diff --git a/examples/go.mod b/examples/go.mod index 37716d52..fadfaf85 100644 --- a/examples/go.mod +++ b/examples/go.mod @@ -2,24 +2,24 @@ module github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/examples/v4 go 1.21 -require github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.112.0 +require github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.113.0 require ( - cloud.google.com/go v0.110.10 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.23.3 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go v0.112.1 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.25.0 // indirect cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.2.3 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.5 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.15.5 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/logging v1.8.1 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.4 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.35.1 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.6 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.15.7 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/logging v1.9.0 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.5 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.39.1 // indirect dario.cat/mergo v1.0.0 // indirect - github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v1.9.0 // indirect - github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity v1.4.0 // indirect - github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal v1.5.0 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v1.10.0 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity v1.5.1 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal v1.5.2 // indirect github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/keyvault/azkeys v0.10.0 // indirect github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/keyvault/internal v0.7.1 // indirect - github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go v1.2.0 // indirect + github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go v1.2.2 // indirect github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.6.1 // indirect github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto v0.0.0-20230828082145-3c4c8a2d2371 // indirect github.com/aead/chacha20 v0.0.0-20180709150244-8b13a72661da // indirect @@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ require ( github.com/armon/go-metrics v0.4.0 // indirect github.com/armon/go-radix v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/atotto/clipboard v0.1.4 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.49.0 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.24.0 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config v1.26.1 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials v1.16.12 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/ec2/imds v1.14.10 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/configsources v1.2.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/endpoints/v2 v2.5.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini v1.7.2 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/accept-encoding v1.10.4 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/presigned-url v1.10.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/kms v1.27.5 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso v1.18.5 // indirect - 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+ github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v5 v5.2.1 // indirect + github.com/golang/glog v1.2.0 // indirect github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect - github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.3 // indirect + github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.4 // indirect github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.4 // indirect github.com/google/go-querystring v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/google/s2a-go v0.1.7 // indirect - github.com/google/uuid v1.4.0 // indirect - github.com/google/wire v0.5.0 // indirect + github.com/google/uuid v1.6.0 // indirect + github.com/google/wire v0.6.0 // indirect github.com/googleapis/enterprise-certificate-proxy v0.3.2 // indirect - github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2 v2.12.0 // indirect + github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2 v2.12.2 // indirect github.com/gorilla/mux v1.8.0 // indirect github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-opentracing v0.0.0-20180507213350-8e809c8a8645 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/errwrap v1.1.0 // indirect @@ -129,13 +132,13 @@ require ( github.com/pgavlin/goldmark v1.1.33-0.20200616210433-b5eb04559386 // indirect github.com/pierrec/lz4 v2.6.1+incompatible // indirect github.com/pjbgf/sha1cd v0.3.0 // indirect - github.com/pkg/browser v0.0.0-20210911075715-681adbf594b8 // indirect + github.com/pkg/browser v0.0.0-20240102092130-5ac0b6a4141c // indirect github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 // indirect github.com/pkg/term v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/pulumi/appdash v0.0.0-20231130102222-75f619a67231 // indirect github.com/pulumi/esc v0.6.2 // indirect - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.112.0 // indirect + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.113.0 // indirect github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 // indirect github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.11.0 // indirect github.com/ryanuber/go-glob v1.0.0 // indirect @@ -158,27 +161,32 @@ require ( github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonschema v1.2.0 // indirect github.com/zclconf/go-cty v1.13.2 // indirect go.opencensus.io v0.24.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/google.golang.org/grpc/otelgrpc v0.49.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.49.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.24.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v1.24.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.24.0 // indirect go.uber.org/atomic v1.9.0 // indirect - gocloud.dev v0.36.0 // indirect + gocloud.dev v0.37.0 // indirect gocloud.dev/secrets/hashivault v0.27.0 // indirect golang.org/x/crypto v0.21.0 // indirect golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20231110203233-9a3e6036ecaa // indirect golang.org/x/mod v0.14.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/net v0.21.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.14.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/sync v0.5.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/net v0.22.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.18.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/sync v0.6.0 // indirect golang.org/x/sys v0.18.0 // indirect golang.org/x/term v0.18.0 // indirect golang.org/x/text v0.14.0 // indirect - 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v1.33.0 // indirect gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2 v2.6.0 // indirect gopkg.in/warnings.v0 v0.1.2 // indirect diff --git a/examples/go.sum b/examples/go.sum index 9b837b0d..dd6f2dc1 100644 --- a/examples/go.sum +++ b/examples/go.sum @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ cloud.google.com/go v0.100.2/go.mod h1:4Xra9TjzAeYHrl5+oeLlzbM2k3mjVhZh4UqTZ//w9 cloud.google.com/go v0.102.0/go.mod h1:oWcCzKlqJ5zgHQt9YsaeTY9KzIvjyy0ArmiBUgpQ+nc= cloud.google.com/go v0.102.1/go.mod h1:XZ77E9qnTEnrgEOvr4xzfdX5TRo7fB4T2F4O6+34hIU= cloud.google.com/go v0.103.0/go.mod h1:vwLx1nqLrzLX/fpwSMOXmFIqBOyHsvHbnAdbGSJ+mKk= -cloud.google.com/go v0.110.10 h1:LXy9GEO+timppncPIAZoOj3l58LIU9k+kn48AN7IO3Y= -cloud.google.com/go v0.110.10/go.mod h1:v1OoFqYxiBkUrruItNM3eT4lLByNjxmJSV/xDKJNnic= +cloud.google.com/go v0.112.1 h1:uJSeirPke5UNZHIb4SxfZklVSiWWVqW4oXlETwZziwM= +cloud.google.com/go v0.112.1/go.mod h1:+Vbu+Y1UU+I1rjmzeMOb/8RfkKJK2Gyxi1X6jJCZLo4= cloud.google.com/go/bigquery v1.0.1/go.mod h1:i/xbL2UlR5RvWAURpBYZTtm/cXjCha9lbfbpx4poX+o= 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b/provider/cmd/pulumi-resource-vsphere/schema.json @@ -158,14 +158,14 @@ "properties": { "cache": { "type": "string", - "description": "The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache.\n" + "description": "Cache disk.\n" }, "storages": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage.\n" + "description": "List of storage disks.\n" } }, "type": "object" @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ }, "preferredFaultDomainName": { "type": "string", - "description": "The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`.\n" + "description": "The name of prepferred fault domain.\n" }, "secondaryFaultDomainHostIds": { "type": "array", @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ }, "secondaryFaultDomainName": { "type": "string", - "description": "The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster.\nYou can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured.\n\n\u003c!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --\u003e\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as vsphere from \"@pulumi/vsphere\";\n\nconst computeCluster = new vsphere.ComputeCluster(\"compute_cluster\", {\n name: \"terraform-compute-cluster-test\",\n datacenterId: datacenter.id,\n hostSystemIds: [host.map(__item =\u003e __item.id)],\n drsEnabled: true,\n drsAutomationLevel: \"fullyAutomated\",\n haEnabled: false,\n vsanEnabled: true,\n vsanEsaEnabled: true,\n vsanDedupEnabled: true,\n vsanCompressionEnabled: true,\n vsanPerformanceEnabled: true,\n vsanVerboseModeEnabled: true,\n vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled: true,\n vsanUnmapEnabled: true,\n vsanDitEncryptionEnabled: true,\n vsanDitRekeyInterval: 1800,\n vsanDiskGroups: [{\n cache: cacheDisks[0],\n storages: storageDisks,\n }],\n vsanFaultDomains: [{\n faultDomains: [\n {\n name: \"fd1\",\n hostIds: [faultdomain1Hosts.map(__item =\u003e __item.id)],\n },\n {\n name: \"fd2\",\n hostIds: [faultdomain2Hosts.map(__item =\u003e __item.id)],\n },\n ],\n }],\n vsanStretchedCluster: {\n preferredFaultDomainHostIds: [preferredFaultDomainHost.map(__item =\u003e __item.id)],\n secondaryFaultDomainHostIds: [secondaryFaultDomainHost.map(__item =\u003e __item.id)],\n witnessNode: witnessHost.id,\n },\n});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_vsphere as vsphere\n\ncompute_cluster = vsphere.ComputeCluster(\"compute_cluster\",\n name=\"terraform-compute-cluster-test\",\n datacenter_id=datacenter[\"id\"],\n host_system_ids=[[__item[\"id\"] for __item in host]],\n drs_enabled=True,\n drs_automation_level=\"fullyAutomated\",\n ha_enabled=False,\n vsan_enabled=True,\n vsan_esa_enabled=True,\n vsan_dedup_enabled=True,\n vsan_compression_enabled=True,\n vsan_performance_enabled=True,\n vsan_verbose_mode_enabled=True,\n vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled=True,\n vsan_unmap_enabled=True,\n vsan_dit_encryption_enabled=True,\n vsan_dit_rekey_interval=1800,\n vsan_disk_groups=[vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs(\n cache=cache_disks[0],\n storages=storage_disks,\n )],\n vsan_fault_domains=[vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs(\n fault_domains=[\n vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs(\n name=\"fd1\",\n host_ids=[[__item[\"id\"] for __item in faultdomain1_hosts]],\n ),\n vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs(\n name=\"fd2\",\n host_ids=[[__item[\"id\"] for __item in faultdomain2_hosts]],\n ),\n ],\n )],\n vsan_stretched_cluster=vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs(\n preferred_fault_domain_host_ids=[[__item[\"id\"] for __item in preferred_fault_domain_host]],\n secondary_fault_domain_host_ids=[[__item[\"id\"] for __item in secondary_fault_domain_host]],\n witness_node=witness_host[\"id\"],\n ))\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing VSphere = Pulumi.VSphere;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n var computeCluster = new VSphere.ComputeCluster(\"compute_cluster\", new()\n {\n Name = \"terraform-compute-cluster-test\",\n DatacenterId = datacenter.Id,\n HostSystemIds = new[]\n {\n host.Select(__item =\u003e __item.Id).ToList(),\n },\n DrsEnabled = true,\n DrsAutomationLevel = \"fullyAutomated\",\n HaEnabled = false,\n VsanEnabled = true,\n VsanEsaEnabled = true,\n VsanDedupEnabled = true,\n VsanCompressionEnabled = true,\n VsanPerformanceEnabled = true,\n VsanVerboseModeEnabled = true,\n VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled = true,\n VsanUnmapEnabled = true,\n VsanDitEncryptionEnabled = true,\n VsanDitRekeyInterval = 1800,\n VsanDiskGroups = new[]\n {\n new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs\n {\n Cache = cacheDisks[0],\n Storages = storageDisks,\n },\n },\n VsanFaultDomains = new[]\n {\n new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs\n {\n FaultDomains = new[]\n {\n new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs\n {\n Name = \"fd1\",\n HostIds = new[]\n {\n faultdomain1Hosts.Select(__item =\u003e __item.Id).ToList(),\n },\n },\n new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs\n {\n Name = \"fd2\",\n HostIds = new[]\n {\n faultdomain2Hosts.Select(__item =\u003e __item.Id).ToList(),\n },\n },\n },\n },\n },\n VsanStretchedCluster = new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs\n {\n PreferredFaultDomainHostIds = new[]\n {\n preferredFaultDomainHost.Select(__item =\u003e __item.Id).ToList(),\n },\n SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds = new[]\n {\n secondaryFaultDomainHost.Select(__item =\u003e __item.Id).ToList(),\n },\n WitnessNode = witnessHost.Id,\n },\n });\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\nfunc main() {\npulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n_, err := vsphere.NewComputeCluster(ctx, \"compute_cluster\", \u0026vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs{\nName: pulumi.String(\"terraform-compute-cluster-test\"),\nDatacenterId: pulumi.Any(datacenter.Id),\nHostSystemIds: pulumi.StringArray{\n%!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:4,25-35),\n},\nDrsEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),\nDrsAutomationLevel: pulumi.String(\"fullyAutomated\"),\nHaEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),\nVsanEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),\nVsanEsaEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),\nVsanDedupEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),\nVsanCompressionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),\nVsanPerformanceEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),\nVsanVerboseModeEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),\nVsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),\nVsanUnmapEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),\nVsanDitEncryptionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),\nVsanDitRekeyInterval: pulumi.Int(1800),\nVsanDiskGroups: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArray{\n\u0026vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs{\nCache: pulumi.Any(cacheDisks[0]),\nStorages: pulumi.Any(storageDisks),\n},\n},\nVsanFaultDomains: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArray{\n\u0026vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs{\nFaultDomains: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArray{\n\u0026vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs{\nName: pulumi.String(\"fd1\"),\nHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{\n%!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:26,18-41),\n},\n},\n\u0026vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs{\nName: pulumi.String(\"fd2\"),\nHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{\n%!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:29,18-41),\n},\n},\n},\n},\n},\nVsanStretchedCluster: \u0026vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs{\nPreferredFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{\n%!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:33,36-66),\n},\nSecondaryFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{\n%!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:34,36-66),\n},\nWitnessNode: pulumi.Any(witnessHost.Id),\n},\n})\nif err != nil {\nreturn err\n}\nreturn nil\n})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeCluster;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var computeCluster = new ComputeCluster(\"computeCluster\", ComputeClusterArgs.builder() \n .name(\"terraform-compute-cluster-test\")\n .datacenterId(datacenter.id())\n .hostSystemIds(host.stream().map(element -\u003e element.id()).collect(toList()))\n .drsEnabled(true)\n .drsAutomationLevel(\"fullyAutomated\")\n .haEnabled(false)\n .vsanEnabled(true)\n .vsanEsaEnabled(true)\n .vsanDedupEnabled(true)\n .vsanCompressionEnabled(true)\n .vsanPerformanceEnabled(true)\n .vsanVerboseModeEnabled(true)\n .vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled(true)\n .vsanUnmapEnabled(true)\n .vsanDitEncryptionEnabled(true)\n .vsanDitRekeyInterval(1800)\n .vsanDiskGroups(ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.builder()\n .cache(cacheDisks[0])\n .storages(storageDisks)\n .build())\n .vsanFaultDomains(ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs.builder()\n .faultDomains( \n ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder()\n .name(\"fd1\")\n .hostIds(faultdomain1Hosts.stream().map(element -\u003e element.id()).collect(toList()))\n .build(),\n ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder()\n .name(\"fd2\")\n .hostIds(faultdomain2Hosts.stream().map(element -\u003e element.id()).collect(toList()))\n .build())\n .build())\n .vsanStretchedCluster(ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.builder()\n .preferredFaultDomainHostIds(preferredFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -\u003e element.id()).collect(toList()))\n .secondaryFaultDomainHostIds(secondaryFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -\u003e element.id()).collect(toList()))\n .witnessNode(witnessHost.id())\n .build())\n .build());\n\n }\n}\n```\n\u003c!--End PulumiCodeChooser --\u003e\n" + "description": "The name of secondary fault domain.\n" }, "witnessNode": { "type": "string", @@ -242,12 +242,12 @@ "properties": { "authenticationMethod": { "type": "string", - "description": "Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`.\n", + "description": "Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`.\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "password": { "type": "string", - "description": "Password used for authentication.\n", + "description": "Password used by subscribers to authenticate.\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "publishUrl": { @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ }, "username": { "type": "string", - "description": "Username used for authentication.\n", + "description": "Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`.\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true } }, @@ -344,11 +344,11 @@ "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS,\nadded in order they are specified.\n" + "description": "Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch.\n" }, "hostSystemId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The host system ID of the host to add to the\nVDS.\n" + "description": "The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -360,15 +360,15 @@ "properties": { "primaryVlanId": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and\n4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property.\n" + "description": "The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property.\n" }, "pvlanType": { "type": "string", - "description": "The private VLAN type. Valid values are\npromiscuous, community and isolated.\n" + "description": "The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated.\n" }, "secondaryVlanId": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0\nand 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property.\n" + "description": "The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -630,11 +630,11 @@ "properties": { "clientDevice": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`.\n" + "description": "Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device\n" }, "datastoreId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`.\n" + "description": "The datastore ID the ISO is located on.\n" }, "deviceAddress": { "type": "string", @@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ }, "path": { "type": "string", - "description": "The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to .\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present.\n" + "description": "The path to the ISO file on the datastore.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterface:VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterface" }, - "description": "A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification of network interface configuration options.\n" }, "timeout": { "type": "integer", @@ -900,15 +900,15 @@ "properties": { "attach": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used.\n" + "description": "If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove.\n" }, "controllerType": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`.\n" + "description": "The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'.\n" }, "datastoreId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`.\n" + "description": "The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine.\n" }, "deviceAddress": { "type": "string", @@ -916,35 +916,35 @@ }, "diskMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode].\n\n[vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html\n" + "description": "The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable.\n" }, "diskSharing": { "type": "string", - "description": "The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later.\n" + "description": "The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone.\n" }, "eagerlyScrub": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time.\n" }, "ioLimit": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit.\n" + "description": "The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use.\n" }, "ioReservation": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation.\n" + "description": "The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS.\n" }, "ioShareCount": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`.\n" + "description": "The share count for this disk when the share level is custom.\n" }, "ioShareLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`.\n" + "description": "The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom.\n" }, "keepOnRemove": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration.\n" }, "key": { "type": "integer", @@ -956,31 +956,31 @@ }, "path": { "type": "string", - "description": "The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to .\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present.\n" + "description": "The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value.\n" }, "size": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number.\n" + "description": "The size of the disk, in GB.\n" }, "storagePolicyId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk.\n" + "description": "The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM.\n" }, "thinProvisioned": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis.\n" }, "unitNumber": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to.\n" + "description": "The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached.\n" }, "uuid": { "type": "string", - "description": "The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource.\n" }, "writeThrough": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -1005,23 +1005,23 @@ "properties": { "adapterType": { "type": "string", - "description": "The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`.\n" + "description": "The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma.\n" }, "bandwidthLimit": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`.\n" + "description": "The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec.\n" }, "bandwidthReservation": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation.\n" + "description": "The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec.\n" }, "bandwidthShareCount": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`.\n" + "description": "The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom.\n" }, "bandwidthShareLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`.\n" + "description": "The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom.\n" }, "deviceAddress": { "type": "string", @@ -1033,15 +1033,15 @@ }, "macAddress": { "type": "string", - "description": "The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface.\n" + "description": "The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true.\n" }, "networkId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface.\n" + "description": "The ID of the network to connect this network interface to.\n" }, "ovfMapping": { "type": "string", - "description": "Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA.\n", + "description": "Mapping of network interface to OVF network.\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "physicalFunction": { @@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ }, "useStaticMac": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -1161,19 +1161,19 @@ "properties": { "dhcp": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack.\n" + "description": "Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack.\n" }, "gw": { "type": "string", - "description": "IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set.\n" + "description": "IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set.\n" }, "ip": { "type": "string", - "description": "Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set.\n" + "description": "address of the interface, if DHCP is not set.\n" }, "netmask": { "type": "string", - "description": "Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set.\n" + "description": "netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set.\n" } }, "type": "object" @@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ }, "dhcp": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack.\n" + "description": "Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack.\n" }, "gw": { "type": "string", @@ -1720,46 +1720,46 @@ }, "dpmAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The automation level for host power\noperations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default:\n`manual`.\n" + "description": "The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated.\n" }, "dpmEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster.\nRequires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective.\nDefault: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual\nmachines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled.\n" }, "dpmThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "A value between `1` and `5` indicating the\nthreshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations.\nThis affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will\ntolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`.\n" + "description": "A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This\naffects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher\nsetting.\n" }, "drsAdvancedOptions": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A key/value map that specifies advanced\noptions for DRS and DPM.\n" + "description": "Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM.\n" }, "drsAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The default automation level for all\nvirtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`,\n`partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`.\n" + "description": "The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or\nfullyAutomated.\n" }, "drsEnablePredictiveDrs": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "When `true`, enables DRS to use data\nfrom [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS\nrecommendations. \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n\n[ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html\n" + "description": "When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations.\n" }, "drsEnableVmOverrides": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow individual DRS overrides to be\nset for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set.\n" }, "drsEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable DRS for this cluster.\n" }, "drsMigrationThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "A value between `1` and `5` indicating\nthe threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will\ntolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default:\n`3`.\n" + "description": "A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate\nmore imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less.\n" }, "drsScaleDescendantsShares": { "type": "string", - "description": "Enable scalable shares for all\nresource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or\n`scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`.\n" + "description": "Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster.\n" }, "folder": { "type": "string", @@ -1767,151 +1767,151 @@ }, "forceEvacuateOnDestroy": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "When destroying the resource, setting this to\n`true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster,\nas if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see\nbelow. This is an advanced\noption and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as\nthere are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster\nconfigurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and\nyour DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead,\nincrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of\nthe `host_system_ids` attribute.\n" + "description": "Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists\nfor testing and is not recommended in normal use.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "Defines the\nmanaged object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover\nhosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will\nblock access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making\nrecommendations.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated\nfailover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS\nwill ignore the host when making recommendations.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum number\nof failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on\nwhether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than\nthe number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual\nmachine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The percentage of\nresource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of\na failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100\ndisables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled).\n" + "description": "The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces\nwarnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of admission control\npolicy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`,\n`slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`.\n" + "description": "The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are\npermitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage,\nslotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service\nissues.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the\naverage number of host resources represented by the\n`ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance`\nsetting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply\nuser-defined values. Default: `true`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by\nsubtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting\nfrom the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for\nfailover. Default: `100`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in\nthe cluster to reserve for failover.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for\nfailover. Default: `100`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in\nthe cluster to reserve for failover.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls\nwhether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot\nsizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic\naverage based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values\nto CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines\ncurrently in the cluster.\n" }, "haAdvancedOptions": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A key/value map that specifies advanced\noptions for vSphere HA.\n" + "description": "Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take\non virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the\nmiddle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an\naffected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on\nvirtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a\nrelevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`,\n`restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has\ndetected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or\nrestartAggressive.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponseDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds,\nto wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in\n`ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180`\nseconds (3 minutes). \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute\nthe response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response.\n" }, "haDatastorePdlResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on\nvirtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a\nrelevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or\n`restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has\ndetected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive.\n" }, "haEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default:\n`false`.\n" + "description": "Enable vSphere HA for this cluster.\n" }, "haHeartbeatDatastoreIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of managed object IDs for\npreferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful\nwhen `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set\nto either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`.\n" + "description": "The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when\nha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference.\n" }, "haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The selection policy for HA\nheartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or\n`allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default:\n`allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`.\n" + "description": "The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or\nallFeasibleDsWithUserPreference.\n" }, "haHostIsolationResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "The action to take on virtual\nmachines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of\nthe cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default:\n`none`.\n" + "description": "The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster.\nCan be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown.\n" }, "haHostMonitoring": { "type": "string", - "description": "Global setting that controls whether\nvSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled`\nor `disabled`. Default: `enabled`.\n" + "description": "Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled.\n" }, "haVmComponentProtection": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls vSphere VM component\nprotection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or\n`disabled`. Default: `enabled`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to\nfailures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled.\n" }, "haVmDependencyRestartCondition": { "type": "string", - "description": "The condition used to\ndetermine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class\nare online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next\npriority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or\n`appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine\nis considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move\non to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen.\n" }, "haVmFailureInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat\nfrom a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval,\nthe virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds.\n" + "description": "If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as\nfailed. The value is in seconds.\n" }, "haVmMaximumFailureWindow": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds, for the reset window in\nwhich `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this\nwindow expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting\nconfigured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an\nunlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window).\n" + "description": "The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are\nattempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset\ntime is allotted.\n" }, "haVmMaximumResets": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will\nperform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3`\n" + "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event.\n" }, "haVmMinimumUptime": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after\npowering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default:\n`120` seconds (2 minutes).\n" + "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats.\n" }, "haVmMonitoring": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use\nwhen HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`,\n`vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`.\n" + "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled,\nvmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring.\n" }, "haVmRestartAdditionalDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Additional delay, in seconds,\nafter ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point.\nDefault: `0` seconds (no delay). \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point.\n" }, "haVmRestartPriority": { "type": "string", - "description": "The default restart priority\nfor affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one\nof `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`.\n" + "description": "The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium,\nhigh, or highest.\n" }, "haVmRestartTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum time, in seconds,\nthat vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready\nbefore proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes).\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before\nproceeding with the next priority.\n" }, "hostClusterExitTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance\nmode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour).\n" + "description": "The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster.\n" }, "hostManaged": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Can be set to `true` if compute cluster\nmembership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the\n`compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`.\n" + "description": "Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource.\n" }, "hostSystemIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The managed object IDs of\nthe hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`.\n" + "description": "The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster.\n" }, "name": { "type": "string", @@ -1919,26 +1919,26 @@ }, "proactiveHaAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Determines how the host\nquarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations\nmade by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or\n`Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual.\n" }, "proactiveHaEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation.\n" }, "proactiveHaModerateRemediation": { "type": "string", - "description": "The configured remediation\nfor moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or\n`QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when\n`proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set\nto `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that\nthis cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode.\n" }, "proactiveHaProviderIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of IDs for health update\nproviders configured for this cluster.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster.\n" }, "proactiveHaSevereRemediation": { "type": "string", - "description": "The configured remediation for\nseverely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`.\nNote that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when\n`proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is\nset to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this\ncannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode.\n" }, "resourcePoolId": { "type": "string", @@ -1953,68 +1953,68 @@ }, "vsanCompressionEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN compression on the\ncluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanDedupEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster.\nCannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN\ncompression must also be enabled.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanDiskGroups": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup:ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup" }, - "description": "Represents the configuration of a host disk\ngroup in the cluster.\n" + "description": "A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster.\n" }, "vsanDitEncryptionEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN data-in-transit\nencryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e.,\nvSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature\nat the same time.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanDitRekeyInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Indicates the rekey interval in\nminutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to\n10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`.\n" + "description": "When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes).\n" }, "vsanEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanEsaEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanFaultDomains": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomain:ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomain" }, - "description": "Configurations of vSAN fault domains.\n" + "description": "The configuration for vSAN fault domains.\n" }, "vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables network\ndiagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanPerformanceEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN performance service on\nthe cluster. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanRemoteDatastoreIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be\nmounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and\n`vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with\ndata-in-transit encryption feature at the same time.\n" + "description": "The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster.\n" }, "vsanStretchedCluster": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster:ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster", - "description": "Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster.\n" + "description": "The configuration for stretched cluster.\n" }, "vsanUnmapEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster.\nYou must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanVerboseModeEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables verbose mode for vSAN\nperformance service on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster.\n" } }, "required": [ @@ -2039,46 +2039,46 @@ }, "dpmAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The automation level for host power\noperations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default:\n`manual`.\n" + "description": "The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated.\n" }, "dpmEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster.\nRequires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective.\nDefault: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual\nmachines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled.\n" }, "dpmThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "A value between `1` and `5` indicating the\nthreshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations.\nThis affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will\ntolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`.\n" + "description": "A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This\naffects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher\nsetting.\n" }, "drsAdvancedOptions": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A key/value map that specifies advanced\noptions for DRS and DPM.\n" + "description": "Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM.\n" }, "drsAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The default automation level for all\nvirtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`,\n`partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`.\n" + "description": "The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or\nfullyAutomated.\n" }, "drsEnablePredictiveDrs": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "When `true`, enables DRS to use data\nfrom [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS\nrecommendations. \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n\n[ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html\n" + "description": "When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations.\n" }, "drsEnableVmOverrides": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow individual DRS overrides to be\nset for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set.\n" }, "drsEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable DRS for this cluster.\n" }, "drsMigrationThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "A value between `1` and `5` indicating\nthe threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will\ntolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default:\n`3`.\n" + "description": "A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate\nmore imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less.\n" }, "drsScaleDescendantsShares": { "type": "string", - "description": "Enable scalable shares for all\nresource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or\n`scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`.\n" + "description": "Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster.\n" }, "folder": { "type": "string", @@ -2086,151 +2086,151 @@ }, "forceEvacuateOnDestroy": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "When destroying the resource, setting this to\n`true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster,\nas if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see\nbelow. This is an advanced\noption and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as\nthere are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster\nconfigurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and\nyour DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead,\nincrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of\nthe `host_system_ids` attribute.\n" + "description": "Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists\nfor testing and is not recommended in normal use.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "Defines the\nmanaged object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover\nhosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will\nblock access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making\nrecommendations.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated\nfailover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS\nwill ignore the host when making recommendations.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum number\nof failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on\nwhether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than\nthe number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual\nmachine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The percentage of\nresource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of\na failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100\ndisables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled).\n" + "description": "The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces\nwarnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of admission control\npolicy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`,\n`slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`.\n" + "description": "The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are\npermitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage,\nslotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service\nissues.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the\naverage number of host resources represented by the\n`ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance`\nsetting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply\nuser-defined values. Default: `true`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by\nsubtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting\nfrom the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for\nfailover. Default: `100`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in\nthe cluster to reserve for failover.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for\nfailover. Default: `100`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in\nthe cluster to reserve for failover.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls\nwhether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot\nsizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic\naverage based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values\nto CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines\ncurrently in the cluster.\n" }, "haAdvancedOptions": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A key/value map that specifies advanced\noptions for vSphere HA.\n" + "description": "Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take\non virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the\nmiddle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an\naffected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on\nvirtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a\nrelevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`,\n`restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has\ndetected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or\nrestartAggressive.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponseDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds,\nto wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in\n`ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180`\nseconds (3 minutes). \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute\nthe response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response.\n" }, "haDatastorePdlResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on\nvirtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a\nrelevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or\n`restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has\ndetected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive.\n" }, "haEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default:\n`false`.\n" + "description": "Enable vSphere HA for this cluster.\n" }, "haHeartbeatDatastoreIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of managed object IDs for\npreferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful\nwhen `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set\nto either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`.\n" + "description": "The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when\nha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference.\n" }, "haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The selection policy for HA\nheartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or\n`allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default:\n`allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`.\n" + "description": "The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or\nallFeasibleDsWithUserPreference.\n" }, "haHostIsolationResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "The action to take on virtual\nmachines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of\nthe cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default:\n`none`.\n" + "description": "The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster.\nCan be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown.\n" }, "haHostMonitoring": { "type": "string", - "description": "Global setting that controls whether\nvSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled`\nor `disabled`. Default: `enabled`.\n" + "description": "Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled.\n" }, "haVmComponentProtection": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls vSphere VM component\nprotection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or\n`disabled`. Default: `enabled`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to\nfailures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled.\n" }, "haVmDependencyRestartCondition": { "type": "string", - "description": "The condition used to\ndetermine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class\nare online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next\npriority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or\n`appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine\nis considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move\non to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen.\n" }, "haVmFailureInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat\nfrom a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval,\nthe virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds.\n" + "description": "If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as\nfailed. The value is in seconds.\n" }, "haVmMaximumFailureWindow": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds, for the reset window in\nwhich `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this\nwindow expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting\nconfigured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an\nunlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window).\n" + "description": "The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are\nattempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset\ntime is allotted.\n" }, "haVmMaximumResets": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will\nperform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3`\n" + "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event.\n" }, "haVmMinimumUptime": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after\npowering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default:\n`120` seconds (2 minutes).\n" + "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats.\n" }, "haVmMonitoring": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use\nwhen HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`,\n`vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`.\n" + "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled,\nvmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring.\n" }, "haVmRestartAdditionalDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Additional delay, in seconds,\nafter ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point.\nDefault: `0` seconds (no delay). \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point.\n" }, "haVmRestartPriority": { "type": "string", - "description": "The default restart priority\nfor affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one\nof `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`.\n" + "description": "The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium,\nhigh, or highest.\n" }, "haVmRestartTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum time, in seconds,\nthat vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready\nbefore proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes).\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before\nproceeding with the next priority.\n" }, "hostClusterExitTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance\nmode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour).\n" + "description": "The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster.\n" }, "hostManaged": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Can be set to `true` if compute cluster\nmembership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the\n`compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`.\n" + "description": "Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource.\n" }, "hostSystemIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The managed object IDs of\nthe hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`.\n" + "description": "The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster.\n" }, "name": { "type": "string", @@ -2238,26 +2238,26 @@ }, "proactiveHaAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Determines how the host\nquarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations\nmade by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or\n`Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual.\n" }, "proactiveHaEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation.\n" }, "proactiveHaModerateRemediation": { "type": "string", - "description": "The configured remediation\nfor moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or\n`QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when\n`proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set\nto `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that\nthis cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode.\n" }, "proactiveHaProviderIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of IDs for health update\nproviders configured for this cluster.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster.\n" }, "proactiveHaSevereRemediation": { "type": "string", - "description": "The configured remediation for\nseverely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`.\nNote that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when\n`proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is\nset to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this\ncannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode.\n" }, "tags": { "type": "array", @@ -2268,68 +2268,68 @@ }, "vsanCompressionEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN compression on the\ncluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanDedupEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster.\nCannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN\ncompression must also be enabled.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanDiskGroups": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup:ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup" }, - "description": "Represents the configuration of a host disk\ngroup in the cluster.\n" + "description": "A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster.\n" }, "vsanDitEncryptionEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN data-in-transit\nencryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e.,\nvSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature\nat the same time.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanDitRekeyInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Indicates the rekey interval in\nminutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to\n10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`.\n" + "description": "When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes).\n" }, "vsanEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanEsaEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanFaultDomains": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomain:ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomain" }, - "description": "Configurations of vSAN fault domains.\n" + "description": "The configuration for vSAN fault domains.\n" }, "vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables network\ndiagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanPerformanceEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN performance service on\nthe cluster. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanRemoteDatastoreIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be\nmounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and\n`vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with\ndata-in-transit encryption feature at the same time.\n" + "description": "The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster.\n" }, "vsanStretchedCluster": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster:ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster", - "description": "Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster.\n" + "description": "The configuration for stretched cluster.\n" }, "vsanUnmapEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster.\nYou must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanVerboseModeEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables verbose mode for vSAN\nperformance service on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster.\n" } }, "requiredInputs": [ @@ -2352,46 +2352,46 @@ }, "dpmAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The automation level for host power\noperations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default:\n`manual`.\n" + "description": "The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated.\n" }, "dpmEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster.\nRequires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective.\nDefault: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual\nmachines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled.\n" }, "dpmThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "A value between `1` and `5` indicating the\nthreshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations.\nThis affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will\ntolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`.\n" + "description": "A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This\naffects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher\nsetting.\n" }, "drsAdvancedOptions": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A key/value map that specifies advanced\noptions for DRS and DPM.\n" + "description": "Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM.\n" }, "drsAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The default automation level for all\nvirtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`,\n`partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`.\n" + "description": "The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or\nfullyAutomated.\n" }, "drsEnablePredictiveDrs": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "When `true`, enables DRS to use data\nfrom [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS\nrecommendations. \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n\n[ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html\n" + "description": "When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations.\n" }, "drsEnableVmOverrides": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow individual DRS overrides to be\nset for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set.\n" }, "drsEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable DRS for this cluster.\n" }, "drsMigrationThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "A value between `1` and `5` indicating\nthe threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will\ntolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default:\n`3`.\n" + "description": "A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate\nmore imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less.\n" }, "drsScaleDescendantsShares": { "type": "string", - "description": "Enable scalable shares for all\nresource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or\n`scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`.\n" + "description": "Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster.\n" }, "folder": { "type": "string", @@ -2399,151 +2399,151 @@ }, "forceEvacuateOnDestroy": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "When destroying the resource, setting this to\n`true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster,\nas if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see\nbelow. This is an advanced\noption and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as\nthere are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster\nconfigurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and\nyour DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead,\nincrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of\nthe `host_system_ids` attribute.\n" + "description": "Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists\nfor testing and is not recommended in normal use.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "Defines the\nmanaged object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover\nhosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will\nblock access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making\nrecommendations.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated\nfailover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS\nwill ignore the host when making recommendations.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum number\nof failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on\nwhether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than\nthe number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual\nmachine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The percentage of\nresource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of\na failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100\ndisables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled).\n" + "description": "The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces\nwarnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of admission control\npolicy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`,\n`slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`.\n" + "description": "The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are\npermitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage,\nslotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service\nissues.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the\naverage number of host resources represented by the\n`ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance`\nsetting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply\nuser-defined values. Default: `true`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by\nsubtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting\nfrom the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for\nfailover. Default: `100`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in\nthe cluster to reserve for failover.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for\nfailover. Default: `100`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in\nthe cluster to reserve for failover.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the\nuser-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB.\n" }, "haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls\nwhether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot\nsizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic\naverage based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster.\n" + "description": "When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values\nto CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines\ncurrently in the cluster.\n" }, "haAdvancedOptions": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A key/value map that specifies advanced\noptions for vSphere HA.\n" + "description": "Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take\non virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the\nmiddle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an\naffected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on\nvirtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a\nrelevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`,\n`restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has\ndetected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or\nrestartAggressive.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponseDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds,\nto wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in\n`ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180`\nseconds (3 minutes). \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute\nthe response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response.\n" }, "haDatastorePdlResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on\nvirtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a\nrelevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or\n`restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has\ndetected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive.\n" }, "haEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default:\n`false`.\n" + "description": "Enable vSphere HA for this cluster.\n" }, "haHeartbeatDatastoreIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of managed object IDs for\npreferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful\nwhen `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set\nto either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`.\n" + "description": "The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when\nha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference.\n" }, "haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The selection policy for HA\nheartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or\n`allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default:\n`allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`.\n" + "description": "The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or\nallFeasibleDsWithUserPreference.\n" }, "haHostIsolationResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "The action to take on virtual\nmachines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of\nthe cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default:\n`none`.\n" + "description": "The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster.\nCan be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown.\n" }, "haHostMonitoring": { "type": "string", - "description": "Global setting that controls whether\nvSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled`\nor `disabled`. Default: `enabled`.\n" + "description": "Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled.\n" }, "haVmComponentProtection": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls vSphere VM component\nprotection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or\n`disabled`. Default: `enabled`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to\nfailures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled.\n" }, "haVmDependencyRestartCondition": { "type": "string", - "description": "The condition used to\ndetermine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class\nare online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next\npriority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or\n`appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine\nis considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move\non to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen.\n" }, "haVmFailureInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat\nfrom a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval,\nthe virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds.\n" + "description": "If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as\nfailed. The value is in seconds.\n" }, "haVmMaximumFailureWindow": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds, for the reset window in\nwhich `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this\nwindow expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting\nconfigured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an\nunlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window).\n" + "description": "The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are\nattempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset\ntime is allotted.\n" }, "haVmMaximumResets": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will\nperform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3`\n" + "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event.\n" }, "haVmMinimumUptime": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after\npowering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default:\n`120` seconds (2 minutes).\n" + "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats.\n" }, "haVmMonitoring": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use\nwhen HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`,\n`vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`.\n" + "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled,\nvmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring.\n" }, "haVmRestartAdditionalDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Additional delay, in seconds,\nafter ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point.\nDefault: `0` seconds (no delay). \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point.\n" }, "haVmRestartPriority": { "type": "string", - "description": "The default restart priority\nfor affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one\nof `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`.\n" + "description": "The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium,\nhigh, or highest.\n" }, "haVmRestartTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum time, in seconds,\nthat vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready\nbefore proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes).\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before\nproceeding with the next priority.\n" }, "hostClusterExitTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance\nmode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour).\n" + "description": "The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster.\n" }, "hostManaged": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Can be set to `true` if compute cluster\nmembership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the\n`compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`.\n" + "description": "Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource.\n" }, "hostSystemIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The managed object IDs of\nthe hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`.\n" + "description": "The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster.\n" }, "name": { "type": "string", @@ -2551,26 +2551,26 @@ }, "proactiveHaAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Determines how the host\nquarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations\nmade by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or\n`Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual.\n" }, "proactiveHaEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation.\n" }, "proactiveHaModerateRemediation": { "type": "string", - "description": "The configured remediation\nfor moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or\n`QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when\n`proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set\nto `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that\nthis cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode.\n" }, "proactiveHaProviderIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of IDs for health update\nproviders configured for this cluster.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster.\n" }, "proactiveHaSevereRemediation": { "type": "string", - "description": "The configured remediation for\nseverely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`.\nNote that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when\n`proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is\nset to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`.\n\u003csup\u003e\\*\u003c/sup\u003e\n" + "description": "The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this\ncannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode.\n" }, "resourcePoolId": { "type": "string", @@ -2585,68 +2585,68 @@ }, "vsanCompressionEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN compression on the\ncluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanDedupEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster.\nCannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN\ncompression must also be enabled.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanDiskGroups": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup:ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup" }, - "description": "Represents the configuration of a host disk\ngroup in the cluster.\n" + "description": "A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster.\n" }, "vsanDitEncryptionEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN data-in-transit\nencryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e.,\nvSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature\nat the same time.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanDitRekeyInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Indicates the rekey interval in\nminutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to\n10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`.\n" + "description": "When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes).\n" }, "vsanEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanEsaEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanFaultDomains": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomain:ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomain" }, - "description": "Configurations of vSAN fault domains.\n" + "description": "The configuration for vSAN fault domains.\n" }, "vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables network\ndiagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanPerformanceEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN performance service on\nthe cluster. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanRemoteDatastoreIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be\nmounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and\n`vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with\ndata-in-transit encryption feature at the same time.\n" + "description": "The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster.\n" }, "vsanStretchedCluster": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster:ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster", - "description": "Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster.\n" + "description": "The configuration for stretched cluster.\n" }, "vsanUnmapEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster.\nYou must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster.\n" }, "vsanVerboseModeEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables verbose mode for vSAN\nperformance service on the cluster.\n" + "description": "Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster.\n" } }, "type": "object" @@ -3542,15 +3542,15 @@ "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS\nsettings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client.\n" + "description": "Advanced configuration options for storage DRS.\n" }, "sdrsAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The global automation level for all\nvirtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`.\n" + "description": "The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster.\n" }, "sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "When `true`, all disks in a\nsingle virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default.\n" }, "sdrsEnabled": { "type": "boolean", @@ -3558,7 +3558,7 @@ }, "sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The free space threshold to use.\nWhen set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and\nwhen set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default:\n`utilization`.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore.\n" }, "sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode": { "type": "string", @@ -3566,59 +3566,59 @@ }, "sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The threshold, in\npercent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage\nDRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to\nbalance the space.\n" }, "sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances.\n" }, "sdrsIoLatencyThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The I/O latency threshold, in\nmilliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks\nfrom this datastore. Default: `15` seconds.\n" + "description": "The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this\ndatastore.\n" }, "sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable I/O load balancing for\nthis datastore cluster. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster.\n" }, "sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The difference between load\nin datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to\nbalance the load. Default: `5` percent.\n" + "description": "The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load.\n" }, "sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The threshold of reservable\nIOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes\nrecommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should\nonly be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate\nestimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set\nto roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs.\n" + "description": "The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to\nmove VMs off of a datastore.\n" }, "sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The threshold, in\npercent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that\nstorage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when\nthe total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make\nrecommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold.\n" }, "sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The reservable IOPS\nthreshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event\nof `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of\n`manual`. Default: `automatic`.\n" + "description": "The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual.\n" }, "sdrsLoadBalanceInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The storage DRS poll interval, in\nminutes. Default: `480` minutes.\n" + "description": "The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes.\n" }, "sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations.\n" }, "sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting affinity rule violations.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations.\n" }, "sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting disk space imbalances.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances.\n" }, "sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Runtime thresholds govern \nwhen Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations\n(based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore.\n" }, "sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation.\n" }, "tags": { "type": "array", @@ -3658,15 +3658,15 @@ "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS\nsettings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client.\n" + "description": "Advanced configuration options for storage DRS.\n" }, "sdrsAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The global automation level for all\nvirtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`.\n" + "description": "The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster.\n" }, "sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "When `true`, all disks in a\nsingle virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default.\n" }, "sdrsEnabled": { "type": "boolean", @@ -3674,7 +3674,7 @@ }, "sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The free space threshold to use.\nWhen set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and\nwhen set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default:\n`utilization`.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore.\n" }, "sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode": { "type": "string", @@ -3682,59 +3682,59 @@ }, "sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The threshold, in\npercent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage\nDRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to\nbalance the space.\n" }, "sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances.\n" }, "sdrsIoLatencyThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The I/O latency threshold, in\nmilliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks\nfrom this datastore. Default: `15` seconds.\n" + "description": "The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this\ndatastore.\n" }, "sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable I/O load balancing for\nthis datastore cluster. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster.\n" }, "sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The difference between load\nin datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to\nbalance the load. Default: `5` percent.\n" + "description": "The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load.\n" }, "sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The threshold of reservable\nIOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes\nrecommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should\nonly be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate\nestimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set\nto roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs.\n" + "description": "The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to\nmove VMs off of a datastore.\n" }, "sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The threshold, in\npercent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that\nstorage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when\nthe total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make\nrecommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold.\n" }, "sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The reservable IOPS\nthreshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event\nof `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of\n`manual`. Default: `automatic`.\n" + "description": "The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual.\n" }, "sdrsLoadBalanceInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The storage DRS poll interval, in\nminutes. Default: `480` minutes.\n" + "description": "The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes.\n" }, "sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations.\n" }, "sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting affinity rule violations.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations.\n" }, "sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting disk space imbalances.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances.\n" }, "sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Runtime thresholds govern \nwhen Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations\n(based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore.\n" }, "sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation.\n" }, "tags": { "type": "array", @@ -3775,15 +3775,15 @@ "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS\nsettings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client.\n" + "description": "Advanced configuration options for storage DRS.\n" }, "sdrsAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The global automation level for all\nvirtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`.\n" + "description": "The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster.\n" }, "sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "When `true`, all disks in a\nsingle virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default.\n" }, "sdrsEnabled": { "type": "boolean", @@ -3791,7 +3791,7 @@ }, "sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The free space threshold to use.\nWhen set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and\nwhen set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default:\n`utilization`.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore.\n" }, "sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode": { "type": "string", @@ -3799,59 +3799,59 @@ }, "sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The threshold, in\npercent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage\nDRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to\nbalance the space.\n" }, "sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances.\n" }, "sdrsIoLatencyThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The I/O latency threshold, in\nmilliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks\nfrom this datastore. Default: `15` seconds.\n" + "description": "The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this\ndatastore.\n" }, "sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable I/O load balancing for\nthis datastore cluster. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster.\n" }, "sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The difference between load\nin datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to\nbalance the load. Default: `5` percent.\n" + "description": "The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load.\n" }, "sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The threshold of reservable\nIOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes\nrecommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should\nonly be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate\nestimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set\nto roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs.\n" + "description": "The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to\nmove VMs off of a datastore.\n" }, "sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The threshold, in\npercent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that\nstorage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when\nthe total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make\nrecommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold.\n" }, "sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The reservable IOPS\nthreshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event\nof `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of\n`manual`. Default: `automatic`.\n" + "description": "The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual.\n" }, "sdrsLoadBalanceInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The storage DRS poll interval, in\nminutes. Default: `480` minutes.\n" + "description": "The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes.\n" }, "sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations.\n" }, "sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting affinity rule violations.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations.\n" }, "sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when correcting disk space imbalances.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances.\n" }, "sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Runtime thresholds govern \nwhen Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations\n(based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent.\n" + "description": "The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore.\n" }, "sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "Overrides the default\nautomation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation.\n" + "description": "Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation.\n" }, "tags": { "type": "array", @@ -3987,7 +3987,7 @@ }, "blockOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the port shutdown\npolicy to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup.\n" }, "checkBeacon": { "type": "boolean", @@ -4066,7 +4066,7 @@ }, "livePortMovingAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow a port in this port group to be\nmoved to another port group while it is connected.\n" + "description": "Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup.\n" }, "name": { "type": "string", @@ -4078,7 +4078,7 @@ }, "netflowOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an\nindividual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup.\n" }, "networkResourcePoolKey": { "type": "string", @@ -4086,7 +4086,7 @@ }, "networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the network\nresource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup.\n" }, "notifySwitches": { "type": "boolean", @@ -4098,7 +4098,7 @@ }, "portConfigResetAtDisconnect": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Reset a port's settings to the\nsettings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects.\n" + "description": "Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects.\n" }, "portNameFormat": { "type": "string", @@ -4110,11 +4110,11 @@ }, "securityPolicyOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the \n[security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group\npolicy to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup.\n" }, "shapingOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy\nto be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup.\n" }, "standbyUplinks": { "type": "array", @@ -4136,7 +4136,7 @@ }, "trafficFilterOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow any traffic filters on\nthis port group to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup.\n" }, "txUplink": { "type": "boolean", @@ -4148,7 +4148,7 @@ }, "uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be\noverridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup.\n" }, "vlanId": { "type": "integer", @@ -4156,7 +4156,7 @@ }, "vlanOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an\nindividual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup.\n" }, "vlanRanges": { "type": "array", @@ -4229,7 +4229,7 @@ }, "blockOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the port shutdown\npolicy to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup.\n" }, "checkBeacon": { "type": "boolean", @@ -4301,7 +4301,7 @@ }, "livePortMovingAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow a port in this port group to be\nmoved to another port group while it is connected.\n" + "description": "Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup.\n" }, "name": { "type": "string", @@ -4313,7 +4313,7 @@ }, "netflowOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an\nindividual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup.\n" }, "networkResourcePoolKey": { "type": "string", @@ -4321,7 +4321,7 @@ }, "networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the network\nresource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup.\n" }, "notifySwitches": { "type": "boolean", @@ -4333,7 +4333,7 @@ }, "portConfigResetAtDisconnect": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Reset a port's settings to the\nsettings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects.\n" + "description": "Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects.\n" }, "portNameFormat": { "type": "string", @@ -4345,11 +4345,11 @@ }, "securityPolicyOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the \n[security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group\npolicy to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup.\n" }, "shapingOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy\nto be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup.\n" }, "standbyUplinks": { "type": "array", @@ -4371,7 +4371,7 @@ }, "trafficFilterOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow any traffic filters on\nthis port group to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup.\n" }, "txUplink": { "type": "boolean", @@ -4383,7 +4383,7 @@ }, "uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be\noverridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup.\n" }, "vlanId": { "type": "integer", @@ -4391,7 +4391,7 @@ }, "vlanOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an\nindividual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup.\n" }, "vlanRanges": { "type": "array", @@ -4436,7 +4436,7 @@ }, "blockOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the port shutdown\npolicy to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup.\n" }, "checkBeacon": { "type": "boolean", @@ -4516,7 +4516,7 @@ }, "livePortMovingAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow a port in this port group to be\nmoved to another port group while it is connected.\n" + "description": "Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup.\n" }, "name": { "type": "string", @@ -4528,7 +4528,7 @@ }, "netflowOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an\nindividual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup.\n" }, "networkResourcePoolKey": { "type": "string", @@ -4536,7 +4536,7 @@ }, "networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the network\nresource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup.\n" }, "notifySwitches": { "type": "boolean", @@ -4548,7 +4548,7 @@ }, "portConfigResetAtDisconnect": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Reset a port's settings to the\nsettings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects.\n" + "description": "Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects.\n" }, "portNameFormat": { "type": "string", @@ -4560,11 +4560,11 @@ }, "securityPolicyOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the \n[security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group\npolicy to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup.\n" }, "shapingOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy\nto be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup.\n" }, "standbyUplinks": { "type": "array", @@ -4586,7 +4586,7 @@ }, "trafficFilterOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow any traffic filters on\nthis port group to be overridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup.\n" }, "txUplink": { "type": "boolean", @@ -4598,7 +4598,7 @@ }, "uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be\noverridden on an individual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup.\n" }, "vlanId": { "type": "integer", @@ -4606,7 +4606,7 @@ }, "vlanOverrideAllowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the\n[VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an\nindividual port.\n" + "description": "Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup.\n" }, "vlanRanges": { "type": "array", @@ -4626,19 +4626,19 @@ "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A list of active uplinks to be used in load\nbalancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the\n`uplinks` VDS argument. See\nhere for more details.\n" + "description": "List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS.\n" }, "allowForgedTransmits": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not a virtual\nnetwork adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC\naddress than that of its own.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than\nthat of its own.\n" }, "allowMacChanges": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access\nControl (MAC) address can be changed.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed.\n" }, "allowPromiscuous": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This\nflag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port.\n" + "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port.\n" }, "backupnfcMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -4658,11 +4658,11 @@ }, "blockAllPorts": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Shuts down all ports in the port groups that\nthis policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected\nvirtual devices.\n" + "description": "Indicates whether to block all ports by default.\n" }, "checkBeacon": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables beacon probing as an additional measure\nto detect NIC failure.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon\nprobing.\n" + "description": "Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to.\n" }, "configVersion": { "type": "string", @@ -4693,27 +4693,27 @@ }, "directpathGen2Allowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports\nfor which this policy applies to.\n" + "description": "Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to.\n" }, "egressShapingAverageBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The average bandwidth in bits\nper second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "egressShapingBurstSize": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in\nbytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "egressShapingEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "`true` if the traffic shaper is enabled\non the port for egress traffic.\n" + "description": "True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port.\n" }, "egressShapingPeakBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The peak bandwidth during bursts\nin bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "failback": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed\nuplinks higher in precedence when they come back up.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up.\n" }, "faulttoleranceMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -4756,27 +4756,27 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/DistributedVirtualSwitchHost:DistributedVirtualSwitchHost" }, - "description": "Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The\noptions are:\n" + "description": "A host member specification.\n" }, "ignoreOtherPvlanMappings": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Whether to ignore existing PVLAN\nmappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false.\n" + "description": "Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false.\n" }, "ingressShapingAverageBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The average bandwidth in\nbits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "ingressShapingBurstSize": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in\nbytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "ingressShapingEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "`true` if the traffic shaper is\nenabled on the port for ingress traffic.\n" + "description": "True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port.\n" }, "ingressShapingPeakBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The peak bandwidth during\nbursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "ipv4Address": { "type": "string", @@ -4804,11 +4804,11 @@ }, "lacpEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables LACP for the ports that this policy\napplies to.\n" + "description": "Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports.\n" }, "lacpMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`.\n" + "description": "The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive.\n" }, "linkDiscoveryOperation": { "type": "string", @@ -4848,43 +4848,43 @@ }, "netflowActiveFlowTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of seconds after which\nactive flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is\n`60` to `3600`. Default: `60`.\n" + "description": "The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector.\n" }, "netflowCollectorIpAddress": { "type": "string", - "description": "IP address for the Netflow\ncollector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later.\nMust be set before Netflow can be enabled.\n" + "description": "IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or\nlater.\n" }, "netflowCollectorPort": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Port for the Netflow collector. This\nmust be set before Netflow can be enabled.\n" + "description": "The port for the netflow collector.\n" }, "netflowEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy\napplies to.\n" + "description": "Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports.\n" }, "netflowIdleFlowTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of seconds after which\nidle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10`\nto `600`. Default: `15`.\n" + "description": "The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector.\n" }, "netflowInternalFlowsOnly": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Whether to limit analysis to\ntraffic that has both source and destination served by the same host.\nDefault: `false`.\n" + "description": "Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host.\n" }, "netflowObservationDomainId": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The observation domain ID for\nthe Netflow collector.\n" + "description": "The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector.\n" }, "netflowSamplingRate": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The ratio of total number of packets to\nthe number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the\nVDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which\nindicates an analysis rate of 0.001%.\n" + "description": "The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all\npackets are analyzed.\n" }, "networkResourceControlEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Set to `true` to enable\nnetwork I/O control. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features.\n" }, "networkResourceControlVersion": { "type": "string", - "description": "The version of network I/O\ncontrol to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`.\n" + "description": "The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3.\n" }, "nfsMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -4904,25 +4904,25 @@ }, "notifySwitches": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the\nbroadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates.\n" }, "portPrivateSecondaryVlanId": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Used to define a secondary VLAN\nID when using private VLANs.\n" + "description": "The secondary VLAN ID for this port.\n" }, "pvlanMappings": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping:DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping" }, - "description": "Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a\nprivate VLAN mapping. The options are:\n" + "description": "A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping.\n" }, "standbyUplinks": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A list of standby uplinks to be used in\nfailover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the\n`uplinks` VDS argument. See\nhere for more details.\n" + "description": "List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS.\n" }, "tags": { "type": "array", @@ -4933,18 +4933,18 @@ }, "teamingPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of\n`loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`,\n`failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`.\n" + "description": "The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid,\nfailover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased.\n" }, "txUplink": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which\nthis policy applies to its VDS uplinks.\n" + "description": "If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet\nforwarded done by the switch.\n" }, "uplinks": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names\nof the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list\ncontrols the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the\nnames. See here for an example on how to\nuse this option.\n" + "description": "A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS\nacross hosts.\n" }, "vdpMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -4991,7 +4991,7 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRange:DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRange" }, - "description": "Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan`\nand `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple\n`vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example\nbelow:\n\n\u003c!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --\u003e\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as vsphere from \"@pulumi/vsphere\";\n\nconst vds = new vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", {vlanRanges: [\n {\n minVlan: 100,\n maxVlan: 199,\n },\n {\n minVlan: 300,\n maxVlan: 399,\n },\n]});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_vsphere as vsphere\n\nvds = vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", vlan_ranges=[\n vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs(\n min_vlan=100,\n max_vlan=199,\n ),\n vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs(\n min_vlan=300,\n max_vlan=399,\n ),\n])\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing VSphere = Pulumi.VSphere;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n var vds = new VSphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", new()\n {\n VlanRanges = new[]\n {\n new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs\n {\n MinVlan = 100,\n MaxVlan = 199,\n },\n new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs\n {\n MinVlan = 300,\n MaxVlan = 399,\n },\n },\n });\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tpulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n\t\t_, err := vsphere.NewDistributedVirtualSwitch(ctx, \"vds\", \u0026vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs{\n\t\t\tVlanRanges: vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArray{\n\t\t\t\t\u0026vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{\n\t\t\t\t\tMinVlan: pulumi.Int(100),\n\t\t\t\t\tMaxVlan: pulumi.Int(199),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\u0026vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{\n\t\t\t\t\tMinVlan: pulumi.Int(300),\n\t\t\t\t\tMaxVlan: pulumi.Int(399),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t})\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() \n .vlanRanges( \n DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder()\n .minVlan(100)\n .maxVlan(199)\n .build(),\n DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder()\n .minVlan(300)\n .maxVlan(399)\n .build())\n .build());\n\n }\n}\n```\n```yaml\nresources:\n vds:\n type: vsphere:DistributedVirtualSwitch\n properties:\n vlanRanges:\n - minVlan: 100\n maxVlan: 199\n - minVlan: 300\n maxVlan: 399\n```\n\u003c!--End PulumiCodeChooser --\u003e\n" + "description": "The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN.\n" }, "vmotionMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -5109,19 +5109,19 @@ "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A list of active uplinks to be used in load\nbalancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the\n`uplinks` VDS argument. See\nhere for more details.\n" + "description": "List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS.\n" }, "allowForgedTransmits": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not a virtual\nnetwork adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC\naddress than that of its own.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than\nthat of its own.\n" }, "allowMacChanges": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access\nControl (MAC) address can be changed.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed.\n" }, "allowPromiscuous": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This\nflag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port.\n" + "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port.\n" }, "backupnfcMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -5141,11 +5141,11 @@ }, "blockAllPorts": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Shuts down all ports in the port groups that\nthis policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected\nvirtual devices.\n" + "description": "Indicates whether to block all ports by default.\n" }, "checkBeacon": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables beacon probing as an additional measure\nto detect NIC failure.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon\nprobing.\n" + "description": "Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to.\n" }, "contactDetail": { "type": "string", @@ -5173,27 +5173,27 @@ }, "directpathGen2Allowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports\nfor which this policy applies to.\n" + "description": "Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to.\n" }, "egressShapingAverageBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The average bandwidth in bits\nper second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "egressShapingBurstSize": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in\nbytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "egressShapingEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "`true` if the traffic shaper is enabled\non the port for egress traffic.\n" + "description": "True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port.\n" }, "egressShapingPeakBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The peak bandwidth during bursts\nin bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "failback": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed\nuplinks higher in precedence when they come back up.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up.\n" }, "faulttoleranceMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -5237,27 +5237,27 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/DistributedVirtualSwitchHost:DistributedVirtualSwitchHost" }, - "description": "Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The\noptions are:\n" + "description": "A host member specification.\n" }, "ignoreOtherPvlanMappings": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Whether to ignore existing PVLAN\nmappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false.\n" + "description": "Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false.\n" }, "ingressShapingAverageBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The average bandwidth in\nbits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "ingressShapingBurstSize": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in\nbytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "ingressShapingEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "`true` if the traffic shaper is\nenabled on the port for ingress traffic.\n" + "description": "True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port.\n" }, "ingressShapingPeakBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The peak bandwidth during\nbursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "ipv4Address": { "type": "string", @@ -5285,11 +5285,11 @@ }, "lacpEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables LACP for the ports that this policy\napplies to.\n" + "description": "Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports.\n" }, "lacpMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`.\n" + "description": "The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive.\n" }, "linkDiscoveryOperation": { "type": "string", @@ -5329,43 +5329,43 @@ }, "netflowActiveFlowTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of seconds after which\nactive flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is\n`60` to `3600`. Default: `60`.\n" + "description": "The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector.\n" }, "netflowCollectorIpAddress": { "type": "string", - "description": "IP address for the Netflow\ncollector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later.\nMust be set before Netflow can be enabled.\n" + "description": "IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or\nlater.\n" }, "netflowCollectorPort": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Port for the Netflow collector. This\nmust be set before Netflow can be enabled.\n" + "description": "The port for the netflow collector.\n" }, "netflowEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy\napplies to.\n" + "description": "Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports.\n" }, "netflowIdleFlowTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of seconds after which\nidle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10`\nto `600`. Default: `15`.\n" + "description": "The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector.\n" }, "netflowInternalFlowsOnly": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Whether to limit analysis to\ntraffic that has both source and destination served by the same host.\nDefault: `false`.\n" + "description": "Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host.\n" }, "netflowObservationDomainId": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The observation domain ID for\nthe Netflow collector.\n" + "description": "The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector.\n" }, "netflowSamplingRate": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The ratio of total number of packets to\nthe number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the\nVDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which\nindicates an analysis rate of 0.001%.\n" + "description": "The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all\npackets are analyzed.\n" }, "networkResourceControlEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Set to `true` to enable\nnetwork I/O control. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features.\n" }, "networkResourceControlVersion": { "type": "string", - "description": "The version of network I/O\ncontrol to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`.\n" + "description": "The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3.\n" }, "nfsMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -5385,25 +5385,25 @@ }, "notifySwitches": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the\nbroadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates.\n" }, "portPrivateSecondaryVlanId": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Used to define a secondary VLAN\nID when using private VLANs.\n" + "description": "The secondary VLAN ID for this port.\n" }, "pvlanMappings": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping:DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping" }, - "description": "Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a\nprivate VLAN mapping. The options are:\n" + "description": "A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping.\n" }, "standbyUplinks": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A list of standby uplinks to be used in\nfailover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the\n`uplinks` VDS argument. See\nhere for more details.\n" + "description": "List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS.\n" }, "tags": { "type": "array", @@ -5414,18 +5414,18 @@ }, "teamingPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of\n`loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`,\n`failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`.\n" + "description": "The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid,\nfailover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased.\n" }, "txUplink": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which\nthis policy applies to its VDS uplinks.\n" + "description": "If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet\nforwarded done by the switch.\n" }, "uplinks": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names\nof the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list\ncontrols the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the\nnames. See here for an example on how to\nuse this option.\n" + "description": "A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS\nacross hosts.\n" }, "vdpMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -5472,7 +5472,7 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRange:DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRange" }, - "description": "Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan`\nand `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple\n`vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example\nbelow:\n\n\u003c!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --\u003e\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as vsphere from \"@pulumi/vsphere\";\n\nconst vds = new vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", {vlanRanges: [\n {\n minVlan: 100,\n maxVlan: 199,\n },\n {\n minVlan: 300,\n maxVlan: 399,\n },\n]});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_vsphere as vsphere\n\nvds = vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", vlan_ranges=[\n vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs(\n min_vlan=100,\n max_vlan=199,\n ),\n vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs(\n min_vlan=300,\n max_vlan=399,\n ),\n])\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing VSphere = Pulumi.VSphere;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n var vds = new VSphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", new()\n {\n VlanRanges = new[]\n {\n new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs\n {\n MinVlan = 100,\n MaxVlan = 199,\n },\n new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs\n {\n MinVlan = 300,\n MaxVlan = 399,\n },\n },\n });\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tpulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n\t\t_, err := vsphere.NewDistributedVirtualSwitch(ctx, \"vds\", \u0026vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs{\n\t\t\tVlanRanges: vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArray{\n\t\t\t\t\u0026vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{\n\t\t\t\t\tMinVlan: pulumi.Int(100),\n\t\t\t\t\tMaxVlan: pulumi.Int(199),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\u0026vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{\n\t\t\t\t\tMinVlan: pulumi.Int(300),\n\t\t\t\t\tMaxVlan: pulumi.Int(399),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t})\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() \n .vlanRanges( \n DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder()\n .minVlan(100)\n .maxVlan(199)\n .build(),\n DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder()\n .minVlan(300)\n .maxVlan(399)\n .build())\n .build());\n\n }\n}\n```\n```yaml\nresources:\n vds:\n type: vsphere:DistributedVirtualSwitch\n properties:\n vlanRanges:\n - minVlan: 100\n maxVlan: 199\n - minVlan: 300\n maxVlan: 399\n```\n\u003c!--End PulumiCodeChooser --\u003e\n" + "description": "The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN.\n" }, "vmotionMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -5518,19 +5518,19 @@ "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A list of active uplinks to be used in load\nbalancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the\n`uplinks` VDS argument. See\nhere for more details.\n" + "description": "List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS.\n" }, "allowForgedTransmits": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not a virtual\nnetwork adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC\naddress than that of its own.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than\nthat of its own.\n" }, "allowMacChanges": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access\nControl (MAC) address can be changed.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed.\n" }, "allowPromiscuous": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This\nflag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port.\n" + "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port.\n" }, "backupnfcMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -5550,11 +5550,11 @@ }, "blockAllPorts": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Shuts down all ports in the port groups that\nthis policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected\nvirtual devices.\n" + "description": "Indicates whether to block all ports by default.\n" }, "checkBeacon": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables beacon probing as an additional measure\nto detect NIC failure.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon\nprobing.\n" + "description": "Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to.\n" }, "configVersion": { "type": "string", @@ -5586,27 +5586,27 @@ }, "directpathGen2Allowed": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports\nfor which this policy applies to.\n" + "description": "Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to.\n" }, "egressShapingAverageBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The average bandwidth in bits\nper second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "egressShapingBurstSize": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in\nbytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "egressShapingEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "`true` if the traffic shaper is enabled\non the port for egress traffic.\n" + "description": "True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port.\n" }, "egressShapingPeakBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The peak bandwidth during bursts\nin bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "failback": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed\nuplinks higher in precedence when they come back up.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up.\n" }, "faulttoleranceMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -5650,27 +5650,27 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/DistributedVirtualSwitchHost:DistributedVirtualSwitchHost" }, - "description": "Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The\noptions are:\n" + "description": "A host member specification.\n" }, "ignoreOtherPvlanMappings": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Whether to ignore existing PVLAN\nmappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false.\n" + "description": "Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false.\n" }, "ingressShapingAverageBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The average bandwidth in\nbits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "ingressShapingBurstSize": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in\nbytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "ingressShapingEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "`true` if the traffic shaper is\nenabled on the port for ingress traffic.\n" + "description": "True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port.\n" }, "ingressShapingPeakBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The peak bandwidth during\nbursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" + "description": "The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port.\n" }, "ipv4Address": { "type": "string", @@ -5698,11 +5698,11 @@ }, "lacpEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables LACP for the ports that this policy\napplies to.\n" + "description": "Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports.\n" }, "lacpMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`.\n" + "description": "The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive.\n" }, "linkDiscoveryOperation": { "type": "string", @@ -5742,43 +5742,43 @@ }, "netflowActiveFlowTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of seconds after which\nactive flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is\n`60` to `3600`. Default: `60`.\n" + "description": "The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector.\n" }, "netflowCollectorIpAddress": { "type": "string", - "description": "IP address for the Netflow\ncollector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later.\nMust be set before Netflow can be enabled.\n" + "description": "IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or\nlater.\n" }, "netflowCollectorPort": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Port for the Netflow collector. This\nmust be set before Netflow can be enabled.\n" + "description": "The port for the netflow collector.\n" }, "netflowEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy\napplies to.\n" + "description": "Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports.\n" }, "netflowIdleFlowTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of seconds after which\nidle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10`\nto `600`. Default: `15`.\n" + "description": "The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector.\n" }, "netflowInternalFlowsOnly": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Whether to limit analysis to\ntraffic that has both source and destination served by the same host.\nDefault: `false`.\n" + "description": "Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host.\n" }, "netflowObservationDomainId": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The observation domain ID for\nthe Netflow collector.\n" + "description": "The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector.\n" }, "netflowSamplingRate": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The ratio of total number of packets to\nthe number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the\nVDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which\nindicates an analysis rate of 0.001%.\n" + "description": "The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all\npackets are analyzed.\n" }, "networkResourceControlEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Set to `true` to enable\nnetwork I/O control. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features.\n" }, "networkResourceControlVersion": { "type": "string", - "description": "The version of network I/O\ncontrol to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`.\n" + "description": "The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3.\n" }, "nfsMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -5798,25 +5798,25 @@ }, "notifySwitches": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the\nbroadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates.\n" }, "portPrivateSecondaryVlanId": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Used to define a secondary VLAN\nID when using private VLANs.\n" + "description": "The secondary VLAN ID for this port.\n" }, "pvlanMappings": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping:DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping" }, - "description": "Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a\nprivate VLAN mapping. The options are:\n" + "description": "A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping.\n" }, "standbyUplinks": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A list of standby uplinks to be used in\nfailover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the\n`uplinks` VDS argument. See\nhere for more details.\n" + "description": "List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS.\n" }, "tags": { "type": "array", @@ -5827,18 +5827,18 @@ }, "teamingPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of\n`loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`,\n`failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`.\n" + "description": "The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid,\nfailover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased.\n" }, "txUplink": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which\nthis policy applies to its VDS uplinks.\n" + "description": "If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet\nforwarded done by the switch.\n" }, "uplinks": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names\nof the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list\ncontrols the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the\nnames. See here for an example on how to\nuse this option.\n" + "description": "A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS\nacross hosts.\n" }, "vdpMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -5885,7 +5885,7 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRange:DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRange" }, - "description": "Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan`\nand `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple\n`vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example\nbelow:\n\n\u003c!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --\u003e\n```typescript\nimport * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";\nimport * as vsphere from \"@pulumi/vsphere\";\n\nconst vds = new vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", {vlanRanges: [\n {\n minVlan: 100,\n maxVlan: 199,\n },\n {\n minVlan: 300,\n maxVlan: 399,\n },\n]});\n```\n```python\nimport pulumi\nimport pulumi_vsphere as vsphere\n\nvds = vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", vlan_ranges=[\n vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs(\n min_vlan=100,\n max_vlan=199,\n ),\n vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs(\n min_vlan=300,\n max_vlan=399,\n ),\n])\n```\n```csharp\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing Pulumi;\nusing VSphere = Pulumi.VSphere;\n\nreturn await Deployment.RunAsync(() =\u003e \n{\n var vds = new VSphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", new()\n {\n VlanRanges = new[]\n {\n new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs\n {\n MinVlan = 100,\n MaxVlan = 199,\n },\n new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs\n {\n MinVlan = 300,\n MaxVlan = 399,\n },\n },\n });\n\n});\n```\n```go\npackage main\n\nimport (\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere\"\n\t\"github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tpulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n\t\t_, err := vsphere.NewDistributedVirtualSwitch(ctx, \"vds\", \u0026vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs{\n\t\t\tVlanRanges: vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArray{\n\t\t\t\t\u0026vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{\n\t\t\t\t\tMinVlan: pulumi.Int(100),\n\t\t\t\t\tMaxVlan: pulumi.Int(199),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\u0026vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{\n\t\t\t\t\tMinVlan: pulumi.Int(300),\n\t\t\t\t\tMaxVlan: pulumi.Int(399),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t})\n\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t})\n}\n```\n```java\npackage generated_program;\n\nimport com.pulumi.Context;\nimport com.pulumi.Pulumi;\nimport com.pulumi.core.Output;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs;\nimport com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs;\nimport java.util.List;\nimport java.util.ArrayList;\nimport java.util.Map;\nimport java.io.File;\nimport java.nio.file.Files;\nimport java.nio.file.Paths;\n\npublic class App {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Pulumi.run(App::stack);\n }\n\n public static void stack(Context ctx) {\n var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch(\"vds\", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() \n .vlanRanges( \n DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder()\n .minVlan(100)\n .maxVlan(199)\n .build(),\n DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder()\n .minVlan(300)\n .maxVlan(399)\n .build())\n .build());\n\n }\n}\n```\n```yaml\nresources:\n vds:\n type: vsphere:DistributedVirtualSwitch\n properties:\n vlanRanges:\n - minVlan: 100\n maxVlan: 199\n - minVlan: 300\n maxVlan: 399\n```\n\u003c!--End PulumiCodeChooser --\u003e\n" + "description": "The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN.\n" }, "vmotionMaximumMbit": { "type": "integer", @@ -6438,63 +6438,63 @@ "properties": { "computeClusterId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference\nID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new\nresource if changed.\n" + "description": "The managed object ID of the cluster.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take\non this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in\nthe middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or\n`reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`.\n" + "description": "Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an\nAPD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on this\nvirtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant\ndatastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`,\n`restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`.\n" + "description": "Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant\ndatastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponseDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the delay in seconds\nto wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in\n`ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use\nthe cluster default. Default: `-1`.\n" + "description": "Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in\nha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting.\n" }, "haDatastorePdlResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on this\nvirtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a\nrelevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or\n`restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`.\n" + "description": "Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant\ndatastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive.\n" }, "haHostIsolationResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "The action to take on this virtual\nmachine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of\nthe cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or\n`shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`.\n" + "description": "The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of\nclusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown.\n" }, "haVmFailureInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "If a heartbeat from this virtual\nmachine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine\nis marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`.\n" + "description": "If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked\nas failed. The value is in seconds.\n" }, "haVmMaximumFailureWindow": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The length of the reset window in\nwhich `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this\nwindow expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting\nconfigured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an\nunlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default:\n`-1` (no window).\n" + "description": "The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are\nattempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset\ntime is allotted.\n" }, "haVmMaximumResets": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will\nperform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default:\n`3`\n" + "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event.\n" }, "haVmMinimumUptime": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after\npowering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default:\n`120` (2 minutes).\n" + "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats.\n" }, "haVmMonitoring": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use\nwhen HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`,\n`vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`.\n" + "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled,\nvmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring.\n" }, "haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Determines whether or\nnot the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in\nthis resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true`\n(use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect.\n" + "description": "Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used\nfor virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect.\n" }, "haVmRestartPriority": { "type": "string", - "description": "The restart priority for the virtual\nmachine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of\n`clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`.\nDefault: `clusterRestartPriority`.\n" + "description": "The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority,\nlowest, low, medium, high, or highest.\n" }, "haVmRestartTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum time, in seconds, that\nvSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to\nspecify the cluster default. Default: `-1`.\n" + "description": "The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster\ndefault.\n" }, "virtualMachineId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The UUID of the virtual machine to create\nthe override for. Forces a new resource if changed.\n" + "description": "The managed object ID of the virtual machine.\n" } }, "required": [ @@ -6504,64 +6504,64 @@ "inputProperties": { "computeClusterId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference\nID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new\nresource if changed.\n", + "description": "The managed object ID of the cluster.\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take\non this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in\nthe middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or\n`reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`.\n" + "description": "Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an\nAPD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on this\nvirtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant\ndatastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`,\n`restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`.\n" + "description": "Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant\ndatastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponseDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the delay in seconds\nto wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in\n`ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use\nthe cluster default. Default: `-1`.\n" + "description": "Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in\nha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting.\n" }, "haDatastorePdlResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on this\nvirtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a\nrelevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or\n`restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`.\n" + "description": "Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant\ndatastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive.\n" }, "haHostIsolationResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "The action to take on this virtual\nmachine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of\nthe cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or\n`shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`.\n" + "description": "The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of\nclusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown.\n" }, "haVmFailureInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "If a heartbeat from this virtual\nmachine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine\nis marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`.\n" + "description": "If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked\nas failed. The value is in seconds.\n" }, "haVmMaximumFailureWindow": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The length of the reset window in\nwhich `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this\nwindow expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting\nconfigured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an\nunlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default:\n`-1` (no window).\n" + "description": "The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are\nattempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset\ntime is allotted.\n" }, "haVmMaximumResets": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will\nperform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default:\n`3`\n" + "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event.\n" }, "haVmMinimumUptime": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after\npowering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default:\n`120` (2 minutes).\n" + "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats.\n" }, "haVmMonitoring": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use\nwhen HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`,\n`vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`.\n" + "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled,\nvmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring.\n" }, "haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Determines whether or\nnot the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in\nthis resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true`\n(use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect.\n" + "description": "Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used\nfor virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect.\n" }, "haVmRestartPriority": { "type": "string", - "description": "The restart priority for the virtual\nmachine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of\n`clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`.\nDefault: `clusterRestartPriority`.\n" + "description": "The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority,\nlowest, low, medium, high, or highest.\n" }, "haVmRestartTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum time, in seconds, that\nvSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to\nspecify the cluster default. Default: `-1`.\n" + "description": "The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster\ndefault.\n" }, "virtualMachineId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The UUID of the virtual machine to create\nthe override for. Forces a new resource if changed.\n", + "description": "The managed object ID of the virtual machine.\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true } }, @@ -6574,64 +6574,64 @@ "properties": { "computeClusterId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference\nID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new\nresource if changed.\n", + "description": "The managed object ID of the cluster.\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take\non this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in\nthe middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or\n`reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`.\n" + "description": "Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an\nAPD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on this\nvirtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant\ndatastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`,\n`restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`.\n" + "description": "Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant\ndatastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive.\n" }, "haDatastoreApdResponseDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Controls the delay in seconds\nto wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in\n`ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use\nthe cluster default. Default: `-1`.\n" + "description": "Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in\nha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting.\n" }, "haDatastorePdlResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the action to take on this\nvirtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a\nrelevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or\n`restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`.\n" + "description": "Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant\ndatastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive.\n" }, "haHostIsolationResponse": { "type": "string", - "description": "The action to take on this virtual\nmachine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of\nthe cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or\n`shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`.\n" + "description": "The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of\nclusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown.\n" }, "haVmFailureInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "If a heartbeat from this virtual\nmachine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine\nis marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`.\n" + "description": "If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked\nas failed. The value is in seconds.\n" }, "haVmMaximumFailureWindow": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The length of the reset window in\nwhich `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this\nwindow expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting\nconfigured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an\nunlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default:\n`-1` (no window).\n" + "description": "The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are\nattempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset\ntime is allotted.\n" }, "haVmMaximumResets": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will\nperform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default:\n`3`\n" + "description": "The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event.\n" }, "haVmMinimumUptime": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after\npowering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default:\n`120` (2 minutes).\n" + "description": "The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats.\n" }, "haVmMonitoring": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use\nwhen HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`,\n`vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`.\n" + "description": "The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled,\nvmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring.\n" }, "haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Determines whether or\nnot the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in\nthis resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true`\n(use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect.\n" + "description": "Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used\nfor virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect.\n" }, "haVmRestartPriority": { "type": "string", - "description": "The restart priority for the virtual\nmachine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of\n`clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`.\nDefault: `clusterRestartPriority`.\n" + "description": "The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority,\nlowest, low, medium, high, or highest.\n" }, "haVmRestartTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum time, in seconds, that\nvSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to\nspecify the cluster default. Default: `-1`.\n" + "description": "The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster\ndefault.\n" }, "virtualMachineId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The UUID of the virtual machine to create\nthe override for. Forces a new resource if changed.\n", + "description": "The managed object ID of the virtual machine.\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true } }, @@ -7146,31 +7146,31 @@ "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of active network adapters used for load\nbalancing.\n" + "description": "List of active network adapters used for load balancing.\n" }, "allowForgedTransmits": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the virtual\nnetwork adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC\naddress than that of its own. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than\nthat of its own.\n" }, "allowMacChanges": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access\nControl (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed.\n" }, "allowPromiscuous": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This\nflag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default:\n`false`.\n" + "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port.\n" }, "beaconInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon\npacket is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to\noffer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`.\n" + "description": "Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link.\n" }, "checkBeacon": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable beacon probing - this requires that the\n`beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge\noptions. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for\nfailed NICs. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used\nonly.\n" }, "failback": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate\nfailed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default:\n`true`.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up.\n" }, "hostSystemId": { "type": "string", @@ -7178,11 +7178,11 @@ }, "linkDiscoveryOperation": { "type": "string", - "description": "Whether to `advertise` or `listen`\nfor link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`.\n" + "description": "Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none.\n" }, "linkDiscoveryProtocol": { "type": "string", - "description": "The discovery protocol type. Valid\ntypes are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`.\n" + "description": "The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp.\n" }, "mtu": { "type": "integer", @@ -7197,11 +7197,11 @@ "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The network interfaces to bind to the bridge.\n" + "description": "The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch.\n" }, "notifySwitches": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If set to `true`, the teaming policy will\nnotify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates.\nDefault: `true`.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates.\n" }, "numberOfPorts": { "type": "integer", @@ -7209,30 +7209,30 @@ }, "shapingAverageBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The average bandwidth in bits per\nsecond if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0`\n" + "description": "The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled.\n" }, "shapingBurstSize": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if\nshaping is enabled. Default: `0`\n" + "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled.\n" }, "shapingEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for\nports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group.\n" }, "shapingPeakBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The peak bandwidth during bursts in\nbits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0`\n" + "description": "The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled.\n" }, "standbyNics": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of standby network adapters used for\nfailover.\n" + "description": "List of standby network adapters used for failover.\n" }, "teamingPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one\nof `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or\n`failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`.\n" + "description": "The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or\nfailover_explicit.\n" } }, "required": [ @@ -7247,31 +7247,31 @@ "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of active network adapters used for load\nbalancing.\n" + "description": "List of active network adapters used for load balancing.\n" }, "allowForgedTransmits": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the virtual\nnetwork adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC\naddress than that of its own. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than\nthat of its own.\n" }, "allowMacChanges": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access\nControl (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed.\n" }, "allowPromiscuous": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This\nflag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default:\n`false`.\n" + "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port.\n" }, "beaconInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon\npacket is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to\noffer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`.\n" + "description": "Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link.\n" }, "checkBeacon": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable beacon probing - this requires that the\n`beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge\noptions. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for\nfailed NICs. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used\nonly.\n" }, "failback": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate\nfailed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default:\n`true`.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up.\n" }, "hostSystemId": { "type": "string", @@ -7280,11 +7280,11 @@ }, "linkDiscoveryOperation": { "type": "string", - "description": "Whether to `advertise` or `listen`\nfor link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`.\n" + "description": "Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none.\n" }, "linkDiscoveryProtocol": { "type": "string", - "description": "The discovery protocol type. Valid\ntypes are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`.\n" + "description": "The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp.\n" }, "mtu": { "type": "integer", @@ -7300,11 +7300,11 @@ "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The network interfaces to bind to the bridge.\n" + "description": "The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch.\n" }, "notifySwitches": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If set to `true`, the teaming policy will\nnotify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates.\nDefault: `true`.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates.\n" }, "numberOfPorts": { "type": "integer", @@ -7312,30 +7312,30 @@ }, "shapingAverageBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The average bandwidth in bits per\nsecond if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0`\n" + "description": "The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled.\n" }, "shapingBurstSize": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if\nshaping is enabled. Default: `0`\n" + "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled.\n" }, "shapingEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for\nports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group.\n" }, "shapingPeakBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The peak bandwidth during bursts in\nbits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0`\n" + "description": "The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled.\n" }, "standbyNics": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of standby network adapters used for\nfailover.\n" + "description": "List of standby network adapters used for failover.\n" }, "teamingPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one\nof `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or\n`failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`.\n" + "description": "The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or\nfailover_explicit.\n" } }, "requiredInputs": [ @@ -7351,31 +7351,31 @@ "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of active network adapters used for load\nbalancing.\n" + "description": "List of active network adapters used for load balancing.\n" }, "allowForgedTransmits": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the virtual\nnetwork adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC\naddress than that of its own. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than\nthat of its own.\n" }, "allowMacChanges": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access\nControl (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed.\n" }, "allowPromiscuous": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This\nflag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default:\n`false`.\n" + "description": "Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port.\n" }, "beaconInterval": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon\npacket is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to\noffer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`.\n" + "description": "Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link.\n" }, "checkBeacon": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable beacon probing - this requires that the\n`beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge\noptions. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for\nfailed NICs. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used\nonly.\n" }, "failback": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate\nfailed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default:\n`true`.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up.\n" }, "hostSystemId": { "type": "string", @@ -7384,11 +7384,11 @@ }, "linkDiscoveryOperation": { "type": "string", - "description": "Whether to `advertise` or `listen`\nfor link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`.\n" + "description": "Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none.\n" }, "linkDiscoveryProtocol": { "type": "string", - "description": "The discovery protocol type. Valid\ntypes are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`.\n" + "description": "The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp.\n" }, "mtu": { "type": "integer", @@ -7404,11 +7404,11 @@ "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The network interfaces to bind to the bridge.\n" + "description": "The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch.\n" }, "notifySwitches": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If set to `true`, the teaming policy will\nnotify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates.\nDefault: `true`.\n" + "description": "If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates.\n" }, "numberOfPorts": { "type": "integer", @@ -7416,30 +7416,30 @@ }, "shapingAverageBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The average bandwidth in bits per\nsecond if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0`\n" + "description": "The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled.\n" }, "shapingBurstSize": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if\nshaping is enabled. Default: `0`\n" + "description": "The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled.\n" }, "shapingEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for\nports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group.\n" }, "shapingPeakBandwidth": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The peak bandwidth during bursts in\nbits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0`\n" + "description": "The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled.\n" }, "standbyNics": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The list of standby network adapters used for\nfailover.\n" + "description": "List of standby network adapters used for failover.\n" }, "teamingPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one\nof `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or\n`failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`.\n" + "description": "The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or\nfailover_explicit.\n" } }, "type": "object" @@ -8814,30 +8814,30 @@ "properties": { "alternateGuestName": { "type": "string", - "description": "The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`.\n" + "description": "The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64.\n" }, "annotation": { "type": "string", - "description": "A user-provided description of the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "User-provided description of the virtual machine.\n" }, "bootDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay.\n" + "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence.\n" }, "bootRetryDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds).\n" + "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true.\n" }, "bootRetryEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay.\n" }, "cdroms": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineCdrom:VirtualMachineCdrom" }, - "description": "A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine.\n" }, "changeVersion": { "type": "string", @@ -8845,54 +8845,54 @@ }, "clone": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineClone:VirtualMachineClone", - "description": "When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template.\n" }, "cpuHotAddEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on.\n" + "description": "Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running.\n" }, "cpuHotRemoveEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on.\n" + "description": "Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running.\n" }, "cpuLimit": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit.\n" + "description": "The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available\nresources.\n" }, "cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine.\n" }, "cpuReservation": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation.\n" + "description": "The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed.\n" }, "cpuShareCount": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`.\n" + "description": "The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level.\n" }, "cpuShareLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`.\n" + "description": "The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom.\n" }, "customAttributes": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections.\n" + "description": "A list of custom attributes to set on this resource.\n" }, "datacenterId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template.\n" + "description": "The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created.\n" }, "datastoreClusterId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters.\n" + "description": "The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in.\n" }, "datastoreId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`.\n" + "description": "The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual\ndisks that are created without datastores.\n" }, "defaultIpAddress": { "type": "string", @@ -8903,50 +8903,50 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineDisk:VirtualMachineDisk" }, - "description": "A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine.\n" }, "efiSecureBootEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later.\n" + "description": "When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot.\n" }, "enableDiskUuid": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest.\n" }, "enableLogging": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable logging on this virtual machine.\n" }, "eptRviMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`.\n" + "description": "The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off.\n" }, "extraConfig": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration.\n" + "description": "Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in\nconfiguration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images.\n" }, "extraConfigRebootRequired": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs.\n" }, "firmware": { "type": "string", - "description": "The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`.\n" + "description": "The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi.\n" }, "folder": { "type": "string", - "description": "The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/\u003cdatacenter-name\u003e/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo`\n" + "description": "The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in.\n" }, "forcePowerOff": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation.\n" }, "guestId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`.\n\n[vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html\n" + "description": "The guest ID for the operating system.\n" }, "guestIpAddresses": { "type": "array", @@ -8957,26 +8957,26 @@ }, "hardwareVersion": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings.\n\n[virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746\n[virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240\n" + "description": "The hardware version for the virtual machine.\n" }, "hostSystemId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies.\n" + "description": "The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to.\n" }, "hvMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`.\n" + "description": "The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff.\n" }, "ideControllerCount": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`.\n" + "description": "The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks\nyou can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove\ncontrollers.\n" }, "ignoredGuestIps": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`.\n" + "description": "List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP\n" }, "imported": { "type": "boolean", @@ -8984,23 +8984,23 @@ }, "latencySensitivity": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower\nlatency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard\ndevices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high.\n" }, "memory": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB).\n" + "description": "The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB.\n" }, "memoryHotAddEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add.\n\n[vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405].\n\n[vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405\n" + "description": "Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running.\n" }, "memoryLimit": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit.\n" + "description": "The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available\nresources.\n" }, "memoryReservation": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation.\n" + "description": "The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed.\n" }, "memoryReservationLockedToMax": { "type": "boolean", @@ -9008,15 +9008,15 @@ }, "memoryShareCount": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`.\n" + "description": "The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level.\n" }, "memoryShareLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`.\n" + "description": "The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom.\n" }, "migrateWaitTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing.\n" }, "moid": { "type": "string", @@ -9024,37 +9024,37 @@ }, "name": { "type": "string", - "description": "The name of the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "The name of this virtual machine.\n" }, "nestedHvEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest.\n" }, "networkInterfaces": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineNetworkInterface:VirtualMachineNetworkInterface" }, - "description": "A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine.\n" }, "numCoresPerSocket": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`.\n" + "description": "The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus\nmust be evenly divisible by this value.\n" }, "numCpus": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`.\n" + "description": "The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine.\n" }, "ovfDeploy": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineOvfDeploy:VirtualMachineOvfDeploy", - "description": "When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template.\n" }, "pciDeviceIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections.\n" + "description": "A list of PCI passthrough devices\n" }, "powerState": { "type": "string", @@ -9070,31 +9070,31 @@ }, "replaceTrigger": { "type": "string", - "description": "Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes.\n\nFor example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format(\"%s-%s\",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.)\n" + "description": "Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes.\n" }, "resourcePoolId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool.\n" + "description": "The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsAfterResume": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "sataControllerCount": { "type": "integer", @@ -9102,7 +9102,7 @@ }, "scsiBusSharing": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`.\n" + "description": "Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing.\n" }, "scsiControllerCount": { "type": "integer", @@ -9110,46 +9110,46 @@ }, "scsiType": { "type": "string", - "description": "The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`.\n" + "description": "The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi.\n" }, "shutdownWaitTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine.\n" }, "storagePolicyId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk.\n" + "description": "The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory.\n" }, "swapPlacementPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`.\n" + "description": "The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory.\n" }, "syncTimeWithHost": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is\nsynchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed.\n" }, "syncTimeWithHostPeriodically": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions\nsetting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed.\n" }, "tags": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance.\n" + "description": "A list of tag IDs to apply to this object.\n" }, "toolsUpgradePolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`.\n" + "description": "Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`.\n" }, "uuid": { "type": "string", - "description": "The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource.\n" }, "vapp": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineVapp:VirtualMachineVapp", - "description": "Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information.\n" + "description": "vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images.\n" }, "vappTransports": { "type": "array", @@ -9160,7 +9160,7 @@ }, "vbsEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine.\n" }, "vmwareToolsStatus": { "type": "string", @@ -9172,19 +9172,19 @@ }, "vvtdEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD\nI/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled.\n" }, "waitForGuestIpTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1\ndisables the waiter.\n" }, "waitForGuestNetRoutable": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for\na default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria.\n" }, "waitForGuestNetTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1\ndisables the waiter.\n" } }, "required": [ @@ -9214,174 +9214,174 @@ "inputProperties": { "alternateGuestName": { "type": "string", - "description": "The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`.\n" + "description": "The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64.\n" }, "annotation": { "type": "string", - "description": "A user-provided description of the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "User-provided description of the virtual machine.\n" }, "bootDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay.\n" + "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence.\n" }, "bootRetryDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds).\n" + "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true.\n" }, "bootRetryEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay.\n" }, "cdroms": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineCdrom:VirtualMachineCdrom" }, - "description": "A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine.\n" }, "clone": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineClone:VirtualMachineClone", - "description": "When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template.\n" }, "cpuHotAddEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on.\n" + "description": "Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running.\n" }, "cpuHotRemoveEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on.\n" + "description": "Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running.\n" }, "cpuLimit": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit.\n" + "description": "The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available\nresources.\n" }, "cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine.\n" }, "cpuReservation": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation.\n" + "description": "The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed.\n" }, "cpuShareCount": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`.\n" + "description": "The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level.\n" }, "cpuShareLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`.\n" + "description": "The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom.\n" }, "customAttributes": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections.\n" + "description": "A list of custom attributes to set on this resource.\n" }, "datacenterId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template.\n" + "description": "The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created.\n" }, "datastoreClusterId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters.\n" + "description": "The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in.\n" }, "datastoreId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`.\n" + "description": "The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual\ndisks that are created without datastores.\n" }, "disks": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineDisk:VirtualMachineDisk" }, - "description": "A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine.\n" }, "efiSecureBootEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later.\n" + "description": "When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot.\n" }, "enableDiskUuid": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest.\n" }, "enableLogging": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable logging on this virtual machine.\n" }, "eptRviMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`.\n" + "description": "The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off.\n" }, "extraConfig": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration.\n" + "description": "Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in\nconfiguration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images.\n" }, "extraConfigRebootRequired": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs.\n" }, "firmware": { "type": "string", - "description": "The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`.\n" + "description": "The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi.\n" }, "folder": { "type": "string", - "description": "The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/\u003cdatacenter-name\u003e/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo`\n" + "description": "The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in.\n" }, "forcePowerOff": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation.\n" }, "guestId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`.\n\n[vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html\n" + "description": "The guest ID for the operating system.\n" }, "hardwareVersion": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings.\n\n[virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746\n[virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240\n" + "description": "The hardware version for the virtual machine.\n" }, "hostSystemId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies.\n" + "description": "The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to.\n" }, "hvMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`.\n" + "description": "The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff.\n" }, "ideControllerCount": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`.\n" + "description": "The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks\nyou can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove\ncontrollers.\n" }, "ignoredGuestIps": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`.\n" + "description": "List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP\n" }, "latencySensitivity": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower\nlatency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard\ndevices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high.\n" }, "memory": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB).\n" + "description": "The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB.\n" }, "memoryHotAddEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add.\n\n[vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405].\n\n[vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405\n" + "description": "Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running.\n" }, "memoryLimit": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit.\n" + "description": "The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available\nresources.\n" }, "memoryReservation": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation.\n" + "description": "The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed.\n" }, "memoryReservationLockedToMax": { "type": "boolean", @@ -9389,49 +9389,49 @@ }, "memoryShareCount": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`.\n" + "description": "The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level.\n" }, "memoryShareLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`.\n" + "description": "The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom.\n" }, "migrateWaitTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing.\n" }, "name": { "type": "string", - "description": "The name of the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "The name of this virtual machine.\n" }, "nestedHvEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest.\n" }, "networkInterfaces": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineNetworkInterface:VirtualMachineNetworkInterface" }, - "description": "A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine.\n" }, "numCoresPerSocket": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`.\n" + "description": "The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus\nmust be evenly divisible by this value.\n" }, "numCpus": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`.\n" + "description": "The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine.\n" }, "ovfDeploy": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineOvfDeploy:VirtualMachineOvfDeploy", - "description": "When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template.\n" }, "pciDeviceIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections.\n" + "description": "A list of PCI passthrough devices\n" }, "poweronTimeout": { "type": "integer", @@ -9439,32 +9439,32 @@ }, "replaceTrigger": { "type": "string", - "description": "Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes.\n\nFor example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format(\"%s-%s\",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.)\n", + "description": "Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes.\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "resourcePoolId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool.\n" + "description": "The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsAfterResume": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "sataControllerCount": { "type": "integer", @@ -9472,7 +9472,7 @@ }, "scsiBusSharing": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`.\n" + "description": "Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing.\n" }, "scsiControllerCount": { "type": "integer", @@ -9480,62 +9480,62 @@ }, "scsiType": { "type": "string", - "description": "The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`.\n" + "description": "The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi.\n" }, "shutdownWaitTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine.\n" }, "storagePolicyId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk.\n" + "description": "The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory.\n" }, "swapPlacementPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`.\n" + "description": "The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory.\n" }, "syncTimeWithHost": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is\nsynchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed.\n" }, "syncTimeWithHostPeriodically": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions\nsetting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed.\n" }, "tags": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance.\n" + "description": "A list of tag IDs to apply to this object.\n" }, "toolsUpgradePolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`.\n" + "description": "Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`.\n" }, "vapp": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineVapp:VirtualMachineVapp", - "description": "Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information.\n" + "description": "vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images.\n" }, "vbsEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine.\n" }, "vvtdEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD\nI/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled.\n" }, "waitForGuestIpTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1\ndisables the waiter.\n" }, "waitForGuestNetRoutable": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for\na default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria.\n" }, "waitForGuestNetTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1\ndisables the waiter.\n" } }, "requiredInputs": [ @@ -9546,30 +9546,30 @@ "properties": { "alternateGuestName": { "type": "string", - "description": "The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`.\n" + "description": "The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64.\n" }, "annotation": { "type": "string", - "description": "A user-provided description of the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "User-provided description of the virtual machine.\n" }, "bootDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay.\n" + "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence.\n" }, "bootRetryDelay": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds).\n" + "description": "The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true.\n" }, "bootRetryEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay.\n" }, "cdroms": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineCdrom:VirtualMachineCdrom" }, - "description": "A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine.\n" }, "changeVersion": { "type": "string", @@ -9577,54 +9577,54 @@ }, "clone": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineClone:VirtualMachineClone", - "description": "When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template.\n" }, "cpuHotAddEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on.\n" + "description": "Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running.\n" }, "cpuHotRemoveEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on.\n" + "description": "Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running.\n" }, "cpuLimit": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit.\n" + "description": "The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available\nresources.\n" }, "cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine.\n" }, "cpuReservation": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation.\n" + "description": "The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed.\n" }, "cpuShareCount": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`.\n" + "description": "The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level.\n" }, "cpuShareLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`.\n" + "description": "The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom.\n" }, "customAttributes": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections.\n" + "description": "A list of custom attributes to set on this resource.\n" }, "datacenterId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template.\n" + "description": "The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created.\n" }, "datastoreClusterId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters.\n" + "description": "The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in.\n" }, "datastoreId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`.\n" + "description": "The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual\ndisks that are created without datastores.\n" }, "defaultIpAddress": { "type": "string", @@ -9635,50 +9635,50 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineDisk:VirtualMachineDisk" }, - "description": "A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine.\n" }, "efiSecureBootEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later.\n" + "description": "When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot.\n" }, "enableDiskUuid": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest.\n" }, "enableLogging": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable logging on this virtual machine.\n" }, "eptRviMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`.\n" + "description": "The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off.\n" }, "extraConfig": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration.\n" + "description": "Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in\nconfiguration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images.\n" }, "extraConfigRebootRequired": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs.\n" }, "firmware": { "type": "string", - "description": "The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`.\n" + "description": "The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi.\n" }, "folder": { "type": "string", - "description": "The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/\u003cdatacenter-name\u003e/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo`\n" + "description": "The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in.\n" }, "forcePowerOff": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation.\n" }, "guestId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`.\n\n[vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html\n" + "description": "The guest ID for the operating system.\n" }, "guestIpAddresses": { "type": "array", @@ -9689,26 +9689,26 @@ }, "hardwareVersion": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings.\n\n[virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746\n[virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240\n" + "description": "The hardware version for the virtual machine.\n" }, "hostSystemId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies.\n" + "description": "The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to.\n" }, "hvMode": { "type": "string", - "description": "The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`.\n" + "description": "The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff.\n" }, "ideControllerCount": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`.\n" + "description": "The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks\nyou can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove\ncontrollers.\n" }, "ignoredGuestIps": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`.\n" + "description": "List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP\n" }, "imported": { "type": "boolean", @@ -9716,23 +9716,23 @@ }, "latencySensitivity": { "type": "string", - "description": "Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower\nlatency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard\ndevices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high.\n" }, "memory": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB).\n" + "description": "The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB.\n" }, "memoryHotAddEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add.\n\n[vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405].\n\n[vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405\n" + "description": "Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running.\n" }, "memoryLimit": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit.\n" + "description": "The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available\nresources.\n" }, "memoryReservation": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation.\n" + "description": "The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed.\n" }, "memoryReservationLockedToMax": { "type": "boolean", @@ -9740,15 +9740,15 @@ }, "memoryShareCount": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`.\n" + "description": "The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level.\n" }, "memoryShareLevel": { "type": "string", - "description": "The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`.\n" + "description": "The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom.\n" }, "migrateWaitTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing.\n" }, "moid": { "type": "string", @@ -9756,37 +9756,37 @@ }, "name": { "type": "string", - "description": "The name of the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "The name of this virtual machine.\n" }, "nestedHvEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest.\n" }, "networkInterfaces": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineNetworkInterface:VirtualMachineNetworkInterface" }, - "description": "A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine.\n" }, "numCoresPerSocket": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`.\n" + "description": "The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus\nmust be evenly divisible by this value.\n" }, "numCpus": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`.\n" + "description": "The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine.\n" }, "ovfDeploy": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineOvfDeploy:VirtualMachineOvfDeploy", - "description": "When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information.\n" + "description": "A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template.\n" }, "pciDeviceIds": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections.\n" + "description": "A list of PCI passthrough devices\n" }, "powerState": { "type": "string", @@ -9802,32 +9802,32 @@ }, "replaceTrigger": { "type": "string", - "description": "Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes.\n\nFor example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format(\"%s-%s\",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.)\n", + "description": "Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes.\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "resourcePoolId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool.\n" + "description": "The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsAfterResume": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed.\n" }, "sataControllerCount": { "type": "integer", @@ -9835,7 +9835,7 @@ }, "scsiBusSharing": { "type": "string", - "description": "The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`.\n" + "description": "Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing.\n" }, "scsiControllerCount": { "type": "integer", @@ -9843,46 +9843,46 @@ }, "scsiType": { "type": "string", - "description": "The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`.\n" + "description": "The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi.\n" }, "shutdownWaitTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine.\n" }, "storagePolicyId": { "type": "string", - "description": "The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk.\n" + "description": "The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory.\n" }, "swapPlacementPolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`.\n" + "description": "The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory.\n" }, "syncTimeWithHost": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is\nsynchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed.\n" }, "syncTimeWithHostPeriodically": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions\nsetting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed.\n" }, "tags": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, - "description": "The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources.\n\n\u003e **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance.\n" + "description": "A list of tag IDs to apply to this object.\n" }, "toolsUpgradePolicy": { "type": "string", - "description": "Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`.\n" + "description": "Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`.\n" }, "uuid": { "type": "string", - "description": "The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine.\n" + "description": "The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource.\n" }, "vapp": { "$ref": "#/types/vsphere:index/VirtualMachineVapp:VirtualMachineVapp", - "description": "Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information.\n" + "description": "vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images.\n" }, "vappTransports": { "type": "array", @@ -9893,7 +9893,7 @@ }, "vbsEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine.\n" }, "vmwareToolsStatus": { "type": "string", @@ -9905,19 +9905,19 @@ }, "vvtdEnabled": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`.\n" + "description": "Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD\nI/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled.\n" }, "waitForGuestIpTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1\ndisables the waiter.\n" }, "waitForGuestNetRoutable": { "type": "boolean", - "description": "Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`.\n" + "description": "Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for\na default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria.\n" }, "waitForGuestNetTimeout": { "type": "integer", - "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes.\n" + "description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1\ndisables the waiter.\n" } }, "type": "object" diff --git a/provider/go.mod b/provider/go.mod index d7d203c7..565de0d6 100644 --- a/provider/go.mod +++ b/provider/go.mod @@ -13,26 +13,26 @@ replace ( require ( github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-vsphere v2.3.1+incompatible - github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge/v3 v3.80.0 - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.112.0 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge/v3 v3.81.0 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.113.0 ) require ( - cloud.google.com/go v0.112.0 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.23.3 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go v0.112.1 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.25.0 // indirect cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.2.3 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.5 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.15.5 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.6 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.15.7 // indirect cloud.google.com/go/logging v1.9.0 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.4 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.36.0 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.5 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.39.1 // indirect dario.cat/mergo v1.0.0 // indirect - github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v1.9.0 // indirect - github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity v1.4.0 // indirect - github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal v1.5.0 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v1.10.0 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity v1.5.1 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal v1.5.2 // indirect github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/keyvault/azkeys v0.10.0 // indirect github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/keyvault/internal v0.7.1 // indirect - github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go v1.2.0 // indirect + github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go v1.2.2 // indirect github.com/BurntSushi/toml v1.2.1 // indirect github.com/Masterminds/goutils v1.1.1 // indirect github.com/Masterminds/semver v1.5.0 // indirect @@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ require ( github.com/armon/go-metrics v0.4.0 // indirect github.com/armon/go-radix v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/atotto/clipboard v0.1.4 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.49.0 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.24.0 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config v1.26.1 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials v1.16.12 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/ec2/imds v1.14.10 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/configsources v1.2.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/endpoints/v2 v2.5.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini v1.7.2 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/accept-encoding v1.10.4 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/presigned-url v1.10.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/kms v1.27.5 // 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github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.4 // indirect @@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ require ( github.com/google/s2a-go v0.1.7 // indirect github.com/google/shlex v0.0.0-20191202100458-e7afc7fbc510 // indirect github.com/google/uuid v1.6.0 // indirect - github.com/google/wire v0.5.0 // indirect + github.com/google/wire v0.6.0 // indirect github.com/googleapis/enterprise-certificate-proxy v0.3.2 // indirect - github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2 v2.12.0 // indirect + github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2 v2.12.2 // indirect github.com/gorilla/mux v1.8.0 // indirect github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-opentracing v0.0.0-20180507213350-8e809c8a8645 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/errwrap v1.1.0 // indirect @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ require ( github.com/hashicorp/logutils v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/terraform-exec v0.20.0 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/terraform-json v0.21.0 // indirect - github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-go v0.22.1 // 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+ github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.113.0 // indirect github.com/pulumi/schema-tools v0.1.2 // indirect github.com/pulumi/terraform-diff-reader v0.0.2 // indirect github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 // indirect @@ -221,32 +221,32 @@ require ( github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonschema v1.2.0 // indirect github.com/zclconf/go-cty v1.14.2 // indirect go.opencensus.io v0.24.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/google.golang.org/grpc/otelgrpc v0.46.1 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.46.1 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.21.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v1.21.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.21.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/google.golang.org/grpc/otelgrpc v0.49.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.49.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.24.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v1.24.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.24.0 // indirect go.uber.org/atomic v1.9.0 // indirect - gocloud.dev v0.36.0 // indirect + gocloud.dev v0.37.0 // indirect gocloud.dev/secrets/hashivault v0.27.0 // indirect golang.org/x/crypto v0.21.0 // indirect golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20231110203233-9a3e6036ecaa // indirect golang.org/x/mod v0.15.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/net v0.21.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.16.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/net v0.22.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.18.0 // indirect golang.org/x/sync v0.6.0 // indirect golang.org/x/sys v0.18.0 // indirect golang.org/x/term v0.18.0 // indirect golang.org/x/text v0.14.0 // indirect golang.org/x/time v0.5.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/tools v0.15.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/tools v0.17.0 // indirect golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20231012003039-104605ab7028 // indirect - google.golang.org/api v0.155.0 // indirect + google.golang.org/api v0.169.0 // indirect google.golang.org/appengine v1.6.8 // indirect - 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a/sdk/dotnet/ComputeCluster.cs b/sdk/dotnet/ComputeCluster.cs index 8040b87b..8931bf7f 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/ComputeCluster.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/ComputeCluster.cs @@ -30,81 +30,66 @@ public partial class ComputeCluster : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output DatacenterId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The automation level for host power - /// operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - /// `manual`. + /// The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. /// [Output("dpmAutomationLevel")] public Output DpmAutomationLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - /// Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - /// Default: `false`. + /// Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + /// machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. /// [Output("dpmEnabled")] public Output DpmEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - /// threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - /// This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - /// tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + /// A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + /// affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + /// setting. /// [Output("dpmThreshold")] public Output DpmThreshold { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// A key/value map that specifies advanced - /// options for DRS and DPM. + /// Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. /// [Output("drsAdvancedOptions")] public Output?> DrsAdvancedOptions { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The default automation level for all - /// virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - /// `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + /// The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + /// fullyAutomated. /// [Output("drsAutomationLevel")] public Output DrsAutomationLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// When `true`, enables DRS to use data - /// from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - /// recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - /// - /// [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + /// When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. /// [Output("drsEnablePredictiveDrs")] public Output DrsEnablePredictiveDrs { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow individual DRS overrides to be - /// set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + /// When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. /// [Output("drsEnableVmOverrides")] public Output DrsEnableVmOverrides { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + /// Enable DRS for this cluster. /// [Output("drsEnabled")] public Output DrsEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// A value between `1` and `5` indicating - /// the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - /// tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - /// `3`. + /// A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + /// more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. /// [Output("drsMigrationThreshold")] public Output DrsMigrationThreshold { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable scalable shares for all - /// resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - /// `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + /// Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. /// [Output("drsScaleDescendantsShares")] public Output DrsScaleDescendantsShares { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -121,301 +106,235 @@ public partial class ComputeCluster : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output Folder { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// When destroying the resource, setting this to - /// `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - /// as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - /// below. This is an advanced - /// option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - /// there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - /// configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - /// your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - /// incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - /// the `host_system_ids` attribute. + /// Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + /// for testing and is not recommended in normal use. /// [Output("forceEvacuateOnDestroy")] public Output ForceEvacuateOnDestroy { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Defines the - /// managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - /// hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - /// block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - /// recommendations. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + /// failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + /// will ignore the host when making recommendations. /// [Output("haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds")] public Output> HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The maximum number - /// of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - /// whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - /// the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + /// machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. /// [Output("haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance")] public Output HaAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The percentage of - /// resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - /// a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - /// disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + /// The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + /// warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. /// [Output("haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance")] public Output HaAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The type of admission control - /// policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - /// `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + /// The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + /// permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + /// slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + /// issues. /// [Output("haAdmissionControlPolicy")] public Output HaAdmissionControlPolicy { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - /// average number of host resources represented by the - /// `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - /// setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - /// user-defined values. Default: `true`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + /// subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + /// from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. /// [Output("haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute")] public Output HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - /// failover. Default: `100`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + /// the cluster to reserve for failover. /// [Output("haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu")] public Output HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - /// failover. Default: `100`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + /// the cluster to reserve for failover. /// [Output("haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory")] public Output HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. /// [Output("haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu")] public Output HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. /// [Output("haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory")] public Output HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls - /// whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - /// sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - /// average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + /// to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + /// currently in the cluster. /// [Output("haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize")] public Output HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// A key/value map that specifies advanced - /// options for vSphere HA. + /// Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. /// [Output("haAdvancedOptions")] public Output?> HaAdvancedOptions { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the action to take - /// on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - /// middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + /// affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. /// [Output("haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction")] public Output HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the action to take on - /// virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - /// relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - /// `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + /// detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + /// restartAggressive. /// [Output("haDatastoreApdResponse")] public Output HaDatastoreApdResponse { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The time, in seconds, - /// to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - /// `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - /// seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + /// the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. /// [Output("haDatastoreApdResponseDelay")] public Output HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the action to take on - /// virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - /// relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - /// `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + /// detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. /// [Output("haDatastorePdlResponse")] public Output HaDatastorePdlResponse { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - /// `false`. + /// Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. /// [Output("haEnabled")] public Output HaEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The list of managed object IDs for - /// preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - /// when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - /// to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + /// The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + /// ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. /// [Output("haHeartbeatDatastoreIds")] public Output> HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The selection policy for HA - /// heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - /// `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - /// `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + /// The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + /// allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. /// [Output("haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy")] public Output HaHeartbeatDatastorePolicy { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The action to take on virtual - /// machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - /// the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - /// `none`. + /// The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + /// Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. /// [Output("haHostIsolationResponse")] public Output HaHostIsolationResponse { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Global setting that controls whether - /// vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - /// or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + /// Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. /// [Output("haHostMonitoring")] public Output HaHostMonitoring { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls vSphere VM component - /// protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - /// `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + /// failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. /// [Output("haVmComponentProtection")] public Output HaVmComponentProtection { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The condition used to - /// determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - /// are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - /// priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - /// `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - /// is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + /// on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. /// [Output("haVmDependencyRestartCondition")] public Output HaVmDependencyRestartCondition { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - /// from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - /// the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + /// If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + /// failed. The value is in seconds. /// [Output("haVmFailureInterval")] public Output HaVmFailureInterval { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - /// which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - /// window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - /// configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - /// unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + /// The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + /// attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + /// time is allotted. /// [Output("haVmMaximumFailureWindow")] public Output HaVmMaximumFailureWindow { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The maximum number of resets that HA will - /// perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + /// The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. /// [Output("haVmMaximumResets")] public Output HaVmMaximumResets { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - /// powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - /// `120` seconds (2 minutes). + /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. /// [Output("haVmMinimumUptime")] public Output HaVmMinimumUptime { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - /// when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - /// `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + /// vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. /// [Output("haVmMonitoring")] public Output HaVmMonitoring { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Additional delay, in seconds, - /// after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - /// Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + /// Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. /// [Output("haVmRestartAdditionalDelay")] public Output HaVmRestartAdditionalDelay { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The default restart priority - /// for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - /// of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + /// The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + /// high, or highest. /// [Output("haVmRestartPriority")] public Output HaVmRestartPriority { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The maximum time, in seconds, - /// that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - /// before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + /// proceeding with the next priority. /// [Output("haVmRestartTimeout")] public Output HaVmRestartTimeout { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - /// mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + /// The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. /// [Output("hostClusterExitTimeout")] public Output HostClusterExitTimeout { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - /// membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - /// `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + /// Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. /// [Output("hostManaged")] public Output HostManaged { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The managed object IDs of - /// the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + /// The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. /// [Output("hostSystemIds")] public Output> HostSystemIds { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -427,47 +346,33 @@ public partial class ComputeCluster : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output Name { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Determines how the host - /// quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - /// made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - /// `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + /// The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. /// [Output("proactiveHaAutomationLevel")] public Output ProactiveHaAutomationLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. /// [Output("proactiveHaEnabled")] public Output ProactiveHaEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The configured remediation - /// for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - /// `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - /// `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - /// to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + /// this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. /// [Output("proactiveHaModerateRemediation")] public Output ProactiveHaModerateRemediation { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The list of IDs for health update - /// providers configured for this cluster. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. /// [Output("proactiveHaProviderIds")] public Output> ProactiveHaProviderIds { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The configured remediation for - /// severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - /// Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - /// `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - /// set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + /// cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. /// [Output("proactiveHaSevereRemediation")] public Output ProactiveHaSevereRemediation { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -489,101 +394,85 @@ public partial class ComputeCluster : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output> Tags { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables vSAN compression on the - /// cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Output("vsanCompressionEnabled")] public Output VsanCompressionEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - /// Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - /// compression must also be enabled. + /// Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Output("vsanDedupEnabled")] public Output VsanDedupEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Represents the configuration of a host disk - /// group in the cluster. + /// A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. /// [Output("vsanDiskGroups")] public Output> VsanDiskGroups { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables vSAN data-in-transit - /// encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - /// vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - /// at the same time. + /// Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. /// [Output("vsanDitEncryptionEnabled")] public Output VsanDitEncryptionEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Indicates the rekey interval in - /// minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - /// 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + /// When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). /// [Output("vsanDitRekeyInterval")] public Output VsanDitRekeyInterval { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables vSAN on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Output("vsanEnabled")] public Output VsanEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Output("vsanEsaEnabled")] public Output VsanEsaEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + /// The configuration for vSAN fault domains. /// [Output("vsanFaultDomains")] public Output> VsanFaultDomains { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables network - /// diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. /// [Output("vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled")] public Output VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables vSAN performance service on - /// the cluster. Default: `true`. + /// Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Output("vsanPerformanceEnabled")] public Output VsanPerformanceEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - /// mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - /// `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - /// data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + /// The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. /// [Output("vsanRemoteDatastoreIds")] public Output> VsanRemoteDatastoreIds { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + /// The configuration for stretched cluster. /// [Output("vsanStretchedCluster")] public Output VsanStretchedCluster { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - /// You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Output("vsanUnmapEnabled")] public Output VsanUnmapEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables verbose mode for vSAN - /// performance service on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. /// [Output("vsanVerboseModeEnabled")] public Output VsanVerboseModeEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -658,26 +547,22 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input DatacenterId { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// The automation level for host power - /// operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - /// `manual`. + /// The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. /// [Input("dpmAutomationLevel")] public Input? DpmAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - /// Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - /// Default: `false`. + /// Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + /// machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. /// [Input("dpmEnabled")] public Input? DpmEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - /// threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - /// This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - /// tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + /// A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + /// affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + /// setting. /// [Input("dpmThreshold")] public Input? DpmThreshold { get; set; } @@ -686,8 +571,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes private InputMap? _drsAdvancedOptions; /// - /// A key/value map that specifies advanced - /// options for DRS and DPM. + /// Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. /// public InputMap DrsAdvancedOptions { @@ -696,49 +580,39 @@ public InputMap DrsAdvancedOptions } /// - /// The default automation level for all - /// virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - /// `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + /// The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + /// fullyAutomated. /// [Input("drsAutomationLevel")] public Input? DrsAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// When `true`, enables DRS to use data - /// from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - /// recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - /// - /// [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + /// When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. /// [Input("drsEnablePredictiveDrs")] public Input? DrsEnablePredictiveDrs { get; set; } /// - /// Allow individual DRS overrides to be - /// set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + /// When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. /// [Input("drsEnableVmOverrides")] public Input? DrsEnableVmOverrides { get; set; } /// - /// Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + /// Enable DRS for this cluster. /// [Input("drsEnabled")] public Input? DrsEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// A value between `1` and `5` indicating - /// the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - /// tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - /// `3`. + /// A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + /// more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. /// [Input("drsMigrationThreshold")] public Input? DrsMigrationThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// Enable scalable shares for all - /// resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - /// `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + /// Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. /// [Input("drsScaleDescendantsShares")] public Input? DrsScaleDescendantsShares { get; set; } @@ -755,18 +629,8 @@ public InputMap DrsAdvancedOptions public Input? Folder { get; set; } /// - /// When destroying the resource, setting this to - /// `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - /// as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - /// below. This is an advanced - /// option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - /// there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - /// configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - /// your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - /// incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - /// the `host_system_ids` attribute. + /// Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + /// for testing and is not recommended in normal use. /// [Input("forceEvacuateOnDestroy")] public Input? ForceEvacuateOnDestroy { get; set; } @@ -775,11 +639,9 @@ public InputMap DrsAdvancedOptions private InputList? _haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds; /// - /// Defines the - /// managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - /// hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - /// block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - /// recommendations. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + /// failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + /// will ignore the host when making recommendations. /// public InputList HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds { @@ -788,78 +650,66 @@ public InputList HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds } /// - /// The maximum number - /// of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - /// whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - /// the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + /// machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance { get; set; } /// - /// The percentage of - /// resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - /// a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - /// disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + /// The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + /// warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance { get; set; } /// - /// The type of admission control - /// policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - /// `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + /// The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + /// permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + /// slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + /// issues. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlPolicy")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlPolicy { get; set; } /// - /// Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - /// average number of host resources represented by the - /// `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - /// setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - /// user-defined values. Default: `true`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + /// subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + /// from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - /// failover. Default: `100`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + /// the cluster to reserve for failover. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - /// failover. Default: `100`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + /// the cluster to reserve for failover. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory { get; set; } /// - /// Controls - /// whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - /// sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - /// average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + /// to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + /// currently in the cluster. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize { get; set; } @@ -868,8 +718,7 @@ public InputList HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds private InputMap? _haAdvancedOptions; /// - /// A key/value map that specifies advanced - /// options for vSphere HA. + /// Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. /// public InputMap HaAdvancedOptions { @@ -878,46 +727,36 @@ public InputMap HaAdvancedOptions } /// - /// Controls the action to take - /// on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - /// middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + /// affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the action to take on - /// virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - /// relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - /// `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + /// detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + /// restartAggressive. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdResponse")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdResponse { get; set; } /// - /// The time, in seconds, - /// to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - /// `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - /// seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + /// the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdResponseDelay")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the action to take on - /// virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - /// relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - /// `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + /// detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. /// [Input("haDatastorePdlResponse")] public Input? HaDatastorePdlResponse { get; set; } /// - /// Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - /// `false`. + /// Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. /// [Input("haEnabled")] public Input? HaEnabled { get; set; } @@ -926,10 +765,8 @@ public InputMap HaAdvancedOptions private InputList? _haHeartbeatDatastoreIds; /// - /// The list of managed object IDs for - /// preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - /// when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - /// to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + /// The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + /// ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. /// public InputList HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds { @@ -938,129 +775,101 @@ public InputList HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds } /// - /// The selection policy for HA - /// heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - /// `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - /// `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + /// The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + /// allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. /// [Input("haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy")] public Input? HaHeartbeatDatastorePolicy { get; set; } /// - /// The action to take on virtual - /// machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - /// the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - /// `none`. + /// The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + /// Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. /// [Input("haHostIsolationResponse")] public Input? HaHostIsolationResponse { get; set; } /// - /// Global setting that controls whether - /// vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - /// or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + /// Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. /// [Input("haHostMonitoring")] public Input? HaHostMonitoring { get; set; } /// - /// Controls vSphere VM component - /// protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - /// `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + /// failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. /// [Input("haVmComponentProtection")] public Input? HaVmComponentProtection { get; set; } /// - /// The condition used to - /// determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - /// are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - /// priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - /// `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - /// is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + /// on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. /// [Input("haVmDependencyRestartCondition")] public Input? HaVmDependencyRestartCondition { get; set; } /// - /// The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - /// from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - /// the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + /// If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + /// failed. The value is in seconds. /// [Input("haVmFailureInterval")] public Input? HaVmFailureInterval { get; set; } /// - /// The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - /// which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - /// window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - /// configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - /// unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + /// The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + /// attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + /// time is allotted. /// [Input("haVmMaximumFailureWindow")] public Input? HaVmMaximumFailureWindow { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum number of resets that HA will - /// perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + /// The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. /// [Input("haVmMaximumResets")] public Input? HaVmMaximumResets { get; set; } /// - /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - /// powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - /// `120` seconds (2 minutes). + /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. /// [Input("haVmMinimumUptime")] public Input? HaVmMinimumUptime { get; set; } /// - /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - /// when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - /// `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + /// vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. /// [Input("haVmMonitoring")] public Input? HaVmMonitoring { get; set; } /// - /// Additional delay, in seconds, - /// after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - /// Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + /// Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. /// [Input("haVmRestartAdditionalDelay")] public Input? HaVmRestartAdditionalDelay { get; set; } /// - /// The default restart priority - /// for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - /// of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + /// The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + /// high, or highest. /// [Input("haVmRestartPriority")] public Input? HaVmRestartPriority { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum time, in seconds, - /// that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - /// before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + /// proceeding with the next priority. /// [Input("haVmRestartTimeout")] public Input? HaVmRestartTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - /// mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + /// The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. /// [Input("hostClusterExitTimeout")] public Input? HostClusterExitTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - /// membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - /// `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + /// Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. /// [Input("hostManaged")] public Input? HostManaged { get; set; } @@ -1069,8 +878,7 @@ public InputList HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds private InputList? _hostSystemIds; /// - /// The managed object IDs of - /// the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + /// The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. /// public InputList HostSystemIds { @@ -1085,28 +893,20 @@ public InputList HostSystemIds public Input? Name { get; set; } /// - /// Determines how the host - /// quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - /// made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - /// `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + /// The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. /// [Input("proactiveHaAutomationLevel")] public Input? ProactiveHaAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. /// [Input("proactiveHaEnabled")] public Input? ProactiveHaEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The configured remediation - /// for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - /// `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - /// `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - /// to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + /// this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. /// [Input("proactiveHaModerateRemediation")] public Input? ProactiveHaModerateRemediation { get; set; } @@ -1115,9 +915,7 @@ public InputList HostSystemIds private InputList? _proactiveHaProviderIds; /// - /// The list of IDs for health update - /// providers configured for this cluster. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. /// public InputList ProactiveHaProviderIds { @@ -1126,12 +924,8 @@ public InputList ProactiveHaProviderIds } /// - /// The configured remediation for - /// severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - /// Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - /// `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - /// set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + /// cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. /// [Input("proactiveHaSevereRemediation")] public Input? ProactiveHaSevereRemediation { get; set; } @@ -1149,16 +943,13 @@ public InputList Tags } /// - /// Enables vSAN compression on the - /// cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanCompressionEnabled")] public Input? VsanCompressionEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - /// Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - /// compression must also be enabled. + /// Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanDedupEnabled")] public Input? VsanDedupEnabled { get; set; } @@ -1167,8 +958,7 @@ public InputList Tags private InputList? _vsanDiskGroups; /// - /// Represents the configuration of a host disk - /// group in the cluster. + /// A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. /// public InputList VsanDiskGroups { @@ -1177,30 +967,25 @@ public InputList VsanDiskGroups } /// - /// Enables vSAN data-in-transit - /// encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - /// vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - /// at the same time. + /// Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanDitEncryptionEnabled")] public Input? VsanDitEncryptionEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Indicates the rekey interval in - /// minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - /// 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + /// When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). /// [Input("vsanDitRekeyInterval")] public Input? VsanDitRekeyInterval { get; set; } /// - /// Enables vSAN on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanEnabled")] public Input? VsanEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanEsaEnabled")] public Input? VsanEsaEnabled { get; set; } @@ -1209,7 +994,7 @@ public InputList VsanDiskGroups private InputList? _vsanFaultDomains; /// - /// Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + /// The configuration for vSAN fault domains. /// public InputList VsanFaultDomains { @@ -1218,15 +1003,13 @@ public InputList VsanFaultDomains } /// - /// Enables network - /// diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled")] public Input? VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Enables vSAN performance service on - /// the cluster. Default: `true`. + /// Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanPerformanceEnabled")] public Input? VsanPerformanceEnabled { get; set; } @@ -1235,10 +1018,7 @@ public InputList VsanFaultDomains private InputList? _vsanRemoteDatastoreIds; /// - /// The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - /// mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - /// `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - /// data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + /// The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. /// public InputList VsanRemoteDatastoreIds { @@ -1247,21 +1027,19 @@ public InputList VsanRemoteDatastoreIds } /// - /// Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + /// The configuration for stretched cluster. /// [Input("vsanStretchedCluster")] public Input? VsanStretchedCluster { get; set; } /// - /// Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - /// You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanUnmapEnabled")] public Input? VsanUnmapEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Enables verbose mode for vSAN - /// performance service on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanVerboseModeEnabled")] public Input? VsanVerboseModeEnabled { get; set; } @@ -1298,26 +1076,22 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? DatacenterId { get; set; } /// - /// The automation level for host power - /// operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - /// `manual`. + /// The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. /// [Input("dpmAutomationLevel")] public Input? DpmAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - /// Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - /// Default: `false`. + /// Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + /// machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. /// [Input("dpmEnabled")] public Input? DpmEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - /// threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - /// This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - /// tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + /// A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + /// affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + /// setting. /// [Input("dpmThreshold")] public Input? DpmThreshold { get; set; } @@ -1326,8 +1100,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes private InputMap? _drsAdvancedOptions; /// - /// A key/value map that specifies advanced - /// options for DRS and DPM. + /// Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. /// public InputMap DrsAdvancedOptions { @@ -1336,49 +1109,39 @@ public InputMap DrsAdvancedOptions } /// - /// The default automation level for all - /// virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - /// `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + /// The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + /// fullyAutomated. /// [Input("drsAutomationLevel")] public Input? DrsAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// When `true`, enables DRS to use data - /// from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - /// recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - /// - /// [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + /// When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. /// [Input("drsEnablePredictiveDrs")] public Input? DrsEnablePredictiveDrs { get; set; } /// - /// Allow individual DRS overrides to be - /// set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + /// When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. /// [Input("drsEnableVmOverrides")] public Input? DrsEnableVmOverrides { get; set; } /// - /// Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + /// Enable DRS for this cluster. /// [Input("drsEnabled")] public Input? DrsEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// A value between `1` and `5` indicating - /// the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - /// tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - /// `3`. + /// A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + /// more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. /// [Input("drsMigrationThreshold")] public Input? DrsMigrationThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// Enable scalable shares for all - /// resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - /// `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + /// Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. /// [Input("drsScaleDescendantsShares")] public Input? DrsScaleDescendantsShares { get; set; } @@ -1395,18 +1158,8 @@ public InputMap DrsAdvancedOptions public Input? Folder { get; set; } /// - /// When destroying the resource, setting this to - /// `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - /// as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - /// below. This is an advanced - /// option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - /// there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - /// configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - /// your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - /// incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - /// the `host_system_ids` attribute. + /// Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + /// for testing and is not recommended in normal use. /// [Input("forceEvacuateOnDestroy")] public Input? ForceEvacuateOnDestroy { get; set; } @@ -1415,11 +1168,9 @@ public InputMap DrsAdvancedOptions private InputList? _haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds; /// - /// Defines the - /// managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - /// hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - /// block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - /// recommendations. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + /// failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + /// will ignore the host when making recommendations. /// public InputList HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds { @@ -1428,78 +1179,66 @@ public InputList HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds } /// - /// The maximum number - /// of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - /// whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - /// the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + /// machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance { get; set; } /// - /// The percentage of - /// resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - /// a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - /// disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + /// The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + /// warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance { get; set; } /// - /// The type of admission control - /// policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - /// `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + /// The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + /// permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + /// slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + /// issues. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlPolicy")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlPolicy { get; set; } /// - /// Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - /// average number of host resources represented by the - /// `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - /// setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - /// user-defined values. Default: `true`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + /// subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + /// from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - /// failover. Default: `100`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + /// the cluster to reserve for failover. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - /// failover. Default: `100`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + /// the cluster to reserve for failover. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the - /// user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory { get; set; } /// - /// Controls - /// whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - /// sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - /// average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + /// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + /// to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + /// currently in the cluster. /// [Input("haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize")] public Input? HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize { get; set; } @@ -1508,8 +1247,7 @@ public InputList HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds private InputMap? _haAdvancedOptions; /// - /// A key/value map that specifies advanced - /// options for vSphere HA. + /// Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. /// public InputMap HaAdvancedOptions { @@ -1518,46 +1256,36 @@ public InputMap HaAdvancedOptions } /// - /// Controls the action to take - /// on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - /// middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + /// affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the action to take on - /// virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - /// relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - /// `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + /// detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + /// restartAggressive. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdResponse")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdResponse { get; set; } /// - /// The time, in seconds, - /// to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - /// `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - /// seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + /// the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdResponseDelay")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the action to take on - /// virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - /// relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - /// `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + /// detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. /// [Input("haDatastorePdlResponse")] public Input? HaDatastorePdlResponse { get; set; } /// - /// Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - /// `false`. + /// Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. /// [Input("haEnabled")] public Input? HaEnabled { get; set; } @@ -1566,10 +1294,8 @@ public InputMap HaAdvancedOptions private InputList? _haHeartbeatDatastoreIds; /// - /// The list of managed object IDs for - /// preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - /// when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - /// to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + /// The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + /// ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. /// public InputList HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds { @@ -1578,129 +1304,101 @@ public InputList HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds } /// - /// The selection policy for HA - /// heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - /// `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - /// `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + /// The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + /// allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. /// [Input("haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy")] public Input? HaHeartbeatDatastorePolicy { get; set; } /// - /// The action to take on virtual - /// machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - /// the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - /// `none`. + /// The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + /// Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. /// [Input("haHostIsolationResponse")] public Input? HaHostIsolationResponse { get; set; } /// - /// Global setting that controls whether - /// vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - /// or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + /// Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. /// [Input("haHostMonitoring")] public Input? HaHostMonitoring { get; set; } /// - /// Controls vSphere VM component - /// protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - /// `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + /// failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. /// [Input("haVmComponentProtection")] public Input? HaVmComponentProtection { get; set; } /// - /// The condition used to - /// determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - /// are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - /// priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - /// `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - /// is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + /// on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. /// [Input("haVmDependencyRestartCondition")] public Input? HaVmDependencyRestartCondition { get; set; } /// - /// The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - /// from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - /// the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + /// If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + /// failed. The value is in seconds. /// [Input("haVmFailureInterval")] public Input? HaVmFailureInterval { get; set; } /// - /// The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - /// which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - /// window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - /// configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - /// unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + /// The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + /// attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + /// time is allotted. /// [Input("haVmMaximumFailureWindow")] public Input? HaVmMaximumFailureWindow { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum number of resets that HA will - /// perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + /// The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. /// [Input("haVmMaximumResets")] public Input? HaVmMaximumResets { get; set; } /// - /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - /// powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - /// `120` seconds (2 minutes). + /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. /// [Input("haVmMinimumUptime")] public Input? HaVmMinimumUptime { get; set; } /// - /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - /// when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - /// `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + /// vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. /// [Input("haVmMonitoring")] public Input? HaVmMonitoring { get; set; } /// - /// Additional delay, in seconds, - /// after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - /// Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + /// Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. /// [Input("haVmRestartAdditionalDelay")] public Input? HaVmRestartAdditionalDelay { get; set; } /// - /// The default restart priority - /// for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - /// of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + /// The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + /// high, or highest. /// [Input("haVmRestartPriority")] public Input? HaVmRestartPriority { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum time, in seconds, - /// that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - /// before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + /// proceeding with the next priority. /// [Input("haVmRestartTimeout")] public Input? HaVmRestartTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - /// mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + /// The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. /// [Input("hostClusterExitTimeout")] public Input? HostClusterExitTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - /// membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - /// `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + /// Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. /// [Input("hostManaged")] public Input? HostManaged { get; set; } @@ -1709,8 +1407,7 @@ public InputList HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds private InputList? _hostSystemIds; /// - /// The managed object IDs of - /// the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + /// The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. /// public InputList HostSystemIds { @@ -1725,28 +1422,20 @@ public InputList HostSystemIds public Input? Name { get; set; } /// - /// Determines how the host - /// quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - /// made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - /// `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + /// The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. /// [Input("proactiveHaAutomationLevel")] public Input? ProactiveHaAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. /// [Input("proactiveHaEnabled")] public Input? ProactiveHaEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The configured remediation - /// for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - /// `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - /// `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - /// to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + /// this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. /// [Input("proactiveHaModerateRemediation")] public Input? ProactiveHaModerateRemediation { get; set; } @@ -1755,9 +1444,7 @@ public InputList HostSystemIds private InputList? _proactiveHaProviderIds; /// - /// The list of IDs for health update - /// providers configured for this cluster. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. /// public InputList ProactiveHaProviderIds { @@ -1766,12 +1453,8 @@ public InputList ProactiveHaProviderIds } /// - /// The configured remediation for - /// severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - /// Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - /// `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - /// set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - /// <sup>\*</sup> + /// The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + /// cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. /// [Input("proactiveHaSevereRemediation")] public Input? ProactiveHaSevereRemediation { get; set; } @@ -1799,16 +1482,13 @@ public InputList Tags } /// - /// Enables vSAN compression on the - /// cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanCompressionEnabled")] public Input? VsanCompressionEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - /// Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - /// compression must also be enabled. + /// Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanDedupEnabled")] public Input? VsanDedupEnabled { get; set; } @@ -1817,8 +1497,7 @@ public InputList Tags private InputList? _vsanDiskGroups; /// - /// Represents the configuration of a host disk - /// group in the cluster. + /// A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. /// public InputList VsanDiskGroups { @@ -1827,30 +1506,25 @@ public InputList VsanDiskGroups } /// - /// Enables vSAN data-in-transit - /// encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - /// vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - /// at the same time. + /// Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanDitEncryptionEnabled")] public Input? VsanDitEncryptionEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Indicates the rekey interval in - /// minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - /// 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + /// When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). /// [Input("vsanDitRekeyInterval")] public Input? VsanDitRekeyInterval { get; set; } /// - /// Enables vSAN on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanEnabled")] public Input? VsanEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanEsaEnabled")] public Input? VsanEsaEnabled { get; set; } @@ -1859,7 +1533,7 @@ public InputList VsanDiskGroups private InputList? _vsanFaultDomains; /// - /// Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + /// The configuration for vSAN fault domains. /// public InputList VsanFaultDomains { @@ -1868,15 +1542,13 @@ public InputList VsanFaultDomains } /// - /// Enables network - /// diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled")] public Input? VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Enables vSAN performance service on - /// the cluster. Default: `true`. + /// Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanPerformanceEnabled")] public Input? VsanPerformanceEnabled { get; set; } @@ -1885,10 +1557,7 @@ public InputList VsanFaultDomains private InputList? _vsanRemoteDatastoreIds; /// - /// The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - /// mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - /// `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - /// data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + /// The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. /// public InputList VsanRemoteDatastoreIds { @@ -1897,21 +1566,19 @@ public InputList VsanRemoteDatastoreIds } /// - /// Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + /// The configuration for stretched cluster. /// [Input("vsanStretchedCluster")] public Input? VsanStretchedCluster { get; set; } /// - /// Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - /// You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanUnmapEnabled")] public Input? VsanUnmapEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Enables verbose mode for vSAN - /// performance service on the cluster. + /// Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. /// [Input("vsanVerboseModeEnabled")] public Input? VsanVerboseModeEnabled { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/ComputeClusterVmAffinityRule.cs b/sdk/dotnet/ComputeClusterVmAffinityRule.cs index dc5c4ff7..c3746d2a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/ComputeClusterVmAffinityRule.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/ComputeClusterVmAffinityRule.cs @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// then creates an affinity rule for these two virtual machines, ensuring they /// will run on the same host whenever possible. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -114,7 +113,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// The following example creates an affinity rule for a set of virtual machines /// in the cluster by looking up the virtual machine UUIDs from the diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Datacenter.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Datacenter.cs index 8341cd66..1ff100b8 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Datacenter.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Datacenter.cs @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// ### Create datacenter on the root folder /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -33,11 +32,9 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ### Create datacenter on a subfolder /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -54,7 +51,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ## Importing /// diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/DatastoreCluster.cs b/sdk/dotnet/DatastoreCluster.cs index 5286484c..8597cbdd 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/DatastoreCluster.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/DatastoreCluster.cs @@ -53,22 +53,19 @@ public partial class DatastoreCluster : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output Name { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - /// settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + /// Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. /// [Output("sdrsAdvancedOptions")] public Output?> SdrsAdvancedOptions { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The global automation level for all - /// virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + /// The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. /// [Output("sdrsAutomationLevel")] public Output SdrsAutomationLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// When `true`, all disks in a - /// single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + /// When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. /// [Output("sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity")] public Output SdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -81,10 +78,7 @@ public partial class DatastoreCluster : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output SdrsEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The free space threshold to use. - /// When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - /// when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - /// `utilization`. + /// The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. /// [Output("sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold")] public Output SdrsFreeSpaceThreshold { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -97,111 +91,89 @@ public partial class DatastoreCluster : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output SdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The threshold, in - /// percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - /// DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + /// The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + /// balance the space. /// [Output("sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference")] public Output SdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. /// [Output("sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel")] public Output SdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The I/O latency threshold, in - /// milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - /// from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + /// The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + /// datastore. /// [Output("sdrsIoLatencyThreshold")] public Output SdrsIoLatencyThreshold { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable I/O load balancing for - /// this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + /// Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. /// [Output("sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled")] public Output SdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The difference between load - /// in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - /// balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + /// The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. /// [Output("sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold")] public Output SdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The threshold of reservable - /// IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - /// recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - /// only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - /// estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - /// to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + /// The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + /// move VMs off of a datastore. /// [Output("sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold")] public Output SdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The threshold, in - /// percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - /// storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - /// the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + /// The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + /// recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. /// [Output("sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold")] public Output SdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The reservable IOPS - /// threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - /// of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - /// `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + /// The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. /// [Output("sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode")] public Output SdrsIoReservableThresholdMode { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The storage DRS poll interval, in - /// minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + /// The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. /// [Output("sdrsLoadBalanceInterval")] public Output SdrsLoadBalanceInterval { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. /// [Output("sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel")] public Output SdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. /// [Output("sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel")] public Output SdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. /// [Output("sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel")] public Output SdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Runtime thresholds govern - /// when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - /// (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + /// The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. /// [Output("sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold")] public Output SdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. /// [Output("sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel")] public Output SdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -310,8 +282,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes private InputMap? _sdrsAdvancedOptions; /// - /// A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - /// settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + /// Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. /// public InputMap SdrsAdvancedOptions { @@ -320,15 +291,13 @@ public InputMap SdrsAdvancedOptions } /// - /// The global automation level for all - /// virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + /// The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. /// [Input("sdrsAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// When `true`, all disks in a - /// single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + /// When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. /// [Input("sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity")] public Input? SdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity { get; set; } @@ -341,10 +310,7 @@ public InputMap SdrsAdvancedOptions public Input? SdrsEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The free space threshold to use. - /// When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - /// when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - /// `utilization`. + /// The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. /// [Input("sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold")] public Input? SdrsFreeSpaceThreshold { get; set; } @@ -357,111 +323,89 @@ public InputMap SdrsAdvancedOptions public Input? SdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode { get; set; } /// - /// The threshold, in - /// percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - /// DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + /// The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + /// balance the space. /// [Input("sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference")] public Input? SdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference { get; set; } /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. /// [Input("sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// The I/O latency threshold, in - /// milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - /// from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + /// The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + /// datastore. /// [Input("sdrsIoLatencyThreshold")] public Input? SdrsIoLatencyThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// Enable I/O load balancing for - /// this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + /// Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. /// [Input("sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled")] public Input? SdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The difference between load - /// in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - /// balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + /// The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. /// [Input("sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold")] public Input? SdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// The threshold of reservable - /// IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - /// recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - /// only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - /// estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - /// to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + /// The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + /// move VMs off of a datastore. /// [Input("sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold")] public Input? SdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// The threshold, in - /// percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - /// storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - /// the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + /// The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + /// recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. /// [Input("sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold")] public Input? SdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// The reservable IOPS - /// threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - /// of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - /// `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + /// The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. /// [Input("sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode")] public Input? SdrsIoReservableThresholdMode { get; set; } /// - /// The storage DRS poll interval, in - /// minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + /// The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. /// [Input("sdrsLoadBalanceInterval")] public Input? SdrsLoadBalanceInterval { get; set; } /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. /// [Input("sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. /// [Input("sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. /// [Input("sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Runtime thresholds govern - /// when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - /// (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + /// The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. /// [Input("sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold")] public Input? SdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. /// [Input("sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel { get; set; } @@ -538,8 +482,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes private InputMap? _sdrsAdvancedOptions; /// - /// A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - /// settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + /// Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. /// public InputMap SdrsAdvancedOptions { @@ -548,15 +491,13 @@ public InputMap SdrsAdvancedOptions } /// - /// The global automation level for all - /// virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + /// The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. /// [Input("sdrsAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// When `true`, all disks in a - /// single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + /// When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. /// [Input("sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity")] public Input? SdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity { get; set; } @@ -569,10 +510,7 @@ public InputMap SdrsAdvancedOptions public Input? SdrsEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The free space threshold to use. - /// When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - /// when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - /// `utilization`. + /// The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. /// [Input("sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold")] public Input? SdrsFreeSpaceThreshold { get; set; } @@ -585,111 +523,89 @@ public InputMap SdrsAdvancedOptions public Input? SdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode { get; set; } /// - /// The threshold, in - /// percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - /// DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + /// The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + /// balance the space. /// [Input("sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference")] public Input? SdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference { get; set; } /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. /// [Input("sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// The I/O latency threshold, in - /// milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - /// from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + /// The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + /// datastore. /// [Input("sdrsIoLatencyThreshold")] public Input? SdrsIoLatencyThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// Enable I/O load balancing for - /// this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + /// Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. /// [Input("sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled")] public Input? SdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The difference between load - /// in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - /// balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + /// The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. /// [Input("sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold")] public Input? SdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// The threshold of reservable - /// IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - /// recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - /// only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - /// estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - /// to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + /// The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + /// move VMs off of a datastore. /// [Input("sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold")] public Input? SdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// The threshold, in - /// percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - /// storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - /// the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + /// The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + /// recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. /// [Input("sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold")] public Input? SdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// The reservable IOPS - /// threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - /// of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - /// `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + /// The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. /// [Input("sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode")] public Input? SdrsIoReservableThresholdMode { get; set; } /// - /// The storage DRS poll interval, in - /// minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + /// The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. /// [Input("sdrsLoadBalanceInterval")] public Input? SdrsLoadBalanceInterval { get; set; } /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. /// [Input("sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. /// [Input("sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. /// [Input("sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Runtime thresholds govern - /// when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - /// (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + /// The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. /// [Input("sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold")] public Input? SdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold { get; set; } /// - /// Overrides the default - /// automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + /// Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. /// [Input("sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel")] public Input? SdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/DistributedPortGroup.cs b/sdk/dotnet/DistributedPortGroup.cs index 42070b36..1c426383 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/DistributedPortGroup.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/DistributedPortGroup.cs @@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ public partial class DistributedPortGroup : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output BlockAllPorts { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow the port shutdown - /// policy to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. /// [Output("blockOverrideAllowed")] public Output BlockOverrideAllowed { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -176,8 +175,7 @@ public partial class DistributedPortGroup : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output LacpMode { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow a port in this port group to be - /// moved to another port group while it is connected. + /// Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. /// [Output("livePortMovingAllowed")] public Output LivePortMovingAllowed { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -195,9 +193,7 @@ public partial class DistributedPortGroup : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output NetflowEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow the - /// [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - /// individual port. + /// Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. /// [Output("netflowOverrideAllowed")] public Output NetflowOverrideAllowed { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -211,8 +207,7 @@ public partial class DistributedPortGroup : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output NetworkResourcePoolKey { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow the network - /// resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. /// [Output("networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed")] public Output NetworkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -231,8 +226,7 @@ public partial class DistributedPortGroup : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output NumberOfPorts { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Reset a port's settings to the - /// settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + /// Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. /// [Output("portConfigResetAtDisconnect")] public Output PortConfigResetAtDisconnect { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -254,17 +248,13 @@ public partial class DistributedPortGroup : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow the - /// [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - /// policy to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. /// [Output("securityPolicyOverrideAllowed")] public Output SecurityPolicyOverrideAllowed { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow the - /// [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - /// to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. /// [Output("shapingOverrideAllowed")] public Output ShapingOverrideAllowed { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -289,8 +279,7 @@ public partial class DistributedPortGroup : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output TeamingPolicy { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow any traffic filters on - /// this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. /// [Output("trafficFilterOverrideAllowed")] public Output TrafficFilterOverrideAllowed { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -310,9 +299,7 @@ public partial class DistributedPortGroup : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output Type { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow the - /// [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - /// overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. /// [Output("uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed")] public Output UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -324,9 +311,7 @@ public partial class DistributedPortGroup : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output VlanId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow the - /// [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - /// individual port. + /// Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. /// [Output("vlanOverrideAllowed")] public Output VlanOverrideAllowed { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -432,8 +417,7 @@ public InputList ActiveUplinks public Input? BlockAllPorts { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the port shutdown - /// policy to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. /// [Input("blockOverrideAllowed")] public Input? BlockOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -546,8 +530,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? LacpMode { get; set; } /// - /// Allow a port in this port group to be - /// moved to another port group while it is connected. + /// Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. /// [Input("livePortMovingAllowed")] public Input? LivePortMovingAllowed { get; set; } @@ -565,9 +548,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? NetflowEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the - /// [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - /// individual port. + /// Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. /// [Input("netflowOverrideAllowed")] public Input? NetflowOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -581,8 +562,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? NetworkResourcePoolKey { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the network - /// resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. /// [Input("networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed")] public Input? NetworkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -601,8 +581,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? NumberOfPorts { get; set; } /// - /// Reset a port's settings to the - /// settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + /// Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. /// [Input("portConfigResetAtDisconnect")] public Input? PortConfigResetAtDisconnect { get; set; } @@ -624,17 +603,13 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the - /// [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - /// policy to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. /// [Input("securityPolicyOverrideAllowed")] public Input? SecurityPolicyOverrideAllowed { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the - /// [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - /// to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. /// [Input("shapingOverrideAllowed")] public Input? ShapingOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -671,8 +646,7 @@ public InputList Tags public Input? TeamingPolicy { get; set; } /// - /// Allow any traffic filters on - /// this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. /// [Input("trafficFilterOverrideAllowed")] public Input? TrafficFilterOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -692,9 +666,7 @@ public InputList Tags public Input? Type { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the - /// [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - /// overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. /// [Input("uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed")] public Input? UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -706,9 +678,7 @@ public InputList Tags public Input? VlanId { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the - /// [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - /// individual port. + /// Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. /// [Input("vlanOverrideAllowed")] public Input? VlanOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -782,8 +752,7 @@ public InputList ActiveUplinks public Input? BlockAllPorts { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the port shutdown - /// policy to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. /// [Input("blockOverrideAllowed")] public Input? BlockOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -909,8 +878,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? LacpMode { get; set; } /// - /// Allow a port in this port group to be - /// moved to another port group while it is connected. + /// Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. /// [Input("livePortMovingAllowed")] public Input? LivePortMovingAllowed { get; set; } @@ -928,9 +896,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? NetflowEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the - /// [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - /// individual port. + /// Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. /// [Input("netflowOverrideAllowed")] public Input? NetflowOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -944,8 +910,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? NetworkResourcePoolKey { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the network - /// resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. /// [Input("networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed")] public Input? NetworkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -964,8 +929,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? NumberOfPorts { get; set; } /// - /// Reset a port's settings to the - /// settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + /// Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. /// [Input("portConfigResetAtDisconnect")] public Input? PortConfigResetAtDisconnect { get; set; } @@ -987,17 +951,13 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the - /// [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - /// policy to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. /// [Input("securityPolicyOverrideAllowed")] public Input? SecurityPolicyOverrideAllowed { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the - /// [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - /// to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. /// [Input("shapingOverrideAllowed")] public Input? ShapingOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -1034,8 +994,7 @@ public InputList Tags public Input? TeamingPolicy { get; set; } /// - /// Allow any traffic filters on - /// this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. /// [Input("trafficFilterOverrideAllowed")] public Input? TrafficFilterOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -1055,9 +1014,7 @@ public InputList Tags public Input? Type { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the - /// [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - /// overridden on an individual port. + /// Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. /// [Input("uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed")] public Input? UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed { get; set; } @@ -1069,9 +1026,7 @@ public InputList Tags public Input? VlanId { get; set; } /// - /// Allow the - /// [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - /// individual port. + /// Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. /// [Input("vlanOverrideAllowed")] public Input? VlanOverrideAllowed { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/DistributedVirtualSwitch.cs b/sdk/dotnet/DistributedVirtualSwitch.cs index 29822525..b415a9bc 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/DistributedVirtualSwitch.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/DistributedVirtualSwitch.cs @@ -13,32 +13,26 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere public partial class DistributedVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource { /// - /// A list of active uplinks to be used in load - /// balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - /// `uplinks` VDS argument. See - /// here for more details. + /// List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. /// [Output("activeUplinks")] public Output> ActiveUplinks { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls whether or not a virtual - /// network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - /// address than that of its own. + /// Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + /// that of its own. /// [Output("allowForgedTransmits")] public Output AllowForgedTransmits { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls whether or not the Media Access - /// Control (MAC) address can be changed. + /// Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. /// [Output("allowMacChanges")] public Output AllowMacChanges { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - /// flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. /// [Output("allowPromiscuous")] public Output AllowPromiscuous { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -68,19 +62,13 @@ public partial class DistributedVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output BackupnfcShareLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - /// this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - /// virtual devices. + /// Indicates whether to block all ports by default. /// [Output("blockAllPorts")] public Output BlockAllPorts { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - /// to detect NIC failure. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - /// probing. + /// Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. /// [Output("checkBeacon")] public Output CheckBeacon { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -130,43 +118,37 @@ public partial class DistributedVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output Description { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - /// for which this policy applies to. + /// Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. /// [Output("directpathGen2Allowed")] public Output DirectpathGen2Allowed { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The average bandwidth in bits - /// per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Output("egressShapingAverageBandwidth")] public Output EgressShapingAverageBandwidth { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The maximum burst size allowed in - /// bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Output("egressShapingBurstSize")] public Output EgressShapingBurstSize { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - /// on the port for egress traffic. + /// True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. /// [Output("egressShapingEnabled")] public Output EgressShapingEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The peak bandwidth during bursts - /// in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Output("egressShapingPeakBandwidth")] public Output EgressShapingPeakBandwidth { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - /// uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + /// If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. /// [Output("failback")] public Output Failback { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -227,43 +209,37 @@ public partial class DistributedVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output HbrShareLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - /// options are: + /// A host member specification. /// [Output("hosts")] public Output> Hosts { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - /// mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + /// Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. /// [Output("ignoreOtherPvlanMappings")] public Output IgnoreOtherPvlanMappings { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The average bandwidth in - /// bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Output("ingressShapingAverageBandwidth")] public Output IngressShapingAverageBandwidth { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The maximum burst size allowed in - /// bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Output("ingressShapingBurstSize")] public Output IngressShapingBurstSize { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// `true` if the traffic shaper is - /// enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + /// True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. /// [Output("ingressShapingEnabled")] public Output IngressShapingEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The peak bandwidth during - /// bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Output("ingressShapingPeakBandwidth")] public Output IngressShapingPeakBandwidth { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -308,14 +284,13 @@ public partial class DistributedVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output LacpApiVersion { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - /// applies to. + /// Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. /// [Output("lacpEnabled")] public Output LacpEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + /// The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. /// [Output("lacpMode")] public Output LacpMode { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -378,77 +353,63 @@ public partial class DistributedVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output Name { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The number of seconds after which - /// active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - /// `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + /// The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. /// [Output("netflowActiveFlowTimeout")] public Output NetflowActiveFlowTimeout { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// IP address for the Netflow - /// collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - /// Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + /// IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + /// later. /// [Output("netflowCollectorIpAddress")] public Output NetflowCollectorIpAddress { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Port for the Netflow collector. This - /// must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + /// The port for the netflow collector. /// [Output("netflowCollectorPort")] public Output NetflowCollectorPort { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - /// applies to. + /// Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. /// [Output("netflowEnabled")] public Output NetflowEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The number of seconds after which - /// idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - /// to `600`. Default: `15`. + /// The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. /// [Output("netflowIdleFlowTimeout")] public Output NetflowIdleFlowTimeout { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Whether to limit analysis to - /// traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - /// Default: `false`. + /// Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. /// [Output("netflowInternalFlowsOnly")] public Output NetflowInternalFlowsOnly { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The observation domain ID for - /// the Netflow collector. + /// The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. /// [Output("netflowObservationDomainId")] public Output NetflowObservationDomainId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The ratio of total number of packets to - /// the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - /// VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - /// indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + /// The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + /// packets are analyzed. /// [Output("netflowSamplingRate")] public Output NetflowSamplingRate { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Set to `true` to enable - /// network I/O control. Default: `false`. + /// Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. /// [Output("networkResourceControlEnabled")] public Output NetworkResourceControlEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The version of network I/O - /// control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + /// The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. /// [Output("networkResourceControlVersion")] public Output NetworkResourceControlVersion { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -478,31 +439,25 @@ public partial class DistributedVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output NfsShareLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - /// broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + /// If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. /// [Output("notifySwitches")] public Output NotifySwitches { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Used to define a secondary VLAN - /// ID when using private VLANs. + /// The secondary VLAN ID for this port. /// [Output("portPrivateSecondaryVlanId")] public Output PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - /// private VLAN mapping. The options are: + /// A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. /// [Output("pvlanMappings")] public Output> PvlanMappings { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// A list of standby uplinks to be used in - /// failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - /// `uplinks` VDS argument. See - /// here for more details. + /// List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. /// [Output("standbyUplinks")] public Output> StandbyUplinks { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -516,26 +471,22 @@ public partial class DistributedVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output> Tags { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - /// `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - /// `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + /// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + /// failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. /// [Output("teamingPolicy")] public Output TeamingPolicy { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - /// this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + /// If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + /// forwarded done by the switch. /// [Output("txUplink")] public Output TxUplink { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - /// of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - /// controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - /// names. See here for an example on how to - /// use this option. + /// A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + /// across hosts. /// [Output("uplinks")] public Output> Uplinks { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -603,40 +554,7 @@ public partial class DistributedVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output VlanId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - /// and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - /// `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - /// below: - /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using VSphere = Pulumi.VSphere; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var vds = new VSphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", new() - /// { - /// VlanRanges = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs - /// { - /// MinVlan = 100, - /// MaxVlan = 199, - /// }, - /// new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs - /// { - /// MinVlan = 300, - /// MaxVlan = 399, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + /// The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. /// [Output("vlanRanges")] public Output> VlanRanges { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -739,10 +657,7 @@ public sealed class DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs private InputList? _activeUplinks; /// - /// A list of active uplinks to be used in load - /// balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - /// `uplinks` VDS argument. See - /// here for more details. + /// List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. /// public InputList ActiveUplinks { @@ -751,23 +666,20 @@ public InputList ActiveUplinks } /// - /// Controls whether or not a virtual - /// network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - /// address than that of its own. + /// Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + /// that of its own. /// [Input("allowForgedTransmits")] public Input? AllowForgedTransmits { get; set; } /// - /// Controls whether or not the Media Access - /// Control (MAC) address can be changed. + /// Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. /// [Input("allowMacChanges")] public Input? AllowMacChanges { get; set; } /// - /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - /// flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. /// [Input("allowPromiscuous")] public Input? AllowPromiscuous { get; set; } @@ -797,19 +709,13 @@ public InputList ActiveUplinks public Input? BackupnfcShareLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - /// this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - /// virtual devices. + /// Indicates whether to block all ports by default. /// [Input("blockAllPorts")] public Input? BlockAllPorts { get; set; } /// - /// Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - /// to detect NIC failure. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - /// probing. + /// Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. /// [Input("checkBeacon")] public Input? CheckBeacon { get; set; } @@ -858,43 +764,37 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? Description { get; set; } /// - /// Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - /// for which this policy applies to. + /// Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. /// [Input("directpathGen2Allowed")] public Input? DirectpathGen2Allowed { get; set; } /// - /// The average bandwidth in bits - /// per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("egressShapingAverageBandwidth")] public Input? EgressShapingAverageBandwidth { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum burst size allowed in - /// bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("egressShapingBurstSize")] public Input? EgressShapingBurstSize { get; set; } /// - /// `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - /// on the port for egress traffic. + /// True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. /// [Input("egressShapingEnabled")] public Input? EgressShapingEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The peak bandwidth during bursts - /// in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("egressShapingPeakBandwidth")] public Input? EgressShapingPeakBandwidth { get; set; } /// - /// If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - /// uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + /// If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. /// [Input("failback")] public Input? Failback { get; set; } @@ -958,8 +858,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes private InputList? _hosts; /// - /// Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - /// options are: + /// A host member specification. /// public InputList Hosts { @@ -968,36 +867,31 @@ public InputList Hosts } /// - /// Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - /// mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + /// Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. /// [Input("ignoreOtherPvlanMappings")] public Input? IgnoreOtherPvlanMappings { get; set; } /// - /// The average bandwidth in - /// bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("ingressShapingAverageBandwidth")] public Input? IngressShapingAverageBandwidth { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum burst size allowed in - /// bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("ingressShapingBurstSize")] public Input? IngressShapingBurstSize { get; set; } /// - /// `true` if the traffic shaper is - /// enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + /// True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. /// [Input("ingressShapingEnabled")] public Input? IngressShapingEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The peak bandwidth during - /// bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("ingressShapingPeakBandwidth")] public Input? IngressShapingPeakBandwidth { get; set; } @@ -1042,14 +936,13 @@ public InputList Hosts public Input? LacpApiVersion { get; set; } /// - /// Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - /// applies to. + /// Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. /// [Input("lacpEnabled")] public Input? LacpEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + /// The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. /// [Input("lacpMode")] public Input? LacpMode { get; set; } @@ -1112,77 +1005,63 @@ public InputList Hosts public Input? Name { get; set; } /// - /// The number of seconds after which - /// active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - /// `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + /// The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. /// [Input("netflowActiveFlowTimeout")] public Input? NetflowActiveFlowTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// IP address for the Netflow - /// collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - /// Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + /// IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + /// later. /// [Input("netflowCollectorIpAddress")] public Input? NetflowCollectorIpAddress { get; set; } /// - /// Port for the Netflow collector. This - /// must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + /// The port for the netflow collector. /// [Input("netflowCollectorPort")] public Input? NetflowCollectorPort { get; set; } /// - /// Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - /// applies to. + /// Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. /// [Input("netflowEnabled")] public Input? NetflowEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The number of seconds after which - /// idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - /// to `600`. Default: `15`. + /// The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. /// [Input("netflowIdleFlowTimeout")] public Input? NetflowIdleFlowTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// Whether to limit analysis to - /// traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - /// Default: `false`. + /// Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. /// [Input("netflowInternalFlowsOnly")] public Input? NetflowInternalFlowsOnly { get; set; } /// - /// The observation domain ID for - /// the Netflow collector. + /// The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. /// [Input("netflowObservationDomainId")] public Input? NetflowObservationDomainId { get; set; } /// - /// The ratio of total number of packets to - /// the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - /// VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - /// indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + /// The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + /// packets are analyzed. /// [Input("netflowSamplingRate")] public Input? NetflowSamplingRate { get; set; } /// - /// Set to `true` to enable - /// network I/O control. Default: `false`. + /// Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. /// [Input("networkResourceControlEnabled")] public Input? NetworkResourceControlEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The version of network I/O - /// control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + /// The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. /// [Input("networkResourceControlVersion")] public Input? NetworkResourceControlVersion { get; set; } @@ -1212,15 +1091,13 @@ public InputList Hosts public Input? NfsShareLevel { get; set; } /// - /// If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - /// broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + /// If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. /// [Input("notifySwitches")] public Input? NotifySwitches { get; set; } /// - /// Used to define a secondary VLAN - /// ID when using private VLANs. + /// The secondary VLAN ID for this port. /// [Input("portPrivateSecondaryVlanId")] public Input? PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId { get; set; } @@ -1229,8 +1106,7 @@ public InputList Hosts private InputList? _pvlanMappings; /// - /// Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - /// private VLAN mapping. The options are: + /// A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. /// public InputList PvlanMappings { @@ -1242,10 +1118,7 @@ public InputList PvlanMappings private InputList? _standbyUplinks; /// - /// A list of standby uplinks to be used in - /// failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - /// `uplinks` VDS argument. See - /// here for more details. + /// List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. /// public InputList StandbyUplinks { @@ -1268,16 +1141,15 @@ public InputList Tags } /// - /// The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - /// `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - /// `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + /// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + /// failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. /// [Input("teamingPolicy")] public Input? TeamingPolicy { get; set; } /// - /// Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - /// this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + /// If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + /// forwarded done by the switch. /// [Input("txUplink")] public Input? TxUplink { get; set; } @@ -1286,11 +1158,8 @@ public InputList Tags private InputList? _uplinks; /// - /// A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - /// of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - /// controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - /// names. See here for an example on how to - /// use this option. + /// A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + /// across hosts. /// public InputList Uplinks { @@ -1364,40 +1233,7 @@ public InputList Uplinks private InputList? _vlanRanges; /// - /// Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - /// and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - /// `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - /// below: - /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using VSphere = Pulumi.VSphere; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var vds = new VSphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", new() - /// { - /// VlanRanges = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs - /// { - /// MinVlan = 100, - /// MaxVlan = 199, - /// }, - /// new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs - /// { - /// MinVlan = 300, - /// MaxVlan = 399, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + /// The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. /// public InputList VlanRanges { @@ -1465,10 +1301,7 @@ public sealed class DistributedVirtualSwitchState : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs private InputList? _activeUplinks; /// - /// A list of active uplinks to be used in load - /// balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - /// `uplinks` VDS argument. See - /// here for more details. + /// List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. /// public InputList ActiveUplinks { @@ -1477,23 +1310,20 @@ public InputList ActiveUplinks } /// - /// Controls whether or not a virtual - /// network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - /// address than that of its own. + /// Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + /// that of its own. /// [Input("allowForgedTransmits")] public Input? AllowForgedTransmits { get; set; } /// - /// Controls whether or not the Media Access - /// Control (MAC) address can be changed. + /// Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. /// [Input("allowMacChanges")] public Input? AllowMacChanges { get; set; } /// - /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - /// flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. /// [Input("allowPromiscuous")] public Input? AllowPromiscuous { get; set; } @@ -1523,19 +1353,13 @@ public InputList ActiveUplinks public Input? BackupnfcShareLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - /// this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - /// virtual devices. + /// Indicates whether to block all ports by default. /// [Input("blockAllPorts")] public Input? BlockAllPorts { get; set; } /// - /// Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - /// to detect NIC failure. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - /// probing. + /// Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. /// [Input("checkBeacon")] public Input? CheckBeacon { get; set; } @@ -1591,43 +1415,37 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes public Input? Description { get; set; } /// - /// Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - /// for which this policy applies to. + /// Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. /// [Input("directpathGen2Allowed")] public Input? DirectpathGen2Allowed { get; set; } /// - /// The average bandwidth in bits - /// per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("egressShapingAverageBandwidth")] public Input? EgressShapingAverageBandwidth { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum burst size allowed in - /// bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("egressShapingBurstSize")] public Input? EgressShapingBurstSize { get; set; } /// - /// `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - /// on the port for egress traffic. + /// True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. /// [Input("egressShapingEnabled")] public Input? EgressShapingEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The peak bandwidth during bursts - /// in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("egressShapingPeakBandwidth")] public Input? EgressShapingPeakBandwidth { get; set; } /// - /// If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - /// uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + /// If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. /// [Input("failback")] public Input? Failback { get; set; } @@ -1691,8 +1509,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes private InputList? _hosts; /// - /// Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - /// options are: + /// A host member specification. /// public InputList Hosts { @@ -1701,36 +1518,31 @@ public InputList Hosts } /// - /// Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - /// mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + /// Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. /// [Input("ignoreOtherPvlanMappings")] public Input? IgnoreOtherPvlanMappings { get; set; } /// - /// The average bandwidth in - /// bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("ingressShapingAverageBandwidth")] public Input? IngressShapingAverageBandwidth { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum burst size allowed in - /// bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("ingressShapingBurstSize")] public Input? IngressShapingBurstSize { get; set; } /// - /// `true` if the traffic shaper is - /// enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + /// True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. /// [Input("ingressShapingEnabled")] public Input? IngressShapingEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The peak bandwidth during - /// bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + /// The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. /// [Input("ingressShapingPeakBandwidth")] public Input? IngressShapingPeakBandwidth { get; set; } @@ -1775,14 +1587,13 @@ public InputList Hosts public Input? LacpApiVersion { get; set; } /// - /// Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - /// applies to. + /// Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. /// [Input("lacpEnabled")] public Input? LacpEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + /// The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. /// [Input("lacpMode")] public Input? LacpMode { get; set; } @@ -1845,77 +1656,63 @@ public InputList Hosts public Input? Name { get; set; } /// - /// The number of seconds after which - /// active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - /// `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + /// The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. /// [Input("netflowActiveFlowTimeout")] public Input? NetflowActiveFlowTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// IP address for the Netflow - /// collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - /// Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + /// IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + /// later. /// [Input("netflowCollectorIpAddress")] public Input? NetflowCollectorIpAddress { get; set; } /// - /// Port for the Netflow collector. This - /// must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + /// The port for the netflow collector. /// [Input("netflowCollectorPort")] public Input? NetflowCollectorPort { get; set; } /// - /// Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - /// applies to. + /// Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. /// [Input("netflowEnabled")] public Input? NetflowEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The number of seconds after which - /// idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - /// to `600`. Default: `15`. + /// The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. /// [Input("netflowIdleFlowTimeout")] public Input? NetflowIdleFlowTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// Whether to limit analysis to - /// traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - /// Default: `false`. + /// Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. /// [Input("netflowInternalFlowsOnly")] public Input? NetflowInternalFlowsOnly { get; set; } /// - /// The observation domain ID for - /// the Netflow collector. + /// The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. /// [Input("netflowObservationDomainId")] public Input? NetflowObservationDomainId { get; set; } /// - /// The ratio of total number of packets to - /// the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - /// VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - /// indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + /// The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + /// packets are analyzed. /// [Input("netflowSamplingRate")] public Input? NetflowSamplingRate { get; set; } /// - /// Set to `true` to enable - /// network I/O control. Default: `false`. + /// Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. /// [Input("networkResourceControlEnabled")] public Input? NetworkResourceControlEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The version of network I/O - /// control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + /// The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. /// [Input("networkResourceControlVersion")] public Input? NetworkResourceControlVersion { get; set; } @@ -1945,15 +1742,13 @@ public InputList Hosts public Input? NfsShareLevel { get; set; } /// - /// If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - /// broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + /// If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. /// [Input("notifySwitches")] public Input? NotifySwitches { get; set; } /// - /// Used to define a secondary VLAN - /// ID when using private VLANs. + /// The secondary VLAN ID for this port. /// [Input("portPrivateSecondaryVlanId")] public Input? PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId { get; set; } @@ -1962,8 +1757,7 @@ public InputList Hosts private InputList? _pvlanMappings; /// - /// Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - /// private VLAN mapping. The options are: + /// A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. /// public InputList PvlanMappings { @@ -1975,10 +1769,7 @@ public InputList PvlanMappin private InputList? _standbyUplinks; /// - /// A list of standby uplinks to be used in - /// failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - /// `uplinks` VDS argument. See - /// here for more details. + /// List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. /// public InputList StandbyUplinks { @@ -2001,16 +1792,15 @@ public InputList Tags } /// - /// The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - /// `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - /// `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + /// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + /// failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. /// [Input("teamingPolicy")] public Input? TeamingPolicy { get; set; } /// - /// Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - /// this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + /// If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + /// forwarded done by the switch. /// [Input("txUplink")] public Input? TxUplink { get; set; } @@ -2019,11 +1809,8 @@ public InputList Tags private InputList? _uplinks; /// - /// A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - /// of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - /// controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - /// names. See here for an example on how to - /// use this option. + /// A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + /// across hosts. /// public InputList Uplinks { @@ -2097,40 +1884,7 @@ public InputList Uplinks private InputList? _vlanRanges; /// - /// Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - /// and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - /// `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - /// below: - /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using VSphere = Pulumi.VSphere; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var vds = new VSphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", new() - /// { - /// VlanRanges = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs - /// { - /// MinVlan = 100, - /// MaxVlan = 199, - /// }, - /// new VSphere.Inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs - /// { - /// MinVlan = 300, - /// MaxVlan = 399, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + /// The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. /// public InputList VlanRanges { diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/File.cs b/sdk/dotnet/File.cs index a147af9c..821197cd 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/File.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/File.cs @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// ### Uploading a File /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -34,11 +33,9 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ### Copying a File /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -60,7 +57,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// [VSphereResourceType("vsphere:index/file:File")] public partial class File : global::Pulumi.CustomResource diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetComputeCluster.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetComputeCluster.cs index 72a19297..b9679c84 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetComputeCluster.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetComputeCluster.cs @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ public static class GetComputeCluster /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -46,7 +45,6 @@ public static class GetComputeCluster /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetComputeClusterArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getComputeCluster:getComputeCluster", args ?? new GetComputeClusterArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -64,7 +62,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetComputeClusterArgs ar /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -86,7 +83,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetComputeClusterArgs ar /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetComputeClusterInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getComputeCluster:getComputeCluster", args ?? new GetComputeClusterInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetComputeClusterHostGroup.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetComputeClusterHostGroup.cs index e8395cbe..97386284 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetComputeClusterHostGroup.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetComputeClusterHostGroup.cs @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ public static class GetComputeClusterHostGroup /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ public static class GetComputeClusterHostGroup /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetComputeClusterHostGroupArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getComputeClusterHostGroup:getComputeClusterHostGroup", args ?? new GetComputeClusterHostGroupArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -66,7 +64,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetComputeClust /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -102,7 +99,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetComputeClust /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetComputeClusterHostGroupInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getComputeClusterHostGroup:getComputeClusterHostGroup", args ?? new GetComputeClusterHostGroupInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetContentLibrary.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetContentLibrary.cs index 0a906a5a..bbcc9530 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetContentLibrary.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetContentLibrary.cs @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ public static class GetContentLibrary /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -34,7 +33,6 @@ public static class GetContentLibrary /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetContentLibraryArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getContentLibrary:getContentLibrary", args ?? new GetContentLibraryArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -46,7 +44,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetContentLibraryArgs ar /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -62,7 +59,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetContentLibraryArgs ar /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetContentLibraryInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getContentLibrary:getContentLibrary", args ?? new GetContentLibraryInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetCustomAttribute.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetCustomAttribute.cs index 58668324..c3883ee7 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetCustomAttribute.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetCustomAttribute.cs @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ public static class GetCustomAttribute /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ public static class GetCustomAttribute /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetCustomAttributeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getCustomAttribute:getCustomAttribute", args ?? new GetCustomAttributeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetCustomAttributeArgs /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -72,7 +69,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetCustomAttributeArgs /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetCustomAttributeInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getCustomAttribute:getCustomAttribute", args ?? new GetCustomAttributeInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetDatacenter.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetDatacenter.cs index 39c7149f..9dc2538e 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetDatacenter.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetDatacenter.cs @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ public static class GetDatacenter /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -35,7 +34,6 @@ public static class GetDatacenter /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatacenterArgs? args = null, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getDatacenter:getDatacenter", args ?? new GetDatacenterArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -48,7 +46,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatacenterArgs? args = nu /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -64,7 +61,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatacenterArgs? args = nu /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetDatacenterInvokeArgs? args = null, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getDatacenter:getDatacenter", args ?? new GetDatacenterInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastore.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastore.cs index 7738f890..a80d3cad 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastore.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastore.cs @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ public static class GetDatastore /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ public static class GetDatastore /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatastoreArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getDatastore:getDatastore", args ?? new GetDatastoreArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatastoreArgs args, Invoke /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -78,7 +75,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatastoreArgs args, Invoke /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetDatastoreInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getDatastore:getDatastore", args ?? new GetDatastoreInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastoreCluster.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastoreCluster.cs index a8ba33a2..f418bb70 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastoreCluster.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastoreCluster.cs @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ public static class GetDatastoreCluster /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ public static class GetDatastoreCluster /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatastoreClusterArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getDatastoreCluster:getDatastoreCluster", args ?? new GetDatastoreClusterArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -54,7 +52,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatastoreClusterArg /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -76,7 +73,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatastoreClusterArg /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetDatastoreClusterInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getDatastoreCluster:getDatastoreCluster", args ?? new GetDatastoreClusterInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastoreStats.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastoreStats.cs index 401efa43..026ff264 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastoreStats.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetDatastoreStats.cs @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ public static class GetDatastoreStats /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ public static class GetDatastoreStats /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// A usefull example of this datasource would be to determine the /// datastore with the most free space. For example, in addition to @@ -47,7 +45,6 @@ public static class GetDatastoreStats /// /// Create an `outputs.tf` like that: /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -62,7 +59,6 @@ public static class GetDatastoreStats /// }; /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// and a `locals.tf` like that: /// @@ -76,7 +72,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatastoreStatsArgs ar /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -97,7 +92,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatastoreStatsArgs ar /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// A usefull example of this datasource would be to determine the /// datastore with the most free space. For example, in addition to @@ -105,7 +99,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatastoreStatsArgs ar /// /// Create an `outputs.tf` like that: /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -120,7 +113,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDatastoreStatsArgs ar /// }; /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// and a `locals.tf` like that: /// diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetDistributedVirtualSwitch.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetDistributedVirtualSwitch.cs index 5dbbac6d..68a902f2 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetDistributedVirtualSwitch.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetDistributedVirtualSwitch.cs @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ public static class GetDistributedVirtualSwitch /// `vsphere.DistributedPortGroup` resource that uses the first uplink as a /// primary uplink and the second uplink as a secondary. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -64,7 +63,6 @@ public static class GetDistributedVirtualSwitch /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDistributedVirtualSwitchArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getDistributedVirtualSwitch:getDistributedVirtualSwitch", args ?? new GetDistributedVirtualSwitchArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -86,7 +84,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDistributed /// `vsphere.DistributedPortGroup` resource that uses the first uplink as a /// primary uplink and the second uplink as a secondary. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -122,7 +119,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDistributed /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetDistributedVirtualSwitchInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getDistributedVirtualSwitch:getDistributedVirtualSwitch", args ?? new GetDistributedVirtualSwitchInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetDynamic.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetDynamic.cs index 7e75d7ab..64eb65fa 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetDynamic.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetDynamic.cs @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ public static class GetDynamic /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -59,7 +58,6 @@ public static class GetDynamic /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDynamicArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getDynamic:getDynamic", args ?? new GetDynamicArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -73,7 +71,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDynamicArgs args, InvokeOpti /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -112,7 +109,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetDynamicArgs args, InvokeOpti /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetDynamicInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getDynamic:getDynamic", args ?? new GetDynamicInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetFolder.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetFolder.cs index 0bef2265..42ab70d6 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetFolder.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetFolder.cs @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ public static class GetFolder /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ public static class GetFolder /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetFolderArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getFolder:getFolder", args ?? new GetFolderArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -44,7 +42,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetFolderArgs args, InvokeOption /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -60,7 +57,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetFolderArgs args, InvokeOption /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetFolderInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getFolder:getFolder", args ?? new GetFolderInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetGuestOsCustomization.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetGuestOsCustomization.cs index 526b3f6a..029b3487 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetGuestOsCustomization.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetGuestOsCustomization.cs @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ public static class GetGuestOsCustomization /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ public static class GetGuestOsCustomization /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetGuestOsCustomizationArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getGuestOsCustomization:getGuestOsCustomization", args ?? new GetGuestOsCustomizationArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -50,7 +48,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetGuestOsCustomiz /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -66,7 +63,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetGuestOsCustomiz /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetGuestOsCustomizationInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getGuestOsCustomization:getGuestOsCustomization", args ?? new GetGuestOsCustomizationInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetHost.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetHost.cs index cb1b228f..c5194eef 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetHost.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetHost.cs @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ public static class GetHost /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ public static class GetHost /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getHost:getHost", args ?? new GetHostArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -52,7 +50,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostArgs args, InvokeOptions? o /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -74,7 +71,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostArgs args, InvokeOptions? o /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetHostInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getHost:getHost", args ?? new GetHostInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetHostPciDevice.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetHostPciDevice.cs index b96934c7..43254b17 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetHostPciDevice.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetHostPciDevice.cs @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ public static class GetHostPciDevice /// /// ### With Vendor ID And Class ID /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -49,12 +48,10 @@ public static class GetHostPciDevice /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ### With Name Regular Expression /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - /// ```csharp + /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; /// using Pulumi; @@ -81,7 +78,6 @@ public static class GetHostPciDevice /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostPciDeviceArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getHostPciDevice:getHostPciDevice", args ?? new GetHostPciDeviceArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -95,7 +91,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostPciDeviceArgs args /// /// ### With Vendor ID And Class ID /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -124,12 +119,10 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostPciDeviceArgs args /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ### With Name Regular Expression /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - /// ```csharp + /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; /// using Pulumi; @@ -156,7 +149,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostPciDeviceArgs args /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetHostPciDeviceInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getHostPciDevice:getHostPciDevice", args ?? new GetHostPciDeviceInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetHostThumbprint.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetHostThumbprint.cs index 0d50544b..59c8a68a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetHostThumbprint.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetHostThumbprint.cs @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ public static class GetHostThumbprint /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -35,7 +34,6 @@ public static class GetHostThumbprint /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostThumbprintArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getHostThumbprint:getHostThumbprint", args ?? new GetHostThumbprintArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -48,7 +46,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostThumbprintArgs ar /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -64,7 +61,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostThumbprintArgs ar /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetHostThumbprintInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getHostThumbprint:getHostThumbprint", args ?? new GetHostThumbprintInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetHostVgpuProfile.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetHostVgpuProfile.cs index 3b7b0af0..b0d23be8 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetHostVgpuProfile.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetHostVgpuProfile.cs @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ public static class GetHostVgpuProfile /// /// ### To Return All VGPU Profiles /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -46,12 +45,10 @@ public static class GetHostVgpuProfile /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// /// ### With VGPU Profile Name_regex /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -79,7 +76,6 @@ public static class GetHostVgpuProfile /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostVgpuProfileArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getHostVgpuProfile:getHostVgpuProfile", args ?? new GetHostVgpuProfileArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -92,7 +88,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostVgpuProfileArgs /// /// ### To Return All VGPU Profiles /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -119,12 +114,10 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostVgpuProfileArgs /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// /// ### With VGPU Profile Name_regex /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -152,7 +145,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetHostVgpuProfileArgs /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetHostVgpuProfileInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getHostVgpuProfile:getHostVgpuProfile", args ?? new GetHostVgpuProfileInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetLicense.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetLicense.cs index 2212618a..d2e5aa92 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetLicense.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetLicense.cs @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ public static class GetLicense /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ public static class GetLicense /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetLicenseArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getLicense:getLicense", args ?? new GetLicenseArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -44,7 +42,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetLicenseArgs args, InvokeOpti /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -60,7 +57,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetLicenseArgs args, InvokeOpti /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetLicenseInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getLicense:getLicense", args ?? new GetLicenseInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetNetwork.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetNetwork.cs index 14cb3d5a..d2fdff5e 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetNetwork.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetNetwork.cs @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ public static class GetNetwork /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ public static class GetNetwork /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetNetworkArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getNetwork:getNetwork", args ?? new GetNetworkArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetNetworkArgs args, InvokeOpti /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -78,7 +75,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetNetworkArgs args, InvokeOpti /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetNetworkInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getNetwork:getNetwork", args ?? new GetNetworkInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetPolicy.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetPolicy.cs index a7f62e0d..41125931 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetPolicy.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetPolicy.cs @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ public static class GetPolicy /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ public static class GetPolicy /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetPolicyArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getPolicy:getPolicy", args ?? new GetPolicyArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -57,7 +55,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetPolicyArgs args, InvokeOption /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -78,7 +75,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetPolicyArgs args, InvokeOption /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetPolicyInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getPolicy:getPolicy", args ?? new GetPolicyInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetResourcePool.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetResourcePool.cs index c81166be..73c25e31 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetResourcePool.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetResourcePool.cs @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ public static class GetResourcePool /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ public static class GetResourcePool /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ### Specifying the Root Resource Pool for a Standalone ESXi Host /// @@ -53,7 +51,6 @@ public static class GetResourcePool /// explicitly created. This resource pool is referred to as the /// _root resource pool_ and can be looked up by specifying the path. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -70,7 +67,6 @@ public static class GetResourcePool /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// For more information on the root resource pool, see [Managing Resource Pools][vmware-docs-resource-pools] in the vSphere documentation. /// @@ -87,7 +83,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetResourcePoolArgs? args /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -109,7 +104,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetResourcePoolArgs? args /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ### Specifying the Root Resource Pool for a Standalone ESXi Host /// @@ -121,7 +115,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetResourcePoolArgs? args /// explicitly created. This resource pool is referred to as the /// _root resource pool_ and can be looked up by specifying the path. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -138,7 +131,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetResourcePoolArgs? args /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// For more information on the root resource pool, see [Managing Resource Pools][vmware-docs-resource-pools] in the vSphere documentation. /// diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetRole.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetRole.cs index fca28a45..f8d911d4 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetRole.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetRole.cs @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ public static class GetRole /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -34,7 +33,6 @@ public static class GetRole /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetRoleArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getRole:getRole", args ?? new GetRoleArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -46,7 +44,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetRoleArgs args, InvokeOptions? o /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -62,7 +59,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetRoleArgs args, InvokeOptions? o /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetRoleInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getRole:getRole", args ?? new GetRoleInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetTag.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetTag.cs index 0b1207de..a5211527 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetTag.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetTag.cs @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ public static class GetTag /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ public static class GetTag /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetTagArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getTag:getTag", args ?? new GetTagArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetTagArgs args, InvokeOptions? opt /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -84,7 +81,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetTagArgs args, InvokeOptions? opt /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetTagInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getTag:getTag", args ?? new GetTagInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetTagCategory.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetTagCategory.cs index abebd86f..a8b10547 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetTagCategory.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetTagCategory.cs @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ public static class GetTagCategory /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ public static class GetTagCategory /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetTagCategoryArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getTagCategory:getTagCategory", args ?? new GetTagCategoryArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetTagCategoryArgs args, In /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -72,7 +69,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetTagCategoryArgs args, In /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetTagCategoryInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getTagCategory:getTagCategory", args ?? new GetTagCategoryInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetVappContainer.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetVappContainer.cs index 8af539e5..536975f4 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetVappContainer.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetVappContainer.cs @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ public static class GetVappContainer /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ public static class GetVappContainer /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetVappContainerArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getVappContainer:getVappContainer", args ?? new GetVappContainerArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -54,7 +52,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetVappContainerArgs args /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -76,7 +73,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetVappContainerArgs args /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetVappContainerInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getVappContainer:getVappContainer", args ?? new GetVappContainerInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetVirtualMachine.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetVirtualMachine.cs index 31d92522..f62bac45 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetVirtualMachine.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetVirtualMachine.cs @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ public static class GetVirtualMachine /// In the following example, a virtual machine template is returned by its /// unique name within the `vsphere.Datacenter`. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -45,11 +44,9 @@ public static class GetVirtualMachine /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// In the following example, each virtual machine template is returned by its /// unique full path within the `vsphere.Datacenter`. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -77,7 +74,6 @@ public static class GetVirtualMachine /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetVirtualMachineArgs? args = null, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getVirtualMachine:getVirtualMachine", args ?? new GetVirtualMachineArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -94,7 +90,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetVirtualMachineArgs? a /// In the following example, a virtual machine template is returned by its /// unique name within the `vsphere.Datacenter`. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -116,11 +111,9 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetVirtualMachineArgs? a /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// In the following example, each virtual machine template is returned by its /// unique full path within the `vsphere.Datacenter`. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -148,7 +141,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetVirtualMachineArgs? a /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetVirtualMachineInvokeArgs? args = null, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getVirtualMachine:getVirtualMachine", args ?? new GetVirtualMachineInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetVmfsDisks.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetVmfsDisks.cs index c7b06ffa..6e927a83 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetVmfsDisks.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetVmfsDisks.cs @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ public static class GetVmfsDisks /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ public static class GetVmfsDisks /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetVmfsDisksArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("vsphere:index/getVmfsDisks:getVmfsDisks", args ?? new GetVmfsDisksArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -63,7 +61,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetVmfsDisksArgs args, Invoke /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -92,7 +89,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetVmfsDisksArgs args, Invoke /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// public static Output Invoke(GetVmfsDisksInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("vsphere:index/getVmfsDisks:getVmfsDisks", args ?? new GetVmfsDisksInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GuestOsCustomization.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GuestOsCustomization.cs index 3c06ba15..a4f3239e 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GuestOsCustomization.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GuestOsCustomization.cs @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// [VSphereResourceType("vsphere:index/guestOsCustomization:GuestOsCustomization")] public partial class GuestOsCustomization : global::Pulumi.CustomResource diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/HaVmOverride.cs b/sdk/dotnet/HaVmOverride.cs index 7faea8cc..6ab2e776 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/HaVmOverride.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/HaVmOverride.cs @@ -13,130 +13,103 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere public partial class HaVmOverride : global::Pulumi.CustomResource { /// - /// The managed object reference - /// ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - /// resource if changed. + /// The managed object ID of the cluster. /// [Output("computeClusterId")] public Output ComputeClusterId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the action to take - /// on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - /// the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - /// `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + /// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + /// APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. /// [Output("haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction")] public Output HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the action to take on this - /// virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - /// datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - /// `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + /// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + /// datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. /// [Output("haDatastoreApdResponse")] public Output HaDatastoreApdResponse { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the delay in seconds - /// to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - /// `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - /// the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + /// Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + /// ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. /// [Output("haDatastoreApdResponseDelay")] public Output HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the action to take on this - /// virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - /// relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - /// `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + /// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + /// datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. /// [Output("haDatastorePdlResponse")] public Output HaDatastorePdlResponse { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The action to take on this virtual - /// machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - /// the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - /// `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + /// The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + /// clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. /// [Output("haHostIsolationResponse")] public Output HaHostIsolationResponse { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// If a heartbeat from this virtual - /// machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - /// is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + /// If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + /// as failed. The value is in seconds. /// [Output("haVmFailureInterval")] public Output HaVmFailureInterval { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The length of the reset window in - /// which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - /// window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - /// configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - /// unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - /// `-1` (no window). + /// The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + /// attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + /// time is allotted. /// [Output("haVmMaximumFailureWindow")] public Output HaVmMaximumFailureWindow { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The maximum number of resets that HA will - /// perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - /// `3` + /// The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. /// [Output("haVmMaximumResets")] public Output HaVmMaximumResets { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - /// powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - /// `120` (2 minutes). + /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. /// [Output("haVmMinimumUptime")] public Output HaVmMinimumUptime { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - /// when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - /// `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + /// vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. /// [Output("haVmMonitoring")] public Output HaVmMonitoring { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Determines whether or - /// not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - /// this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - /// (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + /// Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + /// for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. /// [Output("haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults")] public Output HaVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The restart priority for the virtual - /// machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - /// `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - /// Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + /// The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + /// lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. /// [Output("haVmRestartPriority")] public Output HaVmRestartPriority { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The maximum time, in seconds, that - /// vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - /// specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + /// The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + /// default. /// [Output("haVmRestartTimeout")] public Output HaVmRestartTimeout { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The UUID of the virtual machine to create - /// the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + /// The managed object ID of the virtual machine. /// [Output("virtualMachineId")] public Output VirtualMachineId { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -188,130 +161,103 @@ public static HaVmOverride Get(string name, Input id, HaVmOverrideState? public sealed class HaVmOverrideArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// The managed object reference - /// ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - /// resource if changed. + /// The managed object ID of the cluster. /// [Input("computeClusterId", required: true)] public Input ComputeClusterId { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the action to take - /// on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - /// the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - /// `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + /// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + /// APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the action to take on this - /// virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - /// datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - /// `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + /// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + /// datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdResponse")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdResponse { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the delay in seconds - /// to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - /// `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - /// the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + /// Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + /// ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdResponseDelay")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the action to take on this - /// virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - /// relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - /// `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + /// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + /// datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. /// [Input("haDatastorePdlResponse")] public Input? HaDatastorePdlResponse { get; set; } /// - /// The action to take on this virtual - /// machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - /// the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - /// `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + /// The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + /// clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. /// [Input("haHostIsolationResponse")] public Input? HaHostIsolationResponse { get; set; } /// - /// If a heartbeat from this virtual - /// machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - /// is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + /// If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + /// as failed. The value is in seconds. /// [Input("haVmFailureInterval")] public Input? HaVmFailureInterval { get; set; } /// - /// The length of the reset window in - /// which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - /// window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - /// configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - /// unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - /// `-1` (no window). + /// The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + /// attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + /// time is allotted. /// [Input("haVmMaximumFailureWindow")] public Input? HaVmMaximumFailureWindow { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum number of resets that HA will - /// perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - /// `3` + /// The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. /// [Input("haVmMaximumResets")] public Input? HaVmMaximumResets { get; set; } /// - /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - /// powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - /// `120` (2 minutes). + /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. /// [Input("haVmMinimumUptime")] public Input? HaVmMinimumUptime { get; set; } /// - /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - /// when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - /// `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + /// vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. /// [Input("haVmMonitoring")] public Input? HaVmMonitoring { get; set; } /// - /// Determines whether or - /// not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - /// this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - /// (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + /// Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + /// for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. /// [Input("haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults")] public Input? HaVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults { get; set; } /// - /// The restart priority for the virtual - /// machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - /// `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - /// Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + /// The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + /// lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. /// [Input("haVmRestartPriority")] public Input? HaVmRestartPriority { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum time, in seconds, that - /// vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - /// specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + /// The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + /// default. /// [Input("haVmRestartTimeout")] public Input? HaVmRestartTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// The UUID of the virtual machine to create - /// the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + /// The managed object ID of the virtual machine. /// [Input("virtualMachineId", required: true)] public Input VirtualMachineId { get; set; } = null!; @@ -325,130 +271,103 @@ public HaVmOverrideArgs() public sealed class HaVmOverrideState : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// The managed object reference - /// ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - /// resource if changed. + /// The managed object ID of the cluster. /// [Input("computeClusterId")] public Input? ComputeClusterId { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the action to take - /// on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - /// the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - /// `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + /// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + /// APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the action to take on this - /// virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - /// datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - /// `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + /// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + /// datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdResponse")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdResponse { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the delay in seconds - /// to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - /// `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - /// the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + /// Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + /// ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. /// [Input("haDatastoreApdResponseDelay")] public Input? HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the action to take on this - /// virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - /// relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - /// `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + /// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + /// datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. /// [Input("haDatastorePdlResponse")] public Input? HaDatastorePdlResponse { get; set; } /// - /// The action to take on this virtual - /// machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - /// the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - /// `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + /// The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + /// clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. /// [Input("haHostIsolationResponse")] public Input? HaHostIsolationResponse { get; set; } /// - /// If a heartbeat from this virtual - /// machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - /// is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + /// If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + /// as failed. The value is in seconds. /// [Input("haVmFailureInterval")] public Input? HaVmFailureInterval { get; set; } /// - /// The length of the reset window in - /// which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - /// window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - /// configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - /// unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - /// `-1` (no window). + /// The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + /// attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + /// time is allotted. /// [Input("haVmMaximumFailureWindow")] public Input? HaVmMaximumFailureWindow { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum number of resets that HA will - /// perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - /// `3` + /// The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. /// [Input("haVmMaximumResets")] public Input? HaVmMaximumResets { get; set; } /// - /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - /// powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - /// `120` (2 minutes). + /// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. /// [Input("haVmMinimumUptime")] public Input? HaVmMinimumUptime { get; set; } /// - /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - /// when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - /// `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + /// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + /// vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. /// [Input("haVmMonitoring")] public Input? HaVmMonitoring { get; set; } /// - /// Determines whether or - /// not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - /// this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - /// (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + /// Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + /// for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. /// [Input("haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults")] public Input? HaVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults { get; set; } /// - /// The restart priority for the virtual - /// machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - /// `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - /// Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + /// The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + /// lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. /// [Input("haVmRestartPriority")] public Input? HaVmRestartPriority { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum time, in seconds, that - /// vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - /// specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + /// The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + /// default. /// [Input("haVmRestartTimeout")] public Input? HaVmRestartTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// The UUID of the virtual machine to create - /// the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + /// The managed object ID of the virtual machine. /// [Input("virtualMachineId")] public Input? VirtualMachineId { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Host.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Host.cs index 10d71932..21174a40 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Host.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Host.cs @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// ### Create a standalone host /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -49,11 +48,9 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ### Create host in a compute cluster /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -91,7 +88,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ## Importing /// diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/HostPortGroup.cs b/sdk/dotnet/HostPortGroup.cs index 55a0d618..f8788b8a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/HostPortGroup.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/HostPortGroup.cs @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// **Create a Virtual Switch and Bind a Port Group:** /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// **Create a Port Group with a VLAN and ab Override:** /// @@ -81,7 +79,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// to ensure that all traffic is seen on the port. The setting overrides /// the implicit default of `false` set on the standard switch. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -131,7 +128,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ## Importing /// diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/HostVirtualSwitch.cs b/sdk/dotnet/HostVirtualSwitch.cs index 1f0ef802..9e38dde4 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/HostVirtualSwitch.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/HostVirtualSwitch.cs @@ -13,56 +13,45 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere public partial class HostVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource { /// - /// The list of active network adapters used for load - /// balancing. + /// List of active network adapters used for load balancing. /// [Output("activeNics")] public Output> ActiveNics { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls whether or not the virtual - /// network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - /// address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + /// Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + /// that of its own. /// [Output("allowForgedTransmits")] public Output AllowForgedTransmits { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls whether or not the Media Access - /// Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + /// Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. /// [Output("allowMacChanges")] public Output AllowMacChanges { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - /// flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - /// `false`. + /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. /// [Output("allowPromiscuous")] public Output AllowPromiscuous { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - /// packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - /// offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + /// Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. /// [Output("beaconInterval")] public Output BeaconInterval { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - /// `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - /// options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - /// failed NICs. Default: `false`. + /// Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + /// only. /// [Output("checkBeacon")] public Output CheckBeacon { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - /// failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - /// `true`. + /// If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. /// [Output("failback")] public Output Failback { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -75,15 +64,13 @@ public partial class HostVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output HostSystemId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - /// for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + /// Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. /// [Output("linkDiscoveryOperation")] public Output LinkDiscoveryOperation { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The discovery protocol type. Valid - /// types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + /// The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. /// [Output("linkDiscoveryProtocol")] public Output LinkDiscoveryProtocol { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -103,15 +90,13 @@ public partial class HostVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output Name { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + /// The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. /// [Output("networkAdapters")] public Output> NetworkAdapters { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - /// notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - /// Default: `true`. + /// If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. /// [Output("notifySwitches")] public Output NotifySwitches { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -127,44 +112,38 @@ public partial class HostVirtualSwitch : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output NumberOfPorts { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The average bandwidth in bits per - /// second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + /// The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. /// [Output("shapingAverageBandwidth")] public Output ShapingAverageBandwidth { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - /// shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + /// The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. /// [Output("shapingBurstSize")] public Output ShapingBurstSize { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - /// ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + /// Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. /// [Output("shapingEnabled")] public Output ShapingEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The peak bandwidth during bursts in - /// bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + /// The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. /// [Output("shapingPeakBandwidth")] public Output ShapingPeakBandwidth { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The list of standby network adapters used for - /// failover. + /// List of standby network adapters used for failover. /// [Output("standbyNics")] public Output> StandbyNics { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - /// of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - /// `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + /// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + /// failover_explicit. /// [Output("teamingPolicy")] public Output TeamingPolicy { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -219,8 +198,7 @@ public sealed class HostVirtualSwitchArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs private InputList? _activeNics; /// - /// The list of active network adapters used for load - /// balancing. + /// List of active network adapters used for load balancing. /// public InputList ActiveNics { @@ -229,49 +207,39 @@ public InputList ActiveNics } /// - /// Controls whether or not the virtual - /// network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - /// address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + /// Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + /// that of its own. /// [Input("allowForgedTransmits")] public Input? AllowForgedTransmits { get; set; } /// - /// Controls whether or not the Media Access - /// Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + /// Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. /// [Input("allowMacChanges")] public Input? AllowMacChanges { get; set; } /// - /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - /// flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - /// `false`. + /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. /// [Input("allowPromiscuous")] public Input? AllowPromiscuous { get; set; } /// - /// The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - /// packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - /// offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + /// Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. /// [Input("beaconInterval")] public Input? BeaconInterval { get; set; } /// - /// Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - /// `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - /// options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - /// failed NICs. Default: `false`. + /// Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + /// only. /// [Input("checkBeacon")] public Input? CheckBeacon { get; set; } /// - /// If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - /// failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - /// `true`. + /// If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. /// [Input("failback")] public Input? Failback { get; set; } @@ -284,15 +252,13 @@ public InputList ActiveNics public Input HostSystemId { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - /// for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + /// Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. /// [Input("linkDiscoveryOperation")] public Input? LinkDiscoveryOperation { get; set; } /// - /// The discovery protocol type. Valid - /// types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + /// The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. /// [Input("linkDiscoveryProtocol")] public Input? LinkDiscoveryProtocol { get; set; } @@ -315,7 +281,7 @@ public InputList ActiveNics private InputList? _networkAdapters; /// - /// The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + /// The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. /// public InputList NetworkAdapters { @@ -324,9 +290,7 @@ public InputList NetworkAdapters } /// - /// If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - /// notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - /// Default: `true`. + /// If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. /// [Input("notifySwitches")] public Input? NotifySwitches { get; set; } @@ -342,29 +306,25 @@ public InputList NetworkAdapters public Input? NumberOfPorts { get; set; } /// - /// The average bandwidth in bits per - /// second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + /// The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. /// [Input("shapingAverageBandwidth")] public Input? ShapingAverageBandwidth { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - /// shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + /// The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. /// [Input("shapingBurstSize")] public Input? ShapingBurstSize { get; set; } /// - /// Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - /// ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + /// Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. /// [Input("shapingEnabled")] public Input? ShapingEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The peak bandwidth during bursts in - /// bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + /// The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. /// [Input("shapingPeakBandwidth")] public Input? ShapingPeakBandwidth { get; set; } @@ -373,8 +333,7 @@ public InputList NetworkAdapters private InputList? _standbyNics; /// - /// The list of standby network adapters used for - /// failover. + /// List of standby network adapters used for failover. /// public InputList StandbyNics { @@ -383,9 +342,8 @@ public InputList StandbyNics } /// - /// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - /// of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - /// `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + /// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + /// failover_explicit. /// [Input("teamingPolicy")] public Input? TeamingPolicy { get; set; } @@ -402,8 +360,7 @@ public sealed class HostVirtualSwitchState : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs private InputList? _activeNics; /// - /// The list of active network adapters used for load - /// balancing. + /// List of active network adapters used for load balancing. /// public InputList ActiveNics { @@ -412,49 +369,39 @@ public InputList ActiveNics } /// - /// Controls whether or not the virtual - /// network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - /// address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + /// Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + /// that of its own. /// [Input("allowForgedTransmits")] public Input? AllowForgedTransmits { get; set; } /// - /// Controls whether or not the Media Access - /// Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + /// Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. /// [Input("allowMacChanges")] public Input? AllowMacChanges { get; set; } /// - /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - /// flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - /// `false`. + /// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. /// [Input("allowPromiscuous")] public Input? AllowPromiscuous { get; set; } /// - /// The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - /// packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - /// offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + /// Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. /// [Input("beaconInterval")] public Input? BeaconInterval { get; set; } /// - /// Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - /// `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - /// options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - /// failed NICs. Default: `false`. + /// Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + /// only. /// [Input("checkBeacon")] public Input? CheckBeacon { get; set; } /// - /// If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - /// failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - /// `true`. + /// If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. /// [Input("failback")] public Input? Failback { get; set; } @@ -467,15 +414,13 @@ public InputList ActiveNics public Input? HostSystemId { get; set; } /// - /// Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - /// for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + /// Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. /// [Input("linkDiscoveryOperation")] public Input? LinkDiscoveryOperation { get; set; } /// - /// The discovery protocol type. Valid - /// types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + /// The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. /// [Input("linkDiscoveryProtocol")] public Input? LinkDiscoveryProtocol { get; set; } @@ -498,7 +443,7 @@ public InputList ActiveNics private InputList? _networkAdapters; /// - /// The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + /// The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. /// public InputList NetworkAdapters { @@ -507,9 +452,7 @@ public InputList NetworkAdapters } /// - /// If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - /// notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - /// Default: `true`. + /// If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. /// [Input("notifySwitches")] public Input? NotifySwitches { get; set; } @@ -525,29 +468,25 @@ public InputList NetworkAdapters public Input? NumberOfPorts { get; set; } /// - /// The average bandwidth in bits per - /// second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + /// The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. /// [Input("shapingAverageBandwidth")] public Input? ShapingAverageBandwidth { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - /// shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + /// The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. /// [Input("shapingBurstSize")] public Input? ShapingBurstSize { get; set; } /// - /// Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - /// ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + /// Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. /// [Input("shapingEnabled")] public Input? ShapingEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The peak bandwidth during bursts in - /// bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + /// The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. /// [Input("shapingPeakBandwidth")] public Input? ShapingPeakBandwidth { get; set; } @@ -556,8 +495,7 @@ public InputList NetworkAdapters private InputList? _standbyNics; /// - /// The list of standby network adapters used for - /// failover. + /// List of standby network adapters used for failover. /// public InputList StandbyNics { @@ -566,9 +504,8 @@ public InputList StandbyNics } /// - /// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - /// of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - /// `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + /// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + /// failover_explicit. /// [Input("teamingPolicy")] public Input? TeamingPolicy { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.cs index 798c781c..959de222 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.cs @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + /// Cache disk. /// [Input("cache")] public Input? Cache { get; set; } @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public sealed class ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArg private InputList? _storages; /// - /// An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + /// List of storage disks. /// public InputList Storages { diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupGetArgs.cs index 7820d8d1..857ecf32 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupGetArgs.cs @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + /// Cache disk. /// [Input("cache")] public Input? Cache { get; set; } @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public sealed class ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupGetArgs : global::Pulumi.Resource private InputList? _storages; /// - /// An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + /// List of storage disks. /// public InputList Storages { diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.cs index bbd9f785..8aa0deb4 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.cs @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public InputList PreferredFaultDomainHostIds } /// - /// The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + /// The name of prepferred fault domain. /// [Input("preferredFaultDomainName")] public Input? PreferredFaultDomainName { get; set; } @@ -43,91 +43,7 @@ public InputList SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds } /// - /// The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - /// You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using VSphere = Pulumi.VSphere; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var computeCluster = new VSphere.ComputeCluster("compute_cluster", new() - /// { - /// Name = "terraform-compute-cluster-test", - /// DatacenterId = datacenter.Id, - /// HostSystemIds = new[] - /// { - /// host.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// DrsEnabled = true, - /// DrsAutomationLevel = "fullyAutomated", - /// HaEnabled = false, - /// VsanEnabled = true, - /// VsanEsaEnabled = true, - /// VsanDedupEnabled = true, - /// VsanCompressionEnabled = true, - /// VsanPerformanceEnabled = true, - /// VsanVerboseModeEnabled = true, - /// VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled = true, - /// VsanUnmapEnabled = true, - /// VsanDitEncryptionEnabled = true, - /// VsanDitRekeyInterval = 1800, - /// VsanDiskGroups = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs - /// { - /// Cache = cacheDisks[0], - /// Storages = storageDisks, - /// }, - /// }, - /// VsanFaultDomains = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs - /// { - /// FaultDomains = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs - /// { - /// Name = "fd1", - /// HostIds = new[] - /// { - /// faultdomain1Hosts.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// }, - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs - /// { - /// Name = "fd2", - /// HostIds = new[] - /// { - /// faultdomain2Hosts.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }, - /// VsanStretchedCluster = new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs - /// { - /// PreferredFaultDomainHostIds = new[] - /// { - /// preferredFaultDomainHost.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds = new[] - /// { - /// secondaryFaultDomainHost.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// WitnessNode = witnessHost.Id, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + /// The name of secondary fault domain. /// [Input("secondaryFaultDomainName")] public Input? SecondaryFaultDomainName { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterGetArgs.cs index e358a67b..9270a409 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterGetArgs.cs @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public InputList PreferredFaultDomainHostIds } /// - /// The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + /// The name of prepferred fault domain. /// [Input("preferredFaultDomainName")] public Input? PreferredFaultDomainName { get; set; } @@ -43,91 +43,7 @@ public InputList SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds } /// - /// The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - /// You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using VSphere = Pulumi.VSphere; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var computeCluster = new VSphere.ComputeCluster("compute_cluster", new() - /// { - /// Name = "terraform-compute-cluster-test", - /// DatacenterId = datacenter.Id, - /// HostSystemIds = new[] - /// { - /// host.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// DrsEnabled = true, - /// DrsAutomationLevel = "fullyAutomated", - /// HaEnabled = false, - /// VsanEnabled = true, - /// VsanEsaEnabled = true, - /// VsanDedupEnabled = true, - /// VsanCompressionEnabled = true, - /// VsanPerformanceEnabled = true, - /// VsanVerboseModeEnabled = true, - /// VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled = true, - /// VsanUnmapEnabled = true, - /// VsanDitEncryptionEnabled = true, - /// VsanDitRekeyInterval = 1800, - /// VsanDiskGroups = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs - /// { - /// Cache = cacheDisks[0], - /// Storages = storageDisks, - /// }, - /// }, - /// VsanFaultDomains = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs - /// { - /// FaultDomains = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs - /// { - /// Name = "fd1", - /// HostIds = new[] - /// { - /// faultdomain1Hosts.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// }, - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs - /// { - /// Name = "fd2", - /// HostIds = new[] - /// { - /// faultdomain2Hosts.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }, - /// VsanStretchedCluster = new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs - /// { - /// PreferredFaultDomainHostIds = new[] - /// { - /// preferredFaultDomainHost.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds = new[] - /// { - /// secondaryFaultDomainHost.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// WitnessNode = witnessHost.Id, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + /// The name of secondary fault domain. /// [Input("secondaryFaultDomainName")] public Input? SecondaryFaultDomainName { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationArgs.cs index 7a09f2af..8b825865 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationArgs.cs @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class ContentLibraryPublicationArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + /// Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. /// [Input("authenticationMethod")] public Input? AuthenticationMethod { get; set; } /// - /// Password used for authentication. + /// Password used by subscribers to authenticate. /// [Input("password")] public Input? Password { get; set; } @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public sealed class ContentLibraryPublicationArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs public Input? Published { get; set; } /// - /// Username used for authentication. + /// Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. /// [Input("username")] public Input? Username { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationGetArgs.cs index 11da06b9..ef803eac 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationGetArgs.cs @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class ContentLibraryPublicationGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + /// Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. /// [Input("authenticationMethod")] public Input? AuthenticationMethod { get; set; } /// - /// Password used for authentication. + /// Password used by subscribers to authenticate. /// [Input("password")] public Input? Password { get; set; } @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public sealed class ContentLibraryPublicationGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceAr public Input? Published { get; set; } /// - /// Username used for authentication. + /// Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. /// [Input("username")] public Input? Username { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs.cs index a7e0e752..08ce5c3c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs.cs @@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ public sealed class DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceAr private InputList? _devices; /// - /// The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - /// added in order they are specified. + /// Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. /// public InputList Devices { @@ -26,8 +25,7 @@ public InputList Devices } /// - /// The host system ID of the host to add to the - /// VDS. + /// The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. /// [Input("hostSystemId", required: true)] public Input HostSystemId { get; set; } = null!; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostGetArgs.cs index 68f5aabd..871435de 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostGetArgs.cs @@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ public sealed class DistributedVirtualSwitchHostGetArgs : global::Pulumi.Resourc private InputList? _devices; /// - /// The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - /// added in order they are specified. + /// Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. /// public InputList Devices { @@ -26,8 +25,7 @@ public InputList Devices } /// - /// The host system ID of the host to add to the - /// VDS. + /// The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. /// [Input("hostSystemId", required: true)] public Input HostSystemId { get; set; } = null!; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs.cs index cd27330c..26aa99fc 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs.cs @@ -13,22 +13,19 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - /// 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + /// The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. /// [Input("primaryVlanId", required: true)] public Input PrimaryVlanId { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// The private VLAN type. Valid values are - /// promiscuous, community and isolated. + /// The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. /// [Input("pvlanType", required: true)] public Input PvlanType { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - /// and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + /// The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. /// [Input("secondaryVlanId", required: true)] public Input SecondaryVlanId { get; set; } = null!; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingGetArgs.cs index a5a0029a..1d65f1c2 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingGetArgs.cs @@ -13,22 +13,19 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - /// 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + /// The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. /// [Input("primaryVlanId", required: true)] public Input PrimaryVlanId { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// The private VLAN type. Valid values are - /// promiscuous, community and isolated. + /// The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. /// [Input("pvlanType", required: true)] public Input PvlanType { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - /// and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + /// The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. /// [Input("secondaryVlanId", required: true)] public Input SecondaryVlanId { get; set; } = null!; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCdromArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCdromArgs.cs index b028d8fc..1174fd4a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCdromArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCdromArgs.cs @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class VirtualMachineCdromArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. + /// Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device /// [Input("clientDevice")] public Input? ClientDevice { get; set; } /// - /// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + /// The datastore ID the ISO is located on. /// [Input("datastoreId")] public Input? DatastoreId { get; set; } @@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineCdromArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs public Input? Key { get; set; } /// - /// The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + /// The path to the ISO file on the datastore. /// [Input("path")] public Input? Path { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCdromGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCdromGetArgs.cs index ca3939be..f2b17154 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCdromGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCdromGetArgs.cs @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class VirtualMachineCdromGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. + /// Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device /// [Input("clientDevice")] public Input? ClientDevice { get; set; } /// - /// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + /// The datastore ID the ISO is located on. /// [Input("datastoreId")] public Input? DatastoreId { get; set; } @@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineCdromGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs public Input? Key { get; set; } /// - /// The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + /// The path to the ISO file on the datastore. /// [Input("path")] public Input? Path { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeArgs.cs index c25058ad..3a0f34b8 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeArgs.cs @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public InputList DnsSuffixLists private InputList? _networkInterfaces; /// - /// A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + /// A specification of network interface configuration options. /// public InputList NetworkInterfaces { diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeGetArgs.cs index c4d78916..4895416e 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeGetArgs.cs @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public InputList DnsSuffixLists private InputList? _networkInterfaces; /// - /// A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + /// A specification of network interface configuration options. /// public InputList NetworkInterfaces { diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineDiskArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineDiskArgs.cs index 43400557..3a87a002 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineDiskArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineDiskArgs.cs @@ -13,21 +13,19 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class VirtualMachineDiskArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. + /// If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. /// [Input("attach")] public Input? Attach { get; set; } /// - /// The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + /// The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. /// [Input("controllerType")] public Input? ControllerType { get; set; } /// - /// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + /// The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. /// [Input("datastoreId")] public Input? DatastoreId { get; set; } @@ -39,53 +37,49 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineDiskArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs public Input? DeviceAddress { get; set; } /// - /// The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - /// - /// [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + /// The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. /// [Input("diskMode")] public Input? DiskMode { get; set; } /// - /// The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + /// The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. /// [Input("diskSharing")] public Input? DiskSharing { get; set; } /// - /// If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + /// The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. /// [Input("eagerlyScrub")] public Input? EagerlyScrub { get; set; } /// - /// The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + /// The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. /// [Input("ioLimit")] public Input? IoLimit { get; set; } /// - /// The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + /// The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. /// [Input("ioReservation")] public Input? IoReservation { get; set; } /// - /// The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + /// The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. /// [Input("ioShareCount")] public Input? IoShareCount { get; set; } /// - /// The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + /// The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. /// [Input("ioShareLevel")] public Input? IoShareLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + /// Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. /// [Input("keepOnRemove")] public Input? KeepOnRemove { get; set; } @@ -103,47 +97,43 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineDiskArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs public Input Label { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + /// The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. /// [Input("path")] public Input? Path { get; set; } /// - /// The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + /// The size of the disk, in GB. /// [Input("size")] public Input? Size { get; set; } /// - /// The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + /// The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. /// [Input("storagePolicyId")] public Input? StoragePolicyId { get; set; } /// - /// If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + /// If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. /// [Input("thinProvisioned")] public Input? ThinProvisioned { get; set; } /// - /// The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + /// The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. /// [Input("unitNumber")] public Input? UnitNumber { get; set; } /// - /// The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + /// The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. /// [Input("uuid")] public Input? Uuid { get; set; } /// - /// If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + /// If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. /// [Input("writeThrough")] public Input? WriteThrough { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineDiskGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineDiskGetArgs.cs index 74b2b386..0b360dfb 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineDiskGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineDiskGetArgs.cs @@ -13,21 +13,19 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class VirtualMachineDiskGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. + /// If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. /// [Input("attach")] public Input? Attach { get; set; } /// - /// The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + /// The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. /// [Input("controllerType")] public Input? ControllerType { get; set; } /// - /// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + /// The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. /// [Input("datastoreId")] public Input? DatastoreId { get; set; } @@ -39,53 +37,49 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineDiskGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs public Input? DeviceAddress { get; set; } /// - /// The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - /// - /// [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + /// The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. /// [Input("diskMode")] public Input? DiskMode { get; set; } /// - /// The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + /// The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. /// [Input("diskSharing")] public Input? DiskSharing { get; set; } /// - /// If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + /// The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. /// [Input("eagerlyScrub")] public Input? EagerlyScrub { get; set; } /// - /// The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + /// The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. /// [Input("ioLimit")] public Input? IoLimit { get; set; } /// - /// The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + /// The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. /// [Input("ioReservation")] public Input? IoReservation { get; set; } /// - /// The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + /// The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. /// [Input("ioShareCount")] public Input? IoShareCount { get; set; } /// - /// The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + /// The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. /// [Input("ioShareLevel")] public Input? IoShareLevel { get; set; } /// - /// Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + /// Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. /// [Input("keepOnRemove")] public Input? KeepOnRemove { get; set; } @@ -103,47 +97,43 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineDiskGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs public Input Label { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + /// The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. /// [Input("path")] public Input? Path { get; set; } /// - /// The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + /// The size of the disk, in GB. /// [Input("size")] public Input? Size { get; set; } /// - /// The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + /// The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. /// [Input("storagePolicyId")] public Input? StoragePolicyId { get; set; } /// - /// If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + /// If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. /// [Input("thinProvisioned")] public Input? ThinProvisioned { get; set; } /// - /// The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + /// The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. /// [Input("unitNumber")] public Input? UnitNumber { get; set; } /// - /// The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + /// The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. /// [Input("uuid")] public Input? Uuid { get; set; } /// - /// If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + /// If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. /// [Input("writeThrough")] public Input? WriteThrough { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs.cs index e39d813f..02263f42 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs.cs @@ -13,31 +13,31 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + /// The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. /// [Input("adapterType")] public Input? AdapterType { get; set; } /// - /// The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + /// The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. /// [Input("bandwidthLimit")] public Input? BandwidthLimit { get; set; } /// - /// The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + /// The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. /// [Input("bandwidthReservation")] public Input? BandwidthReservation { get; set; } /// - /// The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + /// The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. /// [Input("bandwidthShareCount")] public Input? BandwidthShareCount { get; set; } /// - /// The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + /// The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. /// [Input("bandwidthShareLevel")] public Input? BandwidthShareLevel { get; set; } @@ -55,19 +55,19 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs : global::Pulumi.Resource public Input? Key { get; set; } /// - /// The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + /// The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. /// [Input("macAddress")] public Input? MacAddress { get; set; } /// - /// The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + /// The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. /// [Input("networkId", required: true)] public Input NetworkId { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + /// Mapping of network interface to OVF network. /// [Input("ovfMapping")] public Input? OvfMapping { get; set; } @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs : global::Pulumi.Resource public Input? PhysicalFunction { get; set; } /// - /// If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + /// If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. /// [Input("useStaticMac")] public Input? UseStaticMac { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceGetArgs.cs index 726c6f35..55f887d1 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceGetArgs.cs @@ -13,31 +13,31 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + /// The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. /// [Input("adapterType")] public Input? AdapterType { get; set; } /// - /// The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + /// The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. /// [Input("bandwidthLimit")] public Input? BandwidthLimit { get; set; } /// - /// The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + /// The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. /// [Input("bandwidthReservation")] public Input? BandwidthReservation { get; set; } /// - /// The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + /// The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. /// [Input("bandwidthShareCount")] public Input? BandwidthShareCount { get; set; } /// - /// The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + /// The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. /// [Input("bandwidthShareLevel")] public Input? BandwidthShareLevel { get; set; } @@ -55,19 +55,19 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceGetArgs : global::Pulumi.Resou public Input? Key { get; set; } /// - /// The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + /// The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. /// [Input("macAddress")] public Input? MacAddress { get; set; } /// - /// The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + /// The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. /// [Input("networkId", required: true)] public Input NetworkId { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + /// Mapping of network interface to OVF network. /// [Input("ovfMapping")] public Input? OvfMapping { get; set; } @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceGetArgs : global::Pulumi.Resou public Input? PhysicalFunction { get; set; } /// - /// If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + /// If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. /// [Input("useStaticMac")] public Input? UseStaticMac { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv4Args.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv4Args.cs index 9e1bf839..e1251b22 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv4Args.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv4Args.cs @@ -13,25 +13,25 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class VnicIpv4Args : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. /// [Input("dhcp")] public Input? Dhcp { get; set; } /// - /// IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + /// IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. /// [Input("gw")] public Input? Gw { get; set; } /// - /// Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + /// address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. /// [Input("ip")] public Input? Ip { get; set; } /// - /// Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + /// netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. /// [Input("netmask")] public Input? Netmask { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv4GetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv4GetArgs.cs index 37aa93f4..40507ea3 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv4GetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv4GetArgs.cs @@ -13,25 +13,25 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Inputs public sealed class VnicIpv4GetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. /// [Input("dhcp")] public Input? Dhcp { get; set; } /// - /// IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + /// IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. /// [Input("gw")] public Input? Gw { get; set; } /// - /// Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + /// address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. /// [Input("ip")] public Input? Ip { get; set; } /// - /// Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + /// netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. /// [Input("netmask")] public Input? Netmask { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv6Args.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv6Args.cs index e9002348..349ecbaa 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv6Args.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv6Args.cs @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public InputList Addresses public Input? Autoconfig { get; set; } /// - /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. /// [Input("dhcp")] public Input? Dhcp { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv6GetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv6GetArgs.cs index 886fed84..67bac855 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv6GetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/VnicIpv6GetArgs.cs @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public InputList Addresses public Input? Autoconfig { get; set; } /// - /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. /// [Input("dhcp")] public Input? Dhcp { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup.cs index 276eae48..284bf895 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup.cs @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Outputs public sealed class ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup { /// - /// The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + /// Cache disk. /// public readonly string? Cache; /// - /// An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + /// List of storage disks. /// public readonly ImmutableArray Storages; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster.cs index f27a5f1c..93b1e30b 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster.cs @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public sealed class ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster /// public readonly ImmutableArray PreferredFaultDomainHostIds; /// - /// The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + /// The name of prepferred fault domain. /// public readonly string? PreferredFaultDomainName; /// @@ -26,91 +26,7 @@ public sealed class ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster /// public readonly ImmutableArray SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds; /// - /// The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - /// You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using VSphere = Pulumi.VSphere; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var computeCluster = new VSphere.ComputeCluster("compute_cluster", new() - /// { - /// Name = "terraform-compute-cluster-test", - /// DatacenterId = datacenter.Id, - /// HostSystemIds = new[] - /// { - /// host.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// DrsEnabled = true, - /// DrsAutomationLevel = "fullyAutomated", - /// HaEnabled = false, - /// VsanEnabled = true, - /// VsanEsaEnabled = true, - /// VsanDedupEnabled = true, - /// VsanCompressionEnabled = true, - /// VsanPerformanceEnabled = true, - /// VsanVerboseModeEnabled = true, - /// VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled = true, - /// VsanUnmapEnabled = true, - /// VsanDitEncryptionEnabled = true, - /// VsanDitRekeyInterval = 1800, - /// VsanDiskGroups = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs - /// { - /// Cache = cacheDisks[0], - /// Storages = storageDisks, - /// }, - /// }, - /// VsanFaultDomains = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs - /// { - /// FaultDomains = new[] - /// { - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs - /// { - /// Name = "fd1", - /// HostIds = new[] - /// { - /// faultdomain1Hosts.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// }, - /// new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs - /// { - /// Name = "fd2", - /// HostIds = new[] - /// { - /// faultdomain2Hosts.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }, - /// VsanStretchedCluster = new VSphere.Inputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs - /// { - /// PreferredFaultDomainHostIds = new[] - /// { - /// preferredFaultDomainHost.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds = new[] - /// { - /// secondaryFaultDomainHost.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(), - /// }, - /// WitnessNode = witnessHost.Id, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + /// The name of secondary fault domain. /// public readonly string? SecondaryFaultDomainName; /// diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ContentLibraryPublication.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ContentLibraryPublication.cs index 742ed2b5..059dca93 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ContentLibraryPublication.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ContentLibraryPublication.cs @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Outputs public sealed class ContentLibraryPublication { /// - /// Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + /// Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. /// public readonly string? AuthenticationMethod; /// - /// Password used for authentication. + /// Password used by subscribers to authenticate. /// public readonly string? Password; /// @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public sealed class ContentLibraryPublication /// public readonly bool? Published; /// - /// Username used for authentication. + /// Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. /// public readonly string? Username; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHost.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHost.cs index 00ef142a..7991231f 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHost.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHost.cs @@ -14,13 +14,11 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Outputs public sealed class DistributedVirtualSwitchHost { /// - /// The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - /// added in order they are specified. + /// Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. /// public readonly ImmutableArray Devices; /// - /// The host system ID of the host to add to the - /// VDS. + /// The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. /// public readonly string HostSystemId; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping.cs index 7dd35c2b..b1594a8e 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping.cs @@ -14,18 +14,15 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Outputs public sealed class DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping { /// - /// The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - /// 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + /// The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. /// public readonly int PrimaryVlanId; /// - /// The private VLAN type. Valid values are - /// promiscuous, community and isolated. + /// The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. /// public readonly string PvlanType; /// - /// The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - /// and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + /// The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. /// public readonly int SecondaryVlanId; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineCdrom.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineCdrom.cs index bf002130..4242dc24 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineCdrom.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineCdrom.cs @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Outputs public sealed class VirtualMachineCdrom { /// - /// Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. + /// Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device /// public readonly bool? ClientDevice; /// - /// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + /// The datastore ID the ISO is located on. /// public readonly string? DatastoreId; /// @@ -30,11 +30,7 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineCdrom /// public readonly int? Key; /// - /// The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + /// The path to the ISO file on the datastore. /// public readonly string? Path; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomize.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomize.cs index eab085a3..bdb8aa25 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomize.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomize.cs @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineCloneCustomize /// public readonly Outputs.VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOptions? LinuxOptions; /// - /// A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + /// A specification of network interface configuration options. /// public readonly ImmutableArray NetworkInterfaces; /// diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineDisk.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineDisk.cs index 7a46b9fc..d0c78565 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineDisk.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineDisk.cs @@ -14,17 +14,15 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Outputs public sealed class VirtualMachineDisk { /// - /// Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. + /// If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. /// public readonly bool? Attach; /// - /// The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + /// The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. /// public readonly string? ControllerType; /// - /// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + /// The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. /// public readonly string? DatastoreId; /// @@ -32,39 +30,35 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineDisk /// public readonly string? DeviceAddress; /// - /// The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - /// - /// [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + /// The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. /// public readonly string? DiskMode; /// - /// The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + /// The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. /// public readonly string? DiskSharing; /// - /// If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + /// The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. /// public readonly bool? EagerlyScrub; /// - /// The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + /// The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. /// public readonly int? IoLimit; /// - /// The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + /// The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. /// public readonly int? IoReservation; /// - /// The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + /// The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. /// public readonly int? IoShareCount; /// - /// The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + /// The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. /// public readonly string? IoShareLevel; /// - /// Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + /// Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. /// public readonly bool? KeepOnRemove; /// @@ -76,35 +70,31 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineDisk /// public readonly string Label; /// - /// The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + /// The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. /// public readonly string? Path; /// - /// The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + /// The size of the disk, in GB. /// public readonly int? Size; /// - /// The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + /// The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. /// public readonly string? StoragePolicyId; /// - /// If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + /// If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. /// public readonly bool? ThinProvisioned; /// - /// The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + /// The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. /// public readonly int? UnitNumber; /// - /// The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + /// The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. /// public readonly string? Uuid; /// - /// If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + /// If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. /// public readonly bool? WriteThrough; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterface.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterface.cs index f2524888..49a86c1c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterface.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterface.cs @@ -14,23 +14,23 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Outputs public sealed class VirtualMachineNetworkInterface { /// - /// The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + /// The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. /// public readonly string? AdapterType; /// - /// The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + /// The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. /// public readonly int? BandwidthLimit; /// - /// The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + /// The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. /// public readonly int? BandwidthReservation; /// - /// The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + /// The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. /// public readonly int? BandwidthShareCount; /// - /// The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + /// The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. /// public readonly string? BandwidthShareLevel; /// @@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineNetworkInterface /// public readonly int? Key; /// - /// The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + /// The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. /// public readonly string? MacAddress; /// - /// The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + /// The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. /// public readonly string NetworkId; /// - /// Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + /// Mapping of network interface to OVF network. /// public readonly string? OvfMapping; /// @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineNetworkInterface /// public readonly string? PhysicalFunction; /// - /// If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + /// If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. /// public readonly bool? UseStaticMac; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VnicIpv4.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VnicIpv4.cs index 61dd9b43..c662dba9 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VnicIpv4.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VnicIpv4.cs @@ -14,19 +14,19 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere.Outputs public sealed class VnicIpv4 { /// - /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. /// public readonly bool? Dhcp; /// - /// IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + /// IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. /// public readonly string? Gw; /// - /// Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + /// address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. /// public readonly string? Ip; /// - /// Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + /// netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. /// public readonly string? Netmask; diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VnicIpv6.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VnicIpv6.cs index af9fc2e3..e3272e2c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VnicIpv6.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/VnicIpv6.cs @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public sealed class VnicIpv6 /// public readonly bool? Autoconfig; /// - /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + /// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. /// public readonly bool? Dhcp; /// diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/ResourcePool.cs b/sdk/dotnet/ResourcePool.cs index 04bf4875..fe6d86f9 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/ResourcePool.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/ResourcePool.cs @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// The following example sets up a resource pool in an existing compute cluster /// with the default settings for CPU and memory reservations, shares, and limits. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -51,12 +50,10 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// A virtual machine resource could be targeted to use the default resource pool /// of the cluster using the following: /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -72,13 +69,11 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// The following example sets up a parent resource pool in an existing compute cluster /// with a child resource pool nested below. Each resource pool is configured with /// the default settings for CPU and memory reservations, shares, and limits. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -112,7 +107,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ## Importing /// diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/VirtualMachine.cs b/sdk/dotnet/VirtualMachine.cs index 36b1106c..de8e605b 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/VirtualMachine.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/VirtualMachine.cs @@ -13,37 +13,37 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource { /// - /// The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + /// The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. /// [Output("alternateGuestName")] public Output AlternateGuestName { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + /// User-provided description of the virtual machine. /// [Output("annotation")] public Output Annotation { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + /// The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. /// [Output("bootDelay")] public Output BootDelay { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + /// The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. /// [Output("bootRetryDelay")] public Output BootRetryDelay { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + /// If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. /// [Output("bootRetryEnabled")] public Output BootRetryEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + /// A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. /// [Output("cdroms")] public Output> Cdroms { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -55,81 +55,75 @@ public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output ChangeVersion { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + /// A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. /// [Output("clone")] public Output Clone { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + /// Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. /// [Output("cpuHotAddEnabled")] public Output CpuHotAddEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + /// Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. /// [Output("cpuHotRemoveEnabled")] public Output CpuHotRemoveEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + /// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + /// resources. /// [Output("cpuLimit")] public Output CpuLimit { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + /// Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. /// [Output("cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled")] public Output CpuPerformanceCountersEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + /// The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. /// [Output("cpuReservation")] public Output CpuReservation { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + /// The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. /// [Output("cpuShareCount")] public Output CpuShareCount { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + /// The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. /// [Output("cpuShareLevel")] public Output CpuShareLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + /// A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. /// [Output("customAttributes")] public Output?> CustomAttributes { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + /// The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. /// [Output("datacenterId")] public Output DatacenterId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + /// The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. /// [Output("datastoreClusterId")] public Output DatastoreClusterId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + /// The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + /// disks that are created without datastores. /// [Output("datastoreId")] public Output DatastoreId { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -141,73 +135,68 @@ public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output DefaultIpAddress { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + /// A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. /// [Output("disks")] public Output> Disks { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + /// When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. /// [Output("efiSecureBootEnabled")] public Output EfiSecureBootEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + /// Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. /// [Output("enableDiskUuid")] public Output EnableDiskUuid { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + /// Enable logging on this virtual machine. /// [Output("enableLogging")] public Output EnableLogging { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + /// The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. /// [Output("eptRviMode")] public Output EptRviMode { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + /// Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + /// configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. /// [Output("extraConfig")] public Output?> ExtraConfig { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + /// Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. /// [Output("extraConfigRebootRequired")] public Output ExtraConfigRebootRequired { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + /// The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. /// [Output("firmware")] public Output Firmware { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + /// The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. /// [Output("folder")] public Output Folder { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + /// Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. /// [Output("forcePowerOff")] public Output ForcePowerOff { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - /// - /// [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + /// The guest ID for the operating system. /// [Output("guestId")] public Output GuestId { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -219,34 +208,33 @@ public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output> GuestIpAddresses { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - /// - /// [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - /// [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + /// The hardware version for the virtual machine. /// [Output("hardwareVersion")] public Output HardwareVersion { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + /// The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. /// [Output("hostSystemId")] public Output HostSystemId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + /// The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. /// [Output("hvMode")] public Output HvMode { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + /// The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + /// you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + /// controllers. /// [Output("ideControllerCount")] public Output IdeControllerCount { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + /// List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP /// [Output("ignoredGuestIps")] public Output> IgnoredGuestIps { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -258,41 +246,34 @@ public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output Imported { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + /// Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + /// latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + /// devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. /// [Output("latencySensitivity")] public Output LatencySensitivity { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + /// The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. /// [Output("memory")] public Output Memory { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - /// - /// [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - /// - /// > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - /// - /// [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + /// Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. /// [Output("memoryHotAddEnabled")] public Output MemoryHotAddEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + /// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + /// resources. /// [Output("memoryLimit")] public Output MemoryLimit { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + /// The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. /// [Output("memoryReservation")] public Output MemoryReservation { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -306,19 +287,19 @@ public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output MemoryReservationLockedToMax { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + /// The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. /// [Output("memoryShareCount")] public Output MemoryShareCount { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + /// The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. /// [Output("memoryShareLevel")] public Output MemoryShareLevel { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. /// [Output("migrateWaitTimeout")] public Output MigrateWaitTimeout { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -330,45 +311,44 @@ public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output Moid { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The name of the virtual machine. + /// The name of this virtual machine. /// [Output("name")] public Output Name { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + /// Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. /// [Output("nestedHvEnabled")] public Output NestedHvEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + /// A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. /// [Output("networkInterfaces")] public Output> NetworkInterfaces { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + /// The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + /// must be evenly divisible by this value. /// [Output("numCoresPerSocket")] public Output NumCoresPerSocket { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + /// The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. /// [Output("numCpus")] public Output NumCpus { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + /// A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. /// [Output("ovfDeploy")] public Output OvfDeploy { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + /// A list of PCI passthrough devices /// [Output("pciDeviceIds")] public Output> PciDeviceIds { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -393,46 +373,42 @@ public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource /// /// Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - /// - /// For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) /// [Output("replaceTrigger")] public Output ReplaceTrigger { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + /// The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. /// [Output("resourcePoolId")] public Output ResourcePoolId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Output("runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn")] public Output RunToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Output("runToolsScriptsAfterResume")] public Output RunToolsScriptsAfterResume { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + /// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Output("runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot")] public Output RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Output("runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown")] public Output RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Output("runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby")] public Output RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -446,7 +422,7 @@ public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output SataControllerCount { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + /// Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. /// [Output("scsiBusSharing")] public Output ScsiBusSharing { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -460,63 +436,63 @@ public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output ScsiControllerCount { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + /// The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. /// [Output("scsiType")] public Output ScsiType { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. /// [Output("shutdownWaitTimeout")] public Output ShutdownWaitTimeout { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + /// The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. /// [Output("storagePolicyId")] public Output StoragePolicyId { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + /// The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. /// [Output("swapPlacementPolicy")] public Output SwapPlacementPolicy { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + /// synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. /// [Output("syncTimeWithHost")] public Output SyncTimeWithHost { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + /// Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + /// setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. /// [Output("syncTimeWithHostPeriodically")] public Output SyncTimeWithHostPeriodically { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + /// A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. /// [Output("tags")] public Output> Tags { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + /// Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. /// [Output("toolsUpgradePolicy")] public Output ToolsUpgradePolicy { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + /// The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. /// [Output("uuid")] public Output Uuid { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + /// vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. /// [Output("vapp")] public Output Vapp { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -528,7 +504,7 @@ public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output> VappTransports { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + /// Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. /// [Output("vbsEnabled")] public Output VbsEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -546,25 +522,29 @@ public partial class VirtualMachine : global::Pulumi.CustomResource public Output VmxPath { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + /// Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + /// I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. /// [Output("vvtdEnabled")] public Output VvtdEnabled { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + /// disables the waiter. /// [Output("waitForGuestIpTimeout")] public Output WaitForGuestIpTimeout { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + /// Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + /// a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. /// [Output("waitForGuestNetRoutable")] public Output WaitForGuestNetRoutable { get; private set; } = null!; /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + /// disables the waiter. /// [Output("waitForGuestNetTimeout")] public Output WaitForGuestNetTimeout { get; private set; } = null!; @@ -616,31 +596,31 @@ public static VirtualMachine Get(string name, Input id, VirtualMachineSt public sealed class VirtualMachineArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + /// The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. /// [Input("alternateGuestName")] public Input? AlternateGuestName { get; set; } /// - /// A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + /// User-provided description of the virtual machine. /// [Input("annotation")] public Input? Annotation { get; set; } /// - /// The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + /// The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. /// [Input("bootDelay")] public Input? BootDelay { get; set; } /// - /// The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + /// The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. /// [Input("bootRetryDelay")] public Input? BootRetryDelay { get; set; } /// - /// If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + /// If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. /// [Input("bootRetryEnabled")] public Input? BootRetryEnabled { get; set; } @@ -649,7 +629,7 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs private InputList? _cdroms; /// - /// A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + /// A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. /// public InputList Cdroms { @@ -658,49 +638,50 @@ public InputList Cdroms } /// - /// When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + /// A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. /// [Input("clone")] public Input? Clone { get; set; } /// - /// Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + /// Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. /// [Input("cpuHotAddEnabled")] public Input? CpuHotAddEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + /// Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. /// [Input("cpuHotRemoveEnabled")] public Input? CpuHotRemoveEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + /// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + /// resources. /// [Input("cpuLimit")] public Input? CpuLimit { get; set; } /// - /// Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + /// Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. /// [Input("cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled")] public Input? CpuPerformanceCountersEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + /// The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. /// [Input("cpuReservation")] public Input? CpuReservation { get; set; } /// - /// The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + /// The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. /// [Input("cpuShareCount")] public Input? CpuShareCount { get; set; } /// - /// The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + /// The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. /// [Input("cpuShareLevel")] public Input? CpuShareLevel { get; set; } @@ -709,9 +690,7 @@ public InputList Cdroms private InputMap? _customAttributes; /// - /// Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + /// A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. /// public InputMap CustomAttributes { @@ -720,25 +699,20 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes } /// - /// The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + /// The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. /// [Input("datacenterId")] public Input? DatacenterId { get; set; } /// - /// The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + /// The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. /// [Input("datastoreClusterId")] public Input? DatastoreClusterId { get; set; } /// - /// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + /// The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + /// disks that are created without datastores. /// [Input("datastoreId")] public Input? DatastoreId { get; set; } @@ -747,7 +721,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes private InputList? _disks; /// - /// A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + /// A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. /// public InputList Disks { @@ -756,27 +730,25 @@ public InputList Disks } /// - /// Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + /// When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. /// [Input("efiSecureBootEnabled")] public Input? EfiSecureBootEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + /// Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. /// [Input("enableDiskUuid")] public Input? EnableDiskUuid { get; set; } /// - /// Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + /// Enable logging on this virtual machine. /// [Input("enableLogging")] public Input? EnableLogging { get; set; } /// - /// The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + /// The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. /// [Input("eptRviMode")] public Input? EptRviMode { get; set; } @@ -785,9 +757,8 @@ public InputList Disks private InputMap? _extraConfig; /// - /// Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + /// Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + /// configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. /// public InputMap ExtraConfig { @@ -796,60 +767,57 @@ public InputMap ExtraConfig } /// - /// Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + /// Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. /// [Input("extraConfigRebootRequired")] public Input? ExtraConfigRebootRequired { get; set; } /// - /// The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + /// The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. /// [Input("firmware")] public Input? Firmware { get; set; } /// - /// The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + /// The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. /// [Input("folder")] public Input? Folder { get; set; } /// - /// If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + /// Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. /// [Input("forcePowerOff")] public Input? ForcePowerOff { get; set; } /// - /// The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - /// - /// [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + /// The guest ID for the operating system. /// [Input("guestId")] public Input? GuestId { get; set; } /// - /// The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - /// - /// [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - /// [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + /// The hardware version for the virtual machine. /// [Input("hardwareVersion")] public Input? HardwareVersion { get; set; } /// - /// The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + /// The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. /// [Input("hostSystemId")] public Input? HostSystemId { get; set; } /// - /// The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + /// The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. /// [Input("hvMode")] public Input? HvMode { get; set; } /// - /// The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + /// The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + /// you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + /// controllers. /// [Input("ideControllerCount")] public Input? IdeControllerCount { get; set; } @@ -858,7 +826,7 @@ public InputMap ExtraConfig private InputList? _ignoredGuestIps; /// - /// List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + /// List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP /// public InputList IgnoredGuestIps { @@ -867,41 +835,34 @@ public InputList IgnoredGuestIps } /// - /// Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + /// Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + /// latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + /// devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. /// [Input("latencySensitivity")] public Input? LatencySensitivity { get; set; } /// - /// The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + /// The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. /// [Input("memory")] public Input? Memory { get; set; } /// - /// Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - /// - /// [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - /// - /// > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - /// - /// [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + /// Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. /// [Input("memoryHotAddEnabled")] public Input? MemoryHotAddEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + /// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + /// resources. /// [Input("memoryLimit")] public Input? MemoryLimit { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + /// The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. /// [Input("memoryReservation")] public Input? MemoryReservation { get; set; } @@ -915,31 +876,31 @@ public InputList IgnoredGuestIps public Input? MemoryReservationLockedToMax { get; set; } /// - /// The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + /// The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. /// [Input("memoryShareCount")] public Input? MemoryShareCount { get; set; } /// - /// The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + /// The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. /// [Input("memoryShareLevel")] public Input? MemoryShareLevel { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. /// [Input("migrateWaitTimeout")] public Input? MigrateWaitTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// The name of the virtual machine. + /// The name of this virtual machine. /// [Input("name")] public Input? Name { get; set; } /// - /// Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + /// Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. /// [Input("nestedHvEnabled")] public Input? NestedHvEnabled { get; set; } @@ -948,7 +909,7 @@ public InputList IgnoredGuestIps private InputList? _networkInterfaces; /// - /// A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + /// A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. /// public InputList NetworkInterfaces { @@ -957,19 +918,20 @@ public InputList NetworkInterfaces } /// - /// The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + /// The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + /// must be evenly divisible by this value. /// [Input("numCoresPerSocket")] public Input? NumCoresPerSocket { get; set; } /// - /// The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + /// The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. /// [Input("numCpus")] public Input? NumCpus { get; set; } /// - /// When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + /// A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. /// [Input("ovfDeploy")] public Input? OvfDeploy { get; set; } @@ -978,9 +940,7 @@ public InputList NetworkInterfaces private InputList? _pciDeviceIds; /// - /// List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + /// A list of PCI passthrough devices /// public InputList PciDeviceIds { @@ -996,46 +956,42 @@ public InputList PciDeviceIds /// /// Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - /// - /// For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) /// [Input("replaceTrigger")] public Input? ReplaceTrigger { get; set; } /// - /// The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + /// The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. /// [Input("resourcePoolId", required: true)] public Input ResourcePoolId { get; set; } = null!; /// - /// Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Input("runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn")] public Input? RunToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn { get; set; } /// - /// Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Input("runToolsScriptsAfterResume")] public Input? RunToolsScriptsAfterResume { get; set; } /// - /// Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + /// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Input("runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot")] public Input? RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot { get; set; } /// - /// Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Input("runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown")] public Input? RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown { get; set; } /// - /// Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Input("runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby")] public Input? RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby { get; set; } @@ -1049,7 +1005,7 @@ public InputList PciDeviceIds public Input? SataControllerCount { get; set; } /// - /// The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + /// Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. /// [Input("scsiBusSharing")] public Input? ScsiBusSharing { get; set; } @@ -1063,37 +1019,39 @@ public InputList PciDeviceIds public Input? ScsiControllerCount { get; set; } /// - /// The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + /// The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. /// [Input("scsiType")] public Input? ScsiType { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. /// [Input("shutdownWaitTimeout")] public Input? ShutdownWaitTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + /// The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. /// [Input("storagePolicyId")] public Input? StoragePolicyId { get; set; } /// - /// The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + /// The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. /// [Input("swapPlacementPolicy")] public Input? SwapPlacementPolicy { get; set; } /// - /// Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + /// synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. /// [Input("syncTimeWithHost")] public Input? SyncTimeWithHost { get; set; } /// - /// Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + /// Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + /// setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. /// [Input("syncTimeWithHostPeriodically")] public Input? SyncTimeWithHostPeriodically { get; set; } @@ -1102,9 +1060,7 @@ public InputList PciDeviceIds private InputList? _tags; /// - /// The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + /// A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. /// public InputList Tags { @@ -1113,43 +1069,47 @@ public InputList Tags } /// - /// Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + /// Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. /// [Input("toolsUpgradePolicy")] public Input? ToolsUpgradePolicy { get; set; } /// - /// Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + /// vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. /// [Input("vapp")] public Input? Vapp { get; set; } /// - /// Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + /// Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. /// [Input("vbsEnabled")] public Input? VbsEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + /// Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + /// I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. /// [Input("vvtdEnabled")] public Input? VvtdEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + /// disables the waiter. /// [Input("waitForGuestIpTimeout")] public Input? WaitForGuestIpTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + /// Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + /// a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. /// [Input("waitForGuestNetRoutable")] public Input? WaitForGuestNetRoutable { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + /// disables the waiter. /// [Input("waitForGuestNetTimeout")] public Input? WaitForGuestNetTimeout { get; set; } @@ -1163,31 +1123,31 @@ public VirtualMachineArgs() public sealed class VirtualMachineState : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { /// - /// The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + /// The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. /// [Input("alternateGuestName")] public Input? AlternateGuestName { get; set; } /// - /// A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + /// User-provided description of the virtual machine. /// [Input("annotation")] public Input? Annotation { get; set; } /// - /// The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + /// The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. /// [Input("bootDelay")] public Input? BootDelay { get; set; } /// - /// The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + /// The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. /// [Input("bootRetryDelay")] public Input? BootRetryDelay { get; set; } /// - /// If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + /// If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. /// [Input("bootRetryEnabled")] public Input? BootRetryEnabled { get; set; } @@ -1196,7 +1156,7 @@ public sealed class VirtualMachineState : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs private InputList? _cdroms; /// - /// A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + /// A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. /// public InputList Cdroms { @@ -1211,49 +1171,50 @@ public InputList Cdroms public Input? ChangeVersion { get; set; } /// - /// When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + /// A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. /// [Input("clone")] public Input? Clone { get; set; } /// - /// Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + /// Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. /// [Input("cpuHotAddEnabled")] public Input? CpuHotAddEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + /// Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. /// [Input("cpuHotRemoveEnabled")] public Input? CpuHotRemoveEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + /// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + /// resources. /// [Input("cpuLimit")] public Input? CpuLimit { get; set; } /// - /// Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + /// Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. /// [Input("cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled")] public Input? CpuPerformanceCountersEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + /// The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. /// [Input("cpuReservation")] public Input? CpuReservation { get; set; } /// - /// The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + /// The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. /// [Input("cpuShareCount")] public Input? CpuShareCount { get; set; } /// - /// The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + /// The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. /// [Input("cpuShareLevel")] public Input? CpuShareLevel { get; set; } @@ -1262,9 +1223,7 @@ public InputList Cdroms private InputMap? _customAttributes; /// - /// Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + /// A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. /// public InputMap CustomAttributes { @@ -1273,25 +1232,20 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes } /// - /// The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + /// The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. /// [Input("datacenterId")] public Input? DatacenterId { get; set; } /// - /// The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + /// The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. /// [Input("datastoreClusterId")] public Input? DatastoreClusterId { get; set; } /// - /// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + /// The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + /// disks that are created without datastores. /// [Input("datastoreId")] public Input? DatastoreId { get; set; } @@ -1306,7 +1260,7 @@ public InputMap CustomAttributes private InputList? _disks; /// - /// A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + /// A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. /// public InputList Disks { @@ -1315,27 +1269,25 @@ public InputList Disks } /// - /// Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + /// When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. /// [Input("efiSecureBootEnabled")] public Input? EfiSecureBootEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + /// Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. /// [Input("enableDiskUuid")] public Input? EnableDiskUuid { get; set; } /// - /// Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + /// Enable logging on this virtual machine. /// [Input("enableLogging")] public Input? EnableLogging { get; set; } /// - /// The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + /// The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. /// [Input("eptRviMode")] public Input? EptRviMode { get; set; } @@ -1344,9 +1296,8 @@ public InputList Disks private InputMap? _extraConfig; /// - /// Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + /// Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + /// configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. /// public InputMap ExtraConfig { @@ -1355,33 +1306,31 @@ public InputMap ExtraConfig } /// - /// Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + /// Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. /// [Input("extraConfigRebootRequired")] public Input? ExtraConfigRebootRequired { get; set; } /// - /// The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + /// The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. /// [Input("firmware")] public Input? Firmware { get; set; } /// - /// The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + /// The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. /// [Input("folder")] public Input? Folder { get; set; } /// - /// If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + /// Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. /// [Input("forcePowerOff")] public Input? ForcePowerOff { get; set; } /// - /// The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - /// - /// [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + /// The guest ID for the operating system. /// [Input("guestId")] public Input? GuestId { get; set; } @@ -1399,28 +1348,27 @@ public InputList GuestIpAddresses } /// - /// The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - /// - /// [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - /// [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + /// The hardware version for the virtual machine. /// [Input("hardwareVersion")] public Input? HardwareVersion { get; set; } /// - /// The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + /// The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. /// [Input("hostSystemId")] public Input? HostSystemId { get; set; } /// - /// The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + /// The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. /// [Input("hvMode")] public Input? HvMode { get; set; } /// - /// The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + /// The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + /// you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + /// controllers. /// [Input("ideControllerCount")] public Input? IdeControllerCount { get; set; } @@ -1429,7 +1377,7 @@ public InputList GuestIpAddresses private InputList? _ignoredGuestIps; /// - /// List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + /// List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP /// public InputList IgnoredGuestIps { @@ -1444,41 +1392,34 @@ public InputList IgnoredGuestIps public Input? Imported { get; set; } /// - /// Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + /// Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + /// latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + /// devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. /// [Input("latencySensitivity")] public Input? LatencySensitivity { get; set; } /// - /// The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + /// The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. /// [Input("memory")] public Input? Memory { get; set; } /// - /// Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - /// - /// [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - /// - /// > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - /// - /// [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + /// Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. /// [Input("memoryHotAddEnabled")] public Input? MemoryHotAddEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + /// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + /// resources. /// [Input("memoryLimit")] public Input? MemoryLimit { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + /// The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. /// [Input("memoryReservation")] public Input? MemoryReservation { get; set; } @@ -1492,19 +1433,19 @@ public InputList IgnoredGuestIps public Input? MemoryReservationLockedToMax { get; set; } /// - /// The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + /// The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. /// [Input("memoryShareCount")] public Input? MemoryShareCount { get; set; } /// - /// The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + /// The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. /// [Input("memoryShareLevel")] public Input? MemoryShareLevel { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. /// [Input("migrateWaitTimeout")] public Input? MigrateWaitTimeout { get; set; } @@ -1516,13 +1457,13 @@ public InputList IgnoredGuestIps public Input? Moid { get; set; } /// - /// The name of the virtual machine. + /// The name of this virtual machine. /// [Input("name")] public Input? Name { get; set; } /// - /// Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + /// Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. /// [Input("nestedHvEnabled")] public Input? NestedHvEnabled { get; set; } @@ -1531,7 +1472,7 @@ public InputList IgnoredGuestIps private InputList? _networkInterfaces; /// - /// A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + /// A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. /// public InputList NetworkInterfaces { @@ -1540,19 +1481,20 @@ public InputList NetworkInterfaces } /// - /// The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + /// The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + /// must be evenly divisible by this value. /// [Input("numCoresPerSocket")] public Input? NumCoresPerSocket { get; set; } /// - /// The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + /// The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. /// [Input("numCpus")] public Input? NumCpus { get; set; } /// - /// When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + /// A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. /// [Input("ovfDeploy")] public Input? OvfDeploy { get; set; } @@ -1561,9 +1503,7 @@ public InputList NetworkInterfaces private InputList? _pciDeviceIds; /// - /// List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + /// A list of PCI passthrough devices /// public InputList PciDeviceIds { @@ -1591,46 +1531,42 @@ public InputList PciDeviceIds /// /// Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - /// - /// For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) /// [Input("replaceTrigger")] public Input? ReplaceTrigger { get; set; } /// - /// The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + /// The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. /// [Input("resourcePoolId")] public Input? ResourcePoolId { get; set; } /// - /// Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Input("runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn")] public Input? RunToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn { get; set; } /// - /// Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Input("runToolsScriptsAfterResume")] public Input? RunToolsScriptsAfterResume { get; set; } /// - /// Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + /// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Input("runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot")] public Input? RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot { get; set; } /// - /// Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Input("runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown")] public Input? RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown { get; set; } /// - /// Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. /// [Input("runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby")] public Input? RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby { get; set; } @@ -1644,7 +1580,7 @@ public InputList PciDeviceIds public Input? SataControllerCount { get; set; } /// - /// The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + /// Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. /// [Input("scsiBusSharing")] public Input? ScsiBusSharing { get; set; } @@ -1658,37 +1594,39 @@ public InputList PciDeviceIds public Input? ScsiControllerCount { get; set; } /// - /// The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + /// The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. /// [Input("scsiType")] public Input? ScsiType { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. /// [Input("shutdownWaitTimeout")] public Input? ShutdownWaitTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + /// The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. /// [Input("storagePolicyId")] public Input? StoragePolicyId { get; set; } /// - /// The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + /// The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. /// [Input("swapPlacementPolicy")] public Input? SwapPlacementPolicy { get; set; } /// - /// Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + /// Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + /// synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. /// [Input("syncTimeWithHost")] public Input? SyncTimeWithHost { get; set; } /// - /// Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + /// Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + /// setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. /// [Input("syncTimeWithHostPeriodically")] public Input? SyncTimeWithHostPeriodically { get; set; } @@ -1697,9 +1635,7 @@ public InputList PciDeviceIds private InputList? _tags; /// - /// The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - /// - /// > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + /// A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. /// public InputList Tags { @@ -1708,19 +1644,19 @@ public InputList Tags } /// - /// Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + /// Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. /// [Input("toolsUpgradePolicy")] public Input? ToolsUpgradePolicy { get; set; } /// - /// The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + /// The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. /// [Input("uuid")] public Input? Uuid { get; set; } /// - /// Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + /// vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. /// [Input("vapp")] public Input? Vapp { get; set; } @@ -1738,7 +1674,7 @@ public InputList VappTransports } /// - /// Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + /// Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. /// [Input("vbsEnabled")] public Input? VbsEnabled { get; set; } @@ -1756,25 +1692,29 @@ public InputList VappTransports public Input? VmxPath { get; set; } /// - /// Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + /// Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + /// I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. /// [Input("vvtdEnabled")] public Input? VvtdEnabled { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + /// disables the waiter. /// [Input("waitForGuestIpTimeout")] public Input? WaitForGuestIpTimeout { get; set; } /// - /// Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + /// Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + /// a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. /// [Input("waitForGuestNetRoutable")] public Input? WaitForGuestNetRoutable { get; set; } /// - /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + /// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + /// disables the waiter. /// [Input("waitForGuestNetTimeout")] public Input? WaitForGuestNetTimeout { get; set; } diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/VirtualMachineSnapshot.cs b/sdk/dotnet/VirtualMachineSnapshot.cs index e9f98db9..7b1a7519 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/VirtualMachineSnapshot.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/VirtualMachineSnapshot.cs @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// ## Example Usage /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// [VSphereResourceType("vsphere:index/virtualMachineSnapshot:VirtualMachineSnapshot")] public partial class VirtualMachineSnapshot : global::Pulumi.CustomResource diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/VmStoragePolicy.cs b/sdk/dotnet/VmStoragePolicy.cs index 2ec1b7d4..d4d86ba3 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/VmStoragePolicy.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/VmStoragePolicy.cs @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// In this example, tags are first applied to datastores. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -114,11 +113,9 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// Next, storage policies are created and `tag_rules` are applied. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -201,11 +198,9 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// Lasttly, when creating a virtual machine resource, a storage policy can be specificed to direct virtual machine placement to a datastore which matches the policy's `tags_rules`. /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -236,7 +231,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// [VSphereResourceType("vsphere:index/vmStoragePolicy:VmStoragePolicy")] public partial class VmStoragePolicy : global::Pulumi.CustomResource diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Vnic.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Vnic.cs index a7bb1648..284f6a2d 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Vnic.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Vnic.cs @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// ### Create a vnic attached to a distributed virtual switch using the vmotion TCP/IP stack /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -76,11 +75,9 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ### Create a vnic attached to a portgroup using the default TCP/IP stack /// - /// <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> /// ```csharp /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Linq; @@ -143,7 +140,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.VSphere /// /// }); /// ``` - /// <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> /// /// ## Importing /// diff --git a/sdk/go.mod b/sdk/go.mod index daa069b7..dd759879 100644 --- a/sdk/go.mod +++ b/sdk/go.mod @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ go 1.21 require ( github.com/blang/semver v3.5.1+incompatible - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.112.0 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.113.0 ) require ( diff --git a/sdk/go.sum b/sdk/go.sum index 72db5c64..2d550693 100644 --- a/sdk/go.sum +++ b/sdk/go.sum @@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ github.com/pulumi/appdash v0.0.0-20231130102222-75f619a67231 h1:vkHw5I/plNdTr435 github.com/pulumi/appdash v0.0.0-20231130102222-75f619a67231/go.mod h1:murToZ2N9hNJzewjHBgfFdXhZKjY3z5cYC1VXk+lbFE= github.com/pulumi/esc v0.6.2 h1:+z+l8cuwIauLSwXQS0uoI3rqB+YG4SzsZYtHfNoXBvw= github.com/pulumi/esc v0.6.2/go.mod h1:jNnYNjzsOgVTjCp0LL24NsCk8ZJxq4IoLQdCT0X7l8k= -github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.112.0 h1:cq2x5N6iuYhSLdeOdRs+LIq0EneB0Cb54WOlD/VaX3E= -github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.112.0/go.mod h1:JWSzKBoHd8rlncC1DhXLf7YdV+Bk/Qf+hSZOOQh0WwQ= +github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.113.0 h1:CIlmxJZdjxpPPoFe/rrP1dWTwh3CB7ahs/dA6SHcbuE= +github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.113.0/go.mod h1:JWSzKBoHd8rlncC1DhXLf7YdV+Bk/Qf+hSZOOQh0WwQ= github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.1.0/go.mod h1:J6wj4VEh+S6ZtnVlnTBMWIodfgj8LQOQFoIToxlJtxc= github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.2.0/go.mod h1:J6wj4VEh+S6ZtnVlnTBMWIodfgj8LQOQFoIToxlJtxc= github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 h1:8TfxU8dW6PdqD27gjM8MVNuicgxIjxpm4K7x4jp8sis= diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/computeCluster.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/computeCluster.go index 4731a283..7fb2fa36 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/computeCluster.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/computeCluster.go @@ -24,45 +24,30 @@ type ComputeCluster struct { // The managed object ID of // the datacenter to create the cluster in. Forces a new resource if changed. DatacenterId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"datacenterId"` - // The automation level for host power - // operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - // `manual`. + // The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. DpmAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"dpmAutomationLevel"` - // Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - // Requires `drsEnabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - // Default: `false`. + // Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + // machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. DpmEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"dpmEnabled"` - // A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - // threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - // This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - // tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + // A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + // affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + // setting. DpmThreshold pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"dpmThreshold"` - // A key/value map that specifies advanced - // options for DRS and DPM. + // Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. DrsAdvancedOptions pulumi.StringMapOutput `pulumi:"drsAdvancedOptions"` - // The default automation level for all - // virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - // `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + // The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + // fullyAutomated. DrsAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"drsAutomationLevel"` - // When `true`, enables DRS to use data - // from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - // recommendations. \* - // - // [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + // When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. DrsEnablePredictiveDrs pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"drsEnablePredictiveDrs"` - // Allow individual DRS overrides to be - // set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + // When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. DrsEnableVmOverrides pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"drsEnableVmOverrides"` - // Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + // Enable DRS for this cluster. DrsEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"drsEnabled"` - // A value between `1` and `5` indicating - // the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - // tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - // `3`. + // A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + // more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. DrsMigrationThreshold pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"drsMigrationThreshold"` - // Enable scalable shares for all - // resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - // `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + // Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. DrsScaleDescendantsShares pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"drsScaleDescendantsShares"` // The relative path to a folder to put this cluster in. // This is a path relative to the datacenter you are deploying the cluster to. @@ -71,197 +56,117 @@ type ComputeCluster struct { // host folder located at `/dc1/host/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path // being `/dc1/host/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. Folder pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"folder"` - // When destroying the resource, setting this to - // `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - // as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `hostSystemIds` (see - // below. This is an advanced - // option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - // - // > **NOTE:** Do not set `forceEvacuateOnDestroy` in production operation as - // there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - // configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - // your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - // incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - // the `hostSystemIds` attribute. + // Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + // for testing and is not recommended in normal use. ForceEvacuateOnDestroy pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"forceEvacuateOnDestroy"` - // Defines the - // managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - // hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - // block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - // recommendations. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + // failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + // will ignore the host when making recommendations. HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds"` - // The maximum number - // of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - // whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - // the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - // \* + // The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + // machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. HaAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance"` - // The percentage of - // resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - // a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - // disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + // The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + // warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. HaAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance"` - // The type of admission control - // policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - // `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + // The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + // permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + // slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + // issues. HaAdmissionControlPolicy pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlPolicy"` - // Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - // average number of host resources represented by the - // `haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance` - // setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - // user-defined values. Default: `true`. - // \* + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + // subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + // from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute"` - // Controls the - // user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - // failover. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + // the cluster to reserve for failover. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu"` - // Controls the - // user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - // failover. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + // the cluster to reserve for failover. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory"` - // Controls the - // user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu"` - // Controls the - // user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory"` - // Controls - // whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - // sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - // average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + // to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + // currently in the cluster. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize"` - // A key/value map that specifies advanced - // options for vSphere HA. + // Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. HaAdvancedOptions pulumi.StringMapOutput `pulumi:"haAdvancedOptions"` - // Controls the action to take - // on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - // middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + // affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction"` - // Controls the action to take on - // virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - // `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + // detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + // restartAggressive. HaDatastoreApdResponse pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponse"` - // The time, in seconds, - // to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - // `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Default: `180` - // seconds (3 minutes). \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + // the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponseDelay"` - // Controls the action to take on - // virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - // `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + // detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. HaDatastorePdlResponse pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haDatastorePdlResponse"` - // Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - // `false`. + // Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. HaEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"haEnabled"` - // The list of managed object IDs for - // preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - // when `haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy` is set - // to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + // The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + // ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"haHeartbeatDatastoreIds"` - // The selection policy for HA - // heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - // `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - // `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + // The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + // allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. HaHeartbeatDatastorePolicy pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy"` - // The action to take on virtual - // machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - // the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - // `none`. + // The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + // Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. HaHostIsolationResponse pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haHostIsolationResponse"` - // Global setting that controls whether - // vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - // or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + // Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. HaHostMonitoring pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haHostMonitoring"` - // Controls vSphere VM component - // protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - // `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - // \* + // Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + // failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. HaVmComponentProtection pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmComponentProtection"` - // The condition used to - // determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - // are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - // priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - // `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - // is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - // \* + // The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + // on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. HaVmDependencyRestartCondition pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmDependencyRestartCondition"` - // The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - // from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - // the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + // If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + // failed. The value is in seconds. HaVmFailureInterval pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmFailureInterval"` - // The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - // which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - // window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - // configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - // unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + // The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + // attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + // time is allotted. HaVmMaximumFailureWindow pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmMaximumFailureWindow"` - // The maximum number of resets that HA will - // perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + // The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. HaVmMaximumResets pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmMaximumResets"` - // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - // powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - // `120` seconds (2 minutes). + // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. HaVmMinimumUptime pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmMinimumUptime"` - // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - // when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - // `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + // vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. HaVmMonitoring pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmMonitoring"` - // Additional delay, in seconds, - // after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - // Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \* + // Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. HaVmRestartAdditionalDelay pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmRestartAdditionalDelay"` - // The default restart priority - // for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - // of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + // The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + // high, or highest. HaVmRestartPriority pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmRestartPriority"` - // The maximum time, in seconds, - // that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - // before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - // \* + // The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + // proceeding with the next priority. HaVmRestartTimeout pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmRestartTimeout"` - // The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - // mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + // The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. HostClusterExitTimeout pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"hostClusterExitTimeout"` - // Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - // membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - // `computeCluster` resource. Conflicts with: `hostSystemIds`. + // Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. HostManaged pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"hostManaged"` - // The managed object IDs of - // the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `hostManaged`. + // The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. HostSystemIds pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"hostSystemIds"` // The name of the cluster. Name pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"name"` - // Determines how the host - // quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - // made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - // `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \* + // The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. ProactiveHaAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"proactiveHaAutomationLevel"` - // Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - // \* + // Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. ProactiveHaEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"proactiveHaEnabled"` - // The configured remediation - // for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - // `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - // `proactiveHaSevereRemediation` is set - // to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - // \* + // The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + // this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. ProactiveHaModerateRemediation pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"proactiveHaModerateRemediation"` - // The list of IDs for health update - // providers configured for this cluster. - // \* + // The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. ProactiveHaProviderIds pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"proactiveHaProviderIds"` - // The configured remediation for - // severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - // Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - // `proactiveHaModerateRemediation` is - // set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - // \* + // The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + // cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. ProactiveHaSevereRemediation pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"proactiveHaSevereRemediation"` // The managed object ID of the primary // resource pool for this cluster. This can be passed directly to the @@ -271,49 +176,33 @@ type ComputeCluster struct { ResourcePoolId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"resourcePoolId"` // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Tags pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"tags"` - // Enables vSAN compression on the - // cluster. + // Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. VsanCompressionEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vsanCompressionEnabled"` - // Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - // Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - // compression must also be enabled. + // Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. VsanDedupEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vsanDedupEnabled"` - // Represents the configuration of a host disk - // group in the cluster. + // A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. VsanDiskGroups ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArrayOutput `pulumi:"vsanDiskGroups"` - // Enables vSAN data-in-transit - // encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`, i.e., - // vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - // at the same time. + // Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. VsanDitEncryptionEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vsanDitEncryptionEnabled"` - // Indicates the rekey interval in - // minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - // 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`. + // When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). VsanDitRekeyInterval pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"vsanDitRekeyInterval"` - // Enables vSAN on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. VsanEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vsanEnabled"` - // Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. VsanEsaEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vsanEsaEnabled"` - // Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + // The configuration for vSAN fault domains. VsanFaultDomains ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArrayOutput `pulumi:"vsanFaultDomains"` - // Enables network - // diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled"` - // Enables vSAN performance service on - // the cluster. Default: `true`. + // Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. VsanPerformanceEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vsanPerformanceEnabled"` - // The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - // mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsanDitEncryptionEnabled` and - // `vsanDitRekeyInterval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - // data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + // The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. VsanRemoteDatastoreIds pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"vsanRemoteDatastoreIds"` - // Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + // The configuration for stretched cluster. VsanStretchedCluster ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterPtrOutput `pulumi:"vsanStretchedCluster"` - // Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - // You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. VsanUnmapEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vsanUnmapEnabled"` - // Enables verbose mode for vSAN - // performance service on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. VsanVerboseModeEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vsanVerboseModeEnabled"` } @@ -359,45 +248,30 @@ type computeClusterState struct { // The managed object ID of // the datacenter to create the cluster in. Forces a new resource if changed. DatacenterId *string `pulumi:"datacenterId"` - // The automation level for host power - // operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - // `manual`. + // The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. DpmAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"dpmAutomationLevel"` - // Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - // Requires `drsEnabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - // Default: `false`. + // Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + // machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. DpmEnabled *bool `pulumi:"dpmEnabled"` - // A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - // threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - // This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - // tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + // A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + // affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + // setting. DpmThreshold *int `pulumi:"dpmThreshold"` - // A key/value map that specifies advanced - // options for DRS and DPM. + // Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. DrsAdvancedOptions map[string]string `pulumi:"drsAdvancedOptions"` - // The default automation level for all - // virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - // `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + // The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + // fullyAutomated. DrsAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"drsAutomationLevel"` - // When `true`, enables DRS to use data - // from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - // recommendations. \* - // - // [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + // When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. DrsEnablePredictiveDrs *bool `pulumi:"drsEnablePredictiveDrs"` - // Allow individual DRS overrides to be - // set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + // When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. DrsEnableVmOverrides *bool `pulumi:"drsEnableVmOverrides"` - // Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + // Enable DRS for this cluster. DrsEnabled *bool `pulumi:"drsEnabled"` - // A value between `1` and `5` indicating - // the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - // tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - // `3`. + // A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + // more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. DrsMigrationThreshold *int `pulumi:"drsMigrationThreshold"` - // Enable scalable shares for all - // resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - // `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + // Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. DrsScaleDescendantsShares *string `pulumi:"drsScaleDescendantsShares"` // The relative path to a folder to put this cluster in. // This is a path relative to the datacenter you are deploying the cluster to. @@ -406,197 +280,117 @@ type computeClusterState struct { // host folder located at `/dc1/host/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path // being `/dc1/host/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. Folder *string `pulumi:"folder"` - // When destroying the resource, setting this to - // `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - // as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `hostSystemIds` (see - // below. This is an advanced - // option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - // - // > **NOTE:** Do not set `forceEvacuateOnDestroy` in production operation as - // there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - // configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - // your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - // incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - // the `hostSystemIds` attribute. + // Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + // for testing and is not recommended in normal use. ForceEvacuateOnDestroy *bool `pulumi:"forceEvacuateOnDestroy"` - // Defines the - // managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - // hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - // block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - // recommendations. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + // failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + // will ignore the host when making recommendations. HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds []string `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds"` - // The maximum number - // of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - // whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - // the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - // \* + // The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + // machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. HaAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance"` - // The percentage of - // resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - // a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - // disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + // The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + // warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. HaAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance"` - // The type of admission control - // policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - // `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + // The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + // permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + // slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + // issues. HaAdmissionControlPolicy *string `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlPolicy"` - // Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - // average number of host resources represented by the - // `haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance` - // setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - // user-defined values. Default: `true`. - // \* + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + // subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + // from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute *bool `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute"` - // Controls the - // user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - // failover. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + // the cluster to reserve for failover. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu"` - // Controls the - // user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - // failover. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + // the cluster to reserve for failover. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory"` - // Controls the - // user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu"` - // Controls the - // user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory"` - // Controls - // whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - // sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - // average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + // to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + // currently in the cluster. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize *bool `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize"` - // A key/value map that specifies advanced - // options for vSphere HA. + // Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. HaAdvancedOptions map[string]string `pulumi:"haAdvancedOptions"` - // Controls the action to take - // on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - // middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + // affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction *string `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction"` - // Controls the action to take on - // virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - // `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + // detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + // restartAggressive. HaDatastoreApdResponse *string `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponse"` - // The time, in seconds, - // to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - // `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Default: `180` - // seconds (3 minutes). \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + // the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay *int `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponseDelay"` - // Controls the action to take on - // virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - // `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + // detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. HaDatastorePdlResponse *string `pulumi:"haDatastorePdlResponse"` - // Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - // `false`. + // Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. HaEnabled *bool `pulumi:"haEnabled"` - // The list of managed object IDs for - // preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - // when `haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy` is set - // to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + // The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + // ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds []string `pulumi:"haHeartbeatDatastoreIds"` - // The selection policy for HA - // heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - // `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - // `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + // The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + // allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. HaHeartbeatDatastorePolicy *string `pulumi:"haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy"` - // The action to take on virtual - // machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - // the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - // `none`. + // The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + // Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. HaHostIsolationResponse *string `pulumi:"haHostIsolationResponse"` - // Global setting that controls whether - // vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - // or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + // Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. HaHostMonitoring *string `pulumi:"haHostMonitoring"` - // Controls vSphere VM component - // protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - // `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - // \* + // Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + // failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. HaVmComponentProtection *string `pulumi:"haVmComponentProtection"` - // The condition used to - // determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - // are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - // priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - // `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - // is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - // \* + // The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + // on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. HaVmDependencyRestartCondition *string `pulumi:"haVmDependencyRestartCondition"` - // The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - // from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - // the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + // If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + // failed. The value is in seconds. HaVmFailureInterval *int `pulumi:"haVmFailureInterval"` - // The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - // which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - // window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - // configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - // unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + // The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + // attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + // time is allotted. HaVmMaximumFailureWindow *int `pulumi:"haVmMaximumFailureWindow"` - // The maximum number of resets that HA will - // perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + // The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. HaVmMaximumResets *int `pulumi:"haVmMaximumResets"` - // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - // powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - // `120` seconds (2 minutes). + // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. HaVmMinimumUptime *int `pulumi:"haVmMinimumUptime"` - // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - // when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - // `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + // vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. HaVmMonitoring *string `pulumi:"haVmMonitoring"` - // Additional delay, in seconds, - // after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - // Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \* + // Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. HaVmRestartAdditionalDelay *int `pulumi:"haVmRestartAdditionalDelay"` - // The default restart priority - // for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - // of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + // The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + // high, or highest. HaVmRestartPriority *string `pulumi:"haVmRestartPriority"` - // The maximum time, in seconds, - // that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - // before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - // \* + // The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + // proceeding with the next priority. HaVmRestartTimeout *int `pulumi:"haVmRestartTimeout"` - // The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - // mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + // The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. HostClusterExitTimeout *int `pulumi:"hostClusterExitTimeout"` - // Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - // membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - // `computeCluster` resource. Conflicts with: `hostSystemIds`. + // Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. HostManaged *bool `pulumi:"hostManaged"` - // The managed object IDs of - // the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `hostManaged`. + // The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. HostSystemIds []string `pulumi:"hostSystemIds"` // The name of the cluster. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` - // Determines how the host - // quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - // made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - // `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \* + // The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. ProactiveHaAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"proactiveHaAutomationLevel"` - // Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - // \* + // Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. ProactiveHaEnabled *bool `pulumi:"proactiveHaEnabled"` - // The configured remediation - // for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - // `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - // `proactiveHaSevereRemediation` is set - // to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - // \* + // The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + // this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. ProactiveHaModerateRemediation *string `pulumi:"proactiveHaModerateRemediation"` - // The list of IDs for health update - // providers configured for this cluster. - // \* + // The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. ProactiveHaProviderIds []string `pulumi:"proactiveHaProviderIds"` - // The configured remediation for - // severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - // Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - // `proactiveHaModerateRemediation` is - // set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - // \* + // The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + // cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. ProactiveHaSevereRemediation *string `pulumi:"proactiveHaSevereRemediation"` // The managed object ID of the primary // resource pool for this cluster. This can be passed directly to the @@ -606,49 +400,33 @@ type computeClusterState struct { ResourcePoolId *string `pulumi:"resourcePoolId"` // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Tags []string `pulumi:"tags"` - // Enables vSAN compression on the - // cluster. + // Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. VsanCompressionEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanCompressionEnabled"` - // Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - // Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - // compression must also be enabled. + // Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. VsanDedupEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanDedupEnabled"` - // Represents the configuration of a host disk - // group in the cluster. + // A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. VsanDiskGroups []ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup `pulumi:"vsanDiskGroups"` - // Enables vSAN data-in-transit - // encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`, i.e., - // vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - // at the same time. + // Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. VsanDitEncryptionEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanDitEncryptionEnabled"` - // Indicates the rekey interval in - // minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - // 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`. + // When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). VsanDitRekeyInterval *int `pulumi:"vsanDitRekeyInterval"` - // Enables vSAN on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. VsanEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanEnabled"` - // Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. VsanEsaEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanEsaEnabled"` - // Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + // The configuration for vSAN fault domains. VsanFaultDomains []ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomain `pulumi:"vsanFaultDomains"` - // Enables network - // diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled"` - // Enables vSAN performance service on - // the cluster. Default: `true`. + // Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. VsanPerformanceEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanPerformanceEnabled"` - // The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - // mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsanDitEncryptionEnabled` and - // `vsanDitRekeyInterval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - // data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + // The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. VsanRemoteDatastoreIds []string `pulumi:"vsanRemoteDatastoreIds"` - // Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + // The configuration for stretched cluster. VsanStretchedCluster *ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster `pulumi:"vsanStretchedCluster"` - // Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - // You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. VsanUnmapEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanUnmapEnabled"` - // Enables verbose mode for vSAN - // performance service on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. VsanVerboseModeEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanVerboseModeEnabled"` } @@ -662,45 +440,30 @@ type ComputeClusterState struct { // The managed object ID of // the datacenter to create the cluster in. Forces a new resource if changed. DatacenterId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The automation level for host power - // operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - // `manual`. + // The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. DpmAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - // Requires `drsEnabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - // Default: `false`. + // Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + // machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. DpmEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - // threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - // This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - // tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + // A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + // affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + // setting. DpmThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // A key/value map that specifies advanced - // options for DRS and DPM. + // Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. DrsAdvancedOptions pulumi.StringMapInput - // The default automation level for all - // virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - // `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + // The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + // fullyAutomated. DrsAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // When `true`, enables DRS to use data - // from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - // recommendations. \* - // - // [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + // When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. DrsEnablePredictiveDrs pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Allow individual DRS overrides to be - // set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + // When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. DrsEnableVmOverrides pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + // Enable DRS for this cluster. DrsEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A value between `1` and `5` indicating - // the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - // tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - // `3`. + // A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + // more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. DrsMigrationThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enable scalable shares for all - // resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - // `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + // Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. DrsScaleDescendantsShares pulumi.StringPtrInput // The relative path to a folder to put this cluster in. // This is a path relative to the datacenter you are deploying the cluster to. @@ -709,197 +472,117 @@ type ComputeClusterState struct { // host folder located at `/dc1/host/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path // being `/dc1/host/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. Folder pulumi.StringPtrInput - // When destroying the resource, setting this to - // `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - // as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `hostSystemIds` (see - // below. This is an advanced - // option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - // - // > **NOTE:** Do not set `forceEvacuateOnDestroy` in production operation as - // there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - // configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - // your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - // incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - // the `hostSystemIds` attribute. + // Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + // for testing and is not recommended in normal use. ForceEvacuateOnDestroy pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Defines the - // managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - // hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - // block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - // recommendations. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + // failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + // will ignore the host when making recommendations. HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds pulumi.StringArrayInput - // The maximum number - // of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - // whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - // the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - // \* + // The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + // machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. HaAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The percentage of - // resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - // a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - // disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + // The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + // warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. HaAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The type of admission control - // policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - // `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + // The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + // permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + // slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + // issues. HaAdmissionControlPolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - // average number of host resources represented by the - // `haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance` - // setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - // user-defined values. Default: `true`. - // \* + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + // subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + // from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Controls the - // user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - // failover. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + // the cluster to reserve for failover. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls the - // user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - // failover. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + // the cluster to reserve for failover. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls the - // user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls the - // user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls - // whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - // sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - // average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + // to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + // currently in the cluster. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A key/value map that specifies advanced - // options for vSphere HA. + // Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. HaAdvancedOptions pulumi.StringMapInput - // Controls the action to take - // on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - // middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + // affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Controls the action to take on - // virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - // `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + // detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + // restartAggressive. HaDatastoreApdResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The time, in seconds, - // to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - // `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Default: `180` - // seconds (3 minutes). \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + // the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls the action to take on - // virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - // `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + // detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. HaDatastorePdlResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - // `false`. + // Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. HaEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The list of managed object IDs for - // preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - // when `haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy` is set - // to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + // The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + // ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds pulumi.StringArrayInput - // The selection policy for HA - // heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - // `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - // `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + // The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + // allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. HaHeartbeatDatastorePolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The action to take on virtual - // machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - // the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - // `none`. + // The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + // Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. HaHostIsolationResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Global setting that controls whether - // vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - // or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + // Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. HaHostMonitoring pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Controls vSphere VM component - // protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - // `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - // \* + // Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + // failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. HaVmComponentProtection pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The condition used to - // determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - // are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - // priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - // `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - // is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - // \* + // The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + // on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. HaVmDependencyRestartCondition pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - // from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - // the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + // If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + // failed. The value is in seconds. HaVmFailureInterval pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - // which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - // window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - // configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - // unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + // The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + // attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + // time is allotted. HaVmMaximumFailureWindow pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The maximum number of resets that HA will - // perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + // The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. HaVmMaximumResets pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - // powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - // `120` seconds (2 minutes). + // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. HaVmMinimumUptime pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - // when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - // `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + // vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. HaVmMonitoring pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Additional delay, in seconds, - // after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - // Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \* + // Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. HaVmRestartAdditionalDelay pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The default restart priority - // for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - // of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + // The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + // high, or highest. HaVmRestartPriority pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The maximum time, in seconds, - // that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - // before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - // \* + // The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + // proceeding with the next priority. HaVmRestartTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - // mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + // The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. HostClusterExitTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - // membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - // `computeCluster` resource. Conflicts with: `hostSystemIds`. + // Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. HostManaged pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The managed object IDs of - // the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `hostManaged`. + // The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. HostSystemIds pulumi.StringArrayInput // The name of the cluster. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Determines how the host - // quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - // made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - // `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \* + // The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. ProactiveHaAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - // \* + // Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. ProactiveHaEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The configured remediation - // for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - // `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - // `proactiveHaSevereRemediation` is set - // to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - // \* + // The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + // this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. ProactiveHaModerateRemediation pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The list of IDs for health update - // providers configured for this cluster. - // \* + // The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. ProactiveHaProviderIds pulumi.StringArrayInput - // The configured remediation for - // severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - // Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - // `proactiveHaModerateRemediation` is - // set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - // \* + // The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + // cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. ProactiveHaSevereRemediation pulumi.StringPtrInput // The managed object ID of the primary // resource pool for this cluster. This can be passed directly to the @@ -909,49 +592,33 @@ type ComputeClusterState struct { ResourcePoolId pulumi.StringPtrInput // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Tags pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Enables vSAN compression on the - // cluster. + // Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. VsanCompressionEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - // Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - // compression must also be enabled. + // Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. VsanDedupEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Represents the configuration of a host disk - // group in the cluster. + // A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. VsanDiskGroups ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArrayInput - // Enables vSAN data-in-transit - // encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`, i.e., - // vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - // at the same time. + // Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. VsanDitEncryptionEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Indicates the rekey interval in - // minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - // 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`. + // When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). VsanDitRekeyInterval pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enables vSAN on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. VsanEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. VsanEsaEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + // The configuration for vSAN fault domains. VsanFaultDomains ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArrayInput - // Enables network - // diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enables vSAN performance service on - // the cluster. Default: `true`. + // Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. VsanPerformanceEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - // mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsanDitEncryptionEnabled` and - // `vsanDitRekeyInterval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - // data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + // The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. VsanRemoteDatastoreIds pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + // The configuration for stretched cluster. VsanStretchedCluster ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterPtrInput - // Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - // You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. VsanUnmapEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enables verbose mode for vSAN - // performance service on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. VsanVerboseModeEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput } @@ -969,45 +636,30 @@ type computeClusterArgs struct { // The managed object ID of // the datacenter to create the cluster in. Forces a new resource if changed. DatacenterId string `pulumi:"datacenterId"` - // The automation level for host power - // operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - // `manual`. + // The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. DpmAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"dpmAutomationLevel"` - // Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - // Requires `drsEnabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - // Default: `false`. + // Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + // machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. DpmEnabled *bool `pulumi:"dpmEnabled"` - // A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - // threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - // This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - // tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + // A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + // affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + // setting. DpmThreshold *int `pulumi:"dpmThreshold"` - // A key/value map that specifies advanced - // options for DRS and DPM. + // Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. DrsAdvancedOptions map[string]string `pulumi:"drsAdvancedOptions"` - // The default automation level for all - // virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - // `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + // The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + // fullyAutomated. DrsAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"drsAutomationLevel"` - // When `true`, enables DRS to use data - // from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - // recommendations. \* - // - // [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + // When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. DrsEnablePredictiveDrs *bool `pulumi:"drsEnablePredictiveDrs"` - // Allow individual DRS overrides to be - // set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + // When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. DrsEnableVmOverrides *bool `pulumi:"drsEnableVmOverrides"` - // Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + // Enable DRS for this cluster. DrsEnabled *bool `pulumi:"drsEnabled"` - // A value between `1` and `5` indicating - // the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - // tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - // `3`. + // A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + // more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. DrsMigrationThreshold *int `pulumi:"drsMigrationThreshold"` - // Enable scalable shares for all - // resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - // `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + // Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. DrsScaleDescendantsShares *string `pulumi:"drsScaleDescendantsShares"` // The relative path to a folder to put this cluster in. // This is a path relative to the datacenter you are deploying the cluster to. @@ -1016,243 +668,147 @@ type computeClusterArgs struct { // host folder located at `/dc1/host/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path // being `/dc1/host/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. Folder *string `pulumi:"folder"` - // When destroying the resource, setting this to - // `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - // as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `hostSystemIds` (see - // below. This is an advanced - // option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - // - // > **NOTE:** Do not set `forceEvacuateOnDestroy` in production operation as - // there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - // configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - // your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - // incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - // the `hostSystemIds` attribute. + // Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + // for testing and is not recommended in normal use. ForceEvacuateOnDestroy *bool `pulumi:"forceEvacuateOnDestroy"` - // Defines the - // managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - // hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - // block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - // recommendations. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + // failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + // will ignore the host when making recommendations. HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds []string `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds"` - // The maximum number - // of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - // whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - // the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - // \* + // The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + // machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. HaAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance"` - // The percentage of - // resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - // a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - // disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + // The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + // warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. HaAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance"` - // The type of admission control - // policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - // `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + // The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + // permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + // slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + // issues. HaAdmissionControlPolicy *string `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlPolicy"` - // Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - // average number of host resources represented by the - // `haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance` - // setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - // user-defined values. Default: `true`. - // \* + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + // subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + // from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute *bool `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute"` - // Controls the - // user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - // failover. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + // the cluster to reserve for failover. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu"` - // Controls the - // user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - // failover. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + // the cluster to reserve for failover. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory"` - // Controls the - // user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu"` - // Controls the - // user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory *int `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory"` - // Controls - // whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - // sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - // average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + // to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + // currently in the cluster. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize *bool `pulumi:"haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize"` - // A key/value map that specifies advanced - // options for vSphere HA. + // Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. HaAdvancedOptions map[string]string `pulumi:"haAdvancedOptions"` - // Controls the action to take - // on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - // middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + // affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction *string `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction"` - // Controls the action to take on - // virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - // `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + // detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + // restartAggressive. HaDatastoreApdResponse *string `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponse"` - // The time, in seconds, - // to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - // `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Default: `180` - // seconds (3 minutes). \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + // the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay *int `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponseDelay"` - // Controls the action to take on - // virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - // `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + // detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. HaDatastorePdlResponse *string `pulumi:"haDatastorePdlResponse"` - // Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - // `false`. + // Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. HaEnabled *bool `pulumi:"haEnabled"` - // The list of managed object IDs for - // preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - // when `haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy` is set - // to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + // The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + // ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds []string `pulumi:"haHeartbeatDatastoreIds"` - // The selection policy for HA - // heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - // `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - // `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + // The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + // allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. HaHeartbeatDatastorePolicy *string `pulumi:"haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy"` - // The action to take on virtual - // machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - // the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - // `none`. + // The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + // Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. HaHostIsolationResponse *string `pulumi:"haHostIsolationResponse"` - // Global setting that controls whether - // vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - // or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + // Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. HaHostMonitoring *string `pulumi:"haHostMonitoring"` - // Controls vSphere VM component - // protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - // `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - // \* + // Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + // failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. HaVmComponentProtection *string `pulumi:"haVmComponentProtection"` - // The condition used to - // determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - // are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - // priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - // `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - // is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - // \* + // The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + // on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. HaVmDependencyRestartCondition *string `pulumi:"haVmDependencyRestartCondition"` - // The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - // from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - // the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + // If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + // failed. The value is in seconds. HaVmFailureInterval *int `pulumi:"haVmFailureInterval"` - // The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - // which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - // window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - // configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - // unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + // The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + // attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + // time is allotted. HaVmMaximumFailureWindow *int `pulumi:"haVmMaximumFailureWindow"` - // The maximum number of resets that HA will - // perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + // The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. HaVmMaximumResets *int `pulumi:"haVmMaximumResets"` - // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - // powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - // `120` seconds (2 minutes). + // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. HaVmMinimumUptime *int `pulumi:"haVmMinimumUptime"` - // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - // when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - // `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + // vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. HaVmMonitoring *string `pulumi:"haVmMonitoring"` - // Additional delay, in seconds, - // after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - // Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \* + // Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. HaVmRestartAdditionalDelay *int `pulumi:"haVmRestartAdditionalDelay"` - // The default restart priority - // for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - // of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + // The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + // high, or highest. HaVmRestartPriority *string `pulumi:"haVmRestartPriority"` - // The maximum time, in seconds, - // that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - // before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - // \* + // The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + // proceeding with the next priority. HaVmRestartTimeout *int `pulumi:"haVmRestartTimeout"` - // The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - // mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + // The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. HostClusterExitTimeout *int `pulumi:"hostClusterExitTimeout"` - // Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - // membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - // `computeCluster` resource. Conflicts with: `hostSystemIds`. + // Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. HostManaged *bool `pulumi:"hostManaged"` - // The managed object IDs of - // the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `hostManaged`. + // The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. HostSystemIds []string `pulumi:"hostSystemIds"` // The name of the cluster. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` - // Determines how the host - // quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - // made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - // `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \* + // The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. ProactiveHaAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"proactiveHaAutomationLevel"` - // Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - // \* + // Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. ProactiveHaEnabled *bool `pulumi:"proactiveHaEnabled"` - // The configured remediation - // for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - // `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - // `proactiveHaSevereRemediation` is set - // to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - // \* + // The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + // this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. ProactiveHaModerateRemediation *string `pulumi:"proactiveHaModerateRemediation"` - // The list of IDs for health update - // providers configured for this cluster. - // \* + // The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. ProactiveHaProviderIds []string `pulumi:"proactiveHaProviderIds"` - // The configured remediation for - // severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - // Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - // `proactiveHaModerateRemediation` is - // set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - // \* + // The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + // cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. ProactiveHaSevereRemediation *string `pulumi:"proactiveHaSevereRemediation"` // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Tags []string `pulumi:"tags"` - // Enables vSAN compression on the - // cluster. + // Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. VsanCompressionEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanCompressionEnabled"` - // Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - // Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - // compression must also be enabled. + // Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. VsanDedupEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanDedupEnabled"` - // Represents the configuration of a host disk - // group in the cluster. + // A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. VsanDiskGroups []ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup `pulumi:"vsanDiskGroups"` - // Enables vSAN data-in-transit - // encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`, i.e., - // vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - // at the same time. + // Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. VsanDitEncryptionEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanDitEncryptionEnabled"` - // Indicates the rekey interval in - // minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - // 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`. + // When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). VsanDitRekeyInterval *int `pulumi:"vsanDitRekeyInterval"` - // Enables vSAN on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. VsanEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanEnabled"` - // Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. VsanEsaEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanEsaEnabled"` - // Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + // The configuration for vSAN fault domains. VsanFaultDomains []ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomain `pulumi:"vsanFaultDomains"` - // Enables network - // diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled"` - // Enables vSAN performance service on - // the cluster. Default: `true`. + // Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. VsanPerformanceEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanPerformanceEnabled"` - // The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - // mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsanDitEncryptionEnabled` and - // `vsanDitRekeyInterval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - // data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + // The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. VsanRemoteDatastoreIds []string `pulumi:"vsanRemoteDatastoreIds"` - // Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + // The configuration for stretched cluster. VsanStretchedCluster *ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster `pulumi:"vsanStretchedCluster"` - // Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - // You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. VsanUnmapEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanUnmapEnabled"` - // Enables verbose mode for vSAN - // performance service on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. VsanVerboseModeEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vsanVerboseModeEnabled"` } @@ -1267,45 +823,30 @@ type ComputeClusterArgs struct { // The managed object ID of // the datacenter to create the cluster in. Forces a new resource if changed. DatacenterId pulumi.StringInput - // The automation level for host power - // operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - // `manual`. + // The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. DpmAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - // Requires `drsEnabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - // Default: `false`. + // Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + // machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. DpmEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - // threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - // This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - // tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + // A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + // affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + // setting. DpmThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // A key/value map that specifies advanced - // options for DRS and DPM. + // Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. DrsAdvancedOptions pulumi.StringMapInput - // The default automation level for all - // virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - // `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + // The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + // fullyAutomated. DrsAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // When `true`, enables DRS to use data - // from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - // recommendations. \* - // - // [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + // When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. DrsEnablePredictiveDrs pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Allow individual DRS overrides to be - // set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + // When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. DrsEnableVmOverrides pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + // Enable DRS for this cluster. DrsEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A value between `1` and `5` indicating - // the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - // tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - // `3`. + // A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + // more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. DrsMigrationThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enable scalable shares for all - // resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - // `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + // Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. DrsScaleDescendantsShares pulumi.StringPtrInput // The relative path to a folder to put this cluster in. // This is a path relative to the datacenter you are deploying the cluster to. @@ -1314,243 +855,147 @@ type ComputeClusterArgs struct { // host folder located at `/dc1/host/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path // being `/dc1/host/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. Folder pulumi.StringPtrInput - // When destroying the resource, setting this to - // `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - // as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `hostSystemIds` (see - // below. This is an advanced - // option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - // - // > **NOTE:** Do not set `forceEvacuateOnDestroy` in production operation as - // there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - // configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - // your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - // incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - // the `hostSystemIds` attribute. + // Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + // for testing and is not recommended in normal use. ForceEvacuateOnDestroy pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Defines the - // managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - // hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - // block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - // recommendations. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + // failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + // will ignore the host when making recommendations. HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds pulumi.StringArrayInput - // The maximum number - // of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - // whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - // the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - // \* + // The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + // machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. HaAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The percentage of - // resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - // a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - // disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + // The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + // warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. HaAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The type of admission control - // policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - // `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + // The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + // permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + // slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + // issues. HaAdmissionControlPolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - // average number of host resources represented by the - // `haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance` - // setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - // user-defined values. Default: `true`. - // \* + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + // subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + // from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Controls the - // user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - // failover. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + // the cluster to reserve for failover. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls the - // user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - // failover. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + // the cluster to reserve for failover. HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls the - // user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls the - // user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls - // whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - // sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - // average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + // When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + // to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + // currently in the cluster. HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A key/value map that specifies advanced - // options for vSphere HA. + // Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. HaAdvancedOptions pulumi.StringMapInput - // Controls the action to take - // on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - // middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + // affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Controls the action to take on - // virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - // `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + // detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + // restartAggressive. HaDatastoreApdResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The time, in seconds, - // to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - // `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Default: `180` - // seconds (3 minutes). \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + // the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls the action to take on - // virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - // `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - // \* + // When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + // detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. HaDatastorePdlResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - // `false`. + // Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. HaEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The list of managed object IDs for - // preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - // when `haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy` is set - // to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + // The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + // ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds pulumi.StringArrayInput - // The selection policy for HA - // heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - // `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - // `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + // The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + // allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. HaHeartbeatDatastorePolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The action to take on virtual - // machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - // the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - // `none`. + // The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + // Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. HaHostIsolationResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Global setting that controls whether - // vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - // or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + // Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. HaHostMonitoring pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Controls vSphere VM component - // protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - // `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - // \* + // Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + // failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. HaVmComponentProtection pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The condition used to - // determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - // are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - // priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - // `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - // is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - // \* + // The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + // on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. HaVmDependencyRestartCondition pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - // from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - // the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + // If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + // failed. The value is in seconds. HaVmFailureInterval pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - // which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - // window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - // configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - // unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + // The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + // attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + // time is allotted. HaVmMaximumFailureWindow pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The maximum number of resets that HA will - // perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + // The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. HaVmMaximumResets pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - // powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - // `120` seconds (2 minutes). + // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. HaVmMinimumUptime pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - // when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - // `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + // vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. HaVmMonitoring pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Additional delay, in seconds, - // after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - // Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \* + // Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. HaVmRestartAdditionalDelay pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The default restart priority - // for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - // of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + // The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + // high, or highest. HaVmRestartPriority pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The maximum time, in seconds, - // that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - // before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - // \* + // The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + // proceeding with the next priority. HaVmRestartTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - // mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + // The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. HostClusterExitTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - // membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - // `computeCluster` resource. Conflicts with: `hostSystemIds`. + // Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. HostManaged pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The managed object IDs of - // the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `hostManaged`. + // The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. HostSystemIds pulumi.StringArrayInput // The name of the cluster. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Determines how the host - // quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - // made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - // `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \* + // The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. ProactiveHaAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - // \* + // Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. ProactiveHaEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The configured remediation - // for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - // `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - // `proactiveHaSevereRemediation` is set - // to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - // \* + // The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + // this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. ProactiveHaModerateRemediation pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The list of IDs for health update - // providers configured for this cluster. - // \* + // The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. ProactiveHaProviderIds pulumi.StringArrayInput - // The configured remediation for - // severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - // Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - // `proactiveHaModerateRemediation` is - // set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - // \* + // The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + // cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. ProactiveHaSevereRemediation pulumi.StringPtrInput // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Tags pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Enables vSAN compression on the - // cluster. + // Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. VsanCompressionEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - // Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - // compression must also be enabled. + // Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. VsanDedupEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Represents the configuration of a host disk - // group in the cluster. + // A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. VsanDiskGroups ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArrayInput - // Enables vSAN data-in-transit - // encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`, i.e., - // vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - // at the same time. + // Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. VsanDitEncryptionEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Indicates the rekey interval in - // minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - // 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`. + // When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). VsanDitRekeyInterval pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enables vSAN on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. VsanEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. VsanEsaEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + // The configuration for vSAN fault domains. VsanFaultDomains ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArrayInput - // Enables network - // diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enables vSAN performance service on - // the cluster. Default: `true`. + // Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. VsanPerformanceEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - // mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsanDitEncryptionEnabled` and - // `vsanDitRekeyInterval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - // data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + // The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. VsanRemoteDatastoreIds pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + // The configuration for stretched cluster. VsanStretchedCluster ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterPtrInput - // Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - // You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. VsanUnmapEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enables verbose mode for vSAN - // performance service on the cluster. + // Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. VsanVerboseModeEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput } @@ -1656,72 +1101,57 @@ func (o ComputeClusterOutput) DatacenterId() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.DatacenterId }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// The automation level for host power -// operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: -// `manual`. +// The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) DpmAutomationLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.DpmAutomationLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. -// Requires `drsEnabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. -// Default: `false`. +// Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual +// machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) DpmEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.DpmEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// A value between `1` and `5` indicating the -// threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. -// This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will -// tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. +// A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This +// affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher +// setting. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) DpmThreshold() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.DpmThreshold }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// A key/value map that specifies advanced -// options for DRS and DPM. +// Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) DrsAdvancedOptions() pulumi.StringMapOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringMapOutput { return v.DrsAdvancedOptions }).(pulumi.StringMapOutput) } -// The default automation level for all -// virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, -// `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. +// The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or +// fullyAutomated. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) DrsAutomationLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.DrsAutomationLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// When `true`, enables DRS to use data -// from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS -// recommendations. \* -// -// [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html +// When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) DrsEnablePredictiveDrs() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.DrsEnablePredictiveDrs }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Allow individual DRS overrides to be -// set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. +// When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) DrsEnableVmOverrides() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.DrsEnableVmOverrides }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. +// Enable DRS for this cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) DrsEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.DrsEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// A value between `1` and `5` indicating -// the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will -// tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: -// `3`. +// A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate +// more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) DrsMigrationThreshold() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.DrsMigrationThreshold }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Enable scalable shares for all -// resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or -// `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. +// Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) DrsScaleDescendantsShares() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.DrsScaleDescendantsShares }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -1736,268 +1166,202 @@ func (o ComputeClusterOutput) Folder() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.Folder }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// When destroying the resource, setting this to -// `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, -// as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `hostSystemIds` (see -// below. This is an advanced -// option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. -// -// > **NOTE:** Do not set `forceEvacuateOnDestroy` in production operation as -// there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster -// configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and -// your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, -// incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of -// the `hostSystemIds` attribute. +// Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists +// for testing and is not recommended in normal use. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) ForceEvacuateOnDestroy() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.ForceEvacuateOnDestroy }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Defines the -// managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover -// hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will -// block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making -// recommendations. +// When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated +// failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS +// will ignore the host when making recommendations. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.HaAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// The maximum number -// of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on -// whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than -// the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. -// \* +// The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual +// machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The percentage of -// resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of -// a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 -// disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). +// The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces +// warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The type of admission control -// policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, -// `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. +// The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are +// permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, +// slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service +// issues. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaAdmissionControlPolicy() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaAdmissionControlPolicy }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the -// average number of host resources represented by the -// `haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance` -// setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply -// user-defined values. Default: `true`. -// \* +// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by +// subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting +// from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Controls the -// user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for -// failover. Default: `100`. +// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in +// the cluster to reserve for failover. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Controls the -// user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for -// failover. Default: `100`. +// When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in +// the cluster to reserve for failover. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Controls the -// user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. +// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Controls the -// user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. +// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Controls -// whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot -// sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic -// average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. +// When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values +// to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines +// currently in the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.HaAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// A key/value map that specifies advanced -// options for vSphere HA. +// Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaAdvancedOptions() pulumi.StringMapOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringMapOutput { return v.HaAdvancedOptions }).(pulumi.StringMapOutput) } -// Controls the action to take -// on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the -// middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. -// \* +// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an +// affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Controls the action to take on -// virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a -// relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, -// `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. -// \* +// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has +// detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or +// restartAggressive. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaDatastoreApdResponse() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaDatastoreApdResponse }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The time, in seconds, -// to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in -// `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Default: `180` -// seconds (3 minutes). \* +// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute +// the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Controls the action to take on -// virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a -// relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or -// `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. -// \* +// When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has +// detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaDatastorePdlResponse() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaDatastorePdlResponse }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: -// `false`. +// Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.HaEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The list of managed object IDs for -// preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful -// when `haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy` is set -// to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. +// The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when +// ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.HaHeartbeatDatastoreIds }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// The selection policy for HA -// heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or -// `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: -// `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. +// The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or +// allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaHeartbeatDatastorePolicy() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaHeartbeatDatastorePolicy }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The action to take on virtual -// machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of -// the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: -// `none`. +// The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. +// Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaHostIsolationResponse() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaHostIsolationResponse }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Global setting that controls whether -// vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` -// or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. +// Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaHostMonitoring() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaHostMonitoring }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Controls vSphere VM component -// protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or -// `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. -// \* +// Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to +// failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaVmComponentProtection() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaVmComponentProtection }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The condition used to -// determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class -// are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next -// priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or -// `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine -// is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. -// \* +// The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move +// on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaVmDependencyRestartCondition() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaVmDependencyRestartCondition }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat -// from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, -// the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. +// If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as +// failed. The value is in seconds. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaVmFailureInterval() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaVmFailureInterval }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The time, in seconds, for the reset window in -// which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this -// window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting -// configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an -// unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). +// The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are +// attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset +// time is allotted. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaVmMaximumFailureWindow() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaVmMaximumFailureWindow }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The maximum number of resets that HA will -// perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` +// The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaVmMaximumResets() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaVmMaximumResets }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after -// powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: -// `120` seconds (2 minutes). +// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaVmMinimumUptime() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaVmMinimumUptime }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use -// when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, -// `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. +// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, +// vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaVmMonitoring() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaVmMonitoring }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Additional delay, in seconds, -// after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. -// Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \* +// Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaVmRestartAdditionalDelay() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaVmRestartAdditionalDelay }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The default restart priority -// for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one -// of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. +// The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, +// high, or highest. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaVmRestartPriority() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaVmRestartPriority }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The maximum time, in seconds, -// that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready -// before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). -// \* +// The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before +// proceeding with the next priority. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HaVmRestartTimeout() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaVmRestartTimeout }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance -// mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). +// The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HostClusterExitTimeout() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HostClusterExitTimeout }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Can be set to `true` if compute cluster -// membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the -// `computeCluster` resource. Conflicts with: `hostSystemIds`. +// Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HostManaged() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.HostManaged }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The managed object IDs of -// the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `hostManaged`. +// The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) HostSystemIds() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.HostSystemIds }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -2007,43 +1371,29 @@ func (o ComputeClusterOutput) Name() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.Name }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Determines how the host -// quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations -// made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or -// `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \* +// The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) ProactiveHaAutomationLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.ProactiveHaAutomationLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. -// \* +// Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) ProactiveHaEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.ProactiveHaEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The configured remediation -// for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or -// `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when -// `proactiveHaSevereRemediation` is set -// to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. -// \* +// The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that +// this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) ProactiveHaModerateRemediation() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.ProactiveHaModerateRemediation }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The list of IDs for health update -// providers configured for this cluster. -// \* +// The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) ProactiveHaProviderIds() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.ProactiveHaProviderIds }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// The configured remediation for -// severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. -// Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when -// `proactiveHaModerateRemediation` is -// set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. -// \* +// The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this +// cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) ProactiveHaSevereRemediation() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.ProactiveHaSevereRemediation }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -2062,88 +1412,72 @@ func (o ComputeClusterOutput) Tags() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.Tags }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// Enables vSAN compression on the -// cluster. +// Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanCompressionEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VsanCompressionEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. -// Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN -// compression must also be enabled. +// Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanDedupEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VsanDedupEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Represents the configuration of a host disk -// group in the cluster. +// A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanDiskGroups() ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArrayOutput { return v.VsanDiskGroups }).(ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArrayOutput) } -// Enables vSAN data-in-transit -// encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`, i.e., -// vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature -// at the same time. +// Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanDitEncryptionEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VsanDitEncryptionEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Indicates the rekey interval in -// minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to -// 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`. +// When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanDitRekeyInterval() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.VsanDitRekeyInterval }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// Enables vSAN on the cluster. +// Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VsanEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. +// Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanEsaEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VsanEsaEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Configurations of vSAN fault domains. +// The configuration for vSAN fault domains. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanFaultDomains() ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArrayOutput { return v.VsanFaultDomains }).(ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArrayOutput) } -// Enables network -// diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. +// Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enables vSAN performance service on -// the cluster. Default: `true`. +// Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanPerformanceEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VsanPerformanceEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be -// mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsanDitEncryptionEnabled` and -// `vsanDitRekeyInterval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with -// data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. +// The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanRemoteDatastoreIds() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.VsanRemoteDatastoreIds }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. +// The configuration for stretched cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanStretchedCluster() ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterPtrOutput { return v.VsanStretchedCluster }).(ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterPtrOutput) } -// Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. -// You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. +// Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanUnmapEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VsanUnmapEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enables verbose mode for vSAN -// performance service on the cluster. +// Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. func (o ComputeClusterOutput) VsanVerboseModeEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VsanVerboseModeEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/datacenter.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/datacenter.go index 78057a5d..d22f6ee2 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/datacenter.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/datacenter.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ( // // ### Create datacenter on the root folder // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -42,11 +41,9 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ### Create datacenter on a subfolder // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -71,7 +68,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ## Importing // diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/datastoreCluster.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/datastoreCluster.go index 49e0fbdf..9e220d68 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/datastoreCluster.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/datastoreCluster.go @@ -39,79 +39,51 @@ type DatastoreCluster struct { Folder pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"folder"` // The name of the datastore cluster. Name pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"name"` - // A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - // settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + // Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. SdrsAdvancedOptions pulumi.StringMapOutput `pulumi:"sdrsAdvancedOptions"` - // The global automation level for all - // virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + // The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. SdrsAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsAutomationLevel"` - // When `true`, all disks in a - // single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + // When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. SdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity"` // Enable Storage DRS for this datastore cluster. // Default: `false`. SdrsEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsEnabled"` - // The free space threshold to use. - // When set to `utilization`, `drsSpaceUtilizationThreshold` is used, and - // when set to `freeSpace`, `drsFreeSpaceThreshold` is used. Default: - // `utilization`. + // The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. SdrsFreeSpaceThreshold pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold"` // The free space threshold to use. When set to utilization, drs_space_utilization_threshold is used, and when set to // freeSpace, drs_free_space_threshold is used. SdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode"` - // The threshold, in - // percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - // DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + // The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + // balance the space. SdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. SdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel"` - // The I/O latency threshold, in - // milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - // from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + // The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + // datastore. SdrsIoLatencyThreshold pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsIoLatencyThreshold"` - // Enable I/O load balancing for - // this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + // Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. SdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled"` - // The difference between load - // in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - // balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + // The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. SdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold"` - // The threshold of reservable - // IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - // recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - // only be set if `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` cannot make an accurate - // estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - // to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + // The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + // move VMs off of a datastore. SdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold"` - // The threshold, in - // percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - // storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - // the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + // The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + // recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. SdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold"` - // The reservable IOPS - // threshold setting to use, `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` in the event - // of `automatic`, or `sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold` in the event of - // `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + // The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. SdrsIoReservableThresholdMode pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode"` - // The storage DRS poll interval, in - // minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + // The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. SdrsLoadBalanceInterval pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsLoadBalanceInterval"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. SdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. SdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. SdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel"` - // Runtime thresholds govern - // when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - // (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + // The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. SdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + // Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. SdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel"` // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. // @@ -176,79 +148,51 @@ type datastoreClusterState struct { Folder *string `pulumi:"folder"` // The name of the datastore cluster. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` - // A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - // settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + // Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. SdrsAdvancedOptions map[string]string `pulumi:"sdrsAdvancedOptions"` - // The global automation level for all - // virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + // The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. SdrsAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsAutomationLevel"` - // When `true`, all disks in a - // single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + // When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. SdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity *bool `pulumi:"sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity"` // Enable Storage DRS for this datastore cluster. // Default: `false`. SdrsEnabled *bool `pulumi:"sdrsEnabled"` - // The free space threshold to use. - // When set to `utilization`, `drsSpaceUtilizationThreshold` is used, and - // when set to `freeSpace`, `drsFreeSpaceThreshold` is used. Default: - // `utilization`. + // The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. SdrsFreeSpaceThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold"` // The free space threshold to use. When set to utilization, drs_space_utilization_threshold is used, and when set to // freeSpace, drs_free_space_threshold is used. SdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode *string `pulumi:"sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode"` - // The threshold, in - // percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - // DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + // The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + // balance the space. SdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference *int `pulumi:"sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. SdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel"` - // The I/O latency threshold, in - // milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - // from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + // The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + // datastore. SdrsIoLatencyThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsIoLatencyThreshold"` - // Enable I/O load balancing for - // this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + // Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. SdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled *bool `pulumi:"sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled"` - // The difference between load - // in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - // balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + // The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. SdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold"` - // The threshold of reservable - // IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - // recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - // only be set if `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` cannot make an accurate - // estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - // to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + // The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + // move VMs off of a datastore. SdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold"` - // The threshold, in - // percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - // storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - // the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + // The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + // recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. SdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold"` - // The reservable IOPS - // threshold setting to use, `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` in the event - // of `automatic`, or `sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold` in the event of - // `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + // The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. SdrsIoReservableThresholdMode *string `pulumi:"sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode"` - // The storage DRS poll interval, in - // minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + // The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. SdrsLoadBalanceInterval *int `pulumi:"sdrsLoadBalanceInterval"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. SdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. SdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. SdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel"` - // Runtime thresholds govern - // when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - // (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + // The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. SdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + // Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. SdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel"` // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. // @@ -281,79 +225,51 @@ type DatastoreClusterState struct { Folder pulumi.StringPtrInput // The name of the datastore cluster. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput - // A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - // settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + // Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. SdrsAdvancedOptions pulumi.StringMapInput - // The global automation level for all - // virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + // The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. SdrsAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // When `true`, all disks in a - // single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + // When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. SdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity pulumi.BoolPtrInput // Enable Storage DRS for this datastore cluster. // Default: `false`. SdrsEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The free space threshold to use. - // When set to `utilization`, `drsSpaceUtilizationThreshold` is used, and - // when set to `freeSpace`, `drsFreeSpaceThreshold` is used. Default: - // `utilization`. + // The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. SdrsFreeSpaceThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput // The free space threshold to use. When set to utilization, drs_space_utilization_threshold is used, and when set to // freeSpace, drs_free_space_threshold is used. SdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The threshold, in - // percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - // DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + // The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + // balance the space. SdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. SdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The I/O latency threshold, in - // milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - // from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + // The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + // datastore. SdrsIoLatencyThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enable I/O load balancing for - // this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + // Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. SdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The difference between load - // in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - // balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + // The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. SdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The threshold of reservable - // IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - // recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - // only be set if `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` cannot make an accurate - // estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - // to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + // The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + // move VMs off of a datastore. SdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The threshold, in - // percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - // storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - // the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + // The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + // recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. SdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The reservable IOPS - // threshold setting to use, `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` in the event - // of `automatic`, or `sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold` in the event of - // `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + // The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. SdrsIoReservableThresholdMode pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The storage DRS poll interval, in - // minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + // The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. SdrsLoadBalanceInterval pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. SdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. SdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. SdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Runtime thresholds govern - // when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - // (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + // The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. SdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + // Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. SdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. // @@ -390,79 +306,51 @@ type datastoreClusterArgs struct { Folder *string `pulumi:"folder"` // The name of the datastore cluster. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` - // A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - // settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + // Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. SdrsAdvancedOptions map[string]string `pulumi:"sdrsAdvancedOptions"` - // The global automation level for all - // virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + // The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. SdrsAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsAutomationLevel"` - // When `true`, all disks in a - // single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + // When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. SdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity *bool `pulumi:"sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity"` // Enable Storage DRS for this datastore cluster. // Default: `false`. SdrsEnabled *bool `pulumi:"sdrsEnabled"` - // The free space threshold to use. - // When set to `utilization`, `drsSpaceUtilizationThreshold` is used, and - // when set to `freeSpace`, `drsFreeSpaceThreshold` is used. Default: - // `utilization`. + // The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. SdrsFreeSpaceThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold"` // The free space threshold to use. When set to utilization, drs_space_utilization_threshold is used, and when set to // freeSpace, drs_free_space_threshold is used. SdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode *string `pulumi:"sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode"` - // The threshold, in - // percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - // DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + // The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + // balance the space. SdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference *int `pulumi:"sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. SdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel"` - // The I/O latency threshold, in - // milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - // from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + // The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + // datastore. SdrsIoLatencyThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsIoLatencyThreshold"` - // Enable I/O load balancing for - // this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + // Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. SdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled *bool `pulumi:"sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled"` - // The difference between load - // in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - // balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + // The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. SdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold"` - // The threshold of reservable - // IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - // recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - // only be set if `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` cannot make an accurate - // estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - // to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + // The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + // move VMs off of a datastore. SdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold"` - // The threshold, in - // percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - // storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - // the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + // The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + // recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. SdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold"` - // The reservable IOPS - // threshold setting to use, `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` in the event - // of `automatic`, or `sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold` in the event of - // `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + // The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. SdrsIoReservableThresholdMode *string `pulumi:"sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode"` - // The storage DRS poll interval, in - // minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + // The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. SdrsLoadBalanceInterval *int `pulumi:"sdrsLoadBalanceInterval"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. SdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. SdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. SdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel"` - // Runtime thresholds govern - // when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - // (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + // The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. SdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold *int `pulumi:"sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold"` - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + // Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. SdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel *string `pulumi:"sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel"` // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. // @@ -496,79 +384,51 @@ type DatastoreClusterArgs struct { Folder pulumi.StringPtrInput // The name of the datastore cluster. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput - // A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - // settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + // Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. SdrsAdvancedOptions pulumi.StringMapInput - // The global automation level for all - // virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + // The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. SdrsAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // When `true`, all disks in a - // single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + // When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. SdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity pulumi.BoolPtrInput // Enable Storage DRS for this datastore cluster. // Default: `false`. SdrsEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The free space threshold to use. - // When set to `utilization`, `drsSpaceUtilizationThreshold` is used, and - // when set to `freeSpace`, `drsFreeSpaceThreshold` is used. Default: - // `utilization`. + // The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. SdrsFreeSpaceThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput // The free space threshold to use. When set to utilization, drs_space_utilization_threshold is used, and when set to // freeSpace, drs_free_space_threshold is used. SdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The threshold, in - // percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - // DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + // The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + // balance the space. SdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. SdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The I/O latency threshold, in - // milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - // from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + // The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + // datastore. SdrsIoLatencyThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enable I/O load balancing for - // this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + // Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. SdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The difference between load - // in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - // balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + // The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. SdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The threshold of reservable - // IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - // recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - // only be set if `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` cannot make an accurate - // estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - // to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + // The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + // move VMs off of a datastore. SdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The threshold, in - // percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - // storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - // the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + // The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + // recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. SdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The reservable IOPS - // threshold setting to use, `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` in the event - // of `automatic`, or `sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold` in the event of - // `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + // The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. SdrsIoReservableThresholdMode pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The storage DRS poll interval, in - // minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + // The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. SdrsLoadBalanceInterval pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. SdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. SdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + // Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. SdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Runtime thresholds govern - // when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - // (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + // The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. SdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Overrides the default - // automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + // Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. SdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. // @@ -699,20 +559,17 @@ func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) Name() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.Name }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS -// settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. +// Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsAdvancedOptions() pulumi.StringMapOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.StringMapOutput { return v.SdrsAdvancedOptions }).(pulumi.StringMapOutput) } -// The global automation level for all -// virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. +// The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsAutomationLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.SdrsAutomationLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// When `true`, all disks in a -// single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. +// When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.SdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -723,10 +580,7 @@ func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.SdrsEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The free space threshold to use. -// When set to `utilization`, `drsSpaceUtilizationThreshold` is used, and -// when set to `freeSpace`, `drsFreeSpaceThreshold` is used. Default: -// `utilization`. +// The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsFreeSpaceThreshold() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.SdrsFreeSpaceThreshold }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } @@ -737,98 +591,76 @@ func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode() pulumi.StringPtrOut return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.SdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The threshold, in -// percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage -// DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. +// The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to +// balance the space. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.SdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Overrides the default -// automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. +// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.SdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The I/O latency threshold, in -// milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks -// from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. +// The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this +// datastore. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsIoLatencyThreshold() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.SdrsIoLatencyThreshold }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Enable I/O load balancing for -// this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. +// Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.SdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The difference between load -// in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to -// balance the load. Default: `5` percent. +// The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.SdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The threshold of reservable -// IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes -// recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should -// only be set if `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` cannot make an accurate -// estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set -// to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. +// The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to +// move VMs off of a datastore. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.SdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The threshold, in -// percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that -// storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when -// the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. +// The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make +// recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.SdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The reservable IOPS -// threshold setting to use, `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` in the event -// of `automatic`, or `sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold` in the event of -// `manual`. Default: `automatic`. +// The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsIoReservableThresholdMode() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.SdrsIoReservableThresholdMode }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The storage DRS poll interval, in -// minutes. Default: `480` minutes. +// The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsLoadBalanceInterval() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.SdrsLoadBalanceInterval }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Overrides the default -// automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. +// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.SdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Overrides the default -// automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. +// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.SdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Overrides the default -// automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. +// Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.SdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Runtime thresholds govern -// when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations -// (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. +// The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.SdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Overrides the default -// automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. +// Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. func (o DatastoreClusterOutput) SdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DatastoreCluster) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.SdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/distributedPortGroup.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/distributedPortGroup.go index 9b821141..f1bade7c 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/distributedPortGroup.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/distributedPortGroup.go @@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ type DistributedPortGroup struct { AutoExpand pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"autoExpand"` // Indicates whether to block all ports by default. BlockAllPorts pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"blockAllPorts"` - // Allow the port shutdown - // policy to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. BlockOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"blockOverrideAllowed"` // Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. CheckBeacon pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"checkBeacon"` @@ -78,31 +77,26 @@ type DistributedPortGroup struct { LacpEnabled pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"lacpEnabled"` // The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. LacpMode pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"lacpMode"` - // Allow a port in this port group to be - // moved to another port group while it is connected. + // Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. LivePortMovingAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"livePortMovingAllowed"` // The name of the port group. Name pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"name"` // Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. NetflowEnabled pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"netflowEnabled"` - // Allow the - // [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - // individual port. + // Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. NetflowOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"netflowOverrideAllowed"` // The key of a network resource pool // to associate with this port group. The default is `-1`, which implies no // association. NetworkResourcePoolKey pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"networkResourcePoolKey"` - // Allow the network - // resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. NetworkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed"` // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"notifySwitches"` // The number of ports available on this port // group. Cannot be decreased below the amount of used ports on the port group. NumberOfPorts pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"numberOfPorts"` - // Reset a port's settings to the - // settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + // Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. PortConfigResetAtDisconnect pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"portConfigResetAtDisconnect"` // An optional formatting policy for naming of // the ports in this port group. See the `portNameFormat` attribute listed @@ -112,13 +106,9 @@ type DistributedPortGroup struct { PortNameFormat pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"portNameFormat"` // The secondary VLAN ID for this port. PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"portPrivateSecondaryVlanId"` - // Allow the - // [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - // policy to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. SecurityPolicyOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"securityPolicyOverrideAllowed"` - // Allow the - // [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - // to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. ShapingOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"shapingOverrideAllowed"` // List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. StandbyUplinks pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"standbyUplinks"` @@ -127,8 +117,7 @@ type DistributedPortGroup struct { // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, // failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. TeamingPolicy pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"teamingPolicy"` - // Allow any traffic filters on - // this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. TrafficFilterOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"trafficFilterOverrideAllowed"` // If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet // forwarded done by the switch. @@ -136,15 +125,11 @@ type DistributedPortGroup struct { // The port group type. Can be one of `earlyBinding` (static // binding) or `ephemeral`. Default: `earlyBinding`. Type pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"type"` - // Allow the - // [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - // overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed"` // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanId pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"vlanId"` - // Allow the - // [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - // individual port. + // Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. VlanOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vlanOverrideAllowed"` // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanRanges DistributedPortGroupVlanRangeArrayOutput `pulumi:"vlanRanges"` @@ -201,8 +186,7 @@ type distributedPortGroupState struct { AutoExpand *bool `pulumi:"autoExpand"` // Indicates whether to block all ports by default. BlockAllPorts *bool `pulumi:"blockAllPorts"` - // Allow the port shutdown - // policy to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. BlockOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"blockOverrideAllowed"` // Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. CheckBeacon *bool `pulumi:"checkBeacon"` @@ -246,31 +230,26 @@ type distributedPortGroupState struct { LacpEnabled *bool `pulumi:"lacpEnabled"` // The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. LacpMode *string `pulumi:"lacpMode"` - // Allow a port in this port group to be - // moved to another port group while it is connected. + // Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. LivePortMovingAllowed *bool `pulumi:"livePortMovingAllowed"` // The name of the port group. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` // Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. NetflowEnabled *bool `pulumi:"netflowEnabled"` - // Allow the - // [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - // individual port. + // Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. NetflowOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"netflowOverrideAllowed"` // The key of a network resource pool // to associate with this port group. The default is `-1`, which implies no // association. NetworkResourcePoolKey *string `pulumi:"networkResourcePoolKey"` - // Allow the network - // resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. NetworkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed"` // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches *bool `pulumi:"notifySwitches"` // The number of ports available on this port // group. Cannot be decreased below the amount of used ports on the port group. NumberOfPorts *int `pulumi:"numberOfPorts"` - // Reset a port's settings to the - // settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + // Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. PortConfigResetAtDisconnect *bool `pulumi:"portConfigResetAtDisconnect"` // An optional formatting policy for naming of // the ports in this port group. See the `portNameFormat` attribute listed @@ -280,13 +259,9 @@ type distributedPortGroupState struct { PortNameFormat *string `pulumi:"portNameFormat"` // The secondary VLAN ID for this port. PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId *int `pulumi:"portPrivateSecondaryVlanId"` - // Allow the - // [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - // policy to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. SecurityPolicyOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"securityPolicyOverrideAllowed"` - // Allow the - // [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - // to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. ShapingOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"shapingOverrideAllowed"` // List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. StandbyUplinks []string `pulumi:"standbyUplinks"` @@ -295,8 +270,7 @@ type distributedPortGroupState struct { // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, // failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. TeamingPolicy *string `pulumi:"teamingPolicy"` - // Allow any traffic filters on - // this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. TrafficFilterOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"trafficFilterOverrideAllowed"` // If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet // forwarded done by the switch. @@ -304,15 +278,11 @@ type distributedPortGroupState struct { // The port group type. Can be one of `earlyBinding` (static // binding) or `ephemeral`. Default: `earlyBinding`. Type *string `pulumi:"type"` - // Allow the - // [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - // overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed"` // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanId *int `pulumi:"vlanId"` - // Allow the - // [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - // individual port. + // Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. VlanOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"vlanOverrideAllowed"` // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanRanges []DistributedPortGroupVlanRange `pulumi:"vlanRanges"` @@ -337,8 +307,7 @@ type DistributedPortGroupState struct { AutoExpand pulumi.BoolPtrInput // Indicates whether to block all ports by default. BlockAllPorts pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Allow the port shutdown - // policy to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. BlockOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. CheckBeacon pulumi.BoolPtrInput @@ -382,31 +351,26 @@ type DistributedPortGroupState struct { LacpEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. LacpMode pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Allow a port in this port group to be - // moved to another port group while it is connected. + // Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. LivePortMovingAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The name of the port group. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput // Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. NetflowEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Allow the - // [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - // individual port. + // Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. NetflowOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The key of a network resource pool // to associate with this port group. The default is `-1`, which implies no // association. NetworkResourcePoolKey pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Allow the network - // resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. NetworkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The number of ports available on this port // group. Cannot be decreased below the amount of used ports on the port group. NumberOfPorts pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Reset a port's settings to the - // settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + // Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. PortConfigResetAtDisconnect pulumi.BoolPtrInput // An optional formatting policy for naming of // the ports in this port group. See the `portNameFormat` attribute listed @@ -416,13 +380,9 @@ type DistributedPortGroupState struct { PortNameFormat pulumi.StringPtrInput // The secondary VLAN ID for this port. PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Allow the - // [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - // policy to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. SecurityPolicyOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Allow the - // [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - // to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. ShapingOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. StandbyUplinks pulumi.StringArrayInput @@ -431,8 +391,7 @@ type DistributedPortGroupState struct { // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, // failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. TeamingPolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Allow any traffic filters on - // this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. TrafficFilterOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet // forwarded done by the switch. @@ -440,15 +399,11 @@ type DistributedPortGroupState struct { // The port group type. Can be one of `earlyBinding` (static // binding) or `ephemeral`. Default: `earlyBinding`. Type pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Allow the - // [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - // overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanId pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Allow the - // [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - // individual port. + // Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. VlanOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanRanges DistributedPortGroupVlanRangeArrayInput @@ -477,8 +432,7 @@ type distributedPortGroupArgs struct { AutoExpand *bool `pulumi:"autoExpand"` // Indicates whether to block all ports by default. BlockAllPorts *bool `pulumi:"blockAllPorts"` - // Allow the port shutdown - // policy to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. BlockOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"blockOverrideAllowed"` // Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. CheckBeacon *bool `pulumi:"checkBeacon"` @@ -517,31 +471,26 @@ type distributedPortGroupArgs struct { LacpEnabled *bool `pulumi:"lacpEnabled"` // The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. LacpMode *string `pulumi:"lacpMode"` - // Allow a port in this port group to be - // moved to another port group while it is connected. + // Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. LivePortMovingAllowed *bool `pulumi:"livePortMovingAllowed"` // The name of the port group. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` // Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. NetflowEnabled *bool `pulumi:"netflowEnabled"` - // Allow the - // [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - // individual port. + // Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. NetflowOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"netflowOverrideAllowed"` // The key of a network resource pool // to associate with this port group. The default is `-1`, which implies no // association. NetworkResourcePoolKey *string `pulumi:"networkResourcePoolKey"` - // Allow the network - // resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. NetworkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed"` // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches *bool `pulumi:"notifySwitches"` // The number of ports available on this port // group. Cannot be decreased below the amount of used ports on the port group. NumberOfPorts *int `pulumi:"numberOfPorts"` - // Reset a port's settings to the - // settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + // Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. PortConfigResetAtDisconnect *bool `pulumi:"portConfigResetAtDisconnect"` // An optional formatting policy for naming of // the ports in this port group. See the `portNameFormat` attribute listed @@ -551,13 +500,9 @@ type distributedPortGroupArgs struct { PortNameFormat *string `pulumi:"portNameFormat"` // The secondary VLAN ID for this port. PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId *int `pulumi:"portPrivateSecondaryVlanId"` - // Allow the - // [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - // policy to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. SecurityPolicyOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"securityPolicyOverrideAllowed"` - // Allow the - // [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - // to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. ShapingOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"shapingOverrideAllowed"` // List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. StandbyUplinks []string `pulumi:"standbyUplinks"` @@ -566,8 +511,7 @@ type distributedPortGroupArgs struct { // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, // failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. TeamingPolicy *string `pulumi:"teamingPolicy"` - // Allow any traffic filters on - // this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. TrafficFilterOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"trafficFilterOverrideAllowed"` // If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet // forwarded done by the switch. @@ -575,15 +519,11 @@ type distributedPortGroupArgs struct { // The port group type. Can be one of `earlyBinding` (static // binding) or `ephemeral`. Default: `earlyBinding`. Type *string `pulumi:"type"` - // Allow the - // [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - // overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed"` // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanId *int `pulumi:"vlanId"` - // Allow the - // [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - // individual port. + // Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. VlanOverrideAllowed *bool `pulumi:"vlanOverrideAllowed"` // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanRanges []DistributedPortGroupVlanRange `pulumi:"vlanRanges"` @@ -609,8 +549,7 @@ type DistributedPortGroupArgs struct { AutoExpand pulumi.BoolPtrInput // Indicates whether to block all ports by default. BlockAllPorts pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Allow the port shutdown - // policy to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. BlockOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. CheckBeacon pulumi.BoolPtrInput @@ -649,31 +588,26 @@ type DistributedPortGroupArgs struct { LacpEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. LacpMode pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Allow a port in this port group to be - // moved to another port group while it is connected. + // Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. LivePortMovingAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The name of the port group. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput // Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. NetflowEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Allow the - // [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - // individual port. + // Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. NetflowOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The key of a network resource pool // to associate with this port group. The default is `-1`, which implies no // association. NetworkResourcePoolKey pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Allow the network - // resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. NetworkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The number of ports available on this port // group. Cannot be decreased below the amount of used ports on the port group. NumberOfPorts pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Reset a port's settings to the - // settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + // Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. PortConfigResetAtDisconnect pulumi.BoolPtrInput // An optional formatting policy for naming of // the ports in this port group. See the `portNameFormat` attribute listed @@ -683,13 +617,9 @@ type DistributedPortGroupArgs struct { PortNameFormat pulumi.StringPtrInput // The secondary VLAN ID for this port. PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Allow the - // [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - // policy to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. SecurityPolicyOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Allow the - // [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - // to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. ShapingOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. StandbyUplinks pulumi.StringArrayInput @@ -698,8 +628,7 @@ type DistributedPortGroupArgs struct { // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, // failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. TeamingPolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Allow any traffic filters on - // this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + // Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. TrafficFilterOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet // forwarded done by the switch. @@ -707,15 +636,11 @@ type DistributedPortGroupArgs struct { // The port group type. Can be one of `earlyBinding` (static // binding) or `ephemeral`. Default: `earlyBinding`. Type pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Allow the - // [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - // overridden on an individual port. + // Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanId pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Allow the - // [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - // individual port. + // Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. VlanOverrideAllowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanRanges DistributedPortGroupVlanRangeArrayInput @@ -844,8 +769,7 @@ func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) BlockAllPorts() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.BlockAllPorts }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// Allow the port shutdown -// policy to be overridden on an individual port. +// Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) BlockOverrideAllowed() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.BlockOverrideAllowed }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -946,8 +870,7 @@ func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) LacpMode() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.LacpMode }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Allow a port in this port group to be -// moved to another port group while it is connected. +// Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) LivePortMovingAllowed() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.LivePortMovingAllowed }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -962,9 +885,7 @@ func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) NetflowEnabled() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.NetflowEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// Allow the -// [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an -// individual port. +// Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) NetflowOverrideAllowed() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.NetflowOverrideAllowed }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -976,8 +897,7 @@ func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) NetworkResourcePoolKey() pulumi.StringPtrOut return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.NetworkResourcePoolKey }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Allow the network -// resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. +// Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) NetworkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.NetworkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -993,8 +913,7 @@ func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) NumberOfPorts() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.NumberOfPorts }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// Reset a port's settings to the -// settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. +// Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) PortConfigResetAtDisconnect() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.PortConfigResetAtDisconnect }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -1013,16 +932,12 @@ func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId() pulumi.IntOutpu return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// Allow the -// [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group -// policy to be overridden on an individual port. +// Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) SecurityPolicyOverrideAllowed() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.SecurityPolicyOverrideAllowed }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Allow the -// [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy -// to be overridden on an individual port. +// Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) ShapingOverrideAllowed() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.ShapingOverrideAllowed }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -1043,8 +958,7 @@ func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) TeamingPolicy() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.TeamingPolicy }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Allow any traffic filters on -// this port group to be overridden on an individual port. +// Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) TrafficFilterOverrideAllowed() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.TrafficFilterOverrideAllowed }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -1061,9 +975,7 @@ func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) Type() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.Type }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Allow the -// [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be -// overridden on an individual port. +// Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -1073,9 +985,7 @@ func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) VlanId() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.VlanId }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// Allow the -// [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an -// individual port. +// Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. func (o DistributedPortGroupOutput) VlanOverrideAllowed() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedPortGroup) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VlanOverrideAllowed }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/distributedVirtualSwitch.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/distributedVirtualSwitch.go index 6b5afb26..374a2245 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/distributedVirtualSwitch.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/distributedVirtualSwitch.go @@ -15,20 +15,14 @@ import ( type DistributedVirtualSwitch struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState - // A list of active uplinks to be used in load - // balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - // `uplinks` VDS argument. See - // here for more details. + // List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. ActiveUplinks pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"activeUplinks"` - // Controls whether or not a virtual - // network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - // address than that of its own. + // Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + // that of its own. AllowForgedTransmits pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"allowForgedTransmits"` - // Controls whether or not the Media Access - // Control (MAC) address can be changed. + // Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. AllowMacChanges pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"allowMacChanges"` - // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - // flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. AllowPromiscuous pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"allowPromiscuous"` // The maximum allowed usage for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. BackupnfcMaximumMbit pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"backupnfcMaximumMbit"` @@ -38,15 +32,9 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitch struct { BackupnfcShareCount pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"backupnfcShareCount"` // The allocation level for the backupNfc traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. BackupnfcShareLevel pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"backupnfcShareLevel"` - // Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - // this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - // virtual devices. + // Indicates whether to block all ports by default. BlockAllPorts pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"blockAllPorts"` - // Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - // to detect NIC failure. - // - // > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - // probing. + // Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. CheckBeacon pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"checkBeacon"` // The current version of the VDS configuration, incremented // by subsequent updates to the VDS. @@ -68,23 +56,17 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitch struct { DatacenterId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"datacenterId"` // A detailed description for the VDS. Description pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"description"` - // Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - // for which this policy applies to. + // Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. DirectpathGen2Allowed pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"directpathGen2Allowed"` - // The average bandwidth in bits - // per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingAverageBandwidth pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"egressShapingAverageBandwidth"` - // The maximum burst size allowed in - // bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingBurstSize pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"egressShapingBurstSize"` - // `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - // on the port for egress traffic. + // True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. EgressShapingEnabled pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"egressShapingEnabled"` - // The peak bandwidth during bursts - // in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingPeakBandwidth pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"egressShapingPeakBandwidth"` - // If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - // uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + // If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Failback pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"failback"` // The maximum allowed usage for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. FaulttoleranceMaximumMbit pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"faulttoleranceMaximumMbit"` @@ -105,23 +87,17 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitch struct { HbrShareCount pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"hbrShareCount"` // The allocation level for the hbr traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. HbrShareLevel pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"hbrShareLevel"` - // Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - // options are: + // A host member specification. Hosts DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArrayOutput `pulumi:"hosts"` - // Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - // mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + // Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. IgnoreOtherPvlanMappings pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"ignoreOtherPvlanMappings"` - // The average bandwidth in - // bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingAverageBandwidth pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"ingressShapingAverageBandwidth"` - // The maximum burst size allowed in - // bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingBurstSize pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"ingressShapingBurstSize"` - // `true` if the traffic shaper is - // enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + // True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. IngressShapingEnabled pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"ingressShapingEnabled"` - // The peak bandwidth during - // bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingPeakBandwidth pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"ingressShapingPeakBandwidth"` // An IPv4 address to identify the switch. This is // mostly useful when used with the Netflow arguments. @@ -138,10 +114,9 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitch struct { // version to use with the VDS. Possible values are `singleLag` and // `multipleLag`. LacpApiVersion pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"lacpApiVersion"` - // Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - // applies to. + // Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. LacpEnabled pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"lacpEnabled"` - // The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + // The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. LacpMode pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"lacpMode"` // Whether to `advertise` or `listen` // for link discovery traffic. @@ -164,41 +139,27 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitch struct { MulticastFilteringMode pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"multicastFilteringMode"` // The name of the VDS. Name pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"name"` - // The number of seconds after which - // active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - // `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + // The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. NetflowActiveFlowTimeout pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"netflowActiveFlowTimeout"` - // IP address for the Netflow - // collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - // Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + // IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + // later. NetflowCollectorIpAddress pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"netflowCollectorIpAddress"` - // Port for the Netflow collector. This - // must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + // The port for the netflow collector. NetflowCollectorPort pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"netflowCollectorPort"` - // Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - // applies to. + // Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. NetflowEnabled pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"netflowEnabled"` - // The number of seconds after which - // idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - // to `600`. Default: `15`. + // The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. NetflowIdleFlowTimeout pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"netflowIdleFlowTimeout"` - // Whether to limit analysis to - // traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - // Default: `false`. + // Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. NetflowInternalFlowsOnly pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"netflowInternalFlowsOnly"` - // The observation domain ID for - // the Netflow collector. + // The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. NetflowObservationDomainId pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"netflowObservationDomainId"` - // The ratio of total number of packets to - // the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - // VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - // indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + // The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + // packets are analyzed. NetflowSamplingRate pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"netflowSamplingRate"` - // Set to `true` to enable - // network I/O control. Default: `false`. + // Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. NetworkResourceControlEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"networkResourceControlEnabled"` - // The version of network I/O - // control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + // The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. NetworkResourceControlVersion pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"networkResourceControlVersion"` // The maximum allowed usage for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. NfsMaximumMbit pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"nfsMaximumMbit"` @@ -208,36 +169,26 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitch struct { NfsShareCount pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"nfsShareCount"` // The allocation level for the nfs traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. NfsShareLevel pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"nfsShareLevel"` - // If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - // broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"notifySwitches"` - // Used to define a secondary VLAN - // ID when using private VLANs. + // The secondary VLAN ID for this port. PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"portPrivateSecondaryVlanId"` - // Use the `pvlanMapping` block to declare a - // private VLAN mapping. The options are: + // A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. PvlanMappings DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArrayOutput `pulumi:"pvlanMappings"` - // A list of standby uplinks to be used in - // failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - // `uplinks` VDS argument. See - // here for more details. + // List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. StandbyUplinks pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"standbyUplinks"` // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. // // > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter Server 6.0 or higher. Tags pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"tags"` - // The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - // `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, - // `failoverExplicit`, or `loadbalanceLoadbased`. + // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + // failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. TeamingPolicy pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"teamingPolicy"` - // Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - // this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + // If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + // forwarded done by the switch. TxUplink pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"txUplink"` - // A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - // of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - // controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - // names. See here for an example on how to - // use this option. + // A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + // across hosts. Uplinks pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"uplinks"` // The maximum allowed usage for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. VdpMaximumMbit pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"vdpMaximumMbit"` @@ -261,42 +212,7 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitch struct { VirtualmachineShareLevel pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"virtualmachineShareLevel"` // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanId pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"vlanId"` - // Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `minVlan` - // and `maxVlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - // `vlanRange` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - // below: - // - // - // ```go - // package main - // - // import ( - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere" - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" - // ) - // - // func main() { - // pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { - // _, err := vsphere.NewDistributedVirtualSwitch(ctx, "vds", &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs{ - // VlanRanges: vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArray{ - // &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ - // MinVlan: pulumi.Int(100), - // MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(199), - // }, - // &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ - // MinVlan: pulumi.Int(300), - // MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(399), - // }, - // }, - // }) - // if err != nil { - // return err - // } - // return nil - // }) - // } - // ``` - // + // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanRanges DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArrayOutput `pulumi:"vlanRanges"` // The maximum allowed usage for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. VmotionMaximumMbit pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"vmotionMaximumMbit"` @@ -349,20 +265,14 @@ func GetDistributedVirtualSwitch(ctx *pulumi.Context, // Input properties used for looking up and filtering DistributedVirtualSwitch resources. type distributedVirtualSwitchState struct { - // A list of active uplinks to be used in load - // balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - // `uplinks` VDS argument. See - // here for more details. + // List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. ActiveUplinks []string `pulumi:"activeUplinks"` - // Controls whether or not a virtual - // network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - // address than that of its own. + // Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + // that of its own. AllowForgedTransmits *bool `pulumi:"allowForgedTransmits"` - // Controls whether or not the Media Access - // Control (MAC) address can be changed. + // Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. AllowMacChanges *bool `pulumi:"allowMacChanges"` - // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - // flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. AllowPromiscuous *bool `pulumi:"allowPromiscuous"` // The maximum allowed usage for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. BackupnfcMaximumMbit *int `pulumi:"backupnfcMaximumMbit"` @@ -372,15 +282,9 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchState struct { BackupnfcShareCount *int `pulumi:"backupnfcShareCount"` // The allocation level for the backupNfc traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. BackupnfcShareLevel *string `pulumi:"backupnfcShareLevel"` - // Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - // this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - // virtual devices. + // Indicates whether to block all ports by default. BlockAllPorts *bool `pulumi:"blockAllPorts"` - // Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - // to detect NIC failure. - // - // > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - // probing. + // Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. CheckBeacon *bool `pulumi:"checkBeacon"` // The current version of the VDS configuration, incremented // by subsequent updates to the VDS. @@ -402,23 +306,17 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchState struct { DatacenterId *string `pulumi:"datacenterId"` // A detailed description for the VDS. Description *string `pulumi:"description"` - // Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - // for which this policy applies to. + // Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. DirectpathGen2Allowed *bool `pulumi:"directpathGen2Allowed"` - // The average bandwidth in bits - // per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingAverageBandwidth *int `pulumi:"egressShapingAverageBandwidth"` - // The maximum burst size allowed in - // bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingBurstSize *int `pulumi:"egressShapingBurstSize"` - // `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - // on the port for egress traffic. + // True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. EgressShapingEnabled *bool `pulumi:"egressShapingEnabled"` - // The peak bandwidth during bursts - // in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingPeakBandwidth *int `pulumi:"egressShapingPeakBandwidth"` - // If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - // uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + // If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Failback *bool `pulumi:"failback"` // The maximum allowed usage for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. FaulttoleranceMaximumMbit *int `pulumi:"faulttoleranceMaximumMbit"` @@ -439,23 +337,17 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchState struct { HbrShareCount *int `pulumi:"hbrShareCount"` // The allocation level for the hbr traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. HbrShareLevel *string `pulumi:"hbrShareLevel"` - // Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - // options are: + // A host member specification. Hosts []DistributedVirtualSwitchHost `pulumi:"hosts"` - // Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - // mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + // Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. IgnoreOtherPvlanMappings *bool `pulumi:"ignoreOtherPvlanMappings"` - // The average bandwidth in - // bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingAverageBandwidth *int `pulumi:"ingressShapingAverageBandwidth"` - // The maximum burst size allowed in - // bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingBurstSize *int `pulumi:"ingressShapingBurstSize"` - // `true` if the traffic shaper is - // enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + // True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. IngressShapingEnabled *bool `pulumi:"ingressShapingEnabled"` - // The peak bandwidth during - // bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingPeakBandwidth *int `pulumi:"ingressShapingPeakBandwidth"` // An IPv4 address to identify the switch. This is // mostly useful when used with the Netflow arguments. @@ -472,10 +364,9 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchState struct { // version to use with the VDS. Possible values are `singleLag` and // `multipleLag`. LacpApiVersion *string `pulumi:"lacpApiVersion"` - // Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - // applies to. + // Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. LacpEnabled *bool `pulumi:"lacpEnabled"` - // The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + // The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. LacpMode *string `pulumi:"lacpMode"` // Whether to `advertise` or `listen` // for link discovery traffic. @@ -498,41 +389,27 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchState struct { MulticastFilteringMode *string `pulumi:"multicastFilteringMode"` // The name of the VDS. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` - // The number of seconds after which - // active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - // `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + // The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. NetflowActiveFlowTimeout *int `pulumi:"netflowActiveFlowTimeout"` - // IP address for the Netflow - // collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - // Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + // IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + // later. NetflowCollectorIpAddress *string `pulumi:"netflowCollectorIpAddress"` - // Port for the Netflow collector. This - // must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + // The port for the netflow collector. NetflowCollectorPort *int `pulumi:"netflowCollectorPort"` - // Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - // applies to. + // Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. NetflowEnabled *bool `pulumi:"netflowEnabled"` - // The number of seconds after which - // idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - // to `600`. Default: `15`. + // The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. NetflowIdleFlowTimeout *int `pulumi:"netflowIdleFlowTimeout"` - // Whether to limit analysis to - // traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - // Default: `false`. + // Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. NetflowInternalFlowsOnly *bool `pulumi:"netflowInternalFlowsOnly"` - // The observation domain ID for - // the Netflow collector. + // The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. NetflowObservationDomainId *int `pulumi:"netflowObservationDomainId"` - // The ratio of total number of packets to - // the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - // VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - // indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + // The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + // packets are analyzed. NetflowSamplingRate *int `pulumi:"netflowSamplingRate"` - // Set to `true` to enable - // network I/O control. Default: `false`. + // Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. NetworkResourceControlEnabled *bool `pulumi:"networkResourceControlEnabled"` - // The version of network I/O - // control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + // The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. NetworkResourceControlVersion *string `pulumi:"networkResourceControlVersion"` // The maximum allowed usage for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. NfsMaximumMbit *int `pulumi:"nfsMaximumMbit"` @@ -542,36 +419,26 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchState struct { NfsShareCount *int `pulumi:"nfsShareCount"` // The allocation level for the nfs traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. NfsShareLevel *string `pulumi:"nfsShareLevel"` - // If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - // broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches *bool `pulumi:"notifySwitches"` - // Used to define a secondary VLAN - // ID when using private VLANs. + // The secondary VLAN ID for this port. PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId *int `pulumi:"portPrivateSecondaryVlanId"` - // Use the `pvlanMapping` block to declare a - // private VLAN mapping. The options are: + // A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. PvlanMappings []DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping `pulumi:"pvlanMappings"` - // A list of standby uplinks to be used in - // failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - // `uplinks` VDS argument. See - // here for more details. + // List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. StandbyUplinks []string `pulumi:"standbyUplinks"` // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. // // > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter Server 6.0 or higher. Tags []string `pulumi:"tags"` - // The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - // `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, - // `failoverExplicit`, or `loadbalanceLoadbased`. + // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + // failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. TeamingPolicy *string `pulumi:"teamingPolicy"` - // Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - // this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + // If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + // forwarded done by the switch. TxUplink *bool `pulumi:"txUplink"` - // A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - // of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - // controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - // names. See here for an example on how to - // use this option. + // A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + // across hosts. Uplinks []string `pulumi:"uplinks"` // The maximum allowed usage for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. VdpMaximumMbit *int `pulumi:"vdpMaximumMbit"` @@ -595,42 +462,7 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchState struct { VirtualmachineShareLevel *string `pulumi:"virtualmachineShareLevel"` // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanId *int `pulumi:"vlanId"` - // Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `minVlan` - // and `maxVlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - // `vlanRange` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - // below: - // - // - // ```go - // package main - // - // import ( - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere" - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" - // ) - // - // func main() { - // pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { - // _, err := vsphere.NewDistributedVirtualSwitch(ctx, "vds", &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs{ - // VlanRanges: vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArray{ - // &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ - // MinVlan: pulumi.Int(100), - // MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(199), - // }, - // &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ - // MinVlan: pulumi.Int(300), - // MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(399), - // }, - // }, - // }) - // if err != nil { - // return err - // } - // return nil - // }) - // } - // ``` - // + // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanRanges []DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRange `pulumi:"vlanRanges"` // The maximum allowed usage for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. VmotionMaximumMbit *int `pulumi:"vmotionMaximumMbit"` @@ -651,20 +483,14 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchState struct { } type DistributedVirtualSwitchState struct { - // A list of active uplinks to be used in load - // balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - // `uplinks` VDS argument. See - // here for more details. + // List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. ActiveUplinks pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Controls whether or not a virtual - // network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - // address than that of its own. + // Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + // that of its own. AllowForgedTransmits pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Controls whether or not the Media Access - // Control (MAC) address can be changed. + // Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. AllowMacChanges pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - // flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. AllowPromiscuous pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The maximum allowed usage for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. BackupnfcMaximumMbit pulumi.IntPtrInput @@ -674,15 +500,9 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchState struct { BackupnfcShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput // The allocation level for the backupNfc traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. BackupnfcShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - // this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - // virtual devices. + // Indicates whether to block all ports by default. BlockAllPorts pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - // to detect NIC failure. - // - // > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - // probing. + // Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. CheckBeacon pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The current version of the VDS configuration, incremented // by subsequent updates to the VDS. @@ -704,23 +524,17 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchState struct { DatacenterId pulumi.StringPtrInput // A detailed description for the VDS. Description pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - // for which this policy applies to. + // Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. DirectpathGen2Allowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The average bandwidth in bits - // per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingAverageBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The maximum burst size allowed in - // bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingBurstSize pulumi.IntPtrInput - // `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - // on the port for egress traffic. + // True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. EgressShapingEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The peak bandwidth during bursts - // in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingPeakBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput - // If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - // uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + // If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Failback pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The maximum allowed usage for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. FaulttoleranceMaximumMbit pulumi.IntPtrInput @@ -741,23 +555,17 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchState struct { HbrShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput // The allocation level for the hbr traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. HbrShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - // options are: + // A host member specification. Hosts DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArrayInput - // Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - // mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + // Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. IgnoreOtherPvlanMappings pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The average bandwidth in - // bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingAverageBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The maximum burst size allowed in - // bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingBurstSize pulumi.IntPtrInput - // `true` if the traffic shaper is - // enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + // True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. IngressShapingEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The peak bandwidth during - // bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingPeakBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput // An IPv4 address to identify the switch. This is // mostly useful when used with the Netflow arguments. @@ -774,10 +582,9 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchState struct { // version to use with the VDS. Possible values are `singleLag` and // `multipleLag`. LacpApiVersion pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - // applies to. + // Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. LacpEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + // The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. LacpMode pulumi.StringPtrInput // Whether to `advertise` or `listen` // for link discovery traffic. @@ -800,41 +607,27 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchState struct { MulticastFilteringMode pulumi.StringPtrInput // The name of the VDS. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The number of seconds after which - // active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - // `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + // The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. NetflowActiveFlowTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // IP address for the Netflow - // collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - // Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + // IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + // later. NetflowCollectorIpAddress pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Port for the Netflow collector. This - // must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + // The port for the netflow collector. NetflowCollectorPort pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - // applies to. + // Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. NetflowEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The number of seconds after which - // idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - // to `600`. Default: `15`. + // The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. NetflowIdleFlowTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Whether to limit analysis to - // traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - // Default: `false`. + // Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. NetflowInternalFlowsOnly pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The observation domain ID for - // the Netflow collector. + // The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. NetflowObservationDomainId pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The ratio of total number of packets to - // the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - // VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - // indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + // The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + // packets are analyzed. NetflowSamplingRate pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Set to `true` to enable - // network I/O control. Default: `false`. + // Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. NetworkResourceControlEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The version of network I/O - // control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + // The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. NetworkResourceControlVersion pulumi.StringPtrInput // The maximum allowed usage for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. NfsMaximumMbit pulumi.IntPtrInput @@ -844,36 +637,26 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchState struct { NfsShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput // The allocation level for the nfs traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. NfsShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - // broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Used to define a secondary VLAN - // ID when using private VLANs. + // The secondary VLAN ID for this port. PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Use the `pvlanMapping` block to declare a - // private VLAN mapping. The options are: + // A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. PvlanMappings DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArrayInput - // A list of standby uplinks to be used in - // failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - // `uplinks` VDS argument. See - // here for more details. + // List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. StandbyUplinks pulumi.StringArrayInput // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. // // > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter Server 6.0 or higher. Tags pulumi.StringArrayInput - // The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - // `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, - // `failoverExplicit`, or `loadbalanceLoadbased`. + // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + // failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. TeamingPolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - // this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + // If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + // forwarded done by the switch. TxUplink pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - // of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - // controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - // names. See here for an example on how to - // use this option. + // A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + // across hosts. Uplinks pulumi.StringArrayInput // The maximum allowed usage for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. VdpMaximumMbit pulumi.IntPtrInput @@ -897,42 +680,7 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchState struct { VirtualmachineShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanId pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `minVlan` - // and `maxVlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - // `vlanRange` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - // below: - // - // - // ```go - // package main - // - // import ( - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere" - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" - // ) - // - // func main() { - // pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { - // _, err := vsphere.NewDistributedVirtualSwitch(ctx, "vds", &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs{ - // VlanRanges: vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArray{ - // &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ - // MinVlan: pulumi.Int(100), - // MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(199), - // }, - // &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ - // MinVlan: pulumi.Int(300), - // MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(399), - // }, - // }, - // }) - // if err != nil { - // return err - // } - // return nil - // }) - // } - // ``` - // + // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanRanges DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArrayInput // The maximum allowed usage for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. VmotionMaximumMbit pulumi.IntPtrInput @@ -957,20 +705,14 @@ func (DistributedVirtualSwitchState) ElementType() reflect.Type { } type distributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { - // A list of active uplinks to be used in load - // balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - // `uplinks` VDS argument. See - // here for more details. + // List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. ActiveUplinks []string `pulumi:"activeUplinks"` - // Controls whether or not a virtual - // network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - // address than that of its own. + // Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + // that of its own. AllowForgedTransmits *bool `pulumi:"allowForgedTransmits"` - // Controls whether or not the Media Access - // Control (MAC) address can be changed. + // Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. AllowMacChanges *bool `pulumi:"allowMacChanges"` - // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - // flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. AllowPromiscuous *bool `pulumi:"allowPromiscuous"` // The maximum allowed usage for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. BackupnfcMaximumMbit *int `pulumi:"backupnfcMaximumMbit"` @@ -980,15 +722,9 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { BackupnfcShareCount *int `pulumi:"backupnfcShareCount"` // The allocation level for the backupNfc traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. BackupnfcShareLevel *string `pulumi:"backupnfcShareLevel"` - // Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - // this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - // virtual devices. + // Indicates whether to block all ports by default. BlockAllPorts *bool `pulumi:"blockAllPorts"` - // Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - // to detect NIC failure. - // - // > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - // probing. + // Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. CheckBeacon *bool `pulumi:"checkBeacon"` // The detailed contact information for the person // who is responsible for the VDS. @@ -1007,23 +743,17 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { DatacenterId string `pulumi:"datacenterId"` // A detailed description for the VDS. Description *string `pulumi:"description"` - // Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - // for which this policy applies to. + // Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. DirectpathGen2Allowed *bool `pulumi:"directpathGen2Allowed"` - // The average bandwidth in bits - // per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingAverageBandwidth *int `pulumi:"egressShapingAverageBandwidth"` - // The maximum burst size allowed in - // bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingBurstSize *int `pulumi:"egressShapingBurstSize"` - // `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - // on the port for egress traffic. + // True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. EgressShapingEnabled *bool `pulumi:"egressShapingEnabled"` - // The peak bandwidth during bursts - // in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingPeakBandwidth *int `pulumi:"egressShapingPeakBandwidth"` - // If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - // uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + // If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Failback *bool `pulumi:"failback"` // The maximum allowed usage for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. FaulttoleranceMaximumMbit *int `pulumi:"faulttoleranceMaximumMbit"` @@ -1044,23 +774,17 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { HbrShareCount *int `pulumi:"hbrShareCount"` // The allocation level for the hbr traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. HbrShareLevel *string `pulumi:"hbrShareLevel"` - // Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - // options are: + // A host member specification. Hosts []DistributedVirtualSwitchHost `pulumi:"hosts"` - // Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - // mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + // Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. IgnoreOtherPvlanMappings *bool `pulumi:"ignoreOtherPvlanMappings"` - // The average bandwidth in - // bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingAverageBandwidth *int `pulumi:"ingressShapingAverageBandwidth"` - // The maximum burst size allowed in - // bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingBurstSize *int `pulumi:"ingressShapingBurstSize"` - // `true` if the traffic shaper is - // enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + // True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. IngressShapingEnabled *bool `pulumi:"ingressShapingEnabled"` - // The peak bandwidth during - // bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingPeakBandwidth *int `pulumi:"ingressShapingPeakBandwidth"` // An IPv4 address to identify the switch. This is // mostly useful when used with the Netflow arguments. @@ -1077,10 +801,9 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { // version to use with the VDS. Possible values are `singleLag` and // `multipleLag`. LacpApiVersion *string `pulumi:"lacpApiVersion"` - // Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - // applies to. + // Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. LacpEnabled *bool `pulumi:"lacpEnabled"` - // The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + // The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. LacpMode *string `pulumi:"lacpMode"` // Whether to `advertise` or `listen` // for link discovery traffic. @@ -1103,41 +826,27 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { MulticastFilteringMode *string `pulumi:"multicastFilteringMode"` // The name of the VDS. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` - // The number of seconds after which - // active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - // `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + // The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. NetflowActiveFlowTimeout *int `pulumi:"netflowActiveFlowTimeout"` - // IP address for the Netflow - // collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - // Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + // IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + // later. NetflowCollectorIpAddress *string `pulumi:"netflowCollectorIpAddress"` - // Port for the Netflow collector. This - // must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + // The port for the netflow collector. NetflowCollectorPort *int `pulumi:"netflowCollectorPort"` - // Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - // applies to. + // Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. NetflowEnabled *bool `pulumi:"netflowEnabled"` - // The number of seconds after which - // idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - // to `600`. Default: `15`. + // The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. NetflowIdleFlowTimeout *int `pulumi:"netflowIdleFlowTimeout"` - // Whether to limit analysis to - // traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - // Default: `false`. + // Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. NetflowInternalFlowsOnly *bool `pulumi:"netflowInternalFlowsOnly"` - // The observation domain ID for - // the Netflow collector. + // The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. NetflowObservationDomainId *int `pulumi:"netflowObservationDomainId"` - // The ratio of total number of packets to - // the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - // VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - // indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + // The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + // packets are analyzed. NetflowSamplingRate *int `pulumi:"netflowSamplingRate"` - // Set to `true` to enable - // network I/O control. Default: `false`. + // Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. NetworkResourceControlEnabled *bool `pulumi:"networkResourceControlEnabled"` - // The version of network I/O - // control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + // The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. NetworkResourceControlVersion *string `pulumi:"networkResourceControlVersion"` // The maximum allowed usage for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. NfsMaximumMbit *int `pulumi:"nfsMaximumMbit"` @@ -1147,36 +856,26 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { NfsShareCount *int `pulumi:"nfsShareCount"` // The allocation level for the nfs traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. NfsShareLevel *string `pulumi:"nfsShareLevel"` - // If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - // broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches *bool `pulumi:"notifySwitches"` - // Used to define a secondary VLAN - // ID when using private VLANs. + // The secondary VLAN ID for this port. PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId *int `pulumi:"portPrivateSecondaryVlanId"` - // Use the `pvlanMapping` block to declare a - // private VLAN mapping. The options are: + // A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. PvlanMappings []DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping `pulumi:"pvlanMappings"` - // A list of standby uplinks to be used in - // failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - // `uplinks` VDS argument. See - // here for more details. + // List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. StandbyUplinks []string `pulumi:"standbyUplinks"` // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. // // > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter Server 6.0 or higher. Tags []string `pulumi:"tags"` - // The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - // `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, - // `failoverExplicit`, or `loadbalanceLoadbased`. + // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + // failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. TeamingPolicy *string `pulumi:"teamingPolicy"` - // Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - // this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + // If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + // forwarded done by the switch. TxUplink *bool `pulumi:"txUplink"` - // A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - // of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - // controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - // names. See here for an example on how to - // use this option. + // A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + // across hosts. Uplinks []string `pulumi:"uplinks"` // The maximum allowed usage for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. VdpMaximumMbit *int `pulumi:"vdpMaximumMbit"` @@ -1200,42 +899,7 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { VirtualmachineShareLevel *string `pulumi:"virtualmachineShareLevel"` // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanId *int `pulumi:"vlanId"` - // Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `minVlan` - // and `maxVlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - // `vlanRange` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - // below: - // - // - // ```go - // package main - // - // import ( - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere" - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" - // ) - // - // func main() { - // pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { - // _, err := vsphere.NewDistributedVirtualSwitch(ctx, "vds", &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs{ - // VlanRanges: vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArray{ - // &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ - // MinVlan: pulumi.Int(100), - // MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(199), - // }, - // &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ - // MinVlan: pulumi.Int(300), - // MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(399), - // }, - // }, - // }) - // if err != nil { - // return err - // } - // return nil - // }) - // } - // ``` - // + // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanRanges []DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRange `pulumi:"vlanRanges"` // The maximum allowed usage for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. VmotionMaximumMbit *int `pulumi:"vmotionMaximumMbit"` @@ -1257,20 +921,14 @@ type distributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { // The set of arguments for constructing a DistributedVirtualSwitch resource. type DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { - // A list of active uplinks to be used in load - // balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - // `uplinks` VDS argument. See - // here for more details. + // List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. ActiveUplinks pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Controls whether or not a virtual - // network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - // address than that of its own. + // Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + // that of its own. AllowForgedTransmits pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Controls whether or not the Media Access - // Control (MAC) address can be changed. + // Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. AllowMacChanges pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - // flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. AllowPromiscuous pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The maximum allowed usage for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. BackupnfcMaximumMbit pulumi.IntPtrInput @@ -1280,15 +938,9 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { BackupnfcShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput // The allocation level for the backupNfc traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. BackupnfcShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - // this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - // virtual devices. + // Indicates whether to block all ports by default. BlockAllPorts pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - // to detect NIC failure. - // - // > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - // probing. + // Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. CheckBeacon pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The detailed contact information for the person // who is responsible for the VDS. @@ -1307,23 +959,17 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { DatacenterId pulumi.StringInput // A detailed description for the VDS. Description pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - // for which this policy applies to. + // Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. DirectpathGen2Allowed pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The average bandwidth in bits - // per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingAverageBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The maximum burst size allowed in - // bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingBurstSize pulumi.IntPtrInput - // `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - // on the port for egress traffic. + // True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. EgressShapingEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The peak bandwidth during bursts - // in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. EgressShapingPeakBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput - // If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - // uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + // If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Failback pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The maximum allowed usage for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. FaulttoleranceMaximumMbit pulumi.IntPtrInput @@ -1344,23 +990,17 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { HbrShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput // The allocation level for the hbr traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. HbrShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - // options are: + // A host member specification. Hosts DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArrayInput - // Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - // mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + // Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. IgnoreOtherPvlanMappings pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The average bandwidth in - // bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingAverageBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The maximum burst size allowed in - // bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingBurstSize pulumi.IntPtrInput - // `true` if the traffic shaper is - // enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + // True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. IngressShapingEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The peak bandwidth during - // bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + // The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. IngressShapingPeakBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput // An IPv4 address to identify the switch. This is // mostly useful when used with the Netflow arguments. @@ -1377,10 +1017,9 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { // version to use with the VDS. Possible values are `singleLag` and // `multipleLag`. LacpApiVersion pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - // applies to. + // Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. LacpEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + // The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. LacpMode pulumi.StringPtrInput // Whether to `advertise` or `listen` // for link discovery traffic. @@ -1403,41 +1042,27 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { MulticastFilteringMode pulumi.StringPtrInput // The name of the VDS. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The number of seconds after which - // active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - // `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + // The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. NetflowActiveFlowTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // IP address for the Netflow - // collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - // Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + // IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + // later. NetflowCollectorIpAddress pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Port for the Netflow collector. This - // must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + // The port for the netflow collector. NetflowCollectorPort pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - // applies to. + // Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. NetflowEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The number of seconds after which - // idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - // to `600`. Default: `15`. + // The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. NetflowIdleFlowTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Whether to limit analysis to - // traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - // Default: `false`. + // Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. NetflowInternalFlowsOnly pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The observation domain ID for - // the Netflow collector. + // The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. NetflowObservationDomainId pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The ratio of total number of packets to - // the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - // VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - // indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + // The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + // packets are analyzed. NetflowSamplingRate pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Set to `true` to enable - // network I/O control. Default: `false`. + // Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. NetworkResourceControlEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The version of network I/O - // control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + // The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. NetworkResourceControlVersion pulumi.StringPtrInput // The maximum allowed usage for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. NfsMaximumMbit pulumi.IntPtrInput @@ -1447,36 +1072,26 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { NfsShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput // The allocation level for the nfs traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. NfsShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - // broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Used to define a secondary VLAN - // ID when using private VLANs. + // The secondary VLAN ID for this port. PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Use the `pvlanMapping` block to declare a - // private VLAN mapping. The options are: + // A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. PvlanMappings DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArrayInput - // A list of standby uplinks to be used in - // failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - // `uplinks` VDS argument. See - // here for more details. + // List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. StandbyUplinks pulumi.StringArrayInput // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. // // > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter Server 6.0 or higher. Tags pulumi.StringArrayInput - // The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - // `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, - // `failoverExplicit`, or `loadbalanceLoadbased`. + // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + // failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. TeamingPolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - // this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + // If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + // forwarded done by the switch. TxUplink pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - // of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - // controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - // names. See here for an example on how to - // use this option. + // A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + // across hosts. Uplinks pulumi.StringArrayInput // The maximum allowed usage for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. VdpMaximumMbit pulumi.IntPtrInput @@ -1500,42 +1115,7 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs struct { VirtualmachineShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanId pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `minVlan` - // and `maxVlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - // `vlanRange` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - // below: - // - // - // ```go - // package main - // - // import ( - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere" - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" - // ) - // - // func main() { - // pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { - // _, err := vsphere.NewDistributedVirtualSwitch(ctx, "vds", &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs{ - // VlanRanges: vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArray{ - // &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ - // MinVlan: pulumi.Int(100), - // MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(199), - // }, - // &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ - // MinVlan: pulumi.Int(300), - // MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(399), - // }, - // }, - // }) - // if err != nil { - // return err - // } - // return nil - // }) - // } - // ``` - // + // The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. VlanRanges DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArrayInput // The maximum allowed usage for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. VmotionMaximumMbit pulumi.IntPtrInput @@ -1642,29 +1222,23 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) ToDistributedVirtualSwitchOutputWithCont return o } -// A list of active uplinks to be used in load -// balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the -// `uplinks` VDS argument. See -// here for more details. +// List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) ActiveUplinks() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.ActiveUplinks }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// Controls whether or not a virtual -// network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC -// address than that of its own. +// Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than +// that of its own. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) AllowForgedTransmits() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.AllowForgedTransmits }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// Controls whether or not the Media Access -// Control (MAC) address can be changed. +// Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) AllowMacChanges() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.AllowMacChanges }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This -// flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. +// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) AllowPromiscuous() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.AllowPromiscuous }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } @@ -1689,18 +1263,12 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) BackupnfcShareLevel() pulumi.StringOutpu return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.BackupnfcShareLevel }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Shuts down all ports in the port groups that -// this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected -// virtual devices. +// Indicates whether to block all ports by default. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) BlockAllPorts() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.BlockAllPorts }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// Enables beacon probing as an additional measure -// to detect NIC failure. -// -// > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon -// probing. +// Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) CheckBeacon() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.CheckBeacon }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } @@ -1743,38 +1311,32 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) Description() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.Description }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports -// for which this policy applies to. +// Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) DirectpathGen2Allowed() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.DirectpathGen2Allowed }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// The average bandwidth in bits -// per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. +// The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) EgressShapingAverageBandwidth() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.EgressShapingAverageBandwidth }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// The maximum burst size allowed in -// bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. +// The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) EgressShapingBurstSize() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.EgressShapingBurstSize }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled -// on the port for egress traffic. +// True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) EgressShapingEnabled() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.EgressShapingEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// The peak bandwidth during bursts -// in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. +// The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) EgressShapingPeakBandwidth() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.EgressShapingPeakBandwidth }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed -// uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. +// If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) Failback() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.Failback }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } @@ -1825,38 +1387,32 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) HbrShareLevel() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.HbrShareLevel }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The -// options are: +// A host member specification. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) Hosts() DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArrayOutput { return v.Hosts }).(DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArrayOutput) } -// Whether to ignore existing PVLAN -// mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. +// Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) IgnoreOtherPvlanMappings() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.IgnoreOtherPvlanMappings }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The average bandwidth in -// bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. +// The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) IngressShapingAverageBandwidth() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.IngressShapingAverageBandwidth }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// The maximum burst size allowed in -// bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. +// The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) IngressShapingBurstSize() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.IngressShapingBurstSize }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// `true` if the traffic shaper is -// enabled on the port for ingress traffic. +// True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) IngressShapingEnabled() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.IngressShapingEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// The peak bandwidth during -// bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. +// The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) IngressShapingPeakBandwidth() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.IngressShapingPeakBandwidth }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } @@ -1894,13 +1450,12 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) LacpApiVersion() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.LacpApiVersion }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Enables LACP for the ports that this policy -// applies to. +// Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) LacpEnabled() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.LacpEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. +// The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) LacpMode() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.LacpMode }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } @@ -1953,68 +1508,54 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) Name() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.Name }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// The number of seconds after which -// active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is -// `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. +// The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NetflowActiveFlowTimeout() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.NetflowActiveFlowTimeout }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// IP address for the Netflow -// collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. -// Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. +// IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or +// later. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NetflowCollectorIpAddress() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.NetflowCollectorIpAddress }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Port for the Netflow collector. This -// must be set before Netflow can be enabled. +// The port for the netflow collector. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NetflowCollectorPort() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.NetflowCollectorPort }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy -// applies to. +// Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NetflowEnabled() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.NetflowEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// The number of seconds after which -// idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` -// to `600`. Default: `15`. +// The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NetflowIdleFlowTimeout() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.NetflowIdleFlowTimeout }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Whether to limit analysis to -// traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. -// Default: `false`. +// Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NetflowInternalFlowsOnly() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.NetflowInternalFlowsOnly }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The observation domain ID for -// the Netflow collector. +// The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NetflowObservationDomainId() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.NetflowObservationDomainId }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The ratio of total number of packets to -// the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the -// VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which -// indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. +// The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all +// packets are analyzed. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NetflowSamplingRate() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.NetflowSamplingRate }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Set to `true` to enable -// network I/O control. Default: `false`. +// Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NetworkResourceControlEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.NetworkResourceControlEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The version of network I/O -// control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. +// The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NetworkResourceControlVersion() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.NetworkResourceControlVersion }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } @@ -2039,30 +1580,24 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NfsShareLevel() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.NfsShareLevel }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the -// broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. +// If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) NotifySwitches() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.NotifySwitches }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// Used to define a secondary VLAN -// ID when using private VLANs. +// The secondary VLAN ID for this port. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.PortPrivateSecondaryVlanId }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// Use the `pvlanMapping` block to declare a -// private VLAN mapping. The options are: +// A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) PvlanMappings() DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArrayOutput { return v.PvlanMappings }).(DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArrayOutput) } -// A list of standby uplinks to be used in -// failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the -// `uplinks` VDS argument. See -// here for more details. +// List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) StandbyUplinks() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.StandbyUplinks }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -2074,24 +1609,20 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) Tags() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.Tags }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of -// `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, -// `failoverExplicit`, or `loadbalanceLoadbased`. +// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, +// failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) TeamingPolicy() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.TeamingPolicy }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which -// this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. +// If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet +// forwarded done by the switch. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) TxUplink() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.TxUplink }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names -// of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list -// controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the -// names. See here for an example on how to -// use this option. +// A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS +// across hosts. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) Uplinks() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.Uplinks }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -2148,45 +1679,7 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) VlanId() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.VlanId }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `minVlan` -// and `maxVlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple -// `vlanRange` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example -// below: -// -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := vsphere.NewDistributedVirtualSwitch(ctx, "vds", &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs{ -// VlanRanges: vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArray{ -// &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ -// MinVlan: pulumi.Int(100), -// MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(199), -// }, -// &vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs{ -// MinVlan: pulumi.Int(300), -// MaxVlan: pulumi.Int(399), -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// +// The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchOutput) VlanRanges() DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DistributedVirtualSwitch) DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArrayOutput { return v.VlanRanges }).(DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArrayOutput) } diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/file.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/file.go index e93e8f69..bc8f897c 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/file.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/file.go @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import ( // // ### Uploading a File // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -44,11 +43,9 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ### Copying a File // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -78,7 +75,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// type File struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getComputeCluster.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getComputeCluster.go index 48fe797f..8e36e0fc 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getComputeCluster.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getComputeCluster.go @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -55,7 +54,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupComputeCluster(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupComputeClusterArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupComputeClusterResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupComputeClusterResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getComputeClusterHostGroup.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getComputeClusterHostGroup.go index 2fc2b343..9a2d9da3 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getComputeClusterHostGroup.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getComputeClusterHostGroup.go @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -64,7 +63,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupComputeClusterHostGroup(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupComputeClusterHostGroupArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupComputeClusterHostGroupResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupComputeClusterHostGroupResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getContentLibrary.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getContentLibrary.go index 919dd0af..c5d5904c 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getContentLibrary.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getContentLibrary.go @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupContentLibrary(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupContentLibraryArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupContentLibraryResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupContentLibraryResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getCustomAttribute.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getCustomAttribute.go index 8963f66f..e637a881 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getCustomAttribute.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getCustomAttribute.go @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -46,7 +45,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupCustomAttribute(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupCustomAttributeArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupCustomAttributeResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupCustomAttributeResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatacenter.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatacenter.go index 9cda9e41..c4e7c5cd 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatacenter.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatacenter.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupDatacenter(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupDatacenterArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupDatacenterResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupDatacenterResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastore.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastore.go index fb944629..31034a50 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastore.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastore.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func GetDatastore(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetDatastoreArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*GetDatastoreResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv GetDatastoreResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastoreCluster.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastoreCluster.go index a4527f4a..b55e9de4 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastoreCluster.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastoreCluster.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupDatastoreCluster(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupDatastoreClusterArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupDatastoreClusterResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupDatastoreClusterResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastoreStats.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastoreStats.go index 5e1d80b9..e73907da 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastoreStats.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDatastoreStats.go @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // A usefull example of this datasource would be to determine the // datastore with the most free space. For example, in addition to @@ -55,7 +53,6 @@ import ( // // Create an `outputs.tf` like that: // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -74,7 +71,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // and a `locals.tf` like that: func GetDatastoreStats(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetDatastoreStatsArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*GetDatastoreStatsResult, error) { diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDistributedVirtualSwitch.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDistributedVirtualSwitch.go index 121c1a9d..e792291d 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDistributedVirtualSwitch.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDistributedVirtualSwitch.go @@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import ( // `DistributedPortGroup` resource that uses the first uplink as a // primary uplink and the second uplink as a secondary. // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupDistributedVirtualSwitch(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupDistributedVirtualSwitchArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupDistributedVirtualSwitchResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupDistributedVirtualSwitchResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDynamic.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDynamic.go index 59f20bf8..c5795010 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getDynamic.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getDynamic.go @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ import ( // }) // } // ``` -// func GetDynamic(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetDynamicArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*GetDynamicResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv GetDynamicResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getFolder.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getFolder.go index 0753f99d..cb5276fc 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getFolder.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getFolder.go @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupFolder(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupFolderArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupFolderResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupFolderResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getGuestOsCustomization.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getGuestOsCustomization.go index 12ebc03c..1411a7fd 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getGuestOsCustomization.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getGuestOsCustomization.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupGuestOsCustomization(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupGuestOsCustomizationArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupGuestOsCustomizationResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupGuestOsCustomizationResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getHost.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getHost.go index 9c221332..f742f44e 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getHost.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getHost.go @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupHost(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupHostArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupHostResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupHostResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostPciDevice.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostPciDevice.go index ea2dbcd2..6b8a9ffe 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostPciDevice.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostPciDevice.go @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import ( // // ### With Vendor ID And Class ID // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -58,12 +57,9 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ### With Name Regular Expression // -// -// // ```go // package main // @@ -75,33 +71,32 @@ import ( // ) // // func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// datacenter, err := vsphere.LookupDatacenter(ctx, &vsphere.LookupDatacenterArgs{ -// Name: pulumi.StringRef("dc-01"), -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// host, err := vsphere.LookupHost(ctx, &vsphere.LookupHostArgs{ -// Name: pulumi.StringRef("esxi-01.example.com"), -// DatacenterId: datacenter.Id, -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// _, err = vsphere.GetHostPciDevice(ctx, &vsphere.GetHostPciDeviceArgs{ -// HostId: host.Id, -// NameRegex: pulumi.StringRef("MMC"), -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) +// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { +// datacenter, err := vsphere.LookupDatacenter(ctx, &vsphere.LookupDatacenterArgs{ +// Name: pulumi.StringRef("dc-01"), +// }, nil) +// if err != nil { +// return err +// } +// host, err := vsphere.LookupHost(ctx, &vsphere.LookupHostArgs{ +// Name: pulumi.StringRef("esxi-01.example.com"), +// DatacenterId: datacenter.Id, +// }, nil) +// if err != nil { +// return err +// } +// _, err = vsphere.GetHostPciDevice(ctx, &vsphere.GetHostPciDeviceArgs{ +// HostId: host.Id, +// NameRegex: pulumi.StringRef("MMC"), +// }, nil) +// if err != nil { +// return err +// } +// return nil +// }) // } // // ``` -// func GetHostPciDevice(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetHostPciDeviceArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*GetHostPciDeviceResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv GetHostPciDeviceResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostThumbprint.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostThumbprint.go index 8f11e5f9..b842b9a4 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostThumbprint.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostThumbprint.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func GetHostThumbprint(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetHostThumbprintArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*GetHostThumbprintResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv GetHostThumbprintResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostVgpuProfile.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostVgpuProfile.go index 74ff673d..eabf2a27 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostVgpuProfile.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getHostVgpuProfile.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ( // // ### To Return All VGPU Profiles // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -55,11 +54,9 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ### With VGPU Profile Name_regex // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -97,7 +94,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func GetHostVgpuProfile(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetHostVgpuProfileArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*GetHostVgpuProfileResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv GetHostVgpuProfileResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getLicense.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getLicense.go index 4c38dc1a..4cd5e603 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getLicense.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getLicense.go @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupLicense(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupLicenseArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupLicenseResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupLicenseResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getNetwork.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getNetwork.go index de197c9c..6e705703 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getNetwork.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getNetwork.go @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func GetNetwork(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetNetworkArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*GetNetworkResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv GetNetworkResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getPolicy.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getPolicy.go index 4e73cf2d..ccd0d7b0 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getPolicy.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getPolicy.go @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func GetPolicy(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetPolicyArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*GetPolicyResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv GetPolicyResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getResourcePool.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getResourcePool.go index a33b64ff..575f04cc 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getResourcePool.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getResourcePool.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ### Specifying the Root Resource Pool for a Standalone ESXi Host // @@ -61,7 +59,6 @@ import ( // explicitly created. This resource pool is referred to as the // _root resource pool_ and can be looked up by specifying the path. // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -86,7 +83,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // For more information on the root resource pool, see [Managing Resource Pools][vmware-docs-resource-pools] in the vSphere documentation. // diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getRole.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getRole.go index a6fd22ab..8c8dc1f6 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getRole.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getRole.go @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupRole(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupRoleArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupRoleResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupRoleResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getTag.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getTag.go index 68209cc4..a200627a 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getTag.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getTag.go @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -53,7 +52,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupTag(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupTagArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupTagResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupTagResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getTagCategory.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getTagCategory.go index e037116f..fd83c6e2 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getTagCategory.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getTagCategory.go @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -46,7 +45,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupTagCategory(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupTagCategoryArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupTagCategoryResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupTagCategoryResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getVappContainer.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getVappContainer.go index 281ad6f1..5df7ff96 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getVappContainer.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getVappContainer.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupVappContainer(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupVappContainerArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupVappContainerResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupVappContainerResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getVirtualMachine.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getVirtualMachine.go index 57dacb23..42ddf99f 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getVirtualMachine.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getVirtualMachine.go @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import ( // In the following example, a virtual machine template is returned by its // unique name within the `Datacenter`. // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -53,11 +52,9 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // In the following example, each virtual machine template is returned by its // unique full path within the `Datacenter`. // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -95,7 +92,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func LookupVirtualMachine(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupVirtualMachineArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupVirtualMachineResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupVirtualMachineResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/getVmfsDisks.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/getVmfsDisks.go index e9edf07c..5a055f06 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/getVmfsDisks.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/getVmfsDisks.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// func GetVmfsDisks(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetVmfsDisksArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*GetVmfsDisksResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv GetVmfsDisksResult diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/guestOsCustomization.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/guestOsCustomization.go index e85d1a8a..54f37cc2 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/guestOsCustomization.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/guestOsCustomization.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// type GuestOsCustomization struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/haVmOverride.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/haVmOverride.go index ec03b915..481d0eb7 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/haVmOverride.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/haVmOverride.go @@ -15,74 +15,47 @@ import ( type HaVmOverride struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState - // The managed object reference - // ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - // resource if changed. + // The managed object ID of the cluster. ComputeClusterId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"computeClusterId"` - // Controls the action to take - // on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - // the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - // `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + // APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction"` - // Controls the action to take on this - // virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - // datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - // `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + // datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. HaDatastoreApdResponse pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponse"` - // Controls the delay in seconds - // to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - // `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Use `-1` to use - // the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + // Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + // ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponseDelay"` - // Controls the action to take on this - // virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - // `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + // datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. HaDatastorePdlResponse pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haDatastorePdlResponse"` - // The action to take on this virtual - // machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - // the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - // `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + // The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + // clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. HaHostIsolationResponse pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haHostIsolationResponse"` - // If a heartbeat from this virtual - // machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - // is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + // If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + // as failed. The value is in seconds. HaVmFailureInterval pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmFailureInterval"` - // The length of the reset window in - // which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - // window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - // configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - // unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - // `-1` (no window). + // The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + // attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + // time is allotted. HaVmMaximumFailureWindow pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmMaximumFailureWindow"` - // The maximum number of resets that HA will - // perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - // `3` + // The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. HaVmMaximumResets pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmMaximumResets"` - // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - // powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - // `120` (2 minutes). + // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. HaVmMinimumUptime pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmMinimumUptime"` - // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - // when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - // `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + // vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. HaVmMonitoring pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmMonitoring"` - // Determines whether or - // not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - // this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - // (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + // Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + // for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. HaVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults"` - // The restart priority for the virtual - // machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - // `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - // Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + // The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + // lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. HaVmRestartPriority pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmRestartPriority"` - // The maximum time, in seconds, that - // vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - // specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + // The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + // default. HaVmRestartTimeout pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"haVmRestartTimeout"` - // The UUID of the virtual machine to create - // the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + // The managed object ID of the virtual machine. VirtualMachineId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"virtualMachineId"` } @@ -122,146 +95,92 @@ func GetHaVmOverride(ctx *pulumi.Context, // Input properties used for looking up and filtering HaVmOverride resources. type haVmOverrideState struct { - // The managed object reference - // ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - // resource if changed. + // The managed object ID of the cluster. ComputeClusterId *string `pulumi:"computeClusterId"` - // Controls the action to take - // on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - // the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - // `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + // APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction *string `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction"` - // Controls the action to take on this - // virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - // datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - // `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + // datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. HaDatastoreApdResponse *string `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponse"` - // Controls the delay in seconds - // to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - // `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Use `-1` to use - // the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + // Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + // ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay *int `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponseDelay"` - // Controls the action to take on this - // virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - // `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + // datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. HaDatastorePdlResponse *string `pulumi:"haDatastorePdlResponse"` - // The action to take on this virtual - // machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - // the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - // `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + // The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + // clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. HaHostIsolationResponse *string `pulumi:"haHostIsolationResponse"` - // If a heartbeat from this virtual - // machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - // is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + // If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + // as failed. The value is in seconds. HaVmFailureInterval *int `pulumi:"haVmFailureInterval"` - // The length of the reset window in - // which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - // window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - // configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - // unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - // `-1` (no window). + // The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + // attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + // time is allotted. HaVmMaximumFailureWindow *int `pulumi:"haVmMaximumFailureWindow"` - // The maximum number of resets that HA will - // perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - // `3` + // The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. HaVmMaximumResets *int `pulumi:"haVmMaximumResets"` - // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - // powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - // `120` (2 minutes). + // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. HaVmMinimumUptime *int `pulumi:"haVmMinimumUptime"` - // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - // when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - // `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + // vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. HaVmMonitoring *string `pulumi:"haVmMonitoring"` - // Determines whether or - // not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - // this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - // (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + // Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + // for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. HaVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults *bool `pulumi:"haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults"` - // The restart priority for the virtual - // machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - // `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - // Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + // The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + // lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. HaVmRestartPriority *string `pulumi:"haVmRestartPriority"` - // The maximum time, in seconds, that - // vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - // specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + // The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + // default. HaVmRestartTimeout *int `pulumi:"haVmRestartTimeout"` - // The UUID of the virtual machine to create - // the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + // The managed object ID of the virtual machine. VirtualMachineId *string `pulumi:"virtualMachineId"` } type HaVmOverrideState struct { - // The managed object reference - // ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - // resource if changed. + // The managed object ID of the cluster. ComputeClusterId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Controls the action to take - // on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - // the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - // `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + // APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Controls the action to take on this - // virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - // datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - // `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + // datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. HaDatastoreApdResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Controls the delay in seconds - // to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - // `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Use `-1` to use - // the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + // Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + // ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls the action to take on this - // virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - // `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + // datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. HaDatastorePdlResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The action to take on this virtual - // machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - // the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - // `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + // The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + // clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. HaHostIsolationResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // If a heartbeat from this virtual - // machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - // is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + // If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + // as failed. The value is in seconds. HaVmFailureInterval pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The length of the reset window in - // which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - // window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - // configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - // unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - // `-1` (no window). + // The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + // attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + // time is allotted. HaVmMaximumFailureWindow pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The maximum number of resets that HA will - // perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - // `3` + // The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. HaVmMaximumResets pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - // powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - // `120` (2 minutes). + // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. HaVmMinimumUptime pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - // when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - // `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + // vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. HaVmMonitoring pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Determines whether or - // not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - // this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - // (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + // Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + // for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. HaVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The restart priority for the virtual - // machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - // `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - // Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + // The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + // lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. HaVmRestartPriority pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The maximum time, in seconds, that - // vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - // specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + // The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + // default. HaVmRestartTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The UUID of the virtual machine to create - // the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + // The managed object ID of the virtual machine. VirtualMachineId pulumi.StringPtrInput } @@ -270,147 +189,93 @@ func (HaVmOverrideState) ElementType() reflect.Type { } type haVmOverrideArgs struct { - // The managed object reference - // ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - // resource if changed. + // The managed object ID of the cluster. ComputeClusterId string `pulumi:"computeClusterId"` - // Controls the action to take - // on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - // the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - // `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + // APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction *string `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction"` - // Controls the action to take on this - // virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - // datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - // `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + // datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. HaDatastoreApdResponse *string `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponse"` - // Controls the delay in seconds - // to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - // `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Use `-1` to use - // the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + // Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + // ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay *int `pulumi:"haDatastoreApdResponseDelay"` - // Controls the action to take on this - // virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - // `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + // datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. HaDatastorePdlResponse *string `pulumi:"haDatastorePdlResponse"` - // The action to take on this virtual - // machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - // the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - // `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + // The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + // clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. HaHostIsolationResponse *string `pulumi:"haHostIsolationResponse"` - // If a heartbeat from this virtual - // machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - // is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + // If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + // as failed. The value is in seconds. HaVmFailureInterval *int `pulumi:"haVmFailureInterval"` - // The length of the reset window in - // which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - // window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - // configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - // unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - // `-1` (no window). + // The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + // attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + // time is allotted. HaVmMaximumFailureWindow *int `pulumi:"haVmMaximumFailureWindow"` - // The maximum number of resets that HA will - // perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - // `3` + // The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. HaVmMaximumResets *int `pulumi:"haVmMaximumResets"` - // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - // powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - // `120` (2 minutes). + // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. HaVmMinimumUptime *int `pulumi:"haVmMinimumUptime"` - // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - // when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - // `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + // vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. HaVmMonitoring *string `pulumi:"haVmMonitoring"` - // Determines whether or - // not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - // this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - // (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + // Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + // for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. HaVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults *bool `pulumi:"haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults"` - // The restart priority for the virtual - // machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - // `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - // Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + // The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + // lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. HaVmRestartPriority *string `pulumi:"haVmRestartPriority"` - // The maximum time, in seconds, that - // vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - // specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + // The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + // default. HaVmRestartTimeout *int `pulumi:"haVmRestartTimeout"` - // The UUID of the virtual machine to create - // the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + // The managed object ID of the virtual machine. VirtualMachineId string `pulumi:"virtualMachineId"` } // The set of arguments for constructing a HaVmOverride resource. type HaVmOverrideArgs struct { - // The managed object reference - // ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - // resource if changed. + // The managed object ID of the cluster. ComputeClusterId pulumi.StringInput - // Controls the action to take - // on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - // the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - // `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + // APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Controls the action to take on this - // virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - // datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - // `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + // datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. HaDatastoreApdResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Controls the delay in seconds - // to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - // `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Use `-1` to use - // the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + // Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + // ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls the action to take on this - // virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - // relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - // `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + // Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + // datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. HaDatastorePdlResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The action to take on this virtual - // machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - // the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - // `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + // The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + // clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. HaHostIsolationResponse pulumi.StringPtrInput - // If a heartbeat from this virtual - // machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - // is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + // If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + // as failed. The value is in seconds. HaVmFailureInterval pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The length of the reset window in - // which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - // window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - // configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - // unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - // `-1` (no window). + // The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + // attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + // time is allotted. HaVmMaximumFailureWindow pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The maximum number of resets that HA will - // perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - // `3` + // The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. HaVmMaximumResets pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - // powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - // `120` (2 minutes). + // The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. HaVmMinimumUptime pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - // when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - // `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + // The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + // vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. HaVmMonitoring pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Determines whether or - // not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - // this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - // (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + // Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + // for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. HaVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The restart priority for the virtual - // machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - // `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - // Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + // The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + // lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. HaVmRestartPriority pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The maximum time, in seconds, that - // vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - // specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + // The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + // default. HaVmRestartTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The UUID of the virtual machine to create - // the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + // The managed object ID of the virtual machine. VirtualMachineId pulumi.StringInput } @@ -501,116 +366,89 @@ func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) ToHaVmOverrideOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) return o } -// The managed object reference -// ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new -// resource if changed. +// The managed object ID of the cluster. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) ComputeClusterId() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.ComputeClusterId }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Controls the action to take -// on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in -// the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or -// `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. +// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an +// APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaDatastoreApdRecoveryAction }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Controls the action to take on this -// virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant -// datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, -// `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. +// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant +// datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaDatastoreApdResponse() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaDatastoreApdResponse }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Controls the delay in seconds -// to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in -// `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Use `-1` to use -// the cluster default. Default: `-1`. +// Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in +// ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaDatastoreApdResponseDelay }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Controls the action to take on this -// virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a -// relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or -// `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. +// Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant +// datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaDatastorePdlResponse() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaDatastorePdlResponse }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The action to take on this virtual -// machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of -// the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or -// `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. +// The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of +// clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaHostIsolationResponse() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaHostIsolationResponse }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// If a heartbeat from this virtual -// machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine -// is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. +// If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked +// as failed. The value is in seconds. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaVmFailureInterval() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaVmFailureInterval }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The length of the reset window in -// which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this -// window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting -// configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an -// unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: -// `-1` (no window). +// The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are +// attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset +// time is allotted. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaVmMaximumFailureWindow() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaVmMaximumFailureWindow }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The maximum number of resets that HA will -// perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: -// `3` +// The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaVmMaximumResets() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaVmMaximumResets }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after -// powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: -// `120` (2 minutes). +// The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaVmMinimumUptime() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaVmMinimumUptime }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use -// when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, -// `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. +// The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, +// vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaVmMonitoring() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaVmMonitoring }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Determines whether or -// not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in -// this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` -// (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. +// Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used +// for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.HaVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The restart priority for the virtual -// machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of -// `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. -// Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. +// The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, +// lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaVmRestartPriority() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HaVmRestartPriority }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The maximum time, in seconds, that -// vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to -// specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. +// The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster +// default. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) HaVmRestartTimeout() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.HaVmRestartTimeout }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The UUID of the virtual machine to create -// the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. +// The managed object ID of the virtual machine. func (o HaVmOverrideOutput) VirtualMachineId() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HaVmOverride) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.VirtualMachineId }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/host.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/host.go index db95b0df..309405fd 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/host.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/host.go @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import ( // // ### Create a standalone host // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -61,11 +60,9 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ### Create host in a compute cluster // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -114,7 +111,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ## Importing // diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/hostPortGroup.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/hostPortGroup.go index 92fdb373..61625771 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/hostPortGroup.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/hostPortGroup.go @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import ( // // **Create a Virtual Switch and Bind a Port Group:** // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -79,7 +78,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // **Create a Port Group with a VLAN and ab Override:** // @@ -89,7 +87,6 @@ import ( // to ensure that all traffic is seen on the port. The setting overrides // the implicit default of `false` set on the standard switch. // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -147,7 +144,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ## Importing // diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/hostVirtualSwitch.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/hostVirtualSwitch.go index 82239e8c..d16fb1be 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/hostVirtualSwitch.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/hostVirtualSwitch.go @@ -15,41 +15,28 @@ import ( type HostVirtualSwitch struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState - // The list of active network adapters used for load - // balancing. + // List of active network adapters used for load balancing. ActiveNics pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"activeNics"` - // Controls whether or not the virtual - // network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - // address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + // that of its own. AllowForgedTransmits pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"allowForgedTransmits"` - // Controls whether or not the Media Access - // Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. AllowMacChanges pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"allowMacChanges"` - // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - // flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - // `false`. + // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. AllowPromiscuous pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"allowPromiscuous"` - // The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - // packet is sent out. This can be used with `checkBeacon` to - // offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + // Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. BeaconInterval pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"beaconInterval"` - // Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - // `beaconInterval` option has been set in the bridge - // options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - // failed NICs. Default: `false`. + // Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + // only. CheckBeacon pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"checkBeacon"` - // If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - // failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - // `true`. + // If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Failback pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"failback"` // The managed object ID of // the host to set the virtual switch up on. Forces a new resource if changed. HostSystemId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"hostSystemId"` - // Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - // for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + // Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. LinkDiscoveryOperation pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"linkDiscoveryOperation"` - // The discovery protocol type. Valid - // types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + // The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. LinkDiscoveryProtocol pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"linkDiscoveryProtocol"` // The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual // switch. Default: `1500`. @@ -57,11 +44,9 @@ type HostVirtualSwitch struct { // The name of the virtual switch. Forces a new resource if // changed. Name pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"name"` - // The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + // The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. NetworkAdapters pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"networkAdapters"` - // If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - // notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - // Default: `true`. + // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"notifySwitches"` // The number of ports to create with this // virtual switch. Default: `128`. @@ -69,24 +54,18 @@ type HostVirtualSwitch struct { // > **NOTE:** Changing the port count requires a reboot of the host. This provider // will not restart the host for you. NumberOfPorts pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"numberOfPorts"` - // The average bandwidth in bits per - // second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingAverageBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"shapingAverageBandwidth"` - // The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - // shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingBurstSize pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"shapingBurstSize"` - // Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - // ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + // Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. ShapingEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"shapingEnabled"` - // The peak bandwidth during bursts in - // bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingPeakBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"shapingPeakBandwidth"` - // The list of standby network adapters used for - // failover. + // List of standby network adapters used for failover. StandbyNics pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"standbyNics"` - // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - // of `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, or - // `failoverExplicit`. Default: `loadbalanceSrcid`. + // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + // failover_explicit. TeamingPolicy pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"teamingPolicy"` } @@ -129,41 +108,28 @@ func GetHostVirtualSwitch(ctx *pulumi.Context, // Input properties used for looking up and filtering HostVirtualSwitch resources. type hostVirtualSwitchState struct { - // The list of active network adapters used for load - // balancing. + // List of active network adapters used for load balancing. ActiveNics []string `pulumi:"activeNics"` - // Controls whether or not the virtual - // network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - // address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + // that of its own. AllowForgedTransmits *bool `pulumi:"allowForgedTransmits"` - // Controls whether or not the Media Access - // Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. AllowMacChanges *bool `pulumi:"allowMacChanges"` - // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - // flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - // `false`. + // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. AllowPromiscuous *bool `pulumi:"allowPromiscuous"` - // The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - // packet is sent out. This can be used with `checkBeacon` to - // offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + // Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. BeaconInterval *int `pulumi:"beaconInterval"` - // Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - // `beaconInterval` option has been set in the bridge - // options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - // failed NICs. Default: `false`. + // Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + // only. CheckBeacon *bool `pulumi:"checkBeacon"` - // If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - // failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - // `true`. + // If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Failback *bool `pulumi:"failback"` // The managed object ID of // the host to set the virtual switch up on. Forces a new resource if changed. HostSystemId *string `pulumi:"hostSystemId"` - // Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - // for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + // Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. LinkDiscoveryOperation *string `pulumi:"linkDiscoveryOperation"` - // The discovery protocol type. Valid - // types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + // The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. LinkDiscoveryProtocol *string `pulumi:"linkDiscoveryProtocol"` // The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual // switch. Default: `1500`. @@ -171,11 +137,9 @@ type hostVirtualSwitchState struct { // The name of the virtual switch. Forces a new resource if // changed. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` - // The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + // The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. NetworkAdapters []string `pulumi:"networkAdapters"` - // If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - // notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - // Default: `true`. + // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches *bool `pulumi:"notifySwitches"` // The number of ports to create with this // virtual switch. Default: `128`. @@ -183,63 +147,44 @@ type hostVirtualSwitchState struct { // > **NOTE:** Changing the port count requires a reboot of the host. This provider // will not restart the host for you. NumberOfPorts *int `pulumi:"numberOfPorts"` - // The average bandwidth in bits per - // second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingAverageBandwidth *int `pulumi:"shapingAverageBandwidth"` - // The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - // shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingBurstSize *int `pulumi:"shapingBurstSize"` - // Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - // ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + // Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. ShapingEnabled *bool `pulumi:"shapingEnabled"` - // The peak bandwidth during bursts in - // bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingPeakBandwidth *int `pulumi:"shapingPeakBandwidth"` - // The list of standby network adapters used for - // failover. + // List of standby network adapters used for failover. StandbyNics []string `pulumi:"standbyNics"` - // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - // of `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, or - // `failoverExplicit`. Default: `loadbalanceSrcid`. + // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + // failover_explicit. TeamingPolicy *string `pulumi:"teamingPolicy"` } type HostVirtualSwitchState struct { - // The list of active network adapters used for load - // balancing. + // List of active network adapters used for load balancing. ActiveNics pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Controls whether or not the virtual - // network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - // address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + // that of its own. AllowForgedTransmits pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Controls whether or not the Media Access - // Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. AllowMacChanges pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - // flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - // `false`. + // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. AllowPromiscuous pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - // packet is sent out. This can be used with `checkBeacon` to - // offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + // Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. BeaconInterval pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - // `beaconInterval` option has been set in the bridge - // options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - // failed NICs. Default: `false`. + // Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + // only. CheckBeacon pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - // failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - // `true`. + // If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Failback pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The managed object ID of // the host to set the virtual switch up on. Forces a new resource if changed. HostSystemId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - // for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + // Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. LinkDiscoveryOperation pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The discovery protocol type. Valid - // types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + // The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. LinkDiscoveryProtocol pulumi.StringPtrInput // The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual // switch. Default: `1500`. @@ -247,11 +192,9 @@ type HostVirtualSwitchState struct { // The name of the virtual switch. Forces a new resource if // changed. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + // The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. NetworkAdapters pulumi.StringArrayInput - // If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - // notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - // Default: `true`. + // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The number of ports to create with this // virtual switch. Default: `128`. @@ -259,24 +202,18 @@ type HostVirtualSwitchState struct { // > **NOTE:** Changing the port count requires a reboot of the host. This provider // will not restart the host for you. NumberOfPorts pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The average bandwidth in bits per - // second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingAverageBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - // shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingBurstSize pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - // ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + // Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. ShapingEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The peak bandwidth during bursts in - // bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingPeakBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The list of standby network adapters used for - // failover. + // List of standby network adapters used for failover. StandbyNics pulumi.StringArrayInput - // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - // of `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, or - // `failoverExplicit`. Default: `loadbalanceSrcid`. + // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + // failover_explicit. TeamingPolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput } @@ -285,41 +222,28 @@ func (HostVirtualSwitchState) ElementType() reflect.Type { } type hostVirtualSwitchArgs struct { - // The list of active network adapters used for load - // balancing. + // List of active network adapters used for load balancing. ActiveNics []string `pulumi:"activeNics"` - // Controls whether or not the virtual - // network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - // address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + // that of its own. AllowForgedTransmits *bool `pulumi:"allowForgedTransmits"` - // Controls whether or not the Media Access - // Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. AllowMacChanges *bool `pulumi:"allowMacChanges"` - // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - // flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - // `false`. + // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. AllowPromiscuous *bool `pulumi:"allowPromiscuous"` - // The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - // packet is sent out. This can be used with `checkBeacon` to - // offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + // Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. BeaconInterval *int `pulumi:"beaconInterval"` - // Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - // `beaconInterval` option has been set in the bridge - // options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - // failed NICs. Default: `false`. + // Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + // only. CheckBeacon *bool `pulumi:"checkBeacon"` - // If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - // failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - // `true`. + // If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Failback *bool `pulumi:"failback"` // The managed object ID of // the host to set the virtual switch up on. Forces a new resource if changed. HostSystemId string `pulumi:"hostSystemId"` - // Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - // for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + // Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. LinkDiscoveryOperation *string `pulumi:"linkDiscoveryOperation"` - // The discovery protocol type. Valid - // types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + // The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. LinkDiscoveryProtocol *string `pulumi:"linkDiscoveryProtocol"` // The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual // switch. Default: `1500`. @@ -327,11 +251,9 @@ type hostVirtualSwitchArgs struct { // The name of the virtual switch. Forces a new resource if // changed. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` - // The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + // The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. NetworkAdapters []string `pulumi:"networkAdapters"` - // If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - // notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - // Default: `true`. + // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches *bool `pulumi:"notifySwitches"` // The number of ports to create with this // virtual switch. Default: `128`. @@ -339,64 +261,45 @@ type hostVirtualSwitchArgs struct { // > **NOTE:** Changing the port count requires a reboot of the host. This provider // will not restart the host for you. NumberOfPorts *int `pulumi:"numberOfPorts"` - // The average bandwidth in bits per - // second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingAverageBandwidth *int `pulumi:"shapingAverageBandwidth"` - // The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - // shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingBurstSize *int `pulumi:"shapingBurstSize"` - // Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - // ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + // Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. ShapingEnabled *bool `pulumi:"shapingEnabled"` - // The peak bandwidth during bursts in - // bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingPeakBandwidth *int `pulumi:"shapingPeakBandwidth"` - // The list of standby network adapters used for - // failover. + // List of standby network adapters used for failover. StandbyNics []string `pulumi:"standbyNics"` - // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - // of `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, or - // `failoverExplicit`. Default: `loadbalanceSrcid`. + // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + // failover_explicit. TeamingPolicy *string `pulumi:"teamingPolicy"` } // The set of arguments for constructing a HostVirtualSwitch resource. type HostVirtualSwitchArgs struct { - // The list of active network adapters used for load - // balancing. + // List of active network adapters used for load balancing. ActiveNics pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Controls whether or not the virtual - // network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - // address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + // that of its own. AllowForgedTransmits pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Controls whether or not the Media Access - // Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. AllowMacChanges pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - // flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - // `false`. + // Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. AllowPromiscuous pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - // packet is sent out. This can be used with `checkBeacon` to - // offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + // Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. BeaconInterval pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - // `beaconInterval` option has been set in the bridge - // options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - // failed NICs. Default: `false`. + // Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + // only. CheckBeacon pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - // failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - // `true`. + // If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Failback pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The managed object ID of // the host to set the virtual switch up on. Forces a new resource if changed. HostSystemId pulumi.StringInput - // Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - // for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + // Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. LinkDiscoveryOperation pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The discovery protocol type. Valid - // types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + // The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. LinkDiscoveryProtocol pulumi.StringPtrInput // The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual // switch. Default: `1500`. @@ -404,11 +307,9 @@ type HostVirtualSwitchArgs struct { // The name of the virtual switch. Forces a new resource if // changed. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + // The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. NetworkAdapters pulumi.StringArrayInput - // If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - // notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - // Default: `true`. + // If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. NotifySwitches pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The number of ports to create with this // virtual switch. Default: `128`. @@ -416,24 +317,18 @@ type HostVirtualSwitchArgs struct { // > **NOTE:** Changing the port count requires a reboot of the host. This provider // will not restart the host for you. NumberOfPorts pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The average bandwidth in bits per - // second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingAverageBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - // shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingBurstSize pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - // ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + // Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. ShapingEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The peak bandwidth during bursts in - // bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + // The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. ShapingPeakBandwidth pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The list of standby network adapters used for - // failover. + // List of standby network adapters used for failover. StandbyNics pulumi.StringArrayInput - // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - // of `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, or - // `failoverExplicit`. Default: `loadbalanceSrcid`. + // The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + // failover_explicit. TeamingPolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput } @@ -524,50 +419,39 @@ func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) ToHostVirtualSwitchOutputWithContext(ctx contex return o } -// The list of active network adapters used for load -// balancing. +// List of active network adapters used for load balancing. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) ActiveNics() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.ActiveNics }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// Controls whether or not the virtual -// network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC -// address than that of its own. Default: `true`. +// Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than +// that of its own. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) AllowForgedTransmits() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.AllowForgedTransmits }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Controls whether or not the Media Access -// Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. +// Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) AllowMacChanges() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.AllowMacChanges }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This -// flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: -// `false`. +// Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) AllowPromiscuous() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.AllowPromiscuous }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon -// packet is sent out. This can be used with `checkBeacon` to -// offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. +// Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) BeaconInterval() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.BeaconInterval }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Enable beacon probing - this requires that the -// `beaconInterval` option has been set in the bridge -// options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for -// failed NICs. Default: `false`. +// Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used +// only. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) CheckBeacon() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.CheckBeacon }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate -// failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: -// `true`. +// If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) Failback() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.Failback }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -578,14 +462,12 @@ func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) HostSystemId() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.HostSystemId }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Whether to `advertise` or `listen` -// for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. +// Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) LinkDiscoveryOperation() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.LinkDiscoveryOperation }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The discovery protocol type. Valid -// types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. +// The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) LinkDiscoveryProtocol() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.LinkDiscoveryProtocol }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -602,14 +484,12 @@ func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) Name() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.Name }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. +// The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) NetworkAdapters() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.NetworkAdapters }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// If set to `true`, the teaming policy will -// notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. -// Default: `true`. +// If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) NotifySwitches() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.NotifySwitches }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -623,39 +503,33 @@ func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) NumberOfPorts() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.NumberOfPorts }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The average bandwidth in bits per -// second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` +// The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) ShapingAverageBandwidth() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.ShapingAverageBandwidth }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if -// shaping is enabled. Default: `0` +// The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) ShapingBurstSize() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.ShapingBurstSize }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for -// ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. +// Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) ShapingEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.ShapingEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The peak bandwidth during bursts in -// bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` +// The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) ShapingPeakBandwidth() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.ShapingPeakBandwidth }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The list of standby network adapters used for -// failover. +// List of standby network adapters used for failover. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) StandbyNics() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.StandbyNics }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one -// of `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, or -// `failoverExplicit`. Default: `loadbalanceSrcid`. +// The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or +// failover_explicit. func (o HostVirtualSwitchOutput) TeamingPolicy() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *HostVirtualSwitch) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.TeamingPolicy }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/pulumiTypes.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/pulumiTypes.go index 926a1801..7694dfb4 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/pulumiTypes.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/pulumiTypes.go @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ import ( var _ = internal.GetEnvOrDefault type ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup struct { - // The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + // Cache disk. Cache *string `pulumi:"cache"` - // An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + // List of storage disks. Storages []string `pulumi:"storages"` } @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ type ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupInput interface { } type ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs struct { - // The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + // Cache disk. Cache pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"cache"` - // An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + // List of storage disks. Storages pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"storages"` } @@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ func (o ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupOutput) ToComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupOutputWi return o } -// The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. +// Cache disk. func (o ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupOutput) Cache() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup) *string { return v.Cache }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. +// List of storage disks. func (o ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupOutput) Storages() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup) []string { return v.Storages }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -327,86 +327,11 @@ func (o ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArrayOutput) Index(i pulumi.IntI type ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster struct { // The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the first fault domain. PreferredFaultDomainHostIds []string `pulumi:"preferredFaultDomainHostIds"` - // The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + // The name of prepferred fault domain. PreferredFaultDomainName *string `pulumi:"preferredFaultDomainName"` // The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the second fault domain. SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds []string `pulumi:"secondaryFaultDomainHostIds"` - // The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - // - // > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - // You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - // - // - // ```go - // package main - // - // import ( - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere" - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" - // ) - // func main() { - // pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { - // _, err := vsphere.NewComputeCluster(ctx, "compute_cluster", &vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs{ - // Name: pulumi.String("terraform-compute-cluster-test"), - // DatacenterId: pulumi.Any(datacenter.Id), - // HostSystemIds: pulumi.StringArray{ - // %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:4,25-35), - // }, - // DrsEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // DrsAutomationLevel: pulumi.String("fullyAutomated"), - // HaEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false), - // VsanEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanEsaEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanDedupEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanCompressionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanPerformanceEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanVerboseModeEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanUnmapEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanDitEncryptionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanDitRekeyInterval: pulumi.Int(1800), - // VsanDiskGroups: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArray{ - // &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs{ - // Cache: pulumi.Any(cacheDisks[0]), - // Storages: pulumi.Any(storageDisks), - // }, - // }, - // VsanFaultDomains: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArray{ - // &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs{ - // FaultDomains: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArray{ - // &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs{ - // Name: pulumi.String("fd1"), - // HostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ - // %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:26,18-41), - // }, - // }, - // &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs{ - // Name: pulumi.String("fd2"), - // HostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ - // %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:29,18-41), - // }, - // }, - // }, - // }, - // }, - // VsanStretchedCluster: &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs{ - // PreferredFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ - // %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:33,36-66), - // }, - // SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ - // %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:34,36-66), - // }, - // WitnessNode: pulumi.Any(witnessHost.Id), - // }, - // }) - // if err != nil { - // return err - // } - // return nil - // }) - // } - // ``` - // + // The name of secondary fault domain. SecondaryFaultDomainName *string `pulumi:"secondaryFaultDomainName"` // The managed object IDs of the host selected as witness node when enable stretched cluster. WitnessNode string `pulumi:"witnessNode"` @@ -426,86 +351,11 @@ type ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterInput interface { type ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs struct { // The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the first fault domain. PreferredFaultDomainHostIds pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"preferredFaultDomainHostIds"` - // The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + // The name of prepferred fault domain. PreferredFaultDomainName pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"preferredFaultDomainName"` // The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the second fault domain. SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"secondaryFaultDomainHostIds"` - // The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - // - // > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - // You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - // - // - // ```go - // package main - // - // import ( - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere" - // "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" - // ) - // func main() { - // pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { - // _, err := vsphere.NewComputeCluster(ctx, "compute_cluster", &vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs{ - // Name: pulumi.String("terraform-compute-cluster-test"), - // DatacenterId: pulumi.Any(datacenter.Id), - // HostSystemIds: pulumi.StringArray{ - // %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:4,25-35), - // }, - // DrsEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // DrsAutomationLevel: pulumi.String("fullyAutomated"), - // HaEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false), - // VsanEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanEsaEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanDedupEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanCompressionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanPerformanceEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanVerboseModeEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanUnmapEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanDitEncryptionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), - // VsanDitRekeyInterval: pulumi.Int(1800), - // VsanDiskGroups: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArray{ - // &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs{ - // Cache: pulumi.Any(cacheDisks[0]), - // Storages: pulumi.Any(storageDisks), - // }, - // }, - // VsanFaultDomains: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArray{ - // &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs{ - // FaultDomains: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArray{ - // &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs{ - // Name: pulumi.String("fd1"), - // HostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ - // %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:26,18-41), - // }, - // }, - // &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs{ - // Name: pulumi.String("fd2"), - // HostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ - // %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:29,18-41), - // }, - // }, - // }, - // }, - // }, - // VsanStretchedCluster: &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs{ - // PreferredFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ - // %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:33,36-66), - // }, - // SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ - // %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:34,36-66), - // }, - // WitnessNode: pulumi.Any(witnessHost.Id), - // }, - // }) - // if err != nil { - // return err - // } - // return nil - // }) - // } - // ``` - // + // The name of secondary fault domain. SecondaryFaultDomainName pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"secondaryFaultDomainName"` // The managed object IDs of the host selected as witness node when enable stretched cluster. WitnessNode pulumi.StringInput `pulumi:"witnessNode"` @@ -593,7 +443,7 @@ func (o ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterOutput) PreferredFaultDomainHostIds() return o.ApplyT(func(v ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster) []string { return v.PreferredFaultDomainHostIds }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. +// The name of prepferred fault domain. func (o ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterOutput) PreferredFaultDomainName() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster) *string { return v.PreferredFaultDomainName }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -603,84 +453,7 @@ func (o ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterOutput) SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds() return o.ApplyT(func(v ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster) []string { return v.SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. -// -// > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. -// You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. -// -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := vsphere.NewComputeCluster(ctx, "compute_cluster", &vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs{ -// Name: pulumi.String("terraform-compute-cluster-test"), -// DatacenterId: pulumi.Any(datacenter.Id), -// HostSystemIds: pulumi.StringArray{ -// %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:4,25-35), -// }, -// DrsEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// DrsAutomationLevel: pulumi.String("fullyAutomated"), -// HaEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false), -// VsanEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanEsaEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanDedupEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanCompressionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanPerformanceEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanVerboseModeEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanUnmapEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanDitEncryptionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanDitRekeyInterval: pulumi.Int(1800), -// VsanDiskGroups: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArray{ -// &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs{ -// Cache: pulumi.Any(cacheDisks[0]), -// Storages: pulumi.Any(storageDisks), -// }, -// }, -// VsanFaultDomains: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArray{ -// &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs{ -// FaultDomains: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArray{ -// &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs{ -// Name: pulumi.String("fd1"), -// HostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ -// %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:26,18-41), -// }, -// }, -// &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs{ -// Name: pulumi.String("fd2"), -// HostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ -// %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:29,18-41), -// }, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// VsanStretchedCluster: &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs{ -// PreferredFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ -// %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:33,36-66), -// }, -// SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ -// %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:34,36-66), -// }, -// WitnessNode: pulumi.Any(witnessHost.Id), -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// ``` -// +// The name of secondary fault domain. func (o ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterOutput) SecondaryFaultDomainName() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster) *string { return v.SecondaryFaultDomainName }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -724,7 +497,7 @@ func (o ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterPtrOutput) PreferredFaultDomainHostIds }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. +// The name of prepferred fault domain. func (o ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterPtrOutput) PreferredFaultDomainName() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster) *string { if v == nil { @@ -744,84 +517,7 @@ func (o ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterPtrOutput) SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. -// -// > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. -// You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. -// -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere/sdk/v4/go/vsphere" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := vsphere.NewComputeCluster(ctx, "compute_cluster", &vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs{ -// Name: pulumi.String("terraform-compute-cluster-test"), -// DatacenterId: pulumi.Any(datacenter.Id), -// HostSystemIds: pulumi.StringArray{ -// %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:4,25-35), -// }, -// DrsEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// DrsAutomationLevel: pulumi.String("fullyAutomated"), -// HaEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false), -// VsanEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanEsaEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanDedupEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanCompressionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanPerformanceEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanVerboseModeEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanUnmapEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanDitEncryptionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// VsanDitRekeyInterval: pulumi.Int(1800), -// VsanDiskGroups: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArray{ -// &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs{ -// Cache: pulumi.Any(cacheDisks[0]), -// Storages: pulumi.Any(storageDisks), -// }, -// }, -// VsanFaultDomains: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArray{ -// &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs{ -// FaultDomains: vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArray{ -// &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs{ -// Name: pulumi.String("fd1"), -// HostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ -// %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:26,18-41), -// }, -// }, -// &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs{ -// Name: pulumi.String("fd2"), -// HostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ -// %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:29,18-41), -// }, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// VsanStretchedCluster: &vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs{ -// PreferredFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ -// %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:33,36-66), -// }, -// SecondaryFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.StringArray{ -// %!v(PANIC=Format method: fatal: A failure has occurred: unlowered splat expression @ example.pp:34,36-66), -// }, -// WitnessNode: pulumi.Any(witnessHost.Id), -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// ``` -// +// The name of secondary fault domain. func (o ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterPtrOutput) SecondaryFaultDomainName() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster) *string { if v == nil { @@ -842,15 +538,15 @@ func (o ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterPtrOutput) WitnessNode() pulumi.String } type ContentLibraryPublication struct { - // Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + // Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. AuthenticationMethod *string `pulumi:"authenticationMethod"` - // Password used for authentication. + // Password used by subscribers to authenticate. Password *string `pulumi:"password"` // The URL of the published content library. PublishUrl *string `pulumi:"publishUrl"` // Publish the content library. Default `false`. Published *bool `pulumi:"published"` - // Username used for authentication. + // Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. Username *string `pulumi:"username"` } @@ -866,15 +562,15 @@ type ContentLibraryPublicationInput interface { } type ContentLibraryPublicationArgs struct { - // Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + // Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. AuthenticationMethod pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"authenticationMethod"` - // Password used for authentication. + // Password used by subscribers to authenticate. Password pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"password"` // The URL of the published content library. PublishUrl pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"publishUrl"` // Publish the content library. Default `false`. Published pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"published"` - // Username used for authentication. + // Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. Username pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"username"` } @@ -955,12 +651,12 @@ func (o ContentLibraryPublicationOutput) ToContentLibraryPublicationPtrOutputWit }).(ContentLibraryPublicationPtrOutput) } -// Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. +// Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. func (o ContentLibraryPublicationOutput) AuthenticationMethod() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ContentLibraryPublication) *string { return v.AuthenticationMethod }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Password used for authentication. +// Password used by subscribers to authenticate. func (o ContentLibraryPublicationOutput) Password() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ContentLibraryPublication) *string { return v.Password }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -975,7 +671,7 @@ func (o ContentLibraryPublicationOutput) Published() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ContentLibraryPublication) *bool { return v.Published }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Username used for authentication. +// Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. func (o ContentLibraryPublicationOutput) Username() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ContentLibraryPublication) *string { return v.Username }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -1004,7 +700,7 @@ func (o ContentLibraryPublicationPtrOutput) Elem() ContentLibraryPublicationOutp }).(ContentLibraryPublicationOutput) } -// Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. +// Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. func (o ContentLibraryPublicationPtrOutput) AuthenticationMethod() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ContentLibraryPublication) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1014,7 +710,7 @@ func (o ContentLibraryPublicationPtrOutput) AuthenticationMethod() pulumi.String }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Password used for authentication. +// Password used by subscribers to authenticate. func (o ContentLibraryPublicationPtrOutput) Password() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ContentLibraryPublication) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1044,7 +740,7 @@ func (o ContentLibraryPublicationPtrOutput) Published() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Username used for authentication. +// Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. func (o ContentLibraryPublicationPtrOutput) Username() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ContentLibraryPublication) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1393,11 +1089,9 @@ func (o DistributedPortGroupVlanRangeArrayOutput) Index(i pulumi.IntInput) Distr } type DistributedVirtualSwitchHost struct { - // The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - // added in order they are specified. + // Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. Devices []string `pulumi:"devices"` - // The host system ID of the host to add to the - // VDS. + // The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. HostSystemId string `pulumi:"hostSystemId"` } @@ -1413,11 +1107,9 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchHostInput interface { } type DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs struct { - // The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - // added in order they are specified. + // Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. Devices pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"devices"` - // The host system ID of the host to add to the - // VDS. + // The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. HostSystemId pulumi.StringInput `pulumi:"hostSystemId"` } @@ -1472,14 +1164,12 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchHostOutput) ToDistributedVirtualSwitchHostOutput return o } -// The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, -// added in order they are specified. +// Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchHostOutput) Devices() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DistributedVirtualSwitchHost) []string { return v.Devices }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// The host system ID of the host to add to the -// VDS. +// The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchHostOutput) HostSystemId() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DistributedVirtualSwitchHost) string { return v.HostSystemId }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } @@ -1505,14 +1195,11 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArrayOutput) Index(i pulumi.IntInput) Distri } type DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping struct { - // The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - // 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + // The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. PrimaryVlanId int `pulumi:"primaryVlanId"` - // The private VLAN type. Valid values are - // promiscuous, community and isolated. + // The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. PvlanType string `pulumi:"pvlanType"` - // The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - // and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + // The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. SecondaryVlanId int `pulumi:"secondaryVlanId"` } @@ -1528,14 +1215,11 @@ type DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingInput interface { } type DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs struct { - // The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - // 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + // The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. PrimaryVlanId pulumi.IntInput `pulumi:"primaryVlanId"` - // The private VLAN type. Valid values are - // promiscuous, community and isolated. + // The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. PvlanType pulumi.StringInput `pulumi:"pvlanType"` - // The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - // and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + // The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. SecondaryVlanId pulumi.IntInput `pulumi:"secondaryVlanId"` } @@ -1590,20 +1274,17 @@ func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingOutput) ToDistributedVirtualSwitchPv return o } -// The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and -// 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. +// The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingOutput) PrimaryVlanId() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping) int { return v.PrimaryVlanId }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// The private VLAN type. Valid values are -// promiscuous, community and isolated. +// The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingOutput) PvlanType() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping) string { return v.PvlanType }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 -// and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. +// The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. func (o DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingOutput) SecondaryVlanId() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping) int { return v.SecondaryVlanId }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } @@ -2966,19 +2647,15 @@ func (o HostPortGroupPortArrayOutput) Index(i pulumi.IntInput) HostPortGroupPort } type VirtualMachineCdrom struct { - // Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastoreId` and `path`. + // Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device ClientDevice *bool `pulumi:"clientDevice"` - // The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + // The datastore ID the ISO is located on. DatastoreId *string `pulumi:"datastoreId"` // The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. DeviceAddress *string `pulumi:"deviceAddress"` // The ID of the device within the virtual machine. Key *int `pulumi:"key"` - // The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. - // - // > **NOTE:** Either `clientDevice` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastoreId` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - // - // > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + // The path to the ISO file on the datastore. Path *string `pulumi:"path"` } @@ -2994,19 +2671,15 @@ type VirtualMachineCdromInput interface { } type VirtualMachineCdromArgs struct { - // Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastoreId` and `path`. + // Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device ClientDevice pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"clientDevice"` - // The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + // The datastore ID the ISO is located on. DatastoreId pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"datastoreId"` // The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. DeviceAddress pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"deviceAddress"` // The ID of the device within the virtual machine. Key pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"key"` - // The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. - // - // > **NOTE:** Either `clientDevice` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastoreId` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - // - // > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + // The path to the ISO file on the datastore. Path pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"path"` } @@ -3061,12 +2734,12 @@ func (o VirtualMachineCdromOutput) ToVirtualMachineCdromOutputWithContext(ctx co return o } -// Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastoreId` and `path`. +// Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device func (o VirtualMachineCdromOutput) ClientDevice() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineCdrom) *bool { return v.ClientDevice }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. +// The datastore ID the ISO is located on. func (o VirtualMachineCdromOutput) DatastoreId() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineCdrom) *string { return v.DatastoreId }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -3081,11 +2754,7 @@ func (o VirtualMachineCdromOutput) Key() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineCdrom) *int { return v.Key }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. -// -// > **NOTE:** Either `clientDevice` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastoreId` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . -// -// > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. +// The path to the ISO file on the datastore. func (o VirtualMachineCdromOutput) Path() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineCdrom) *string { return v.Path }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -3528,7 +3197,7 @@ type VirtualMachineCloneCustomize struct { Ipv6Gateway *string `pulumi:"ipv6Gateway"` // A list of configuration options specific to Linux virtual machines. LinuxOptions *VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOptions `pulumi:"linuxOptions"` - // A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + // A specification of network interface configuration options. NetworkInterfaces []VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterface `pulumi:"networkInterfaces"` // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for guest OS customization to complete before returning with an error. Setting this value to 0 or a negative value skips the waiter. Default: 10. Timeout *int `pulumi:"timeout"` @@ -3560,7 +3229,7 @@ type VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeArgs struct { Ipv6Gateway pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"ipv6Gateway"` // A list of configuration options specific to Linux virtual machines. LinuxOptions VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOptionsPtrInput `pulumi:"linuxOptions"` - // A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + // A specification of network interface configuration options. NetworkInterfaces VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterfaceArrayInput `pulumi:"networkInterfaces"` // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for guest OS customization to complete before returning with an error. Setting this value to 0 or a negative value skips the waiter. Default: 10. Timeout pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"timeout"` @@ -3672,7 +3341,7 @@ func (o VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeOutput) LinuxOptions() VirtualMachineCloneCu return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineCloneCustomize) *VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOptions { return v.LinuxOptions }).(VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOptionsPtrOutput) } -// A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. +// A specification of network interface configuration options. func (o VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeOutput) NetworkInterfaces() VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterfaceArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineCloneCustomize) []VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterface { return v.NetworkInterfaces @@ -3770,7 +3439,7 @@ func (o VirtualMachineCloneCustomizePtrOutput) LinuxOptions() VirtualMachineClon }).(VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOptionsPtrOutput) } -// A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. +// A specification of network interface configuration options. func (o VirtualMachineCloneCustomizePtrOutput) NetworkInterfaces() VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterfaceArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachineCloneCustomize) []VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterface { if v == nil { @@ -4531,57 +4200,47 @@ func (o VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeWindowsOptionsPtrOutput) Workgroup() pulumi. } type VirtualMachineDisk struct { - // Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keepOnRemove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerlyScrub`, or `thinProvisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - // - // > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastoreClusterId` is used. + // If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. Attach *bool `pulumi:"attach"` - // The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + // The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. ControllerType *string `pulumi:"controllerType"` - // The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + // The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. DatastoreId *string `pulumi:"datastoreId"` // The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. DeviceAddress *string `pulumi:"deviceAddress"` - // The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independentNonpersistent`, `independentPersistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - // - // [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + // The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. DiskMode *string `pulumi:"diskMode"` - // The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - // - // > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + // The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. DiskSharing *string `pulumi:"diskSharing"` - // If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thinProvisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + // The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thinProvision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. EagerlyScrub *bool `pulumi:"eagerlyScrub"` - // The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + // The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. IoLimit *int `pulumi:"ioLimit"` - // The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + // The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. IoReservation *int `pulumi:"ioReservation"` - // The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + // The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. IoShareCount *int `pulumi:"ioShareCount"` - // The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + // The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. IoShareLevel *string `pulumi:"ioShareLevel"` - // Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + // Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. KeepOnRemove *bool `pulumi:"keepOnRemove"` // The ID of the device within the virtual machine. Key *int `pulumi:"key"` // A unique label for this disk. Label string `pulumi:"label"` - // The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. - // - // > **NOTE:** Either `clientDevice` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastoreId` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - // - // > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + // The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. Path *string `pulumi:"path"` - // The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + // The size of the disk, in GB. Size *int `pulumi:"size"` - // The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + // The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. StoragePolicyId *string `pulumi:"storagePolicyId"` - // If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerlyScrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + // If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. ThinProvisioned *bool `pulumi:"thinProvisioned"` - // The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + // The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. UnitNumber *int `pulumi:"unitNumber"` - // The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + // The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. Uuid *string `pulumi:"uuid"` - // If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + // If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. WriteThrough *bool `pulumi:"writeThrough"` } @@ -4597,57 +4256,47 @@ type VirtualMachineDiskInput interface { } type VirtualMachineDiskArgs struct { - // Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keepOnRemove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerlyScrub`, or `thinProvisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - // - // > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastoreClusterId` is used. + // If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. Attach pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"attach"` - // The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + // The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. ControllerType pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"controllerType"` - // The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + // The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. DatastoreId pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"datastoreId"` // The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. DeviceAddress pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"deviceAddress"` - // The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independentNonpersistent`, `independentPersistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - // - // [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + // The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. DiskMode pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"diskMode"` - // The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - // - // > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + // The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. DiskSharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"diskSharing"` - // If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thinProvisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + // The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thinProvision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. EagerlyScrub pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"eagerlyScrub"` - // The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + // The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. IoLimit pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"ioLimit"` - // The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + // The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. IoReservation pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"ioReservation"` - // The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + // The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. IoShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"ioShareCount"` - // The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + // The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. IoShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"ioShareLevel"` - // Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + // Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. KeepOnRemove pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"keepOnRemove"` // The ID of the device within the virtual machine. Key pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"key"` // A unique label for this disk. Label pulumi.StringInput `pulumi:"label"` - // The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. - // - // > **NOTE:** Either `clientDevice` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastoreId` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - // - // > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + // The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. Path pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"path"` - // The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + // The size of the disk, in GB. Size pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"size"` - // The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + // The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. StoragePolicyId pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"storagePolicyId"` - // If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerlyScrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + // If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. ThinProvisioned pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"thinProvisioned"` - // The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + // The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. UnitNumber pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"unitNumber"` - // The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + // The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. Uuid pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"uuid"` - // If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + // If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. WriteThrough pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"writeThrough"` } @@ -4702,19 +4351,17 @@ func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) ToVirtualMachineDiskOutputWithContext(ctx cont return o } -// Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keepOnRemove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerlyScrub`, or `thinProvisioned`. Must set `path` if used. -// -// > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastoreClusterId` is used. +// If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) Attach() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *bool { return v.Attach }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. +// The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) ControllerType() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *string { return v.ControllerType }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. +// The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) DatastoreId() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *string { return v.DatastoreId }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -4724,46 +4371,42 @@ func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) DeviceAddress() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *string { return v.DeviceAddress }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independentNonpersistent`, `independentPersistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. -// -// [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html +// The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) DiskMode() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *string { return v.DiskMode }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. -// -// > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. +// The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) DiskSharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *string { return v.DiskSharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thinProvisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. +// The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thinProvision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) EagerlyScrub() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *bool { return v.EagerlyScrub }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. +// The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) IoLimit() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *int { return v.IoLimit }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. +// The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) IoReservation() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *int { return v.IoReservation }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. +// The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) IoShareCount() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *int { return v.IoShareCount }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. +// The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) IoShareLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *string { return v.IoShareLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. +// Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) KeepOnRemove() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *bool { return v.KeepOnRemove }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -4778,41 +4421,37 @@ func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) Label() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) string { return v.Label }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. -// -// > **NOTE:** Either `clientDevice` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastoreId` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . -// -// > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. +// The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) Path() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *string { return v.Path }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. +// The size of the disk, in GB. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) Size() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *int { return v.Size }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. +// The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) StoragePolicyId() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *string { return v.StoragePolicyId }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerlyScrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. +// If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) ThinProvisioned() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *bool { return v.ThinProvisioned }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. +// The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) UnitNumber() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *int { return v.UnitNumber }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. +// The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) Uuid() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *string { return v.Uuid }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. +// If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. func (o VirtualMachineDiskOutput) WriteThrough() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineDisk) *bool { return v.WriteThrough }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -4838,29 +4477,29 @@ func (o VirtualMachineDiskArrayOutput) Index(i pulumi.IntInput) VirtualMachineDi } type VirtualMachineNetworkInterface struct { - // The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + // The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. AdapterType *string `pulumi:"adapterType"` - // The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + // The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. BandwidthLimit *int `pulumi:"bandwidthLimit"` - // The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + // The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. BandwidthReservation *int `pulumi:"bandwidthReservation"` - // The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + // The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. BandwidthShareCount *int `pulumi:"bandwidthShareCount"` - // The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + // The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. BandwidthShareLevel *string `pulumi:"bandwidthShareLevel"` // The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. DeviceAddress *string `pulumi:"deviceAddress"` // The ID of the device within the virtual machine. Key *int `pulumi:"key"` - // The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `useStaticMac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + // The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if useStaticMac is true. MacAddress *string `pulumi:"macAddress"` - // The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + // The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. NetworkId string `pulumi:"networkId"` - // Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `networkInterface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + // Mapping of network interface to OVF network. OvfMapping *string `pulumi:"ovfMapping"` // The ID of the Physical SR-IOV NIC to attach to, e.g. '0000:d8:00.0' PhysicalFunction *string `pulumi:"physicalFunction"` - // If true, the `macAddress` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `macAddress` to be set. Default: `false`. + // If true, the macAddress field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. UseStaticMac *bool `pulumi:"useStaticMac"` } @@ -4876,29 +4515,29 @@ type VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceInput interface { } type VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs struct { - // The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + // The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. AdapterType pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"adapterType"` - // The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + // The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. BandwidthLimit pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"bandwidthLimit"` - // The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + // The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. BandwidthReservation pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"bandwidthReservation"` - // The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + // The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. BandwidthShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"bandwidthShareCount"` - // The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + // The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. BandwidthShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"bandwidthShareLevel"` // The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. DeviceAddress pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"deviceAddress"` // The ID of the device within the virtual machine. Key pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"key"` - // The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `useStaticMac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + // The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if useStaticMac is true. MacAddress pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"macAddress"` - // The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + // The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. NetworkId pulumi.StringInput `pulumi:"networkId"` - // Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `networkInterface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + // Mapping of network interface to OVF network. OvfMapping pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"ovfMapping"` // The ID of the Physical SR-IOV NIC to attach to, e.g. '0000:d8:00.0' PhysicalFunction pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"physicalFunction"` - // If true, the `macAddress` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `macAddress` to be set. Default: `false`. + // If true, the macAddress field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. UseStaticMac pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"useStaticMac"` } @@ -4953,27 +4592,27 @@ func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) ToVirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOu return o } -// The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. +// The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) AdapterType() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineNetworkInterface) *string { return v.AdapterType }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. +// The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) BandwidthLimit() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineNetworkInterface) *int { return v.BandwidthLimit }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. +// The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) BandwidthReservation() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineNetworkInterface) *int { return v.BandwidthReservation }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. +// The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) BandwidthShareCount() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineNetworkInterface) *int { return v.BandwidthShareCount }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. +// The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) BandwidthShareLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineNetworkInterface) *string { return v.BandwidthShareLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -4988,17 +4627,17 @@ func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) Key() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineNetworkInterface) *int { return v.Key }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `useStaticMac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. +// The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if useStaticMac is true. func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) MacAddress() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineNetworkInterface) *string { return v.MacAddress }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. +// The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) NetworkId() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineNetworkInterface) string { return v.NetworkId }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `networkInterface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. +// Mapping of network interface to OVF network. func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) OvfMapping() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineNetworkInterface) *string { return v.OvfMapping }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -5008,7 +4647,7 @@ func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) PhysicalFunction() pulumi.StringPt return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineNetworkInterface) *string { return v.PhysicalFunction }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// If true, the `macAddress` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `macAddress` to be set. Default: `false`. +// If true, the macAddress field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. func (o VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceOutput) UseStaticMac() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VirtualMachineNetworkInterface) *bool { return v.UseStaticMac }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -5575,13 +5214,13 @@ func (o VmStoragePolicyTagRuleArrayOutput) Index(i pulumi.IntInput) VmStoragePol } type VnicIpv4 struct { - // Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + // Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. Dhcp *bool `pulumi:"dhcp"` - // IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + // IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. Gw *string `pulumi:"gw"` - // Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + // address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. Ip *string `pulumi:"ip"` - // Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + // netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. Netmask *string `pulumi:"netmask"` } @@ -5597,13 +5236,13 @@ type VnicIpv4Input interface { } type VnicIpv4Args struct { - // Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + // Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. Dhcp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"dhcp"` - // IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + // IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. Gw pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"gw"` - // Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + // address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. Ip pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"ip"` - // Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + // netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. Netmask pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"netmask"` } @@ -5684,22 +5323,22 @@ func (o VnicIpv4Output) ToVnicIpv4PtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) Vnic }).(VnicIpv4PtrOutput) } -// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. +// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. func (o VnicIpv4Output) Dhcp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VnicIpv4) *bool { return v.Dhcp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. +// IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. func (o VnicIpv4Output) Gw() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VnicIpv4) *string { return v.Gw }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. +// address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. func (o VnicIpv4Output) Ip() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VnicIpv4) *string { return v.Ip }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. +// netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. func (o VnicIpv4Output) Netmask() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VnicIpv4) *string { return v.Netmask }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -5728,7 +5367,7 @@ func (o VnicIpv4PtrOutput) Elem() VnicIpv4Output { }).(VnicIpv4Output) } -// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. +// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. func (o VnicIpv4PtrOutput) Dhcp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VnicIpv4) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -5738,7 +5377,7 @@ func (o VnicIpv4PtrOutput) Dhcp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. +// IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. func (o VnicIpv4PtrOutput) Gw() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VnicIpv4) *string { if v == nil { @@ -5748,7 +5387,7 @@ func (o VnicIpv4PtrOutput) Gw() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. +// address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. func (o VnicIpv4PtrOutput) Ip() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VnicIpv4) *string { if v == nil { @@ -5758,7 +5397,7 @@ func (o VnicIpv4PtrOutput) Ip() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. +// netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. func (o VnicIpv4PtrOutput) Netmask() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VnicIpv4) *string { if v == nil { @@ -5773,7 +5412,7 @@ type VnicIpv6 struct { Addresses []string `pulumi:"addresses"` // Use IPv6 Autoconfiguration (RFC2462). Autoconfig *bool `pulumi:"autoconfig"` - // Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + // Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. Dhcp *bool `pulumi:"dhcp"` // IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. Gw *string `pulumi:"gw"` @@ -5795,7 +5434,7 @@ type VnicIpv6Args struct { Addresses pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"addresses"` // Use IPv6 Autoconfiguration (RFC2462). Autoconfig pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"autoconfig"` - // Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + // Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. Dhcp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"dhcp"` // IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. Gw pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"gw"` @@ -5888,7 +5527,7 @@ func (o VnicIpv6Output) Autoconfig() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VnicIpv6) *bool { return v.Autoconfig }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. +// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. func (o VnicIpv6Output) Dhcp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v VnicIpv6) *bool { return v.Dhcp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -5942,7 +5581,7 @@ func (o VnicIpv6PtrOutput) Autoconfig() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. +// Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. func (o VnicIpv6PtrOutput) Dhcp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VnicIpv6) *bool { if v == nil { diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/resourcePool.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/resourcePool.go index e55b8faa..7b4545d5 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/resourcePool.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/resourcePool.go @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import ( // The following example sets up a resource pool in an existing compute cluster // with the default settings for CPU and memory reservations, shares, and limits. // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -61,12 +60,10 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // A virtual machine resource could be targeted to use the default resource pool // of the cluster using the following: // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -90,13 +87,11 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // The following example sets up a parent resource pool in an existing compute cluster // with a child resource pool nested below. Each resource pool is configured with // the default settings for CPU and memory reservations, shares, and limits. // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -141,7 +136,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ## Importing // diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/virtualMachine.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/virtualMachine.go index 40ec3090..a4b72b53 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/virtualMachine.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/virtualMachine.go @@ -15,146 +15,126 @@ import ( type VirtualMachine struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState - // The guest name for the operating system when `guestId` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + // The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. AlternateGuestName pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"alternateGuestName"` - // A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + // User-provided description of the virtual machine. Annotation pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"annotation"` - // The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + // The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. BootDelay pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"bootDelay"` - // The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `bootRetryEnabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + // The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. BootRetryDelay pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"bootRetryDelay"` - // If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `bootRetryDelay`. Default: `false`. + // If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. BootRetryEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"bootRetryEnabled"` - // A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + // A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. Cdroms VirtualMachineCdromArrayOutput `pulumi:"cdroms"` // A unique identifier for a given version of the last configuration was applied. ChangeVersion pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"changeVersion"` - // When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + // A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. Clone VirtualMachineClonePtrOutput `pulumi:"clone"` - // Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + // Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. CpuHotAddEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"cpuHotAddEnabled"` - // Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + // Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. CpuHotRemoveEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"cpuHotRemoveEnabled"` - // The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + // resources. CpuLimit pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"cpuLimit"` - // Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + // Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. CpuPerformanceCountersEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled"` - // The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + // The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. CpuReservation pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"cpuReservation"` - // The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpuShareLevel` is `custom`. + // The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. CpuShareCount pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"cpuShareCount"` - // The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + // The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. CpuShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"cpuShareLevel"` - // Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphereCustomAttributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - // - // > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + // A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. CustomAttributes pulumi.StringMapOutput `pulumi:"customAttributes"` - // The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + // The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. DatacenterId pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"datacenterId"` - // The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - // - // > **NOTE:** One of `datastoreId` or `datastoreClusterId` must be specified. - // - // > **NOTE:** Use of `datastoreClusterId` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - // - // > **NOTE:** The `datastoreClusterId` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + // The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. DatastoreClusterId pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"datastoreClusterId"` - // The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + // The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + // disks that are created without datastores. DatastoreId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"datastoreId"` // The IP address selected by the provider to be used with any provisioners configured on this resource. When possible, this is the first IPv4 address that is reachable through the default gateway configured on the machine, then the first reachable IPv6 address, and then the first general discovered address if neither exists. If VMware Tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the virtual machine is powered off, this value will be blank. DefaultIpAddress pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"defaultIpAddress"` - // A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + // A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. Disks VirtualMachineDiskArrayOutput `pulumi:"disks"` - // Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - // - // > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + // When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. EfiSecureBootEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"efiSecureBootEnabled"` - // Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + // Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. EnableDiskUuid pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"enableDiskUuid"` - // Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + // Enable logging on this virtual machine. EnableLogging pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"enableLogging"` - // The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + // The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. EptRviMode pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"eptRviMode"` - // Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - // - // > **NOTE:** Do not use `extraConfig` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + // Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + // configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. ExtraConfig pulumi.StringMapOutput `pulumi:"extraConfig"` - // Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extraConfig` occurs. Default: `true`. + // Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. ExtraConfigRebootRequired pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"extraConfigRebootRequired"` - // The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + // The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. Firmware pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"firmware"` - // The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + // The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. Folder pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"folder"` - // If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdownWaitTimeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + // Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. ForcePowerOff pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"forcePowerOff"` - // The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - // - // [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + // The guest ID for the operating system. GuestId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"guestId"` // The current list of IP addresses on this machine, including the value of `defaultIpAddress`. If VMware Tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the virtul machine is powered off, this list will be empty. GuestIpAddresses pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"guestIpAddresses"` - // The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - // - // [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - // [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + // The hardware version for the virtual machine. HardwareVersion pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"hardwareVersion"` - // The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `hostSystemId` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + // The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. HostSystemId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"hostSystemId"` - // The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + // The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. HvMode pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"hvMode"` - // The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + // The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + // controllers. IdeControllerCount pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"ideControllerCount"` - // List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + // List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP IgnoredGuestIps pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"ignoredGuestIps"` // Indicates if the virtual machine resource has been imported, or if the state has been migrated from a previous version of the resource. It influences the behavior of the first post-import apply operation. See the section on importing below. Imported pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"imported"` - // Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - // - // > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memoryReservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + // Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + // latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + // devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. LatencySensitivity pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"latencySensitivity"` - // The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + // The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. Memory pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"memory"` - // Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - // - // > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - // - // [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - // - // > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - // - // [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + // Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. MemoryHotAddEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"memoryHotAddEnabled"` - // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + // resources. MemoryLimit pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"memoryLimit"` - // The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + // The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. MemoryReservation pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"memoryReservation"` // If set true, memory resource reservation for this virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory // size;increases in memory size will be rejected when a corresponding reservation increase is not possible. This feature // may only be enabled if it is currently possible to reserve all of the virtual machine's memory. MemoryReservationLockedToMax pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"memoryReservationLockedToMax"` - // The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memoryShareLevel` is `custom`. + // The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. MemoryShareCount pulumi.IntOutput `pulumi:"memoryShareCount"` - // The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + // The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. MemoryShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"memoryShareLevel"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. MigrateWaitTimeout pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"migrateWaitTimeout"` // The managed object reference ID of the created virtual machine. Moid pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"moid"` - // The name of the virtual machine. + // The name of this virtual machine. Name pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"name"` - // Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + // Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. NestedHvEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"nestedHvEnabled"` - // A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + // A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. NetworkInterfaces VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArrayOutput `pulumi:"networkInterfaces"` - // The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `numCpus` divided by `numCoresPerSocket`. If specified, the value supplied to `numCpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + // The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + // must be evenly divisible by this value. NumCoresPerSocket pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"numCoresPerSocket"` - // The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + // The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. NumCpus pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"numCpus"` - // When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + // A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. OvfDeploy VirtualMachineOvfDeployPtrOutput `pulumi:"ovfDeploy"` - // List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - // - // > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + // A list of PCI passthrough devices PciDeviceIds pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"pciDeviceIds"` // A computed value for the current power state of the virtual machine. One of `on`, `off`, or `suspended`. PowerState pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"powerState"` @@ -163,70 +143,70 @@ type VirtualMachine struct { // Value internal to Terraform used to determine if a configuration set change requires a reboot. RebootRequired pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"rebootRequired"` // Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - // - // For example, `replaceTrigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) ReplaceTrigger pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"replaceTrigger"` - // The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - // - // > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + // The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. ResourcePoolId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"resourcePoolId"` - // Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn"` - // Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsAfterResume pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsAfterResume"` - // Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot"` - // Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown"` - // Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby"` // The number of SATA controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove // controllers. SataControllerCount pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"sataControllerCount"` - // The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + // Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. ScsiBusSharing pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"scsiBusSharing"` // The number of SCSI controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove // controllers. ScsiControllerCount pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"scsiControllerCount"` - // The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + // The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. ScsiType pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"scsiType"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `forcePowerOff` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. ShutdownWaitTimeout pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"shutdownWaitTimeout"` - // The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + // The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. StoragePolicyId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"storagePolicyId"` - // The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + // The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. SwapPlacementPolicy pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"swapPlacementPolicy"` - // Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + // synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. SyncTimeWithHost pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"syncTimeWithHost"` - // Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `syncTimeWithHost` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + // Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + // setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. SyncTimeWithHostPeriodically pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"syncTimeWithHostPeriodically"` - // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - // - // > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + // A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. Tags pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"tags"` - // Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + // Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. ToolsUpgradePolicy pulumi.StringPtrOutput `pulumi:"toolsUpgradePolicy"` - // The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + // The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. Uuid pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"uuid"` - // Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + // vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. Vapp VirtualMachineVappPtrOutput `pulumi:"vapp"` // Computed value which is only valid for cloned virtual machines. A list of vApp transport methods supported by the source virtual machine or template. VappTransports pulumi.StringArrayOutput `pulumi:"vappTransports"` - // Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtdEnabled`, `nestedHvEnabled`, and `efiSecureBootEnabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + // Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. VbsEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vbsEnabled"` // The state of VMware Tools in the guest. This will determine the proper course of action for some device operations. VmwareToolsStatus pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"vmwareToolsStatus"` // The path of the virtual machine configuration file on the datastore in which the virtual machine is placed. VmxPath pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"vmxPath"` - // Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + // Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + // I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. VvtdEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"vvtdEnabled"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `waitForGuestNetTimeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + // disables the waiter. WaitForGuestIpTimeout pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"waitForGuestIpTimeout"` - // Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + // a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. WaitForGuestNetRoutable pulumi.BoolPtrOutput `pulumi:"waitForGuestNetRoutable"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + // disables the waiter. WaitForGuestNetTimeout pulumi.IntPtrOutput `pulumi:"waitForGuestNetTimeout"` } @@ -263,146 +243,126 @@ func GetVirtualMachine(ctx *pulumi.Context, // Input properties used for looking up and filtering VirtualMachine resources. type virtualMachineState struct { - // The guest name for the operating system when `guestId` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + // The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. AlternateGuestName *string `pulumi:"alternateGuestName"` - // A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + // User-provided description of the virtual machine. Annotation *string `pulumi:"annotation"` - // The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + // The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. BootDelay *int `pulumi:"bootDelay"` - // The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `bootRetryEnabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + // The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. BootRetryDelay *int `pulumi:"bootRetryDelay"` - // If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `bootRetryDelay`. Default: `false`. + // If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. BootRetryEnabled *bool `pulumi:"bootRetryEnabled"` - // A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + // A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. Cdroms []VirtualMachineCdrom `pulumi:"cdroms"` // A unique identifier for a given version of the last configuration was applied. ChangeVersion *string `pulumi:"changeVersion"` - // When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + // A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. Clone *VirtualMachineClone `pulumi:"clone"` - // Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + // Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. CpuHotAddEnabled *bool `pulumi:"cpuHotAddEnabled"` - // Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + // Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. CpuHotRemoveEnabled *bool `pulumi:"cpuHotRemoveEnabled"` - // The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + // resources. CpuLimit *int `pulumi:"cpuLimit"` - // Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + // Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. CpuPerformanceCountersEnabled *bool `pulumi:"cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled"` - // The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + // The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. CpuReservation *int `pulumi:"cpuReservation"` - // The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpuShareLevel` is `custom`. + // The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. CpuShareCount *int `pulumi:"cpuShareCount"` - // The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + // The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. CpuShareLevel *string `pulumi:"cpuShareLevel"` - // Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphereCustomAttributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - // - // > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + // A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. CustomAttributes map[string]string `pulumi:"customAttributes"` - // The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + // The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. DatacenterId *string `pulumi:"datacenterId"` - // The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - // - // > **NOTE:** One of `datastoreId` or `datastoreClusterId` must be specified. - // - // > **NOTE:** Use of `datastoreClusterId` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - // - // > **NOTE:** The `datastoreClusterId` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + // The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. DatastoreClusterId *string `pulumi:"datastoreClusterId"` - // The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + // The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + // disks that are created without datastores. DatastoreId *string `pulumi:"datastoreId"` // The IP address selected by the provider to be used with any provisioners configured on this resource. When possible, this is the first IPv4 address that is reachable through the default gateway configured on the machine, then the first reachable IPv6 address, and then the first general discovered address if neither exists. If VMware Tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the virtual machine is powered off, this value will be blank. DefaultIpAddress *string `pulumi:"defaultIpAddress"` - // A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + // A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. Disks []VirtualMachineDisk `pulumi:"disks"` - // Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - // - // > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + // When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. EfiSecureBootEnabled *bool `pulumi:"efiSecureBootEnabled"` - // Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + // Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. EnableDiskUuid *bool `pulumi:"enableDiskUuid"` - // Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + // Enable logging on this virtual machine. EnableLogging *bool `pulumi:"enableLogging"` - // The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + // The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. EptRviMode *string `pulumi:"eptRviMode"` - // Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - // - // > **NOTE:** Do not use `extraConfig` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + // Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + // configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. ExtraConfig map[string]string `pulumi:"extraConfig"` - // Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extraConfig` occurs. Default: `true`. + // Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. ExtraConfigRebootRequired *bool `pulumi:"extraConfigRebootRequired"` - // The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + // The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. Firmware *string `pulumi:"firmware"` - // The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + // The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. Folder *string `pulumi:"folder"` - // If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdownWaitTimeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + // Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. ForcePowerOff *bool `pulumi:"forcePowerOff"` - // The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - // - // [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + // The guest ID for the operating system. GuestId *string `pulumi:"guestId"` // The current list of IP addresses on this machine, including the value of `defaultIpAddress`. If VMware Tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the virtul machine is powered off, this list will be empty. GuestIpAddresses []string `pulumi:"guestIpAddresses"` - // The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - // - // [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - // [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + // The hardware version for the virtual machine. HardwareVersion *int `pulumi:"hardwareVersion"` - // The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `hostSystemId` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + // The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. HostSystemId *string `pulumi:"hostSystemId"` - // The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + // The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. HvMode *string `pulumi:"hvMode"` - // The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + // The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + // controllers. IdeControllerCount *int `pulumi:"ideControllerCount"` - // List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + // List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP IgnoredGuestIps []string `pulumi:"ignoredGuestIps"` // Indicates if the virtual machine resource has been imported, or if the state has been migrated from a previous version of the resource. It influences the behavior of the first post-import apply operation. See the section on importing below. Imported *bool `pulumi:"imported"` - // Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - // - // > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memoryReservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + // Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + // latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + // devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. LatencySensitivity *string `pulumi:"latencySensitivity"` - // The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + // The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. Memory *int `pulumi:"memory"` - // Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - // - // > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - // - // [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - // - // > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - // - // [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + // Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. MemoryHotAddEnabled *bool `pulumi:"memoryHotAddEnabled"` - // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + // resources. MemoryLimit *int `pulumi:"memoryLimit"` - // The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + // The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. MemoryReservation *int `pulumi:"memoryReservation"` // If set true, memory resource reservation for this virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory // size;increases in memory size will be rejected when a corresponding reservation increase is not possible. This feature // may only be enabled if it is currently possible to reserve all of the virtual machine's memory. MemoryReservationLockedToMax *bool `pulumi:"memoryReservationLockedToMax"` - // The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memoryShareLevel` is `custom`. + // The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. MemoryShareCount *int `pulumi:"memoryShareCount"` - // The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + // The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. MemoryShareLevel *string `pulumi:"memoryShareLevel"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. MigrateWaitTimeout *int `pulumi:"migrateWaitTimeout"` // The managed object reference ID of the created virtual machine. Moid *string `pulumi:"moid"` - // The name of the virtual machine. + // The name of this virtual machine. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` - // Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + // Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. NestedHvEnabled *bool `pulumi:"nestedHvEnabled"` - // A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + // A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. NetworkInterfaces []VirtualMachineNetworkInterface `pulumi:"networkInterfaces"` - // The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `numCpus` divided by `numCoresPerSocket`. If specified, the value supplied to `numCpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + // The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + // must be evenly divisible by this value. NumCoresPerSocket *int `pulumi:"numCoresPerSocket"` - // The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + // The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. NumCpus *int `pulumi:"numCpus"` - // When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + // A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. OvfDeploy *VirtualMachineOvfDeploy `pulumi:"ovfDeploy"` - // List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - // - // > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + // A list of PCI passthrough devices PciDeviceIds []string `pulumi:"pciDeviceIds"` // A computed value for the current power state of the virtual machine. One of `on`, `off`, or `suspended`. PowerState *string `pulumi:"powerState"` @@ -411,214 +371,194 @@ type virtualMachineState struct { // Value internal to Terraform used to determine if a configuration set change requires a reboot. RebootRequired *bool `pulumi:"rebootRequired"` // Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - // - // For example, `replaceTrigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) ReplaceTrigger *string `pulumi:"replaceTrigger"` - // The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - // - // > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + // The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. ResourcePoolId *string `pulumi:"resourcePoolId"` - // Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn *bool `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn"` - // Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsAfterResume *bool `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsAfterResume"` - // Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot *bool `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot"` - // Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown *bool `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown"` - // Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby *bool `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby"` // The number of SATA controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove // controllers. SataControllerCount *int `pulumi:"sataControllerCount"` - // The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + // Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. ScsiBusSharing *string `pulumi:"scsiBusSharing"` // The number of SCSI controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove // controllers. ScsiControllerCount *int `pulumi:"scsiControllerCount"` - // The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + // The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. ScsiType *string `pulumi:"scsiType"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `forcePowerOff` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. ShutdownWaitTimeout *int `pulumi:"shutdownWaitTimeout"` - // The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + // The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. StoragePolicyId *string `pulumi:"storagePolicyId"` - // The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + // The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. SwapPlacementPolicy *string `pulumi:"swapPlacementPolicy"` - // Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + // synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. SyncTimeWithHost *bool `pulumi:"syncTimeWithHost"` - // Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `syncTimeWithHost` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + // Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + // setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. SyncTimeWithHostPeriodically *bool `pulumi:"syncTimeWithHostPeriodically"` - // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - // - // > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + // A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. Tags []string `pulumi:"tags"` - // Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + // Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. ToolsUpgradePolicy *string `pulumi:"toolsUpgradePolicy"` - // The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + // The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. Uuid *string `pulumi:"uuid"` - // Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + // vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. Vapp *VirtualMachineVapp `pulumi:"vapp"` // Computed value which is only valid for cloned virtual machines. A list of vApp transport methods supported by the source virtual machine or template. VappTransports []string `pulumi:"vappTransports"` - // Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtdEnabled`, `nestedHvEnabled`, and `efiSecureBootEnabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + // Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. VbsEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vbsEnabled"` // The state of VMware Tools in the guest. This will determine the proper course of action for some device operations. VmwareToolsStatus *string `pulumi:"vmwareToolsStatus"` // The path of the virtual machine configuration file on the datastore in which the virtual machine is placed. VmxPath *string `pulumi:"vmxPath"` - // Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + // Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + // I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. VvtdEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vvtdEnabled"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `waitForGuestNetTimeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + // disables the waiter. WaitForGuestIpTimeout *int `pulumi:"waitForGuestIpTimeout"` - // Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + // a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. WaitForGuestNetRoutable *bool `pulumi:"waitForGuestNetRoutable"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + // disables the waiter. WaitForGuestNetTimeout *int `pulumi:"waitForGuestNetTimeout"` } type VirtualMachineState struct { - // The guest name for the operating system when `guestId` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + // The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. AlternateGuestName pulumi.StringPtrInput - // A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + // User-provided description of the virtual machine. Annotation pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + // The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. BootDelay pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `bootRetryEnabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + // The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. BootRetryDelay pulumi.IntPtrInput - // If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `bootRetryDelay`. Default: `false`. + // If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. BootRetryEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + // A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. Cdroms VirtualMachineCdromArrayInput // A unique identifier for a given version of the last configuration was applied. ChangeVersion pulumi.StringPtrInput - // When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + // A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. Clone VirtualMachineClonePtrInput - // Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + // Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. CpuHotAddEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + // Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. CpuHotRemoveEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + // resources. CpuLimit pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + // Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. CpuPerformanceCountersEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + // The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. CpuReservation pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpuShareLevel` is `custom`. + // The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. CpuShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + // The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. CpuShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphereCustomAttributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - // - // > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + // A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. CustomAttributes pulumi.StringMapInput - // The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + // The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. DatacenterId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - // - // > **NOTE:** One of `datastoreId` or `datastoreClusterId` must be specified. - // - // > **NOTE:** Use of `datastoreClusterId` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - // - // > **NOTE:** The `datastoreClusterId` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + // The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. DatastoreClusterId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + // The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + // disks that are created without datastores. DatastoreId pulumi.StringPtrInput // The IP address selected by the provider to be used with any provisioners configured on this resource. When possible, this is the first IPv4 address that is reachable through the default gateway configured on the machine, then the first reachable IPv6 address, and then the first general discovered address if neither exists. If VMware Tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the virtual machine is powered off, this value will be blank. DefaultIpAddress pulumi.StringPtrInput - // A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + // A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. Disks VirtualMachineDiskArrayInput - // Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - // - // > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + // When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. EfiSecureBootEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + // Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. EnableDiskUuid pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + // Enable logging on this virtual machine. EnableLogging pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + // The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. EptRviMode pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - // - // > **NOTE:** Do not use `extraConfig` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + // Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + // configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. ExtraConfig pulumi.StringMapInput - // Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extraConfig` occurs. Default: `true`. + // Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. ExtraConfigRebootRequired pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + // The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. Firmware pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + // The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. Folder pulumi.StringPtrInput - // If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdownWaitTimeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + // Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. ForcePowerOff pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - // - // [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + // The guest ID for the operating system. GuestId pulumi.StringPtrInput // The current list of IP addresses on this machine, including the value of `defaultIpAddress`. If VMware Tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the virtul machine is powered off, this list will be empty. GuestIpAddresses pulumi.StringArrayInput - // The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - // - // [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - // [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + // The hardware version for the virtual machine. HardwareVersion pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `hostSystemId` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + // The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. HostSystemId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + // The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. HvMode pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + // The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + // controllers. IdeControllerCount pulumi.IntPtrInput - // List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + // List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP IgnoredGuestIps pulumi.StringArrayInput // Indicates if the virtual machine resource has been imported, or if the state has been migrated from a previous version of the resource. It influences the behavior of the first post-import apply operation. See the section on importing below. Imported pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - // - // > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memoryReservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + // Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + // latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + // devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. LatencySensitivity pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + // The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. Memory pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - // - // > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - // - // [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - // - // > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - // - // [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + // Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. MemoryHotAddEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + // resources. MemoryLimit pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + // The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. MemoryReservation pulumi.IntPtrInput // If set true, memory resource reservation for this virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory // size;increases in memory size will be rejected when a corresponding reservation increase is not possible. This feature // may only be enabled if it is currently possible to reserve all of the virtual machine's memory. MemoryReservationLockedToMax pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memoryShareLevel` is `custom`. + // The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. MemoryShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + // The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. MemoryShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. MigrateWaitTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput // The managed object reference ID of the created virtual machine. Moid pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The name of the virtual machine. + // The name of this virtual machine. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + // Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. NestedHvEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + // A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. NetworkInterfaces VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArrayInput - // The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `numCpus` divided by `numCoresPerSocket`. If specified, the value supplied to `numCpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + // The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + // must be evenly divisible by this value. NumCoresPerSocket pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + // The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. NumCpus pulumi.IntPtrInput - // When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + // A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. OvfDeploy VirtualMachineOvfDeployPtrInput - // List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - // - // > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + // A list of PCI passthrough devices PciDeviceIds pulumi.StringArrayInput // A computed value for the current power state of the virtual machine. One of `on`, `off`, or `suspended`. PowerState pulumi.StringPtrInput @@ -627,70 +567,70 @@ type VirtualMachineState struct { // Value internal to Terraform used to determine if a configuration set change requires a reboot. RebootRequired pulumi.BoolPtrInput // Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - // - // For example, `replaceTrigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) ReplaceTrigger pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - // - // > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + // The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. ResourcePoolId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsAfterResume pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The number of SATA controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove // controllers. SataControllerCount pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + // Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. ScsiBusSharing pulumi.StringPtrInput // The number of SCSI controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove // controllers. ScsiControllerCount pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + // The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. ScsiType pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `forcePowerOff` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. ShutdownWaitTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + // The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. StoragePolicyId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + // The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. SwapPlacementPolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + // synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. SyncTimeWithHost pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `syncTimeWithHost` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + // Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + // setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. SyncTimeWithHostPeriodically pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - // - // > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + // A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. Tags pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + // Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. ToolsUpgradePolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + // The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. Uuid pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + // vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. Vapp VirtualMachineVappPtrInput // Computed value which is only valid for cloned virtual machines. A list of vApp transport methods supported by the source virtual machine or template. VappTransports pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtdEnabled`, `nestedHvEnabled`, and `efiSecureBootEnabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + // Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. VbsEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The state of VMware Tools in the guest. This will determine the proper course of action for some device operations. VmwareToolsStatus pulumi.StringPtrInput // The path of the virtual machine configuration file on the datastore in which the virtual machine is placed. VmxPath pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + // Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + // I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. VvtdEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `waitForGuestNetTimeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + // disables the waiter. WaitForGuestIpTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + // a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. WaitForGuestNetRoutable pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + // disables the waiter. WaitForGuestNetTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput } @@ -699,391 +639,351 @@ func (VirtualMachineState) ElementType() reflect.Type { } type virtualMachineArgs struct { - // The guest name for the operating system when `guestId` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + // The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. AlternateGuestName *string `pulumi:"alternateGuestName"` - // A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + // User-provided description of the virtual machine. Annotation *string `pulumi:"annotation"` - // The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + // The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. BootDelay *int `pulumi:"bootDelay"` - // The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `bootRetryEnabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + // The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. BootRetryDelay *int `pulumi:"bootRetryDelay"` - // If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `bootRetryDelay`. Default: `false`. + // If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. BootRetryEnabled *bool `pulumi:"bootRetryEnabled"` - // A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + // A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. Cdroms []VirtualMachineCdrom `pulumi:"cdroms"` - // When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + // A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. Clone *VirtualMachineClone `pulumi:"clone"` - // Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + // Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. CpuHotAddEnabled *bool `pulumi:"cpuHotAddEnabled"` - // Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + // Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. CpuHotRemoveEnabled *bool `pulumi:"cpuHotRemoveEnabled"` - // The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + // resources. CpuLimit *int `pulumi:"cpuLimit"` - // Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + // Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. CpuPerformanceCountersEnabled *bool `pulumi:"cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled"` - // The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + // The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. CpuReservation *int `pulumi:"cpuReservation"` - // The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpuShareLevel` is `custom`. + // The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. CpuShareCount *int `pulumi:"cpuShareCount"` - // The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + // The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. CpuShareLevel *string `pulumi:"cpuShareLevel"` - // Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphereCustomAttributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - // - // > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + // A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. CustomAttributes map[string]string `pulumi:"customAttributes"` - // The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + // The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. DatacenterId *string `pulumi:"datacenterId"` - // The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - // - // > **NOTE:** One of `datastoreId` or `datastoreClusterId` must be specified. - // - // > **NOTE:** Use of `datastoreClusterId` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - // - // > **NOTE:** The `datastoreClusterId` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + // The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. DatastoreClusterId *string `pulumi:"datastoreClusterId"` - // The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + // The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + // disks that are created without datastores. DatastoreId *string `pulumi:"datastoreId"` - // A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + // A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. Disks []VirtualMachineDisk `pulumi:"disks"` - // Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - // - // > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + // When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. EfiSecureBootEnabled *bool `pulumi:"efiSecureBootEnabled"` - // Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + // Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. EnableDiskUuid *bool `pulumi:"enableDiskUuid"` - // Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + // Enable logging on this virtual machine. EnableLogging *bool `pulumi:"enableLogging"` - // The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + // The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. EptRviMode *string `pulumi:"eptRviMode"` - // Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - // - // > **NOTE:** Do not use `extraConfig` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + // Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + // configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. ExtraConfig map[string]string `pulumi:"extraConfig"` - // Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extraConfig` occurs. Default: `true`. + // Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. ExtraConfigRebootRequired *bool `pulumi:"extraConfigRebootRequired"` - // The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + // The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. Firmware *string `pulumi:"firmware"` - // The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + // The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. Folder *string `pulumi:"folder"` - // If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdownWaitTimeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + // Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. ForcePowerOff *bool `pulumi:"forcePowerOff"` - // The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - // - // [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + // The guest ID for the operating system. GuestId *string `pulumi:"guestId"` - // The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - // - // [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - // [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + // The hardware version for the virtual machine. HardwareVersion *int `pulumi:"hardwareVersion"` - // The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `hostSystemId` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + // The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. HostSystemId *string `pulumi:"hostSystemId"` - // The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + // The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. HvMode *string `pulumi:"hvMode"` - // The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + // The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + // controllers. IdeControllerCount *int `pulumi:"ideControllerCount"` - // List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + // List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP IgnoredGuestIps []string `pulumi:"ignoredGuestIps"` - // Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - // - // > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memoryReservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + // Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + // latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + // devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. LatencySensitivity *string `pulumi:"latencySensitivity"` - // The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + // The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. Memory *int `pulumi:"memory"` - // Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - // - // > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - // - // [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - // - // > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - // - // [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + // Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. MemoryHotAddEnabled *bool `pulumi:"memoryHotAddEnabled"` - // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + // resources. MemoryLimit *int `pulumi:"memoryLimit"` - // The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + // The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. MemoryReservation *int `pulumi:"memoryReservation"` // If set true, memory resource reservation for this virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory // size;increases in memory size will be rejected when a corresponding reservation increase is not possible. This feature // may only be enabled if it is currently possible to reserve all of the virtual machine's memory. MemoryReservationLockedToMax *bool `pulumi:"memoryReservationLockedToMax"` - // The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memoryShareLevel` is `custom`. + // The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. MemoryShareCount *int `pulumi:"memoryShareCount"` - // The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + // The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. MemoryShareLevel *string `pulumi:"memoryShareLevel"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. MigrateWaitTimeout *int `pulumi:"migrateWaitTimeout"` - // The name of the virtual machine. + // The name of this virtual machine. Name *string `pulumi:"name"` - // Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + // Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. NestedHvEnabled *bool `pulumi:"nestedHvEnabled"` - // A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + // A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. NetworkInterfaces []VirtualMachineNetworkInterface `pulumi:"networkInterfaces"` - // The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `numCpus` divided by `numCoresPerSocket`. If specified, the value supplied to `numCpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + // The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + // must be evenly divisible by this value. NumCoresPerSocket *int `pulumi:"numCoresPerSocket"` - // The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + // The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. NumCpus *int `pulumi:"numCpus"` - // When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + // A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. OvfDeploy *VirtualMachineOvfDeploy `pulumi:"ovfDeploy"` - // List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - // - // > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + // A list of PCI passthrough devices PciDeviceIds []string `pulumi:"pciDeviceIds"` // The amount of time, in seconds, that we will be trying to power on a VM PoweronTimeout *int `pulumi:"poweronTimeout"` // Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - // - // For example, `replaceTrigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) ReplaceTrigger *string `pulumi:"replaceTrigger"` - // The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - // - // > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + // The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. ResourcePoolId string `pulumi:"resourcePoolId"` - // Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn *bool `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn"` - // Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsAfterResume *bool `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsAfterResume"` - // Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot *bool `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot"` - // Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown *bool `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown"` - // Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby *bool `pulumi:"runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby"` // The number of SATA controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove // controllers. SataControllerCount *int `pulumi:"sataControllerCount"` - // The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + // Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. ScsiBusSharing *string `pulumi:"scsiBusSharing"` // The number of SCSI controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove // controllers. ScsiControllerCount *int `pulumi:"scsiControllerCount"` - // The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + // The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. ScsiType *string `pulumi:"scsiType"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `forcePowerOff` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. ShutdownWaitTimeout *int `pulumi:"shutdownWaitTimeout"` - // The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + // The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. StoragePolicyId *string `pulumi:"storagePolicyId"` - // The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + // The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. SwapPlacementPolicy *string `pulumi:"swapPlacementPolicy"` - // Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + // synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. SyncTimeWithHost *bool `pulumi:"syncTimeWithHost"` - // Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `syncTimeWithHost` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + // Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + // setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. SyncTimeWithHostPeriodically *bool `pulumi:"syncTimeWithHostPeriodically"` - // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - // - // > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + // A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. Tags []string `pulumi:"tags"` - // Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + // Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. ToolsUpgradePolicy *string `pulumi:"toolsUpgradePolicy"` - // Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + // vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. Vapp *VirtualMachineVapp `pulumi:"vapp"` - // Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtdEnabled`, `nestedHvEnabled`, and `efiSecureBootEnabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + // Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. VbsEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vbsEnabled"` - // Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + // Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + // I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. VvtdEnabled *bool `pulumi:"vvtdEnabled"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `waitForGuestNetTimeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + // disables the waiter. WaitForGuestIpTimeout *int `pulumi:"waitForGuestIpTimeout"` - // Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + // a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. WaitForGuestNetRoutable *bool `pulumi:"waitForGuestNetRoutable"` - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + // disables the waiter. WaitForGuestNetTimeout *int `pulumi:"waitForGuestNetTimeout"` } // The set of arguments for constructing a VirtualMachine resource. type VirtualMachineArgs struct { - // The guest name for the operating system when `guestId` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + // The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. AlternateGuestName pulumi.StringPtrInput - // A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + // User-provided description of the virtual machine. Annotation pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + // The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. BootDelay pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `bootRetryEnabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + // The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. BootRetryDelay pulumi.IntPtrInput - // If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `bootRetryDelay`. Default: `false`. + // If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. BootRetryEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + // A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. Cdroms VirtualMachineCdromArrayInput - // When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + // A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. Clone VirtualMachineClonePtrInput - // Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + // Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. CpuHotAddEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + // Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. CpuHotRemoveEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + // resources. CpuLimit pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + // Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. CpuPerformanceCountersEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + // The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. CpuReservation pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpuShareLevel` is `custom`. + // The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. CpuShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + // The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. CpuShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphereCustomAttributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - // - // > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + // A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. CustomAttributes pulumi.StringMapInput - // The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + // The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. DatacenterId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - // - // > **NOTE:** One of `datastoreId` or `datastoreClusterId` must be specified. - // - // > **NOTE:** Use of `datastoreClusterId` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - // - // > **NOTE:** The `datastoreClusterId` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + // The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. DatastoreClusterId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + // The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + // disks that are created without datastores. DatastoreId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + // A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. Disks VirtualMachineDiskArrayInput - // Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - // - // > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + // When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. EfiSecureBootEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + // Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. EnableDiskUuid pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + // Enable logging on this virtual machine. EnableLogging pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + // The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. EptRviMode pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - // - // > **NOTE:** Do not use `extraConfig` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + // Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + // configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. ExtraConfig pulumi.StringMapInput - // Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extraConfig` occurs. Default: `true`. + // Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. ExtraConfigRebootRequired pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + // The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. Firmware pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + // The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. Folder pulumi.StringPtrInput - // If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdownWaitTimeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + // Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. ForcePowerOff pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - // - // [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + // The guest ID for the operating system. GuestId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - // - // [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - // [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + // The hardware version for the virtual machine. HardwareVersion pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `hostSystemId` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + // The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. HostSystemId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + // The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. HvMode pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + // The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + // controllers. IdeControllerCount pulumi.IntPtrInput - // List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + // List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP IgnoredGuestIps pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - // - // > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memoryReservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + // Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + // latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + // devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. LatencySensitivity pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + // The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. Memory pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - // - // > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - // - // [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - // - // > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - // - // [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + // Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. MemoryHotAddEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + // resources. MemoryLimit pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + // The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. MemoryReservation pulumi.IntPtrInput // If set true, memory resource reservation for this virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory // size;increases in memory size will be rejected when a corresponding reservation increase is not possible. This feature // may only be enabled if it is currently possible to reserve all of the virtual machine's memory. MemoryReservationLockedToMax pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memoryShareLevel` is `custom`. + // The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. MemoryShareCount pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + // The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. MemoryShareLevel pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. MigrateWaitTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The name of the virtual machine. + // The name of this virtual machine. Name pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + // Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. NestedHvEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + // A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. NetworkInterfaces VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArrayInput - // The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `numCpus` divided by `numCoresPerSocket`. If specified, the value supplied to `numCpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + // The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + // must be evenly divisible by this value. NumCoresPerSocket pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + // The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. NumCpus pulumi.IntPtrInput - // When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + // A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. OvfDeploy VirtualMachineOvfDeployPtrInput - // List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - // - // > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + // A list of PCI passthrough devices PciDeviceIds pulumi.StringArrayInput // The amount of time, in seconds, that we will be trying to power on a VM PoweronTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput // Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - // - // For example, `replaceTrigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) ReplaceTrigger pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - // - // > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + // The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. ResourcePoolId pulumi.StringInput - // Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsAfterResume pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby pulumi.BoolPtrInput // The number of SATA controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove // controllers. SataControllerCount pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + // Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. ScsiBusSharing pulumi.StringPtrInput // The number of SCSI controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks // you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove // controllers. ScsiControllerCount pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + // The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. ScsiType pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `forcePowerOff` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. ShutdownWaitTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + // The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. StoragePolicyId pulumi.StringPtrInput - // The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + // The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. SwapPlacementPolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + // Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + // synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. SyncTimeWithHost pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `syncTimeWithHost` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + // Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + // setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. SyncTimeWithHostPeriodically pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - // - // > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + // A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. Tags pulumi.StringArrayInput - // Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + // Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. ToolsUpgradePolicy pulumi.StringPtrInput - // Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + // vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. Vapp VirtualMachineVappPtrInput - // Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtdEnabled`, `nestedHvEnabled`, and `efiSecureBootEnabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + // Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. VbsEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + // Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + // I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. VvtdEnabled pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `waitForGuestNetTimeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + // disables the waiter. WaitForGuestIpTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput - // Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + // Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + // a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. WaitForGuestNetRoutable pulumi.BoolPtrInput - // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + // The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + // disables the waiter. WaitForGuestNetTimeout pulumi.IntPtrInput } @@ -1174,32 +1074,32 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ToVirtualMachineOutputWithContext(ctx context.Cont return o } -// The guest name for the operating system when `guestId` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. +// The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) AlternateGuestName() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.AlternateGuestName }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// A user-provided description of the virtual machine. +// User-provided description of the virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Annotation() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.Annotation }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. +// The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) BootDelay() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.BootDelay }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `bootRetryEnabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). +// The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) BootRetryDelay() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.BootRetryDelay }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `bootRetryDelay`. Default: `false`. +// If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) BootRetryEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.BootRetryEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. +// A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Cdroms() VirtualMachineCdromArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) VirtualMachineCdromArrayOutput { return v.Cdroms }).(VirtualMachineCdromArrayOutput) } @@ -1209,70 +1109,64 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ChangeVersion() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.ChangeVersion }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. +// A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Clone() VirtualMachineClonePtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) VirtualMachineClonePtrOutput { return v.Clone }).(VirtualMachineClonePtrOutput) } -// Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. +// Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) CpuHotAddEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.CpuHotAddEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. +// Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) CpuHotRemoveEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.CpuHotRemoveEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. +// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available +// resources. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) CpuLimit() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.CpuLimit }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. +// Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) CpuPerformanceCountersEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.CpuPerformanceCountersEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. +// The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) CpuReservation() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.CpuReservation }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpuShareLevel` is `custom`. +// The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) CpuShareCount() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.CpuShareCount }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. +// The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) CpuShareLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.CpuShareLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphereCustomAttributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. -// -// > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. +// A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) CustomAttributes() pulumi.StringMapOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringMapOutput { return v.CustomAttributes }).(pulumi.StringMapOutput) } -// The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. +// The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) DatacenterId() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.DatacenterId }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. -// -// > **NOTE:** One of `datastoreId` or `datastoreClusterId` must be specified. -// -// > **NOTE:** Use of `datastoreClusterId` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. -// -// > **NOTE:** The `datastoreClusterId` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. +// The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) DatastoreClusterId() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.DatastoreClusterId }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. +// The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual +// disks that are created without datastores. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) DatastoreId() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.DatastoreId }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } @@ -1282,63 +1176,58 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) DefaultIpAddress() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.DefaultIpAddress }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. +// A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Disks() VirtualMachineDiskArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) VirtualMachineDiskArrayOutput { return v.Disks }).(VirtualMachineDiskArrayOutput) } -// Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. -// -// > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. +// When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) EfiSecureBootEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.EfiSecureBootEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. +// Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) EnableDiskUuid() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.EnableDiskUuid }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. +// Enable logging on this virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) EnableLogging() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.EnableLogging }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. +// The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) EptRviMode() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.EptRviMode }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. -// -// > **NOTE:** Do not use `extraConfig` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. +// Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in +// configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ExtraConfig() pulumi.StringMapOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringMapOutput { return v.ExtraConfig }).(pulumi.StringMapOutput) } -// Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extraConfig` occurs. Default: `true`. +// Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ExtraConfigRebootRequired() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.ExtraConfigRebootRequired }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. +// The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Firmware() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.Firmware }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` +// The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Folder() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.Folder }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdownWaitTimeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. +// Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ForcePowerOff() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.ForcePowerOff }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. -// -// [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html +// The guest ID for the operating system. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) GuestId() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.GuestId }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } @@ -1348,30 +1237,29 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) GuestIpAddresses() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.GuestIpAddresses }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. -// -// [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 -// [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 +// The hardware version for the virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) HardwareVersion() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.HardwareVersion }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `hostSystemId` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. +// The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) HostSystemId() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.HostSystemId }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. +// The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) HvMode() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.HvMode }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. +// The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks +// you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove +// controllers. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) IdeControllerCount() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.IdeControllerCount }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. +// List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP func (o VirtualMachineOutput) IgnoredGuestIps() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.IgnoredGuestIps }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -1381,36 +1269,30 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Imported() pulumi.BoolOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolOutput { return v.Imported }).(pulumi.BoolOutput) } -// Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. -// -// > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memoryReservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. +// Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower +// latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard +// devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) LatencySensitivity() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.LatencySensitivity }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). +// The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Memory() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.Memory }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. -// -// > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. -// -// > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. -// -// [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf -// [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 +// Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) MemoryHotAddEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.MemoryHotAddEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. +// The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available +// resources. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) MemoryLimit() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.MemoryLimit }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. +// The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) MemoryReservation() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.MemoryReservation }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } @@ -1422,17 +1304,17 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) MemoryReservationLockedToMax() pulumi.BoolPtrOutpu return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.MemoryReservationLockedToMax }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memoryShareLevel` is `custom`. +// The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) MemoryShareCount() pulumi.IntOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntOutput { return v.MemoryShareCount }).(pulumi.IntOutput) } -// The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. +// The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) MemoryShareLevel() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.MemoryShareLevel }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. +// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) MigrateWaitTimeout() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.MigrateWaitTimeout }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } @@ -1442,39 +1324,38 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Moid() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.Moid }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// The name of the virtual machine. +// The name of this virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Name() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.Name }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. +// Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) NestedHvEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.NestedHvEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. +// A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) NetworkInterfaces() VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArrayOutput { return v.NetworkInterfaces }).(VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArrayOutput) } -// The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `numCpus` divided by `numCoresPerSocket`. If specified, the value supplied to `numCpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. +// The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus +// must be evenly divisible by this value. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) NumCoresPerSocket() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.NumCoresPerSocket }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. +// The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) NumCpus() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.NumCpus }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. +// A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) OvfDeploy() VirtualMachineOvfDeployPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) VirtualMachineOvfDeployPtrOutput { return v.OvfDeploy }).(VirtualMachineOvfDeployPtrOutput) } -// List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. -// -// > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. +// A list of PCI passthrough devices func (o VirtualMachineOutput) PciDeviceIds() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.PciDeviceIds }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -1495,40 +1376,36 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) RebootRequired() pulumi.BoolOutput { } // Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. -// -// For example, `replaceTrigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ReplaceTrigger() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.ReplaceTrigger }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. -// -// > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. +// The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ResourcePoolId() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.ResourcePoolId }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. +// Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) RunToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.RunToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. +// Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) RunToolsScriptsAfterResume() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.RunToolsScriptsAfterResume }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. +// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. +// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. +// Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.RunToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -1540,7 +1417,7 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) SataControllerCount() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.SataControllerCount }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. +// Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ScsiBusSharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.ScsiBusSharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } @@ -1552,54 +1429,54 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ScsiControllerCount() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.ScsiControllerCount }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. +// The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ScsiType() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.ScsiType }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `forcePowerOff` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. +// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ShutdownWaitTimeout() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.ShutdownWaitTimeout }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. +// The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) StoragePolicyId() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.StoragePolicyId }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. +// The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) SwapPlacementPolicy() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.SwapPlacementPolicy }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. +// Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is +// synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) SyncTimeWithHost() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.SyncTimeWithHost }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `syncTimeWithHost` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. +// Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions +// setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) SyncTimeWithHostPeriodically() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.SyncTimeWithHostPeriodically }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. -// -// > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. +// A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Tags() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.Tags }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. +// Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) ToolsUpgradePolicy() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return v.ToolsUpgradePolicy }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } -// The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. +// The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Uuid() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.Uuid }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. +// vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) Vapp() VirtualMachineVappPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) VirtualMachineVappPtrOutput { return v.Vapp }).(VirtualMachineVappPtrOutput) } @@ -1609,7 +1486,7 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) VappTransports() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return v.VappTransports }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } -// Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtdEnabled`, `nestedHvEnabled`, and `efiSecureBootEnabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. +// Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) VbsEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VbsEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } @@ -1624,22 +1501,26 @@ func (o VirtualMachineOutput) VmxPath() pulumi.StringOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.StringOutput { return v.VmxPath }).(pulumi.StringOutput) } -// Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. +// Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD +// I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) VvtdEnabled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.VvtdEnabled }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `waitForGuestNetTimeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. +// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 +// disables the waiter. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) WaitForGuestIpTimeout() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.WaitForGuestIpTimeout }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } -// Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. +// Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for +// a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) WaitForGuestNetRoutable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return v.WaitForGuestNetRoutable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } -// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. +// The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 +// disables the waiter. func (o VirtualMachineOutput) WaitForGuestNetTimeout() pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *VirtualMachine) pulumi.IntPtrOutput { return v.WaitForGuestNetTimeout }).(pulumi.IntPtrOutput) } diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/virtualMachineSnapshot.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/virtualMachineSnapshot.go index 888471d2..d8be5a74 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/virtualMachineSnapshot.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/virtualMachineSnapshot.go @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import ( // // ## Example Usage // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -62,7 +61,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // [ext-vm-snapshot-management]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/com.vmware.vsphere.vm_admin.doc/GUID-CA948C69-7F58-4519-AEB1-739545EA94E5.html // [ext-vm-snap-limitations]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/com.vmware.vsphere.vm_admin.doc/GUID-53F65726-A23B-4CF0-A7D5-48E584B88613.html diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/vmStoragePolicy.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/vmStoragePolicy.go index 14fcf5a5..bcf6ae51 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/vmStoragePolicy.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/vmStoragePolicy.go @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import ( // // In this example, tags are first applied to datastores. // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -134,11 +133,9 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // Next, storage policies are created and `tagRules` are applied. // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -216,11 +213,9 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // Lasttly, when creating a virtual machine resource, a storage policy can be specificed to direct virtual machine placement to a datastore which matches the policy's `tagsRules`. // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -262,7 +257,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// type VmStoragePolicy struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState diff --git a/sdk/go/vsphere/vnic.go b/sdk/go/vsphere/vnic.go index 1c4ba30d..fc373630 100644 --- a/sdk/go/vsphere/vnic.go +++ b/sdk/go/vsphere/vnic.go @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import ( // // ### Create a vnic attached to a distributed virtual switch using the vmotion TCP/IP stack // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -86,11 +85,9 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ### Create a vnic attached to a portgroup using the default TCP/IP stack // -// // ```go // package main // @@ -160,7 +157,6 @@ import ( // } // // ``` -// // // ## Importing // diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/ComputeCluster.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/ComputeCluster.java index 97822872..49174848 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/ComputeCluster.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/ComputeCluster.java @@ -62,180 +62,150 @@ public Output datacenterId() { return this.datacenterId; } /** - * The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. * */ @Export(name="dpmAutomationLevel", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output dpmAutomationLevel; /** - * @return The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * @return The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. * */ public Output> dpmAutomationLevel() { return Codegen.optional(this.dpmAutomationLevel); } /** - * Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. * */ @Export(name="dpmEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output dpmEnabled; /** - * @return Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * @return Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. * */ public Output> dpmEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.dpmEnabled); } /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. * */ @Export(name="dpmThreshold", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output dpmThreshold; /** - * @return A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * @return A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. * */ public Output> dpmThreshold() { return Codegen.optional(this.dpmThreshold); } /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. * */ @Export(name="drsAdvancedOptions", refs={Map.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1,1]") private Output> drsAdvancedOptions; /** - * @return A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * @return Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. * */ public Output>> drsAdvancedOptions() { return Codegen.optional(this.drsAdvancedOptions); } /** - * The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. * */ @Export(name="drsAutomationLevel", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output drsAutomationLevel; /** - * @return The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * @return The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. * */ public Output> drsAutomationLevel() { return Codegen.optional(this.drsAutomationLevel); } /** - * When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. * */ @Export(name="drsEnablePredictiveDrs", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output drsEnablePredictiveDrs; /** - * @return When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * @return When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. * */ public Output> drsEnablePredictiveDrs() { return Codegen.optional(this.drsEnablePredictiveDrs); } /** - * Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. * */ @Export(name="drsEnableVmOverrides", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output drsEnableVmOverrides; /** - * @return Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @return When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. * */ public Output> drsEnableVmOverrides() { return Codegen.optional(this.drsEnableVmOverrides); } /** - * Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * Enable DRS for this cluster. * */ @Export(name="drsEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output drsEnabled; /** - * @return Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable DRS for this cluster. * */ public Output> drsEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.drsEnabled); } /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. * */ @Export(name="drsMigrationThreshold", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output drsMigrationThreshold; /** - * @return A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * @return A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. * */ public Output> drsMigrationThreshold() { return Codegen.optional(this.drsMigrationThreshold); } /** - * Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. * */ @Export(name="drsScaleDescendantsShares", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output drsScaleDescendantsShares; /** - * @return Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * @return Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. * */ public Output> drsScaleDescendantsShares() { @@ -266,668 +236,536 @@ public Output> folder() { return Codegen.optional(this.folder); } /** - * When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `host_system_ids` attribute. + * Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. * */ @Export(name="forceEvacuateOnDestroy", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output forceEvacuateOnDestroy; /** - * @return When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `host_system_ids` attribute. + * @return Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. * */ public Output> forceEvacuateOnDestroy() { return Codegen.optional(this.forceEvacuateOnDestroy); } /** - * Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. * */ @Export(name="haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds; /** - * @return Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. * */ public Output>> haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds() { return Codegen.optional(this.haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds); } /** - * The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. * */ @Export(name="haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance; /** - * @return The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. * */ public Output> haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance() { return Codegen.optional(this.haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance); } /** - * The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. * */ @Export(name="haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance; /** - * @return The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * @return The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. * */ public Output> haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance() { return Codegen.optional(this.haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance); } /** - * The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. * */ @Export(name="haAdmissionControlPolicy", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haAdmissionControlPolicy; /** - * @return The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * @return The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. * */ public Output> haAdmissionControlPolicy() { return Codegen.optional(this.haAdmissionControlPolicy); } /** - * Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. * */ @Export(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute; /** - * @return Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. * */ public Output> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute() { return Codegen.optional(this.haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute); } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ @Export(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ public Output> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu() { return Codegen.optional(this.haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu); } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ @Export(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ public Output> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory() { return Codegen.optional(this.haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory); } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. * */ @Export(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. * */ public Output> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu() { return Codegen.optional(this.haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu); } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. * */ @Export(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. * */ public Output> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory() { return Codegen.optional(this.haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory); } /** - * Controls - * whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - * sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - * average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + * to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + * currently in the cluster. * */ @Export(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize; /** - * @return Controls - * whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - * sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - * average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + * to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + * currently in the cluster. * */ public Output> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize() { return Codegen.optional(this.haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize); } /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for vSphere HA. + * Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. * */ @Export(name="haAdvancedOptions", refs={Map.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1,1]") private Output> haAdvancedOptions; /** - * @return A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for vSphere HA. + * @return Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. * */ public Output>> haAdvancedOptions() { return Codegen.optional(this.haAdvancedOptions); } /** - * Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. * */ @Export(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction; /** - * @return Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. * */ public Output> haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() { return Codegen.optional(this.haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction); } /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. * */ @Export(name="haDatastoreApdResponse", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haDatastoreApdResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. * */ public Output> haDatastoreApdResponse() { return Codegen.optional(this.haDatastoreApdResponse); } /** - * The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. * */ @Export(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haDatastoreApdResponseDelay; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. * */ public Output> haDatastoreApdResponseDelay() { return Codegen.optional(this.haDatastoreApdResponseDelay); } /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ @Export(name="haDatastorePdlResponse", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haDatastorePdlResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ public Output> haDatastorePdlResponse() { return Codegen.optional(this.haDatastorePdlResponse); } /** - * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. * */ @Export(name="haEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haEnabled; /** - * @return Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * @return Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. * */ public Output> haEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.haEnabled); } /** - * The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ @Export(name="haHeartbeatDatastoreIds", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> haHeartbeatDatastoreIds; /** - * @return The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @return The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ public Output>> haHeartbeatDatastoreIds() { return Codegen.optional(this.haHeartbeatDatastoreIds); } /** - * The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ @Export(name="haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy; /** - * @return The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @return The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ public Output> haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy() { return Codegen.optional(this.haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy); } /** - * The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ @Export(name="haHostIsolationResponse", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haHostIsolationResponse; /** - * @return The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * @return The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ public Output> haHostIsolationResponse() { return Codegen.optional(this.haHostIsolationResponse); } /** - * Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ @Export(name="haHostMonitoring", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haHostMonitoring; /** - * @return Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * @return Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ public Output> haHostMonitoring() { return Codegen.optional(this.haHostMonitoring); } /** - * Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ @Export(name="haVmComponentProtection", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmComponentProtection; /** - * @return Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ public Output> haVmComponentProtection() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmComponentProtection); } /** - * The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. * */ @Export(name="haVmDependencyRestartCondition", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmDependencyRestartCondition; /** - * @return The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. * */ public Output> haVmDependencyRestartCondition() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmDependencyRestartCondition); } /** - * The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. * */ @Export(name="haVmFailureInterval", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmFailureInterval; /** - * @return The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * @return If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. * */ public Output> haVmFailureInterval() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmFailureInterval); } /** - * The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ @Export(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmMaximumFailureWindow; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * @return The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ public Output> haVmMaximumFailureWindow() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmMaximumFailureWindow); } /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ @Export(name="haVmMaximumResets", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmMaximumResets; /** - * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ public Output> haVmMaximumResets() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmMaximumResets); } /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ @Export(name="haVmMinimumUptime", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmMinimumUptime; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ public Output> haVmMinimumUptime() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmMinimumUptime); } /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ @Export(name="haVmMonitoring", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmMonitoring; /** - * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ public Output> haVmMonitoring() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmMonitoring); } /** - * Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + * Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. * */ @Export(name="haVmRestartAdditionalDelay", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmRestartAdditionalDelay; /** - * @return Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + * @return Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. * */ public Output> haVmRestartAdditionalDelay() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmRestartAdditionalDelay); } /** - * The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. * */ @Export(name="haVmRestartPriority", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmRestartPriority; /** - * @return The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * @return The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. * */ public Output> haVmRestartPriority() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmRestartPriority); } /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. * */ @Export(name="haVmRestartTimeout", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmRestartTimeout; /** - * @return The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. * */ public Output> haVmRestartTimeout() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmRestartTimeout); } /** - * The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. * */ @Export(name="hostClusterExitTimeout", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output hostClusterExitTimeout; /** - * @return The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * @return The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. * */ public Output> hostClusterExitTimeout() { return Codegen.optional(this.hostClusterExitTimeout); } /** - * Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + * Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. * */ @Export(name="hostManaged", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output hostManaged; /** - * @return Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + * @return Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. * */ public Output> hostManaged() { return Codegen.optional(this.hostManaged); } /** - * The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * */ @Export(name="hostSystemIds", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> hostSystemIds; /** - * @return The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * @return The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * */ public Output>> hostSystemIds() { @@ -948,102 +786,74 @@ public Output name() { return this.name; } /** - * Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + * The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. * */ @Export(name="proactiveHaAutomationLevel", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output proactiveHaAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. * */ public Output> proactiveHaAutomationLevel() { return Codegen.optional(this.proactiveHaAutomationLevel); } /** - * Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. * */ @Export(name="proactiveHaEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output proactiveHaEnabled; /** - * @return Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. * */ public Output> proactiveHaEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.proactiveHaEnabled); } /** - * The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. * */ @Export(name="proactiveHaModerateRemediation", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output proactiveHaModerateRemediation; /** - * @return The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. * */ public Output> proactiveHaModerateRemediation() { return Codegen.optional(this.proactiveHaModerateRemediation); } /** - * The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * */ @Export(name="proactiveHaProviderIds", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> proactiveHaProviderIds; /** - * @return The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * */ public Output>> proactiveHaProviderIds() { return Codegen.optional(this.proactiveHaProviderIds); } /** - * The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. * */ @Export(name="proactiveHaSevereRemediation", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output proactiveHaSevereRemediation; /** - * @return The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. * */ public Output> proactiveHaSevereRemediation() { @@ -1086,228 +896,196 @@ public Output>> tags() { return Codegen.optional(this.tags); } /** - * Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanCompressionEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vsanCompressionEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Output> vsanCompressionEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.vsanCompressionEnabled); } /** - * Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanDedupEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vsanDedupEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * @return Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Output> vsanDedupEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.vsanDedupEnabled); } /** - * Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanDiskGroups", refs={List.class,ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> vsanDiskGroups; /** - * @return Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * @return A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. * */ public Output> vsanDiskGroups() { return this.vsanDiskGroups; } /** - * Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanDitEncryptionEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vsanDitEncryptionEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * @return Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Output> vsanDitEncryptionEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.vsanDitEncryptionEnabled); } /** - * Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + * When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). * */ @Export(name="vsanDitRekeyInterval", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vsanDitRekeyInterval; /** - * @return Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + * @return When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). * */ public Output vsanDitRekeyInterval() { return this.vsanDitRekeyInterval; } /** - * Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vsanEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Output> vsanEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.vsanEnabled); } /** - * Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanEsaEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vsanEsaEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Output> vsanEsaEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.vsanEsaEnabled); } /** - * Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * The configuration for vSAN fault domains. * */ @Export(name="vsanFaultDomains", refs={List.class,ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomain.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> vsanFaultDomains; /** - * @return Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * @return The configuration for vSAN fault domains. * */ public Output>> vsanFaultDomains() { return Codegen.optional(this.vsanFaultDomains); } /** - * Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled; /** - * @return Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Output> vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled); } /** - * Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanPerformanceEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vsanPerformanceEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @return Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Output> vsanPerformanceEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.vsanPerformanceEnabled); } /** - * The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanRemoteDatastoreIds", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> vsanRemoteDatastoreIds; /** - * @return The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * @return The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * */ public Output>> vsanRemoteDatastoreIds() { return Codegen.optional(this.vsanRemoteDatastoreIds); } /** - * Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + * The configuration for stretched cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanStretchedCluster", refs={ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vsanStretchedCluster; /** - * @return Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + * @return The configuration for stretched cluster. * */ public Output> vsanStretchedCluster() { return Codegen.optional(this.vsanStretchedCluster); } /** - * Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - * You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanUnmapEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vsanUnmapEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - * You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Output> vsanUnmapEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.vsanUnmapEnabled); } /** - * Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Export(name="vsanVerboseModeEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vsanVerboseModeEnabled; /** - * @return Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Output> vsanVerboseModeEnabled() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/ComputeClusterArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/ComputeClusterArgs.java index bf853973..84f5ba74 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/ComputeClusterArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/ComputeClusterArgs.java @@ -64,18 +64,14 @@ public Output datacenterId() { } /** - * The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. * */ @Import(name="dpmAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output dpmAutomationLevel; /** - * @return The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * @return The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. * */ public Optional> dpmAutomationLevel() { @@ -83,18 +79,16 @@ public Optional> dpmAutomationLevel() { } /** - * Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. * */ @Import(name="dpmEnabled") private @Nullable Output dpmEnabled; /** - * @return Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * @return Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. * */ public Optional> dpmEnabled() { @@ -102,20 +96,18 @@ public Optional> dpmEnabled() { } /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. * */ @Import(name="dpmThreshold") private @Nullable Output dpmThreshold; /** - * @return A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * @return A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. * */ public Optional> dpmThreshold() { @@ -123,16 +115,14 @@ public Optional> dpmThreshold() { } /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. * */ @Import(name="drsAdvancedOptions") private @Nullable Output> drsAdvancedOptions; /** - * @return A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * @return Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. * */ public Optional>> drsAdvancedOptions() { @@ -140,18 +130,16 @@ public Optional>> drsAdvancedOptions() { } /** - * The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. * */ @Import(name="drsAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output drsAutomationLevel; /** - * @return The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * @return The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. * */ public Optional> drsAutomationLevel() { @@ -159,22 +147,14 @@ public Optional> drsAutomationLevel() { } /** - * When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. * */ @Import(name="drsEnablePredictiveDrs") private @Nullable Output drsEnablePredictiveDrs; /** - * @return When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * @return When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. * */ public Optional> drsEnablePredictiveDrs() { @@ -182,16 +162,14 @@ public Optional> drsEnablePredictiveDrs() { } /** - * Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. * */ @Import(name="drsEnableVmOverrides") private @Nullable Output drsEnableVmOverrides; /** - * @return Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @return When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. * */ public Optional> drsEnableVmOverrides() { @@ -199,14 +177,14 @@ public Optional> drsEnableVmOverrides() { } /** - * Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * Enable DRS for this cluster. * */ @Import(name="drsEnabled") private @Nullable Output drsEnabled; /** - * @return Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable DRS for this cluster. * */ public Optional> drsEnabled() { @@ -214,20 +192,16 @@ public Optional> drsEnabled() { } /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. * */ @Import(name="drsMigrationThreshold") private @Nullable Output drsMigrationThreshold; /** - * @return A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * @return A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. * */ public Optional> drsMigrationThreshold() { @@ -235,18 +209,14 @@ public Optional> drsMigrationThreshold() { } /** - * Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. * */ @Import(name="drsScaleDescendantsShares") private @Nullable Output drsScaleDescendantsShares; /** - * @return Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * @return Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. * */ public Optional> drsScaleDescendantsShares() { @@ -279,36 +249,16 @@ public Optional> folder() { } /** - * When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `host_system_ids` attribute. + * Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. * */ @Import(name="forceEvacuateOnDestroy") private @Nullable Output forceEvacuateOnDestroy; /** - * @return When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `host_system_ids` attribute. + * @return Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. * */ public Optional> forceEvacuateOnDestroy() { @@ -316,22 +266,18 @@ public Optional> forceEvacuateOnDestroy() { } /** - * Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds") private @Nullable Output> haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds; /** - * @return Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. * */ public Optional>> haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds() { @@ -339,22 +285,16 @@ public Optional>> haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds() } /** - * The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance; /** - * @return The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance() { @@ -362,20 +302,16 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance() { } /** - * The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance; /** - * @return The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * @return The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance() { @@ -383,18 +319,20 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance() { } /** - * The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlPolicy") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlPolicy; /** - * @return The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * @return The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlPolicy() { @@ -402,24 +340,18 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlPolicy() { } /** - * Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute; /** - * @return Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute() { @@ -427,18 +359,16 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu() { @@ -446,18 +376,16 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu() { } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory() { @@ -465,16 +393,14 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory() { } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu() { @@ -482,16 +408,14 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu() { } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory() { @@ -499,20 +423,18 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory() { } /** - * Controls - * whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - * sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - * average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + * to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + * currently in the cluster. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize; /** - * @return Controls - * whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - * sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - * average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + * to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + * currently in the cluster. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize() { @@ -520,16 +442,14 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize() { } /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for vSphere HA. + * Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. * */ @Import(name="haAdvancedOptions") private @Nullable Output> haAdvancedOptions; /** - * @return A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for vSphere HA. + * @return Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. * */ public Optional>> haAdvancedOptions() { @@ -537,20 +457,16 @@ public Optional>> haAdvancedOptions() { } /** - * Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction; /** - * @return Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() { @@ -558,22 +474,18 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() { } /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdResponse") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponse() { @@ -581,20 +493,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponse() { } /** - * The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdResponseDelay; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponseDelay() { @@ -602,22 +510,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponseDelay() { } /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ @Import(name="haDatastorePdlResponse") private @Nullable Output haDatastorePdlResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ public Optional> haDatastorePdlResponse() { @@ -625,16 +527,14 @@ public Optional> haDatastorePdlResponse() { } /** - * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. * */ @Import(name="haEnabled") private @Nullable Output haEnabled; /** - * @return Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * @return Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. * */ public Optional> haEnabled() { @@ -642,20 +542,16 @@ public Optional> haEnabled() { } /** - * The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ @Import(name="haHeartbeatDatastoreIds") private @Nullable Output> haHeartbeatDatastoreIds; /** - * @return The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @return The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ public Optional>> haHeartbeatDatastoreIds() { @@ -663,20 +559,16 @@ public Optional>> haHeartbeatDatastoreIds() { } /** - * The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ @Import(name="haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy") private @Nullable Output haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy; /** - * @return The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @return The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ public Optional> haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy() { @@ -684,20 +576,16 @@ public Optional> haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy() { } /** - * The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ @Import(name="haHostIsolationResponse") private @Nullable Output haHostIsolationResponse; /** - * @return The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * @return The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ public Optional> haHostIsolationResponse() { @@ -705,18 +593,14 @@ public Optional> haHostIsolationResponse() { } /** - * Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ @Import(name="haHostMonitoring") private @Nullable Output haHostMonitoring; /** - * @return Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * @return Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ public Optional> haHostMonitoring() { @@ -724,20 +608,16 @@ public Optional> haHostMonitoring() { } /** - * Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ @Import(name="haVmComponentProtection") private @Nullable Output haVmComponentProtection; /** - * @return Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ public Optional> haVmComponentProtection() { @@ -745,26 +625,16 @@ public Optional> haVmComponentProtection() { } /** - * The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. * */ @Import(name="haVmDependencyRestartCondition") private @Nullable Output haVmDependencyRestartCondition; /** - * @return The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. * */ public Optional> haVmDependencyRestartCondition() { @@ -772,18 +642,16 @@ public Optional> haVmDependencyRestartCondition() { } /** - * The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. * */ @Import(name="haVmFailureInterval") private @Nullable Output haVmFailureInterval; /** - * @return The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * @return If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. * */ public Optional> haVmFailureInterval() { @@ -791,22 +659,18 @@ public Optional> haVmFailureInterval() { } /** - * The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ @Import(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow") private @Nullable Output haVmMaximumFailureWindow; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * @return The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ public Optional> haVmMaximumFailureWindow() { @@ -814,16 +678,14 @@ public Optional> haVmMaximumFailureWindow() { } /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ @Import(name="haVmMaximumResets") private @Nullable Output haVmMaximumResets; /** - * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ public Optional> haVmMaximumResets() { @@ -831,18 +693,14 @@ public Optional> haVmMaximumResets() { } /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ @Import(name="haVmMinimumUptime") private @Nullable Output haVmMinimumUptime; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ public Optional> haVmMinimumUptime() { @@ -850,18 +708,16 @@ public Optional> haVmMinimumUptime() { } /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ @Import(name="haVmMonitoring") private @Nullable Output haVmMonitoring; /** - * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ public Optional> haVmMonitoring() { @@ -869,18 +725,14 @@ public Optional> haVmMonitoring() { } /** - * Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + * Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. * */ @Import(name="haVmRestartAdditionalDelay") private @Nullable Output haVmRestartAdditionalDelay; /** - * @return Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + * @return Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. * */ public Optional> haVmRestartAdditionalDelay() { @@ -888,18 +740,16 @@ public Optional> haVmRestartAdditionalDelay() { } /** - * The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. * */ @Import(name="haVmRestartPriority") private @Nullable Output haVmRestartPriority; /** - * @return The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * @return The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. * */ public Optional> haVmRestartPriority() { @@ -907,20 +757,16 @@ public Optional> haVmRestartPriority() { } /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. * */ @Import(name="haVmRestartTimeout") private @Nullable Output haVmRestartTimeout; /** - * @return The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. * */ public Optional> haVmRestartTimeout() { @@ -928,16 +774,14 @@ public Optional> haVmRestartTimeout() { } /** - * The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. * */ @Import(name="hostClusterExitTimeout") private @Nullable Output hostClusterExitTimeout; /** - * @return The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * @return The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. * */ public Optional> hostClusterExitTimeout() { @@ -945,18 +789,14 @@ public Optional> hostClusterExitTimeout() { } /** - * Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + * Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. * */ @Import(name="hostManaged") private @Nullable Output hostManaged; /** - * @return Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + * @return Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. * */ public Optional> hostManaged() { @@ -964,16 +804,14 @@ public Optional> hostManaged() { } /** - * The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * */ @Import(name="hostSystemIds") private @Nullable Output> hostSystemIds; /** - * @return The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * @return The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * */ public Optional>> hostSystemIds() { @@ -996,20 +834,14 @@ public Optional> name() { } /** - * Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + * The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. * */ @Import(name="proactiveHaAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output proactiveHaAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. * */ public Optional> proactiveHaAutomationLevel() { @@ -1017,16 +849,14 @@ public Optional> proactiveHaAutomationLevel() { } /** - * Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. * */ @Import(name="proactiveHaEnabled") private @Nullable Output proactiveHaEnabled; /** - * @return Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. * */ public Optional> proactiveHaEnabled() { @@ -1034,24 +864,16 @@ public Optional> proactiveHaEnabled() { } /** - * The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. * */ @Import(name="proactiveHaModerateRemediation") private @Nullable Output proactiveHaModerateRemediation; /** - * @return The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. * */ public Optional> proactiveHaModerateRemediation() { @@ -1059,18 +881,14 @@ public Optional> proactiveHaModerateRemediation() { } /** - * The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * */ @Import(name="proactiveHaProviderIds") private @Nullable Output> proactiveHaProviderIds; /** - * @return The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * */ public Optional>> proactiveHaProviderIds() { @@ -1078,24 +896,16 @@ public Optional>> proactiveHaProviderIds() { } /** - * The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. * */ @Import(name="proactiveHaSevereRemediation") private @Nullable Output proactiveHaSevereRemediation; /** - * @return The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. * */ public Optional> proactiveHaSevereRemediation() { @@ -1118,16 +928,14 @@ public Optional>> tags() { } /** - * Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanCompressionEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanCompressionEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanCompressionEnabled() { @@ -1135,18 +943,14 @@ public Optional> vsanCompressionEnabled() { } /** - * Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanDedupEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanDedupEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * @return Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanDedupEnabled() { @@ -1154,16 +958,14 @@ public Optional> vsanDedupEnabled() { } /** - * Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanDiskGroups") private @Nullable Output> vsanDiskGroups; /** - * @return Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * @return A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. * */ public Optional>> vsanDiskGroups() { @@ -1171,20 +973,14 @@ public Optional>> vsanDiskGroups() } /** - * Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanDitEncryptionEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanDitEncryptionEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * @return Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanDitEncryptionEnabled() { @@ -1192,18 +988,14 @@ public Optional> vsanDitEncryptionEnabled() { } /** - * Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + * When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). * */ @Import(name="vsanDitRekeyInterval") private @Nullable Output vsanDitRekeyInterval; /** - * @return Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + * @return When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). * */ public Optional> vsanDitRekeyInterval() { @@ -1211,14 +1003,14 @@ public Optional> vsanDitRekeyInterval() { } /** - * Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanEnabled() { @@ -1226,14 +1018,14 @@ public Optional> vsanEnabled() { } /** - * Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanEsaEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanEsaEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanEsaEnabled() { @@ -1241,14 +1033,14 @@ public Optional> vsanEsaEnabled() { } /** - * Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * The configuration for vSAN fault domains. * */ @Import(name="vsanFaultDomains") private @Nullable Output> vsanFaultDomains; /** - * @return Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * @return The configuration for vSAN fault domains. * */ public Optional>> vsanFaultDomains() { @@ -1256,16 +1048,14 @@ public Optional>> vsanFaultDomain } /** - * Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled; /** - * @return Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled() { @@ -1273,16 +1063,14 @@ public Optional> vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled() { } /** - * Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanPerformanceEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanPerformanceEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @return Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanPerformanceEnabled() { @@ -1290,20 +1078,14 @@ public Optional> vsanPerformanceEnabled() { } /** - * The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanRemoteDatastoreIds") private @Nullable Output> vsanRemoteDatastoreIds; /** - * @return The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * @return The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * */ public Optional>> vsanRemoteDatastoreIds() { @@ -1311,14 +1093,14 @@ public Optional>> vsanRemoteDatastoreIds() { } /** - * Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + * The configuration for stretched cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanStretchedCluster") private @Nullable Output vsanStretchedCluster; /** - * @return Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + * @return The configuration for stretched cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanStretchedCluster() { @@ -1326,16 +1108,14 @@ public Optional> vsanStretchedClu } /** - * Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - * You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanUnmapEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanUnmapEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - * You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanUnmapEnabled() { @@ -1343,16 +1123,14 @@ public Optional> vsanUnmapEnabled() { } /** - * Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanVerboseModeEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanVerboseModeEnabled; /** - * @return Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanVerboseModeEnabled() { @@ -1503,9 +1281,7 @@ public Builder datacenterId(String datacenterId) { } /** - * @param dpmAutomationLevel The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * @param dpmAutomationLevel The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. * * @return builder * @@ -1516,9 +1292,7 @@ public Builder dpmAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output dpmAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param dpmAutomationLevel The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * @param dpmAutomationLevel The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. * * @return builder * @@ -1528,9 +1302,8 @@ public Builder dpmAutomationLevel(String dpmAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param dpmEnabled Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * @param dpmEnabled Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -1541,9 +1314,8 @@ public Builder dpmEnabled(@Nullable Output dpmEnabled) { } /** - * @param dpmEnabled Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * @param dpmEnabled Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -1553,10 +1325,9 @@ public Builder dpmEnabled(Boolean dpmEnabled) { } /** - * @param dpmThreshold A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * @param dpmThreshold A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. * * @return builder * @@ -1567,10 +1338,9 @@ public Builder dpmThreshold(@Nullable Output dpmThreshold) { } /** - * @param dpmThreshold A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * @param dpmThreshold A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. * * @return builder * @@ -1580,8 +1350,7 @@ public Builder dpmThreshold(Integer dpmThreshold) { } /** - * @param drsAdvancedOptions A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * @param drsAdvancedOptions Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. * * @return builder * @@ -1592,8 +1361,7 @@ public Builder drsAdvancedOptions(@Nullable Output> drsAdvanc } /** - * @param drsAdvancedOptions A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * @param drsAdvancedOptions Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. * * @return builder * @@ -1603,9 +1371,8 @@ public Builder drsAdvancedOptions(Map drsAdvancedOptions) { } /** - * @param drsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * @param drsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. * * @return builder * @@ -1616,9 +1383,8 @@ public Builder drsAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output drsAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param drsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * @param drsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. * * @return builder * @@ -1628,11 +1394,7 @@ public Builder drsAutomationLevel(String drsAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param drsEnablePredictiveDrs When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * @param drsEnablePredictiveDrs When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. * * @return builder * @@ -1643,11 +1405,7 @@ public Builder drsEnablePredictiveDrs(@Nullable Output drsEnablePredict } /** - * @param drsEnablePredictiveDrs When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * @param drsEnablePredictiveDrs When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. * * @return builder * @@ -1657,8 +1415,7 @@ public Builder drsEnablePredictiveDrs(Boolean drsEnablePredictiveDrs) { } /** - * @param drsEnableVmOverrides Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param drsEnableVmOverrides When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. * * @return builder * @@ -1669,8 +1426,7 @@ public Builder drsEnableVmOverrides(@Nullable Output drsEnableVmOverrid } /** - * @param drsEnableVmOverrides Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param drsEnableVmOverrides When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. * * @return builder * @@ -1680,7 +1436,7 @@ public Builder drsEnableVmOverrides(Boolean drsEnableVmOverrides) { } /** - * @param drsEnabled Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * @param drsEnabled Enable DRS for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1691,7 +1447,7 @@ public Builder drsEnabled(@Nullable Output drsEnabled) { } /** - * @param drsEnabled Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * @param drsEnabled Enable DRS for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1701,10 +1457,8 @@ public Builder drsEnabled(Boolean drsEnabled) { } /** - * @param drsMigrationThreshold A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * @param drsMigrationThreshold A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. * * @return builder * @@ -1715,10 +1469,8 @@ public Builder drsMigrationThreshold(@Nullable Output drsMigrationThres } /** - * @param drsMigrationThreshold A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * @param drsMigrationThreshold A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. * * @return builder * @@ -1728,9 +1480,7 @@ public Builder drsMigrationThreshold(Integer drsMigrationThreshold) { } /** - * @param drsScaleDescendantsShares Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * @param drsScaleDescendantsShares Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1741,9 +1491,7 @@ public Builder drsScaleDescendantsShares(@Nullable Output drsScaleDescen } /** - * @param drsScaleDescendantsShares Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * @param drsScaleDescendantsShares Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1784,18 +1532,8 @@ public Builder folder(String folder) { } /** - * @param forceEvacuateOnDestroy When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `host_system_ids` attribute. + * @param forceEvacuateOnDestroy Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. * * @return builder * @@ -1806,18 +1544,8 @@ public Builder forceEvacuateOnDestroy(@Nullable Output forceEvacuateOnD } /** - * @param forceEvacuateOnDestroy When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `host_system_ids` attribute. + * @param forceEvacuateOnDestroy Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. * * @return builder * @@ -1827,11 +1555,9 @@ public Builder forceEvacuateOnDestroy(Boolean forceEvacuateOnDestroy) { } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * @param haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. * * @return builder * @@ -1842,11 +1568,9 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds(@Nullable Output haAdmissionC } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * @param haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. * * @return builder * @@ -1870,11 +1592,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds(String... haAdmissionCont } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1885,11 +1604,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance(@Nullable Output } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1899,10 +1615,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance(Integer haAdmissionControl } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * @param haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. * * @return builder * @@ -1913,10 +1627,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance(@Nullable Output } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * @param haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. * * @return builder * @@ -1926,9 +1638,10 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance(Integer haAdmissionControl } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlPolicy The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * @param haAdmissionControlPolicy The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. * * @return builder * @@ -1939,9 +1652,10 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlPolicy(@Nullable Output haAdmissionCont } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlPolicy The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * @param haAdmissionControlPolicy The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. * * @return builder * @@ -1951,12 +1665,9 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlPolicy(String haAdmissionControlPolicy) { } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. * * @return builder * @@ -1967,12 +1678,9 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute(@Nullable Output< } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. * * @return builder * @@ -1982,9 +1690,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute(Boolean haAdmissi } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -1995,9 +1702,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu(@Nullable Output } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -2007,9 +1713,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu(Integer haAdmissionContro } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory Controls the - * user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -2020,9 +1725,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory(@Nullable Output } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu Controls the - * user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + * @param haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. * * @return builder * @@ -2055,8 +1757,7 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu(Integer haAdmissionContro } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory Controls the - * user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + * @param haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. * * @return builder * @@ -2067,8 +1768,7 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory(@Nullable Output> haAdvanced } /** - * @param haAdvancedOptions A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for vSphere HA. + * @param haAdvancedOptions Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. * * @return builder * @@ -2128,10 +1824,8 @@ public Builder haAdvancedOptions(Map haAdvancedOptions) { } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. * * @return builder * @@ -2142,10 +1836,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction(@Nullable Output haDatastore } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. * * @return builder * @@ -2155,11 +1847,9 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction(String haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction) } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdResponse When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -2170,11 +1860,9 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponse(@Nullable Output haDatastoreApdRes } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdResponse When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -2184,10 +1872,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponse(String haDatastoreApdResponse) { } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. * * @return builder * @@ -2198,10 +1884,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponseDelay(@Nullable Output haDatastore } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. * * @return builder * @@ -2211,11 +1895,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponseDelay(Integer haDatastoreApdResponseDelay) } /** - * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastorePdlResponse When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -2226,11 +1907,8 @@ public Builder haDatastorePdlResponse(@Nullable Output haDatastorePdlRes } /** - * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastorePdlResponse When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -2240,8 +1918,7 @@ public Builder haDatastorePdlResponse(String haDatastorePdlResponse) { } /** - * @param haEnabled Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * @param haEnabled Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2252,8 +1929,7 @@ public Builder haEnabled(@Nullable Output haEnabled) { } /** - * @param haEnabled Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * @param haEnabled Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2263,10 +1939,8 @@ public Builder haEnabled(Boolean haEnabled) { } /** - * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * * @return builder * @@ -2277,10 +1951,8 @@ public Builder haHeartbeatDatastoreIds(@Nullable Output> haHeartbea } /** - * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * * @return builder * @@ -2290,10 +1962,8 @@ public Builder haHeartbeatDatastoreIds(List haHeartbeatDatastoreIds) { } /** - * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * * @return builder * @@ -2303,10 +1973,8 @@ public Builder haHeartbeatDatastoreIds(String... haHeartbeatDatastoreIds) { } /** - * @param haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @param haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * * @return builder * @@ -2317,10 +1985,8 @@ public Builder haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy(@Nullable Output haHeartbeatDa } /** - * @param haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @param haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * * @return builder * @@ -2330,10 +1996,8 @@ public Builder haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy(String haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy) { } /** - * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. * * @return builder * @@ -2344,10 +2008,8 @@ public Builder haHostIsolationResponse(@Nullable Output haHostIsolationR } /** - * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. * * @return builder * @@ -2357,9 +2019,7 @@ public Builder haHostIsolationResponse(String haHostIsolationResponse) { } /** - * @param haHostMonitoring Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * @param haHostMonitoring Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * * @return builder * @@ -2370,9 +2030,7 @@ public Builder haHostMonitoring(@Nullable Output haHostMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haHostMonitoring Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * @param haHostMonitoring Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * * @return builder * @@ -2382,10 +2040,8 @@ public Builder haHostMonitoring(String haHostMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haVmComponentProtection Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmComponentProtection Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * * @return builder * @@ -2396,10 +2052,8 @@ public Builder haVmComponentProtection(@Nullable Output haVmComponentPro } /** - * @param haVmComponentProtection Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmComponentProtection Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * * @return builder * @@ -2409,13 +2063,8 @@ public Builder haVmComponentProtection(String haVmComponentProtection) { } /** - * @param haVmDependencyRestartCondition The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmDependencyRestartCondition The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. * * @return builder * @@ -2426,13 +2075,8 @@ public Builder haVmDependencyRestartCondition(@Nullable Output haVmDepen } /** - * @param haVmDependencyRestartCondition The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmDependencyRestartCondition The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. * * @return builder * @@ -2442,9 +2086,8 @@ public Builder haVmDependencyRestartCondition(String haVmDependencyRestartCondit } /** - * @param haVmFailureInterval The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. * * @return builder * @@ -2455,9 +2098,8 @@ public Builder haVmFailureInterval(@Nullable Output haVmFailureInterval } /** - * @param haVmFailureInterval The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. * * @return builder * @@ -2467,11 +2109,9 @@ public Builder haVmFailureInterval(Integer haVmFailureInterval) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * * @return builder * @@ -2482,11 +2122,9 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumFailureWindow(@Nullable Output haVmMaximumFai } /** - * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * * @return builder * @@ -2496,8 +2134,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumFailureWindow(Integer haVmMaximumFailureWindow) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * * @return builder * @@ -2508,8 +2145,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumResets(@Nullable Output haVmMaximumResets) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * * @return builder * @@ -2519,9 +2155,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumResets(Integer haVmMaximumResets) { } /** - * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * * @return builder * @@ -2532,9 +2166,7 @@ public Builder haVmMinimumUptime(@Nullable Output haVmMinimumUptime) { } /** - * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * * @return builder * @@ -2544,9 +2176,8 @@ public Builder haVmMinimumUptime(Integer haVmMinimumUptime) { } /** - * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * * @return builder * @@ -2557,9 +2188,8 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoring(@Nullable Output haVmMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * * @return builder * @@ -2569,9 +2199,7 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoring(String haVmMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haVmRestartAdditionalDelay Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmRestartAdditionalDelay Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. * * @return builder * @@ -2582,9 +2210,7 @@ public Builder haVmRestartAdditionalDelay(@Nullable Output haVmRestartA } /** - * @param haVmRestartAdditionalDelay Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmRestartAdditionalDelay Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. * * @return builder * @@ -2594,9 +2220,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartAdditionalDelay(Integer haVmRestartAdditionalDelay) { } /** - * @param haVmRestartPriority The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * @param haVmRestartPriority The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. * * @return builder * @@ -2607,9 +2232,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartPriority(@Nullable Output haVmRestartPriority) } /** - * @param haVmRestartPriority The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * @param haVmRestartPriority The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. * * @return builder * @@ -2619,10 +2243,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartPriority(String haVmRestartPriority) { } /** - * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. * * @return builder * @@ -2633,10 +2255,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartTimeout(@Nullable Output haVmRestartTimeout) } /** - * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. * * @return builder * @@ -2646,8 +2266,7 @@ public Builder haVmRestartTimeout(Integer haVmRestartTimeout) { } /** - * @param hostClusterExitTimeout The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * @param hostClusterExitTimeout The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2658,8 +2277,7 @@ public Builder hostClusterExitTimeout(@Nullable Output hostClusterExitT } /** - * @param hostClusterExitTimeout The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * @param hostClusterExitTimeout The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2669,9 +2287,7 @@ public Builder hostClusterExitTimeout(Integer hostClusterExitTimeout) { } /** - * @param hostManaged Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + * @param hostManaged Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. * * @return builder * @@ -2682,9 +2298,7 @@ public Builder hostManaged(@Nullable Output hostManaged) { } /** - * @param hostManaged Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + * @param hostManaged Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. * * @return builder * @@ -2694,8 +2308,7 @@ public Builder hostManaged(Boolean hostManaged) { } /** - * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2706,8 +2319,7 @@ public Builder hostSystemIds(@Nullable Output> hostSystemIds) { } /** - * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2717,8 +2329,7 @@ public Builder hostSystemIds(List hostSystemIds) { } /** - * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2749,10 +2360,7 @@ public Builder name(String name) { } /** - * @param proactiveHaAutomationLevel Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaAutomationLevel The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. * * @return builder * @@ -2763,10 +2371,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output proactiveHaAu } /** - * @param proactiveHaAutomationLevel Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaAutomationLevel The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. * * @return builder * @@ -2776,8 +2381,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaAutomationLevel(String proactiveHaAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param proactiveHaEnabled Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaEnabled Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. * * @return builder * @@ -2788,8 +2392,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaEnabled(@Nullable Output proactiveHaEnabled) } /** - * @param proactiveHaEnabled Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaEnabled Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. * * @return builder * @@ -2799,12 +2402,8 @@ public Builder proactiveHaEnabled(Boolean proactiveHaEnabled) { } /** - * @param proactiveHaModerateRemediation The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaModerateRemediation The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. * * @return builder * @@ -2815,12 +2414,8 @@ public Builder proactiveHaModerateRemediation(@Nullable Output proactive } /** - * @param proactiveHaModerateRemediation The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaModerateRemediation The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. * * @return builder * @@ -2830,9 +2425,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaModerateRemediation(String proactiveHaModerateRemediat } /** - * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2843,9 +2436,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaProviderIds(@Nullable Output> proactiveHa } /** - * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2855,9 +2446,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaProviderIds(List proactiveHaProviderIds) { } /** - * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2867,12 +2456,8 @@ public Builder proactiveHaProviderIds(String... proactiveHaProviderIds) { } /** - * @param proactiveHaSevereRemediation The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaSevereRemediation The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. * * @return builder * @@ -2883,12 +2468,8 @@ public Builder proactiveHaSevereRemediation(@Nullable Output proactiveHa } /** - * @param proactiveHaSevereRemediation The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaSevereRemediation The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. * * @return builder * @@ -2929,8 +2510,7 @@ public Builder tags(String... tags) { } /** - * @param vsanCompressionEnabled Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * @param vsanCompressionEnabled Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2941,8 +2521,7 @@ public Builder vsanCompressionEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanCompressionE } /** - * @param vsanCompressionEnabled Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * @param vsanCompressionEnabled Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2952,9 +2531,7 @@ public Builder vsanCompressionEnabled(Boolean vsanCompressionEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanDedupEnabled Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * @param vsanDedupEnabled Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2965,9 +2542,7 @@ public Builder vsanDedupEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanDedupEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanDedupEnabled Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * @param vsanDedupEnabled Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2977,8 +2552,7 @@ public Builder vsanDedupEnabled(Boolean vsanDedupEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanDiskGroups Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * @param vsanDiskGroups A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2989,8 +2563,7 @@ public Builder vsanDiskGroups(@Nullable Output vsanDiskGrou } /** - * @param vsanDiskGroups Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * @param vsanDiskGroups A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3011,10 +2583,7 @@ public Builder vsanDiskGroups(ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs... vsanDiskGroups) } /** - * @param vsanDitEncryptionEnabled Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * @param vsanDitEncryptionEnabled Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3025,10 +2594,7 @@ public Builder vsanDitEncryptionEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanDitEncrypt } /** - * @param vsanDitEncryptionEnabled Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * @param vsanDitEncryptionEnabled Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3038,9 +2604,7 @@ public Builder vsanDitEncryptionEnabled(Boolean vsanDitEncryptionEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanDitRekeyInterval Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + * @param vsanDitRekeyInterval When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). * * @return builder * @@ -3051,9 +2615,7 @@ public Builder vsanDitRekeyInterval(@Nullable Output vsanDitRekeyInterv } /** - * @param vsanDitRekeyInterval Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + * @param vsanDitRekeyInterval When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). * * @return builder * @@ -3063,7 +2625,7 @@ public Builder vsanDitRekeyInterval(Integer vsanDitRekeyInterval) { } /** - * @param vsanEnabled Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * @param vsanEnabled Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3074,7 +2636,7 @@ public Builder vsanEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanEnabled Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * @param vsanEnabled Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3084,7 +2646,7 @@ public Builder vsanEnabled(Boolean vsanEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanEsaEnabled Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @param vsanEsaEnabled Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3095,7 +2657,7 @@ public Builder vsanEsaEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanEsaEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanEsaEnabled Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @param vsanEsaEnabled Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3105,7 +2667,7 @@ public Builder vsanEsaEnabled(Boolean vsanEsaEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanFaultDomains Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * @param vsanFaultDomains The configuration for vSAN fault domains. * * @return builder * @@ -3116,7 +2678,7 @@ public Builder vsanFaultDomains(@Nullable Output vsanFaul } /** - * @param vsanFaultDomains Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * @param vsanFaultDomains The configuration for vSAN fault domains. * * @return builder * @@ -3136,8 +2698,7 @@ public Builder vsanFaultDomains(ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs... vsanFaultDo } /** - * @param vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * @param vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3148,8 +2709,7 @@ public Builder vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanNe } /** - * @param vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * @param vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3159,8 +2719,7 @@ public Builder vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled(Boolean vsanNetworkDiagnosticMod } /** - * @param vsanPerformanceEnabled Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param vsanPerformanceEnabled Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3171,8 +2730,7 @@ public Builder vsanPerformanceEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanPerformanceE } /** - * @param vsanPerformanceEnabled Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param vsanPerformanceEnabled Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3182,10 +2740,7 @@ public Builder vsanPerformanceEnabled(Boolean vsanPerformanceEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3196,10 +2751,7 @@ public Builder vsanRemoteDatastoreIds(@Nullable Output> vsanRemoteD } /** - * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3209,10 +2761,7 @@ public Builder vsanRemoteDatastoreIds(List vsanRemoteDatastoreIds) { } /** - * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3222,7 +2771,7 @@ public Builder vsanRemoteDatastoreIds(String... vsanRemoteDatastoreIds) { } /** - * @param vsanStretchedCluster Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + * @param vsanStretchedCluster The configuration for stretched cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3233,7 +2782,7 @@ public Builder vsanStretchedCluster(@Nullable Output vsanUnmapEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanUnmapEnabled Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - * You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @param vsanUnmapEnabled Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3266,8 +2813,7 @@ public Builder vsanUnmapEnabled(Boolean vsanUnmapEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanVerboseModeEnabled Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * @param vsanVerboseModeEnabled Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3278,8 +2824,7 @@ public Builder vsanVerboseModeEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanVerboseModeE } /** - * @param vsanVerboseModeEnabled Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * @param vsanVerboseModeEnabled Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DatastoreCluster.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DatastoreCluster.java index d8964bba..b6b51e1c 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DatastoreCluster.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DatastoreCluster.java @@ -109,48 +109,42 @@ public Output name() { return this.name; } /** - * A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. * */ @Export(name="sdrsAdvancedOptions", refs={Map.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1,1]") private Output> sdrsAdvancedOptions; /** - * @return A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * @return Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. * */ public Output>> sdrsAdvancedOptions() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsAdvancedOptions); } /** - * The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. * */ @Export(name="sdrsAutomationLevel", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsAutomationLevel; /** - * @return The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * @return The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. * */ public Output> sdrsAutomationLevel() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsAutomationLevel); } /** - * When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. * */ @Export(name="sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity; /** - * @return When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * @return When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. * */ public Output> sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity() { @@ -173,20 +167,14 @@ public Output> sdrsEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsEnabled); } /** - * The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ @Export(name="sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold; /** - * @return The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * @return The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ public Output> sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold() { @@ -209,248 +197,204 @@ public Output> sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode); } /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. * */ @Export(name="sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference; /** - * @return The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * @return The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. * */ public Output> sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference); } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. * */ @Export(name="sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. * */ public Output> sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel); } /** - * The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. * */ @Export(name="sdrsIoLatencyThreshold", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsIoLatencyThreshold; /** - * @return The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * @return The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. * */ public Output> sdrsIoLatencyThreshold() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsIoLatencyThreshold); } /** - * Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. * */ @Export(name="sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled; /** - * @return Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. * */ public Output> sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled); } /** - * The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. * */ @Export(name="sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold; /** - * @return The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * @return The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. * */ public Output> sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold); } /** - * The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. * */ @Export(name="sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold; /** - * @return The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * @return The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. * */ public Output> sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold); } /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. * */ @Export(name="sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold; /** - * @return The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * @return The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. * */ public Output> sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold); } /** - * The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. * */ @Export(name="sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode; /** - * @return The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * @return The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. * */ public Output> sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode); } /** - * The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. * */ @Export(name="sdrsLoadBalanceInterval", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsLoadBalanceInterval; /** - * @return The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * @return The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. * */ public Output> sdrsLoadBalanceInterval() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsLoadBalanceInterval); } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. * */ @Export(name="sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. * */ public Output> sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel); } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. * */ @Export(name="sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. * */ public Output> sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel); } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. * */ @Export(name="sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. * */ public Output> sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel); } /** - * Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ @Export(name="sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold; /** - * @return Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * @return The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ public Output> sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold() { return Codegen.optional(this.sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold); } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. * */ @Export(name="sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. * */ public Output> sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DatastoreClusterArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DatastoreClusterArgs.java index ae878520..0fce9451 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DatastoreClusterArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DatastoreClusterArgs.java @@ -113,16 +113,14 @@ public Optional> name() { } /** - * A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. * */ @Import(name="sdrsAdvancedOptions") private @Nullable Output> sdrsAdvancedOptions; /** - * @return A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * @return Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. * */ public Optional>> sdrsAdvancedOptions() { @@ -130,16 +128,14 @@ public Optional>> sdrsAdvancedOptions() { } /** - * The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. * */ @Import(name="sdrsAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsAutomationLevel; /** - * @return The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * @return The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. * */ public Optional> sdrsAutomationLevel() { @@ -147,16 +143,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsAutomationLevel() { } /** - * When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. * */ @Import(name="sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity") private @Nullable Output sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity; /** - * @return When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * @return When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. * */ public Optional> sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity() { @@ -181,20 +175,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsEnabled() { } /** - * The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ @Import(name="sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold; /** - * @return The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * @return The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ public Optional> sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold() { @@ -219,18 +207,16 @@ public Optional> sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode() { } /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. * */ @Import(name="sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference") private @Nullable Output sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference; /** - * @return The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * @return The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. * */ public Optional> sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference() { @@ -238,16 +224,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference() { } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel() { @@ -255,18 +239,16 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel() { } /** - * The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoLatencyThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoLatencyThreshold; /** - * @return The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * @return The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoLatencyThreshold() { @@ -274,16 +256,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoLatencyThreshold() { } /** - * Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled; /** - * @return Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled() { @@ -291,18 +271,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled() { } /** - * The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold; /** - * @return The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * @return The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold() { @@ -310,24 +286,16 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold() { } /** - * The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold; /** - * @return The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * @return The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold() { @@ -335,20 +303,16 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold() { } /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold; /** - * @return The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * @return The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold() { @@ -356,20 +320,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold() { } /** - * The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode; /** - * @return The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * @return The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode() { @@ -377,16 +335,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode() { } /** - * The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. * */ @Import(name="sdrsLoadBalanceInterval") private @Nullable Output sdrsLoadBalanceInterval; /** - * @return The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * @return The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. * */ public Optional> sdrsLoadBalanceInterval() { @@ -394,16 +350,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsLoadBalanceInterval() { } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. * */ @Import(name="sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. * */ public Optional> sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel() { @@ -411,16 +365,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel() { } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. * */ @Import(name="sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. * */ public Optional> sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel() { @@ -428,16 +380,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel() { } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. * */ @Import(name="sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. * */ public Optional> sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel() { @@ -445,18 +395,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel() { } /** - * Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ @Import(name="sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold; /** - * @return Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * @return The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ public Optional> sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold() { @@ -464,16 +410,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold() { } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. * */ @Import(name="sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. * */ public Optional> sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel() { @@ -664,8 +608,7 @@ public Builder name(String name) { } /** - * @param sdrsAdvancedOptions A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * @param sdrsAdvancedOptions Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. * * @return builder * @@ -676,8 +619,7 @@ public Builder sdrsAdvancedOptions(@Nullable Output> sdrsAdva } /** - * @param sdrsAdvancedOptions A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * @param sdrsAdvancedOptions Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. * * @return builder * @@ -687,8 +629,7 @@ public Builder sdrsAdvancedOptions(Map sdrsAdvancedOptions) { } /** - * @param sdrsAutomationLevel The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * @param sdrsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -699,8 +640,7 @@ public Builder sdrsAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdrsAutomationLevel) } /** - * @param sdrsAutomationLevel The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * @param sdrsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -710,8 +650,7 @@ public Builder sdrsAutomationLevel(String sdrsAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * @param sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. * * @return builder * @@ -722,8 +661,7 @@ public Builder sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity(@Nullable Output sdrsDefaultI } /** - * @param sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * @param sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. * * @return builder * @@ -756,10 +694,7 @@ public Builder sdrsEnabled(Boolean sdrsEnabled) { } /** - * @param sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * @param sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -770,10 +705,7 @@ public Builder sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsFreeSpaceThr } /** - * @param sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * @param sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -806,9 +738,8 @@ public Builder sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode(String sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode) { } /** - * @param sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * @param sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. * * @return builder * @@ -819,9 +750,8 @@ public Builder sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference(@Nullable Output sdrs } /** - * @param sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * @param sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. * * @return builder * @@ -831,8 +761,7 @@ public Builder sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference(Integer sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizati } /** - * @param sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * @param sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. * * @return builder * @@ -843,8 +772,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdrsIoBalan } /** - * @param sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * @param sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. * * @return builder * @@ -854,9 +782,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel(String sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel) } /** - * @param sdrsIoLatencyThreshold The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * @param sdrsIoLatencyThreshold The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -867,9 +794,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLatencyThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsIoLatencyThr } /** - * @param sdrsIoLatencyThreshold The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * @param sdrsIoLatencyThreshold The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -879,8 +805,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLatencyThreshold(Integer sdrsIoLatencyThreshold) { } /** - * @param sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -891,8 +816,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled(@Nullable Output sdrsIoLoadBala } /** - * @param sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -902,9 +826,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled(Boolean sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled) { } /** - * @param sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * @param sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. * * @return builder * @@ -915,9 +837,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsIoLoad } /** - * @param sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * @param sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. * * @return builder * @@ -927,12 +847,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold(Integer sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * @param sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -943,12 +859,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsIoRes } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * @param sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -958,10 +870,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold(Integer sdrsIoReservableIopsThresho } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * @param sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. * * @return builder * @@ -972,10 +882,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsIo } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * @param sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. * * @return builder * @@ -985,10 +893,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold(Integer sdrsIoReservablePercentT } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * @param sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. * * @return builder * @@ -999,10 +904,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode(@Nullable Output sdrsIoRese } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * @param sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. * * @return builder * @@ -1012,8 +914,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode(String sdrsIoReservableThresholdMod } /** - * @param sdrsLoadBalanceInterval The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * @param sdrsLoadBalanceInterval The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. * * @return builder * @@ -1024,8 +925,7 @@ public Builder sdrsLoadBalanceInterval(@Nullable Output sdrsLoadBalance } /** - * @param sdrsLoadBalanceInterval The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * @param sdrsLoadBalanceInterval The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. * * @return builder * @@ -1035,8 +935,7 @@ public Builder sdrsLoadBalanceInterval(Integer sdrsLoadBalanceInterval) { } /** - * @param sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * @param sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. * * @return builder * @@ -1047,8 +946,7 @@ public Builder sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdr } /** - * @param sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * @param sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. * * @return builder * @@ -1058,8 +956,7 @@ public Builder sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel(String sdrsPolicyEnforcement } /** - * @param sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * @param sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. * * @return builder * @@ -1070,8 +967,7 @@ public Builder sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdrsR } /** - * @param sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * @param sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. * * @return builder * @@ -1081,8 +977,7 @@ public Builder sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel(String sdrsRuleEnforcementAuto } /** - * @param sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * @param sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. * * @return builder * @@ -1093,8 +988,7 @@ public Builder sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdrsSpac } /** - * @param sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * @param sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. * * @return builder * @@ -1104,9 +998,7 @@ public Builder sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel(String sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomation } /** - * @param sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * @param sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -1117,9 +1009,7 @@ public Builder sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsSpace } /** - * @param sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * @param sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -1129,8 +1019,7 @@ public Builder sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold(Integer sdrsSpaceUtilizationThresho } /** - * @param sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * @param sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. * * @return builder * @@ -1141,8 +1030,7 @@ public Builder sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdrsVmEv } /** - * @param sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * @param sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedPortGroup.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedPortGroup.java index d30c1c33..3d576147 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedPortGroup.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedPortGroup.java @@ -118,16 +118,14 @@ public Output blockAllPorts() { return this.blockAllPorts; } /** - * Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ @Export(name="blockOverrideAllowed", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output blockOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ public Output> blockOverrideAllowed() { @@ -398,16 +396,14 @@ public Output lacpMode() { return this.lacpMode; } /** - * Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. * */ @Export(name="livePortMovingAllowed", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output livePortMovingAllowed; /** - * @return Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * @return Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. * */ public Output> livePortMovingAllowed() { @@ -442,18 +438,14 @@ public Output netflowEnabled() { return this.netflowEnabled; } /** - * Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. * */ @Export(name="netflowOverrideAllowed", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output netflowOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @return Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. * */ public Output> netflowOverrideAllowed() { @@ -478,16 +470,14 @@ public Output> networkResourcePoolKey() { return Codegen.optional(this.networkResourcePoolKey); } /** - * Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ @Export(name="networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ public Output> networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed() { @@ -524,16 +514,14 @@ public Output numberOfPorts() { return this.numberOfPorts; } /** - * Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. * */ @Export(name="portConfigResetAtDisconnect", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output portConfigResetAtDisconnect; /** - * @return Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * @return Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. * */ public Output> portConfigResetAtDisconnect() { @@ -576,36 +564,28 @@ public Output portPrivateSecondaryVlanId() { return this.portPrivateSecondaryVlanId; } /** - * Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ @Export(name="securityPolicyOverrideAllowed", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output securityPolicyOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ public Output> securityPolicyOverrideAllowed() { return Codegen.optional(this.securityPolicyOverrideAllowed); } /** - * Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. * */ @Export(name="shapingOverrideAllowed", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output shapingOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. * */ public Output> shapingOverrideAllowed() { @@ -656,16 +636,14 @@ public Output teamingPolicy() { return this.teamingPolicy; } /** - * Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. * */ @Export(name="trafficFilterOverrideAllowed", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output trafficFilterOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. * */ public Output> trafficFilterOverrideAllowed() { @@ -704,18 +682,14 @@ public Output> type() { return Codegen.optional(this.type); } /** - * Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ @Export(name="uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ public Output> uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed() { @@ -736,18 +710,14 @@ public Output vlanId() { return this.vlanId; } /** - * Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ @Export(name="vlanOverrideAllowed", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vlanOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @return Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ public Output> vlanOverrideAllowed() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedPortGroupArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedPortGroupArgs.java index 540405e2..98a76340 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedPortGroupArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedPortGroupArgs.java @@ -124,16 +124,14 @@ public Optional> blockAllPorts() { } /** - * Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="blockOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output blockOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ public Optional> blockOverrideAllowed() { @@ -391,16 +389,14 @@ public Optional> lacpMode() { } /** - * Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="livePortMovingAllowed") private @Nullable Output livePortMovingAllowed; /** - * @return Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * @return Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. * */ public Optional> livePortMovingAllowed() { @@ -438,18 +434,14 @@ public Optional> netflowEnabled() { } /** - * Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="netflowOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output netflowOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @return Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. * */ public Optional> netflowOverrideAllowed() { @@ -476,16 +468,14 @@ public Optional> networkResourcePoolKey() { } /** - * Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ public Optional> networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed() { @@ -525,16 +515,14 @@ public Optional> numberOfPorts() { } /** - * Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. * */ @Import(name="portConfigResetAtDisconnect") private @Nullable Output portConfigResetAtDisconnect; /** - * @return Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * @return Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. * */ public Optional> portConfigResetAtDisconnect() { @@ -580,18 +568,14 @@ public Optional> portPrivateSecondaryVlanId() { } /** - * Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="securityPolicyOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output securityPolicyOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ public Optional> securityPolicyOverrideAllowed() { @@ -599,18 +583,14 @@ public Optional> securityPolicyOverrideAllowed() { } /** - * Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="shapingOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output shapingOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. * */ public Optional> shapingOverrideAllowed() { @@ -665,16 +645,14 @@ public Optional> teamingPolicy() { } /** - * Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="trafficFilterOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output trafficFilterOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. * */ public Optional> trafficFilterOverrideAllowed() { @@ -716,18 +694,14 @@ public Optional> type() { } /** - * Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ public Optional> uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed() { @@ -750,18 +724,14 @@ public Optional> vlanId() { } /** - * Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="vlanOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output vlanOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @return Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ public Optional> vlanOverrideAllowed() { @@ -1001,8 +971,7 @@ public Builder blockAllPorts(Boolean blockAllPorts) { } /** - * @param blockOverrideAllowed Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param blockOverrideAllowed Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1013,8 +982,7 @@ public Builder blockOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output blockOverrideAllow } /** - * @param blockOverrideAllowed Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param blockOverrideAllowed Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1370,8 +1338,7 @@ public Builder lacpMode(String lacpMode) { } /** - * @param livePortMovingAllowed Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * @param livePortMovingAllowed Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1382,8 +1349,7 @@ public Builder livePortMovingAllowed(@Nullable Output livePortMovingAll } /** - * @param livePortMovingAllowed Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * @param livePortMovingAllowed Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1435,9 +1401,7 @@ public Builder netflowEnabled(Boolean netflowEnabled) { } /** - * @param netflowOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @param netflowOverrideAllowed Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1448,9 +1412,7 @@ public Builder netflowOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output netflowOverrideA } /** - * @param netflowOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @param netflowOverrideAllowed Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1485,8 +1447,7 @@ public Builder networkResourcePoolKey(String networkResourcePoolKey) { } /** - * @param networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1497,8 +1458,7 @@ public Builder networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output netw } /** - * @param networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1552,8 +1512,7 @@ public Builder numberOfPorts(Integer numberOfPorts) { } /** - * @param portConfigResetAtDisconnect Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * @param portConfigResetAtDisconnect Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. * * @return builder * @@ -1564,8 +1523,7 @@ public Builder portConfigResetAtDisconnect(@Nullable Output portConfigR } /** - * @param portConfigResetAtDisconnect Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * @param portConfigResetAtDisconnect Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. * * @return builder * @@ -1625,9 +1583,7 @@ public Builder portPrivateSecondaryVlanId(Integer portPrivateSecondaryVlanId) { } /** - * @param securityPolicyOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param securityPolicyOverrideAllowed Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1638,9 +1594,7 @@ public Builder securityPolicyOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output securityP } /** - * @param securityPolicyOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param securityPolicyOverrideAllowed Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1650,9 +1604,7 @@ public Builder securityPolicyOverrideAllowed(Boolean securityPolicyOverrideAllow } /** - * @param shapingOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param shapingOverrideAllowed Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1663,9 +1615,7 @@ public Builder shapingOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output shapingOverrideA } /** - * @param shapingOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param shapingOverrideAllowed Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1760,8 +1710,7 @@ public Builder teamingPolicy(String teamingPolicy) { } /** - * @param trafficFilterOverrideAllowed Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param trafficFilterOverrideAllowed Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1772,8 +1721,7 @@ public Builder trafficFilterOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output trafficFil } /** - * @param trafficFilterOverrideAllowed Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param trafficFilterOverrideAllowed Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1829,9 +1777,7 @@ public Builder type(String type) { } /** - * @param uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * @param uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1842,9 +1788,7 @@ public Builder uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output uplinkTeam } /** - * @param uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * @param uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1875,9 +1819,7 @@ public Builder vlanId(Integer vlanId) { } /** - * @param vlanOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @param vlanOverrideAllowed Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1888,9 +1830,7 @@ public Builder vlanOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output vlanOverrideAllowed } /** - * @param vlanOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @param vlanOverrideAllowed Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedVirtualSwitch.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedVirtualSwitch.java index fedf5bcc..cd4145e8 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedVirtualSwitch.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedVirtualSwitch.java @@ -24,70 +24,58 @@ @ResourceType(type="vsphere:index/distributedVirtualSwitch:DistributedVirtualSwitch") public class DistributedVirtualSwitch extends com.pulumi.resources.CustomResource { /** - * A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ @Export(name="activeUplinks", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> activeUplinks; /** - * @return A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @return List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ public Output> activeUplinks() { return this.activeUplinks; } /** - * Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ @Export(name="allowForgedTransmits", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output allowForgedTransmits; /** - * @return Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * @return Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ public Output allowForgedTransmits() { return this.allowForgedTransmits; } /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ @Export(name="allowMacChanges", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output allowMacChanges; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ public Output allowMacChanges() { return this.allowMacChanges; } /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ @Export(name="allowPromiscuous", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output allowPromiscuous; /** - * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ public Output allowPromiscuous() { @@ -150,40 +138,28 @@ public Output backupnfcShareLevel() { return this.backupnfcShareLevel; } /** - * Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * Indicates whether to block all ports by default. * */ @Export(name="blockAllPorts", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output blockAllPorts; /** - * @return Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * @return Indicates whether to block all ports by default. * */ public Output blockAllPorts() { return this.blockAllPorts; } /** - * Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. * */ @Export(name="checkBeacon", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output checkBeacon; /** - * @return Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * @return Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. * */ public Output checkBeacon() { @@ -290,96 +266,84 @@ public Output> description() { return Codegen.optional(this.description); } /** - * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. * */ @Export(name="directpathGen2Allowed", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output directpathGen2Allowed; /** - * @return Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * @return Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. * */ public Output directpathGen2Allowed() { return this.directpathGen2Allowed; } /** - * The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Export(name="egressShapingAverageBandwidth", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output egressShapingAverageBandwidth; /** - * @return The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Output egressShapingAverageBandwidth() { return this.egressShapingAverageBandwidth; } /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Export(name="egressShapingBurstSize", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output egressShapingBurstSize; /** - * @return The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Output egressShapingBurstSize() { return this.egressShapingBurstSize; } /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. * */ @Export(name="egressShapingEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output egressShapingEnabled; /** - * @return `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * @return True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. * */ public Output egressShapingEnabled() { return this.egressShapingEnabled; } /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Export(name="egressShapingPeakBandwidth", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output egressShapingPeakBandwidth; /** - * @return The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Output egressShapingPeakBandwidth() { return this.egressShapingPeakBandwidth; } /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ @Export(name="failback", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output failback; /** - * @return If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ public Output failback() { @@ -514,96 +478,84 @@ public Output hbrShareLevel() { return this.hbrShareLevel; } /** - * Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * A host member specification. * */ @Export(name="hosts", refs={List.class,DistributedVirtualSwitchHost.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> hosts; /** - * @return Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * @return A host member specification. * */ public Output>> hosts() { return Codegen.optional(this.hosts); } /** - * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. * */ @Export(name="ignoreOtherPvlanMappings", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output ignoreOtherPvlanMappings; /** - * @return Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * @return Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. * */ public Output> ignoreOtherPvlanMappings() { return Codegen.optional(this.ignoreOtherPvlanMappings); } /** - * The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Export(name="ingressShapingAverageBandwidth", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output ingressShapingAverageBandwidth; /** - * @return The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Output ingressShapingAverageBandwidth() { return this.ingressShapingAverageBandwidth; } /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Export(name="ingressShapingBurstSize", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output ingressShapingBurstSize; /** - * @return The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Output ingressShapingBurstSize() { return this.ingressShapingBurstSize; } /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. * */ @Export(name="ingressShapingEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output ingressShapingEnabled; /** - * @return `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * @return True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. * */ public Output ingressShapingEnabled() { return this.ingressShapingEnabled; } /** - * The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Export(name="ingressShapingPeakBandwidth", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output ingressShapingPeakBandwidth; /** - * @return The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Output ingressShapingPeakBandwidth() { @@ -700,30 +652,28 @@ public Output lacpApiVersion() { return this.lacpApiVersion; } /** - * Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. * */ @Export(name="lacpEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output lacpEnabled; /** - * @return Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @return Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. * */ public Output lacpEnabled() { return this.lacpEnabled; } /** - * The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. * */ @Export(name="lacpMode", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output lacpMode; /** - * @return The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * @return The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. * */ public Output lacpMode() { @@ -862,172 +812,144 @@ public Output name() { return this.name; } /** - * The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ @Export(name="netflowActiveFlowTimeout", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output netflowActiveFlowTimeout; /** - * @return The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * @return The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ public Output> netflowActiveFlowTimeout() { return Codegen.optional(this.netflowActiveFlowTimeout); } /** - * IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. * */ @Export(name="netflowCollectorIpAddress", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output netflowCollectorIpAddress; /** - * @return IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @return IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. * */ public Output> netflowCollectorIpAddress() { return Codegen.optional(this.netflowCollectorIpAddress); } /** - * Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * The port for the netflow collector. * */ @Export(name="netflowCollectorPort", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output netflowCollectorPort; /** - * @return Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @return The port for the netflow collector. * */ public Output> netflowCollectorPort() { return Codegen.optional(this.netflowCollectorPort); } /** - * Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. * */ @Export(name="netflowEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output netflowEnabled; /** - * @return Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @return Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. * */ public Output netflowEnabled() { return this.netflowEnabled; } /** - * The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ @Export(name="netflowIdleFlowTimeout", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output netflowIdleFlowTimeout; /** - * @return The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * @return The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ public Output> netflowIdleFlowTimeout() { return Codegen.optional(this.netflowIdleFlowTimeout); } /** - * Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. * */ @Export(name="netflowInternalFlowsOnly", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output netflowInternalFlowsOnly; /** - * @return Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * @return Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. * */ public Output> netflowInternalFlowsOnly() { return Codegen.optional(this.netflowInternalFlowsOnly); } /** - * The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. * */ @Export(name="netflowObservationDomainId", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output netflowObservationDomainId; /** - * @return The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * @return The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. * */ public Output> netflowObservationDomainId() { return Codegen.optional(this.netflowObservationDomainId); } /** - * The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. * */ @Export(name="netflowSamplingRate", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output netflowSamplingRate; /** - * @return The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * @return The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. * */ public Output> netflowSamplingRate() { return Codegen.optional(this.netflowSamplingRate); } /** - * Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. * */ @Export(name="networkResourceControlEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output networkResourceControlEnabled; /** - * @return Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * @return Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. * */ public Output> networkResourceControlEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.networkResourceControlEnabled); } /** - * The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. * */ @Export(name="networkResourceControlVersion", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output networkResourceControlVersion; /** - * @return The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * @return The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. * */ public Output networkResourceControlVersion() { @@ -1090,68 +1012,56 @@ public Output nfsShareLevel() { return this.nfsShareLevel; } /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ @Export(name="notifySwitches", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output notifySwitches; /** - * @return If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ public Output notifySwitches() { return this.notifySwitches; } /** - * Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * The secondary VLAN ID for this port. * */ @Export(name="portPrivateSecondaryVlanId", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output portPrivateSecondaryVlanId; /** - * @return Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * @return The secondary VLAN ID for this port. * */ public Output portPrivateSecondaryVlanId() { return this.portPrivateSecondaryVlanId; } /** - * Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. * */ @Export(name="pvlanMappings", refs={List.class,DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> pvlanMappings; /** - * @return Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * @return A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. * */ public Output>> pvlanMappings() { return Codegen.optional(this.pvlanMappings); } /** - * A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ @Export(name="standbyUplinks", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> standbyUplinks; /** - * @return A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @return List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ public Output> standbyUplinks() { @@ -1176,56 +1086,48 @@ public Output>> tags() { return Codegen.optional(this.tags); } /** - * The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - * `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. * */ @Export(name="teamingPolicy", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output teamingPolicy; /** - * @return The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - * `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + * @return The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. * */ public Output teamingPolicy() { return this.teamingPolicy; } /** - * Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. * */ @Export(name="txUplink", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output txUplink; /** - * @return Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * @return If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. * */ public Output txUplink() { return this.txUplink; } /** - * A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * */ @Export(name="uplinks", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> uplinks; /** - * @return A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * @return A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * */ public Output> uplinks() { @@ -1376,100 +1278,14 @@ public Output vlanId() { return this.vlanId; } /** - * Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - * and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() - * .vlanRanges( - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(100) - * .maxVlan(199) - * .build(), - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(300) - * .maxVlan(399) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. * */ @Export(name="vlanRanges", refs={List.class,DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRange.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> vlanRanges; /** - * @return Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - * and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() - * .vlanRanges( - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(100) - * .maxVlan(199) - * .build(), - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(300) - * .maxVlan(399) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @return The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. * */ public Output> vlanRanges() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.java index 3fe3497f..48d44cc4 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.java @@ -24,20 +24,14 @@ public final class DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.Res public static final DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs Empty = new DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs(); /** - * A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ @Import(name="activeUplinks") private @Nullable Output> activeUplinks; /** - * @return A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @return List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ public Optional>> activeUplinks() { @@ -45,18 +39,16 @@ public Optional>> activeUplinks() { } /** - * Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ @Import(name="allowForgedTransmits") private @Nullable Output allowForgedTransmits; /** - * @return Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * @return Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ public Optional> allowForgedTransmits() { @@ -64,16 +56,14 @@ public Optional> allowForgedTransmits() { } /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ @Import(name="allowMacChanges") private @Nullable Output allowMacChanges; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ public Optional> allowMacChanges() { @@ -81,16 +71,14 @@ public Optional> allowMacChanges() { } /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ @Import(name="allowPromiscuous") private @Nullable Output allowPromiscuous; /** - * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ public Optional> allowPromiscuous() { @@ -158,18 +146,14 @@ public Optional> backupnfcShareLevel() { } /** - * Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * Indicates whether to block all ports by default. * */ @Import(name="blockAllPorts") private @Nullable Output blockAllPorts; /** - * @return Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * @return Indicates whether to block all ports by default. * */ public Optional> blockAllPorts() { @@ -177,22 +161,14 @@ public Optional> blockAllPorts() { } /** - * Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. * */ @Import(name="checkBeacon") private @Nullable Output checkBeacon; /** - * @return Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * @return Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. * */ public Optional> checkBeacon() { @@ -289,16 +265,14 @@ public Optional> description() { } /** - * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. * */ @Import(name="directpathGen2Allowed") private @Nullable Output directpathGen2Allowed; /** - * @return Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * @return Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. * */ public Optional> directpathGen2Allowed() { @@ -306,16 +280,14 @@ public Optional> directpathGen2Allowed() { } /** - * The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="egressShapingAverageBandwidth") private @Nullable Output egressShapingAverageBandwidth; /** - * @return The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> egressShapingAverageBandwidth() { @@ -323,16 +295,14 @@ public Optional> egressShapingAverageBandwidth() { } /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="egressShapingBurstSize") private @Nullable Output egressShapingBurstSize; /** - * @return The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> egressShapingBurstSize() { @@ -340,16 +310,14 @@ public Optional> egressShapingBurstSize() { } /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. * */ @Import(name="egressShapingEnabled") private @Nullable Output egressShapingEnabled; /** - * @return `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * @return True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. * */ public Optional> egressShapingEnabled() { @@ -357,16 +325,14 @@ public Optional> egressShapingEnabled() { } /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="egressShapingPeakBandwidth") private @Nullable Output egressShapingPeakBandwidth; /** - * @return The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> egressShapingPeakBandwidth() { @@ -374,16 +340,14 @@ public Optional> egressShapingPeakBandwidth() { } /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ @Import(name="failback") private @Nullable Output failback; /** - * @return If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ public Optional> failback() { @@ -528,16 +492,14 @@ public Optional> hbrShareLevel() { } /** - * Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * A host member specification. * */ @Import(name="hosts") private @Nullable Output> hosts; /** - * @return Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * @return A host member specification. * */ public Optional>> hosts() { @@ -545,16 +507,14 @@ public Optional>> hosts() { } /** - * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. * */ @Import(name="ignoreOtherPvlanMappings") private @Nullable Output ignoreOtherPvlanMappings; /** - * @return Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * @return Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. * */ public Optional> ignoreOtherPvlanMappings() { @@ -562,16 +522,14 @@ public Optional> ignoreOtherPvlanMappings() { } /** - * The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="ingressShapingAverageBandwidth") private @Nullable Output ingressShapingAverageBandwidth; /** - * @return The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> ingressShapingAverageBandwidth() { @@ -579,16 +537,14 @@ public Optional> ingressShapingAverageBandwidth() { } /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="ingressShapingBurstSize") private @Nullable Output ingressShapingBurstSize; /** - * @return The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> ingressShapingBurstSize() { @@ -596,16 +552,14 @@ public Optional> ingressShapingBurstSize() { } /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. * */ @Import(name="ingressShapingEnabled") private @Nullable Output ingressShapingEnabled; /** - * @return `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * @return True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. * */ public Optional> ingressShapingEnabled() { @@ -613,16 +567,14 @@ public Optional> ingressShapingEnabled() { } /** - * The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="ingressShapingPeakBandwidth") private @Nullable Output ingressShapingPeakBandwidth; /** - * @return The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> ingressShapingPeakBandwidth() { @@ -726,16 +678,14 @@ public Optional> lacpApiVersion() { } /** - * Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. * */ @Import(name="lacpEnabled") private @Nullable Output lacpEnabled; /** - * @return Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @return Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. * */ public Optional> lacpEnabled() { @@ -743,14 +693,14 @@ public Optional> lacpEnabled() { } /** - * The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. * */ @Import(name="lacpMode") private @Nullable Output lacpMode; /** - * @return The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * @return The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. * */ public Optional> lacpMode() { @@ -899,18 +849,14 @@ public Optional> name() { } /** - * The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ @Import(name="netflowActiveFlowTimeout") private @Nullable Output netflowActiveFlowTimeout; /** - * @return The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * @return The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ public Optional> netflowActiveFlowTimeout() { @@ -918,18 +864,16 @@ public Optional> netflowActiveFlowTimeout() { } /** - * IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. * */ @Import(name="netflowCollectorIpAddress") private @Nullable Output netflowCollectorIpAddress; /** - * @return IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @return IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. * */ public Optional> netflowCollectorIpAddress() { @@ -937,16 +881,14 @@ public Optional> netflowCollectorIpAddress() { } /** - * Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * The port for the netflow collector. * */ @Import(name="netflowCollectorPort") private @Nullable Output netflowCollectorPort; /** - * @return Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @return The port for the netflow collector. * */ public Optional> netflowCollectorPort() { @@ -954,16 +896,14 @@ public Optional> netflowCollectorPort() { } /** - * Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. * */ @Import(name="netflowEnabled") private @Nullable Output netflowEnabled; /** - * @return Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @return Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. * */ public Optional> netflowEnabled() { @@ -971,18 +911,14 @@ public Optional> netflowEnabled() { } /** - * The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ @Import(name="netflowIdleFlowTimeout") private @Nullable Output netflowIdleFlowTimeout; /** - * @return The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * @return The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ public Optional> netflowIdleFlowTimeout() { @@ -990,18 +926,14 @@ public Optional> netflowIdleFlowTimeout() { } /** - * Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. * */ @Import(name="netflowInternalFlowsOnly") private @Nullable Output netflowInternalFlowsOnly; /** - * @return Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * @return Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. * */ public Optional> netflowInternalFlowsOnly() { @@ -1009,16 +941,14 @@ public Optional> netflowInternalFlowsOnly() { } /** - * The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. * */ @Import(name="netflowObservationDomainId") private @Nullable Output netflowObservationDomainId; /** - * @return The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * @return The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. * */ public Optional> netflowObservationDomainId() { @@ -1026,20 +956,16 @@ public Optional> netflowObservationDomainId() { } /** - * The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. * */ @Import(name="netflowSamplingRate") private @Nullable Output netflowSamplingRate; /** - * @return The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * @return The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. * */ public Optional> netflowSamplingRate() { @@ -1047,16 +973,14 @@ public Optional> netflowSamplingRate() { } /** - * Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. * */ @Import(name="networkResourceControlEnabled") private @Nullable Output networkResourceControlEnabled; /** - * @return Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * @return Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. * */ public Optional> networkResourceControlEnabled() { @@ -1064,16 +988,14 @@ public Optional> networkResourceControlEnabled() { } /** - * The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. * */ @Import(name="networkResourceControlVersion") private @Nullable Output networkResourceControlVersion; /** - * @return The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * @return The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. * */ public Optional> networkResourceControlVersion() { @@ -1141,16 +1063,14 @@ public Optional> nfsShareLevel() { } /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ @Import(name="notifySwitches") private @Nullable Output notifySwitches; /** - * @return If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ public Optional> notifySwitches() { @@ -1158,16 +1078,14 @@ public Optional> notifySwitches() { } /** - * Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * The secondary VLAN ID for this port. * */ @Import(name="portPrivateSecondaryVlanId") private @Nullable Output portPrivateSecondaryVlanId; /** - * @return Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * @return The secondary VLAN ID for this port. * */ public Optional> portPrivateSecondaryVlanId() { @@ -1175,16 +1093,14 @@ public Optional> portPrivateSecondaryVlanId() { } /** - * Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. * */ @Import(name="pvlanMappings") private @Nullable Output> pvlanMappings; /** - * @return Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * @return A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. * */ public Optional>> pvlanMappings() { @@ -1192,20 +1108,14 @@ public Optional>> pvlanMap } /** - * A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ @Import(name="standbyUplinks") private @Nullable Output> standbyUplinks; /** - * @return A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @return List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ public Optional>> standbyUplinks() { @@ -1232,18 +1142,16 @@ public Optional>> tags() { } /** - * The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - * `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. * */ @Import(name="teamingPolicy") private @Nullable Output teamingPolicy; /** - * @return The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - * `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + * @return The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. * */ public Optional> teamingPolicy() { @@ -1251,16 +1159,16 @@ public Optional> teamingPolicy() { } /** - * Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. * */ @Import(name="txUplink") private @Nullable Output txUplink; /** - * @return Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * @return If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. * */ public Optional> txUplink() { @@ -1268,22 +1176,16 @@ public Optional> txUplink() { } /** - * A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * */ @Import(name="uplinks") private @Nullable Output> uplinks; /** - * @return A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * @return A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * */ public Optional>> uplinks() { @@ -1445,100 +1347,14 @@ public Optional> vlanId() { } /** - * Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - * and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() - * .vlanRanges( - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(100) - * .maxVlan(199) - * .build(), - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(300) - * .maxVlan(399) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. * */ @Import(name="vlanRanges") private @Nullable Output> vlanRanges; /** - * @return Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - * and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() - * .vlanRanges( - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(100) - * .maxVlan(199) - * .build(), - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(300) - * .maxVlan(399) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @return The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. * */ public Optional>> vlanRanges() { @@ -1783,10 +1599,7 @@ public Builder(DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs defaults) { } /** - * @param activeUplinks A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param activeUplinks List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -1797,10 +1610,7 @@ public Builder activeUplinks(@Nullable Output> activeUplinks) { } /** - * @param activeUplinks A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param activeUplinks List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -1810,10 +1620,7 @@ public Builder activeUplinks(List activeUplinks) { } /** - * @param activeUplinks A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param activeUplinks List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -1823,9 +1630,8 @@ public Builder activeUplinks(String... activeUplinks) { } /** - * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * * @return builder * @@ -1836,9 +1642,8 @@ public Builder allowForgedTransmits(@Nullable Output allowForgedTransmi } /** - * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * * @return builder * @@ -1848,8 +1653,7 @@ public Builder allowForgedTransmits(Boolean allowForgedTransmits) { } /** - * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * * @return builder * @@ -1860,8 +1664,7 @@ public Builder allowMacChanges(@Nullable Output allowMacChanges) { } /** - * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * * @return builder * @@ -1871,8 +1674,7 @@ public Builder allowMacChanges(Boolean allowMacChanges) { } /** - * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * * @return builder * @@ -1883,8 +1685,7 @@ public Builder allowPromiscuous(@Nullable Output allowPromiscuous) { } /** - * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * * @return builder * @@ -1978,9 +1779,7 @@ public Builder backupnfcShareLevel(String backupnfcShareLevel) { } /** - * @param blockAllPorts Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * @param blockAllPorts Indicates whether to block all ports by default. * * @return builder * @@ -1991,9 +1790,7 @@ public Builder blockAllPorts(@Nullable Output blockAllPorts) { } /** - * @param blockAllPorts Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * @param blockAllPorts Indicates whether to block all ports by default. * * @return builder * @@ -2003,11 +1800,7 @@ public Builder blockAllPorts(Boolean blockAllPorts) { } /** - * @param checkBeacon Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. * * @return builder * @@ -2018,11 +1811,7 @@ public Builder checkBeacon(@Nullable Output checkBeacon) { } /** - * @param checkBeacon Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. * * @return builder * @@ -2151,8 +1940,7 @@ public Builder description(String description) { } /** - * @param directpathGen2Allowed Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * @param directpathGen2Allowed Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. * * @return builder * @@ -2163,8 +1951,7 @@ public Builder directpathGen2Allowed(@Nullable Output directpathGen2All } /** - * @param directpathGen2Allowed Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * @param directpathGen2Allowed Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. * * @return builder * @@ -2174,8 +1961,7 @@ public Builder directpathGen2Allowed(Boolean directpathGen2Allowed) { } /** - * @param egressShapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingAverageBandwidth The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2186,8 +1972,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingAverageBandwidth(@Nullable Output egressSha } /** - * @param egressShapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingAverageBandwidth The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2197,8 +1982,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingAverageBandwidth(Integer egressShapingAverageBandwid } /** - * @param egressShapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingBurstSize The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2209,8 +1993,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingBurstSize(@Nullable Output egressShapingBur } /** - * @param egressShapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingBurstSize The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2220,8 +2003,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingBurstSize(Integer egressShapingBurstSize) { } /** - * @param egressShapingEnabled `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * @param egressShapingEnabled True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2232,8 +2014,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingEnabled(@Nullable Output egressShapingEnabl } /** - * @param egressShapingEnabled `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * @param egressShapingEnabled True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2243,8 +2024,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingEnabled(Boolean egressShapingEnabled) { } /** - * @param egressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2255,8 +2035,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingPeakBandwidth(@Nullable Output egressShapin } /** - * @param egressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2266,8 +2045,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingPeakBandwidth(Integer egressShapingPeakBandwidth) { } /** - * @param failback If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * @param failback If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * * @return builder * @@ -2278,8 +2056,7 @@ public Builder failback(@Nullable Output failback) { } /** - * @param failback If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * @param failback If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * * @return builder * @@ -2480,8 +2257,7 @@ public Builder hbrShareLevel(String hbrShareLevel) { } /** - * @param hosts Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * @param hosts A host member specification. * * @return builder * @@ -2492,8 +2268,7 @@ public Builder hosts(@Nullable Output> ho } /** - * @param hosts Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * @param hosts A host member specification. * * @return builder * @@ -2503,8 +2278,7 @@ public Builder hosts(List hosts) { } /** - * @param hosts Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * @param hosts A host member specification. * * @return builder * @@ -2514,8 +2288,7 @@ public Builder hosts(DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs... hosts) { } /** - * @param ignoreOtherPvlanMappings Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * @param ignoreOtherPvlanMappings Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. * * @return builder * @@ -2526,8 +2299,7 @@ public Builder ignoreOtherPvlanMappings(@Nullable Output ignoreOtherPvl } /** - * @param ignoreOtherPvlanMappings Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * @param ignoreOtherPvlanMappings Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. * * @return builder * @@ -2537,8 +2309,7 @@ public Builder ignoreOtherPvlanMappings(Boolean ignoreOtherPvlanMappings) { } /** - * @param ingressShapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingAverageBandwidth The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2549,8 +2320,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingAverageBandwidth(@Nullable Output ingressS } /** - * @param ingressShapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingAverageBandwidth The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2560,8 +2330,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingAverageBandwidth(Integer ingressShapingAverageBandw } /** - * @param ingressShapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingBurstSize The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2572,8 +2341,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingBurstSize(@Nullable Output ingressShapingB } /** - * @param ingressShapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingBurstSize The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2583,8 +2351,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingBurstSize(Integer ingressShapingBurstSize) { } /** - * @param ingressShapingEnabled `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * @param ingressShapingEnabled True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2595,8 +2362,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingEnabled(@Nullable Output ingressShapingEna } /** - * @param ingressShapingEnabled `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * @param ingressShapingEnabled True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2606,8 +2372,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingEnabled(Boolean ingressShapingEnabled) { } /** - * @param ingressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2618,8 +2383,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingPeakBandwidth(@Nullable Output ingressShap } /** - * @param ingressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2761,8 +2525,7 @@ public Builder lacpApiVersion(String lacpApiVersion) { } /** - * @param lacpEnabled Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @param lacpEnabled Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. * * @return builder * @@ -2773,8 +2536,7 @@ public Builder lacpEnabled(@Nullable Output lacpEnabled) { } /** - * @param lacpEnabled Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @param lacpEnabled Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. * * @return builder * @@ -2784,7 +2546,7 @@ public Builder lacpEnabled(Boolean lacpEnabled) { } /** - * @param lacpMode The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * @param lacpMode The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. * * @return builder * @@ -2795,7 +2557,7 @@ public Builder lacpMode(@Nullable Output lacpMode) { } /** - * @param lacpMode The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * @param lacpMode The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. * * @return builder * @@ -3000,9 +2762,7 @@ public Builder name(String name) { } /** - * @param netflowActiveFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * @param netflowActiveFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3013,9 +2773,7 @@ public Builder netflowActiveFlowTimeout(@Nullable Output netflowActiveF } /** - * @param netflowActiveFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * @param netflowActiveFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3025,9 +2783,8 @@ public Builder netflowActiveFlowTimeout(Integer netflowActiveFlowTimeout) { } /** - * @param netflowCollectorIpAddress IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @param netflowCollectorIpAddress IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. * * @return builder * @@ -3038,9 +2795,8 @@ public Builder netflowCollectorIpAddress(@Nullable Output netflowCollect } /** - * @param netflowCollectorIpAddress IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @param netflowCollectorIpAddress IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. * * @return builder * @@ -3050,8 +2806,7 @@ public Builder netflowCollectorIpAddress(String netflowCollectorIpAddress) { } /** - * @param netflowCollectorPort Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @param netflowCollectorPort The port for the netflow collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3062,8 +2817,7 @@ public Builder netflowCollectorPort(@Nullable Output netflowCollectorPo } /** - * @param netflowCollectorPort Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @param netflowCollectorPort The port for the netflow collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3073,8 +2827,7 @@ public Builder netflowCollectorPort(Integer netflowCollectorPort) { } /** - * @param netflowEnabled Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @param netflowEnabled Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. * * @return builder * @@ -3085,8 +2838,7 @@ public Builder netflowEnabled(@Nullable Output netflowEnabled) { } /** - * @param netflowEnabled Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @param netflowEnabled Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. * * @return builder * @@ -3096,9 +2848,7 @@ public Builder netflowEnabled(Boolean netflowEnabled) { } /** - * @param netflowIdleFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * @param netflowIdleFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3109,9 +2859,7 @@ public Builder netflowIdleFlowTimeout(@Nullable Output netflowIdleFlowT } /** - * @param netflowIdleFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * @param netflowIdleFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3121,9 +2869,7 @@ public Builder netflowIdleFlowTimeout(Integer netflowIdleFlowTimeout) { } /** - * @param netflowInternalFlowsOnly Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * @param netflowInternalFlowsOnly Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. * * @return builder * @@ -3134,9 +2880,7 @@ public Builder netflowInternalFlowsOnly(@Nullable Output netflowInterna } /** - * @param netflowInternalFlowsOnly Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * @param netflowInternalFlowsOnly Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. * * @return builder * @@ -3146,8 +2890,7 @@ public Builder netflowInternalFlowsOnly(Boolean netflowInternalFlowsOnly) { } /** - * @param netflowObservationDomainId The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * @param netflowObservationDomainId The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3158,8 +2901,7 @@ public Builder netflowObservationDomainId(@Nullable Output netflowObser } /** - * @param netflowObservationDomainId The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * @param netflowObservationDomainId The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3169,10 +2911,8 @@ public Builder netflowObservationDomainId(Integer netflowObservationDomainId) { } /** - * @param netflowSamplingRate The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * @param netflowSamplingRate The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. * * @return builder * @@ -3183,10 +2923,8 @@ public Builder netflowSamplingRate(@Nullable Output netflowSamplingRate } /** - * @param netflowSamplingRate The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * @param netflowSamplingRate The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. * * @return builder * @@ -3196,8 +2934,7 @@ public Builder netflowSamplingRate(Integer netflowSamplingRate) { } /** - * @param networkResourceControlEnabled Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * @param networkResourceControlEnabled Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. * * @return builder * @@ -3208,8 +2945,7 @@ public Builder networkResourceControlEnabled(@Nullable Output networkRe } /** - * @param networkResourceControlEnabled Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * @param networkResourceControlEnabled Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. * * @return builder * @@ -3219,8 +2955,7 @@ public Builder networkResourceControlEnabled(Boolean networkResourceControlEnabl } /** - * @param networkResourceControlVersion The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * @param networkResourceControlVersion The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. * * @return builder * @@ -3231,8 +2966,7 @@ public Builder networkResourceControlVersion(@Nullable Output networkRes } /** - * @param networkResourceControlVersion The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * @param networkResourceControlVersion The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. * * @return builder * @@ -3326,8 +3060,7 @@ public Builder nfsShareLevel(String nfsShareLevel) { } /** - * @param notifySwitches If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * @param notifySwitches If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * * @return builder * @@ -3338,8 +3071,7 @@ public Builder notifySwitches(@Nullable Output notifySwitches) { } /** - * @param notifySwitches If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * @param notifySwitches If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * * @return builder * @@ -3349,8 +3081,7 @@ public Builder notifySwitches(Boolean notifySwitches) { } /** - * @param portPrivateSecondaryVlanId Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * @param portPrivateSecondaryVlanId The secondary VLAN ID for this port. * * @return builder * @@ -3361,8 +3092,7 @@ public Builder portPrivateSecondaryVlanId(@Nullable Output portPrivateS } /** - * @param portPrivateSecondaryVlanId Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * @param portPrivateSecondaryVlanId The secondary VLAN ID for this port. * * @return builder * @@ -3372,8 +3102,7 @@ public Builder portPrivateSecondaryVlanId(Integer portPrivateSecondaryVlanId) { } /** - * @param pvlanMappings Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * @param pvlanMappings A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. * * @return builder * @@ -3384,8 +3113,7 @@ public Builder pvlanMappings(@Nullable Output pvla } /** - * @param pvlanMappings Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * @param pvlanMappings A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. * * @return builder * @@ -3406,10 +3133,7 @@ public Builder pvlanMappings(DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs... pvlanMa } /** - * @param standbyUplinks A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param standbyUplinks List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -3420,10 +3144,7 @@ public Builder standbyUplinks(@Nullable Output> standbyUplinks) { } /** - * @param standbyUplinks A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param standbyUplinks List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -3433,10 +3154,7 @@ public Builder standbyUplinks(List standbyUplinks) { } /** - * @param standbyUplinks A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param standbyUplinks List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -3483,9 +3201,8 @@ public Builder tags(String... tags) { } /** - * @param teamingPolicy The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - * `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. * * @return builder * @@ -3496,9 +3213,8 @@ public Builder teamingPolicy(@Nullable Output teamingPolicy) { } /** - * @param teamingPolicy The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - * `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. * * @return builder * @@ -3508,8 +3224,8 @@ public Builder teamingPolicy(String teamingPolicy) { } /** - * @param txUplink Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * @param txUplink If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. * * @return builder * @@ -3520,8 +3236,8 @@ public Builder txUplink(@Nullable Output txUplink) { } /** - * @param txUplink Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * @param txUplink If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. * * @return builder * @@ -3531,11 +3247,8 @@ public Builder txUplink(Boolean txUplink) { } /** - * @param uplinks A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * @param uplinks A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * * @return builder * @@ -3546,11 +3259,8 @@ public Builder uplinks(@Nullable Output> uplinks) { } /** - * @param uplinks A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * @param uplinks A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * * @return builder * @@ -3560,11 +3270,8 @@ public Builder uplinks(List uplinks) { } /** - * @param uplinks A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * @param uplinks A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * * @return builder * @@ -3788,50 +3495,7 @@ public Builder vlanId(Integer vlanId) { } /** - * @param vlanRanges Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - * and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() - * .vlanRanges( - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(100) - * .maxVlan(199) - * .build(), - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(300) - * .maxVlan(399) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @param vlanRanges The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. * * @return builder * @@ -3842,50 +3506,7 @@ public Builder vlanRanges(@Nullable Output vlanRanges } /** - * @param vlanRanges Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - * and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() - * .vlanRanges( - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(100) - * .maxVlan(199) - * .build(), - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(300) - * .maxVlan(399) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @param vlanRanges The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HaVmOverride.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HaVmOverride.java index 866f7719..7969e87d 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HaVmOverride.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HaVmOverride.java @@ -19,288 +19,234 @@ @ResourceType(type="vsphere:index/haVmOverride:HaVmOverride") public class HaVmOverride extends com.pulumi.resources.CustomResource { /** - * The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the cluster. * */ @Export(name="computeClusterId", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output computeClusterId; /** - * @return The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * @return The managed object ID of the cluster. * */ public Output computeClusterId() { return this.computeClusterId; } /** - * Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. * */ @Export(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction; /** - * @return Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * @return Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. * */ public Output> haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() { return Codegen.optional(this.haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction); } /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. * */ @Export(name="haDatastoreApdResponse", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haDatastoreApdResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @return Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. * */ public Output> haDatastoreApdResponse() { return Codegen.optional(this.haDatastoreApdResponse); } /** - * Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. * */ @Export(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haDatastoreApdResponseDelay; /** - * @return Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @return Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. * */ public Output> haDatastoreApdResponseDelay() { return Codegen.optional(this.haDatastoreApdResponseDelay); } /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ @Export(name="haDatastorePdlResponse", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haDatastorePdlResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @return Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ public Output> haDatastorePdlResponse() { return Codegen.optional(this.haDatastorePdlResponse); } /** - * The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ @Export(name="haHostIsolationResponse", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haHostIsolationResponse; /** - * @return The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * @return The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ public Output> haHostIsolationResponse() { return Codegen.optional(this.haHostIsolationResponse); } /** - * If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. * */ @Export(name="haVmFailureInterval", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmFailureInterval; /** - * @return If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * @return If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. * */ public Output> haVmFailureInterval() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmFailureInterval); } /** - * The length of the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ @Export(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmMaximumFailureWindow; /** - * @return The length of the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * @return The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ public Output> haVmMaximumFailureWindow() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmMaximumFailureWindow); } /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ @Export(name="haVmMaximumResets", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmMaximumResets; /** - * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ public Output> haVmMaximumResets() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmMaximumResets); } /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ @Export(name="haVmMinimumUptime", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmMinimumUptime; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ public Output> haVmMinimumUptime() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmMinimumUptime); } /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ @Export(name="haVmMonitoring", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmMonitoring; /** - * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ public Output> haVmMonitoring() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmMonitoring); } /** - * Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. * */ @Export(name="haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults; /** - * @return Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * @return Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. * */ public Output> haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults); } /** - * The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. * */ @Export(name="haVmRestartPriority", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmRestartPriority; /** - * @return The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * @return The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. * */ public Output> haVmRestartPriority() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmRestartPriority); } /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. * */ @Export(name="haVmRestartTimeout", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output haVmRestartTimeout; /** - * @return The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @return The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. * */ public Output> haVmRestartTimeout() { return Codegen.optional(this.haVmRestartTimeout); } /** - * The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="virtualMachineId", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output virtualMachineId; /** - * @return The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * @return The managed object ID of the virtual machine. * */ public Output virtualMachineId() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HaVmOverrideArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HaVmOverrideArgs.java index 3016b9c2..aa168055 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HaVmOverrideArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HaVmOverrideArgs.java @@ -19,18 +19,14 @@ public final class HaVmOverrideArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs { public static final HaVmOverrideArgs Empty = new HaVmOverrideArgs(); /** - * The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the cluster. * */ @Import(name="computeClusterId", required=true) private Output computeClusterId; /** - * @return The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * @return The managed object ID of the cluster. * */ public Output computeClusterId() { @@ -38,20 +34,16 @@ public Output computeClusterId() { } /** - * Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction; /** - * @return Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * @return Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() { @@ -59,20 +51,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() { } /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdResponse") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @return Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponse() { @@ -80,20 +68,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponse() { } /** - * Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdResponseDelay; /** - * @return Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @return Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponseDelay() { @@ -101,20 +85,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponseDelay() { } /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ @Import(name="haDatastorePdlResponse") private @Nullable Output haDatastorePdlResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @return Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ public Optional> haDatastorePdlResponse() { @@ -122,20 +102,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastorePdlResponse() { } /** - * The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ @Import(name="haHostIsolationResponse") private @Nullable Output haHostIsolationResponse; /** - * @return The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * @return The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ public Optional> haHostIsolationResponse() { @@ -143,18 +119,16 @@ public Optional> haHostIsolationResponse() { } /** - * If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. * */ @Import(name="haVmFailureInterval") private @Nullable Output haVmFailureInterval; /** - * @return If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * @return If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. * */ public Optional> haVmFailureInterval() { @@ -162,24 +136,18 @@ public Optional> haVmFailureInterval() { } /** - * The length of the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ @Import(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow") private @Nullable Output haVmMaximumFailureWindow; /** - * @return The length of the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * @return The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ public Optional> haVmMaximumFailureWindow() { @@ -187,18 +155,14 @@ public Optional> haVmMaximumFailureWindow() { } /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ @Import(name="haVmMaximumResets") private @Nullable Output haVmMaximumResets; /** - * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ public Optional> haVmMaximumResets() { @@ -206,18 +170,14 @@ public Optional> haVmMaximumResets() { } /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ @Import(name="haVmMinimumUptime") private @Nullable Output haVmMinimumUptime; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ public Optional> haVmMinimumUptime() { @@ -225,18 +185,16 @@ public Optional> haVmMinimumUptime() { } /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ @Import(name="haVmMonitoring") private @Nullable Output haVmMonitoring; /** - * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ public Optional> haVmMonitoring() { @@ -244,20 +202,16 @@ public Optional> haVmMonitoring() { } /** - * Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. * */ @Import(name="haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults") private @Nullable Output haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults; /** - * @return Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * @return Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. * */ public Optional> haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults() { @@ -265,20 +219,16 @@ public Optional> haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults() { } /** - * The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. * */ @Import(name="haVmRestartPriority") private @Nullable Output haVmRestartPriority; /** - * @return The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * @return The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. * */ public Optional> haVmRestartPriority() { @@ -286,18 +236,16 @@ public Optional> haVmRestartPriority() { } /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. * */ @Import(name="haVmRestartTimeout") private @Nullable Output haVmRestartTimeout; /** - * @return The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @return The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. * */ public Optional> haVmRestartTimeout() { @@ -305,16 +253,14 @@ public Optional> haVmRestartTimeout() { } /** - * The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="virtualMachineId", required=true) private Output virtualMachineId; /** - * @return The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * @return The managed object ID of the virtual machine. * */ public Output virtualMachineId() { @@ -360,9 +306,7 @@ public Builder(HaVmOverrideArgs defaults) { } /** - * @param computeClusterId The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * @param computeClusterId The managed object ID of the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -373,9 +317,7 @@ public Builder computeClusterId(Output computeClusterId) { } /** - * @param computeClusterId The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * @param computeClusterId The managed object ID of the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -385,10 +327,8 @@ public Builder computeClusterId(String computeClusterId) { } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. * * @return builder * @@ -399,10 +339,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction(@Nullable Output haDatastore } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. * * @return builder * @@ -412,10 +350,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction(String haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction) } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -426,10 +362,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponse(@Nullable Output haDatastoreApdRes } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -439,10 +373,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponse(String haDatastoreApdResponse) { } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. * * @return builder * @@ -453,10 +385,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponseDelay(@Nullable Output haDatastore } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. * * @return builder * @@ -466,10 +396,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponseDelay(Integer haDatastoreApdResponseDelay) } /** - * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -480,10 +408,8 @@ public Builder haDatastorePdlResponse(@Nullable Output haDatastorePdlRes } /** - * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -493,10 +419,8 @@ public Builder haDatastorePdlResponse(String haDatastorePdlResponse) { } /** - * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. * * @return builder * @@ -507,10 +431,8 @@ public Builder haHostIsolationResponse(@Nullable Output haHostIsolationR } /** - * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. * * @return builder * @@ -520,9 +442,8 @@ public Builder haHostIsolationResponse(String haHostIsolationResponse) { } /** - * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. * * @return builder * @@ -533,9 +454,8 @@ public Builder haVmFailureInterval(@Nullable Output haVmFailureInterval } /** - * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. * * @return builder * @@ -545,12 +465,9 @@ public Builder haVmFailureInterval(Integer haVmFailureInterval) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * * @return builder * @@ -561,12 +478,9 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumFailureWindow(@Nullable Output haVmMaximumFai } /** - * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * * @return builder * @@ -576,9 +490,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumFailureWindow(Integer haVmMaximumFailureWindow) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * * @return builder * @@ -589,9 +501,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumResets(@Nullable Output haVmMaximumResets) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * * @return builder * @@ -601,9 +511,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumResets(Integer haVmMaximumResets) { } /** - * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * * @return builder * @@ -614,9 +522,7 @@ public Builder haVmMinimumUptime(@Nullable Output haVmMinimumUptime) { } /** - * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * * @return builder * @@ -626,9 +532,8 @@ public Builder haVmMinimumUptime(Integer haVmMinimumUptime) { } /** - * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * * @return builder * @@ -639,9 +544,8 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoring(@Nullable Output haVmMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * * @return builder * @@ -651,10 +555,8 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoring(String haVmMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * @param haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. * * @return builder * @@ -665,10 +567,8 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults(@Nullable Output haVmMo } /** - * @param haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * @param haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. * * @return builder * @@ -678,10 +578,8 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults(Boolean haVmMonitoringUseCluster } /** - * @param haVmRestartPriority The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * @param haVmRestartPriority The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. * * @return builder * @@ -692,10 +590,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartPriority(@Nullable Output haVmRestartPriority) } /** - * @param haVmRestartPriority The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * @param haVmRestartPriority The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. * * @return builder * @@ -705,9 +601,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartPriority(String haVmRestartPriority) { } /** - * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. * * @return builder * @@ -718,9 +613,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartTimeout(@Nullable Output haVmRestartTimeout) } /** - * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. * * @return builder * @@ -730,8 +624,7 @@ public Builder haVmRestartTimeout(Integer haVmRestartTimeout) { } /** - * @param virtualMachineId The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * @param virtualMachineId The managed object ID of the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -742,8 +635,7 @@ public Builder virtualMachineId(Output virtualMachineId) { } /** - * @param virtualMachineId The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * @param virtualMachineId The managed object ID of the virtual machine. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HostVirtualSwitch.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HostVirtualSwitch.java index 6e92514a..ad5e87e3 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HostVirtualSwitch.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HostVirtualSwitch.java @@ -20,124 +20,102 @@ @ResourceType(type="vsphere:index/hostVirtualSwitch:HostVirtualSwitch") public class HostVirtualSwitch extends com.pulumi.resources.CustomResource { /** - * The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * */ @Export(name="activeNics", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> activeNics; /** - * @return The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * @return List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * */ public Output> activeNics() { return this.activeNics; } /** - * Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ @Export(name="allowForgedTransmits", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output allowForgedTransmits; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * @return Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ public Output> allowForgedTransmits() { return Codegen.optional(this.allowForgedTransmits); } /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ @Export(name="allowMacChanges", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output allowMacChanges; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ public Output> allowMacChanges() { return Codegen.optional(this.allowMacChanges); } /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ @Export(name="allowPromiscuous", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output allowPromiscuous; /** - * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ public Output> allowPromiscuous() { return Codegen.optional(this.allowPromiscuous); } /** - * The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. * */ @Export(name="beaconInterval", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output beaconInterval; /** - * @return The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * @return Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. * */ public Output> beaconInterval() { return Codegen.optional(this.beaconInterval); } /** - * Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. * */ @Export(name="checkBeacon", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output checkBeacon; /** - * @return Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. * */ public Output> checkBeacon() { return Codegen.optional(this.checkBeacon); } /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ @Export(name="failback", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output failback; /** - * @return If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ public Output> failback() { @@ -160,32 +138,28 @@ public Output hostSystemId() { return this.hostSystemId; } /** - * Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. * */ @Export(name="linkDiscoveryOperation", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output linkDiscoveryOperation; /** - * @return Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * @return Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. * */ public Output> linkDiscoveryOperation() { return Codegen.optional(this.linkDiscoveryOperation); } /** - * The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. * */ @Export(name="linkDiscoveryProtocol", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output linkDiscoveryProtocol; /** - * @return The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * @return The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. * */ public Output> linkDiscoveryProtocol() { @@ -224,32 +198,28 @@ public Output name() { return this.name; } /** - * The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * */ @Export(name="networkAdapters", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> networkAdapters; /** - * @return The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * @return The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * */ public Output> networkAdapters() { return this.networkAdapters; } /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ @Export(name="notifySwitches", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output notifySwitches; /** - * @return If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ public Output> notifySwitches() { @@ -278,98 +248,86 @@ public Output> numberOfPorts() { return Codegen.optional(this.numberOfPorts); } /** - * The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ @Export(name="shapingAverageBandwidth", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output shapingAverageBandwidth; /** - * @return The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @return The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ public Output> shapingAverageBandwidth() { return Codegen.optional(this.shapingAverageBandwidth); } /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ @Export(name="shapingBurstSize", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output shapingBurstSize; /** - * @return The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @return The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ public Output> shapingBurstSize() { return Codegen.optional(this.shapingBurstSize); } /** - * Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. * */ @Export(name="shapingEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output shapingEnabled; /** - * @return Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. * */ public Output> shapingEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.shapingEnabled); } /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ @Export(name="shapingPeakBandwidth", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output shapingPeakBandwidth; /** - * @return The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @return The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ public Output> shapingPeakBandwidth() { return Codegen.optional(this.shapingPeakBandwidth); } /** - * The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * List of standby network adapters used for failover. * */ @Export(name="standbyNics", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> standbyNics; /** - * @return The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * @return List of standby network adapters used for failover. * */ public Output>> standbyNics() { return Codegen.optional(this.standbyNics); } /** - * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - * `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. * */ @Export(name="teamingPolicy", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output teamingPolicy; /** - * @return The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - * `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + * @return The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. * */ public Output> teamingPolicy() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HostVirtualSwitchArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HostVirtualSwitchArgs.java index 567a1bff..23340b81 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HostVirtualSwitchArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/HostVirtualSwitchArgs.java @@ -20,16 +20,14 @@ public final class HostVirtualSwitchArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceAr public static final HostVirtualSwitchArgs Empty = new HostVirtualSwitchArgs(); /** - * The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * */ @Import(name="activeNics", required=true) private Output> activeNics; /** - * @return The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * @return List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * */ public Output> activeNics() { @@ -37,18 +35,16 @@ public Output> activeNics() { } /** - * Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ @Import(name="allowForgedTransmits") private @Nullable Output allowForgedTransmits; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * @return Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ public Optional> allowForgedTransmits() { @@ -56,16 +52,14 @@ public Optional> allowForgedTransmits() { } /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ @Import(name="allowMacChanges") private @Nullable Output allowMacChanges; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ public Optional> allowMacChanges() { @@ -73,18 +67,14 @@ public Optional> allowMacChanges() { } /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ @Import(name="allowPromiscuous") private @Nullable Output allowPromiscuous; /** - * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ public Optional> allowPromiscuous() { @@ -92,18 +82,14 @@ public Optional> allowPromiscuous() { } /** - * The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. * */ @Import(name="beaconInterval") private @Nullable Output beaconInterval; /** - * @return The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * @return Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. * */ public Optional> beaconInterval() { @@ -111,20 +97,16 @@ public Optional> beaconInterval() { } /** - * Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. * */ @Import(name="checkBeacon") private @Nullable Output checkBeacon; /** - * @return Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. * */ public Optional> checkBeacon() { @@ -132,18 +114,14 @@ public Optional> checkBeacon() { } /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ @Import(name="failback") private @Nullable Output failback; /** - * @return If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ public Optional> failback() { @@ -168,16 +146,14 @@ public Output hostSystemId() { } /** - * Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. * */ @Import(name="linkDiscoveryOperation") private @Nullable Output linkDiscoveryOperation; /** - * @return Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * @return Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. * */ public Optional> linkDiscoveryOperation() { @@ -185,16 +161,14 @@ public Optional> linkDiscoveryOperation() { } /** - * The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. * */ @Import(name="linkDiscoveryProtocol") private @Nullable Output linkDiscoveryProtocol; /** - * @return The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * @return The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. * */ public Optional> linkDiscoveryProtocol() { @@ -236,14 +210,14 @@ public Optional> name() { } /** - * The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * */ @Import(name="networkAdapters", required=true) private Output> networkAdapters; /** - * @return The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * @return The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * */ public Output> networkAdapters() { @@ -251,18 +225,14 @@ public Output> networkAdapters() { } /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ @Import(name="notifySwitches") private @Nullable Output notifySwitches; /** - * @return If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ public Optional> notifySwitches() { @@ -293,16 +263,14 @@ public Optional> numberOfPorts() { } /** - * The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ @Import(name="shapingAverageBandwidth") private @Nullable Output shapingAverageBandwidth; /** - * @return The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @return The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ public Optional> shapingAverageBandwidth() { @@ -310,16 +278,14 @@ public Optional> shapingAverageBandwidth() { } /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ @Import(name="shapingBurstSize") private @Nullable Output shapingBurstSize; /** - * @return The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @return The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ public Optional> shapingBurstSize() { @@ -327,16 +293,14 @@ public Optional> shapingBurstSize() { } /** - * Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. * */ @Import(name="shapingEnabled") private @Nullable Output shapingEnabled; /** - * @return Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. * */ public Optional> shapingEnabled() { @@ -344,16 +308,14 @@ public Optional> shapingEnabled() { } /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ @Import(name="shapingPeakBandwidth") private @Nullable Output shapingPeakBandwidth; /** - * @return The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @return The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ public Optional> shapingPeakBandwidth() { @@ -361,16 +323,14 @@ public Optional> shapingPeakBandwidth() { } /** - * The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * List of standby network adapters used for failover. * */ @Import(name="standbyNics") private @Nullable Output> standbyNics; /** - * @return The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * @return List of standby network adapters used for failover. * */ public Optional>> standbyNics() { @@ -378,18 +338,16 @@ public Optional>> standbyNics() { } /** - * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - * `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. * */ @Import(name="teamingPolicy") private @Nullable Output teamingPolicy; /** - * @return The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - * `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + * @return The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. * */ public Optional> teamingPolicy() { @@ -441,8 +399,7 @@ public Builder(HostVirtualSwitchArgs defaults) { } /** - * @param activeNics The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * @param activeNics List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * * @return builder * @@ -453,8 +410,7 @@ public Builder activeNics(Output> activeNics) { } /** - * @param activeNics The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * @param activeNics List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * * @return builder * @@ -464,8 +420,7 @@ public Builder activeNics(List activeNics) { } /** - * @param activeNics The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * @param activeNics List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * * @return builder * @@ -475,9 +430,8 @@ public Builder activeNics(String... activeNics) { } /** - * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * * @return builder * @@ -488,9 +442,8 @@ public Builder allowForgedTransmits(@Nullable Output allowForgedTransmi } /** - * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * * @return builder * @@ -500,8 +453,7 @@ public Builder allowForgedTransmits(Boolean allowForgedTransmits) { } /** - * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * * @return builder * @@ -512,8 +464,7 @@ public Builder allowMacChanges(@Nullable Output allowMacChanges) { } /** - * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * * @return builder * @@ -523,9 +474,7 @@ public Builder allowMacChanges(Boolean allowMacChanges) { } /** - * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * * @return builder * @@ -536,9 +485,7 @@ public Builder allowPromiscuous(@Nullable Output allowPromiscuous) { } /** - * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * * @return builder * @@ -548,9 +495,7 @@ public Builder allowPromiscuous(Boolean allowPromiscuous) { } /** - * @param beaconInterval The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * @param beaconInterval Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. * * @return builder * @@ -561,9 +506,7 @@ public Builder beaconInterval(@Nullable Output beaconInterval) { } /** - * @param beaconInterval The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * @param beaconInterval Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. * * @return builder * @@ -573,10 +516,8 @@ public Builder beaconInterval(Integer beaconInterval) { } /** - * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. * * @return builder * @@ -587,10 +528,8 @@ public Builder checkBeacon(@Nullable Output checkBeacon) { } /** - * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. * * @return builder * @@ -600,9 +539,7 @@ public Builder checkBeacon(Boolean checkBeacon) { } /** - * @param failback If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * @param failback If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * * @return builder * @@ -613,9 +550,7 @@ public Builder failback(@Nullable Output failback) { } /** - * @param failback If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * @param failback If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * * @return builder * @@ -648,8 +583,7 @@ public Builder hostSystemId(String hostSystemId) { } /** - * @param linkDiscoveryOperation Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * @param linkDiscoveryOperation Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. * * @return builder * @@ -660,8 +594,7 @@ public Builder linkDiscoveryOperation(@Nullable Output linkDiscoveryOper } /** - * @param linkDiscoveryOperation Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * @param linkDiscoveryOperation Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. * * @return builder * @@ -671,8 +604,7 @@ public Builder linkDiscoveryOperation(String linkDiscoveryOperation) { } /** - * @param linkDiscoveryProtocol The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * @param linkDiscoveryProtocol The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. * * @return builder * @@ -683,8 +615,7 @@ public Builder linkDiscoveryProtocol(@Nullable Output linkDiscoveryProto } /** - * @param linkDiscoveryProtocol The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * @param linkDiscoveryProtocol The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. * * @return builder * @@ -740,7 +671,7 @@ public Builder name(String name) { } /** - * @param networkAdapters The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * @param networkAdapters The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * * @return builder * @@ -751,7 +682,7 @@ public Builder networkAdapters(Output> networkAdapters) { } /** - * @param networkAdapters The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * @param networkAdapters The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * * @return builder * @@ -761,7 +692,7 @@ public Builder networkAdapters(List networkAdapters) { } /** - * @param networkAdapters The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * @param networkAdapters The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * * @return builder * @@ -771,9 +702,7 @@ public Builder networkAdapters(String... networkAdapters) { } /** - * @param notifySwitches If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * @param notifySwitches If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * * @return builder * @@ -784,9 +713,7 @@ public Builder notifySwitches(@Nullable Output notifySwitches) { } /** - * @param notifySwitches If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * @param notifySwitches If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * * @return builder * @@ -825,8 +752,7 @@ public Builder numberOfPorts(Integer numberOfPorts) { } /** - * @param shapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -837,8 +763,7 @@ public Builder shapingAverageBandwidth(@Nullable Output shapingAverageB } /** - * @param shapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -848,8 +773,7 @@ public Builder shapingAverageBandwidth(Integer shapingAverageBandwidth) { } /** - * @param shapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -860,8 +784,7 @@ public Builder shapingBurstSize(@Nullable Output shapingBurstSize) { } /** - * @param shapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -871,8 +794,7 @@ public Builder shapingBurstSize(Integer shapingBurstSize) { } /** - * @param shapingEnabled Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * @param shapingEnabled Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. * * @return builder * @@ -883,8 +805,7 @@ public Builder shapingEnabled(@Nullable Output shapingEnabled) { } /** - * @param shapingEnabled Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * @param shapingEnabled Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. * * @return builder * @@ -894,8 +815,7 @@ public Builder shapingEnabled(Boolean shapingEnabled) { } /** - * @param shapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -906,8 +826,7 @@ public Builder shapingPeakBandwidth(@Nullable Output shapingPeakBandwid } /** - * @param shapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -917,8 +836,7 @@ public Builder shapingPeakBandwidth(Integer shapingPeakBandwidth) { } /** - * @param standbyNics The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * @param standbyNics List of standby network adapters used for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -929,8 +847,7 @@ public Builder standbyNics(@Nullable Output> standbyNics) { } /** - * @param standbyNics The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * @param standbyNics List of standby network adapters used for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -940,8 +857,7 @@ public Builder standbyNics(List standbyNics) { } /** - * @param standbyNics The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * @param standbyNics List of standby network adapters used for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -951,9 +867,8 @@ public Builder standbyNics(String... standbyNics) { } /** - * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - * `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. * * @return builder * @@ -964,9 +879,8 @@ public Builder teamingPolicy(@Nullable Output teamingPolicy) { } /** - * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - * `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/VirtualMachine.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/VirtualMachine.java index 4775e9a6..2e3a0ed7 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/VirtualMachine.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/VirtualMachine.java @@ -27,84 +27,84 @@ @ResourceType(type="vsphere:index/virtualMachine:VirtualMachine") public class VirtualMachine extends com.pulumi.resources.CustomResource { /** - * The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. * */ @Export(name="alternateGuestName", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output alternateGuestName; /** - * @return The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * @return The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. * */ public Output> alternateGuestName() { return Codegen.optional(this.alternateGuestName); } /** - * A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * User-provided description of the virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="annotation", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output annotation; /** - * @return A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * @return User-provided description of the virtual machine. * */ public Output annotation() { return this.annotation; } /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. * */ @Export(name="bootDelay", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output bootDelay; /** - * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. * */ public Output> bootDelay() { return Codegen.optional(this.bootDelay); } /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. * */ @Export(name="bootRetryDelay", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output bootRetryDelay; /** - * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. * */ public Output> bootRetryDelay() { return Codegen.optional(this.bootRetryDelay); } /** - * If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + * If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. * */ @Export(name="bootRetryEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output bootRetryEnabled; /** - * @return If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + * @return If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. * */ public Output> bootRetryEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.bootRetryEnabled); } /** - * A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="cdroms", refs={List.class,VirtualMachineCdrom.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> cdroms; /** - * @return A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * @return A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * */ public Output>> cdroms() { @@ -125,184 +125,172 @@ public Output changeVersion() { return this.changeVersion; } /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. * */ @Export(name="clone", refs={VirtualMachineClone.class}, tree="[0]") private Output clone; /** - * @return When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * @return A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. * */ public Output> clone_() { return Codegen.optional(this.clone); } /** - * Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ @Export(name="cpuHotAddEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output cpuHotAddEnabled; /** - * @return Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @return Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ public Output> cpuHotAddEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.cpuHotAddEnabled); } /** - * Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ @Export(name="cpuHotRemoveEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output cpuHotRemoveEnabled; /** - * @return Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @return Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ public Output> cpuHotRemoveEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.cpuHotRemoveEnabled); } /** - * The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ @Export(name="cpuLimit", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output cpuLimit; /** - * @return The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @return The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ public Output> cpuLimit() { return Codegen.optional(this.cpuLimit); } /** - * Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled; /** - * @return Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. * */ public Output> cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled); } /** - * The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ @Export(name="cpuReservation", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output cpuReservation; /** - * @return The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @return The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ public Output> cpuReservation() { return Codegen.optional(this.cpuReservation); } /** - * The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. * */ @Export(name="cpuShareCount", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output cpuShareCount; /** - * @return The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + * @return The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. * */ public Output cpuShareCount() { return this.cpuShareCount; } /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ @Export(name="cpuShareLevel", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output cpuShareLevel; /** - * @return The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @return The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ public Output> cpuShareLevel() { return Codegen.optional(this.cpuShareLevel); } /** - * Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. * */ @Export(name="customAttributes", refs={Map.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1,1]") private Output> customAttributes; /** - * @return Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @return A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. * */ public Output>> customAttributes() { return Codegen.optional(this.customAttributes); } /** - * The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. * */ @Export(name="datacenterId", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output datacenterId; /** - * @return The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * @return The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. * */ public Output> datacenterId() { return Codegen.optional(this.datacenterId); } /** - * The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. * */ @Export(name="datastoreClusterId", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output datastoreClusterId; /** - * @return The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * @return The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. * */ public Output> datastoreClusterId() { return Codegen.optional(this.datastoreClusterId); } /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. * */ @Export(name="datastoreId", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output datastoreId; /** - * @return The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @return The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. * */ public Output datastoreId() { @@ -323,166 +311,156 @@ public Output defaultIpAddress() { return this.defaultIpAddress; } /** - * A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="disks", refs={List.class,VirtualMachineDisk.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> disks; /** - * @return A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * @return A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * */ public Output> disks() { return this.disks; } /** - * Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. * */ @Export(name="efiSecureBootEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output efiSecureBootEnabled; /** - * @return Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * @return When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. * */ public Output> efiSecureBootEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.efiSecureBootEnabled); } /** - * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. * */ @Export(name="enableDiskUuid", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output enableDiskUuid; /** - * @return Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * @return Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. * */ public Output> enableDiskUuid() { return Codegen.optional(this.enableDiskUuid); } /** - * Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * Enable logging on this virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="enableLogging", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output enableLogging; /** - * @return Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable logging on this virtual machine. * */ public Output> enableLogging() { return Codegen.optional(this.enableLogging); } /** - * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. * */ @Export(name="eptRviMode", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output eptRviMode; /** - * @return The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * @return The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. * */ public Output> eptRviMode() { return Codegen.optional(this.eptRviMode); } /** - * Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. * */ @Export(name="extraConfig", refs={Map.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1,1]") private Output> extraConfig; /** - * @return Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * @return Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. * */ public Output>> extraConfig() { return Codegen.optional(this.extraConfig); } /** - * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. * */ @Export(name="extraConfigRebootRequired", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output extraConfigRebootRequired; /** - * @return Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + * @return Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. * */ public Output> extraConfigRebootRequired() { return Codegen.optional(this.extraConfigRebootRequired); } /** - * The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. * */ @Export(name="firmware", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output firmware; /** - * @return The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * @return The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. * */ public Output> firmware() { return Codegen.optional(this.firmware); } /** - * The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. * */ @Export(name="folder", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output folder; /** - * @return The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * @return The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. * */ public Output> folder() { return Codegen.optional(this.folder); } /** - * If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. * */ @Export(name="forcePowerOff", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output forcePowerOff; /** - * @return If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * @return Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. * */ public Output> forcePowerOff() { return Codegen.optional(this.forcePowerOff); } /** - * The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * The guest ID for the operating system. * */ @Export(name="guestId", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output guestId; /** - * @return The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * @return The guest ID for the operating system. * */ public Output guestId() { @@ -503,76 +481,74 @@ public Output> guestIpAddresses() { return this.guestIpAddresses; } /** - * The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * The hardware version for the virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="hardwareVersion", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output hardwareVersion; /** - * @return The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * @return The hardware version for the virtual machine. * */ public Output hardwareVersion() { return this.hardwareVersion; } /** - * The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. * */ @Export(name="hostSystemId", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output hostSystemId; /** - * @return The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * @return The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. * */ public Output hostSystemId() { return this.hostSystemId; } /** - * The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. * */ @Export(name="hvMode", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output hvMode; /** - * @return The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * @return The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. * */ public Output> hvMode() { return Codegen.optional(this.hvMode); } /** - * The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. * */ @Export(name="ideControllerCount", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output ideControllerCount; /** - * @return The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * @return The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. * */ public Output> ideControllerCount() { return Codegen.optional(this.ideControllerCount); } /** - * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * */ @Export(name="ignoredGuestIps", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> ignoredGuestIps; /** - * @return List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * @return List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * */ public Output>> ignoredGuestIps() { @@ -593,90 +569,76 @@ public Output imported() { return this.imported; } /** - * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. * */ @Export(name="latencySensitivity", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output latencySensitivity; /** - * @return Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * @return Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. * */ public Output> latencySensitivity() { return Codegen.optional(this.latencySensitivity); } /** - * The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. * */ @Export(name="memory", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output memory; /** - * @return The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * @return The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. * */ public Output> memory() { return Codegen.optional(this.memory); } /** - * Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ @Export(name="memoryHotAddEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output memoryHotAddEnabled; /** - * @return Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * @return Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ public Output> memoryHotAddEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.memoryHotAddEnabled); } /** - * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ @Export(name="memoryLimit", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output memoryLimit; /** - * @return The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @return The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ public Output> memoryLimit() { return Codegen.optional(this.memoryLimit); } /** - * The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ @Export(name="memoryReservation", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output memoryReservation; /** - * @return The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @return The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ public Output> memoryReservation() { @@ -701,42 +663,42 @@ public Output> memoryReservationLockedToMax() { return Codegen.optional(this.memoryReservationLockedToMax); } /** - * The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. * */ @Export(name="memoryShareCount", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output memoryShareCount; /** - * @return The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + * @return The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. * */ public Output memoryShareCount() { return this.memoryShareCount; } /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ @Export(name="memoryShareLevel", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output memoryShareLevel; /** - * @return The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @return The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ public Output> memoryShareLevel() { return Codegen.optional(this.memoryShareLevel); } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. * */ @Export(name="migrateWaitTimeout", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output migrateWaitTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. * */ public Output> migrateWaitTimeout() { @@ -757,102 +719,100 @@ public Output moid() { return this.moid; } /** - * The name of the virtual machine. + * The name of this virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="name", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output name; /** - * @return The name of the virtual machine. + * @return The name of this virtual machine. * */ public Output name() { return this.name; } /** - * Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. * */ @Export(name="nestedHvEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output nestedHvEnabled; /** - * @return Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. * */ public Output> nestedHvEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.nestedHvEnabled); } /** - * A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="networkInterfaces", refs={List.class,VirtualMachineNetworkInterface.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> networkInterfaces; /** - * @return A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * @return A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. * */ public Output>> networkInterfaces() { return Codegen.optional(this.networkInterfaces); } /** - * The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. * */ @Export(name="numCoresPerSocket", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output numCoresPerSocket; /** - * @return The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * @return The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. * */ public Output> numCoresPerSocket() { return Codegen.optional(this.numCoresPerSocket); } /** - * The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="numCpus", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output numCpus; /** - * @return The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * @return The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. * */ public Output> numCpus() { return Codegen.optional(this.numCpus); } /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. * */ @Export(name="ovfDeploy", refs={VirtualMachineOvfDeploy.class}, tree="[0]") private Output ovfDeploy; /** - * @return When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * @return A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. * */ public Output> ovfDeploy() { return Codegen.optional(this.ovfDeploy); } /** - * List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of PCI passthrough devices * */ @Export(name="pciDeviceIds", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> pciDeviceIds; /** - * @return List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @return A list of PCI passthrough devices * */ public Output>> pciDeviceIds() { @@ -903,8 +863,6 @@ public Output rebootRequired() { /** * Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. * - * For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - * */ @Export(name="replaceTrigger", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output replaceTrigger; @@ -912,95 +870,89 @@ public Output rebootRequired() { /** * @return Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. * - * For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - * */ public Output> replaceTrigger() { return Codegen.optional(this.replaceTrigger); } /** - * The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. * */ @Export(name="resourcePoolId", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output resourcePoolId; /** - * @return The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * @return The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. * */ public Output resourcePoolId() { return this.resourcePoolId; } /** - * Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Export(name="runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn; /** - * @return Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Output> runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn() { return Codegen.optional(this.runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn); } /** - * Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Export(name="runToolsScriptsAfterResume", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output runToolsScriptsAfterResume; /** - * @return Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Output> runToolsScriptsAfterResume() { return Codegen.optional(this.runToolsScriptsAfterResume); } /** - * Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Export(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot; /** - * @return Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Output> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot() { return Codegen.optional(this.runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot); } /** - * Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Export(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown; /** - * @return Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Output> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown() { return Codegen.optional(this.runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown); } /** - * Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Export(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby; /** - * @return Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Output> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby() { @@ -1025,14 +977,14 @@ public Output> sataControllerCount() { return Codegen.optional(this.sataControllerCount); } /** - * The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. * */ @Export(name="scsiBusSharing", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output scsiBusSharing; /** - * @return The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * @return Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. * */ public Output> scsiBusSharing() { @@ -1057,144 +1009,144 @@ public Output> scsiControllerCount() { return Codegen.optional(this.scsiControllerCount); } /** - * The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. * */ @Export(name="scsiType", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output scsiType; /** - * @return The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * @return The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. * */ public Output> scsiType() { return Codegen.optional(this.scsiType); } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="shutdownWaitTimeout", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output shutdownWaitTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. * */ public Output> shutdownWaitTimeout() { return Codegen.optional(this.shutdownWaitTimeout); } /** - * The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. * */ @Export(name="storagePolicyId", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output storagePolicyId; /** - * @return The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @return The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. * */ public Output storagePolicyId() { return this.storagePolicyId; } /** - * The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. * */ @Export(name="swapPlacementPolicy", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output swapPlacementPolicy; /** - * @return The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * @return The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. * */ public Output> swapPlacementPolicy() { return Codegen.optional(this.swapPlacementPolicy); } /** - * Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ @Export(name="syncTimeWithHost", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output syncTimeWithHost; /** - * @return Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ public Output> syncTimeWithHost() { return Codegen.optional(this.syncTimeWithHost); } /** - * Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ @Export(name="syncTimeWithHostPeriodically", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output syncTimeWithHostPeriodically; /** - * @return Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ public Output> syncTimeWithHostPeriodically() { return Codegen.optional(this.syncTimeWithHostPeriodically); } /** - * The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * */ @Export(name="tags", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> tags; /** - * @return The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * @return A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * */ public Output>> tags() { return Codegen.optional(this.tags); } /** - * Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. * */ @Export(name="toolsUpgradePolicy", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output toolsUpgradePolicy; /** - * @return Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * @return Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. * */ public Output> toolsUpgradePolicy() { return Codegen.optional(this.toolsUpgradePolicy); } /** - * The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * */ @Export(name="uuid", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output uuid; /** - * @return The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * @return The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * */ public Output uuid() { return this.uuid; } /** - * Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. * */ @Export(name="vapp", refs={VirtualMachineVapp.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vapp; /** - * @return Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * @return vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. * */ public Output> vapp() { @@ -1215,14 +1167,14 @@ public Output> vappTransports() { return this.vappTransports; } /** - * Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. * */ @Export(name="vbsEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vbsEnabled; /** - * @return Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @return Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. * */ public Output> vbsEnabled() { @@ -1257,56 +1209,64 @@ public Output vmxPath() { return this.vmxPath; } /** - * Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. * */ @Export(name="vvtdEnabled", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output vvtdEnabled; /** - * @return Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @return Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. * */ public Output> vvtdEnabled() { return Codegen.optional(this.vvtdEnabled); } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ @Export(name="waitForGuestIpTimeout", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output waitForGuestIpTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ public Output> waitForGuestIpTimeout() { return Codegen.optional(this.waitForGuestIpTimeout); } /** - * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. * */ @Export(name="waitForGuestNetRoutable", refs={Boolean.class}, tree="[0]") private Output waitForGuestNetRoutable; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * @return Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. * */ public Output> waitForGuestNetRoutable() { return Codegen.optional(this.waitForGuestNetRoutable); } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ @Export(name="waitForGuestNetTimeout", refs={Integer.class}, tree="[0]") private Output waitForGuestNetTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ public Output> waitForGuestNetTimeout() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/VirtualMachineArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/VirtualMachineArgs.java index 52016d50..14d98cb6 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/VirtualMachineArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/VirtualMachineArgs.java @@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ public final class VirtualMachineArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs public static final VirtualMachineArgs Empty = new VirtualMachineArgs(); /** - * The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. * */ @Import(name="alternateGuestName") private @Nullable Output alternateGuestName; /** - * @return The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * @return The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. * */ public Optional> alternateGuestName() { @@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ public Optional> alternateGuestName() { } /** - * A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * User-provided description of the virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="annotation") private @Nullable Output annotation; /** - * @return A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * @return User-provided description of the virtual machine. * */ public Optional> annotation() { @@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ public Optional> annotation() { } /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. * */ @Import(name="bootDelay") private @Nullable Output bootDelay; /** - * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. * */ public Optional> bootDelay() { @@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ public Optional> bootDelay() { } /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. * */ @Import(name="bootRetryDelay") private @Nullable Output bootRetryDelay; /** - * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. * */ public Optional> bootRetryDelay() { @@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ public Optional> bootRetryDelay() { } /** - * If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + * If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. * */ @Import(name="bootRetryEnabled") private @Nullable Output bootRetryEnabled; /** - * @return If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + * @return If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. * */ public Optional> bootRetryEnabled() { @@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ public Optional> bootRetryEnabled() { } /** - * A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="cdroms") private @Nullable Output> cdroms; /** - * @return A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * @return A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * */ public Optional>> cdroms() { @@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ public Optional>> cdroms() { } /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. * */ @Import(name="clone") private @Nullable Output clone; /** - * @return When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * @return A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. * */ public Optional> clone_() { @@ -132,14 +132,14 @@ public Optional> clone_() { } /** - * Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ @Import(name="cpuHotAddEnabled") private @Nullable Output cpuHotAddEnabled; /** - * @return Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @return Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ public Optional> cpuHotAddEnabled() { @@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ public Optional> cpuHotAddEnabled() { } /** - * Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ @Import(name="cpuHotRemoveEnabled") private @Nullable Output cpuHotRemoveEnabled; /** - * @return Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @return Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ public Optional> cpuHotRemoveEnabled() { @@ -162,14 +162,16 @@ public Optional> cpuHotRemoveEnabled() { } /** - * The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ @Import(name="cpuLimit") private @Nullable Output cpuLimit; /** - * @return The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @return The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ public Optional> cpuLimit() { @@ -177,14 +179,14 @@ public Optional> cpuLimit() { } /** - * Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled") private @Nullable Output cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled; /** - * @return Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. * */ public Optional> cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled() { @@ -192,14 +194,14 @@ public Optional> cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled() { } /** - * The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ @Import(name="cpuReservation") private @Nullable Output cpuReservation; /** - * @return The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @return The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ public Optional> cpuReservation() { @@ -207,14 +209,14 @@ public Optional> cpuReservation() { } /** - * The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. * */ @Import(name="cpuShareCount") private @Nullable Output cpuShareCount; /** - * @return The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + * @return The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. * */ public Optional> cpuShareCount() { @@ -222,14 +224,14 @@ public Optional> cpuShareCount() { } /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ @Import(name="cpuShareLevel") private @Nullable Output cpuShareLevel; /** - * @return The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @return The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ public Optional> cpuShareLevel() { @@ -237,18 +239,14 @@ public Optional> cpuShareLevel() { } /** - * Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. * */ @Import(name="customAttributes") private @Nullable Output> customAttributes; /** - * @return Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @return A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. * */ public Optional>> customAttributes() { @@ -256,14 +254,14 @@ public Optional>> customAttributes() { } /** - * The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. * */ @Import(name="datacenterId") private @Nullable Output datacenterId; /** - * @return The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * @return The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. * */ public Optional> datacenterId() { @@ -271,26 +269,14 @@ public Optional> datacenterId() { } /** - * The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. * */ @Import(name="datastoreClusterId") private @Nullable Output datastoreClusterId; /** - * @return The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * @return The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. * */ public Optional> datastoreClusterId() { @@ -298,14 +284,16 @@ public Optional> datastoreClusterId() { } /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. * */ @Import(name="datastoreId") private @Nullable Output datastoreId; /** - * @return The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @return The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. * */ public Optional> datastoreId() { @@ -313,14 +301,14 @@ public Optional> datastoreId() { } /** - * A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="disks") private @Nullable Output> disks; /** - * @return A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * @return A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * */ public Optional>> disks() { @@ -328,18 +316,14 @@ public Optional>> disks() { } /** - * Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. * */ @Import(name="efiSecureBootEnabled") private @Nullable Output efiSecureBootEnabled; /** - * @return Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * @return When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. * */ public Optional> efiSecureBootEnabled() { @@ -347,14 +331,14 @@ public Optional> efiSecureBootEnabled() { } /** - * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. * */ @Import(name="enableDiskUuid") private @Nullable Output enableDiskUuid; /** - * @return Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * @return Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. * */ public Optional> enableDiskUuid() { @@ -362,14 +346,14 @@ public Optional> enableDiskUuid() { } /** - * Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * Enable logging on this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="enableLogging") private @Nullable Output enableLogging; /** - * @return Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable logging on this virtual machine. * */ public Optional> enableLogging() { @@ -377,14 +361,14 @@ public Optional> enableLogging() { } /** - * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. * */ @Import(name="eptRviMode") private @Nullable Output eptRviMode; /** - * @return The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * @return The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. * */ public Optional> eptRviMode() { @@ -392,18 +376,16 @@ public Optional> eptRviMode() { } /** - * Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. * */ @Import(name="extraConfig") private @Nullable Output> extraConfig; /** - * @return Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * @return Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. * */ public Optional>> extraConfig() { @@ -411,14 +393,14 @@ public Optional>> extraConfig() { } /** - * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. * */ @Import(name="extraConfigRebootRequired") private @Nullable Output extraConfigRebootRequired; /** - * @return Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + * @return Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. * */ public Optional> extraConfigRebootRequired() { @@ -426,14 +408,14 @@ public Optional> extraConfigRebootRequired() { } /** - * The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. * */ @Import(name="firmware") private @Nullable Output firmware; /** - * @return The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * @return The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. * */ public Optional> firmware() { @@ -441,14 +423,14 @@ public Optional> firmware() { } /** - * The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. * */ @Import(name="folder") private @Nullable Output folder; /** - * @return The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * @return The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. * */ public Optional> folder() { @@ -456,14 +438,14 @@ public Optional> folder() { } /** - * If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. * */ @Import(name="forcePowerOff") private @Nullable Output forcePowerOff; /** - * @return If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * @return Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. * */ public Optional> forcePowerOff() { @@ -471,18 +453,14 @@ public Optional> forcePowerOff() { } /** - * The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * The guest ID for the operating system. * */ @Import(name="guestId") private @Nullable Output guestId; /** - * @return The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * @return The guest ID for the operating system. * */ public Optional> guestId() { @@ -490,20 +468,14 @@ public Optional> guestId() { } /** - * The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * The hardware version for the virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="hardwareVersion") private @Nullable Output hardwareVersion; /** - * @return The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * @return The hardware version for the virtual machine. * */ public Optional> hardwareVersion() { @@ -511,14 +483,14 @@ public Optional> hardwareVersion() { } /** - * The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. * */ @Import(name="hostSystemId") private @Nullable Output hostSystemId; /** - * @return The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * @return The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. * */ public Optional> hostSystemId() { @@ -526,14 +498,14 @@ public Optional> hostSystemId() { } /** - * The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. * */ @Import(name="hvMode") private @Nullable Output hvMode; /** - * @return The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * @return The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. * */ public Optional> hvMode() { @@ -541,14 +513,18 @@ public Optional> hvMode() { } /** - * The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. * */ @Import(name="ideControllerCount") private @Nullable Output ideControllerCount; /** - * @return The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * @return The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. * */ public Optional> ideControllerCount() { @@ -556,14 +532,14 @@ public Optional> ideControllerCount() { } /** - * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * */ @Import(name="ignoredGuestIps") private @Nullable Output> ignoredGuestIps; /** - * @return List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * @return List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * */ public Optional>> ignoredGuestIps() { @@ -571,18 +547,18 @@ public Optional>> ignoredGuestIps() { } /** - * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. * */ @Import(name="latencySensitivity") private @Nullable Output latencySensitivity; /** - * @return Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * @return Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. * */ public Optional> latencySensitivity() { @@ -590,14 +566,14 @@ public Optional> latencySensitivity() { } /** - * The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. * */ @Import(name="memory") private @Nullable Output memory; /** - * @return The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * @return The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. * */ public Optional> memory() { @@ -605,30 +581,14 @@ public Optional> memory() { } /** - * Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ @Import(name="memoryHotAddEnabled") private @Nullable Output memoryHotAddEnabled; /** - * @return Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * @return Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ public Optional> memoryHotAddEnabled() { @@ -636,14 +596,16 @@ public Optional> memoryHotAddEnabled() { } /** - * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ @Import(name="memoryLimit") private @Nullable Output memoryLimit; /** - * @return The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @return The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ public Optional> memoryLimit() { @@ -651,14 +613,14 @@ public Optional> memoryLimit() { } /** - * The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ @Import(name="memoryReservation") private @Nullable Output memoryReservation; /** - * @return The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @return The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ public Optional> memoryReservation() { @@ -685,14 +647,14 @@ public Optional> memoryReservationLockedToMax() { } /** - * The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. * */ @Import(name="memoryShareCount") private @Nullable Output memoryShareCount; /** - * @return The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + * @return The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. * */ public Optional> memoryShareCount() { @@ -700,14 +662,14 @@ public Optional> memoryShareCount() { } /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ @Import(name="memoryShareLevel") private @Nullable Output memoryShareLevel; /** - * @return The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @return The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ public Optional> memoryShareLevel() { @@ -715,14 +677,14 @@ public Optional> memoryShareLevel() { } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. * */ @Import(name="migrateWaitTimeout") private @Nullable Output migrateWaitTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. * */ public Optional> migrateWaitTimeout() { @@ -730,14 +692,14 @@ public Optional> migrateWaitTimeout() { } /** - * The name of the virtual machine. + * The name of this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="name") private @Nullable Output name; /** - * @return The name of the virtual machine. + * @return The name of this virtual machine. * */ public Optional> name() { @@ -745,14 +707,14 @@ public Optional> name() { } /** - * Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. * */ @Import(name="nestedHvEnabled") private @Nullable Output nestedHvEnabled; /** - * @return Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. * */ public Optional> nestedHvEnabled() { @@ -760,14 +722,14 @@ public Optional> nestedHvEnabled() { } /** - * A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="networkInterfaces") private @Nullable Output> networkInterfaces; /** - * @return A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * @return A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. * */ public Optional>> networkInterfaces() { @@ -775,14 +737,16 @@ public Optional>> networkInterfa } /** - * The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. * */ @Import(name="numCoresPerSocket") private @Nullable Output numCoresPerSocket; /** - * @return The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * @return The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. * */ public Optional> numCoresPerSocket() { @@ -790,14 +754,14 @@ public Optional> numCoresPerSocket() { } /** - * The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="numCpus") private @Nullable Output numCpus; /** - * @return The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * @return The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. * */ public Optional> numCpus() { @@ -805,14 +769,14 @@ public Optional> numCpus() { } /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. * */ @Import(name="ovfDeploy") private @Nullable Output ovfDeploy; /** - * @return When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * @return A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. * */ public Optional> ovfDeploy() { @@ -820,18 +784,14 @@ public Optional> ovfDeploy() { } /** - * List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of PCI passthrough devices * */ @Import(name="pciDeviceIds") private @Nullable Output> pciDeviceIds; /** - * @return List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @return A list of PCI passthrough devices * */ public Optional>> pciDeviceIds() { @@ -856,8 +816,6 @@ public Optional> poweronTimeout() { /** * Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. * - * For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - * */ @Import(name="replaceTrigger") private @Nullable Output replaceTrigger; @@ -865,26 +823,20 @@ public Optional> poweronTimeout() { /** * @return Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. * - * For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - * */ public Optional> replaceTrigger() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.replaceTrigger); } /** - * The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. * */ @Import(name="resourcePoolId", required=true) private Output resourcePoolId; /** - * @return The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * @return The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. * */ public Output resourcePoolId() { @@ -892,14 +844,14 @@ public Output resourcePoolId() { } /** - * Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Import(name="runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn") private @Nullable Output runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn; /** - * @return Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Optional> runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn() { @@ -907,14 +859,14 @@ public Optional> runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn() { } /** - * Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Import(name="runToolsScriptsAfterResume") private @Nullable Output runToolsScriptsAfterResume; /** - * @return Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Optional> runToolsScriptsAfterResume() { @@ -922,14 +874,14 @@ public Optional> runToolsScriptsAfterResume() { } /** - * Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Import(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot") private @Nullable Output runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot; /** - * @return Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Optional> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot() { @@ -937,14 +889,14 @@ public Optional> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot() { } /** - * Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Import(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown") private @Nullable Output runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown; /** - * @return Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Optional> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown() { @@ -952,14 +904,14 @@ public Optional> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown() { } /** - * Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Import(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby") private @Nullable Output runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby; /** - * @return Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Optional> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby() { @@ -986,14 +938,14 @@ public Optional> sataControllerCount() { } /** - * The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. * */ @Import(name="scsiBusSharing") private @Nullable Output scsiBusSharing; /** - * @return The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * @return Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. * */ public Optional> scsiBusSharing() { @@ -1020,14 +972,14 @@ public Optional> scsiControllerCount() { } /** - * The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. * */ @Import(name="scsiType") private @Nullable Output scsiType; /** - * @return The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * @return The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. * */ public Optional> scsiType() { @@ -1035,14 +987,14 @@ public Optional> scsiType() { } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="shutdownWaitTimeout") private @Nullable Output shutdownWaitTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. * */ public Optional> shutdownWaitTimeout() { @@ -1050,14 +1002,14 @@ public Optional> shutdownWaitTimeout() { } /** - * The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. * */ @Import(name="storagePolicyId") private @Nullable Output storagePolicyId; /** - * @return The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @return The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. * */ public Optional> storagePolicyId() { @@ -1065,14 +1017,14 @@ public Optional> storagePolicyId() { } /** - * The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. * */ @Import(name="swapPlacementPolicy") private @Nullable Output swapPlacementPolicy; /** - * @return The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * @return The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. * */ public Optional> swapPlacementPolicy() { @@ -1080,14 +1032,16 @@ public Optional> swapPlacementPolicy() { } /** - * Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ @Import(name="syncTimeWithHost") private @Nullable Output syncTimeWithHost; /** - * @return Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ public Optional> syncTimeWithHost() { @@ -1095,14 +1049,16 @@ public Optional> syncTimeWithHost() { } /** - * Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ @Import(name="syncTimeWithHostPeriodically") private @Nullable Output syncTimeWithHostPeriodically; /** - * @return Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ public Optional> syncTimeWithHostPeriodically() { @@ -1110,18 +1066,14 @@ public Optional> syncTimeWithHostPeriodically() { } /** - * The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * */ @Import(name="tags") private @Nullable Output> tags; /** - * @return The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * @return A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * */ public Optional>> tags() { @@ -1129,14 +1081,14 @@ public Optional>> tags() { } /** - * Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. * */ @Import(name="toolsUpgradePolicy") private @Nullable Output toolsUpgradePolicy; /** - * @return Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * @return Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. * */ public Optional> toolsUpgradePolicy() { @@ -1144,14 +1096,14 @@ public Optional> toolsUpgradePolicy() { } /** - * Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. * */ @Import(name="vapp") private @Nullable Output vapp; /** - * @return Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * @return vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. * */ public Optional> vapp() { @@ -1159,14 +1111,14 @@ public Optional> vapp() { } /** - * Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="vbsEnabled") private @Nullable Output vbsEnabled; /** - * @return Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @return Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. * */ public Optional> vbsEnabled() { @@ -1174,14 +1126,16 @@ public Optional> vbsEnabled() { } /** - * Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. * */ @Import(name="vvtdEnabled") private @Nullable Output vvtdEnabled; /** - * @return Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @return Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. * */ public Optional> vvtdEnabled() { @@ -1189,14 +1143,16 @@ public Optional> vvtdEnabled() { } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ @Import(name="waitForGuestIpTimeout") private @Nullable Output waitForGuestIpTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ public Optional> waitForGuestIpTimeout() { @@ -1204,14 +1160,16 @@ public Optional> waitForGuestIpTimeout() { } /** - * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. * */ @Import(name="waitForGuestNetRoutable") private @Nullable Output waitForGuestNetRoutable; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * @return Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. * */ public Optional> waitForGuestNetRoutable() { @@ -1219,14 +1177,16 @@ public Optional> waitForGuestNetRoutable() { } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ @Import(name="waitForGuestNetTimeout") private @Nullable Output waitForGuestNetTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ public Optional> waitForGuestNetTimeout() { @@ -1332,7 +1292,7 @@ public Builder(VirtualMachineArgs defaults) { } /** - * @param alternateGuestName The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * @param alternateGuestName The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. * * @return builder * @@ -1343,7 +1303,7 @@ public Builder alternateGuestName(@Nullable Output alternateGuestName) { } /** - * @param alternateGuestName The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * @param alternateGuestName The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. * * @return builder * @@ -1353,7 +1313,7 @@ public Builder alternateGuestName(String alternateGuestName) { } /** - * @param annotation A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * @param annotation User-provided description of the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1364,7 +1324,7 @@ public Builder annotation(@Nullable Output annotation) { } /** - * @param annotation A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * @param annotation User-provided description of the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1374,7 +1334,7 @@ public Builder annotation(String annotation) { } /** - * @param bootDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * @param bootDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. * * @return builder * @@ -1385,7 +1345,7 @@ public Builder bootDelay(@Nullable Output bootDelay) { } /** - * @param bootDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * @param bootDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. * * @return builder * @@ -1395,7 +1355,7 @@ public Builder bootDelay(Integer bootDelay) { } /** - * @param bootRetryDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * @param bootRetryDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. * * @return builder * @@ -1406,7 +1366,7 @@ public Builder bootRetryDelay(@Nullable Output bootRetryDelay) { } /** - * @param bootRetryDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * @param bootRetryDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. * * @return builder * @@ -1416,7 +1376,7 @@ public Builder bootRetryDelay(Integer bootRetryDelay) { } /** - * @param bootRetryEnabled If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + * @param bootRetryEnabled If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. * * @return builder * @@ -1427,7 +1387,7 @@ public Builder bootRetryEnabled(@Nullable Output bootRetryEnabled) { } /** - * @param bootRetryEnabled If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + * @param bootRetryEnabled If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. * * @return builder * @@ -1437,7 +1397,7 @@ public Builder bootRetryEnabled(Boolean bootRetryEnabled) { } /** - * @param cdroms A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * @param cdroms A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1448,7 +1408,7 @@ public Builder cdroms(@Nullable Output> cdroms) { } /** - * @param cdroms A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * @param cdroms A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1458,7 +1418,7 @@ public Builder cdroms(List cdroms) { } /** - * @param cdroms A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * @param cdroms A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1468,7 +1428,7 @@ public Builder cdroms(VirtualMachineCdromArgs... cdroms) { } /** - * @param clone When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * @param clone A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. * * @return builder * @@ -1479,7 +1439,7 @@ public Builder clone_(@Nullable Output clone) { } /** - * @param clone When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * @param clone A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. * * @return builder * @@ -1489,7 +1449,7 @@ public Builder clone_(VirtualMachineCloneArgs clone) { } /** - * @param cpuHotAddEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @param cpuHotAddEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -1500,7 +1460,7 @@ public Builder cpuHotAddEnabled(@Nullable Output cpuHotAddEnabled) { } /** - * @param cpuHotAddEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @param cpuHotAddEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -1510,7 +1470,7 @@ public Builder cpuHotAddEnabled(Boolean cpuHotAddEnabled) { } /** - * @param cpuHotRemoveEnabled Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @param cpuHotRemoveEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -1521,7 +1481,7 @@ public Builder cpuHotRemoveEnabled(@Nullable Output cpuHotRemoveEnabled } /** - * @param cpuHotRemoveEnabled Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @param cpuHotRemoveEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -1531,7 +1491,8 @@ public Builder cpuHotRemoveEnabled(Boolean cpuHotRemoveEnabled) { } /** - * @param cpuLimit The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @param cpuLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * * @return builder * @@ -1542,7 +1503,8 @@ public Builder cpuLimit(@Nullable Output cpuLimit) { } /** - * @param cpuLimit The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @param cpuLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * * @return builder * @@ -1552,7 +1514,7 @@ public Builder cpuLimit(Integer cpuLimit) { } /** - * @param cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @param cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1563,7 +1525,7 @@ public Builder cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled(@Nullable Output cpuPerfor } /** - * @param cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @param cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1573,7 +1535,7 @@ public Builder cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled(Boolean cpuPerformanceCountersEnabl } /** - * @param cpuReservation The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @param cpuReservation The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * * @return builder * @@ -1584,7 +1546,7 @@ public Builder cpuReservation(@Nullable Output cpuReservation) { } /** - * @param cpuReservation The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @param cpuReservation The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * * @return builder * @@ -1594,7 +1556,7 @@ public Builder cpuReservation(Integer cpuReservation) { } /** - * @param cpuShareCount The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + * @param cpuShareCount The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. * * @return builder * @@ -1605,7 +1567,7 @@ public Builder cpuShareCount(@Nullable Output cpuShareCount) { } /** - * @param cpuShareCount The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + * @param cpuShareCount The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. * * @return builder * @@ -1615,7 +1577,7 @@ public Builder cpuShareCount(Integer cpuShareCount) { } /** - * @param cpuShareLevel The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @param cpuShareLevel The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -1626,7 +1588,7 @@ public Builder cpuShareLevel(@Nullable Output cpuShareLevel) { } /** - * @param cpuShareLevel The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @param cpuShareLevel The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -1636,9 +1598,7 @@ public Builder cpuShareLevel(String cpuShareLevel) { } /** - * @param customAttributes Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @param customAttributes A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. * * @return builder * @@ -1649,9 +1609,7 @@ public Builder customAttributes(@Nullable Output> customAttri } /** - * @param customAttributes Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @param customAttributes A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. * * @return builder * @@ -1661,7 +1619,7 @@ public Builder customAttributes(Map customAttributes) { } /** - * @param datacenterId The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * @param datacenterId The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. * * @return builder * @@ -1672,7 +1630,7 @@ public Builder datacenterId(@Nullable Output datacenterId) { } /** - * @param datacenterId The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * @param datacenterId The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. * * @return builder * @@ -1682,13 +1640,7 @@ public Builder datacenterId(String datacenterId) { } /** - * @param datastoreClusterId The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * @param datastoreClusterId The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -1699,13 +1651,7 @@ public Builder datastoreClusterId(@Nullable Output datastoreClusterId) { } /** - * @param datastoreClusterId The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * @param datastoreClusterId The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -1715,7 +1661,8 @@ public Builder datastoreClusterId(String datastoreClusterId) { } /** - * @param datastoreId The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @param datastoreId The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. * * @return builder * @@ -1726,7 +1673,8 @@ public Builder datastoreId(@Nullable Output datastoreId) { } /** - * @param datastoreId The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @param datastoreId The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. * * @return builder * @@ -1736,7 +1684,7 @@ public Builder datastoreId(String datastoreId) { } /** - * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1747,7 +1695,7 @@ public Builder disks(@Nullable Output> disks) { } /** - * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1757,7 +1705,7 @@ public Builder disks(List disks) { } /** - * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1767,9 +1715,7 @@ public Builder disks(VirtualMachineDiskArgs... disks) { } /** - * @param efiSecureBootEnabled Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * @param efiSecureBootEnabled When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. * * @return builder * @@ -1780,9 +1726,7 @@ public Builder efiSecureBootEnabled(@Nullable Output efiSecureBootEnabl } /** - * @param efiSecureBootEnabled Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * @param efiSecureBootEnabled When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. * * @return builder * @@ -1792,7 +1736,7 @@ public Builder efiSecureBootEnabled(Boolean efiSecureBootEnabled) { } /** - * @param enableDiskUuid Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * @param enableDiskUuid Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. * * @return builder * @@ -1803,7 +1747,7 @@ public Builder enableDiskUuid(@Nullable Output enableDiskUuid) { } /** - * @param enableDiskUuid Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * @param enableDiskUuid Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. * * @return builder * @@ -1813,7 +1757,7 @@ public Builder enableDiskUuid(Boolean enableDiskUuid) { } /** - * @param enableLogging Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * @param enableLogging Enable logging on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1824,7 +1768,7 @@ public Builder enableLogging(@Nullable Output enableLogging) { } /** - * @param enableLogging Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * @param enableLogging Enable logging on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1834,7 +1778,7 @@ public Builder enableLogging(Boolean enableLogging) { } /** - * @param eptRviMode The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * @param eptRviMode The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. * * @return builder * @@ -1845,7 +1789,7 @@ public Builder eptRviMode(@Nullable Output eptRviMode) { } /** - * @param eptRviMode The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * @param eptRviMode The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. * * @return builder * @@ -1855,9 +1799,8 @@ public Builder eptRviMode(String eptRviMode) { } /** - * @param extraConfig Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * @param extraConfig Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. * * @return builder * @@ -1868,9 +1811,8 @@ public Builder extraConfig(@Nullable Output> extraConfig) { } /** - * @param extraConfig Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * @param extraConfig Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. * * @return builder * @@ -1880,7 +1822,7 @@ public Builder extraConfig(Map extraConfig) { } /** - * @param extraConfigRebootRequired Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + * @param extraConfigRebootRequired Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. * * @return builder * @@ -1891,7 +1833,7 @@ public Builder extraConfigRebootRequired(@Nullable Output extraConfigRe } /** - * @param extraConfigRebootRequired Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + * @param extraConfigRebootRequired Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. * * @return builder * @@ -1901,7 +1843,7 @@ public Builder extraConfigRebootRequired(Boolean extraConfigRebootRequired) { } /** - * @param firmware The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * @param firmware The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. * * @return builder * @@ -1912,7 +1854,7 @@ public Builder firmware(@Nullable Output firmware) { } /** - * @param firmware The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * @param firmware The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. * * @return builder * @@ -1922,7 +1864,7 @@ public Builder firmware(String firmware) { } /** - * @param folder The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * @param folder The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -1933,7 +1875,7 @@ public Builder folder(@Nullable Output folder) { } /** - * @param folder The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * @param folder The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -1943,7 +1885,7 @@ public Builder folder(String folder) { } /** - * @param forcePowerOff If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * @param forcePowerOff Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. * * @return builder * @@ -1954,7 +1896,7 @@ public Builder forcePowerOff(@Nullable Output forcePowerOff) { } /** - * @param forcePowerOff If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * @param forcePowerOff Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. * * @return builder * @@ -1964,9 +1906,7 @@ public Builder forcePowerOff(Boolean forcePowerOff) { } /** - * @param guestId The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * @param guestId The guest ID for the operating system. * * @return builder * @@ -1977,9 +1917,7 @@ public Builder guestId(@Nullable Output guestId) { } /** - * @param guestId The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * @param guestId The guest ID for the operating system. * * @return builder * @@ -1989,10 +1927,7 @@ public Builder guestId(String guestId) { } /** - * @param hardwareVersion The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * @param hardwareVersion The hardware version for the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2003,10 +1938,7 @@ public Builder hardwareVersion(@Nullable Output hardwareVersion) { } /** - * @param hardwareVersion The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * @param hardwareVersion The hardware version for the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2016,7 +1948,7 @@ public Builder hardwareVersion(Integer hardwareVersion) { } /** - * @param hostSystemId The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * @param hostSystemId The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. * * @return builder * @@ -2027,7 +1959,7 @@ public Builder hostSystemId(@Nullable Output hostSystemId) { } /** - * @param hostSystemId The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * @param hostSystemId The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. * * @return builder * @@ -2037,7 +1969,7 @@ public Builder hostSystemId(String hostSystemId) { } /** - * @param hvMode The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * @param hvMode The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. * * @return builder * @@ -2048,7 +1980,7 @@ public Builder hvMode(@Nullable Output hvMode) { } /** - * @param hvMode The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * @param hvMode The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. * * @return builder * @@ -2058,7 +1990,9 @@ public Builder hvMode(String hvMode) { } /** - * @param ideControllerCount The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * @param ideControllerCount The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. * * @return builder * @@ -2069,7 +2003,9 @@ public Builder ideControllerCount(@Nullable Output ideControllerCount) } /** - * @param ideControllerCount The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * @param ideControllerCount The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. * * @return builder * @@ -2079,7 +2015,7 @@ public Builder ideControllerCount(Integer ideControllerCount) { } /** - * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * * @return builder * @@ -2090,7 +2026,7 @@ public Builder ignoredGuestIps(@Nullable Output> ignoredGuestIps) { } /** - * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * * @return builder * @@ -2100,7 +2036,7 @@ public Builder ignoredGuestIps(List ignoredGuestIps) { } /** - * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * * @return builder * @@ -2110,9 +2046,9 @@ public Builder ignoredGuestIps(String... ignoredGuestIps) { } /** - * @param latencySensitivity Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * @param latencySensitivity Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. * * @return builder * @@ -2123,9 +2059,9 @@ public Builder latencySensitivity(@Nullable Output latencySensitivity) { } /** - * @param latencySensitivity Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * @param latencySensitivity Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. * * @return builder * @@ -2135,7 +2071,7 @@ public Builder latencySensitivity(String latencySensitivity) { } /** - * @param memory The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * @param memory The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. * * @return builder * @@ -2146,7 +2082,7 @@ public Builder memory(@Nullable Output memory) { } /** - * @param memory The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * @param memory The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. * * @return builder * @@ -2156,15 +2092,7 @@ public Builder memory(Integer memory) { } /** - * @param memoryHotAddEnabled Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * @param memoryHotAddEnabled Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -2175,15 +2103,7 @@ public Builder memoryHotAddEnabled(@Nullable Output memoryHotAddEnabled } /** - * @param memoryHotAddEnabled Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * @param memoryHotAddEnabled Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -2193,7 +2113,8 @@ public Builder memoryHotAddEnabled(Boolean memoryHotAddEnabled) { } /** - * @param memoryLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @param memoryLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * * @return builder * @@ -2204,7 +2125,8 @@ public Builder memoryLimit(@Nullable Output memoryLimit) { } /** - * @param memoryLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @param memoryLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * * @return builder * @@ -2214,7 +2136,7 @@ public Builder memoryLimit(Integer memoryLimit) { } /** - * @param memoryReservation The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @param memoryReservation The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * * @return builder * @@ -2225,7 +2147,7 @@ public Builder memoryReservation(@Nullable Output memoryReservation) { } /** - * @param memoryReservation The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @param memoryReservation The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * * @return builder * @@ -2260,7 +2182,7 @@ public Builder memoryReservationLockedToMax(Boolean memoryReservationLockedToMax } /** - * @param memoryShareCount The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + * @param memoryShareCount The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. * * @return builder * @@ -2271,7 +2193,7 @@ public Builder memoryShareCount(@Nullable Output memoryShareCount) { } /** - * @param memoryShareCount The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + * @param memoryShareCount The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. * * @return builder * @@ -2281,7 +2203,7 @@ public Builder memoryShareCount(Integer memoryShareCount) { } /** - * @param memoryShareLevel The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @param memoryShareLevel The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -2292,7 +2214,7 @@ public Builder memoryShareLevel(@Nullable Output memoryShareLevel) { } /** - * @param memoryShareLevel The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @param memoryShareLevel The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -2302,7 +2224,7 @@ public Builder memoryShareLevel(String memoryShareLevel) { } /** - * @param migrateWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * @param migrateWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. * * @return builder * @@ -2313,7 +2235,7 @@ public Builder migrateWaitTimeout(@Nullable Output migrateWaitTimeout) } /** - * @param migrateWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * @param migrateWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. * * @return builder * @@ -2323,7 +2245,7 @@ public Builder migrateWaitTimeout(Integer migrateWaitTimeout) { } /** - * @param name The name of the virtual machine. + * @param name The name of this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2334,7 +2256,7 @@ public Builder name(@Nullable Output name) { } /** - * @param name The name of the virtual machine. + * @param name The name of this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2344,7 +2266,7 @@ public Builder name(String name) { } /** - * @param nestedHvEnabled Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * @param nestedHvEnabled Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. * * @return builder * @@ -2355,7 +2277,7 @@ public Builder nestedHvEnabled(@Nullable Output nestedHvEnabled) { } /** - * @param nestedHvEnabled Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * @param nestedHvEnabled Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. * * @return builder * @@ -2365,7 +2287,7 @@ public Builder nestedHvEnabled(Boolean nestedHvEnabled) { } /** - * @param networkInterfaces A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * @param networkInterfaces A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2376,7 +2298,7 @@ public Builder networkInterfaces(@Nullable Output networ } /** - * @param networkInterfaces A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * @param networkInterfaces A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2396,7 +2318,8 @@ public Builder networkInterfaces(VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs... networkIn } /** - * @param numCoresPerSocket The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * @param numCoresPerSocket The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. * * @return builder * @@ -2407,7 +2330,8 @@ public Builder numCoresPerSocket(@Nullable Output numCoresPerSocket) { } /** - * @param numCoresPerSocket The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * @param numCoresPerSocket The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. * * @return builder * @@ -2417,7 +2341,7 @@ public Builder numCoresPerSocket(Integer numCoresPerSocket) { } /** - * @param numCpus The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * @param numCpus The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2428,7 +2352,7 @@ public Builder numCpus(@Nullable Output numCpus) { } /** - * @param numCpus The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * @param numCpus The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2438,7 +2362,7 @@ public Builder numCpus(Integer numCpus) { } /** - * @param ovfDeploy When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * @param ovfDeploy A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. * * @return builder * @@ -2449,7 +2373,7 @@ public Builder ovfDeploy(@Nullable Output ovfDeploy } /** - * @param ovfDeploy When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * @param ovfDeploy A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. * * @return builder * @@ -2459,9 +2383,7 @@ public Builder ovfDeploy(VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs ovfDeploy) { } /** - * @param pciDeviceIds List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @param pciDeviceIds A list of PCI passthrough devices * * @return builder * @@ -2472,9 +2394,7 @@ public Builder pciDeviceIds(@Nullable Output> pciDeviceIds) { } /** - * @param pciDeviceIds List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @param pciDeviceIds A list of PCI passthrough devices * * @return builder * @@ -2484,9 +2404,7 @@ public Builder pciDeviceIds(List pciDeviceIds) { } /** - * @param pciDeviceIds List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @param pciDeviceIds A list of PCI passthrough devices * * @return builder * @@ -2519,8 +2437,6 @@ public Builder poweronTimeout(Integer poweronTimeout) { /** * @param replaceTrigger Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. * - * For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - * * @return builder * */ @@ -2532,8 +2448,6 @@ public Builder replaceTrigger(@Nullable Output replaceTrigger) { /** * @param replaceTrigger Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. * - * For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - * * @return builder * */ @@ -2542,9 +2456,7 @@ public Builder replaceTrigger(String replaceTrigger) { } /** - * @param resourcePoolId The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * @param resourcePoolId The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -2555,9 +2467,7 @@ public Builder resourcePoolId(Output resourcePoolId) { } /** - * @param resourcePoolId The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * @param resourcePoolId The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -2567,7 +2477,7 @@ public Builder resourcePoolId(String resourcePoolId) { } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2578,7 +2488,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn(@Nullable Output runToolsScr } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2588,7 +2498,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn(Boolean runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn) } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsAfterResume Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsAfterResume Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2599,7 +2509,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsAfterResume(@Nullable Output runToolsScri } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsAfterResume Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsAfterResume Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2609,7 +2519,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsAfterResume(Boolean runToolsScriptsAfterResume) { } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2620,7 +2530,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot(@Nullable Output runToo } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2630,7 +2540,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot(Boolean runToolsScriptsBeforeGue } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2641,7 +2551,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown(@Nullable Output runT } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2651,7 +2561,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown(Boolean runToolsScriptsBeforeG } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2662,7 +2572,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby(@Nullable Output runTo } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2697,7 +2607,7 @@ public Builder sataControllerCount(Integer sataControllerCount) { } /** - * @param scsiBusSharing The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * @param scsiBusSharing Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. * * @return builder * @@ -2708,7 +2618,7 @@ public Builder scsiBusSharing(@Nullable Output scsiBusSharing) { } /** - * @param scsiBusSharing The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * @param scsiBusSharing Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. * * @return builder * @@ -2743,7 +2653,7 @@ public Builder scsiControllerCount(Integer scsiControllerCount) { } /** - * @param scsiType The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * @param scsiType The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. * * @return builder * @@ -2754,7 +2664,7 @@ public Builder scsiType(@Nullable Output scsiType) { } /** - * @param scsiType The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * @param scsiType The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. * * @return builder * @@ -2764,7 +2674,7 @@ public Builder scsiType(String scsiType) { } /** - * @param shutdownWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * @param shutdownWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2775,7 +2685,7 @@ public Builder shutdownWaitTimeout(@Nullable Output shutdownWaitTimeout } /** - * @param shutdownWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * @param shutdownWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2785,7 +2695,7 @@ public Builder shutdownWaitTimeout(Integer shutdownWaitTimeout) { } /** - * @param storagePolicyId The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @param storagePolicyId The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. * * @return builder * @@ -2796,7 +2706,7 @@ public Builder storagePolicyId(@Nullable Output storagePolicyId) { } /** - * @param storagePolicyId The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @param storagePolicyId The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. * * @return builder * @@ -2806,7 +2716,7 @@ public Builder storagePolicyId(String storagePolicyId) { } /** - * @param swapPlacementPolicy The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * @param swapPlacementPolicy The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. * * @return builder * @@ -2817,7 +2727,7 @@ public Builder swapPlacementPolicy(@Nullable Output swapPlacementPolicy) } /** - * @param swapPlacementPolicy The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * @param swapPlacementPolicy The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. * * @return builder * @@ -2827,7 +2737,8 @@ public Builder swapPlacementPolicy(String swapPlacementPolicy) { } /** - * @param syncTimeWithHost Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * @param syncTimeWithHost Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2838,7 +2749,8 @@ public Builder syncTimeWithHost(@Nullable Output syncTimeWithHost) { } /** - * @param syncTimeWithHost Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * @param syncTimeWithHost Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2848,7 +2760,8 @@ public Builder syncTimeWithHost(Boolean syncTimeWithHost) { } /** - * @param syncTimeWithHostPeriodically Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * @param syncTimeWithHostPeriodically Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2859,7 +2772,8 @@ public Builder syncTimeWithHostPeriodically(@Nullable Output syncTimeWi } /** - * @param syncTimeWithHostPeriodically Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * @param syncTimeWithHostPeriodically Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2869,9 +2783,7 @@ public Builder syncTimeWithHostPeriodically(Boolean syncTimeWithHostPeriodically } /** - * @param tags The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * @param tags A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * * @return builder * @@ -2882,9 +2794,7 @@ public Builder tags(@Nullable Output> tags) { } /** - * @param tags The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * @param tags A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * * @return builder * @@ -2894,9 +2804,7 @@ public Builder tags(List tags) { } /** - * @param tags The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * @param tags A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * * @return builder * @@ -2906,7 +2814,7 @@ public Builder tags(String... tags) { } /** - * @param toolsUpgradePolicy Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * @param toolsUpgradePolicy Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. * * @return builder * @@ -2917,7 +2825,7 @@ public Builder toolsUpgradePolicy(@Nullable Output toolsUpgradePolicy) { } /** - * @param toolsUpgradePolicy Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * @param toolsUpgradePolicy Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. * * @return builder * @@ -2927,7 +2835,7 @@ public Builder toolsUpgradePolicy(String toolsUpgradePolicy) { } /** - * @param vapp Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * @param vapp vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. * * @return builder * @@ -2938,7 +2846,7 @@ public Builder vapp(@Nullable Output vapp) { } /** - * @param vapp Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * @param vapp vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. * * @return builder * @@ -2948,7 +2856,7 @@ public Builder vapp(VirtualMachineVappArgs vapp) { } /** - * @param vbsEnabled Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @param vbsEnabled Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2959,7 +2867,7 @@ public Builder vbsEnabled(@Nullable Output vbsEnabled) { } /** - * @param vbsEnabled Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @param vbsEnabled Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2969,7 +2877,8 @@ public Builder vbsEnabled(Boolean vbsEnabled) { } /** - * @param vvtdEnabled Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @param vvtdEnabled Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -2980,7 +2889,8 @@ public Builder vvtdEnabled(@Nullable Output vvtdEnabled) { } /** - * @param vvtdEnabled Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @param vvtdEnabled Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -2990,7 +2900,8 @@ public Builder vvtdEnabled(Boolean vvtdEnabled) { } /** - * @param waitForGuestIpTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * @param waitForGuestIpTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * * @return builder * @@ -3001,7 +2912,8 @@ public Builder waitForGuestIpTimeout(@Nullable Output waitForGuestIpTim } /** - * @param waitForGuestIpTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * @param waitForGuestIpTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * * @return builder * @@ -3011,7 +2923,8 @@ public Builder waitForGuestIpTimeout(Integer waitForGuestIpTimeout) { } /** - * @param waitForGuestNetRoutable Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * @param waitForGuestNetRoutable Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. * * @return builder * @@ -3022,7 +2935,8 @@ public Builder waitForGuestNetRoutable(@Nullable Output waitForGuestNet } /** - * @param waitForGuestNetRoutable Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * @param waitForGuestNetRoutable Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. * * @return builder * @@ -3032,7 +2946,8 @@ public Builder waitForGuestNetRoutable(Boolean waitForGuestNetRoutable) { } /** - * @param waitForGuestNetTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * @param waitForGuestNetTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * * @return builder * @@ -3043,7 +2958,8 @@ public Builder waitForGuestNetTimeout(@Nullable Output waitForGuestNetT } /** - * @param waitForGuestNetTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * @param waitForGuestNetTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterState.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterState.java index 2604c0d5..0841e8eb 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterState.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterState.java @@ -63,18 +63,14 @@ public Optional> datacenterId() { } /** - * The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. * */ @Import(name="dpmAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output dpmAutomationLevel; /** - * @return The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * @return The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. * */ public Optional> dpmAutomationLevel() { @@ -82,18 +78,16 @@ public Optional> dpmAutomationLevel() { } /** - * Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. * */ @Import(name="dpmEnabled") private @Nullable Output dpmEnabled; /** - * @return Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * @return Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. * */ public Optional> dpmEnabled() { @@ -101,20 +95,18 @@ public Optional> dpmEnabled() { } /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. * */ @Import(name="dpmThreshold") private @Nullable Output dpmThreshold; /** - * @return A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * @return A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. * */ public Optional> dpmThreshold() { @@ -122,16 +114,14 @@ public Optional> dpmThreshold() { } /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. * */ @Import(name="drsAdvancedOptions") private @Nullable Output> drsAdvancedOptions; /** - * @return A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * @return Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. * */ public Optional>> drsAdvancedOptions() { @@ -139,18 +129,16 @@ public Optional>> drsAdvancedOptions() { } /** - * The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. * */ @Import(name="drsAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output drsAutomationLevel; /** - * @return The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * @return The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. * */ public Optional> drsAutomationLevel() { @@ -158,22 +146,14 @@ public Optional> drsAutomationLevel() { } /** - * When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. * */ @Import(name="drsEnablePredictiveDrs") private @Nullable Output drsEnablePredictiveDrs; /** - * @return When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * @return When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. * */ public Optional> drsEnablePredictiveDrs() { @@ -181,16 +161,14 @@ public Optional> drsEnablePredictiveDrs() { } /** - * Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. * */ @Import(name="drsEnableVmOverrides") private @Nullable Output drsEnableVmOverrides; /** - * @return Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @return When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. * */ public Optional> drsEnableVmOverrides() { @@ -198,14 +176,14 @@ public Optional> drsEnableVmOverrides() { } /** - * Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * Enable DRS for this cluster. * */ @Import(name="drsEnabled") private @Nullable Output drsEnabled; /** - * @return Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable DRS for this cluster. * */ public Optional> drsEnabled() { @@ -213,20 +191,16 @@ public Optional> drsEnabled() { } /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. * */ @Import(name="drsMigrationThreshold") private @Nullable Output drsMigrationThreshold; /** - * @return A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * @return A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. * */ public Optional> drsMigrationThreshold() { @@ -234,18 +208,14 @@ public Optional> drsMigrationThreshold() { } /** - * Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. * */ @Import(name="drsScaleDescendantsShares") private @Nullable Output drsScaleDescendantsShares; /** - * @return Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * @return Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. * */ public Optional> drsScaleDescendantsShares() { @@ -278,36 +248,16 @@ public Optional> folder() { } /** - * When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `host_system_ids` attribute. + * Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. * */ @Import(name="forceEvacuateOnDestroy") private @Nullable Output forceEvacuateOnDestroy; /** - * @return When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `host_system_ids` attribute. + * @return Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. * */ public Optional> forceEvacuateOnDestroy() { @@ -315,22 +265,18 @@ public Optional> forceEvacuateOnDestroy() { } /** - * Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds") private @Nullable Output> haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds; /** - * @return Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. * */ public Optional>> haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds() { @@ -338,22 +284,16 @@ public Optional>> haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds() } /** - * The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance; /** - * @return The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance() { @@ -361,20 +301,16 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance() { } /** - * The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance; /** - * @return The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * @return The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance() { @@ -382,18 +318,20 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance() { } /** - * The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlPolicy") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlPolicy; /** - * @return The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * @return The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlPolicy() { @@ -401,24 +339,18 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlPolicy() { } /** - * Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute; /** - * @return Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute() { @@ -426,18 +358,16 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu() { @@ -445,18 +375,16 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu() { } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory() { @@ -464,16 +392,14 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory() { } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu() { @@ -481,16 +407,14 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu() { } /** - * Controls the - * user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory; /** - * @return Controls the - * user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory() { @@ -498,20 +422,18 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory() { } /** - * Controls - * whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - * sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - * average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + * to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + * currently in the cluster. * */ @Import(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize") private @Nullable Output haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize; /** - * @return Controls - * whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - * sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - * average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + * @return When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + * to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + * currently in the cluster. * */ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize() { @@ -519,16 +441,14 @@ public Optional> haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize() { } /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for vSphere HA. + * Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. * */ @Import(name="haAdvancedOptions") private @Nullable Output> haAdvancedOptions; /** - * @return A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for vSphere HA. + * @return Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. * */ public Optional>> haAdvancedOptions() { @@ -536,20 +456,16 @@ public Optional>> haAdvancedOptions() { } /** - * Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction; /** - * @return Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() { @@ -557,22 +473,18 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() { } /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdResponse") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponse() { @@ -580,20 +492,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponse() { } /** - * The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdResponseDelay; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponseDelay() { @@ -601,22 +509,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponseDelay() { } /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ @Import(name="haDatastorePdlResponse") private @Nullable Output haDatastorePdlResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ public Optional> haDatastorePdlResponse() { @@ -624,16 +526,14 @@ public Optional> haDatastorePdlResponse() { } /** - * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. * */ @Import(name="haEnabled") private @Nullable Output haEnabled; /** - * @return Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * @return Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. * */ public Optional> haEnabled() { @@ -641,20 +541,16 @@ public Optional> haEnabled() { } /** - * The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ @Import(name="haHeartbeatDatastoreIds") private @Nullable Output> haHeartbeatDatastoreIds; /** - * @return The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @return The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ public Optional>> haHeartbeatDatastoreIds() { @@ -662,20 +558,16 @@ public Optional>> haHeartbeatDatastoreIds() { } /** - * The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ @Import(name="haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy") private @Nullable Output haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy; /** - * @return The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @return The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * */ public Optional> haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy() { @@ -683,20 +575,16 @@ public Optional> haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy() { } /** - * The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ @Import(name="haHostIsolationResponse") private @Nullable Output haHostIsolationResponse; /** - * @return The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * @return The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ public Optional> haHostIsolationResponse() { @@ -704,18 +592,14 @@ public Optional> haHostIsolationResponse() { } /** - * Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ @Import(name="haHostMonitoring") private @Nullable Output haHostMonitoring; /** - * @return Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * @return Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ public Optional> haHostMonitoring() { @@ -723,20 +607,16 @@ public Optional> haHostMonitoring() { } /** - * Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ @Import(name="haVmComponentProtection") private @Nullable Output haVmComponentProtection; /** - * @return Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * */ public Optional> haVmComponentProtection() { @@ -744,26 +624,16 @@ public Optional> haVmComponentProtection() { } /** - * The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. * */ @Import(name="haVmDependencyRestartCondition") private @Nullable Output haVmDependencyRestartCondition; /** - * @return The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. * */ public Optional> haVmDependencyRestartCondition() { @@ -771,18 +641,16 @@ public Optional> haVmDependencyRestartCondition() { } /** - * The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. * */ @Import(name="haVmFailureInterval") private @Nullable Output haVmFailureInterval; /** - * @return The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * @return If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. * */ public Optional> haVmFailureInterval() { @@ -790,22 +658,18 @@ public Optional> haVmFailureInterval() { } /** - * The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ @Import(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow") private @Nullable Output haVmMaximumFailureWindow; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * @return The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ public Optional> haVmMaximumFailureWindow() { @@ -813,16 +677,14 @@ public Optional> haVmMaximumFailureWindow() { } /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ @Import(name="haVmMaximumResets") private @Nullable Output haVmMaximumResets; /** - * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ public Optional> haVmMaximumResets() { @@ -830,18 +692,14 @@ public Optional> haVmMaximumResets() { } /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ @Import(name="haVmMinimumUptime") private @Nullable Output haVmMinimumUptime; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ public Optional> haVmMinimumUptime() { @@ -849,18 +707,16 @@ public Optional> haVmMinimumUptime() { } /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ @Import(name="haVmMonitoring") private @Nullable Output haVmMonitoring; /** - * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ public Optional> haVmMonitoring() { @@ -868,18 +724,14 @@ public Optional> haVmMonitoring() { } /** - * Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + * Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. * */ @Import(name="haVmRestartAdditionalDelay") private @Nullable Output haVmRestartAdditionalDelay; /** - * @return Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + * @return Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. * */ public Optional> haVmRestartAdditionalDelay() { @@ -887,18 +739,16 @@ public Optional> haVmRestartAdditionalDelay() { } /** - * The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. * */ @Import(name="haVmRestartPriority") private @Nullable Output haVmRestartPriority; /** - * @return The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * @return The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. * */ public Optional> haVmRestartPriority() { @@ -906,20 +756,16 @@ public Optional> haVmRestartPriority() { } /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. * */ @Import(name="haVmRestartTimeout") private @Nullable Output haVmRestartTimeout; /** - * @return The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. * */ public Optional> haVmRestartTimeout() { @@ -927,16 +773,14 @@ public Optional> haVmRestartTimeout() { } /** - * The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. * */ @Import(name="hostClusterExitTimeout") private @Nullable Output hostClusterExitTimeout; /** - * @return The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * @return The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. * */ public Optional> hostClusterExitTimeout() { @@ -944,18 +788,14 @@ public Optional> hostClusterExitTimeout() { } /** - * Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + * Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. * */ @Import(name="hostManaged") private @Nullable Output hostManaged; /** - * @return Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + * @return Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. * */ public Optional> hostManaged() { @@ -963,16 +803,14 @@ public Optional> hostManaged() { } /** - * The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * */ @Import(name="hostSystemIds") private @Nullable Output> hostSystemIds; /** - * @return The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * @return The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * */ public Optional>> hostSystemIds() { @@ -995,20 +833,14 @@ public Optional> name() { } /** - * Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + * The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. * */ @Import(name="proactiveHaAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output proactiveHaAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. * */ public Optional> proactiveHaAutomationLevel() { @@ -1016,16 +848,14 @@ public Optional> proactiveHaAutomationLevel() { } /** - * Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. * */ @Import(name="proactiveHaEnabled") private @Nullable Output proactiveHaEnabled; /** - * @return Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. * */ public Optional> proactiveHaEnabled() { @@ -1033,24 +863,16 @@ public Optional> proactiveHaEnabled() { } /** - * The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. * */ @Import(name="proactiveHaModerateRemediation") private @Nullable Output proactiveHaModerateRemediation; /** - * @return The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. * */ public Optional> proactiveHaModerateRemediation() { @@ -1058,18 +880,14 @@ public Optional> proactiveHaModerateRemediation() { } /** - * The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * */ @Import(name="proactiveHaProviderIds") private @Nullable Output> proactiveHaProviderIds; /** - * @return The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * */ public Optional>> proactiveHaProviderIds() { @@ -1077,24 +895,16 @@ public Optional>> proactiveHaProviderIds() { } /** - * The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. * */ @Import(name="proactiveHaSevereRemediation") private @Nullable Output proactiveHaSevereRemediation; /** - * @return The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @return The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. * */ public Optional> proactiveHaSevereRemediation() { @@ -1140,16 +950,14 @@ public Optional>> tags() { } /** - * Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanCompressionEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanCompressionEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanCompressionEnabled() { @@ -1157,18 +965,14 @@ public Optional> vsanCompressionEnabled() { } /** - * Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanDedupEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanDedupEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * @return Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanDedupEnabled() { @@ -1176,16 +980,14 @@ public Optional> vsanDedupEnabled() { } /** - * Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanDiskGroups") private @Nullable Output> vsanDiskGroups; /** - * @return Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * @return A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. * */ public Optional>> vsanDiskGroups() { @@ -1193,20 +995,14 @@ public Optional>> vsanDiskGroups() } /** - * Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanDitEncryptionEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanDitEncryptionEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * @return Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanDitEncryptionEnabled() { @@ -1214,18 +1010,14 @@ public Optional> vsanDitEncryptionEnabled() { } /** - * Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + * When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). * */ @Import(name="vsanDitRekeyInterval") private @Nullable Output vsanDitRekeyInterval; /** - * @return Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + * @return When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). * */ public Optional> vsanDitRekeyInterval() { @@ -1233,14 +1025,14 @@ public Optional> vsanDitRekeyInterval() { } /** - * Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanEnabled() { @@ -1248,14 +1040,14 @@ public Optional> vsanEnabled() { } /** - * Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanEsaEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanEsaEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanEsaEnabled() { @@ -1263,14 +1055,14 @@ public Optional> vsanEsaEnabled() { } /** - * Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * The configuration for vSAN fault domains. * */ @Import(name="vsanFaultDomains") private @Nullable Output> vsanFaultDomains; /** - * @return Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * @return The configuration for vSAN fault domains. * */ public Optional>> vsanFaultDomains() { @@ -1278,16 +1070,14 @@ public Optional>> vsanFaultDomain } /** - * Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled; /** - * @return Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled() { @@ -1295,16 +1085,14 @@ public Optional> vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled() { } /** - * Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanPerformanceEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanPerformanceEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @return Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanPerformanceEnabled() { @@ -1312,20 +1100,14 @@ public Optional> vsanPerformanceEnabled() { } /** - * The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanRemoteDatastoreIds") private @Nullable Output> vsanRemoteDatastoreIds; /** - * @return The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * @return The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * */ public Optional>> vsanRemoteDatastoreIds() { @@ -1333,14 +1115,14 @@ public Optional>> vsanRemoteDatastoreIds() { } /** - * Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + * The configuration for stretched cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanStretchedCluster") private @Nullable Output vsanStretchedCluster; /** - * @return Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + * @return The configuration for stretched cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanStretchedCluster() { @@ -1348,16 +1130,14 @@ public Optional> vsanStretchedClu } /** - * Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - * You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanUnmapEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanUnmapEnabled; /** - * @return Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - * You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanUnmapEnabled() { @@ -1365,16 +1145,14 @@ public Optional> vsanUnmapEnabled() { } /** - * Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ @Import(name="vsanVerboseModeEnabled") private @Nullable Output vsanVerboseModeEnabled; /** - * @return Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * @return Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. * */ public Optional> vsanVerboseModeEnabled() { @@ -1526,9 +1304,7 @@ public Builder datacenterId(String datacenterId) { } /** - * @param dpmAutomationLevel The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * @param dpmAutomationLevel The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. * * @return builder * @@ -1539,9 +1315,7 @@ public Builder dpmAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output dpmAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param dpmAutomationLevel The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * @param dpmAutomationLevel The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. * * @return builder * @@ -1551,9 +1325,8 @@ public Builder dpmAutomationLevel(String dpmAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param dpmEnabled Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * @param dpmEnabled Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -1564,9 +1337,8 @@ public Builder dpmEnabled(@Nullable Output dpmEnabled) { } /** - * @param dpmEnabled Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * @param dpmEnabled Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -1576,10 +1348,9 @@ public Builder dpmEnabled(Boolean dpmEnabled) { } /** - * @param dpmThreshold A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * @param dpmThreshold A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. * * @return builder * @@ -1590,10 +1361,9 @@ public Builder dpmThreshold(@Nullable Output dpmThreshold) { } /** - * @param dpmThreshold A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * @param dpmThreshold A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. * * @return builder * @@ -1603,8 +1373,7 @@ public Builder dpmThreshold(Integer dpmThreshold) { } /** - * @param drsAdvancedOptions A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * @param drsAdvancedOptions Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. * * @return builder * @@ -1615,8 +1384,7 @@ public Builder drsAdvancedOptions(@Nullable Output> drsAdvanc } /** - * @param drsAdvancedOptions A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * @param drsAdvancedOptions Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. * * @return builder * @@ -1626,9 +1394,8 @@ public Builder drsAdvancedOptions(Map drsAdvancedOptions) { } /** - * @param drsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * @param drsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. * * @return builder * @@ -1639,9 +1406,8 @@ public Builder drsAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output drsAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param drsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * @param drsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. * * @return builder * @@ -1651,11 +1417,7 @@ public Builder drsAutomationLevel(String drsAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param drsEnablePredictiveDrs When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * @param drsEnablePredictiveDrs When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. * * @return builder * @@ -1666,11 +1428,7 @@ public Builder drsEnablePredictiveDrs(@Nullable Output drsEnablePredict } /** - * @param drsEnablePredictiveDrs When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. <sup>\*</sup> - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * @param drsEnablePredictiveDrs When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. * * @return builder * @@ -1680,8 +1438,7 @@ public Builder drsEnablePredictiveDrs(Boolean drsEnablePredictiveDrs) { } /** - * @param drsEnableVmOverrides Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param drsEnableVmOverrides When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. * * @return builder * @@ -1692,8 +1449,7 @@ public Builder drsEnableVmOverrides(@Nullable Output drsEnableVmOverrid } /** - * @param drsEnableVmOverrides Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param drsEnableVmOverrides When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. * * @return builder * @@ -1703,7 +1459,7 @@ public Builder drsEnableVmOverrides(Boolean drsEnableVmOverrides) { } /** - * @param drsEnabled Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * @param drsEnabled Enable DRS for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1714,7 +1470,7 @@ public Builder drsEnabled(@Nullable Output drsEnabled) { } /** - * @param drsEnabled Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * @param drsEnabled Enable DRS for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1724,10 +1480,8 @@ public Builder drsEnabled(Boolean drsEnabled) { } /** - * @param drsMigrationThreshold A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * @param drsMigrationThreshold A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. * * @return builder * @@ -1738,10 +1492,8 @@ public Builder drsMigrationThreshold(@Nullable Output drsMigrationThres } /** - * @param drsMigrationThreshold A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * @param drsMigrationThreshold A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. * * @return builder * @@ -1751,9 +1503,7 @@ public Builder drsMigrationThreshold(Integer drsMigrationThreshold) { } /** - * @param drsScaleDescendantsShares Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * @param drsScaleDescendantsShares Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1764,9 +1514,7 @@ public Builder drsScaleDescendantsShares(@Nullable Output drsScaleDescen } /** - * @param drsScaleDescendantsShares Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * @param drsScaleDescendantsShares Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1807,18 +1555,8 @@ public Builder folder(String folder) { } /** - * @param forceEvacuateOnDestroy When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `host_system_ids` attribute. + * @param forceEvacuateOnDestroy Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. * * @return builder * @@ -1829,18 +1567,8 @@ public Builder forceEvacuateOnDestroy(@Nullable Output forceEvacuateOnD } /** - * @param forceEvacuateOnDestroy When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `host_system_ids` attribute. + * @param forceEvacuateOnDestroy Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. * * @return builder * @@ -1850,11 +1578,9 @@ public Builder forceEvacuateOnDestroy(Boolean forceEvacuateOnDestroy) { } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * @param haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. * * @return builder * @@ -1865,11 +1591,9 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds(@Nullable Output haAdmissionC } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * @param haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. * * @return builder * @@ -1893,11 +1615,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds(String... haAdmissionCont } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1908,11 +1627,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance(@Nullable Output } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -1922,10 +1638,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance(Integer haAdmissionControl } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * @param haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. * * @return builder * @@ -1936,10 +1650,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance(@Nullable Output } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * @param haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. * * @return builder * @@ -1949,9 +1661,10 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance(Integer haAdmissionControl } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlPolicy The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * @param haAdmissionControlPolicy The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. * * @return builder * @@ -1962,9 +1675,10 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlPolicy(@Nullable Output haAdmissionCont } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlPolicy The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * @param haAdmissionControlPolicy The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. * * @return builder * @@ -1974,12 +1688,9 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlPolicy(String haAdmissionControlPolicy) { } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. * * @return builder * @@ -1990,12 +1701,9 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute(@Nullable Output< } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. * * @return builder * @@ -2005,9 +1713,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute(Boolean haAdmissi } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -2018,9 +1725,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu(@Nullable Output } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -2030,9 +1736,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu(Integer haAdmissionContro } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory Controls the - * user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * @param haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -2043,9 +1748,8 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory(@Nullable Output } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu Controls the - * user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + * @param haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. * * @return builder * @@ -2078,8 +1780,7 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu(Integer haAdmissionContro } /** - * @param haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory Controls the - * user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + * @param haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. * * @return builder * @@ -2090,8 +1791,7 @@ public Builder haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory(@Nullable Output> haAdvanced } /** - * @param haAdvancedOptions A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for vSphere HA. + * @param haAdvancedOptions Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. * * @return builder * @@ -2151,10 +1847,8 @@ public Builder haAdvancedOptions(Map haAdvancedOptions) { } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. * * @return builder * @@ -2165,10 +1859,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction(@Nullable Output haDatastore } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. * * @return builder * @@ -2178,11 +1870,9 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction(String haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction) } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdResponse When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -2193,11 +1883,9 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponse(@Nullable Output haDatastoreApdRes } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdResponse When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -2207,10 +1895,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponse(String haDatastoreApdResponse) { } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. * * @return builder * @@ -2221,10 +1907,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponseDelay(@Nullable Output haDatastore } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. * * @return builder * @@ -2234,11 +1918,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponseDelay(Integer haDatastoreApdResponseDelay) } /** - * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastorePdlResponse When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -2249,11 +1930,8 @@ public Builder haDatastorePdlResponse(@Nullable Output haDatastorePdlRes } /** - * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haDatastorePdlResponse When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -2263,8 +1941,7 @@ public Builder haDatastorePdlResponse(String haDatastorePdlResponse) { } /** - * @param haEnabled Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * @param haEnabled Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2275,8 +1952,7 @@ public Builder haEnabled(@Nullable Output haEnabled) { } /** - * @param haEnabled Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * @param haEnabled Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2286,10 +1962,8 @@ public Builder haEnabled(Boolean haEnabled) { } /** - * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * * @return builder * @@ -2300,10 +1974,8 @@ public Builder haHeartbeatDatastoreIds(@Nullable Output> haHeartbea } /** - * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * * @return builder * @@ -2313,10 +1985,8 @@ public Builder haHeartbeatDatastoreIds(List haHeartbeatDatastoreIds) { } /** - * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @param haHeartbeatDatastoreIds The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * * @return builder * @@ -2326,10 +1996,8 @@ public Builder haHeartbeatDatastoreIds(String... haHeartbeatDatastoreIds) { } /** - * @param haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @param haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * * @return builder * @@ -2340,10 +2008,8 @@ public Builder haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy(@Nullable Output haHeartbeatDa } /** - * @param haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * @param haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. * * @return builder * @@ -2353,10 +2019,8 @@ public Builder haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy(String haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy) { } /** - * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. * * @return builder * @@ -2367,10 +2031,8 @@ public Builder haHostIsolationResponse(@Nullable Output haHostIsolationR } /** - * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. * * @return builder * @@ -2380,9 +2042,7 @@ public Builder haHostIsolationResponse(String haHostIsolationResponse) { } /** - * @param haHostMonitoring Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * @param haHostMonitoring Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * * @return builder * @@ -2393,9 +2053,7 @@ public Builder haHostMonitoring(@Nullable Output haHostMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haHostMonitoring Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * @param haHostMonitoring Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * * @return builder * @@ -2405,10 +2063,8 @@ public Builder haHostMonitoring(String haHostMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haVmComponentProtection Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmComponentProtection Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * * @return builder * @@ -2419,10 +2075,8 @@ public Builder haVmComponentProtection(@Nullable Output haVmComponentPro } /** - * @param haVmComponentProtection Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmComponentProtection Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. * * @return builder * @@ -2432,13 +2086,8 @@ public Builder haVmComponentProtection(String haVmComponentProtection) { } /** - * @param haVmDependencyRestartCondition The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmDependencyRestartCondition The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. * * @return builder * @@ -2449,13 +2098,8 @@ public Builder haVmDependencyRestartCondition(@Nullable Output haVmDepen } /** - * @param haVmDependencyRestartCondition The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmDependencyRestartCondition The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. * * @return builder * @@ -2465,9 +2109,8 @@ public Builder haVmDependencyRestartCondition(String haVmDependencyRestartCondit } /** - * @param haVmFailureInterval The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. * * @return builder * @@ -2478,9 +2121,8 @@ public Builder haVmFailureInterval(@Nullable Output haVmFailureInterval } /** - * @param haVmFailureInterval The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. * * @return builder * @@ -2490,11 +2132,9 @@ public Builder haVmFailureInterval(Integer haVmFailureInterval) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * * @return builder * @@ -2505,11 +2145,9 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumFailureWindow(@Nullable Output haVmMaximumFai } /** - * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * * @return builder * @@ -2519,8 +2157,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumFailureWindow(Integer haVmMaximumFailureWindow) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * * @return builder * @@ -2531,8 +2168,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumResets(@Nullable Output haVmMaximumResets) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * * @return builder * @@ -2542,9 +2178,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumResets(Integer haVmMaximumResets) { } /** - * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * * @return builder * @@ -2555,9 +2189,7 @@ public Builder haVmMinimumUptime(@Nullable Output haVmMinimumUptime) { } /** - * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * * @return builder * @@ -2567,9 +2199,8 @@ public Builder haVmMinimumUptime(Integer haVmMinimumUptime) { } /** - * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * * @return builder * @@ -2580,9 +2211,8 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoring(@Nullable Output haVmMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * * @return builder * @@ -2592,9 +2222,7 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoring(String haVmMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haVmRestartAdditionalDelay Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmRestartAdditionalDelay Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. * * @return builder * @@ -2605,9 +2233,7 @@ public Builder haVmRestartAdditionalDelay(@Nullable Output haVmRestartA } /** - * @param haVmRestartAdditionalDelay Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmRestartAdditionalDelay Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. * * @return builder * @@ -2617,9 +2243,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartAdditionalDelay(Integer haVmRestartAdditionalDelay) { } /** - * @param haVmRestartPriority The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * @param haVmRestartPriority The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. * * @return builder * @@ -2630,9 +2255,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartPriority(@Nullable Output haVmRestartPriority) } /** - * @param haVmRestartPriority The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * @param haVmRestartPriority The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. * * @return builder * @@ -2642,10 +2266,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartPriority(String haVmRestartPriority) { } /** - * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. * * @return builder * @@ -2656,10 +2278,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartTimeout(@Nullable Output haVmRestartTimeout) } /** - * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. * * @return builder * @@ -2669,8 +2289,7 @@ public Builder haVmRestartTimeout(Integer haVmRestartTimeout) { } /** - * @param hostClusterExitTimeout The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * @param hostClusterExitTimeout The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2681,8 +2300,7 @@ public Builder hostClusterExitTimeout(@Nullable Output hostClusterExitT } /** - * @param hostClusterExitTimeout The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * @param hostClusterExitTimeout The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2692,9 +2310,7 @@ public Builder hostClusterExitTimeout(Integer hostClusterExitTimeout) { } /** - * @param hostManaged Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + * @param hostManaged Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. * * @return builder * @@ -2705,9 +2321,7 @@ public Builder hostManaged(@Nullable Output hostManaged) { } /** - * @param hostManaged Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + * @param hostManaged Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. * * @return builder * @@ -2717,8 +2331,7 @@ public Builder hostManaged(Boolean hostManaged) { } /** - * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2729,8 +2342,7 @@ public Builder hostSystemIds(@Nullable Output> hostSystemIds) { } /** - * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2740,8 +2352,7 @@ public Builder hostSystemIds(List hostSystemIds) { } /** - * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + * @param hostSystemIds The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2772,10 +2383,7 @@ public Builder name(String name) { } /** - * @param proactiveHaAutomationLevel Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaAutomationLevel The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. * * @return builder * @@ -2786,10 +2394,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output proactiveHaAu } /** - * @param proactiveHaAutomationLevel Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaAutomationLevel The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. * * @return builder * @@ -2799,8 +2404,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaAutomationLevel(String proactiveHaAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param proactiveHaEnabled Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaEnabled Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. * * @return builder * @@ -2811,8 +2415,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaEnabled(@Nullable Output proactiveHaEnabled) } /** - * @param proactiveHaEnabled Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaEnabled Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. * * @return builder * @@ -2822,12 +2425,8 @@ public Builder proactiveHaEnabled(Boolean proactiveHaEnabled) { } /** - * @param proactiveHaModerateRemediation The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaModerateRemediation The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. * * @return builder * @@ -2838,12 +2437,8 @@ public Builder proactiveHaModerateRemediation(@Nullable Output proactive } /** - * @param proactiveHaModerateRemediation The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaModerateRemediation The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. * * @return builder * @@ -2853,9 +2448,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaModerateRemediation(String proactiveHaModerateRemediat } /** - * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2866,9 +2459,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaProviderIds(@Nullable Output> proactiveHa } /** - * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2878,9 +2469,7 @@ public Builder proactiveHaProviderIds(List proactiveHaProviderIds) { } /** - * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaProviderIds The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2890,12 +2479,8 @@ public Builder proactiveHaProviderIds(String... proactiveHaProviderIds) { } /** - * @param proactiveHaSevereRemediation The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaSevereRemediation The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. * * @return builder * @@ -2906,12 +2491,8 @@ public Builder proactiveHaSevereRemediation(@Nullable Output proactiveHa } /** - * @param proactiveHaSevereRemediation The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * <sup>\*</sup> + * @param proactiveHaSevereRemediation The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. * * @return builder * @@ -2981,8 +2562,7 @@ public Builder tags(String... tags) { } /** - * @param vsanCompressionEnabled Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * @param vsanCompressionEnabled Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -2993,8 +2573,7 @@ public Builder vsanCompressionEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanCompressionE } /** - * @param vsanCompressionEnabled Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * @param vsanCompressionEnabled Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3004,9 +2583,7 @@ public Builder vsanCompressionEnabled(Boolean vsanCompressionEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanDedupEnabled Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * @param vsanDedupEnabled Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3017,9 +2594,7 @@ public Builder vsanDedupEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanDedupEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanDedupEnabled Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * @param vsanDedupEnabled Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3029,8 +2604,7 @@ public Builder vsanDedupEnabled(Boolean vsanDedupEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanDiskGroups Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * @param vsanDiskGroups A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3041,8 +2615,7 @@ public Builder vsanDiskGroups(@Nullable Output vsanDiskGrou } /** - * @param vsanDiskGroups Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * @param vsanDiskGroups A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3063,10 +2635,7 @@ public Builder vsanDiskGroups(ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs... vsanDiskGroups) } /** - * @param vsanDitEncryptionEnabled Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * @param vsanDitEncryptionEnabled Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3077,10 +2646,7 @@ public Builder vsanDitEncryptionEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanDitEncrypt } /** - * @param vsanDitEncryptionEnabled Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * @param vsanDitEncryptionEnabled Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3090,9 +2656,7 @@ public Builder vsanDitEncryptionEnabled(Boolean vsanDitEncryptionEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanDitRekeyInterval Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + * @param vsanDitRekeyInterval When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). * * @return builder * @@ -3103,9 +2667,7 @@ public Builder vsanDitRekeyInterval(@Nullable Output vsanDitRekeyInterv } /** - * @param vsanDitRekeyInterval Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + * @param vsanDitRekeyInterval When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). * * @return builder * @@ -3115,7 +2677,7 @@ public Builder vsanDitRekeyInterval(Integer vsanDitRekeyInterval) { } /** - * @param vsanEnabled Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * @param vsanEnabled Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3126,7 +2688,7 @@ public Builder vsanEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanEnabled Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * @param vsanEnabled Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3136,7 +2698,7 @@ public Builder vsanEnabled(Boolean vsanEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanEsaEnabled Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @param vsanEsaEnabled Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3147,7 +2709,7 @@ public Builder vsanEsaEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanEsaEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanEsaEnabled Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @param vsanEsaEnabled Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3157,7 +2719,7 @@ public Builder vsanEsaEnabled(Boolean vsanEsaEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanFaultDomains Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * @param vsanFaultDomains The configuration for vSAN fault domains. * * @return builder * @@ -3168,7 +2730,7 @@ public Builder vsanFaultDomains(@Nullable Output vsanFaul } /** - * @param vsanFaultDomains Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * @param vsanFaultDomains The configuration for vSAN fault domains. * * @return builder * @@ -3188,8 +2750,7 @@ public Builder vsanFaultDomains(ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs... vsanFaultDo } /** - * @param vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * @param vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3200,8 +2761,7 @@ public Builder vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanNe } /** - * @param vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * @param vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3211,8 +2771,7 @@ public Builder vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled(Boolean vsanNetworkDiagnosticMod } /** - * @param vsanPerformanceEnabled Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param vsanPerformanceEnabled Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3223,8 +2782,7 @@ public Builder vsanPerformanceEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanPerformanceE } /** - * @param vsanPerformanceEnabled Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param vsanPerformanceEnabled Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3234,10 +2792,7 @@ public Builder vsanPerformanceEnabled(Boolean vsanPerformanceEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3248,10 +2803,7 @@ public Builder vsanRemoteDatastoreIds(@Nullable Output> vsanRemoteD } /** - * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3261,10 +2813,7 @@ public Builder vsanRemoteDatastoreIds(List vsanRemoteDatastoreIds) { } /** - * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - * `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * @param vsanRemoteDatastoreIds The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3274,7 +2823,7 @@ public Builder vsanRemoteDatastoreIds(String... vsanRemoteDatastoreIds) { } /** - * @param vsanStretchedCluster Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + * @param vsanStretchedCluster The configuration for stretched cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3285,7 +2834,7 @@ public Builder vsanStretchedCluster(@Nullable Output vsanUnmapEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanUnmapEnabled Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - * You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * @param vsanUnmapEnabled Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3318,8 +2865,7 @@ public Builder vsanUnmapEnabled(Boolean vsanUnmapEnabled) { } /** - * @param vsanVerboseModeEnabled Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * @param vsanVerboseModeEnabled Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -3330,8 +2876,7 @@ public Builder vsanVerboseModeEnabled(@Nullable Output vsanVerboseModeE } /** - * @param vsanVerboseModeEnabled Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * @param vsanVerboseModeEnabled Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.java index 32077a13..3f1b121a 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.java @@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ public final class ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs extends com.pulumi.resources. public static final ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs Empty = new ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs(); /** - * The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + * Cache disk. * */ @Import(name="cache") private @Nullable Output cache; /** - * @return The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + * @return Cache disk. * */ public Optional> cache() { @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ public Optional> cache() { } /** - * An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + * List of storage disks. * */ @Import(name="storages") private @Nullable Output> storages; /** - * @return An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + * @return List of storage disks. * */ public Optional>> storages() { @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public Builder(ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs defaults) { } /** - * @param cache The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + * @param cache Cache disk. * * @return builder * @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public Builder cache(@Nullable Output cache) { } /** - * @param cache The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + * @param cache Cache disk. * * @return builder * @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public Builder cache(String cache) { } /** - * @param storages An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + * @param storages List of storage disks. * * @return builder * @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public Builder storages(@Nullable Output> storages) { } /** - * @param storages An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + * @param storages List of storage disks. * * @return builder * @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public Builder storages(List storages) { } /** - * @param storages An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + * @param storages List of storage disks. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.java index c6aace3a..5806f362 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.java @@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ public Output> preferredFaultDomainHostIds() { } /** - * The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + * The name of prepferred fault domain. * */ @Import(name="preferredFaultDomainName") private @Nullable Output preferredFaultDomainName; /** - * @return The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + * @return The name of prepferred fault domain. * */ public Optional> preferredFaultDomainName() { @@ -63,158 +63,14 @@ public Output> secondaryFaultDomainHostIds() { } /** - * The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - * - * > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - * You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeCluster; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var computeCluster = new ComputeCluster("computeCluster", ComputeClusterArgs.builder() - * .name("terraform-compute-cluster-test") - * .datacenterId(datacenter.id()) - * .hostSystemIds(host.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .drsEnabled(true) - * .drsAutomationLevel("fullyAutomated") - * .haEnabled(false) - * .vsanEnabled(true) - * .vsanEsaEnabled(true) - * .vsanDedupEnabled(true) - * .vsanCompressionEnabled(true) - * .vsanPerformanceEnabled(true) - * .vsanVerboseModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanUnmapEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitEncryptionEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitRekeyInterval(1800) - * .vsanDiskGroups(ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.builder() - * .cache(cacheDisks[0]) - * .storages(storageDisks) - * .build()) - * .vsanFaultDomains(ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .faultDomains( - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd1") - * .hostIds(faultdomain1Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build(), - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd2") - * .hostIds(faultdomain2Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build()) - * .build()) - * .vsanStretchedCluster(ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.builder() - * .preferredFaultDomainHostIds(preferredFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .secondaryFaultDomainHostIds(secondaryFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .witnessNode(witnessHost.id()) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * The name of secondary fault domain. * */ @Import(name="secondaryFaultDomainName") private @Nullable Output secondaryFaultDomainName; /** - * @return The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - * - * > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - * You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeCluster; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var computeCluster = new ComputeCluster("computeCluster", ComputeClusterArgs.builder() - * .name("terraform-compute-cluster-test") - * .datacenterId(datacenter.id()) - * .hostSystemIds(host.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .drsEnabled(true) - * .drsAutomationLevel("fullyAutomated") - * .haEnabled(false) - * .vsanEnabled(true) - * .vsanEsaEnabled(true) - * .vsanDedupEnabled(true) - * .vsanCompressionEnabled(true) - * .vsanPerformanceEnabled(true) - * .vsanVerboseModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanUnmapEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitEncryptionEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitRekeyInterval(1800) - * .vsanDiskGroups(ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.builder() - * .cache(cacheDisks[0]) - * .storages(storageDisks) - * .build()) - * .vsanFaultDomains(ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .faultDomains( - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd1") - * .hostIds(faultdomain1Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build(), - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd2") - * .hostIds(faultdomain2Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build()) - * .build()) - * .vsanStretchedCluster(ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.builder() - * .preferredFaultDomainHostIds(preferredFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .secondaryFaultDomainHostIds(secondaryFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .witnessNode(witnessHost.id()) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @return The name of secondary fault domain. * */ public Optional> secondaryFaultDomainName() { @@ -296,7 +152,7 @@ public Builder preferredFaultDomainHostIds(String... preferredFaultDomainHostIds } /** - * @param preferredFaultDomainName The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + * @param preferredFaultDomainName The name of prepferred fault domain. * * @return builder * @@ -307,7 +163,7 @@ public Builder preferredFaultDomainName(@Nullable Output preferredFaultD } /** - * @param preferredFaultDomainName The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + * @param preferredFaultDomainName The name of prepferred fault domain. * * @return builder * @@ -348,79 +204,7 @@ public Builder secondaryFaultDomainHostIds(String... secondaryFaultDomainHostIds } /** - * @param secondaryFaultDomainName The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - * - * > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - * You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeCluster; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var computeCluster = new ComputeCluster("computeCluster", ComputeClusterArgs.builder() - * .name("terraform-compute-cluster-test") - * .datacenterId(datacenter.id()) - * .hostSystemIds(host.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .drsEnabled(true) - * .drsAutomationLevel("fullyAutomated") - * .haEnabled(false) - * .vsanEnabled(true) - * .vsanEsaEnabled(true) - * .vsanDedupEnabled(true) - * .vsanCompressionEnabled(true) - * .vsanPerformanceEnabled(true) - * .vsanVerboseModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanUnmapEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitEncryptionEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitRekeyInterval(1800) - * .vsanDiskGroups(ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.builder() - * .cache(cacheDisks[0]) - * .storages(storageDisks) - * .build()) - * .vsanFaultDomains(ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .faultDomains( - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd1") - * .hostIds(faultdomain1Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build(), - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd2") - * .hostIds(faultdomain2Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build()) - * .build()) - * .vsanStretchedCluster(ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.builder() - * .preferredFaultDomainHostIds(preferredFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .secondaryFaultDomainHostIds(secondaryFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .witnessNode(witnessHost.id()) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @param secondaryFaultDomainName The name of secondary fault domain. * * @return builder * @@ -431,79 +215,7 @@ public Builder secondaryFaultDomainName(@Nullable Output secondaryFaultD } /** - * @param secondaryFaultDomainName The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - * - * > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - * You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeCluster; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var computeCluster = new ComputeCluster("computeCluster", ComputeClusterArgs.builder() - * .name("terraform-compute-cluster-test") - * .datacenterId(datacenter.id()) - * .hostSystemIds(host.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .drsEnabled(true) - * .drsAutomationLevel("fullyAutomated") - * .haEnabled(false) - * .vsanEnabled(true) - * .vsanEsaEnabled(true) - * .vsanDedupEnabled(true) - * .vsanCompressionEnabled(true) - * .vsanPerformanceEnabled(true) - * .vsanVerboseModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanUnmapEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitEncryptionEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitRekeyInterval(1800) - * .vsanDiskGroups(ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.builder() - * .cache(cacheDisks[0]) - * .storages(storageDisks) - * .build()) - * .vsanFaultDomains(ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .faultDomains( - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd1") - * .hostIds(faultdomain1Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build(), - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd2") - * .hostIds(faultdomain2Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build()) - * .build()) - * .vsanStretchedCluster(ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.builder() - * .preferredFaultDomainHostIds(preferredFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .secondaryFaultDomainHostIds(secondaryFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .witnessNode(witnessHost.id()) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @param secondaryFaultDomainName The name of secondary fault domain. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationArgs.java index 5669be91..1529404e 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/ContentLibraryPublicationArgs.java @@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ public final class ContentLibraryPublicationArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.Re public static final ContentLibraryPublicationArgs Empty = new ContentLibraryPublicationArgs(); /** - * Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + * Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. * */ @Import(name="authenticationMethod") private @Nullable Output authenticationMethod; /** - * @return Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + * @return Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. * */ public Optional> authenticationMethod() { @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ public Optional> authenticationMethod() { } /** - * Password used for authentication. + * Password used by subscribers to authenticate. * */ @Import(name="password") private @Nullable Output password; /** - * @return Password used for authentication. + * @return Password used by subscribers to authenticate. * */ public Optional> password() { @@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ public Optional> published() { } /** - * Username used for authentication. + * Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. * */ @Import(name="username") private @Nullable Output username; /** - * @return Username used for authentication. + * @return Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. * */ public Optional> username() { @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public Builder(ContentLibraryPublicationArgs defaults) { } /** - * @param authenticationMethod Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + * @param authenticationMethod Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. * * @return builder * @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public Builder authenticationMethod(@Nullable Output authenticationMetho } /** - * @param authenticationMethod Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + * @param authenticationMethod Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. * * @return builder * @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public Builder authenticationMethod(String authenticationMethod) { } /** - * @param password Password used for authentication. + * @param password Password used by subscribers to authenticate. * * @return builder * @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ public Builder password(@Nullable Output password) { } /** - * @param password Password used for authentication. + * @param password Password used by subscribers to authenticate. * * @return builder * @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ public Builder published(Boolean published) { } /** - * @param username Username used for authentication. + * @param username Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. * * @return builder * @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ public Builder username(@Nullable Output username) { } /** - * @param username Username used for authentication. + * @param username Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DatastoreClusterState.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DatastoreClusterState.java index 957801dd..b90fa5ab 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DatastoreClusterState.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DatastoreClusterState.java @@ -112,16 +112,14 @@ public Optional> name() { } /** - * A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. * */ @Import(name="sdrsAdvancedOptions") private @Nullable Output> sdrsAdvancedOptions; /** - * @return A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * @return Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. * */ public Optional>> sdrsAdvancedOptions() { @@ -129,16 +127,14 @@ public Optional>> sdrsAdvancedOptions() { } /** - * The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. * */ @Import(name="sdrsAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsAutomationLevel; /** - * @return The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * @return The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. * */ public Optional> sdrsAutomationLevel() { @@ -146,16 +142,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsAutomationLevel() { } /** - * When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. * */ @Import(name="sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity") private @Nullable Output sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity; /** - * @return When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * @return When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. * */ public Optional> sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity() { @@ -180,20 +174,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsEnabled() { } /** - * The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ @Import(name="sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold; /** - * @return The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * @return The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ public Optional> sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold() { @@ -218,18 +206,16 @@ public Optional> sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode() { } /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. * */ @Import(name="sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference") private @Nullable Output sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference; /** - * @return The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * @return The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. * */ public Optional> sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference() { @@ -237,16 +223,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference() { } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel() { @@ -254,18 +238,16 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel() { } /** - * The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoLatencyThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoLatencyThreshold; /** - * @return The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * @return The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoLatencyThreshold() { @@ -273,16 +255,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoLatencyThreshold() { } /** - * Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled; /** - * @return Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled() { @@ -290,18 +270,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled() { } /** - * The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold; /** - * @return The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * @return The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold() { @@ -309,24 +285,16 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold() { } /** - * The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold; /** - * @return The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * @return The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold() { @@ -334,20 +302,16 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold() { } /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold; /** - * @return The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * @return The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold() { @@ -355,20 +319,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold() { } /** - * The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. * */ @Import(name="sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode") private @Nullable Output sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode; /** - * @return The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * @return The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. * */ public Optional> sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode() { @@ -376,16 +334,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode() { } /** - * The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. * */ @Import(name="sdrsLoadBalanceInterval") private @Nullable Output sdrsLoadBalanceInterval; /** - * @return The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * @return The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. * */ public Optional> sdrsLoadBalanceInterval() { @@ -393,16 +349,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsLoadBalanceInterval() { } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. * */ @Import(name="sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. * */ public Optional> sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel() { @@ -410,16 +364,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel() { } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. * */ @Import(name="sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. * */ public Optional> sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel() { @@ -427,16 +379,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel() { } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. * */ @Import(name="sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. * */ public Optional> sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel() { @@ -444,18 +394,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel() { } /** - * Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ @Import(name="sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold") private @Nullable Output sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold; /** - * @return Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * @return The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * */ public Optional> sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold() { @@ -463,16 +409,14 @@ public Optional> sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold() { } /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. * */ @Import(name="sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel") private @Nullable Output sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel; /** - * @return Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * @return Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. * */ public Optional> sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel() { @@ -663,8 +607,7 @@ public Builder name(String name) { } /** - * @param sdrsAdvancedOptions A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * @param sdrsAdvancedOptions Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. * * @return builder * @@ -675,8 +618,7 @@ public Builder sdrsAdvancedOptions(@Nullable Output> sdrsAdva } /** - * @param sdrsAdvancedOptions A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * @param sdrsAdvancedOptions Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. * * @return builder * @@ -686,8 +628,7 @@ public Builder sdrsAdvancedOptions(Map sdrsAdvancedOptions) { } /** - * @param sdrsAutomationLevel The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * @param sdrsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -698,8 +639,7 @@ public Builder sdrsAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdrsAutomationLevel) } /** - * @param sdrsAutomationLevel The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * @param sdrsAutomationLevel The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -709,8 +649,7 @@ public Builder sdrsAutomationLevel(String sdrsAutomationLevel) { } /** - * @param sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * @param sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. * * @return builder * @@ -721,8 +660,7 @@ public Builder sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity(@Nullable Output sdrsDefaultI } /** - * @param sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * @param sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. * * @return builder * @@ -755,10 +693,7 @@ public Builder sdrsEnabled(Boolean sdrsEnabled) { } /** - * @param sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * @param sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -769,10 +704,7 @@ public Builder sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsFreeSpaceThr } /** - * @param sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * @param sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -805,9 +737,8 @@ public Builder sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode(String sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode) { } /** - * @param sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * @param sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. * * @return builder * @@ -818,9 +749,8 @@ public Builder sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference(@Nullable Output sdrs } /** - * @param sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * @param sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. * * @return builder * @@ -830,8 +760,7 @@ public Builder sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference(Integer sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizati } /** - * @param sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * @param sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. * * @return builder * @@ -842,8 +771,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdrsIoBalan } /** - * @param sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * @param sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. * * @return builder * @@ -853,9 +781,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel(String sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel) } /** - * @param sdrsIoLatencyThreshold The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * @param sdrsIoLatencyThreshold The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -866,9 +793,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLatencyThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsIoLatencyThr } /** - * @param sdrsIoLatencyThreshold The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * @param sdrsIoLatencyThreshold The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -878,8 +804,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLatencyThreshold(Integer sdrsIoLatencyThreshold) { } /** - * @param sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -890,8 +815,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled(@Nullable Output sdrsIoLoadBala } /** - * @param sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * @param sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -901,9 +825,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled(Boolean sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled) { } /** - * @param sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * @param sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. * * @return builder * @@ -914,9 +836,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsIoLoad } /** - * @param sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * @param sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. * * @return builder * @@ -926,12 +846,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold(Integer sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * @param sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -942,12 +858,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsIoRes } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * @param sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -957,10 +869,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold(Integer sdrsIoReservableIopsThresho } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * @param sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. * * @return builder * @@ -971,10 +881,8 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsIo } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * @param sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. * * @return builder * @@ -984,10 +892,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold(Integer sdrsIoReservablePercentT } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * @param sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. * * @return builder * @@ -998,10 +903,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode(@Nullable Output sdrsIoRese } /** - * @param sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * @param sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. * * @return builder * @@ -1011,8 +913,7 @@ public Builder sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode(String sdrsIoReservableThresholdMod } /** - * @param sdrsLoadBalanceInterval The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * @param sdrsLoadBalanceInterval The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. * * @return builder * @@ -1023,8 +924,7 @@ public Builder sdrsLoadBalanceInterval(@Nullable Output sdrsLoadBalance } /** - * @param sdrsLoadBalanceInterval The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * @param sdrsLoadBalanceInterval The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. * * @return builder * @@ -1034,8 +934,7 @@ public Builder sdrsLoadBalanceInterval(Integer sdrsLoadBalanceInterval) { } /** - * @param sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * @param sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. * * @return builder * @@ -1046,8 +945,7 @@ public Builder sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdr } /** - * @param sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * @param sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. * * @return builder * @@ -1057,8 +955,7 @@ public Builder sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel(String sdrsPolicyEnforcement } /** - * @param sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * @param sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. * * @return builder * @@ -1069,8 +966,7 @@ public Builder sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdrsR } /** - * @param sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * @param sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. * * @return builder * @@ -1080,8 +976,7 @@ public Builder sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel(String sdrsRuleEnforcementAuto } /** - * @param sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * @param sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. * * @return builder * @@ -1092,8 +987,7 @@ public Builder sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdrsSpac } /** - * @param sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * @param sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. * * @return builder * @@ -1103,9 +997,7 @@ public Builder sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel(String sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomation } /** - * @param sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * @param sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -1116,9 +1008,7 @@ public Builder sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold(@Nullable Output sdrsSpace } /** - * @param sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * @param sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -1128,8 +1018,7 @@ public Builder sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold(Integer sdrsSpaceUtilizationThresho } /** - * @param sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * @param sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. * * @return builder * @@ -1140,8 +1029,7 @@ public Builder sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel(@Nullable Output sdrsVmEv } /** - * @param sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * @param sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedPortGroupState.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedPortGroupState.java index 45a72e31..8c8bfc99 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedPortGroupState.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedPortGroupState.java @@ -123,16 +123,14 @@ public Optional> blockAllPorts() { } /** - * Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="blockOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output blockOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ public Optional> blockOverrideAllowed() { @@ -422,16 +420,14 @@ public Optional> lacpMode() { } /** - * Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="livePortMovingAllowed") private @Nullable Output livePortMovingAllowed; /** - * @return Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * @return Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. * */ public Optional> livePortMovingAllowed() { @@ -469,18 +465,14 @@ public Optional> netflowEnabled() { } /** - * Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="netflowOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output netflowOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @return Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. * */ public Optional> netflowOverrideAllowed() { @@ -507,16 +499,14 @@ public Optional> networkResourcePoolKey() { } /** - * Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * */ public Optional> networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed() { @@ -556,16 +546,14 @@ public Optional> numberOfPorts() { } /** - * Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. * */ @Import(name="portConfigResetAtDisconnect") private @Nullable Output portConfigResetAtDisconnect; /** - * @return Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * @return Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. * */ public Optional> portConfigResetAtDisconnect() { @@ -611,18 +599,14 @@ public Optional> portPrivateSecondaryVlanId() { } /** - * Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="securityPolicyOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output securityPolicyOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ public Optional> securityPolicyOverrideAllowed() { @@ -630,18 +614,14 @@ public Optional> securityPolicyOverrideAllowed() { } /** - * Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="shapingOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output shapingOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. * */ public Optional> shapingOverrideAllowed() { @@ -696,16 +676,14 @@ public Optional> teamingPolicy() { } /** - * Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="trafficFilterOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output trafficFilterOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. * */ public Optional> trafficFilterOverrideAllowed() { @@ -747,18 +725,14 @@ public Optional> type() { } /** - * Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * @return Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ public Optional> uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed() { @@ -781,18 +755,14 @@ public Optional> vlanId() { } /** - * Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ @Import(name="vlanOverrideAllowed") private @Nullable Output vlanOverrideAllowed; /** - * @return Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @return Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. * */ public Optional> vlanOverrideAllowed() { @@ -1034,8 +1004,7 @@ public Builder blockAllPorts(Boolean blockAllPorts) { } /** - * @param blockOverrideAllowed Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param blockOverrideAllowed Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1046,8 +1015,7 @@ public Builder blockOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output blockOverrideAllow } /** - * @param blockOverrideAllowed Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param blockOverrideAllowed Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1447,8 +1415,7 @@ public Builder lacpMode(String lacpMode) { } /** - * @param livePortMovingAllowed Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * @param livePortMovingAllowed Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1459,8 +1426,7 @@ public Builder livePortMovingAllowed(@Nullable Output livePortMovingAll } /** - * @param livePortMovingAllowed Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * @param livePortMovingAllowed Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1512,9 +1478,7 @@ public Builder netflowEnabled(Boolean netflowEnabled) { } /** - * @param netflowOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @param netflowOverrideAllowed Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1525,9 +1489,7 @@ public Builder netflowOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output netflowOverrideA } /** - * @param netflowOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @param netflowOverrideAllowed Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1562,8 +1524,7 @@ public Builder networkResourcePoolKey(String networkResourcePoolKey) { } /** - * @param networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1574,8 +1535,7 @@ public Builder networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output netw } /** - * @param networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1629,8 +1589,7 @@ public Builder numberOfPorts(Integer numberOfPorts) { } /** - * @param portConfigResetAtDisconnect Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * @param portConfigResetAtDisconnect Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. * * @return builder * @@ -1641,8 +1600,7 @@ public Builder portConfigResetAtDisconnect(@Nullable Output portConfigR } /** - * @param portConfigResetAtDisconnect Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * @param portConfigResetAtDisconnect Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. * * @return builder * @@ -1702,9 +1660,7 @@ public Builder portPrivateSecondaryVlanId(Integer portPrivateSecondaryVlanId) { } /** - * @param securityPolicyOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param securityPolicyOverrideAllowed Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1715,9 +1671,7 @@ public Builder securityPolicyOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output securityP } /** - * @param securityPolicyOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param securityPolicyOverrideAllowed Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1727,9 +1681,7 @@ public Builder securityPolicyOverrideAllowed(Boolean securityPolicyOverrideAllow } /** - * @param shapingOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param shapingOverrideAllowed Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1740,9 +1692,7 @@ public Builder shapingOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output shapingOverrideA } /** - * @param shapingOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param shapingOverrideAllowed Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1837,8 +1787,7 @@ public Builder teamingPolicy(String teamingPolicy) { } /** - * @param trafficFilterOverrideAllowed Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param trafficFilterOverrideAllowed Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1849,8 +1798,7 @@ public Builder trafficFilterOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output trafficFil } /** - * @param trafficFilterOverrideAllowed Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * @param trafficFilterOverrideAllowed Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1906,9 +1854,7 @@ public Builder type(String type) { } /** - * @param uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * @param uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1919,9 +1865,7 @@ public Builder uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output uplinkTeam } /** - * @param uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * @param uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1952,9 +1896,7 @@ public Builder vlanId(Integer vlanId) { } /** - * @param vlanOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @param vlanOverrideAllowed Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * @@ -1965,9 +1907,7 @@ public Builder vlanOverrideAllowed(@Nullable Output vlanOverrideAllowed } /** - * @param vlanOverrideAllowed Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * @param vlanOverrideAllowed Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs.java index 0dc17dc2..64ccacb9 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs.java @@ -18,16 +18,14 @@ public final class DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs extends com.pulumi.resources public static final DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs Empty = new DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs(); /** - * The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - * added in order they are specified. + * Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. * */ @Import(name="devices") private @Nullable Output> devices; /** - * @return The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - * added in order they are specified. + * @return Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. * */ public Optional>> devices() { @@ -35,16 +33,14 @@ public Optional>> devices() { } /** - * The host system ID of the host to add to the - * VDS. + * The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. * */ @Import(name="hostSystemId", required=true) private Output hostSystemId; /** - * @return The host system ID of the host to add to the - * VDS. + * @return The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. * */ public Output hostSystemId() { @@ -77,8 +73,7 @@ public Builder(DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs defaults) { } /** - * @param devices The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - * added in order they are specified. + * @param devices Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. * * @return builder * @@ -89,8 +84,7 @@ public Builder devices(@Nullable Output> devices) { } /** - * @param devices The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - * added in order they are specified. + * @param devices Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. * * @return builder * @@ -100,8 +94,7 @@ public Builder devices(List devices) { } /** - * @param devices The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - * added in order they are specified. + * @param devices Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. * * @return builder * @@ -111,8 +104,7 @@ public Builder devices(String... devices) { } /** - * @param hostSystemId The host system ID of the host to add to the - * VDS. + * @param hostSystemId The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. * * @return builder * @@ -123,8 +115,7 @@ public Builder hostSystemId(Output hostSystemId) { } /** - * @param hostSystemId The host system ID of the host to add to the - * VDS. + * @param hostSystemId The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs.java index b4635956..a6ff9dc3 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs.java @@ -16,16 +16,14 @@ public final class DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs extends com.pulumi.r public static final DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs Empty = new DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs(); /** - * The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - * 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * */ @Import(name="primaryVlanId", required=true) private Output primaryVlanId; /** - * @return The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - * 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * @return The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * */ public Output primaryVlanId() { @@ -33,16 +31,14 @@ public Output primaryVlanId() { } /** - * The private VLAN type. Valid values are - * promiscuous, community and isolated. + * The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. * */ @Import(name="pvlanType", required=true) private Output pvlanType; /** - * @return The private VLAN type. Valid values are - * promiscuous, community and isolated. + * @return The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. * */ public Output pvlanType() { @@ -50,16 +46,14 @@ public Output pvlanType() { } /** - * The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - * and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * */ @Import(name="secondaryVlanId", required=true) private Output secondaryVlanId; /** - * @return The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - * and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * @return The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * */ public Output secondaryVlanId() { @@ -93,8 +87,7 @@ public Builder(DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs defaults) { } /** - * @param primaryVlanId The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - * 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * @param primaryVlanId The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * * @return builder * @@ -105,8 +98,7 @@ public Builder primaryVlanId(Output primaryVlanId) { } /** - * @param primaryVlanId The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - * 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * @param primaryVlanId The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * * @return builder * @@ -116,8 +108,7 @@ public Builder primaryVlanId(Integer primaryVlanId) { } /** - * @param pvlanType The private VLAN type. Valid values are - * promiscuous, community and isolated. + * @param pvlanType The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. * * @return builder * @@ -128,8 +119,7 @@ public Builder pvlanType(Output pvlanType) { } /** - * @param pvlanType The private VLAN type. Valid values are - * promiscuous, community and isolated. + * @param pvlanType The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. * * @return builder * @@ -139,8 +129,7 @@ public Builder pvlanType(String pvlanType) { } /** - * @param secondaryVlanId The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - * and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * @param secondaryVlanId The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * * @return builder * @@ -151,8 +140,7 @@ public Builder secondaryVlanId(Output secondaryVlanId) { } /** - * @param secondaryVlanId The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - * and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * @param secondaryVlanId The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchState.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchState.java index f5ceb75f..e954a78b 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchState.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchState.java @@ -23,20 +23,14 @@ public final class DistributedVirtualSwitchState extends com.pulumi.resources.Re public static final DistributedVirtualSwitchState Empty = new DistributedVirtualSwitchState(); /** - * A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ @Import(name="activeUplinks") private @Nullable Output> activeUplinks; /** - * @return A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @return List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ public Optional>> activeUplinks() { @@ -44,18 +38,16 @@ public Optional>> activeUplinks() { } /** - * Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ @Import(name="allowForgedTransmits") private @Nullable Output allowForgedTransmits; /** - * @return Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * @return Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ public Optional> allowForgedTransmits() { @@ -63,16 +55,14 @@ public Optional> allowForgedTransmits() { } /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ @Import(name="allowMacChanges") private @Nullable Output allowMacChanges; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ public Optional> allowMacChanges() { @@ -80,16 +70,14 @@ public Optional> allowMacChanges() { } /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ @Import(name="allowPromiscuous") private @Nullable Output allowPromiscuous; /** - * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ public Optional> allowPromiscuous() { @@ -157,18 +145,14 @@ public Optional> backupnfcShareLevel() { } /** - * Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * Indicates whether to block all ports by default. * */ @Import(name="blockAllPorts") private @Nullable Output blockAllPorts; /** - * @return Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * @return Indicates whether to block all ports by default. * */ public Optional> blockAllPorts() { @@ -176,22 +160,14 @@ public Optional> blockAllPorts() { } /** - * Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. * */ @Import(name="checkBeacon") private @Nullable Output checkBeacon; /** - * @return Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * @return Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. * */ public Optional> checkBeacon() { @@ -305,16 +281,14 @@ public Optional> description() { } /** - * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. * */ @Import(name="directpathGen2Allowed") private @Nullable Output directpathGen2Allowed; /** - * @return Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * @return Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. * */ public Optional> directpathGen2Allowed() { @@ -322,16 +296,14 @@ public Optional> directpathGen2Allowed() { } /** - * The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="egressShapingAverageBandwidth") private @Nullable Output egressShapingAverageBandwidth; /** - * @return The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> egressShapingAverageBandwidth() { @@ -339,16 +311,14 @@ public Optional> egressShapingAverageBandwidth() { } /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="egressShapingBurstSize") private @Nullable Output egressShapingBurstSize; /** - * @return The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> egressShapingBurstSize() { @@ -356,16 +326,14 @@ public Optional> egressShapingBurstSize() { } /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. * */ @Import(name="egressShapingEnabled") private @Nullable Output egressShapingEnabled; /** - * @return `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * @return True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. * */ public Optional> egressShapingEnabled() { @@ -373,16 +341,14 @@ public Optional> egressShapingEnabled() { } /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="egressShapingPeakBandwidth") private @Nullable Output egressShapingPeakBandwidth; /** - * @return The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> egressShapingPeakBandwidth() { @@ -390,16 +356,14 @@ public Optional> egressShapingPeakBandwidth() { } /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ @Import(name="failback") private @Nullable Output failback; /** - * @return If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ public Optional> failback() { @@ -544,16 +508,14 @@ public Optional> hbrShareLevel() { } /** - * Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * A host member specification. * */ @Import(name="hosts") private @Nullable Output> hosts; /** - * @return Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * @return A host member specification. * */ public Optional>> hosts() { @@ -561,16 +523,14 @@ public Optional>> hosts() { } /** - * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. * */ @Import(name="ignoreOtherPvlanMappings") private @Nullable Output ignoreOtherPvlanMappings; /** - * @return Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * @return Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. * */ public Optional> ignoreOtherPvlanMappings() { @@ -578,16 +538,14 @@ public Optional> ignoreOtherPvlanMappings() { } /** - * The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="ingressShapingAverageBandwidth") private @Nullable Output ingressShapingAverageBandwidth; /** - * @return The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> ingressShapingAverageBandwidth() { @@ -595,16 +553,14 @@ public Optional> ingressShapingAverageBandwidth() { } /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="ingressShapingBurstSize") private @Nullable Output ingressShapingBurstSize; /** - * @return The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> ingressShapingBurstSize() { @@ -612,16 +568,14 @@ public Optional> ingressShapingBurstSize() { } /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. * */ @Import(name="ingressShapingEnabled") private @Nullable Output ingressShapingEnabled; /** - * @return `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * @return True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. * */ public Optional> ingressShapingEnabled() { @@ -629,16 +583,14 @@ public Optional> ingressShapingEnabled() { } /** - * The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ @Import(name="ingressShapingPeakBandwidth") private @Nullable Output ingressShapingPeakBandwidth; /** - * @return The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @return The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * */ public Optional> ingressShapingPeakBandwidth() { @@ -742,16 +694,14 @@ public Optional> lacpApiVersion() { } /** - * Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. * */ @Import(name="lacpEnabled") private @Nullable Output lacpEnabled; /** - * @return Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @return Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. * */ public Optional> lacpEnabled() { @@ -759,14 +709,14 @@ public Optional> lacpEnabled() { } /** - * The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. * */ @Import(name="lacpMode") private @Nullable Output lacpMode; /** - * @return The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * @return The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. * */ public Optional> lacpMode() { @@ -915,18 +865,14 @@ public Optional> name() { } /** - * The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ @Import(name="netflowActiveFlowTimeout") private @Nullable Output netflowActiveFlowTimeout; /** - * @return The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * @return The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ public Optional> netflowActiveFlowTimeout() { @@ -934,18 +880,16 @@ public Optional> netflowActiveFlowTimeout() { } /** - * IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. * */ @Import(name="netflowCollectorIpAddress") private @Nullable Output netflowCollectorIpAddress; /** - * @return IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @return IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. * */ public Optional> netflowCollectorIpAddress() { @@ -953,16 +897,14 @@ public Optional> netflowCollectorIpAddress() { } /** - * Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * The port for the netflow collector. * */ @Import(name="netflowCollectorPort") private @Nullable Output netflowCollectorPort; /** - * @return Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @return The port for the netflow collector. * */ public Optional> netflowCollectorPort() { @@ -970,16 +912,14 @@ public Optional> netflowCollectorPort() { } /** - * Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. * */ @Import(name="netflowEnabled") private @Nullable Output netflowEnabled; /** - * @return Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @return Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. * */ public Optional> netflowEnabled() { @@ -987,18 +927,14 @@ public Optional> netflowEnabled() { } /** - * The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ @Import(name="netflowIdleFlowTimeout") private @Nullable Output netflowIdleFlowTimeout; /** - * @return The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * @return The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * */ public Optional> netflowIdleFlowTimeout() { @@ -1006,18 +942,14 @@ public Optional> netflowIdleFlowTimeout() { } /** - * Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. * */ @Import(name="netflowInternalFlowsOnly") private @Nullable Output netflowInternalFlowsOnly; /** - * @return Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * @return Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. * */ public Optional> netflowInternalFlowsOnly() { @@ -1025,16 +957,14 @@ public Optional> netflowInternalFlowsOnly() { } /** - * The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. * */ @Import(name="netflowObservationDomainId") private @Nullable Output netflowObservationDomainId; /** - * @return The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * @return The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. * */ public Optional> netflowObservationDomainId() { @@ -1042,20 +972,16 @@ public Optional> netflowObservationDomainId() { } /** - * The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. * */ @Import(name="netflowSamplingRate") private @Nullable Output netflowSamplingRate; /** - * @return The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * @return The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. * */ public Optional> netflowSamplingRate() { @@ -1063,16 +989,14 @@ public Optional> netflowSamplingRate() { } /** - * Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. * */ @Import(name="networkResourceControlEnabled") private @Nullable Output networkResourceControlEnabled; /** - * @return Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * @return Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. * */ public Optional> networkResourceControlEnabled() { @@ -1080,16 +1004,14 @@ public Optional> networkResourceControlEnabled() { } /** - * The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. * */ @Import(name="networkResourceControlVersion") private @Nullable Output networkResourceControlVersion; /** - * @return The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * @return The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. * */ public Optional> networkResourceControlVersion() { @@ -1157,16 +1079,14 @@ public Optional> nfsShareLevel() { } /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ @Import(name="notifySwitches") private @Nullable Output notifySwitches; /** - * @return If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ public Optional> notifySwitches() { @@ -1174,16 +1094,14 @@ public Optional> notifySwitches() { } /** - * Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * The secondary VLAN ID for this port. * */ @Import(name="portPrivateSecondaryVlanId") private @Nullable Output portPrivateSecondaryVlanId; /** - * @return Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * @return The secondary VLAN ID for this port. * */ public Optional> portPrivateSecondaryVlanId() { @@ -1191,16 +1109,14 @@ public Optional> portPrivateSecondaryVlanId() { } /** - * Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. * */ @Import(name="pvlanMappings") private @Nullable Output> pvlanMappings; /** - * @return Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * @return A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. * */ public Optional>> pvlanMappings() { @@ -1208,20 +1124,14 @@ public Optional>> pvlanMap } /** - * A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ @Import(name="standbyUplinks") private @Nullable Output> standbyUplinks; /** - * @return A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @return List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * */ public Optional>> standbyUplinks() { @@ -1248,18 +1158,16 @@ public Optional>> tags() { } /** - * The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - * `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. * */ @Import(name="teamingPolicy") private @Nullable Output teamingPolicy; /** - * @return The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - * `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + * @return The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. * */ public Optional> teamingPolicy() { @@ -1267,16 +1175,16 @@ public Optional> teamingPolicy() { } /** - * Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. * */ @Import(name="txUplink") private @Nullable Output txUplink; /** - * @return Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * @return If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. * */ public Optional> txUplink() { @@ -1284,22 +1192,16 @@ public Optional> txUplink() { } /** - * A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * */ @Import(name="uplinks") private @Nullable Output> uplinks; /** - * @return A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * @return A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * */ public Optional>> uplinks() { @@ -1461,100 +1363,14 @@ public Optional> vlanId() { } /** - * Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - * and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() - * .vlanRanges( - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(100) - * .maxVlan(199) - * .build(), - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(300) - * .maxVlan(399) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. * */ @Import(name="vlanRanges") private @Nullable Output> vlanRanges; /** - * @return Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - * and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() - * .vlanRanges( - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(100) - * .maxVlan(199) - * .build(), - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(300) - * .maxVlan(399) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @return The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. * */ public Optional>> vlanRanges() { @@ -1800,10 +1616,7 @@ public Builder(DistributedVirtualSwitchState defaults) { } /** - * @param activeUplinks A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param activeUplinks List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -1814,10 +1627,7 @@ public Builder activeUplinks(@Nullable Output> activeUplinks) { } /** - * @param activeUplinks A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param activeUplinks List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -1827,10 +1637,7 @@ public Builder activeUplinks(List activeUplinks) { } /** - * @param activeUplinks A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param activeUplinks List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -1840,9 +1647,8 @@ public Builder activeUplinks(String... activeUplinks) { } /** - * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * * @return builder * @@ -1853,9 +1659,8 @@ public Builder allowForgedTransmits(@Nullable Output allowForgedTransmi } /** - * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * * @return builder * @@ -1865,8 +1670,7 @@ public Builder allowForgedTransmits(Boolean allowForgedTransmits) { } /** - * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * * @return builder * @@ -1877,8 +1681,7 @@ public Builder allowMacChanges(@Nullable Output allowMacChanges) { } /** - * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * * @return builder * @@ -1888,8 +1691,7 @@ public Builder allowMacChanges(Boolean allowMacChanges) { } /** - * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * * @return builder * @@ -1900,8 +1702,7 @@ public Builder allowPromiscuous(@Nullable Output allowPromiscuous) { } /** - * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * * @return builder * @@ -1995,9 +1796,7 @@ public Builder backupnfcShareLevel(String backupnfcShareLevel) { } /** - * @param blockAllPorts Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * @param blockAllPorts Indicates whether to block all ports by default. * * @return builder * @@ -2008,9 +1807,7 @@ public Builder blockAllPorts(@Nullable Output blockAllPorts) { } /** - * @param blockAllPorts Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * @param blockAllPorts Indicates whether to block all ports by default. * * @return builder * @@ -2020,11 +1817,7 @@ public Builder blockAllPorts(Boolean blockAllPorts) { } /** - * @param checkBeacon Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. * * @return builder * @@ -2035,11 +1828,7 @@ public Builder checkBeacon(@Nullable Output checkBeacon) { } /** - * @param checkBeacon Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. * * @return builder * @@ -2191,8 +1980,7 @@ public Builder description(String description) { } /** - * @param directpathGen2Allowed Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * @param directpathGen2Allowed Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. * * @return builder * @@ -2203,8 +1991,7 @@ public Builder directpathGen2Allowed(@Nullable Output directpathGen2All } /** - * @param directpathGen2Allowed Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * @param directpathGen2Allowed Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. * * @return builder * @@ -2214,8 +2001,7 @@ public Builder directpathGen2Allowed(Boolean directpathGen2Allowed) { } /** - * @param egressShapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingAverageBandwidth The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2226,8 +2012,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingAverageBandwidth(@Nullable Output egressSha } /** - * @param egressShapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingAverageBandwidth The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2237,8 +2022,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingAverageBandwidth(Integer egressShapingAverageBandwid } /** - * @param egressShapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingBurstSize The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2249,8 +2033,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingBurstSize(@Nullable Output egressShapingBur } /** - * @param egressShapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingBurstSize The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2260,8 +2043,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingBurstSize(Integer egressShapingBurstSize) { } /** - * @param egressShapingEnabled `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * @param egressShapingEnabled True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2272,8 +2054,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingEnabled(@Nullable Output egressShapingEnabl } /** - * @param egressShapingEnabled `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * @param egressShapingEnabled True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2283,8 +2064,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingEnabled(Boolean egressShapingEnabled) { } /** - * @param egressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2295,8 +2075,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingPeakBandwidth(@Nullable Output egressShapin } /** - * @param egressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param egressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2306,8 +2085,7 @@ public Builder egressShapingPeakBandwidth(Integer egressShapingPeakBandwidth) { } /** - * @param failback If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * @param failback If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * * @return builder * @@ -2318,8 +2096,7 @@ public Builder failback(@Nullable Output failback) { } /** - * @param failback If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * @param failback If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * * @return builder * @@ -2520,8 +2297,7 @@ public Builder hbrShareLevel(String hbrShareLevel) { } /** - * @param hosts Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * @param hosts A host member specification. * * @return builder * @@ -2532,8 +2308,7 @@ public Builder hosts(@Nullable Output> ho } /** - * @param hosts Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * @param hosts A host member specification. * * @return builder * @@ -2543,8 +2318,7 @@ public Builder hosts(List hosts) { } /** - * @param hosts Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * @param hosts A host member specification. * * @return builder * @@ -2554,8 +2328,7 @@ public Builder hosts(DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs... hosts) { } /** - * @param ignoreOtherPvlanMappings Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * @param ignoreOtherPvlanMappings Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. * * @return builder * @@ -2566,8 +2339,7 @@ public Builder ignoreOtherPvlanMappings(@Nullable Output ignoreOtherPvl } /** - * @param ignoreOtherPvlanMappings Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * @param ignoreOtherPvlanMappings Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. * * @return builder * @@ -2577,8 +2349,7 @@ public Builder ignoreOtherPvlanMappings(Boolean ignoreOtherPvlanMappings) { } /** - * @param ingressShapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingAverageBandwidth The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2589,8 +2360,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingAverageBandwidth(@Nullable Output ingressS } /** - * @param ingressShapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingAverageBandwidth The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2600,8 +2370,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingAverageBandwidth(Integer ingressShapingAverageBandw } /** - * @param ingressShapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingBurstSize The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2612,8 +2381,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingBurstSize(@Nullable Output ingressShapingB } /** - * @param ingressShapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingBurstSize The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2623,8 +2391,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingBurstSize(Integer ingressShapingBurstSize) { } /** - * @param ingressShapingEnabled `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * @param ingressShapingEnabled True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2635,8 +2402,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingEnabled(@Nullable Output ingressShapingEna } /** - * @param ingressShapingEnabled `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * @param ingressShapingEnabled True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2646,8 +2412,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingEnabled(Boolean ingressShapingEnabled) { } /** - * @param ingressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2658,8 +2423,7 @@ public Builder ingressShapingPeakBandwidth(@Nullable Output ingressShap } /** - * @param ingressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * @param ingressShapingPeakBandwidth The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. * * @return builder * @@ -2801,8 +2565,7 @@ public Builder lacpApiVersion(String lacpApiVersion) { } /** - * @param lacpEnabled Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @param lacpEnabled Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. * * @return builder * @@ -2813,8 +2576,7 @@ public Builder lacpEnabled(@Nullable Output lacpEnabled) { } /** - * @param lacpEnabled Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @param lacpEnabled Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. * * @return builder * @@ -2824,7 +2586,7 @@ public Builder lacpEnabled(Boolean lacpEnabled) { } /** - * @param lacpMode The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * @param lacpMode The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. * * @return builder * @@ -2835,7 +2597,7 @@ public Builder lacpMode(@Nullable Output lacpMode) { } /** - * @param lacpMode The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * @param lacpMode The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. * * @return builder * @@ -3040,9 +2802,7 @@ public Builder name(String name) { } /** - * @param netflowActiveFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * @param netflowActiveFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3053,9 +2813,7 @@ public Builder netflowActiveFlowTimeout(@Nullable Output netflowActiveF } /** - * @param netflowActiveFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * @param netflowActiveFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3065,9 +2823,8 @@ public Builder netflowActiveFlowTimeout(Integer netflowActiveFlowTimeout) { } /** - * @param netflowCollectorIpAddress IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @param netflowCollectorIpAddress IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. * * @return builder * @@ -3078,9 +2835,8 @@ public Builder netflowCollectorIpAddress(@Nullable Output netflowCollect } /** - * @param netflowCollectorIpAddress IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @param netflowCollectorIpAddress IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. * * @return builder * @@ -3090,8 +2846,7 @@ public Builder netflowCollectorIpAddress(String netflowCollectorIpAddress) { } /** - * @param netflowCollectorPort Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @param netflowCollectorPort The port for the netflow collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3102,8 +2857,7 @@ public Builder netflowCollectorPort(@Nullable Output netflowCollectorPo } /** - * @param netflowCollectorPort Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * @param netflowCollectorPort The port for the netflow collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3113,8 +2867,7 @@ public Builder netflowCollectorPort(Integer netflowCollectorPort) { } /** - * @param netflowEnabled Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @param netflowEnabled Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. * * @return builder * @@ -3125,8 +2878,7 @@ public Builder netflowEnabled(@Nullable Output netflowEnabled) { } /** - * @param netflowEnabled Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * @param netflowEnabled Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. * * @return builder * @@ -3136,9 +2888,7 @@ public Builder netflowEnabled(Boolean netflowEnabled) { } /** - * @param netflowIdleFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * @param netflowIdleFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3149,9 +2899,7 @@ public Builder netflowIdleFlowTimeout(@Nullable Output netflowIdleFlowT } /** - * @param netflowIdleFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * @param netflowIdleFlowTimeout The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3161,9 +2909,7 @@ public Builder netflowIdleFlowTimeout(Integer netflowIdleFlowTimeout) { } /** - * @param netflowInternalFlowsOnly Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * @param netflowInternalFlowsOnly Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. * * @return builder * @@ -3174,9 +2920,7 @@ public Builder netflowInternalFlowsOnly(@Nullable Output netflowInterna } /** - * @param netflowInternalFlowsOnly Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * @param netflowInternalFlowsOnly Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. * * @return builder * @@ -3186,8 +2930,7 @@ public Builder netflowInternalFlowsOnly(Boolean netflowInternalFlowsOnly) { } /** - * @param netflowObservationDomainId The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * @param netflowObservationDomainId The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3198,8 +2941,7 @@ public Builder netflowObservationDomainId(@Nullable Output netflowObser } /** - * @param netflowObservationDomainId The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * @param netflowObservationDomainId The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. * * @return builder * @@ -3209,10 +2951,8 @@ public Builder netflowObservationDomainId(Integer netflowObservationDomainId) { } /** - * @param netflowSamplingRate The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * @param netflowSamplingRate The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. * * @return builder * @@ -3223,10 +2963,8 @@ public Builder netflowSamplingRate(@Nullable Output netflowSamplingRate } /** - * @param netflowSamplingRate The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * @param netflowSamplingRate The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. * * @return builder * @@ -3236,8 +2974,7 @@ public Builder netflowSamplingRate(Integer netflowSamplingRate) { } /** - * @param networkResourceControlEnabled Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * @param networkResourceControlEnabled Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. * * @return builder * @@ -3248,8 +2985,7 @@ public Builder networkResourceControlEnabled(@Nullable Output networkRe } /** - * @param networkResourceControlEnabled Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * @param networkResourceControlEnabled Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. * * @return builder * @@ -3259,8 +2995,7 @@ public Builder networkResourceControlEnabled(Boolean networkResourceControlEnabl } /** - * @param networkResourceControlVersion The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * @param networkResourceControlVersion The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. * * @return builder * @@ -3271,8 +3006,7 @@ public Builder networkResourceControlVersion(@Nullable Output networkRes } /** - * @param networkResourceControlVersion The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * @param networkResourceControlVersion The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. * * @return builder * @@ -3366,8 +3100,7 @@ public Builder nfsShareLevel(String nfsShareLevel) { } /** - * @param notifySwitches If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * @param notifySwitches If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * * @return builder * @@ -3378,8 +3111,7 @@ public Builder notifySwitches(@Nullable Output notifySwitches) { } /** - * @param notifySwitches If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * @param notifySwitches If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * * @return builder * @@ -3389,8 +3121,7 @@ public Builder notifySwitches(Boolean notifySwitches) { } /** - * @param portPrivateSecondaryVlanId Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * @param portPrivateSecondaryVlanId The secondary VLAN ID for this port. * * @return builder * @@ -3401,8 +3132,7 @@ public Builder portPrivateSecondaryVlanId(@Nullable Output portPrivateS } /** - * @param portPrivateSecondaryVlanId Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * @param portPrivateSecondaryVlanId The secondary VLAN ID for this port. * * @return builder * @@ -3412,8 +3142,7 @@ public Builder portPrivateSecondaryVlanId(Integer portPrivateSecondaryVlanId) { } /** - * @param pvlanMappings Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * @param pvlanMappings A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. * * @return builder * @@ -3424,8 +3153,7 @@ public Builder pvlanMappings(@Nullable Output pvla } /** - * @param pvlanMappings Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * @param pvlanMappings A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. * * @return builder * @@ -3446,10 +3173,7 @@ public Builder pvlanMappings(DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs... pvlanMa } /** - * @param standbyUplinks A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param standbyUplinks List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -3460,10 +3184,7 @@ public Builder standbyUplinks(@Nullable Output> standbyUplinks) { } /** - * @param standbyUplinks A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param standbyUplinks List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -3473,10 +3194,7 @@ public Builder standbyUplinks(List standbyUplinks) { } /** - * @param standbyUplinks A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * @param standbyUplinks List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. * * @return builder * @@ -3523,9 +3241,8 @@ public Builder tags(String... tags) { } /** - * @param teamingPolicy The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - * `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. * * @return builder * @@ -3536,9 +3253,8 @@ public Builder teamingPolicy(@Nullable Output teamingPolicy) { } /** - * @param teamingPolicy The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - * `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. * * @return builder * @@ -3548,8 +3264,8 @@ public Builder teamingPolicy(String teamingPolicy) { } /** - * @param txUplink Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * @param txUplink If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. * * @return builder * @@ -3560,8 +3276,8 @@ public Builder txUplink(@Nullable Output txUplink) { } /** - * @param txUplink Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * @param txUplink If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. * * @return builder * @@ -3571,11 +3287,8 @@ public Builder txUplink(Boolean txUplink) { } /** - * @param uplinks A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * @param uplinks A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * * @return builder * @@ -3586,11 +3299,8 @@ public Builder uplinks(@Nullable Output> uplinks) { } /** - * @param uplinks A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * @param uplinks A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * * @return builder * @@ -3600,11 +3310,8 @@ public Builder uplinks(List uplinks) { } /** - * @param uplinks A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * @param uplinks A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. * * @return builder * @@ -3828,50 +3535,7 @@ public Builder vlanId(Integer vlanId) { } /** - * @param vlanRanges Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - * and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() - * .vlanRanges( - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(100) - * .maxVlan(199) - * .build(), - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(300) - * .maxVlan(399) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @param vlanRanges The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. * * @return builder * @@ -3882,50 +3546,7 @@ public Builder vlanRanges(@Nullable Output vlanRanges } /** - * @param vlanRanges Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - * and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var vds = new DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs.builder() - * .vlanRanges( - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(100) - * .maxVlan(199) - * .build(), - * DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs.builder() - * .minVlan(300) - * .maxVlan(399) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @param vlanRanges The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/HaVmOverrideState.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/HaVmOverrideState.java index cbd666a5..82fa9cc2 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/HaVmOverrideState.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/HaVmOverrideState.java @@ -18,18 +18,14 @@ public final class HaVmOverrideState extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs { public static final HaVmOverrideState Empty = new HaVmOverrideState(); /** - * The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the cluster. * */ @Import(name="computeClusterId") private @Nullable Output computeClusterId; /** - * @return The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * @return The managed object ID of the cluster. * */ public Optional> computeClusterId() { @@ -37,20 +33,16 @@ public Optional> computeClusterId() { } /** - * Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction; /** - * @return Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * @return Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() { @@ -58,20 +50,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction() { } /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdResponse") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @return Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponse() { @@ -79,20 +67,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponse() { } /** - * Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. * */ @Import(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay") private @Nullable Output haDatastoreApdResponseDelay; /** - * @return Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @return Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. * */ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponseDelay() { @@ -100,20 +84,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastoreApdResponseDelay() { } /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ @Import(name="haDatastorePdlResponse") private @Nullable Output haDatastorePdlResponse; /** - * @return Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @return Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * */ public Optional> haDatastorePdlResponse() { @@ -121,20 +101,16 @@ public Optional> haDatastorePdlResponse() { } /** - * The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ @Import(name="haHostIsolationResponse") private @Nullable Output haHostIsolationResponse; /** - * @return The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * @return The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. * */ public Optional> haHostIsolationResponse() { @@ -142,18 +118,16 @@ public Optional> haHostIsolationResponse() { } /** - * If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. * */ @Import(name="haVmFailureInterval") private @Nullable Output haVmFailureInterval; /** - * @return If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * @return If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. * */ public Optional> haVmFailureInterval() { @@ -161,24 +135,18 @@ public Optional> haVmFailureInterval() { } /** - * The length of the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ @Import(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow") private @Nullable Output haVmMaximumFailureWindow; /** - * @return The length of the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * @return The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * */ public Optional> haVmMaximumFailureWindow() { @@ -186,18 +154,14 @@ public Optional> haVmMaximumFailureWindow() { } /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ @Import(name="haVmMaximumResets") private @Nullable Output haVmMaximumResets; /** - * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * @return The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * */ public Optional> haVmMaximumResets() { @@ -205,18 +169,14 @@ public Optional> haVmMaximumResets() { } /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ @Import(name="haVmMinimumUptime") private @Nullable Output haVmMinimumUptime; /** - * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * @return The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * */ public Optional> haVmMinimumUptime() { @@ -224,18 +184,16 @@ public Optional> haVmMinimumUptime() { } /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ @Import(name="haVmMonitoring") private @Nullable Output haVmMonitoring; /** - * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @return The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * */ public Optional> haVmMonitoring() { @@ -243,20 +201,16 @@ public Optional> haVmMonitoring() { } /** - * Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. * */ @Import(name="haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults") private @Nullable Output haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults; /** - * @return Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * @return Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. * */ public Optional> haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults() { @@ -264,20 +218,16 @@ public Optional> haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults() { } /** - * The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. * */ @Import(name="haVmRestartPriority") private @Nullable Output haVmRestartPriority; /** - * @return The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * @return The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. * */ public Optional> haVmRestartPriority() { @@ -285,18 +235,16 @@ public Optional> haVmRestartPriority() { } /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. * */ @Import(name="haVmRestartTimeout") private @Nullable Output haVmRestartTimeout; /** - * @return The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @return The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. * */ public Optional> haVmRestartTimeout() { @@ -304,16 +252,14 @@ public Optional> haVmRestartTimeout() { } /** - * The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="virtualMachineId") private @Nullable Output virtualMachineId; /** - * @return The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * @return The managed object ID of the virtual machine. * */ public Optional> virtualMachineId() { @@ -359,9 +305,7 @@ public Builder(HaVmOverrideState defaults) { } /** - * @param computeClusterId The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * @param computeClusterId The managed object ID of the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -372,9 +316,7 @@ public Builder computeClusterId(@Nullable Output computeClusterId) { } /** - * @param computeClusterId The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * @param computeClusterId The managed object ID of the cluster. * * @return builder * @@ -384,10 +326,8 @@ public Builder computeClusterId(String computeClusterId) { } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. * * @return builder * @@ -398,10 +338,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction(@Nullable Output haDatastore } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. * * @return builder * @@ -411,10 +349,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction(String haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction) } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -425,10 +361,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponse(@Nullable Output haDatastoreApdRes } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastoreApdResponse Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -438,10 +372,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponse(String haDatastoreApdResponse) { } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. * * @return builder * @@ -452,10 +384,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponseDelay(@Nullable Output haDatastore } /** - * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @param haDatastoreApdResponseDelay Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. * * @return builder * @@ -465,10 +395,8 @@ public Builder haDatastoreApdResponseDelay(Integer haDatastoreApdResponseDelay) } /** - * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -479,10 +407,8 @@ public Builder haDatastorePdlResponse(@Nullable Output haDatastorePdlRes } /** - * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * @param haDatastorePdlResponse Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. * * @return builder * @@ -492,10 +418,8 @@ public Builder haDatastorePdlResponse(String haDatastorePdlResponse) { } /** - * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. * * @return builder * @@ -506,10 +430,8 @@ public Builder haHostIsolationResponse(@Nullable Output haHostIsolationR } /** - * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * @param haHostIsolationResponse The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. * * @return builder * @@ -519,9 +441,8 @@ public Builder haHostIsolationResponse(String haHostIsolationResponse) { } /** - * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. * * @return builder * @@ -532,9 +453,8 @@ public Builder haVmFailureInterval(@Nullable Output haVmFailureInterval } /** - * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * @param haVmFailureInterval If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. * * @return builder * @@ -544,12 +464,9 @@ public Builder haVmFailureInterval(Integer haVmFailureInterval) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * * @return builder * @@ -560,12 +477,9 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumFailureWindow(@Nullable Output haVmMaximumFai } /** - * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in - * which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * @param haVmMaximumFailureWindow The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. * * @return builder * @@ -575,9 +489,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumFailureWindow(Integer haVmMaximumFailureWindow) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * * @return builder * @@ -588,9 +500,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumResets(@Nullable Output haVmMaximumResets) { } /** - * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * @param haVmMaximumResets The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. * * @return builder * @@ -600,9 +510,7 @@ public Builder haVmMaximumResets(Integer haVmMaximumResets) { } /** - * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * * @return builder * @@ -613,9 +521,7 @@ public Builder haVmMinimumUptime(@Nullable Output haVmMinimumUptime) { } /** - * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * @param haVmMinimumUptime The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. * * @return builder * @@ -625,9 +531,8 @@ public Builder haVmMinimumUptime(Integer haVmMinimumUptime) { } /** - * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * * @return builder * @@ -638,9 +543,8 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoring(@Nullable Output haVmMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * @param haVmMonitoring The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. * * @return builder * @@ -650,10 +554,8 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoring(String haVmMonitoring) { } /** - * @param haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * @param haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. * * @return builder * @@ -664,10 +566,8 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults(@Nullable Output haVmMo } /** - * @param haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * @param haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. * * @return builder * @@ -677,10 +577,8 @@ public Builder haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults(Boolean haVmMonitoringUseCluster } /** - * @param haVmRestartPriority The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * @param haVmRestartPriority The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. * * @return builder * @@ -691,10 +589,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartPriority(@Nullable Output haVmRestartPriority) } /** - * @param haVmRestartPriority The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * @param haVmRestartPriority The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. * * @return builder * @@ -704,9 +600,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartPriority(String haVmRestartPriority) { } /** - * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. * * @return builder * @@ -717,9 +612,8 @@ public Builder haVmRestartTimeout(@Nullable Output haVmRestartTimeout) } /** - * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * @param haVmRestartTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. * * @return builder * @@ -729,8 +623,7 @@ public Builder haVmRestartTimeout(Integer haVmRestartTimeout) { } /** - * @param virtualMachineId The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * @param virtualMachineId The managed object ID of the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -741,8 +634,7 @@ public Builder virtualMachineId(@Nullable Output virtualMachineId) { } /** - * @param virtualMachineId The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * @param virtualMachineId The managed object ID of the virtual machine. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/HostVirtualSwitchState.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/HostVirtualSwitchState.java index 1f68e047..eec217d5 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/HostVirtualSwitchState.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/HostVirtualSwitchState.java @@ -19,16 +19,14 @@ public final class HostVirtualSwitchState extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceA public static final HostVirtualSwitchState Empty = new HostVirtualSwitchState(); /** - * The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * */ @Import(name="activeNics") private @Nullable Output> activeNics; /** - * @return The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * @return List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * */ public Optional>> activeNics() { @@ -36,18 +34,16 @@ public Optional>> activeNics() { } /** - * Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ @Import(name="allowForgedTransmits") private @Nullable Output allowForgedTransmits; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * @return Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * */ public Optional> allowForgedTransmits() { @@ -55,16 +51,14 @@ public Optional> allowForgedTransmits() { } /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ @Import(name="allowMacChanges") private @Nullable Output allowMacChanges; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * @return Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * */ public Optional> allowMacChanges() { @@ -72,18 +66,14 @@ public Optional> allowMacChanges() { } /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ @Import(name="allowPromiscuous") private @Nullable Output allowPromiscuous; /** - * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * @return Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * */ public Optional> allowPromiscuous() { @@ -91,18 +81,14 @@ public Optional> allowPromiscuous() { } /** - * The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. * */ @Import(name="beaconInterval") private @Nullable Output beaconInterval; /** - * @return The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * @return Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. * */ public Optional> beaconInterval() { @@ -110,20 +96,16 @@ public Optional> beaconInterval() { } /** - * Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. * */ @Import(name="checkBeacon") private @Nullable Output checkBeacon; /** - * @return Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. * */ public Optional> checkBeacon() { @@ -131,18 +113,14 @@ public Optional> checkBeacon() { } /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ @Import(name="failback") private @Nullable Output failback; /** - * @return If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * */ public Optional> failback() { @@ -167,16 +145,14 @@ public Optional> hostSystemId() { } /** - * Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. * */ @Import(name="linkDiscoveryOperation") private @Nullable Output linkDiscoveryOperation; /** - * @return Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * @return Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. * */ public Optional> linkDiscoveryOperation() { @@ -184,16 +160,14 @@ public Optional> linkDiscoveryOperation() { } /** - * The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. * */ @Import(name="linkDiscoveryProtocol") private @Nullable Output linkDiscoveryProtocol; /** - * @return The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * @return The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. * */ public Optional> linkDiscoveryProtocol() { @@ -235,14 +209,14 @@ public Optional> name() { } /** - * The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * */ @Import(name="networkAdapters") private @Nullable Output> networkAdapters; /** - * @return The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * @return The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * */ public Optional>> networkAdapters() { @@ -250,18 +224,14 @@ public Optional>> networkAdapters() { } /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ @Import(name="notifySwitches") private @Nullable Output notifySwitches; /** - * @return If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * @return If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * */ public Optional> notifySwitches() { @@ -292,16 +262,14 @@ public Optional> numberOfPorts() { } /** - * The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ @Import(name="shapingAverageBandwidth") private @Nullable Output shapingAverageBandwidth; /** - * @return The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @return The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ public Optional> shapingAverageBandwidth() { @@ -309,16 +277,14 @@ public Optional> shapingAverageBandwidth() { } /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ @Import(name="shapingBurstSize") private @Nullable Output shapingBurstSize; /** - * @return The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @return The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ public Optional> shapingBurstSize() { @@ -326,16 +292,14 @@ public Optional> shapingBurstSize() { } /** - * Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. * */ @Import(name="shapingEnabled") private @Nullable Output shapingEnabled; /** - * @return Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. * */ public Optional> shapingEnabled() { @@ -343,16 +307,14 @@ public Optional> shapingEnabled() { } /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ @Import(name="shapingPeakBandwidth") private @Nullable Output shapingPeakBandwidth; /** - * @return The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @return The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * */ public Optional> shapingPeakBandwidth() { @@ -360,16 +322,14 @@ public Optional> shapingPeakBandwidth() { } /** - * The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * List of standby network adapters used for failover. * */ @Import(name="standbyNics") private @Nullable Output> standbyNics; /** - * @return The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * @return List of standby network adapters used for failover. * */ public Optional>> standbyNics() { @@ -377,18 +337,16 @@ public Optional>> standbyNics() { } /** - * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - * `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. * */ @Import(name="teamingPolicy") private @Nullable Output teamingPolicy; /** - * @return The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - * `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + * @return The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. * */ public Optional> teamingPolicy() { @@ -440,8 +398,7 @@ public Builder(HostVirtualSwitchState defaults) { } /** - * @param activeNics The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * @param activeNics List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * * @return builder * @@ -452,8 +409,7 @@ public Builder activeNics(@Nullable Output> activeNics) { } /** - * @param activeNics The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * @param activeNics List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * * @return builder * @@ -463,8 +419,7 @@ public Builder activeNics(List activeNics) { } /** - * @param activeNics The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * @param activeNics List of active network adapters used for load balancing. * * @return builder * @@ -474,9 +429,8 @@ public Builder activeNics(String... activeNics) { } /** - * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * * @return builder * @@ -487,9 +441,8 @@ public Builder allowForgedTransmits(@Nullable Output allowForgedTransmi } /** - * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * @param allowForgedTransmits Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. * * @return builder * @@ -499,8 +452,7 @@ public Builder allowForgedTransmits(Boolean allowForgedTransmits) { } /** - * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * * @return builder * @@ -511,8 +463,7 @@ public Builder allowMacChanges(@Nullable Output allowMacChanges) { } /** - * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * @param allowMacChanges Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. * * @return builder * @@ -522,9 +473,7 @@ public Builder allowMacChanges(Boolean allowMacChanges) { } /** - * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * * @return builder * @@ -535,9 +484,7 @@ public Builder allowPromiscuous(@Nullable Output allowPromiscuous) { } /** - * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * @param allowPromiscuous Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. * * @return builder * @@ -547,9 +494,7 @@ public Builder allowPromiscuous(Boolean allowPromiscuous) { } /** - * @param beaconInterval The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * @param beaconInterval Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. * * @return builder * @@ -560,9 +505,7 @@ public Builder beaconInterval(@Nullable Output beaconInterval) { } /** - * @param beaconInterval The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * @param beaconInterval Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. * * @return builder * @@ -572,10 +515,8 @@ public Builder beaconInterval(Integer beaconInterval) { } /** - * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. * * @return builder * @@ -586,10 +527,8 @@ public Builder checkBeacon(@Nullable Output checkBeacon) { } /** - * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * @param checkBeacon Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. * * @return builder * @@ -599,9 +538,7 @@ public Builder checkBeacon(Boolean checkBeacon) { } /** - * @param failback If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * @param failback If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * * @return builder * @@ -612,9 +549,7 @@ public Builder failback(@Nullable Output failback) { } /** - * @param failback If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * @param failback If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. * * @return builder * @@ -647,8 +582,7 @@ public Builder hostSystemId(String hostSystemId) { } /** - * @param linkDiscoveryOperation Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * @param linkDiscoveryOperation Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. * * @return builder * @@ -659,8 +593,7 @@ public Builder linkDiscoveryOperation(@Nullable Output linkDiscoveryOper } /** - * @param linkDiscoveryOperation Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * @param linkDiscoveryOperation Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. * * @return builder * @@ -670,8 +603,7 @@ public Builder linkDiscoveryOperation(String linkDiscoveryOperation) { } /** - * @param linkDiscoveryProtocol The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * @param linkDiscoveryProtocol The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. * * @return builder * @@ -682,8 +614,7 @@ public Builder linkDiscoveryProtocol(@Nullable Output linkDiscoveryProto } /** - * @param linkDiscoveryProtocol The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * @param linkDiscoveryProtocol The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. * * @return builder * @@ -739,7 +670,7 @@ public Builder name(String name) { } /** - * @param networkAdapters The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * @param networkAdapters The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * * @return builder * @@ -750,7 +681,7 @@ public Builder networkAdapters(@Nullable Output> networkAdapters) { } /** - * @param networkAdapters The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * @param networkAdapters The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * * @return builder * @@ -760,7 +691,7 @@ public Builder networkAdapters(List networkAdapters) { } /** - * @param networkAdapters The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * @param networkAdapters The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. * * @return builder * @@ -770,9 +701,7 @@ public Builder networkAdapters(String... networkAdapters) { } /** - * @param notifySwitches If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * @param notifySwitches If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * * @return builder * @@ -783,9 +712,7 @@ public Builder notifySwitches(@Nullable Output notifySwitches) { } /** - * @param notifySwitches If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * @param notifySwitches If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. * * @return builder * @@ -824,8 +751,7 @@ public Builder numberOfPorts(Integer numberOfPorts) { } /** - * @param shapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -836,8 +762,7 @@ public Builder shapingAverageBandwidth(@Nullable Output shapingAverageB } /** - * @param shapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingAverageBandwidth The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -847,8 +772,7 @@ public Builder shapingAverageBandwidth(Integer shapingAverageBandwidth) { } /** - * @param shapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -859,8 +783,7 @@ public Builder shapingBurstSize(@Nullable Output shapingBurstSize) { } /** - * @param shapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingBurstSize The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -870,8 +793,7 @@ public Builder shapingBurstSize(Integer shapingBurstSize) { } /** - * @param shapingEnabled Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * @param shapingEnabled Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. * * @return builder * @@ -882,8 +804,7 @@ public Builder shapingEnabled(@Nullable Output shapingEnabled) { } /** - * @param shapingEnabled Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * @param shapingEnabled Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. * * @return builder * @@ -893,8 +814,7 @@ public Builder shapingEnabled(Boolean shapingEnabled) { } /** - * @param shapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -905,8 +825,7 @@ public Builder shapingPeakBandwidth(@Nullable Output shapingPeakBandwid } /** - * @param shapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * @param shapingPeakBandwidth The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -916,8 +835,7 @@ public Builder shapingPeakBandwidth(Integer shapingPeakBandwidth) { } /** - * @param standbyNics The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * @param standbyNics List of standby network adapters used for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -928,8 +846,7 @@ public Builder standbyNics(@Nullable Output> standbyNics) { } /** - * @param standbyNics The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * @param standbyNics List of standby network adapters used for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -939,8 +856,7 @@ public Builder standbyNics(List standbyNics) { } /** - * @param standbyNics The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * @param standbyNics List of standby network adapters used for failover. * * @return builder * @@ -950,9 +866,8 @@ public Builder standbyNics(String... standbyNics) { } /** - * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - * `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. * * @return builder * @@ -963,9 +878,8 @@ public Builder teamingPolicy(@Nullable Output teamingPolicy) { } /** - * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - * `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + * @param teamingPolicy The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineCdromArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineCdromArgs.java index eb070106..7a157c56 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineCdromArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineCdromArgs.java @@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ public final class VirtualMachineCdromArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.Resource public static final VirtualMachineCdromArgs Empty = new VirtualMachineCdromArgs(); /** - * Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. + * Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device * */ @Import(name="clientDevice") private @Nullable Output clientDevice; /** - * @return Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. + * @return Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device * */ public Optional> clientDevice() { @@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ public Optional> clientDevice() { } /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * The datastore ID the ISO is located on. * */ @Import(name="datastoreId") private @Nullable Output datastoreId; /** - * @return The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @return The datastore ID the ISO is located on. * */ public Optional> datastoreId() { @@ -78,22 +78,14 @@ public Optional> key() { } /** - * The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * The path to the ISO file on the datastore. * */ @Import(name="path") private @Nullable Output path; /** - * @return The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * @return The path to the ISO file on the datastore. * */ public Optional> path() { @@ -129,7 +121,7 @@ public Builder(VirtualMachineCdromArgs defaults) { } /** - * @param clientDevice Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. + * @param clientDevice Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device * * @return builder * @@ -140,7 +132,7 @@ public Builder clientDevice(@Nullable Output clientDevice) { } /** - * @param clientDevice Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. + * @param clientDevice Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device * * @return builder * @@ -150,7 +142,7 @@ public Builder clientDevice(Boolean clientDevice) { } /** - * @param datastoreId The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @param datastoreId The datastore ID the ISO is located on. * * @return builder * @@ -161,7 +153,7 @@ public Builder datastoreId(@Nullable Output datastoreId) { } /** - * @param datastoreId The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @param datastoreId The datastore ID the ISO is located on. * * @return builder * @@ -213,11 +205,7 @@ public Builder key(Integer key) { } /** - * @param path The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * @param path The path to the ISO file on the datastore. * * @return builder * @@ -228,11 +216,7 @@ public Builder path(@Nullable Output path) { } /** - * @param path The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * @param path The path to the ISO file on the datastore. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeArgs.java index 2bbddf3a..a0e80b5c 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeArgs.java @@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ public Optional> linuxOptio } /** - * A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * A specification of network interface configuration options. * */ @Import(name="networkInterfaces") private @Nullable Output> networkInterfaces; /** - * @return A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * @return A specification of network interface configuration options. * */ public Optional>> networkInterfaces() { @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ public Builder linuxOptions(VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOptionsArgs linuxOp } /** - * @param networkInterfaces A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * @param networkInterfaces A specification of network interface configuration options. * * @return builder * @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ public Builder networkInterfaces(@Nullable Output attach; /** - * @return Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - * - * > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. + * @return If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. * */ public Optional> attach() { @@ -38,14 +34,14 @@ public Optional> attach() { } /** - * The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + * The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. * */ @Import(name="controllerType") private @Nullable Output controllerType; /** - * @return The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + * @return The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. * */ public Optional> controllerType() { @@ -53,14 +49,14 @@ public Optional> controllerType() { } /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="datastoreId") private @Nullable Output datastoreId; /** - * @return The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @return The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. * */ public Optional> datastoreId() { @@ -83,18 +79,14 @@ public Optional> deviceAddress() { } /** - * The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - * - * [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + * The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. * */ @Import(name="diskMode") private @Nullable Output diskMode; /** - * @return The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - * - * [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + * @return The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. * */ public Optional> diskMode() { @@ -102,18 +94,14 @@ public Optional> diskMode() { } /** - * The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + * The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. * */ @Import(name="diskSharing") private @Nullable Output diskSharing; /** - * @return The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + * @return The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. * */ public Optional> diskSharing() { @@ -121,14 +109,14 @@ public Optional> diskSharing() { } /** - * If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + * The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. * */ @Import(name="eagerlyScrub") private @Nullable Output eagerlyScrub; /** - * @return If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + * @return The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. * */ public Optional> eagerlyScrub() { @@ -136,14 +124,14 @@ public Optional> eagerlyScrub() { } /** - * The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + * The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. * */ @Import(name="ioLimit") private @Nullable Output ioLimit; /** - * @return The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + * @return The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. * */ public Optional> ioLimit() { @@ -151,14 +139,14 @@ public Optional> ioLimit() { } /** - * The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + * The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. * */ @Import(name="ioReservation") private @Nullable Output ioReservation; /** - * @return The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + * @return The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. * */ public Optional> ioReservation() { @@ -166,14 +154,14 @@ public Optional> ioReservation() { } /** - * The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + * The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. * */ @Import(name="ioShareCount") private @Nullable Output ioShareCount; /** - * @return The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + * @return The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. * */ public Optional> ioShareCount() { @@ -181,14 +169,14 @@ public Optional> ioShareCount() { } /** - * The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + * The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * */ @Import(name="ioShareLevel") private @Nullable Output ioShareLevel; /** - * @return The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + * @return The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * */ public Optional> ioShareLevel() { @@ -196,14 +184,14 @@ public Optional> ioShareLevel() { } /** - * Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. * */ @Import(name="keepOnRemove") private @Nullable Output keepOnRemove; /** - * @return Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @return Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. * */ public Optional> keepOnRemove() { @@ -241,22 +229,14 @@ public Output label() { } /** - * The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. * */ @Import(name="path") private @Nullable Output path; /** - * @return The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * @return The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. * */ public Optional> path() { @@ -264,14 +244,14 @@ public Optional> path() { } /** - * The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + * The size of the disk, in GB. * */ @Import(name="size") private @Nullable Output size; /** - * @return The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + * @return The size of the disk, in GB. * */ public Optional> size() { @@ -279,14 +259,14 @@ public Optional> size() { } /** - * The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. * */ @Import(name="storagePolicyId") private @Nullable Output storagePolicyId; /** - * @return The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @return The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. * */ public Optional> storagePolicyId() { @@ -294,14 +274,14 @@ public Optional> storagePolicyId() { } /** - * If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + * If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. * */ @Import(name="thinProvisioned") private @Nullable Output thinProvisioned; /** - * @return If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + * @return If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. * */ public Optional> thinProvisioned() { @@ -309,14 +289,14 @@ public Optional> thinProvisioned() { } /** - * The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + * The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. * */ @Import(name="unitNumber") private @Nullable Output unitNumber; /** - * @return The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + * @return The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. * */ public Optional> unitNumber() { @@ -324,14 +304,14 @@ public Optional> unitNumber() { } /** - * The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * */ @Import(name="uuid") private @Nullable Output uuid; /** - * @return The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * @return The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * */ public Optional> uuid() { @@ -339,14 +319,14 @@ public Optional> uuid() { } /** - * If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + * If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. * */ @Import(name="writeThrough") private @Nullable Output writeThrough; /** - * @return If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + * @return If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. * */ public Optional> writeThrough() { @@ -398,9 +378,7 @@ public Builder(VirtualMachineDiskArgs defaults) { } /** - * @param attach Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - * - * > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. + * @param attach If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. * * @return builder * @@ -411,9 +389,7 @@ public Builder attach(@Nullable Output attach) { } /** - * @param attach Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - * - * > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. + * @param attach If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. * * @return builder * @@ -423,7 +399,7 @@ public Builder attach(Boolean attach) { } /** - * @param controllerType The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + * @param controllerType The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. * * @return builder * @@ -434,7 +410,7 @@ public Builder controllerType(@Nullable Output controllerType) { } /** - * @param controllerType The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + * @param controllerType The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. * * @return builder * @@ -444,7 +420,7 @@ public Builder controllerType(String controllerType) { } /** - * @param datastoreId The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @param datastoreId The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -455,7 +431,7 @@ public Builder datastoreId(@Nullable Output datastoreId) { } /** - * @param datastoreId The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @param datastoreId The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -486,9 +462,7 @@ public Builder deviceAddress(String deviceAddress) { } /** - * @param diskMode The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - * - * [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + * @param diskMode The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. * * @return builder * @@ -499,9 +473,7 @@ public Builder diskMode(@Nullable Output diskMode) { } /** - * @param diskMode The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - * - * [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + * @param diskMode The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. * * @return builder * @@ -511,9 +483,7 @@ public Builder diskMode(String diskMode) { } /** - * @param diskSharing The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + * @param diskSharing The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. * * @return builder * @@ -524,9 +494,7 @@ public Builder diskSharing(@Nullable Output diskSharing) { } /** - * @param diskSharing The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + * @param diskSharing The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. * * @return builder * @@ -536,7 +504,7 @@ public Builder diskSharing(String diskSharing) { } /** - * @param eagerlyScrub If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + * @param eagerlyScrub The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. * * @return builder * @@ -547,7 +515,7 @@ public Builder eagerlyScrub(@Nullable Output eagerlyScrub) { } /** - * @param eagerlyScrub If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + * @param eagerlyScrub The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. * * @return builder * @@ -557,7 +525,7 @@ public Builder eagerlyScrub(Boolean eagerlyScrub) { } /** - * @param ioLimit The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + * @param ioLimit The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. * * @return builder * @@ -568,7 +536,7 @@ public Builder ioLimit(@Nullable Output ioLimit) { } /** - * @param ioLimit The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + * @param ioLimit The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. * * @return builder * @@ -578,7 +546,7 @@ public Builder ioLimit(Integer ioLimit) { } /** - * @param ioReservation The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + * @param ioReservation The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. * * @return builder * @@ -589,7 +557,7 @@ public Builder ioReservation(@Nullable Output ioReservation) { } /** - * @param ioReservation The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + * @param ioReservation The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. * * @return builder * @@ -599,7 +567,7 @@ public Builder ioReservation(Integer ioReservation) { } /** - * @param ioShareCount The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + * @param ioShareCount The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. * * @return builder * @@ -610,7 +578,7 @@ public Builder ioShareCount(@Nullable Output ioShareCount) { } /** - * @param ioShareCount The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + * @param ioShareCount The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. * * @return builder * @@ -620,7 +588,7 @@ public Builder ioShareCount(Integer ioShareCount) { } /** - * @param ioShareLevel The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + * @param ioShareLevel The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -631,7 +599,7 @@ public Builder ioShareLevel(@Nullable Output ioShareLevel) { } /** - * @param ioShareLevel The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + * @param ioShareLevel The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -641,7 +609,7 @@ public Builder ioShareLevel(String ioShareLevel) { } /** - * @param keepOnRemove Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @param keepOnRemove Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. * * @return builder * @@ -652,7 +620,7 @@ public Builder keepOnRemove(@Nullable Output keepOnRemove) { } /** - * @param keepOnRemove Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @param keepOnRemove Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. * * @return builder * @@ -704,11 +672,7 @@ public Builder label(String label) { } /** - * @param path The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * @param path The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. * * @return builder * @@ -719,11 +683,7 @@ public Builder path(@Nullable Output path) { } /** - * @param path The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * @param path The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. * * @return builder * @@ -733,7 +693,7 @@ public Builder path(String path) { } /** - * @param size The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + * @param size The size of the disk, in GB. * * @return builder * @@ -744,7 +704,7 @@ public Builder size(@Nullable Output size) { } /** - * @param size The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + * @param size The size of the disk, in GB. * * @return builder * @@ -754,7 +714,7 @@ public Builder size(Integer size) { } /** - * @param storagePolicyId The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @param storagePolicyId The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. * * @return builder * @@ -765,7 +725,7 @@ public Builder storagePolicyId(@Nullable Output storagePolicyId) { } /** - * @param storagePolicyId The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @param storagePolicyId The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. * * @return builder * @@ -775,7 +735,7 @@ public Builder storagePolicyId(String storagePolicyId) { } /** - * @param thinProvisioned If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + * @param thinProvisioned If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. * * @return builder * @@ -786,7 +746,7 @@ public Builder thinProvisioned(@Nullable Output thinProvisioned) { } /** - * @param thinProvisioned If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + * @param thinProvisioned If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. * * @return builder * @@ -796,7 +756,7 @@ public Builder thinProvisioned(Boolean thinProvisioned) { } /** - * @param unitNumber The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + * @param unitNumber The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. * * @return builder * @@ -807,7 +767,7 @@ public Builder unitNumber(@Nullable Output unitNumber) { } /** - * @param unitNumber The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + * @param unitNumber The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. * * @return builder * @@ -817,7 +777,7 @@ public Builder unitNumber(Integer unitNumber) { } /** - * @param uuid The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * @param uuid The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * * @return builder * @@ -828,7 +788,7 @@ public Builder uuid(@Nullable Output uuid) { } /** - * @param uuid The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * @param uuid The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * * @return builder * @@ -838,7 +798,7 @@ public Builder uuid(String uuid) { } /** - * @param writeThrough If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + * @param writeThrough If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. * * @return builder * @@ -849,7 +809,7 @@ public Builder writeThrough(@Nullable Output writeThrough) { } /** - * @param writeThrough If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + * @param writeThrough If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs.java index d8ed39d3..2a9e8c9f 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs.java @@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ public final class VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs extends com.pulumi.resourc public static final VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs Empty = new VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs(); /** - * The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + * The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. * */ @Import(name="adapterType") private @Nullable Output adapterType; /** - * @return The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + * @return The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. * */ public Optional> adapterType() { @@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ public Optional> adapterType() { } /** - * The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * */ @Import(name="bandwidthLimit") private @Nullable Output bandwidthLimit; /** - * @return The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @return The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * */ public Optional> bandwidthLimit() { @@ -49,14 +49,14 @@ public Optional> bandwidthLimit() { } /** - * The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + * The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * */ @Import(name="bandwidthReservation") private @Nullable Output bandwidthReservation; /** - * @return The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + * @return The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * */ public Optional> bandwidthReservation() { @@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ public Optional> bandwidthReservation() { } /** - * The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. * */ @Import(name="bandwidthShareCount") private @Nullable Output bandwidthShareCount; /** - * @return The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @return The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. * */ public Optional> bandwidthShareCount() { @@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ public Optional> bandwidthShareCount() { } /** - * The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * */ @Import(name="bandwidthShareLevel") private @Nullable Output bandwidthShareLevel; /** - * @return The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @return The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * */ public Optional> bandwidthShareLevel() { @@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ public Optional> key() { } /** - * The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + * The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. * */ @Import(name="macAddress") private @Nullable Output macAddress; /** - * @return The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + * @return The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. * */ public Optional> macAddress() { @@ -139,14 +139,14 @@ public Optional> macAddress() { } /** - * The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + * The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. * */ @Import(name="networkId", required=true) private Output networkId; /** - * @return The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + * @return The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. * */ public Output networkId() { @@ -154,14 +154,14 @@ public Output networkId() { } /** - * Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + * Mapping of network interface to OVF network. * */ @Import(name="ovfMapping") private @Nullable Output ovfMapping; /** - * @return Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + * @return Mapping of network interface to OVF network. * */ public Optional> ovfMapping() { @@ -184,14 +184,14 @@ public Optional> physicalFunction() { } /** - * If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + * If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. * */ @Import(name="useStaticMac") private @Nullable Output useStaticMac; /** - * @return If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + * @return If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. * */ public Optional> useStaticMac() { @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ public Builder(VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs defaults) { } /** - * @param adapterType The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + * @param adapterType The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. * * @return builder * @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public Builder adapterType(@Nullable Output adapterType) { } /** - * @param adapterType The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + * @param adapterType The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. * * @return builder * @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ public Builder adapterType(String adapterType) { } /** - * @param bandwidthLimit The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @param bandwidthLimit The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * * @return builder * @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ public Builder bandwidthLimit(@Nullable Output bandwidthLimit) { } /** - * @param bandwidthLimit The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @param bandwidthLimit The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * * @return builder * @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public Builder bandwidthLimit(Integer bandwidthLimit) { } /** - * @param bandwidthReservation The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + * @param bandwidthReservation The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * * @return builder * @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ public Builder bandwidthReservation(@Nullable Output bandwidthReservati } /** - * @param bandwidthReservation The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + * @param bandwidthReservation The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * * @return builder * @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ public Builder bandwidthReservation(Integer bandwidthReservation) { } /** - * @param bandwidthShareCount The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @param bandwidthShareCount The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. * * @return builder * @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ public Builder bandwidthShareCount(@Nullable Output bandwidthShareCount } /** - * @param bandwidthShareCount The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @param bandwidthShareCount The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. * * @return builder * @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ public Builder bandwidthShareCount(Integer bandwidthShareCount) { } /** - * @param bandwidthShareLevel The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @param bandwidthShareLevel The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ public Builder bandwidthShareLevel(@Nullable Output bandwidthShareLevel) } /** - * @param bandwidthShareLevel The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @param bandwidthShareLevel The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ public Builder key(Integer key) { } /** - * @param macAddress The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + * @param macAddress The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. * * @return builder * @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ public Builder macAddress(@Nullable Output macAddress) { } /** - * @param macAddress The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + * @param macAddress The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. * * @return builder * @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ public Builder macAddress(String macAddress) { } /** - * @param networkId The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + * @param networkId The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. * * @return builder * @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ public Builder networkId(Output networkId) { } /** - * @param networkId The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + * @param networkId The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. * * @return builder * @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ public Builder networkId(String networkId) { } /** - * @param ovfMapping Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + * @param ovfMapping Mapping of network interface to OVF network. * * @return builder * @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ public Builder ovfMapping(@Nullable Output ovfMapping) { } /** - * @param ovfMapping Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + * @param ovfMapping Mapping of network interface to OVF network. * * @return builder * @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ public Builder physicalFunction(String physicalFunction) { } /** - * @param useStaticMac If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + * @param useStaticMac If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. * * @return builder * @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ public Builder useStaticMac(@Nullable Output useStaticMac) { } /** - * @param useStaticMac If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + * @param useStaticMac If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineState.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineState.java index ec50b116..75e9d2bf 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineState.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VirtualMachineState.java @@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ public final class VirtualMachineState extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs public static final VirtualMachineState Empty = new VirtualMachineState(); /** - * The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. * */ @Import(name="alternateGuestName") private @Nullable Output alternateGuestName; /** - * @return The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * @return The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. * */ public Optional> alternateGuestName() { @@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ public Optional> alternateGuestName() { } /** - * A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * User-provided description of the virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="annotation") private @Nullable Output annotation; /** - * @return A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * @return User-provided description of the virtual machine. * */ public Optional> annotation() { @@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ public Optional> annotation() { } /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. * */ @Import(name="bootDelay") private @Nullable Output bootDelay; /** - * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. * */ public Optional> bootDelay() { @@ -71,14 +71,14 @@ public Optional> bootDelay() { } /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. * */ @Import(name="bootRetryDelay") private @Nullable Output bootRetryDelay; /** - * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * @return The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. * */ public Optional> bootRetryDelay() { @@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ public Optional> bootRetryDelay() { } /** - * If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + * If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. * */ @Import(name="bootRetryEnabled") private @Nullable Output bootRetryEnabled; /** - * @return If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + * @return If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. * */ public Optional> bootRetryEnabled() { @@ -101,14 +101,14 @@ public Optional> bootRetryEnabled() { } /** - * A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="cdroms") private @Nullable Output> cdroms; /** - * @return A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * @return A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * */ public Optional>> cdroms() { @@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ public Optional> changeVersion() { } /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. * */ @Import(name="clone") private @Nullable Output clone; /** - * @return When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * @return A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. * */ public Optional> clone_() { @@ -146,14 +146,14 @@ public Optional> clone_() { } /** - * Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ @Import(name="cpuHotAddEnabled") private @Nullable Output cpuHotAddEnabled; /** - * @return Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @return Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ public Optional> cpuHotAddEnabled() { @@ -161,14 +161,14 @@ public Optional> cpuHotAddEnabled() { } /** - * Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ @Import(name="cpuHotRemoveEnabled") private @Nullable Output cpuHotRemoveEnabled; /** - * @return Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @return Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ public Optional> cpuHotRemoveEnabled() { @@ -176,14 +176,16 @@ public Optional> cpuHotRemoveEnabled() { } /** - * The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ @Import(name="cpuLimit") private @Nullable Output cpuLimit; /** - * @return The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @return The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ public Optional> cpuLimit() { @@ -191,14 +193,14 @@ public Optional> cpuLimit() { } /** - * Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled") private @Nullable Output cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled; /** - * @return Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. * */ public Optional> cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled() { @@ -206,14 +208,14 @@ public Optional> cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled() { } /** - * The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ @Import(name="cpuReservation") private @Nullable Output cpuReservation; /** - * @return The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @return The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ public Optional> cpuReservation() { @@ -221,14 +223,14 @@ public Optional> cpuReservation() { } /** - * The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. * */ @Import(name="cpuShareCount") private @Nullable Output cpuShareCount; /** - * @return The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + * @return The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. * */ public Optional> cpuShareCount() { @@ -236,14 +238,14 @@ public Optional> cpuShareCount() { } /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ @Import(name="cpuShareLevel") private @Nullable Output cpuShareLevel; /** - * @return The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @return The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ public Optional> cpuShareLevel() { @@ -251,18 +253,14 @@ public Optional> cpuShareLevel() { } /** - * Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. * */ @Import(name="customAttributes") private @Nullable Output> customAttributes; /** - * @return Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @return A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. * */ public Optional>> customAttributes() { @@ -270,14 +268,14 @@ public Optional>> customAttributes() { } /** - * The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. * */ @Import(name="datacenterId") private @Nullable Output datacenterId; /** - * @return The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * @return The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. * */ public Optional> datacenterId() { @@ -285,26 +283,14 @@ public Optional> datacenterId() { } /** - * The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. * */ @Import(name="datastoreClusterId") private @Nullable Output datastoreClusterId; /** - * @return The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * @return The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. * */ public Optional> datastoreClusterId() { @@ -312,14 +298,16 @@ public Optional> datastoreClusterId() { } /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. * */ @Import(name="datastoreId") private @Nullable Output datastoreId; /** - * @return The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @return The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. * */ public Optional> datastoreId() { @@ -342,14 +330,14 @@ public Optional> defaultIpAddress() { } /** - * A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="disks") private @Nullable Output> disks; /** - * @return A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * @return A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * */ public Optional>> disks() { @@ -357,18 +345,14 @@ public Optional>> disks() { } /** - * Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. * */ @Import(name="efiSecureBootEnabled") private @Nullable Output efiSecureBootEnabled; /** - * @return Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * @return When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. * */ public Optional> efiSecureBootEnabled() { @@ -376,14 +360,14 @@ public Optional> efiSecureBootEnabled() { } /** - * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. * */ @Import(name="enableDiskUuid") private @Nullable Output enableDiskUuid; /** - * @return Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * @return Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. * */ public Optional> enableDiskUuid() { @@ -391,14 +375,14 @@ public Optional> enableDiskUuid() { } /** - * Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * Enable logging on this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="enableLogging") private @Nullable Output enableLogging; /** - * @return Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable logging on this virtual machine. * */ public Optional> enableLogging() { @@ -406,14 +390,14 @@ public Optional> enableLogging() { } /** - * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. * */ @Import(name="eptRviMode") private @Nullable Output eptRviMode; /** - * @return The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * @return The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. * */ public Optional> eptRviMode() { @@ -421,18 +405,16 @@ public Optional> eptRviMode() { } /** - * Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. * */ @Import(name="extraConfig") private @Nullable Output> extraConfig; /** - * @return Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * @return Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. * */ public Optional>> extraConfig() { @@ -440,14 +422,14 @@ public Optional>> extraConfig() { } /** - * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. * */ @Import(name="extraConfigRebootRequired") private @Nullable Output extraConfigRebootRequired; /** - * @return Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + * @return Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. * */ public Optional> extraConfigRebootRequired() { @@ -455,14 +437,14 @@ public Optional> extraConfigRebootRequired() { } /** - * The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. * */ @Import(name="firmware") private @Nullable Output firmware; /** - * @return The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * @return The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. * */ public Optional> firmware() { @@ -470,14 +452,14 @@ public Optional> firmware() { } /** - * The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. * */ @Import(name="folder") private @Nullable Output folder; /** - * @return The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * @return The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. * */ public Optional> folder() { @@ -485,14 +467,14 @@ public Optional> folder() { } /** - * If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. * */ @Import(name="forcePowerOff") private @Nullable Output forcePowerOff; /** - * @return If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * @return Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. * */ public Optional> forcePowerOff() { @@ -500,18 +482,14 @@ public Optional> forcePowerOff() { } /** - * The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * The guest ID for the operating system. * */ @Import(name="guestId") private @Nullable Output guestId; /** - * @return The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * @return The guest ID for the operating system. * */ public Optional> guestId() { @@ -534,20 +512,14 @@ public Optional>> guestIpAddresses() { } /** - * The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * The hardware version for the virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="hardwareVersion") private @Nullable Output hardwareVersion; /** - * @return The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * @return The hardware version for the virtual machine. * */ public Optional> hardwareVersion() { @@ -555,14 +527,14 @@ public Optional> hardwareVersion() { } /** - * The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. * */ @Import(name="hostSystemId") private @Nullable Output hostSystemId; /** - * @return The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * @return The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. * */ public Optional> hostSystemId() { @@ -570,14 +542,14 @@ public Optional> hostSystemId() { } /** - * The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. * */ @Import(name="hvMode") private @Nullable Output hvMode; /** - * @return The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * @return The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. * */ public Optional> hvMode() { @@ -585,14 +557,18 @@ public Optional> hvMode() { } /** - * The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. * */ @Import(name="ideControllerCount") private @Nullable Output ideControllerCount; /** - * @return The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * @return The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. * */ public Optional> ideControllerCount() { @@ -600,14 +576,14 @@ public Optional> ideControllerCount() { } /** - * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * */ @Import(name="ignoredGuestIps") private @Nullable Output> ignoredGuestIps; /** - * @return List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * @return List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * */ public Optional>> ignoredGuestIps() { @@ -630,18 +606,18 @@ public Optional> imported() { } /** - * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. * */ @Import(name="latencySensitivity") private @Nullable Output latencySensitivity; /** - * @return Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * @return Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. * */ public Optional> latencySensitivity() { @@ -649,14 +625,14 @@ public Optional> latencySensitivity() { } /** - * The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. * */ @Import(name="memory") private @Nullable Output memory; /** - * @return The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * @return The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. * */ public Optional> memory() { @@ -664,30 +640,14 @@ public Optional> memory() { } /** - * Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ @Import(name="memoryHotAddEnabled") private @Nullable Output memoryHotAddEnabled; /** - * @return Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * @return Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * */ public Optional> memoryHotAddEnabled() { @@ -695,14 +655,16 @@ public Optional> memoryHotAddEnabled() { } /** - * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ @Import(name="memoryLimit") private @Nullable Output memoryLimit; /** - * @return The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @return The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * */ public Optional> memoryLimit() { @@ -710,14 +672,14 @@ public Optional> memoryLimit() { } /** - * The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ @Import(name="memoryReservation") private @Nullable Output memoryReservation; /** - * @return The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @return The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * */ public Optional> memoryReservation() { @@ -744,14 +706,14 @@ public Optional> memoryReservationLockedToMax() { } /** - * The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. * */ @Import(name="memoryShareCount") private @Nullable Output memoryShareCount; /** - * @return The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + * @return The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. * */ public Optional> memoryShareCount() { @@ -759,14 +721,14 @@ public Optional> memoryShareCount() { } /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ @Import(name="memoryShareLevel") private @Nullable Output memoryShareLevel; /** - * @return The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @return The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * */ public Optional> memoryShareLevel() { @@ -774,14 +736,14 @@ public Optional> memoryShareLevel() { } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. * */ @Import(name="migrateWaitTimeout") private @Nullable Output migrateWaitTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. * */ public Optional> migrateWaitTimeout() { @@ -804,14 +766,14 @@ public Optional> moid() { } /** - * The name of the virtual machine. + * The name of this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="name") private @Nullable Output name; /** - * @return The name of the virtual machine. + * @return The name of this virtual machine. * */ public Optional> name() { @@ -819,14 +781,14 @@ public Optional> name() { } /** - * Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. * */ @Import(name="nestedHvEnabled") private @Nullable Output nestedHvEnabled; /** - * @return Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. * */ public Optional> nestedHvEnabled() { @@ -834,14 +796,14 @@ public Optional> nestedHvEnabled() { } /** - * A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="networkInterfaces") private @Nullable Output> networkInterfaces; /** - * @return A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * @return A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. * */ public Optional>> networkInterfaces() { @@ -849,14 +811,16 @@ public Optional>> networkInterfa } /** - * The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. * */ @Import(name="numCoresPerSocket") private @Nullable Output numCoresPerSocket; /** - * @return The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * @return The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. * */ public Optional> numCoresPerSocket() { @@ -864,14 +828,14 @@ public Optional> numCoresPerSocket() { } /** - * The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="numCpus") private @Nullable Output numCpus; /** - * @return The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * @return The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. * */ public Optional> numCpus() { @@ -879,14 +843,14 @@ public Optional> numCpus() { } /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. * */ @Import(name="ovfDeploy") private @Nullable Output ovfDeploy; /** - * @return When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * @return A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. * */ public Optional> ovfDeploy() { @@ -894,18 +858,14 @@ public Optional> ovfDeploy() { } /** - * List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of PCI passthrough devices * */ @Import(name="pciDeviceIds") private @Nullable Output> pciDeviceIds; /** - * @return List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @return A list of PCI passthrough devices * */ public Optional>> pciDeviceIds() { @@ -960,8 +920,6 @@ public Optional> rebootRequired() { /** * Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. * - * For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - * */ @Import(name="replaceTrigger") private @Nullable Output replaceTrigger; @@ -969,26 +927,20 @@ public Optional> rebootRequired() { /** * @return Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. * - * For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - * */ public Optional> replaceTrigger() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.replaceTrigger); } /** - * The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. * */ @Import(name="resourcePoolId") private @Nullable Output resourcePoolId; /** - * @return The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * @return The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. * */ public Optional> resourcePoolId() { @@ -996,14 +948,14 @@ public Optional> resourcePoolId() { } /** - * Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Import(name="runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn") private @Nullable Output runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn; /** - * @return Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Optional> runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn() { @@ -1011,14 +963,14 @@ public Optional> runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn() { } /** - * Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Import(name="runToolsScriptsAfterResume") private @Nullable Output runToolsScriptsAfterResume; /** - * @return Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Optional> runToolsScriptsAfterResume() { @@ -1026,14 +978,14 @@ public Optional> runToolsScriptsAfterResume() { } /** - * Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Import(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot") private @Nullable Output runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot; /** - * @return Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Optional> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot() { @@ -1041,14 +993,14 @@ public Optional> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot() { } /** - * Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Import(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown") private @Nullable Output runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown; /** - * @return Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Optional> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown() { @@ -1056,14 +1008,14 @@ public Optional> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown() { } /** - * Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. * */ @Import(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby") private @Nullable Output runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby; /** - * @return Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. * */ public Optional> runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby() { @@ -1090,14 +1042,14 @@ public Optional> sataControllerCount() { } /** - * The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. * */ @Import(name="scsiBusSharing") private @Nullable Output scsiBusSharing; /** - * @return The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * @return Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. * */ public Optional> scsiBusSharing() { @@ -1124,14 +1076,14 @@ public Optional> scsiControllerCount() { } /** - * The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. * */ @Import(name="scsiType") private @Nullable Output scsiType; /** - * @return The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * @return The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. * */ public Optional> scsiType() { @@ -1139,14 +1091,14 @@ public Optional> scsiType() { } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="shutdownWaitTimeout") private @Nullable Output shutdownWaitTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. * */ public Optional> shutdownWaitTimeout() { @@ -1154,14 +1106,14 @@ public Optional> shutdownWaitTimeout() { } /** - * The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. * */ @Import(name="storagePolicyId") private @Nullable Output storagePolicyId; /** - * @return The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @return The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. * */ public Optional> storagePolicyId() { @@ -1169,14 +1121,14 @@ public Optional> storagePolicyId() { } /** - * The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. * */ @Import(name="swapPlacementPolicy") private @Nullable Output swapPlacementPolicy; /** - * @return The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * @return The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. * */ public Optional> swapPlacementPolicy() { @@ -1184,14 +1136,16 @@ public Optional> swapPlacementPolicy() { } /** - * Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ @Import(name="syncTimeWithHost") private @Nullable Output syncTimeWithHost; /** - * @return Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * @return Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ public Optional> syncTimeWithHost() { @@ -1199,14 +1153,16 @@ public Optional> syncTimeWithHost() { } /** - * Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ @Import(name="syncTimeWithHostPeriodically") private @Nullable Output syncTimeWithHostPeriodically; /** - * @return Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * @return Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * */ public Optional> syncTimeWithHostPeriodically() { @@ -1214,18 +1170,14 @@ public Optional> syncTimeWithHostPeriodically() { } /** - * The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * */ @Import(name="tags") private @Nullable Output> tags; /** - * @return The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * @return A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * */ public Optional>> tags() { @@ -1233,14 +1185,14 @@ public Optional>> tags() { } /** - * Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. * */ @Import(name="toolsUpgradePolicy") private @Nullable Output toolsUpgradePolicy; /** - * @return Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * @return Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. * */ public Optional> toolsUpgradePolicy() { @@ -1248,14 +1200,14 @@ public Optional> toolsUpgradePolicy() { } /** - * The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * */ @Import(name="uuid") private @Nullable Output uuid; /** - * @return The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * @return The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * */ public Optional> uuid() { @@ -1263,14 +1215,14 @@ public Optional> uuid() { } /** - * Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. * */ @Import(name="vapp") private @Nullable Output vapp; /** - * @return Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * @return vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. * */ public Optional> vapp() { @@ -1293,14 +1245,14 @@ public Optional>> vappTransports() { } /** - * Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. * */ @Import(name="vbsEnabled") private @Nullable Output vbsEnabled; /** - * @return Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @return Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. * */ public Optional> vbsEnabled() { @@ -1338,14 +1290,16 @@ public Optional> vmxPath() { } /** - * Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. * */ @Import(name="vvtdEnabled") private @Nullable Output vvtdEnabled; /** - * @return Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @return Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. * */ public Optional> vvtdEnabled() { @@ -1353,14 +1307,16 @@ public Optional> vvtdEnabled() { } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ @Import(name="waitForGuestIpTimeout") private @Nullable Output waitForGuestIpTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ public Optional> waitForGuestIpTimeout() { @@ -1368,14 +1324,16 @@ public Optional> waitForGuestIpTimeout() { } /** - * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. * */ @Import(name="waitForGuestNetRoutable") private @Nullable Output waitForGuestNetRoutable; /** - * @return Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * @return Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. * */ public Optional> waitForGuestNetRoutable() { @@ -1383,14 +1341,16 @@ public Optional> waitForGuestNetRoutable() { } /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ @Import(name="waitForGuestNetTimeout") private @Nullable Output waitForGuestNetTimeout; /** - * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * @return The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * */ public Optional> waitForGuestNetTimeout() { @@ -1507,7 +1467,7 @@ public Builder(VirtualMachineState defaults) { } /** - * @param alternateGuestName The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * @param alternateGuestName The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. * * @return builder * @@ -1518,7 +1478,7 @@ public Builder alternateGuestName(@Nullable Output alternateGuestName) { } /** - * @param alternateGuestName The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * @param alternateGuestName The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. * * @return builder * @@ -1528,7 +1488,7 @@ public Builder alternateGuestName(String alternateGuestName) { } /** - * @param annotation A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * @param annotation User-provided description of the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1539,7 +1499,7 @@ public Builder annotation(@Nullable Output annotation) { } /** - * @param annotation A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * @param annotation User-provided description of the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1549,7 +1509,7 @@ public Builder annotation(String annotation) { } /** - * @param bootDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * @param bootDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. * * @return builder * @@ -1560,7 +1520,7 @@ public Builder bootDelay(@Nullable Output bootDelay) { } /** - * @param bootDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * @param bootDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. * * @return builder * @@ -1570,7 +1530,7 @@ public Builder bootDelay(Integer bootDelay) { } /** - * @param bootRetryDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * @param bootRetryDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. * * @return builder * @@ -1581,7 +1541,7 @@ public Builder bootRetryDelay(@Nullable Output bootRetryDelay) { } /** - * @param bootRetryDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * @param bootRetryDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. * * @return builder * @@ -1591,7 +1551,7 @@ public Builder bootRetryDelay(Integer bootRetryDelay) { } /** - * @param bootRetryEnabled If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + * @param bootRetryEnabled If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. * * @return builder * @@ -1602,7 +1562,7 @@ public Builder bootRetryEnabled(@Nullable Output bootRetryEnabled) { } /** - * @param bootRetryEnabled If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + * @param bootRetryEnabled If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. * * @return builder * @@ -1612,7 +1572,7 @@ public Builder bootRetryEnabled(Boolean bootRetryEnabled) { } /** - * @param cdroms A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * @param cdroms A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1623,7 +1583,7 @@ public Builder cdroms(@Nullable Output> cdroms) { } /** - * @param cdroms A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * @param cdroms A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1633,7 +1593,7 @@ public Builder cdroms(List cdroms) { } /** - * @param cdroms A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * @param cdroms A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1664,7 +1624,7 @@ public Builder changeVersion(String changeVersion) { } /** - * @param clone When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * @param clone A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. * * @return builder * @@ -1675,7 +1635,7 @@ public Builder clone_(@Nullable Output clone) { } /** - * @param clone When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * @param clone A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. * * @return builder * @@ -1685,7 +1645,7 @@ public Builder clone_(VirtualMachineCloneArgs clone) { } /** - * @param cpuHotAddEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @param cpuHotAddEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -1696,7 +1656,7 @@ public Builder cpuHotAddEnabled(@Nullable Output cpuHotAddEnabled) { } /** - * @param cpuHotAddEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @param cpuHotAddEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -1706,7 +1666,7 @@ public Builder cpuHotAddEnabled(Boolean cpuHotAddEnabled) { } /** - * @param cpuHotRemoveEnabled Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @param cpuHotRemoveEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -1717,7 +1677,7 @@ public Builder cpuHotRemoveEnabled(@Nullable Output cpuHotRemoveEnabled } /** - * @param cpuHotRemoveEnabled Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * @param cpuHotRemoveEnabled Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -1727,7 +1687,8 @@ public Builder cpuHotRemoveEnabled(Boolean cpuHotRemoveEnabled) { } /** - * @param cpuLimit The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @param cpuLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * * @return builder * @@ -1738,7 +1699,8 @@ public Builder cpuLimit(@Nullable Output cpuLimit) { } /** - * @param cpuLimit The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @param cpuLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * * @return builder * @@ -1748,7 +1710,7 @@ public Builder cpuLimit(Integer cpuLimit) { } /** - * @param cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @param cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1759,7 +1721,7 @@ public Builder cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled(@Nullable Output cpuPerfor } /** - * @param cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @param cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1769,7 +1731,7 @@ public Builder cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled(Boolean cpuPerformanceCountersEnabl } /** - * @param cpuReservation The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @param cpuReservation The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * * @return builder * @@ -1780,7 +1742,7 @@ public Builder cpuReservation(@Nullable Output cpuReservation) { } /** - * @param cpuReservation The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @param cpuReservation The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * * @return builder * @@ -1790,7 +1752,7 @@ public Builder cpuReservation(Integer cpuReservation) { } /** - * @param cpuShareCount The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + * @param cpuShareCount The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. * * @return builder * @@ -1801,7 +1763,7 @@ public Builder cpuShareCount(@Nullable Output cpuShareCount) { } /** - * @param cpuShareCount The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + * @param cpuShareCount The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. * * @return builder * @@ -1811,7 +1773,7 @@ public Builder cpuShareCount(Integer cpuShareCount) { } /** - * @param cpuShareLevel The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @param cpuShareLevel The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -1822,7 +1784,7 @@ public Builder cpuShareLevel(@Nullable Output cpuShareLevel) { } /** - * @param cpuShareLevel The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @param cpuShareLevel The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -1832,9 +1794,7 @@ public Builder cpuShareLevel(String cpuShareLevel) { } /** - * @param customAttributes Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @param customAttributes A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. * * @return builder * @@ -1845,9 +1805,7 @@ public Builder customAttributes(@Nullable Output> customAttri } /** - * @param customAttributes Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @param customAttributes A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. * * @return builder * @@ -1857,7 +1815,7 @@ public Builder customAttributes(Map customAttributes) { } /** - * @param datacenterId The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * @param datacenterId The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. * * @return builder * @@ -1868,7 +1826,7 @@ public Builder datacenterId(@Nullable Output datacenterId) { } /** - * @param datacenterId The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * @param datacenterId The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. * * @return builder * @@ -1878,13 +1836,7 @@ public Builder datacenterId(String datacenterId) { } /** - * @param datastoreClusterId The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * @param datastoreClusterId The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -1895,13 +1847,7 @@ public Builder datastoreClusterId(@Nullable Output datastoreClusterId) { } /** - * @param datastoreClusterId The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * @param datastoreClusterId The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -1911,7 +1857,8 @@ public Builder datastoreClusterId(String datastoreClusterId) { } /** - * @param datastoreId The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @param datastoreId The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. * * @return builder * @@ -1922,7 +1869,8 @@ public Builder datastoreId(@Nullable Output datastoreId) { } /** - * @param datastoreId The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @param datastoreId The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. * * @return builder * @@ -1953,7 +1901,7 @@ public Builder defaultIpAddress(String defaultIpAddress) { } /** - * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1964,7 +1912,7 @@ public Builder disks(@Nullable Output> disks) { } /** - * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1974,7 +1922,7 @@ public Builder disks(List disks) { } /** - * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * @param disks A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -1984,9 +1932,7 @@ public Builder disks(VirtualMachineDiskArgs... disks) { } /** - * @param efiSecureBootEnabled Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * @param efiSecureBootEnabled When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. * * @return builder * @@ -1997,9 +1943,7 @@ public Builder efiSecureBootEnabled(@Nullable Output efiSecureBootEnabl } /** - * @param efiSecureBootEnabled Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * @param efiSecureBootEnabled When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. * * @return builder * @@ -2009,7 +1953,7 @@ public Builder efiSecureBootEnabled(Boolean efiSecureBootEnabled) { } /** - * @param enableDiskUuid Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * @param enableDiskUuid Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. * * @return builder * @@ -2020,7 +1964,7 @@ public Builder enableDiskUuid(@Nullable Output enableDiskUuid) { } /** - * @param enableDiskUuid Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * @param enableDiskUuid Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. * * @return builder * @@ -2030,7 +1974,7 @@ public Builder enableDiskUuid(Boolean enableDiskUuid) { } /** - * @param enableLogging Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * @param enableLogging Enable logging on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2041,7 +1985,7 @@ public Builder enableLogging(@Nullable Output enableLogging) { } /** - * @param enableLogging Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * @param enableLogging Enable logging on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2051,7 +1995,7 @@ public Builder enableLogging(Boolean enableLogging) { } /** - * @param eptRviMode The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * @param eptRviMode The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. * * @return builder * @@ -2062,7 +2006,7 @@ public Builder eptRviMode(@Nullable Output eptRviMode) { } /** - * @param eptRviMode The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * @param eptRviMode The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. * * @return builder * @@ -2072,9 +2016,8 @@ public Builder eptRviMode(String eptRviMode) { } /** - * @param extraConfig Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * @param extraConfig Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. * * @return builder * @@ -2085,9 +2028,8 @@ public Builder extraConfig(@Nullable Output> extraConfig) { } /** - * @param extraConfig Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * @param extraConfig Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. * * @return builder * @@ -2097,7 +2039,7 @@ public Builder extraConfig(Map extraConfig) { } /** - * @param extraConfigRebootRequired Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + * @param extraConfigRebootRequired Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. * * @return builder * @@ -2108,7 +2050,7 @@ public Builder extraConfigRebootRequired(@Nullable Output extraConfigRe } /** - * @param extraConfigRebootRequired Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + * @param extraConfigRebootRequired Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. * * @return builder * @@ -2118,7 +2060,7 @@ public Builder extraConfigRebootRequired(Boolean extraConfigRebootRequired) { } /** - * @param firmware The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * @param firmware The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. * * @return builder * @@ -2129,7 +2071,7 @@ public Builder firmware(@Nullable Output firmware) { } /** - * @param firmware The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * @param firmware The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. * * @return builder * @@ -2139,7 +2081,7 @@ public Builder firmware(String firmware) { } /** - * @param folder The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * @param folder The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -2150,7 +2092,7 @@ public Builder folder(@Nullable Output folder) { } /** - * @param folder The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`/<datacenter-name>/vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * @param folder The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -2160,7 +2102,7 @@ public Builder folder(String folder) { } /** - * @param forcePowerOff If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * @param forcePowerOff Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. * * @return builder * @@ -2171,7 +2113,7 @@ public Builder forcePowerOff(@Nullable Output forcePowerOff) { } /** - * @param forcePowerOff If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * @param forcePowerOff Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. * * @return builder * @@ -2181,9 +2123,7 @@ public Builder forcePowerOff(Boolean forcePowerOff) { } /** - * @param guestId The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * @param guestId The guest ID for the operating system. * * @return builder * @@ -2194,9 +2134,7 @@ public Builder guestId(@Nullable Output guestId) { } /** - * @param guestId The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * @param guestId The guest ID for the operating system. * * @return builder * @@ -2237,10 +2175,7 @@ public Builder guestIpAddresses(String... guestIpAddresses) { } /** - * @param hardwareVersion The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * @param hardwareVersion The hardware version for the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2251,10 +2186,7 @@ public Builder hardwareVersion(@Nullable Output hardwareVersion) { } /** - * @param hardwareVersion The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * @param hardwareVersion The hardware version for the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2264,7 +2196,7 @@ public Builder hardwareVersion(Integer hardwareVersion) { } /** - * @param hostSystemId The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * @param hostSystemId The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. * * @return builder * @@ -2275,7 +2207,7 @@ public Builder hostSystemId(@Nullable Output hostSystemId) { } /** - * @param hostSystemId The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * @param hostSystemId The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. * * @return builder * @@ -2285,7 +2217,7 @@ public Builder hostSystemId(String hostSystemId) { } /** - * @param hvMode The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * @param hvMode The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. * * @return builder * @@ -2296,7 +2228,7 @@ public Builder hvMode(@Nullable Output hvMode) { } /** - * @param hvMode The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * @param hvMode The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. * * @return builder * @@ -2306,7 +2238,9 @@ public Builder hvMode(String hvMode) { } /** - * @param ideControllerCount The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * @param ideControllerCount The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. * * @return builder * @@ -2317,7 +2251,9 @@ public Builder ideControllerCount(@Nullable Output ideControllerCount) } /** - * @param ideControllerCount The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * @param ideControllerCount The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. * * @return builder * @@ -2327,7 +2263,7 @@ public Builder ideControllerCount(Integer ideControllerCount) { } /** - * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * * @return builder * @@ -2338,7 +2274,7 @@ public Builder ignoredGuestIps(@Nullable Output> ignoredGuestIps) { } /** - * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * * @return builder * @@ -2348,7 +2284,7 @@ public Builder ignoredGuestIps(List ignoredGuestIps) { } /** - * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * @param ignoredGuestIps List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP * * @return builder * @@ -2379,9 +2315,9 @@ public Builder imported(Boolean imported) { } /** - * @param latencySensitivity Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * @param latencySensitivity Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. * * @return builder * @@ -2392,9 +2328,9 @@ public Builder latencySensitivity(@Nullable Output latencySensitivity) { } /** - * @param latencySensitivity Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * @param latencySensitivity Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. * * @return builder * @@ -2404,7 +2340,7 @@ public Builder latencySensitivity(String latencySensitivity) { } /** - * @param memory The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * @param memory The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. * * @return builder * @@ -2415,7 +2351,7 @@ public Builder memory(@Nullable Output memory) { } /** - * @param memory The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * @param memory The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. * * @return builder * @@ -2425,15 +2361,7 @@ public Builder memory(Integer memory) { } /** - * @param memoryHotAddEnabled Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * @param memoryHotAddEnabled Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -2444,15 +2372,7 @@ public Builder memoryHotAddEnabled(@Nullable Output memoryHotAddEnabled } /** - * @param memoryHotAddEnabled Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * @param memoryHotAddEnabled Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. * * @return builder * @@ -2462,7 +2382,8 @@ public Builder memoryHotAddEnabled(Boolean memoryHotAddEnabled) { } /** - * @param memoryLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @param memoryLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * * @return builder * @@ -2473,7 +2394,8 @@ public Builder memoryLimit(@Nullable Output memoryLimit) { } /** - * @param memoryLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * @param memoryLimit The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. * * @return builder * @@ -2483,7 +2405,7 @@ public Builder memoryLimit(Integer memoryLimit) { } /** - * @param memoryReservation The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @param memoryReservation The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * * @return builder * @@ -2494,7 +2416,7 @@ public Builder memoryReservation(@Nullable Output memoryReservation) { } /** - * @param memoryReservation The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * @param memoryReservation The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. * * @return builder * @@ -2529,7 +2451,7 @@ public Builder memoryReservationLockedToMax(Boolean memoryReservationLockedToMax } /** - * @param memoryShareCount The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + * @param memoryShareCount The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. * * @return builder * @@ -2540,7 +2462,7 @@ public Builder memoryShareCount(@Nullable Output memoryShareCount) { } /** - * @param memoryShareCount The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + * @param memoryShareCount The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. * * @return builder * @@ -2550,7 +2472,7 @@ public Builder memoryShareCount(Integer memoryShareCount) { } /** - * @param memoryShareLevel The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @param memoryShareLevel The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -2561,7 +2483,7 @@ public Builder memoryShareLevel(@Nullable Output memoryShareLevel) { } /** - * @param memoryShareLevel The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * @param memoryShareLevel The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. * * @return builder * @@ -2571,7 +2493,7 @@ public Builder memoryShareLevel(String memoryShareLevel) { } /** - * @param migrateWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * @param migrateWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. * * @return builder * @@ -2582,7 +2504,7 @@ public Builder migrateWaitTimeout(@Nullable Output migrateWaitTimeout) } /** - * @param migrateWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * @param migrateWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. * * @return builder * @@ -2613,7 +2535,7 @@ public Builder moid(String moid) { } /** - * @param name The name of the virtual machine. + * @param name The name of this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2624,7 +2546,7 @@ public Builder name(@Nullable Output name) { } /** - * @param name The name of the virtual machine. + * @param name The name of this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2634,7 +2556,7 @@ public Builder name(String name) { } /** - * @param nestedHvEnabled Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * @param nestedHvEnabled Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. * * @return builder * @@ -2645,7 +2567,7 @@ public Builder nestedHvEnabled(@Nullable Output nestedHvEnabled) { } /** - * @param nestedHvEnabled Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * @param nestedHvEnabled Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. * * @return builder * @@ -2655,7 +2577,7 @@ public Builder nestedHvEnabled(Boolean nestedHvEnabled) { } /** - * @param networkInterfaces A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * @param networkInterfaces A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2666,7 +2588,7 @@ public Builder networkInterfaces(@Nullable Output networ } /** - * @param networkInterfaces A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * @param networkInterfaces A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2686,7 +2608,8 @@ public Builder networkInterfaces(VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs... networkIn } /** - * @param numCoresPerSocket The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * @param numCoresPerSocket The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. * * @return builder * @@ -2697,7 +2620,8 @@ public Builder numCoresPerSocket(@Nullable Output numCoresPerSocket) { } /** - * @param numCoresPerSocket The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * @param numCoresPerSocket The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. * * @return builder * @@ -2707,7 +2631,7 @@ public Builder numCoresPerSocket(Integer numCoresPerSocket) { } /** - * @param numCpus The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * @param numCpus The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2718,7 +2642,7 @@ public Builder numCpus(@Nullable Output numCpus) { } /** - * @param numCpus The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * @param numCpus The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -2728,7 +2652,7 @@ public Builder numCpus(Integer numCpus) { } /** - * @param ovfDeploy When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * @param ovfDeploy A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. * * @return builder * @@ -2739,7 +2663,7 @@ public Builder ovfDeploy(@Nullable Output ovfDeploy } /** - * @param ovfDeploy When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * @param ovfDeploy A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. * * @return builder * @@ -2749,9 +2673,7 @@ public Builder ovfDeploy(VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs ovfDeploy) { } /** - * @param pciDeviceIds List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @param pciDeviceIds A list of PCI passthrough devices * * @return builder * @@ -2762,9 +2684,7 @@ public Builder pciDeviceIds(@Nullable Output> pciDeviceIds) { } /** - * @param pciDeviceIds List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @param pciDeviceIds A list of PCI passthrough devices * * @return builder * @@ -2774,9 +2694,7 @@ public Builder pciDeviceIds(List pciDeviceIds) { } /** - * @param pciDeviceIds List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * @param pciDeviceIds A list of PCI passthrough devices * * @return builder * @@ -2851,8 +2769,6 @@ public Builder rebootRequired(Boolean rebootRequired) { /** * @param replaceTrigger Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. * - * For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - * * @return builder * */ @@ -2864,8 +2780,6 @@ public Builder replaceTrigger(@Nullable Output replaceTrigger) { /** * @param replaceTrigger Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. * - * For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - * * @return builder * */ @@ -2874,9 +2788,7 @@ public Builder replaceTrigger(String replaceTrigger) { } /** - * @param resourcePoolId The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * @param resourcePoolId The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -2887,9 +2799,7 @@ public Builder resourcePoolId(@Nullable Output resourcePoolId) { } /** - * @param resourcePoolId The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * @param resourcePoolId The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. * * @return builder * @@ -2899,7 +2809,7 @@ public Builder resourcePoolId(String resourcePoolId) { } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2910,7 +2820,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn(@Nullable Output runToolsScr } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2920,7 +2830,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn(Boolean runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn) } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsAfterResume Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsAfterResume Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2931,7 +2841,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsAfterResume(@Nullable Output runToolsScri } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsAfterResume Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsAfterResume Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2941,7 +2851,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsAfterResume(Boolean runToolsScriptsAfterResume) { } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2952,7 +2862,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot(@Nullable Output runToo } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2962,7 +2872,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot(Boolean runToolsScriptsBeforeGue } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2973,7 +2883,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown(@Nullable Output runT } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2983,7 +2893,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown(Boolean runToolsScriptsBeforeG } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -2994,7 +2904,7 @@ public Builder runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby(@Nullable Output runTo } /** - * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * @param runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. * * @return builder * @@ -3029,7 +2939,7 @@ public Builder sataControllerCount(Integer sataControllerCount) { } /** - * @param scsiBusSharing The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * @param scsiBusSharing Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. * * @return builder * @@ -3040,7 +2950,7 @@ public Builder scsiBusSharing(@Nullable Output scsiBusSharing) { } /** - * @param scsiBusSharing The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * @param scsiBusSharing Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. * * @return builder * @@ -3075,7 +2985,7 @@ public Builder scsiControllerCount(Integer scsiControllerCount) { } /** - * @param scsiType The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * @param scsiType The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. * * @return builder * @@ -3086,7 +2996,7 @@ public Builder scsiType(@Nullable Output scsiType) { } /** - * @param scsiType The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * @param scsiType The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. * * @return builder * @@ -3096,7 +3006,7 @@ public Builder scsiType(String scsiType) { } /** - * @param shutdownWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * @param shutdownWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -3107,7 +3017,7 @@ public Builder shutdownWaitTimeout(@Nullable Output shutdownWaitTimeout } /** - * @param shutdownWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * @param shutdownWaitTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -3117,7 +3027,7 @@ public Builder shutdownWaitTimeout(Integer shutdownWaitTimeout) { } /** - * @param storagePolicyId The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @param storagePolicyId The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. * * @return builder * @@ -3128,7 +3038,7 @@ public Builder storagePolicyId(@Nullable Output storagePolicyId) { } /** - * @param storagePolicyId The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @param storagePolicyId The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. * * @return builder * @@ -3138,7 +3048,7 @@ public Builder storagePolicyId(String storagePolicyId) { } /** - * @param swapPlacementPolicy The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * @param swapPlacementPolicy The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. * * @return builder * @@ -3149,7 +3059,7 @@ public Builder swapPlacementPolicy(@Nullable Output swapPlacementPolicy) } /** - * @param swapPlacementPolicy The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * @param swapPlacementPolicy The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. * * @return builder * @@ -3159,7 +3069,8 @@ public Builder swapPlacementPolicy(String swapPlacementPolicy) { } /** - * @param syncTimeWithHost Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * @param syncTimeWithHost Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * * @return builder * @@ -3170,7 +3081,8 @@ public Builder syncTimeWithHost(@Nullable Output syncTimeWithHost) { } /** - * @param syncTimeWithHost Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * @param syncTimeWithHost Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * * @return builder * @@ -3180,7 +3092,8 @@ public Builder syncTimeWithHost(Boolean syncTimeWithHost) { } /** - * @param syncTimeWithHostPeriodically Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * @param syncTimeWithHostPeriodically Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * * @return builder * @@ -3191,7 +3104,8 @@ public Builder syncTimeWithHostPeriodically(@Nullable Output syncTimeWi } /** - * @param syncTimeWithHostPeriodically Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * @param syncTimeWithHostPeriodically Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. * * @return builder * @@ -3201,9 +3115,7 @@ public Builder syncTimeWithHostPeriodically(Boolean syncTimeWithHostPeriodically } /** - * @param tags The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * @param tags A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * * @return builder * @@ -3214,9 +3126,7 @@ public Builder tags(@Nullable Output> tags) { } /** - * @param tags The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * @param tags A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * * @return builder * @@ -3226,9 +3136,7 @@ public Builder tags(List tags) { } /** - * @param tags The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * @param tags A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. * * @return builder * @@ -3238,7 +3146,7 @@ public Builder tags(String... tags) { } /** - * @param toolsUpgradePolicy Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * @param toolsUpgradePolicy Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. * * @return builder * @@ -3249,7 +3157,7 @@ public Builder toolsUpgradePolicy(@Nullable Output toolsUpgradePolicy) { } /** - * @param toolsUpgradePolicy Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * @param toolsUpgradePolicy Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. * * @return builder * @@ -3259,7 +3167,7 @@ public Builder toolsUpgradePolicy(String toolsUpgradePolicy) { } /** - * @param uuid The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * @param uuid The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * * @return builder * @@ -3270,7 +3178,7 @@ public Builder uuid(@Nullable Output uuid) { } /** - * @param uuid The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * @param uuid The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * * @return builder * @@ -3280,7 +3188,7 @@ public Builder uuid(String uuid) { } /** - * @param vapp Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * @param vapp vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. * * @return builder * @@ -3291,7 +3199,7 @@ public Builder vapp(@Nullable Output vapp) { } /** - * @param vapp Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * @param vapp vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. * * @return builder * @@ -3332,7 +3240,7 @@ public Builder vappTransports(String... vappTransports) { } /** - * @param vbsEnabled Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @param vbsEnabled Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -3343,7 +3251,7 @@ public Builder vbsEnabled(@Nullable Output vbsEnabled) { } /** - * @param vbsEnabled Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @param vbsEnabled Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. * * @return builder * @@ -3395,7 +3303,8 @@ public Builder vmxPath(String vmxPath) { } /** - * @param vvtdEnabled Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @param vvtdEnabled Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -3406,7 +3315,8 @@ public Builder vvtdEnabled(@Nullable Output vvtdEnabled) { } /** - * @param vvtdEnabled Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * @param vvtdEnabled Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. * * @return builder * @@ -3416,7 +3326,8 @@ public Builder vvtdEnabled(Boolean vvtdEnabled) { } /** - * @param waitForGuestIpTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * @param waitForGuestIpTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * * @return builder * @@ -3427,7 +3338,8 @@ public Builder waitForGuestIpTimeout(@Nullable Output waitForGuestIpTim } /** - * @param waitForGuestIpTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * @param waitForGuestIpTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * * @return builder * @@ -3437,7 +3349,8 @@ public Builder waitForGuestIpTimeout(Integer waitForGuestIpTimeout) { } /** - * @param waitForGuestNetRoutable Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * @param waitForGuestNetRoutable Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. * * @return builder * @@ -3448,7 +3361,8 @@ public Builder waitForGuestNetRoutable(@Nullable Output waitForGuestNet } /** - * @param waitForGuestNetRoutable Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * @param waitForGuestNetRoutable Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. * * @return builder * @@ -3458,7 +3372,8 @@ public Builder waitForGuestNetRoutable(Boolean waitForGuestNetRoutable) { } /** - * @param waitForGuestNetTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * @param waitForGuestNetTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * * @return builder * @@ -3469,7 +3384,8 @@ public Builder waitForGuestNetTimeout(@Nullable Output waitForGuestNetT } /** - * @param waitForGuestNetTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * @param waitForGuestNetTimeout The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VnicIpv4Args.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VnicIpv4Args.java index d0808652..25425478 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VnicIpv4Args.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VnicIpv4Args.java @@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ public final class VnicIpv4Args extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs { public static final VnicIpv4Args Empty = new VnicIpv4Args(); /** - * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * */ @Import(name="dhcp") private @Nullable Output dhcp; /** - * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * */ public Optional> dhcp() { @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ public Optional> dhcp() { } /** - * IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + * IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. * */ @Import(name="gw") private @Nullable Output gw; /** - * @return IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + * @return IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. * */ public Optional> gw() { @@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ public Optional> gw() { } /** - * Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * */ @Import(name="ip") private @Nullable Output ip; /** - * @return Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * @return address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * */ public Optional> ip() { @@ -62,14 +62,14 @@ public Optional> ip() { } /** - * Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * */ @Import(name="netmask") private @Nullable Output netmask; /** - * @return Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * @return netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * */ public Optional> netmask() { @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public Builder(VnicIpv4Args defaults) { } /** - * @param dhcp Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * @param dhcp Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * * @return builder * @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public Builder dhcp(@Nullable Output dhcp) { } /** - * @param dhcp Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * @param dhcp Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * * @return builder * @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public Builder dhcp(Boolean dhcp) { } /** - * @param gw IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + * @param gw IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. * * @return builder * @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public Builder gw(@Nullable Output gw) { } /** - * @param gw IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + * @param gw IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. * * @return builder * @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public Builder gw(String gw) { } /** - * @param ip Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * @param ip address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * * @return builder * @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public Builder ip(@Nullable Output ip) { } /** - * @param ip Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * @param ip address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * * @return builder * @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public Builder ip(String ip) { } /** - * @param netmask Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * @param netmask netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * * @return builder * @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ public Builder netmask(@Nullable Output netmask) { } /** - * @param netmask Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * @param netmask netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VnicIpv6Args.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VnicIpv6Args.java index 069e2b84..a331d624 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VnicIpv6Args.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/inputs/VnicIpv6Args.java @@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ public Optional> autoconfig() { } /** - * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * */ @Import(name="dhcp") private @Nullable Output dhcp; /** - * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * */ public Optional> dhcp() { @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public Builder autoconfig(Boolean autoconfig) { } /** - * @param dhcp Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * @param dhcp Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * * @return builder * @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public Builder dhcp(@Nullable Output dhcp) { } /** - * @param dhcp Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * @param dhcp Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * * @return builder * diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup.java index 6400194e..202d920d 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup.java @@ -13,26 +13,26 @@ @CustomType public final class ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup { /** - * @return The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + * @return Cache disk. * */ private @Nullable String cache; /** - * @return An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + * @return List of storage disks. * */ private @Nullable List storages; private ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup() {} /** - * @return The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + * @return Cache disk. * */ public Optional cache() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.cache); } /** - * @return An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + * @return List of storage disks. * */ public List storages() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster.java index fdb7bdb5..abf4aef5 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster.java @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public final class ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster { */ private List preferredFaultDomainHostIds; /** - * @return The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + * @return The name of prepferred fault domain. * */ private @Nullable String preferredFaultDomainName; @@ -29,79 +29,7 @@ public final class ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster { */ private List secondaryFaultDomainHostIds; /** - * @return The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - * - * > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - * You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeCluster; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var computeCluster = new ComputeCluster("computeCluster", ComputeClusterArgs.builder() - * .name("terraform-compute-cluster-test") - * .datacenterId(datacenter.id()) - * .hostSystemIds(host.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .drsEnabled(true) - * .drsAutomationLevel("fullyAutomated") - * .haEnabled(false) - * .vsanEnabled(true) - * .vsanEsaEnabled(true) - * .vsanDedupEnabled(true) - * .vsanCompressionEnabled(true) - * .vsanPerformanceEnabled(true) - * .vsanVerboseModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanUnmapEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitEncryptionEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitRekeyInterval(1800) - * .vsanDiskGroups(ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.builder() - * .cache(cacheDisks[0]) - * .storages(storageDisks) - * .build()) - * .vsanFaultDomains(ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .faultDomains( - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd1") - * .hostIds(faultdomain1Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build(), - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd2") - * .hostIds(faultdomain2Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build()) - * .build()) - * .vsanStretchedCluster(ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.builder() - * .preferredFaultDomainHostIds(preferredFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .secondaryFaultDomainHostIds(secondaryFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .witnessNode(witnessHost.id()) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @return The name of secondary fault domain. * */ private @Nullable String secondaryFaultDomainName; @@ -120,7 +48,7 @@ public List preferredFaultDomainHostIds() { return this.preferredFaultDomainHostIds; } /** - * @return The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + * @return The name of prepferred fault domain. * */ public Optional preferredFaultDomainName() { @@ -134,79 +62,7 @@ public List secondaryFaultDomainHostIds() { return this.secondaryFaultDomainHostIds; } /** - * @return The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - * - * > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - * You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - * - * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser --> - * ```java - * package generated_program; - * - * import com.pulumi.Context; - * import com.pulumi.Pulumi; - * import com.pulumi.core.Output; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeCluster; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.ComputeClusterArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs; - * import com.pulumi.vsphere.inputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs; - * import java.util.List; - * import java.util.ArrayList; - * import java.util.Map; - * import java.io.File; - * import java.nio.file.Files; - * import java.nio.file.Paths; - * - * public class App { - * public static void main(String[] args) { - * Pulumi.run(App::stack); - * } - * - * public static void stack(Context ctx) { - * var computeCluster = new ComputeCluster("computeCluster", ComputeClusterArgs.builder() - * .name("terraform-compute-cluster-test") - * .datacenterId(datacenter.id()) - * .hostSystemIds(host.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .drsEnabled(true) - * .drsAutomationLevel("fullyAutomated") - * .haEnabled(false) - * .vsanEnabled(true) - * .vsanEsaEnabled(true) - * .vsanDedupEnabled(true) - * .vsanCompressionEnabled(true) - * .vsanPerformanceEnabled(true) - * .vsanVerboseModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled(true) - * .vsanUnmapEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitEncryptionEnabled(true) - * .vsanDitRekeyInterval(1800) - * .vsanDiskGroups(ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs.builder() - * .cache(cacheDisks[0]) - * .storages(storageDisks) - * .build()) - * .vsanFaultDomains(ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .faultDomains( - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd1") - * .hostIds(faultdomain1Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build(), - * ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs.builder() - * .name("fd2") - * .hostIds(faultdomain2Hosts.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .build()) - * .build()) - * .vsanStretchedCluster(ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs.builder() - * .preferredFaultDomainHostIds(preferredFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .secondaryFaultDomainHostIds(secondaryFaultDomainHost.stream().map(element -> element.id()).collect(toList())) - * .witnessNode(witnessHost.id()) - * .build()) - * .build()); - * - * } - * } - * ``` - * <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> + * @return The name of secondary fault domain. * */ public Optional secondaryFaultDomainName() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ContentLibraryPublication.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ContentLibraryPublication.java index 1cd28831..3faa4fb2 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ContentLibraryPublication.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/ContentLibraryPublication.java @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ @CustomType public final class ContentLibraryPublication { /** - * @return Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + * @return Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. * */ private @Nullable String authenticationMethod; /** - * @return Password used for authentication. + * @return Password used by subscribers to authenticate. * */ private @Nullable String password; @@ -33,21 +33,21 @@ public final class ContentLibraryPublication { */ private @Nullable Boolean published; /** - * @return Username used for authentication. + * @return Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. * */ private @Nullable String username; private ContentLibraryPublication() {} /** - * @return Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + * @return Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. * */ public Optional authenticationMethod() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.authenticationMethod); } /** - * @return Password used for authentication. + * @return Password used by subscribers to authenticate. * */ public Optional password() { @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public Optional published() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.published); } /** - * @return Username used for authentication. + * @return Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. * */ public Optional username() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHost.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHost.java index 706fbef9..6f839b7e 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHost.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchHost.java @@ -13,30 +13,26 @@ @CustomType public final class DistributedVirtualSwitchHost { /** - * @return The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - * added in order they are specified. + * @return Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. * */ private @Nullable List devices; /** - * @return The host system ID of the host to add to the - * VDS. + * @return The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. * */ private String hostSystemId; private DistributedVirtualSwitchHost() {} /** - * @return The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - * added in order they are specified. + * @return Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. * */ public List devices() { return this.devices == null ? List.of() : this.devices; } /** - * @return The host system ID of the host to add to the - * VDS. + * @return The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. * */ public String hostSystemId() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping.java index d290098c..709f694a 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping.java @@ -12,44 +12,38 @@ @CustomType public final class DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping { /** - * @return The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - * 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * @return The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * */ private Integer primaryVlanId; /** - * @return The private VLAN type. Valid values are - * promiscuous, community and isolated. + * @return The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. * */ private String pvlanType; /** - * @return The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - * and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * @return The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * */ private Integer secondaryVlanId; private DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping() {} /** - * @return The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - * 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * @return The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * */ public Integer primaryVlanId() { return this.primaryVlanId; } /** - * @return The private VLAN type. Valid values are - * promiscuous, community and isolated. + * @return The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. * */ public String pvlanType() { return this.pvlanType; } /** - * @return The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - * and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * @return The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. * */ public Integer secondaryVlanId() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineCdrom.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineCdrom.java index f751c25f..3b5065e1 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineCdrom.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineCdrom.java @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ @CustomType public final class VirtualMachineCdrom { /** - * @return Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. + * @return Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device * */ private @Nullable Boolean clientDevice; /** - * @return The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @return The datastore ID the ISO is located on. * */ private @Nullable String datastoreId; @@ -34,25 +34,21 @@ public final class VirtualMachineCdrom { */ private @Nullable Integer key; /** - * @return The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * @return The path to the ISO file on the datastore. * */ private @Nullable String path; private VirtualMachineCdrom() {} /** - * @return Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. + * @return Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device * */ public Optional clientDevice() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.clientDevice); } /** - * @return The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @return The datastore ID the ISO is located on. * */ public Optional datastoreId() { @@ -73,11 +69,7 @@ public Optional key() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.key); } /** - * @return The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * @return The path to the ISO file on the datastore. * */ public Optional path() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomize.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomize.java index 2a61ca1f..ba27be82 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomize.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineCloneCustomize.java @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public final class VirtualMachineCloneCustomize { */ private @Nullable VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOptions linuxOptions; /** - * @return A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * @return A specification of network interface configuration options. * */ private @Nullable List networkInterfaces; @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public Optional linuxOptions() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.linuxOptions); } /** - * @return A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * @return A specification of network interface configuration options. * */ public List networkInterfaces() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineDisk.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineDisk.java index 6f8c6b88..0baa8b47 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineDisk.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineDisk.java @@ -15,19 +15,17 @@ @CustomType public final class VirtualMachineDisk { /** - * @return Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - * - * > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. + * @return If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. * */ private @Nullable Boolean attach; /** - * @return The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + * @return The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. * */ private @Nullable String controllerType; /** - * @return The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @return The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. * */ private @Nullable String datastoreId; @@ -37,46 +35,42 @@ public final class VirtualMachineDisk { */ private @Nullable String deviceAddress; /** - * @return The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - * - * [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + * @return The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. * */ private @Nullable String diskMode; /** - * @return The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + * @return The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. * */ private @Nullable String diskSharing; /** - * @return If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + * @return The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. * */ private @Nullable Boolean eagerlyScrub; /** - * @return The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + * @return The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. * */ private @Nullable Integer ioLimit; /** - * @return The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + * @return The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. * */ private @Nullable Integer ioReservation; /** - * @return The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + * @return The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. * */ private @Nullable Integer ioShareCount; /** - * @return The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + * @return The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * */ private @Nullable String ioShareLevel; /** - * @return Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @return Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. * */ private @Nullable Boolean keepOnRemove; @@ -91,64 +85,58 @@ public final class VirtualMachineDisk { */ private String label; /** - * @return The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * @return The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. * */ private @Nullable String path; /** - * @return The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + * @return The size of the disk, in GB. * */ private @Nullable Integer size; /** - * @return The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @return The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. * */ private @Nullable String storagePolicyId; /** - * @return If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + * @return If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. * */ private @Nullable Boolean thinProvisioned; /** - * @return The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + * @return The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. * */ private @Nullable Integer unitNumber; /** - * @return The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * @return The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * */ private @Nullable String uuid; /** - * @return If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + * @return If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. * */ private @Nullable Boolean writeThrough; private VirtualMachineDisk() {} /** - * @return Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - * - * > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. + * @return If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. * */ public Optional attach() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.attach); } /** - * @return The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + * @return The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. * */ public Optional controllerType() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.controllerType); } /** - * @return The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + * @return The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. * */ public Optional datastoreId() { @@ -162,60 +150,56 @@ public Optional deviceAddress() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.deviceAddress); } /** - * @return The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - * - * [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + * @return The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. * */ public Optional diskMode() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.diskMode); } /** - * @return The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + * @return The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. * */ public Optional diskSharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.diskSharing); } /** - * @return If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + * @return The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. * */ public Optional eagerlyScrub() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.eagerlyScrub); } /** - * @return The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + * @return The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. * */ public Optional ioLimit() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.ioLimit); } /** - * @return The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + * @return The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. * */ public Optional ioReservation() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.ioReservation); } /** - * @return The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + * @return The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. * */ public Optional ioShareCount() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.ioShareCount); } /** - * @return The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + * @return The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * */ public Optional ioShareLevel() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.ioShareLevel); } /** - * @return Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * @return Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. * */ public Optional keepOnRemove() { @@ -236,53 +220,49 @@ public String label() { return this.label; } /** - * @return The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * @return The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. * */ public Optional path() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.path); } /** - * @return The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + * @return The size of the disk, in GB. * */ public Optional size() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.size); } /** - * @return The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * @return The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. * */ public Optional storagePolicyId() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.storagePolicyId); } /** - * @return If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + * @return If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. * */ public Optional thinProvisioned() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.thinProvisioned); } /** - * @return The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + * @return The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. * */ public Optional unitNumber() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.unitNumber); } /** - * @return The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * @return The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. * */ public Optional uuid() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.uuid); } /** - * @return If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + * @return If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. * */ public Optional writeThrough() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterface.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterface.java index 04dc2d1e..77487d92 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterface.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VirtualMachineNetworkInterface.java @@ -15,27 +15,27 @@ @CustomType public final class VirtualMachineNetworkInterface { /** - * @return The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + * @return The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. * */ private @Nullable String adapterType; /** - * @return The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @return The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * */ private @Nullable Integer bandwidthLimit; /** - * @return The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + * @return The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * */ private @Nullable Integer bandwidthReservation; /** - * @return The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @return The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. * */ private @Nullable Integer bandwidthShareCount; /** - * @return The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @return The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * */ private @Nullable String bandwidthShareLevel; @@ -50,17 +50,17 @@ public final class VirtualMachineNetworkInterface { */ private @Nullable Integer key; /** - * @return The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + * @return The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. * */ private @Nullable String macAddress; /** - * @return The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + * @return The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. * */ private String networkId; /** - * @return Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + * @return Mapping of network interface to OVF network. * */ private @Nullable String ovfMapping; @@ -70,42 +70,42 @@ public final class VirtualMachineNetworkInterface { */ private @Nullable String physicalFunction; /** - * @return If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + * @return If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. * */ private @Nullable Boolean useStaticMac; private VirtualMachineNetworkInterface() {} /** - * @return The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + * @return The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. * */ public Optional adapterType() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.adapterType); } /** - * @return The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @return The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * */ public Optional bandwidthLimit() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.bandwidthLimit); } /** - * @return The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + * @return The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. * */ public Optional bandwidthReservation() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.bandwidthReservation); } /** - * @return The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @return The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. * */ public Optional bandwidthShareCount() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.bandwidthShareCount); } /** - * @return The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + * @return The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. * */ public Optional bandwidthShareLevel() { @@ -126,21 +126,21 @@ public Optional key() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.key); } /** - * @return The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + * @return The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. * */ public Optional macAddress() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.macAddress); } /** - * @return The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + * @return The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. * */ public String networkId() { return this.networkId; } /** - * @return Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + * @return Mapping of network interface to OVF network. * */ public Optional ovfMapping() { @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public Optional physicalFunction() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.physicalFunction); } /** - * @return If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + * @return If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. * */ public Optional useStaticMac() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VnicIpv4.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VnicIpv4.java index 7d36410d..b94cbf5a 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VnicIpv4.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VnicIpv4.java @@ -13,50 +13,50 @@ @CustomType public final class VnicIpv4 { /** - * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * */ private @Nullable Boolean dhcp; /** - * @return IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + * @return IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. * */ private @Nullable String gw; /** - * @return Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * @return address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * */ private @Nullable String ip; /** - * @return Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * @return netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * */ private @Nullable String netmask; private VnicIpv4() {} /** - * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * */ public Optional dhcp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.dhcp); } /** - * @return IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + * @return IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. * */ public Optional gw() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.gw); } /** - * @return Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * @return address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * */ public Optional ip() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.ip); } /** - * @return Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * @return netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. * */ public Optional netmask() { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VnicIpv6.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VnicIpv6.java index 6ac082b8..7c624274 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VnicIpv6.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/vsphere/outputs/VnicIpv6.java @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public final class VnicIpv6 { */ private @Nullable Boolean autoconfig; /** - * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * */ private @Nullable Boolean dhcp; @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public Optional autoconfig() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.autoconfig); } /** - * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * @return Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. * */ public Optional dhcp() { diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/computeCluster.ts b/sdk/nodejs/computeCluster.ts index 44ffed09..97b4f371 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/computeCluster.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/computeCluster.ts @@ -48,63 +48,48 @@ export class ComputeCluster extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly datacenterId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. */ public readonly dpmAutomationLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drsEnabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. */ public readonly dpmEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. */ public readonly dpmThreshold!: pulumi.Output; /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. */ public readonly drsAdvancedOptions!: pulumi.Output<{[key: string]: string} | undefined>; /** - * The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. */ public readonly drsAutomationLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. \* - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. */ public readonly drsEnablePredictiveDrs!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. */ public readonly drsEnableVmOverrides!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * Enable DRS for this cluster. */ public readonly drsEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. */ public readonly drsMigrationThreshold!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. */ public readonly drsScaleDescendantsShares!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -117,235 +102,169 @@ export class ComputeCluster extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly folder!: pulumi.Output; /** - * When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `hostSystemIds` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `forceEvacuateOnDestroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `hostSystemIds` attribute. + * Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. */ public readonly forceEvacuateOnDestroy!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. */ public readonly haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * \* + * The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. */ public readonly haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. */ public readonly haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. */ public readonly haAdmissionControlPolicy!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * \* + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. */ public readonly haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. */ public readonly haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. */ public readonly haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. */ public readonly haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. */ public readonly haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls - * whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - * sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - * average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + * to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + * currently in the cluster. */ public readonly haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize!: pulumi.Output; /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for vSphere HA. + * Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. */ public readonly haAdvancedOptions!: pulumi.Output<{[key: string]: string} | undefined>; /** - * Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. */ public readonly haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. */ public readonly haDatastoreApdResponse!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. */ public readonly haDatastoreApdResponseDelay!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. */ public readonly haDatastorePdlResponse!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. */ public readonly haEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. */ public readonly haHeartbeatDatastoreIds!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. */ public readonly haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. */ public readonly haHostIsolationResponse!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. */ public readonly haHostMonitoring!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * \* + * Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. */ public readonly haVmComponentProtection!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * \* + * The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. */ public readonly haVmDependencyRestartCondition!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. */ public readonly haVmFailureInterval!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. */ public readonly haVmMaximumFailureWindow!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. */ public readonly haVmMaximumResets!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. */ public readonly haVmMinimumUptime!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. */ public readonly haVmMonitoring!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \* + * Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. */ public readonly haVmRestartAdditionalDelay!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. */ public readonly haVmRestartPriority!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * \* + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. */ public readonly haVmRestartTimeout!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. */ public readonly hostClusterExitTimeout!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `computeCluster` resource. Conflicts with: `hostSystemIds`. + * Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. */ public readonly hostManaged!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `hostManaged`. + * The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. */ public readonly hostSystemIds!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -353,39 +272,25 @@ export class ComputeCluster extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly name!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \* + * The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. */ public readonly proactiveHaAutomationLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * \* + * Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. */ public readonly proactiveHaEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactiveHaSevereRemediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * \* + * The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. */ public readonly proactiveHaModerateRemediation!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * \* + * The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. */ public readonly proactiveHaProviderIds!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactiveHaModerateRemediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * \* + * The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. */ public readonly proactiveHaSevereRemediation!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -401,75 +306,59 @@ export class ComputeCluster extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly tags!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. */ public readonly vsanCompressionEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. */ public readonly vsanDedupEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. */ public readonly vsanDiskGroups!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. */ public readonly vsanDitEncryptionEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`. + * When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). */ public readonly vsanDitRekeyInterval!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. */ public readonly vsanEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. */ public readonly vsanEsaEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * The configuration for vSAN fault domains. */ public readonly vsanFaultDomains!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. */ public readonly vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. */ public readonly vsanPerformanceEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsanDitEncryptionEnabled` and - * `vsanDitRekeyInterval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. */ public readonly vsanRemoteDatastoreIds!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + * The configuration for stretched cluster. */ public readonly vsanStretchedCluster!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - * You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. */ public readonly vsanUnmapEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. */ public readonly vsanVerboseModeEnabled!: pulumi.Output; @@ -653,63 +542,48 @@ export interface ComputeClusterState { */ datacenterId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. */ dpmAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drsEnabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. */ dpmEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. */ dpmThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. */ drsAdvancedOptions?: pulumi.Input<{[key: string]: pulumi.Input}>; /** - * The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. */ drsAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. \* - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. */ drsEnablePredictiveDrs?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. */ drsEnableVmOverrides?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * Enable DRS for this cluster. */ drsEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. */ drsMigrationThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. */ drsScaleDescendantsShares?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -722,235 +596,169 @@ export interface ComputeClusterState { */ folder?: pulumi.Input; /** - * When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `hostSystemIds` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `forceEvacuateOnDestroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `hostSystemIds` attribute. + * Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. */ forceEvacuateOnDestroy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. */ haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * \* + * The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. */ haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. */ haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. */ haAdmissionControlPolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * \* + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. */ haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. */ haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. */ haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. */ haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. */ haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls - * whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - * sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - * average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + * to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + * currently in the cluster. */ haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for vSphere HA. + * Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. */ haAdvancedOptions?: pulumi.Input<{[key: string]: pulumi.Input}>; /** - * Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. */ haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. */ haDatastoreApdResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. */ haDatastoreApdResponseDelay?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. */ haDatastorePdlResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. */ haEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. */ haHeartbeatDatastoreIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. */ haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. */ haHostIsolationResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. */ haHostMonitoring?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * \* + * Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. */ haVmComponentProtection?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * \* + * The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. */ haVmDependencyRestartCondition?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. */ haVmFailureInterval?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. */ haVmMaximumFailureWindow?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. */ haVmMaximumResets?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. */ haVmMinimumUptime?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. */ haVmMonitoring?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \* + * Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. */ haVmRestartAdditionalDelay?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. */ haVmRestartPriority?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * \* + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. */ haVmRestartTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. */ hostClusterExitTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `computeCluster` resource. Conflicts with: `hostSystemIds`. + * Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. */ hostManaged?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `hostManaged`. + * The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. */ hostSystemIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -958,39 +766,25 @@ export interface ComputeClusterState { */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \* + * The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. */ proactiveHaAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * \* + * Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. */ proactiveHaEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactiveHaSevereRemediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * \* + * The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. */ proactiveHaModerateRemediation?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * \* + * The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. */ proactiveHaProviderIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactiveHaModerateRemediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * \* + * The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. */ proactiveHaSevereRemediation?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1006,75 +800,59 @@ export interface ComputeClusterState { */ tags?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanCompressionEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanDedupEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. */ vsanDiskGroups?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanDitEncryptionEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`. + * When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). */ vsanDitRekeyInterval?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanEsaEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * The configuration for vSAN fault domains. */ vsanFaultDomains?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanPerformanceEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsanDitEncryptionEnabled` and - * `vsanDitRekeyInterval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. */ vsanRemoteDatastoreIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + * The configuration for stretched cluster. */ vsanStretchedCluster?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - * You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanUnmapEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanVerboseModeEnabled?: pulumi.Input; } @@ -1097,63 +875,48 @@ export interface ComputeClusterArgs { */ datacenterId: pulumi.Input; /** - * The automation level for host power - * operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - * `manual`. + * The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. */ dpmAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - * Requires `drsEnabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - * Default: `false`. + * Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + * machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. */ dpmEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - * threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - * This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - * tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + * affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + * setting. */ dpmThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for DRS and DPM. + * Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. */ drsAdvancedOptions?: pulumi.Input<{[key: string]: pulumi.Input}>; /** - * The default automation level for all - * virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - * `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + * fullyAutomated. */ drsAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * When `true`, enables DRS to use data - * from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - * recommendations. \* - * - * [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + * When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. */ drsEnablePredictiveDrs?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow individual DRS overrides to be - * set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + * When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. */ drsEnableVmOverrides?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + * Enable DRS for this cluster. */ drsEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A value between `1` and `5` indicating - * the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - * tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - * `3`. + * A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + * more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. */ drsMigrationThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable scalable shares for all - * resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - * `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + * Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. */ drsScaleDescendantsShares?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1166,235 +929,169 @@ export interface ComputeClusterArgs { */ folder?: pulumi.Input; /** - * When destroying the resource, setting this to - * `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - * as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `hostSystemIds` (see - * below. This is an advanced - * option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not set `forceEvacuateOnDestroy` in production operation as - * there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - * configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - * your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - * incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - * the `hostSystemIds` attribute. + * Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + * for testing and is not recommended in normal use. */ forceEvacuateOnDestroy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Defines the - * managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - * hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - * block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - * recommendations. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + * failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + * will ignore the host when making recommendations. */ haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The maximum number - * of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - * whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - * the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - * \* + * The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + * machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. */ haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The percentage of - * resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - * a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - * disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + * The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + * warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. */ haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The type of admission control - * policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - * `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + * The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + * permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + * slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + * issues. */ haAdmissionControlPolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - * average number of host resources represented by the - * `haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance` - * setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - * user-defined values. Default: `true`. - * \* + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + * subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + * from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. */ haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. */ haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - * failover. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + * the cluster to reserve for failover. */ haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. */ haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the - * user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. */ haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls - * whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - * sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - * average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + * When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + * to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + * currently in the cluster. */ haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A key/value map that specifies advanced - * options for vSphere HA. + * Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. */ haAdvancedOptions?: pulumi.Input<{[key: string]: pulumi.Input}>; /** - * Controls the action to take - * on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - * middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - * \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + * affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. */ haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + * restartAggressive. */ haDatastoreApdResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The time, in seconds, - * to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - * `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Default: `180` - * seconds (3 minutes). \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + * the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. */ haDatastoreApdResponseDelay?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the action to take on - * virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - * \* + * When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + * detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. */ haDatastorePdlResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. */ haEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The list of managed object IDs for - * preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - * when `haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy` is set - * to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + * ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. */ haHeartbeatDatastoreIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The selection policy for HA - * heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - * `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + * The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + * allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. */ haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The action to take on virtual - * machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - * `none`. + * The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + * Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. */ haHostIsolationResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Global setting that controls whether - * vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - * or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + * Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. */ haHostMonitoring?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls vSphere VM component - * protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - * `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - * \* + * Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + * failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. */ haVmComponentProtection?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The condition used to - * determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - * are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - * priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - * `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - * is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - * \* + * The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + * on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. */ haVmDependencyRestartCondition?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - * from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - * the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + * If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + * failed. The value is in seconds. */ haVmFailureInterval?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - * which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. */ haVmMaximumFailureWindow?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. */ haVmMaximumResets?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` seconds (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. */ haVmMinimumUptime?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. */ haVmMonitoring?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Additional delay, in seconds, - * after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - * Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \* + * Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. */ haVmRestartAdditionalDelay?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The default restart priority - * for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - * of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + * The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + * high, or highest. */ haVmRestartPriority?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, - * that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - * before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - * \* + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + * proceeding with the next priority. */ haVmRestartTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - * mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + * The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. */ hostClusterExitTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - * membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - * `computeCluster` resource. Conflicts with: `hostSystemIds`. + * Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. */ hostManaged?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The managed object IDs of - * the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `hostManaged`. + * The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. */ hostSystemIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -1402,39 +1099,25 @@ export interface ComputeClusterArgs { */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Determines how the host - * quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - * made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - * `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \* + * The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. */ proactiveHaAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - * \* + * Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. */ proactiveHaEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The configured remediation - * for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - * `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - * `proactiveHaSevereRemediation` is set - * to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * \* + * The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + * this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. */ proactiveHaModerateRemediation?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The list of IDs for health update - * providers configured for this cluster. - * \* + * The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. */ proactiveHaProviderIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The configured remediation for - * severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - * Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - * `proactiveHaModerateRemediation` is - * set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - * \* + * The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + * cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. */ proactiveHaSevereRemediation?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1442,75 +1125,59 @@ export interface ComputeClusterArgs { */ tags?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Enables vSAN compression on the - * cluster. + * Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanCompressionEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - * Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - * compression must also be enabled. + * Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanDedupEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Represents the configuration of a host disk - * group in the cluster. + * A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. */ vsanDiskGroups?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Enables vSAN data-in-transit - * encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`, i.e., - * vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - * at the same time. + * Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanDitEncryptionEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Indicates the rekey interval in - * minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - * 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsanRemoteDatastoreIds`. + * When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). */ vsanDitRekeyInterval?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables vSAN on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanEsaEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + * The configuration for vSAN fault domains. */ vsanFaultDomains?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Enables network - * diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables vSAN performance service on - * the cluster. Default: `true`. + * Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanPerformanceEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - * mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsanDitEncryptionEnabled` and - * `vsanDitRekeyInterval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - * data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + * The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. */ vsanRemoteDatastoreIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + * The configuration for stretched cluster. */ vsanStretchedCluster?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - * You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanUnmapEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables verbose mode for vSAN - * performance service on the cluster. + * Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. */ vsanVerboseModeEnabled?: pulumi.Input; } diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/computeClusterVmAffinityRule.ts b/sdk/nodejs/computeClusterVmAffinityRule.ts index d6dccee1..7e75ac0c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/computeClusterVmAffinityRule.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/computeClusterVmAffinityRule.ts @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * then creates an affinity rule for these two virtual machines, ensuring they * will run on the same host whenever possible. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -80,13 +79,11 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * virtualMachineIds: vm.map((v, k) => [k, v]).map(([, ]) => (v.id)), * }); * ``` - * * * The following example creates an affinity rule for a set of virtual machines * in the cluster by looking up the virtual machine UUIDs from the * `vsphere.VirtualMachine` data source. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -113,7 +110,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * virtualMachineIds: vmsGetVirtualMachine.map(__item => __item.id), * }); * ``` - * * * ## Importing * diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/datacenter.ts b/sdk/nodejs/datacenter.ts index 88a4c71d..672668a1 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/datacenter.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/datacenter.ts @@ -12,18 +12,15 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ### Create datacenter on the root folder * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; * * const prodDatacenter = new vsphere.Datacenter("prod_datacenter", {name: "my_prod_datacenter"}); * ``` - * * * ### Create datacenter on a subfolder * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -33,7 +30,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * folder: "/research/", * }); * ``` - * * * ## Importing * diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/datastoreCluster.ts b/sdk/nodejs/datastoreCluster.ts index 1bd8eabe..1e97c98c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/datastoreCluster.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/datastoreCluster.ts @@ -65,18 +65,15 @@ export class DatastoreCluster extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly name!: pulumi.Output; /** - * A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. */ public readonly sdrsAdvancedOptions!: pulumi.Output<{[key: string]: string} | undefined>; /** - * The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. */ public readonly sdrsAutomationLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. */ public readonly sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -85,10 +82,7 @@ export class DatastoreCluster extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly sdrsEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drsSpaceUtilizationThreshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drsFreeSpaceThreshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. */ public readonly sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -97,85 +91,63 @@ export class DatastoreCluster extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. */ public readonly sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. */ public readonly sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. */ public readonly sdrsIoLatencyThreshold!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. */ public readonly sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. */ public readonly sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. */ public readonly sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. */ public readonly sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. */ public readonly sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. */ public readonly sdrsLoadBalanceInterval!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. */ public readonly sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. */ public readonly sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. */ public readonly sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. */ public readonly sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. */ public readonly sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -296,18 +268,15 @@ export interface DatastoreClusterState { */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. */ sdrsAdvancedOptions?: pulumi.Input<{[key: string]: pulumi.Input}>; /** - * The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. */ sdrsAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. */ sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -316,10 +285,7 @@ export interface DatastoreClusterState { */ sdrsEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drsSpaceUtilizationThreshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drsFreeSpaceThreshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. */ sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -328,85 +294,63 @@ export interface DatastoreClusterState { */ sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. */ sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. */ sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. */ sdrsIoLatencyThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. */ sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. */ sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. */ sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. */ sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. */ sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. */ sdrsLoadBalanceInterval?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. */ sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. */ sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. */ sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. */ sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. */ sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -454,18 +398,15 @@ export interface DatastoreClusterArgs { */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - * settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + * Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. */ sdrsAdvancedOptions?: pulumi.Input<{[key: string]: pulumi.Input}>; /** - * The global automation level for all - * virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + * The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. */ sdrsAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * When `true`, all disks in a - * single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + * When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. */ sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -474,10 +415,7 @@ export interface DatastoreClusterArgs { */ sdrsEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The free space threshold to use. - * When set to `utilization`, `drsSpaceUtilizationThreshold` is used, and - * when set to `freeSpace`, `drsFreeSpaceThreshold` is used. Default: - * `utilization`. + * The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. */ sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -486,85 +424,63 @@ export interface DatastoreClusterArgs { */ sdrsFreeSpaceThresholdMode?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - * DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + * balance the space. */ sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. */ sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The I/O latency threshold, in - * milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - * from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + * The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + * datastore. */ sdrsIoLatencyThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable I/O load balancing for - * this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + * Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. */ sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The difference between load - * in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - * balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + * The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. */ sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The threshold of reservable - * IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - * only be set if `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` cannot make an accurate - * estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - * to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + * The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + * move VMs off of a datastore. */ sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The threshold, in - * percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - * storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - * the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + * The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + * recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. */ sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The reservable IOPS - * threshold setting to use, `sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold` in the event - * of `automatic`, or `sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold` in the event of - * `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + * The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. */ sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The storage DRS poll interval, in - * minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + * The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. */ sdrsLoadBalanceInterval?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. */ sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. */ sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + * Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. */ sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Runtime thresholds govern - * when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - * (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + * The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. */ sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Overrides the default - * automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + * Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. */ sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/distributedPortGroup.ts b/sdk/nodejs/distributedPortGroup.ts index 9ff6ae0c..f8c35234 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/distributedPortGroup.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/distributedPortGroup.ts @@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ export class DistributedPortGroup extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly blockAllPorts!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. */ public readonly blockOverrideAllowed!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -148,8 +147,7 @@ export class DistributedPortGroup extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly lacpMode!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. */ public readonly livePortMovingAllowed!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -161,9 +159,7 @@ export class DistributedPortGroup extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly netflowEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. */ public readonly netflowOverrideAllowed!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -173,8 +169,7 @@ export class DistributedPortGroup extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly networkResourcePoolKey!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. */ public readonly networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -187,8 +182,7 @@ export class DistributedPortGroup extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly numberOfPorts!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. */ public readonly portConfigResetAtDisconnect!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -204,15 +198,11 @@ export class DistributedPortGroup extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly portPrivateSecondaryVlanId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. */ public readonly securityPolicyOverrideAllowed!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. */ public readonly shapingOverrideAllowed!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -229,8 +219,7 @@ export class DistributedPortGroup extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly teamingPolicy!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. */ public readonly trafficFilterOverrideAllowed!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -244,9 +233,7 @@ export class DistributedPortGroup extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly type!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. */ public readonly uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -254,9 +241,7 @@ export class DistributedPortGroup extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly vlanId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. */ public readonly vlanOverrideAllowed!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -419,8 +404,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupState { */ blockAllPorts?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. */ blockOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -502,8 +486,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupState { */ lacpMode?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. */ livePortMovingAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -515,9 +498,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupState { */ netflowEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. */ netflowOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -527,8 +508,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupState { */ networkResourcePoolKey?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. */ networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -541,8 +521,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupState { */ numberOfPorts?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. */ portConfigResetAtDisconnect?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -558,15 +537,11 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupState { */ portPrivateSecondaryVlanId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. */ securityPolicyOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. */ shapingOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -583,8 +558,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupState { */ teamingPolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. */ trafficFilterOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -598,9 +572,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupState { */ type?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. */ uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -608,9 +580,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupState { */ vlanId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. */ vlanOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -654,8 +624,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupArgs { */ blockAllPorts?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the port shutdown - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. */ blockOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -728,8 +697,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupArgs { */ lacpMode?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow a port in this port group to be - * moved to another port group while it is connected. + * Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. */ livePortMovingAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -741,9 +709,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupArgs { */ netflowEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the - * [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. */ netflowOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -753,8 +719,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupArgs { */ networkResourcePoolKey?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the network - * resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. */ networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -767,8 +732,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupArgs { */ numberOfPorts?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Reset a port's settings to the - * settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + * Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. */ portConfigResetAtDisconnect?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -784,15 +748,11 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupArgs { */ portPrivateSecondaryVlanId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the - * [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - * policy to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. */ securityPolicyOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the - * [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - * to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. */ shapingOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -809,8 +769,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupArgs { */ teamingPolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow any traffic filters on - * this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + * Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. */ trafficFilterOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -824,9 +783,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupArgs { */ type?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the - * [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - * overridden on an individual port. + * Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. */ uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -834,9 +791,7 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupArgs { */ vlanId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow the - * [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - * individual port. + * Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. */ vlanOverrideAllowed?: pulumi.Input; /** diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/distributedVirtualSwitch.ts b/sdk/nodejs/distributedVirtualSwitch.ts index 9f830775..1b31a169 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/distributedVirtualSwitch.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/distributedVirtualSwitch.ts @@ -35,26 +35,20 @@ export class DistributedVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { } /** - * A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. */ public readonly activeUplinks!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. */ public readonly allowForgedTransmits!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. */ public readonly allowMacChanges!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. */ public readonly allowPromiscuous!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -74,17 +68,11 @@ export class DistributedVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly backupnfcShareLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * Indicates whether to block all ports by default. */ public readonly blockAllPorts!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. */ public readonly checkBeacon!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -120,33 +108,27 @@ export class DistributedVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly description!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. */ public readonly directpathGen2Allowed!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. */ public readonly egressShapingAverageBandwidth!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. */ public readonly egressShapingBurstSize!: pulumi.Output; /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. */ public readonly egressShapingEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. */ public readonly egressShapingPeakBandwidth!: pulumi.Output; /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. */ public readonly failback!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -187,33 +169,27 @@ export class DistributedVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly hbrShareLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * A host member specification. */ public readonly hosts!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. */ public readonly ignoreOtherPvlanMappings!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. */ public readonly ingressShapingAverageBandwidth!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. */ public readonly ingressShapingBurstSize!: pulumi.Output; /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. */ public readonly ingressShapingEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. */ public readonly ingressShapingPeakBandwidth!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -244,12 +220,11 @@ export class DistributedVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly lacpApiVersion!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. */ public readonly lacpEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. */ public readonly lacpMode!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -292,59 +267,45 @@ export class DistributedVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly name!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. */ public readonly netflowActiveFlowTimeout!: pulumi.Output; /** - * IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. */ public readonly netflowCollectorIpAddress!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * The port for the netflow collector. */ public readonly netflowCollectorPort!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. */ public readonly netflowEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. */ public readonly netflowIdleFlowTimeout!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. */ public readonly netflowInternalFlowsOnly!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. */ public readonly netflowObservationDomainId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. */ public readonly netflowSamplingRate!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. */ public readonly networkResourceControlEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. */ public readonly networkResourceControlVersion!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -364,25 +325,19 @@ export class DistributedVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly nfsShareLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. */ public readonly notifySwitches!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * The secondary VLAN ID for this port. */ public readonly portPrivateSecondaryVlanId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Use the `pvlanMapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. */ public readonly pvlanMappings!: pulumi.Output; /** - * A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. */ public readonly standbyUplinks!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -392,22 +347,18 @@ export class DistributedVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly tags!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, - * `failoverExplicit`, or `loadbalanceLoadbased`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. */ public readonly teamingPolicy!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. */ public readonly txUplink!: pulumi.Output; /** - * A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. */ public readonly uplinks!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -453,28 +404,7 @@ export class DistributedVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly vlanId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `minVlan` - * and `maxVlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlanRange` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; - * - * const vds = new vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", {vlanRanges: [ - * { - * minVlan: 100, - * maxVlan: 199, - * }, - * { - * minVlan: 300, - * maxVlan: 399, - * }, - * ]}); - * ``` - * + * The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. */ public readonly vlanRanges!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -729,26 +659,20 @@ export class DistributedVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchState { /** - * A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. */ activeUplinks?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. */ allowForgedTransmits?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. */ allowMacChanges?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. */ allowPromiscuous?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -768,17 +692,11 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchState { */ backupnfcShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * Indicates whether to block all ports by default. */ blockAllPorts?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. */ checkBeacon?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -814,33 +732,27 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchState { */ description?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. */ directpathGen2Allowed?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. */ egressShapingAverageBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. */ egressShapingBurstSize?: pulumi.Input; /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. */ egressShapingEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. */ egressShapingPeakBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. */ failback?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -881,33 +793,27 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchState { */ hbrShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * A host member specification. */ hosts?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. */ ignoreOtherPvlanMappings?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. */ ingressShapingAverageBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. */ ingressShapingBurstSize?: pulumi.Input; /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. */ ingressShapingEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. */ ingressShapingPeakBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -938,12 +844,11 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchState { */ lacpApiVersion?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. */ lacpEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. */ lacpMode?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -986,59 +891,45 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchState { */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. */ netflowActiveFlowTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. */ netflowCollectorIpAddress?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * The port for the netflow collector. */ netflowCollectorPort?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. */ netflowEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. */ netflowIdleFlowTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. */ netflowInternalFlowsOnly?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. */ netflowObservationDomainId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. */ netflowSamplingRate?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. */ networkResourceControlEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. */ networkResourceControlVersion?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1058,25 +949,19 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchState { */ nfsShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. */ notifySwitches?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * The secondary VLAN ID for this port. */ portPrivateSecondaryVlanId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Use the `pvlanMapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. */ pvlanMappings?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. */ standbyUplinks?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -1086,22 +971,18 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchState { */ tags?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, - * `failoverExplicit`, or `loadbalanceLoadbased`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. */ teamingPolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. */ txUplink?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. */ uplinks?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -1147,28 +1028,7 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchState { */ vlanId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `minVlan` - * and `maxVlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlanRange` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; - * - * const vds = new vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", {vlanRanges: [ - * { - * minVlan: 100, - * maxVlan: 199, - * }, - * { - * minVlan: 300, - * maxVlan: 399, - * }, - * ]}); - * ``` - * + * The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. */ vlanRanges?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -1210,26 +1070,20 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchState { */ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs { /** - * A list of active uplinks to be used in load - * balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. */ activeUplinks?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Controls whether or not a virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. */ allowForgedTransmits?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. */ allowMacChanges?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. */ allowPromiscuous?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1249,17 +1103,11 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs { */ backupnfcShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - * this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - * virtual devices. + * Indicates whether to block all ports by default. */ blockAllPorts?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - * to detect NIC failure. - * - * > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - * probing. + * Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. */ checkBeacon?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1290,33 +1138,27 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs { */ description?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - * for which this policy applies to. + * Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. */ directpathGen2Allowed?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The average bandwidth in bits - * per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. */ egressShapingAverageBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. */ egressShapingBurstSize?: pulumi.Input; /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - * on the port for egress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. */ egressShapingEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts - * in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. */ egressShapingPeakBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - * uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. */ failback?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1357,33 +1199,27 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs { */ hbrShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - * options are: + * A host member specification. */ hosts?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - * mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + * Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. */ ignoreOtherPvlanMappings?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The average bandwidth in - * bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. */ ingressShapingAverageBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in - * bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. */ ingressShapingBurstSize?: pulumi.Input; /** - * `true` if the traffic shaper is - * enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + * True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. */ ingressShapingEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The peak bandwidth during - * bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + * The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. */ ingressShapingPeakBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1414,12 +1250,11 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs { */ lacpApiVersion?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. */ lacpEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + * The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. */ lacpMode?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1462,59 +1297,45 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs { */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of seconds after which - * active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - * `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + * The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. */ netflowActiveFlowTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * IP address for the Netflow - * collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - * Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + * later. */ netflowCollectorIpAddress?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Port for the Netflow collector. This - * must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + * The port for the netflow collector. */ netflowCollectorPort?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - * applies to. + * Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. */ netflowEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of seconds after which - * idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - * to `600`. Default: `15`. + * The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. */ netflowIdleFlowTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Whether to limit analysis to - * traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - * Default: `false`. + * Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. */ netflowInternalFlowsOnly?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The observation domain ID for - * the Netflow collector. + * The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. */ netflowObservationDomainId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The ratio of total number of packets to - * the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - * VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - * indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + * The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + * packets are analyzed. */ netflowSamplingRate?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Set to `true` to enable - * network I/O control. Default: `false`. + * Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. */ networkResourceControlEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The version of network I/O - * control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + * The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. */ networkResourceControlVersion?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1534,25 +1355,19 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs { */ nfsShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - * broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. */ notifySwitches?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Used to define a secondary VLAN - * ID when using private VLANs. + * The secondary VLAN ID for this port. */ portPrivateSecondaryVlanId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Use the `pvlanMapping` block to declare a - * private VLAN mapping. The options are: + * A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. */ pvlanMappings?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * A list of standby uplinks to be used in - * failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - * `uplinks` VDS argument. See - * here for more details. + * List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. */ standbyUplinks?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -1562,22 +1377,18 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs { */ tags?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - * `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, - * `failoverExplicit`, or `loadbalanceLoadbased`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + * failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. */ teamingPolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - * this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + * If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + * forwarded done by the switch. */ txUplink?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - * of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - * controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - * names. See here for an example on how to - * use this option. + * A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + * across hosts. */ uplinks?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -1623,28 +1434,7 @@ export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchArgs { */ vlanId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `minVlan` - * and `maxVlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - * `vlanRange` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - * below: - * - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; - * - * const vds = new vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", {vlanRanges: [ - * { - * minVlan: 100, - * maxVlan: 199, - * }, - * { - * minVlan: 300, - * maxVlan: 399, - * }, - * ]}); - * ``` - * + * The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. */ vlanRanges?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/file.ts b/sdk/nodejs/file.ts index 0449b0fb..ce1dce4d 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/file.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/file.ts @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ### Uploading a File * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -22,11 +21,9 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * createDirectories: true, * }); * ``` - * * * ### Copying a File * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -41,7 +38,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * createDirectories: true, * }); * ``` - * */ export class File extends pulumi.CustomResource { /** diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getComputeCluster.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getComputeCluster.ts index 3407822f..531521da 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getComputeCluster.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getComputeCluster.ts @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getComputeCluster(args: GetComputeClusterArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -87,7 +85,6 @@ export interface GetComputeClusterResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -100,7 +97,6 @@ export interface GetComputeClusterResult { * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getComputeClusterOutput(args: GetComputeClusterOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getComputeCluster(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getComputeClusterHostGroup.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getComputeClusterHostGroup.ts index 4108e80e..404f2e34 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getComputeClusterHostGroup.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getComputeClusterHostGroup.ts @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -34,7 +33,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * affinityHostGroupName: hostGroup1.then(hostGroup1 => hostGroup1.name), * }); * ``` - * */ export function getComputeClusterHostGroup(args: GetComputeClusterHostGroupArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -85,7 +83,6 @@ export interface GetComputeClusterHostGroupResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -108,7 +105,6 @@ export interface GetComputeClusterHostGroupResult { * affinityHostGroupName: hostGroup1.then(hostGroup1 => hostGroup1.name), * }); * ``` - * */ export function getComputeClusterHostGroupOutput(args: GetComputeClusterHostGroupOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getComputeClusterHostGroup(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getContentLibrary.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getContentLibrary.ts index 0d491d36..53b4230b 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getContentLibrary.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getContentLibrary.ts @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * name: "Content Library", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getContentLibrary(args: GetContentLibraryArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -57,7 +55,6 @@ export interface GetContentLibraryResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -66,7 +63,6 @@ export interface GetContentLibraryResult { * name: "Content Library", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getContentLibraryOutput(args: GetContentLibraryOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getContentLibrary(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getCustomAttribute.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getCustomAttribute.ts index aeecd061..abea3b10 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getCustomAttribute.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getCustomAttribute.ts @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * name: "test-attribute", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getCustomAttribute(args: GetCustomAttributeArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -68,7 +66,6 @@ export interface GetCustomAttributeResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -77,7 +74,6 @@ export interface GetCustomAttributeResult { * name: "test-attribute", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getCustomAttributeOutput(args: GetCustomAttributeOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getCustomAttribute(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getDatacenter.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getDatacenter.ts index 5cbd8f57..68523667 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getDatacenter.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getDatacenter.ts @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * name: "dc-01", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getDatacenter(args?: GetDatacenterArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { args = args || {}; @@ -66,7 +64,6 @@ export interface GetDatacenterResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -75,7 +72,6 @@ export interface GetDatacenterResult { * name: "dc-01", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getDatacenterOutput(args?: GetDatacenterOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getDatacenter(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getDatastore.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getDatastore.ts index f55b527e..0e4dfa20 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getDatastore.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getDatastore.ts @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getDatastore(args: GetDatastoreArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -85,7 +83,6 @@ export interface GetDatastoreResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -98,7 +95,6 @@ export interface GetDatastoreResult { * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getDatastoreOutput(args: GetDatastoreOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getDatastore(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getDatastoreCluster.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getDatastoreCluster.ts index 7f116972..e09b484d 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getDatastoreCluster.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getDatastoreCluster.ts @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getDatastoreCluster(args: GetDatastoreClusterArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -73,7 +71,6 @@ export interface GetDatastoreClusterResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -86,7 +83,6 @@ export interface GetDatastoreClusterResult { * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getDatastoreClusterOutput(args: GetDatastoreClusterOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getDatastoreCluster(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getDatastoreStats.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getDatastoreStats.ts index ca1b481b..598f6ee2 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getDatastoreStats.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getDatastoreStats.ts @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * * * A usefull example of this datasource would be to determine the * datastore with the most free space. For example, in addition to @@ -31,14 +29,12 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * Create an `outputs.tf` like that: * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * * export const maxFreeSpaceName = theirMaxFreeSpaceName; * export const maxFreeSpace = theirMaxFreeSpace; * ``` - * * * and a `locals.tf` like that: */ @@ -109,7 +105,6 @@ export interface GetDatastoreStatsResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -121,7 +116,6 @@ export interface GetDatastoreStatsResult { * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * * * A usefull example of this datasource would be to determine the * datastore with the most free space. For example, in addition to @@ -129,14 +123,12 @@ export interface GetDatastoreStatsResult { * * Create an `outputs.tf` like that: * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * * export const maxFreeSpaceName = theirMaxFreeSpaceName; * export const maxFreeSpace = theirMaxFreeSpace; * ``` - * * * and a `locals.tf` like that: */ diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getDistributedVirtualSwitch.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getDistributedVirtualSwitch.ts index e04b51fd..687a776c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getDistributedVirtualSwitch.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getDistributedVirtualSwitch.ts @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * `vsphere.DistributedPortGroup` resource that uses the first uplink as a * primary uplink and the second uplink as a secondary. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * standbyUplinks: [vds.then(vds => vds.uplinks?.[1])], * }); * ``` - * */ export function getDistributedVirtualSwitch(args: GetDistributedVirtualSwitchArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -103,7 +101,6 @@ export interface GetDistributedVirtualSwitchResult { * `vsphere.DistributedPortGroup` resource that uses the first uplink as a * primary uplink and the second uplink as a secondary. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -122,7 +119,6 @@ export interface GetDistributedVirtualSwitchResult { * standbyUplinks: [vds.then(vds => vds.uplinks?.[1])], * }); * ``` - * */ export function getDistributedVirtualSwitchOutput(args: GetDistributedVirtualSwitchOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getDistributedVirtualSwitch(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getDynamic.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getDynamic.ts index 64ad0391..3eef2e6f 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getDynamic.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getDynamic.ts @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -38,7 +37,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * type: "Datacenter", * })); * ``` - * */ export function getDynamic(args: GetDynamicArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -93,7 +91,6 @@ export interface GetDynamicResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -118,7 +115,6 @@ export interface GetDynamicResult { * type: "Datacenter", * })); * ``` - * */ export function getDynamicOutput(args: GetDynamicOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getDynamic(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getFolder.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getFolder.ts index 10520147..b0a444c3 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getFolder.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getFolder.ts @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * path: "/dc-01/datastore-01/folder-01", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getFolder(args: GetFolderArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -59,7 +57,6 @@ export interface GetFolderResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -68,7 +65,6 @@ export interface GetFolderResult { * path: "/dc-01/datastore-01/folder-01", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getFolderOutput(args: GetFolderOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getFolder(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getGuestOsCustomization.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getGuestOsCustomization.ts index f39f0d12..448df43f 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getGuestOsCustomization.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getGuestOsCustomization.ts @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * name: "linux-spec", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getGuestOsCustomization(args: GetGuestOsCustomizationArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -81,7 +79,6 @@ export interface GetGuestOsCustomizationResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -90,7 +87,6 @@ export interface GetGuestOsCustomizationResult { * name: "linux-spec", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getGuestOsCustomizationOutput(args: GetGuestOsCustomizationOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getGuestOsCustomization(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getHost.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getHost.ts index 3a0bd990..297677d4 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getHost.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getHost.ts @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getHost(args: GetHostArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -77,7 +75,6 @@ export interface GetHostResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -90,7 +87,6 @@ export interface GetHostResult { * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getHostOutput(args: GetHostOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getHost(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getHostPciDevice.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getHostPciDevice.ts index 5fe867b4..d01a12cb 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getHostPciDevice.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getHostPciDevice.ts @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ### With Vendor ID And Class ID * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -31,28 +30,25 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * vendorId: "456", * })); * ``` - * * * ### With Name Regular Expression * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; * * const datacenter = vsphere.getDatacenter({ - * name: "dc-01", + * name: "dc-01", * }); * const host = datacenter.then(datacenter => vsphere.getHost({ - * name: "esxi-01.example.com", - * datacenterId: datacenter.id, + * name: "esxi-01.example.com", + * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * const dev = host.then(host => vsphere.getHostPciDevice({ - * hostId: host.id, - * nameRegex: "MMC", + * hostId: host.id, + * nameRegex: "MMC", * })); * ``` - * */ export function getHostPciDevice(args: GetHostPciDeviceArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -118,7 +114,6 @@ export interface GetHostPciDeviceResult { * * ### With Vendor ID And Class ID * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -136,28 +131,25 @@ export interface GetHostPciDeviceResult { * vendorId: "456", * })); * ``` - * * * ### With Name Regular Expression * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; * * const datacenter = vsphere.getDatacenter({ - * name: "dc-01", + * name: "dc-01", * }); * const host = datacenter.then(datacenter => vsphere.getHost({ - * name: "esxi-01.example.com", - * datacenterId: datacenter.id, + * name: "esxi-01.example.com", + * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * const dev = host.then(host => vsphere.getHostPciDevice({ - * hostId: host.id, - * nameRegex: "MMC", + * hostId: host.id, + * nameRegex: "MMC", * })); * ``` - * */ export function getHostPciDeviceOutput(args: GetHostPciDeviceOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getHostPciDevice(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getHostThumbprint.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getHostThumbprint.ts index b4d3112c..588813c6 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getHostThumbprint.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getHostThumbprint.ts @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * address: "esxi-01.example.com", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getHostThumbprint(args: GetHostThumbprintArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -73,7 +71,6 @@ export interface GetHostThumbprintResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -82,7 +79,6 @@ export interface GetHostThumbprintResult { * address: "esxi-01.example.com", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getHostThumbprintOutput(args: GetHostThumbprintOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getHostThumbprint(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getHostVgpuProfile.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getHostVgpuProfile.ts index 19f4ee6d..8ae51501 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getHostVgpuProfile.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getHostVgpuProfile.ts @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ### To Return All VGPU Profiles * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -30,11 +29,9 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * hostId: host.id, * })); * ``` - * * * ### With VGPU Profile Name_regex * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -51,7 +48,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * nameRegex: "a100", * })); * ``` - * */ export function getHostVgpuProfile(args: GetHostVgpuProfileArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -110,7 +106,6 @@ export interface GetHostVgpuProfileResult { * * ### To Return All VGPU Profiles * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -126,11 +121,9 @@ export interface GetHostVgpuProfileResult { * hostId: host.id, * })); * ``` - * * * ### With VGPU Profile Name_regex * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -147,7 +140,6 @@ export interface GetHostVgpuProfileResult { * nameRegex: "a100", * })); * ``` - * */ export function getHostVgpuProfileOutput(args: GetHostVgpuProfileOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getHostVgpuProfile(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getLicense.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getLicense.ts index f3392141..fa862109 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getLicense.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getLicense.ts @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * licenseKey: "00000-00000-00000-00000-00000", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getLicense(args: GetLicenseArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -72,7 +70,6 @@ export interface GetLicenseResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -81,7 +78,6 @@ export interface GetLicenseResult { * licenseKey: "00000-00000-00000-00000-00000", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getLicenseOutput(args: GetLicenseOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getLicense(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getNetwork.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getNetwork.ts index adae3ee8..72c3e48e 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getNetwork.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getNetwork.ts @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getNetwork(args: GetNetworkArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -90,7 +88,6 @@ export interface GetNetworkResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -103,7 +100,6 @@ export interface GetNetworkResult { * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getNetworkOutput(args: GetNetworkOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getNetwork(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getPolicy.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getPolicy.ts index 6b465d36..80c3330b 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getPolicy.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getPolicy.ts @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * name: "dev_silver_nonreplicated", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getPolicy(args: GetPolicyArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -66,7 +64,6 @@ export interface GetPolicyResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -78,7 +75,6 @@ export interface GetPolicyResult { * name: "dev_silver_nonreplicated", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getPolicyOutput(args: GetPolicyOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getPolicy(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getResourcePool.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getResourcePool.ts index bb4bd1b9..851d7045 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getResourcePool.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getResourcePool.ts @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * * * ### Specifying the Root Resource Pool for a Standalone ESXi Host * @@ -37,7 +35,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * explicitly created. This resource pool is referred to as the * _root resource pool_ and can be looked up by specifying the path. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -47,7 +44,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * }); * ``` - * * * For more information on the root resource pool, see [Managing Resource Pools][vmware-docs-resource-pools] in the vSphere documentation. * @@ -105,7 +101,6 @@ export interface GetResourcePoolResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -118,7 +113,6 @@ export interface GetResourcePoolResult { * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * * * ### Specifying the Root Resource Pool for a Standalone ESXi Host * @@ -130,7 +124,6 @@ export interface GetResourcePoolResult { * explicitly created. This resource pool is referred to as the * _root resource pool_ and can be looked up by specifying the path. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -140,7 +133,6 @@ export interface GetResourcePoolResult { * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * }); * ``` - * * * For more information on the root resource pool, see [Managing Resource Pools][vmware-docs-resource-pools] in the vSphere documentation. * diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getRole.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getRole.ts index 0add6bac..b300463f 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getRole.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getRole.ts @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * label: "Terraform to vSphere Integration Role", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getRole(args: GetRoleArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -79,7 +77,6 @@ export interface GetRoleResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -88,7 +85,6 @@ export interface GetRoleResult { * label: "Terraform to vSphere Integration Role", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getRoleOutput(args: GetRoleOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getRole(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getTag.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getTag.ts index 5226ddad..0a054df7 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getTag.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getTag.ts @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * categoryId: category.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getTag(args: GetTagArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -79,7 +77,6 @@ export interface GetTagResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -92,7 +89,6 @@ export interface GetTagResult { * categoryId: category.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getTagOutput(args: GetTagOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getTag(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getTagCategory.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getTagCategory.ts index 2a03c14a..47fbc3a8 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getTagCategory.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getTagCategory.ts @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * name: "example-category", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getTagCategory(args: GetTagCategoryArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -70,7 +68,6 @@ export interface GetTagCategoryResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -79,7 +76,6 @@ export interface GetTagCategoryResult { * name: "example-category", * }); * ``` - * */ export function getTagCategoryOutput(args: GetTagCategoryOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getTagCategory(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getVappContainer.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getVappContainer.ts index 8f620f92..6a3f6309 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getVappContainer.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getVappContainer.ts @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getVappContainer(args: GetVappContainerArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -71,7 +69,6 @@ export interface GetVappContainerResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -84,7 +81,6 @@ export interface GetVappContainerResult { * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getVappContainerOutput(args: GetVappContainerOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getVappContainer(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getVirtualMachine.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getVirtualMachine.ts index f028980b..365b220c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getVirtualMachine.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getVirtualMachine.ts @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * In the following example, a virtual machine template is returned by its * unique name within the `vsphere.Datacenter`. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -31,11 +30,9 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * * In the following example, each virtual machine template is returned by its * unique full path within the `vsphere.Datacenter`. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -52,7 +49,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getVirtualMachine(args?: GetVirtualMachineArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { args = args || {}; @@ -390,7 +386,6 @@ export interface GetVirtualMachineResult { * In the following example, a virtual machine template is returned by its * unique name within the `vsphere.Datacenter`. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -403,11 +398,9 @@ export interface GetVirtualMachineResult { * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * * In the following example, each virtual machine template is returned by its * unique full path within the `vsphere.Datacenter`. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -424,7 +417,6 @@ export interface GetVirtualMachineResult { * datacenterId: datacenter.id, * })); * ``` - * */ export function getVirtualMachineOutput(args?: GetVirtualMachineOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getVirtualMachine(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getVmfsDisks.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getVmfsDisks.ts index 136710fc..9a3e53c5 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getVmfsDisks.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getVmfsDisks.ts @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * filter: "mpx.vmhba1:C0:T[12]:L0", * })); * ``` - * */ export function getVmfsDisks(args: GetVmfsDisksArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -93,7 +91,6 @@ export interface GetVmfsDisksResult { * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -111,7 +108,6 @@ export interface GetVmfsDisksResult { * filter: "mpx.vmhba1:C0:T[12]:L0", * })); * ``` - * */ export function getVmfsDisksOutput(args: GetVmfsDisksOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getVmfsDisks(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/guestOsCustomization.ts b/sdk/nodejs/guestOsCustomization.ts index 58aca450..7796102c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/guestOsCustomization.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/guestOsCustomization.ts @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * }, * }); * ``` - * */ export class GuestOsCustomization extends pulumi.CustomResource { /** diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/haVmOverride.ts b/sdk/nodejs/haVmOverride.ts index 83a284fc..80356567 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/haVmOverride.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/haVmOverride.ts @@ -33,102 +33,75 @@ export class HaVmOverride extends pulumi.CustomResource { } /** - * The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the cluster. */ public readonly computeClusterId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. */ public readonly haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. */ public readonly haDatastoreApdResponse!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. */ public readonly haDatastoreApdResponseDelay!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. */ public readonly haDatastorePdlResponse!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. */ public readonly haHostIsolationResponse!: pulumi.Output; /** - * If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. */ public readonly haVmFailureInterval!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The length of the reset window in - * which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. */ public readonly haVmMaximumFailureWindow!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. */ public readonly haVmMaximumResets!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. */ public readonly haVmMinimumUptime!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. */ public readonly haVmMonitoring!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. */ public readonly haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. */ public readonly haVmRestartPriority!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. */ public readonly haVmRestartTimeout!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the virtual machine. */ public readonly virtualMachineId!: pulumi.Output; @@ -194,102 +167,75 @@ export class HaVmOverride extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ export interface HaVmOverrideState { /** - * The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the cluster. */ computeClusterId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. */ haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. */ haDatastoreApdResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. */ haDatastoreApdResponseDelay?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. */ haDatastorePdlResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. */ haHostIsolationResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. */ haVmFailureInterval?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The length of the reset window in - * which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. */ haVmMaximumFailureWindow?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. */ haVmMaximumResets?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. */ haVmMinimumUptime?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. */ haVmMonitoring?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. */ haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. */ haVmRestartPriority?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. */ haVmRestartTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the virtual machine. */ virtualMachineId?: pulumi.Input; } @@ -299,102 +245,75 @@ export interface HaVmOverrideState { */ export interface HaVmOverrideArgs { /** - * The managed object reference - * ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - * resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the cluster. */ computeClusterId: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the action to take - * on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - * the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - * `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + * APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. */ haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - * datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - * `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. */ haDatastoreApdResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the delay in seconds - * to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - * `haDatastoreApdResponse`. Use `-1` to use - * the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + * ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. */ haDatastoreApdResponseDelay?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the action to take on this - * virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - * relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - * `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + * Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + * datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. */ haDatastorePdlResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The action to take on this virtual - * machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - * the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - * `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + * The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + * clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. */ haHostIsolationResponse?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If a heartbeat from this virtual - * machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - * is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + * If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + * as failed. The value is in seconds. */ haVmFailureInterval?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The length of the reset window in - * which `haVmMaximumResets` can operate. When this - * window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - * configured in `haVmMaximumResets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - * unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - * `-1` (no window). + * The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + * attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + * time is allotted. */ haVmMaximumFailureWindow?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum number of resets that HA will - * perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - * `3` + * The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. */ haVmMaximumResets?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - * powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - * `120` (2 minutes). + * The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. */ haVmMinimumUptime?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - * when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - * `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + * The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + * vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. */ haVmMonitoring?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Determines whether or - * not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - * this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - * (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + * Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + * for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. */ haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The restart priority for the virtual - * machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - * `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - * Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + * The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + * lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. */ haVmRestartPriority?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum time, in seconds, that - * vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - * specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + * The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + * default. */ haVmRestartTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The UUID of the virtual machine to create - * the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + * The managed object ID of the virtual machine. */ virtualMachineId: pulumi.Input; } diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/host.ts b/sdk/nodejs/host.ts index 0f9d25c3..784f62e9 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/host.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/host.ts @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ### Create a standalone host * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -33,11 +32,9 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * datacenter: datacenter.then(datacenter => datacenter.id), * }); * ``` - * * * ### Create host in a compute cluster * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -62,7 +59,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * cluster: cluster.then(cluster => cluster.id), * }); * ``` - * * * ## Importing * diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/hostPortGroup.ts b/sdk/nodejs/hostPortGroup.ts index f1785bc0..840d3958 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/hostPortGroup.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/hostPortGroup.ts @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * **Create a Virtual Switch and Bind a Port Group:** * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * virtualSwitchName: hostVirtualSwitch.name, * }); * ``` - * * * **Create a Port Group with a VLAN and ab Override:** * @@ -58,7 +56,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * to ensure that all traffic is seen on the port. The setting overrides * the implicit default of `false` set on the standard switch. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -88,7 +85,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * allowPromiscuous: true, * }); * ``` - * * * ## Importing * diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/hostVirtualSwitch.ts b/sdk/nodejs/hostVirtualSwitch.ts index 88bdd177..b2bd015b 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/hostVirtualSwitch.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/hostVirtualSwitch.ts @@ -33,44 +33,33 @@ export class HostVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { } /** - * The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * List of active network adapters used for load balancing. */ public readonly activeNics!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. */ public readonly allowForgedTransmits!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. */ public readonly allowMacChanges!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. */ public readonly allowPromiscuous!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `checkBeacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. */ public readonly beaconInterval!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beaconInterval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. */ public readonly checkBeacon!: pulumi.Output; /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. */ public readonly failback!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -79,13 +68,11 @@ export class HostVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly hostSystemId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. */ public readonly linkDiscoveryOperation!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. */ public readonly linkDiscoveryProtocol!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -99,13 +86,11 @@ export class HostVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly name!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. */ public readonly networkAdapters!: pulumi.Output; /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. */ public readonly notifySwitches!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -117,34 +102,28 @@ export class HostVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly numberOfPorts!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. */ public readonly shapingAverageBandwidth!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. */ public readonly shapingBurstSize!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. */ public readonly shapingEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. */ public readonly shapingPeakBandwidth!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * List of standby network adapters used for failover. */ public readonly standbyNics!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, or - * `failoverExplicit`. Default: `loadbalanceSrcid`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. */ public readonly teamingPolicy!: pulumi.Output; @@ -225,44 +204,33 @@ export class HostVirtualSwitch extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ export interface HostVirtualSwitchState { /** - * The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * List of active network adapters used for load balancing. */ activeNics?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. */ allowForgedTransmits?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. */ allowMacChanges?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. */ allowPromiscuous?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `checkBeacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. */ beaconInterval?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beaconInterval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. */ checkBeacon?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. */ failback?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -271,13 +239,11 @@ export interface HostVirtualSwitchState { */ hostSystemId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. */ linkDiscoveryOperation?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. */ linkDiscoveryProtocol?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -291,13 +257,11 @@ export interface HostVirtualSwitchState { */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. */ networkAdapters?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. */ notifySwitches?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -309,34 +273,28 @@ export interface HostVirtualSwitchState { */ numberOfPorts?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. */ shapingAverageBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. */ shapingBurstSize?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. */ shapingEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. */ shapingPeakBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * List of standby network adapters used for failover. */ standbyNics?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, or - * `failoverExplicit`. Default: `loadbalanceSrcid`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. */ teamingPolicy?: pulumi.Input; } @@ -346,44 +304,33 @@ export interface HostVirtualSwitchState { */ export interface HostVirtualSwitchArgs { /** - * The list of active network adapters used for load - * balancing. + * List of active network adapters used for load balancing. */ activeNics: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Controls whether or not the virtual - * network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - * address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + * that of its own. */ allowForgedTransmits?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls whether or not the Media Access - * Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. */ allowMacChanges?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - * flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - * `false`. + * Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. */ allowPromiscuous?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - * packet is sent out. This can be used with `checkBeacon` to - * offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + * Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. */ beaconInterval?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - * `beaconInterval` option has been set in the bridge - * options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - * failed NICs. Default: `false`. + * Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + * only. */ checkBeacon?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - * failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - * `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. */ failback?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -392,13 +339,11 @@ export interface HostVirtualSwitchArgs { */ hostSystemId: pulumi.Input; /** - * Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - * for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + * Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. */ linkDiscoveryOperation?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The discovery protocol type. Valid - * types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + * The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. */ linkDiscoveryProtocol?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -412,13 +357,11 @@ export interface HostVirtualSwitchArgs { */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + * The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. */ networkAdapters: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - * notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - * Default: `true`. + * If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. */ notifySwitches?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -430,34 +373,28 @@ export interface HostVirtualSwitchArgs { */ numberOfPorts?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The average bandwidth in bits per - * second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. */ shapingAverageBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - * shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. */ shapingBurstSize?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - * ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + * Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. */ shapingEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The peak bandwidth during bursts in - * bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + * The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. */ shapingPeakBandwidth?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The list of standby network adapters used for - * failover. + * List of standby network adapters used for failover. */ standbyNics?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - * of `loadbalanceIp`, `loadbalanceSrcmac`, `loadbalanceSrcid`, or - * `failoverExplicit`. Default: `loadbalanceSrcid`. + * The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + * failover_explicit. */ teamingPolicy?: pulumi.Input; } diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/resourcePool.ts b/sdk/nodejs/resourcePool.ts index a571cb3d..8fa740c5 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/resourcePool.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/resourcePool.ts @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * The following example sets up a resource pool in an existing compute cluster * with the default settings for CPU and memory reservations, shares, and limits. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -35,25 +34,21 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * parentResourcePoolId: computeCluster.then(computeCluster => computeCluster.resourcePoolId), * }); * ``` - * * * A virtual machine resource could be targeted to use the default resource pool * of the cluster using the following: * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; * * const vm = new vsphere.VirtualMachine("vm", {resourcePoolId: cluster.resourcePoolId}); * ``` - * * * The following example sets up a parent resource pool in an existing compute cluster * with a child resource pool nested below. Each resource pool is configured with * the default settings for CPU and memory reservations, shares, and limits. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -74,7 +69,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * parentResourcePoolId: resourcePoolParent.id, * }); * ``` - * * * ## Importing * diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/types/input.ts b/sdk/nodejs/types/input.ts index adccd3cf..4db80e13 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/types/input.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/types/input.ts @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ import * as outputs from "../types/output"; export interface ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup { /** - * The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + * Cache disk. */ cache?: pulumi.Input; /** - * An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + * List of storage disks. */ storages?: pulumi.Input[]>; } @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export interface ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster { */ preferredFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + * The name of prepferred fault domain. */ preferredFaultDomainName?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -48,57 +48,7 @@ export interface ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster { */ secondaryFaultDomainHostIds: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - * - * > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - * You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - * - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; - * - * const computeCluster = new vsphere.ComputeCluster("compute_cluster", { - * name: "terraform-compute-cluster-test", - * datacenterId: datacenter.id, - * hostSystemIds: [host.map(__item => __item.id)], - * drsEnabled: true, - * drsAutomationLevel: "fullyAutomated", - * haEnabled: false, - * vsanEnabled: true, - * vsanEsaEnabled: true, - * vsanDedupEnabled: true, - * vsanCompressionEnabled: true, - * vsanPerformanceEnabled: true, - * vsanVerboseModeEnabled: true, - * vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled: true, - * vsanUnmapEnabled: true, - * vsanDitEncryptionEnabled: true, - * vsanDitRekeyInterval: 1800, - * vsanDiskGroups: [{ - * cache: cacheDisks[0], - * storages: storageDisks, - * }], - * vsanFaultDomains: [{ - * faultDomains: [ - * { - * name: "fd1", - * hostIds: [faultdomain1Hosts.map(__item => __item.id)], - * }, - * { - * name: "fd2", - * hostIds: [faultdomain2Hosts.map(__item => __item.id)], - * }, - * ], - * }], - * vsanStretchedCluster: { - * preferredFaultDomainHostIds: [preferredFaultDomainHost.map(__item => __item.id)], - * secondaryFaultDomainHostIds: [secondaryFaultDomainHost.map(__item => __item.id)], - * witnessNode: witnessHost.id, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * + * The name of secondary fault domain. */ secondaryFaultDomainName?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -109,11 +59,11 @@ export interface ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster { export interface ContentLibraryPublication { /** - * Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + * Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. */ authenticationMethod?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Password used for authentication. + * Password used by subscribers to authenticate. */ password?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -125,7 +75,7 @@ export interface ContentLibraryPublication { */ published?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Username used for authentication. + * Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. */ username?: pulumi.Input; } @@ -170,31 +120,26 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupVlanRange { export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchHost { /** - * The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - * added in order they are specified. + * Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. */ devices?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The host system ID of the host to add to the - * VDS. + * The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. */ hostSystemId: pulumi.Input; } export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping { /** - * The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - * 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. */ primaryVlanId: pulumi.Input; /** - * The private VLAN type. Valid values are - * promiscuous, community and isolated. + * The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. */ pvlanType: pulumi.Input; /** - * The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - * and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. */ secondaryVlanId: pulumi.Input; } @@ -400,11 +345,11 @@ export interface HostPortGroupPort { export interface VirtualMachineCdrom { /** - * Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastoreId` and `path`. + * Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device */ clientDevice?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + * The datastore ID the ISO is located on. */ datastoreId?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -416,11 +361,7 @@ export interface VirtualMachineCdrom { */ key?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `clientDevice` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastoreId` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * The path to the ISO file on the datastore. */ path?: pulumi.Input; } @@ -489,7 +430,7 @@ export interface VirtualMachineCloneCustomize { */ linuxOptions?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * A specification of network interface configuration options. */ networkInterfaces?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -613,17 +554,15 @@ export interface VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeWindowsOptions { export interface VirtualMachineDisk { /** - * Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keepOnRemove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerlyScrub`, or `thinProvisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - * - * > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastoreClusterId` is used. + * If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. */ attach?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + * The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. */ controllerType?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + * The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. */ datastoreId?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -631,39 +570,35 @@ export interface VirtualMachineDisk { */ deviceAddress?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independentNonpersistent`, `independentPersistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - * - * [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + * The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. */ diskMode?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + * The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. */ diskSharing?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thinProvisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + * The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thinProvision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. */ eagerlyScrub?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + * The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. */ ioLimit?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + * The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. */ ioReservation?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + * The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. */ ioShareCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + * The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. */ ioShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. */ keepOnRemove?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -675,58 +610,54 @@ export interface VirtualMachineDisk { */ label: pulumi.Input; /** - * The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `clientDevice` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastoreId` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. */ path?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + * The size of the disk, in GB. */ size?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. */ storagePolicyId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerlyScrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + * If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. */ thinProvisioned?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + * The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. */ unitNumber?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. */ uuid?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + * If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. */ writeThrough?: pulumi.Input; } export interface VirtualMachineNetworkInterface { /** - * The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + * The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. */ adapterType?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + * The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. */ bandwidthLimit?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + * The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. */ bandwidthReservation?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + * The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. */ bandwidthShareCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + * The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. */ bandwidthShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -738,15 +669,15 @@ export interface VirtualMachineNetworkInterface { */ key?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `useStaticMac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + * The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if useStaticMac is true. */ macAddress?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + * The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. */ networkId: pulumi.Input; /** - * Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `networkInterface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + * Mapping of network interface to OVF network. */ ovfMapping?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -754,7 +685,7 @@ export interface VirtualMachineNetworkInterface { */ physicalFunction?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If true, the `macAddress` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `macAddress` to be set. Default: `false`. + * If true, the macAddress field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. */ useStaticMac?: pulumi.Input; } @@ -822,19 +753,19 @@ export interface VmStoragePolicyTagRule { export interface VnicIpv4 { /** - * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. */ dhcp?: pulumi.Input; /** - * IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + * IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. */ gw?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. */ ip?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. */ netmask?: pulumi.Input; } @@ -849,7 +780,7 @@ export interface VnicIpv6 { */ autoconfig?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. */ dhcp?: pulumi.Input; /** diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/types/output.ts b/sdk/nodejs/types/output.ts index 50b16738..480590bc 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/types/output.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/types/output.ts @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ import * as outputs from "../types/output"; export interface ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup { /** - * The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + * Cache disk. */ cache?: string; /** - * An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + * List of storage disks. */ storages?: string[]; } @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export interface ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster { */ preferredFaultDomainHostIds: string[]; /** - * The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + * The name of prepferred fault domain. */ preferredFaultDomainName?: string; /** @@ -48,57 +48,7 @@ export interface ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster { */ secondaryFaultDomainHostIds: string[]; /** - * The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - * - * > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - * You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - * - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; - * - * const computeCluster = new vsphere.ComputeCluster("compute_cluster", { - * name: "terraform-compute-cluster-test", - * datacenterId: datacenter.id, - * hostSystemIds: [host.map(__item => __item.id)], - * drsEnabled: true, - * drsAutomationLevel: "fullyAutomated", - * haEnabled: false, - * vsanEnabled: true, - * vsanEsaEnabled: true, - * vsanDedupEnabled: true, - * vsanCompressionEnabled: true, - * vsanPerformanceEnabled: true, - * vsanVerboseModeEnabled: true, - * vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled: true, - * vsanUnmapEnabled: true, - * vsanDitEncryptionEnabled: true, - * vsanDitRekeyInterval: 1800, - * vsanDiskGroups: [{ - * cache: cacheDisks[0], - * storages: storageDisks, - * }], - * vsanFaultDomains: [{ - * faultDomains: [ - * { - * name: "fd1", - * hostIds: [faultdomain1Hosts.map(__item => __item.id)], - * }, - * { - * name: "fd2", - * hostIds: [faultdomain2Hosts.map(__item => __item.id)], - * }, - * ], - * }], - * vsanStretchedCluster: { - * preferredFaultDomainHostIds: [preferredFaultDomainHost.map(__item => __item.id)], - * secondaryFaultDomainHostIds: [secondaryFaultDomainHost.map(__item => __item.id)], - * witnessNode: witnessHost.id, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * + * The name of secondary fault domain. */ secondaryFaultDomainName?: string; /** @@ -109,11 +59,11 @@ export interface ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster { export interface ContentLibraryPublication { /** - * Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + * Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. */ authenticationMethod?: string; /** - * Password used for authentication. + * Password used by subscribers to authenticate. */ password: string; /** @@ -125,7 +75,7 @@ export interface ContentLibraryPublication { */ published?: boolean; /** - * Username used for authentication. + * Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. */ username: string; } @@ -170,31 +120,26 @@ export interface DistributedPortGroupVlanRange { export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchHost { /** - * The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - * added in order they are specified. + * Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. */ devices?: string[]; /** - * The host system ID of the host to add to the - * VDS. + * The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. */ hostSystemId: string; } export interface DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping { /** - * The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - * 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. */ primaryVlanId: number; /** - * The private VLAN type. Valid values are - * promiscuous, community and isolated. + * The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. */ pvlanType: string; /** - * The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - * and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + * The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. */ secondaryVlanId: number; } @@ -605,11 +550,11 @@ export interface HostPortGroupPort { export interface VirtualMachineCdrom { /** - * Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastoreId` and `path`. + * Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device */ clientDevice?: boolean; /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + * The datastore ID the ISO is located on. */ datastoreId?: string; /** @@ -621,11 +566,7 @@ export interface VirtualMachineCdrom { */ key: number; /** - * The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `clientDevice` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastoreId` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * The path to the ISO file on the datastore. */ path?: string; } @@ -694,7 +635,7 @@ export interface VirtualMachineCloneCustomize { */ linuxOptions?: outputs.VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOptions; /** - * A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * A specification of network interface configuration options. */ networkInterfaces?: outputs.VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterface[]; /** @@ -818,17 +759,15 @@ export interface VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeWindowsOptions { export interface VirtualMachineDisk { /** - * Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keepOnRemove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerlyScrub`, or `thinProvisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - * - * > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastoreClusterId` is used. + * If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. */ attach?: boolean; /** - * The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + * The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. */ controllerType?: string; /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + * The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. */ datastoreId: string; /** @@ -836,39 +775,35 @@ export interface VirtualMachineDisk { */ deviceAddress: string; /** - * The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independentNonpersistent`, `independentPersistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - * - * [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + * The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. */ diskMode?: string; /** - * The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + * The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. */ diskSharing?: string; /** - * If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thinProvisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + * The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thinProvision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. */ eagerlyScrub?: boolean; /** - * The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + * The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. */ ioLimit?: number; /** - * The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + * The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. */ ioReservation?: number; /** - * The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + * The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. */ ioShareCount?: number; /** - * The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + * The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. */ ioShareLevel?: string; /** - * Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. */ keepOnRemove?: boolean; /** @@ -880,58 +815,54 @@ export interface VirtualMachineDisk { */ label: string; /** - * The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. - * - * > **NOTE:** Either `clientDevice` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastoreId` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - * - * > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + * The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. */ path: string; /** - * The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + * The size of the disk, in GB. */ size?: number; /** - * The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. */ storagePolicyId: string; /** - * If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerlyScrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + * If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. */ thinProvisioned?: boolean; /** - * The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + * The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. */ unitNumber?: number; /** - * The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. */ uuid: string; /** - * If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + * If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. */ writeThrough?: boolean; } export interface VirtualMachineNetworkInterface { /** - * The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + * The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. */ adapterType?: string; /** - * The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + * The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. */ bandwidthLimit?: number; /** - * The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + * The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. */ bandwidthReservation?: number; /** - * The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + * The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. */ bandwidthShareCount: number; /** - * The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapterType` is set to `sriov`. + * The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. */ bandwidthShareLevel?: string; /** @@ -943,15 +874,15 @@ export interface VirtualMachineNetworkInterface { */ key: number; /** - * The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `useStaticMac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + * The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if useStaticMac is true. */ macAddress: string; /** - * The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + * The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. */ networkId: string; /** - * Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `networkInterface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + * Mapping of network interface to OVF network. */ ovfMapping?: string; /** @@ -959,7 +890,7 @@ export interface VirtualMachineNetworkInterface { */ physicalFunction?: string; /** - * If true, the `macAddress` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `macAddress` to be set. Default: `false`. + * If true, the macAddress field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. */ useStaticMac?: boolean; } @@ -1027,19 +958,19 @@ export interface VmStoragePolicyTagRule { export interface VnicIpv4 { /** - * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. */ dhcp?: boolean; /** - * IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + * IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. */ gw?: string; /** - * Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. */ ip?: string; /** - * Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + * netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. */ netmask?: string; } @@ -1054,7 +985,7 @@ export interface VnicIpv6 { */ autoconfig?: boolean; /** - * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + * Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. */ dhcp?: boolean; /** diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/virtualMachine.ts b/sdk/nodejs/virtualMachine.ts index 42266c7a..ff33006b 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/virtualMachine.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/virtualMachine.ts @@ -35,27 +35,27 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { } /** - * The guest name for the operating system when `guestId` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. */ public readonly alternateGuestName!: pulumi.Output; /** - * A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * User-provided description of the virtual machine. */ public readonly annotation!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. */ public readonly bootDelay!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `bootRetryEnabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. */ public readonly bootRetryDelay!: pulumi.Output; /** - * If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `bootRetryDelay`. Default: `false`. + * If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. */ public readonly bootRetryEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. */ public readonly cdroms!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -63,59 +63,53 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public /*out*/ readonly changeVersion!: pulumi.Output; /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. */ public readonly clone!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. */ public readonly cpuHotAddEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. */ public readonly cpuHotRemoveEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. */ public readonly cpuLimit!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. */ public readonly cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. */ public readonly cpuReservation!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpuShareLevel` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. */ public readonly cpuShareCount!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. */ public readonly cpuShareLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphereCustomAttributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. */ public readonly customAttributes!: pulumi.Output<{[key: string]: string} | undefined>; /** - * The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. */ public readonly datacenterId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastoreId` or `datastoreClusterId` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastoreClusterId` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastoreClusterId` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. */ public readonly datastoreClusterId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + * The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. */ public readonly datastoreId!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -123,53 +117,48 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public /*out*/ readonly defaultIpAddress!: pulumi.Output; /** - * A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. */ public readonly disks!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. */ public readonly efiSecureBootEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. */ public readonly enableDiskUuid!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * Enable logging on this virtual machine. */ public readonly enableLogging!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. */ public readonly eptRviMode!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extraConfig` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. */ public readonly extraConfig!: pulumi.Output<{[key: string]: string} | undefined>; /** - * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extraConfig` occurs. Default: `true`. + * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. */ public readonly extraConfigRebootRequired!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. */ public readonly firmware!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. */ public readonly folder!: pulumi.Output; /** - * If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdownWaitTimeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. */ public readonly forcePowerOff!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * The guest ID for the operating system. */ public readonly guestId!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -177,26 +166,25 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public /*out*/ readonly guestIpAddresses!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * The hardware version for the virtual machine. */ public readonly hardwareVersion!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `hostSystemId` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. */ public readonly hostSystemId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. */ public readonly hvMode!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. */ public readonly ideControllerCount!: pulumi.Output; /** - * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP */ public readonly ignoredGuestIps!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -204,33 +192,26 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public /*out*/ readonly imported!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memoryReservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. */ public readonly latencySensitivity!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. */ public readonly memory!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. */ public readonly memoryHotAddEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. */ public readonly memoryLimit!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. */ public readonly memoryReservation!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -240,15 +221,15 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly memoryReservationLockedToMax!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memoryShareLevel` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. */ public readonly memoryShareCount!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. */ public readonly memoryShareLevel!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. */ public readonly migrateWaitTimeout!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -256,33 +237,32 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public /*out*/ readonly moid!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The name of the virtual machine. + * The name of this virtual machine. */ public readonly name!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. */ public readonly nestedHvEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. */ public readonly networkInterfaces!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `numCpus` divided by `numCoresPerSocket`. If specified, the value supplied to `numCpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. */ public readonly numCoresPerSocket!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. */ public readonly numCpus!: pulumi.Output; /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. */ public readonly ovfDeploy!: pulumi.Output; /** - * List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of PCI passthrough devices */ public readonly pciDeviceIds!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -299,34 +279,30 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { public /*out*/ readonly rebootRequired!: pulumi.Output; /** * Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - * - * For example, `replaceTrigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) */ public readonly replaceTrigger!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. */ public readonly resourcePoolId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. */ public readonly runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. */ public readonly runToolsScriptsAfterResume!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. */ public readonly runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. */ public readonly runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. */ public readonly runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -336,7 +312,7 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly sataControllerCount!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. */ public readonly scsiBusSharing!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -346,45 +322,45 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public readonly scsiControllerCount!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. */ public readonly scsiType!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `forcePowerOff` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. */ public readonly shutdownWaitTimeout!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. */ public readonly storagePolicyId!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. */ public readonly swapPlacementPolicy!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. */ public readonly syncTimeWithHost!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `syncTimeWithHost` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. */ public readonly syncTimeWithHostPeriodically!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. */ public readonly tags!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. */ public readonly toolsUpgradePolicy!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. */ public /*out*/ readonly uuid!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. */ public readonly vapp!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -392,7 +368,7 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public /*out*/ readonly vappTransports!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtdEnabled`, `nestedHvEnabled`, and `efiSecureBootEnabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. */ public readonly vbsEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** @@ -404,19 +380,23 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ public /*out*/ readonly vmxPath!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. */ public readonly vvtdEnabled!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `waitForGuestNetTimeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. */ public readonly waitForGuestIpTimeout!: pulumi.Output; /** - * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. */ public readonly waitForGuestNetRoutable!: pulumi.Output; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. */ public readonly waitForGuestNetTimeout!: pulumi.Output; @@ -621,27 +601,27 @@ export class VirtualMachine extends pulumi.CustomResource { */ export interface VirtualMachineState { /** - * The guest name for the operating system when `guestId` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. */ alternateGuestName?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * User-provided description of the virtual machine. */ annotation?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. */ bootDelay?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `bootRetryEnabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. */ bootRetryDelay?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `bootRetryDelay`. Default: `false`. + * If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. */ bootRetryEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. */ cdroms?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -649,59 +629,53 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { */ changeVersion?: pulumi.Input; /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. */ clone?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. */ cpuHotAddEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. */ cpuHotRemoveEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. */ cpuLimit?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. */ cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. */ cpuReservation?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpuShareLevel` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. */ cpuShareCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. */ cpuShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphereCustomAttributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. */ customAttributes?: pulumi.Input<{[key: string]: pulumi.Input}>; /** - * The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. */ datacenterId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastoreId` or `datastoreClusterId` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastoreClusterId` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastoreClusterId` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. */ datastoreClusterId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + * The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. */ datastoreId?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -709,53 +683,48 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { */ defaultIpAddress?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. */ disks?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. */ efiSecureBootEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. */ enableDiskUuid?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * Enable logging on this virtual machine. */ enableLogging?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. */ eptRviMode?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extraConfig` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. */ extraConfig?: pulumi.Input<{[key: string]: pulumi.Input}>; /** - * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extraConfig` occurs. Default: `true`. + * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. */ extraConfigRebootRequired?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. */ firmware?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. */ folder?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdownWaitTimeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. */ forcePowerOff?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * The guest ID for the operating system. */ guestId?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -763,26 +732,25 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { */ guestIpAddresses?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * The hardware version for the virtual machine. */ hardwareVersion?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `hostSystemId` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. */ hostSystemId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. */ hvMode?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. */ ideControllerCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP */ ignoredGuestIps?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -790,33 +758,26 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { */ imported?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memoryReservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. */ latencySensitivity?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. */ memory?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. */ memoryHotAddEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. */ memoryLimit?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. */ memoryReservation?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -826,15 +787,15 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { */ memoryReservationLockedToMax?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memoryShareLevel` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. */ memoryShareCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. */ memoryShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. */ migrateWaitTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -842,33 +803,32 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { */ moid?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The name of the virtual machine. + * The name of this virtual machine. */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. */ nestedHvEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. */ networkInterfaces?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `numCpus` divided by `numCoresPerSocket`. If specified, the value supplied to `numCpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. */ numCoresPerSocket?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. */ numCpus?: pulumi.Input; /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. */ ovfDeploy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of PCI passthrough devices */ pciDeviceIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -885,34 +845,30 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { rebootRequired?: pulumi.Input; /** * Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - * - * For example, `replaceTrigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) */ replaceTrigger?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. */ resourcePoolId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. */ runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. */ runToolsScriptsAfterResume?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. */ runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. */ runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. */ runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -922,7 +878,7 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { */ sataControllerCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. */ scsiBusSharing?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -932,45 +888,45 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { */ scsiControllerCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. */ scsiType?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `forcePowerOff` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. */ shutdownWaitTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. */ storagePolicyId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. */ swapPlacementPolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. */ syncTimeWithHost?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `syncTimeWithHost` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. */ syncTimeWithHostPeriodically?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. */ tags?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. */ toolsUpgradePolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + * The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. */ uuid?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. */ vapp?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -978,7 +934,7 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { */ vappTransports?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtdEnabled`, `nestedHvEnabled`, and `efiSecureBootEnabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. */ vbsEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -990,19 +946,23 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { */ vmxPath?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. */ vvtdEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `waitForGuestNetTimeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. */ waitForGuestIpTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. */ waitForGuestNetRoutable?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. */ waitForGuestNetTimeout?: pulumi.Input; } @@ -1012,186 +972,167 @@ export interface VirtualMachineState { */ export interface VirtualMachineArgs { /** - * The guest name for the operating system when `guestId` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + * The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. */ alternateGuestName?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + * User-provided description of the virtual machine. */ annotation?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. */ bootDelay?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `bootRetryEnabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + * The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. */ bootRetryDelay?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `bootRetryDelay`. Default: `false`. + * If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. */ bootRetryEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + * A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. */ cdroms?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + * A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. */ clone?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. */ cpuHotAddEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + * Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. */ cpuHotRemoveEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. */ cpuLimit?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + * Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. */ cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. */ cpuReservation?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpuShareLevel` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. */ cpuShareCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. */ cpuShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphereCustomAttributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - * - * > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. */ customAttributes?: pulumi.Input<{[key: string]: pulumi.Input}>; /** - * The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + * The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. */ datacenterId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** One of `datastoreId` or `datastoreClusterId` must be specified. - * - * > **NOTE:** Use of `datastoreClusterId` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - * - * > **NOTE:** The `datastoreClusterId` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + * The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. */ datastoreClusterId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `clientDevice`. + * The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + * disks that are created without datastores. */ datastoreId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. */ disks?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - * - * > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + * When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. */ efiSecureBootEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + * Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. */ enableDiskUuid?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + * Enable logging on this virtual machine. */ enableLogging?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + * The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. */ eptRviMode?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - * - * > **NOTE:** Do not use `extraConfig` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + * Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + * configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. */ extraConfig?: pulumi.Input<{[key: string]: pulumi.Input}>; /** - * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extraConfig` occurs. Default: `true`. + * Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. */ extraConfigRebootRequired?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + * The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. */ firmware?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + * The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. */ folder?: pulumi.Input; /** - * If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdownWaitTimeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + * Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. */ forcePowerOff?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - * - * [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + * The guest ID for the operating system. */ guestId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - * - * [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - * [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + * The hardware version for the virtual machine. */ hardwareVersion?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `hostSystemId` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + * The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. */ hostSystemId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + * The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. */ hvMode?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + * The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + * you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + * controllers. */ ideControllerCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + * List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP */ ignoredGuestIps?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - * - * > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memoryReservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + * Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + * latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + * devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. */ latencySensitivity?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + * The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. */ memory?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - * - * > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - * - * [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - * - * > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - * - * [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + * Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. */ memoryHotAddEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + * The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + * resources. */ memoryLimit?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + * The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. */ memoryReservation?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1201,45 +1142,44 @@ export interface VirtualMachineArgs { */ memoryReservationLockedToMax?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memoryShareLevel` is `custom`. + * The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. */ memoryShareCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + * The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. */ memoryShareLevel?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. */ migrateWaitTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The name of the virtual machine. + * The name of this virtual machine. */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + * Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. */ nestedHvEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + * A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. */ networkInterfaces?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `numCpus` divided by `numCoresPerSocket`. If specified, the value supplied to `numCpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + * The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + * must be evenly divisible by this value. */ numCoresPerSocket?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + * The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. */ numCpus?: pulumi.Input; /** - * When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + * A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. */ ovfDeploy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - * - * > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + * A list of PCI passthrough devices */ pciDeviceIds?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** @@ -1248,34 +1188,30 @@ export interface VirtualMachineArgs { poweronTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** * Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - * - * For example, `replaceTrigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) */ replaceTrigger?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - * - * > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `vsphere.ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + * The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. */ resourcePoolId: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. */ runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. */ runToolsScriptsAfterResume?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. */ runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. */ runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. */ runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1285,7 +1221,7 @@ export interface VirtualMachineArgs { */ sataControllerCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + * Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. */ scsiBusSharing?: pulumi.Input; /** @@ -1295,61 +1231,65 @@ export interface VirtualMachineArgs { */ scsiControllerCount?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + * The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. */ scsiType?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `forcePowerOff` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. */ shutdownWaitTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + * The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. */ storagePolicyId?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + * The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. */ swapPlacementPolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + * Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + * synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. */ syncTimeWithHost?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `syncTimeWithHost` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + * Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + * setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. */ syncTimeWithHostPeriodically?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `vsphere.Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - * - * > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + * A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. */ tags?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** - * Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + * Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. */ toolsUpgradePolicy?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + * vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. */ vapp?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtdEnabled`, `nestedHvEnabled`, and `efiSecureBootEnabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. */ vbsEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + * Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + * I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. */ vvtdEnabled?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `waitForGuestNetTimeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. */ waitForGuestIpTimeout?: pulumi.Input; /** - * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + * Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + * a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. */ waitForGuestNetRoutable?: pulumi.Input; /** - * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `waitForGuestIpTimeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + * The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + * disables the waiter. */ waitForGuestNetTimeout?: pulumi.Input; } diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/virtualMachineSnapshot.ts b/sdk/nodejs/virtualMachineSnapshot.ts index 5cb7b372..c49c5b30 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/virtualMachineSnapshot.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/virtualMachineSnapshot.ts @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ## Example Usage * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -44,7 +43,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * consolidate: true, * }); * ``` - * */ export class VirtualMachineSnapshot extends pulumi.CustomResource { /** diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/vmStoragePolicy.ts b/sdk/nodejs/vmStoragePolicy.ts index 26ff5d1c..d00d38bf 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/vmStoragePolicy.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/vmStoragePolicy.ts @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * In this example, tags are first applied to datastores. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -74,11 +73,9 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * "data.vsphere_tag.non_replicated.id", * ]}); * ``` - * * * Next, storage policies are created and `tagRules` are applied. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -126,11 +123,9 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * ], * }); * ``` - * * * Lasttly, when creating a virtual machine resource, a storage policy can be specificed to direct virtual machine placement to a datastore which matches the policy's `tagsRules`. * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -144,7 +139,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * const prodVm = new vsphere.VirtualMachine("prod_vm", {storagePolicyId: storagePolicy.prodPlatinumReplicated.id}); * const devVm = new vsphere.VirtualMachine("dev_vm", {storagePolicyId: storagePolicy.devSilverNonreplicated.id}); * ``` - * */ export class VmStoragePolicy extends pulumi.CustomResource { /** diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/vnic.ts b/sdk/nodejs/vnic.ts index 4e9149bd..2245ca7c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/vnic.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/vnic.ts @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * ### Create a vnic attached to a distributed virtual switch using the vmotion TCP/IP stack * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -50,11 +49,9 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * netstack: "vmotion", * }); * ``` - * * * ### Create a vnic attached to a portgroup using the default TCP/IP stack * - * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as vsphere from "@pulumi/vsphere"; @@ -93,7 +90,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * ], * }); * ``` - * * * ## Importing * diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/_inputs.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/_inputs.py index 87832ce4..17501ae1 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/_inputs.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/_inputs.py @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, cache: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, storages: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): """ - :param pulumi.Input[str] cache: The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] storages: An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + :param pulumi.Input[str] cache: Cache disk. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] storages: List of storage disks. """ if cache is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "cache", cache) @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter def cache(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + Cache disk. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cache") @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def cache(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def storages(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + List of storage disks. """ return pulumi.get(self, "storages") @@ -154,57 +154,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] preferred_fault_domain_host_ids: The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the first fault domain. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] secondary_fault_domain_host_ids: The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the second fault domain. :param pulumi.Input[str] witness_node: The managed object IDs of the host selected as witness node when enable stretched cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[str] preferred_fault_domain_name: The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] secondary_fault_domain_name: The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - - > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere - - compute_cluster = vsphere.ComputeCluster("compute_cluster", - name="terraform-compute-cluster-test", - datacenter_id=datacenter["id"], - host_system_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in host]], - drs_enabled=True, - drs_automation_level="fullyAutomated", - ha_enabled=False, - vsan_enabled=True, - vsan_esa_enabled=True, - vsan_dedup_enabled=True, - vsan_compression_enabled=True, - vsan_performance_enabled=True, - vsan_verbose_mode_enabled=True, - vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled=True, - vsan_unmap_enabled=True, - vsan_dit_encryption_enabled=True, - vsan_dit_rekey_interval=1800, - vsan_disk_groups=[vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs( - cache=cache_disks[0], - storages=storage_disks, - )], - vsan_fault_domains=[vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs( - fault_domains=[ - vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs( - name="fd1", - host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in faultdomain1_hosts]], - ), - vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs( - name="fd2", - host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in faultdomain2_hosts]], - ), - ], - )], - vsan_stretched_cluster=vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs( - preferred_fault_domain_host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in preferred_fault_domain_host]], - secondary_fault_domain_host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in secondary_fault_domain_host]], - witness_node=witness_host["id"], - )) - ``` - + :param pulumi.Input[str] preferred_fault_domain_name: The name of prepferred fault domain. + :param pulumi.Input[str] secondary_fault_domain_name: The name of secondary fault domain. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "preferred_fault_domain_host_ids", preferred_fault_domain_host_ids) pulumi.set(__self__, "secondary_fault_domain_host_ids", secondary_fault_domain_host_ids) @@ -254,7 +205,7 @@ def witness_node(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): @pulumi.getter(name="preferredFaultDomainName") def preferred_fault_domain_name(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + The name of prepferred fault domain. """ return pulumi.get(self, "preferred_fault_domain_name") @@ -266,56 +217,7 @@ def preferred_fault_domain_name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="secondaryFaultDomainName") def secondary_fault_domain_name(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - - > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere - - compute_cluster = vsphere.ComputeCluster("compute_cluster", - name="terraform-compute-cluster-test", - datacenter_id=datacenter["id"], - host_system_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in host]], - drs_enabled=True, - drs_automation_level="fullyAutomated", - ha_enabled=False, - vsan_enabled=True, - vsan_esa_enabled=True, - vsan_dedup_enabled=True, - vsan_compression_enabled=True, - vsan_performance_enabled=True, - vsan_verbose_mode_enabled=True, - vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled=True, - vsan_unmap_enabled=True, - vsan_dit_encryption_enabled=True, - vsan_dit_rekey_interval=1800, - vsan_disk_groups=[vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs( - cache=cache_disks[0], - storages=storage_disks, - )], - vsan_fault_domains=[vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs( - fault_domains=[ - vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs( - name="fd1", - host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in faultdomain1_hosts]], - ), - vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs( - name="fd2", - host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in faultdomain2_hosts]], - ), - ], - )], - vsan_stretched_cluster=vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs( - preferred_fault_domain_host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in preferred_fault_domain_host]], - secondary_fault_domain_host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in secondary_fault_domain_host]], - witness_node=witness_host["id"], - )) - ``` - + The name of secondary fault domain. """ return pulumi.get(self, "secondary_fault_domain_name") @@ -333,11 +235,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, published: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None): """ - :param pulumi.Input[str] authentication_method: Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] password: Password used for authentication. + :param pulumi.Input[str] authentication_method: Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] password: Password used by subscribers to authenticate. :param pulumi.Input[str] publish_url: The URL of the published content library. :param pulumi.Input[bool] published: Publish the content library. Default `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] username: Username used for authentication. + :param pulumi.Input[str] username: Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. """ if authentication_method is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "authentication_method", authentication_method) @@ -354,7 +256,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="authenticationMethod") def authentication_method(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. """ return pulumi.get(self, "authentication_method") @@ -366,7 +268,7 @@ def authentication_method(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def password(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Password used for authentication. + Password used by subscribers to authenticate. """ return pulumi.get(self, "password") @@ -402,7 +304,7 @@ def published(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def username(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Username used for authentication. + Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. """ return pulumi.get(self, "username") @@ -557,10 +459,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, host_system_id: pulumi.Input[str], devices: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): """ - :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The host system ID of the host to add to the - VDS. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] devices: The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - added in order they are specified. + :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] devices: Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "host_system_id", host_system_id) if devices is not None: @@ -570,8 +470,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="hostSystemId") def host_system_id(self) -> pulumi.Input[str]: """ - The host system ID of the host to add to the - VDS. + The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_system_id") @@ -583,8 +482,7 @@ def host_system_id(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): @pulumi.getter def devices(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - added in order they are specified. + Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. """ return pulumi.get(self, "devices") @@ -600,12 +498,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, pvlan_type: pulumi.Input[str], secondary_vlan_id: pulumi.Input[int]): """ - :param pulumi.Input[int] primary_vlan_id: The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. - :param pulumi.Input[str] pvlan_type: The private VLAN type. Valid values are - promiscuous, community and isolated. - :param pulumi.Input[int] secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + :param pulumi.Input[int] primary_vlan_id: The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + :param pulumi.Input[str] pvlan_type: The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. + :param pulumi.Input[int] secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "primary_vlan_id", primary_vlan_id) pulumi.set(__self__, "pvlan_type", pvlan_type) @@ -615,8 +510,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="primaryVlanId") def primary_vlan_id(self) -> pulumi.Input[int]: """ - The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. """ return pulumi.get(self, "primary_vlan_id") @@ -628,8 +522,7 @@ def primary_vlan_id(self, value: pulumi.Input[int]): @pulumi.getter(name="pvlanType") def pvlan_type(self) -> pulumi.Input[str]: """ - The private VLAN type. Valid values are - promiscuous, community and isolated. + The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. """ return pulumi.get(self, "pvlan_type") @@ -641,8 +534,7 @@ def pvlan_type(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): @pulumi.getter(name="secondaryVlanId") def secondary_vlan_id(self) -> pulumi.Input[int]: """ - The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. """ return pulumi.get(self, "secondary_vlan_id") @@ -1356,15 +1248,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, key: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, path: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None): """ - :param pulumi.Input[bool] client_device: Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] client_device: Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device + :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The datastore ID the ISO is located on. :param pulumi.Input[str] device_address: The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. :param pulumi.Input[int] key: The ID of the device within the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[str] path: The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - - > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - - > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + :param pulumi.Input[str] path: The path to the ISO file on the datastore. """ if client_device is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "client_device", client_device) @@ -1381,7 +1269,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="clientDevice") def client_device(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. + Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device """ return pulumi.get(self, "client_device") @@ -1393,7 +1281,7 @@ def client_device(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="datastoreId") def datastore_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + The datastore ID the ISO is located on. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datastore_id") @@ -1429,11 +1317,7 @@ def key(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter def path(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - - > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - - > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + The path to the ISO file on the datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "path") @@ -1616,7 +1500,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[str] ipv4_gateway: The IPv4 default gateway when using network_interface customization on the virtual machine. This address must be local to a static IPv4 address configured in an interface sub-resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] ipv6_gateway: The IPv6 default gateway when using network_interface customization on the virtual machine. This address must be local to a static IPv4 address configured in an interface sub-resource. :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOptionsArgs'] linux_options: A list of configuration options specific to Linux virtual machines. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterfaceArgs']]] network_interfaces: A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterfaceArgs']]] network_interfaces: A specification of network interface configuration options. :param pulumi.Input[int] timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for guest OS customization to complete before returning with an error. Setting this value to 0 or a negative value skips the waiter. Default: 10. :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeWindowsOptionsArgs'] windows_options: A list of configuration options specific to Windows virtual machines. :param pulumi.Input[str] windows_sysprep_text: Use this option to specify a windows sysprep file directly. @@ -1704,7 +1588,7 @@ def linux_options(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneCustomi @pulumi.getter(name="networkInterfaces") def network_interfaces(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterfaceArgs']]]]: """ - A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + A specification of network interface configuration options. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_interfaces") @@ -2177,36 +2061,26 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, write_through: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None): """ :param pulumi.Input[str] label: A unique label for this disk. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] attach: Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - - > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. - :param pulumi.Input[str] controller_type: The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] attach: If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. + :param pulumi.Input[str] controller_type: The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. :param pulumi.Input[str] device_address: The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. - :param pulumi.Input[str] disk_mode: The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - - [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html - :param pulumi.Input[str] disk_sharing: The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - - > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] eagerly_scrub: If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] io_limit: The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. - :param pulumi.Input[int] io_reservation: The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. - :param pulumi.Input[int] io_share_count: The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] io_share_level: The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] keep_on_remove: Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] disk_mode: The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. + :param pulumi.Input[str] disk_sharing: The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] eagerly_scrub: The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. + :param pulumi.Input[int] io_limit: The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. + :param pulumi.Input[int] io_reservation: The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. + :param pulumi.Input[int] io_share_count: The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. + :param pulumi.Input[str] io_share_level: The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] keep_on_remove: Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. :param pulumi.Input[int] key: The ID of the device within the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[str] path: The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - - > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - - > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. - :param pulumi.Input[int] size: The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. - :param pulumi.Input[str] storage_policy_id: The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] thin_provisioned: If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] unit_number: The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. - :param pulumi.Input[str] uuid: The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] write_through: If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] path: The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. + :param pulumi.Input[int] size: The size of the disk, in GB. + :param pulumi.Input[str] storage_policy_id: The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] thin_provisioned: If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. + :param pulumi.Input[int] unit_number: The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. + :param pulumi.Input[str] uuid: The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] write_through: If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "label", label) if attach is not None: @@ -2266,9 +2140,7 @@ def label(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): @pulumi.getter def attach(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - - > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. + If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. """ return pulumi.get(self, "attach") @@ -2280,7 +2152,7 @@ def attach(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="controllerType") def controller_type(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. """ return pulumi.get(self, "controller_type") @@ -2292,7 +2164,7 @@ def controller_type(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="datastoreId") def datastore_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datastore_id") @@ -2316,9 +2188,7 @@ def device_address(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="diskMode") def disk_mode(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - - [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. """ return pulumi.get(self, "disk_mode") @@ -2330,9 +2200,7 @@ def disk_mode(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="diskSharing") def disk_sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - - > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. """ return pulumi.get(self, "disk_sharing") @@ -2344,7 +2212,7 @@ def disk_sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="eagerlyScrub") def eagerly_scrub(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. """ return pulumi.get(self, "eagerly_scrub") @@ -2356,7 +2224,7 @@ def eagerly_scrub(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ioLimit") def io_limit(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. """ return pulumi.get(self, "io_limit") @@ -2368,7 +2236,7 @@ def io_limit(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ioReservation") def io_reservation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. """ return pulumi.get(self, "io_reservation") @@ -2380,7 +2248,7 @@ def io_reservation(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ioShareCount") def io_share_count(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "io_share_count") @@ -2392,7 +2260,7 @@ def io_share_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ioShareLevel") def io_share_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "io_share_level") @@ -2404,7 +2272,7 @@ def io_share_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="keepOnRemove") def keep_on_remove(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. """ return pulumi.get(self, "keep_on_remove") @@ -2428,11 +2296,7 @@ def key(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter def path(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - - > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - - > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. """ return pulumi.get(self, "path") @@ -2444,7 +2308,7 @@ def path(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def size(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + The size of the disk, in GB. """ return pulumi.get(self, "size") @@ -2456,7 +2320,7 @@ def size(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="storagePolicyId") def storage_policy_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. """ return pulumi.get(self, "storage_policy_id") @@ -2468,7 +2332,7 @@ def storage_policy_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="thinProvisioned") def thin_provisioned(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. """ return pulumi.get(self, "thin_provisioned") @@ -2480,7 +2344,7 @@ def thin_provisioned(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="unitNumber") def unit_number(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. """ return pulumi.get(self, "unit_number") @@ -2492,7 +2356,7 @@ def unit_number(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter def uuid(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "uuid") @@ -2504,7 +2368,7 @@ def uuid(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="writeThrough") def write_through(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. """ return pulumi.get(self, "write_through") @@ -2529,18 +2393,18 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, physical_function: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, use_static_mac: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None): """ - :param pulumi.Input[str] network_id: The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. - :param pulumi.Input[str] adapter_type: The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] bandwidth_limit: The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] bandwidth_reservation: The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. - :param pulumi.Input[int] bandwidth_share_count: The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] bandwidth_share_level: The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] network_id: The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. + :param pulumi.Input[str] adapter_type: The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. + :param pulumi.Input[int] bandwidth_limit: The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. + :param pulumi.Input[int] bandwidth_reservation: The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. + :param pulumi.Input[int] bandwidth_share_count: The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. + :param pulumi.Input[str] bandwidth_share_level: The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. :param pulumi.Input[str] device_address: The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. :param pulumi.Input[int] key: The ID of the device within the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[str] mac_address: The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ovf_mapping: Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + :param pulumi.Input[str] mac_address: The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ovf_mapping: Mapping of network interface to OVF network. :param pulumi.Input[str] physical_function: The ID of the Physical SR-IOV NIC to attach to, e.g. '0000:d8:00.0' - :param pulumi.Input[bool] use_static_mac: If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] use_static_mac: If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "network_id", network_id) if adapter_type is not None: @@ -2570,7 +2434,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="networkId") def network_id(self) -> pulumi.Input[str]: """ - The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_id") @@ -2582,7 +2446,7 @@ def network_id(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): @pulumi.getter(name="adapterType") def adapter_type(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. """ return pulumi.get(self, "adapter_type") @@ -2594,7 +2458,7 @@ def adapter_type(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="bandwidthLimit") def bandwidth_limit(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. """ return pulumi.get(self, "bandwidth_limit") @@ -2606,7 +2470,7 @@ def bandwidth_limit(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="bandwidthReservation") def bandwidth_reservation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. """ return pulumi.get(self, "bandwidth_reservation") @@ -2618,7 +2482,7 @@ def bandwidth_reservation(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="bandwidthShareCount") def bandwidth_share_count(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "bandwidth_share_count") @@ -2630,7 +2494,7 @@ def bandwidth_share_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="bandwidthShareLevel") def bandwidth_share_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "bandwidth_share_level") @@ -2666,7 +2530,7 @@ def key(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="macAddress") def mac_address(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. """ return pulumi.get(self, "mac_address") @@ -2678,7 +2542,7 @@ def mac_address(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ovfMapping") def ovf_mapping(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + Mapping of network interface to OVF network. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ovf_mapping") @@ -2702,7 +2566,7 @@ def physical_function(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="useStaticMac") def use_static_mac(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. """ return pulumi.get(self, "use_static_mac") @@ -2946,10 +2810,10 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, ip: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, netmask: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None): """ - :param pulumi.Input[bool] dhcp: Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. - :param pulumi.Input[str] gw: IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ip: Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. - :param pulumi.Input[str] netmask: Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] dhcp: Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. + :param pulumi.Input[str] gw: IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ip: address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + :param pulumi.Input[str] netmask: netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. """ if dhcp is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "dhcp", dhcp) @@ -2964,7 +2828,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter def dhcp(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dhcp") @@ -2976,7 +2840,7 @@ def dhcp(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def gw(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. """ return pulumi.get(self, "gw") @@ -2988,7 +2852,7 @@ def gw(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def ip(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ip") @@ -3000,7 +2864,7 @@ def ip(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def netmask(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netmask") @@ -3019,7 +2883,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, """ :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] addresses: List of IPv6 addresses :param pulumi.Input[bool] autoconfig: Use IPv6 Autoconfiguration (RFC2462). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] dhcp: Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] dhcp: Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. :param pulumi.Input[str] gw: IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. """ if addresses is not None: @@ -3059,7 +2923,7 @@ def autoconfig(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def dhcp(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dhcp") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/compute_cluster.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/compute_cluster.py index fba3d2c4..74817af0 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/compute_cluster.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/compute_cluster.py @@ -93,225 +93,114 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, > **NOTE:** Custom attributes are unsupported on direct ESXi connections and require vCenter Server. - :param pulumi.Input[str] dpm_automation_level: The automation level for host power - operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] dpm_enabled: Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] dpm_threshold: A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] drs_advanced_options: A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for DRS and DPM. - :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_automation_level: The default automation level for all - virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_predictive_drs: When `true`, enables DRS to use data - from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - recommendations. \\* - - [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_vm_overrides: Allow individual DRS overrides to be - set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enabled: Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] drs_migration_threshold: A value between `1` and `5` indicating - the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - `3`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_scale_descendants_shares: Enable scalable shares for all - resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] dpm_automation_level: The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] dpm_enabled: Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] dpm_threshold: A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + setting. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] drs_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. + :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_automation_level: The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + fullyAutomated. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_predictive_drs: When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_vm_overrides: When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enabled: Enable DRS for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] drs_migration_threshold: A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. + :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_scale_descendants_shares: Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The relative path to a folder to put this cluster in. This is a path relative to the datacenter you are deploying the cluster to. Example: for the `dc1` datacenter, and a provided `folder` of `foo/bar`, The provider will place a cluster named `compute-cluster-test` in a host folder located at `/dc1/host/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path being `/dc1/host/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_evacuate_on_destroy: When destroying the resource, setting this to - `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - below. This is an advanced - option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - the `host_system_ids` attribute. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids: Defines the - managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - recommendations. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance: The maximum number - of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance: The percentage of - resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_admission_control_policy: The type of admission control - policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute: Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - average number of host resources represented by the - `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - user-defined values. Default: `true`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu: Controls the - user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory: Controls the - user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu: Controls the - user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory: Controls the - user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size: Controls - whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_advanced_options: A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for vSphere HA. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take - on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: The time, in seconds, - to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - seconds (3 minutes). \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_enabled: Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids: The list of managed object IDs for - preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy: The selection policy for HA - heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on virtual - machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - `none`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_monitoring: Global setting that controls whether - vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_component_protection: Controls vSphere VM component - protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition: The condition used to - determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` seconds (2 minutes). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_additional_delay: Additional delay, in seconds, - after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The default restart priority - for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, - that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] host_cluster_exit_timeout: The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] host_managed: Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] host_system_ids: The managed object IDs of - the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_evacuate_on_destroy: Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + for testing and is not recommended in normal use. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids: When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + will ignore the host when making recommendations. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance: The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance: The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_admission_control_policy: The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + issues. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + currently in the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_enabled: Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids: The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy: The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_monitoring: Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_component_protection: Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition: The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + failed. The value is in seconds. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_additional_delay: Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + high, or highest. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + proceeding with the next priority. + :param pulumi.Input[int] host_cluster_exit_timeout: The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] host_managed: Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] host_system_ids: The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_automation_level: Determines how the host - quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \\* - :param pulumi.Input[bool] proactive_ha_enabled: Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_moderate_remediation: The configured remediation - for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] proactive_ha_provider_ids: The list of IDs for health update - providers configured for this cluster. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_severe_remediation: The configured remediation for - severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_automation_level: The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] proactive_ha_enabled: Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_moderate_remediation: The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] proactive_ha_provider_ids: The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_severe_remediation: The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_compression_enabled: Enables vSAN compression on the - cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dedup_enabled: Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - compression must also be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs']]] vsan_disk_groups: Represents the configuration of a host disk - group in the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dit_encryption_enabled: Enables vSAN data-in-transit - encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - at the same time. - :param pulumi.Input[int] vsan_dit_rekey_interval: Indicates the rekey interval in - minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_enabled: Enables vSAN on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_esa_enabled: Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs']]] vsan_fault_domains: Configurations of vSAN fault domains. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled: Enables network - diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_performance_enabled: Enables vSAN performance service on - the cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] vsan_remote_datastore_ids: The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. - :param pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs'] vsan_stretched_cluster: Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_unmap_enabled: Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_verbose_mode_enabled: Enables verbose mode for vSAN - performance service on the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_compression_enabled: Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dedup_enabled: Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs']]] vsan_disk_groups: A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dit_encryption_enabled: Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] vsan_dit_rekey_interval: When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_enabled: Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_esa_enabled: Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs']]] vsan_fault_domains: The configuration for vSAN fault domains. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled: Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_performance_enabled: Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] vsan_remote_datastore_ids: The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs'] vsan_stretched_cluster: The configuration for stretched cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_unmap_enabled: Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_verbose_mode_enabled: Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "datacenter_id", datacenter_id) if custom_attributes is not None: @@ -482,9 +371,7 @@ def custom_attributes(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Inp @pulumi.getter(name="dpmAutomationLevel") def dpm_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The automation level for host power - operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - `manual`. + The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dpm_automation_level") @@ -496,9 +383,8 @@ def dpm_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="dpmEnabled") def dpm_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - Default: `false`. + Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dpm_enabled") @@ -510,10 +396,9 @@ def dpm_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="dpmThreshold") def dpm_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + setting. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dpm_threshold") @@ -525,8 +410,7 @@ def dpm_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsAdvancedOptions") def drs_advanced_options(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for DRS and DPM. + Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_advanced_options") @@ -538,9 +422,8 @@ def drs_advanced_options(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi. @pulumi.getter(name="drsAutomationLevel") def drs_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The default automation level for all - virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + fullyAutomated. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_automation_level") @@ -552,11 +435,7 @@ def drs_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsEnablePredictiveDrs") def drs_enable_predictive_drs(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - When `true`, enables DRS to use data - from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - recommendations. \\* - - [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_enable_predictive_drs") @@ -568,8 +447,7 @@ def drs_enable_predictive_drs(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsEnableVmOverrides") def drs_enable_vm_overrides(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow individual DRS overrides to be - set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_enable_vm_overrides") @@ -581,7 +459,7 @@ def drs_enable_vm_overrides(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsEnabled") def drs_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + Enable DRS for this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_enabled") @@ -593,10 +471,8 @@ def drs_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsMigrationThreshold") def drs_migration_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - A value between `1` and `5` indicating - the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - `3`. + A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_migration_threshold") @@ -608,9 +484,7 @@ def drs_migration_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsScaleDescendantsShares") def drs_scale_descendants_shares(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Enable scalable shares for all - resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_scale_descendants_shares") @@ -639,18 +513,8 @@ def folder(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="forceEvacuateOnDestroy") def force_evacuate_on_destroy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - When destroying the resource, setting this to - `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - below. This is an advanced - option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - the `host_system_ids` attribute. + Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + for testing and is not recommended in normal use. """ return pulumi.get(self, "force_evacuate_on_destroy") @@ -662,11 +526,9 @@ def force_evacuate_on_destroy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds") def ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - Defines the - managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - recommendations. + When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + will ignore the host when making recommendations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids") @@ -678,11 +540,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids(self, value: Optional[pulumi.I @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance") def ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum number - of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - \\* + The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance") @@ -694,10 +553,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Inp @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance") def ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The percentage of - resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance") @@ -709,9 +566,10 @@ def ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Inpu @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlPolicy") def ha_admission_control_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The type of admission control - policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + issues. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_policy") @@ -723,12 +581,9 @@ def ha_admission_control_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute") def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - average number of host resources represented by the - `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - user-defined values. Default: `true`. - \\* + When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute") @@ -740,9 +595,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute(self, value: Optional[ @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu") def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu") @@ -754,9 +608,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu(self, value: Optional[pulumi.In @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory") def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory") @@ -768,8 +621,7 @@ def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory(self, value: Optional[pulumi @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu") def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu") @@ -781,8 +633,7 @@ def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu(self, value: Optional[pulumi.I @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory") def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory") @@ -794,10 +645,9 @@ def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory(self, value: Optional[pulum @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize") def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls - whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + currently in the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size") @@ -809,8 +659,7 @@ def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size(self, value: Optional[pul @pulumi.getter(name="haAdvancedOptions") def ha_advanced_options(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for vSphere HA. + Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_advanced_options") @@ -822,10 +671,8 @@ def ha_advanced_options(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.I @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction") def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take - on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action") @@ -837,11 +684,9 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponse") def ha_datastore_apd_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response") @@ -853,10 +698,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay") def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, - to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - seconds (3 minutes). \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response_delay") @@ -868,11 +711,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastorePdlResponse") def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_pdl_response") @@ -884,8 +724,7 @@ def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haEnabled") def ha_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - `false`. + Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_enabled") @@ -897,10 +736,8 @@ def ha_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haHeartbeatDatastoreIds") def ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The list of managed object IDs for - preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids") @@ -912,10 +749,8 @@ def ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulum @pulumi.getter(name="haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy") def ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The selection policy for HA - heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy") @@ -927,10 +762,8 @@ def ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haHostIsolationResponse") def ha_host_isolation_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The action to take on virtual - machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - `none`. + The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_host_isolation_response") @@ -942,9 +775,7 @@ def ha_host_isolation_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haHostMonitoring") def ha_host_monitoring(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Global setting that controls whether - vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_host_monitoring") @@ -956,10 +787,8 @@ def ha_host_monitoring(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmComponentProtection") def ha_vm_component_protection(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls vSphere VM component - protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - \\* + Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_component_protection") @@ -971,13 +800,8 @@ def ha_vm_component_protection(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmDependencyRestartCondition") def ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The condition used to - determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - \\* + The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition") @@ -989,9 +813,8 @@ def ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]) @pulumi.getter(name="haVmFailureInterval") def ha_vm_failure_interval(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + failed. The value is in seconds. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_failure_interval") @@ -1003,11 +826,9 @@ def ha_vm_failure_interval(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow") def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_failure_window") @@ -1019,8 +840,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumResets") def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_resets") @@ -1032,9 +852,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMinimumUptime") def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` seconds (2 minutes). + The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_minimum_uptime") @@ -1046,9 +864,8 @@ def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMonitoring") def ha_vm_monitoring(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_monitoring") @@ -1060,9 +877,7 @@ def ha_vm_monitoring(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartAdditionalDelay") def ha_vm_restart_additional_delay(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Additional delay, in seconds, - after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \\* + Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_additional_delay") @@ -1074,9 +889,8 @@ def ha_vm_restart_additional_delay(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartPriority") def ha_vm_restart_priority(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The default restart priority - for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + high, or highest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_priority") @@ -1088,10 +902,8 @@ def ha_vm_restart_priority(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartTimeout") def ha_vm_restart_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum time, in seconds, - that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - \\* + The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + proceeding with the next priority. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_timeout") @@ -1103,8 +915,7 @@ def ha_vm_restart_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="hostClusterExitTimeout") def host_cluster_exit_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_cluster_exit_timeout") @@ -1116,9 +927,7 @@ def host_cluster_exit_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="hostManaged") def host_managed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_managed") @@ -1130,8 +939,7 @@ def host_managed(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="hostSystemIds") def host_system_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The managed object IDs of - the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_system_ids") @@ -1155,10 +963,7 @@ def name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaAutomationLevel") def proactive_ha_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Determines how the host - quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \\* + The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_automation_level") @@ -1170,8 +975,7 @@ def proactive_ha_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaEnabled") def proactive_ha_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - \\* + Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_enabled") @@ -1183,12 +987,8 @@ def proactive_ha_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaModerateRemediation") def proactive_ha_moderate_remediation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The configured remediation - for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* + The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_moderate_remediation") @@ -1200,9 +1000,7 @@ def proactive_ha_moderate_remediation(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaProviderIds") def proactive_ha_provider_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The list of IDs for health update - providers configured for this cluster. - \\* + The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_provider_ids") @@ -1214,12 +1012,8 @@ def proactive_ha_provider_ids(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaSevereRemediation") def proactive_ha_severe_remediation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The configured remediation for - severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* + The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_severe_remediation") @@ -1243,8 +1037,7 @@ def tags(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanCompressionEnabled") def vsan_compression_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN compression on the - cluster. + Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_compression_enabled") @@ -1256,9 +1049,7 @@ def vsan_compression_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDedupEnabled") def vsan_dedup_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - compression must also be enabled. + Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_dedup_enabled") @@ -1270,8 +1061,7 @@ def vsan_dedup_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDiskGroups") def vsan_disk_groups(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs']]]]: """ - Represents the configuration of a host disk - group in the cluster. + A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_disk_groups") @@ -1283,10 +1073,7 @@ def vsan_disk_groups(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['C @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDitEncryptionEnabled") def vsan_dit_encryption_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN data-in-transit - encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - at the same time. + Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_dit_encryption_enabled") @@ -1298,9 +1085,7 @@ def vsan_dit_encryption_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDitRekeyInterval") def vsan_dit_rekey_interval(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Indicates the rekey interval in - minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_dit_rekey_interval") @@ -1312,7 +1097,7 @@ def vsan_dit_rekey_interval(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanEnabled") def vsan_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_enabled") @@ -1324,7 +1109,7 @@ def vsan_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanEsaEnabled") def vsan_esa_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_esa_enabled") @@ -1336,7 +1121,7 @@ def vsan_esa_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanFaultDomains") def vsan_fault_domains(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs']]]]: """ - Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + The configuration for vSAN fault domains. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_fault_domains") @@ -1348,8 +1133,7 @@ def vsan_fault_domains(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[ @pulumi.getter(name="vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled") def vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables network - diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled") @@ -1361,8 +1145,7 @@ def vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool @pulumi.getter(name="vsanPerformanceEnabled") def vsan_performance_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN performance service on - the cluster. Default: `true`. + Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_performance_enabled") @@ -1374,10 +1157,7 @@ def vsan_performance_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanRemoteDatastoreIds") def vsan_remote_datastore_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_remote_datastore_ids") @@ -1389,7 +1169,7 @@ def vsan_remote_datastore_ids(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi @pulumi.getter(name="vsanStretchedCluster") def vsan_stretched_cluster(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs']]: """ - Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + The configuration for stretched cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_stretched_cluster") @@ -1401,8 +1181,7 @@ def vsan_stretched_cluster(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsa @pulumi.getter(name="vsanUnmapEnabled") def vsan_unmap_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_unmap_enabled") @@ -1414,8 +1193,7 @@ def vsan_unmap_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanVerboseModeEnabled") def vsan_verbose_mode_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables verbose mode for vSAN - performance service on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_verbose_mode_enabled") @@ -1505,230 +1283,119 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, and require vCenter Server. :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The managed object ID of the datacenter to create the cluster in. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[str] dpm_automation_level: The automation level for host power - operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] dpm_enabled: Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] dpm_threshold: A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] drs_advanced_options: A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for DRS and DPM. - :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_automation_level: The default automation level for all - virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_predictive_drs: When `true`, enables DRS to use data - from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - recommendations. \\* - - [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_vm_overrides: Allow individual DRS overrides to be - set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enabled: Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] drs_migration_threshold: A value between `1` and `5` indicating - the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - `3`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_scale_descendants_shares: Enable scalable shares for all - resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] dpm_automation_level: The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] dpm_enabled: Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] dpm_threshold: A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + setting. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] drs_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. + :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_automation_level: The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + fullyAutomated. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_predictive_drs: When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_vm_overrides: When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enabled: Enable DRS for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] drs_migration_threshold: A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. + :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_scale_descendants_shares: Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The relative path to a folder to put this cluster in. This is a path relative to the datacenter you are deploying the cluster to. Example: for the `dc1` datacenter, and a provided `folder` of `foo/bar`, The provider will place a cluster named `compute-cluster-test` in a host folder located at `/dc1/host/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path being `/dc1/host/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_evacuate_on_destroy: When destroying the resource, setting this to - `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - below. This is an advanced - option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - the `host_system_ids` attribute. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids: Defines the - managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - recommendations. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance: The maximum number - of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance: The percentage of - resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_admission_control_policy: The type of admission control - policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute: Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - average number of host resources represented by the - `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - user-defined values. Default: `true`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu: Controls the - user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory: Controls the - user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu: Controls the - user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory: Controls the - user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size: Controls - whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_advanced_options: A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for vSphere HA. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take - on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: The time, in seconds, - to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - seconds (3 minutes). \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_enabled: Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids: The list of managed object IDs for - preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy: The selection policy for HA - heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on virtual - machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - `none`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_monitoring: Global setting that controls whether - vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_component_protection: Controls vSphere VM component - protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition: The condition used to - determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` seconds (2 minutes). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_additional_delay: Additional delay, in seconds, - after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The default restart priority - for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, - that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] host_cluster_exit_timeout: The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] host_managed: Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] host_system_ids: The managed object IDs of - the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_evacuate_on_destroy: Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + for testing and is not recommended in normal use. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids: When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + will ignore the host when making recommendations. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance: The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance: The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_admission_control_policy: The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + issues. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + currently in the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_enabled: Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids: The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy: The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_monitoring: Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_component_protection: Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition: The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + failed. The value is in seconds. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_additional_delay: Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + high, or highest. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + proceeding with the next priority. + :param pulumi.Input[int] host_cluster_exit_timeout: The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] host_managed: Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] host_system_ids: The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_automation_level: Determines how the host - quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \\* - :param pulumi.Input[bool] proactive_ha_enabled: Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_moderate_remediation: The configured remediation - for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] proactive_ha_provider_ids: The list of IDs for health update - providers configured for this cluster. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_severe_remediation: The configured remediation for - severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_automation_level: The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] proactive_ha_enabled: Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_moderate_remediation: The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] proactive_ha_provider_ids: The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_severe_remediation: The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_pool_id: The managed object ID of the primary resource pool for this cluster. This can be passed directly to the `resource_pool_id` attribute of the `VirtualMachine` resource. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_compression_enabled: Enables vSAN compression on the - cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dedup_enabled: Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - compression must also be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs']]] vsan_disk_groups: Represents the configuration of a host disk - group in the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dit_encryption_enabled: Enables vSAN data-in-transit - encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - at the same time. - :param pulumi.Input[int] vsan_dit_rekey_interval: Indicates the rekey interval in - minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_enabled: Enables vSAN on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_esa_enabled: Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs']]] vsan_fault_domains: Configurations of vSAN fault domains. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled: Enables network - diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_performance_enabled: Enables vSAN performance service on - the cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] vsan_remote_datastore_ids: The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. - :param pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs'] vsan_stretched_cluster: Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_unmap_enabled: Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_verbose_mode_enabled: Enables verbose mode for vSAN - performance service on the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_compression_enabled: Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dedup_enabled: Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs']]] vsan_disk_groups: A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dit_encryption_enabled: Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] vsan_dit_rekey_interval: When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_enabled: Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_esa_enabled: Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs']]] vsan_fault_domains: The configuration for vSAN fault domains. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled: Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_performance_enabled: Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] vsan_remote_datastore_ids: The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs'] vsan_stretched_cluster: The configuration for stretched cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_unmap_enabled: Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_verbose_mode_enabled: Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. """ if custom_attributes is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "custom_attributes", custom_attributes) @@ -1902,9 +1569,7 @@ def datacenter_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="dpmAutomationLevel") def dpm_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The automation level for host power - operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - `manual`. + The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dpm_automation_level") @@ -1916,9 +1581,8 @@ def dpm_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="dpmEnabled") def dpm_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - Default: `false`. + Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dpm_enabled") @@ -1930,10 +1594,9 @@ def dpm_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="dpmThreshold") def dpm_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + setting. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dpm_threshold") @@ -1945,8 +1608,7 @@ def dpm_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsAdvancedOptions") def drs_advanced_options(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for DRS and DPM. + Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_advanced_options") @@ -1958,9 +1620,8 @@ def drs_advanced_options(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi. @pulumi.getter(name="drsAutomationLevel") def drs_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The default automation level for all - virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + fullyAutomated. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_automation_level") @@ -1972,11 +1633,7 @@ def drs_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsEnablePredictiveDrs") def drs_enable_predictive_drs(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - When `true`, enables DRS to use data - from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - recommendations. \\* - - [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_enable_predictive_drs") @@ -1988,8 +1645,7 @@ def drs_enable_predictive_drs(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsEnableVmOverrides") def drs_enable_vm_overrides(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow individual DRS overrides to be - set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_enable_vm_overrides") @@ -2001,7 +1657,7 @@ def drs_enable_vm_overrides(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsEnabled") def drs_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + Enable DRS for this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_enabled") @@ -2013,10 +1669,8 @@ def drs_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsMigrationThreshold") def drs_migration_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - A value between `1` and `5` indicating - the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - `3`. + A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_migration_threshold") @@ -2028,9 +1682,7 @@ def drs_migration_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="drsScaleDescendantsShares") def drs_scale_descendants_shares(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Enable scalable shares for all - resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_scale_descendants_shares") @@ -2059,18 +1711,8 @@ def folder(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="forceEvacuateOnDestroy") def force_evacuate_on_destroy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - When destroying the resource, setting this to - `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - below. This is an advanced - option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - the `host_system_ids` attribute. + Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + for testing and is not recommended in normal use. """ return pulumi.get(self, "force_evacuate_on_destroy") @@ -2082,11 +1724,9 @@ def force_evacuate_on_destroy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds") def ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - Defines the - managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - recommendations. + When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + will ignore the host when making recommendations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids") @@ -2098,11 +1738,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids(self, value: Optional[pulumi.I @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance") def ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum number - of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - \\* + The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance") @@ -2114,10 +1751,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Inp @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance") def ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The percentage of - resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance") @@ -2129,9 +1764,10 @@ def ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Inpu @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlPolicy") def ha_admission_control_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The type of admission control - policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + issues. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_policy") @@ -2143,12 +1779,9 @@ def ha_admission_control_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute") def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - average number of host resources represented by the - `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - user-defined values. Default: `true`. - \\* + When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute") @@ -2160,9 +1793,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute(self, value: Optional[ @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu") def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu") @@ -2174,9 +1806,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu(self, value: Optional[pulumi.In @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory") def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory") @@ -2188,8 +1819,7 @@ def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory(self, value: Optional[pulumi @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu") def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu") @@ -2201,8 +1831,7 @@ def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu(self, value: Optional[pulumi.I @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory") def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory") @@ -2214,10 +1843,9 @@ def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory(self, value: Optional[pulum @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize") def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls - whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + currently in the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size") @@ -2229,8 +1857,7 @@ def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size(self, value: Optional[pul @pulumi.getter(name="haAdvancedOptions") def ha_advanced_options(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for vSphere HA. + Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_advanced_options") @@ -2242,10 +1869,8 @@ def ha_advanced_options(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.I @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction") def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take - on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action") @@ -2257,11 +1882,9 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponse") def ha_datastore_apd_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response") @@ -2273,10 +1896,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay") def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, - to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - seconds (3 minutes). \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response_delay") @@ -2288,11 +1909,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastorePdlResponse") def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_pdl_response") @@ -2304,8 +1922,7 @@ def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haEnabled") def ha_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - `false`. + Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_enabled") @@ -2317,10 +1934,8 @@ def ha_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haHeartbeatDatastoreIds") def ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The list of managed object IDs for - preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids") @@ -2332,10 +1947,8 @@ def ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulum @pulumi.getter(name="haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy") def ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The selection policy for HA - heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy") @@ -2347,10 +1960,8 @@ def ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haHostIsolationResponse") def ha_host_isolation_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The action to take on virtual - machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - `none`. + The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_host_isolation_response") @@ -2362,9 +1973,7 @@ def ha_host_isolation_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haHostMonitoring") def ha_host_monitoring(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Global setting that controls whether - vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_host_monitoring") @@ -2376,10 +1985,8 @@ def ha_host_monitoring(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmComponentProtection") def ha_vm_component_protection(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls vSphere VM component - protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - \\* + Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_component_protection") @@ -2391,13 +1998,8 @@ def ha_vm_component_protection(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmDependencyRestartCondition") def ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The condition used to - determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - \\* + The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition") @@ -2409,9 +2011,8 @@ def ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]) @pulumi.getter(name="haVmFailureInterval") def ha_vm_failure_interval(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + failed. The value is in seconds. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_failure_interval") @@ -2423,11 +2024,9 @@ def ha_vm_failure_interval(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow") def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_failure_window") @@ -2439,8 +2038,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumResets") def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_resets") @@ -2452,9 +2050,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMinimumUptime") def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` seconds (2 minutes). + The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_minimum_uptime") @@ -2466,9 +2062,8 @@ def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMonitoring") def ha_vm_monitoring(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_monitoring") @@ -2480,9 +2075,7 @@ def ha_vm_monitoring(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartAdditionalDelay") def ha_vm_restart_additional_delay(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Additional delay, in seconds, - after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \\* + Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_additional_delay") @@ -2494,9 +2087,8 @@ def ha_vm_restart_additional_delay(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartPriority") def ha_vm_restart_priority(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The default restart priority - for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + high, or highest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_priority") @@ -2508,10 +2100,8 @@ def ha_vm_restart_priority(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartTimeout") def ha_vm_restart_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum time, in seconds, - that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - \\* + The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + proceeding with the next priority. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_timeout") @@ -2523,8 +2113,7 @@ def ha_vm_restart_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="hostClusterExitTimeout") def host_cluster_exit_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_cluster_exit_timeout") @@ -2536,9 +2125,7 @@ def host_cluster_exit_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="hostManaged") def host_managed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_managed") @@ -2550,8 +2137,7 @@ def host_managed(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="hostSystemIds") def host_system_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The managed object IDs of - the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_system_ids") @@ -2575,10 +2161,7 @@ def name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaAutomationLevel") def proactive_ha_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Determines how the host - quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \\* + The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_automation_level") @@ -2590,8 +2173,7 @@ def proactive_ha_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaEnabled") def proactive_ha_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - \\* + Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_enabled") @@ -2603,12 +2185,8 @@ def proactive_ha_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaModerateRemediation") def proactive_ha_moderate_remediation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The configured remediation - for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* + The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_moderate_remediation") @@ -2620,9 +2198,7 @@ def proactive_ha_moderate_remediation(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaProviderIds") def proactive_ha_provider_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The list of IDs for health update - providers configured for this cluster. - \\* + The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_provider_ids") @@ -2634,12 +2210,8 @@ def proactive_ha_provider_ids(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaSevereRemediation") def proactive_ha_severe_remediation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The configured remediation for - severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* + The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_severe_remediation") @@ -2679,8 +2251,7 @@ def tags(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanCompressionEnabled") def vsan_compression_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN compression on the - cluster. + Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_compression_enabled") @@ -2692,9 +2263,7 @@ def vsan_compression_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDedupEnabled") def vsan_dedup_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - compression must also be enabled. + Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_dedup_enabled") @@ -2706,8 +2275,7 @@ def vsan_dedup_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDiskGroups") def vsan_disk_groups(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs']]]]: """ - Represents the configuration of a host disk - group in the cluster. + A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_disk_groups") @@ -2719,10 +2287,7 @@ def vsan_disk_groups(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['C @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDitEncryptionEnabled") def vsan_dit_encryption_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN data-in-transit - encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - at the same time. + Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_dit_encryption_enabled") @@ -2734,9 +2299,7 @@ def vsan_dit_encryption_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDitRekeyInterval") def vsan_dit_rekey_interval(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Indicates the rekey interval in - minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_dit_rekey_interval") @@ -2748,7 +2311,7 @@ def vsan_dit_rekey_interval(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanEnabled") def vsan_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_enabled") @@ -2760,7 +2323,7 @@ def vsan_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanEsaEnabled") def vsan_esa_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_esa_enabled") @@ -2772,7 +2335,7 @@ def vsan_esa_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanFaultDomains") def vsan_fault_domains(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs']]]]: """ - Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + The configuration for vSAN fault domains. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_fault_domains") @@ -2784,8 +2347,7 @@ def vsan_fault_domains(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[ @pulumi.getter(name="vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled") def vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables network - diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled") @@ -2797,8 +2359,7 @@ def vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool @pulumi.getter(name="vsanPerformanceEnabled") def vsan_performance_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN performance service on - the cluster. Default: `true`. + Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_performance_enabled") @@ -2810,10 +2371,7 @@ def vsan_performance_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanRemoteDatastoreIds") def vsan_remote_datastore_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_remote_datastore_ids") @@ -2825,7 +2383,7 @@ def vsan_remote_datastore_ids(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi @pulumi.getter(name="vsanStretchedCluster") def vsan_stretched_cluster(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs']]: """ - Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + The configuration for stretched cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_stretched_cluster") @@ -2837,8 +2395,7 @@ def vsan_stretched_cluster(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input['ComputeClusterVsa @pulumi.getter(name="vsanUnmapEnabled") def vsan_unmap_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_unmap_enabled") @@ -2850,8 +2407,7 @@ def vsan_unmap_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vsanVerboseModeEnabled") def vsan_verbose_mode_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables verbose mode for vSAN - performance service on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_verbose_mode_enabled") @@ -2945,225 +2501,114 @@ def __init__(__self__, and require vCenter Server. :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The managed object ID of the datacenter to create the cluster in. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[str] dpm_automation_level: The automation level for host power - operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] dpm_enabled: Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] dpm_threshold: A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] drs_advanced_options: A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for DRS and DPM. - :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_automation_level: The default automation level for all - virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_predictive_drs: When `true`, enables DRS to use data - from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - recommendations. \\* - - [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_vm_overrides: Allow individual DRS overrides to be - set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enabled: Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] drs_migration_threshold: A value between `1` and `5` indicating - the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - `3`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_scale_descendants_shares: Enable scalable shares for all - resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] dpm_automation_level: The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] dpm_enabled: Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] dpm_threshold: A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + setting. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] drs_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. + :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_automation_level: The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + fullyAutomated. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_predictive_drs: When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_vm_overrides: When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enabled: Enable DRS for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] drs_migration_threshold: A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. + :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_scale_descendants_shares: Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The relative path to a folder to put this cluster in. This is a path relative to the datacenter you are deploying the cluster to. Example: for the `dc1` datacenter, and a provided `folder` of `foo/bar`, The provider will place a cluster named `compute-cluster-test` in a host folder located at `/dc1/host/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path being `/dc1/host/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_evacuate_on_destroy: When destroying the resource, setting this to - `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - below. This is an advanced - option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - the `host_system_ids` attribute. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids: Defines the - managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - recommendations. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance: The maximum number - of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance: The percentage of - resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_admission_control_policy: The type of admission control - policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute: Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - average number of host resources represented by the - `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - user-defined values. Default: `true`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu: Controls the - user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory: Controls the - user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu: Controls the - user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory: Controls the - user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size: Controls - whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_advanced_options: A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for vSphere HA. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take - on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: The time, in seconds, - to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - seconds (3 minutes). \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_enabled: Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids: The list of managed object IDs for - preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy: The selection policy for HA - heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on virtual - machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - `none`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_monitoring: Global setting that controls whether - vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_component_protection: Controls vSphere VM component - protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition: The condition used to - determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` seconds (2 minutes). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_additional_delay: Additional delay, in seconds, - after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The default restart priority - for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, - that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] host_cluster_exit_timeout: The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] host_managed: Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] host_system_ids: The managed object IDs of - the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_evacuate_on_destroy: Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + for testing and is not recommended in normal use. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids: When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + will ignore the host when making recommendations. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance: The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance: The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_admission_control_policy: The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + issues. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + currently in the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_enabled: Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids: The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy: The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_monitoring: Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_component_protection: Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition: The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + failed. The value is in seconds. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_additional_delay: Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + high, or highest. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + proceeding with the next priority. + :param pulumi.Input[int] host_cluster_exit_timeout: The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] host_managed: Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] host_system_ids: The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_automation_level: Determines how the host - quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \\* - :param pulumi.Input[bool] proactive_ha_enabled: Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_moderate_remediation: The configured remediation - for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] proactive_ha_provider_ids: The list of IDs for health update - providers configured for this cluster. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_severe_remediation: The configured remediation for - severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_automation_level: The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] proactive_ha_enabled: Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_moderate_remediation: The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] proactive_ha_provider_ids: The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_severe_remediation: The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_compression_enabled: Enables vSAN compression on the - cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dedup_enabled: Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - compression must also be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs']]]] vsan_disk_groups: Represents the configuration of a host disk - group in the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dit_encryption_enabled: Enables vSAN data-in-transit - encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - at the same time. - :param pulumi.Input[int] vsan_dit_rekey_interval: Indicates the rekey interval in - minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_enabled: Enables vSAN on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_esa_enabled: Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs']]]] vsan_fault_domains: Configurations of vSAN fault domains. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled: Enables network - diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_performance_enabled: Enables vSAN performance service on - the cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] vsan_remote_datastore_ids: The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. - :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs']] vsan_stretched_cluster: Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_unmap_enabled: Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_verbose_mode_enabled: Enables verbose mode for vSAN - performance service on the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_compression_enabled: Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dedup_enabled: Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs']]]] vsan_disk_groups: A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dit_encryption_enabled: Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] vsan_dit_rekey_interval: When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_enabled: Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_esa_enabled: Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs']]]] vsan_fault_domains: The configuration for vSAN fault domains. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled: Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_performance_enabled: Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] vsan_remote_datastore_ids: The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs']] vsan_stretched_cluster: The configuration for stretched cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_unmap_enabled: Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_verbose_mode_enabled: Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. """ ... @overload @@ -3429,230 +2874,119 @@ def get(resource_name: str, and require vCenter Server. :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The managed object ID of the datacenter to create the cluster in. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[str] dpm_automation_level: The automation level for host power - operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] dpm_enabled: Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] dpm_threshold: A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] drs_advanced_options: A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for DRS and DPM. - :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_automation_level: The default automation level for all - virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_predictive_drs: When `true`, enables DRS to use data - from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - recommendations. \\* - - [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_vm_overrides: Allow individual DRS overrides to be - set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enabled: Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] drs_migration_threshold: A value between `1` and `5` indicating - the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - `3`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_scale_descendants_shares: Enable scalable shares for all - resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] dpm_automation_level: The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] dpm_enabled: Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] dpm_threshold: A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + setting. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] drs_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. + :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_automation_level: The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + fullyAutomated. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_predictive_drs: When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enable_vm_overrides: When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] drs_enabled: Enable DRS for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] drs_migration_threshold: A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. + :param pulumi.Input[str] drs_scale_descendants_shares: Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The relative path to a folder to put this cluster in. This is a path relative to the datacenter you are deploying the cluster to. Example: for the `dc1` datacenter, and a provided `folder` of `foo/bar`, The provider will place a cluster named `compute-cluster-test` in a host folder located at `/dc1/host/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path being `/dc1/host/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_evacuate_on_destroy: When destroying the resource, setting this to - `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - below. This is an advanced - option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - the `host_system_ids` attribute. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids: Defines the - managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - recommendations. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance: The maximum number - of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance: The percentage of - resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_admission_control_policy: The type of admission control - policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute: Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - average number of host resources represented by the - `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - user-defined values. Default: `true`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu: Controls the - user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory: Controls the - user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu: Controls the - user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory: Controls the - user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size: Controls - whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_advanced_options: A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for vSphere HA. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take - on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: The time, in seconds, - to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - seconds (3 minutes). \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_enabled: Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids: The list of managed object IDs for - preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy: The selection policy for HA - heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on virtual - machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - `none`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_monitoring: Global setting that controls whether - vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_component_protection: Controls vSphere VM component - protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition: The condition used to - determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` seconds (2 minutes). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_additional_delay: Additional delay, in seconds, - after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The default restart priority - for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, - that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[int] host_cluster_exit_timeout: The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] host_managed: Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] host_system_ids: The managed object IDs of - the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_evacuate_on_destroy: Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + for testing and is not recommended in normal use. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids: When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + will ignore the host when making recommendations. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance: The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance: The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_admission_control_policy: The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + issues. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory: When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size: When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + currently in the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_enabled: Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids: The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy: The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_monitoring: Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_component_protection: Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition: The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + failed. The value is in seconds. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_additional_delay: Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + high, or highest. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + proceeding with the next priority. + :param pulumi.Input[int] host_cluster_exit_timeout: The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] host_managed: Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] host_system_ids: The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_automation_level: Determines how the host - quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \\* - :param pulumi.Input[bool] proactive_ha_enabled: Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_moderate_remediation: The configured remediation - for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] proactive_ha_provider_ids: The list of IDs for health update - providers configured for this cluster. - \\* - :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_severe_remediation: The configured remediation for - severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_automation_level: The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] proactive_ha_enabled: Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_moderate_remediation: The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] proactive_ha_provider_ids: The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[str] proactive_ha_severe_remediation: The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_pool_id: The managed object ID of the primary resource pool for this cluster. This can be passed directly to the `resource_pool_id` attribute of the `VirtualMachine` resource. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_compression_enabled: Enables vSAN compression on the - cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dedup_enabled: Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - compression must also be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs']]]] vsan_disk_groups: Represents the configuration of a host disk - group in the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dit_encryption_enabled: Enables vSAN data-in-transit - encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - at the same time. - :param pulumi.Input[int] vsan_dit_rekey_interval: Indicates the rekey interval in - minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_enabled: Enables vSAN on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_esa_enabled: Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs']]]] vsan_fault_domains: Configurations of vSAN fault domains. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled: Enables network - diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_performance_enabled: Enables vSAN performance service on - the cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] vsan_remote_datastore_ids: The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. - :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs']] vsan_stretched_cluster: Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_unmap_enabled: Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_verbose_mode_enabled: Enables verbose mode for vSAN - performance service on the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_compression_enabled: Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dedup_enabled: Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs']]]] vsan_disk_groups: A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_dit_encryption_enabled: Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] vsan_dit_rekey_interval: When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_enabled: Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_esa_enabled: Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs']]]] vsan_fault_domains: The configuration for vSAN fault domains. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled: Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_performance_enabled: Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] vsan_remote_datastore_ids: The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs']] vsan_stretched_cluster: The configuration for stretched cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_unmap_enabled: Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vsan_verbose_mode_enabled: Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. """ opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions(id=id)) @@ -3754,9 +3088,7 @@ def datacenter_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="dpmAutomationLevel") def dpm_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The automation level for host power - operations in this cluster. Can be one of `manual` or `automated`. Default: - `manual`. + The automation level for host power operations in this cluster. Can be one of manual or automated. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dpm_automation_level") @@ -3764,9 +3096,8 @@ def dpm_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="dpmEnabled") def dpm_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable DPM support for DRS in this cluster. - Requires `drs_enabled` to be `true` in order to be effective. - Default: `false`. + Enable DPM support for DRS. This allows you to dynamically control the power of hosts depending on the needs of virtual + machines in the cluster. Requires that DRS be enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dpm_enabled") @@ -3774,10 +3105,9 @@ def dpm_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="dpmThreshold") def dpm_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - A value between `1` and `5` indicating the - threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. - This affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will - tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher setting. Default: `3`. + A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of load within the cluster that influences host power operations. This + affects both power on and power off operations - a lower setting will tolerate more of a surplus/deficit than a higher + setting. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dpm_threshold") @@ -3785,8 +3115,7 @@ def dpm_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="drsAdvancedOptions") def drs_advanced_options(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]]: """ - A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for DRS and DPM. + Advanced configuration options for DRS and DPM. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_advanced_options") @@ -3794,9 +3123,8 @@ def drs_advanced_options(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="drsAutomationLevel") def drs_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The default automation level for all - virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `manual`, - `partiallyAutomated`, or `fullyAutomated`. Default: `manual`. + The default automation level for all virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of manual, partiallyAutomated, or + fullyAutomated. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_automation_level") @@ -3804,11 +3132,7 @@ def drs_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="drsEnablePredictiveDrs") def drs_enable_predictive_drs(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - When `true`, enables DRS to use data - from [vRealize Operations Manager][ref-vsphere-vrops] to make proactive DRS - recommendations. \\* - - [ref-vsphere-vrops]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/index.html + When true, enables DRS to use data from vRealize Operations Manager to make proactive DRS recommendations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_enable_predictive_drs") @@ -3816,8 +3140,7 @@ def drs_enable_predictive_drs(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="drsEnableVmOverrides") def drs_enable_vm_overrides(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow individual DRS overrides to be - set for virtual machines in the cluster. Default: `true`. + When true, allows individual VM overrides within this cluster to be set. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_enable_vm_overrides") @@ -3825,7 +3148,7 @@ def drs_enable_vm_overrides(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="drsEnabled") def drs_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable DRS for this cluster. Default: `false`. + Enable DRS for this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_enabled") @@ -3833,10 +3156,8 @@ def drs_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="drsMigrationThreshold") def drs_migration_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - A value between `1` and `5` indicating - the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will - tolerate more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. Default: - `3`. + A value between 1 and 5 indicating the threshold of imbalance tolerated between hosts. A lower setting will tolerate + more imbalance while a higher setting will tolerate less. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_migration_threshold") @@ -3844,9 +3165,7 @@ def drs_migration_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="drsScaleDescendantsShares") def drs_scale_descendants_shares(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Enable scalable shares for all - resource pools in the cluster. Can be one of `disabled` or - `scaleCpuAndMemoryShares`. Default: `disabled`. + Enable scalable shares for all descendants of this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "drs_scale_descendants_shares") @@ -3867,18 +3186,8 @@ def folder(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="forceEvacuateOnDestroy") def force_evacuate_on_destroy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - When destroying the resource, setting this to - `true` will auto-remove any hosts that are currently a member of the cluster, - as if they were removed by taking their entry out of `host_system_ids` (see - below. This is an advanced - option and should only be used for testing. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** Do not set `force_evacuate_on_destroy` in production operation as - there are many pitfalls to its use when working with complex cluster - configurations. Depending on the virtual machines currently on the cluster, and - your DRS and HA settings, the full host evacuation may fail. Instead, - incrementally remove hosts from your configuration by adjusting the contents of - the `host_system_ids` attribute. + Force removal of all hosts in the cluster during destroy and make them standalone hosts. Use of this flag mainly exists + for testing and is not recommended in normal use. """ return pulumi.get(self, "force_evacuate_on_destroy") @@ -3886,11 +3195,9 @@ def force_evacuate_on_destroy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlFailoverHostSystemIds") def ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: """ - Defines the - managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated failover - hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will - block access to the host, and DRS will ignore the host when making - recommendations. + When ha_admission_control_policy is failoverHosts, this defines the managed object IDs of hosts to use as dedicated + failover hosts. These hosts are kept as available as possible - admission control will block access to the host, and DRS + will ignore the host when making recommendations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids") @@ -3898,11 +3205,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_failover_host_system_ids(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optiona @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlHostFailureTolerance") def ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The maximum number - of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on - whether to permit virtual machine operations. The maximum is one less than - the number of hosts in the cluster. Default: `1`. - \\* + The maximum number of failed hosts that admission control tolerates when making decisions on whether to permit virtual + machine operations. The maximum is one less than the number of hosts in the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance") @@ -3910,10 +3214,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[ @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlPerformanceTolerance") def ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The percentage of - resource reduction that a cluster of virtual machines can tolerate in case of - a failover. A value of 0 produces warnings only, whereas a value of 100 - disables the setting. Default: `100` (disabled). + The percentage of resource reduction that a cluster of VMs can tolerate in case of a failover. A value of 0 produces + warnings only, whereas a value of 100 disables the setting. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance") @@ -3921,9 +3223,10 @@ def ha_admission_control_performance_tolerance(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[i @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlPolicy") def ha_admission_control_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The type of admission control - policy to use with vSphere HA. Can be one of `resourcePercentage`, - `slotPolicy`, `failoverHosts`, or `disabled`. Default: `resourcePercentage`. + The type of admission control policy to use with vSphere HA, which controls whether or not specific VM operations are + permitted in the cluster in order to protect the reliability of the cluster. Can be one of resourcePercentage, + slotPolicy, failoverHosts, or disabled. Note that disabling admission control is not recommended and can lead to service + issues. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_policy") @@ -3931,12 +3234,9 @@ def ha_admission_control_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageAutoCompute") def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Automatically determine available resource percentages by subtracting the - average number of host resources represented by the - `ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance` - setting from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply - user-defined values. Default: `true`. - \\* + When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, automatically determine available resource percentages by + subtracting the average number of host resources represented by the ha_admission_control_host_failure_tolerance setting + from the total amount of resources in the cluster. Disable to supply user-defined values. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute") @@ -3944,9 +3244,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_auto_compute(self) -> pulumi.Output @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageCpu") def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of CPU resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu") @@ -3954,9 +3253,8 @@ def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_cpu(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlResourcePercentageMemory") def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for - failover. Default: `100`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is resourcePercentage, this controls the user-defined percentage of memory resources in + the cluster to reserve for failover. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory") @@ -3964,8 +3262,7 @@ def ha_admission_control_resource_percentage_memory(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optio @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitCpu") def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. Default: `32`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined CPU slot size, in MHz. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu") @@ -3973,8 +3270,7 @@ def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_cpu(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optiona @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyExplicitMemory") def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - Controls the - user-defined memory slot size, in MB. Default: `100`. + When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this controls the user-defined memory slot size, in MB. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory") @@ -3982,10 +3278,9 @@ def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_explicit_memory(self) -> pulumi.Output[Opti @pulumi.getter(name="haAdmissionControlSlotPolicyUseExplicitSize") def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Controls - whether or not you wish to supply explicit values to CPU and memory slot - sizes. The default is `false`, which tells vSphere to gather a automatic - average based on all powered-on virtual machines currently in the cluster. + When ha_admission_control_policy is slotPolicy, this setting controls whether or not you wish to supply explicit values + to CPU and memory slot sizes. The default is to gather a automatic average based on all powered-on virtual machines + currently in the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size") @@ -3993,8 +3288,7 @@ def ha_admission_control_slot_policy_use_explicit_size(self) -> pulumi.Output[Op @pulumi.getter(name="haAdvancedOptions") def ha_advanced_options(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]]: """ - A key/value map that specifies advanced - options for vSphere HA. + Advanced configuration options for vSphere HA. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_advanced_options") @@ -4002,10 +3296,8 @@ def ha_advanced_options(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction") def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take - on virtual machines if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the - middle of an APD event. Can be one of `none` or `reset`. Default: `none`. - \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines if an APD status on an + affected datastore clears in the middle of an APD event. Can be one of none or reset. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action") @@ -4013,11 +3305,9 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponse") def ha_datastore_apd_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected loss to all paths to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, restartConservative, or + restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response") @@ -4025,10 +3315,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay") def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, - to wait after an APD timeout event to run the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Default: `180` - seconds (3 minutes). \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute + the response action defined in ha_datastore_apd_response. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response_delay") @@ -4036,11 +3324,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastorePdlResponse") def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on - virtual machines when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `disabled`. - \\* + When ha_vm_component_protection is enabled, controls the action to take on virtual machines when the cluster has + detected a permanent device loss to a relevant datastore. Can be one of disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_pdl_response") @@ -4048,8 +3333,7 @@ def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haEnabled") def ha_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. Default: - `false`. + Enable vSphere HA for this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_enabled") @@ -4057,10 +3341,8 @@ def ha_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haHeartbeatDatastoreIds") def ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: """ - The list of managed object IDs for - preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful - when `ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy` is set - to either `userSelectedDs` or `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + The list of managed object IDs for preferred datastores to use for HA heartbeating. This setting is only useful when + ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy is set to either userSelectedDs or allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids") @@ -4068,10 +3350,8 @@ def ha_heartbeat_datastore_ids(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haHeartbeatDatastorePolicy") def ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The selection policy for HA - heartbeat datastores. Can be one of `allFeasibleDs`, `userSelectedDs`, or - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. Default: - `allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference`. + The selection policy for HA heartbeat datastores. Can be one of allFeasibleDs, userSelectedDs, or + allFeasibleDsWithUserPreference. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy") @@ -4079,10 +3359,8 @@ def ha_heartbeat_datastore_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haHostIsolationResponse") def ha_host_isolation_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The action to take on virtual - machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `none`, `powerOff`, or `shutdown`. Default: - `none`. + The action to take on virtual machines when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of the cluster. + Can be one of none, powerOff, or shutdown. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_host_isolation_response") @@ -4090,9 +3368,7 @@ def ha_host_isolation_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haHostMonitoring") def ha_host_monitoring(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Global setting that controls whether - vSphere HA remediates virtual machines on host failure. Can be one of `enabled` - or `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. + Global setting that controls whether vSphere HA remediates VMs on host failure. Can be one of enabled or disabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_host_monitoring") @@ -4100,10 +3376,8 @@ def ha_host_monitoring(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmComponentProtection") def ha_vm_component_protection(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Controls vSphere VM component - protection for virtual machines in this cluster. Can be one of `enabled` or - `disabled`. Default: `enabled`. - \\* + Controls vSphere VM component protection for virtual machines in this cluster. This allows vSphere HA to react to + failures between hosts and specific virtual machine components, such as datastores. Can be one of enabled or disabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_component_protection") @@ -4111,13 +3385,8 @@ def ha_vm_component_protection(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmDependencyRestartCondition") def ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The condition used to - determine whether or not virtual machines in a certain restart priority class - are online, allowing HA to move on to restarting virtual machines on the next - priority. Can be one of `none`, `poweredOn`, `guestHbStatusGreen`, or - `appHbStatusGreen`. The default is `none`, which means that a virtual machine - is considered ready immediately after a host is found to start it on. - \\* + The condition used to determine whether or not VMs in a certain restart priority class are online, allowing HA to move + on to restarting VMs on the next priority. Can be one of none, poweredOn, guestHbStatusGreen, or appHbStatusGreen. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition") @@ -4125,9 +3394,8 @@ def ha_vm_dependency_restart_condition(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmFailureInterval") def ha_vm_failure_interval(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The time interval, in seconds, a heartbeat - from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, - the virtual machine is marked as failed. Default: `30` seconds. + If a heartbeat from a virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked as + failed. The value is in seconds. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_failure_interval") @@ -4135,11 +3403,9 @@ def ha_vm_failure_interval(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow") def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, for the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. Default: `-1` (no window). + The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_failure_window") @@ -4147,8 +3413,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumResets") def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: `3` + The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to a virtual machine when responding to a failure event. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_resets") @@ -4156,9 +3421,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMinimumUptime") def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` seconds (2 minutes). + The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on a virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_minimum_uptime") @@ -4166,9 +3429,8 @@ def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMonitoring") def ha_vm_monitoring(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + The type of virtual machine monitoring to use when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_monitoring") @@ -4176,9 +3438,7 @@ def ha_vm_monitoring(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartAdditionalDelay") def ha_vm_restart_additional_delay(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - Additional delay, in seconds, - after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. - Default: `0` seconds (no delay). \\* + Additional delay in seconds after ready condition is met. A VM is considered ready at this point. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_additional_delay") @@ -4186,9 +3446,8 @@ def ha_vm_restart_additional_delay(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartPriority") def ha_vm_restart_priority(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The default restart priority - for affected virtual machines when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one - of `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `highest`. Default: `medium`. + The default restart priority for affected VMs when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of lowest, low, medium, + high, or highest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_priority") @@ -4196,10 +3455,8 @@ def ha_vm_restart_priority(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartTimeout") def ha_vm_restart_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The maximum time, in seconds, - that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready - before proceeding with the next priority. Default: `600` seconds (10 minutes). - \\* + The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for virtual machines in one priority to be ready before + proceeding with the next priority. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_timeout") @@ -4207,8 +3464,7 @@ def ha_vm_restart_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="hostClusterExitTimeout") def host_cluster_exit_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The timeout, in seconds, for each host maintenance - mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. Default: `3600` seconds (1 hour). + The timeout for each host maintenance mode operation when removing hosts from a cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_cluster_exit_timeout") @@ -4216,9 +3472,7 @@ def host_cluster_exit_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="hostManaged") def host_managed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Can be set to `true` if compute cluster - membership will be managed through the `host` resource rather than the - `compute_cluster` resource. Conflicts with: `host_system_ids`. + Must be set if cluster enrollment is managed from host resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_managed") @@ -4226,8 +3480,7 @@ def host_managed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="hostSystemIds") def host_system_ids(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: """ - The managed object IDs of - the hosts to put in the cluster. Conflicts with: `host_managed`. + The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_system_ids") @@ -4243,10 +3496,7 @@ def name(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaAutomationLevel") def proactive_ha_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Determines how the host - quarantine, maintenance mode, or virtual machine migration recommendations - made by proactive HA are to be handled. Can be one of `Automated` or - `Manual`. Default: `Manual`. \\* + The DRS behavior for proactive HA recommendations. Can be one of Automated or Manual. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_automation_level") @@ -4254,8 +3504,7 @@ def proactive_ha_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaEnabled") def proactive_ha_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enables Proactive HA. Default: `false`. - \\* + Enables proactive HA, allowing for vSphere to get HA data from external providers and use DRS to perform remediation. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_enabled") @@ -4263,12 +3512,8 @@ def proactive_ha_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaModerateRemediation") def proactive_ha_moderate_remediation(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The configured remediation - for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or - `QuarantineMode`. Note that this cannot be set to `MaintenanceMode` when - `proactive_ha_severe_remediation` is set - to `QuarantineMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* + The configured remediation for moderately degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that + this cannot be set to MaintenanceMode when proactive_ha_severe_remediation is set to QuarantineMode. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_moderate_remediation") @@ -4276,9 +3521,7 @@ def proactive_ha_moderate_remediation(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaProviderIds") def proactive_ha_provider_ids(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: """ - The list of IDs for health update - providers configured for this cluster. - \\* + The list of IDs for health update providers configured for this cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_provider_ids") @@ -4286,12 +3529,8 @@ def proactive_ha_provider_ids(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="proactiveHaSevereRemediation") def proactive_ha_severe_remediation(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The configured remediation for - severely degraded hosts. Can be one of `MaintenanceMode` or `QuarantineMode`. - Note that this cannot be set to `QuarantineMode` when - `proactive_ha_moderate_remediation` is - set to `MaintenanceMode`. Default: `QuarantineMode`. - \\* + The configured remediation for severely degraded hosts. Can be one of MaintenanceMode or QuarantineMode. Note that this + cannot be set to QuarantineMode when proactive_ha_moderate_remediation is set to MaintenanceMode. """ return pulumi.get(self, "proactive_ha_severe_remediation") @@ -4319,8 +3558,7 @@ def tags(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="vsanCompressionEnabled") def vsan_compression_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN compression on the - cluster. + Whether the vSAN compression service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_compression_enabled") @@ -4328,9 +3566,7 @@ def vsan_compression_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDedupEnabled") def vsan_dedup_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN deduplication on the cluster. - Cannot be independently set to `true`. When vSAN deduplication is enabled, vSAN - compression must also be enabled. + Whether the vSAN deduplication service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_dedup_enabled") @@ -4338,8 +3574,7 @@ def vsan_dedup_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDiskGroups") def vsan_disk_groups(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence['outputs.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroup']]: """ - Represents the configuration of a host disk - group in the cluster. + A list of disk UUIDs to add to the vSAN cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_disk_groups") @@ -4347,10 +3582,7 @@ def vsan_disk_groups(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence['outputs.ComputeClusterVsan @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDitEncryptionEnabled") def vsan_dit_encryption_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN data-in-transit - encryption on the cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`, i.e., - vSAN data-in-transit feature cannot be enabled with the vSAN HCI Mesh feature - at the same time. + Whether the vSAN data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_dit_encryption_enabled") @@ -4358,9 +3590,7 @@ def vsan_dit_encryption_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="vsanDitRekeyInterval") def vsan_dit_rekey_interval(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ - Indicates the rekey interval in - minutes for data-in-transit encryption. The valid rekey interval is 30 to - 10800 (feature defaults to 1440). Conflicts with `vsan_remote_datastore_ids`. + When vsan_dit_encryption_enabled is enabled, sets the rekey interval of data-in-transit encryption (in minutes). """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_dit_rekey_interval") @@ -4368,7 +3598,7 @@ def vsan_dit_rekey_interval(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="vsanEnabled") def vsan_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_enabled") @@ -4376,7 +3606,7 @@ def vsan_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="vsanEsaEnabled") def vsan_esa_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN ESA on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN ESA service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_esa_enabled") @@ -4384,7 +3614,7 @@ def vsan_esa_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="vsanFaultDomains") def vsan_fault_domains(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence['outputs.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomain']]]: """ - Configurations of vSAN fault domains. + The configuration for vSAN fault domains. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_fault_domains") @@ -4392,8 +3622,7 @@ def vsan_fault_domains(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence['outputs.Compute @pulumi.getter(name="vsanNetworkDiagnosticModeEnabled") def vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enables network - diagnostic mode for vSAN performance service on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN network diagnostic mode is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled") @@ -4401,8 +3630,7 @@ def vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="vsanPerformanceEnabled") def vsan_performance_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN performance service on - the cluster. Default: `true`. + Whether the vSAN performance service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_performance_enabled") @@ -4410,10 +3638,7 @@ def vsan_performance_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="vsanRemoteDatastoreIds") def vsan_remote_datastore_ids(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: """ - The remote vSAN datastore IDs to be - mounted to this cluster. Conflicts with `vsan_dit_encryption_enabled` and - `vsan_dit_rekey_interval`, i.e., vSAN HCI Mesh feature cannot be enabled with - data-in-transit encryption feature at the same time. + The managed object IDs of the vSAN datastore to be mounted on the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_remote_datastore_ids") @@ -4421,7 +3646,7 @@ def vsan_remote_datastore_ids(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="vsanStretchedCluster") def vsan_stretched_cluster(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional['outputs.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedCluster']]: """ - Configurations of vSAN stretched cluster. + The configuration for stretched cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_stretched_cluster") @@ -4429,8 +3654,7 @@ def vsan_stretched_cluster(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional['outputs.ComputeClust @pulumi.getter(name="vsanUnmapEnabled") def vsan_unmap_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enables vSAN unmap on the cluster. - You must explicitly enable vSAN unmap when you enable vSAN ESA on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN unmap service is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_unmap_enabled") @@ -4438,8 +3662,7 @@ def vsan_unmap_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="vsanVerboseModeEnabled") def vsan_verbose_mode_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enables verbose mode for vSAN - performance service on the cluster. + Whether the vSAN verbose mode is enabled for the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vsan_verbose_mode_enabled") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/compute_cluster_vm_affinity_rule.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/compute_cluster_vm_affinity_rule.py index c0e53220..28186470 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/compute_cluster_vm_affinity_rule.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/compute_cluster_vm_affinity_rule.py @@ -260,7 +260,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, then creates an affinity rule for these two virtual machines, ensuring they will run on the same host whenever possible. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -293,13 +292,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, compute_cluster_id=cluster.id, virtual_machine_ids=[v.id for k, v in vm]) ``` - The following example creates an affinity rule for a set of virtual machines in the cluster by looking up the virtual machine UUIDs from the `VirtualMachine` data source. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -319,7 +316,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, compute_cluster_id=cluster.id, virtual_machine_ids=[__item.id for __item in vms_get_virtual_machine]) ``` - ## Importing @@ -382,7 +378,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, then creates an affinity rule for these two virtual machines, ensuring they will run on the same host whenever possible. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -415,13 +410,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, compute_cluster_id=cluster.id, virtual_machine_ids=[v.id for k, v in vm]) ``` - The following example creates an affinity rule for a set of virtual machines in the cluster by looking up the virtual machine UUIDs from the `VirtualMachine` data source. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -441,7 +434,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, compute_cluster_id=cluster.id, virtual_machine_ids=[__item.id for __item in vms_get_virtual_machine]) ``` - ## Importing diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/datacenter.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/datacenter.py index 3b49fcc7..1b31d606 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/datacenter.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/datacenter.py @@ -241,18 +241,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, ### Create datacenter on the root folder - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere prod_datacenter = vsphere.Datacenter("prod_datacenter", name="my_prod_datacenter") ``` - ### Create datacenter on a subfolder - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -261,7 +258,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, name="my_research_datacenter", folder="/research/") ``` - ## Importing @@ -306,18 +302,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, ### Create datacenter on the root folder - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere prod_datacenter = vsphere.Datacenter("prod_datacenter", name="my_prod_datacenter") ``` - ### Create datacenter on a subfolder - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -326,7 +319,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, name="my_research_datacenter", folder="/research/") ``` - ## Importing diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/datastore_cluster.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/datastore_cluster.py index 9dc37aaf..6500ceea 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/datastore_cluster.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/datastore_cluster.py @@ -61,60 +61,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, `/dc1/datastore/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path being `/dc1/datastore/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the datastore cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] sdrs_advanced_options: A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_automation_level: The global automation level for all - virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity: When `true`, all disks in a - single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] sdrs_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_automation_level: The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity: When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_enabled: Enable Storage DRS for this datastore cluster. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_threshold: The free space threshold to use. - When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - `utilization`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_threshold: The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_free_space_threshold_mode: The free space threshold to use. When set to utilization, drs_space_utilization_threshold is used, and when set to freeSpace, drs_free_space_threshold is used. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference: The threshold, in - percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_latency_threshold: The I/O latency threshold, in - milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled: Enable I/O load balancing for - this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold: The difference between load - in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - balance the load. Default: `5` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold: The threshold of reservable - IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold: The threshold, in - percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode: The reservable IOPS - threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - `manual`. Default: `automatic`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_load_balance_interval: The storage DRS poll interval, in - minutes. Default: `480` minutes. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_space_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_space_utilization_threshold: Runtime thresholds govern - when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference: The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + balance the space. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_latency_threshold: The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled: Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold: The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold: The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + move VMs off of a datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold: The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode: The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_load_balance_interval: The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_space_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_space_utilization_threshold: The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter 6.0 or higher. @@ -237,8 +209,7 @@ def name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsAdvancedOptions") def sdrs_advanced_options(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_advanced_options") @@ -250,8 +221,7 @@ def sdrs_advanced_options(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsAutomationLevel") def sdrs_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The global automation level for all - virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_automation_level") @@ -263,8 +233,7 @@ def sdrs_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity") def sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - When `true`, all disks in a - single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity") @@ -289,10 +258,7 @@ def sdrs_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold") def sdrs_free_space_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The free space threshold to use. - When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - `utilization`. + The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_free_space_threshold") @@ -317,9 +283,8 @@ def sdrs_free_space_threshold_mode(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference") def sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The threshold, in - percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + balance the space. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference") @@ -331,8 +296,7 @@ def sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[in @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel") def sdrs_io_balance_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_balance_automation_level") @@ -344,9 +308,8 @@ def sdrs_io_balance_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoLatencyThreshold") def sdrs_io_latency_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The I/O latency threshold, in - milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_latency_threshold") @@ -358,8 +321,7 @@ def sdrs_io_latency_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled") def sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable I/O load balancing for - this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled") @@ -371,9 +333,7 @@ def sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold") def sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The difference between load - in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold") @@ -385,12 +345,8 @@ def sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold") def sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The threshold of reservable - IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + move VMs off of a datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold") @@ -402,10 +358,8 @@ def sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold") def sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The threshold, in - percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold") @@ -417,10 +371,7 @@ def sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int] @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode") def sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The reservable IOPS - threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode") @@ -432,8 +383,7 @@ def sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsLoadBalanceInterval") def sdrs_load_balance_interval(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The storage DRS poll interval, in - minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_load_balance_interval") @@ -445,8 +395,7 @@ def sdrs_load_balance_interval(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel") def sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level") @@ -458,8 +407,7 @@ def sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[ @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel") def sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level") @@ -471,8 +419,7 @@ def sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[st @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel") def sdrs_space_balance_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_space_balance_automation_level") @@ -484,9 +431,7 @@ def sdrs_space_balance_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold") def sdrs_space_utilization_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Runtime thresholds govern - when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_space_utilization_threshold") @@ -498,8 +443,7 @@ def sdrs_space_utilization_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel") def sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level") @@ -572,60 +516,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, `/dc1/datastore/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path being `/dc1/datastore/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the datastore cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] sdrs_advanced_options: A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_automation_level: The global automation level for all - virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity: When `true`, all disks in a - single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] sdrs_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_automation_level: The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity: When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_enabled: Enable Storage DRS for this datastore cluster. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_threshold: The free space threshold to use. - When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - `utilization`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_threshold: The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_free_space_threshold_mode: The free space threshold to use. When set to utilization, drs_space_utilization_threshold is used, and when set to freeSpace, drs_free_space_threshold is used. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference: The threshold, in - percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_latency_threshold: The I/O latency threshold, in - milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled: Enable I/O load balancing for - this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold: The difference between load - in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - balance the load. Default: `5` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold: The threshold of reservable - IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold: The threshold, in - percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode: The reservable IOPS - threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - `manual`. Default: `automatic`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_load_balance_interval: The storage DRS poll interval, in - minutes. Default: `480` minutes. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_space_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_space_utilization_threshold: Runtime thresholds govern - when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference: The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + balance the space. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_latency_threshold: The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled: Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold: The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold: The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + move VMs off of a datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold: The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode: The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_load_balance_interval: The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_space_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_space_utilization_threshold: The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter 6.0 or higher. @@ -749,8 +665,7 @@ def name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsAdvancedOptions") def sdrs_advanced_options(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_advanced_options") @@ -762,8 +677,7 @@ def sdrs_advanced_options(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsAutomationLevel") def sdrs_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The global automation level for all - virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_automation_level") @@ -775,8 +689,7 @@ def sdrs_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity") def sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - When `true`, all disks in a - single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity") @@ -801,10 +714,7 @@ def sdrs_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold") def sdrs_free_space_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The free space threshold to use. - When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - `utilization`. + The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_free_space_threshold") @@ -829,9 +739,8 @@ def sdrs_free_space_threshold_mode(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference") def sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The threshold, in - percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + balance the space. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference") @@ -843,8 +752,7 @@ def sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[in @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel") def sdrs_io_balance_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_balance_automation_level") @@ -856,9 +764,8 @@ def sdrs_io_balance_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoLatencyThreshold") def sdrs_io_latency_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The I/O latency threshold, in - milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_latency_threshold") @@ -870,8 +777,7 @@ def sdrs_io_latency_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled") def sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable I/O load balancing for - this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled") @@ -883,9 +789,7 @@ def sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold") def sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The difference between load - in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold") @@ -897,12 +801,8 @@ def sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold") def sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The threshold of reservable - IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + move VMs off of a datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold") @@ -914,10 +814,8 @@ def sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold") def sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The threshold, in - percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold") @@ -929,10 +827,7 @@ def sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int] @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode") def sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The reservable IOPS - threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode") @@ -944,8 +839,7 @@ def sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsLoadBalanceInterval") def sdrs_load_balance_interval(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The storage DRS poll interval, in - minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_load_balance_interval") @@ -957,8 +851,7 @@ def sdrs_load_balance_interval(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel") def sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level") @@ -970,8 +863,7 @@ def sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[ @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel") def sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level") @@ -983,8 +875,7 @@ def sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[st @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel") def sdrs_space_balance_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_space_balance_automation_level") @@ -996,9 +887,7 @@ def sdrs_space_balance_automation_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold") def sdrs_space_utilization_threshold(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Runtime thresholds govern - when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_space_utilization_threshold") @@ -1010,8 +899,7 @@ def sdrs_space_utilization_threshold(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel") def sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level") @@ -1089,60 +977,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, `/dc1/datastore/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path being `/dc1/datastore/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the datastore cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] sdrs_advanced_options: A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_automation_level: The global automation level for all - virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity: When `true`, all disks in a - single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] sdrs_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_automation_level: The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity: When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_enabled: Enable Storage DRS for this datastore cluster. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_threshold: The free space threshold to use. - When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - `utilization`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_threshold: The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_free_space_threshold_mode: The free space threshold to use. When set to utilization, drs_space_utilization_threshold is used, and when set to freeSpace, drs_free_space_threshold is used. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference: The threshold, in - percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_latency_threshold: The I/O latency threshold, in - milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled: Enable I/O load balancing for - this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold: The difference between load - in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - balance the load. Default: `5` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold: The threshold of reservable - IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold: The threshold, in - percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode: The reservable IOPS - threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - `manual`. Default: `automatic`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_load_balance_interval: The storage DRS poll interval, in - minutes. Default: `480` minutes. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_space_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_space_utilization_threshold: Runtime thresholds govern - when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference: The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + balance the space. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_latency_threshold: The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled: Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold: The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold: The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + move VMs off of a datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold: The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode: The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_load_balance_interval: The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_space_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_space_utilization_threshold: The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter 6.0 or higher. @@ -1293,60 +1153,32 @@ def get(resource_name: str, `/dc1/datastore/foo/bar`, with the final inventory path being `/dc1/datastore/foo/bar/datastore-cluster-test`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the datastore cluster. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] sdrs_advanced_options: A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_automation_level: The global automation level for all - virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity: When `true`, all disks in a - single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] sdrs_advanced_options: Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_automation_level: The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity: When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_enabled: Enable Storage DRS for this datastore cluster. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_threshold: The free space threshold to use. - When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - `utilization`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_threshold: The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_free_space_threshold_mode: The free space threshold to use. When set to utilization, drs_space_utilization_threshold is used, and when set to freeSpace, drs_free_space_threshold is used. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference: The threshold, in - percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_latency_threshold: The I/O latency threshold, in - milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled: Enable I/O load balancing for - this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold: The difference between load - in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - balance the load. Default: `5` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold: The threshold of reservable - IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold: The threshold, in - percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode: The reservable IOPS - threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - `manual`. Default: `automatic`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_load_balance_interval: The storage DRS poll interval, in - minutes. Default: `480` minutes. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_space_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. - :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_space_utilization_threshold: Runtime thresholds govern - when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. - :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level: Overrides the default - automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference: The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + balance the space. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_latency_threshold: The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled: Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold: The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold: The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + move VMs off of a datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold: The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode: The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_load_balance_interval: The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_space_balance_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + :param pulumi.Input[int] sdrs_space_utilization_threshold: The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level: Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter 6.0 or higher. @@ -1434,8 +1266,7 @@ def name(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsAdvancedOptions") def sdrs_advanced_options(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]]: """ - A key/value map of advanced Storage DRS - settings that are not exposed via the provider or the vSphere client. + Advanced configuration options for storage DRS. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_advanced_options") @@ -1443,8 +1274,7 @@ def sdrs_advanced_options(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsAutomationLevel") def sdrs_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The global automation level for all - virtual machines in this datastore cluster. Default: `manual`. + The default automation level for all virtual machines in this storage cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_automation_level") @@ -1452,8 +1282,7 @@ def sdrs_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsDefaultIntraVmAffinity") def sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - When `true`, all disks in a - single virtual machine will be kept on the same datastore. Default: `true`. + When true, storage DRS keeps VMDKs for individual VMs on the same datastore by default. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_default_intra_vm_affinity") @@ -1470,10 +1299,7 @@ def sdrs_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsFreeSpaceThreshold") def sdrs_free_space_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The free space threshold to use. - When set to `utilization`, `drs_space_utilization_threshold` is used, and - when set to `freeSpace`, `drs_free_space_threshold` is used. Default: - `utilization`. + The threshold, in GB, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_free_space_threshold") @@ -1490,9 +1316,8 @@ def sdrs_free_space_threshold_mode(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsFreeSpaceUtilizationDifference") def sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The threshold, in - percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage - DRS makes decisions to balance the space. Default: `5` percent. + The threshold, in percent, of difference between space utilization in datastores before storage DRS makes decisions to + balance the space. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference") @@ -1500,8 +1325,7 @@ def sdrs_free_space_utilization_difference(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]] @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoBalanceAutomationLevel") def sdrs_io_balance_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting I/O load imbalances. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_balance_automation_level") @@ -1509,9 +1333,8 @@ def sdrs_io_balance_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoLatencyThreshold") def sdrs_io_latency_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The I/O latency threshold, in - milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks - from this datastore. Default: `15` seconds. + The I/O latency threshold, in milliseconds, that storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move disks from this + datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_latency_threshold") @@ -1519,8 +1342,7 @@ def sdrs_io_latency_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoLoadBalanceEnabled") def sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable I/O load balancing for - this datastore cluster. Default: `true`. + Enable I/O load balancing for this datastore cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled") @@ -1528,9 +1350,7 @@ def sdrs_io_load_balance_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoLoadImbalanceThreshold") def sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The difference between load - in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to - balance the load. Default: `5` percent. + The difference between load in datastores in the cluster before storage DRS makes recommendations to balance the load. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold") @@ -1538,12 +1358,8 @@ def sdrs_io_load_imbalance_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoReservableIopsThreshold") def sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The threshold of reservable - IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes - recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore. Note that this setting should - only be set if `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` cannot make an accurate - estimate of the capacity of the datastores in your cluster, and should be set - to roughly 50-60% of the worst case peak performance of the backing LUNs. + The threshold of reservable IOPS of all virtual machines on the datastore before storage DRS makes recommendations to + move VMs off of a datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold") @@ -1551,10 +1367,8 @@ def sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoReservablePercentThreshold") def sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The threshold, in - percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that - storage DRS uses to make recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when - the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. Default: `60` percent. + The threshold, in percent, of actual estimated performance of the datastore (in IOPS) that storage DRS uses to make + recommendations to move VMs off of a datastore when the total reservable IOPS exceeds the threshold. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold") @@ -1562,10 +1376,7 @@ def sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsIoReservableThresholdMode") def sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The reservable IOPS - threshold setting to use, `sdrs_io_reservable_percent_threshold` in the event - of `automatic`, or `sdrs_io_reservable_iops_threshold` in the event of - `manual`. Default: `automatic`. + The reservable IOPS threshold to use, percent in the event of automatic, or manual threshold in the event of manual. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode") @@ -1573,8 +1384,7 @@ def sdrs_io_reservable_threshold_mode(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsLoadBalanceInterval") def sdrs_load_balance_interval(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The storage DRS poll interval, in - minutes. Default: `480` minutes. + The storage DRS poll interval, in minutes. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_load_balance_interval") @@ -1582,8 +1392,7 @@ def sdrs_load_balance_interval(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsPolicyEnforcementAutomationLevel") def sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting storage and VM policy violations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level") @@ -1591,8 +1400,7 @@ def sdrs_policy_enforcement_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsRuleEnforcementAutomationLevel") def sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting affinity rule violations. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level") @@ -1600,8 +1408,7 @@ def sdrs_rule_enforcement_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]] @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsSpaceBalanceAutomationLevel") def sdrs_space_balance_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. + Overrides the default automation settings when correcting disk space imbalances. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_space_balance_automation_level") @@ -1609,9 +1416,7 @@ def sdrs_space_balance_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsSpaceUtilizationThreshold") def sdrs_space_utilization_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - Runtime thresholds govern - when Storage DRS performs or recommends migrations - (based on the selected automation level). Default: `80` percent. + The threshold, in percent of used space, that storage DRS uses to make decisions to migrate VMs out of a datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_space_utilization_threshold") @@ -1619,8 +1424,7 @@ def sdrs_space_utilization_threshold(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="sdrsVmEvacuationAutomationLevel") def sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Overrides the default - automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. + Overrides the default automation settings when generating recommendations for datastore evacuation. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sdrs_vm_evacuation_automation_level") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/distributed_port_group.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/distributed_port_group.py index 27bb28a7..7c726882 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/distributed_port_group.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/distributed_port_group.py @@ -78,8 +78,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, may lead to errors when the port count grows past the amount specified. If you specify `number_of_ports`, you may wish to set `auto_expand` to `false`. :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Indicates whether to block all ports by default. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_override_allowed: Allow the port shutdown - policy to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_override_allowed: Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] custom_attributes: Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value string to set for port group. @@ -99,52 +98,38 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] live_port_moving_allowed: Allow a port in this port group to be - moved to another port group while it is connected. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] live_port_moving_allowed: Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the port group. :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_override_allowed: Allow the - [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_override_allowed: Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_pool_key: The key of a network resource pool to associate with this port group. The default is `-1`, which implies no association. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_pool_override_allowed: Allow the network - resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_pool_override_allowed: Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. :param pulumi.Input[int] number_of_ports: The number of ports available on this port group. Cannot be decreased below the amount of used ports on the port group. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] port_config_reset_at_disconnect: Reset a port's settings to the - settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] port_config_reset_at_disconnect: Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. :param pulumi.Input[str] port_name_format: An optional formatting policy for naming of the ports in this port group. See the `portNameFormat` attribute listed [here][ext-vsphere-portname-format] for details on the format syntax. [ext-vsphere-portname-format]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/b50dcbbf-051d-4204-a3e7-e1b618c1e384/538cf2ec-b34f-4bae-a332-3820ef9e7773/vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup.ConfigInfo.html#portNameFormat :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID for this port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] security_policy_override_allowed: Allow the - [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - policy to be overridden on an individual port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_override_allowed: Allow the - [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] security_policy_override_allowed: Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_override_allowed: Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] traffic_filter_override_allowed: Allow any traffic filters on - this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] traffic_filter_override_allowed: Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet forwarded done by the switch. :param pulumi.Input[str] type: The port group type. Can be one of `earlyBinding` (static binding) or `ephemeral`. Default: `earlyBinding`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] uplink_teaming_override_allowed: Allow the - [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] uplink_teaming_override_allowed: Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[int] vlan_id: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vlan_override_allowed: Allow the - [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vlan_override_allowed: Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedPortGroupVlanRangeArgs']]] vlan_ranges: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "distributed_virtual_switch_uuid", distributed_virtual_switch_uuid) @@ -334,8 +319,7 @@ def block_all_ports(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="blockOverrideAllowed") def block_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the port shutdown - policy to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "block_override_allowed") @@ -531,8 +515,7 @@ def lacp_mode(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="livePortMovingAllowed") def live_port_moving_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow a port in this port group to be - moved to another port group while it is connected. + Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "live_port_moving_allowed") @@ -568,9 +551,7 @@ def netflow_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowOverrideAllowed") def netflow_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_override_allowed") @@ -596,8 +577,7 @@ def network_resource_pool_key(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed") def network_resource_pool_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the network - resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_resource_pool_override_allowed") @@ -634,8 +614,7 @@ def number_of_ports(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="portConfigResetAtDisconnect") def port_config_reset_at_disconnect(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Reset a port's settings to the - settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. """ return pulumi.get(self, "port_config_reset_at_disconnect") @@ -675,9 +654,7 @@ def port_private_secondary_vlan_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="securityPolicyOverrideAllowed") def security_policy_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - policy to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "security_policy_override_allowed") @@ -689,9 +666,7 @@ def security_policy_override_allowed(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shapingOverrideAllowed") def shaping_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_override_allowed") @@ -740,8 +715,7 @@ def teaming_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="trafficFilterOverrideAllowed") def traffic_filter_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow any traffic filters on - this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "traffic_filter_override_allowed") @@ -779,9 +753,7 @@ def type(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed") def uplink_teaming_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - overridden on an individual port. + Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "uplink_teaming_override_allowed") @@ -805,9 +777,7 @@ def vlan_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vlanOverrideAllowed") def vlan_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vlan_override_allowed") @@ -893,8 +863,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, may lead to errors when the port count grows past the amount specified. If you specify `number_of_ports`, you may wish to set `auto_expand` to `false`. :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Indicates whether to block all ports by default. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_override_allowed: Allow the port shutdown - policy to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_override_allowed: Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. :param pulumi.Input[str] config_version: The current version of the port group configuration, incremented by subsequent updates to the port group. @@ -919,52 +888,38 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[str] key: The generated UUID of the port group. :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] live_port_moving_allowed: Allow a port in this port group to be - moved to another port group while it is connected. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] live_port_moving_allowed: Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the port group. :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_override_allowed: Allow the - [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_override_allowed: Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_pool_key: The key of a network resource pool to associate with this port group. The default is `-1`, which implies no association. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_pool_override_allowed: Allow the network - resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_pool_override_allowed: Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. :param pulumi.Input[int] number_of_ports: The number of ports available on this port group. Cannot be decreased below the amount of used ports on the port group. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] port_config_reset_at_disconnect: Reset a port's settings to the - settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] port_config_reset_at_disconnect: Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. :param pulumi.Input[str] port_name_format: An optional formatting policy for naming of the ports in this port group. See the `portNameFormat` attribute listed [here][ext-vsphere-portname-format] for details on the format syntax. [ext-vsphere-portname-format]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/b50dcbbf-051d-4204-a3e7-e1b618c1e384/538cf2ec-b34f-4bae-a332-3820ef9e7773/vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup.ConfigInfo.html#portNameFormat :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID for this port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] security_policy_override_allowed: Allow the - [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - policy to be overridden on an individual port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_override_allowed: Allow the - [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] security_policy_override_allowed: Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_override_allowed: Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] traffic_filter_override_allowed: Allow any traffic filters on - this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] traffic_filter_override_allowed: Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet forwarded done by the switch. :param pulumi.Input[str] type: The port group type. Can be one of `earlyBinding` (static binding) or `ephemeral`. Default: `earlyBinding`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] uplink_teaming_override_allowed: Allow the - [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] uplink_teaming_override_allowed: Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[int] vlan_id: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vlan_override_allowed: Allow the - [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vlan_override_allowed: Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedPortGroupVlanRangeArgs']]] vlan_ranges: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. """ if active_uplinks is not None: @@ -1146,8 +1101,7 @@ def block_all_ports(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="blockOverrideAllowed") def block_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the port shutdown - policy to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "block_override_allowed") @@ -1381,8 +1335,7 @@ def lacp_mode(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="livePortMovingAllowed") def live_port_moving_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow a port in this port group to be - moved to another port group while it is connected. + Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "live_port_moving_allowed") @@ -1418,9 +1371,7 @@ def netflow_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowOverrideAllowed") def netflow_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_override_allowed") @@ -1446,8 +1397,7 @@ def network_resource_pool_key(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed") def network_resource_pool_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the network - resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_resource_pool_override_allowed") @@ -1484,8 +1434,7 @@ def number_of_ports(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="portConfigResetAtDisconnect") def port_config_reset_at_disconnect(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Reset a port's settings to the - settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. """ return pulumi.get(self, "port_config_reset_at_disconnect") @@ -1525,9 +1474,7 @@ def port_private_secondary_vlan_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="securityPolicyOverrideAllowed") def security_policy_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - policy to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "security_policy_override_allowed") @@ -1539,9 +1486,7 @@ def security_policy_override_allowed(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shapingOverrideAllowed") def shaping_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_override_allowed") @@ -1590,8 +1535,7 @@ def teaming_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="trafficFilterOverrideAllowed") def traffic_filter_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow any traffic filters on - this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "traffic_filter_override_allowed") @@ -1629,9 +1573,7 @@ def type(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed") def uplink_teaming_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - overridden on an individual port. + Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "uplink_teaming_override_allowed") @@ -1655,9 +1597,7 @@ def vlan_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vlanOverrideAllowed") def vlan_override_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vlan_override_allowed") @@ -1746,8 +1686,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, may lead to errors when the port count grows past the amount specified. If you specify `number_of_ports`, you may wish to set `auto_expand` to `false`. :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Indicates whether to block all ports by default. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_override_allowed: Allow the port shutdown - policy to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_override_allowed: Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] custom_attributes: Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value string to set for port group. @@ -1769,52 +1708,38 @@ def __init__(__self__, :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] live_port_moving_allowed: Allow a port in this port group to be - moved to another port group while it is connected. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] live_port_moving_allowed: Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the port group. :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_override_allowed: Allow the - [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_override_allowed: Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_pool_key: The key of a network resource pool to associate with this port group. The default is `-1`, which implies no association. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_pool_override_allowed: Allow the network - resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_pool_override_allowed: Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. :param pulumi.Input[int] number_of_ports: The number of ports available on this port group. Cannot be decreased below the amount of used ports on the port group. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] port_config_reset_at_disconnect: Reset a port's settings to the - settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] port_config_reset_at_disconnect: Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. :param pulumi.Input[str] port_name_format: An optional formatting policy for naming of the ports in this port group. See the `portNameFormat` attribute listed [here][ext-vsphere-portname-format] for details on the format syntax. [ext-vsphere-portname-format]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/b50dcbbf-051d-4204-a3e7-e1b618c1e384/538cf2ec-b34f-4bae-a332-3820ef9e7773/vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup.ConfigInfo.html#portNameFormat :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID for this port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] security_policy_override_allowed: Allow the - [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - policy to be overridden on an individual port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_override_allowed: Allow the - [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] security_policy_override_allowed: Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_override_allowed: Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] traffic_filter_override_allowed: Allow any traffic filters on - this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] traffic_filter_override_allowed: Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet forwarded done by the switch. :param pulumi.Input[str] type: The port group type. Can be one of `earlyBinding` (static binding) or `ephemeral`. Default: `earlyBinding`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] uplink_teaming_override_allowed: Allow the - [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] uplink_teaming_override_allowed: Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[int] vlan_id: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vlan_override_allowed: Allow the - [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vlan_override_allowed: Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedPortGroupVlanRangeArgs']]]] vlan_ranges: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. """ ... @@ -2022,8 +1947,7 @@ def get(resource_name: str, may lead to errors when the port count grows past the amount specified. If you specify `number_of_ports`, you may wish to set `auto_expand` to `false`. :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Indicates whether to block all ports by default. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_override_allowed: Allow the port shutdown - policy to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_override_allowed: Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. :param pulumi.Input[str] config_version: The current version of the port group configuration, incremented by subsequent updates to the port group. @@ -2048,52 +1972,38 @@ def get(resource_name: str, :param pulumi.Input[str] key: The generated UUID of the port group. :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] live_port_moving_allowed: Allow a port in this port group to be - moved to another port group while it is connected. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] live_port_moving_allowed: Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the port group. :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_override_allowed: Allow the - [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_override_allowed: Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_pool_key: The key of a network resource pool to associate with this port group. The default is `-1`, which implies no association. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_pool_override_allowed: Allow the network - resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_pool_override_allowed: Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. :param pulumi.Input[int] number_of_ports: The number of ports available on this port group. Cannot be decreased below the amount of used ports on the port group. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] port_config_reset_at_disconnect: Reset a port's settings to the - settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] port_config_reset_at_disconnect: Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. :param pulumi.Input[str] port_name_format: An optional formatting policy for naming of the ports in this port group. See the `portNameFormat` attribute listed [here][ext-vsphere-portname-format] for details on the format syntax. [ext-vsphere-portname-format]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/b50dcbbf-051d-4204-a3e7-e1b618c1e384/538cf2ec-b34f-4bae-a332-3820ef9e7773/vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup.ConfigInfo.html#portNameFormat :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID for this port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] security_policy_override_allowed: Allow the - [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - policy to be overridden on an individual port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_override_allowed: Allow the - [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] security_policy_override_allowed: Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_override_allowed: Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] traffic_filter_override_allowed: Allow any traffic filters on - this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] traffic_filter_override_allowed: Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet forwarded done by the switch. :param pulumi.Input[str] type: The port group type. Can be one of `earlyBinding` (static binding) or `ephemeral`. Default: `earlyBinding`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] uplink_teaming_override_allowed: Allow the - [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - overridden on an individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] uplink_teaming_override_allowed: Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[int] vlan_id: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vlan_override_allowed: Allow the - [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vlan_override_allowed: Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedPortGroupVlanRangeArgs']]]] vlan_ranges: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. """ opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions(id=id)) @@ -2208,8 +2118,7 @@ def block_all_ports(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="blockOverrideAllowed") def block_override_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow the port shutdown - policy to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow the blocked setting of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "block_override_allowed") @@ -2367,8 +2276,7 @@ def lacp_mode(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="livePortMovingAllowed") def live_port_moving_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow a port in this port group to be - moved to another port group while it is connected. + Allow a live port to be moved in and out of the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "live_port_moving_allowed") @@ -2392,9 +2300,7 @@ def netflow_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="netflowOverrideAllowed") def netflow_override_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [Netflow policy][netflow-policy] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + Allow the enabling or disabling of Netflow on a port, contrary to the policy in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_override_allowed") @@ -2412,8 +2318,7 @@ def network_resource_pool_key(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="networkResourcePoolOverrideAllowed") def network_resource_pool_override_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow the network - resource pool set on this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow the network resource pool of an individual port to override the setting in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_resource_pool_override_allowed") @@ -2438,8 +2343,7 @@ def number_of_ports(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="portConfigResetAtDisconnect") def port_config_reset_at_disconnect(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Reset a port's settings to the - settings defined on this port group policy when the port disconnects. + Reset the setting of any ports in this portgroup back to the default setting when the port disconnects. """ return pulumi.get(self, "port_config_reset_at_disconnect") @@ -2467,9 +2371,7 @@ def port_private_secondary_vlan_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="securityPolicyOverrideAllowed") def security_policy_override_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [security policy settings][sec-policy-settings] defined in this port group - policy to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow security policy settings on a port to override those on the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "security_policy_override_allowed") @@ -2477,9 +2379,7 @@ def security_policy_override_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="shapingOverrideAllowed") def shaping_override_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [traffic shaping options][traffic-shaping-settings] on this port group policy - to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow the traffic shaping policies of an individual port to override the settings in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_override_allowed") @@ -2512,8 +2412,7 @@ def teaming_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="trafficFilterOverrideAllowed") def traffic_filter_override_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow any traffic filters on - this port group to be overridden on an individual port. + Allow any filter policies set on the individual port to override those in the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "traffic_filter_override_allowed") @@ -2539,9 +2438,7 @@ def type(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="uplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed") def uplink_teaming_override_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [uplink teaming options][uplink-teaming-settings] on this port group to be - overridden on an individual port. + Allow the uplink teaming policies on a port to override those on the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "uplink_teaming_override_allowed") @@ -2557,9 +2454,7 @@ def vlan_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="vlanOverrideAllowed") def vlan_override_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow the - [VLAN settings][vlan-settings] on this port group to be overridden on an - individual port. + Allow the VLAN configuration on a port to override those on the portgroup. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vlan_override_allowed") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/distributed_virtual_switch.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/distributed_virtual_switch.py index de98f040..62619a8e 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/distributed_virtual_switch.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/distributed_virtual_switch.py @@ -114,29 +114,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, The set of arguments for constructing a DistributedVirtualSwitch resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The ID of the datacenter where the VDS will be created. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_uplinks: A list of active uplinks to be used in load - balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not a virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_uplinks: List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the backupNfc traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] backupnfc_share_level: The allocation level for the backupNfc traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - virtual devices. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - to detect NIC failure. - - > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - probing. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Indicates whether to block all ports by default. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. :param pulumi.Input[str] contact_detail: The detailed contact information for the person who is responsible for the VDS. :param pulumi.Input[str] contact_name: The name of the person who is responsible for the @@ -147,18 +135,12 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, > **NOTE:** Custom attributes are unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server. :param pulumi.Input[str] description: A detailed description for the VDS. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] directpath_gen2_allowed: Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - for which this policy applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits - per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] egress_shaping_enabled: `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - on the port for egress traffic. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts - in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] directpath_gen2_allowed: Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] egress_shaping_enabled: True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the faultTolerance traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -169,18 +151,12 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[int] hbr_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the hbr traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] hbr_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the hbr traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] hbr_share_level: The allocation level for the hbr traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs']]] hosts: Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - options are: - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ignore_other_pvlan_mappings: Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in - bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ingress_shaping_enabled: `true` if the traffic shaper is - enabled on the port for ingress traffic. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during - bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs']]] hosts: A host member specification. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ignore_other_pvlan_mappings: Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ingress_shaping_enabled: True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. :param pulumi.Input[str] ipv4_address: An IPv4 address to identify the switch. This is mostly useful when used with the Netflow arguments. :param pulumi.Input[int] iscsi_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the iSCSI traffic class, in Mbits/sec. @@ -190,9 +166,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_api_version: The Link Aggregation Control Protocol group version to use with the VDS. Possible values are `singleLag` and `multipleLag`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. + :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to `advertise` or `listen` for link discovery traffic. :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid @@ -205,59 +180,35 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[str] multicast_filtering_mode: The multicast filtering mode to use with the VDS. Can be one of `legacyFiltering` or `snooping`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the VDS. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_active_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which - active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] netflow_collector_ip_address: IP address for the Netflow - collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_collector_port: Port for the Netflow collector. This - must be set before Netflow can be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_idle_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which - idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - to `600`. Default: `15`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_internal_flows_only: Whether to limit analysis to - traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_observation_domain_id: The observation domain ID for - the Netflow collector. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_sampling_rate: The ratio of total number of packets to - the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_control_enabled: Set to `true` to enable - network I/O control. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_control_version: The version of network I/O - control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_active_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. + :param pulumi.Input[str] netflow_collector_ip_address: IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + later. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_collector_port: The port for the netflow collector. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_idle_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_internal_flows_only: Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_observation_domain_id: The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_sampling_rate: The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + packets are analyzed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_control_enabled: Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. + :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_control_version: The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the nfs traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] nfs_share_level: The allocation level for the nfs traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. - :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: Used to define a secondary VLAN - ID when using private VLANs. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs']]] pvlan_mappings: Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - private VLAN mapping. The options are: - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: A list of standby uplinks to be used in - failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. + :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID for this port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs']]] pvlan_mappings: A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter Server 6.0 or higher. - :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] uplinks: A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - names. See here for an example on how to - use this option. + :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + forwarded done by the switch. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] uplinks: A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + across hosts. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the vdp traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -270,28 +221,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[int] virtualmachine_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the virtualMachine traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] virtualmachine_share_level: The allocation level for the virtualMachine traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. :param pulumi.Input[int] vlan_id: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs']]] vlan_ranges: Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - below: - - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere - - vds = vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", vlan_ranges=[ - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=100, - max_vlan=199, - ), - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=300, - max_vlan=399, - ), - ]) - ``` - + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs']]] vlan_ranges: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the vmotion traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -506,10 +436,7 @@ def datacenter_id(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): @pulumi.getter(name="activeUplinks") def active_uplinks(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A list of active uplinks to be used in load - balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. + List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. """ return pulumi.get(self, "active_uplinks") @@ -521,9 +448,8 @@ def active_uplinks(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str] @pulumi.getter(name="allowForgedTransmits") def allow_forged_transmits(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not a virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. + Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_forged_transmits") @@ -535,8 +461,7 @@ def allow_forged_transmits(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="allowMacChanges") def allow_mac_changes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. + Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_mac_changes") @@ -548,8 +473,7 @@ def allow_mac_changes(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="allowPromiscuous") def allow_promiscuous(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_promiscuous") @@ -609,9 +533,7 @@ def backupnfc_share_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="blockAllPorts") def block_all_ports(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - virtual devices. + Indicates whether to block all ports by default. """ return pulumi.get(self, "block_all_ports") @@ -623,11 +545,7 @@ def block_all_ports(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="checkBeacon") def check_beacon(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - to detect NIC failure. - - > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - probing. + Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "check_beacon") @@ -693,8 +611,7 @@ def description(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="directpathGen2Allowed") def directpath_gen2_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - for which this policy applies to. + Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "directpath_gen2_allowed") @@ -706,8 +623,7 @@ def directpath_gen2_allowed(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingAverageBandwidth") def egress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The average bandwidth in bits - per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_average_bandwidth") @@ -719,8 +635,7 @@ def egress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingBurstSize") def egress_shaping_burst_size(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_burst_size") @@ -732,8 +647,7 @@ def egress_shaping_burst_size(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingEnabled") def egress_shaping_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - on the port for egress traffic. + True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_enabled") @@ -745,8 +659,7 @@ def egress_shaping_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingPeakBandwidth") def egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The peak bandwidth during bursts - in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth") @@ -758,8 +671,7 @@ def egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter def failback(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. """ return pulumi.get(self, "failback") @@ -880,8 +792,7 @@ def hbr_share_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def hosts(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs']]]]: """ - Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - options are: + A host member specification. """ return pulumi.get(self, "hosts") @@ -893,8 +804,7 @@ def hosts(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedV @pulumi.getter(name="ignoreOtherPvlanMappings") def ignore_other_pvlan_mappings(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ignore_other_pvlan_mappings") @@ -906,8 +816,7 @@ def ignore_other_pvlan_mappings(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingAverageBandwidth") def ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The average bandwidth in - bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth") @@ -919,8 +828,7 @@ def ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingBurstSize") def ingress_shaping_burst_size(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_burst_size") @@ -932,8 +840,7 @@ def ingress_shaping_burst_size(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingEnabled") def ingress_shaping_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - `true` if the traffic shaper is - enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_enabled") @@ -945,8 +852,7 @@ def ingress_shaping_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingPeakBandwidth") def ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The peak bandwidth during - bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth") @@ -1033,8 +939,7 @@ def lacp_api_version(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="lacpEnabled") def lacp_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - applies to. + Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. """ return pulumi.get(self, "lacp_enabled") @@ -1046,7 +951,7 @@ def lacp_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="lacpMode") def lacp_mode(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "lacp_mode") @@ -1169,9 +1074,7 @@ def name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowActiveFlowTimeout") def netflow_active_flow_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of seconds after which - active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_active_flow_timeout") @@ -1183,9 +1086,8 @@ def netflow_active_flow_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowCollectorIpAddress") def netflow_collector_ip_address(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - IP address for the Netflow - collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + later. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_collector_ip_address") @@ -1197,8 +1099,7 @@ def netflow_collector_ip_address(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowCollectorPort") def netflow_collector_port(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Port for the Netflow collector. This - must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + The port for the netflow collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_collector_port") @@ -1210,8 +1111,7 @@ def netflow_collector_port(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowEnabled") def netflow_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - applies to. + Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_enabled") @@ -1223,9 +1123,7 @@ def netflow_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowIdleFlowTimeout") def netflow_idle_flow_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of seconds after which - idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - to `600`. Default: `15`. + The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_idle_flow_timeout") @@ -1237,9 +1135,7 @@ def netflow_idle_flow_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowInternalFlowsOnly") def netflow_internal_flows_only(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Whether to limit analysis to - traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - Default: `false`. + Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_internal_flows_only") @@ -1251,8 +1147,7 @@ def netflow_internal_flows_only(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowObservationDomainId") def netflow_observation_domain_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The observation domain ID for - the Netflow collector. + The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_observation_domain_id") @@ -1264,10 +1159,8 @@ def netflow_observation_domain_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowSamplingRate") def netflow_sampling_rate(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The ratio of total number of packets to - the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + packets are analyzed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_sampling_rate") @@ -1279,8 +1172,7 @@ def netflow_sampling_rate(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="networkResourceControlEnabled") def network_resource_control_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Set to `true` to enable - network I/O control. Default: `false`. + Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_resource_control_enabled") @@ -1292,8 +1184,7 @@ def network_resource_control_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="networkResourceControlVersion") def network_resource_control_version(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The version of network I/O - control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_resource_control_version") @@ -1353,8 +1244,7 @@ def nfs_share_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="notifySwitches") def notify_switches(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. """ return pulumi.get(self, "notify_switches") @@ -1366,8 +1256,7 @@ def notify_switches(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="portPrivateSecondaryVlanId") def port_private_secondary_vlan_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Used to define a secondary VLAN - ID when using private VLANs. + The secondary VLAN ID for this port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "port_private_secondary_vlan_id") @@ -1379,8 +1268,7 @@ def port_private_secondary_vlan_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="pvlanMappings") def pvlan_mappings(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs']]]]: """ - Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - private VLAN mapping. The options are: + A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. """ return pulumi.get(self, "pvlan_mappings") @@ -1392,10 +1280,7 @@ def pvlan_mappings(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['Dis @pulumi.getter(name="standbyUplinks") def standby_uplinks(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A list of standby uplinks to be used in - failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. + List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. """ return pulumi.get(self, "standby_uplinks") @@ -1421,9 +1306,8 @@ def tags(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @pulumi.getter(name="teamingPolicy") def teaming_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. """ return pulumi.get(self, "teaming_policy") @@ -1435,8 +1319,8 @@ def teaming_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="txUplink") def tx_uplink(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + forwarded done by the switch. """ return pulumi.get(self, "tx_uplink") @@ -1448,11 +1332,8 @@ def tx_uplink(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def uplinks(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - names. See here for an example on how to - use this option. + A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + across hosts. """ return pulumi.get(self, "uplinks") @@ -1586,28 +1467,7 @@ def vlan_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vlanRanges") def vlan_ranges(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs']]]]: """ - Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - below: - - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere - - vds = vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", vlan_ranges=[ - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=100, - max_vlan=199, - ), - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=300, - max_vlan=399, - ), - ]) - ``` - + The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vlan_ranges") @@ -1812,29 +1672,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, vsan_share_level: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None): """ Input properties used for looking up and filtering DistributedVirtualSwitch resources. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_uplinks: A list of active uplinks to be used in load - balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not a virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_uplinks: List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the backupNfc traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] backupnfc_share_level: The allocation level for the backupNfc traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - virtual devices. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - to detect NIC failure. - - > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - probing. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Indicates whether to block all ports by default. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. :param pulumi.Input[str] config_version: The current version of the VDS configuration, incremented by subsequent updates to the VDS. :param pulumi.Input[str] contact_detail: The detailed contact information for the person @@ -1849,18 +1697,12 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The ID of the datacenter where the VDS will be created. Forces a new resource if changed. :param pulumi.Input[str] description: A detailed description for the VDS. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] directpath_gen2_allowed: Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - for which this policy applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits - per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] egress_shaping_enabled: `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - on the port for egress traffic. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts - in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] directpath_gen2_allowed: Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] egress_shaping_enabled: True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the faultTolerance traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -1871,18 +1713,12 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[int] hbr_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the hbr traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] hbr_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the hbr traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] hbr_share_level: The allocation level for the hbr traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs']]] hosts: Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - options are: - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ignore_other_pvlan_mappings: Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in - bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ingress_shaping_enabled: `true` if the traffic shaper is - enabled on the port for ingress traffic. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during - bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs']]] hosts: A host member specification. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ignore_other_pvlan_mappings: Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ingress_shaping_enabled: True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. :param pulumi.Input[str] ipv4_address: An IPv4 address to identify the switch. This is mostly useful when used with the Netflow arguments. :param pulumi.Input[int] iscsi_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the iSCSI traffic class, in Mbits/sec. @@ -1892,9 +1728,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_api_version: The Link Aggregation Control Protocol group version to use with the VDS. Possible values are `singleLag` and `multipleLag`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. + :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to `advertise` or `listen` for link discovery traffic. :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid @@ -1907,59 +1742,35 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[str] multicast_filtering_mode: The multicast filtering mode to use with the VDS. Can be one of `legacyFiltering` or `snooping`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the VDS. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_active_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which - active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] netflow_collector_ip_address: IP address for the Netflow - collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_collector_port: Port for the Netflow collector. This - must be set before Netflow can be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_idle_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which - idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - to `600`. Default: `15`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_internal_flows_only: Whether to limit analysis to - traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_observation_domain_id: The observation domain ID for - the Netflow collector. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_sampling_rate: The ratio of total number of packets to - the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_control_enabled: Set to `true` to enable - network I/O control. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_control_version: The version of network I/O - control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_active_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. + :param pulumi.Input[str] netflow_collector_ip_address: IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + later. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_collector_port: The port for the netflow collector. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_idle_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_internal_flows_only: Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_observation_domain_id: The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_sampling_rate: The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + packets are analyzed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_control_enabled: Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. + :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_control_version: The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the nfs traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] nfs_share_level: The allocation level for the nfs traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. - :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: Used to define a secondary VLAN - ID when using private VLANs. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs']]] pvlan_mappings: Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - private VLAN mapping. The options are: - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: A list of standby uplinks to be used in - failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. + :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID for this port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs']]] pvlan_mappings: A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter Server 6.0 or higher. - :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] uplinks: A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - names. See here for an example on how to - use this option. + :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + forwarded done by the switch. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] uplinks: A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + across hosts. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the vdp traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -1972,28 +1783,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param pulumi.Input[int] virtualmachine_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the virtualMachine traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] virtualmachine_share_level: The allocation level for the virtualMachine traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. :param pulumi.Input[int] vlan_id: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs']]] vlan_ranges: Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - below: - - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere - - vds = vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", vlan_ranges=[ - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=100, - max_vlan=199, - ), - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=300, - max_vlan=399, - ), - ]) - ``` - + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs']]] vlan_ranges: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the vmotion traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -2198,10 +1988,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="activeUplinks") def active_uplinks(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A list of active uplinks to be used in load - balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. + List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. """ return pulumi.get(self, "active_uplinks") @@ -2213,9 +2000,8 @@ def active_uplinks(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str] @pulumi.getter(name="allowForgedTransmits") def allow_forged_transmits(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not a virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. + Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_forged_transmits") @@ -2227,8 +2013,7 @@ def allow_forged_transmits(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="allowMacChanges") def allow_mac_changes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. + Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_mac_changes") @@ -2240,8 +2025,7 @@ def allow_mac_changes(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="allowPromiscuous") def allow_promiscuous(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_promiscuous") @@ -2301,9 +2085,7 @@ def backupnfc_share_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="blockAllPorts") def block_all_ports(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - virtual devices. + Indicates whether to block all ports by default. """ return pulumi.get(self, "block_all_ports") @@ -2315,11 +2097,7 @@ def block_all_ports(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="checkBeacon") def check_beacon(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - to detect NIC failure. - - > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - probing. + Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "check_beacon") @@ -2411,8 +2189,7 @@ def description(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="directpathGen2Allowed") def directpath_gen2_allowed(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - for which this policy applies to. + Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "directpath_gen2_allowed") @@ -2424,8 +2201,7 @@ def directpath_gen2_allowed(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingAverageBandwidth") def egress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The average bandwidth in bits - per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_average_bandwidth") @@ -2437,8 +2213,7 @@ def egress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingBurstSize") def egress_shaping_burst_size(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_burst_size") @@ -2450,8 +2225,7 @@ def egress_shaping_burst_size(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingEnabled") def egress_shaping_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - on the port for egress traffic. + True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_enabled") @@ -2463,8 +2237,7 @@ def egress_shaping_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingPeakBandwidth") def egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The peak bandwidth during bursts - in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth") @@ -2476,8 +2249,7 @@ def egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter def failback(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. """ return pulumi.get(self, "failback") @@ -2598,8 +2370,7 @@ def hbr_share_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def hosts(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs']]]]: """ - Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - options are: + A host member specification. """ return pulumi.get(self, "hosts") @@ -2611,8 +2382,7 @@ def hosts(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedV @pulumi.getter(name="ignoreOtherPvlanMappings") def ignore_other_pvlan_mappings(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ignore_other_pvlan_mappings") @@ -2624,8 +2394,7 @@ def ignore_other_pvlan_mappings(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingAverageBandwidth") def ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The average bandwidth in - bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth") @@ -2637,8 +2406,7 @@ def ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingBurstSize") def ingress_shaping_burst_size(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_burst_size") @@ -2650,8 +2418,7 @@ def ingress_shaping_burst_size(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingEnabled") def ingress_shaping_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - `true` if the traffic shaper is - enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_enabled") @@ -2663,8 +2430,7 @@ def ingress_shaping_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingPeakBandwidth") def ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The peak bandwidth during - bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth") @@ -2751,8 +2517,7 @@ def lacp_api_version(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="lacpEnabled") def lacp_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - applies to. + Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. """ return pulumi.get(self, "lacp_enabled") @@ -2764,7 +2529,7 @@ def lacp_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="lacpMode") def lacp_mode(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "lacp_mode") @@ -2887,9 +2652,7 @@ def name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowActiveFlowTimeout") def netflow_active_flow_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of seconds after which - active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_active_flow_timeout") @@ -2901,9 +2664,8 @@ def netflow_active_flow_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowCollectorIpAddress") def netflow_collector_ip_address(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - IP address for the Netflow - collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + later. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_collector_ip_address") @@ -2915,8 +2677,7 @@ def netflow_collector_ip_address(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowCollectorPort") def netflow_collector_port(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Port for the Netflow collector. This - must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + The port for the netflow collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_collector_port") @@ -2928,8 +2689,7 @@ def netflow_collector_port(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowEnabled") def netflow_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - applies to. + Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_enabled") @@ -2941,9 +2701,7 @@ def netflow_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowIdleFlowTimeout") def netflow_idle_flow_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of seconds after which - idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - to `600`. Default: `15`. + The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_idle_flow_timeout") @@ -2955,9 +2713,7 @@ def netflow_idle_flow_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowInternalFlowsOnly") def netflow_internal_flows_only(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Whether to limit analysis to - traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - Default: `false`. + Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_internal_flows_only") @@ -2969,8 +2725,7 @@ def netflow_internal_flows_only(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowObservationDomainId") def netflow_observation_domain_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The observation domain ID for - the Netflow collector. + The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_observation_domain_id") @@ -2982,10 +2737,8 @@ def netflow_observation_domain_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="netflowSamplingRate") def netflow_sampling_rate(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The ratio of total number of packets to - the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + packets are analyzed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_sampling_rate") @@ -2997,8 +2750,7 @@ def netflow_sampling_rate(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="networkResourceControlEnabled") def network_resource_control_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Set to `true` to enable - network I/O control. Default: `false`. + Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_resource_control_enabled") @@ -3010,8 +2762,7 @@ def network_resource_control_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="networkResourceControlVersion") def network_resource_control_version(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The version of network I/O - control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_resource_control_version") @@ -3071,8 +2822,7 @@ def nfs_share_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="notifySwitches") def notify_switches(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. """ return pulumi.get(self, "notify_switches") @@ -3084,8 +2834,7 @@ def notify_switches(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="portPrivateSecondaryVlanId") def port_private_secondary_vlan_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Used to define a secondary VLAN - ID when using private VLANs. + The secondary VLAN ID for this port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "port_private_secondary_vlan_id") @@ -3097,8 +2846,7 @@ def port_private_secondary_vlan_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="pvlanMappings") def pvlan_mappings(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs']]]]: """ - Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - private VLAN mapping. The options are: + A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. """ return pulumi.get(self, "pvlan_mappings") @@ -3110,10 +2858,7 @@ def pvlan_mappings(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['Dis @pulumi.getter(name="standbyUplinks") def standby_uplinks(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A list of standby uplinks to be used in - failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. + List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. """ return pulumi.get(self, "standby_uplinks") @@ -3139,9 +2884,8 @@ def tags(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @pulumi.getter(name="teamingPolicy") def teaming_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. """ return pulumi.get(self, "teaming_policy") @@ -3153,8 +2897,8 @@ def teaming_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="txUplink") def tx_uplink(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + forwarded done by the switch. """ return pulumi.get(self, "tx_uplink") @@ -3166,11 +2910,8 @@ def tx_uplink(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def uplinks(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - names. See here for an example on how to - use this option. + A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + across hosts. """ return pulumi.get(self, "uplinks") @@ -3304,28 +3045,7 @@ def vlan_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vlanRanges") def vlan_ranges(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs']]]]: """ - Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - below: - - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere - - vds = vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", vlan_ranges=[ - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=100, - max_vlan=199, - ), - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=300, - max_vlan=399, - ), - ]) - ``` - + The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vlan_ranges") @@ -3534,29 +3254,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, Create a DistributedVirtualSwitch resource with the given unique name, props, and options. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_uplinks: A list of active uplinks to be used in load - balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not a virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_uplinks: List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the backupNfc traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] backupnfc_share_level: The allocation level for the backupNfc traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - virtual devices. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - to detect NIC failure. - - > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - probing. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Indicates whether to block all ports by default. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. :param pulumi.Input[str] contact_detail: The detailed contact information for the person who is responsible for the VDS. :param pulumi.Input[str] contact_name: The name of the person who is responsible for the @@ -3569,18 +3277,12 @@ def __init__(__self__, :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The ID of the datacenter where the VDS will be created. Forces a new resource if changed. :param pulumi.Input[str] description: A detailed description for the VDS. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] directpath_gen2_allowed: Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - for which this policy applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits - per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] egress_shaping_enabled: `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - on the port for egress traffic. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts - in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] directpath_gen2_allowed: Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] egress_shaping_enabled: True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the faultTolerance traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -3591,18 +3293,12 @@ def __init__(__self__, :param pulumi.Input[int] hbr_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the hbr traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] hbr_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the hbr traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] hbr_share_level: The allocation level for the hbr traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs']]]] hosts: Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - options are: - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ignore_other_pvlan_mappings: Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in - bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ingress_shaping_enabled: `true` if the traffic shaper is - enabled on the port for ingress traffic. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during - bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs']]]] hosts: A host member specification. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ignore_other_pvlan_mappings: Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ingress_shaping_enabled: True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. :param pulumi.Input[str] ipv4_address: An IPv4 address to identify the switch. This is mostly useful when used with the Netflow arguments. :param pulumi.Input[int] iscsi_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the iSCSI traffic class, in Mbits/sec. @@ -3612,9 +3308,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_api_version: The Link Aggregation Control Protocol group version to use with the VDS. Possible values are `singleLag` and `multipleLag`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. + :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to `advertise` or `listen` for link discovery traffic. :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid @@ -3627,59 +3322,35 @@ def __init__(__self__, :param pulumi.Input[str] multicast_filtering_mode: The multicast filtering mode to use with the VDS. Can be one of `legacyFiltering` or `snooping`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the VDS. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_active_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which - active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] netflow_collector_ip_address: IP address for the Netflow - collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_collector_port: Port for the Netflow collector. This - must be set before Netflow can be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_idle_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which - idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - to `600`. Default: `15`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_internal_flows_only: Whether to limit analysis to - traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_observation_domain_id: The observation domain ID for - the Netflow collector. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_sampling_rate: The ratio of total number of packets to - the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_control_enabled: Set to `true` to enable - network I/O control. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_control_version: The version of network I/O - control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_active_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. + :param pulumi.Input[str] netflow_collector_ip_address: IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + later. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_collector_port: The port for the netflow collector. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_idle_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_internal_flows_only: Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_observation_domain_id: The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_sampling_rate: The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + packets are analyzed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_control_enabled: Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. + :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_control_version: The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the nfs traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] nfs_share_level: The allocation level for the nfs traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. - :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: Used to define a secondary VLAN - ID when using private VLANs. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs']]]] pvlan_mappings: Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - private VLAN mapping. The options are: - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: A list of standby uplinks to be used in - failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. + :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID for this port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs']]]] pvlan_mappings: A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter Server 6.0 or higher. - :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] uplinks: A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - names. See here for an example on how to - use this option. + :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + forwarded done by the switch. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] uplinks: A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + across hosts. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the vdp traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -3692,28 +3363,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, :param pulumi.Input[int] virtualmachine_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the virtualMachine traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] virtualmachine_share_level: The allocation level for the virtualMachine traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. :param pulumi.Input[int] vlan_id: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs']]]] vlan_ranges: Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - below: - - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere - - vds = vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", vlan_ranges=[ - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=100, - max_vlan=199, - ), - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=300, - max_vlan=399, - ), - ]) - ``` - + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs']]]] vlan_ranges: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the vmotion traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -4058,29 +3708,17 @@ def get(resource_name: str, :param str resource_name: The unique name of the resulting resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] id: The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_uplinks: A list of active uplinks to be used in load - balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not a virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_uplinks: List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the backupNfc traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] backupnfc_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the backupNfc traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] backupnfc_share_level: The allocation level for the backupNfc traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - virtual devices. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - to detect NIC failure. - - > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - probing. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] block_all_ports: Indicates whether to block all ports by default. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. :param pulumi.Input[str] config_version: The current version of the VDS configuration, incremented by subsequent updates to the VDS. :param pulumi.Input[str] contact_detail: The detailed contact information for the person @@ -4095,18 +3733,12 @@ def get(resource_name: str, :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The ID of the datacenter where the VDS will be created. Forces a new resource if changed. :param pulumi.Input[str] description: A detailed description for the VDS. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] directpath_gen2_allowed: Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - for which this policy applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits - per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] egress_shaping_enabled: `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - on the port for egress traffic. - :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts - in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] directpath_gen2_allowed: Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] egress_shaping_enabled: True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the faultTolerance traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] faulttolerance_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the faultTolerance traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -4117,18 +3749,12 @@ def get(resource_name: str, :param pulumi.Input[int] hbr_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the hbr traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] hbr_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the hbr traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] hbr_share_level: The allocation level for the hbr traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs']]]] hosts: Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - options are: - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ignore_other_pvlan_mappings: Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in - bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ingress_shaping_enabled: `true` if the traffic shaper is - enabled on the port for ingress traffic. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during - bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchHostArgs']]]] hosts: A host member specification. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ignore_other_pvlan_mappings: Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth: The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_burst_size: The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ingress_shaping_enabled: True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. :param pulumi.Input[str] ipv4_address: An IPv4 address to identify the switch. This is mostly useful when used with the Netflow arguments. :param pulumi.Input[int] iscsi_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the iSCSI traffic class, in Mbits/sec. @@ -4138,9 +3764,8 @@ def get(resource_name: str, :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_api_version: The Link Aggregation Control Protocol group version to use with the VDS. Possible values are `singleLag` and `multipleLag`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] lacp_enabled: Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. + :param pulumi.Input[str] lacp_mode: The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to `advertise` or `listen` for link discovery traffic. :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid @@ -4153,59 +3778,35 @@ def get(resource_name: str, :param pulumi.Input[str] multicast_filtering_mode: The multicast filtering mode to use with the VDS. Can be one of `legacyFiltering` or `snooping`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the VDS. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_active_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which - active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] netflow_collector_ip_address: IP address for the Netflow - collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_collector_port: Port for the Netflow collector. This - must be set before Netflow can be enabled. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - applies to. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_idle_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which - idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - to `600`. Default: `15`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_internal_flows_only: Whether to limit analysis to - traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_observation_domain_id: The observation domain ID for - the Netflow collector. - :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_sampling_rate: The ratio of total number of packets to - the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_control_enabled: Set to `true` to enable - network I/O control. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_control_version: The version of network I/O - control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_active_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. + :param pulumi.Input[str] netflow_collector_ip_address: IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + later. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_collector_port: The port for the netflow collector. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_enabled: Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_idle_flow_timeout: The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] netflow_internal_flows_only: Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_observation_domain_id: The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. + :param pulumi.Input[int] netflow_sampling_rate: The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + packets are analyzed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] network_resource_control_enabled: Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. + :param pulumi.Input[str] network_resource_control_version: The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the nfs traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] nfs_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the nfs traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] nfs_share_level: The allocation level for the nfs traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. - :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: Used to define a secondary VLAN - ID when using private VLANs. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs']]]] pvlan_mappings: Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - private VLAN mapping. The options are: - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: A list of standby uplinks to be used in - failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. + :param pulumi.Input[int] port_private_secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID for this port. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMappingArgs']]]] pvlan_mappings: A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_uplinks: List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. > **NOTE:** Tagging support requires vCenter Server 6.0 or higher. - :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] uplinks: A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - names. See here for an example on how to - use this option. + :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] tx_uplink: If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + forwarded done by the switch. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] uplinks: A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + across hosts. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the vdp traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vdp_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the vdp traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -4218,28 +3819,7 @@ def get(resource_name: str, :param pulumi.Input[int] virtualmachine_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the virtualMachine traffic class for a custom share level. :param pulumi.Input[str] virtualmachine_share_level: The allocation level for the virtualMachine traffic class. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. :param pulumi.Input[int] vlan_id: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs']]]] vlan_ranges: Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - below: - - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere - - vds = vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", vlan_ranges=[ - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=100, - max_vlan=199, - ), - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=300, - max_vlan=399, - ), - ]) - ``` - + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs']]]] vlan_ranges: The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_maximum_mbit: The maximum allowed usage for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_reservation_mbit: The amount of guaranteed bandwidth for the vmotion traffic class, in Mbits/sec. :param pulumi.Input[int] vmotion_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to the vmotion traffic class for a custom share level. @@ -4354,10 +3934,7 @@ def get(resource_name: str, @pulumi.getter(name="activeUplinks") def active_uplinks(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence[str]]: """ - A list of active uplinks to be used in load - balancing. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. + List of active uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. """ return pulumi.get(self, "active_uplinks") @@ -4365,9 +3942,8 @@ def active_uplinks(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="allowForgedTransmits") def allow_forged_transmits(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - Controls whether or not a virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. + Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_forged_transmits") @@ -4375,8 +3951,7 @@ def allow_forged_transmits(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="allowMacChanges") def allow_mac_changes(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. + Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_mac_changes") @@ -4384,8 +3959,7 @@ def allow_mac_changes(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="allowPromiscuous") def allow_promiscuous(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_promiscuous") @@ -4425,9 +3999,7 @@ def backupnfc_share_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="blockAllPorts") def block_all_ports(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - Shuts down all ports in the port groups that - this policy applies to, effectively blocking all network access to connected - virtual devices. + Indicates whether to block all ports by default. """ return pulumi.get(self, "block_all_ports") @@ -4435,11 +4007,7 @@ def block_all_ports(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="checkBeacon") def check_beacon(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - Enables beacon probing as an additional measure - to detect NIC failure. - - > **NOTE:** VMware recommends using a minimum of 3 NICs when using beacon - probing. + Enable beacon probing on the ports this policy applies to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "check_beacon") @@ -4503,8 +4071,7 @@ def description(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="directpathGen2Allowed") def directpath_gen2_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 for the ports - for which this policy applies to. + Allow VMDirectPath Gen2 on the ports this policy applies to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "directpath_gen2_allowed") @@ -4512,8 +4079,7 @@ def directpath_gen2_allowed(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingAverageBandwidth") def egress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ - The average bandwidth in bits - per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The average egress bandwidth in bits per second if egress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_average_bandwidth") @@ -4521,8 +4087,7 @@ def egress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingBurstSize") def egress_shaping_burst_size(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ - The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The maximum egress burst size allowed in bytes if egress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_burst_size") @@ -4530,8 +4095,7 @@ def egress_shaping_burst_size(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingEnabled") def egress_shaping_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - `true` if the traffic shaper is enabled - on the port for egress traffic. + True if the traffic shaper is enabled for egress traffic on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_enabled") @@ -4539,8 +4103,7 @@ def egress_shaping_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="egressShapingPeakBandwidth") def egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ - The peak bandwidth during bursts - in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The peak egress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if egress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth") @@ -4548,8 +4111,7 @@ def egress_shaping_peak_bandwidth(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter def failback(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - If `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate failed - uplinks higher in precedence when they come back up. + If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. """ return pulumi.get(self, "failback") @@ -4630,8 +4192,7 @@ def hbr_share_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter def hosts(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence['outputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchHost']]]: """ - Use the `host` block to declare a host specification. The - options are: + A host member specification. """ return pulumi.get(self, "hosts") @@ -4639,8 +4200,7 @@ def hosts(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence['outputs.DistributedVirtualSw @pulumi.getter(name="ignoreOtherPvlanMappings") def ignore_other_pvlan_mappings(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Whether to ignore existing PVLAN - mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. + Whether to ignore existing PVLAN mappings not managed by this resource. Defaults to false. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ignore_other_pvlan_mappings") @@ -4648,8 +4208,7 @@ def ignore_other_pvlan_mappings(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingAverageBandwidth") def ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ - The average bandwidth in - bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The average ingress bandwidth in bits per second if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth") @@ -4657,8 +4216,7 @@ def ingress_shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingBurstSize") def ingress_shaping_burst_size(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ - The maximum burst size allowed in - bytes if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The maximum ingress burst size allowed in bytes if ingress shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_burst_size") @@ -4666,8 +4224,7 @@ def ingress_shaping_burst_size(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingEnabled") def ingress_shaping_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - `true` if the traffic shaper is - enabled on the port for ingress traffic. + True if the traffic shaper is enabled for ingress traffic on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_enabled") @@ -4675,8 +4232,7 @@ def ingress_shaping_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="ingressShapingPeakBandwidth") def ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ - The peak bandwidth during - bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. + The peak ingress bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if ingress traffic shaping is enabled on the port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ingress_shaping_peak_bandwidth") @@ -4735,8 +4291,7 @@ def lacp_api_version(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="lacpEnabled") def lacp_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - Enables LACP for the ports that this policy - applies to. + Whether or not to enable LACP on all uplink ports. """ return pulumi.get(self, "lacp_enabled") @@ -4744,7 +4299,7 @@ def lacp_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="lacpMode") def lacp_mode(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The LACP mode. Can be one of `active` or `passive`. + The uplink LACP mode to use. Can be one of active or passive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "lacp_mode") @@ -4827,9 +4382,7 @@ def name(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="netflowActiveFlowTimeout") def netflow_active_flow_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The number of seconds after which - active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is - `60` to `3600`. Default: `60`. + The number of seconds after which active flows are forced to be exported to the collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_active_flow_timeout") @@ -4837,9 +4390,8 @@ def netflow_active_flow_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="netflowCollectorIpAddress") def netflow_collector_ip_address(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - IP address for the Netflow - collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in VDS version 6.0 or later. - Must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + IP address for the netflow collector, using IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 6.0 or + later. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_collector_ip_address") @@ -4847,8 +4399,7 @@ def netflow_collector_ip_address(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="netflowCollectorPort") def netflow_collector_port(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - Port for the Netflow collector. This - must be set before Netflow can be enabled. + The port for the netflow collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_collector_port") @@ -4856,8 +4407,7 @@ def netflow_collector_port(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="netflowEnabled") def netflow_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - Enables Netflow on all ports that this policy - applies to. + Indicates whether to enable netflow on all ports. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_enabled") @@ -4865,9 +4415,7 @@ def netflow_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="netflowIdleFlowTimeout") def netflow_idle_flow_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The number of seconds after which - idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. Allowed range is `10` - to `600`. Default: `15`. + The number of seconds after which idle flows are forced to be exported to the collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_idle_flow_timeout") @@ -4875,9 +4423,7 @@ def netflow_idle_flow_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="netflowInternalFlowsOnly") def netflow_internal_flows_only(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Whether to limit analysis to - traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. - Default: `false`. + Whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both source and destination served by the same host. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_internal_flows_only") @@ -4885,8 +4431,7 @@ def netflow_internal_flows_only(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="netflowObservationDomainId") def netflow_observation_domain_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The observation domain ID for - the Netflow collector. + The observation Domain ID for the netflow collector. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_observation_domain_id") @@ -4894,10 +4439,8 @@ def netflow_observation_domain_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="netflowSamplingRate") def netflow_sampling_rate(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The ratio of total number of packets to - the number of packets analyzed. The default is `0`, which indicates that the - VDS should analyze all packets. The maximum value is `1000`, which - indicates an analysis rate of 0.001%. + The ratio of total number of packets to the number of packets analyzed. Set to 0 to disable sampling, meaning that all + packets are analyzed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netflow_sampling_rate") @@ -4905,8 +4448,7 @@ def netflow_sampling_rate(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="networkResourceControlEnabled") def network_resource_control_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Set to `true` to enable - network I/O control. Default: `false`. + Whether or not to enable network resource control, enabling advanced traffic shaping and resource control features. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_resource_control_enabled") @@ -4914,8 +4456,7 @@ def network_resource_control_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="networkResourceControlVersion") def network_resource_control_version(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The version of network I/O - control to use. Can be one of `version2` or `version3`. Default: `version2`. + The network I/O control version to use. Can be one of version2 or version3. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_resource_control_version") @@ -4955,8 +4496,7 @@ def nfs_share_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="notifySwitches") def notify_switches(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - If `true`, the teaming policy will notify the - broadcast network of an uplink failover, triggering cache updates. + If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. """ return pulumi.get(self, "notify_switches") @@ -4964,8 +4504,7 @@ def notify_switches(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="portPrivateSecondaryVlanId") def port_private_secondary_vlan_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ - Used to define a secondary VLAN - ID when using private VLANs. + The secondary VLAN ID for this port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "port_private_secondary_vlan_id") @@ -4973,8 +4512,7 @@ def port_private_secondary_vlan_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="pvlanMappings") def pvlan_mappings(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence['outputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanMapping']]]: """ - Use the `pvlan_mapping` block to declare a - private VLAN mapping. The options are: + A private VLAN (PVLAN) mapping. """ return pulumi.get(self, "pvlan_mappings") @@ -4982,10 +4520,7 @@ def pvlan_mappings(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence['outputs.Distributed @pulumi.getter(name="standbyUplinks") def standby_uplinks(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence[str]]: """ - A list of standby uplinks to be used in - failover. These uplinks need to match the definitions in the - `uplinks` VDS argument. See - here for more details. + List of standby uplinks used for load balancing, matching the names of the uplinks assigned in the DVS. """ return pulumi.get(self, "standby_uplinks") @@ -5003,9 +4538,8 @@ def tags(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="teamingPolicy") def teaming_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The uplink teaming policy. Can be one of - `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, - `failover_explicit`, or `loadbalance_loadbased`. + The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, + failover_explicit, or loadbalance_loadbased. """ return pulumi.get(self, "teaming_policy") @@ -5013,8 +4547,8 @@ def teaming_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="txUplink") def tx_uplink(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ - Forward all traffic transmitted by ports for which - this policy applies to its VDS uplinks. + If true, a copy of packets sent to the switch will always be forwarded to an uplink in addition to the regular packet + forwarded done by the switch. """ return pulumi.get(self, "tx_uplink") @@ -5022,11 +4556,8 @@ def tx_uplink(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter def uplinks(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence[str]]: """ - A list of strings that uniquely identifies the names - of the uplinks on the VDS across hosts. The number of items in this list - controls the number of uplinks that exist on the VDS, in addition to the - names. See here for an example on how to - use this option. + A list of uplink ports. The contents of this list control both the uplink count and names of the uplinks on the DVS + across hosts. """ return pulumi.get(self, "uplinks") @@ -5116,28 +4647,7 @@ def vlan_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="vlanRanges") def vlan_ranges(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence['outputs.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRange']]: """ - Used to denote VLAN trunking. Use the `min_vlan` - and `max_vlan` sub-arguments to define the tagged VLAN range. Multiple - `vlan_range` definitions are allowed, but they must not overlap. Example - below: - - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere - - vds = vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitch("vds", vlan_ranges=[ - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=100, - max_vlan=199, - ), - vsphere.DistributedVirtualSwitchVlanRangeArgs( - min_vlan=300, - max_vlan=399, - ), - ]) - ``` - + The VLAN ID for single VLAN mode. 0 denotes no VLAN. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vlan_ranges") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/file.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/file.py index 2903969f..fc93c9bf 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/file.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/file.py @@ -298,7 +298,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ### Uploading a File - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -310,11 +309,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, destination_file="/my/dst/path/custom_ubuntu.vmdk", create_directories=True) ``` - ### Copying a File - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -328,7 +325,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, destination_file="/my/dst/path/custom_ubuntu.vmdk", create_directories=True) ``` - :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. @@ -360,7 +356,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ### Uploading a File - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -372,11 +367,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, destination_file="/my/dst/path/custom_ubuntu.vmdk", create_directories=True) ``` - ### Copying a File - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -390,7 +383,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, destination_file="/my/dst/path/custom_ubuntu.vmdk", create_directories=True) ``` - :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param FileArgs args: The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_compute_cluster.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_compute_cluster.py index b64f6457..7add99a1 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_compute_cluster.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_compute_cluster.py @@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ def get_compute_cluster(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ def get_compute_cluster(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, compute_cluster = vsphere.get_compute_cluster(name="cluster-01", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID @@ -139,7 +137,6 @@ def get_compute_cluster_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -148,7 +145,6 @@ def get_compute_cluster_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str compute_cluster = vsphere.get_compute_cluster(name="cluster-01", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_compute_cluster_host_group.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_compute_cluster_host_group.py index f1a61fbf..fed8e78e 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_compute_cluster_host_group.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_compute_cluster_host_group.py @@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ def get_compute_cluster_host_group(compute_cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -101,7 +100,6 @@ def get_compute_cluster_host_group(compute_cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, vm_group_name="vm_group1", affinity_host_group_name=host_group1.name) ``` - :param str compute_cluster_id: The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] @@ -134,7 +132,6 @@ def get_compute_cluster_host_group_output(compute_cluster_id: Optional[pulumi.In ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -150,7 +147,6 @@ def get_compute_cluster_host_group_output(compute_cluster_id: Optional[pulumi.In vm_group_name="vm_group1", affinity_host_group_name=host_group1.name) ``` - :param str compute_cluster_id: The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_content_library.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_content_library.py index e286db61..697b9dff 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_content_library.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_content_library.py @@ -62,14 +62,12 @@ def get_content_library(name: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere library = vsphere.get_content_library(name="Content Library") ``` - :param str name: The name of the content library. @@ -94,14 +92,12 @@ def get_content_library_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere library = vsphere.get_content_library(name="Content Library") ``` - :param str name: The name of the content library. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_custom_attribute.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_custom_attribute.py index 8301c69c..eb738aaa 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_custom_attribute.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_custom_attribute.py @@ -76,14 +76,12 @@ def get_custom_attribute(name: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere attribute = vsphere.get_custom_attribute(name="test-attribute") ``` - :param str name: The name of the custom attribute. @@ -114,14 +112,12 @@ def get_custom_attribute_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere attribute = vsphere.get_custom_attribute(name="test-attribute") ``` - :param str name: The name of the custom attribute. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datacenter.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datacenter.py index 4ca0b3fe..42e67534 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datacenter.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datacenter.py @@ -63,14 +63,12 @@ def get_datacenter(name: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere datacenter = vsphere.get_datacenter(name="dc-01") ``` - :param str name: The name of the datacenter. This can be a name or path. @@ -102,14 +100,12 @@ def get_datacenter_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere datacenter = vsphere.get_datacenter(name="dc-01") ``` - :param str name: The name of the datacenter. This can be a name or path. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore.py index 0dbdd75d..9bb5d99d 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore.py @@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ def get_datastore(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -97,7 +96,6 @@ def get_datastore(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, datastore = vsphere.get_datastore(name="datastore-01", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID @@ -136,7 +134,6 @@ def get_datastore_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -145,7 +142,6 @@ def get_datastore_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = datastore = vsphere.get_datastore(name="datastore-01", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore_cluster.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore_cluster.py index 43a9f6a2..82bd9c81 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore_cluster.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore_cluster.py @@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ def get_datastore_cluster(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ def get_datastore_cluster(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, datastore_cluster = vsphere.get_datastore_cluster(name="datastore-cluster-01", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference @@ -116,7 +114,6 @@ def get_datastore_cluster_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[s ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -125,7 +122,6 @@ def get_datastore_cluster_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[s datastore_cluster = vsphere.get_datastore_cluster(name="datastore-cluster-01", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore_stats.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore_stats.py index 21a51396..55baca49 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore_stats.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_datastore_stats.py @@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ def get_datastore_stats(capacity: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -103,7 +102,6 @@ def get_datastore_stats(capacity: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, datacenter = vsphere.get_datacenter(name="dc-01") datastore_stats = vsphere.get_datastore_stats(datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - A usefull example of this datasource would be to determine the datastore with the most free space. For example, in addition to @@ -111,14 +109,12 @@ def get_datastore_stats(capacity: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, Create an `outputs.tf` like that: - ```python import pulumi pulumi.export("maxFreeSpaceName", their_max_free_space_name) pulumi.export("maxFreeSpace", their_max_free_space) ``` - and a `locals.tf` like that: @@ -160,7 +156,6 @@ def get_datastore_stats_output(capacity: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[Mapping[ ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -168,7 +163,6 @@ def get_datastore_stats_output(capacity: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[Mapping[ datacenter = vsphere.get_datacenter(name="dc-01") datastore_stats = vsphere.get_datastore_stats(datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - A usefull example of this datasource would be to determine the datastore with the most free space. For example, in addition to @@ -176,14 +170,12 @@ def get_datastore_stats_output(capacity: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[Mapping[ Create an `outputs.tf` like that: - ```python import pulumi pulumi.export("maxFreeSpaceName", their_max_free_space_name) pulumi.export("maxFreeSpace", their_max_free_space) ``` - and a `locals.tf` like that: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_distributed_virtual_switch.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_distributed_virtual_switch.py index 9c643967..354ac3e0 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_distributed_virtual_switch.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_distributed_virtual_switch.py @@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ def get_distributed_virtual_switch(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, `DistributedPortGroup` resource that uses the first uplink as a primary uplink and the second uplink as a secondary. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -111,7 +110,6 @@ def get_distributed_virtual_switch(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, active_uplinks=[vds.uplinks[0]], standby_uplinks=[vds.uplinks[1]]) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID @@ -154,7 +152,6 @@ def get_distributed_virtual_switch_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[O `DistributedPortGroup` resource that uses the first uplink as a primary uplink and the second uplink as a secondary. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -168,7 +165,6 @@ def get_distributed_virtual_switch_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[O active_uplinks=[vds.uplinks[0]], standby_uplinks=[vds.uplinks[1]]) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_dynamic.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_dynamic.py index d989db42..3d699b98 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_dynamic.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_dynamic.py @@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ def get_dynamic(filters: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -101,7 +100,6 @@ def get_dynamic(filters: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, name_regex="ubuntu", type="Datacenter") ``` - :param Sequence[str] filters: A list of tag IDs that must be present on an object to @@ -140,7 +138,6 @@ def get_dynamic_output(filters: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[str]]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -157,7 +154,6 @@ def get_dynamic_output(filters: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[str]]] = None, name_regex="ubuntu", type="Datacenter") ``` - :param Sequence[str] filters: A list of tag IDs that must be present on an object to diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_folder.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_folder.py index b2dc293d..70bd84c8 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_folder.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_folder.py @@ -61,14 +61,12 @@ def get_folder(path: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere folder = vsphere.get_folder(path="/dc-01/datastore-01/folder-01") ``` - :param str path: The absolute path of the folder. For example, given a @@ -96,14 +94,12 @@ def get_folder_output(path: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere folder = vsphere.get_folder(path="/dc-01/datastore-01/folder-01") ``` - :param str path: The absolute path of the folder. For example, given a diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_guest_os_customization.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_guest_os_customization.py index 96c5b83b..9b82bff2 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_guest_os_customization.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_guest_os_customization.py @@ -124,14 +124,12 @@ def get_guest_os_customization(name: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere gosc1 = vsphere.get_guest_os_customization(name="linux-spec") ``` - :param str name: The name of the customization specification is the unique identifier per vCenter Server instance. @@ -162,14 +160,12 @@ def get_guest_os_customization_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere gosc1 = vsphere.get_guest_os_customization(name="linux-spec") ``` - :param str name: The name of the customization specification is the unique identifier per vCenter Server instance. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host.py index c2e9dda5..f2c28dac 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host.py @@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ def get_host(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -94,7 +93,6 @@ def get_host(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, host = vsphere.get_host(name="esxi-01.example.com", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID @@ -129,7 +127,6 @@ def get_host_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -138,7 +135,6 @@ def get_host_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, host = vsphere.get_host(name="esxi-01.example.com", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_pci_device.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_pci_device.py index 2807c036..c094fc83 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_pci_device.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_pci_device.py @@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ def get_host_pci_device(class_id: Optional[str] = None, ### With Vendor ID And Class ID - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -118,22 +117,19 @@ def get_host_pci_device(class_id: Optional[str] = None, class_id="123", vendor_id="456") ``` - ### With Name Regular Expression - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere datacenter = vsphere.get_datacenter(name="dc-01") host = vsphere.get_host(name="esxi-01.example.com", - datacenter_id=datacenter.id) + datacenter_id=datacenter.id) dev = vsphere.get_host_pci_device(host_id=host.id, - name_regex="MMC") + name_regex="MMC") ``` - :param str class_id: The hexadecimal PCI device class ID @@ -178,7 +174,6 @@ def get_host_pci_device_output(class_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = ### With Vendor ID And Class ID - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -190,22 +185,19 @@ def get_host_pci_device_output(class_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = class_id="123", vendor_id="456") ``` - ### With Name Regular Expression - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere datacenter = vsphere.get_datacenter(name="dc-01") host = vsphere.get_host(name="esxi-01.example.com", - datacenter_id=datacenter.id) + datacenter_id=datacenter.id) dev = vsphere.get_host_pci_device(host_id=host.id, - name_regex="MMC") + name_regex="MMC") ``` - :param str class_id: The hexadecimal PCI device class ID diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_thumbprint.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_thumbprint.py index a3273341..c066dced 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_thumbprint.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_thumbprint.py @@ -83,14 +83,12 @@ def get_host_thumbprint(address: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere thumbprint = vsphere.get_host_thumbprint(address="esxi-01.example.com") ``` - :param str address: The address of the ESXi host to retrieve the @@ -126,14 +124,12 @@ def get_host_thumbprint_output(address: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere thumbprint = vsphere.get_host_thumbprint(address="esxi-01.example.com") ``` - :param str address: The address of the ESXi host to retrieve the diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_vgpu_profile.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_vgpu_profile.py index fc183c44..433ca67b 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_vgpu_profile.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_host_vgpu_profile.py @@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ def get_host_vgpu_profile(host_id: Optional[str] = None, ### To Return All VGPU Profiles - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -104,11 +103,9 @@ def get_host_vgpu_profile(host_id: Optional[str] = None, datacenter_id=datacenter.id) vgpu_profile = vsphere.get_host_vgpu_profile(host_id=host.id) ``` - ### With VGPU Profile Name_regex - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -119,7 +116,6 @@ def get_host_vgpu_profile(host_id: Optional[str] = None, vgpu_profile = vsphere.get_host_vgpu_profile(host_id=host.id, name_regex="a100") ``` - :param str host_id: The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of a host. @@ -153,7 +149,6 @@ def get_host_vgpu_profile_output(host_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ### To Return All VGPU Profiles - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -163,11 +158,9 @@ def get_host_vgpu_profile_output(host_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, datacenter_id=datacenter.id) vgpu_profile = vsphere.get_host_vgpu_profile(host_id=host.id) ``` - ### With VGPU Profile Name_regex - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -178,7 +171,6 @@ def get_host_vgpu_profile_output(host_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, vgpu_profile = vsphere.get_host_vgpu_profile(host_id=host.id, name_regex="a100") ``` - :param str host_id: The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of a host. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_license.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_license.py index 966697e8..0acb4dfe 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_license.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_license.py @@ -118,14 +118,12 @@ def get_license(license_key: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere license = vsphere.get_license(license_key="00000-00000-00000-00000-00000") ``` - :param str license_key: The license key. @@ -154,14 +152,12 @@ def get_license_output(license_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere license = vsphere.get_license(license_key="00000-00000-00000-00000-00000") ``` - :param str license_key: The license key. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_network.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_network.py index f43d2966..d0016610 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_network.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_network.py @@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ def get_network(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -108,7 +107,6 @@ def get_network(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, network = vsphere.get_network(name="VM Network", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID @@ -150,7 +148,6 @@ def get_network_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = No ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -159,7 +156,6 @@ def get_network_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = No network = vsphere.get_network(name="VM Network", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_policy.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_policy.py index ba603b9a..e666bc69 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_policy.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_policy.py @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ def get_policy(name: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ def get_policy(name: Optional[str] = None, prod_platinum_replicated = vsphere.get_policy(name="prod_platinum_replicated") dev_silver_nonreplicated = vsphere.get_policy(name="dev_silver_nonreplicated") ``` - :param str name: The name of the storage policy. @@ -101,7 +99,6 @@ def get_policy_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -109,7 +106,6 @@ def get_policy_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, prod_platinum_replicated = vsphere.get_policy(name="prod_platinum_replicated") dev_silver_nonreplicated = vsphere.get_policy(name="dev_silver_nonreplicated") ``` - :param str name: The name of the storage policy. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_resource_pool.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_resource_pool.py index 1a8b61a6..0d7c9142 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_resource_pool.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_resource_pool.py @@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ def get_resource_pool(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ def get_resource_pool(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, pool = vsphere.get_resource_pool(name="resource-pool-01", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - ### Specifying the Root Resource Pool for a Standalone ESXi Host @@ -94,7 +92,6 @@ def get_resource_pool(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, explicitly created. This resource pool is referred to as the _root resource pool_ and can be looked up by specifying the path. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -102,7 +99,6 @@ def get_resource_pool(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, pool = vsphere.get_resource_pool(name="esxi-01.example.com/Resources", datacenter_id=datacenter["id"]) ``` - For more information on the root resource pool, see [Managing Resource Pools][vmware-docs-resource-pools] in the vSphere documentation. @@ -145,7 +141,6 @@ def get_resource_pool_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]] ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -154,7 +149,6 @@ def get_resource_pool_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]] pool = vsphere.get_resource_pool(name="resource-pool-01", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - ### Specifying the Root Resource Pool for a Standalone ESXi Host @@ -166,7 +160,6 @@ def get_resource_pool_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]] explicitly created. This resource pool is referred to as the _root resource pool_ and can be looked up by specifying the path. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -174,7 +167,6 @@ def get_resource_pool_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]] pool = vsphere.get_resource_pool(name="esxi-01.example.com/Resources", datacenter_id=datacenter["id"]) ``` - For more information on the root resource pool, see [Managing Resource Pools][vmware-docs-resource-pools] in the vSphere documentation. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_role.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_role.py index 7d6f5543..3ac9ffed 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_role.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_role.py @@ -100,14 +100,12 @@ def get_role(description: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere terraform_role = vsphere.get_role(label="Terraform to vSphere Integration Role") ``` - :param str description: The description of the role. @@ -142,14 +140,12 @@ def get_role_output(description: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere terraform_role = vsphere.get_role(label="Terraform to vSphere Integration Role") ``` - :param str description: The description of the role. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_tag.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_tag.py index 38980db9..c0421c4b 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_tag.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_tag.py @@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ def get_tag(category_id: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -95,7 +94,6 @@ def get_tag(category_id: Optional[str] = None, tag = vsphere.get_tag(name="example-tag", category_id=category.id) ``` - :param str category_id: The ID of the tag category in which the tag is @@ -131,7 +129,6 @@ def get_tag_output(category_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -140,7 +137,6 @@ def get_tag_output(category_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, tag = vsphere.get_tag(name="example-tag", category_id=category.id) ``` - :param str category_id: The ID of the tag category in which the tag is diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_tag_category.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_tag_category.py index b8f367e0..5d97d3de 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_tag_category.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_tag_category.py @@ -94,14 +94,12 @@ def get_tag_category(name: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere category = vsphere.get_tag_category(name="example-category") ``` - :param str name: The name of the tag category. @@ -134,14 +132,12 @@ def get_tag_category_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere category = vsphere.get_tag_category(name="example-category") ``` - :param str name: The name of the tag category. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_vapp_container.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_vapp_container.py index e167fe49..e394ea9e 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_vapp_container.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_vapp_container.py @@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ def get_vapp_container(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ def get_vapp_container(datacenter_id: Optional[str] = None, pool = vsphere.get_vapp_container(name="vapp-container-01", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID @@ -114,7 +112,6 @@ def get_vapp_container_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -123,7 +120,6 @@ def get_vapp_container_output(datacenter_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, pool = vsphere.get_vapp_container(name="vapp-container-01", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str datacenter_id: The managed object reference ID diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_virtual_machine.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_virtual_machine.py index 096f34c9..f8069260 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_virtual_machine.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_virtual_machine.py @@ -762,7 +762,6 @@ def get_virtual_machine(alternate_guest_name: Optional[str] = None, In the following example, a virtual machine template is returned by its unique name within the `Datacenter`. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -771,11 +770,9 @@ def get_virtual_machine(alternate_guest_name: Optional[str] = None, template = vsphere.get_virtual_machine(name="ubuntu-server-template", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - In the following example, each virtual machine template is returned by its unique full path within the `Datacenter`. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -786,7 +783,6 @@ def get_virtual_machine(alternate_guest_name: Optional[str] = None, development_template = vsphere.get_virtual_machine(name="development/templates/ubuntu-server-template", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str alternate_guest_name: The alternate guest name of the virtual machine when @@ -1015,7 +1011,6 @@ def get_virtual_machine_output(alternate_guest_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optio In the following example, a virtual machine template is returned by its unique name within the `Datacenter`. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -1024,11 +1019,9 @@ def get_virtual_machine_output(alternate_guest_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optio template = vsphere.get_virtual_machine(name="ubuntu-server-template", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - In the following example, each virtual machine template is returned by its unique full path within the `Datacenter`. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -1039,7 +1032,6 @@ def get_virtual_machine_output(alternate_guest_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optio development_template = vsphere.get_virtual_machine(name="development/templates/ubuntu-server-template", datacenter_id=datacenter.id) ``` - :param str alternate_guest_name: The alternate guest name of the virtual machine when diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_vmfs_disks.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_vmfs_disks.py index af11c8b2..8eec581c 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_vmfs_disks.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/get_vmfs_disks.py @@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ def get_vmfs_disks(filter: Optional[str] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -108,7 +107,6 @@ def get_vmfs_disks(filter: Optional[str] = None, rescan=True, filter="mpx.vmhba1:C0:T[12]:L0") ``` - :param str filter: A regular expression to filter the disks against. Only @@ -151,7 +149,6 @@ def get_vmfs_disks_output(filter: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = None, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -163,7 +160,6 @@ def get_vmfs_disks_output(filter: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = None, rescan=True, filter="mpx.vmhba1:C0:T[12]:L0") ``` - :param str filter: A regular expression to filter the disks against. Only diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/guest_os_customization.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/guest_os_customization.py index 1d269556..5d8ed2b7 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/guest_os_customization.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/guest_os_customization.py @@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -227,7 +226,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ), )) ``` - :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. @@ -249,7 +247,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -272,7 +269,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ), )) ``` - :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param GuestOsCustomizationArgs args: The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/ha_vm_override.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/ha_vm_override.py index 1f795073..2cf59dbd 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/ha_vm_override.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/ha_vm_override.py @@ -31,60 +31,33 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, ha_vm_restart_timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None): """ The set of arguments for constructing a HaVmOverride resource. - :param pulumi.Input[str] compute_cluster_id: The managed object reference - ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[str] virtual_machine_id: The UUID of the virtual machine to create - the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take - on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: Controls the delay in seconds - to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - the cluster default. Default: `-1`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on this virtual - machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from this virtual - machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - `-1` (no window). - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - `3` - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` (2 minutes). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults: Determines whether or - not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The restart priority for the virtual - machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that - vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] compute_cluster_id: The managed object ID of the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[str] virtual_machine_id: The managed object ID of the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + as failed. The value is in seconds. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults: Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + default. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "compute_cluster_id", compute_cluster_id) pulumi.set(__self__, "virtual_machine_id", virtual_machine_id) @@ -119,9 +92,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="computeClusterId") def compute_cluster_id(self) -> pulumi.Input[str]: """ - The managed object reference - ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - resource if changed. + The managed object ID of the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "compute_cluster_id") @@ -133,8 +104,7 @@ def compute_cluster_id(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): @pulumi.getter(name="virtualMachineId") def virtual_machine_id(self) -> pulumi.Input[str]: """ - The UUID of the virtual machine to create - the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + The managed object ID of the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "virtual_machine_id") @@ -146,10 +116,8 @@ def virtual_machine_id(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction") def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take - on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action") @@ -161,10 +129,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponse") def ha_datastore_apd_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response") @@ -176,10 +142,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay") def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Controls the delay in seconds - to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response_delay") @@ -191,10 +155,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastorePdlResponse") def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_pdl_response") @@ -206,10 +168,8 @@ def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haHostIsolationResponse") def ha_host_isolation_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The action to take on this virtual - machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_host_isolation_response") @@ -221,9 +181,8 @@ def ha_host_isolation_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmFailureInterval") def ha_vm_failure_interval(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - If a heartbeat from this virtual - machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + as failed. The value is in seconds. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_failure_interval") @@ -235,12 +194,9 @@ def ha_vm_failure_interval(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow") def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The length of the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - `-1` (no window). + The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_failure_window") @@ -252,9 +208,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumResets") def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - `3` + The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_resets") @@ -266,9 +220,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMinimumUptime") def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` (2 minutes). + The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_minimum_uptime") @@ -280,9 +232,8 @@ def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMonitoring") def ha_vm_monitoring(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_monitoring") @@ -294,10 +245,8 @@ def ha_vm_monitoring(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults") def ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Determines whether or - not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults") @@ -309,10 +258,8 @@ def ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[boo @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartPriority") def ha_vm_restart_priority(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The restart priority for the virtual - machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_priority") @@ -324,9 +271,8 @@ def ha_vm_restart_priority(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartTimeout") def ha_vm_restart_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum time, in seconds, that - vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + default. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_timeout") @@ -355,60 +301,33 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, virtual_machine_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None): """ Input properties used for looking up and filtering HaVmOverride resources. - :param pulumi.Input[str] compute_cluster_id: The managed object reference - ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take - on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: Controls the delay in seconds - to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - the cluster default. Default: `-1`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on this virtual - machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from this virtual - machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - `-1` (no window). - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - `3` - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` (2 minutes). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults: Determines whether or - not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The restart priority for the virtual - machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that - vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] virtual_machine_id: The UUID of the virtual machine to create - the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + :param pulumi.Input[str] compute_cluster_id: The managed object ID of the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + as failed. The value is in seconds. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults: Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + default. + :param pulumi.Input[str] virtual_machine_id: The managed object ID of the virtual machine. """ if compute_cluster_id is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "compute_cluster_id", compute_cluster_id) @@ -445,9 +364,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="computeClusterId") def compute_cluster_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The managed object reference - ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - resource if changed. + The managed object ID of the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "compute_cluster_id") @@ -459,10 +376,8 @@ def compute_cluster_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction") def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take - on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action") @@ -474,10 +389,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponse") def ha_datastore_apd_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response") @@ -489,10 +402,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay") def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - Controls the delay in seconds - to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response_delay") @@ -504,10 +415,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastorePdlResponse") def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_pdl_response") @@ -519,10 +428,8 @@ def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haHostIsolationResponse") def ha_host_isolation_response(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The action to take on this virtual - machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_host_isolation_response") @@ -534,9 +441,8 @@ def ha_host_isolation_response(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmFailureInterval") def ha_vm_failure_interval(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - If a heartbeat from this virtual - machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + as failed. The value is in seconds. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_failure_interval") @@ -548,12 +454,9 @@ def ha_vm_failure_interval(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow") def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The length of the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - `-1` (no window). + The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_failure_window") @@ -565,9 +468,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumResets") def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - `3` + The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_resets") @@ -579,9 +480,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMinimumUptime") def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` (2 minutes). + The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_minimum_uptime") @@ -593,9 +492,8 @@ def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMonitoring") def ha_vm_monitoring(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_monitoring") @@ -607,10 +505,8 @@ def ha_vm_monitoring(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults") def ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Determines whether or - not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults") @@ -622,10 +518,8 @@ def ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[boo @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartPriority") def ha_vm_restart_priority(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The restart priority for the virtual - machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_priority") @@ -637,9 +531,8 @@ def ha_vm_restart_priority(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartTimeout") def ha_vm_restart_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum time, in seconds, that - vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + default. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_timeout") @@ -651,8 +544,7 @@ def ha_vm_restart_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="virtualMachineId") def virtual_machine_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The UUID of the virtual machine to create - the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + The managed object ID of the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "virtual_machine_id") @@ -686,60 +578,33 @@ def __init__(__self__, Create a HaVmOverride resource with the given unique name, props, and options. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. - :param pulumi.Input[str] compute_cluster_id: The managed object reference - ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take - on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: Controls the delay in seconds - to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - the cluster default. Default: `-1`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on this virtual - machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from this virtual - machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - `-1` (no window). - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - `3` - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` (2 minutes). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults: Determines whether or - not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The restart priority for the virtual - machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that - vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] virtual_machine_id: The UUID of the virtual machine to create - the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + :param pulumi.Input[str] compute_cluster_id: The managed object ID of the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + as failed. The value is in seconds. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults: Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + default. + :param pulumi.Input[str] virtual_machine_id: The managed object ID of the virtual machine. """ ... @overload @@ -839,60 +704,33 @@ def get(resource_name: str, :param str resource_name: The unique name of the resulting resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] id: The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. - :param pulumi.Input[str] compute_cluster_id: The managed object reference - ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take - on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: Controls the delay in seconds - to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - the cluster default. Default: `-1`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on this virtual - machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from this virtual - machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - `-1` (no window). - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - `3` - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` (2 minutes). - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults: Determines whether or - not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The restart priority for the virtual - machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that - vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] virtual_machine_id: The UUID of the virtual machine to create - the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + :param pulumi.Input[str] compute_cluster_id: The managed object ID of the cluster. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_apd_response: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_datastore_apd_response_delay: Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_datastore_pdl_response: Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_host_isolation_response: The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_failure_interval: If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + as failed. The value is in seconds. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_failure_window: The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_maximum_resets: The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_minimum_uptime: The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_monitoring: The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults: Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ha_vm_restart_priority: The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ha_vm_restart_timeout: The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + default. + :param pulumi.Input[str] virtual_machine_id: The managed object ID of the virtual machine. """ opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions(id=id)) @@ -919,9 +757,7 @@ def get(resource_name: str, @pulumi.getter(name="computeClusterId") def compute_cluster_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The managed object reference - ID of the cluster to put the override in. Forces a new - resource if changed. + The managed object ID of the cluster. """ return pulumi.get(self, "compute_cluster_id") @@ -929,10 +765,8 @@ def compute_cluster_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdRecoveryAction") def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take - on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in - the middle of an APD event. Can be one of `useClusterDefault`, `none` or - `reset`. Default: `useClusterDefault`. + Controls the action to take on this virtual machine if an APD status on an affected datastore clears in the middle of an + APD event. Can be one of useClusterDefault, none or reset. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action") @@ -940,10 +774,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_recovery_action(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponse") def ha_datastore_apd_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant - datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, - `restartConservative`, or `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected loss to all paths to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, restartConservative, or restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response") @@ -951,10 +783,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastoreApdResponseDelay") def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - Controls the delay in seconds - to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in - `ha_datastore_apd_response`. Use `-1` to use - the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + Controls the delay in seconds to wait after an APD timeout event to execute the response action defined in + ha_datastore_apd_response. Specify -1 to use the cluster setting. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_apd_response_delay") @@ -962,10 +792,8 @@ def ha_datastore_apd_response_delay(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haDatastorePdlResponse") def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Controls the action to take on this - virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a - relevant datastore. Can be one of `clusterDefault`, `disabled`, `warning`, or - `restartAggressive`. Default: `clusterDefault`. + Controls the action to take on this virtual machine when the cluster has detected a permanent device loss to a relevant + datastore. Can be one of clusterDefault, disabled, warning, or restartAggressive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_datastore_pdl_response") @@ -973,10 +801,8 @@ def ha_datastore_pdl_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haHostIsolationResponse") def ha_host_isolation_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The action to take on this virtual - machine when a host has detected that it has been isolated from the rest of - the cluster. Can be one of `clusterIsolationResponse`, `none`, `powerOff`, or - `shutdown`. Default: `clusterIsolationResponse`. + The action to take on this virtual machine when a host is isolated from the rest of the cluster. Can be one of + clusterIsolationResponse, none, powerOff, or shutdown. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_host_isolation_response") @@ -984,9 +810,8 @@ def ha_host_isolation_response(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmFailureInterval") def ha_vm_failure_interval(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - If a heartbeat from this virtual - machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine - is marked as failed. The value is in seconds. Default: `30`. + If a heartbeat from this virtual machine is not received within this configured interval, the virtual machine is marked + as failed. The value is in seconds. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_failure_interval") @@ -994,12 +819,9 @@ def ha_vm_failure_interval(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumFailureWindow") def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The length of the reset window in - which `ha_vm_maximum_resets` can operate. When this - window expires, no more resets are attempted regardless of the setting - configured in `ha_vm_maximum_resets`. `-1` means no window, meaning an - unlimited reset time is allotted. The value is specified in seconds. Default: - `-1` (no window). + The length of the reset window in which ha_vm_maximum_resets can operate. When this window expires, no more resets are + attempted regardless of the setting configured in ha_vm_maximum_resets. -1 means no window, meaning an unlimited reset + time is allotted. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_failure_window") @@ -1007,9 +829,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_failure_window(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMaximumResets") def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The maximum number of resets that HA will - perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. Default: - `3` + The maximum number of resets that HA will perform to this virtual machine when responding to a failure event. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_maximum_resets") @@ -1017,9 +837,7 @@ def ha_vm_maximum_resets(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMinimumUptime") def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The time, in seconds, that HA waits after - powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. Default: - `120` (2 minutes). + The time, in seconds, that HA waits after powering on this virtual machine before monitoring for heartbeats. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_minimum_uptime") @@ -1027,9 +845,8 @@ def ha_vm_minimum_uptime(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMonitoring") def ha_vm_monitoring(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The type of virtual machine monitoring to use - when HA is enabled in the cluster. Can be one of `vmMonitoringDisabled`, - `vmMonitoringOnly`, or `vmAndAppMonitoring`. Default: `vmMonitoringDisabled`. + The type of virtual machine monitoring to use for this virtual machine. Can be one of vmMonitoringDisabled, + vmMonitoringOnly, or vmAndAppMonitoring. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_monitoring") @@ -1037,10 +854,8 @@ def ha_vm_monitoring(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmMonitoringUseClusterDefaults") def ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Determines whether or - not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in - this resource are used for virtual machine monitoring. The default is `true` - (use cluster defaults) - set to `false` to have overrides take effect. + Determines whether or not the cluster's default settings or the VM override settings specified in this resource are used + for virtual machine monitoring. The default is true (use cluster defaults) - set to false to have overrides take effect. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults") @@ -1048,10 +863,8 @@ def ha_vm_monitoring_use_cluster_defaults(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]] @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartPriority") def ha_vm_restart_priority(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The restart priority for the virtual - machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of - `clusterRestartPriority`, `lowest`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `highest`, or `disabled`. - Default: `clusterRestartPriority`. + The restart priority for this virtual machine when vSphere detects a host failure. Can be one of clusterRestartPriority, + lowest, low, medium, high, or highest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_priority") @@ -1059,9 +872,8 @@ def ha_vm_restart_priority(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="haVmRestartTimeout") def ha_vm_restart_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The maximum time, in seconds, that - vSphere HA will wait for this virtual machine to be ready. Use `-1` to - specify the cluster default. Default: `-1`. + The maximum time, in seconds, that vSphere HA will wait for the virtual machine to be ready. Use -1 to use the cluster + default. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ha_vm_restart_timeout") @@ -1069,8 +881,7 @@ def ha_vm_restart_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="virtualMachineId") def virtual_machine_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The UUID of the virtual machine to create - the override for. Forces a new resource if changed. + The managed object ID of the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "virtual_machine_id") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host.py index 799b6428..a0e1176d 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host.py @@ -616,7 +616,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ### Create a standalone host - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -632,11 +631,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, thumbprint=thumbprint.id, datacenter=datacenter.id) ``` - ### Create host in a compute cluster - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -654,7 +651,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, thumbprint=thumbprint.id, cluster=cluster.id) ``` - ## Importing @@ -725,7 +721,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ### Create a standalone host - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -741,11 +736,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, thumbprint=thumbprint.id, datacenter=datacenter.id) ``` - ### Create host in a compute cluster - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -763,7 +756,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, thumbprint=thumbprint.id, cluster=cluster.id) ``` - ## Importing diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host_port_group.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host_port_group.py index 2aff8d60..b7bce053 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host_port_group.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host_port_group.py @@ -696,7 +696,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, **Create a Virtual Switch and Bind a Port Group:** - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -718,7 +717,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, host_system_id=host.id, virtual_switch_name=host_virtual_switch.name) ``` - **Create a Port Group with a VLAN and ab Override:** @@ -728,7 +726,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, to ensure that all traffic is seen on the port. The setting overrides the implicit default of `false` set on the standard switch. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -752,7 +749,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, vlan_id=4095, allow_promiscuous=True) ``` - ## Importing @@ -810,7 +806,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, **Create a Virtual Switch and Bind a Port Group:** - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -832,7 +827,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, host_system_id=host.id, virtual_switch_name=host_virtual_switch.name) ``` - **Create a Port Group with a VLAN and ab Override:** @@ -842,7 +836,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, to ensure that all traffic is seen on the port. The setting overrides the implicit default of `false` set on the standard switch. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -866,7 +859,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, vlan_id=4095, allow_promiscuous=True) ``` - ## Importing diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host_virtual_switch.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host_virtual_switch.py index bfea4a3b..5e5c5e41 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host_virtual_switch.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/host_virtual_switch.py @@ -37,58 +37,37 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, teaming_policy: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None): """ The set of arguments for constructing a HostVirtualSwitch resource. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_nics: The list of active network adapters used for load - balancing. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_nics: List of active network adapters used for load balancing. :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The managed object ID of the host to set the virtual switch up on. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] network_adapters: The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] beacon_interval: The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - failed NICs. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid - types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] network_adapters: The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] beacon_interval: Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + only. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. + :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. + :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. :param pulumi.Input[int] mtu: The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual switch. Default: `1500`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the virtual switch. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. :param pulumi.Input[int] number_of_ports: The number of ports to create with this virtual switch. Default: `128`. > **NOTE:** Changing the port count requires a reboot of the host. This provider will not restart the host for you. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits per - second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_enabled: Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts in - bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_nics: The list of standby network adapters used for - failover. - :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_enabled: Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_nics: List of standby network adapters used for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + failover_explicit. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "active_nics", active_nics) pulumi.set(__self__, "host_system_id", host_system_id) @@ -134,8 +113,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="activeNics") def active_nics(self) -> pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]: """ - The list of active network adapters used for load - balancing. + List of active network adapters used for load balancing. """ return pulumi.get(self, "active_nics") @@ -160,7 +138,7 @@ def host_system_id(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): @pulumi.getter(name="networkAdapters") def network_adapters(self) -> pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]: """ - The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_adapters") @@ -172,9 +150,8 @@ def network_adapters(self, value: pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]): @pulumi.getter(name="allowForgedTransmits") def allow_forged_transmits(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not the virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_forged_transmits") @@ -186,8 +163,7 @@ def allow_forged_transmits(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="allowMacChanges") def allow_mac_changes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_mac_changes") @@ -199,9 +175,7 @@ def allow_mac_changes(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="allowPromiscuous") def allow_promiscuous(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - `false`. + Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_promiscuous") @@ -213,9 +187,7 @@ def allow_promiscuous(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="beaconInterval") def beacon_interval(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. """ return pulumi.get(self, "beacon_interval") @@ -227,10 +199,8 @@ def beacon_interval(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="checkBeacon") def check_beacon(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - failed NICs. Default: `false`. + Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + only. """ return pulumi.get(self, "check_beacon") @@ -242,9 +212,7 @@ def check_beacon(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def failback(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - `true`. + If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. """ return pulumi.get(self, "failback") @@ -256,8 +224,7 @@ def failback(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="linkDiscoveryOperation") def link_discovery_operation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. """ return pulumi.get(self, "link_discovery_operation") @@ -269,8 +236,7 @@ def link_discovery_operation(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="linkDiscoveryProtocol") def link_discovery_protocol(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The discovery protocol type. Valid - types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. """ return pulumi.get(self, "link_discovery_protocol") @@ -308,9 +274,7 @@ def name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="notifySwitches") def notify_switches(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - Default: `true`. + If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. """ return pulumi.get(self, "notify_switches") @@ -338,8 +302,7 @@ def number_of_ports(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shapingAverageBandwidth") def shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The average bandwidth in bits per - second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_average_bandwidth") @@ -351,8 +314,7 @@ def shaping_average_bandwidth(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shapingBurstSize") def shaping_burst_size(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_burst_size") @@ -364,8 +326,7 @@ def shaping_burst_size(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shapingEnabled") def shaping_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_enabled") @@ -377,8 +338,7 @@ def shaping_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shapingPeakBandwidth") def shaping_peak_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The peak bandwidth during bursts in - bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_peak_bandwidth") @@ -390,8 +350,7 @@ def shaping_peak_bandwidth(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="standbyNics") def standby_nics(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The list of standby network adapters used for - failover. + List of standby network adapters used for failover. """ return pulumi.get(self, "standby_nics") @@ -403,9 +362,8 @@ def standby_nics(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] @pulumi.getter(name="teamingPolicy") def teaming_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + failover_explicit. """ return pulumi.get(self, "teaming_policy") @@ -440,58 +398,37 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, teaming_policy: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None): """ Input properties used for looking up and filtering HostVirtualSwitch resources. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_nics: The list of active network adapters used for load - balancing. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] beacon_interval: The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - failed NICs. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_nics: List of active network adapters used for load balancing. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] beacon_interval: Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + only. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The managed object ID of the host to set the virtual switch up on. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid - types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. + :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. :param pulumi.Input[int] mtu: The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual switch. Default: `1500`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the virtual switch. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] network_adapters: The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] network_adapters: The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. :param pulumi.Input[int] number_of_ports: The number of ports to create with this virtual switch. Default: `128`. > **NOTE:** Changing the port count requires a reboot of the host. This provider will not restart the host for you. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits per - second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_enabled: Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts in - bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_nics: The list of standby network adapters used for - failover. - :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_enabled: Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_nics: List of standby network adapters used for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + failover_explicit. """ if active_nics is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "active_nics", active_nics) @@ -540,8 +477,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="activeNics") def active_nics(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The list of active network adapters used for load - balancing. + List of active network adapters used for load balancing. """ return pulumi.get(self, "active_nics") @@ -553,9 +489,8 @@ def active_nics(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] @pulumi.getter(name="allowForgedTransmits") def allow_forged_transmits(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not the virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_forged_transmits") @@ -567,8 +502,7 @@ def allow_forged_transmits(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="allowMacChanges") def allow_mac_changes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_mac_changes") @@ -580,9 +514,7 @@ def allow_mac_changes(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="allowPromiscuous") def allow_promiscuous(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - `false`. + Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_promiscuous") @@ -594,9 +526,7 @@ def allow_promiscuous(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="beaconInterval") def beacon_interval(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. """ return pulumi.get(self, "beacon_interval") @@ -608,10 +538,8 @@ def beacon_interval(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="checkBeacon") def check_beacon(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - failed NICs. Default: `false`. + Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + only. """ return pulumi.get(self, "check_beacon") @@ -623,9 +551,7 @@ def check_beacon(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def failback(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - `true`. + If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. """ return pulumi.get(self, "failback") @@ -650,8 +576,7 @@ def host_system_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="linkDiscoveryOperation") def link_discovery_operation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. """ return pulumi.get(self, "link_discovery_operation") @@ -663,8 +588,7 @@ def link_discovery_operation(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="linkDiscoveryProtocol") def link_discovery_protocol(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The discovery protocol type. Valid - types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. """ return pulumi.get(self, "link_discovery_protocol") @@ -702,7 +626,7 @@ def name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="networkAdapters") def network_adapters(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_adapters") @@ -714,9 +638,7 @@ def network_adapters(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[st @pulumi.getter(name="notifySwitches") def notify_switches(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - Default: `true`. + If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. """ return pulumi.get(self, "notify_switches") @@ -744,8 +666,7 @@ def number_of_ports(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shapingAverageBandwidth") def shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The average bandwidth in bits per - second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_average_bandwidth") @@ -757,8 +678,7 @@ def shaping_average_bandwidth(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shapingBurstSize") def shaping_burst_size(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_burst_size") @@ -770,8 +690,7 @@ def shaping_burst_size(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shapingEnabled") def shaping_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_enabled") @@ -783,8 +702,7 @@ def shaping_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shapingPeakBandwidth") def shaping_peak_bandwidth(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The peak bandwidth during bursts in - bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_peak_bandwidth") @@ -796,8 +714,7 @@ def shaping_peak_bandwidth(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="standbyNics") def standby_nics(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The list of standby network adapters used for - failover. + List of standby network adapters used for failover. """ return pulumi.get(self, "standby_nics") @@ -809,9 +726,8 @@ def standby_nics(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] @pulumi.getter(name="teamingPolicy") def teaming_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + failover_explicit. """ return pulumi.get(self, "teaming_policy") @@ -851,58 +767,37 @@ def __init__(__self__, Create a HostVirtualSwitch resource with the given unique name, props, and options. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_nics: The list of active network adapters used for load - balancing. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] beacon_interval: The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - failed NICs. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_nics: List of active network adapters used for load balancing. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] beacon_interval: Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + only. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The managed object ID of the host to set the virtual switch up on. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid - types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. + :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. :param pulumi.Input[int] mtu: The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual switch. Default: `1500`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the virtual switch. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] network_adapters: The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] network_adapters: The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. :param pulumi.Input[int] number_of_ports: The number of ports to create with this virtual switch. Default: `128`. > **NOTE:** Changing the port count requires a reboot of the host. This provider will not restart the host for you. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits per - second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_enabled: Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts in - bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_nics: The list of standby network adapters used for - failover. - :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_enabled: Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_nics: List of standby network adapters used for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + failover_explicit. """ ... @overload @@ -1022,58 +917,37 @@ def get(resource_name: str, :param str resource_name: The unique name of the resulting resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] id: The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_nics: The list of active network adapters used for load - balancing. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] beacon_interval: The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - failed NICs. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] active_nics: List of active network adapters used for load balancing. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_forged_transmits: Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_mac_changes: Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] allow_promiscuous: Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. + :param pulumi.Input[int] beacon_interval: Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] check_beacon: Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + only. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] failback: If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The managed object ID of the host to set the virtual switch up on. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid - types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_operation: Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. + :param pulumi.Input[str] link_discovery_protocol: The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. :param pulumi.Input[int] mtu: The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual switch. Default: `1500`. :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the virtual switch. Forces a new resource if changed. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] network_adapters: The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] network_adapters: The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] notify_switches: If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. :param pulumi.Input[int] number_of_ports: The number of ports to create with this virtual switch. Default: `128`. > **NOTE:** Changing the port count requires a reboot of the host. This provider will not restart the host for you. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits per - second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_enabled: Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts in - bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_nics: The list of standby network adapters used for - failover. - :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_average_bandwidth: The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_burst_size: The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] shaping_enabled: Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shaping_peak_bandwidth: The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] standby_nics: List of standby network adapters used for failover. + :param pulumi.Input[str] teaming_policy: The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + failover_explicit. """ opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions(id=id)) @@ -1106,8 +980,7 @@ def get(resource_name: str, @pulumi.getter(name="activeNics") def active_nics(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence[str]]: """ - The list of active network adapters used for load - balancing. + List of active network adapters used for load balancing. """ return pulumi.get(self, "active_nics") @@ -1115,9 +988,8 @@ def active_nics(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="allowForgedTransmits") def allow_forged_transmits(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not the virtual - network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC - address than that of its own. Default: `true`. + Controls whether or not the virtual network adapter is allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than + that of its own. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_forged_transmits") @@ -1125,8 +997,7 @@ def allow_forged_transmits(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="allowMacChanges") def allow_mac_changes(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not the Media Access - Control (MAC) address can be changed. Default: `true`. + Controls whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_mac_changes") @@ -1134,9 +1005,7 @@ def allow_mac_changes(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="allowPromiscuous") def allow_promiscuous(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This - flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. Default: - `false`. + Enable promiscuous mode on the network. This flag indicates whether or not all traffic is seen on a given port. """ return pulumi.get(self, "allow_promiscuous") @@ -1144,9 +1013,7 @@ def allow_promiscuous(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="beaconInterval") def beacon_interval(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The interval, in seconds, that a NIC beacon - packet is sent out. This can be used with `check_beacon` to - offer link failure capability beyond link status only. Default: `1`. + Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent to probe for the validity of a link. """ return pulumi.get(self, "beacon_interval") @@ -1154,10 +1021,8 @@ def beacon_interval(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="checkBeacon") def check_beacon(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable beacon probing - this requires that the - `beacon_interval` option has been set in the bridge - options. If this is set to `false`, only link status is used to check for - failed NICs. Default: `false`. + Enable beacon probing. Requires that the vSwitch has been configured to use a beacon. If disabled, link status is used + only. """ return pulumi.get(self, "check_beacon") @@ -1165,9 +1030,7 @@ def check_beacon(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter def failback(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - If set to `true`, the teaming policy will re-activate - failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. Default: - `true`. + If true, the teaming policy will re-activate failed interfaces higher in precedence when they come back up. """ return pulumi.get(self, "failback") @@ -1184,8 +1047,7 @@ def host_system_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="linkDiscoveryOperation") def link_discovery_operation(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Whether to `advertise` or `listen` - for link discovery traffic. Default: `listen`. + Whether to advertise or listen for link discovery. Valid values are advertise, both, listen, and none. """ return pulumi.get(self, "link_discovery_operation") @@ -1193,8 +1055,7 @@ def link_discovery_operation(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="linkDiscoveryProtocol") def link_discovery_protocol(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The discovery protocol type. Valid - types are `cpd` and `lldp`. Default: `cdp`. + The discovery protocol type. Valid values are cdp and lldp. """ return pulumi.get(self, "link_discovery_protocol") @@ -1220,7 +1081,7 @@ def name(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="networkAdapters") def network_adapters(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence[str]]: """ - The network interfaces to bind to the bridge. + The list of network adapters to bind to this virtual switch. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_adapters") @@ -1228,9 +1089,7 @@ def network_adapters(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="notifySwitches") def notify_switches(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - If set to `true`, the teaming policy will - notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. - Default: `true`. + If true, the teaming policy will notify the broadcast network of a NIC failover, triggering cache updates. """ return pulumi.get(self, "notify_switches") @@ -1250,8 +1109,7 @@ def number_of_ports(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="shapingAverageBandwidth") def shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The average bandwidth in bits per - second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + The average bandwidth in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_average_bandwidth") @@ -1259,8 +1117,7 @@ def shaping_average_bandwidth(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="shapingBurstSize") def shaping_burst_size(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if - shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if traffic shaping is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_burst_size") @@ -1268,8 +1125,7 @@ def shaping_burst_size(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="shapingEnabled") def shaping_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Set to `true` to enable the traffic shaper for - ports managed by this virtual switch. Default: `false`. + Enable traffic shaping on this virtual switch or port group. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_enabled") @@ -1277,8 +1133,7 @@ def shaping_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="shapingPeakBandwidth") def shaping_peak_bandwidth(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The peak bandwidth during bursts in - bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. Default: `0` + The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shaping_peak_bandwidth") @@ -1286,8 +1141,7 @@ def shaping_peak_bandwidth(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="standbyNics") def standby_nics(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: """ - The list of standby network adapters used for - failover. + List of standby network adapters used for failover. """ return pulumi.get(self, "standby_nics") @@ -1295,9 +1149,8 @@ def standby_nics(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="teamingPolicy") def teaming_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one - of `loadbalance_ip`, `loadbalance_srcmac`, `loadbalance_srcid`, or - `failover_explicit`. Default: `loadbalance_srcid`. + The network adapter teaming policy. Can be one of loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, or + failover_explicit. """ return pulumi.get(self, "teaming_policy") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/outputs.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/outputs.py index d6c5932c..b705b6dc 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/outputs.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/outputs.py @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, cache: Optional[str] = None, storages: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): """ - :param str cache: The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. - :param Sequence[str] storages: An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + :param str cache: Cache disk. + :param Sequence[str] storages: List of storage disks. """ if cache is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "cache", cache) @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter def cache(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The canonical name of the disk to use for vSAN cache. + Cache disk. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cache") @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def cache(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter def storages(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: """ - An array of disk canonical names for vSAN storage. + List of storage disks. """ return pulumi.get(self, "storages") @@ -201,57 +201,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param Sequence[str] preferred_fault_domain_host_ids: The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the first fault domain. :param Sequence[str] secondary_fault_domain_host_ids: The managed object IDs of the hosts to put in the second fault domain. :param str witness_node: The managed object IDs of the host selected as witness node when enable stretched cluster. - :param str preferred_fault_domain_name: The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. - :param str secondary_fault_domain_name: The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - - > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere - - compute_cluster = vsphere.ComputeCluster("compute_cluster", - name="terraform-compute-cluster-test", - datacenter_id=datacenter["id"], - host_system_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in host]], - drs_enabled=True, - drs_automation_level="fullyAutomated", - ha_enabled=False, - vsan_enabled=True, - vsan_esa_enabled=True, - vsan_dedup_enabled=True, - vsan_compression_enabled=True, - vsan_performance_enabled=True, - vsan_verbose_mode_enabled=True, - vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled=True, - vsan_unmap_enabled=True, - vsan_dit_encryption_enabled=True, - vsan_dit_rekey_interval=1800, - vsan_disk_groups=[vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs( - cache=cache_disks[0], - storages=storage_disks, - )], - vsan_fault_domains=[vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs( - fault_domains=[ - vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs( - name="fd1", - host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in faultdomain1_hosts]], - ), - vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs( - name="fd2", - host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in faultdomain2_hosts]], - ), - ], - )], - vsan_stretched_cluster=vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs( - preferred_fault_domain_host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in preferred_fault_domain_host]], - secondary_fault_domain_host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in secondary_fault_domain_host]], - witness_node=witness_host["id"], - )) - ``` - + :param str preferred_fault_domain_name: The name of prepferred fault domain. + :param str secondary_fault_domain_name: The name of secondary fault domain. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "preferred_fault_domain_host_ids", preferred_fault_domain_host_ids) pulumi.set(__self__, "secondary_fault_domain_host_ids", secondary_fault_domain_host_ids) @@ -289,7 +240,7 @@ def witness_node(self) -> str: @pulumi.getter(name="preferredFaultDomainName") def preferred_fault_domain_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The name of first fault domain. Default is `Preferred`. + The name of prepferred fault domain. """ return pulumi.get(self, "preferred_fault_domain_name") @@ -297,56 +248,7 @@ def preferred_fault_domain_name(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="secondaryFaultDomainName") def secondary_fault_domain_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The name of second fault domain. Default is `Secondary`. - - > **NOTE:** You must disable vSphere HA before you enable vSAN on the cluster. - You can enable or re-enable vSphere HA after vSAN is configured. - - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere - - compute_cluster = vsphere.ComputeCluster("compute_cluster", - name="terraform-compute-cluster-test", - datacenter_id=datacenter["id"], - host_system_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in host]], - drs_enabled=True, - drs_automation_level="fullyAutomated", - ha_enabled=False, - vsan_enabled=True, - vsan_esa_enabled=True, - vsan_dedup_enabled=True, - vsan_compression_enabled=True, - vsan_performance_enabled=True, - vsan_verbose_mode_enabled=True, - vsan_network_diagnostic_mode_enabled=True, - vsan_unmap_enabled=True, - vsan_dit_encryption_enabled=True, - vsan_dit_rekey_interval=1800, - vsan_disk_groups=[vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanDiskGroupArgs( - cache=cache_disks[0], - storages=storage_disks, - )], - vsan_fault_domains=[vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainArgs( - fault_domains=[ - vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs( - name="fd1", - host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in faultdomain1_hosts]], - ), - vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanFaultDomainFaultDomainArgs( - name="fd2", - host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in faultdomain2_hosts]], - ), - ], - )], - vsan_stretched_cluster=vsphere.ComputeClusterVsanStretchedClusterArgs( - preferred_fault_domain_host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in preferred_fault_domain_host]], - secondary_fault_domain_host_ids=[[__item["id"] for __item in secondary_fault_domain_host]], - witness_node=witness_host["id"], - )) - ``` - + The name of secondary fault domain. """ return pulumi.get(self, "secondary_fault_domain_name") @@ -379,11 +281,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, published: Optional[bool] = None, username: Optional[str] = None): """ - :param str authentication_method: Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. - :param str password: Password used for authentication. + :param str authentication_method: Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + :param str password: Password used by subscribers to authenticate. :param str publish_url: The URL of the published content library. :param bool published: Publish the content library. Default `false`. - :param str username: Username used for authentication. + :param str username: Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. """ if authentication_method is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "authentication_method", authentication_method) @@ -400,7 +302,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="authenticationMethod") def authentication_method(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - Authentication method to connect ro a published content library. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. + Method to authenticate users. Must be `NONE` or `BASIC`. """ return pulumi.get(self, "authentication_method") @@ -408,7 +310,7 @@ def authentication_method(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter def password(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - Password used for authentication. + Password used by subscribers to authenticate. """ return pulumi.get(self, "password") @@ -432,7 +334,7 @@ def published(self) -> Optional[bool]: @pulumi.getter def username(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - Username used for authentication. + Username used by subscribers to authenticate. Currently can only be `vcsp`. """ return pulumi.get(self, "username") @@ -610,10 +512,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, host_system_id: str, devices: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): """ - :param str host_system_id: The host system ID of the host to add to the - VDS. - :param Sequence[str] devices: The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - added in order they are specified. + :param str host_system_id: The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. + :param Sequence[str] devices: Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "host_system_id", host_system_id) if devices is not None: @@ -623,8 +523,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="hostSystemId") def host_system_id(self) -> str: """ - The host system ID of the host to add to the - VDS. + The managed object ID of the host this specification applies to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_system_id") @@ -632,8 +531,7 @@ def host_system_id(self) -> str: @pulumi.getter def devices(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: """ - The list of NIC devices to map to uplinks on the VDS, - added in order they are specified. + Name of the physical NIC to be added to the proxy switch. """ return pulumi.get(self, "devices") @@ -666,12 +564,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, pvlan_type: str, secondary_vlan_id: int): """ - :param int primary_vlan_id: The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. - :param str pvlan_type: The private VLAN type. Valid values are - promiscuous, community and isolated. - :param int secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + :param int primary_vlan_id: The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + :param str pvlan_type: The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. + :param int secondary_vlan_id: The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "primary_vlan_id", primary_vlan_id) pulumi.set(__self__, "pvlan_type", pvlan_type) @@ -681,8 +576,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="primaryVlanId") def primary_vlan_id(self) -> int: """ - The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and - 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + The primary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. """ return pulumi.get(self, "primary_vlan_id") @@ -690,8 +584,7 @@ def primary_vlan_id(self) -> int: @pulumi.getter(name="pvlanType") def pvlan_type(self) -> str: """ - The private VLAN type. Valid values are - promiscuous, community and isolated. + The private VLAN type. Valid values are promiscuous, community and isolated. """ return pulumi.get(self, "pvlan_type") @@ -699,8 +592,7 @@ def pvlan_type(self) -> str: @pulumi.getter(name="secondaryVlanId") def secondary_vlan_id(self) -> int: """ - The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 - and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. + The secondary VLAN ID. The VLAN IDs of 0 and 4095 are reserved and cannot be used in this property. """ return pulumi.get(self, "secondary_vlan_id") @@ -1444,15 +1336,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, key: Optional[int] = None, path: Optional[str] = None): """ - :param bool client_device: Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. - :param str datastore_id: The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + :param bool client_device: Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device + :param str datastore_id: The datastore ID the ISO is located on. :param str device_address: The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. :param int key: The ID of the device within the virtual machine. - :param str path: The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - - > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - - > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + :param str path: The path to the ISO file on the datastore. """ if client_device is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "client_device", client_device) @@ -1469,7 +1357,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="clientDevice") def client_device(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ - Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with `datastore_id` and `path`. + Indicates whether the device should be mapped to a remote client device """ return pulumi.get(self, "client_device") @@ -1477,7 +1365,7 @@ def client_device(self) -> Optional[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="datastoreId") def datastore_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + The datastore ID the ISO is located on. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datastore_id") @@ -1501,11 +1389,7 @@ def key(self) -> Optional[int]: @pulumi.getter def path(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - - > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - - > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + The path to the ISO file on the datastore. """ return pulumi.get(self, "path") @@ -1704,7 +1588,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, :param str ipv4_gateway: The IPv4 default gateway when using network_interface customization on the virtual machine. This address must be local to a static IPv4 address configured in an interface sub-resource. :param str ipv6_gateway: The IPv6 default gateway when using network_interface customization on the virtual machine. This address must be local to a static IPv4 address configured in an interface sub-resource. :param 'VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOptionsArgs' linux_options: A list of configuration options specific to Linux virtual machines. - :param Sequence['VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterfaceArgs'] network_interfaces: A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + :param Sequence['VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterfaceArgs'] network_interfaces: A specification of network interface configuration options. :param int timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for guest OS customization to complete before returning with an error. Setting this value to 0 or a negative value skips the waiter. Default: 10. :param 'VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeWindowsOptionsArgs' windows_options: A list of configuration options specific to Windows virtual machines. :param str windows_sysprep_text: Use this option to specify a windows sysprep file directly. @@ -1772,7 +1656,7 @@ def linux_options(self) -> Optional['outputs.VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeLinuxOp @pulumi.getter(name="networkInterfaces") def network_interfaces(self) -> Optional[Sequence['outputs.VirtualMachineCloneCustomizeNetworkInterface']]: """ - A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + A specification of network interface configuration options. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_interfaces") @@ -2267,36 +2151,26 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, write_through: Optional[bool] = None): """ :param str label: A unique label for this disk. - :param bool attach: Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - - > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. - :param str controller_type: The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. - :param str datastore_id: The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + :param bool attach: If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. + :param str controller_type: The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. + :param str datastore_id: The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. :param str device_address: The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. - :param str disk_mode: The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - - [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html - :param str disk_sharing: The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - - > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. - :param bool eagerly_scrub: If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. - :param int io_limit: The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. - :param int io_reservation: The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. - :param int io_share_count: The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. - :param str io_share_level: The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. - :param bool keep_on_remove: Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + :param str disk_mode: The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. + :param str disk_sharing: The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. + :param bool eagerly_scrub: The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. + :param int io_limit: The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. + :param int io_reservation: The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. + :param int io_share_count: The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. + :param str io_share_level: The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. + :param bool keep_on_remove: Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. :param int key: The ID of the device within the virtual machine. - :param str path: The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - - > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - - > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. - :param int size: The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. - :param str storage_policy_id: The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. - :param bool thin_provisioned: If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. - :param int unit_number: The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. - :param str uuid: The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. - :param bool write_through: If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + :param str path: The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. + :param int size: The size of the disk, in GB. + :param str storage_policy_id: The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. + :param bool thin_provisioned: If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. + :param int unit_number: The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. + :param str uuid: The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. + :param bool write_through: If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "label", label) if attach is not None: @@ -2352,9 +2226,7 @@ def label(self) -> str: @pulumi.getter def attach(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ - Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with `keep_on_remove`. If set, you cannot set `size`, `eagerly_scrub`, or `thin_provisioned`. Must set `path` if used. - - > **NOTE:** External disks cannot be attached when `datastore_cluster_id` is used. + If this is true, the disk is attached instead of created. Implies keep_on_remove. """ return pulumi.get(self, "attach") @@ -2362,7 +2234,7 @@ def attach(self) -> Optional[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="controllerType") def controller_type(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The type of storage controller to attach the disk to. Can be `scsi`, `sata`, or `ide`. You must have the appropriate number of controllers enabled for the selected type. Default `scsi`. + The type of controller the disk should be connected to. Must be 'scsi', 'sata', or 'ide'. """ return pulumi.get(self, "controller_type") @@ -2370,7 +2242,7 @@ def controller_type(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="datastoreId") def datastore_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + The datastore ID for this virtual disk, if different than the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datastore_id") @@ -2386,9 +2258,7 @@ def device_address(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="diskMode") def disk_mode(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshots. One of `append`, `independent_nonpersistent`, `independent_persistent`, `nonpersistent`, `persistent`, or `undoable`. Default: `persistent`. For more information on these option, please refer to the [product documentation][vmware-docs-disk-mode]. - - [vmware-docs-disk-mode]: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.device.VirtualDiskOption.DiskMode.html + The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. """ return pulumi.get(self, "disk_mode") @@ -2396,9 +2266,7 @@ def disk_mode(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="diskSharing") def disk_sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The sharing mode of this virtual disk. One of `sharingMultiWriter` or `sharingNone`. Default: `sharingNone`. - - > **NOTE:** Disk sharing is only available on vSphere 6.0 and later. + The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. """ return pulumi.get(self, "disk_sharing") @@ -2406,7 +2274,7 @@ def disk_sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="eagerlyScrub") def eagerly_scrub(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ - If set to `true`, the disk space is zeroed out when the virtual machine is created. This will delay the creation of the virtual disk. Cannot be set to `true` when `thin_provisioned` is `true`. See the section on picking a disk type for more information. Default: `false`. + The virtual disk file zeroing policy when thin_provision is not true. The default is false, which lazily-zeros the disk, speeding up thick-provisioned disk creation time. """ return pulumi.get(self, "eagerly_scrub") @@ -2414,7 +2282,7 @@ def eagerly_scrub(self) -> Optional[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="ioLimit") def io_limit(self) -> Optional[int]: """ - The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit. + The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. """ return pulumi.get(self, "io_limit") @@ -2422,7 +2290,7 @@ def io_limit(self) -> Optional[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="ioReservation") def io_reservation(self) -> Optional[int]: """ - The I/O reservation (guarantee) for the virtual disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation. + The I/O guarantee that this disk has, in IOPS. """ return pulumi.get(self, "io_reservation") @@ -2430,7 +2298,7 @@ def io_reservation(self) -> Optional[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="ioShareCount") def io_share_count(self) -> Optional[int]: """ - The share count for the virtual disk when the share level is `custom`. + The share count for this disk when the share level is custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "io_share_count") @@ -2438,7 +2306,7 @@ def io_share_count(self) -> Optional[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="ioShareLevel") def io_share_level(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The share allocation level for the virtual disk. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. + The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "io_share_level") @@ -2446,7 +2314,7 @@ def io_share_level(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="keepOnRemove") def keep_on_remove(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ - Keep this disk when removing the device or destroying the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + Set to true to keep the underlying VMDK file when removing this virtual disk from configuration. """ return pulumi.get(self, "keep_on_remove") @@ -2462,11 +2330,7 @@ def key(self) -> Optional[int]: @pulumi.getter def path(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The path to the ISO file. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - - > **NOTE:** Either `client_device` (for a remote backed CD-ROM) or `datastore_id` and `path` (for a datastore ISO backed CD-ROM) are required to . - - > **NOTE:** Some CD-ROM drive types are not supported by this resource, such as pass-through devices. If these drives are present in a cloned template, or added outside of the provider, the desired state will be corrected to the defined device, or removed if no `cdrom` block is present. + The full path of the virtual disk. This can only be provided if attach is set to true, otherwise it is a read-only value. """ return pulumi.get(self, "path") @@ -2474,7 +2338,7 @@ def path(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter def size(self) -> Optional[int]: """ - The size of the disk, in GB. Must be a whole number. + The size of the disk, in GB. """ return pulumi.get(self, "size") @@ -2482,7 +2346,7 @@ def size(self) -> Optional[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="storagePolicyId") def storage_policy_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk in VM. """ return pulumi.get(self, "storage_policy_id") @@ -2490,7 +2354,7 @@ def storage_policy_id(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="thinProvisioned") def thin_provisioned(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ - If `true`, the disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to `true` when `eagerly_scrub` is `true`. See the section on selecting a disk type for more information. Default: `true`. + If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. """ return pulumi.get(self, "thin_provisioned") @@ -2498,7 +2362,7 @@ def thin_provisioned(self) -> Optional[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="unitNumber") def unit_number(self) -> Optional[int]: """ - The disk number on the storage bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of the controller count times the controller capacity (15 for SCSI, 30 for SATA, and 2 for IDE). Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed. Default `0`, for which one disk must be set to. + The unique device number for this disk. This number determines where on the SCSI bus this device will be attached. """ return pulumi.get(self, "unit_number") @@ -2506,7 +2370,7 @@ def unit_number(self) -> Optional[int]: @pulumi.getter def uuid(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "uuid") @@ -2514,7 +2378,7 @@ def uuid(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="writeThrough") def write_through(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ - If `true`, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: `false`. + If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. """ return pulumi.get(self, "write_through") @@ -2572,18 +2436,18 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, physical_function: Optional[str] = None, use_static_mac: Optional[bool] = None): """ - :param str network_id: The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. - :param str adapter_type: The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. - :param int bandwidth_limit: The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. - :param int bandwidth_reservation: The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. - :param int bandwidth_share_count: The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. - :param str bandwidth_share_level: The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + :param str network_id: The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. + :param str adapter_type: The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. + :param int bandwidth_limit: The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. + :param int bandwidth_reservation: The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. + :param int bandwidth_share_count: The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. + :param str bandwidth_share_level: The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. :param str device_address: The internally-computed address of this device, such as scsi:0:1, denoting scsi bus #0 and device unit 1. :param int key: The ID of the device within the virtual machine. - :param str mac_address: The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. - :param str ovf_mapping: Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + :param str mac_address: The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. + :param str ovf_mapping: Mapping of network interface to OVF network. :param str physical_function: The ID of the Physical SR-IOV NIC to attach to, e.g. '0000:d8:00.0' - :param bool use_static_mac: If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + :param bool use_static_mac: If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "network_id", network_id) if adapter_type is not None: @@ -2613,7 +2477,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="networkId") def network_id(self) -> str: """ - The [managed object reference ID][docs-about-morefs] of the network on which to connect the virtual machine network interface. + The ID of the network to connect this network interface to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_id") @@ -2621,7 +2485,7 @@ def network_id(self) -> str: @pulumi.getter(name="adapterType") def adapter_type(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The network interface type. One of `e1000`, `e1000e`, `sriov`, or `vmxnet3`. Default: `vmxnet3`. + The controller type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, sriov, vmxnet3, or vrdma. """ return pulumi.get(self, "adapter_type") @@ -2629,7 +2493,7 @@ def adapter_type(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="bandwidthLimit") def bandwidth_limit(self) -> Optional[int]: """ - The upper bandwidth limit of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. """ return pulumi.get(self, "bandwidth_limit") @@ -2637,7 +2501,7 @@ def bandwidth_limit(self) -> Optional[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="bandwidthReservation") def bandwidth_reservation(self) -> Optional[int]: """ - The bandwidth reservation of the network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation. + The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. """ return pulumi.get(self, "bandwidth_reservation") @@ -2645,7 +2509,7 @@ def bandwidth_reservation(self) -> Optional[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="bandwidthShareCount") def bandwidth_share_count(self) -> Optional[int]: """ - The share count for the network interface when the share level is `custom`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "bandwidth_share_count") @@ -2653,7 +2517,7 @@ def bandwidth_share_count(self) -> Optional[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="bandwidthShareLevel") def bandwidth_share_level(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The bandwidth share allocation level for the network interface. One of `low`, `normal`, `high`, or `custom`. Default: `normal`. Ignored if `adapter_type` is set to `sriov`. + The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "bandwidth_share_level") @@ -2677,7 +2541,7 @@ def key(self) -> Optional[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="macAddress") def mac_address(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - The MAC address of the network interface. Can only be manually set if `use_static_mac` is `true`. Otherwise, the value is computed and presents the assigned MAC address for the interface. + The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true. """ return pulumi.get(self, "mac_address") @@ -2685,7 +2549,7 @@ def mac_address(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="ovfMapping") def ovf_mapping(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - Specifies which NIC in an OVF/OVA the `network_interface` should be associated. Only applies at creation when deploying from an OVF/OVA. + Mapping of network interface to OVF network. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ovf_mapping") @@ -2701,7 +2565,7 @@ def physical_function(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="useStaticMac") def use_static_mac(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ - If true, the `mac_address` field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to `true` requires `mac_address` to be set. Default: `false`. + If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. """ return pulumi.get(self, "use_static_mac") @@ -2941,10 +2805,10 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, ip: Optional[str] = None, netmask: Optional[str] = None): """ - :param bool dhcp: Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. - :param str gw: IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. - :param str ip: Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. - :param str netmask: Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + :param bool dhcp: Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. + :param str gw: IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. + :param str ip: address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + :param str netmask: netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. """ if dhcp is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "dhcp", dhcp) @@ -2959,7 +2823,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter def dhcp(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ - Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dhcp") @@ -2967,7 +2831,7 @@ def dhcp(self) -> Optional[bool]: @pulumi.getter def gw(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. + IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP is not set. """ return pulumi.get(self, "gw") @@ -2975,7 +2839,7 @@ def gw(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter def ip(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - Address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + address of the interface, if DHCP is not set. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ip") @@ -2983,7 +2847,7 @@ def ip(self) -> Optional[str]: @pulumi.getter def netmask(self) -> Optional[str]: """ - Netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. + netmask of the interface, if DHCP is not set. """ return pulumi.get(self, "netmask") @@ -2998,7 +2862,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, """ :param Sequence[str] addresses: List of IPv6 addresses :param bool autoconfig: Use IPv6 Autoconfiguration (RFC2462). - :param bool dhcp: Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + :param bool dhcp: Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. :param str gw: IP address of the default gateway, if DHCP or autoconfig is not set. """ if addresses is not None: @@ -3030,7 +2894,7 @@ def autoconfig(self) -> Optional[bool]: @pulumi.getter def dhcp(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ - Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv6 stack. + Use DHCP to configure the interface's IPv4 stack. """ return pulumi.get(self, "dhcp") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/resource_pool.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/resource_pool.py index 87a726c2..64f7300a 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/resource_pool.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/resource_pool.py @@ -657,7 +657,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, The following example sets up a resource pool in an existing compute cluster with the default settings for CPU and memory reservations, shares, and limits. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -669,25 +668,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, name="resource-pool-01", parent_resource_pool_id=compute_cluster.resource_pool_id) ``` - A virtual machine resource could be targeted to use the default resource pool of the cluster using the following: - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere vm = vsphere.VirtualMachine("vm", resource_pool_id=cluster["resourcePoolId"]) ``` - The following example sets up a parent resource pool in an existing compute cluster with a child resource pool nested below. Each resource pool is configured with the default settings for CPU and memory reservations, shares, and limits. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -702,7 +697,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, name="child", parent_resource_pool_id=resource_pool_parent.id) ``` - ## Importing @@ -785,7 +779,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, The following example sets up a resource pool in an existing compute cluster with the default settings for CPU and memory reservations, shares, and limits. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -797,25 +790,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, name="resource-pool-01", parent_resource_pool_id=compute_cluster.resource_pool_id) ``` - A virtual machine resource could be targeted to use the default resource pool of the cluster using the following: - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere vm = vsphere.VirtualMachine("vm", resource_pool_id=cluster["resourcePoolId"]) ``` - The following example sets up a parent resource pool in an existing compute cluster with a child resource pool nested below. Each resource pool is configured with the default settings for CPU and memory reservations, shares, and limits. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -830,7 +819,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, name="child", parent_resource_pool_id=resource_pool_parent.id) ``` - ## Importing diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/virtual_machine.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/virtual_machine.py index 9928300b..1526a005 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/virtual_machine.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/virtual_machine.py @@ -93,122 +93,102 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, wait_for_guest_net_timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None): """ The set of arguments for constructing a VirtualMachine resource. - :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_pool_id: The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. - :param pulumi.Input[str] alternate_guest_name: The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] annotation: A user-provided description of the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. - :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_retry_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] boot_retry_enabled: If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCdromArgs']]] cdroms: A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. - :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneArgs'] clone: When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_add_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_remove_enabled: Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_limit: The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_performance_counters_enabled: Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_reservation: The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_share_count: The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] cpu_share_level: The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] custom_attributes: Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - - > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_cluster_id: The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - - > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - - > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineDiskArgs']]] disks: A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] efi_secure_boot_enabled: Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_disk_uuid: Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_logging: Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ept_rvi_mode: The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] extra_config: Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - - > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] extra_config_reboot_required: Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] firmware: The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` - :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_power_off: If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] guest_id: The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - - [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html - :param pulumi.Input[int] hardware_version: The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - - [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 - :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. - :param pulumi.Input[str] hv_mode: The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ide_controller_count: The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ignored_guest_ips: List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] latency_sensitivity: Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - - > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory: The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_hot_add_enabled: Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - - > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - - [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - - > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - - [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_pool_id: The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[str] alternate_guest_name: The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. + :param pulumi.Input[str] annotation: User-provided description of the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. + :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_retry_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] boot_retry_enabled: If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCdromArgs']]] cdroms: A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneArgs'] clone: A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_add_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_remove_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_performance_counters_enabled: Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. + :param pulumi.Input[str] cpu_share_level: The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] custom_attributes: A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_cluster_id: The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + disks that are created without datastores. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineDiskArgs']]] disks: A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] efi_secure_boot_enabled: When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_disk_uuid: Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_logging: Enable logging on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ept_rvi_mode: The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] extra_config: Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] extra_config_reboot_required: Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. + :param pulumi.Input[str] firmware: The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. + :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_power_off: Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] guest_id: The guest ID for the operating system. + :param pulumi.Input[int] hardware_version: The hardware version for the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. + :param pulumi.Input[str] hv_mode: The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ide_controller_count: The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + controllers. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ignored_guest_ips: List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP + :param pulumi.Input[str] latency_sensitivity: Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory: The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_hot_add_enabled: Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_reservation_locked_to_max: If set true, memory resource reservation for this virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory size;increases in memory size will be rejected when a corresponding reservation increase is not possible. This feature may only be enabled if it is currently possible to reserve all of the virtual machine's memory. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_share_count: The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] memory_share_level: The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] migrate_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] nested_hv_enabled: Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs']]] network_interfaces: A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cores_per_socket: The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cpus: The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs'] ovf_deploy: When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] pci_device_ids: List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - - > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. + :param pulumi.Input[str] memory_share_level: The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. + :param pulumi.Input[int] migrate_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. + :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] nested_hv_enabled: Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs']]] network_interfaces: A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cores_per_socket: The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + must be evenly divisible by this value. + :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cpus: The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs'] ovf_deploy: A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] pci_device_ids: A list of PCI passthrough devices :param pulumi.Input[int] poweron_timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, that we will be trying to power on a VM :param pulumi.Input[str] replace_trigger: Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - - For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_power_on: Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_resume: Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot: Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown: Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby: Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_power_on: Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_resume: Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. :param pulumi.Input[int] sata_controller_count: The number of SATA controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. - :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_bus_sharing: The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_bus_sharing: Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. :param pulumi.Input[int] scsi_controller_count: The number of SCSI controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. - :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_type: The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shutdown_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. - :param pulumi.Input[str] storage_policy_id: The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. - :param pulumi.Input[str] swap_placement_policy: The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host: Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host_periodically: Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - - > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. - :param pulumi.Input[str] tools_upgrade_policy: Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineVappArgs'] vapp: Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vbs_enabled: Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vvtd_enabled: Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_ip_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] wait_for_guest_net_routable: Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_net_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_type: The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shutdown_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] storage_policy_id: The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. + :param pulumi.Input[str] swap_placement_policy: The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host: Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host_periodically: Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. + :param pulumi.Input[str] tools_upgrade_policy: Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. + :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineVappArgs'] vapp: vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vbs_enabled: Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vvtd_enabled: Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_ip_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] wait_for_guest_net_routable: Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. + :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_net_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "resource_pool_id", resource_pool_id) if alternate_guest_name is not None: @@ -364,9 +344,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="resourcePoolId") def resource_pool_id(self) -> pulumi.Input[str]: """ - The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. """ return pulumi.get(self, "resource_pool_id") @@ -378,7 +356,7 @@ def resource_pool_id(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): @pulumi.getter(name="alternateGuestName") def alternate_guest_name(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. """ return pulumi.get(self, "alternate_guest_name") @@ -390,7 +368,7 @@ def alternate_guest_name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def annotation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + User-provided description of the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "annotation") @@ -402,7 +380,7 @@ def annotation(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="bootDelay") def boot_delay(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. """ return pulumi.get(self, "boot_delay") @@ -414,7 +392,7 @@ def boot_delay(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="bootRetryDelay") def boot_retry_delay(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. """ return pulumi.get(self, "boot_retry_delay") @@ -426,7 +404,7 @@ def boot_retry_delay(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="bootRetryEnabled") def boot_retry_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. """ return pulumi.get(self, "boot_retry_enabled") @@ -438,7 +416,7 @@ def boot_retry_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def cdroms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCdromArgs']]]]: """ - A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cdroms") @@ -450,7 +428,7 @@ def cdroms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMach @pulumi.getter def clone(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneArgs']]: """ - When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. """ return pulumi.get(self, "clone") @@ -462,7 +440,7 @@ def clone(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneArgs']]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuHotAddEnabled") def cpu_hot_add_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_hot_add_enabled") @@ -474,7 +452,7 @@ def cpu_hot_add_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuHotRemoveEnabled") def cpu_hot_remove_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_hot_remove_enabled") @@ -486,7 +464,8 @@ def cpu_hot_remove_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuLimit") def cpu_limit(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_limit") @@ -498,7 +477,7 @@ def cpu_limit(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled") def cpu_performance_counters_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_performance_counters_enabled") @@ -510,7 +489,7 @@ def cpu_performance_counters_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuReservation") def cpu_reservation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_reservation") @@ -522,7 +501,7 @@ def cpu_reservation(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuShareCount") def cpu_share_count(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_share_count") @@ -534,7 +513,7 @@ def cpu_share_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuShareLevel") def cpu_share_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_share_level") @@ -546,9 +525,7 @@ def cpu_share_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="customAttributes") def custom_attributes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - - > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "custom_attributes") @@ -560,7 +537,7 @@ def custom_attributes(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Inp @pulumi.getter(name="datacenterId") def datacenter_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datacenter_id") @@ -572,13 +549,7 @@ def datacenter_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="datastoreClusterId") def datastore_cluster_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - - > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - - > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datastore_cluster_id") @@ -590,7 +561,8 @@ def datastore_cluster_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="datastoreId") def datastore_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + disks that are created without datastores. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datastore_id") @@ -602,7 +574,7 @@ def datastore_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def disks(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineDiskArgs']]]]: """ - A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "disks") @@ -614,9 +586,7 @@ def disks(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachi @pulumi.getter(name="efiSecureBootEnabled") def efi_secure_boot_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. """ return pulumi.get(self, "efi_secure_boot_enabled") @@ -628,7 +598,7 @@ def efi_secure_boot_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="enableDiskUuid") def enable_disk_uuid(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "enable_disk_uuid") @@ -640,7 +610,7 @@ def enable_disk_uuid(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="enableLogging") def enable_logging(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + Enable logging on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "enable_logging") @@ -652,7 +622,7 @@ def enable_logging(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="eptRviMode") def ept_rvi_mode(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ept_rvi_mode") @@ -664,9 +634,8 @@ def ept_rvi_mode(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="extraConfig") def extra_config(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - - > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. """ return pulumi.get(self, "extra_config") @@ -678,7 +647,7 @@ def extra_config(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[st @pulumi.getter(name="extraConfigRebootRequired") def extra_config_reboot_required(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. """ return pulumi.get(self, "extra_config_reboot_required") @@ -690,7 +659,7 @@ def extra_config_reboot_required(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def firmware(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. """ return pulumi.get(self, "firmware") @@ -702,7 +671,7 @@ def firmware(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def folder(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. """ return pulumi.get(self, "folder") @@ -714,7 +683,7 @@ def folder(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="forcePowerOff") def force_power_off(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. """ return pulumi.get(self, "force_power_off") @@ -726,9 +695,7 @@ def force_power_off(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="guestId") def guest_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - - [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + The guest ID for the operating system. """ return pulumi.get(self, "guest_id") @@ -740,10 +707,7 @@ def guest_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="hardwareVersion") def hardware_version(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - - [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + The hardware version for the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "hardware_version") @@ -755,7 +719,7 @@ def hardware_version(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="hostSystemId") def host_system_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_system_id") @@ -767,7 +731,7 @@ def host_system_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="hvMode") def hv_mode(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. """ return pulumi.get(self, "hv_mode") @@ -779,7 +743,9 @@ def hv_mode(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ideControllerCount") def ide_controller_count(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + controllers. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ide_controller_count") @@ -791,7 +757,7 @@ def ide_controller_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ignoredGuestIps") def ignored_guest_ips(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP """ return pulumi.get(self, "ignored_guest_ips") @@ -803,9 +769,9 @@ def ignored_guest_ips(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[s @pulumi.getter(name="latencySensitivity") def latency_sensitivity(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - - > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. """ return pulumi.get(self, "latency_sensitivity") @@ -817,7 +783,7 @@ def latency_sensitivity(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def memory(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory") @@ -829,15 +795,7 @@ def memory(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="memoryHotAddEnabled") def memory_hot_add_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - - > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - - [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - - > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - - [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_hot_add_enabled") @@ -849,7 +807,8 @@ def memory_hot_add_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="memoryLimit") def memory_limit(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_limit") @@ -861,7 +820,7 @@ def memory_limit(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="memoryReservation") def memory_reservation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_reservation") @@ -887,7 +846,7 @@ def memory_reservation_locked_to_max(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="memoryShareCount") def memory_share_count(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_share_count") @@ -899,7 +858,7 @@ def memory_share_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="memoryShareLevel") def memory_share_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_share_level") @@ -911,7 +870,7 @@ def memory_share_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="migrateWaitTimeout") def migrate_wait_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. """ return pulumi.get(self, "migrate_wait_timeout") @@ -923,7 +882,7 @@ def migrate_wait_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter def name(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The name of the virtual machine. + The name of this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "name") @@ -935,7 +894,7 @@ def name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="nestedHvEnabled") def nested_hv_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "nested_hv_enabled") @@ -947,7 +906,7 @@ def nested_hv_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="networkInterfaces") def network_interfaces(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs']]]]: """ - A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_interfaces") @@ -959,7 +918,8 @@ def network_interfaces(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[ @pulumi.getter(name="numCoresPerSocket") def num_cores_per_socket(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + must be evenly divisible by this value. """ return pulumi.get(self, "num_cores_per_socket") @@ -971,7 +931,7 @@ def num_cores_per_socket(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="numCpus") def num_cpus(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "num_cpus") @@ -983,7 +943,7 @@ def num_cpus(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ovfDeploy") def ovf_deploy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs']]: """ - When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ovf_deploy") @@ -995,9 +955,7 @@ def ovf_deploy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs'] @pulumi.getter(name="pciDeviceIds") def pci_device_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - - > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + A list of PCI passthrough devices """ return pulumi.get(self, "pci_device_ids") @@ -1022,8 +980,6 @@ def poweron_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): def replace_trigger(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - - For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) """ return pulumi.get(self, "replace_trigger") @@ -1035,7 +991,7 @@ def replace_trigger(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn") def run_tools_scripts_after_power_on(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_after_power_on") @@ -1047,7 +1003,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_after_power_on(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsAfterResume") def run_tools_scripts_after_resume(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_after_resume") @@ -1059,7 +1015,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_after_resume(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot") def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot") @@ -1071,7 +1027,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[boo @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown") def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown") @@ -1083,7 +1039,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[b @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby") def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby") @@ -1109,7 +1065,7 @@ def sata_controller_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="scsiBusSharing") def scsi_bus_sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. """ return pulumi.get(self, "scsi_bus_sharing") @@ -1135,7 +1091,7 @@ def scsi_controller_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="scsiType") def scsi_type(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. """ return pulumi.get(self, "scsi_type") @@ -1147,7 +1103,7 @@ def scsi_type(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shutdownWaitTimeout") def shutdown_wait_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shutdown_wait_timeout") @@ -1159,7 +1115,7 @@ def shutdown_wait_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="storagePolicyId") def storage_policy_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. """ return pulumi.get(self, "storage_policy_id") @@ -1171,7 +1127,7 @@ def storage_policy_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="swapPlacementPolicy") def swap_placement_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. """ return pulumi.get(self, "swap_placement_policy") @@ -1183,7 +1139,8 @@ def swap_placement_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="syncTimeWithHost") def sync_time_with_host(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sync_time_with_host") @@ -1195,7 +1152,8 @@ def sync_time_with_host(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="syncTimeWithHostPeriodically") def sync_time_with_host_periodically(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sync_time_with_host_periodically") @@ -1207,9 +1165,7 @@ def sync_time_with_host_periodically(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def tags(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - - > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. """ return pulumi.get(self, "tags") @@ -1221,7 +1177,7 @@ def tags(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @pulumi.getter(name="toolsUpgradePolicy") def tools_upgrade_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. """ return pulumi.get(self, "tools_upgrade_policy") @@ -1233,7 +1189,7 @@ def tools_upgrade_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def vapp(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineVappArgs']]: """ - Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vapp") @@ -1245,7 +1201,7 @@ def vapp(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineVappArgs']]): @pulumi.getter(name="vbsEnabled") def vbs_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vbs_enabled") @@ -1257,7 +1213,8 @@ def vbs_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vvtdEnabled") def vvtd_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vvtd_enabled") @@ -1269,7 +1226,8 @@ def vvtd_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="waitForGuestIpTimeout") def wait_for_guest_ip_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. """ return pulumi.get(self, "wait_for_guest_ip_timeout") @@ -1281,7 +1239,8 @@ def wait_for_guest_ip_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="waitForGuestNetRoutable") def wait_for_guest_net_routable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. """ return pulumi.get(self, "wait_for_guest_net_routable") @@ -1293,7 +1252,8 @@ def wait_for_guest_net_routable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="waitForGuestNetTimeout") def wait_for_guest_net_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. """ return pulumi.get(self, "wait_for_guest_net_timeout") @@ -1393,133 +1353,113 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, wait_for_guest_net_timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None): """ Input properties used for looking up and filtering VirtualMachine resources. - :param pulumi.Input[str] alternate_guest_name: The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] annotation: A user-provided description of the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. - :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_retry_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] boot_retry_enabled: If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCdromArgs']]] cdroms: A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + :param pulumi.Input[str] alternate_guest_name: The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. + :param pulumi.Input[str] annotation: User-provided description of the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. + :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_retry_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] boot_retry_enabled: If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCdromArgs']]] cdroms: A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. :param pulumi.Input[str] change_version: A unique identifier for a given version of the last configuration was applied. - :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneArgs'] clone: When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_add_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_remove_enabled: Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_limit: The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_performance_counters_enabled: Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_reservation: The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_share_count: The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] cpu_share_level: The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] custom_attributes: Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - - > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_cluster_id: The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - - > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - - > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneArgs'] clone: A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_add_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_remove_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_performance_counters_enabled: Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. + :param pulumi.Input[str] cpu_share_level: The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] custom_attributes: A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_cluster_id: The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + disks that are created without datastores. :param pulumi.Input[str] default_ip_address: The IP address selected by the provider to be used with any provisioners configured on this resource. When possible, this is the first IPv4 address that is reachable through the default gateway configured on the machine, then the first reachable IPv6 address, and then the first general discovered address if neither exists. If VMware Tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the virtual machine is powered off, this value will be blank. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineDiskArgs']]] disks: A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] efi_secure_boot_enabled: Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_disk_uuid: Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_logging: Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ept_rvi_mode: The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] extra_config: Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - - > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] extra_config_reboot_required: Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] firmware: The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` - :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_power_off: If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] guest_id: The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - - [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineDiskArgs']]] disks: A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] efi_secure_boot_enabled: When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_disk_uuid: Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_logging: Enable logging on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ept_rvi_mode: The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] extra_config: Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] extra_config_reboot_required: Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. + :param pulumi.Input[str] firmware: The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. + :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_power_off: Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] guest_id: The guest ID for the operating system. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] guest_ip_addresses: The current list of IP addresses on this machine, including the value of `default_ip_address`. If VMware Tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the virtul machine is powered off, this list will be empty. - :param pulumi.Input[int] hardware_version: The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - - [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 - :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. - :param pulumi.Input[str] hv_mode: The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ide_controller_count: The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ignored_guest_ips: List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] hardware_version: The hardware version for the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. + :param pulumi.Input[str] hv_mode: The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ide_controller_count: The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + controllers. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ignored_guest_ips: List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP :param pulumi.Input[bool] imported: Indicates if the virtual machine resource has been imported, or if the state has been migrated from a previous version of the resource. It influences the behavior of the first post-import apply operation. See the section on importing below. - :param pulumi.Input[str] latency_sensitivity: Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - - > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory: The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_hot_add_enabled: Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - - > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - - [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - - > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - - [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] latency_sensitivity: Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory: The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_hot_add_enabled: Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_reservation_locked_to_max: If set true, memory resource reservation for this virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory size;increases in memory size will be rejected when a corresponding reservation increase is not possible. This feature may only be enabled if it is currently possible to reserve all of the virtual machine's memory. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_share_count: The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] memory_share_level: The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] migrate_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. + :param pulumi.Input[str] memory_share_level: The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. + :param pulumi.Input[int] migrate_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. :param pulumi.Input[str] moid: The managed object reference ID of the created virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] nested_hv_enabled: Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs']]] network_interfaces: A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cores_per_socket: The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cpus: The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs'] ovf_deploy: When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] pci_device_ids: List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - - > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] nested_hv_enabled: Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs']]] network_interfaces: A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cores_per_socket: The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + must be evenly divisible by this value. + :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cpus: The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs'] ovf_deploy: A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] pci_device_ids: A list of PCI passthrough devices :param pulumi.Input[str] power_state: A computed value for the current power state of the virtual machine. One of `on`, `off`, or `suspended`. :param pulumi.Input[int] poweron_timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, that we will be trying to power on a VM :param pulumi.Input[bool] reboot_required: Value internal to Terraform used to determine if a configuration set change requires a reboot. :param pulumi.Input[str] replace_trigger: Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - - For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_pool_id: The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_power_on: Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_resume: Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot: Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown: Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby: Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_pool_id: The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_power_on: Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_resume: Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. :param pulumi.Input[int] sata_controller_count: The number of SATA controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. - :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_bus_sharing: The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_bus_sharing: Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. :param pulumi.Input[int] scsi_controller_count: The number of SCSI controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. - :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_type: The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shutdown_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. - :param pulumi.Input[str] storage_policy_id: The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. - :param pulumi.Input[str] swap_placement_policy: The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host: Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host_periodically: Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - - > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. - :param pulumi.Input[str] tools_upgrade_policy: Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] uuid: The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineVappArgs'] vapp: Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_type: The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shutdown_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] storage_policy_id: The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. + :param pulumi.Input[str] swap_placement_policy: The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host: Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host_periodically: Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. + :param pulumi.Input[str] tools_upgrade_policy: Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] uuid: The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. + :param pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineVappArgs'] vapp: vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] vapp_transports: Computed value which is only valid for cloned virtual machines. A list of vApp transport methods supported by the source virtual machine or template. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vbs_enabled: Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vbs_enabled: Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. :param pulumi.Input[str] vmware_tools_status: The state of VMware Tools in the guest. This will determine the proper course of action for some device operations. :param pulumi.Input[str] vmx_path: The path of the virtual machine configuration file on the datastore in which the virtual machine is placed. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vvtd_enabled: Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_ip_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] wait_for_guest_net_routable: Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_net_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vvtd_enabled: Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_ip_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] wait_for_guest_net_routable: Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. + :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_net_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. """ if alternate_guest_name is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "alternate_guest_name", alternate_guest_name) @@ -1698,7 +1638,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @pulumi.getter(name="alternateGuestName") def alternate_guest_name(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. """ return pulumi.get(self, "alternate_guest_name") @@ -1710,7 +1650,7 @@ def alternate_guest_name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def annotation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + User-provided description of the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "annotation") @@ -1722,7 +1662,7 @@ def annotation(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="bootDelay") def boot_delay(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. """ return pulumi.get(self, "boot_delay") @@ -1734,7 +1674,7 @@ def boot_delay(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="bootRetryDelay") def boot_retry_delay(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. """ return pulumi.get(self, "boot_retry_delay") @@ -1746,7 +1686,7 @@ def boot_retry_delay(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="bootRetryEnabled") def boot_retry_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. """ return pulumi.get(self, "boot_retry_enabled") @@ -1758,7 +1698,7 @@ def boot_retry_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def cdroms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCdromArgs']]]]: """ - A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cdroms") @@ -1782,7 +1722,7 @@ def change_version(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def clone(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneArgs']]: """ - When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. """ return pulumi.get(self, "clone") @@ -1794,7 +1734,7 @@ def clone(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineCloneArgs']]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuHotAddEnabled") def cpu_hot_add_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_hot_add_enabled") @@ -1806,7 +1746,7 @@ def cpu_hot_add_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuHotRemoveEnabled") def cpu_hot_remove_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_hot_remove_enabled") @@ -1818,7 +1758,8 @@ def cpu_hot_remove_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuLimit") def cpu_limit(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_limit") @@ -1830,7 +1771,7 @@ def cpu_limit(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled") def cpu_performance_counters_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_performance_counters_enabled") @@ -1842,7 +1783,7 @@ def cpu_performance_counters_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuReservation") def cpu_reservation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_reservation") @@ -1854,7 +1795,7 @@ def cpu_reservation(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuShareCount") def cpu_share_count(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_share_count") @@ -1866,7 +1807,7 @@ def cpu_share_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="cpuShareLevel") def cpu_share_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_share_level") @@ -1878,9 +1819,7 @@ def cpu_share_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="customAttributes") def custom_attributes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - - > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "custom_attributes") @@ -1892,7 +1831,7 @@ def custom_attributes(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Inp @pulumi.getter(name="datacenterId") def datacenter_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datacenter_id") @@ -1904,13 +1843,7 @@ def datacenter_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="datastoreClusterId") def datastore_cluster_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - - > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - - > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datastore_cluster_id") @@ -1922,7 +1855,8 @@ def datastore_cluster_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="datastoreId") def datastore_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + disks that are created without datastores. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datastore_id") @@ -1946,7 +1880,7 @@ def default_ip_address(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def disks(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineDiskArgs']]]]: """ - A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "disks") @@ -1958,9 +1892,7 @@ def disks(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachi @pulumi.getter(name="efiSecureBootEnabled") def efi_secure_boot_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. """ return pulumi.get(self, "efi_secure_boot_enabled") @@ -1972,7 +1904,7 @@ def efi_secure_boot_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="enableDiskUuid") def enable_disk_uuid(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "enable_disk_uuid") @@ -1984,7 +1916,7 @@ def enable_disk_uuid(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="enableLogging") def enable_logging(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + Enable logging on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "enable_logging") @@ -1996,7 +1928,7 @@ def enable_logging(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="eptRviMode") def ept_rvi_mode(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ept_rvi_mode") @@ -2008,9 +1940,8 @@ def ept_rvi_mode(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="extraConfig") def extra_config(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - - > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. """ return pulumi.get(self, "extra_config") @@ -2022,7 +1953,7 @@ def extra_config(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[st @pulumi.getter(name="extraConfigRebootRequired") def extra_config_reboot_required(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. """ return pulumi.get(self, "extra_config_reboot_required") @@ -2034,7 +1965,7 @@ def extra_config_reboot_required(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def firmware(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. """ return pulumi.get(self, "firmware") @@ -2046,7 +1977,7 @@ def firmware(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def folder(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. """ return pulumi.get(self, "folder") @@ -2058,7 +1989,7 @@ def folder(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="forcePowerOff") def force_power_off(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. """ return pulumi.get(self, "force_power_off") @@ -2070,9 +2001,7 @@ def force_power_off(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="guestId") def guest_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - - [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + The guest ID for the operating system. """ return pulumi.get(self, "guest_id") @@ -2096,10 +2025,7 @@ def guest_ip_addresses(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[ @pulumi.getter(name="hardwareVersion") def hardware_version(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - - [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + The hardware version for the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "hardware_version") @@ -2111,7 +2037,7 @@ def hardware_version(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="hostSystemId") def host_system_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_system_id") @@ -2123,7 +2049,7 @@ def host_system_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="hvMode") def hv_mode(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. """ return pulumi.get(self, "hv_mode") @@ -2135,7 +2061,9 @@ def hv_mode(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ideControllerCount") def ide_controller_count(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + controllers. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ide_controller_count") @@ -2147,7 +2075,7 @@ def ide_controller_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ignoredGuestIps") def ignored_guest_ips(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP """ return pulumi.get(self, "ignored_guest_ips") @@ -2171,9 +2099,9 @@ def imported(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="latencySensitivity") def latency_sensitivity(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - - > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. """ return pulumi.get(self, "latency_sensitivity") @@ -2185,7 +2113,7 @@ def latency_sensitivity(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def memory(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory") @@ -2197,15 +2125,7 @@ def memory(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="memoryHotAddEnabled") def memory_hot_add_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - - > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - - [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - - > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - - [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_hot_add_enabled") @@ -2217,7 +2137,8 @@ def memory_hot_add_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="memoryLimit") def memory_limit(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_limit") @@ -2229,7 +2150,7 @@ def memory_limit(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="memoryReservation") def memory_reservation(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_reservation") @@ -2255,7 +2176,7 @@ def memory_reservation_locked_to_max(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="memoryShareCount") def memory_share_count(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_share_count") @@ -2267,7 +2188,7 @@ def memory_share_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="memoryShareLevel") def memory_share_level(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_share_level") @@ -2279,7 +2200,7 @@ def memory_share_level(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="migrateWaitTimeout") def migrate_wait_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. """ return pulumi.get(self, "migrate_wait_timeout") @@ -2303,7 +2224,7 @@ def moid(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def name(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The name of the virtual machine. + The name of this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "name") @@ -2315,7 +2236,7 @@ def name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="nestedHvEnabled") def nested_hv_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "nested_hv_enabled") @@ -2327,7 +2248,7 @@ def nested_hv_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="networkInterfaces") def network_interfaces(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs']]]]: """ - A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_interfaces") @@ -2339,7 +2260,8 @@ def network_interfaces(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[ @pulumi.getter(name="numCoresPerSocket") def num_cores_per_socket(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + must be evenly divisible by this value. """ return pulumi.get(self, "num_cores_per_socket") @@ -2351,7 +2273,7 @@ def num_cores_per_socket(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="numCpus") def num_cpus(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "num_cpus") @@ -2363,7 +2285,7 @@ def num_cpus(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="ovfDeploy") def ovf_deploy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs']]: """ - When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ovf_deploy") @@ -2375,9 +2297,7 @@ def ovf_deploy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs'] @pulumi.getter(name="pciDeviceIds") def pci_device_ids(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - - > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + A list of PCI passthrough devices """ return pulumi.get(self, "pci_device_ids") @@ -2426,8 +2346,6 @@ def reboot_required(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): def replace_trigger(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - - For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) """ return pulumi.get(self, "replace_trigger") @@ -2439,9 +2357,7 @@ def replace_trigger(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="resourcePoolId") def resource_pool_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. """ return pulumi.get(self, "resource_pool_id") @@ -2453,7 +2369,7 @@ def resource_pool_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn") def run_tools_scripts_after_power_on(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_after_power_on") @@ -2465,7 +2381,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_after_power_on(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsAfterResume") def run_tools_scripts_after_resume(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_after_resume") @@ -2477,7 +2393,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_after_resume(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot") def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot") @@ -2489,7 +2405,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[boo @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown") def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown") @@ -2501,7 +2417,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[b @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby") def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby") @@ -2527,7 +2443,7 @@ def sata_controller_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="scsiBusSharing") def scsi_bus_sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. """ return pulumi.get(self, "scsi_bus_sharing") @@ -2553,7 +2469,7 @@ def scsi_controller_count(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="scsiType") def scsi_type(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. """ return pulumi.get(self, "scsi_type") @@ -2565,7 +2481,7 @@ def scsi_type(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="shutdownWaitTimeout") def shutdown_wait_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shutdown_wait_timeout") @@ -2577,7 +2493,7 @@ def shutdown_wait_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="storagePolicyId") def storage_policy_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. """ return pulumi.get(self, "storage_policy_id") @@ -2589,7 +2505,7 @@ def storage_policy_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="swapPlacementPolicy") def swap_placement_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. """ return pulumi.get(self, "swap_placement_policy") @@ -2601,7 +2517,8 @@ def swap_placement_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="syncTimeWithHost") def sync_time_with_host(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sync_time_with_host") @@ -2613,7 +2530,8 @@ def sync_time_with_host(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="syncTimeWithHostPeriodically") def sync_time_with_host_periodically(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sync_time_with_host_periodically") @@ -2625,9 +2543,7 @@ def sync_time_with_host_periodically(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter def tags(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: """ - The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - - > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. """ return pulumi.get(self, "tags") @@ -2639,7 +2555,7 @@ def tags(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @pulumi.getter(name="toolsUpgradePolicy") def tools_upgrade_policy(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. """ return pulumi.get(self, "tools_upgrade_policy") @@ -2651,7 +2567,7 @@ def tools_upgrade_policy(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def uuid(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ - The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "uuid") @@ -2663,7 +2579,7 @@ def uuid(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter def vapp(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input['VirtualMachineVappArgs']]: """ - Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vapp") @@ -2687,7 +2603,7 @@ def vapp_transports(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str @pulumi.getter(name="vbsEnabled") def vbs_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vbs_enabled") @@ -2723,7 +2639,8 @@ def vmx_path(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @pulumi.getter(name="vvtdEnabled") def vvtd_enabled(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vvtd_enabled") @@ -2735,7 +2652,8 @@ def vvtd_enabled(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="waitForGuestIpTimeout") def wait_for_guest_ip_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. """ return pulumi.get(self, "wait_for_guest_ip_timeout") @@ -2747,7 +2665,8 @@ def wait_for_guest_ip_timeout(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): @pulumi.getter(name="waitForGuestNetRoutable") def wait_for_guest_net_routable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. """ return pulumi.get(self, "wait_for_guest_net_routable") @@ -2759,7 +2678,8 @@ def wait_for_guest_net_routable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @pulumi.getter(name="waitForGuestNetTimeout") def wait_for_guest_net_timeout(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. """ return pulumi.get(self, "wait_for_guest_net_timeout") @@ -2853,122 +2773,102 @@ def __init__(__self__, Create a VirtualMachine resource with the given unique name, props, and options. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. - :param pulumi.Input[str] alternate_guest_name: The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] annotation: A user-provided description of the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. - :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_retry_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] boot_retry_enabled: If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineCdromArgs']]]] cdroms: A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineCloneArgs']] clone: When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_add_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_remove_enabled: Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_limit: The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_performance_counters_enabled: Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_reservation: The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_share_count: The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] cpu_share_level: The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] custom_attributes: Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - - > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_cluster_id: The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - - > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - - > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineDiskArgs']]]] disks: A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] efi_secure_boot_enabled: Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_disk_uuid: Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_logging: Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ept_rvi_mode: The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] extra_config: Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - - > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] extra_config_reboot_required: Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] firmware: The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` - :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_power_off: If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] guest_id: The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - - [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html - :param pulumi.Input[int] hardware_version: The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - - [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 - :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. - :param pulumi.Input[str] hv_mode: The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ide_controller_count: The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ignored_guest_ips: List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] latency_sensitivity: Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - - > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory: The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_hot_add_enabled: Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - - > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - - [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - - > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - - [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] alternate_guest_name: The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. + :param pulumi.Input[str] annotation: User-provided description of the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. + :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_retry_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] boot_retry_enabled: If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineCdromArgs']]]] cdroms: A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineCloneArgs']] clone: A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_add_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_remove_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_performance_counters_enabled: Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. + :param pulumi.Input[str] cpu_share_level: The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] custom_attributes: A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_cluster_id: The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + disks that are created without datastores. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineDiskArgs']]]] disks: A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] efi_secure_boot_enabled: When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_disk_uuid: Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_logging: Enable logging on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ept_rvi_mode: The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] extra_config: Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] extra_config_reboot_required: Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. + :param pulumi.Input[str] firmware: The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. + :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_power_off: Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] guest_id: The guest ID for the operating system. + :param pulumi.Input[int] hardware_version: The hardware version for the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. + :param pulumi.Input[str] hv_mode: The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ide_controller_count: The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + controllers. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ignored_guest_ips: List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP + :param pulumi.Input[str] latency_sensitivity: Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory: The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_hot_add_enabled: Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_reservation_locked_to_max: If set true, memory resource reservation for this virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory size;increases in memory size will be rejected when a corresponding reservation increase is not possible. This feature may only be enabled if it is currently possible to reserve all of the virtual machine's memory. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_share_count: The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] memory_share_level: The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] migrate_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] nested_hv_enabled: Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs']]]] network_interfaces: A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cores_per_socket: The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cpus: The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs']] ovf_deploy: When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] pci_device_ids: List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - - > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. + :param pulumi.Input[str] memory_share_level: The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. + :param pulumi.Input[int] migrate_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. + :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] nested_hv_enabled: Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs']]]] network_interfaces: A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cores_per_socket: The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + must be evenly divisible by this value. + :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cpus: The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs']] ovf_deploy: A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] pci_device_ids: A list of PCI passthrough devices :param pulumi.Input[int] poweron_timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, that we will be trying to power on a VM :param pulumi.Input[str] replace_trigger: Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - - For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_pool_id: The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_power_on: Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_resume: Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot: Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown: Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby: Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_pool_id: The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_power_on: Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_resume: Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. :param pulumi.Input[int] sata_controller_count: The number of SATA controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. - :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_bus_sharing: The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_bus_sharing: Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. :param pulumi.Input[int] scsi_controller_count: The number of SCSI controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. - :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_type: The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shutdown_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. - :param pulumi.Input[str] storage_policy_id: The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. - :param pulumi.Input[str] swap_placement_policy: The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host: Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host_periodically: Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - - > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. - :param pulumi.Input[str] tools_upgrade_policy: Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineVappArgs']] vapp: Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vbs_enabled: Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vvtd_enabled: Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_ip_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] wait_for_guest_net_routable: Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_net_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_type: The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shutdown_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] storage_policy_id: The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. + :param pulumi.Input[str] swap_placement_policy: The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host: Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host_periodically: Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. + :param pulumi.Input[str] tools_upgrade_policy: Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. + :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineVappArgs']] vapp: vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vbs_enabled: Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vvtd_enabled: Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_ip_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] wait_for_guest_net_routable: Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. + :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_net_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. """ ... @overload @@ -3268,133 +3168,113 @@ def get(resource_name: str, :param str resource_name: The unique name of the resulting resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] id: The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. - :param pulumi.Input[str] alternate_guest_name: The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] annotation: A user-provided description of the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. - :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_retry_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] boot_retry_enabled: If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineCdromArgs']]]] cdroms: A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + :param pulumi.Input[str] alternate_guest_name: The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. + :param pulumi.Input[str] annotation: User-provided description of the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. + :param pulumi.Input[int] boot_retry_delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] boot_retry_enabled: If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineCdromArgs']]]] cdroms: A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. :param pulumi.Input[str] change_version: A unique identifier for a given version of the last configuration was applied. - :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineCloneArgs']] clone: When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_add_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_remove_enabled: Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_limit: The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_performance_counters_enabled: Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_reservation: The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. - :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_share_count: The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] cpu_share_level: The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] custom_attributes: Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - - > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_cluster_id: The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - - > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - - > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. - :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineCloneArgs']] clone: A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_add_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_hot_remove_enabled: Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] cpu_performance_counters_enabled: Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. + :param pulumi.Input[int] cpu_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. + :param pulumi.Input[str] cpu_share_level: The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] custom_attributes: A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datacenter_id: The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_cluster_id: The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[str] datastore_id: The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + disks that are created without datastores. :param pulumi.Input[str] default_ip_address: The IP address selected by the provider to be used with any provisioners configured on this resource. When possible, this is the first IPv4 address that is reachable through the default gateway configured on the machine, then the first reachable IPv6 address, and then the first general discovered address if neither exists. If VMware Tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the virtual machine is powered off, this value will be blank. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineDiskArgs']]]] disks: A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] efi_secure_boot_enabled: Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_disk_uuid: Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_logging: Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] ept_rvi_mode: The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. - :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] extra_config: Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - - > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] extra_config_reboot_required: Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] firmware: The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` - :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_power_off: If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] guest_id: The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - - [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineDiskArgs']]]] disks: A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] efi_secure_boot_enabled: When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_disk_uuid: Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] enable_logging: Enable logging on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] ept_rvi_mode: The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. + :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] extra_config: Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] extra_config_reboot_required: Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. + :param pulumi.Input[str] firmware: The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. + :param pulumi.Input[str] folder: The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] force_power_off: Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] guest_id: The guest ID for the operating system. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] guest_ip_addresses: The current list of IP addresses on this machine, including the value of `default_ip_address`. If VMware Tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the virtul machine is powered off, this list will be empty. - :param pulumi.Input[int] hardware_version: The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - - [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 - :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. - :param pulumi.Input[str] hv_mode: The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] ide_controller_count: The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ignored_guest_ips: List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + :param pulumi.Input[int] hardware_version: The hardware version for the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] host_system_id: The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. + :param pulumi.Input[str] hv_mode: The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. + :param pulumi.Input[int] ide_controller_count: The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + controllers. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] ignored_guest_ips: List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP :param pulumi.Input[bool] imported: Indicates if the virtual machine resource has been imported, or if the state has been migrated from a previous version of the resource. It influences the behavior of the first post-import apply operation. See the section on importing below. - :param pulumi.Input[str] latency_sensitivity: Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - - > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory: The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). - :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_hot_add_enabled: Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - - > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - - [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - - > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - - [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + :param pulumi.Input[str] latency_sensitivity: Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory: The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_hot_add_enabled: Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_limit: The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_reservation: The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. :param pulumi.Input[bool] memory_reservation_locked_to_max: If set true, memory resource reservation for this virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory size;increases in memory size will be rejected when a corresponding reservation increase is not possible. This feature may only be enabled if it is currently possible to reserve all of the virtual machine's memory. - :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_share_count: The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] memory_share_level: The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] migrate_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + :param pulumi.Input[int] memory_share_count: The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. + :param pulumi.Input[str] memory_share_level: The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. + :param pulumi.Input[int] migrate_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. :param pulumi.Input[str] moid: The managed object reference ID of the created virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] nested_hv_enabled: Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs']]]] network_interfaces: A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cores_per_socket: The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cpus: The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. - :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs']] ovf_deploy: When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] pci_device_ids: List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - - > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + :param pulumi.Input[str] name: The name of this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] nested_hv_enabled: Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs']]]] network_interfaces: A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cores_per_socket: The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + must be evenly divisible by this value. + :param pulumi.Input[int] num_cpus: The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineOvfDeployArgs']] ovf_deploy: A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] pci_device_ids: A list of PCI passthrough devices :param pulumi.Input[str] power_state: A computed value for the current power state of the virtual machine. One of `on`, `off`, or `suspended`. :param pulumi.Input[int] poweron_timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, that we will be trying to power on a VM :param pulumi.Input[bool] reboot_required: Value internal to Terraform used to determine if a configuration set change requires a reboot. :param pulumi.Input[str] replace_trigger: Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - - For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) - :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_pool_id: The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_power_on: Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_resume: Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot: Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown: Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby: Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_pool_id: The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_power_on: Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_after_resume: Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby: Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. :param pulumi.Input[int] sata_controller_count: The number of SATA controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. - :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_bus_sharing: The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_bus_sharing: Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. :param pulumi.Input[int] scsi_controller_count: The number of SCSI controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. - :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_type: The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] shutdown_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. - :param pulumi.Input[str] storage_policy_id: The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. - :param pulumi.Input[str] swap_placement_policy: The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host: Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host_periodically: Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - - > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. - :param pulumi.Input[str] tools_upgrade_policy: Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. - :param pulumi.Input[str] uuid: The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. - :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineVappArgs']] vapp: Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + :param pulumi.Input[str] scsi_type: The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. + :param pulumi.Input[int] shutdown_wait_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. + :param pulumi.Input[str] storage_policy_id: The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. + :param pulumi.Input[str] swap_placement_policy: The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host: Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] sync_time_with_host_periodically: Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. + :param pulumi.Input[str] tools_upgrade_policy: Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. + :param pulumi.Input[str] uuid: The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. + :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['VirtualMachineVappArgs']] vapp: vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] vapp_transports: Computed value which is only valid for cloned virtual machines. A list of vApp transport methods supported by the source virtual machine or template. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vbs_enabled: Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vbs_enabled: Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. :param pulumi.Input[str] vmware_tools_status: The state of VMware Tools in the guest. This will determine the proper course of action for some device operations. :param pulumi.Input[str] vmx_path: The path of the virtual machine configuration file on the datastore in which the virtual machine is placed. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] vvtd_enabled: Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_ip_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. - :param pulumi.Input[bool] wait_for_guest_net_routable: Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. - :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_net_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] vvtd_enabled: Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. + :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_ip_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] wait_for_guest_net_routable: Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. + :param pulumi.Input[int] wait_for_guest_net_timeout: The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. """ opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions(id=id)) @@ -3492,7 +3372,7 @@ def get(resource_name: str, @pulumi.getter(name="alternateGuestName") def alternate_guest_name(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The guest name for the operating system when `guest_id` is `otherGuest` or `otherGuest64`. + The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is otherGuest or otherGuest64. """ return pulumi.get(self, "alternate_guest_name") @@ -3500,7 +3380,7 @@ def alternate_guest_name(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter def annotation(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - A user-provided description of the virtual machine. + User-provided description of the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "annotation") @@ -3508,7 +3388,7 @@ def annotation(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="bootDelay") def boot_delay(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay. + The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. """ return pulumi.get(self, "boot_delay") @@ -3516,7 +3396,7 @@ def boot_delay(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="bootRetryDelay") def boot_retry_delay(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This option is only valid if `boot_retry_enabled` is `true`. Default: `10000` (10 seconds). + The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. """ return pulumi.get(self, "boot_retry_delay") @@ -3524,7 +3404,7 @@ def boot_retry_delay(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="bootRetryEnabled") def boot_retry_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - If set to `true`, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in `boot_retry_delay`. Default: `false`. + If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. """ return pulumi.get(self, "boot_retry_enabled") @@ -3532,7 +3412,7 @@ def boot_retry_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter def cdroms(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence['outputs.VirtualMachineCdrom']]]: """ - A specification for a CD-ROM device on the virtual machine. See CD-ROM options for more information. + A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cdroms") @@ -3548,7 +3428,7 @@ def change_version(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter def clone(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional['outputs.VirtualMachineClone']]: """ - When specified, the virtual machine will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted for the resource. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more information. + A specification for cloning a virtual machine from template. """ return pulumi.get(self, "clone") @@ -3556,7 +3436,7 @@ def clone(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional['outputs.VirtualMachineClone']]: @pulumi.getter(name="cpuHotAddEnabled") def cpu_hot_add_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow CPUs to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_hot_add_enabled") @@ -3564,7 +3444,7 @@ def cpu_hot_add_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="cpuHotRemoveEnabled") def cpu_hot_remove_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow CPUs to be removed to the virtual machine while it is powered on. + Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_hot_remove_enabled") @@ -3572,7 +3452,8 @@ def cpu_hot_remove_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="cpuLimit") def cpu_limit(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_limit") @@ -3580,7 +3461,7 @@ def cpu_limit(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="cpuPerformanceCountersEnabled") def cpu_performance_counters_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable CPU performance counters on the virtual machine. Default: `false`. + Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_performance_counters_enabled") @@ -3588,7 +3469,7 @@ def cpu_performance_counters_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="cpuReservation") def cpu_reservation(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The amount of CPU (in MHz) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_reservation") @@ -3596,7 +3477,7 @@ def cpu_reservation(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="cpuShareCount") def cpu_share_count(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ - The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `cpu_share_level` is `custom`. + The amount of shares to allocate to cpu for a custom share level. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_share_count") @@ -3604,7 +3485,7 @@ def cpu_share_count(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="cpuShareLevel") def cpu_share_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The allocation level for the virtual machine CPU resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + The allocation level for cpu resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "cpu_share_level") @@ -3612,9 +3493,7 @@ def cpu_share_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="customAttributes") def custom_attributes(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]]: """ - Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. Please refer to the `vsphere_custom_attributes` resource for more information on setting custom attributes. - - > **NOTE:** Custom attributes requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + A list of custom attributes to set on this resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "custom_attributes") @@ -3622,7 +3501,7 @@ def custom_attributes(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="datacenterId") def datacenter_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The datacenter ID. Required only when deploying an OVF/OVA template. + The ID of the datacenter where the VM is to be created. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datacenter_id") @@ -3630,13 +3509,7 @@ def datacenter_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="datastoreClusterId") def datastore_cluster_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The managed object reference ID of the datastore cluster in which to place the virtual machine. This setting applies to entire virtual machine and implies that you wish to use vSphere Storage DRS with the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** One of `datastore_id` or `datastore_cluster_id` must be specified. - - > **NOTE:** Use of `datastore_cluster_id` requires vSphere Storage DRS to be enabled on the specified datastore cluster. - - > **NOTE:** The `datastore_cluster_id` setting applies to the entire virtual machine resource. You cannot assign individual individual disks to datastore clusters. In addition, you cannot use the `attach` setting to attach external disks on virtual machines that are assigned to datastore clusters. + The ID of a datastore cluster to put the virtual machine in. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datastore_cluster_id") @@ -3644,7 +3517,8 @@ def datastore_cluster_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="datastoreId") def datastore_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The datastore ID that on which the ISO is located. Required for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with `client_device`. + The ID of the virtual machine's datastore. The virtual machine configuration is placed here, along with any virtual + disks that are created without datastores. """ return pulumi.get(self, "datastore_id") @@ -3660,7 +3534,7 @@ def default_ip_address(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter def disks(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence['outputs.VirtualMachineDisk']]: """ - A specification for a virtual disk device on the virtual machine. See disk options for more information. + A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "disks") @@ -3668,9 +3542,7 @@ def disks(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence['outputs.VirtualMachineDisk']]: @pulumi.getter(name="efiSecureBootEnabled") def efi_secure_boot_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Use this option to enable EFI secure boot when the `firmware` type is set to is `efi`. Default: `false`. - - > **NOTE:** EFI secure boot is only available on vSphere 6.5 and later. + When the boot type set in firmware is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. """ return pulumi.get(self, "efi_secure_boot_enabled") @@ -3678,7 +3550,7 @@ def efi_secure_boot_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="enableDiskUuid") def enable_disk_uuid(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: `false`. + Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "enable_disk_uuid") @@ -3686,7 +3558,7 @@ def enable_disk_uuid(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="enableLogging") def enable_logging(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: `false`. + Enable logging on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "enable_logging") @@ -3694,7 +3566,7 @@ def enable_logging(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="eptRviMode") def ept_rvi_mode(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for the virtual machine. One of `automatic`, `on`, or `off`. Default: `automatic`. + The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ept_rvi_mode") @@ -3702,9 +3574,8 @@ def ept_rvi_mode(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="extraConfig") def extra_config(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]]: """ - Extra configuration data for the virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as instance metadata and userdata. - - > **NOTE:** Do not use `extra_config` when working with a template imported from OVF/OVA as your settings may be ignored. Use the `vapp` block `properties` section as described in Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration. + Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in + configuration, such as instance metadata, or configuration data for OVF images. """ return pulumi.get(self, "extra_config") @@ -3712,7 +3583,7 @@ def extra_config(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="extraConfigRebootRequired") def extra_config_reboot_required(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. Default: `true`. + Allow the virtual machine to be rebooted when a change to `extra_config` occurs. """ return pulumi.get(self, "extra_config_reboot_required") @@ -3720,7 +3591,7 @@ def extra_config_reboot_required(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter def firmware(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The firmware for the virtual machine. One of `bios` or `efi`. + The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or efi. """ return pulumi.get(self, "firmware") @@ -3728,7 +3599,7 @@ def firmware(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter def folder(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The path to the virtual machine folder in which to place the virtual machine, relative to the datacenter path (`//vm`). For example, `/dc-01/vm/foo` + The name of the folder to locate the virtual machine in. """ return pulumi.get(self, "folder") @@ -3736,7 +3607,7 @@ def folder(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="forcePowerOff") def force_power_off(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - If a guest shutdown failed or times out while updating or destroying (see `shutdown_wait_timeout`), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: `true`. + Set to true to force power-off a virtual machine if a graceful guest shutdown failed for a necessary operation. """ return pulumi.get(self, "force_power_off") @@ -3744,9 +3615,7 @@ def force_power_off(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="guestId") def guest_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see [here][vmware-docs-guest-ids]. Default: `otherGuest64`. - - [vmware-docs-guest-ids]: https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/184bb3ba-6fa8-4574-a767-d0c96e2a38f4/ba9422ef-405c-47dd-8553-e11b619185b2/SDK/vsphere-ws/docs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html + The guest ID for the operating system. """ return pulumi.get(self, "guest_id") @@ -3762,10 +3631,7 @@ def guest_ip_addresses(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="hardwareVersion") def hardware_version(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ - The hardware version number. Valid range is from 4 to 21. The hardware version cannot be downgraded. See virtual machine hardware [versions][virtual-machine-hardware-versions] and [compatibility][virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility] for more information on supported settings. - - [virtual-machine-hardware-versions]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1003746 - [virtual-machine-hardware-compatibility]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2007240 + The hardware version for the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "hardware_version") @@ -3773,7 +3639,7 @@ def hardware_version(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="hostSystemId") def host_system_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The managed object reference ID of a host on which to place the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information on modifying this value. When using a vSphere cluster, if a `host_system_id` is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the cluster to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or vSphere DRS placement policies. + The ID of an optional host system to pin the virtual machine to. """ return pulumi.get(self, "host_system_id") @@ -3781,7 +3647,7 @@ def host_system_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="hvMode") def hv_mode(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The hardware virtualization (non-nested) setting for the virtual machine. One of `hvAuto`, `hvOn`, or `hvOff`. Default: `hvAuto`. + The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. """ return pulumi.get(self, "hv_mode") @@ -3789,7 +3655,9 @@ def hv_mode(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="ideControllerCount") def ide_controller_count(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The number of IDE controllers that the virtual machine. This directly affects the number of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: `2`. + The number of IDE controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks + you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove + controllers. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ide_controller_count") @@ -3797,7 +3665,7 @@ def ide_controller_count(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="ignoredGuestIps") def ignored_guest_ips(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: """ - List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an available IP address using either of the waiters. Any IP addresses in this list will be ignored so that the waiter will continue to wait for a valid IP address. Default: `[]`. + List of IP addresses and CIDR networks to ignore while waiting for an IP """ return pulumi.get(self, "ignored_guest_ips") @@ -3813,9 +3681,9 @@ def imported(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: @pulumi.getter(name="latencySensitivity") def latency_sensitivity(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. One of `low`, `normal`, `medium`, or `high`. - - > **NOTE:** On higher sensitivities, you may need to adjust the `memory_reservation` to the full amount of memory provisioned for the virtual machine. + Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower + latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard + devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high. """ return pulumi.get(self, "latency_sensitivity") @@ -3823,7 +3691,7 @@ def latency_sensitivity(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter def memory(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The memory size to assign to the virtual machine, in MB. Default: `1024` (1 GB). + The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory") @@ -3831,15 +3699,7 @@ def memory(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="memoryHotAddEnabled") def memory_hot_add_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Allow memory to be added to the virtual machine while it is powered on. - - > **NOTE:** CPU and memory hot add options are not available on all guest operating systems. Please refer to the [VMware Guest OS Compatibility Guide][vmware-docs-compat-guide] to which settings are allow for your guest operating system. In addition, at least one `pulumi up` must be run before you are able to use CPU and memory hot add. - - [vmware-docs-compat-guide]: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/comp_guide2/pdf/VMware_GOS_Compatibility_Guide.pdf - - > **NOTE:** For Linux 64-bit guest operating systems with less than or equal to 3GB, the virtual machine must powered off to add memory beyond 3GB. Subsequent hot add of memory does not require the virtual machine to be powered-off to apply the plan. Please refer to [VMware KB 2008405][vmware-kb-2008405]. - - [vmware-kb-2008405]: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2008405 + Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_hot_add_enabled") @@ -3847,7 +3707,8 @@ def memory_hot_add_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="memoryLimit") def memory_limit(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that th virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit. + The maximum amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available + resources. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_limit") @@ -3855,7 +3716,7 @@ def memory_limit(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="memoryReservation") def memory_reservation(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The amount of memory (in MB) that the virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation. + The amount of memory (in MB) or CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_reservation") @@ -3873,7 +3734,7 @@ def memory_reservation_locked_to_max(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="memoryShareCount") def memory_share_count(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ - The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the `memory_share_level` is `custom`. + The amount of shares to allocate to memory for a custom share level. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_share_count") @@ -3881,7 +3742,7 @@ def memory_share_count(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: @pulumi.getter(name="memoryShareLevel") def memory_share_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The allocation level for the virtual machine memory resources. One of `high`, `low`, `normal`, or `custom`. Default: `custom`. + The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. """ return pulumi.get(self, "memory_share_level") @@ -3889,7 +3750,7 @@ def memory_share_level(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="migrateWaitTimeout") def migrate_wait_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: `10` minutes. See the section on virtual machine migration for more information. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a vMotion operation to complete before failing. """ return pulumi.get(self, "migrate_wait_timeout") @@ -3905,7 +3766,7 @@ def moid(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter def name(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The name of the virtual machine. + The name of this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "name") @@ -3913,7 +3774,7 @@ def name(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="nestedHvEnabled") def nested_hv_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable nested hardware virtualization on the virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest operating system. Default: `false`. + Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. """ return pulumi.get(self, "nested_hv_enabled") @@ -3921,7 +3782,7 @@ def nested_hv_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="networkInterfaces") def network_interfaces(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence['outputs.VirtualMachineNetworkInterface']]]: """ - A specification for a virtual NIC on the virtual machine. See network interface options for more information. + A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_interfaces") @@ -3929,7 +3790,8 @@ def network_interfaces(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence['outputs.Virtual @pulumi.getter(name="numCoresPerSocket") def num_cores_per_socket(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The number of cores per socket in the virtual machine. The number of vCPUs on the virtual machine will be `num_cpus` divided by `num_cores_per_socket`. If specified, the value supplied to `num_cpus` must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: `1`. + The number of cores to distribute amongst the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus + must be evenly divisible by this value. """ return pulumi.get(self, "num_cores_per_socket") @@ -3937,7 +3799,7 @@ def num_cores_per_socket(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="numCpus") def num_cpus(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to the virtual machine. Default: `1`. + The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "num_cpus") @@ -3945,7 +3807,7 @@ def num_cpus(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="ovfDeploy") def ovf_deploy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional['outputs.VirtualMachineOvfDeploy']]: """ - When specified, the virtual machine will be deployed from the provided OVF/OVA template. See creating a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA template for more information. + A specification for deploying a virtual machine from ovf/ova template. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ovf_deploy") @@ -3953,9 +3815,7 @@ def ovf_deploy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional['outputs.VirtualMachineOvfDeploy' @pulumi.getter(name="pciDeviceIds") def pci_device_ids(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: """ - List of host PCI device IDs in which to create PCI passthroughs. - - > **NOTE:** Cloning requires vCenter Server and is not supported on direct ESXi host connections. + A list of PCI passthrough devices """ return pulumi.get(self, "pci_device_ids") @@ -3988,8 +3848,6 @@ def reboot_required(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: def replace_trigger(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ Triggers replacement of resource whenever it changes. - - For example, `replace_trigger = sha256(format("%s-%s",data.template_file.cloud_init_metadata.rendered,data.template_file.cloud_init_userdata.rendered))` will fingerprint the changes in cloud-init metadata and userdata templates. This will enable a replacement of the resource whenever the dependant template renders a new configuration. (Forces a replacement.) """ return pulumi.get(self, "replace_trigger") @@ -3997,9 +3855,7 @@ def replace_trigger(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="resourcePoolId") def resource_pool_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The managed object reference ID of the resource pool in which to place the virtual machine. See the Virtual Machine Migration section for more information on modifying this value. - - > **NOTE:** All clusters and standalone hosts have a default root resource pool. This resource argument does not directly accept the cluster or standalone host resource. For more information, see the section on specifying the Root Resource Pool in the `ResourcePool` data source documentation on using the root resource pool. + The ID of a resource pool to put the virtual machine in. """ return pulumi.get(self, "resource_pool_id") @@ -4007,7 +3863,7 @@ def resource_pool_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsAfterPowerOn") def run_tools_scripts_after_power_on(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable post-power-on scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine power-on when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_after_power_on") @@ -4015,7 +3871,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_after_power_on(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsAfterResume") def run_tools_scripts_after_resume(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable ost-resume scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts after virtual machine resume when when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_after_resume") @@ -4023,7 +3879,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_after_resume(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestReboot") def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable pre-reboot scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `false`. + Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system reboot when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot") @@ -4031,7 +3887,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]] @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestShutdown") def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable pre-shutdown scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system shutdown when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown") @@ -4039,7 +3895,7 @@ def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool @pulumi.getter(name="runToolsScriptsBeforeGuestStandby") def run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable pre-standby scripts to run when VMware Tools is installed. Default: `true`. + Enable the run of scripts before guest operating system standby when VMware Tools is installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby") @@ -4057,7 +3913,7 @@ def sata_controller_count(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="scsiBusSharing") def scsi_bus_sharing(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The type of SCSI bus sharing for the virtual machine SCSI controller. One of `physicalSharing`, `virtualSharing`, and `noSharing`. Default: `noSharing`. + Mode for sharing the SCSI bus. The modes are physicalSharing, virtualSharing, and noSharing. """ return pulumi.get(self, "scsi_bus_sharing") @@ -4075,7 +3931,7 @@ def scsi_controller_count(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="scsiType") def scsi_type(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The SCSI controller type for the virtual machine. One of `lsilogic` (LSI Logic Parallel), `lsilogic-sas` (LSI Logic SAS) or `pvscsi` (VMware Paravirtual). Default: `pvscsi`. + The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic, lsilogic-sas or pvscsi. """ return pulumi.get(self, "scsi_type") @@ -4083,7 +3939,7 @@ def scsi_type(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="shutdownWaitTimeout") def shutdown_wait_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If `force_power_off` is set to `true`, the virtual machine will be forced to power-off after the timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: `3` minutes. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "shutdown_wait_timeout") @@ -4091,7 +3947,7 @@ def shutdown_wait_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="storagePolicyId") def storage_policy_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The UUID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual disk. + The ID of the storage policy to assign to the virtual machine home directory. """ return pulumi.get(self, "storage_policy_id") @@ -4099,7 +3955,7 @@ def storage_policy_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="swapPlacementPolicy") def swap_placement_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - The swap file placement policy for the virtual machine. One of `inherit`, `hostLocal`, or `vmDirectory`. Default: `inherit`. + The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. """ return pulumi.get(self, "swap_placement_policy") @@ -4107,7 +3963,8 @@ def swap_placement_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="syncTimeWithHost") def sync_time_with_host(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable the guest operating system to synchronization its clock with the host when the virtual machine is powered on or resumed. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `true`. + Enable guest clock synchronization with the host. On vSphere 7.0 U1 and above, with only this setting the clock is + synchronized on startup and resume. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sync_time_with_host") @@ -4115,7 +3972,8 @@ def sync_time_with_host(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="syncTimeWithHostPeriodically") def sync_time_with_host_periodically(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable the guest operating system to periodically synchronize its clock with the host. Requires vSphere 7.0 Update 1 and later. On previous versions, setting `sync_time_with_host` is will enable periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. Default: `false`. + Enable periodic clock synchronization with the host. Supported only on vSphere 7.0 U1 and above. On prior versions + setting `sync_time_with_host` is enough for periodic synchronization. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sync_time_with_host_periodically") @@ -4123,9 +3981,7 @@ def sync_time_with_host_periodically(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter def tags(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: """ - The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. Please refer to the `Tag` resource for more information on applying tags to virtual machine resources. - - > **NOTE:** Tagging support is unsupported on direct ESXi host connections and requires vCenter Server instance. + A list of tag IDs to apply to this object. """ return pulumi.get(self, "tags") @@ -4133,7 +3989,7 @@ def tags(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Sequence[str]]]: @pulumi.getter(name="toolsUpgradePolicy") def tools_upgrade_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ - Enable automatic upgrade of the VMware Tools version when the virtual machine is rebooted. If necessary, VMware Tools is upgraded to the latest version supported by the host on which the virtual machine is running. Requires VMware Tools to be installed. One of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. Default: `manual`. + Set the upgrade policy for VMware Tools. Can be one of `manual` or `upgradeAtPowerCycle`. """ return pulumi.get(self, "tools_upgrade_policy") @@ -4141,7 +3997,7 @@ def tools_upgrade_policy(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: @pulumi.getter def uuid(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ - The UUID of the virtual disk VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine. + The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the `id` of the resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "uuid") @@ -4149,7 +4005,7 @@ def uuid(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter def vapp(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional['outputs.VirtualMachineVapp']]: """ - Used for vApp configurations. The only sub-key available is `properties`, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from and OVF/OVA. See Using vApp Properties for OVF/OVA Configuration for more information. + vApp configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to provide configuration data for OVF images. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vapp") @@ -4165,7 +4021,7 @@ def vapp_transports(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence[str]]: @pulumi.getter(name="vbsEnabled") def vbs_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable Virtualization Based Security. Requires `firmware` to be `efi`. In addition, `vvtd_enabled`, `nested_hv_enabled`, and `efi_secure_boot_enabled` must all have a value of `true`. Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + Flag to specify if Virtualization-based security is enabled for this virtual machine. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vbs_enabled") @@ -4189,7 +4045,8 @@ def vmx_path(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: @pulumi.getter(name="vvtdEnabled") def vvtd_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Enable Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O for the virtual machine (_I/O MMU_ in the vSphere Client). Supported on vSphere 6.7 and later. Default: `false`. + Flag to specify if I/O MMU virtualization, also called Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) and AMD + I/O Virtualization (AMD-Vi or IOMMU), is enabled. """ return pulumi.get(self, "vvtd_enabled") @@ -4197,7 +4054,8 @@ def vvtd_enabled(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="waitForGuestIpTimeout") def wait_for_guest_ip_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. This should only be used if the version VMware Tools does not allow the `wait_for_guest_net_timeout` waiter to be used. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `0`. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. """ return pulumi.get(self, "wait_for_guest_ip_timeout") @@ -4205,7 +4063,8 @@ def wait_for_guest_ip_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: @pulumi.getter(name="waitForGuestNetRoutable") def wait_for_guest_net_routable(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: """ - Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When `false`, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. This property is ignored if the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter is used. Default: `true`. + Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for + a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. """ return pulumi.get(self, "wait_for_guest_net_routable") @@ -4213,7 +4072,8 @@ def wait_for_guest_net_routable(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[bool]]: @pulumi.getter(name="waitForGuestNetTimeout") def wait_for_guest_net_timeout(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ - The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available guest IP address on the virtual machine. Older versions of VMware Tools do not populate this property. In those cases, this waiter can be disabled and the `wait_for_guest_ip_timeout` waiter can be used instead. A value less than `1` disables the waiter. Default: `5` minutes. + The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 + disables the waiter. """ return pulumi.get(self, "wait_for_guest_net_timeout") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/virtual_machine_snapshot.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/virtual_machine_snapshot.py index 1771e33f..6bba10fe 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/virtual_machine_snapshot.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/virtual_machine_snapshot.py @@ -308,7 +308,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -322,7 +321,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, remove_children=False, consolidate=True) ``` - :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. @@ -371,7 +369,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ## Example Usage - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -385,7 +382,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, remove_children=False, consolidate=True) ``` - :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param VirtualMachineSnapshotArgs args: The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/vm_storage_policy.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/vm_storage_policy.py index 4fe6b48d..68c858cc 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/vm_storage_policy.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/vm_storage_policy.py @@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, In this example, tags are first applied to datastores. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -179,11 +178,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, "data.vsphere_tag.non_replicated.id", ]) ``` - Next, storage policies are created and `tag_rules` are applied. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -229,11 +226,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, ), ]) ``` - Lasttly, when creating a virtual machine resource, a storage policy can be specificed to direct virtual machine placement to a datastore which matches the policy's `tags_rules`. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -243,7 +238,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, prod_vm = vsphere.VirtualMachine("prod_vm", storage_policy_id=storage_policy["prodPlatinumReplicated"]["id"]) dev_vm = vsphere.VirtualMachine("dev_vm", storage_policy_id=storage_policy["devSilverNonreplicated"]["id"]) ``` - :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. @@ -268,7 +262,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, In this example, tags are first applied to datastores. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -303,11 +296,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, "data.vsphere_tag.non_replicated.id", ]) ``` - Next, storage policies are created and `tag_rules` are applied. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -353,11 +344,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, ), ]) ``` - Lasttly, when creating a virtual machine resource, a storage policy can be specificed to direct virtual machine placement to a datastore which matches the policy's `tags_rules`. - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -367,7 +356,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, prod_vm = vsphere.VirtualMachine("prod_vm", storage_policy_id=storage_policy["prodPlatinumReplicated"]["id"]) dev_vm = vsphere.VirtualMachine("dev_vm", storage_policy_id=storage_policy["devSilverNonreplicated"]["id"]) ``` - :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param VmStoragePolicyArgs args: The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/vnic.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/vnic.py index b16a62db..83401ca0 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/vnic.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_vsphere/vnic.py @@ -373,7 +373,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ### Create a vnic attached to a distributed virtual switch using the vmotion TCP/IP stack - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -401,11 +400,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, ), netstack="vmotion") ``` - ### Create a vnic attached to a portgroup using the default TCP/IP stack - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -437,7 +434,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, "management", ]) ``` - ## Importing @@ -476,7 +472,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, ### Create a vnic attached to a distributed virtual switch using the vmotion TCP/IP stack - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -504,11 +499,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, ), netstack="vmotion") ``` - ### Create a vnic attached to a portgroup using the default TCP/IP stack - ```python import pulumi import pulumi_vsphere as vsphere @@ -540,7 +533,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, "management", ]) ``` - ## Importing