@
Your account has just been unmuted by {}
That user's account is now unmuted.
No such user.
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@
User was not being ignored.
No longer ignoring.
That user does not exist.
@@ -1425,11 +1425,11 @@
Removal from watch list failed.
User {} removed from your watch list.
Removal from watch list failed.
@@ -1437,15 +1437,15 @@
All {} users removed from your watch list.
All users removed from your watch list.
Uptime: {}
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1461,27 +1461,27 @@
{} is already on VOP list, no need to Voice him
{} must be on the same channel to voice him
{} already has Voice in this channel
{} is already an operator or admin.
{} has been granted Voice in this channel
{} has granted you Voice in this channel
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1497,15 +1497,15 @@
{} is already on VOP list
{} has been added to the VOP list
{} has added you to the VOP list of channel "{}"
That user does not exist.
@@ -1513,11 +1513,11 @@
Add to watch list failed.
User {} added to your watch list.
Add to watch list failed.
@@ -1525,39 +1525,39 @@
All {} users added to your watch list.
All users added to your watch list.
That channel does not exist.
(If you are trying to search for a user, use the /whois command.)
You are banned from that channel.
Users in channel {}:
Unable to obtain your account name.
(invalid date)
Reset {}'s {} stats
Reset {}'s {} stats
@@ -1569,39 +1569,39 @@
You cannot kick administrators.
You cannot kick operators.
{} has been kicked by {} ({}).
{} has been kicked by {}.
You cannot ban operators.
Unable to ban {}.
{} has been banned by {} ({}).
{} has been banned by {}.
Password for account {} updated.
Hash is: {}
@@ -1609,83 +1609,83 @@
Your account has been muted, you can't whisper to other users.
That user is not logged on.
{} is unavailable ({})
{} is away ({})
Unknown user.
User was last seen on: {}
User is offline
{} {} using {} and {} currently in {} game "{}".
{} {} using {} and {} currently in channel "{}".
{} {} using {}.
{} {} refusing messages ({})
{} away ({})
You are sending commands to {} too quickly and risk being disconnected for flooding. Please slow down.
This command has been deactivated
This command is reserved for admins.
Unknown command.
This account has been locked
This account has been locked
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
Oops ! There is a problem with the help file. Please contact the administrator of the server.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1701,75 +1701,75 @@
This command can only be used from the game.
Bad icon.
{} banned permamently by {}.
{} banned permamently.
{} banned for {} by {}.
{} banned for {}.
Banning only for: {} minutes.
This server has NO mail support.
Please specify which message to delete. Use the following syntax: /mail delete {<index>|all} .
Successfully deleted messages.
Invalid index. Please use /mail delete {<index>|all} where <index> is a number.
Succesfully deleted message.
You have no mail.
There was an error completing your request.
Receiver UNKNOWN!
Receiver has reached his mail quota. Your message will NOT be sent.
Your mail has been sent successfully.
There was an error completing your request!
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
@@ -1781,31 +1781,31 @@
Quiz has already ran in channel "{}". Use /quiz stop to force finish.
Available Quiz dictionaries:
Quiz is not running.
{}'s Quiz record:
{} has never played Quiz.
Top {} Quiz records:
This command is reserved for admins.
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
User "{}" is offline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/i18n/common-jaJA.xml.in b/conf/i18n/common-jaJA.xml.in
index f4ba62c29..e18275b73 100644
--- a/conf/i18n/common-jaJA.xml.in
+++ b/conf/i18n/common-jaJA.xml.in
@@ -9,103 +9,103 @@
by {}
for {}
with a reason "{}"
No such alias. Use // to show the list.
Alias list:
you are now tempOP for this channel
Account name contains some invalid symbol!
Maximum password length allowed is {}
Trying to add account "{}" with password "{}"
Hash is: {}
Failed to create account!
Account {} created.
You must supply a username.
There's no account with username {}.
{} is already a Server Admin
{} has been promoted to a Server Admin
{} has promoted you to a Server Admin
{} is not a Server Admin.
{} has been demoted from a Server Admin
{} has demoted you from a Server Admin
Currently logged on Administrators:
Your game client doesn't support MessageBox.
\n\n***************************\nBy {}
Information from {}
for {}
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
Announcement from {}: {}
Could not broadcast message.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
You must be at least a Channel Admin to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
{} is already a Channel Admin
{} has been promoted to a Channel Admin
{} has promoted you to a Channel Admin for channel "{}"
You are now marked as being away.
You are no longer marked as away.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
That account doesn't currently exist.
You cannot ban administrators.
Audible notification on.
Channel Arranged Teams is a RESTRICTED Channel!
Max channel name length exceeded (max {} symbols)
Command disabled while inside a game.
Currently accessible channels:
All current channels:
Current channels of type {}
-----------name----------- users ----admin/operator----
Only admins may change passwords for other accounts.
Account does not exist.
Maximum password length allowed is {}
@@ -213,107 +213,107 @@
Trying to change password for account "{}" to "{}"
Unable to set password.
Message was sent to all currently available clan members.
All fellow members of your clan are currently offline.
Clan channel is opened up!
Clan channel has already been opened up!
Clan channel is closed!
Clan channel has already been closed!
Clan message of day is updated!
User {} was invited to your clan!
You are invited to {} by {}!
User {} is not online or is already member of clan!
This is one-way action! If you really want
to disband your clan, type /clan disband yes
Your clan was disbanded.
You have been invited to {}
You are now a clan member of {}
Clan {} was be created
You are no longer ivited to {}
You are already in clan "{}"
Clan with your specified <clantag> already exist!
Please choice another one.
Clan {} is created!
Clan {} is pre-created, please invite
at least {} players to your clan by using
/clan invite <username> command.
Invalid user.
@@ -325,55 +325,55 @@
{}'s command group(s): {}
Got bad group: {}
Groups {} has been added to {}
Groups {} has been deleted from {}
Got unknown command: {}
This command is only enabled for admins.
Current connections:
-class -tag -----name------ -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game-- ---------addr--------
Unknown option.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -389,43 +389,43 @@
You must be at least a Channel Admin to demote another Channel Admin
{} has been demoted from a Channel Admin.
{} has demoted you from a Channel Admin of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a Channel Operator
{} has demoted you from a Channel Operator of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a tempOP of this channel
{} has demoted you from a tmpOP of channel "{}"
{} is no Channel Admin or Channel Operator or tempOP, so you can't demote him.
{} has demoted you from a tempOP of channel "{}"
{} is no tempOP in this channel, so you can't demote him
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -441,43 +441,43 @@
{} has been removed from VOP list.
{} has removed you from VOP list of channel "{}"
You must be at least Channel Admin to remove {} from the VOP list
Voice has been taken from {} in this channel
{} has taken your Voice in channel "{}"
{} has no Voice in this channel, so it can't be taken away
Do Not Disturb mode engaged.
Not available
Do Not Disturb mode canceled.
-- name -- similar to {}
Invalid user.
@@ -485,179 +485,179 @@
Login: {} {} Sex: {}
Created: {}
Clan: {}
Rank: Chieftain
Rank: Shaman
Rank: Grunt
Rank: Peon
Location: {} Age: {}
Client: {} Ver: {} Country: {}
Last login {} from
On since {} from
Operator: {}, Admin: {}, Locked: {}, Muted: {}
Email: {}
Last login Owner: {}
Idle {}
Flags set to {}.
That user does not exist.
Server error.
You can't add yourself to your friends list.
You can only have a maximum of {} friends.
{} is already on your friends list!
Added {} to your friends list.
{} added you to his/her friends list.
All of your friends are offline.
{} was not found on your friends list.
Removed {} from your friends list.
Promoted {} in your friends list.
Demoted {} in your friends list.
Your {} - Friends List
Your {} - Online Friends List
, offline
using {}
, in game "{}"
, in game AT Preparation
, in channel "{}",
, is in AT Preparation
, is in a game
, is in a chat channel
End of Friends List
You are not in a game.
That game does not exist.
Name: {} ID: {} ({})
@@ -669,19 +669,19 @@
Owner: {}
Address: {}
Address: {} (trans {})
Client: {} (version {}, startver {})
Created: {}
@@ -689,99 +689,99 @@
Started: {}
Status: {}
Type: {}
Speed: {}
Difficulty: {}
Option: {}
Map: {}
Map Size: {}x{}
Map Tileset: {}
Map Type: {}
Players: {} current, {} total, {} max
Description: {}
Currently accessible games:
All current games:
Games in lobby:
Current games of type {}
Current games of type {} {}
------name------ p -status- --------type--------- count
Warning: That user is not online, using last known address.
Sorry, no IP address could be retrieved.
Scanning online users for IP {}...
There are no online users with that IP address
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -789,47 +789,47 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
That user is not logged in.
That user is not in this channel.
That connection doesn't exist.
That user is not logged in?
An admin has closed your connection and banned your IP address.
Connection closed by admin.
Operation successful.
That is not a valid session.
That session does not exist.
Connection closed by admin and banned your IP's.
Connection closed by admin.
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
Copied current scores to active scores on all ladders.
This game does not support win/loss records.
@@ -845,11 +845,11 @@
You must supply a rank and a valid program ID.
Example: /ladderinfo 1 STAR
Invalid user.
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
Account {} is now locked
Your account has just been locked
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -869,11 +869,11 @@
Banned users:
You are not in a channel.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -885,23 +885,23 @@
Unable to change channel flags.
Channel is now unmoderated.
Channel is now moderated.
Unable to open motd.
No motd.
Invalid user.
@@ -909,11 +909,11 @@
Account {} is now muted
Your account has just been muted
That user is not logged on.
@@ -921,39 +921,39 @@
Address information for other users is only available to admins.
Server TCP: {} (bind {})
Client TCP: {}
Client UDP: {}
Client UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: {}
Game UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: none
Audible notification off.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -969,31 +969,31 @@
{} is already a Channel Operator
{} has been promoted to a Channel Operator
{} has promoted you to a Channel Operator in channel "{}"
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
{} already is operator or admin, no need to tempOP him
{} has been promoted to a tempOP
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
You must supply a username.
@@ -1005,35 +1005,35 @@
{} is already a Server Operator
{} has been promoted to a Server Operator
{} has promoted you to a Server Operator
{} is no Server Operator, so you can't demote him
{} has been demoted from a Server Operator
{} latency: {}
Your latency {}
{} latency ()
Invalid user.
@@ -1041,35 +1041,35 @@
Connection closed.
Your quota allows you to write {} line(s) per {} second(s).
Long lines will be wrapped every {} characters.
You are not allowed to send lines with more than {} characters.
You must join a realm first
Announcement from {}@{}: {}
Invalid mode.
Rehash of "{}" is complete!
You are not in a channel.
@@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@
No one messaged you, use /m instead
Pending changes has been saved into the database.
That user is not logged on.
@@ -1089,27 +1089,27 @@
Banning {} who is using IP address {}
User's account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can unlock it!
/ipban a {}
You have been banned by Admin: {}
Your account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can UNLOCK it!
Access denied due to security reasons.
Invalid user.
@@ -1117,203 +1117,203 @@
Current value of {} is "{}"
Value currently not set
Unable to set key for
Key set successfully for
Invalid delay.
You've initialized the shutdown sequence.
You've canceled the shutdown sequence.
No such user.
You can't squelch yourself.
Could not squelch user.
{} has been squelched.
Invalid user.
Unable to determine client game.
This game does not support win/loss records.
You must supply a user name and a valid program ID.
Example: /stats joe STAR
{}'s record:
level: {}
class: {}
stats: {} str {} mag {} dex {} vit {} gld
Diablo kills: {}
Normal games: {}-{}-{}
Ladder games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
Ladder games: 0-0-0
IronMan games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
IronMan games: 0-0-0
{}'s Ladder Record's:
Users Solo Level: {}, Experience: {}
SOLO Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
SOLO Rank: {}
Users Team Level: {}, Experience: {}
TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
TEAM Rank: {}
Users FFA Level: {}, Experience: {}
FFA Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
FFA Rank: {}
Users AT Team No. {}
Users AT TEAM Level: {}, Experience: {}
AT TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
AT TEAM Rank: {}
There are currently {} user(s) in {} games of {}
There are currently {} users online, in {} games, and in {} channels.
Client tag set to {}.
Invalid clienttag {} specified
Server Time: {}
Your local time: {}
Invalid duration.
Your timer has expired.
Could not set timer.
Timer set for {} second(s)
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tmpOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
{} has already tmpOP in this channel
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
{} has been promoted to tmpOP in this channel
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
@@ -1353,19 +1353,19 @@
Max topic length exceeded (max {} symbols)
You must be at least a Channel Operator of {} to set the topic
{} topic: no topic
Unable to send TOS (Terms of Service).
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1373,15 +1373,15 @@
You are not a channel operator.
That user is not banned.
{} is no longer banned from this channel.
Invalid user.
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@
Your account has just been unlocked by {}
That user's account is now unlocked.
Invalid user.
@@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@
Your account has just been unmuted by {}
That user's account is now unmuted.
No such user.
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@
User was not being ignored.
No longer ignoring.
That user does not exist.
@@ -1425,11 +1425,11 @@
Removal from watch list failed.
User {} removed from your watch list.
Removal from watch list failed.
@@ -1437,15 +1437,15 @@
All {} users removed from your watch list.
All users removed from your watch list.
Uptime: {}
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1461,27 +1461,27 @@
{} is already on VOP list, no need to Voice him
{} must be on the same channel to voice him
{} already has Voice in this channel
{} is already an operator or admin.
{} has been granted Voice in this channel
{} has granted you Voice in this channel
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1497,15 +1497,15 @@
{} is already on VOP list
{} has been added to the VOP list
{} has added you to the VOP list of channel "{}"
That user does not exist.
@@ -1513,11 +1513,11 @@
Add to watch list failed.
User {} added to your watch list.
Add to watch list failed.
@@ -1525,39 +1525,39 @@
All {} users added to your watch list.
All users added to your watch list.
That channel does not exist.
(If you are trying to search for a user, use the /whois command.)
You are banned from that channel.
Users in channel {}:
Unable to obtain your account name.
(invalid date)
Reset {}'s {} stats
Reset {}'s {} stats
@@ -1569,39 +1569,39 @@
You cannot kick administrators.
You cannot kick operators.
{} has been kicked by {} ({}).
{} has been kicked by {}.
You cannot ban operators.
Unable to ban {}.
{} has been banned by {} ({}).
{} has been banned by {}.
Password for account {} updated.
Hash is: {}
@@ -1609,83 +1609,83 @@
Your account has been muted, you can't whisper to other users.
That user is not logged on.
{} is unavailable ({})
{} is away ({})
Unknown user.
User was last seen on: {}
User is offline
{} {} using {} and {} currently in {} game "{}".
{} {} using {} and {} currently in channel "{}".
{} {} using {}.
{} {} refusing messages ({})
{} away ({})
You are sending commands to {} too quickly and risk being disconnected for flooding. Please slow down.
This command has been deactivated
This command is reserved for admins.
Unknown command.
This account has been locked
This account has been locked
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
Oops ! There is a problem with the help file. Please contact the administrator of the server.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1701,75 +1701,75 @@
This command can only be used from the game.
Bad icon.
{} banned permamently by {}.
{} banned permamently.
{} banned for {} by {}.
{} banned for {}.
Banning only for: {} minutes.
This server has NO mail support.
Please specify which message to delete. Use the following syntax: /mail delete {<index>|all} .
Successfully deleted messages.
Invalid index. Please use /mail delete {<index>|all} where <index> is a number.
Succesfully deleted message.
You have no mail.
There was an error completing your request.
Receiver UNKNOWN!
Receiver has reached his mail quota. Your message will NOT be sent.
Your mail has been sent successfully.
There was an error completing your request!
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
@@ -1781,31 +1781,31 @@
Quiz has already ran in channel "{}". Use /quiz stop to force finish.
Available Quiz dictionaries:
Quiz is not running.
{}'s Quiz record:
{} has never played Quiz.
Top {} Quiz records:
This command is reserved for admins.
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
User "{}" is offline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/i18n/common-koKR.xml.in b/conf/i18n/common-koKR.xml.in
index 9a984ab95..5d4ce7110 100644
--- a/conf/i18n/common-koKR.xml.in
+++ b/conf/i18n/common-koKR.xml.in
@@ -9,103 +9,103 @@
by {}
for {}
with a reason "{}"
No such alias. Use // to show the list.
Alias list:
you are now tempOP for this channel
Account name contains some invalid symbol!
Maximum password length allowed is {}
Trying to add account "{}" with password "{}"
Hash is: {}
Failed to create account!
Account {} created.
You must supply a username.
There's no account with username {}.
{} is already a Server Admin
{} has been promoted to a Server Admin
{} has promoted you to a Server Admin
{} is not a Server Admin.
{} has been demoted from a Server Admin
{} has demoted you from a Server Admin
Currently logged on Administrators:
Your game client doesn't support MessageBox.
\n\n***************************\nBy {}
Information from {}
for {}
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
Announcement from {}: {}
Could not broadcast message.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
You must be at least a Channel Admin to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
{} is already a Channel Admin
{} has been promoted to a Channel Admin
{} has promoted you to a Channel Admin for channel "{}"
You are now marked as being away.
You are no longer marked as away.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
That account doesn't currently exist.
You cannot ban administrators.
Audible notification on.
Channel Arranged Teams is a RESTRICTED Channel!
Max channel name length exceeded (max {} symbols)
Command disabled while inside a game.
Currently accessible channels:
All current channels:
Current channels of type {}
-----------name----------- users ----admin/operator----
Only admins may change passwords for other accounts.
Account does not exist.
Maximum password length allowed is {}
@@ -213,107 +213,107 @@
Trying to change password for account "{}" to "{}"
Unable to set password.
Message was sent to all currently available clan members.
All fellow members of your clan are currently offline.
Clan channel is opened up!
Clan channel has already been opened up!
Clan channel is closed!
Clan channel has already been closed!
Clan message of day is updated!
User {} was invited to your clan!
You are invited to {} by {}!
User {} is not online or is already member of clan!
This is one-way action! If you really want
to disband your clan, type /clan disband yes
Your clan was disbanded.
You have been invited to {}
You are now a clan member of {}
Clan {} was be created
You are no longer ivited to {}
You are already in clan "{}"
Clan with your specified <clantag> already exist!
Please choice another one.
Clan {} is created!
Clan {} is pre-created, please invite
at least {} players to your clan by using
/clan invite <username> command.
Invalid user.
@@ -325,55 +325,55 @@
{}'s command group(s): {}
Got bad group: {}
Groups {} has been added to {}
Groups {} has been deleted from {}
Got unknown command: {}
This command is only enabled for admins.
Current connections:
-class -tag -----name------ -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game-- ---------addr--------
Unknown option.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -389,43 +389,43 @@
You must be at least a Channel Admin to demote another Channel Admin
{} has been demoted from a Channel Admin.
{} has demoted you from a Channel Admin of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a Channel Operator
{} has demoted you from a Channel Operator of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a tempOP of this channel
{} has demoted you from a tmpOP of channel "{}"
{} is no Channel Admin or Channel Operator or tempOP, so you can't demote him.
{} has demoted you from a tempOP of channel "{}"
{} is no tempOP in this channel, so you can't demote him
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -441,43 +441,43 @@
{} has been removed from VOP list.
{} has removed you from VOP list of channel "{}"
You must be at least Channel Admin to remove {} from the VOP list
Voice has been taken from {} in this channel
{} has taken your Voice in channel "{}"
{} has no Voice in this channel, so it can't be taken away
Do Not Disturb mode engaged.
Not available
Do Not Disturb mode canceled.
-- name -- similar to {}
Invalid user.
@@ -485,179 +485,179 @@
Login: {} {} Sex: {}
Created: {}
Clan: {}
Rank: Chieftain
Rank: Shaman
Rank: Grunt
Rank: Peon
Location: {} Age: {}
Client: {} Ver: {} Country: {}
Last login {} from
On since {} from
Operator: {}, Admin: {}, Locked: {}, Muted: {}
Email: {}
Last login Owner: {}
Idle {}
Flags set to {}.
That user does not exist.
Server error.
You can't add yourself to your friends list.
You can only have a maximum of {} friends.
{} is already on your friends list!
Added {} to your friends list.
{} added you to his/her friends list.
All of your friends are offline.
{} was not found on your friends list.
Removed {} from your friends list.
Promoted {} in your friends list.
Demoted {} in your friends list.
Your {} - Friends List
Your {} - Online Friends List
, offline
using {}
, in game "{}"
, in game AT Preparation
, in channel "{}",
, is in AT Preparation
, is in a game
, is in a chat channel
End of Friends List
You are not in a game.
That game does not exist.
Name: {} ID: {} ({})
@@ -669,19 +669,19 @@
Owner: {}
Address: {}
Address: {} (trans {})
Client: {} (version {}, startver {})
Created: {}
@@ -689,99 +689,99 @@
Started: {}
Status: {}
Type: {}
Speed: {}
Difficulty: {}
Option: {}
Map: {}
Map Size: {}x{}
Map Tileset: {}
Map Type: {}
Players: {} current, {} total, {} max
Description: {}
Currently accessible games:
All current games:
Games in lobby:
Current games of type {}
Current games of type {} {}
------name------ p -status- --------type--------- count
Warning: That user is not online, using last known address.
Sorry, no IP address could be retrieved.
Scanning online users for IP {}...
There are no online users with that IP address
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -789,47 +789,47 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
That user is not logged in.
That user is not in this channel.
That connection doesn't exist.
That user is not logged in?
An admin has closed your connection and banned your IP address.
Connection closed by admin.
Operation successful.
That is not a valid session.
That session does not exist.
Connection closed by admin and banned your IP's.
Connection closed by admin.
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
Copied current scores to active scores on all ladders.
This game does not support win/loss records.
@@ -845,11 +845,11 @@
You must supply a rank and a valid program ID.
Example: /ladderinfo 1 STAR
Invalid user.
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
Account {} is now locked
Your account has just been locked
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -869,11 +869,11 @@
Banned users:
You are not in a channel.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -885,23 +885,23 @@
Unable to change channel flags.
Channel is now unmoderated.
Channel is now moderated.
Unable to open motd.
No motd.
Invalid user.
@@ -909,11 +909,11 @@
Account {} is now muted
Your account has just been muted
That user is not logged on.
@@ -921,39 +921,39 @@
Address information for other users is only available to admins.
Server TCP: {} (bind {})
Client TCP: {}
Client UDP: {}
Client UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: {}
Game UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: none
Audible notification off.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -969,31 +969,31 @@
{} is already a Channel Operator
{} has been promoted to a Channel Operator
{} has promoted you to a Channel Operator in channel "{}"
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
{} already is operator or admin, no need to tempOP him
{} has been promoted to a tempOP
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
You must supply a username.
@@ -1005,35 +1005,35 @@
{} is already a Server Operator
{} has been promoted to a Server Operator
{} has promoted you to a Server Operator
{} is no Server Operator, so you can't demote him
{} has been demoted from a Server Operator
{} latency: {}
Your latency {}
{} latency ()
Invalid user.
@@ -1041,35 +1041,35 @@
Connection closed.
Your quota allows you to write {} line(s) per {} second(s).
Long lines will be wrapped every {} characters.
You are not allowed to send lines with more than {} characters.
You must join a realm first
Announcement from {}@{}: {}
Invalid mode.
Rehash of "{}" is complete!
You are not in a channel.
@@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@
No one messaged you, use /m instead
Pending changes has been saved into the database.
That user is not logged on.
@@ -1089,27 +1089,27 @@
Banning {} who is using IP address {}
User's account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can unlock it!
/ipban a {}
You have been banned by Admin: {}
Your account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can UNLOCK it!
Access denied due to security reasons.
Invalid user.
@@ -1117,203 +1117,203 @@
Current value of {} is "{}"
Value currently not set
Unable to set key for
Key set successfully for
Invalid delay.
You've initialized the shutdown sequence.
You've canceled the shutdown sequence.
No such user.
You can't squelch yourself.
Could not squelch user.
{} has been squelched.
Invalid user.
Unable to determine client game.
This game does not support win/loss records.
You must supply a user name and a valid program ID.
Example: /stats joe STAR
{}'s record:
level: {}
class: {}
stats: {} str {} mag {} dex {} vit {} gld
Diablo kills: {}
Normal games: {}-{}-{}
Ladder games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
Ladder games: 0-0-0
IronMan games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
IronMan games: 0-0-0
{}'s Ladder Record's:
Users Solo Level: {}, Experience: {}
SOLO Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
SOLO Rank: {}
Users Team Level: {}, Experience: {}
TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
TEAM Rank: {}
Users FFA Level: {}, Experience: {}
FFA Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
FFA Rank: {}
Users AT Team No. {}
Users AT TEAM Level: {}, Experience: {}
AT TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
AT TEAM Rank: {}
There are currently {} user(s) in {} games of {}
There are currently {} users online, in {} games, and in {} channels.
Client tag set to {}.
Invalid clienttag {} specified
Server Time: {}
Your local time: {}
Invalid duration.
Your timer has expired.
Could not set timer.
Timer set for {} second(s)
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tmpOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
{} has already tmpOP in this channel
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
{} has been promoted to tmpOP in this channel
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
@@ -1353,19 +1353,19 @@
Max topic length exceeded (max {} symbols)
You must be at least a Channel Operator of {} to set the topic
{} topic: no topic
Unable to send TOS (Terms of Service).
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1373,15 +1373,15 @@
You are not a channel operator.
That user is not banned.
{} is no longer banned from this channel.
Invalid user.
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@
Your account has just been unlocked by {}
That user's account is now unlocked.
Invalid user.
@@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@
Your account has just been unmuted by {}
That user's account is now unmuted.
No such user.
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@
User was not being ignored.
No longer ignoring.
That user does not exist.
@@ -1425,11 +1425,11 @@
Removal from watch list failed.
User {} removed from your watch list.
Removal from watch list failed.
@@ -1437,15 +1437,15 @@
All {} users removed from your watch list.
All users removed from your watch list.
Uptime: {}
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1461,27 +1461,27 @@
{} is already on VOP list, no need to Voice him
{} must be on the same channel to voice him
{} already has Voice in this channel
{} is already an operator or admin.
{} has been granted Voice in this channel
{} has granted you Voice in this channel
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1497,15 +1497,15 @@
{} is already on VOP list
{} has been added to the VOP list
{} has added you to the VOP list of channel "{}"
That user does not exist.
@@ -1513,11 +1513,11 @@
Add to watch list failed.
User {} added to your watch list.
Add to watch list failed.
@@ -1525,39 +1525,39 @@
All {} users added to your watch list.
All users added to your watch list.
That channel does not exist.
(If you are trying to search for a user, use the /whois command.)
You are banned from that channel.
Users in channel {}:
Unable to obtain your account name.
(invalid date)
Reset {}'s {} stats
Reset {}'s {} stats
@@ -1569,39 +1569,39 @@
You cannot kick administrators.
You cannot kick operators.
{} has been kicked by {} ({}).
{} has been kicked by {}.
You cannot ban operators.
Unable to ban {}.
{} has been banned by {} ({}).
{} has been banned by {}.
Password for account {} updated.
Hash is: {}
@@ -1609,83 +1609,83 @@
Your account has been muted, you can't whisper to other users.
That user is not logged on.
{} is unavailable ({})
{} is away ({})
Unknown user.
User was last seen on: {}
User is offline
{} {} using {} and {} currently in {} game "{}".
{} {} using {} and {} currently in channel "{}".
{} {} using {}.
{} {} refusing messages ({})
{} away ({})
You are sending commands to {} too quickly and risk being disconnected for flooding. Please slow down.
This command has been deactivated
This command is reserved for admins.
Unknown command.
This account has been locked
This account has been locked
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
Oops ! There is a problem with the help file. Please contact the administrator of the server.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1701,75 +1701,75 @@
This command can only be used from the game.
Bad icon.
{} banned permamently by {}.
{} banned permamently.
{} banned for {} by {}.
{} banned for {}.
Banning only for: {} minutes.
This server has NO mail support.
Please specify which message to delete. Use the following syntax: /mail delete {<index>|all} .
Successfully deleted messages.
Invalid index. Please use /mail delete {<index>|all} where <index> is a number.
Succesfully deleted message.
You have no mail.
There was an error completing your request.
Receiver UNKNOWN!
Receiver has reached his mail quota. Your message will NOT be sent.
Your mail has been sent successfully.
There was an error completing your request!
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
@@ -1781,31 +1781,31 @@
Quiz has already ran in channel "{}". Use /quiz stop to force finish.
Available Quiz dictionaries:
Quiz is not running.
{}'s Quiz record:
{} has never played Quiz.
Top {} Quiz records:
This command is reserved for admins.
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
User "{}" is offline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/i18n/common-plPL.xml.in b/conf/i18n/common-plPL.xml.in
index a9b5fd7ad..a356ad1b1 100644
--- a/conf/i18n/common-plPL.xml.in
+++ b/conf/i18n/common-plPL.xml.in
@@ -9,103 +9,103 @@
by {}
for {}
with a reason "{}"
No such alias. Use // to show the list.
Alias list:
you are now tempOP for this channel
Account name contains some invalid symbol!
Maximum password length allowed is {}
Trying to add account "{}" with password "{}"
Hash is: {}
Failed to create account!
Account {} created.
You must supply a username.
There's no account with username {}.
{} is already a Server Admin
{} has been promoted to a Server Admin
{} has promoted you to a Server Admin
{} is not a Server Admin.
{} has been demoted from a Server Admin
{} has demoted you from a Server Admin
Currently logged on Administrators:
Your game client doesn't support MessageBox.
\n\n***************************\nBy {}
Information from {}
for {}
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
Announcement from {}: {}
Could not broadcast message.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
You must be at least a Channel Admin to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
{} is already a Channel Admin
{} has been promoted to a Channel Admin
{} has promoted you to a Channel Admin for channel "{}"
You are now marked as being away.
You are no longer marked as away.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
That account doesn't currently exist.
You cannot ban administrators.
Audible notification on.
Channel Arranged Teams is a RESTRICTED Channel!
Max channel name length exceeded (max {} symbols)
Command disabled while inside a game.
Currently accessible channels:
All current channels:
Current channels of type {}
-----------name----------- users ----admin/operator----
Only admins may change passwords for other accounts.
Account does not exist.
Maximum password length allowed is {}
@@ -213,107 +213,107 @@
Trying to change password for account "{}" to "{}"
Unable to set password.
Message was sent to all currently available clan members.
All fellow members of your clan are currently offline.
Clan channel is opened up!
Clan channel has already been opened up!
Clan channel is closed!
Clan channel has already been closed!
Clan message of day is updated!
User {} was invited to your clan!
You are invited to {} by {}!
User {} is not online or is already member of clan!
This is one-way action! If you really want
to disband your clan, type /clan disband yes
Your clan was disbanded.
You have been invited to {}
You are now a clan member of {}
Clan {} was be created
You are no longer ivited to {}
You are already in clan "{}"
Clan with your specified <clantag> already exist!
Please choice another one.
Clan {} is created!
Clan {} is pre-created, please invite
at least {} players to your clan by using
/clan invite <username> command.
Invalid user.
@@ -325,55 +325,55 @@
{}'s command group(s): {}
Got bad group: {}
Groups {} has been added to {}
Groups {} has been deleted from {}
Got unknown command: {}
This command is only enabled for admins.
Current connections:
-class -tag -----name------ -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game-- ---------addr--------
Unknown option.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -389,43 +389,43 @@
You must be at least a Channel Admin to demote another Channel Admin
{} has been demoted from a Channel Admin.
{} has demoted you from a Channel Admin of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a Channel Operator
{} has demoted you from a Channel Operator of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a tempOP of this channel
{} has demoted you from a tmpOP of channel "{}"
{} is no Channel Admin or Channel Operator or tempOP, so you can't demote him.
{} has demoted you from a tempOP of channel "{}"
{} is no tempOP in this channel, so you can't demote him
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -441,43 +441,43 @@
{} has been removed from VOP list.
{} has removed you from VOP list of channel "{}"
You must be at least Channel Admin to remove {} from the VOP list
Voice has been taken from {} in this channel
{} has taken your Voice in channel "{}"
{} has no Voice in this channel, so it can't be taken away
Do Not Disturb mode engaged.
Not available
Do Not Disturb mode canceled.
-- name -- similar to {}
Invalid user.
@@ -485,179 +485,179 @@
Login: {} {} Sex: {}
Created: {}
Clan: {}
Rank: Chieftain
Rank: Shaman
Rank: Grunt
Rank: Peon
Location: {} Age: {}
Client: {} Ver: {} Country: {}
Last login {} from
On since {} from
Operator: {}, Admin: {}, Locked: {}, Muted: {}
Email: {}
Last login Owner: {}
Idle {}
Flags set to {}.
That user does not exist.
Server error.
You can't add yourself to your friends list.
You can only have a maximum of {} friends.
{} is already on your friends list!
Added {} to your friends list.
{} added you to his/her friends list.
All of your friends are offline.
{} was not found on your friends list.
Removed {} from your friends list.
Promoted {} in your friends list.
Demoted {} in your friends list.
Your {} - Friends List
Your {} - Online Friends List
, offline
using {}
, in game "{}"
, in game AT Preparation
, in channel "{}",
, is in AT Preparation
, is in a game
, is in a chat channel
End of Friends List
You are not in a game.
That game does not exist.
Name: {} ID: {} ({})
@@ -669,19 +669,19 @@
Owner: {}
Address: {}
Address: {} (trans {})
Client: {} (version {}, startver {})
Created: {}
@@ -689,99 +689,99 @@
Started: {}
Status: {}
Type: {}
Speed: {}
Difficulty: {}
Option: {}
Map: {}
Map Size: {}x{}
Map Tileset: {}
Map Type: {}
Players: {} current, {} total, {} max
Description: {}
Currently accessible games:
All current games:
Games in lobby:
Current games of type {}
Current games of type {} {}
------name------ p -status- --------type--------- count
Warning: That user is not online, using last known address.
Sorry, no IP address could be retrieved.
Scanning online users for IP {}...
There are no online users with that IP address
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -789,47 +789,47 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
That user is not logged in.
That user is not in this channel.
That connection doesn't exist.
That user is not logged in?
An admin has closed your connection and banned your IP address.
Connection closed by admin.
Operation successful.
That is not a valid session.
That session does not exist.
Connection closed by admin and banned your IP's.
Connection closed by admin.
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
Copied current scores to active scores on all ladders.
This game does not support win/loss records.
@@ -845,11 +845,11 @@
You must supply a rank and a valid program ID.
Example: /ladderinfo 1 STAR
Invalid user.
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
Account {} is now locked
Your account has just been locked
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -869,11 +869,11 @@
Banned users:
You are not in a channel.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -885,23 +885,23 @@
Unable to change channel flags.
Channel is now unmoderated.
Channel is now moderated.
Unable to open motd.
No motd.
Invalid user.
@@ -909,11 +909,11 @@
Account {} is now muted
Your account has just been muted
That user is not logged on.
@@ -921,39 +921,39 @@
Address information for other users is only available to admins.
Server TCP: {} (bind {})
Client TCP: {}
Client UDP: {}
Client UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: {}
Game UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: none
Audible notification off.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -969,31 +969,31 @@
{} is already a Channel Operator
{} has been promoted to a Channel Operator
{} has promoted you to a Channel Operator in channel "{}"
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
{} already is operator or admin, no need to tempOP him
{} has been promoted to a tempOP
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
You must supply a username.
@@ -1005,35 +1005,35 @@
{} is already a Server Operator
{} has been promoted to a Server Operator
{} has promoted you to a Server Operator
{} is no Server Operator, so you can't demote him
{} has been demoted from a Server Operator
{} latency: {}
Your latency {}
{} latency ()
Invalid user.
@@ -1041,35 +1041,35 @@
Connection closed.
Your quota allows you to write {} line(s) per {} second(s).
Long lines will be wrapped every {} characters.
You are not allowed to send lines with more than {} characters.
You must join a realm first
Announcement from {}@{}: {}
Invalid mode.
Rehash of "{}" is complete!
You are not in a channel.
@@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@
No one messaged you, use /m instead
Pending changes has been saved into the database.
That user is not logged on.
@@ -1089,27 +1089,27 @@
Banning {} who is using IP address {}
User's account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can unlock it!
/ipban a {}
You have been banned by Admin: {}
Your account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can UNLOCK it!
Access denied due to security reasons.
Invalid user.
@@ -1117,203 +1117,203 @@
Current value of {} is "{}"
Value currently not set
Unable to set key for
Key set successfully for
Invalid delay.
You've initialized the shutdown sequence.
You've canceled the shutdown sequence.
No such user.
You can't squelch yourself.
Could not squelch user.
{} has been squelched.
Invalid user.
Unable to determine client game.
This game does not support win/loss records.
You must supply a user name and a valid program ID.
Example: /stats joe STAR
{}'s record:
level: {}
class: {}
stats: {} str {} mag {} dex {} vit {} gld
Diablo kills: {}
Normal games: {}-{}-{}
Ladder games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
Ladder games: 0-0-0
IronMan games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
IronMan games: 0-0-0
{}'s Ladder Record's:
Users Solo Level: {}, Experience: {}
SOLO Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
SOLO Rank: {}
Users Team Level: {}, Experience: {}
TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
TEAM Rank: {}
Users FFA Level: {}, Experience: {}
FFA Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
FFA Rank: {}
Users AT Team No. {}
Users AT TEAM Level: {}, Experience: {}
AT TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
AT TEAM Rank: {}
There are currently {} user(s) in {} games of {}
There are currently {} users online, in {} games, and in {} channels.
Client tag set to {}.
Invalid clienttag {} specified
Server Time: {}
Your local time: {}
Invalid duration.
Your timer has expired.
Could not set timer.
Timer set for {} second(s)
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tmpOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
{} has already tmpOP in this channel
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
{} has been promoted to tmpOP in this channel
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
@@ -1353,19 +1353,19 @@
Max topic length exceeded (max {} symbols)
You must be at least a Channel Operator of {} to set the topic
{} topic: no topic
Unable to send TOS (Terms of Service).
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1373,15 +1373,15 @@
You are not a channel operator.
That user is not banned.
{} is no longer banned from this channel.
Invalid user.
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@
Your account has just been unlocked by {}
That user's account is now unlocked.
Invalid user.
@@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@
Your account has just been unmuted by {}
That user's account is now unmuted.
No such user.
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@
User was not being ignored.
No longer ignoring.
That user does not exist.
@@ -1425,11 +1425,11 @@
Removal from watch list failed.
User {} removed from your watch list.
Removal from watch list failed.
@@ -1437,15 +1437,15 @@
All {} users removed from your watch list.
All users removed from your watch list.
Uptime: {}
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1461,27 +1461,27 @@
{} is already on VOP list, no need to Voice him
{} must be on the same channel to voice him
{} already has Voice in this channel
{} is already an operator or admin.
{} has been granted Voice in this channel
{} has granted you Voice in this channel
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1497,15 +1497,15 @@
{} is already on VOP list
{} has been added to the VOP list
{} has added you to the VOP list of channel "{}"
That user does not exist.
@@ -1513,11 +1513,11 @@
Add to watch list failed.
User {} added to your watch list.
Add to watch list failed.
@@ -1525,39 +1525,39 @@
All {} users added to your watch list.
All users added to your watch list.
That channel does not exist.
(If you are trying to search for a user, use the /whois command.)
You are banned from that channel.
Users in channel {}:
Unable to obtain your account name.
(invalid date)
Reset {}'s {} stats
Reset {}'s {} stats
@@ -1569,39 +1569,39 @@
You cannot kick administrators.
You cannot kick operators.
{} has been kicked by {} ({}).
{} has been kicked by {}.
You cannot ban operators.
Unable to ban {}.
{} has been banned by {} ({}).
{} has been banned by {}.
Password for account {} updated.
Hash is: {}
@@ -1609,83 +1609,83 @@
Your account has been muted, you can't whisper to other users.
That user is not logged on.
{} is unavailable ({})
{} is away ({})
Unknown user.
User was last seen on: {}
User is offline
{} {} using {} and {} currently in {} game "{}".
{} {} using {} and {} currently in channel "{}".
{} {} using {}.
{} {} refusing messages ({})
{} away ({})
You are sending commands to {} too quickly and risk being disconnected for flooding. Please slow down.
This command has been deactivated
This command is reserved for admins.
Unknown command.
This account has been locked
This account has been locked
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
Oops ! There is a problem with the help file. Please contact the administrator of the server.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1701,75 +1701,75 @@
This command can only be used from the game.
Bad icon.
{} banned permamently by {}.
{} banned permamently.
{} banned for {} by {}.
{} banned for {}.
Banning only for: {} minutes.
This server has NO mail support.
Please specify which message to delete. Use the following syntax: /mail delete {<index>|all} .
Successfully deleted messages.
Invalid index. Please use /mail delete {<index>|all} where <index> is a number.
Succesfully deleted message.
You have no mail.
There was an error completing your request.
Receiver UNKNOWN!
Receiver has reached his mail quota. Your message will NOT be sent.
Your mail has been sent successfully.
There was an error completing your request!
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
@@ -1781,31 +1781,31 @@
Quiz has already ran in channel "{}". Use /quiz stop to force finish.
Available Quiz dictionaries:
Quiz is not running.
{}'s Quiz record:
{} has never played Quiz.
Top {} Quiz records:
This command is reserved for admins.
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
User "{}" is offline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/i18n/common-ruRU.xml.in b/conf/i18n/common-ruRU.xml.in
index cf0c87e32..16996fcd0 100644
--- a/conf/i18n/common-ruRU.xml.in
+++ b/conf/i18n/common-ruRU.xml.in
@@ -9,103 +9,103 @@
by {}
for {}
with a reason "{}"
No such alias. Use // to show the list.
Alias list:
you are now tempOP for this channel
Account name contains some invalid symbol!
Maximum password length allowed is {}
Trying to add account "{}" with password "{}"
Hash is: {}
Failed to create account!
Account {} created.
You must supply a username.
There's no account with username {}.
{} is already a Server Admin
{} has been promoted to a Server Admin
{} has promoted you to a Server Admin
{} is not a Server Admin.
{} has been demoted from a Server Admin
{} has demoted you from a Server Admin
Currently logged on Administrators:
Your game client doesn't support MessageBox.
\n\n***************************\nBy {}
Information from {}
for {}
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
Announcement from {}: {}
Could not broadcast message.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
You must be at least a Channel Admin to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
{} is already a Channel Admin
{} has been promoted to a Channel Admin
{} has promoted you to a Channel Admin for channel "{}"
You are now marked as being away.
You are no longer marked as away.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
That account doesn't currently exist.
You cannot ban administrators.
Audible notification on.
Channel Arranged Teams is a RESTRICTED Channel!
Max channel name length exceeded (max {} symbols)
Command disabled while inside a game.
Currently accessible channels:
All current channels:
Current channels of type {}
-----------name----------- users ----admin/operator----
Only admins may change passwords for other accounts.
Account does not exist.
Maximum password length allowed is {}
@@ -213,107 +213,107 @@
Trying to change password for account "{}" to "{}"
Unable to set password.
Message was sent to all currently available clan members.
All fellow members of your clan are currently offline.
Clan channel is opened up!
Clan channel has already been opened up!
Clan channel is closed!
Clan channel has already been closed!
Clan message of day is updated!
User {} was invited to your clan!
You are invited to {} by {}!
User {} is not online or is already member of clan!
This is one-way action! If you really want
to disband your clan, type /clan disband yes
Your clan was disbanded.
You have been invited to {}
You are now a clan member of {}
Clan {} was be created
You are no longer ivited to {}
You are already in clan "{}"
Clan with your specified <clantag> already exist!
Please choice another one.
Clan {} is created!
Clan {} is pre-created, please invite
at least {} players to your clan by using
/clan invite <username> command.
Invalid user.
@@ -325,55 +325,55 @@
{}'s command group(s): {}
Got bad group: {}
Groups {} has been added to {}
Groups {} has been deleted from {}
Got unknown command: {}
This command is only enabled for admins.
Current connections:
-class -tag -----name------ -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game-- ---------addr--------
Unknown option.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -389,43 +389,43 @@
You must be at least a Channel Admin to demote another Channel Admin
{} has been demoted from a Channel Admin.
{} has demoted you from a Channel Admin of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a Channel Operator
{} has demoted you from a Channel Operator of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a tempOP of this channel
{} has demoted you from a tmpOP of channel "{}"
{} is no Channel Admin or Channel Operator or tempOP, so you can't demote him.
{} has demoted you from a tempOP of channel "{}"
{} is no tempOP in this channel, so you can't demote him
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -441,43 +441,43 @@
{} has been removed from VOP list.
{} has removed you from VOP list of channel "{}"
You must be at least Channel Admin to remove {} from the VOP list
Voice has been taken from {} in this channel
{} has taken your Voice in channel "{}"
{} has no Voice in this channel, so it can't be taken away
Do Not Disturb mode engaged.
Not available
Do Not Disturb mode canceled.
-- name -- similar to {}
Invalid user.
@@ -485,179 +485,179 @@
Login: {} {} Sex: {}
Created: {}
Clan: {}
Rank: Chieftain
Rank: Shaman
Rank: Grunt
Rank: Peon
Location: {} Age: {}
Client: {} Ver: {} Country: {}
Last login {} from
On since {} from
Operator: {}, Admin: {}, Locked: {}, Muted: {}
Email: {}
Last login Owner: {}
Idle {}
Flags set to {}.
That user does not exist.
Server error.
You can't add yourself to your friends list.
You can only have a maximum of {} friends.
{} is already on your friends list!
Added {} to your friends list.
{} added you to his/her friends list.
All of your friends are offline.
{} was not found on your friends list.
Removed {} from your friends list.
Promoted {} in your friends list.
Demoted {} in your friends list.
Your {} - Friends List
Your {} - Online Friends List
, offline
using {}
, in game "{}"
, in game AT Preparation
, in channel "{}",
, is in AT Preparation
, is in a game
, is in a chat channel
End of Friends List
You are not in a game.
That game does not exist.
Name: {} ID: {} ({})
@@ -669,19 +669,19 @@
Owner: {}
Address: {}
Address: {} (trans {})
Client: {} (version {}, startver {})
Created: {}
@@ -689,99 +689,99 @@
Started: {}
Status: {}
Type: {}
Speed: {}
Difficulty: {}
Option: {}
Map: {}
Map Size: {}x{}
Map Tileset: {}
Map Type: {}
Players: {} current, {} total, {} max
Description: {}
Currently accessible games:
All current games:
Games in lobby:
Current games of type {}
Current games of type {} {}
------name------ p -status- --------type--------- count
Warning: That user is not online, using last known address.
Sorry, no IP address could be retrieved.
Scanning online users for IP {}...
There are no online users with that IP address
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -789,47 +789,47 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
That user is not logged in.
That user is not in this channel.
That connection doesn't exist.
That user is not logged in?
An admin has closed your connection and banned your IP address.
Connection closed by admin.
Operation successful.
That is not a valid session.
That session does not exist.
Connection closed by admin and banned your IP's.
Connection closed by admin.
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
Copied current scores to active scores on all ladders.
This game does not support win/loss records.
@@ -845,11 +845,11 @@
You must supply a rank and a valid program ID.
Example: /ladderinfo 1 STAR
Invalid user.
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
Account {} is now locked
Your account has just been locked
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -869,11 +869,11 @@
Banned users:
You are not in a channel.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -885,23 +885,23 @@
Unable to change channel flags.
Channel is now unmoderated.
Channel is now moderated.
Unable to open motd.
No motd.
Invalid user.
@@ -909,11 +909,11 @@
Account {} is now muted
Your account has just been muted
That user is not logged on.
@@ -921,39 +921,39 @@
Address information for other users is only available to admins.
Server TCP: {} (bind {})
Client TCP: {}
Client UDP: {}
Client UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: {}
Game UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: none
Audible notification off.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -969,31 +969,31 @@
{} is already a Channel Operator
{} has been promoted to a Channel Operator
{} has promoted you to a Channel Operator in channel "{}"
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
{} already is operator or admin, no need to tempOP him
{} has been promoted to a tempOP
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
You must supply a username.
@@ -1005,35 +1005,35 @@
{} is already a Server Operator
{} has been promoted to a Server Operator
{} has promoted you to a Server Operator
{} is no Server Operator, so you can't demote him
{} has been demoted from a Server Operator
{} latency: {}
Your latency {}
{} latency ()
Invalid user.
@@ -1041,35 +1041,35 @@
Connection closed.
Your quota allows you to write {} line(s) per {} second(s).
Long lines will be wrapped every {} characters.
You are not allowed to send lines with more than {} characters.
You must join a realm first
Announcement from {}@{}: {}
Invalid mode.
Rehash of "{}" is complete!
You are not in a channel.
@@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@
No one messaged you, use /m instead
Pending changes has been saved into the database.
That user is not logged on.
@@ -1089,27 +1089,27 @@
Banning {} who is using IP address {}
User's account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can unlock it!
/ipban a {}
You have been banned by Admin: {}
Your account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can UNLOCK it!
Access denied due to security reasons.
Invalid user.
@@ -1117,203 +1117,203 @@
Current value of {} is "{}"
Value currently not set
Unable to set key for
Key set successfully for
Invalid delay.
You've initialized the shutdown sequence.
You've canceled the shutdown sequence.
No such user.
You can't squelch yourself.
Could not squelch user.
{} has been squelched.
Invalid user.
Unable to determine client game.
This game does not support win/loss records.
You must supply a user name and a valid program ID.
Example: /stats joe STAR
{}'s record:
level: {}
class: {}
stats: {} str {} mag {} dex {} vit {} gld
Diablo kills: {}
Normal games: {}-{}-{}
Ladder games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
Ladder games: 0-0-0
IronMan games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
IronMan games: 0-0-0
{}'s Ladder Record's:
Users Solo Level: {}, Experience: {}
SOLO Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
SOLO Rank: {}
Users Team Level: {}, Experience: {}
TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
TEAM Rank: {}
Users FFA Level: {}, Experience: {}
FFA Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
FFA Rank: {}
Users AT Team No. {}
Users AT TEAM Level: {}, Experience: {}
AT TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
AT TEAM Rank: {}
There are currently {} user(s) in {} games of {}
There are currently {} users online, in {} games, and in {} channels.
Client tag set to {}.
Invalid clienttag {} specified
Server Time: {}
Your local time: {}
Invalid duration.
Your timer has expired.
Could not set timer.
Timer set for {} second(s)
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tmpOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
{} has already tmpOP in this channel
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
{} has been promoted to tmpOP in this channel
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
@@ -1353,19 +1353,19 @@
Max topic length exceeded (max {} symbols)
You must be at least a Channel Operator of {} to set the topic
{} topic: no topic
Unable to send TOS (Terms of Service).
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1373,15 +1373,15 @@
You are not a channel operator.
That user is not banned.
{} is no longer banned from this channel.
Invalid user.
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@
Your account has just been unlocked by {}
That user's account is now unlocked.
Invalid user.
@@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@
Your account has just been unmuted by {}
That user's account is now unmuted.
No such user.
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@
User was not being ignored.
No longer ignoring.
That user does not exist.
@@ -1425,11 +1425,11 @@
Removal from watch list failed.
User {} removed from your watch list.
Removal from watch list failed.
@@ -1437,15 +1437,15 @@
All {} users removed from your watch list.
All users removed from your watch list.
Uptime: {}
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1461,27 +1461,27 @@
{} is already on VOP list, no need to Voice him
{} must be on the same channel to voice him
{} already has Voice in this channel
{} is already an operator or admin.
{} has been granted Voice in this channel
{} has granted you Voice in this channel
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1497,15 +1497,15 @@
{} is already on VOP list
{} has been added to the VOP list
{} has added you to the VOP list of channel "{}"
That user does not exist.
@@ -1513,11 +1513,11 @@
Add to watch list failed.
User {} added to your watch list.
Add to watch list failed.
@@ -1525,39 +1525,39 @@
All {} users added to your watch list.
All users added to your watch list.
That channel does not exist.
(If you are trying to search for a user, use the /whois command.)
You are banned from that channel.
Users in channel {}:
Unable to obtain your account name.
(invalid date)
Reset {}'s {} stats
Reset {}'s {} stats
@@ -1569,39 +1569,39 @@
You cannot kick administrators.
You cannot kick operators.
{} has been kicked by {} ({}).
{} has been kicked by {}.
You cannot ban operators.
Unable to ban {}.
{} has been banned by {} ({}).
{} has been banned by {}.
Password for account {} updated.
Hash is: {}
@@ -1609,83 +1609,83 @@
Your account has been muted, you can't whisper to other users.
That user is not logged on.
{} is unavailable ({})
{} is away ({})
Unknown user.
User was last seen on: {}
User is offline
{} {} using {} and {} currently in {} game "{}".
{} {} using {} and {} currently in channel "{}".
{} {} using {}.
{} {} refusing messages ({})
{} away ({})
You are sending commands to {} too quickly and risk being disconnected for flooding. Please slow down.
This command has been deactivated
This command is reserved for admins.
Unknown command.
This account has been locked
This account has been locked
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
Oops ! There is a problem with the help file. Please contact the administrator of the server.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1701,75 +1701,75 @@
This command can only be used from the game.
Bad icon.
{} banned permamently by {}.
{} banned permamently.
{} banned for {} by {}.
{} banned for {}.
Banning only for: {} minutes.
This server has NO mail support.
Please specify which message to delete. Use the following syntax: /mail delete {<index>|all} .
Successfully deleted messages.
Invalid index. Please use /mail delete {<index>|all} where <index> is a number.
Succesfully deleted message.
You have no mail.
There was an error completing your request.
Receiver UNKNOWN!
Receiver has reached his mail quota. Your message will NOT be sent.
Your mail has been sent successfully.
There was an error completing your request!
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
@@ -1781,31 +1781,31 @@
Quiz has already ran in channel "{}". Use /quiz stop to force finish.
Available Quiz dictionaries:
Quiz is not running.
{}'s Quiz record:
{} has never played Quiz.
Top {} Quiz records:
This command is reserved for admins.
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
User "{}" is offline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/i18n/common-zhCN.xml.in b/conf/i18n/common-zhCN.xml.in
index 390b31240..5f71bd4da 100644
--- a/conf/i18n/common-zhCN.xml.in
+++ b/conf/i18n/common-zhCN.xml.in
@@ -9,103 +9,103 @@
by {}
for {}
with a reason "{}"
No such alias. Use // to show the list.
Alias list:
you are now tempOP for this channel
Account name contains some invalid symbol!
Maximum password length allowed is {}
Trying to add account "{}" with password "{}"
Hash is: {}
Failed to create account!
Account {} created.
You must supply a username.
There's no account with username {}.
{} is already a Server Admin
{} has been promoted to a Server Admin
{} has promoted you to a Server Admin
{} is not a Server Admin.
{} has been demoted from a Server Admin
{} has demoted you from a Server Admin
Currently logged on Administrators:
Your game client doesn't support MessageBox.
\n\n***************************\nBy {}
Information from {}
for {}
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
Announcement from {}: {}
Could not broadcast message.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
You must be at least a Channel Admin to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
{} is already a Channel Admin
{} has been promoted to a Channel Admin
{} has promoted you to a Channel Admin for channel "{}"
You are now marked as being away.
You are no longer marked as away.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
That account doesn't currently exist.
You cannot ban administrators.
Audible notification on.
Channel Arranged Teams is a RESTRICTED Channel!
Max channel name length exceeded (max {} symbols)
Command disabled while inside a game.
Currently accessible channels:
All current channels:
Current channels of type {}
-----------name----------- users ----admin/operator----
Only admins may change passwords for other accounts.
Account does not exist.
Maximum password length allowed is {}
@@ -213,107 +213,107 @@
Trying to change password for account "{}" to "{}"
Unable to set password.
Message was sent to all currently available clan members.
All fellow members of your clan are currently offline.
Clan channel is opened up!
Clan channel has already been opened up!
Clan channel is closed!
Clan channel has already been closed!
Clan message of day is updated!
User {} was invited to your clan!
You are invited to {} by {}!
User {} is not online or is already member of clan!
This is one-way action! If you really want
to disband your clan, type /clan disband yes
Your clan was disbanded.
You have been invited to {}
You are now a clan member of {}
Clan {} was be created
You are no longer ivited to {}
You are already in clan "{}"
Clan with your specified <clantag> already exist!
Please choice another one.
Clan {} is created!
Clan {} is pre-created, please invite
at least {} players to your clan by using
/clan invite <username> command.
Invalid user.
@@ -325,55 +325,55 @@
{}'s command group(s): {}
Got bad group: {}
Groups {} has been added to {}
Groups {} has been deleted from {}
Got unknown command: {}
This command is only enabled for admins.
Current connections:
-class -tag -----name------ -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game-- ---------addr--------
Unknown option.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -389,43 +389,43 @@
You must be at least a Channel Admin to demote another Channel Admin
{} has been demoted from a Channel Admin.
{} has demoted you from a Channel Admin of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a Channel Operator
{} has demoted you from a Channel Operator of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a tempOP of this channel
{} has demoted you from a tmpOP of channel "{}"
{} is no Channel Admin or Channel Operator or tempOP, so you can't demote him.
{} has demoted you from a tempOP of channel "{}"
{} is no tempOP in this channel, so you can't demote him
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -441,43 +441,43 @@
{} has been removed from VOP list.
{} has removed you from VOP list of channel "{}"
You must be at least Channel Admin to remove {} from the VOP list
Voice has been taken from {} in this channel
{} has taken your Voice in channel "{}"
{} has no Voice in this channel, so it can't be taken away
Do Not Disturb mode engaged.
Not available
Do Not Disturb mode canceled.
-- name -- similar to {}
Invalid user.
@@ -485,179 +485,179 @@
Login: {} {} Sex: {}
Created: {}
Clan: {}
Rank: Chieftain
Rank: Shaman
Rank: Grunt
Rank: Peon
Location: {} Age: {}
Client: {} Ver: {} Country: {}
Last login {} from
On since {} from
Operator: {}, Admin: {}, Locked: {}, Muted: {}
Email: {}
Last login Owner: {}
Idle {}
Flags set to {}.
That user does not exist.
Server error.
You can't add yourself to your friends list.
You can only have a maximum of {} friends.
{} is already on your friends list!
Added {} to your friends list.
{} added you to his/her friends list.
All of your friends are offline.
{} was not found on your friends list.
Removed {} from your friends list.
Promoted {} in your friends list.
Demoted {} in your friends list.
Your {} - Friends List
Your {} - Online Friends List
, offline
using {}
, in game "{}"
, in game AT Preparation
, in channel "{}",
, is in AT Preparation
, is in a game
, is in a chat channel
End of Friends List
You are not in a game.
That game does not exist.
Name: {} ID: {} ({})
@@ -669,19 +669,19 @@
Owner: {}
Address: {}
Address: {} (trans {})
Client: {} (version {}, startver {})
Created: {}
@@ -689,99 +689,99 @@
Started: {}
Status: {}
Type: {}
Speed: {}
Difficulty: {}
Option: {}
Map: {}
Map Size: {}x{}
Map Tileset: {}
Map Type: {}
Players: {} current, {} total, {} max
Description: {}
Currently accessible games:
All current games:
Games in lobby:
Current games of type {}
Current games of type {} {}
------name------ p -status- --------type--------- count
Warning: That user is not online, using last known address.
Sorry, no IP address could be retrieved.
Scanning online users for IP {}...
There are no online users with that IP address
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -789,47 +789,47 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
That user is not logged in.
That user is not in this channel.
That connection doesn't exist.
That user is not logged in?
An admin has closed your connection and banned your IP address.
Connection closed by admin.
Operation successful.
That is not a valid session.
That session does not exist.
Connection closed by admin and banned your IP's.
Connection closed by admin.
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
Copied current scores to active scores on all ladders.
This game does not support win/loss records.
@@ -845,11 +845,11 @@
You must supply a rank and a valid program ID.
Example: /ladderinfo 1 STAR
Invalid user.
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
Account {} is now locked
Your account has just been locked
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -869,11 +869,11 @@
Banned users:
You are not in a channel.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -885,23 +885,23 @@
Unable to change channel flags.
Channel is now unmoderated.
Channel is now moderated.
Unable to open motd.
No motd.
Invalid user.
@@ -909,11 +909,11 @@
Account {} is now muted
Your account has just been muted
That user is not logged on.
@@ -921,39 +921,39 @@
Address information for other users is only available to admins.
Server TCP: {} (bind {})
Client TCP: {}
Client UDP: {}
Client UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: {}
Game UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: none
Audible notification off.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -969,31 +969,31 @@
{} is already a Channel Operator
{} has been promoted to a Channel Operator
{} has promoted you to a Channel Operator in channel "{}"
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
{} already is operator or admin, no need to tempOP him
{} has been promoted to a tempOP
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
You must supply a username.
@@ -1005,35 +1005,35 @@
{} is already a Server Operator
{} has been promoted to a Server Operator
{} has promoted you to a Server Operator
{} is no Server Operator, so you can't demote him
{} has been demoted from a Server Operator
{} latency: {}
Your latency {}
{} latency ()
Invalid user.
@@ -1041,35 +1041,35 @@
Connection closed.
Your quota allows you to write {} line(s) per {} second(s).
Long lines will be wrapped every {} characters.
You are not allowed to send lines with more than {} characters.
You must join a realm first
Announcement from {}@{}: {}
Invalid mode.
Rehash of "{}" is complete!
You are not in a channel.
@@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@
No one messaged you, use /m instead
Pending changes has been saved into the database.
That user is not logged on.
@@ -1089,27 +1089,27 @@
Banning {} who is using IP address {}
User's account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can unlock it!
/ipban a {}
You have been banned by Admin: {}
Your account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can UNLOCK it!
Access denied due to security reasons.
Invalid user.
@@ -1117,203 +1117,203 @@
Current value of {} is "{}"
Value currently not set
Unable to set key for
Key set successfully for
Invalid delay.
You've initialized the shutdown sequence.
You've canceled the shutdown sequence.
No such user.
You can't squelch yourself.
Could not squelch user.
{} has been squelched.
Invalid user.
Unable to determine client game.
This game does not support win/loss records.
You must supply a user name and a valid program ID.
Example: /stats joe STAR
{}'s record:
level: {}
class: {}
stats: {} str {} mag {} dex {} vit {} gld
Diablo kills: {}
Normal games: {}-{}-{}
Ladder games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
Ladder games: 0-0-0
IronMan games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
IronMan games: 0-0-0
{}'s Ladder Record's:
Users Solo Level: {}, Experience: {}
SOLO Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
SOLO Rank: {}
Users Team Level: {}, Experience: {}
TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
TEAM Rank: {}
Users FFA Level: {}, Experience: {}
FFA Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
FFA Rank: {}
Users AT Team No. {}
Users AT TEAM Level: {}, Experience: {}
AT TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
AT TEAM Rank: {}
There are currently {} user(s) in {} games of {}
There are currently {} users online, in {} games, and in {} channels.
Client tag set to {}.
Invalid clienttag {} specified
Server Time: {}
Your local time: {}
Invalid duration.
Your timer has expired.
Could not set timer.
Timer set for {} second(s)
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tmpOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
{} has already tmpOP in this channel
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
{} has been promoted to tmpOP in this channel
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
@@ -1353,19 +1353,19 @@
Max topic length exceeded (max {} symbols)
You must be at least a Channel Operator of {} to set the topic
{} topic: no topic
Unable to send TOS (Terms of Service).
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1373,15 +1373,15 @@
You are not a channel operator.
That user is not banned.
{} is no longer banned from this channel.
Invalid user.
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@
Your account has just been unlocked by {}
That user's account is now unlocked.
Invalid user.
@@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@
Your account has just been unmuted by {}
That user's account is now unmuted.
No such user.
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@
User was not being ignored.
No longer ignoring.
That user does not exist.
@@ -1425,11 +1425,11 @@
Removal from watch list failed.
User {} removed from your watch list.
Removal from watch list failed.
@@ -1437,15 +1437,15 @@
All {} users removed from your watch list.
All users removed from your watch list.
Uptime: {}
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1461,27 +1461,27 @@
{} is already on VOP list, no need to Voice him
{} must be on the same channel to voice him
{} already has Voice in this channel
{} is already an operator or admin.
{} has been granted Voice in this channel
{} has granted you Voice in this channel
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1497,15 +1497,15 @@
{} is already on VOP list
{} has been added to the VOP list
{} has added you to the VOP list of channel "{}"
That user does not exist.
@@ -1513,11 +1513,11 @@
Add to watch list failed.
User {} added to your watch list.
Add to watch list failed.
@@ -1525,39 +1525,39 @@
All {} users added to your watch list.
All users added to your watch list.
That channel does not exist.
(If you are trying to search for a user, use the /whois command.)
You are banned from that channel.
Users in channel {}:
Unable to obtain your account name.
(invalid date)
Reset {}'s {} stats
Reset {}'s {} stats
@@ -1569,39 +1569,39 @@
You cannot kick administrators.
You cannot kick operators.
{} has been kicked by {} ({}).
{} has been kicked by {}.
You cannot ban operators.
Unable to ban {}.
{} has been banned by {} ({}).
{} has been banned by {}.
Password for account {} updated.
Hash is: {}
@@ -1609,83 +1609,83 @@
Your account has been muted, you can't whisper to other users.
That user is not logged on.
{} is unavailable ({})
{} is away ({})
Unknown user.
User was last seen on: {}
User is offline
{} {} using {} and {} currently in {} game "{}".
{} {} using {} and {} currently in channel "{}".
{} {} using {}.
{} {} refusing messages ({})
{} away ({})
You are sending commands to {} too quickly and risk being disconnected for flooding. Please slow down.
This command has been deactivated
This command is reserved for admins.
Unknown command.
This account has been locked
This account has been locked
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
Oops ! There is a problem with the help file. Please contact the administrator of the server.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1701,75 +1701,75 @@
This command can only be used from the game.
Bad icon.
{} banned permamently by {}.
{} banned permamently.
{} banned for {} by {}.
{} banned for {}.
Banning only for: {} minutes.
This server has NO mail support.
Please specify which message to delete. Use the following syntax: /mail delete {<index>|all} .
Successfully deleted messages.
Invalid index. Please use /mail delete {<index>|all} where <index> is a number.
Succesfully deleted message.
You have no mail.
There was an error completing your request.
Receiver UNKNOWN!
Receiver has reached his mail quota. Your message will NOT be sent.
Your mail has been sent successfully.
There was an error completing your request!
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
@@ -1781,31 +1781,31 @@
Quiz has already ran in channel "{}". Use /quiz stop to force finish.
Available Quiz dictionaries:
Quiz is not running.
{}'s Quiz record:
{} has never played Quiz.
Top {} Quiz records:
This command is reserved for admins.
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
User "{}" is offline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf/i18n/common-zhTW.xml.in b/conf/i18n/common-zhTW.xml.in
index 427af0d2a..435fa457c 100644
--- a/conf/i18n/common-zhTW.xml.in
+++ b/conf/i18n/common-zhTW.xml.in
@@ -9,103 +9,103 @@
by {}
for {}
with a reason "{}"
No such alias. Use // to show the list.
Alias list:
you are now tempOP for this channel
Account name contains some invalid symbol!
Maximum password length allowed is {}
Trying to add account "{}" with password "{}"
Hash is: {}
Failed to create account!
Account {} created.
You must supply a username.
There's no account with username {}.
{} is already a Server Admin
{} has been promoted to a Server Admin
{} has promoted you to a Server Admin
{} is not a Server Admin.
{} has been demoted from a Server Admin
{} has demoted you from a Server Admin
Currently logged on Administrators:
Your game client doesn't support MessageBox.
\n\n***************************\nBy {}
Information from {}
for {}
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
Announcement from {}: {}
Could not broadcast message.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
You must be at least a Channel Admin to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
{} is already a Channel Admin
{} has been promoted to a Channel Admin
{} has promoted you to a Channel Admin for channel "{}"
You are now marked as being away.
You are no longer marked as away.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
That account doesn't currently exist.
You cannot ban administrators.
Audible notification on.
Channel Arranged Teams is a RESTRICTED Channel!
Max channel name length exceeded (max {} symbols)
Command disabled while inside a game.
Currently accessible channels:
All current channels:
Current channels of type {}
-----------name----------- users ----admin/operator----
Only admins may change passwords for other accounts.
Account does not exist.
Maximum password length allowed is {}
@@ -213,107 +213,107 @@
Trying to change password for account "{}" to "{}"
Unable to set password.
Message was sent to all currently available clan members.
All fellow members of your clan are currently offline.
Clan channel is opened up!
Clan channel has already been opened up!
Clan channel is closed!
Clan channel has already been closed!
Clan message of day is updated!
User {} was invited to your clan!
You are invited to {} by {}!
User {} is not online or is already member of clan!
This is one-way action! If you really want
to disband your clan, type /clan disband yes
Your clan was disbanded.
You have been invited to {}
You are now a clan member of {}
Clan {} was be created
You are no longer ivited to {}
You are already in clan "{}"
Clan with your specified <clantag> already exist!
Please choice another one.
Clan {} is created!
Clan {} is pre-created, please invite
at least {} players to your clan by using
/clan invite <username> command.
Invalid user.
@@ -325,55 +325,55 @@
{}'s command group(s): {}
Got bad group: {}
Groups {} has been added to {}
Groups {} has been deleted from {}
Got unknown command: {}
This command is only enabled for admins.
Current connections:
-class -tag -----name------ -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game--
-#- -class ----state--- -tag -----name------ -session-- -flag- -lat(ms)- ----channel---- --game-- ---------addr--------
Unknown option.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -389,43 +389,43 @@
You must be at least a Channel Admin to demote another Channel Admin
{} has been demoted from a Channel Admin.
{} has demoted you from a Channel Admin of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a Channel Operator
{} has demoted you from a Channel Operator of channel "{}"
{} has been demoted from a tempOP of this channel
{} has demoted you from a tmpOP of channel "{}"
{} is no Channel Admin or Channel Operator or tempOP, so you can't demote him.
{} has demoted you from a tempOP of channel "{}"
{} is no tempOP in this channel, so you can't demote him
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -441,43 +441,43 @@
{} has been removed from VOP list.
{} has removed you from VOP list of channel "{}"
You must be at least Channel Admin to remove {} from the VOP list
Voice has been taken from {} in this channel
{} has taken your Voice in channel "{}"
{} has no Voice in this channel, so it can't be taken away
Do Not Disturb mode engaged.
Not available
Do Not Disturb mode canceled.
-- name -- similar to {}
Invalid user.
@@ -485,179 +485,179 @@
Login: {} {} Sex: {}
Created: {}
Clan: {}
Rank: Chieftain
Rank: Shaman
Rank: Grunt
Rank: Peon
Location: {} Age: {}
Client: {} Ver: {} Country: {}
Last login {} from
On since {} from
Operator: {}, Admin: {}, Locked: {}, Muted: {}
Email: {}
Last login Owner: {}
Idle {}
Flags set to {}.
That user does not exist.
Server error.
You can't add yourself to your friends list.
You can only have a maximum of {} friends.
{} is already on your friends list!
Added {} to your friends list.
{} added you to his/her friends list.
All of your friends are offline.
{} was not found on your friends list.
Removed {} from your friends list.
Promoted {} in your friends list.
Demoted {} in your friends list.
Your {} - Friends List
Your {} - Online Friends List
, offline
using {}
, in game "{}"
, in game AT Preparation
, in channel "{}",
, is in AT Preparation
, is in a game
, is in a chat channel
End of Friends List
You are not in a game.
That game does not exist.
Name: {} ID: {} ({})
@@ -669,19 +669,19 @@
Owner: {}
Address: {}
Address: {} (trans {})
Client: {} (version {}, startver {})
Created: {}
@@ -689,99 +689,99 @@
Started: {}
Status: {}
Type: {}
Speed: {}
Difficulty: {}
Option: {}
Map: {}
Map Size: {}x{}
Map Tileset: {}
Map Type: {}
Players: {} current, {} total, {} max
Description: {}
Currently accessible games:
All current games:
Games in lobby:
Current games of type {}
Current games of type {} {}
------name------ p -status- --------type--------- count
Warning: That user is not online, using last known address.
Sorry, no IP address could be retrieved.
Scanning online users for IP {}...
There are no online users with that IP address
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -789,47 +789,47 @@
You have to be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
That user is not logged in.
That user is not in this channel.
That connection doesn't exist.
That user is not logged in?
An admin has closed your connection and banned your IP address.
Connection closed by admin.
Operation successful.
That is not a valid session.
That session does not exist.
Connection closed by admin and banned your IP's.
Connection closed by admin.
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
Copied current scores to active scores on all ladders.
This game does not support win/loss records.
@@ -845,11 +845,11 @@
You must supply a rank and a valid program ID.
Example: /ladderinfo 1 STAR
Invalid user.
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
Account {} is now locked
Your account has just been locked
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -869,11 +869,11 @@
Banned users:
You are not in a channel.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -885,23 +885,23 @@
Unable to change channel flags.
Channel is now unmoderated.
Channel is now moderated.
Unable to open motd.
No motd.
Invalid user.
@@ -909,11 +909,11 @@
Account {} is now muted
Your account has just been muted
That user is not logged on.
@@ -921,39 +921,39 @@
Address information for other users is only available to admins.
Server TCP: {} (bind {})
Client TCP: {}
Client UDP: {}
Client UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: {}
Game UDP: {} (trans {})
Game UDP: none
Audible notification off.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -969,31 +969,31 @@
{} is already a Channel Operator
{} has been promoted to a Channel Operator
{} has promoted you to a Channel Operator in channel "{}"
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
{} already is operator or admin, no need to tempOP him
{} has been promoted to a tempOP
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
You must supply a username.
@@ -1005,35 +1005,35 @@
{} is already a Server Operator
{} has been promoted to a Server Operator
{} has promoted you to a Server Operator
{} is no Server Operator, so you can't demote him
{} has been demoted from a Server Operator
{} latency: {}
Your latency {}
{} latency ()
Invalid user.
@@ -1041,35 +1041,35 @@
Connection closed.
Your quota allows you to write {} line(s) per {} second(s).
Long lines will be wrapped every {} characters.
You are not allowed to send lines with more than {} characters.
You must join a realm first
Announcement from {}@{}: {}
Invalid mode.
Rehash of "{}" is complete!
You are not in a channel.
@@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@
No one messaged you, use /m instead
Pending changes has been saved into the database.
That user is not logged on.
@@ -1089,27 +1089,27 @@
Banning {} who is using IP address {}
User's account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can unlock it!
/ipban a {}
You have been banned by Admin: {}
Your account is also LOCKED! Only an admin can UNLOCK it!
Access denied due to security reasons.
Invalid user.
@@ -1117,203 +1117,203 @@
Current value of {} is "{}"
Value currently not set
Unable to set key for
Key set successfully for
Invalid delay.
You've initialized the shutdown sequence.
You've canceled the shutdown sequence.
No such user.
You can't squelch yourself.
Could not squelch user.
{} has been squelched.
Invalid user.
Unable to determine client game.
This game does not support win/loss records.
You must supply a user name and a valid program ID.
Example: /stats joe STAR
{}'s record:
level: {}
class: {}
stats: {} str {} mag {} dex {} vit {} gld
Diablo kills: {}
Normal games: {}-{}-{}
Ladder games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
Ladder games: 0-0-0
IronMan games: {}-{}-{} (rating {})
IronMan games: 0-0-0
{}'s Ladder Record's:
Users Solo Level: {}, Experience: {}
SOLO Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
SOLO Rank: {}
Users Team Level: {}, Experience: {}
TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
TEAM Rank: {}
Users FFA Level: {}, Experience: {}
FFA Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
FFA Rank: {}
Users AT Team No. {}
Users AT TEAM Level: {}, Experience: {}
AT TEAM Ladder Record: {}-{}-0
AT TEAM Rank: {}
There are currently {} user(s) in {} games of {}
There are currently {} users online, in {} games, and in {} channels.
Client tag set to {}.
Invalid clienttag {} specified
Server Time: {}
Your local time: {}
Invalid duration.
Your timer has expired.
Could not set timer.
Timer set for {} second(s)
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator or tmpOP to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
{} has already tmpOP in this channel
{} must be on the same channel to tempOP him
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
{} has been promoted to tmpOP in this channel
{} has promoted you to a tempOP in this channel
@@ -1353,19 +1353,19 @@
Max topic length exceeded (max {} symbols)
You must be at least a Channel Operator of {} to set the topic
{} topic: no topic
Unable to send TOS (Terms of Service).
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1373,15 +1373,15 @@
You are not a channel operator.
That user is not banned.
{} is no longer banned from this channel.
Invalid user.
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@
Your account has just been unlocked by {}
That user's account is now unlocked.
Invalid user.
@@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@
Your account has just been unmuted by {}
That user's account is now unmuted.
No such user.
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@
User was not being ignored.
No longer ignoring.
That user does not exist.
@@ -1425,11 +1425,11 @@
Removal from watch list failed.
User {} removed from your watch list.
Removal from watch list failed.
@@ -1437,15 +1437,15 @@
All {} users removed from your watch list.
All users removed from your watch list.
Uptime: {}
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
There's no account with username {}.
@@ -1461,27 +1461,27 @@
{} is already on VOP list, no need to Voice him
{} must be on the same channel to voice him
{} already has Voice in this channel
{} is already an operator or admin.
{} has been granted Voice in this channel
{} has granted you Voice in this channel
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1497,15 +1497,15 @@
{} is already on VOP list
{} has been added to the VOP list
{} has added you to the VOP list of channel "{}"
That user does not exist.
@@ -1513,11 +1513,11 @@
Add to watch list failed.
User {} added to your watch list.
Add to watch list failed.
@@ -1525,39 +1525,39 @@
All {} users added to your watch list.
All users added to your watch list.
That channel does not exist.
(If you are trying to search for a user, use the /whois command.)
You are banned from that channel.
Users in channel {}:
Unable to obtain your account name.
(invalid date)
Reset {}'s {} stats
Reset {}'s {} stats
@@ -1569,39 +1569,39 @@
You cannot kick administrators.
You cannot kick operators.
{} has been kicked by {} ({}).
{} has been kicked by {}.
You cannot ban operators.
Unable to ban {}.
{} has been banned by {} ({}).
{} has been banned by {}.
Password for account {} updated.
Hash is: {}
@@ -1609,83 +1609,83 @@
Your account has been muted, you can't whisper to other users.
That user is not logged on.
{} is unavailable ({})
{} is away ({})
Unknown user.
User was last seen on: {}
User is offline
{} {} using {} and {} currently in {} game "{}".
{} {} using {} and {} currently in channel "{}".
{} {} using {}.
{} {} refusing messages ({})
{} away ({})
You are sending commands to {} too quickly and risk being disconnected for flooding. Please slow down.
This command has been deactivated
This command is reserved for admins.
Unknown command.
This account has been locked
This account has been locked
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@
Oops ! There is a problem with the help file. Please contact the administrator of the server.
This command can only be used inside a channel.
@@ -1701,75 +1701,75 @@
This command can only be used from the game.
Bad icon.
{} banned permamently by {}.
{} banned permamently.
{} banned for {} by {}.
{} banned for {}.
Banning only for: {} minutes.
This server has NO mail support.
Please specify which message to delete. Use the following syntax: /mail delete {<index>|all} .
Successfully deleted messages.
Invalid index. Please use /mail delete {<index>|all} where <index> is a number.
Succesfully deleted message.
You have no mail.
There was an error completing your request.
Receiver UNKNOWN!
Receiver has reached his mail quota. Your message will NOT be sent.
Your mail has been sent successfully.
There was an error completing your request!
You must be at least a Channel Operator to use this command.
@@ -1781,31 +1781,31 @@
Quiz has already ran in channel "{}". Use /quiz stop to force finish.
Available Quiz dictionaries:
Quiz is not running.
{}'s Quiz record:
{} has never played Quiz.
Top {} Quiz records:
This command is reserved for admins.
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
User "{}" is offline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/localize/pvpgn_localize_generator.cs b/scripts/localize/pvpgn_localize_generator.cs
index 2af4c3b57..8d5507604 100644
--- a/scripts/localize/pvpgn_localize_generator.cs
+++ b/scripts/localize/pvpgn_localize_generator.cs
@@ -86,6 +86,11 @@ static void Main(string[] args)
xsw.Serialize(fs, _data);
+ // replace empty "" strings (for comfort further translation)
+ var data = File.ReadAllText(outfile);
+ data = data.Replace("", "");
+ File.WriteAllText(outfile, data);
Console.WriteLine("\n{0} items saved in {1}: ", _data.Items.Count, outfile);
//Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit...");
@@ -361,7 +366,7 @@ public class TranslateItem
public string RefId;
- public string InnerText = " "; // default value is " " to save empty values when updating xml file
+ public string InnerText; // default value is " " to save empty values when updating xml file
diff --git a/scripts/localize/pvpgn_localize_generator.exe b/scripts/localize/pvpgn_localize_generator.exe
index 2f5e5ad40..33107d763 100644
Binary files a/scripts/localize/pvpgn_localize_generator.exe and b/scripts/localize/pvpgn_localize_generator.exe differ
diff --git a/scripts/localize/update.bat b/scripts/localize/update.bat
index 22d806b9e..fd2f0f0d2 100644
--- a/scripts/localize/update.bat
+++ b/scripts/localize/update.bat
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
@echo off
-pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-deDE.xml
-pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-csCZ.xml
-pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-esES.xml
-pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-frFR.xml
-pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-itIT.xml
-pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-jaJA.xml
-pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-koKR.xml
-pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-plPL.xml
-pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-ruRU.xml
-pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-zhCN.xml
-pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-zhTW.xml
+pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-deDE.xml.in
+pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-csCZ.xml.in
+pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-esES.xml.in
+pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-frFR.xml.in
+pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-itIT.xml.in
+pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-jaJA.xml.in
+pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-koKR.xml.in
+pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-plPL.xml.in
+pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-ruRU.xml.in
+pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-zhCN.xml.in
+pvpgn_localize_generator.exe ..\..\ ..\..\conf\i18n\common-zhTW.xml.in
\ No newline at end of file