diff --git a/examples/go.mod b/examples/go.mod index cd60953b..12fc94d7 100644 --- a/examples/go.mod +++ b/examples/go.mod @@ -2,29 +2,24 @@ module github.com/pulumi/pulumi-splunk/examples go 1.21 -require github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.103.1 +require github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.104.2 require ( - cloud.google.com/go v0.110.4 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.20.1 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go v0.110.10 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.23.3 // indirect cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.2.3 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.1 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.12.1 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/logging v1.7.0 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.1 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.30.1 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.5 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.15.5 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/logging v1.8.1 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.4 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.35.1 // indirect dario.cat/mergo v1.0.0 // indirect - github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v66.0.0+incompatible // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest v14.2.0+incompatible // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest v0.11.28 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/adal v0.9.21 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure/auth v0.5.11 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure/cli v0.4.6 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/date v0.3.0 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/to v0.4.0 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/validation v0.3.1 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/logger v0.2.1 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing v0.6.0 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v1.9.0 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity v1.4.0 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal v1.5.0 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/keyvault/azkeys v0.10.0 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/keyvault/internal v0.7.1 // indirect + github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go v1.2.0 // indirect github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.6.1 // indirect github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto v0.0.0-20230828082145-3c4c8a2d2371 // indirect github.com/aead/chacha20 v0.0.0-20180709150244-8b13a72661da // indirect @@ -33,19 +28,21 @@ require ( github.com/armon/go-metrics v0.4.0 // indirect github.com/armon/go-radix v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/atotto/clipboard v0.1.4 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.298 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.17.3 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config v1.15.15 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials v1.12.10 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/ec2/imds v1.12.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/configsources v1.1.27 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/endpoints/v2 v2.4.21 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini v1.3.16 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/presigned-url v1.9.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/kms v1.18.1 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso v1.11.13 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts v1.16.10 // indirect - github.com/aws/smithy-go v1.13.5 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.49.0 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.24.0 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config v1.26.1 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials v1.16.12 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/ec2/imds v1.14.10 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/configsources v1.2.9 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/endpoints/v2 v2.5.9 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini v1.7.2 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/accept-encoding v1.10.4 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/presigned-url v1.10.9 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/kms v1.27.5 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso v1.18.5 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ssooidc v1.21.5 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts v1.26.5 // indirect + github.com/aws/smithy-go v1.19.0 // indirect github.com/aymanbagabas/go-osc52/v2 v2.0.1 // indirect github.com/blang/semver v3.5.1+incompatible // indirect github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v3 v3.2.2 // indirect @@ -58,7 +55,6 @@ require ( github.com/cyphar/filepath-securejoin v0.2.4 // indirect github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect github.com/deckarep/golang-set/v2 v2.5.0 // indirect - github.com/dimchansky/utfbom v1.1.1 // indirect github.com/djherbis/times v1.5.0 // indirect github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/emirpasic/gods v1.18.1 // indirect @@ -68,18 +64,17 @@ require ( github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 v5.11.0 // indirect github.com/gofrs/uuid v4.2.0+incompatible // indirect github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 // indirect - github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.4.2 // indirect - github.com/golang/glog v1.1.0 // indirect + github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v5 v5.1.0 // indirect + github.com/golang/glog v1.1.2 // indirect github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.3 // indirect github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.4 // indirect - github.com/google/go-cmp v0.6.0 // indirect github.com/google/go-querystring v1.1.0 // indirect - github.com/google/s2a-go v0.1.4 // indirect - github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0 // indirect + github.com/google/s2a-go v0.1.7 // indirect + github.com/google/uuid v1.4.0 // indirect github.com/google/wire v0.5.0 // indirect - github.com/googleapis/enterprise-certificate-proxy v0.2.3 // indirect - github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2 v2.11.0 // indirect + github.com/googleapis/enterprise-certificate-proxy v0.3.2 // indirect + github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2 v2.12.0 // indirect github.com/gorilla/mux v1.8.0 // indirect github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-opentracing v0.0.0-20180507213350-8e809c8a8645 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/errwrap v1.1.0 // indirect @@ -107,6 +102,7 @@ require ( github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath v0.4.0 // indirect github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12 // indirect github.com/kevinburke/ssh_config v1.2.0 // indirect + github.com/kylelemons/godebug v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/lucasb-eyer/go-colorful v1.2.0 // indirect github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.12 // indirect github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.19 // indirect @@ -133,12 +129,13 @@ require ( github.com/pgavlin/goldmark v1.1.33-0.20200616210433-b5eb04559386 // indirect github.com/pierrec/lz4 v2.6.1+incompatible // indirect github.com/pjbgf/sha1cd v0.3.0 // indirect + github.com/pkg/browser v0.0.0-20210911075715-681adbf594b8 // indirect github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 // indirect github.com/pkg/term v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/pulumi/appdash v0.0.0-20231130102222-75f619a67231 // indirect github.com/pulumi/esc v0.6.2 // indirect - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.103.1 // indirect + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2 // indirect github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 // indirect github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.11.0 // indirect github.com/ryanuber/go-glob v1.0.0 // indirect @@ -162,26 +159,26 @@ require ( github.com/zclconf/go-cty v1.13.2 // indirect go.opencensus.io v0.24.0 // indirect go.uber.org/atomic v1.9.0 // indirect - gocloud.dev v0.27.0 // indirect + gocloud.dev v0.36.0 // indirect gocloud.dev/secrets/hashivault v0.27.0 // indirect golang.org/x/crypto v0.17.0 // indirect golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20231110203233-9a3e6036ecaa // indirect golang.org/x/mod v0.14.0 // indirect golang.org/x/net v0.19.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.8.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.14.0 // indirect golang.org/x/sync v0.5.0 // indirect golang.org/x/sys v0.15.0 // indirect golang.org/x/term v0.15.0 // indirect golang.org/x/text v0.14.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20220722155302-e5dcc9cfc0b9 // indirect + golang.org/x/time v0.4.0 // indirect golang.org/x/tools v0.15.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20220907171357-04be3eba64a2 // indirect - google.golang.org/api v0.126.0 // indirect - google.golang.org/appengine v1.6.7 // indirect - google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20230726155614-23370e0ffb3e // indirect - google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api v0.0.0-20230706204954-ccb25ca9f130 // indirect - google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc v0.0.0-20230706204954-ccb25ca9f130 // indirect - google.golang.org/grpc v1.57.1 // indirect + golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20231012003039-104605ab7028 // indirect + google.golang.org/api v0.151.0 // indirect + google.golang.org/appengine v1.6.8 // indirect + google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20231120223509-83a465c0220f // indirect + google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api v0.0.0-20231120223509-83a465c0220f // indirect + google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc v0.0.0-20231120223509-83a465c0220f // indirect + google.golang.org/grpc v1.59.0 // indirect google.golang.org/protobuf v1.31.0 // indirect gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2 v2.6.0 // indirect gopkg.in/warnings.v0 v0.1.2 // indirect diff --git a/examples/go.sum b/examples/go.sum index cc577392..02343256 100644 --- a/examples/go.sum +++ b/examples/go.sum @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ cloud.google.com/go v0.100.2/go.mod h1:4Xra9TjzAeYHrl5+oeLlzbM2k3mjVhZh4UqTZ//w9 cloud.google.com/go v0.102.0/go.mod h1:oWcCzKlqJ5zgHQt9YsaeTY9KzIvjyy0ArmiBUgpQ+nc= cloud.google.com/go v0.102.1/go.mod h1:XZ77E9qnTEnrgEOvr4xzfdX5TRo7fB4T2F4O6+34hIU= cloud.google.com/go v0.103.0/go.mod h1:vwLx1nqLrzLX/fpwSMOXmFIqBOyHsvHbnAdbGSJ+mKk= -cloud.google.com/go v0.110.4 h1:1JYyxKMN9hd5dR2MYTPWkGUgcoxVVhg0LKNKEo0qvmk= -cloud.google.com/go v0.110.4/go.mod 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h1:4tCnrn48xsqlwSAiLf1HXMQk8CONslYbdiEZc9FEIbM= +cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.23.3 h1:6sVlXXBmbd7jNX0Ipq0trII3e4n1/MsADLK6a+aiVlk= +cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.23.3/go.mod h1:VCgBUoMnIVIR0CscqQiPJLAG25E3ZRZMzcFZeQ+h8CI= cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.2.3 h1:mg4jlk7mCAj6xXp9UJ4fjI9VUI5rubuGBW5aJ7UnBMY= cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.2.3/go.mod h1:VAV5nSsACxMJvgaAuX6Pk2AawlZn8kiOGuCv6gTkwuA= cloud.google.com/go/datastore v1.0.0/go.mod h1:LXYbyblFSglQ5pkeyhO+Qmw7ukd3C+pD7TKLgZqpHYE= @@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ cloud.google.com/go/firestore v1.1.0/go.mod h1:ulACoGHTpvq5r8rxGJ4ddJZBZqakUQqCl cloud.google.com/go/firestore v1.6.1/go.mod h1:asNXNOzBdyVQmEU+ggO8UPodTkEVFW5Qx+rwHnAz+EY= cloud.google.com/go/iam v0.1.0/go.mod h1:vcUNEa0pEm0qRVpmWepWaFMIAI8/hjB9mO8rNCJtF6c= cloud.google.com/go/iam v0.3.0/go.mod h1:XzJPvDayI+9zsASAFO68Hk07u3z+f+JrT2xXNdp4bnY= -cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.1 h1:lW7fzj15aVIXYHREOqjRBV9PsH0Z6u8Y46a1YGvQP4Y= -cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.1/go.mod h1:A5avdyVL2tCppe4unb0951eI9jreack+RJ0/d+KUZOU= +cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.5 h1:1jTsCu4bcsNsE4iiqNT5SHwrDRCfRmIaaaVFhRveTJI= +cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.5/go.mod h1:rB6P/Ic3mykPbFio+vo7403drjlgvoWfYpJhMXEbzv8= cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.4.0/go.mod h1:fajBHndQ+6ubNw6Ss2sSd+SWvjL26RNo/dr7uxsnnOA= -cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.12.1 h1:xZmZuwy2cwzsocmKDOPu4BL7umg8QXagQx6fKVmf45U= -cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.12.1/go.mod h1:c9J991h5DTl+kg7gi3MYomh12YEENGrf48ee/N/2CDM= -cloud.google.com/go/logging v1.7.0 h1:CJYxlNNNNAMkHp9em/YEXcfJg+rPDg7YfwoRpMU+t5I= -cloud.google.com/go/logging v1.7.0/go.mod h1:3xjP2CjkM3ZkO73aj4ASA5wRPGGCRrPIAeNqVNkzY8M= -cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.1 h1:Fr7TXftcqTudoyRJa113hyaqlGdiBQkp0Gq7tErFDWI= -cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.1/go.mod h1:spvimkwdz6SPWKEt/XBij79E9fiTkHSQl/fRUUQJYJc= +cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.15.5 h1:pj1sRfut2eRbD9pFRjNnPNg/CzJPuQAzUujMIM1vVeM= +cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.15.5/go.mod h1:cU2H5jnp6G2TDpUGZyqTCoy1n16fbubHZjmVXSMtwDI= 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Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. 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Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -146,43 +157,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. 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Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -208,43 +230,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. 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Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -270,43 +303,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -332,43 +376,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -394,43 +449,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -456,43 +522,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -518,43 +595,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -580,43 +668,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -642,43 +741,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -704,43 +814,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -766,43 +887,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -828,43 +960,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -890,43 +1033,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -952,43 +1106,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -1014,43 +1179,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -1076,43 +1252,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", @@ -1138,43 +1325,54 @@ "properties": { "app": { "type": "string", + "description": "The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system\n", "willReplaceOnChanges": true }, "canChangePerms": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareApp": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareGlobal": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canShareUser": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true.\n" }, "canWrite": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true.\n" }, "owner": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted.\n" }, "reads": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate resource read permissions.\n" }, "removable": { - "type": "boolean" + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity.\n" }, "sharing": { - "type": "string" + "type": "string", + "description": "Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user\n" }, "writes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" - } + }, + "description": "Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource.\n" } }, "type": "object", diff --git a/provider/go.mod b/provider/go.mod index 72373a66..48879457 100644 --- a/provider/go.mod +++ b/provider/go.mod @@ -4,32 +4,27 @@ go 1.21 require ( github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk v1.15.0 - github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge/v3 v3.72.0 - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.103.1 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge/v3 v3.73.0 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2 github.com/splunk/terraform-provider-splunk v1.4.22 ) require ( - cloud.google.com/go v0.110.8 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.23.0 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go v0.110.10 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.23.3 // indirect cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.2.3 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.2 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.15.2 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.5 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.15.5 // indirect cloud.google.com/go/logging v1.8.1 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.1 // indirect - cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.30.1 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.4 // indirect + cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.35.1 // indirect dario.cat/mergo v1.0.0 // indirect - github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v66.0.0+incompatible // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest v14.2.0+incompatible // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest v0.11.28 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/adal v0.9.21 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure/auth v0.5.11 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure/cli v0.4.6 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/date v0.3.0 // indirect - 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github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.298 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.17.3 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config v1.15.15 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials v1.12.10 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/ec2/imds v1.12.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/configsources v1.1.27 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/endpoints/v2 v2.4.21 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini v1.3.16 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/presigned-url v1.9.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/kms v1.18.1 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso v1.11.13 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts v1.16.10 // indirect - github.com/aws/smithy-go v1.13.5 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.49.0 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.24.0 // indirect + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config v1.26.1 // indirect + 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@@ require ( github.com/cyphar/filepath-securejoin v0.2.4 // indirect github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect github.com/deckarep/golang-set/v2 v2.5.0 // indirect - github.com/dimchansky/utfbom v1.1.1 // indirect github.com/djherbis/times v1.5.0 // indirect github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/emirpasic/gods v1.18.1 // indirect @@ -83,18 +79,18 @@ require ( github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 v5.11.0 // indirect github.com/gofrs/uuid v4.2.0+incompatible // indirect github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 // indirect - github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.4.2 // indirect + github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v5 v5.1.0 // indirect github.com/golang/glog v1.1.2 // indirect github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.3 // indirect github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.4 // indirect github.com/google/go-cmp v0.6.0 // indirect github.com/google/go-querystring v1.1.0 // indirect - github.com/google/s2a-go v0.1.4 // indirect + 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v0.1.1 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/vault/api v1.8.2 // indirect @@ -135,6 +131,7 @@ require ( github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12 // indirect github.com/kevinburke/ssh_config v1.2.0 // indirect github.com/klauspost/compress v1.15.11 // indirect + github.com/kylelemons/godebug v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/lucasb-eyer/go-colorful v1.2.0 // indirect github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.13 // indirect github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.19 // indirect @@ -163,6 +160,7 @@ require ( github.com/pgavlin/goldmark v1.1.33-0.20200616210433-b5eb04559386 // indirect github.com/pierrec/lz4 v2.6.1+incompatible // indirect github.com/pjbgf/sha1cd v0.3.0 // indirect + github.com/pkg/browser v0.0.0-20210911075715-681adbf594b8 // indirect github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 // indirect github.com/pkg/term v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect @@ -172,7 +170,7 @@ require ( github.com/pulumi/pulumi-java/pkg v0.9.9 // indirect github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge/x/muxer v0.0.7 // indirect github.com/pulumi/pulumi-yaml v1.5.0 // indirect - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.103.1 // indirect + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 v3.104.2 // indirect github.com/pulumi/schema-tools v0.1.2 // indirect github.com/pulumi/terraform-diff-reader v0.0.2 // indirect github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 // indirect @@ -206,27 +204,27 @@ require ( github.com/zclconf/go-cty-yaml v1.0.1 // indirect go.opencensus.io v0.24.0 // indirect go.uber.org/atomic v1.9.0 // indirect - gocloud.dev v0.27.0 // indirect + gocloud.dev v0.36.0 // indirect gocloud.dev/secrets/hashivault v0.27.0 // indirect golang.org/x/crypto v0.18.0 // indirect golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20231110203233-9a3e6036ecaa // indirect golang.org/x/mod v0.14.0 // indirect golang.org/x/net v0.19.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.13.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.14.0 // indirect golang.org/x/sync v0.5.0 // indirect golang.org/x/sys v0.16.0 // indirect golang.org/x/term v0.16.0 // indirect golang.org/x/text v0.14.0 // 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// indirect + google.golang.org/grpc v1.61.0 // indirect + google.golang.org/protobuf v1.32.0 // indirect gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2 v2.6.0 // indirect gopkg.in/warnings.v0 v0.1.2 // indirect gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 // indirect diff --git a/provider/go.sum b/provider/go.sum index 28804c3b..b77cbb88 100644 --- a/provider/go.sum +++ b/provider/go.sum @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ cloud.google.com/go v0.102.0/go.mod h1:oWcCzKlqJ5zgHQt9YsaeTY9KzIvjyy0ArmiBUgpQ+ cloud.google.com/go v0.102.1/go.mod h1:XZ77E9qnTEnrgEOvr4xzfdX5TRo7fB4T2F4O6+34hIU= cloud.google.com/go v0.103.0/go.mod h1:vwLx1nqLrzLX/fpwSMOXmFIqBOyHsvHbnAdbGSJ+mKk= cloud.google.com/go v0.104.0/go.mod h1:OO6xxXdJyvuJPcEPBLN9BJPD+jep5G1+2U5B5gkRYtA= -cloud.google.com/go v0.110.8 h1:tyNdfIxjzaWctIiLYOTalaLKZ17SI44SKFW26QbOhME= -cloud.google.com/go v0.110.8/go.mod h1:Iz8AkXJf1qmxC3Oxoep8R1T36w8B92yU29PcBhHO5fk= +cloud.google.com/go v0.110.10 h1:LXy9GEO+timppncPIAZoOj3l58LIU9k+kn48AN7IO3Y= +cloud.google.com/go v0.110.10/go.mod 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h1:/h5ZAUhDkGaJfjzjKLSjv6zCL6O0LLBxU4K+aSYdM/U= gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6/go.mod h1:FMv+mEhP44yOT+4EoQTLFTRgOQ1FBLkstjWtayDeSgw= gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/AppsLocalAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/AppsLocalAclArgs.cs index 2978d400..6a744948 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/AppsLocalAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/AppsLocalAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class AppsLocalAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/AppsLocalAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/AppsLocalAclGetArgs.cs index 06eedefe..9eae93e2 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/AppsLocalAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/AppsLocalAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class AppsLocalAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ConfigsConfAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ConfigsConfAclArgs.cs index 1a181e0c..580e86e6 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ConfigsConfAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ConfigsConfAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class ConfigsConfAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ConfigsConfAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ConfigsConfAclGetArgs.cs index 17aeabb5..634ef183 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ConfigsConfAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ConfigsConfAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class ConfigsConfAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DataUiViewsAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DataUiViewsAclArgs.cs index 9c5ffafc..550ee515 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DataUiViewsAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DataUiViewsAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class DataUiViewsAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DataUiViewsAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DataUiViewsAclGetArgs.cs index ea37d044..8c39b897 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DataUiViewsAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/DataUiViewsAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class DataUiViewsAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/GenericAclAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/GenericAclAclArgs.cs index 49e0c957..5584c517 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/GenericAclAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/GenericAclAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class GenericAclAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/GenericAclAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/GenericAclAclGetArgs.cs index 38f3f87b..8b9ab0ea 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/GenericAclAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/GenericAclAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class GenericAclAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/IndexesAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/IndexesAclArgs.cs index 343d44df..3a01c1e6 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/IndexesAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/IndexesAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class IndexesAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/IndexesAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/IndexesAclGetArgs.cs index 58b14f7a..1a91286d 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/IndexesAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/IndexesAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class IndexesAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs.cs index 3b0430ed..e5e262c6 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclGetArgs.cs index 209b350a..f8168f9c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsHttpEventCollectorAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsMonitorAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsMonitorAclArgs.cs index a2a4b773..e930d800 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsMonitorAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsMonitorAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsMonitorAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsMonitorAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsMonitorAclGetArgs.cs index bd0bea0d..f7d4d555 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsMonitorAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsMonitorAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsMonitorAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsScriptAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsScriptAclArgs.cs index d9650251..951eeb71 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsScriptAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsScriptAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsScriptAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsScriptAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsScriptAclGetArgs.cs index 8a0aac02..d3e92d56 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsScriptAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsScriptAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsScriptAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclArgs.cs index 73abe19d..ef3898e3 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsTcpCookedAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclGetArgs.cs index 5c742da9..ca836e1c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsTcpCookedAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpRawAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpRawAclArgs.cs index c8b779ea..f26e9621 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpRawAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpRawAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsTcpRawAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpRawAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpRawAclGetArgs.cs index 40f017d5..ac6f3849 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpRawAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpRawAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsTcpRawAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs.cs index f816bfcd..d7ce51db 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclGetArgs.cs index fc942c53..b37f2fd4 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsUdpAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsUdpAclArgs.cs index d09e7f25..b2e8ff3f 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsUdpAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsUdpAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsUdpAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsUdpAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsUdpAclGetArgs.cs index c1d450b6..bfdf15c1 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsUdpAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/InputsUdpAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class InputsUdpAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs.cs index bb58ab33..daca453a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclGetArgs.cs index 81a5bca6..488e5603 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class OutputsTcpDefaultAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs.cs index 2259799d..0b720f64 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclGetArgs.cs index 65f35745..c8f7ff9d 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class OutputsTcpGroupAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclArgs.cs index edd33c0f..1b313415 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class OutputsTcpServerAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclGetArgs.cs index 77c874ac..d8d0dfcf 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class OutputsTcpServerAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs.cs index d81b7c57..4b6e3e14 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclGetArgs.cs index 15c2cb1f..84ab0e27 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class OutputsTcpSyslogAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/SavedSearchesAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/SavedSearchesAclArgs.cs index 8694eef0..a8bd2cae 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/SavedSearchesAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/SavedSearchesAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class SavedSearchesAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/SavedSearchesAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/SavedSearchesAclGetArgs.cs index a1a07e0a..b0b1e1bf 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/SavedSearchesAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/SavedSearchesAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class SavedSearchesAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclArgs.cs index 23a9da7f..894bca33 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class ShIndexesManagerAclArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclGetArgs.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclGetArgs.cs index 6efb11de..f7a71e59 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclGetArgs.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclGetArgs.cs @@ -12,43 +12,78 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Inputs public sealed class ShIndexesManagerAclGetArgs : global::Pulumi.ResourceArgs { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// [Input("app")] public Input? App { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canChangePerms")] public Input? CanChangePerms { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareApp")] public Input? CanShareApp { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareGlobal")] public Input? CanShareGlobal { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canShareUser")] public Input? CanShareUser { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// [Input("canWrite")] public Input? CanWrite { get; set; } + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// [Input("owner")] public Input? Owner { get; set; } [Input("reads")] private InputList? _reads; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public InputList Reads { get => _reads ?? (_reads = new InputList()); set => _reads = value; } + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// [Input("removable")] public Input? Removable { get; set; } + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// [Input("sharing")] public Input? Sharing { get; set; } [Input("writes")] private InputList? _writes; + + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public InputList Writes { get => _writes ?? (_writes = new InputList()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/AppsLocalAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/AppsLocalAcl.cs index 1048fe75..376f395e 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/AppsLocalAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/AppsLocalAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class AppsLocalAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ConfigsConfAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ConfigsConfAcl.cs index 1d82be64..1aa68308 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ConfigsConfAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ConfigsConfAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class ConfigsConfAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DataUiViewsAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DataUiViewsAcl.cs index 4a484935..f63dea1a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DataUiViewsAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/DataUiViewsAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class DataUiViewsAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/GenericAclAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/GenericAclAcl.cs index 1e95b43d..be39c45e 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/GenericAclAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/GenericAclAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class GenericAclAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/IndexesAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/IndexesAcl.cs index 534ef1a3..10180b44 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/IndexesAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/IndexesAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class IndexesAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl.cs index 318a6781..6123544b 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsMonitorAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsMonitorAcl.cs index 3d41c8f5..9471f4b8 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsMonitorAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsMonitorAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class InputsMonitorAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsScriptAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsScriptAcl.cs index 090b7276..6591bbd7 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsScriptAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsScriptAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class InputsScriptAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpCookedAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpCookedAcl.cs index d2499595..bcb1364a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpCookedAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpCookedAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class InputsTcpCookedAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpRawAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpRawAcl.cs index 549ff5c5..0fc2d8c7 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpRawAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpRawAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class InputsTcpRawAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl.cs index ac7dc4bc..68fdf5cf 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsUdpAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsUdpAcl.cs index 1afd4c46..da6b4650 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsUdpAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/InputsUdpAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class InputsUdpAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAcl.cs index aa3d9f1a..79b8b398 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class OutputsTcpDefaultAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpGroupAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpGroupAcl.cs index 3421b542..01c2aac0 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpGroupAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpGroupAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class OutputsTcpGroupAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpServerAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpServerAcl.cs index 775b6349..b84175ef 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpServerAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpServerAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class OutputsTcpServerAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAcl.cs index 41cb8445..7aba743a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class OutputsTcpSyslogAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/SavedSearchesAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/SavedSearchesAcl.cs index bacab14d..7e05efc0 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/SavedSearchesAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/SavedSearchesAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class SavedSearchesAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ShIndexesManagerAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ShIndexesManagerAcl.cs index f1097aa7..47f89fbd 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ShIndexesManagerAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Outputs/ShIndexesManagerAcl.cs @@ -13,16 +13,49 @@ namespace Pulumi.Splunk.Outputs [OutputType] public sealed class ShIndexesManagerAcl { + /// + /// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + /// public readonly string? App; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanChangePerms; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareApp; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareGlobal; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanShareUser; + /// + /// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + /// public readonly bool? CanWrite; + /// + /// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + /// public readonly string? Owner; + /// + /// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Reads; + /// + /// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + /// public readonly bool? Removable; + /// + /// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + /// public readonly string? Sharing; + /// + /// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + /// public readonly ImmutableArray Writes; [OutputConstructor] diff --git a/sdk/go.mod b/sdk/go.mod index 83525daa..8505cbbf 100644 --- a/sdk/go.mod +++ b/sdk/go.mod @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ go 1.21 require ( github.com/blang/semver v3.5.1+incompatible - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.103.1 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2 ) require ( diff --git a/sdk/go.sum b/sdk/go.sum index 62c3c180..490f7f7e 100644 --- a/sdk/go.sum +++ b/sdk/go.sum @@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ github.com/pulumi/appdash v0.0.0-20231130102222-75f619a67231 h1:vkHw5I/plNdTr435 github.com/pulumi/appdash v0.0.0-20231130102222-75f619a67231/go.mod h1:murToZ2N9hNJzewjHBgfFdXhZKjY3z5cYC1VXk+lbFE= github.com/pulumi/esc v0.6.2 h1:+z+l8cuwIauLSwXQS0uoI3rqB+YG4SzsZYtHfNoXBvw= github.com/pulumi/esc v0.6.2/go.mod h1:jNnYNjzsOgVTjCp0LL24NsCk8ZJxq4IoLQdCT0X7l8k= -github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.103.1 h1:6o0zt5srgIjDsOI5JWNSwMqoB8vGiI3xow0RDZ3JX2c= -github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.103.1/go.mod h1:Ml3rpGfyZlI4zQCG7LN2XDSmH4XUNYdyBwJ3yEr/OpI= +github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2 h1:aOwUkrlsyEWrL1jlHqn2/36zMSPQrVUYUyZPqstrmjc= +github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.104.2/go.mod h1:Ml3rpGfyZlI4zQCG7LN2XDSmH4XUNYdyBwJ3yEr/OpI= github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.1.0/go.mod h1:J6wj4VEh+S6ZtnVlnTBMWIodfgj8LQOQFoIToxlJtxc= github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.2.0/go.mod h1:J6wj4VEh+S6ZtnVlnTBMWIodfgj8LQOQFoIToxlJtxc= github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 h1:8TfxU8dW6PdqD27gjM8MVNuicgxIjxpm4K7x4jp8sis= diff --git a/sdk/go/splunk/pulumiTypes.go b/sdk/go/splunk/pulumiTypes.go index ee92ecbd..34af5bcb 100644 --- a/sdk/go/splunk/pulumiTypes.go +++ b/sdk/go/splunk/pulumiTypes.go @@ -14,17 +14,28 @@ import ( var _ = internal.GetEnvOrDefault type AppsLocalAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // AppsLocalAclInput is an input type that accepts AppsLocalAclArgs and AppsLocalAclOutput values. @@ -39,17 +50,28 @@ type AppsLocalAclInput interface { } type AppsLocalAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (AppsLocalAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -129,46 +151,57 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) ToAppsLocalAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Conte }).(AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v AppsLocalAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v AppsLocalAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v AppsLocalAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v AppsLocalAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v AppsLocalAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v AppsLocalAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v AppsLocalAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v AppsLocalAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v AppsLocalAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v AppsLocalAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o AppsLocalAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v AppsLocalAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -197,6 +230,7 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) Elem() AppsLocalAclOutput { }).(AppsLocalAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *AppsLocalAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -206,6 +240,7 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *AppsLocalAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -215,6 +250,7 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *AppsLocalAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -224,6 +260,7 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *AppsLocalAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -233,6 +270,7 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *AppsLocalAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -242,6 +280,7 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *AppsLocalAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -251,6 +290,7 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *AppsLocalAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -260,6 +300,7 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *AppsLocalAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -269,6 +310,7 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *AppsLocalAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -278,6 +320,7 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *AppsLocalAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -287,6 +330,7 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *AppsLocalAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -297,17 +341,28 @@ func (o AppsLocalAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type ConfigsConfAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // ConfigsConfAclInput is an input type that accepts ConfigsConfAclArgs and ConfigsConfAclOutput values. @@ -322,17 +377,28 @@ type ConfigsConfAclInput interface { } type ConfigsConfAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (ConfigsConfAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -412,46 +478,57 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) ToConfigsConfAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.C }).(ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ConfigsConfAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ConfigsConfAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ConfigsConfAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ConfigsConfAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o ConfigsConfAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ConfigsConfAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -480,6 +557,7 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) Elem() ConfigsConfAclOutput { }).(ConfigsConfAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ConfigsConfAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -489,6 +567,7 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -498,6 +577,7 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -507,6 +587,7 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -516,6 +597,7 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -525,6 +607,7 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -534,6 +617,7 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ConfigsConfAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -543,6 +627,7 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ConfigsConfAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -552,6 +637,7 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ConfigsConfAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -561,6 +647,7 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ConfigsConfAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -570,6 +657,7 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ConfigsConfAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -580,17 +668,28 @@ func (o ConfigsConfAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type DataUiViewsAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // DataUiViewsAclInput is an input type that accepts DataUiViewsAclArgs and DataUiViewsAclOutput values. @@ -605,17 +704,28 @@ type DataUiViewsAclInput interface { } type DataUiViewsAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (DataUiViewsAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -695,46 +805,57 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) ToDataUiViewsAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.C }).(DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DataUiViewsAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DataUiViewsAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DataUiViewsAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DataUiViewsAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o DataUiViewsAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v DataUiViewsAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -763,6 +884,7 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) Elem() DataUiViewsAclOutput { }).(DataUiViewsAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DataUiViewsAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -772,6 +894,7 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -781,6 +904,7 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -790,6 +914,7 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -799,6 +924,7 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -808,6 +934,7 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -817,6 +944,7 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DataUiViewsAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -826,6 +954,7 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DataUiViewsAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -835,6 +964,7 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DataUiViewsAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -844,6 +974,7 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DataUiViewsAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -853,6 +984,7 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *DataUiViewsAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -863,17 +995,28 @@ func (o DataUiViewsAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type GenericAclAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // GenericAclAclInput is an input type that accepts GenericAclAclArgs and GenericAclAclOutput values. @@ -888,17 +1031,28 @@ type GenericAclAclInput interface { } type GenericAclAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (GenericAclAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -978,46 +1132,57 @@ func (o GenericAclAclOutput) ToGenericAclAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Con }).(GenericAclAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o GenericAclAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v GenericAclAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o GenericAclAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v GenericAclAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o GenericAclAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v GenericAclAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o GenericAclAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v GenericAclAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o GenericAclAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v GenericAclAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o GenericAclAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v GenericAclAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o GenericAclAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v GenericAclAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o GenericAclAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v GenericAclAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o GenericAclAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v GenericAclAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o GenericAclAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v GenericAclAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o GenericAclAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v GenericAclAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -1046,6 +1211,7 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) Elem() GenericAclAclOutput { }).(GenericAclAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *GenericAclAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1055,6 +1221,7 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *GenericAclAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1064,6 +1231,7 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *GenericAclAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1073,6 +1241,7 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *GenericAclAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1082,6 +1251,7 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *GenericAclAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1091,6 +1261,7 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *GenericAclAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1100,6 +1271,7 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *GenericAclAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1109,6 +1281,7 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *GenericAclAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -1118,6 +1291,7 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *GenericAclAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1127,6 +1301,7 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *GenericAclAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1136,6 +1311,7 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *GenericAclAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -1146,17 +1322,28 @@ func (o GenericAclAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type IndexesAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // IndexesAclInput is an input type that accepts IndexesAclArgs and IndexesAclOutput values. @@ -1171,17 +1358,28 @@ type IndexesAclInput interface { } type IndexesAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (IndexesAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -1261,46 +1459,57 @@ func (o IndexesAclOutput) ToIndexesAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) }).(IndexesAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o IndexesAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v IndexesAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o IndexesAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v IndexesAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o IndexesAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v IndexesAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o IndexesAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v IndexesAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o IndexesAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v IndexesAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o IndexesAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v IndexesAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o IndexesAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v IndexesAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o IndexesAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v IndexesAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o IndexesAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v IndexesAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o IndexesAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v IndexesAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o IndexesAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v IndexesAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -1329,6 +1538,7 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) Elem() IndexesAclOutput { }).(IndexesAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *IndexesAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1338,6 +1548,7 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *IndexesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1347,6 +1558,7 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *IndexesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1356,6 +1568,7 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *IndexesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1365,6 +1578,7 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *IndexesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1374,6 +1588,7 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *IndexesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1383,6 +1598,7 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *IndexesAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1392,6 +1608,7 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *IndexesAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -1401,6 +1618,7 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *IndexesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1410,6 +1628,7 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *IndexesAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1419,6 +1638,7 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *IndexesAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -1429,17 +1649,28 @@ func (o IndexesAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // InputsHttpEventCollectorAclInput is an input type that accepts InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs and InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput values. @@ -1454,17 +1685,28 @@ type InputsHttpEventCollectorAclInput interface { } type InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -1544,46 +1786,57 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) ToInputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutpu }).(InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -1612,6 +1865,7 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) Elem() InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl }).(InputsHttpEventCollectorAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1621,6 +1875,7 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1630,6 +1885,7 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOut }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1639,6 +1895,7 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1648,6 +1905,7 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOut }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1657,6 +1915,7 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutpu }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1666,6 +1925,7 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1675,6 +1935,7 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -1684,6 +1945,7 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1693,6 +1955,7 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1702,6 +1965,7 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -1712,17 +1976,28 @@ func (o InputsHttpEventCollectorAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput } type InputsMonitorAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // InputsMonitorAclInput is an input type that accepts InputsMonitorAclArgs and InputsMonitorAclOutput values. @@ -1737,17 +2012,28 @@ type InputsMonitorAclInput interface { } type InputsMonitorAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (InputsMonitorAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -1827,46 +2113,57 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) ToInputsMonitorAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx conte }).(InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsMonitorAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsMonitorAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsMonitorAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsMonitorAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsMonitorAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsMonitorAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -1895,6 +2192,7 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) Elem() InputsMonitorAclOutput { }).(InputsMonitorAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsMonitorAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1904,6 +2202,7 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1913,6 +2212,7 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1922,6 +2222,7 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1931,6 +2232,7 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1940,6 +2242,7 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1949,6 +2252,7 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsMonitorAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1958,6 +2262,7 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsMonitorAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -1967,6 +2272,7 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsMonitorAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -1976,6 +2282,7 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsMonitorAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -1985,6 +2292,7 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsMonitorAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -1995,17 +2303,28 @@ func (o InputsMonitorAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type InputsScriptAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // InputsScriptAclInput is an input type that accepts InputsScriptAclArgs and InputsScriptAclOutput values. @@ -2020,17 +2339,28 @@ type InputsScriptAclInput interface { } type InputsScriptAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (InputsScriptAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -2110,46 +2440,57 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) ToInputsScriptAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context }).(InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsScriptAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsScriptAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsScriptAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsScriptAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsScriptAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsScriptAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsScriptAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsScriptAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsScriptAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsScriptAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsScriptAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsScriptAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -2178,6 +2519,7 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) Elem() InputsScriptAclOutput { }).(InputsScriptAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsScriptAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -2187,6 +2529,7 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsScriptAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2196,6 +2539,7 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsScriptAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2205,6 +2549,7 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsScriptAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2214,6 +2559,7 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsScriptAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2223,6 +2569,7 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsScriptAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2232,6 +2579,7 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsScriptAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -2241,6 +2589,7 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsScriptAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -2250,6 +2599,7 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsScriptAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2259,6 +2609,7 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsScriptAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -2268,6 +2619,7 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsScriptAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -2278,17 +2630,28 @@ func (o InputsScriptAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type InputsTcpCookedAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // InputsTcpCookedAclInput is an input type that accepts InputsTcpCookedAclArgs and InputsTcpCookedAclOutput values. @@ -2303,17 +2666,28 @@ type InputsTcpCookedAclInput interface { } type InputsTcpCookedAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (InputsTcpCookedAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -2393,46 +2767,57 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) ToInputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx c }).(InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpCookedAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpCookedAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpCookedAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpCookedAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpCookedAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -2461,6 +2846,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) Elem() InputsTcpCookedAclOutput { }).(InputsTcpCookedAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpCookedAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -2470,6 +2856,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2479,6 +2866,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2488,6 +2876,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2497,6 +2886,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2506,6 +2896,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2515,6 +2906,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpCookedAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -2524,6 +2916,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpCookedAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -2533,6 +2926,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpCookedAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2542,6 +2936,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpCookedAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -2551,6 +2946,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpCookedAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -2561,17 +2957,28 @@ func (o InputsTcpCookedAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type InputsTcpRawAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // InputsTcpRawAclInput is an input type that accepts InputsTcpRawAclArgs and InputsTcpRawAclOutput values. @@ -2586,17 +2993,28 @@ type InputsTcpRawAclInput interface { } type InputsTcpRawAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (InputsTcpRawAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -2676,46 +3094,57 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) ToInputsTcpRawAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context }).(InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpRawAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpRawAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpRawAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpRawAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsTcpRawAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpRawAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -2744,6 +3173,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) Elem() InputsTcpRawAclOutput { }).(InputsTcpRawAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpRawAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -2753,6 +3183,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2762,6 +3193,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2771,6 +3203,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2780,6 +3213,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2789,6 +3223,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2798,6 +3233,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpRawAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -2807,6 +3243,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpRawAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -2816,6 +3253,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpRawAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -2825,6 +3263,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpRawAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -2834,6 +3273,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpRawAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -2844,17 +3284,28 @@ func (o InputsTcpRawAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclInput is an input type that accepts InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs and InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput values. @@ -2869,17 +3320,28 @@ type InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclInput interface { } type InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -2959,46 +3421,57 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) ToInputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutputW }).(InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -3027,6 +3500,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) Elem() InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOu }).(InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3036,6 +3510,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3045,6 +3520,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3054,6 +3530,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3063,6 +3540,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3072,6 +3550,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3081,6 +3560,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3090,6 +3570,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -3099,6 +3580,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3108,6 +3590,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3117,6 +3600,7 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -3127,17 +3611,28 @@ func (o InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type InputsUdpAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // InputsUdpAclInput is an input type that accepts InputsUdpAclArgs and InputsUdpAclOutput values. @@ -3152,17 +3647,28 @@ type InputsUdpAclInput interface { } type InputsUdpAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (InputsUdpAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -3242,46 +3748,57 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) ToInputsUdpAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Conte }).(InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsUdpAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsUdpAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsUdpAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsUdpAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsUdpAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsUdpAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsUdpAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsUdpAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsUdpAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsUdpAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsUdpAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v InputsUdpAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -3310,6 +3827,7 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) Elem() InputsUdpAclOutput { }).(InputsUdpAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsUdpAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3319,6 +3837,7 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsUdpAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3328,6 +3847,7 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsUdpAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3337,6 +3857,7 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsUdpAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3346,6 +3867,7 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsUdpAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3355,6 +3877,7 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsUdpAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3364,6 +3887,7 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsUdpAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3373,6 +3897,7 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsUdpAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -3382,6 +3907,7 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsUdpAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3391,6 +3917,7 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsUdpAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3400,6 +3927,7 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *InputsUdpAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -3410,17 +3938,28 @@ func (o InputsUdpAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type OutputsTcpDefaultAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // OutputsTcpDefaultAclInput is an input type that accepts OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs and OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput values. @@ -3435,17 +3974,28 @@ type OutputsTcpDefaultAclInput interface { } type OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -3525,46 +4075,57 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) ToOutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutputWithContext(c }).(OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -3593,6 +4154,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) Elem() OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput { }).(OutputsTcpDefaultAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3602,6 +4164,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3611,6 +4174,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3620,6 +4184,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3629,6 +4194,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3638,6 +4204,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3647,6 +4214,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3656,6 +4224,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -3665,6 +4234,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3674,6 +4244,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3683,6 +4254,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpDefaultAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -3693,17 +4265,28 @@ func (o OutputsTcpDefaultAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type OutputsTcpGroupAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // OutputsTcpGroupAclInput is an input type that accepts OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs and OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput values. @@ -3718,17 +4301,28 @@ type OutputsTcpGroupAclInput interface { } type OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -3808,46 +4402,57 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) ToOutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx c }).(OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpGroupAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpGroupAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -3876,6 +4481,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) Elem() OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput { }).(OutputsTcpGroupAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3885,6 +4491,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3894,6 +4501,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3903,6 +4511,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3912,6 +4521,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3921,6 +4531,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3930,6 +4541,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3939,6 +4551,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpGroupAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -3948,6 +4561,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -3957,6 +4571,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpGroupAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -3966,6 +4581,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpGroupAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -3976,17 +4592,28 @@ func (o OutputsTcpGroupAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type OutputsTcpServerAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // OutputsTcpServerAclInput is an input type that accepts OutputsTcpServerAclArgs and OutputsTcpServerAclOutput values. @@ -4001,17 +4628,28 @@ type OutputsTcpServerAclInput interface { } type OutputsTcpServerAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (OutputsTcpServerAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -4091,46 +4729,57 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) ToOutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx }).(OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpServerAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpServerAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpServerAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpServerAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpServerAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -4159,6 +4808,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) Elem() OutputsTcpServerAclOutput { }).(OutputsTcpServerAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpServerAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -4168,6 +4818,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4177,6 +4828,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4186,6 +4838,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4195,6 +4848,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4204,6 +4858,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4213,6 +4868,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpServerAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -4222,6 +4878,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpServerAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -4231,6 +4888,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpServerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4240,6 +4898,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpServerAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -4249,6 +4908,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpServerAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -4259,17 +4919,28 @@ func (o OutputsTcpServerAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type OutputsTcpSyslogAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // OutputsTcpSyslogAclInput is an input type that accepts OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs and OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput values. @@ -4284,17 +4955,28 @@ type OutputsTcpSyslogAclInput interface { } type OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -4374,46 +5056,57 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) ToOutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx }).(OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -4442,6 +5135,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) Elem() OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput { }).(OutputsTcpSyslogAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -4451,6 +5145,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4460,6 +5155,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4469,6 +5165,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4478,6 +5175,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4487,6 +5185,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4496,6 +5195,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -4505,6 +5205,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -4514,6 +5215,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4523,6 +5225,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -4532,6 +5235,7 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *OutputsTcpSyslogAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -4542,17 +5246,28 @@ func (o OutputsTcpSyslogAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type SavedSearchesAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // SavedSearchesAclInput is an input type that accepts SavedSearchesAclArgs and SavedSearchesAclOutput values. @@ -4567,17 +5282,28 @@ type SavedSearchesAclInput interface { } type SavedSearchesAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (SavedSearchesAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -4657,46 +5383,57 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) ToSavedSearchesAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx conte }).(SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v SavedSearchesAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v SavedSearchesAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v SavedSearchesAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v SavedSearchesAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o SavedSearchesAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v SavedSearchesAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -4725,6 +5462,7 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) Elem() SavedSearchesAclOutput { }).(SavedSearchesAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *SavedSearchesAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -4734,6 +5472,7 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4743,6 +5482,7 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4752,6 +5492,7 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4761,6 +5502,7 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4770,6 +5512,7 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4779,6 +5522,7 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *SavedSearchesAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -4788,6 +5532,7 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *SavedSearchesAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -4797,6 +5542,7 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *SavedSearchesAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -4806,6 +5552,7 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *SavedSearchesAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -4815,6 +5562,7 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *SavedSearchesAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -4825,17 +5573,28 @@ func (o SavedSearchesAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { } type ShIndexesManagerAcl struct { - App *string `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App *string `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms *bool `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp *bool `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal *bool `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser *bool `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite *bool `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner *string `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads []string `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable *bool `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing *string `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes []string `pulumi:"writes"` } // ShIndexesManagerAclInput is an input type that accepts ShIndexesManagerAclArgs and ShIndexesManagerAclOutput values. @@ -4850,17 +5609,28 @@ type ShIndexesManagerAclInput interface { } type ShIndexesManagerAclArgs struct { - App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` - CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` - CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` - CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` - CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` - CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` - Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` - Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` - Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` - Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` - Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` + // The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + App pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"app"` + // Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + CanChangePerms pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canChangePerms"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + CanShareApp pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareApp"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + CanShareGlobal pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareGlobal"` + // Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + CanShareUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canShareUser"` + // Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + CanWrite pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"canWrite"` + // User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + Owner pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"owner"` + // Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + Reads pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"reads"` + // Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + Removable pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"removable"` + // Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + Sharing pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"sharing"` + // Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + Writes pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"writes"` } func (ShIndexesManagerAclArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type { @@ -4940,46 +5710,57 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) ToShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutputWithContext(ctx }).(ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ShIndexesManagerAcl) *string { return v.App }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { return v.CanChangePerms }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareApp }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareGlobal }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { return v.CanShareUser }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { return v.CanWrite }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ShIndexesManagerAcl) *string { return v.Owner }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ShIndexesManagerAcl) []string { return v.Reads }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { return v.Removable }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ShIndexesManagerAcl) *string { return v.Sharing }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v ShIndexesManagerAcl) []string { return v.Writes }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } @@ -5008,6 +5789,7 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) Elem() ShIndexesManagerAclOutput { }).(ShIndexesManagerAclOutput) } +// The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ShIndexesManagerAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -5017,6 +5799,7 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) App() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -5026,6 +5809,7 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) CanChangePerms() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -5035,6 +5819,7 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) CanShareApp() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -5044,6 +5829,7 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) CanShareGlobal() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -5053,6 +5839,7 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) CanShareUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -5062,6 +5849,7 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) CanWrite() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ShIndexesManagerAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -5071,6 +5859,7 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) Owner() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate resource read permissions. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ShIndexesManagerAcl) []string { if v == nil { @@ -5080,6 +5869,7 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) Reads() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { }).(pulumi.StringArrayOutput) } +// Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ShIndexesManagerAcl) *bool { if v == nil { @@ -5089,6 +5879,7 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) Removable() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.BoolPtrOutput) } +// Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ShIndexesManagerAcl) *string { if v == nil { @@ -5098,6 +5889,7 @@ func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) Sharing() pulumi.StringPtrOutput { }).(pulumi.StringPtrOutput) } +// Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. func (o ShIndexesManagerAclPtrOutput) Writes() pulumi.StringArrayOutput { return o.ApplyT(func(v *ShIndexesManagerAcl) []string { if v == nil { diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/AppsLocalAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/AppsLocalAclArgs.java index 6d49e3d3..d8ed74ce 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/AppsLocalAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/AppsLocalAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class AppsLocalAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs { public static final AppsLocalAclArgs Empty = new AppsLocalAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(AppsLocalAclArgs defaults) { $ = new AppsLocalAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/ConfigsConfAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/ConfigsConfAclArgs.java index 1b69173f..04934b09 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/ConfigsConfAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/ConfigsConfAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class ConfigsConfAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs public static final ConfigsConfAclArgs Empty = new ConfigsConfAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(ConfigsConfAclArgs defaults) { $ = new ConfigsConfAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/DataUiViewsAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/DataUiViewsAclArgs.java index d6858b3a..f3a068ae 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/DataUiViewsAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/DataUiViewsAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class DataUiViewsAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs public static final DataUiViewsAclArgs Empty = new DataUiViewsAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(DataUiViewsAclArgs defaults) { $ = new DataUiViewsAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/GenericAclAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/GenericAclAclArgs.java index b4522c75..d30c1bd3 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/GenericAclAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/GenericAclAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class GenericAclAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs { public static final GenericAclAclArgs Empty = new GenericAclAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(GenericAclAclArgs defaults) { $ = new GenericAclAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/IndexesAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/IndexesAclArgs.java index dc1357ec..119cb632 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/IndexesAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/IndexesAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class IndexesAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs { public static final IndexesAclArgs Empty = new IndexesAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(IndexesAclArgs defaults) { $ = new IndexesAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs.java index 79512f37..c10ea17d 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources. public static final InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs Empty = new InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs defaults) { $ = new InputsHttpEventCollectorAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsMonitorAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsMonitorAclArgs.java index 6375f556..d47646e2 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsMonitorAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsMonitorAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class InputsMonitorAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArg public static final InputsMonitorAclArgs Empty = new InputsMonitorAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(InputsMonitorAclArgs defaults) { $ = new InputsMonitorAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsScriptAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsScriptAclArgs.java index 6d8c6b87..c63bb389 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsScriptAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsScriptAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class InputsScriptAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs public static final InputsScriptAclArgs Empty = new InputsScriptAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(InputsScriptAclArgs defaults) { $ = new InputsScriptAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclArgs.java index 7798df50..27c478d8 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpCookedAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class InputsTcpCookedAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceA public static final InputsTcpCookedAclArgs Empty = new InputsTcpCookedAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(InputsTcpCookedAclArgs defaults) { $ = new InputsTcpCookedAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpRawAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpRawAclArgs.java index 12e65f55..c0c2c24d 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpRawAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpRawAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class InputsTcpRawAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs public static final InputsTcpRawAclArgs Empty = new InputsTcpRawAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(InputsTcpRawAclArgs defaults) { $ = new InputsTcpRawAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs.java index 9c6043d1..bc5598de 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.R public static final InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs Empty = new InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs defaults) { $ = new InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsUdpAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsUdpAclArgs.java index e3779064..0a21156c 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsUdpAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/InputsUdpAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class InputsUdpAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs { public static final InputsUdpAclArgs Empty = new InputsUdpAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(InputsUdpAclArgs defaults) { $ = new InputsUdpAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs.java index b4419552..84f5c7ee 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.Resourc public static final OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs Empty = new OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs defaults) { $ = new OutputsTcpDefaultAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs.java index da75481d..3d2044ab 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceA public static final OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs Empty = new OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs defaults) { $ = new OutputsTcpGroupAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclArgs.java index 07820966..e9abc563 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpServerAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class OutputsTcpServerAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.Resource public static final OutputsTcpServerAclArgs Empty = new OutputsTcpServerAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(OutputsTcpServerAclArgs defaults) { $ = new OutputsTcpServerAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs.java index 25f9fc48..044057f9 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.Resource public static final OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs Empty = new OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs defaults) { $ = new OutputsTcpSyslogAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/SavedSearchesAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/SavedSearchesAclArgs.java index 3c8f96bb..c4d4d53d 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/SavedSearchesAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/SavedSearchesAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class SavedSearchesAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArg public static final SavedSearchesAclArgs Empty = new SavedSearchesAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(SavedSearchesAclArgs defaults) { $ = new SavedSearchesAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclArgs.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclArgs.java index b278c166..6a1fefc2 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclArgs.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/inputs/ShIndexesManagerAclArgs.java @@ -17,79 +17,167 @@ public final class ShIndexesManagerAclArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.Resource public static final ShIndexesManagerAclArgs Empty = new ShIndexesManagerAclArgs(); + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ @Import(name="app") private @Nullable Output app; + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional> app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canChangePerms") private @Nullable Output canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareApp") private @Nullable Output canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareGlobal") private @Nullable Output canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canShareUser") private @Nullable Output canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ @Import(name="canWrite") private @Nullable Output canWrite; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional> canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ @Import(name="owner") private @Nullable Output owner; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional> owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ @Import(name="reads") private @Nullable Output> reads; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public Optional>> reads() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.reads); } + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ @Import(name="removable") private @Nullable Output removable; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional> removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ @Import(name="sharing") private @Nullable Output sharing; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional> sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ @Import(name="writes") private @Nullable Output> writes; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public Optional>> writes() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.writes); } @@ -128,109 +216,253 @@ public Builder(ShIndexesManagerAclArgs defaults) { $ = new ShIndexesManagerAclArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults)); } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(@Nullable Output app) { $.app = app; return this; } + /** + * @param app The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder app(String app) { return app(Output.of(app)); } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(@Nullable Output canChangePerms) { $.canChangePerms = canChangePerms; return this; } + /** + * @param canChangePerms Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canChangePerms(Boolean canChangePerms) { return canChangePerms(Output.of(canChangePerms)); } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(@Nullable Output canShareApp) { $.canShareApp = canShareApp; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareApp Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareApp(Boolean canShareApp) { return canShareApp(Output.of(canShareApp)); } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(@Nullable Output canShareGlobal) { $.canShareGlobal = canShareGlobal; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareGlobal Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareGlobal(Boolean canShareGlobal) { return canShareGlobal(Output.of(canShareGlobal)); } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(@Nullable Output canShareUser) { $.canShareUser = canShareUser; return this; } + /** + * @param canShareUser Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canShareUser(Boolean canShareUser) { return canShareUser(Output.of(canShareUser)); } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(@Nullable Output canWrite) { $.canWrite = canWrite; return this; } + /** + * @param canWrite Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder canWrite(Boolean canWrite) { return canWrite(Output.of(canWrite)); } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(@Nullable Output owner) { $.owner = owner; return this; } + /** + * @param owner User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder owner(String owner) { return owner(Output.of(owner)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(@Nullable Output> reads) { $.reads = reads; return this; } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(List reads) { return reads(Output.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param reads Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder reads(String... reads) { return reads(List.of(reads)); } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(@Nullable Output removable) { $.removable = removable; return this; } + /** + * @param removable Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder removable(Boolean removable) { return removable(Output.of(removable)); } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(@Nullable Output sharing) { $.sharing = sharing; return this; } + /** + * @param sharing Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder sharing(String sharing) { return sharing(Output.of(sharing)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(@Nullable Output> writes) { $.writes = writes; return this; } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(List writes) { return writes(Output.of(writes)); } + /** + * @param writes Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + * @return builder + * + */ public Builder writes(String... writes) { return writes(List.of(writes)); } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/AppsLocalAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/AppsLocalAcl.java index e8c17af1..ab3ae63d 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/AppsLocalAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/AppsLocalAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class AppsLocalAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private AppsLocalAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/ConfigsConfAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/ConfigsConfAcl.java index 29bd1254..23199b26 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/ConfigsConfAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/ConfigsConfAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class ConfigsConfAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private ConfigsConfAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/DataUiViewsAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/DataUiViewsAcl.java index 4f899901..be8e181d 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/DataUiViewsAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/DataUiViewsAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class DataUiViewsAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private DataUiViewsAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/GenericAclAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/GenericAclAcl.java index 2567fb67..44f9650c 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/GenericAclAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/GenericAclAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class GenericAclAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private GenericAclAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/IndexesAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/IndexesAcl.java index 6c4ed43b..f8ae5c87 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/IndexesAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/IndexesAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class IndexesAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private IndexesAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl.java index bfc25972..cf9137c1 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsMonitorAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsMonitorAcl.java index f60f1139..c5c21ad3 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsMonitorAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsMonitorAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class InputsMonitorAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private InputsMonitorAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsScriptAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsScriptAcl.java index e54fdd73..1a6cccd3 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsScriptAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsScriptAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class InputsScriptAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private InputsScriptAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpCookedAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpCookedAcl.java index 59fbf217..2c187f80 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpCookedAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpCookedAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class InputsTcpCookedAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private InputsTcpCookedAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpRawAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpRawAcl.java index cf02ac36..da4dfc5c 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpRawAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpRawAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class InputsTcpRawAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private InputsTcpRawAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl.java index e720a477..2bfaf02b 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsUdpAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsUdpAcl.java index 5c6283c6..5970933a 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsUdpAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/InputsUdpAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class InputsUdpAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private InputsUdpAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAcl.java index 18be539f..972e0719 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpDefaultAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class OutputsTcpDefaultAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private OutputsTcpDefaultAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpGroupAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpGroupAcl.java index d8fd6fb2..ac8192a8 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpGroupAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpGroupAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class OutputsTcpGroupAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private OutputsTcpGroupAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpServerAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpServerAcl.java index d3ba0164..221b060a 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpServerAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpServerAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class OutputsTcpServerAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private OutputsTcpServerAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAcl.java index 46c7d608..0bcfda15 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/OutputsTcpSyslogAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class OutputsTcpSyslogAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private OutputsTcpSyslogAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/SavedSearchesAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/SavedSearchesAcl.java index e8a7175b..a932369b 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/SavedSearchesAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/SavedSearchesAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class SavedSearchesAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private SavedSearchesAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/ShIndexesManagerAcl.java b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/ShIndexesManagerAcl.java index 30af44a7..592c8b0b 100644 --- a/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/ShIndexesManagerAcl.java +++ b/sdk/java/src/main/java/com/pulumi/splunk/outputs/ShIndexesManagerAcl.java @@ -13,49 +13,137 @@ @CustomType public final class ShIndexesManagerAcl { + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ private @Nullable String app; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canChangePerms; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareApp; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareGlobal; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canShareUser; + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean canWrite; + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ private @Nullable String owner; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ private @Nullable List reads; + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ private @Nullable Boolean removable; + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ private @Nullable String sharing; + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ private @Nullable List writes; private ShIndexesManagerAcl() {} + /** + * @return The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + * + */ public Optional app() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.app); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canChangePerms() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canChangePerms); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareApp() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareApp); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareGlobal() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareGlobal); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canShareUser() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canShareUser); } + /** + * @return Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + * + */ public Optional canWrite() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.canWrite); } + /** + * @return User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + * + */ public Optional owner() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.owner); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + * + */ public List reads() { return this.reads == null ? List.of() : this.reads; } + /** + * @return Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + * + */ public Optional removable() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.removable); } + /** + * @return Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + * + */ public Optional sharing() { return Optional.ofNullable(this.sharing); } + /** + * @return Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + * + */ public List writes() { return this.writes == null ? List.of() : this.writes; } diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/types/input.ts b/sdk/nodejs/types/input.ts index 1ef4e34d..20d6e4c1 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/types/input.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/types/input.ts @@ -6,253 +6,847 @@ import * as inputs from "../types/input"; import * as outputs from "../types/output"; export interface AppsLocalAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface ConfigsConfAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface DataUiViewsAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface GenericAclAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface IndexesAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface InputsMonitorAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface InputsScriptAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface InputsTcpCookedAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface InputsTcpRawAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface InputsUdpAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface OutputsTcpDefaultAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface OutputsTcpGroupAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface OutputsTcpServerAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface OutputsTcpSyslogAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface SavedSearchesAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } export interface ShIndexesManagerAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads?: pulumi.Input[]>; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing?: pulumi.Input; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes?: pulumi.Input[]>; } diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/types/output.ts b/sdk/nodejs/types/output.ts index 0bb1a4cb..ba97ca46 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/types/output.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/types/output.ts @@ -6,254 +6,848 @@ import * as inputs from "../types/input"; import * as outputs from "../types/output"; export interface AppsLocalAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface ConfigsConfAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface DataUiViewsAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface GenericAclAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface IndexesAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface InputsHttpEventCollectorAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface InputsMonitorAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface InputsScriptAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface InputsTcpCookedAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface InputsTcpRawAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface InputsTcpSplunkTcpTokenAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface InputsUdpAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface OutputsTcpDefaultAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface OutputsTcpGroupAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface OutputsTcpServerAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface OutputsTcpSyslogAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface SavedSearchesAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } export interface ShIndexesManagerAcl { + /** + * The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + */ app: string; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + */ canChangePerms: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareApp: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareGlobal: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + */ canShareUser: boolean; + /** + * Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + */ canWrite: boolean; + /** + * User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + */ owner: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + */ reads: string[]; + /** + * Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + */ removable: boolean; + /** + * Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + */ sharing: string; + /** + * Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + */ writes: string[]; } diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/_inputs.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/_inputs.py index fe94e2d6..a982429e 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/_inputs.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/_inputs.py @@ -44,6 +44,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -70,6 +83,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -79,6 +95,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -88,6 +107,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -97,6 +119,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -106,6 +131,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -115,6 +143,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -124,6 +155,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -133,6 +167,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -142,6 +179,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -151,6 +191,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -160,6 +203,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -181,6 +227,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -207,6 +266,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -216,6 +278,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -225,6 +290,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -234,6 +302,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -243,6 +314,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -252,6 +326,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -261,6 +338,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -270,6 +350,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -279,6 +362,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -288,6 +374,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -297,6 +386,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -318,6 +410,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -344,6 +449,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -353,6 +461,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -362,6 +473,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -371,6 +485,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -380,6 +497,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -389,6 +509,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -398,6 +521,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -407,6 +533,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -416,6 +545,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -425,6 +557,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -434,6 +569,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -455,6 +593,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -481,6 +632,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -490,6 +644,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -499,6 +656,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -508,6 +668,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -517,6 +680,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -526,6 +692,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -535,6 +704,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -544,6 +716,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -553,6 +728,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -562,6 +740,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -571,6 +752,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -592,6 +776,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -618,6 +815,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -627,6 +827,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -636,6 +839,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -645,6 +851,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -654,6 +863,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -663,6 +875,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -672,6 +887,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -681,6 +899,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -690,6 +911,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -699,6 +923,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -708,6 +935,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -729,6 +959,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -755,6 +998,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -764,6 +1010,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -773,6 +1022,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -782,6 +1034,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -791,6 +1046,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -800,6 +1058,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -809,6 +1070,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -818,6 +1082,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -827,6 +1094,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -836,6 +1106,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -845,6 +1118,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -866,6 +1142,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -892,6 +1181,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -901,6 +1193,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -910,6 +1205,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -919,6 +1217,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -928,6 +1229,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -937,6 +1241,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -946,6 +1253,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -955,6 +1265,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -964,6 +1277,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -973,6 +1289,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -982,6 +1301,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -1003,6 +1325,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1029,6 +1364,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -1038,6 +1376,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -1047,6 +1388,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -1056,6 +1400,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -1065,6 +1412,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -1074,6 +1424,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -1083,6 +1436,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -1092,6 +1448,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -1101,6 +1460,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -1110,6 +1472,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -1119,6 +1484,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -1140,6 +1508,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1166,6 +1547,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -1175,6 +1559,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -1184,6 +1571,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -1193,6 +1583,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -1202,6 +1595,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -1211,6 +1607,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -1220,6 +1619,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -1229,6 +1631,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -1238,6 +1643,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -1247,6 +1655,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -1256,6 +1667,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -1277,6 +1691,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1303,6 +1730,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -1312,6 +1742,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -1321,6 +1754,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -1330,6 +1766,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -1339,6 +1778,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -1348,6 +1790,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -1357,6 +1802,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -1366,6 +1814,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -1375,6 +1826,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -1384,6 +1838,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -1393,6 +1850,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -1414,6 +1874,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1440,6 +1913,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -1449,6 +1925,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -1458,6 +1937,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -1467,6 +1949,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -1476,6 +1961,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -1485,6 +1973,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -1494,6 +1985,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -1503,6 +1997,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -1512,6 +2009,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -1521,6 +2021,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -1530,6 +2033,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -1551,6 +2057,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1577,6 +2096,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -1586,6 +2108,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -1595,6 +2120,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -1604,6 +2132,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -1613,6 +2144,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -1622,6 +2156,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -1631,6 +2168,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -1640,6 +2180,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -1649,6 +2192,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -1658,6 +2204,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -1667,6 +2216,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -1688,6 +2240,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1714,6 +2279,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -1723,6 +2291,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -1732,6 +2303,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -1741,6 +2315,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -1750,6 +2327,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -1759,6 +2339,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -1768,6 +2351,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -1777,6 +2363,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -1786,6 +2375,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -1795,6 +2387,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -1804,6 +2399,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -1825,6 +2423,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1851,6 +2462,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -1860,6 +2474,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -1869,6 +2486,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -1878,6 +2498,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -1887,6 +2510,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -1896,6 +2522,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -1905,6 +2534,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -1914,6 +2546,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -1923,6 +2558,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -1932,6 +2570,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -1941,6 +2582,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -1962,6 +2606,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1988,6 +2645,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -1997,6 +2657,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -2006,6 +2669,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -2015,6 +2681,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -2024,6 +2693,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -2033,6 +2705,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -2042,6 +2717,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -2051,6 +2729,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -2060,6 +2741,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -2069,6 +2753,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -2078,6 +2765,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -2099,6 +2789,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -2125,6 +2828,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -2134,6 +2840,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -2143,6 +2852,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -2152,6 +2864,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -2161,6 +2876,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -2170,6 +2888,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -2179,6 +2900,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -2188,6 +2912,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -2197,6 +2924,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -2206,6 +2936,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -2215,6 +2948,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -2236,6 +2972,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -2262,6 +3011,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -2271,6 +3023,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -2280,6 +3035,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -2289,6 +3047,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -2298,6 +3059,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -2307,6 +3071,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -2316,6 +3083,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -2325,6 +3095,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -2334,6 +3107,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -2343,6 +3119,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -2352,6 +3131,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter @@ -2373,6 +3155,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sharing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, writes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None): + """ + :param pulumi.Input[str] app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param pulumi.Input[str] owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param pulumi.Input[bool] removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param pulumi.Input[str] sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -2399,6 +3194,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @app.setter @@ -2408,6 +3206,9 @@ def app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @can_change_perms.setter @@ -2417,6 +3218,9 @@ def can_change_perms(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @can_share_app.setter @@ -2426,6 +3230,9 @@ def can_share_app(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @can_share_global.setter @@ -2435,6 +3242,9 @@ def can_share_global(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @can_share_user.setter @@ -2444,6 +3254,9 @@ def can_share_user(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @can_write.setter @@ -2453,6 +3266,9 @@ def can_write(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @owner.setter @@ -2462,6 +3278,9 @@ def owner(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @reads.setter @@ -2471,6 +3290,9 @@ def reads(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]): @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @removable.setter @@ -2480,6 +3302,9 @@ def removable(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @sharing.setter @@ -2489,6 +3314,9 @@ def sharing(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @writes.setter diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/_utilities.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/_utilities.py index 968f8f56..8219769c 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/_utilities.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/_utilities.py @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import inspect import json import os -import pkg_resources import sys import typing @@ -19,6 +18,11 @@ from semver import VersionInfo as SemverVersion from parver import Version as PEP440Version +if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): + from importlib import metadata +else: + import importlib_metadata as metadata + def get_env(*args): for v in args: @@ -72,7 +76,7 @@ def _get_semver_version(): # to receive a valid semver string when receiving requests from the language host, so it's our # responsibility as the library to convert our own PEP440 version into a valid semver string. - pep440_version_string = pkg_resources.require(root_package)[0].version + pep440_version_string = metadata.version(root_package) pep440_version = PEP440Version.parse(pep440_version_string) (major, minor, patch) = pep440_version.release prerelease = None diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/outputs.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/outputs.py index e9cbd14a..bf5c6a1b 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/outputs.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_splunk/outputs.py @@ -69,6 +69,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -95,56 +108,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -187,6 +233,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -213,56 +272,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -305,6 +397,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -331,56 +436,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -423,6 +561,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -449,56 +600,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -541,6 +725,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -567,56 +764,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -659,6 +889,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -685,56 +928,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -777,6 +1053,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -803,56 +1092,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -895,6 +1217,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -921,56 +1256,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -1013,6 +1381,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1039,56 +1420,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -1131,6 +1545,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1157,56 +1584,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -1249,6 +1709,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1275,56 +1748,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -1367,6 +1873,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1393,56 +1912,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -1485,6 +2037,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1511,56 +2076,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -1603,6 +2201,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1629,56 +2240,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -1721,6 +2365,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1747,56 +2404,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -1839,6 +2529,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1865,56 +2568,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -1957,6 +2693,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -1983,56 +2732,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") @@ -2075,6 +2857,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, removable: Optional[bool] = None, sharing: Optional[str] = None, writes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): + """ + :param str app: The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + :param bool can_change_perms: Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_app: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_global: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_share_user: Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + :param bool can_write: Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + :param str owner: User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + :param Sequence[str] reads: Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + :param bool removable: Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + :param str sharing: Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + :param Sequence[str] writes: Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ if app is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "app", app) if can_change_perms is not None: @@ -2101,56 +2896,89 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @property @pulumi.getter def app(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + The app context for the resource. Required for updating saved search ACL properties. Allowed values are:The name of an app and system + """ return pulumi.get(self, "app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canChangePerms") def can_change_perms(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change permissions for this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_change_perms") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareApp") def can_share_app(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to app level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_app") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareGlobal") def can_share_global(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to system level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_global") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canShareUser") def can_share_user(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can change sharing to user level. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_share_user") @property @pulumi.getter(name="canWrite") def can_write(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates if the active user can edit this object. Defaults to true. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "can_write") @property @pulumi.getter def owner(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + User name of resource owner. Defaults to the resource creator. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.nobody = All users may access the resource, but write access to the resource might be restricted. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "owner") @property @pulumi.getter def reads(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate resource read permissions. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "reads") @property @pulumi.getter def removable(self) -> Optional[bool]: + """ + Indicates whether an admin or user with sufficient permissions can delete the entity. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "removable") @property @pulumi.getter def sharing(self) -> Optional[str]: + """ + Indicates how the resource is shared. Required for updating any knowledge object ACL properties.app: Shared within a specific appglobal: (Default) Shared globally to all apps.user: Private to a user + """ return pulumi.get(self, "sharing") @property @pulumi.getter def writes(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: + """ + Properties that indicate write permissions of the resource. + """ return pulumi.get(self, "writes") diff --git a/sdk/python/pyproject.toml b/sdk/python/pyproject.toml index 03ecf326..77d436d1 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pyproject.toml +++ b/sdk/python/pyproject.toml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ [project] name = "pulumi_splunk" description = "A Pulumi package for creating and managing splunk cloud resources." - dependencies = ["parver>=0.2.1", "pulumi>=3.0.0a1,<4.0.0", "semver>=2.8.1"] + dependencies = ["importlib-metadata>=6.0.0,<7.0.0; python_version < \"3.8\"", "parver>=0.2.1", "pulumi>=3.0.0a1,<4.0.0", "semver>=2.8.1"] keywords = ["pulumi", "splunk"] readme = "README.md" requires-python = ">=3.7"