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v1.12.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/s3/manager v1.11.21 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/configsources v1.1.27 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/endpoints/v2 v2.4.21 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini v1.3.16 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/v4a v1.0.6 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/accept-encoding v1.9.3 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/checksum v1.1.10 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/presigned-url v1.9.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/s3shared v1.13.9 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/kms v1.18.1 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/s3 v1.27.2 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso v1.11.13 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts v1.16.10 // indirect github.com/aws/smithy-go v1.13.5 // indirect @@ -71,7 +58,6 @@ require ( github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect github.com/dimchansky/utfbom v1.1.1 // indirect github.com/djherbis/times v1.5.0 // indirect - github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.1 // indirect github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/emirpasic/gods v1.18.1 // indirect github.com/fatih/color v1.13.0 // indirect @@ -80,7 +66,6 @@ require ( github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 v5.6.0 // indirect github.com/gofrs/uuid v4.2.0+incompatible // indirect github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 // indirect - github.com/golang-jwt/jwt v3.2.1+incompatible // indirect github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.4.2 // indirect github.com/golang/glog v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect @@ -111,25 +96,21 @@ require ( github.com/hashicorp/go-version v1.6.0 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru v0.5.4 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/hcl v1.0.0 // indirect - github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2 v2.16.2 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2 v2.17.0 // indirect 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indirect github.com/mitchellh/copystructure v1.2.0 // indirect github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/mitchellh/go-ps v1.0.0 // indirect @@ -150,13 +131,13 @@ require ( github.com/pgavlin/goldmark v1.1.33-0.20200616210433-b5eb04559386 // indirect github.com/pierrec/lz4 v2.6.1+incompatible // indirect github.com/pjbgf/sha1cd v0.3.0 // indirect - github.com/pkg/browser v0.0.0-20210115035449-ce105d075bb4 // indirect github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 // indirect github.com/pkg/term v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.86.0 // indirect + github.com/pulumi/esc v0.5.6 // indirect + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.90.1 // indirect github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 // indirect - github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.9.0 // indirect + github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.11.0 // indirect github.com/ryanuber/go-glob v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/sabhiram/go-gitignore v0.0.0-20210923224102-525f6e181f06 // indirect github.com/santhosh-tekuri/jsonschema/v5 v5.0.0 // indirect @@ -166,7 +147,7 @@ require ( github.com/skeema/knownhosts v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/spf13/cobra v1.7.0 // indirect github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 // indirect - github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.3 // indirect + github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4 // indirect github.com/texttheater/golang-levenshtein v1.0.1 // indirect github.com/tweekmonster/luser v0.0.0-20161003172636-3fa38070dbd7 // indirect github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go v2.30.0+incompatible // indirect @@ -180,14 +161,15 @@ require ( go.uber.org/atomic v1.9.0 // indirect gocloud.dev v0.27.0 // indirect gocloud.dev/secrets/hashivault v0.27.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/crypto v0.9.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/mod v0.10.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/net v0.10.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/crypto v0.14.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20231006140011-7918f672742d // indirect + golang.org/x/mod v0.13.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/net v0.17.0 // indirect 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v0.13.0 h1:bb+I9cTfFazGW51MZqBVmZy7+JEJMouUHTUSKVQLBek= +golang.org/x/term v0.13.0/go.mod h1:LTmsnFJwVN6bCy1rVCoS+qHT1HhALEFxKncY3WNNh4U= golang.org/x/text v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.1-0.20180807135948-17ff2d5776d2/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= @@ -2127,8 +2103,8 @@ golang.org/x/text v0.3.6/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.7/go.mod h1:u+2+/6zg+i71rQMx5EYifcz6MCKuco9NR6JIITiCfzQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.8/go.mod h1:E6s5w1FMmriuDzIBO73fBruAKo1PCIq6d2Q6DHfQ8WQ= golang.org/x/text v0.4.0/go.mod h1:mrYo+phRRbMaCq/xk9113O4dZlRixOauAjOtrjsXDZ8= -golang.org/x/text v0.9.0 h1:2sjJmO8cDvYveuX97RDLsxlyUxLl+GHoLxBiRdHllBE= -golang.org/x/text v0.9.0/go.mod h1:e1OnstbJyHTd6l/uOt8jFFHp6TRDWZR/bV3emEE/zU8= +golang.org/x/text v0.13.0 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// indirect @@ -44,7 +39,6 @@ require ( github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/validation v0.3.1 // indirect github.com/Azure/go-autorest/logger v0.2.1 // indirect github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing v0.6.0 // indirect - github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go v0.4.0 // indirect github.com/BurntSushi/toml v1.2.1 // indirect github.com/Masterminds/goutils v1.1.1 // indirect github.com/Masterminds/semver v1.5.0 // indirect @@ -64,21 +58,14 @@ require ( github.com/atotto/clipboard v0.1.4 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.298 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.17.3 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/protocol/eventstream v1.4.3 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config v1.15.15 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials v1.12.10 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/ec2/imds v1.12.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/s3/manager v1.11.21 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/configsources v1.1.27 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/endpoints/v2 v2.4.21 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini v1.3.16 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/v4a v1.0.6 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/accept-encoding v1.9.3 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/checksum v1.1.10 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/presigned-url v1.9.9 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/s3shared v1.13.9 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/kms v1.18.1 // indirect - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/s3 v1.27.2 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso v1.11.13 // indirect github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts v1.16.10 // indirect github.com/aws/smithy-go v1.13.5 // indirect @@ -98,7 +85,6 @@ require ( github.com/dimchansky/utfbom v1.1.1 // indirect github.com/djherbis/times v1.5.0 // indirect github.com/docker/go-units v0.5.0 // indirect - github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.1 // indirect github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/emirpasic/gods v1.18.1 // indirect github.com/ettle/strcase v0.1.1 // indirect @@ -109,13 +95,12 @@ require ( github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 v5.8.1 // indirect github.com/gofrs/uuid v4.2.0+incompatible // indirect github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 // indirect - github.com/golang-jwt/jwt v3.2.1+incompatible // indirect github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.4.2 // indirect github.com/golang/glog v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.3 // indirect github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.4 // indirect - github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.9 // indirect + github.com/google/go-cmp v0.6.0 // indirect github.com/google/go-querystring v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/google/s2a-go v0.1.4 // indirect github.com/google/shlex v0.0.0-20191202100458-e7afc7fbc510 // indirect @@ -151,7 +136,7 @@ require ( github.com/hashicorp/logutils 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gocloud.dev/secrets/hashivault v0.27.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/crypto v0.13.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230809150735-7b3493d9a819 // indirect - golang.org/x/mod v0.12.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/net v0.13.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/crypto v0.14.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20231006140011-7918f672742d // indirect + golang.org/x/mod v0.13.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/net v0.17.0 // indirect golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.8.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/sync v0.3.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/sys v0.12.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/term v0.12.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/sync v0.4.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/sys v0.13.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/term v0.13.0 // indirect golang.org/x/text v0.13.0 // indirect golang.org/x/time v0.3.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/tools v0.9.3 // indirect + golang.org/x/tools v0.14.0 // indirect golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20220907171357-04be3eba64a2 // indirect google.golang.org/api v0.126.0 // indirect google.golang.org/appengine v1.6.7 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v63.0.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:9XXNKU+eRnpl9moKnB4QOLf1HestfXbmab5FXxiDBjc= @@ -639,16 +637,12 @@ github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v66.0.0+incompatible h1:bmmC38SlE8/E81nNADlgmV github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v66.0.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:9XXNKU+eRnpl9moKnB4QOLf1HestfXbmab5FXxiDBjc= github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v0.19.0/go.mod h1:h6H6c8enJmmocHUbLiiGY6sx7f9i+X3m1CHdd5c6Rdw= github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v1.0.0/go.mod h1:uGG2W01BaETf0Ozp+QxxKJdMBNRWPdstHG0Fmdwn1/U= -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v1.1.1 h1:tz19qLF65vuu2ibfTqGVJxG/zZAI27NEIIbvAOQwYbw= github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v1.1.1/go.mod h1:uGG2W01BaETf0Ozp+QxxKJdMBNRWPdstHG0Fmdwn1/U= github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity v0.11.0/go.mod h1:HcM1YX14R7CJcghJGOYCgdezslRSVzqwLf/q+4Y2r/0= -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity v1.0.0 h1:Yoicul8bnVdQrhDMTHxdEckRGX01XvwXDHUT9zYZ3k0= github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity v1.0.0/go.mod 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a/sdk/dotnet/AwsPrivatelink.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/AwsPrivatelink.cs @@ -12,29 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.AwsPrivatelink("foo", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name, - /// Principals = new[] - /// { - /// "arn:aws:iam::012345678901:user/mwf", - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/AwsVpcPeeringConnection.cs b/sdk/dotnet/AwsVpcPeeringConnection.cs index 5d862088b..f5a90dced 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/AwsVpcPeeringConnection.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/AwsVpcPeeringConnection.cs @@ -12,26 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The AWS VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS VPC Peering Connections. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.AwsVpcPeeringConnection("foo", new() - /// { - /// VpcId = data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id, - /// AwsAccountId = "XXXXX", - /// AwsVpcId = "XXXXX", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/AzurePrivatelink.cs b/sdk/dotnet/AzurePrivatelink.cs index 373932423..b7dd372a5 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/AzurePrivatelink.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/AzurePrivatelink.cs @@ -12,29 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.AzurePrivatelink("foo", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name, - /// UserSubscriptionIds = new[] - /// { - /// "xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx", - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/AzureVpcPeeringConnection.cs b/sdk/dotnet/AzureVpcPeeringConnection.cs index 08f101db3..1a42da6f6 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/AzureVpcPeeringConnection.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/AzureVpcPeeringConnection.cs @@ -12,29 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Azure VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven VPC Peering Connections. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.AzureVpcPeeringConnection("foo", new() - /// { - /// VpcId = data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id, - /// AzureSubscriptionId = "xxxxxx", - /// PeerResourceGroup = "my-pr1", - /// VnetName = "my-vnet1", - /// PeerAzureAppId = "xxxxxx", - /// PeerAzureTenantId = "xxxxxx", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/BillingGroup.cs b/sdk/dotnet/BillingGroup.cs index b6e806658..76413f26a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/BillingGroup.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/BillingGroup.cs @@ -12,31 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Billing Group resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Billing Groups and association with the Projects. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var bybg1 = new Aiven.BillingGroup("bybg1", new() - /// { - /// BillingCurrency = "USD", - /// VatId = "123ABC", - /// }); - /// - /// var pr1 = new Aiven.Project("pr1", new() - /// { - /// ProjectName = "pr1", - /// BillingGroup = bybg1.Id, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Cassandra.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Cassandra.cs index 53b247802..c1b162eb2 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Cassandra.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Cassandra.cs @@ -12,37 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Cassandra resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Cassandra services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var bar = new Aiven.Cassandra("bar", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "startup-4", - /// ServiceName = "test-service-name", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// CassandraUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.CassandraCassandraUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// MigrateSstableloader = true, - /// PublicAccess = new Aiven.Inputs.CassandraCassandraUserConfigPublicAccessArgs - /// { - /// Prometheus = true, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/CassandraUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/CassandraUser.cs index 95a4fe7a6..92b81ec0c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/CassandraUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/CassandraUser.cs @@ -12,27 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Cassandra User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Cassandra Users. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.CassandraUser("foo", new() - /// { - /// ServiceName = aiven_cassandra.Bar.Service_name, - /// Project = "my-project", - /// Username = "user-1", - /// Password = "Test$1234", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Clickhouse.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Clickhouse.cs index a694565b5..c2baea7c8 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Clickhouse.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Clickhouse.cs @@ -12,29 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Clickhouse resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clickhouse services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var clickhouse = new Aiven.Clickhouse("clickhouse", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "business-4", - /// ServiceName = "my-clickhouse", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseDatabase.cs b/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseDatabase.cs index d11d3e303..296d3e3b0 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseDatabase.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseDatabase.cs @@ -12,25 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Clickhouse Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clickhouse Databases. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var clickhouseDb = new Aiven.ClickhouseDatabase("clickhouseDb", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_clickhouse.Ch.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_clickhouse.Ch.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseGrant.cs b/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseGrant.cs index 68f144542..8b4ea083f 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseGrant.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseGrant.cs @@ -16,82 +16,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// * Due to a ambiguity in the GRANT syntax in clickhouse you should not have users and roles with the same name. It is not clear if a grant refers to the user or the role. /// * To grant a privilege on all tables of a database, do not write table = "*". Instead, omit the table and only keep the database. /// * Currently changes will first revoke all grants and then reissue the remaining grants for convergence. - /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var clickhouse = new Aiven.Clickhouse("clickhouse", new() - /// { - /// Project = @var.Aiven_project_name, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "startup-8", - /// ServiceName = "exapmle-clickhouse", - /// }); - /// - /// var demodb = new Aiven.ClickhouseDatabase("demodb", new() - /// { - /// Project = clickhouse.Project, - /// ServiceName = clickhouse.ServiceName, - /// }); - /// - /// var demoClickhouseRole = new Aiven.ClickhouseRole("demoClickhouseRole", new() - /// { - /// Project = clickhouse.Project, - /// ServiceName = clickhouse.ServiceName, - /// Role = "demo-role", - /// }); - /// - /// var demo_role_grant = new Aiven.ClickhouseGrant("demo-role-grant", new() - /// { - /// Project = clickhouse.Project, - /// ServiceName = clickhouse.ServiceName, - /// Role = demoClickhouseRole.Role, - /// PrivilegeGrants = new[] - /// { - /// new Aiven.Inputs.ClickhouseGrantPrivilegeGrantArgs - /// { - /// Privilege = "INSERT", - /// Database = demodb.Name, - /// Table = "demo-table", - /// }, - /// new Aiven.Inputs.ClickhouseGrantPrivilegeGrantArgs - /// { - /// Privilege = "SELECT", - /// Database = demodb.Name, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// var demoClickhouseUser = new Aiven.ClickhouseUser("demoClickhouseUser", new() - /// { - /// Project = clickhouse.Project, - /// ServiceName = clickhouse.ServiceName, - /// Username = "demo-user", - /// }); - /// - /// var demo_user_grant = new Aiven.ClickhouseGrant("demo-user-grant", new() - /// { - /// Project = clickhouse.Project, - /// ServiceName = clickhouse.ServiceName, - /// User = demoClickhouseUser.Username, - /// RoleGrants = new[] - /// { - /// new Aiven.Inputs.ClickhouseGrantRoleGrantArgs - /// { - /// Role = demoClickhouseRole.Role, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` /// [AivenResourceType("aiven:index/clickhouseGrant:ClickhouseGrant")] public partial class ClickhouseGrant : global::Pulumi.CustomResource diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseRole.cs b/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseRole.cs index 8589f2d2b..547515a55 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseRole.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseRole.cs @@ -12,36 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Clickhouse Role resource allows the creation and management of Roles in Aiven Clickhouse services /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var bar = new Aiven.Clickhouse("bar", new() - /// { - /// Project = "example-project", - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "startup-beta-8", - /// ServiceName = "example-service", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// }); - /// - /// var foo = new Aiven.ClickhouseRole("foo", new() - /// { - /// ServiceName = bar.ServiceName, - /// Project = bar.Project, - /// Role = "writer", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseUser.cs index 14fdc8828..29625f89f 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/ClickhouseUser.cs @@ -12,26 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Clickhouse User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clikhouse Users. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var ch_user = new Aiven.ClickhouseUser("ch-user", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_clickhouse.Myservice.Service_name, - /// Username = "<USERNAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/ConnectionPool.cs b/sdk/dotnet/ConnectionPool.cs index aa5218c84..fab263c41 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/ConnectionPool.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/ConnectionPool.cs @@ -12,30 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Connection Pool resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Connection Pools. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mytestpool = new Aiven.ConnectionPool("mytestpool", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_pg.Mypg.Service_name, - /// DatabaseName = aiven_pg_database.Mypgdatabase.Database_name, - /// PoolMode = "transaction", - /// PoolName = "mypool", - /// PoolSize = 10, - /// Username = aiven_pg_user.Mypguser.Username, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Flink.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Flink.cs index 3e379e3ae..1565a28c6 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Flink.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Flink.cs @@ -12,33 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Flink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Flink services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var flink = new Aiven.Flink("flink", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "business-4", - /// ServiceName = "my-flink", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// FlinkUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.FlinkFlinkUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// FlinkVersion = "1.16", - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/FlinkApplication.cs b/sdk/dotnet/FlinkApplication.cs index 149a4c10f..8bd8cc97f 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/FlinkApplication.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/FlinkApplication.cs @@ -12,25 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Flink Application resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Flink Applications. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.FlinkApplication("foo", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = "flink-service-1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GcpVpcPeeringConnection.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GcpVpcPeeringConnection.cs index 46dd44fe6..3595a40ec 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GcpVpcPeeringConnection.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GcpVpcPeeringConnection.cs @@ -12,26 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The GCP VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven GCP VPC Peering Connections. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.GcpVpcPeeringConnection("foo", new() - /// { - /// VpcId = data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id, - /// GcpProjectId = "xxxx", - /// PeerVpc = "xxxx", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetAccount.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetAccount.cs index 8c0640af8..3742a5a69 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetAccount.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetAccount.cs @@ -13,56 +13,12 @@ public static class GetAccount { /// /// The Account data source provides information about the existing Aiven Account. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var account1 = Aiven.GetAccount.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Name = "<ACCOUNT_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetAccountArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getAccount:getAccount", args ?? new GetAccountArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Account data source provides information about the existing Aiven Account. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var account1 = Aiven.GetAccount.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Name = "<ACCOUNT_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetAccountInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getAccount:getAccount", args ?? new GetAccountInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetAwsPrivatelink.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetAwsPrivatelink.cs index d862b553f..3b3ac953d 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetAwsPrivatelink.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetAwsPrivatelink.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetAwsPrivatelink { /// /// The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = Aiven.GetAwsPrivatelink.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetAwsPrivatelinkArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getAwsPrivatelink:getAwsPrivatelink", args ?? new GetAwsPrivatelinkArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = Aiven.GetAwsPrivatelink.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetAwsPrivatelinkInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getAwsPrivatelink:getAwsPrivatelink", args ?? new GetAwsPrivatelinkInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetAwsVpcPeeringConnection.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetAwsVpcPeeringConnection.cs index c49af0280..f93cfb2d9 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetAwsVpcPeeringConnection.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetAwsVpcPeeringConnection.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetAwsVpcPeeringConnection { /// /// The AWS VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = Aiven.GetAwsVpcPeeringConnection.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// VpcId = data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id, - /// AwsAccountId = "XXXXX", - /// AwsVpcId = "XXXXX", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetAwsVpcPeeringConnectionArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getAwsVpcPeeringConnection:getAwsVpcPeeringConnection", args ?? new GetAwsVpcPeeringConnectionArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The AWS VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = Aiven.GetAwsVpcPeeringConnection.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// VpcId = data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id, - /// AwsAccountId = "XXXXX", - /// AwsVpcId = "XXXXX", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetAwsVpcPeeringConnectionInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getAwsVpcPeeringConnection:getAwsVpcPeeringConnection", args ?? new GetAwsVpcPeeringConnectionInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetAzurePrivatelink.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetAzurePrivatelink.cs index 15a8f226b..57f91e17f 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetAzurePrivatelink.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetAzurePrivatelink.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetAzurePrivatelink { /// /// The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = Aiven.GetAzurePrivatelink.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetAzurePrivatelinkArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getAzurePrivatelink:getAzurePrivatelink", args ?? new GetAzurePrivatelinkArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = Aiven.GetAzurePrivatelink.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetAzurePrivatelinkInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getAzurePrivatelink:getAzurePrivatelink", args ?? new GetAzurePrivatelinkInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetCassanda.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetCassanda.cs index 87a6b64cc..e0d015af9 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetCassanda.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetCassanda.cs @@ -14,58 +14,12 @@ public static class GetCassanda { /// /// The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var bar = Aiven.GetCassandra.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetCassandaArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getCassanda:getCassanda", args ?? new GetCassandaArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var bar = Aiven.GetCassandra.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetCassandaInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getCassanda:getCassanda", args ?? new GetCassandaInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetCassandra.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetCassandra.cs index fa3bf9c2f..012608fb7 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetCassandra.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetCassandra.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetCassandra { /// /// The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var bar = Aiven.GetCassandra.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetCassandraArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getCassandra:getCassandra", args ?? new GetCassandraArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var bar = Aiven.GetCassandra.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetCassandraInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getCassandra:getCassandra", args ?? new GetCassandraInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetCassandraUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetCassandraUser.cs index e0051ca02..59abc7d7c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetCassandraUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetCassandraUser.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetCassandraUser { /// /// The Cassandra User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetCassandraUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetCassandraUserArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getCassandraUser:getCassandraUser", args ?? new GetCassandraUserArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Cassandra User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetCassandraUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetCassandraUserInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getCassandraUser:getCassandraUser", args ?? new GetCassandraUserInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouse.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouse.cs index 4d9865c55..ab91cf38b 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouse.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouse.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetClickhouse { /// /// The Clickhouse data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var clickhouse = Aiven.GetClickhouse.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetClickhouseArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getClickhouse:getClickhouse", args ?? new GetClickhouseArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Clickhouse data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var clickhouse = Aiven.GetClickhouse.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetClickhouseInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getClickhouse:getClickhouse", args ?? new GetClickhouseInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouseDatabase.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouseDatabase.cs index 55c5d2940..1ef9e2830 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouseDatabase.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouseDatabase.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetClickhouseDatabase { /// /// The Clickhouse database data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse Database. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var clickhouseDb = Aiven.GetClickhouseDatabase.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_clickhouse.Ch.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_clickhouse.Ch.Service_name, - /// Name = "my-ch-db", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetClickhouseDatabaseArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getClickhouseDatabase:getClickhouseDatabase", args ?? new GetClickhouseDatabaseArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Clickhouse database data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse Database. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var clickhouseDb = Aiven.GetClickhouseDatabase.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_clickhouse.Ch.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_clickhouse.Ch.Service_name, - /// Name = "my-ch-db", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetClickhouseDatabaseInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getClickhouseDatabase:getClickhouseDatabase", args ?? new GetClickhouseDatabaseInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouseUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouseUser.cs index 5f0d625f8..17df4bf28 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouseUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetClickhouseUser.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetClickhouseUser { /// /// The Clickhouse User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var ch_user = Aiven.GetClickhouseUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_clickhouse.Myservice.Service_name, - /// Username = "<USERNAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetClickhouseUserArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getClickhouseUser:getClickhouseUser", args ?? new GetClickhouseUserArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Clickhouse User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var ch_user = Aiven.GetClickhouseUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_clickhouse.Myservice.Service_name, - /// Username = "<USERNAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetClickhouseUserInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getClickhouseUser:getClickhouseUser", args ?? new GetClickhouseUserInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetConnectionPool.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetConnectionPool.cs index cef2b1d1e..d31edde78 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetConnectionPool.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetConnectionPool.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetConnectionPool { /// /// The Connection Pool data source provides information about the existing Aiven Connection Pool. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mytestpool = Aiven.GetConnectionPool.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_pg.Mypg.Service_name, - /// PoolName = "mypool", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetConnectionPoolArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getConnectionPool:getConnectionPool", args ?? new GetConnectionPoolArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Connection Pool data source provides information about the existing Aiven Connection Pool. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mytestpool = Aiven.GetConnectionPool.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_pg.Mypg.Service_name, - /// PoolName = "mypool", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetConnectionPoolInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getConnectionPool:getConnectionPool", args ?? new GetConnectionPoolInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetFlink.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetFlink.cs index 500d24aa0..e52458c49 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetFlink.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetFlink.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetFlink { /// /// The Flink data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var flink = Aiven.GetFlink.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetFlinkArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getFlink:getFlink", args ?? new GetFlinkArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Flink data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var flink = Aiven.GetFlink.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetFlinkInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getFlink:getFlink", args ?? new GetFlinkInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetFlinkApplication.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetFlinkApplication.cs index a0eee5776..c7e9a32f6 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetFlinkApplication.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetFlinkApplication.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetFlinkApplication { /// /// The Flink Application data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var app1 = Aiven.GetFlinkApplication.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// Name = "<APPLICATION_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetFlinkApplicationArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getFlinkApplication:getFlinkApplication", args ?? new GetFlinkApplicationArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Flink Application data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var app1 = Aiven.GetFlinkApplication.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// Name = "<APPLICATION_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetFlinkApplicationInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getFlinkApplication:getFlinkApplication", args ?? new GetFlinkApplicationInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetFlinkApplicationVersion.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetFlinkApplicationVersion.cs index 9223095e4..466ff62e7 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetFlinkApplicationVersion.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetFlinkApplicationVersion.cs @@ -13,62 +13,12 @@ public static class GetFlinkApplicationVersion { /// /// The Flink Application Version data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application Version. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var app1 = Aiven.GetFlinkApplicationVersion.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// ApplicationId = "<APPLICATION_ID>", - /// ApplicationVersionId = "<APPLICATION_VERSION_ID>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetFlinkApplicationVersionArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getFlinkApplicationVersion:getFlinkApplicationVersion", args ?? new GetFlinkApplicationVersionArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Flink Application Version data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application Version. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var app1 = Aiven.GetFlinkApplicationVersion.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "<SERVICE_NAME>", - /// ApplicationId = "<APPLICATION_ID>", - /// ApplicationVersionId = "<APPLICATION_VERSION_ID>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetFlinkApplicationVersionInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getFlinkApplicationVersion:getFlinkApplicationVersion", args ?? new GetFlinkApplicationVersionInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetGcpVpcPeeringConnection.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetGcpVpcPeeringConnection.cs index 96659e5f8..48b070293 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetGcpVpcPeeringConnection.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetGcpVpcPeeringConnection.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetGcpVpcPeeringConnection { /// /// The GCP VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = Aiven.GetGcpVpcPeeringConnection.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// VpcId = data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id, - /// GcpProjectId = "xxxx", - /// PeerVpc = "xxxx", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetGcpVpcPeeringConnectionArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getGcpVpcPeeringConnection:getGcpVpcPeeringConnection", args ?? new GetGcpVpcPeeringConnectionArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The GCP VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = Aiven.GetGcpVpcPeeringConnection.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// VpcId = data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id, - /// GcpProjectId = "xxxx", - /// PeerVpc = "xxxx", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetGcpVpcPeeringConnectionInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getGcpVpcPeeringConnection:getGcpVpcPeeringConnection", args ?? new GetGcpVpcPeeringConnectionInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetGrafana.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetGrafana.cs index 760a321a3..0b34b082d 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetGrafana.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetGrafana.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetGrafana { /// /// The Grafana data source provides information about the existing Aiven Grafana service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var gr1 = Aiven.GetGrafana.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Ps1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-gr1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetGrafanaArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getGrafana:getGrafana", args ?? new GetGrafanaArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Grafana data source provides information about the existing Aiven Grafana service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var gr1 = Aiven.GetGrafana.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Ps1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-gr1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetGrafanaInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getGrafana:getGrafana", args ?? new GetGrafanaInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetInfluxDb.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetInfluxDb.cs index 2972394ea..5dbf2f5c9 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetInfluxDb.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetInfluxDb.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetInfluxDb { /// /// The InfluxDB data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var inf1 = Aiven.GetInfluxDb.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-inf1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetInfluxDbArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getInfluxDb:getInfluxDb", args ?? new GetInfluxDbArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The InfluxDB data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var inf1 = Aiven.GetInfluxDb.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-inf1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetInfluxDbInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getInfluxDb:getInfluxDb", args ?? new GetInfluxDbInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetInfluxdbUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetInfluxdbUser.cs index 827be9c89..dcf3cbb4c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetInfluxdbUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetInfluxdbUser.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetInfluxdbUser { /// /// The InfluxDB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetInfluxdbUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetInfluxdbUserArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getInfluxdbUser:getInfluxdbUser", args ?? new GetInfluxdbUserArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The InfluxDB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetInfluxdbUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetInfluxdbUserInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getInfluxdbUser:getInfluxdbUser", args ?? new GetInfluxdbUserInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafka.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafka.cs index 36a1f48e6..ea73253a8 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafka.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafka.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetKafka { /// /// The Kafka data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka services. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var kafka1 = Aiven.GetKafka.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-kafka1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetKafkaArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getKafka:getKafka", args ?? new GetKafkaArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Kafka data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka services. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var kafka1 = Aiven.GetKafka.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-kafka1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetKafkaInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getKafka:getKafka", args ?? new GetKafkaInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaAcl.cs index 368025b3f..bc40ebb10 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaAcl.cs @@ -13,64 +13,12 @@ public static class GetKafkaAcl { /// /// The Data Source Kafka ACL data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka ACL for a Kafka service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mytestacl = Aiven.GetKafkaAcl.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Mykafka.Service_name, - /// Topic = "<TOPIC_NAME_PATTERN>", - /// Permission = "<PERMISSON>", - /// Username = "<USERNAME_PATTERN>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetKafkaAclArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getKafkaAcl:getKafkaAcl", args ?? new GetKafkaAclArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Data Source Kafka ACL data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka ACL for a Kafka service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mytestacl = Aiven.GetKafkaAcl.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Mykafka.Service_name, - /// Topic = "<TOPIC_NAME_PATTERN>", - /// Permission = "<PERMISSON>", - /// Username = "<USERNAME_PATTERN>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetKafkaAclInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getKafkaAcl:getKafkaAcl", args ?? new GetKafkaAclInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaConnect.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaConnect.cs index 6cdf22784..994d67680 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaConnect.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaConnect.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetKafkaConnect { /// /// The Kafka Connect data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Connect service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var kc1 = Aiven.GetKafkaConnect.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-kc1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetKafkaConnectArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getKafkaConnect:getKafkaConnect", args ?? new GetKafkaConnectArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Kafka Connect data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Connect service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var kc1 = Aiven.GetKafkaConnect.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-kc1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetKafkaConnectInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getKafkaConnect:getKafkaConnect", args ?? new GetKafkaConnectInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaConnector.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaConnector.cs index 6f3103d3e..11d741916 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaConnector.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaConnector.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetKafkaConnector { /// /// The Kafka connector data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka connector. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var kafka_es_con1 = Aiven.GetKafkaConnector.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_con_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Kafka_service1.Service_name, - /// ConnectorName = "kafka-es-con1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetKafkaConnectorArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getKafkaConnector:getKafkaConnector", args ?? new GetKafkaConnectorArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Kafka connector data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka connector. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var kafka_es_con1 = Aiven.GetKafkaConnector.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_con_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Kafka_service1.Service_name, - /// ConnectorName = "kafka-es-con1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetKafkaConnectorInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getKafkaConnector:getKafkaConnector", args ?? new GetKafkaConnectorInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaMirrorMaker.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaMirrorMaker.cs index 2570309b9..7dd35a5c4 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaMirrorMaker.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaMirrorMaker.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetKafkaMirrorMaker { /// /// The Kafka MirrorMaker data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mm1 = Aiven.GetKafkaMirrorMaker.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-mm1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetKafkaMirrorMakerArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getKafkaMirrorMaker:getKafkaMirrorMaker", args ?? new GetKafkaMirrorMakerArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Kafka MirrorMaker data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mm1 = Aiven.GetKafkaMirrorMaker.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-mm1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetKafkaMirrorMakerInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getKafkaMirrorMaker:getKafkaMirrorMaker", args ?? new GetKafkaMirrorMakerInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaSchema.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaSchema.cs index 8530f18d6..8ebeef79b 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaSchema.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaSchema.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetKafkaSchema { /// /// The Kafka Schema data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var config = Aiven.GetKafkaSchemaConfiguration.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_schemas_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Kafka_service1.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetKafkaSchemaArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getKafkaSchema:getKafkaSchema", args ?? new GetKafkaSchemaArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Kafka Schema data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var config = Aiven.GetKafkaSchemaConfiguration.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_schemas_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Kafka_service1.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetKafkaSchemaInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getKafkaSchema:getKafkaSchema", args ?? new GetKafkaSchemaInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaSchemaConfiguration.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaSchemaConfiguration.cs index 634003e0f..849e5091e 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaSchemaConfiguration.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaSchemaConfiguration.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetKafkaSchemaConfiguration { /// /// The Kafka Schema Configuration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema Configuration. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var config = new Aiven.KafkaSchemaConfiguration("config", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_schemas_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Kafka_service1.Service_name, - /// CompatibilityLevel = "BACKWARD", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetKafkaSchemaConfigurationArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getKafkaSchemaConfiguration:getKafkaSchemaConfiguration", args ?? new GetKafkaSchemaConfigurationArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Kafka Schema Configuration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema Configuration. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var config = new Aiven.KafkaSchemaConfiguration("config", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_schemas_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Kafka_service1.Service_name, - /// CompatibilityLevel = "BACKWARD", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetKafkaSchemaConfigurationInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getKafkaSchemaConfiguration:getKafkaSchemaConfiguration", args ?? new GetKafkaSchemaConfigurationInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaTopic.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaTopic.cs index dc0d6b674..54587790f 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaTopic.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaTopic.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetKafkaTopic { /// /// The Kafka Topic data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Topic. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mytesttopic = Aiven.GetKafkaTopic.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Myservice.Service_name, - /// TopicName = "<TOPIC_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetKafkaTopicArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getKafkaTopic:getKafkaTopic", args ?? new GetKafkaTopicArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Kafka Topic data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Topic. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mytesttopic = Aiven.GetKafkaTopic.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Myservice.Service_name, - /// TopicName = "<TOPIC_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetKafkaTopicInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getKafkaTopic:getKafkaTopic", args ?? new GetKafkaTopicInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaUser.cs index 9d123b9a9..049d835b2 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetKafkaUser.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetKafkaUser { /// /// The Kafka User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetKafkaUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetKafkaUserArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getKafkaUser:getKafkaUser", args ?? new GetKafkaUserArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Kafka User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetKafkaUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetKafkaUserInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getKafkaUser:getKafkaUser", args ?? new GetKafkaUserInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetM3Aggregator.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetM3Aggregator.cs index bedf5fcb2..82b0dc856 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetM3Aggregator.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetM3Aggregator.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetM3Aggregator { /// /// The M3 Aggregator data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 Aggregator. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var m3a = Aiven.GetM3Aggregator.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-m3a", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetM3AggregatorArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getM3Aggregator:getM3Aggregator", args ?? new GetM3AggregatorArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The M3 Aggregator data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 Aggregator. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var m3a = Aiven.GetM3Aggregator.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-m3a", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetM3AggregatorInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getM3Aggregator:getM3Aggregator", args ?? new GetM3AggregatorInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetM3Db.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetM3Db.cs index 9cfb26be4..c4053b365 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetM3Db.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetM3Db.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetM3Db { /// /// The M3 DB data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 services. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var m3 = Aiven.GetM3Db.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-m3db", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetM3DbArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getM3Db:getM3Db", args ?? new GetM3DbArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The M3 DB data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 services. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var m3 = Aiven.GetM3Db.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-m3db", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetM3DbInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getM3Db:getM3Db", args ?? new GetM3DbInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetM3dbUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetM3dbUser.cs index 55d78f1ea..6159a0903 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetM3dbUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetM3dbUser.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetM3dbUser { /// /// The M3DB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3DB User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetM3dbUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetM3dbUserArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getM3dbUser:getM3dbUser", args ?? new GetM3dbUserArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The M3DB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3DB User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetM3dbUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetM3dbUserInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getM3dbUser:getM3dbUser", args ?? new GetM3dbUserInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.cs index 7533504a1..2f0c1e74a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.cs @@ -13,62 +13,12 @@ public static class GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlow { /// /// The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow data source provides information about the existing MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow on Aiven Cloud. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var f1 = Aiven.GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_mm_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Mm.Service_name, - /// SourceCluster = aiven_kafka.Source.Service_name, - /// TargetCluster = aiven_kafka.Target.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlowArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow:getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow", args ?? new GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlowArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow data source provides information about the existing MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow on Aiven Cloud. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var f1 = Aiven.GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_mm_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Mm.Service_name, - /// SourceCluster = aiven_kafka.Source.Service_name, - /// TargetCluster = aiven_kafka.Target.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlowInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow:getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow", args ?? new GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlowInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetMySql.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetMySql.cs index 62732405a..d626e1cb7 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetMySql.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetMySql.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetMySql { /// /// The MySQL data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mysql1 = Aiven.GetMySql.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-mysql1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetMySqlArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getMySql:getMySql", args ?? new GetMySqlArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The MySQL data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mysql1 = Aiven.GetMySql.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-mysql1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetMySqlInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getMySql:getMySql", args ?? new GetMySqlInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetMysqlDatabase.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetMysqlDatabase.cs index e683516c0..f0f8b9180 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetMysqlDatabase.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetMysqlDatabase.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetMysqlDatabase { /// /// The MySQL Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL Database. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mydatabase = Aiven.GetMysqlDatabase.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_mysql.Mymysql.Service_name, - /// DatabaseName = "<DATABASE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetMysqlDatabaseArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getMysqlDatabase:getMysqlDatabase", args ?? new GetMysqlDatabaseArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The MySQL Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL Database. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mydatabase = Aiven.GetMysqlDatabase.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_mysql.Mymysql.Service_name, - /// DatabaseName = "<DATABASE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetMysqlDatabaseInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getMysqlDatabase:getMysqlDatabase", args ?? new GetMysqlDatabaseInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetMysqlUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetMysqlUser.cs index 236bf2ce4..926af8eec 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetMysqlUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetMysqlUser.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetMysqlUser { /// /// The MySQL User data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetMysqlUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetMysqlUserArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getMysqlUser:getMysqlUser", args ?? new GetMysqlUserArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The MySQL User data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetMysqlUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetMysqlUserInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getMysqlUser:getMysqlUser", args ?? new GetMysqlUserInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearch.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearch.cs index 4bf77be69..b37b4a614 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearch.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearch.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetOpenSearch { /// /// The OpenSearch data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var os1 = Aiven.GetOpenSearch.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-os1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetOpenSearchArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getOpenSearch:getOpenSearch", args ?? new GetOpenSearchArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The OpenSearch data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var os1 = Aiven.GetOpenSearch.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-os1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetOpenSearchInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getOpenSearch:getOpenSearch", args ?? new GetOpenSearchInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearchAclConfig.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearchAclConfig.cs index 3216d138a..a27dd490a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearchAclConfig.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearchAclConfig.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetOpenSearchAclConfig { /// /// The OpenSearch ACL Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Config. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var os_acl_config = Aiven.GetOpenSearchAclConfig.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Os_project.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_opensearch.Os.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetOpenSearchAclConfigArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getOpenSearchAclConfig:getOpenSearchAclConfig", args ?? new GetOpenSearchAclConfigArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The OpenSearch ACL Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Config. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var os_acl_config = Aiven.GetOpenSearchAclConfig.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Os_project.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_opensearch.Os.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetOpenSearchAclConfigInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getOpenSearchAclConfig:getOpenSearchAclConfig", args ?? new GetOpenSearchAclConfigInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearchAclRule.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearchAclRule.cs index 0af7dda20..4a087814f 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearchAclRule.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetOpenSearchAclRule.cs @@ -13,62 +13,12 @@ public static class GetOpenSearchAclRule { /// /// The OpenSearch ACL Rule data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Rule. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var osAclRule = Aiven.GetOpenSearchAclRule.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_opensearch_acl_config.Os_acls_config.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_opensearch_acl_config.Os_acls_config.Service_name, - /// Username = "<USERNAME>", - /// Index = "<INDEX>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetOpenSearchAclRuleArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getOpenSearchAclRule:getOpenSearchAclRule", args ?? new GetOpenSearchAclRuleArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The OpenSearch ACL Rule data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Rule. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var osAclRule = Aiven.GetOpenSearchAclRule.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_opensearch_acl_config.Os_acls_config.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_opensearch_acl_config.Os_acls_config.Service_name, - /// Username = "<USERNAME>", - /// Index = "<INDEX>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetOpenSearchAclRuleInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getOpenSearchAclRule:getOpenSearchAclRule", args ?? new GetOpenSearchAclRuleInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.cs index 5a8e5584d..3afd7ba93 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig { /// /// The OpenSearch Security Plugin Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch Security Plugin Config. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var os_sec_config = Aiven.GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Os_project.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_opensearch.Os.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig:getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig", args ?? new GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The OpenSearch Security Plugin Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch Security Plugin Config. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var os_sec_config = Aiven.GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Os_project.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_opensearch.Os.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig:getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig", args ?? new GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetOpensearchUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetOpensearchUser.cs index f6ce21a70..5db0c64ac 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetOpensearchUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetOpensearchUser.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetOpensearchUser { /// /// The OpenSearch User data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetOpensearchUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetOpensearchUserArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getOpensearchUser:getOpensearchUser", args ?? new GetOpensearchUserArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The OpenSearch User data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetOpensearchUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetOpensearchUserInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getOpensearchUser:getOpensearchUser", args ?? new GetOpensearchUserInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetOrganization.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetOrganization.cs index 1c73b0fa6..76110a007 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetOrganization.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetOrganization.cs @@ -13,56 +13,12 @@ public static class GetOrganization { /// /// Retrieves information about an organization from Aiven. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var organization1 = Aiven.GetOrganization.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Name = "<ORGANIZATION_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetOrganizationArgs? args = null, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getOrganization:getOrganization", args ?? new GetOrganizationArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// Retrieves information about an organization from Aiven. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var organization1 = Aiven.GetOrganization.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Name = "<ORGANIZATION_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetOrganizationInvokeArgs? args = null, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getOrganization:getOrganization", args ?? new GetOrganizationInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetPg.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetPg.cs index bc3fb7a82..2f9f5415a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetPg.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetPg.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetPg { /// /// The PG data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var pg = Aiven.GetPg.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-pg1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetPgArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getPg:getPg", args ?? new GetPgArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The PG data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var pg = Aiven.GetPg.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-pg1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetPgInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getPg:getPg", args ?? new GetPgInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetPgDatabase.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetPgDatabase.cs index 6b6d73976..c2f653c84 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetPgDatabase.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetPgDatabase.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetPgDatabase { /// /// The PG Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL Database. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mydatabase = Aiven.GetPgDatabase.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_pg.Mypg.Service_name, - /// DatabaseName = "<DATABASE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetPgDatabaseArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getPgDatabase:getPgDatabase", args ?? new GetPgDatabaseArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The PG Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL Database. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mydatabase = Aiven.GetPgDatabase.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_pg.Mypg.Service_name, - /// DatabaseName = "<DATABASE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetPgDatabaseInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getPgDatabase:getPgDatabase", args ?? new GetPgDatabaseInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetPgUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetPgUser.cs index f7b8049bc..616105784 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetPgUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetPgUser.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetPgUser { /// /// The PG User data source provides information about the existing Aiven PG User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetPgUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetPgUserArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getPgUser:getPgUser", args ?? new GetPgUserArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The PG User data source provides information about the existing Aiven PG User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetPgUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetPgUserInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getPgUser:getPgUser", args ?? new GetPgUserInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetProject.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetProject.cs index 1d46bead0..58d7d9228 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetProject.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetProject.cs @@ -13,56 +13,12 @@ public static class GetProject { /// /// The Project data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var myproject = Aiven.GetProject.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "<PROJECT_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetProjectArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getProject:getProject", args ?? new GetProjectArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Project data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var myproject = Aiven.GetProject.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "<PROJECT_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetProjectInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getProject:getProject", args ?? new GetProjectInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetProjectUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetProjectUser.cs index 559f9de8c..dffddfd20 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetProjectUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetProjectUser.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetProjectUser { /// /// The Project User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mytestuser = Aiven.GetProjectUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// Email = "john.doe@example.com", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetProjectUserArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getProjectUser:getProjectUser", args ?? new GetProjectUserArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Project User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mytestuser = Aiven.GetProjectUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// Email = "john.doe@example.com", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetProjectUserInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getProjectUser:getProjectUser", args ?? new GetProjectUserInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetProjectVpc.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetProjectVpc.cs index 0a6d0510e..6ca401921 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetProjectVpc.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetProjectVpc.cs @@ -13,68 +13,12 @@ public static class GetProjectVpc { /// /// The Project VPC data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project VPC. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var myvpc = Aiven.GetProjectVpc.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// }); - /// - /// var myvpcId = Aiven.GetProjectVpc.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// VpcId = aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetProjectVpcArgs? args = null, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getProjectVpc:getProjectVpc", args ?? new GetProjectVpcArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Project VPC data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project VPC. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var myvpc = Aiven.GetProjectVpc.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// }); - /// - /// var myvpcId = Aiven.GetProjectVpc.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// VpcId = aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetProjectVpcInvokeArgs? args = null, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getProjectVpc:getProjectVpc", args ?? new GetProjectVpcInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetRedis.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetRedis.cs index f4dddfdb1..aecb8c647 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetRedis.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetRedis.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetRedis { /// /// The Redis data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var redis1 = Aiven.GetRedis.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-redis1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetRedisArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getRedis:getRedis", args ?? new GetRedisArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Redis data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis service. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var redis1 = Aiven.GetRedis.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// ServiceName = "my-redis1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetRedisInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getRedis:getRedis", args ?? new GetRedisInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetRedisUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetRedisUser.cs index 6a02c47c1..89d7bd476 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetRedisUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetRedisUser.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetRedisUser { /// /// The Redis User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetRedisUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetRedisUserArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getRedisUser:getRedisUser", args ?? new GetRedisUserArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Redis User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis User. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var user = Aiven.GetRedisUser.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "my-project", - /// ServiceName = "my-service", - /// Username = "user1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetRedisUserInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getRedisUser:getRedisUser", args ?? new GetRedisUserInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceComponent.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceComponent.cs index b69afeb6a..3df04bdad 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceComponent.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceComponent.cs @@ -15,32 +15,6 @@ public static class GetServiceComponent /// The Service Component data source provides information about the existing Aiven service Component. /// /// Service components can be defined to get the connection info for specific service. Services may support multiple different access routes (VPC peering and public access), have additional components or support various authentication methods. Each of these may be represented by different DNS name or TCP port and the specific component to match can be selected by specifying appropriate filters as shown below. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var sc1 = Aiven.GetServiceComponent.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_kafka.Project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Service1.Service_name, - /// Component = "kafka", - /// Route = "dynamic", - /// KafkaAuthenticationMethod = "certificate", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetServiceComponentArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getServiceComponent:getServiceComponent", args ?? new GetServiceComponentArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -49,32 +23,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetServiceComponentArg /// The Service Component data source provides information about the existing Aiven service Component. /// /// Service components can be defined to get the connection info for specific service. Services may support multiple different access routes (VPC peering and public access), have additional components or support various authentication methods. Each of these may be represented by different DNS name or TCP port and the specific component to match can be selected by specifying appropriate filters as shown below. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var sc1 = Aiven.GetServiceComponent.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_kafka.Project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Service1.Service_name, - /// Component = "kafka", - /// Route = "dynamic", - /// KafkaAuthenticationMethod = "certificate", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetServiceComponentInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getServiceComponent:getServiceComponent", args ?? new GetServiceComponentInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceIntegration.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceIntegration.cs index 3286c73bb..f38321f07 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceIntegration.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceIntegration.cs @@ -15,31 +15,6 @@ public static class GetServiceIntegration /// The Service Integration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration. /// /// Service Integration defines an integration between two Aiven services or between Aiven service and an external integration endpoint. Integration could be for example sending metrics from Kafka service to an InfluxDB service, getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to Elasticsearch, etc. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var myintegration = Aiven.GetServiceIntegration.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// DestinationServiceName = "<DESTINATION_SERVICE_NAME>", - /// IntegrationType = "datadog", - /// SourceServiceName = "<SOURCE_SERVICE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetServiceIntegrationArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getServiceIntegration:getServiceIntegration", args ?? new GetServiceIntegrationArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); @@ -48,31 +23,6 @@ public static Task InvokeAsync(GetServiceIntegratio /// The Service Integration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration. /// /// Service Integration defines an integration between two Aiven services or between Aiven service and an external integration endpoint. Integration could be for example sending metrics from Kafka service to an InfluxDB service, getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to Elasticsearch, etc. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var myintegration = Aiven.GetServiceIntegration.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// DestinationServiceName = "<DESTINATION_SERVICE_NAME>", - /// IntegrationType = "datadog", - /// SourceServiceName = "<SOURCE_SERVICE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetServiceIntegrationInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getServiceIntegration:getServiceIntegration", args ?? new GetServiceIntegrationInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceIntegrationEndpoint.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceIntegrationEndpoint.cs index f44e7d740..a1268d642 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceIntegrationEndpoint.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetServiceIntegrationEndpoint.cs @@ -13,58 +13,12 @@ public static class GetServiceIntegrationEndpoint { /// /// The Service Integration Endpoint data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration Endpoint. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var myendpoint = Aiven.GetServiceIntegrationEndpoint.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// EndpointName = "<ENDPOINT_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetServiceIntegrationEndpointArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getServiceIntegrationEndpoint:getServiceIntegrationEndpoint", args ?? new GetServiceIntegrationEndpointArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Service Integration Endpoint data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration Endpoint. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var myendpoint = Aiven.GetServiceIntegrationEndpoint.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// EndpointName = "<ENDPOINT_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetServiceIntegrationEndpointInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getServiceIntegrationEndpoint:getServiceIntegrationEndpoint", args ?? new GetServiceIntegrationEndpointInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.cs b/sdk/dotnet/GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.cs index 5112320aa..f9bda2e1f 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.cs @@ -13,60 +13,12 @@ public static class GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachment { /// /// The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var attachment = Aiven.GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// VpcId = aiven_project_vpc.Bar.Id, - /// PeerCloudAccount = "<PEER_ACCOUNT_ID>", - /// PeerVpc = "google-project1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Task InvokeAsync(GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.InvokeAsync("aiven:index/getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment:getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment", args ?? new GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); /// /// The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. - /// - /// {{% examples %}} - /// ## Example Usage - /// {{% example %}} - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var attachment = Aiven.GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// VpcId = aiven_project_vpc.Bar.Id, - /// PeerCloudAccount = "<PEER_ACCOUNT_ID>", - /// PeerVpc = "google-project1", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// {{% /example %}} - /// {{% /examples %}} /// public static Output Invoke(GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? options = null) => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Invoke("aiven:index/getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment:getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment", args ?? new GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentInvokeArgs(), options.WithDefaults()); diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Grafana.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Grafana.cs index b614a7200..69f35fce8 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Grafana.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Grafana.cs @@ -12,36 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Grafana resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Grafana services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var gr1 = new Aiven.Grafana("gr1", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Ps1.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "startup-1", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// GrafanaUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// AlertingEnabled = true, - /// PublicAccess = new Aiven.Inputs.GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigPublicAccessArgs - /// { - /// Grafana = true, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/InfluxDb.cs b/sdk/dotnet/InfluxDb.cs index f9697542a..7a0cf8bed 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/InfluxDb.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/InfluxDb.cs @@ -12,36 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The InfluxDB resource allows the creation and management of Aiven InfluxDB services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var inf1 = new Aiven.InfluxDb("inf1", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "startup-4", - /// ServiceName = "my-inf1", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// InfluxdbUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.InfluxDbInfluxdbUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// PublicAccess = new Aiven.Inputs.InfluxDbInfluxdbUserConfigPublicAccessArgs - /// { - /// Influxdb = true, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/InfluxdbUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/InfluxdbUser.cs index 13219ef45..13e8f56fe 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/InfluxdbUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/InfluxdbUser.cs @@ -12,27 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The InfluxDB User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven InfluxDB Users. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.InfluxdbUser("foo", new() - /// { - /// ServiceName = aiven_influxdb.Bar.Service_name, - /// Project = "my-project", - /// Username = "user-1", - /// Password = "Test$1234", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Kafka.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Kafka.cs index 1ed625d69..f40fa8d21 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Kafka.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Kafka.cs @@ -12,46 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Kafka resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var kafka1 = new Aiven.Kafka("kafka1", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "business-4", - /// ServiceName = "my-kafka1", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// KafkaUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.KafkaKafkaUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// KafkaRest = true, - /// KafkaConnect = true, - /// SchemaRegistry = true, - /// KafkaVersion = "3.1", - /// Kafka = new Aiven.Inputs.KafkaKafkaUserConfigKafkaArgs - /// { - /// GroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs = 70000, - /// LogRetentionBytes = 1000000000, - /// }, - /// PublicAccess = new Aiven.Inputs.KafkaKafkaUserConfigPublicAccessArgs - /// { - /// KafkaRest = true, - /// KafkaConnect = true, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaAcl.cs b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaAcl.cs index 2650cc229..b95984088 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaAcl.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaAcl.cs @@ -12,28 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Resource Kafka ACL resource allows the creation and management of ACLs for an Aiven Kafka service. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mytestacl = new Aiven.KafkaAcl("mytestacl", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Myservice.Service_name, - /// Topic = "<TOPIC_NAME_PATTERN>", - /// Permission = "admin", - /// Username = "<USERNAME_PATTERN>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaConnect.cs b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaConnect.cs index 943a8fa3c..cbe3d4c4a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaConnect.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaConnect.cs @@ -12,40 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Kafka Connect resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Connect services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var kc1 = new Aiven.KafkaConnect("kc1", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "startup-4", - /// ServiceName = "my-kc1", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// KafkaConnectUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// KafkaConnect = new Aiven.Inputs.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigKafkaConnectArgs - /// { - /// ConsumerIsolationLevel = "read_committed", - /// }, - /// PublicAccess = new Aiven.Inputs.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigPublicAccessArgs - /// { - /// KafkaConnect = true, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaConnector.cs b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaConnector.cs index 787021a84..bef4d4541 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaConnector.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaConnector.cs @@ -12,36 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Kafka connectors resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka connectors. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var kafka_os_con1 = new Aiven.KafkaConnector("kafka-os-con1", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_con_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Kafka_service1.Service_name, - /// ConnectorName = "kafka-os-con1", - /// Config = - /// { - /// { "topics", aiven_kafka_topic.Kafka_topic1.Topic_name }, - /// { "connector.class", "io.aiven.kafka.connect.opensearch.OpensearchSinkConnector" }, - /// { "type.name", "os-connector" }, - /// { "name", "kafka-os-con1" }, - /// { "connection.url", aiven_elasticsearch.Os_service1.Service_uri }, - /// { "connection.username", aiven_opensearch.Os_service1.Service_username }, - /// { "connection.password", aiven_opensearch.Os_service1.Service_password }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaMirrorMaker.cs b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaMirrorMaker.cs index 25b69c59d..d37bfe977 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaMirrorMaker.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaMirrorMaker.cs @@ -12,40 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Kafka MirrorMaker resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mm1 = new Aiven.KafkaMirrorMaker("mm1", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "startup-4", - /// ServiceName = "my-mm1", - /// KafkaMirrormakerUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// IpFilters = new[] - /// { - /// "", - /// }, - /// KafkaMirrormaker = new Aiven.Inputs.KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigKafkaMirrormakerArgs - /// { - /// RefreshGroupsIntervalSeconds = 600, - /// RefreshTopicsEnabled = true, - /// RefreshTopicsIntervalSeconds = 600, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaSchema.cs b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaSchema.cs index 6c92cc020..4b8f8770a 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaSchema.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaSchema.cs @@ -12,41 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Kafka Schema resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Schemas. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var kafka_schema1 = new Aiven.KafkaSchema("kafka-schema1", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_schemas_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Kafka_service1.Service_name, - /// SubjectName = "kafka-schema1", - /// CompatibilityLevel = "FORWARD", - /// Schema = @" { - /// ""doc"": ""example"", - /// ""fields"": [{ - /// ""default"": 5, - /// ""doc"": ""my test number"", - /// ""name"": ""test"", - /// ""namespace"": ""test"", - /// ""type"": ""int"" - /// }], - /// ""name"": ""example"", - /// ""namespace"": ""example"", - /// ""type"": ""record"" - /// } - /// ", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaSchemaConfiguration.cs b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaSchemaConfiguration.cs index 50c0fad53..43184d0ea 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaSchemaConfiguration.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaSchemaConfiguration.cs @@ -12,26 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Kafka Schema Configuration resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Schema Configurations. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var config = new Aiven.KafkaSchemaConfiguration("config", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_schemas_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Kafka_service1.Service_name, - /// CompatibilityLevel = "BACKWARD", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaUser.cs index 919483bb5..aab0ce8f1 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/KafkaUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/KafkaUser.cs @@ -12,27 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Kafka User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Users. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.KafkaUser("foo", new() - /// { - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name, - /// Project = "my-project", - /// Username = "user-1", - /// Password = "Test$1234", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/M3Aggregator.cs b/sdk/dotnet/M3Aggregator.cs index fc0fcc191..9066e9058 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/M3Aggregator.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/M3Aggregator.cs @@ -12,33 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The M3 Aggregator resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3 Aggregator services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var m3a = new Aiven.M3Aggregator("m3a", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "business-8", - /// ServiceName = "my-m3a", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// M3aggregatorUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.M3AggregatorM3aggregatorUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// M3aggregatorVersion = "0.15", - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/M3Db.cs b/sdk/dotnet/M3Db.cs index 5de788f5d..c5b31a1ef 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/M3Db.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/M3Db.cs @@ -12,41 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The M3 DB resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3 services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var m3 = new Aiven.M3Db("m3", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "business-8", - /// ServiceName = "my-m3db", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// M3dbUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.M3DbM3dbUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// M3dbVersion = "1.1", - /// Namespaces = new[] - /// { - /// new Aiven.Inputs.M3DbM3dbUserConfigNamespaceArgs - /// { - /// Name = "my_ns1", - /// Type = "unaggregated", - /// }, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/M3dbUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/M3dbUser.cs index dc5de07fa..d3a0df16c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/M3dbUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/M3dbUser.cs @@ -12,27 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The M3DB User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3DB Users. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.M3dbUser("foo", new() - /// { - /// ServiceName = aiven_m3db.Bar.Service_name, - /// Project = "my-project", - /// Username = "user-1", - /// Password = "Test$1234", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/MirrorMakerReplicationFlow.cs b/sdk/dotnet/MirrorMakerReplicationFlow.cs index f44cc8d6a..c5077815f 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/MirrorMakerReplicationFlow.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/MirrorMakerReplicationFlow.cs @@ -12,38 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow resource allows the creation and management of MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flows on Aiven Cloud. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var f1 = new Aiven.MirrorMakerReplicationFlow("f1", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Kafka_mm_project1.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_kafka.Mm.Service_name, - /// SourceCluster = aiven_kafka.Source.Service_name, - /// TargetCluster = aiven_kafka.Target.Service_name, - /// Enable = true, - /// Topics = new[] - /// { - /// ".*", - /// }, - /// TopicsBlacklists = new[] - /// { - /// ".*[\\-\\.]internal", - /// ".*\\.replica", - /// "__.*", - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/MySql.cs b/sdk/dotnet/MySql.cs index bae6fd6ed..d28a67c87 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/MySql.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/MySql.cs @@ -12,42 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The MySQL resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mysql1 = new Aiven.MySql("mysql1", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "business-4", - /// ServiceName = "my-mysql1", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// MysqlUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.MySqlMysqlUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// MysqlVersion = "8", - /// Mysql = new Aiven.Inputs.MySqlMysqlUserConfigMysqlArgs - /// { - /// SqlMode = "ANSI,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,NO_ZERO_DATE,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE", - /// SqlRequirePrimaryKey = true, - /// }, - /// PublicAccess = new Aiven.Inputs.MySqlMysqlUserConfigPublicAccessArgs - /// { - /// Mysql = true, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/MysqlDatabase.cs b/sdk/dotnet/MysqlDatabase.cs index a8648a17e..b2aa47ebc 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/MysqlDatabase.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/MysqlDatabase.cs @@ -12,26 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The MySQL Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL Databases. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mydatabase = new Aiven.MysqlDatabase("mydatabase", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_mysql.Mymysql.Service_name, - /// DatabaseName = "<DATABASE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/MysqlUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/MysqlUser.cs index 023867231..8ec4f1721 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/MysqlUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/MysqlUser.cs @@ -12,27 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The MySQL User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL Users. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.MysqlUser("foo", new() - /// { - /// ServiceName = aiven_mysql.Bar.Service_name, - /// Project = "my-project", - /// Username = "user-1", - /// Password = "Test$1234", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearch.cs b/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearch.cs index c9c6f347c..ddb82d9b4 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearch.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearch.cs @@ -12,43 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The OpenSearch resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var os1 = new Aiven.OpenSearch("os1", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "startup-4", - /// ServiceName = "my-os1", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// OpensearchUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// OpensearchVersion = "1", - /// OpensearchDashboards = new Aiven.Inputs.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigOpensearchDashboardsArgs - /// { - /// Enabled = true, - /// OpensearchRequestTimeout = 30000, - /// }, - /// PublicAccess = new Aiven.Inputs.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigPublicAccessArgs - /// { - /// Opensearch = true, - /// OpensearchDashboards = true, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearchAclConfig.cs b/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearchAclConfig.cs index 3bd71edc3..6f6ea288c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearchAclConfig.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearchAclConfig.cs @@ -12,49 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The OpenSearch ACL Config resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch ACLs. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var fooProject = Aiven.GetProject.Invoke(new() - /// { - /// Project = "example_project", - /// }); - /// - /// var bar = new Aiven.OpenSearch("bar", new() - /// { - /// Project = fooProject.Apply(getProjectResult => getProjectResult.Project), - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "startup-4", - /// ServiceName = "example_service_name", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// }); - /// - /// var fooOpensearchUser = new Aiven.OpensearchUser("fooOpensearchUser", new() - /// { - /// ServiceName = bar.ServiceName, - /// Project = fooProject.Apply(getProjectResult => getProjectResult.Project), - /// Username = "user-example", - /// }); - /// - /// var fooOpenSearchAclConfig = new Aiven.OpenSearchAclConfig("fooOpenSearchAclConfig", new() - /// { - /// Project = fooProject.Apply(getProjectResult => getProjectResult.Project), - /// ServiceName = bar.ServiceName, - /// Enabled = true, - /// ExtendedAcl = false, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearchAclRule.cs b/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearchAclRule.cs index 04139dc40..7b5c99ba5 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearchAclRule.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/OpenSearchAclRule.cs @@ -12,87 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The OpenSearch ACL Rule resource models a single ACL Rule for an Aiven OpenSearch service. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var osUser = new Aiven.OpensearchUser("osUser", new() - /// { - /// Project = @var.Aiven_project_name, - /// ServiceName = aiven_opensearch.Os_test.Service_name, - /// Username = "documentation-user-1", - /// }); - /// - /// var osUser2 = new Aiven.OpensearchUser("osUser2", new() - /// { - /// Project = @var.Aiven_project_name, - /// ServiceName = aiven_opensearch.Os_test.Service_name, - /// Username = "documentation-user-2", - /// }); - /// - /// var osAclsConfig = new Aiven.OpenSearchAclConfig("osAclsConfig", new() - /// { - /// Project = @var.Aiven_project_name, - /// ServiceName = aiven_opensearch.Os_test.Service_name, - /// Enabled = true, - /// ExtendedAcl = false, - /// }); - /// - /// var aclRules = new[] - /// { - /// - /// { - /// { "username", osUser.Username }, - /// { "index", "index2" }, - /// { "permission", "readwrite" }, - /// }, - /// - /// { - /// { "username", osUser.Username }, - /// { "index", "index3" }, - /// { "permission", "read" }, - /// }, - /// - /// { - /// { "username", osUser.Username }, - /// { "index", "index5" }, - /// { "permission", "deny" }, - /// }, - /// - /// { - /// { "username", osUser2.Username }, - /// { "index", "index3" }, - /// { "permission", "write" }, - /// }, - /// - /// { - /// { "username", osUser2.Username }, - /// { "index", "index7" }, - /// { "permission", "readwrite" }, - /// }, - /// }; - /// - /// var osAclRule = new List<Aiven.OpenSearchAclRule>(); - /// foreach (var range in aclRules.Select((value, i) => new { Key = i.ToString(), Value = pair.Value }).Select(pair => new { pair.Key, pair.Value })) - /// { - /// osAclRule.Add(new Aiven.OpenSearchAclRule($"osAclRule-{range.Key}", new() - /// { - /// Project = osAclsConfig.Project, - /// ServiceName = osAclsConfig.ServiceName, - /// Username = range.Value.Username, - /// Index = range.Value.Index, - /// Permission = range.Value.Permission, - /// })); - /// } - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/OpensearchUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/OpensearchUser.cs index 4d2d6b43f..54705c25c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/OpensearchUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/OpensearchUser.cs @@ -12,27 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The OpenSearch User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch Users. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.OpensearchUser("foo", new() - /// { - /// ServiceName = aiven_opensearch.Bar.Service_name, - /// Project = "my-project", - /// Username = "user-1", - /// Password = "Test$1234", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Organization.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Organization.cs index 13aabf01d..647771a73 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Organization.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Organization.cs @@ -12,21 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// Creates and manages an organization in Aiven. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var organization1 = new Aiven.Organization("organization1"); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/OrganizationalUnit.cs b/sdk/dotnet/OrganizationalUnit.cs index f8c3f4aab..bead92a2b 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/OrganizationalUnit.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/OrganizationalUnit.cs @@ -12,24 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Organizational Unit resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Organizational Units. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var organizationalUnit1 = new Aiven.OrganizationalUnit("organizationalUnit1", new() - /// { - /// ParentId = "<ORGANIZATION_ID>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/PgDatabase.cs b/sdk/dotnet/PgDatabase.cs index c7d94f795..5dcfeee7c 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/PgDatabase.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/PgDatabase.cs @@ -12,26 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The PG Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven PostgreSQL Databases. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mydatabase = new Aiven.PgDatabase("mydatabase", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// ServiceName = aiven_pg.Mypg.Service_name, - /// DatabaseName = "<DATABASE_NAME>", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/PgUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/PgUser.cs index 0892df524..932a96f99 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/PgUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/PgUser.cs @@ -12,27 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The PG User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven PG Users. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.PgUser("foo", new() - /// { - /// ServiceName = aiven_pg.Bar.Service_name, - /// Project = "my-project", - /// Username = "user-1", - /// Password = "Test$1234", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/ProjectUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/ProjectUser.cs index 61562da2b..8517be308 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/ProjectUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/ProjectUser.cs @@ -12,26 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Project User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Project Users. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var mytestuser = new Aiven.ProjectUser("mytestuser", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// Email = "john.doe@example.com", - /// MemberType = "admin", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/Redis.cs b/sdk/dotnet/Redis.cs index ec12c57d0..d1c29fddc 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/Redis.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/Redis.cs @@ -12,37 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Redis resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Redis services. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var redis1 = new Aiven.Redis("redis1", new() - /// { - /// Project = data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, - /// CloudName = "google-europe-west1", - /// Plan = "business-4", - /// ServiceName = "my-redis1", - /// MaintenanceWindowDow = "monday", - /// MaintenanceWindowTime = "10:00:00", - /// RedisUserConfig = new Aiven.Inputs.RedisRedisUserConfigArgs - /// { - /// RedisMaxmemoryPolicy = "allkeys-random", - /// PublicAccess = new Aiven.Inputs.RedisRedisUserConfigPublicAccessArgs - /// { - /// Redis = true, - /// }, - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/RedisUser.cs b/sdk/dotnet/RedisUser.cs index 1b0c499e3..5e634638d 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/RedisUser.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/RedisUser.cs @@ -12,27 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Redis User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Redis Users. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var foo = new Aiven.RedisUser("foo", new() - /// { - /// ServiceName = aiven_redis.Bar.Service_name, - /// Project = "my-project", - /// Username = "user-1", - /// Password = "Test$1234", - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/ServiceIntegration.cs b/sdk/dotnet/ServiceIntegration.cs index ed7974a1a..75c33d8df 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/ServiceIntegration.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/ServiceIntegration.cs @@ -19,27 +19,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to /// Elasticsearch, etc. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var myIntegrationMetrics = new Aiven.ServiceIntegration("myIntegrationMetrics", new() - /// { - /// Project = aiven_project.Myproject.Project, - /// IntegrationType = "metrics", - /// SourceServiceName = aiven_kafka.Kfk1.Service_name, - /// DestinationServiceName = aiven_m3db.M3db.Service_name, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/dotnet/TransitGatewayVpcAttachment.cs b/sdk/dotnet/TransitGatewayVpcAttachment.cs index 491106996..f124e2899 100644 --- a/sdk/dotnet/TransitGatewayVpcAttachment.cs +++ b/sdk/dotnet/TransitGatewayVpcAttachment.cs @@ -12,31 +12,6 @@ namespace Pulumi.Aiven /// /// The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. /// - /// ## Example Usage - /// - /// ```csharp - /// using System.Collections.Generic; - /// using System.Linq; - /// using Pulumi; - /// using Aiven = Pulumi.Aiven; - /// - /// return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => - /// { - /// var attachment = new Aiven.TransitGatewayVpcAttachment("attachment", new() - /// { - /// VpcId = aiven_project_vpc.Bar.Id, - /// PeerCloudAccount = "<PEER_ACCOUNT_ID>", - /// PeerVpc = "google-project1", - /// PeerRegion = "aws-eu-west-1", - /// UserPeerNetworkCidrs = new[] - /// { - /// "", - /// }, - /// }); - /// - /// }); - /// ``` - /// /// ## Import /// /// ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go.mod b/sdk/go.mod index 39ef54eb6..5a42458a3 100644 --- a/sdk/go.mod +++ b/sdk/go.mod @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ go 1.21 require ( github.com/blang/semver v3.5.1+incompatible - github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.86.0 + github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 v3.90.1 ) require ( @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ require ( github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto v0.0.0-20221026131551-cf6655e29de4 // indirect github.com/acomagu/bufpipe v1.0.3 // indirect github.com/aead/chacha20 v0.0.0-20180709150244-8b13a72661da // indirect - github.com/agext/levenshtein v1.2.1 // indirect + github.com/agext/levenshtein v1.2.3 // indirect github.com/apparentlymart/go-textseg/v13 v13.0.0 // indirect github.com/atotto/clipboard v0.1.4 // indirect github.com/aymanbagabas/go-osc52/v2 v2.0.1 // indirect @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ require ( github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-opentracing v0.0.0-20180507213350-8e809c8a8645 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/errwrap v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror v1.1.1 // indirect - github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2 v2.16.1 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2 v2.17.0 // indirect github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.13 // indirect - github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.1 // indirect + github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/jbenet/go-context v0.0.0-20150711004518-d14ea06fba99 // indirect github.com/kevinburke/ssh_config v1.2.0 // indirect github.com/lucasb-eyer/go-colorful v1.2.0 // indirect @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ require ( github.com/mattn/go-localereader v0.0.1 // indirect github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.14 // indirect github.com/mitchellh/go-ps v1.0.0 // indirect - github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap v0.0.0-20150314170334-ad45545899c7 // indirect + github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap v1.0.1 // indirect github.com/muesli/ansi v0.0.0-20211018074035-2e021307bc4b // indirect github.com/muesli/cancelreader v0.2.2 // indirect github.com/muesli/reflow v0.3.0 // indirect @@ -53,29 +53,31 @@ require ( github.com/pjbgf/sha1cd v0.3.0 // indirect github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 // indirect github.com/pkg/term v1.1.0 // indirect + github.com/pulumi/esc v0.5.6 // indirect github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 // indirect - github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.9.0 // indirect + github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.11.0 // indirect github.com/sabhiram/go-gitignore v0.0.0-20210923224102-525f6e181f06 // indirect github.com/santhosh-tekuri/jsonschema/v5 v5.0.0 // indirect - github.com/sergi/go-diff v1.2.0 // indirect + github.com/sergi/go-diff v1.3.1 // indirect github.com/skeema/knownhosts v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/spf13/cast v1.4.1 // indirect - github.com/spf13/cobra v1.6.1 // indirect + github.com/spf13/cobra v1.7.0 // indirect github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 // indirect - github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.2 // indirect + github.com/stretchr/objx v0.5.0 // indirect github.com/texttheater/golang-levenshtein v1.0.1 // indirect github.com/tweekmonster/luser v0.0.0-20161003172636-3fa38070dbd7 // indirect github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go v2.30.0+incompatible // indirect github.com/uber/jaeger-lib v2.4.1+incompatible // indirect github.com/xanzy/ssh-agent v0.3.3 // indirect - github.com/zclconf/go-cty v1.12.1 // indirect + github.com/zclconf/go-cty v1.13.2 // indirect go.uber.org/atomic v1.9.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/crypto v0.7.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/net v0.10.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/sync v0.1.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/sys v0.8.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/term v0.8.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/text v0.9.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/crypto v0.14.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20231006140011-7918f672742d // indirect + golang.org/x/net v0.17.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/sync v0.2.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/sys v0.13.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/term v0.13.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/text v0.13.0 // indirect google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc v0.0.0-20230706204954-ccb25ca9f130 // indirect google.golang.org/grpc v1.57.0 // indirect google.golang.org/protobuf v1.31.0 // indirect diff 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h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= +golang.org/x/sys v0.13.0 h1:Af8nKPmuFypiUBjVoU9V20FiaFXOcuZI21p0ycVYYGE= +golang.org/x/sys v0.13.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1/go.mod h1:bj7SfCRtBDWHUb9snDiAeCFNEtKQo2Wmx5Cou7ajbmo= golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20210927222741-03fcf44c2211/go.mod h1:jbD1KX2456YbFQfuXm/mYQcufACuNUgVhRMnK/tPxf8= golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20220722155259-a9ba230a4035/go.mod h1:jbD1KX2456YbFQfuXm/mYQcufACuNUgVhRMnK/tPxf8= golang.org/x/term v0.1.0/go.mod h1:jbD1KX2456YbFQfuXm/mYQcufACuNUgVhRMnK/tPxf8= golang.org/x/term v0.2.0/go.mod h1:TVmDHMZPmdnySmBfhjOoOdhjzdE1h4u1VwSiw2l1Nuc= -golang.org/x/term v0.8.0 h1:n5xxQn2i3PC0yLAbjTpNT85q/Kgzcr2gIoX9OrJUols= -golang.org/x/term v0.8.0/go.mod h1:xPskH00ivmX89bAKVGSKKtLOWNx2+17Eiy94tnKShWo= +golang.org/x/term v0.13.0 h1:bb+I9cTfFazGW51MZqBVmZy7+JEJMouUHTUSKVQLBek= +golang.org/x/term v0.13.0/go.mod h1:LTmsnFJwVN6bCy1rVCoS+qHT1HhALEFxKncY3WNNh4U= golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.3/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.6/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.7/go.mod h1:u+2+/6zg+i71rQMx5EYifcz6MCKuco9NR6JIITiCfzQ= golang.org/x/text v0.4.0/go.mod h1:mrYo+phRRbMaCq/xk9113O4dZlRixOauAjOtrjsXDZ8= -golang.org/x/text v0.9.0 h1:2sjJmO8cDvYveuX97RDLsxlyUxLl+GHoLxBiRdHllBE= -golang.org/x/text v0.9.0/go.mod h1:e1OnstbJyHTd6l/uOt8jFFHp6TRDWZR/bV3emEE/zU8= +golang.org/x/text v0.13.0 h1:ablQoSUd0tRdKxZewP80B+BaqeKJuVhuRxj/dkrun3k= +golang.org/x/text v0.13.0/go.mod h1:TvPlkZtksWOMsz7fbANvkp4WM8x/WCo/om8BMLbz+aE= golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20180917221912-90fa682c2a6e/go.mod h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ= golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20181030221726-6c7e314b6563/go.mod h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ= golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191119224855-298f0cb1881e/go.mod h1:b+2E5dAYhXwXZwtnZ6UAqBI28+e2cm9otk0dWdXHAEo= diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/account.go b/sdk/go/aiven/account.go index 614884c8b..a908904c7 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/account.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/account.go @@ -14,30 +14,6 @@ import ( // The Account resource allows the creation and management of an Aiven Account. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewAccount(ctx, "account1", nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/awsPrivatelink.go b/sdk/go/aiven/awsPrivatelink.go index e913ec295..133a01028 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/awsPrivatelink.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/awsPrivatelink.go @@ -15,36 +15,6 @@ import ( // The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewAwsPrivatelink(ctx, "foo", &aiven.AwsPrivatelinkArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name), -// Principals: pulumi.StringArray{ -// pulumi.String("arn:aws:iam::012345678901:user/mwf"), -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/awsVpcPeeringConnection.go b/sdk/go/aiven/awsVpcPeeringConnection.go index 23a379dc5..eb1a733c0 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/awsVpcPeeringConnection.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/awsVpcPeeringConnection.go @@ -15,34 +15,6 @@ import ( // The AWS VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS VPC Peering Connections. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewAwsVpcPeeringConnection(ctx, "foo", &aiven.AwsVpcPeeringConnectionArgs{ -// VpcId: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id), -// AwsAccountId: pulumi.String("XXXXX"), -// AwsVpcId: pulumi.String("XXXXX"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/azurePrivatelink.go b/sdk/go/aiven/azurePrivatelink.go index 621411c0b..657d6acb1 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/azurePrivatelink.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/azurePrivatelink.go @@ -15,36 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewAzurePrivatelink(ctx, "foo", &aiven.AzurePrivatelinkArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name), -// UserSubscriptionIds: pulumi.StringArray{ -// pulumi.String("xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx"), -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/azureVpcPeeringConnection.go b/sdk/go/aiven/azureVpcPeeringConnection.go index c4d8426f3..9a84db6ea 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/azureVpcPeeringConnection.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/azureVpcPeeringConnection.go @@ -15,37 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Azure VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven VPC Peering Connections. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewAzureVpcPeeringConnection(ctx, "foo", &aiven.AzureVpcPeeringConnectionArgs{ -// VpcId: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id), -// AzureSubscriptionId: pulumi.String("xxxxxx"), -// PeerResourceGroup: pulumi.String("my-pr1"), -// VnetName: pulumi.String("my-vnet1"), -// PeerAzureAppId: pulumi.String("xxxxxx"), -// PeerAzureTenantId: pulumi.String("xxxxxx"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/billingGroup.go b/sdk/go/aiven/billingGroup.go index c34683367..aeb8c4944 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/billingGroup.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/billingGroup.go @@ -14,40 +14,6 @@ import ( // The Billing Group resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Billing Groups and association with the Projects. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// bybg1, err := aiven.NewBillingGroup(ctx, "bybg1", &aiven.BillingGroupArgs{ -// BillingCurrency: pulumi.String("USD"), -// VatId: pulumi.String("123ABC"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// _, err = aiven.NewProject(ctx, "pr1", &aiven.ProjectArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.String("pr1"), -// BillingGroup: bybg1.ID(), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/cassandra.go b/sdk/go/aiven/cassandra.go index bc2df5a64..5c6b3f736 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/cassandra.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/cassandra.go @@ -15,43 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Cassandra resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Cassandra services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewCassandra(ctx, "bar", &aiven.CassandraArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("startup-4"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("test-service-name"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// CassandraUserConfig: &aiven.CassandraCassandraUserConfigArgs{ -// MigrateSstableloader: pulumi.Bool(true), -// PublicAccess: &aiven.CassandraCassandraUserConfigPublicAccessArgs{ -// Prometheus: pulumi.Bool(true), -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/cassandraUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/cassandraUser.go index 1d7bfa059..0813fe1ba 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/cassandraUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/cassandraUser.go @@ -15,35 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Cassandra User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Cassandra Users. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewCassandraUser(ctx, "foo", &aiven.CassandraUserArgs{ -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_cassandra.Bar.Service_name), -// Project: pulumi.String("my-project"), -// Username: pulumi.String("user-1"), -// Password: pulumi.String("Test$1234"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouse.go b/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouse.go index f23dc7658..8c336ff3d 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouse.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouse.go @@ -15,37 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Clickhouse resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clickhouse services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewClickhouse(ctx, "clickhouse", &aiven.ClickhouseArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("business-4"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("my-clickhouse"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseDatabase.go b/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseDatabase.go index a909ce4aa..a64b9fe25 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseDatabase.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseDatabase.go @@ -15,33 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Clickhouse Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clickhouse Databases. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewClickhouseDatabase(ctx, "clickhouseDb", &aiven.ClickhouseDatabaseArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_clickhouse.Ch.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_clickhouse.Ch.Service_name), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseGrant.go b/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseGrant.go index 5c89307cd..0341ef421 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseGrant.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseGrant.go @@ -19,90 +19,6 @@ import ( // * Due to a ambiguity in the GRANT syntax in clickhouse you should not have users and roles with the same name. It is not clear if a grant refers to the user or the role. // * To grant a privilege on all tables of a database, do not write table = "*". Instead, omit the table and only keep the database. // * Currently changes will first revoke all grants and then reissue the remaining grants for convergence. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// clickhouse, err := aiven.NewClickhouse(ctx, "clickhouse", &aiven.ClickhouseArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(_var.Aiven_project_name), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("startup-8"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("exapmle-clickhouse"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// demodb, err := aiven.NewClickhouseDatabase(ctx, "demodb", &aiven.ClickhouseDatabaseArgs{ -// Project: clickhouse.Project, -// ServiceName: clickhouse.ServiceName, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// demoClickhouseRole, err := aiven.NewClickhouseRole(ctx, "demoClickhouseRole", &aiven.ClickhouseRoleArgs{ -// Project: clickhouse.Project, -// ServiceName: clickhouse.ServiceName, -// Role: pulumi.String("demo-role"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// _, err = aiven.NewClickhouseGrant(ctx, "demo-role-grant", &aiven.ClickhouseGrantArgs{ -// Project: clickhouse.Project, -// ServiceName: clickhouse.ServiceName, -// Role: demoClickhouseRole.Role, -// PrivilegeGrants: aiven.ClickhouseGrantPrivilegeGrantArray{ -// &aiven.ClickhouseGrantPrivilegeGrantArgs{ -// Privilege: pulumi.String("INSERT"), -// Database: demodb.Name, -// Table: pulumi.String("demo-table"), -// }, -// &aiven.ClickhouseGrantPrivilegeGrantArgs{ -// Privilege: pulumi.String("SELECT"), -// Database: demodb.Name, -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// demoClickhouseUser, err := aiven.NewClickhouseUser(ctx, "demoClickhouseUser", &aiven.ClickhouseUserArgs{ -// Project: clickhouse.Project, -// ServiceName: clickhouse.ServiceName, -// Username: pulumi.String("demo-user"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// _, err = aiven.NewClickhouseGrant(ctx, "demo-user-grant", &aiven.ClickhouseGrantArgs{ -// Project: clickhouse.Project, -// ServiceName: clickhouse.ServiceName, -// User: demoClickhouseUser.Username, -// RoleGrants: aiven.ClickhouseGrantRoleGrantArray{ -// &aiven.ClickhouseGrantRoleGrantArgs{ -// Role: demoClickhouseRole.Role, -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` type ClickhouseGrant struct { pulumi.CustomResourceState diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseRole.go b/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseRole.go index aa3e639d2..132f3d99f 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseRole.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseRole.go @@ -15,45 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Clickhouse Role resource allows the creation and management of Roles in Aiven Clickhouse services // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// bar, err := aiven.NewClickhouse(ctx, "bar", &aiven.ClickhouseArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.String("example-project"), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("startup-beta-8"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("example-service"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// _, err = aiven.NewClickhouseRole(ctx, "foo", &aiven.ClickhouseRoleArgs{ -// ServiceName: bar.ServiceName, -// Project: bar.Project, -// Role: pulumi.String("writer"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseUser.go index 6837a1e32..7420cc1ea 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/clickhouseUser.go @@ -15,34 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Clickhouse User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clikhouse Users. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewClickhouseUser(ctx, "ch-user", &aiven.ClickhouseUserArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.Myproject.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_clickhouse.Myservice.Service_name), -// Username: pulumi.String(""), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/connectionPool.go b/sdk/go/aiven/connectionPool.go index 5bace00e6..31c71bea9 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/connectionPool.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/connectionPool.go @@ -15,38 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Connection Pool resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Connection Pools. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewConnectionPool(ctx, "mytestpool", &aiven.ConnectionPoolArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.Myproject.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_pg.Mypg.Service_name), -// DatabaseName: pulumi.Any(aiven_pg_database.Mypgdatabase.Database_name), -// PoolMode: pulumi.String("transaction"), -// PoolName: pulumi.String("mypool"), -// PoolSize: pulumi.Int(10), -// Username: pulumi.Any(aiven_pg_user.Mypguser.Username), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/flink.go b/sdk/go/aiven/flink.go index c7aa82cba..9e51c18dc 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/flink.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/flink.go @@ -15,40 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Flink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Flink services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewFlink(ctx, "flink", &aiven.FlinkArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("business-4"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("my-flink"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// FlinkUserConfig: &aiven.FlinkFlinkUserConfigArgs{ -// FlinkVersion: pulumi.String("1.16"), -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/flinkApplication.go b/sdk/go/aiven/flinkApplication.go index 9ca71924c..1adbd5c9f 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/flinkApplication.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/flinkApplication.go @@ -15,33 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Flink Application resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Flink Applications. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewFlinkApplication(ctx, "foo", &aiven.FlinkApplicationArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.Foo.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("flink-service-1"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/gcpVpcPeeringConnection.go b/sdk/go/aiven/gcpVpcPeeringConnection.go index 74aa89c84..a3a9d3d49 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/gcpVpcPeeringConnection.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/gcpVpcPeeringConnection.go @@ -15,34 +15,6 @@ import ( // The GCP VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven GCP VPC Peering Connections. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewGcpVpcPeeringConnection(ctx, "foo", &aiven.GcpVpcPeeringConnectionArgs{ -// VpcId: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id), -// GcpProjectId: pulumi.String("xxxx"), -// PeerVpc: pulumi.String("xxxx"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getAccount.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getAccount.go index 338721f3c..ee0766772 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getAccount.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getAccount.go @@ -13,32 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Account data source provides information about the existing Aiven Account. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupAccount(ctx, &aiven.LookupAccountArgs{ -// Name: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupAccount(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupAccountArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupAccountResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupAccountResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getAwsPrivatelink.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getAwsPrivatelink.go index b64ecee23..bb08c6847 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getAwsPrivatelink.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getAwsPrivatelink.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupAwsPrivatelink(ctx, &aiven.LookupAwsPrivatelinkArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name, -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupAwsPrivatelink(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupAwsPrivatelinkArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupAwsPrivatelinkResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupAwsPrivatelinkResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getAwsVpcPeeringConnection.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getAwsVpcPeeringConnection.go index 3e8d53f3c..5c10e6f21 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getAwsVpcPeeringConnection.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getAwsVpcPeeringConnection.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The AWS VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupAwsVpcPeeringConnection(ctx, &aiven.LookupAwsVpcPeeringConnectionArgs{ -// VpcId: data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id, -// AwsAccountId: "XXXXX", -// AwsVpcId: "XXXXX", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupAwsVpcPeeringConnection(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupAwsVpcPeeringConnectionArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupAwsVpcPeeringConnectionResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupAwsVpcPeeringConnectionResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getAzurePrivatelink.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getAzurePrivatelink.go index dd4b00dd3..c0413c799 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getAzurePrivatelink.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getAzurePrivatelink.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupAzurePrivatelink(ctx, &aiven.LookupAzurePrivatelinkArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name, -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupAzurePrivatelink(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupAzurePrivatelinkArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupAzurePrivatelinkResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupAzurePrivatelinkResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getCassanda.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getCassanda.go index 6df8cd831..9b63deb8f 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getCassanda.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getCassanda.go @@ -14,33 +14,6 @@ import ( // The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupCassandra(ctx, &aiven.LookupCassandraArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, -// ServiceName: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // Deprecated: aiven.getCassanda has been deprecated in favor of aiven.getCassandra func GetCassanda(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetCassandaArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*GetCassandaResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getCassandra.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getCassandra.go index 25f567d46..816a7d8fa 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getCassandra.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getCassandra.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupCassandra(ctx, &aiven.LookupCassandraArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, -// ServiceName: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupCassandra(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupCassandraArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupCassandraResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupCassandraResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getCassandraUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getCassandraUser.go index acef9f604..1a574bb66 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getCassandraUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getCassandraUser.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Cassandra User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra User. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupCassandraUser(ctx, &aiven.LookupCassandraUserArgs{ -// Project: "my-project", -// ServiceName: "my-service", -// Username: "user1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupCassandraUser(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupCassandraUserArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupCassandraUserResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupCassandraUserResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouse.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouse.go index 89678fd94..bd8b4ce9f 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouse.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouse.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Clickhouse data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupClickhouse(ctx, &aiven.LookupClickhouseArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, -// ServiceName: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupClickhouse(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupClickhouseArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupClickhouseResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupClickhouseResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouseDatabase.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouseDatabase.go index a02b79c87..a54fc633a 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouseDatabase.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouseDatabase.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Clickhouse database data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse Database. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupClickhouseDatabase(ctx, &aiven.LookupClickhouseDatabaseArgs{ -// Project: aiven_clickhouse.Ch.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_clickhouse.Ch.Service_name, -// Name: "my-ch-db", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupClickhouseDatabase(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupClickhouseDatabaseArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupClickhouseDatabaseResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupClickhouseDatabaseResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouseUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouseUser.go index e1d50a811..008f4ca86 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouseUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getClickhouseUser.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Clickhouse User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse User. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupClickhouseUser(ctx, &aiven.LookupClickhouseUserArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.Myproject.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_clickhouse.Myservice.Service_name, -// Username: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupClickhouseUser(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupClickhouseUserArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupClickhouseUserResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupClickhouseUserResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getConnectionPool.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getConnectionPool.go index b972c0ef2..80cc3569f 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getConnectionPool.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getConnectionPool.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Connection Pool data source provides information about the existing Aiven Connection Pool. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupConnectionPool(ctx, &aiven.LookupConnectionPoolArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.Myproject.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_pg.Mypg.Service_name, -// PoolName: "mypool", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupConnectionPool(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupConnectionPoolArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupConnectionPoolResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupConnectionPoolResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getFlink.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getFlink.go index 4b11d8dc6..4f2fb4397 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getFlink.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getFlink.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Flink data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupFlink(ctx, &aiven.LookupFlinkArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, -// ServiceName: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupFlink(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupFlinkArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupFlinkResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupFlinkResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getFlinkApplication.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getFlinkApplication.go index 4178b0653..9508b2204 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getFlinkApplication.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getFlinkApplication.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Flink Application data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupFlinkApplication(ctx, &aiven.LookupFlinkApplicationArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, -// ServiceName: "", -// Name: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupFlinkApplication(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupFlinkApplicationArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupFlinkApplicationResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupFlinkApplicationResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getFlinkApplicationVersion.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getFlinkApplicationVersion.go index c12be8e3d..813b9b2e7 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getFlinkApplicationVersion.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getFlinkApplicationVersion.go @@ -13,35 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Flink Application Version data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application Version. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupFlinkApplicationVersion(ctx, &aiven.LookupFlinkApplicationVersionArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, -// ServiceName: "", -// ApplicationId: "", -// ApplicationVersionId: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupFlinkApplicationVersion(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupFlinkApplicationVersionArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupFlinkApplicationVersionResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupFlinkApplicationVersionResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getGcpVpcPeeringConnection.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getGcpVpcPeeringConnection.go index 232db4f0c..5fe0a92ce 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getGcpVpcPeeringConnection.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getGcpVpcPeeringConnection.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The GCP VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupGcpVpcPeeringConnection(ctx, &aiven.LookupGcpVpcPeeringConnectionArgs{ -// VpcId: data.Aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id, -// GcpProjectId: "xxxx", -// PeerVpc: "xxxx", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupGcpVpcPeeringConnection(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupGcpVpcPeeringConnectionArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupGcpVpcPeeringConnectionResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupGcpVpcPeeringConnectionResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getGrafana.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getGrafana.go index e7822e2ce..dda233ebc 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getGrafana.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getGrafana.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Grafana data source provides information about the existing Aiven Grafana service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupGrafana(ctx, &aiven.LookupGrafanaArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Ps1.Project, -// ServiceName: "my-gr1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupGrafana(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupGrafanaArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupGrafanaResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupGrafanaResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getInfluxDb.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getInfluxDb.go index fa166b95d..149c9e463 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getInfluxDb.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getInfluxDb.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The InfluxDB data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupInfluxDb(ctx, &aiven.LookupInfluxDbArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, -// ServiceName: "my-inf1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupInfluxDb(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupInfluxDbArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupInfluxDbResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupInfluxDbResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getInfluxdbUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getInfluxdbUser.go index 5cc531227..8f057ef75 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getInfluxdbUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getInfluxdbUser.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The InfluxDB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB User. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupInfluxdbUser(ctx, &aiven.LookupInfluxdbUserArgs{ -// Project: "my-project", -// ServiceName: "my-service", -// Username: "user1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupInfluxdbUser(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupInfluxdbUserArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupInfluxdbUserResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupInfluxdbUserResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafka.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafka.go index 2f6246d2c..6fb0f2f0e 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafka.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafka.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Kafka data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka services. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupKafka(ctx, &aiven.LookupKafkaArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, -// ServiceName: "my-kafka1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupKafka(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupKafkaArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupKafkaResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupKafkaResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaAcl.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaAcl.go index 6f5e5aa73..0fcdacfac 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaAcl.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaAcl.go @@ -13,36 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Data Source Kafka ACL data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka ACL for a Kafka service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupKafkaAcl(ctx, &aiven.LookupKafkaAclArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.Myproject.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_kafka.Mykafka.Service_name, -// Topic: "", -// Permission: "", -// Username: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupKafkaAcl(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupKafkaAclArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupKafkaAclResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupKafkaAclResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaConnect.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaConnect.go index bed6faa7e..0513810c2 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaConnect.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaConnect.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Kafka Connect data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Connect service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupKafkaConnect(ctx, &aiven.LookupKafkaConnectArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, -// ServiceName: "my-kc1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupKafkaConnect(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupKafkaConnectArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupKafkaConnectResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupKafkaConnectResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaConnector.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaConnector.go index 71c62892c..3fcd7aea7 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaConnector.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaConnector.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Kafka connector data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka connector. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupKafkaConnector(ctx, &aiven.LookupKafkaConnectorArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.KafkaConProject1.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_kafka.KafkaService1.Service_name, -// ConnectorName: "kafka-es-con1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupKafkaConnector(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupKafkaConnectorArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupKafkaConnectorResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupKafkaConnectorResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaMirrorMaker.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaMirrorMaker.go index 2ead11034..459c93cba 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaMirrorMaker.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaMirrorMaker.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Kafka MirrorMaker data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupKafkaMirrorMaker(ctx, &aiven.LookupKafkaMirrorMakerArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, -// ServiceName: "my-mm1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupKafkaMirrorMaker(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupKafkaMirrorMakerArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupKafkaMirrorMakerResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupKafkaMirrorMakerResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaSchema.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaSchema.go index bb83ad377..d7bdd4624 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaSchema.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaSchema.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Kafka Schema data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupKafkaSchemaConfiguration(ctx, &aiven.LookupKafkaSchemaConfigurationArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.KafkaSchemasProject1.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_kafka.KafkaService1.Service_name, -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupKafkaSchema(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupKafkaSchemaArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupKafkaSchemaResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupKafkaSchemaResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaSchemaConfiguration.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaSchemaConfiguration.go index 59aede483..e904c6c9e 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaSchemaConfiguration.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaSchemaConfiguration.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Kafka Schema Configuration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema Configuration. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewKafkaSchemaConfiguration(ctx, "config", &aiven.KafkaSchemaConfigurationArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.KafkaSchemasProject1.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.KafkaService1.Service_name), -// CompatibilityLevel: pulumi.String("BACKWARD"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupKafkaSchemaConfiguration(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupKafkaSchemaConfigurationArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupKafkaSchemaConfigurationResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupKafkaSchemaConfigurationResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaTopic.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaTopic.go index adf267817..0221e6548 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaTopic.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaTopic.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Kafka Topic data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Topic. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupKafkaTopic(ctx, &aiven.LookupKafkaTopicArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.Myproject.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_kafka.Myservice.Service_name, -// TopicName: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupKafkaTopic(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupKafkaTopicArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupKafkaTopicResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupKafkaTopicResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaUser.go index 9c76c4e55..d8823bb24 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getKafkaUser.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Kafka User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka User. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupKafkaUser(ctx, &aiven.LookupKafkaUserArgs{ -// Project: "my-project", -// ServiceName: "my-service", -// Username: "user1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupKafkaUser(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupKafkaUserArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupKafkaUserResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupKafkaUserResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getM3Aggregator.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getM3Aggregator.go index f41cda671..7ee1b61f3 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getM3Aggregator.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getM3Aggregator.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The M3 Aggregator data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 Aggregator. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupM3Aggregator(ctx, &aiven.LookupM3AggregatorArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, -// ServiceName: "my-m3a", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupM3Aggregator(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupM3AggregatorArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupM3AggregatorResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupM3AggregatorResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getM3Db.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getM3Db.go index b3c48d048..fb7b4ba7e 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getM3Db.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getM3Db.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The M3 DB data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 services. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupM3Db(ctx, &aiven.LookupM3DbArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, -// ServiceName: "my-m3db", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupM3Db(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupM3DbArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupM3DbResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupM3DbResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getM3dbUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getM3dbUser.go index f9837f048..6f92ddfad 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getM3dbUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getM3dbUser.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The M3DB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3DB User. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupM3dbUser(ctx, &aiven.LookupM3dbUserArgs{ -// Project: "my-project", -// ServiceName: "my-service", -// Username: "user1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupM3dbUser(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupM3dbUserArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupM3dbUserResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupM3dbUserResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.go index 0e991450f..fed040a95 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.go @@ -13,35 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow data source provides information about the existing MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow on Aiven Cloud. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupMirrorMakerReplicationFlow(ctx, &aiven.LookupMirrorMakerReplicationFlowArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.KafkaMmProject1.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_kafka.Mm.Service_name, -// SourceCluster: aiven_kafka.Source.Service_name, -// TargetCluster: aiven_kafka.Target.Service_name, -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupMirrorMakerReplicationFlow(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupMirrorMakerReplicationFlowArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupMirrorMakerReplicationFlowResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupMirrorMakerReplicationFlowResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getMySql.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getMySql.go index 0658e46ef..08f7d0c56 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getMySql.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getMySql.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The MySQL data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupMySql(ctx, &aiven.LookupMySqlArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project, -// ServiceName: "my-mysql1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupMySql(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupMySqlArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupMySqlResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupMySqlResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getMysqlDatabase.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getMysqlDatabase.go index acb917b2d..a13a47dd1 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getMysqlDatabase.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getMysqlDatabase.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The MySQL Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL Database. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupMysqlDatabase(ctx, &aiven.LookupMysqlDatabaseArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.Myproject.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_mysql.Mymysql.Service_name, -// DatabaseName: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupMysqlDatabase(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupMysqlDatabaseArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupMysqlDatabaseResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupMysqlDatabaseResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getMysqlUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getMysqlUser.go index 627296a5c..0654eae61 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getMysqlUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getMysqlUser.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The MySQL User data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL User. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupMysqlUser(ctx, &aiven.LookupMysqlUserArgs{ -// Project: "my-project", -// ServiceName: "my-service", -// Username: "user1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupMysqlUser(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupMysqlUserArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupMysqlUserResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupMysqlUserResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearch.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearch.go index 4ff252d60..7e2d223cd 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearch.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearch.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The OpenSearch data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupOpenSearch(ctx, &aiven.LookupOpenSearchArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, -// ServiceName: "my-os1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupOpenSearch(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupOpenSearchArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupOpenSearchResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupOpenSearchResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearchAclConfig.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearchAclConfig.go index 0d55ce42d..5710357c0 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearchAclConfig.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearchAclConfig.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The OpenSearch ACL Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Config. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupOpenSearchAclConfig(ctx, &aiven.LookupOpenSearchAclConfigArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.OsProject.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_opensearch.Os.Service_name, -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupOpenSearchAclConfig(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupOpenSearchAclConfigArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupOpenSearchAclConfigResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupOpenSearchAclConfigResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearchAclRule.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearchAclRule.go index 91105cdc4..e5c245051 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearchAclRule.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getOpenSearchAclRule.go @@ -13,35 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The OpenSearch ACL Rule data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Rule. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupOpenSearchAclRule(ctx, &aiven.LookupOpenSearchAclRuleArgs{ -// Project: aiven_opensearch_acl_config.Os_acls_config.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_opensearch_acl_config.Os_acls_config.Service_name, -// Username: "", -// Index: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupOpenSearchAclRule(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupOpenSearchAclRuleArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupOpenSearchAclRuleResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupOpenSearchAclRuleResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.go index 36aff16a8..e0bdd4195 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The OpenSearch Security Plugin Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch Security Plugin Config. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig(ctx, &aiven.LookupOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.OsProject.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_opensearch.Os.Service_name, -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getOpensearchUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getOpensearchUser.go index 0e257d2aa..49a1043f9 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getOpensearchUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getOpensearchUser.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The OpenSearch User data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch User. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupOpensearchUser(ctx, &aiven.LookupOpensearchUserArgs{ -// Project: "my-project", -// ServiceName: "my-service", -// Username: "user1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupOpensearchUser(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupOpensearchUserArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupOpensearchUserResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupOpensearchUserResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getOrganization.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getOrganization.go index 2b096656b..45f3a4b02 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getOrganization.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getOrganization.go @@ -13,32 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // Retrieves information about an organization from Aiven. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupOrganization(ctx, &aiven.LookupOrganizationArgs{ -// Name: pulumi.StringRef(""), -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupOrganization(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupOrganizationArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupOrganizationResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupOrganizationResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getPg.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getPg.go index 405a2e60d..cc83cb847 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getPg.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getPg.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The PG data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupPg(ctx, &aiven.LookupPgArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, -// ServiceName: "my-pg1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupPg(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupPgArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupPgResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupPgResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getPgDatabase.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getPgDatabase.go index 54f88b212..cca3224da 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getPgDatabase.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getPgDatabase.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The PG Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL Database. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupPgDatabase(ctx, &aiven.LookupPgDatabaseArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.Myproject.Project, -// ServiceName: aiven_pg.Mypg.Service_name, -// DatabaseName: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupPgDatabase(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupPgDatabaseArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupPgDatabaseResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupPgDatabaseResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getPgUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getPgUser.go index e085c5169..2469a17a7 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getPgUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getPgUser.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The PG User data source provides information about the existing Aiven PG User. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupPgUser(ctx, &aiven.LookupPgUserArgs{ -// Project: "my-project", -// ServiceName: "my-service", -// Username: "user1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupPgUser(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupPgUserArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupPgUserResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupPgUserResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getProject.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getProject.go index 1eaa0172d..79cf85671 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getProject.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getProject.go @@ -13,32 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Project data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupProject(ctx, &aiven.LookupProjectArgs{ -// Project: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupProject(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupProjectArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupProjectResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupProjectResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getProjectUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getProjectUser.go index 2b7fba8cb..719e681c6 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getProjectUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getProjectUser.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Project User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project User. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupProjectUser(ctx, &aiven.LookupProjectUserArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.Myproject.Project, -// Email: "john.doe@example.com", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupProjectUser(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupProjectUserArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupProjectUserResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupProjectUserResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getProjectVpc.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getProjectVpc.go index 2ff644a78..b53974bbd 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getProjectVpc.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getProjectVpc.go @@ -13,39 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Project VPC data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project VPC. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupProjectVpc(ctx, &aiven.LookupProjectVpcArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.StringRef(aiven_project.Myproject.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.StringRef("google-europe-west1"), -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// _, err = aiven.LookupProjectVpc(ctx, &aiven.LookupProjectVpcArgs{ -// VpcId: pulumi.StringRef(aiven_project_vpc.Vpc.Id), -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupProjectVpc(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupProjectVpcArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupProjectVpcResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupProjectVpcResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getRedis.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getRedis.go index c03edc990..47e5ad31e 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getRedis.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getRedis.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Redis data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis service. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupRedis(ctx, &aiven.LookupRedisArgs{ -// Project: data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project, -// ServiceName: "my-redis1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupRedis(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupRedisArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupRedisResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupRedisResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getRedisUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getRedisUser.go index ec75782ce..5ad0250d0 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getRedisUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getRedisUser.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Redis User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis User. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupRedisUser(ctx, &aiven.LookupRedisUserArgs{ -// Project: "my-project", -// ServiceName: "my-service", -// Username: "user1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupRedisUser(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupRedisUserArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupRedisUserResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupRedisUserResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceComponent.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceComponent.go index 3d4d67db1..a39744922 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceComponent.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceComponent.go @@ -15,36 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Service Component data source provides information about the existing Aiven service Component. // // Service components can be defined to get the connection info for specific service. Services may support multiple different access routes (VPC peering and public access), have additional components or support various authentication methods. Each of these may be represented by different DNS name or TCP port and the specific component to match can be selected by specifying appropriate filters as shown below. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.GetServiceComponent(ctx, &aiven.GetServiceComponentArgs{ -// Project: aiven_kafka.Project1.Project, -// ServiceName: pulumi.StringRef(aiven_kafka.Service1.Service_name), -// Component: "kafka", -// Route: pulumi.StringRef("dynamic"), -// KafkaAuthenticationMethod: pulumi.StringRef("certificate"), -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func GetServiceComponent(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetServiceComponentArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*GetServiceComponentResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv GetServiceComponentResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceIntegration.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceIntegration.go index 843b676bb..37b2a67fb 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceIntegration.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceIntegration.go @@ -15,35 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Service Integration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration. // // Service Integration defines an integration between two Aiven services or between Aiven service and an external integration endpoint. Integration could be for example sending metrics from Kafka service to an InfluxDB service, getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to Elasticsearch, etc. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupServiceIntegration(ctx, &aiven.LookupServiceIntegrationArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.Myproject.Project, -// DestinationServiceName: "", -// IntegrationType: "datadog", -// SourceServiceName: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupServiceIntegration(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupServiceIntegrationArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupServiceIntegrationResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupServiceIntegrationResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceIntegrationEndpoint.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceIntegrationEndpoint.go index 0ede29069..ff0d5bab2 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceIntegrationEndpoint.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getServiceIntegrationEndpoint.go @@ -13,33 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Service Integration Endpoint data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration Endpoint. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupServiceIntegrationEndpoint(ctx, &aiven.LookupServiceIntegrationEndpointArgs{ -// Project: aiven_project.Myproject.Project, -// EndpointName: "", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupServiceIntegrationEndpoint(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupServiceIntegrationEndpointArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupServiceIntegrationEndpointResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupServiceIntegrationEndpointResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.go b/sdk/go/aiven/getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.go index dda157137..7bd1e6662 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.go @@ -13,34 +13,6 @@ import ( ) // The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. -// -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.LookupTransitGatewayVpcAttachment(ctx, &aiven.LookupTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentArgs{ -// VpcId: aiven_project_vpc.Bar.Id, -// PeerCloudAccount: "", -// PeerVpc: "google-project1", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` func LookupTransitGatewayVpcAttachment(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentResult, error) { opts = internal.PkgInvokeDefaultOpts(opts) var rv LookupTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentResult diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/grafana.go b/sdk/go/aiven/grafana.go index 53402dbbb..284c45b3d 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/grafana.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/grafana.go @@ -15,42 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Grafana resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Grafana services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewGrafana(ctx, "gr1", &aiven.GrafanaArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Ps1.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("startup-1"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// GrafanaUserConfig: &aiven.GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigArgs{ -// AlertingEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// PublicAccess: &aiven.GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigPublicAccessArgs{ -// Grafana: pulumi.Bool(true), -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/influxDb.go b/sdk/go/aiven/influxDb.go index 99303ca3f..459579426 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/influxDb.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/influxDb.go @@ -15,42 +15,6 @@ import ( // The InfluxDB resource allows the creation and management of Aiven InfluxDB services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewInfluxDb(ctx, "inf1", &aiven.InfluxDbArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("startup-4"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("my-inf1"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// InfluxdbUserConfig: &aiven.InfluxDbInfluxdbUserConfigArgs{ -// PublicAccess: &aiven.InfluxDbInfluxdbUserConfigPublicAccessArgs{ -// Influxdb: pulumi.Bool(true), -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/influxdbUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/influxdbUser.go index 7ad6cdaae..337ffde02 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/influxdbUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/influxdbUser.go @@ -15,35 +15,6 @@ import ( // The InfluxDB User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven InfluxDB Users. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewInfluxdbUser(ctx, "foo", &aiven.InfluxdbUserArgs{ -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_influxdb.Bar.Service_name), -// Project: pulumi.String("my-project"), -// Username: pulumi.String("user-1"), -// Password: pulumi.String("Test$1234"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/kafka.go b/sdk/go/aiven/kafka.go index 3e19490bb..d3aca77ed 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/kafka.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/kafka.go @@ -15,51 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Kafka resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewKafka(ctx, "kafka1", &aiven.KafkaArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("business-4"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("my-kafka1"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// KafkaUserConfig: &aiven.KafkaKafkaUserConfigArgs{ -// KafkaRest: pulumi.Bool(true), -// KafkaConnect: pulumi.Bool(true), -// SchemaRegistry: pulumi.Bool(true), -// KafkaVersion: pulumi.String("3.1"), -// Kafka: &aiven.KafkaKafkaUserConfigKafkaArgs{ -// GroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs: pulumi.Int(70000), -// LogRetentionBytes: pulumi.Int(1000000000), -// }, -// PublicAccess: &aiven.KafkaKafkaUserConfigPublicAccessArgs{ -// KafkaRest: pulumi.Bool(true), -// KafkaConnect: pulumi.Bool(true), -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaAcl.go b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaAcl.go index 928138d31..40c9ef4df 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaAcl.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaAcl.go @@ -15,36 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Resource Kafka ACL resource allows the creation and management of ACLs for an Aiven Kafka service. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewKafkaAcl(ctx, "mytestacl", &aiven.KafkaAclArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.Myproject.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.Myservice.Service_name), -// Topic: pulumi.String(""), -// Permission: pulumi.String("admin"), -// Username: pulumi.String(""), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaConnect.go b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaConnect.go index b6d726dc6..620f10efc 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaConnect.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaConnect.go @@ -15,45 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Kafka Connect resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Connect services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewKafkaConnect(ctx, "kc1", &aiven.KafkaConnectArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("startup-4"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("my-kc1"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// KafkaConnectUserConfig: &aiven.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigArgs{ -// KafkaConnect: &aiven.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigKafkaConnectArgs{ -// ConsumerIsolationLevel: pulumi.String("read_committed"), -// }, -// PublicAccess: &aiven.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigPublicAccessArgs{ -// KafkaConnect: pulumi.Bool(true), -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaConnector.go b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaConnector.go index 5518cb8f0..824d91c1f 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaConnector.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaConnector.go @@ -15,43 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Kafka connectors resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka connectors. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewKafkaConnector(ctx, "kafka-os-con1", &aiven.KafkaConnectorArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.KafkaConProject1.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.KafkaService1.Service_name), -// ConnectorName: pulumi.String("kafka-os-con1"), -// Config: pulumi.StringMap{ -// "topics": pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka_topic.KafkaTopic1.Topic_name), -// "connector.class": pulumi.String("io.aiven.kafka.connect.opensearch.OpensearchSinkConnector"), -// "type.name": pulumi.String("os-connector"), -// "name": pulumi.String("kafka-os-con1"), -// "connection.url": pulumi.Any(aiven_elasticsearch.OsService1.Service_uri), -// "connection.username": pulumi.Any(aiven_opensearch.OsService1.Service_username), -// "connection.password": pulumi.Any(aiven_opensearch.OsService1.Service_password), -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaMirrorMaker.go b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaMirrorMaker.go index 2d49be509..e251cf87a 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaMirrorMaker.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaMirrorMaker.go @@ -15,45 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Kafka MirrorMaker resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewKafkaMirrorMaker(ctx, "mm1", &aiven.KafkaMirrorMakerArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("startup-4"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("my-mm1"), -// KafkaMirrormakerUserConfig: &aiven.KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigArgs{ -// IpFilters: pulumi.StringArray{ -// pulumi.String(""), -// }, -// KafkaMirrormaker: &aiven.KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigKafkaMirrormakerArgs{ -// RefreshGroupsIntervalSeconds: pulumi.Int(600), -// RefreshTopicsEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// RefreshTopicsIntervalSeconds: pulumi.Int(600), -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaSchema.go b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaSchema.go index c3ca93be2..2255c5599 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaSchema.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaSchema.go @@ -15,51 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Kafka Schema resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Schemas. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewKafkaSchema(ctx, "kafka-schema1", &aiven.KafkaSchemaArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.KafkaSchemasProject1.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.KafkaService1.Service_name), -// SubjectName: pulumi.String("kafka-schema1"), -// CompatibilityLevel: pulumi.String("FORWARD"), -// Schema: pulumi.String(` { -// "doc": "example", -// "fields": [{ -// "default": 5, -// "doc": "my test number", -// "name": "test", -// "namespace": "test", -// "type": "int" -// }], -// "name": "example", -// "namespace": "example", -// "type": "record" -// } -// -// `), -// -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaSchemaConfiguration.go b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaSchemaConfiguration.go index 944e39a77..9ab8cf61f 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaSchemaConfiguration.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaSchemaConfiguration.go @@ -15,34 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Kafka Schema Configuration resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Schema Configurations. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewKafkaSchemaConfiguration(ctx, "config", &aiven.KafkaSchemaConfigurationArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.KafkaSchemasProject1.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.KafkaService1.Service_name), -// CompatibilityLevel: pulumi.String("BACKWARD"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaUser.go index 317fb5925..dd4f8e02e 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/kafkaUser.go @@ -15,35 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Kafka User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Users. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewKafkaUser(ctx, "foo", &aiven.KafkaUserArgs{ -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.Bar.Service_name), -// Project: pulumi.String("my-project"), -// Username: pulumi.String("user-1"), -// Password: pulumi.String("Test$1234"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/m3aggregator.go b/sdk/go/aiven/m3aggregator.go index 1ad52fb8a..8a365fcee 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/m3aggregator.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/m3aggregator.go @@ -15,40 +15,6 @@ import ( // The M3 Aggregator resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3 Aggregator services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewM3Aggregator(ctx, "m3a", &aiven.M3AggregatorArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("business-8"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("my-m3a"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// M3aggregatorUserConfig: &aiven.M3AggregatorM3aggregatorUserConfigArgs{ -// M3aggregatorVersion: pulumi.String("0.15"), -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/m3db.go b/sdk/go/aiven/m3db.go index f08167c95..d72c0f361 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/m3db.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/m3db.go @@ -15,46 +15,6 @@ import ( // The M3 DB resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3 services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewM3Db(ctx, "m3", &aiven.M3DbArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("business-8"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("my-m3db"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// M3dbUserConfig: &aiven.M3DbM3dbUserConfigArgs{ -// M3dbVersion: pulumi.String("1.1"), -// Namespaces: aiven.M3DbM3dbUserConfigNamespaceArray{ -// &aiven.M3DbM3dbUserConfigNamespaceArgs{ -// Name: pulumi.String("my_ns1"), -// Type: pulumi.String("unaggregated"), -// }, -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/m3dbUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/m3dbUser.go index 6b4e394c9..6633edc44 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/m3dbUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/m3dbUser.go @@ -15,35 +15,6 @@ import ( // The M3DB User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3DB Users. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewM3dbUser(ctx, "foo", &aiven.M3dbUserArgs{ -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_m3db.Bar.Service_name), -// Project: pulumi.String("my-project"), -// Username: pulumi.String("user-1"), -// Password: pulumi.String("Test$1234"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/mirrorMakerReplicationFlow.go b/sdk/go/aiven/mirrorMakerReplicationFlow.go index 63c9a4c43..94ad12230 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/mirrorMakerReplicationFlow.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/mirrorMakerReplicationFlow.go @@ -15,44 +15,6 @@ import ( // The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow resource allows the creation and management of MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flows on Aiven Cloud. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewMirrorMakerReplicationFlow(ctx, "f1", &aiven.MirrorMakerReplicationFlowArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.KafkaMmProject1.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.Mm.Service_name), -// SourceCluster: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.Source.Service_name), -// TargetCluster: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.Target.Service_name), -// Enable: pulumi.Bool(true), -// Topics: pulumi.StringArray{ -// pulumi.String(".*"), -// }, -// TopicsBlacklists: pulumi.StringArray{ -// pulumi.String(".*[\\-\\.]internal"), -// pulumi.String(".*\\.replica"), -// pulumi.String("__.*"), -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/mySql.go b/sdk/go/aiven/mySql.go index 11d18c6cc..dbe33a26f 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/mySql.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/mySql.go @@ -15,47 +15,6 @@ import ( // The MySQL resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewMySql(ctx, "mysql1", &aiven.MySqlArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Foo.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("business-4"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("my-mysql1"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// MysqlUserConfig: &aiven.MySqlMysqlUserConfigArgs{ -// MysqlVersion: pulumi.String("8"), -// Mysql: &aiven.MySqlMysqlUserConfigMysqlArgs{ -// SqlMode: pulumi.String("ANSI,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,NO_ZERO_DATE,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE"), -// SqlRequirePrimaryKey: pulumi.Bool(true), -// }, -// PublicAccess: &aiven.MySqlMysqlUserConfigPublicAccessArgs{ -// Mysql: pulumi.Bool(true), -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/mysqlDatabase.go b/sdk/go/aiven/mysqlDatabase.go index a7bf49503..ea457f266 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/mysqlDatabase.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/mysqlDatabase.go @@ -15,34 +15,6 @@ import ( // The MySQL Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL Databases. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewMysqlDatabase(ctx, "mydatabase", &aiven.MysqlDatabaseArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.Myproject.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_mysql.Mymysql.Service_name), -// DatabaseName: pulumi.String(""), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/mysqlUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/mysqlUser.go index 6c07045d1..a811923c9 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/mysqlUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/mysqlUser.go @@ -15,35 +15,6 @@ import ( // The MySQL User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL Users. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewMysqlUser(ctx, "foo", &aiven.MysqlUserArgs{ -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_mysql.Bar.Service_name), -// Project: pulumi.String("my-project"), -// Username: pulumi.String("user-1"), -// Password: pulumi.String("Test$1234"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/openSearch.go b/sdk/go/aiven/openSearch.go index 956700016..319d8fa73 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/openSearch.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/openSearch.go @@ -15,48 +15,6 @@ import ( // The OpenSearch resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewOpenSearch(ctx, "os1", &aiven.OpenSearchArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("startup-4"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("my-os1"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// OpensearchUserConfig: &aiven.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigArgs{ -// OpensearchVersion: pulumi.String("1"), -// OpensearchDashboards: &aiven.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigOpensearchDashboardsArgs{ -// Enabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// OpensearchRequestTimeout: pulumi.Int(30000), -// }, -// PublicAccess: &aiven.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigPublicAccessArgs{ -// Opensearch: pulumi.Bool(true), -// OpensearchDashboards: pulumi.Bool(true), -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/openSearchAclConfig.go b/sdk/go/aiven/openSearchAclConfig.go index 59a4677ad..183d4e74f 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/openSearchAclConfig.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/openSearchAclConfig.go @@ -15,60 +15,6 @@ import ( // The OpenSearch ACL Config resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch ACLs. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// fooProject, err := aiven.LookupProject(ctx, &aiven.LookupProjectArgs{ -// Project: "example_project", -// }, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// bar, err := aiven.NewOpenSearch(ctx, "bar", &aiven.OpenSearchArgs{ -// Project: *pulumi.String(fooProject.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("startup-4"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("example_service_name"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// _, err = aiven.NewOpensearchUser(ctx, "fooOpensearchUser", &aiven.OpensearchUserArgs{ -// ServiceName: bar.ServiceName, -// Project: *pulumi.String(fooProject.Project), -// Username: pulumi.String("user-example"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// _, err = aiven.NewOpenSearchAclConfig(ctx, "fooOpenSearchAclConfig", &aiven.OpenSearchAclConfigArgs{ -// Project: *pulumi.String(fooProject.Project), -// ServiceName: bar.ServiceName, -// Enabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// ExtendedAcl: pulumi.Bool(false), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/openSearchAclRule.go b/sdk/go/aiven/openSearchAclRule.go index 0dfcd35f3..33a026c08 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/openSearchAclRule.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/openSearchAclRule.go @@ -15,92 +15,6 @@ import ( // The OpenSearch ACL Rule resource models a single ACL Rule for an Aiven OpenSearch service. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// osUser, err := aiven.NewOpensearchUser(ctx, "osUser", &aiven.OpensearchUserArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(_var.Aiven_project_name), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_opensearch.Os_test.Service_name), -// Username: pulumi.String("documentation-user-1"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// osUser2, err := aiven.NewOpensearchUser(ctx, "osUser2", &aiven.OpensearchUserArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(_var.Aiven_project_name), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_opensearch.Os_test.Service_name), -// Username: pulumi.String("documentation-user-2"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// osAclsConfig, err := aiven.NewOpenSearchAclConfig(ctx, "osAclsConfig", &aiven.OpenSearchAclConfigArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(_var.Aiven_project_name), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_opensearch.Os_test.Service_name), -// Enabled: pulumi.Bool(true), -// ExtendedAcl: pulumi.Bool(false), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// aclRules := []map[string]interface{}{ -// map[string]interface{}{ -// "username": osUser.Username, -// "index": "index2", -// "permission": "readwrite", -// }, -// map[string]interface{}{ -// "username": osUser.Username, -// "index": "index3", -// "permission": "read", -// }, -// map[string]interface{}{ -// "username": osUser.Username, -// "index": "index5", -// "permission": "deny", -// }, -// map[string]interface{}{ -// "username": osUser2.Username, -// "index": "index3", -// "permission": "write", -// }, -// map[string]interface{}{ -// "username": osUser2.Username, -// "index": "index7", -// "permission": "readwrite", -// }, -// } -// var osAclRule []*aiven.OpenSearchAclRule -// for key0, val0 := range "TODO: For expression" { -// __res, err := aiven.NewOpenSearchAclRule(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("osAclRule-%v", key0), &aiven.OpenSearchAclRuleArgs{ -// Project: osAclsConfig.Project, -// ServiceName: osAclsConfig.ServiceName, -// Username: pulumi.String(val0), -// Index: pulumi.String(val0), -// Permission: pulumi.String(val0), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// osAclRule = append(osAclRule, __res) -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/opensearchUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/opensearchUser.go index 6cfac3dd7..ad7d55c43 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/opensearchUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/opensearchUser.go @@ -15,35 +15,6 @@ import ( // The OpenSearch User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch Users. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewOpensearchUser(ctx, "foo", &aiven.OpensearchUserArgs{ -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_opensearch.Bar.Service_name), -// Project: pulumi.String("my-project"), -// Username: pulumi.String("user-1"), -// Password: pulumi.String("Test$1234"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/organization.go b/sdk/go/aiven/organization.go index 1919869a4..9bc47e0da 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/organization.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/organization.go @@ -14,30 +14,6 @@ import ( // Creates and manages an organization in Aiven. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewOrganization(ctx, "organization1", nil) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/organizationalUnit.go b/sdk/go/aiven/organizationalUnit.go index 83bb14203..1eca9a384 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/organizationalUnit.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/organizationalUnit.go @@ -15,32 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Organizational Unit resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Organizational Units. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewOrganizationalUnit(ctx, "organizationalUnit1", &aiven.OrganizationalUnitArgs{ -// ParentId: pulumi.String(""), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/pgDatabase.go b/sdk/go/aiven/pgDatabase.go index 4236e440d..bb8a1f783 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/pgDatabase.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/pgDatabase.go @@ -15,34 +15,6 @@ import ( // The PG Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven PostgreSQL Databases. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewPgDatabase(ctx, "mydatabase", &aiven.PgDatabaseArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.Myproject.Project), -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_pg.Mypg.Service_name), -// DatabaseName: pulumi.String(""), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/pgUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/pgUser.go index b4b71a0a7..3ad4575ed 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/pgUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/pgUser.go @@ -15,35 +15,6 @@ import ( // The PG User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven PG Users. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewPgUser(ctx, "foo", &aiven.PgUserArgs{ -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_pg.Bar.Service_name), -// Project: pulumi.String("my-project"), -// Username: pulumi.String("user-1"), -// Password: pulumi.String("Test$1234"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/projectUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/projectUser.go index a35d7e188..7088e633b 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/projectUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/projectUser.go @@ -15,34 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Project User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Project Users. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewProjectUser(ctx, "mytestuser", &aiven.ProjectUserArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.Myproject.Project), -// Email: pulumi.String("john.doe@example.com"), -// MemberType: pulumi.String("admin"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/redis.go b/sdk/go/aiven/redis.go index 3a1df0f58..6cba7913e 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/redis.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/redis.go @@ -15,43 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Redis resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Redis services. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewRedis(ctx, "redis1", &aiven.RedisArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(data.Aiven_project.Pr1.Project), -// CloudName: pulumi.String("google-europe-west1"), -// Plan: pulumi.String("business-4"), -// ServiceName: pulumi.String("my-redis1"), -// MaintenanceWindowDow: pulumi.String("monday"), -// MaintenanceWindowTime: pulumi.String("10:00:00"), -// RedisUserConfig: &aiven.RedisRedisUserConfigArgs{ -// RedisMaxmemoryPolicy: pulumi.String("allkeys-random"), -// PublicAccess: &aiven.RedisRedisUserConfigPublicAccessArgs{ -// Redis: pulumi.Bool(true), -// }, -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/redisUser.go b/sdk/go/aiven/redisUser.go index 97286fddc..0bbae30a6 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/redisUser.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/redisUser.go @@ -15,35 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Redis User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Redis Users. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewRedisUser(ctx, "foo", &aiven.RedisUserArgs{ -// ServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_redis.Bar.Service_name), -// Project: pulumi.String("my-project"), -// Username: pulumi.String("user-1"), -// Password: pulumi.String("Test$1234"), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/serviceIntegration.go b/sdk/go/aiven/serviceIntegration.go index 28d339968..e0dc72fda 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/serviceIntegration.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/serviceIntegration.go @@ -22,35 +22,6 @@ import ( // getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to // Elasticsearch, etc. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewServiceIntegration(ctx, "myIntegrationMetrics", &aiven.ServiceIntegrationArgs{ -// Project: pulumi.Any(aiven_project.Myproject.Project), -// IntegrationType: pulumi.String("metrics"), -// SourceServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_kafka.Kfk1.Service_name), -// DestinationServiceName: pulumi.Any(aiven_m3db.M3db.Service_name), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/go/aiven/transitGatewayVpcAttachment.go b/sdk/go/aiven/transitGatewayVpcAttachment.go index 02ae33da7..04fbb3014 100644 --- a/sdk/go/aiven/transitGatewayVpcAttachment.go +++ b/sdk/go/aiven/transitGatewayVpcAttachment.go @@ -15,38 +15,6 @@ import ( // The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. // -// ## Example Usage -// -// ```go -// package main -// -// import ( -// -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aiven/sdk/v6/go/aiven" -// "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" -// -// ) -// -// func main() { -// pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { -// _, err := aiven.NewTransitGatewayVpcAttachment(ctx, "attachment", &aiven.TransitGatewayVpcAttachmentArgs{ -// VpcId: pulumi.Any(aiven_project_vpc.Bar.Id), -// PeerCloudAccount: pulumi.String(""), -// PeerVpc: pulumi.String("google-project1"), -// PeerRegion: pulumi.String("aws-eu-west-1"), -// UserPeerNetworkCidrs: pulumi.StringArray{ -// pulumi.String(""), -// }, -// }) -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// return nil -// }) -// } -// -// ``` -// // ## Import // // ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/account.ts b/sdk/nodejs/account.ts index a15a0b223..d9c79a8ab 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/account.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/account.ts @@ -7,15 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Account resource allows the creation and management of an Aiven Account. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const account1 = new aiven.Account("account1", {}); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/awsPrivatelink.ts b/sdk/nodejs/awsPrivatelink.ts index 3ac4c8a74..709327635 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/awsPrivatelink.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/awsPrivatelink.ts @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.AwsPrivatelink("foo", { - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.bar.service_name, - * principals: ["arn:aws:iam::012345678901:user/mwf"], - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/awsVpcPeeringConnection.ts b/sdk/nodejs/awsVpcPeeringConnection.ts index 245db73e5..fb0c28eb6 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/awsVpcPeeringConnection.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/awsVpcPeeringConnection.ts @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The AWS VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS VPC Peering Connections. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.AwsVpcPeeringConnection("foo", { - * vpcId: data.aiven_project_vpc.vpc.id, - * awsAccountId: "XXXXX", - * awsVpcId: "XXXXX", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/azurePrivatelink.ts b/sdk/nodejs/azurePrivatelink.ts index 74e98752b..dbd19f569 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/azurePrivatelink.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/azurePrivatelink.ts @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.AzurePrivatelink("foo", { - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.bar.service_name, - * userSubscriptionIds: ["xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx"], - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/azureVpcPeeringConnection.ts b/sdk/nodejs/azureVpcPeeringConnection.ts index f6046a97f..97e256fd6 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/azureVpcPeeringConnection.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/azureVpcPeeringConnection.ts @@ -7,22 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Azure VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven VPC Peering Connections. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.AzureVpcPeeringConnection("foo", { - * vpcId: data.aiven_project_vpc.vpc.id, - * azureSubscriptionId: "xxxxxx", - * peerResourceGroup: "my-pr1", - * vnetName: "my-vnet1", - * peerAzureAppId: "xxxxxx", - * peerAzureTenantId: "xxxxxx", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/billingGroup.ts b/sdk/nodejs/billingGroup.ts index b7e81a0a9..c324998a7 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/billingGroup.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/billingGroup.ts @@ -7,22 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Billing Group resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Billing Groups and association with the Projects. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const bybg1 = new aiven.BillingGroup("bybg1", { - * billingCurrency: "USD", - * vatId: "123ABC", - * }); - * const pr1 = new aiven.Project("pr1", { - * project: "pr1", - * billingGroup: bybg1.id, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/cassandra.ts b/sdk/nodejs/cassandra.ts index 8c8bf230c..6484b01e2 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/cassandra.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/cassandra.ts @@ -9,28 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Cassandra resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Cassandra services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const bar = new aiven.Cassandra("bar", { - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "startup-4", - * serviceName: "test-service-name", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * cassandraUserConfig: { - * migrateSstableloader: true, - * publicAccess: { - * prometheus: true, - * }, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/cassandraUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/cassandraUser.ts index e67343959..b484dfb85 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/cassandraUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/cassandraUser.ts @@ -7,20 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Cassandra User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Cassandra Users. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.CassandraUser("foo", { - * serviceName: aiven_cassandra.bar.service_name, - * project: "my-project", - * username: "user-1", - * password: "Test$1234", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/clickhouse.ts b/sdk/nodejs/clickhouse.ts index f332bcd49..bf0871e0b 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/clickhouse.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/clickhouse.ts @@ -9,22 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Clickhouse resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clickhouse services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const clickhouse = new aiven.Clickhouse("clickhouse", { - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "business-4", - * serviceName: "my-clickhouse", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseDatabase.ts b/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseDatabase.ts index 774f05c1a..ccedd89e3 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseDatabase.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseDatabase.ts @@ -7,18 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Clickhouse Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clickhouse Databases. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const clickhouseDb = new aiven.ClickhouseDatabase("clickhouseDb", { - * project: aiven_clickhouse.ch.project, - * serviceName: aiven_clickhouse.ch.service_name, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseGrant.ts b/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseGrant.ts index 8d91f9519..369710dd1 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseGrant.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseGrant.ts @@ -13,58 +13,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * * Due to a ambiguity in the GRANT syntax in clickhouse you should not have users and roles with the same name. It is not clear if a grant refers to the user or the role. * * To grant a privilege on all tables of a database, do not write table = "*". Instead, omit the table and only keep the database. * * Currently changes will first revoke all grants and then reissue the remaining grants for convergence. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const clickhouse = new aiven.Clickhouse("clickhouse", { - * project: _var.aiven_project_name, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "startup-8", - * serviceName: "exapmle-clickhouse", - * }); - * const demodb = new aiven.ClickhouseDatabase("demodb", { - * project: clickhouse.project, - * serviceName: clickhouse.serviceName, - * }); - * const demoClickhouseRole = new aiven.ClickhouseRole("demoClickhouseRole", { - * project: clickhouse.project, - * serviceName: clickhouse.serviceName, - * role: "demo-role", - * }); - * const demo_role_grant = new aiven.ClickhouseGrant("demo-role-grant", { - * project: clickhouse.project, - * serviceName: clickhouse.serviceName, - * role: demoClickhouseRole.role, - * privilegeGrants: [ - * { - * privilege: "INSERT", - * database: demodb.name, - * table: "demo-table", - * }, - * { - * privilege: "SELECT", - * database: demodb.name, - * }, - * ], - * }); - * const demoClickhouseUser = new aiven.ClickhouseUser("demoClickhouseUser", { - * project: clickhouse.project, - * serviceName: clickhouse.serviceName, - * username: "demo-user", - * }); - * const demo_user_grant = new aiven.ClickhouseGrant("demo-user-grant", { - * project: clickhouse.project, - * serviceName: clickhouse.serviceName, - * user: demoClickhouseUser.username, - * roleGrants: [{ - * role: demoClickhouseRole.role, - * }], - * }); - * ``` */ export class ClickhouseGrant extends pulumi.CustomResource { /** diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseRole.ts b/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseRole.ts index 61c326a2c..a05506350 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseRole.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseRole.ts @@ -7,27 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Clickhouse Role resource allows the creation and management of Roles in Aiven Clickhouse services * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const bar = new aiven.Clickhouse("bar", { - * project: "example-project", - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "startup-beta-8", - * serviceName: "example-service", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * }); - * const foo = new aiven.ClickhouseRole("foo", { - * serviceName: bar.serviceName, - * project: bar.project, - * role: "writer", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseUser.ts index 641630314..8e9eb6e20 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/clickhouseUser.ts @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Clickhouse User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clikhouse Users. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const ch_user = new aiven.ClickhouseUser("ch-user", { - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_clickhouse.myservice.service_name, - * username: "", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/connectionPool.ts b/sdk/nodejs/connectionPool.ts index 444fd35bd..7a91515f7 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/connectionPool.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/connectionPool.ts @@ -7,23 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Connection Pool resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Connection Pools. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mytestpool = new aiven.ConnectionPool("mytestpool", { - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_pg.mypg.service_name, - * databaseName: aiven_pg_database.mypgdatabase.database_name, - * poolMode: "transaction", - * poolName: "mypool", - * poolSize: 10, - * username: aiven_pg_user.mypguser.username, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/flink.ts b/sdk/nodejs/flink.ts index 9fa3cc6fd..2f17c0e21 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/flink.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/flink.ts @@ -9,25 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Flink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Flink services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const flink = new aiven.Flink("flink", { - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "business-4", - * serviceName: "my-flink", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * flinkUserConfig: { - * flinkVersion: "1.16", - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/flinkApplication.ts b/sdk/nodejs/flinkApplication.ts index f8c5fc68d..73e74579e 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/flinkApplication.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/flinkApplication.ts @@ -7,18 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Flink Application resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Flink Applications. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.FlinkApplication("foo", { - * project: aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: "flink-service-1", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/gcpVpcPeeringConnection.ts b/sdk/nodejs/gcpVpcPeeringConnection.ts index 5df347ce5..231d886ec 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/gcpVpcPeeringConnection.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/gcpVpcPeeringConnection.ts @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The GCP VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven GCP VPC Peering Connections. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.GcpVpcPeeringConnection("foo", { - * vpcId: data.aiven_project_vpc.vpc.id, - * gcpProjectId: "xxxx", - * peerVpc: "xxxx", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getAccount.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getAccount.ts index c4c2f93dd..f522f3655 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getAccount.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getAccount.ts @@ -6,17 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Account data source provides information about the existing Aiven Account. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const account1 = aiven.getAccount({ - * name: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getAccount(args: GetAccountArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -79,17 +68,6 @@ export interface GetAccountResult { } /** * The Account data source provides information about the existing Aiven Account. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const account1 = aiven.getAccount({ - * name: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getAccountOutput(args: GetAccountOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getAccount(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getAwsPrivatelink.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getAwsPrivatelink.ts index 19fe685ed..b272a0467 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getAwsPrivatelink.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getAwsPrivatelink.ts @@ -6,18 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = aiven.getAwsPrivatelink({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.bar.service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getAwsPrivatelink(args: GetAwsPrivatelinkArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -73,18 +61,6 @@ export interface GetAwsPrivatelinkResult { } /** * The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = aiven.getAwsPrivatelink({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.bar.service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getAwsPrivatelinkOutput(args: GetAwsPrivatelinkOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getAwsPrivatelink(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getAwsVpcPeeringConnection.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getAwsVpcPeeringConnection.ts index 69a2fcadc..425f2d7e1 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getAwsVpcPeeringConnection.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getAwsVpcPeeringConnection.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The AWS VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = aiven.getAwsVpcPeeringConnection({ - * vpcId: data.aiven_project_vpc.vpc.id, - * awsAccountId: "XXXXX", - * awsVpcId: "XXXXX", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getAwsVpcPeeringConnection(args: GetAwsVpcPeeringConnectionArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -92,19 +79,6 @@ export interface GetAwsVpcPeeringConnectionResult { } /** * The AWS VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = aiven.getAwsVpcPeeringConnection({ - * vpcId: data.aiven_project_vpc.vpc.id, - * awsAccountId: "XXXXX", - * awsVpcId: "XXXXX", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getAwsVpcPeeringConnectionOutput(args: GetAwsVpcPeeringConnectionOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getAwsVpcPeeringConnection(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getAzurePrivatelink.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getAzurePrivatelink.ts index e78e805b8..943e56649 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getAzurePrivatelink.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getAzurePrivatelink.ts @@ -6,18 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = aiven.getAzurePrivatelink({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.bar.service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getAzurePrivatelink(args: GetAzurePrivatelinkArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -81,18 +69,6 @@ export interface GetAzurePrivatelinkResult { } /** * The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = aiven.getAzurePrivatelink({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.bar.service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getAzurePrivatelinkOutput(args: GetAzurePrivatelinkOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getAzurePrivatelink(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getCassanda.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getCassanda.ts index 3e46acea4..59547c9b2 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getCassanda.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getCassanda.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const bar = aiven.getCassandra({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ /** @deprecated aiven.getCassanda has been deprecated in favor of aiven.getCassandra */ export function getCassanda(args: GetCassandaArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -165,18 +153,6 @@ export interface GetCassandaResult { } /** * The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const bar = aiven.getCassandra({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ /** @deprecated aiven.getCassanda has been deprecated in favor of aiven.getCassandra */ export function getCassandaOutput(args: GetCassandaOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getCassandra.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getCassandra.ts index 16d156c03..67fc833ab 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getCassandra.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getCassandra.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const bar = aiven.getCassandra({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getCassandra(args: GetCassandraArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetCassandraResult { } /** * The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const bar = aiven.getCassandra({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getCassandraOutput(args: GetCassandraOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getCassandra(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getCassandraUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getCassandraUser.ts index e85712e99..67e2e4f35 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getCassandraUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getCassandraUser.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Cassandra User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getCassandraUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getCassandraUser(args: GetCassandraUserArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -87,19 +74,6 @@ export interface GetCassandraUserResult { } /** * The Cassandra User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getCassandraUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getCassandraUserOutput(args: GetCassandraUserOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getCassandraUser(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouse.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouse.ts index 9bccccb89..0bf59fcdb 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouse.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouse.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Clickhouse data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const clickhouse = aiven.getClickhouse({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getClickhouse(args: GetClickhouseArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetClickhouseResult { } /** * The Clickhouse data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const clickhouse = aiven.getClickhouse({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getClickhouseOutput(args: GetClickhouseOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getClickhouse(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouseDatabase.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouseDatabase.ts index de6747ffc..c35dcdb1d 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouseDatabase.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouseDatabase.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Clickhouse database data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse Database. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const clickhouseDb = aiven.getClickhouseDatabase({ - * project: aiven_clickhouse.ch.project, - * serviceName: aiven_clickhouse.ch.service_name, - * name: "my-ch-db", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getClickhouseDatabase(args: GetClickhouseDatabaseArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -72,19 +59,6 @@ export interface GetClickhouseDatabaseResult { } /** * The Clickhouse database data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse Database. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const clickhouseDb = aiven.getClickhouseDatabase({ - * project: aiven_clickhouse.ch.project, - * serviceName: aiven_clickhouse.ch.service_name, - * name: "my-ch-db", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getClickhouseDatabaseOutput(args: GetClickhouseDatabaseOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getClickhouseDatabase(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouseUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouseUser.ts index 0cbc856a6..2ece66ab4 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouseUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getClickhouseUser.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Clickhouse User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const ch-user = aiven.getClickhouseUser({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_clickhouse.myservice.service_name, - * username: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getClickhouseUser(args: GetClickhouseUserArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -83,19 +70,6 @@ export interface GetClickhouseUserResult { } /** * The Clickhouse User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const ch-user = aiven.getClickhouseUser({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_clickhouse.myservice.service_name, - * username: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getClickhouseUserOutput(args: GetClickhouseUserOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getClickhouseUser(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getConnectionPool.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getConnectionPool.ts index 6b9bb0a3f..abf81fa14 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getConnectionPool.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getConnectionPool.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Connection Pool data source provides information about the existing Aiven Connection Pool. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mytestpool = aiven.getConnectionPool({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_pg.mypg.service_name, - * poolName: "mypool", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getConnectionPool(args: GetConnectionPoolArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -91,19 +78,6 @@ export interface GetConnectionPoolResult { } /** * The Connection Pool data source provides information about the existing Aiven Connection Pool. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mytestpool = aiven.getConnectionPool({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_pg.mypg.service_name, - * poolName: "mypool", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getConnectionPoolOutput(args: GetConnectionPoolOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getConnectionPool(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getFlink.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getFlink.ts index 29bd18fba..e9725fda5 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getFlink.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getFlink.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Flink data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const flink = aiven.getFlink({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getFlink(args: GetFlinkArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetFlinkResult { } /** * The Flink data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const flink = aiven.getFlink({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getFlinkOutput(args: GetFlinkOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getFlink(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getFlinkApplication.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getFlinkApplication.ts index f453aca9b..8f585bc05 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getFlinkApplication.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getFlinkApplication.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Flink Application data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const app1 = aiven.getFlinkApplication({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "", - * name: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getFlinkApplication(args: GetFlinkApplicationArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -91,19 +78,6 @@ export interface GetFlinkApplicationResult { } /** * The Flink Application data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const app1 = aiven.getFlinkApplication({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "", - * name: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getFlinkApplicationOutput(args: GetFlinkApplicationOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getFlinkApplication(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getFlinkApplicationVersion.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getFlinkApplicationVersion.ts index c484937ea..1c57faf5d 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getFlinkApplicationVersion.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getFlinkApplicationVersion.ts @@ -8,20 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Flink Application Version data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application Version. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const app1 = aiven.getFlinkApplicationVersion({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "", - * applicationId: "", - * applicationVersionId: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getFlinkApplicationVersion(args: GetFlinkApplicationVersionArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -115,20 +101,6 @@ export interface GetFlinkApplicationVersionResult { } /** * The Flink Application Version data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application Version. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const app1 = aiven.getFlinkApplicationVersion({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "", - * applicationId: "", - * applicationVersionId: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getFlinkApplicationVersionOutput(args: GetFlinkApplicationVersionOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getFlinkApplicationVersion(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getGcpVpcPeeringConnection.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getGcpVpcPeeringConnection.ts index 1f9450ebc..8b1cc18ff 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getGcpVpcPeeringConnection.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getGcpVpcPeeringConnection.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The GCP VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = aiven.getGcpVpcPeeringConnection({ - * vpcId: data.aiven_project_vpc.vpc.id, - * gcpProjectId: "xxxx", - * peerVpc: "xxxx", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getGcpVpcPeeringConnection(args: GetGcpVpcPeeringConnectionArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -83,19 +70,6 @@ export interface GetGcpVpcPeeringConnectionResult { } /** * The GCP VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = aiven.getGcpVpcPeeringConnection({ - * vpcId: data.aiven_project_vpc.vpc.id, - * gcpProjectId: "xxxx", - * peerVpc: "xxxx", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getGcpVpcPeeringConnectionOutput(args: GetGcpVpcPeeringConnectionOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getGcpVpcPeeringConnection(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getGrafana.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getGrafana.ts index 3e995c50c..5620ec057 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getGrafana.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getGrafana.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Grafana data source provides information about the existing Aiven Grafana service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const gr1 = aiven.getGrafana({ - * project: data.aiven_project.ps1.project, - * serviceName: "my-gr1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getGrafana(args: GetGrafanaArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetGrafanaResult { } /** * The Grafana data source provides information about the existing Aiven Grafana service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const gr1 = aiven.getGrafana({ - * project: data.aiven_project.ps1.project, - * serviceName: "my-gr1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getGrafanaOutput(args: GetGrafanaOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getGrafana(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getInfluxDb.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getInfluxDb.ts index 2402681e3..1f380ba73 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getInfluxDb.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getInfluxDb.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The InfluxDB data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const inf1 = aiven.getInfluxDb({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-inf1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getInfluxDb(args: GetInfluxDbArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetInfluxDbResult { } /** * The InfluxDB data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const inf1 = aiven.getInfluxDb({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-inf1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getInfluxDbOutput(args: GetInfluxDbOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getInfluxDb(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getInfluxdbUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getInfluxdbUser.ts index cf3205a16..a80d54dad 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getInfluxdbUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getInfluxdbUser.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The InfluxDB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getInfluxdbUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getInfluxdbUser(args: GetInfluxdbUserArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -87,19 +74,6 @@ export interface GetInfluxdbUserResult { } /** * The InfluxDB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getInfluxdbUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getInfluxdbUserOutput(args: GetInfluxdbUserOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getInfluxdbUser(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getKafka.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getKafka.ts index 0ec399cd4..cbe07a2ce 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getKafka.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getKafka.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka services. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const kafka1 = aiven.getKafka({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-kafka1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafka(args: GetKafkaArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -171,18 +159,6 @@ export interface GetKafkaResult { } /** * The Kafka data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka services. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const kafka1 = aiven.getKafka({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-kafka1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaOutput(args: GetKafkaOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getKafka(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaAcl.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaAcl.ts index 96a9dfbac..6958633f5 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaAcl.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaAcl.ts @@ -6,21 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Data Source Kafka ACL data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka ACL for a Kafka service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mytestacl = aiven.getKafkaAcl({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.mykafka.service_name, - * topic: "", - * permission: "", - * username: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaAcl(args: GetKafkaAclArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -95,21 +80,6 @@ export interface GetKafkaAclResult { } /** * The Data Source Kafka ACL data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka ACL for a Kafka service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mytestacl = aiven.getKafkaAcl({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.mykafka.service_name, - * topic: "", - * permission: "", - * username: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaAclOutput(args: GetKafkaAclOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getKafkaAcl(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaConnect.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaConnect.ts index a4dc1b62c..9c27586ea 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaConnect.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaConnect.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka Connect data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Connect service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const kc1 = aiven.getKafkaConnect({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-kc1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaConnect(args: GetKafkaConnectArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetKafkaConnectResult { } /** * The Kafka Connect data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Connect service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const kc1 = aiven.getKafkaConnect({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-kc1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaConnectOutput(args: GetKafkaConnectOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getKafkaConnect(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaConnector.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaConnector.ts index 05c3dc2cb..4a5402bad 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaConnector.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaConnector.ts @@ -8,19 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka connector data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka connector. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const kafka-es-con1 = aiven.getKafkaConnector({ - * project: aiven_project["kafka-con-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"].service_name, - * connectorName: "kafka-es-con1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaConnector(args: GetKafkaConnectorArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -105,19 +92,6 @@ export interface GetKafkaConnectorResult { } /** * The Kafka connector data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka connector. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const kafka-es-con1 = aiven.getKafkaConnector({ - * project: aiven_project["kafka-con-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"].service_name, - * connectorName: "kafka-es-con1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaConnectorOutput(args: GetKafkaConnectorOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getKafkaConnector(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaMirrorMaker.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaMirrorMaker.ts index 783c68b22..b536e3b6c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaMirrorMaker.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaMirrorMaker.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka MirrorMaker data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mm1 = aiven.getKafkaMirrorMaker({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-mm1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaMirrorMaker(args: GetKafkaMirrorMakerArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetKafkaMirrorMakerResult { } /** * The Kafka MirrorMaker data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mm1 = aiven.getKafkaMirrorMaker({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-mm1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaMirrorMakerOutput(args: GetKafkaMirrorMakerOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getKafkaMirrorMaker(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaSchema.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaSchema.ts index 554e4e479..8fc1ee735 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaSchema.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaSchema.ts @@ -6,18 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka Schema data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const config = aiven.getKafkaSchemaConfiguration({ - * project: aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"].service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaSchema(args: GetKafkaSchemaArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -86,18 +74,6 @@ export interface GetKafkaSchemaResult { } /** * The Kafka Schema data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const config = aiven.getKafkaSchemaConfiguration({ - * project: aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"].service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaSchemaOutput(args: GetKafkaSchemaOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getKafkaSchema(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaSchemaConfiguration.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaSchemaConfiguration.ts index 630401ea8..b37670f47 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaSchemaConfiguration.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaSchemaConfiguration.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka Schema Configuration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema Configuration. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const config = new aiven.KafkaSchemaConfiguration("config", { - * project: aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"].service_name, - * compatibilityLevel: "BACKWARD", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaSchemaConfiguration(args: GetKafkaSchemaConfigurationArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -82,19 +69,6 @@ export interface GetKafkaSchemaConfigurationResult { } /** * The Kafka Schema Configuration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema Configuration. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const config = new aiven.KafkaSchemaConfiguration("config", { - * project: aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"].service_name, - * compatibilityLevel: "BACKWARD", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaSchemaConfigurationOutput(args: GetKafkaSchemaConfigurationOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getKafkaSchemaConfiguration(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaTopic.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaTopic.ts index d395c3e0b..387021ddd 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaTopic.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaTopic.ts @@ -8,19 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka Topic data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Topic. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mytesttopic = aiven.getKafkaTopic({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.myservice.service_name, - * topicName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaTopic(args: GetKafkaTopicArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -90,19 +77,6 @@ export interface GetKafkaTopicResult { } /** * The Kafka Topic data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Topic. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mytesttopic = aiven.getKafkaTopic({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.myservice.service_name, - * topicName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaTopicOutput(args: GetKafkaTopicOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getKafkaTopic(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaUser.ts index 051bdc658..12ef7feaa 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getKafkaUser.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getKafkaUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaUser(args: GetKafkaUserArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -87,19 +74,6 @@ export interface GetKafkaUserResult { } /** * The Kafka User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getKafkaUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getKafkaUserOutput(args: GetKafkaUserOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getKafkaUser(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getM3Aggregator.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getM3Aggregator.ts index f39927f3c..be7096ca9 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getM3Aggregator.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getM3Aggregator.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The M3 Aggregator data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 Aggregator. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const m3a = aiven.getM3Aggregator({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: "my-m3a", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getM3Aggregator(args: GetM3AggregatorArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetM3AggregatorResult { } /** * The M3 Aggregator data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 Aggregator. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const m3a = aiven.getM3Aggregator({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: "my-m3a", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getM3AggregatorOutput(args: GetM3AggregatorOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getM3Aggregator(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getM3Db.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getM3Db.ts index 7f907b79b..c3cbbb6d1 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getM3Db.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getM3Db.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The M3 DB data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 services. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const m3 = aiven.getM3Db({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: "my-m3db", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getM3Db(args: GetM3DbArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetM3DbResult { } /** * The M3 DB data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 services. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const m3 = aiven.getM3Db({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: "my-m3db", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getM3DbOutput(args: GetM3DbOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getM3Db(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getM3dbUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getM3dbUser.ts index ca0c717fc..9b72883e0 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getM3dbUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getM3dbUser.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The M3DB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3DB User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getM3dbUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getM3dbUser(args: GetM3dbUserArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -79,19 +66,6 @@ export interface GetM3dbUserResult { } /** * The M3DB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3DB User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getM3dbUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getM3dbUserOutput(args: GetM3dbUserOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getM3dbUser(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.ts index ddd2f6623..d343b7e62 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow.ts @@ -6,20 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow data source provides information about the existing MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow on Aiven Cloud. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const f1 = aiven.getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow({ - * project: aiven_project["kafka-mm-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.mm.service_name, - * sourceCluster: aiven_kafka.source.service_name, - * targetCluster: aiven_kafka.target.service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow(args: GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlowArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -113,20 +99,6 @@ export interface GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlowResult { } /** * The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow data source provides information about the existing MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow on Aiven Cloud. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const f1 = aiven.getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow({ - * project: aiven_project["kafka-mm-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.mm.service_name, - * sourceCluster: aiven_kafka.source.service_name, - * targetCluster: aiven_kafka.target.service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getMirrorMakerReplicationFlowOutput(args: GetMirrorMakerReplicationFlowOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getMirrorMakerReplicationFlow(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getMySql.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getMySql.ts index 38fb3f0c2..8126e9fdd 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getMySql.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getMySql.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The MySQL data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mysql1 = aiven.getMySql({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: "my-mysql1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getMySql(args: GetMySqlArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetMySqlResult { } /** * The MySQL data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mysql1 = aiven.getMySql({ - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * serviceName: "my-mysql1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getMySqlOutput(args: GetMySqlOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getMySql(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getMysqlDatabase.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getMysqlDatabase.ts index dc4df77d9..e26d9a693 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getMysqlDatabase.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getMysqlDatabase.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The MySQL Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL Database. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mydatabase = aiven.getMysqlDatabase({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_mysql.mymysql.service_name, - * databaseName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getMysqlDatabase(args: GetMysqlDatabaseArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -72,19 +59,6 @@ export interface GetMysqlDatabaseResult { } /** * The MySQL Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL Database. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mydatabase = aiven.getMysqlDatabase({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_mysql.mymysql.service_name, - * databaseName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getMysqlDatabaseOutput(args: GetMysqlDatabaseOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getMysqlDatabase(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getMysqlUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getMysqlUser.ts index b3aad525d..068a059bb 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getMysqlUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getMysqlUser.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The MySQL User data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getMysqlUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getMysqlUser(args: GetMysqlUserArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -91,19 +78,6 @@ export interface GetMysqlUserResult { } /** * The MySQL User data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getMysqlUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getMysqlUserOutput(args: GetMysqlUserOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getMysqlUser(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearch.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearch.ts index e39372aec..03e3a75fd 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearch.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearch.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The OpenSearch data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const os1 = aiven.getOpenSearch({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-os1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOpenSearch(args: GetOpenSearchArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetOpenSearchResult { } /** * The OpenSearch data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const os1 = aiven.getOpenSearch({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-os1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOpenSearchOutput(args: GetOpenSearchOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getOpenSearch(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearchAclConfig.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearchAclConfig.ts index dfd41e111..05fa811f2 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearchAclConfig.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearchAclConfig.ts @@ -6,18 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The OpenSearch ACL Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Config. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const os-acl-config = aiven.getOpenSearchAclConfig({ - * project: aiven_project["os-project"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_opensearch.os.service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOpenSearchAclConfig(args: GetOpenSearchAclConfigArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -69,18 +57,6 @@ export interface GetOpenSearchAclConfigResult { } /** * The OpenSearch ACL Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Config. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const os-acl-config = aiven.getOpenSearchAclConfig({ - * project: aiven_project["os-project"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_opensearch.os.service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOpenSearchAclConfigOutput(args: GetOpenSearchAclConfigOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getOpenSearchAclConfig(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearchAclRule.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearchAclRule.ts index 0a79e52a8..15045b862 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearchAclRule.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getOpenSearchAclRule.ts @@ -6,20 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The OpenSearch ACL Rule data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Rule. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const osAclRule = aiven.getOpenSearchAclRule({ - * project: aiven_opensearch_acl_config.os_acls_config.project, - * serviceName: aiven_opensearch_acl_config.os_acls_config.service_name, - * username: "", - * index: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOpenSearchAclRule(args: GetOpenSearchAclRuleArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -90,20 +76,6 @@ export interface GetOpenSearchAclRuleResult { } /** * The OpenSearch ACL Rule data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Rule. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const osAclRule = aiven.getOpenSearchAclRule({ - * project: aiven_opensearch_acl_config.os_acls_config.project, - * serviceName: aiven_opensearch_acl_config.os_acls_config.service_name, - * username: "", - * index: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOpenSearchAclRuleOutput(args: GetOpenSearchAclRuleOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getOpenSearchAclRule(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.ts index dec3cd23b..8dc5f1ada 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig.ts @@ -6,18 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The OpenSearch Security Plugin Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch Security Plugin Config. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const os-sec-config = aiven.getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig({ - * project: aiven_project["os-project"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_opensearch.os.service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig(args: GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -77,18 +65,6 @@ export interface GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigResult { } /** * The OpenSearch Security Plugin Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch Security Plugin Config. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const os-sec-config = aiven.getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig({ - * project: aiven_project["os-project"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_opensearch.os.service_name, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigOutput(args: GetOpensearchSecurityPluginConfigOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getOpensearchSecurityPluginConfig(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getOpensearchUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getOpensearchUser.ts index 12b672b7d..73f1bc992 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getOpensearchUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getOpensearchUser.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The OpenSearch User data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getOpensearchUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOpensearchUser(args: GetOpensearchUserArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -79,19 +66,6 @@ export interface GetOpensearchUserResult { } /** * The OpenSearch User data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getOpensearchUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOpensearchUserOutput(args: GetOpensearchUserOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getOpensearchUser(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getOrganization.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getOrganization.ts index a3ffd669b..65d23bdcd 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getOrganization.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getOrganization.ts @@ -6,17 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * Retrieves information about an organization from Aiven. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const organization1 = aiven.getOrganization({ - * name: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOrganization(args?: GetOrganizationArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { args = args || {}; @@ -69,17 +58,6 @@ export interface GetOrganizationResult { } /** * Retrieves information about an organization from Aiven. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const organization1 = aiven.getOrganization({ - * name: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getOrganizationOutput(args?: GetOrganizationOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getOrganization(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getPg.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getPg.ts index 1cfffd3f9..4c3518c76 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getPg.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getPg.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The PG data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const pg = aiven.getPg({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-pg1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getPg(args: GetPgArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetPgResult { } /** * The PG data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const pg = aiven.getPg({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-pg1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getPgOutput(args: GetPgOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getPg(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getPgDatabase.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getPgDatabase.ts index 333ee9484..a0ec4d18e 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getPgDatabase.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getPgDatabase.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The PG Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL Database. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mydatabase = aiven.getPgDatabase({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_pg.mypg.service_name, - * databaseName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getPgDatabase(args: GetPgDatabaseArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -80,19 +67,6 @@ export interface GetPgDatabaseResult { } /** * The PG Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL Database. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mydatabase = aiven.getPgDatabase({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_pg.mypg.service_name, - * databaseName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getPgDatabaseOutput(args: GetPgDatabaseOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getPgDatabase(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getPgUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getPgUser.ts index fa7f21259..393af3e69 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getPgUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getPgUser.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The PG User data source provides information about the existing Aiven PG User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getPgUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getPgUser(args: GetPgUserArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -91,19 +78,6 @@ export interface GetPgUserResult { } /** * The PG User data source provides information about the existing Aiven PG User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getPgUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getPgUserOutput(args: GetPgUserOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getPgUser(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getProject.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getProject.ts index 6b78bc97e..de4c7754c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getProject.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getProject.ts @@ -8,17 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Project data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const myproject = aiven.getProject({ - * project: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getProject(args: GetProjectArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -105,17 +94,6 @@ export interface GetProjectResult { } /** * The Project data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const myproject = aiven.getProject({ - * project: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getProjectOutput(args: GetProjectOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getProject(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getProjectUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getProjectUser.ts index d52f758f6..2f926d874 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getProjectUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getProjectUser.ts @@ -6,18 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Project User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mytestuser = aiven.getProjectUser({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * email: "john.doe@example.com", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getProjectUser(args: GetProjectUserArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -69,18 +57,6 @@ export interface GetProjectUserResult { } /** * The Project User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mytestuser = aiven.getProjectUser({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * email: "john.doe@example.com", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getProjectUserOutput(args: GetProjectUserOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getProjectUser(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getProjectVpc.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getProjectVpc.ts index 67c89cc42..bdc986c36 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getProjectVpc.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getProjectVpc.ts @@ -6,21 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Project VPC data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project VPC. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const myvpc = aiven.getProjectVpc({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * }); - * const myvpcId = aiven.getProjectVpc({ - * vpcId: aiven_project_vpc.vpc.id, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getProjectVpc(args?: GetProjectVpcArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { args = args || {}; @@ -82,21 +67,6 @@ export interface GetProjectVpcResult { } /** * The Project VPC data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project VPC. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const myvpc = aiven.getProjectVpc({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * }); - * const myvpcId = aiven.getProjectVpc({ - * vpcId: aiven_project_vpc.vpc.id, - * }); - * ``` */ export function getProjectVpcOutput(args?: GetProjectVpcOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getProjectVpc(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getRedis.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getRedis.ts index 06ed5e09d..b606dda58 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getRedis.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getRedis.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Redis data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const redis1 = aiven.getRedis({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-redis1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getRedis(args: GetRedisArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -163,18 +151,6 @@ export interface GetRedisResult { } /** * The Redis data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis service. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const redis1 = aiven.getRedis({ - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * serviceName: "my-redis1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getRedisOutput(args: GetRedisOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getRedis(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getRedisUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getRedisUser.ts index be8a4cb05..6b2f9354d 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getRedisUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getRedisUser.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Redis User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getRedisUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getRedisUser(args: GetRedisUserArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -95,19 +82,6 @@ export interface GetRedisUserResult { } /** * The Redis User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis User. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const user = aiven.getRedisUser({ - * project: "my-project", - * serviceName: "my-service", - * username: "user1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getRedisUserOutput(args: GetRedisUserOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getRedisUser(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getServiceComponent.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getServiceComponent.ts index 00a7227aa..0b8f7687b 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getServiceComponent.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getServiceComponent.ts @@ -8,21 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * The Service Component data source provides information about the existing Aiven service Component. * * Service components can be defined to get the connection info for specific service. Services may support multiple different access routes (VPC peering and public access), have additional components or support various authentication methods. Each of these may be represented by different DNS name or TCP port and the specific component to match can be selected by specifying appropriate filters as shown below. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const sc1 = aiven.getServiceComponent({ - * project: aiven_kafka.project1.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.service1.service_name, - * component: "kafka", - * route: "dynamic", - * kafkaAuthenticationMethod: "certificate", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getServiceComponent(args: GetServiceComponentArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -121,21 +106,6 @@ export interface GetServiceComponentResult { * The Service Component data source provides information about the existing Aiven service Component. * * Service components can be defined to get the connection info for specific service. Services may support multiple different access routes (VPC peering and public access), have additional components or support various authentication methods. Each of these may be represented by different DNS name or TCP port and the specific component to match can be selected by specifying appropriate filters as shown below. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const sc1 = aiven.getServiceComponent({ - * project: aiven_kafka.project1.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.service1.service_name, - * component: "kafka", - * route: "dynamic", - * kafkaAuthenticationMethod: "certificate", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getServiceComponentOutput(args: GetServiceComponentOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getServiceComponent(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getServiceIntegration.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getServiceIntegration.ts index 948bf1eef..7db2fc05d 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getServiceIntegration.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getServiceIntegration.ts @@ -10,20 +10,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * The Service Integration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration. * * Service Integration defines an integration between two Aiven services or between Aiven service and an external integration endpoint. Integration could be for example sending metrics from Kafka service to an InfluxDB service, getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to Elasticsearch, etc. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const myintegration = aiven.getServiceIntegration({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * destinationServiceName: "", - * integrationType: "datadog", - * sourceServiceName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getServiceIntegration(args: GetServiceIntegrationArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -135,20 +121,6 @@ export interface GetServiceIntegrationResult { * The Service Integration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration. * * Service Integration defines an integration between two Aiven services or between Aiven service and an external integration endpoint. Integration could be for example sending metrics from Kafka service to an InfluxDB service, getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to Elasticsearch, etc. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const myintegration = aiven.getServiceIntegration({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * destinationServiceName: "", - * integrationType: "datadog", - * sourceServiceName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getServiceIntegrationOutput(args: GetServiceIntegrationOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getServiceIntegration(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getServiceIntegrationEndpoint.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getServiceIntegrationEndpoint.ts index a94be5f50..d20d7658b 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getServiceIntegrationEndpoint.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getServiceIntegrationEndpoint.ts @@ -8,18 +8,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Service Integration Endpoint data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration Endpoint. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const myendpoint = aiven.getServiceIntegrationEndpoint({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * endpointName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getServiceIntegrationEndpoint(args: GetServiceIntegrationEndpointArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -115,18 +103,6 @@ export interface GetServiceIntegrationEndpointResult { } /** * The Service Integration Endpoint data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration Endpoint. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const myendpoint = aiven.getServiceIntegrationEndpoint({ - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * endpointName: "", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getServiceIntegrationEndpointOutput(args: GetServiceIntegrationEndpointOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getServiceIntegrationEndpoint(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.ts b/sdk/nodejs/getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.ts index d9d4489d2..710910e26 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.ts @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const attachment = aiven.getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment({ - * vpcId: aiven_project_vpc.bar.id, - * peerCloudAccount: "", - * peerVpc: "google-project1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment(args: GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise { @@ -91,19 +78,6 @@ export interface GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentResult { } /** * The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. - * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const attachment = aiven.getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment({ - * vpcId: aiven_project_vpc.bar.id, - * peerCloudAccount: "", - * peerVpc: "google-project1", - * }); - * ``` */ export function getTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentOutput(args: GetTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output { return pulumi.output(args).apply((a: any) => getTransitGatewayVpcAttachment(a, opts)) diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/grafana.ts b/sdk/nodejs/grafana.ts index a2642b222..d182f97c4 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/grafana.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/grafana.ts @@ -9,27 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Grafana resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Grafana services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const gr1 = new aiven.Grafana("gr1", { - * project: data.aiven_project.ps1.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "startup-1", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * grafanaUserConfig: { - * alertingEnabled: true, - * publicAccess: { - * grafana: true, - * }, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/influxDb.ts b/sdk/nodejs/influxDb.ts index a347603c7..c57254cba 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/influxDb.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/influxDb.ts @@ -9,27 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The InfluxDB resource allows the creation and management of Aiven InfluxDB services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const inf1 = new aiven.InfluxDb("inf1", { - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "startup-4", - * serviceName: "my-inf1", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * influxdbUserConfig: { - * publicAccess: { - * influxdb: true, - * }, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/influxdbUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/influxdbUser.ts index 76639df8c..5a5bf8282 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/influxdbUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/influxdbUser.ts @@ -7,20 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The InfluxDB User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven InfluxDB Users. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.InfluxdbUser("foo", { - * serviceName: aiven_influxdb.bar.service_name, - * project: "my-project", - * username: "user-1", - * password: "Test$1234", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/kafka.ts b/sdk/nodejs/kafka.ts index 5e7a30691..3a6a07b84 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/kafka.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/kafka.ts @@ -9,36 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const kafka1 = new aiven.Kafka("kafka1", { - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "business-4", - * serviceName: "my-kafka1", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * kafkaUserConfig: { - * kafkaRest: true, - * kafkaConnect: true, - * schemaRegistry: true, - * kafkaVersion: "3.1", - * kafka: { - * groupMaxSessionTimeoutMs: 70000, - * logRetentionBytes: 1000000000, - * }, - * publicAccess: { - * kafkaRest: true, - * kafkaConnect: true, - * }, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaAcl.ts b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaAcl.ts index 3bfd0c1f1..2df070e56 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaAcl.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaAcl.ts @@ -7,21 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Resource Kafka ACL resource allows the creation and management of ACLs for an Aiven Kafka service. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mytestacl = new aiven.KafkaAcl("mytestacl", { - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.myservice.service_name, - * topic: "", - * permission: "admin", - * username: "", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaConnect.ts b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaConnect.ts index 1aaa1f20b..34deb35d2 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaConnect.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaConnect.ts @@ -9,30 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka Connect resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Connect services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const kc1 = new aiven.KafkaConnect("kc1", { - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "startup-4", - * serviceName: "my-kc1", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * kafkaConnectUserConfig: { - * kafkaConnect: { - * consumerIsolationLevel: "read_committed", - * }, - * publicAccess: { - * kafkaConnect: true, - * }, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaConnector.ts b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaConnector.ts index 32a3d679e..555c056d9 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaConnector.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaConnector.ts @@ -9,28 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka connectors resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka connectors. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const kafka_os_con1 = new aiven.KafkaConnector("kafka-os-con1", { - * project: aiven_project["kafka-con-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"].service_name, - * connectorName: "kafka-os-con1", - * config: { - * topics: aiven_kafka_topic["kafka-topic1"].topic_name, - * "connector.class": "io.aiven.kafka.connect.opensearch.OpensearchSinkConnector", - * "type.name": "os-connector", - * name: "kafka-os-con1", - * "connection.url": aiven_elasticsearch["os-service1"].service_uri, - * "connection.username": aiven_opensearch["os-service1"].service_username, - * "connection.password": aiven_opensearch["os-service1"].service_password, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaMirrorMaker.ts b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaMirrorMaker.ts index 3fc381ad0..cf4213345 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaMirrorMaker.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaMirrorMaker.ts @@ -9,28 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka MirrorMaker resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mm1 = new aiven.KafkaMirrorMaker("mm1", { - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "startup-4", - * serviceName: "my-mm1", - * kafkaMirrormakerUserConfig: { - * ipFilters: [""], - * kafkaMirrormaker: { - * refreshGroupsIntervalSeconds: 600, - * refreshTopicsEnabled: true, - * refreshTopicsIntervalSeconds: 600, - * }, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaSchema.ts b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaSchema.ts index aca2ce4b8..2ab2296c0 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaSchema.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaSchema.ts @@ -7,34 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka Schema resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Schemas. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const kafka_schema1 = new aiven.KafkaSchema("kafka-schema1", { - * project: aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"].service_name, - * subjectName: "kafka-schema1", - * compatibilityLevel: "FORWARD", - * schema: ` { - * "doc": "example", - * "fields": [{ - * "default": 5, - * "doc": "my test number", - * "name": "test", - * "namespace": "test", - * "type": "int" - * }], - * "name": "example", - * "namespace": "example", - * "type": "record" - * } - * `, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaSchemaConfiguration.ts b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaSchemaConfiguration.ts index 405d40f64..a25658ed7 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaSchemaConfiguration.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaSchemaConfiguration.ts @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka Schema Configuration resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Schema Configurations. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const config = new aiven.KafkaSchemaConfiguration("config", { - * project: aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"].service_name, - * compatibilityLevel: "BACKWARD", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaUser.ts index b89bc6178..ffc211f1c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/kafkaUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/kafkaUser.ts @@ -7,20 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Kafka User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Users. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.KafkaUser("foo", { - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.bar.service_name, - * project: "my-project", - * username: "user-1", - * password: "Test$1234", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/m3aggregator.ts b/sdk/nodejs/m3aggregator.ts index 2d7c65372..6195053b4 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/m3aggregator.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/m3aggregator.ts @@ -9,25 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The M3 Aggregator resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3 Aggregator services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const m3a = new aiven.M3Aggregator("m3a", { - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "business-8", - * serviceName: "my-m3a", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * m3aggregatorUserConfig: { - * m3aggregatorVersion: "0.15", - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/m3db.ts b/sdk/nodejs/m3db.ts index ceddabeb6..dee9a0f4c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/m3db.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/m3db.ts @@ -9,29 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The M3 DB resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3 services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const m3 = new aiven.M3Db("m3", { - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "business-8", - * serviceName: "my-m3db", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * m3dbUserConfig: { - * m3dbVersion: "1.1", - * namespaces: [{ - * name: "my_ns1", - * type: "unaggregated", - * }], - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/m3dbUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/m3dbUser.ts index bc3042918..f645ee4a6 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/m3dbUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/m3dbUser.ts @@ -7,20 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The M3DB User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3DB Users. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.M3dbUser("foo", { - * serviceName: aiven_m3db.bar.service_name, - * project: "my-project", - * username: "user-1", - * password: "Test$1234", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/mirrorMakerReplicationFlow.ts b/sdk/nodejs/mirrorMakerReplicationFlow.ts index 43eacfff2..fb8615020 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/mirrorMakerReplicationFlow.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/mirrorMakerReplicationFlow.ts @@ -7,27 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow resource allows the creation and management of MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flows on Aiven Cloud. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const f1 = new aiven.MirrorMakerReplicationFlow("f1", { - * project: aiven_project["kafka-mm-project1"].project, - * serviceName: aiven_kafka.mm.service_name, - * sourceCluster: aiven_kafka.source.service_name, - * targetCluster: aiven_kafka.target.service_name, - * enable: true, - * topics: [".*"], - * topicsBlacklists: [ - * ".*[\\-\\.]internal", - * ".*\\.replica", - * "__.*", - * ], - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/mySql.ts b/sdk/nodejs/mySql.ts index f7d3173f9..e67fb7a89 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/mySql.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/mySql.ts @@ -9,32 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The MySQL resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mysql1 = new aiven.MySql("mysql1", { - * project: data.aiven_project.foo.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "business-4", - * serviceName: "my-mysql1", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * mysqlUserConfig: { - * mysqlVersion: "8", - * mysql: { - * sqlMode: "ANSI,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,NO_ZERO_DATE,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE", - * sqlRequirePrimaryKey: true, - * }, - * publicAccess: { - * mysql: true, - * }, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/mysqlDatabase.ts b/sdk/nodejs/mysqlDatabase.ts index 61585b28a..cba9e4a71 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/mysqlDatabase.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/mysqlDatabase.ts @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The MySQL Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL Databases. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mydatabase = new aiven.MysqlDatabase("mydatabase", { - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_mysql.mymysql.service_name, - * databaseName: "", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/mysqlUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/mysqlUser.ts index 766c12006..c46b56557 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/mysqlUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/mysqlUser.ts @@ -7,20 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The MySQL User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL Users. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.MysqlUser("foo", { - * serviceName: aiven_mysql.bar.service_name, - * project: "my-project", - * username: "user-1", - * password: "Test$1234", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/openSearch.ts b/sdk/nodejs/openSearch.ts index 1be73251d..f8f8fda7d 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/openSearch.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/openSearch.ts @@ -9,33 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The OpenSearch resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const os1 = new aiven.OpenSearch("os1", { - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "startup-4", - * serviceName: "my-os1", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * opensearchUserConfig: { - * opensearchVersion: "1", - * opensearchDashboards: { - * enabled: true, - * opensearchRequestTimeout: 30000, - * }, - * publicAccess: { - * opensearch: true, - * opensearchDashboards: true, - * }, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/openSearchAclConfig.ts b/sdk/nodejs/openSearchAclConfig.ts index 9bf89b215..214a1893c 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/openSearchAclConfig.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/openSearchAclConfig.ts @@ -7,36 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The OpenSearch ACL Config resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch ACLs. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const fooProject = aiven.getProject({ - * project: "example_project", - * }); - * const bar = new aiven.OpenSearch("bar", { - * project: fooProject.then(fooProject => fooProject.project), - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "startup-4", - * serviceName: "example_service_name", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * }); - * const fooOpensearchUser = new aiven.OpensearchUser("fooOpensearchUser", { - * serviceName: bar.serviceName, - * project: fooProject.then(fooProject => fooProject.project), - * username: "user-example", - * }); - * const fooOpenSearchAclConfig = new aiven.OpenSearchAclConfig("fooOpenSearchAclConfig", { - * project: fooProject.then(fooProject => fooProject.project), - * serviceName: bar.serviceName, - * enabled: true, - * extendedAcl: false, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/openSearchAclRule.ts b/sdk/nodejs/openSearchAclRule.ts index d1054b62e..3968cce8b 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/openSearchAclRule.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/openSearchAclRule.ts @@ -7,69 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The OpenSearch ACL Rule resource models a single ACL Rule for an Aiven OpenSearch service. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const osUser = new aiven.OpensearchUser("osUser", { - * project: _var.aiven_project_name, - * serviceName: aiven_opensearch.os_test.service_name, - * username: "documentation-user-1", - * }); - * const osUser2 = new aiven.OpensearchUser("osUser2", { - * project: _var.aiven_project_name, - * serviceName: aiven_opensearch.os_test.service_name, - * username: "documentation-user-2", - * }); - * const osAclsConfig = new aiven.OpenSearchAclConfig("osAclsConfig", { - * project: _var.aiven_project_name, - * serviceName: aiven_opensearch.os_test.service_name, - * enabled: true, - * extendedAcl: false, - * }); - * const aclRules = [ - * { - * username: osUser.username, - * index: "index2", - * permission: "readwrite", - * }, - * { - * username: osUser.username, - * index: "index3", - * permission: "read", - * }, - * { - * username: osUser.username, - * index: "index5", - * permission: "deny", - * }, - * { - * username: osUser2.username, - * index: "index3", - * permission: "write", - * }, - * { - * username: osUser2.username, - * index: "index7", - * permission: "readwrite", - * }, - * ]; - * const osAclRule: aiven.OpenSearchAclRule[] = []; - * pulumi.all(aclRules.map((v, k) => [k, v]).reduce((__obj, [, ]) => ({ ...__obj, [i]: v }))).apply(rangeBody => { - * for (const range of Object.entries(rangeBody).map(([k, v]) => ({key: k, value: v}))) { - * osAclRule.push(new aiven.OpenSearchAclRule(`osAclRule-${range.key}`, { - * project: osAclsConfig.project, - * serviceName: osAclsConfig.serviceName, - * username: range.value.username, - * index: range.value.index, - * permission: range.value.permission, - * })); - * } - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/opensearchUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/opensearchUser.ts index 95fec62bf..0446a3151 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/opensearchUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/opensearchUser.ts @@ -7,20 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The OpenSearch User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch Users. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.OpensearchUser("foo", { - * serviceName: aiven_opensearch.bar.service_name, - * project: "my-project", - * username: "user-1", - * password: "Test$1234", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/organization.ts b/sdk/nodejs/organization.ts index edd3839e9..5d80e276b 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/organization.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/organization.ts @@ -9,15 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * Creates and manages an organization in Aiven. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const organization1 = new aiven.Organization("organization1", {}); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/organizationalUnit.ts b/sdk/nodejs/organizationalUnit.ts index 57250015d..affcbc514 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/organizationalUnit.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/organizationalUnit.ts @@ -7,15 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Organizational Unit resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Organizational Units. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const organizationalUnit1 = new aiven.OrganizationalUnit("organizationalUnit1", {parentId: ""}); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/pgDatabase.ts b/sdk/nodejs/pgDatabase.ts index 129ce5f04..131778c96 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/pgDatabase.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/pgDatabase.ts @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The PG Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven PostgreSQL Databases. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mydatabase = new aiven.PgDatabase("mydatabase", { - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * serviceName: aiven_pg.mypg.service_name, - * databaseName: "", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/pgUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/pgUser.ts index 1d39d15d9..a14767efd 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/pgUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/pgUser.ts @@ -7,20 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The PG User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven PG Users. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.PgUser("foo", { - * serviceName: aiven_pg.bar.service_name, - * project: "my-project", - * username: "user-1", - * password: "Test$1234", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/projectUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/projectUser.ts index 9927770fc..9cc2e5ba6 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/projectUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/projectUser.ts @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Project User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Project Users. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const mytestuser = new aiven.ProjectUser("mytestuser", { - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * email: "john.doe@example.com", - * memberType: "admin", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/redis.ts b/sdk/nodejs/redis.ts index e417c9737..7240a7966 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/redis.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/redis.ts @@ -9,28 +9,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Redis resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Redis services. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const redis1 = new aiven.Redis("redis1", { - * project: data.aiven_project.pr1.project, - * cloudName: "google-europe-west1", - * plan: "business-4", - * serviceName: "my-redis1", - * maintenanceWindowDow: "monday", - * maintenanceWindowTime: "10:00:00", - * redisUserConfig: { - * redisMaxmemoryPolicy: "allkeys-random", - * publicAccess: { - * redis: true, - * }, - * }, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/redisUser.ts b/sdk/nodejs/redisUser.ts index 375e66182..c280b9a53 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/redisUser.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/redisUser.ts @@ -7,20 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Redis User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Redis Users. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const foo = new aiven.RedisUser("foo", { - * serviceName: aiven_redis.bar.service_name, - * project: "my-project", - * username: "user-1", - * password: "Test$1234", - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/serviceIntegration.ts b/sdk/nodejs/serviceIntegration.ts index fb4836437..d4c53ea7e 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/serviceIntegration.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/serviceIntegration.ts @@ -16,20 +16,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; * getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to * Elasticsearch, etc. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const myIntegrationMetrics = new aiven.ServiceIntegration("myIntegrationMetrics", { - * project: aiven_project.myproject.project, - * integrationType: "metrics", - * sourceServiceName: aiven_kafka.kfk1.service_name, - * destinationServiceName: aiven_m3db.m3db.service_name, - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/nodejs/transitGatewayVpcAttachment.ts b/sdk/nodejs/transitGatewayVpcAttachment.ts index 3b537b623..8869d2462 100644 --- a/sdk/nodejs/transitGatewayVpcAttachment.ts +++ b/sdk/nodejs/transitGatewayVpcAttachment.ts @@ -7,21 +7,6 @@ import * as utilities from "./utilities"; /** * The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. * - * ## Example Usage - * - * ```typescript - * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; - * import * as aiven from "@pulumi/aiven"; - * - * const attachment = new aiven.TransitGatewayVpcAttachment("attachment", { - * vpcId: aiven_project_vpc.bar.id, - * peerCloudAccount: "", - * peerVpc: "google-project1", - * peerRegion: "aws-eu-west-1", - * userPeerNetworkCidrs: [""], - * }); - * ``` - * * ## Import * * ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/_inputs.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/_inputs.py index 510147b2a..cd5a5388b 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/_inputs.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/_inputs.py @@ -244,7 +244,15 @@ def _configure( identity: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, last_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, real_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if first_name is None and 'firstName' in kwargs: + first_name = kwargs['firstName'] + if last_name is None and 'lastName' in kwargs: + last_name = kwargs['lastName'] + if real_name is None and 'realName' in kwargs: + real_name = kwargs['realName'] + if email is not None: _setter("email", email) if first_name is not None: @@ -324,10 +332,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.input_type class CassandraCassandraUserConfigArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -399,7 +409,37 @@ def _configure( service_to_fork_from: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_to_join_with: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if backup_hour is None and 'backupHour' in kwargs: + backup_hour = kwargs['backupHour'] + if backup_minute is None and 'backupMinute' in kwargs: + backup_minute = kwargs['backupMinute'] + if cassandra_version is None and 'cassandraVersion' in kwargs: + cassandra_version = kwargs['cassandraVersion'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if migrate_sstableloader is None and 'migrateSstableloader' in kwargs: + migrate_sstableloader = kwargs['migrateSstableloader'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if service_to_join_with is None and 'serviceToJoinWith' in kwargs: + service_to_join_with = kwargs['serviceToJoinWith'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if backup_hour is not None: @@ -641,7 +681,13 @@ def _configure( batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, datacenter: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb is None and 'batchSizeFailThresholdInKb' in kwargs: + batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb = kwargs['batchSizeFailThresholdInKb'] + if batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb is None and 'batchSizeWarnThresholdInKb' in kwargs: + batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb = kwargs['batchSizeWarnThresholdInKb'] + if batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb is not None: _setter("batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb", batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb) if batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb is not None: @@ -703,9 +749,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -750,7 +800,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) @@ -782,7 +834,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) @@ -829,7 +883,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -926,9 +984,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -974,9 +1042,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -1012,10 +1086,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.input_type class ClickhouseClickhouseUserConfigArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -1067,7 +1143,29 @@ def _configure( public_access: Optional[pulumi.Input['ClickhouseClickhouseUserConfigPublicAccessArgs']] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -1233,9 +1331,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -1288,7 +1390,11 @@ def _configure( clickhouse: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, clickhouse_https: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if clickhouse_https is None and 'clickhouseHttps' in kwargs: + clickhouse_https = kwargs['clickhouseHttps'] + if clickhouse is not None: _setter("clickhouse", clickhouse) if clickhouse_https is not None: @@ -1356,7 +1462,11 @@ def _configure( clickhouse: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, clickhouse_https: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if clickhouse_https is None and 'clickhouseHttps' in kwargs: + clickhouse_https = kwargs['clickhouseHttps'] + if clickhouse is not None: _setter("clickhouse", clickhouse) if clickhouse_https is not None: @@ -1424,7 +1534,11 @@ def _configure( clickhouse: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, clickhouse_https: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if clickhouse_https is None and 'clickhouseHttps' in kwargs: + clickhouse_https = kwargs['clickhouseHttps'] + if clickhouse is not None: _setter("clickhouse", clickhouse) if clickhouse_https is not None: @@ -1499,7 +1613,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -1605,12 +1723,18 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - database: pulumi.Input[str], + database: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, column: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, privilege: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, table: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, with_grant: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'database' argument") + if with_grant is None and 'withGrant' in kwargs: + with_grant = kwargs['withGrant'] + _setter("database", database) if column is not None: _setter("column", column) @@ -1697,7 +1821,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], role: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if role is not None: _setter("role", role) @@ -1731,9 +1857,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -1779,9 +1915,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -1827,9 +1969,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - create_table: pulumi.Input[str], + create_table: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, integration_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create_table is None and 'createTable' in kwargs: + create_table = kwargs['createTable'] + if create_table is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'create_table' argument") + if integration_id is None and 'integrationId' in kwargs: + integration_id = kwargs['integrationId'] + _setter("create_table", create_table) if integration_id is not None: _setter("integration_id", integration_id) @@ -1876,9 +2026,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - create_table: pulumi.Input[str], + create_table: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, integration_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create_table is None and 'createTable' in kwargs: + create_table = kwargs['createTable'] + if create_table is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'create_table' argument") + if integration_id is None and 'integrationId' in kwargs: + integration_id = kwargs['integrationId'] + _setter("create_table", create_table) if integration_id is not None: _setter("integration_id", integration_id) @@ -1938,7 +2096,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -2033,7 +2195,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], host_ports: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host_ports is None and 'hostPorts' in kwargs: + host_ports = kwargs['hostPorts'] + if host_ports is not None: _setter("host_ports", host_ports) @@ -2085,7 +2251,21 @@ def _configure( ip_filters: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, number_of_task_slots: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, privatelink_access: Optional[pulumi.Input['FlinkFlinkUserConfigPrivatelinkAccessArgs']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if flink_version is None and 'flinkVersion' in kwargs: + flink_version = kwargs['flinkVersion'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if number_of_task_slots is None and 'numberOfTaskSlots' in kwargs: + number_of_task_slots = kwargs['numberOfTaskSlots'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if flink_version is not None: _setter("flink_version", flink_version) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -2195,9 +2375,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -2246,7 +2430,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], flink: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if flink is not None: _setter("flink", flink) if prometheus is not None: @@ -2294,9 +2480,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -2342,9 +2538,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -2403,7 +2605,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -2490,10 +2696,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.input_type class GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -2623,7 +2831,89 @@ def _configure( user_auto_assign_org: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, user_auto_assign_org_role: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, viewers_can_edit: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if alerting_enabled is None and 'alertingEnabled' in kwargs: + alerting_enabled = kwargs['alertingEnabled'] + if alerting_error_or_timeout is None and 'alertingErrorOrTimeout' in kwargs: + alerting_error_or_timeout = kwargs['alertingErrorOrTimeout'] + if alerting_max_annotations_to_keep is None and 'alertingMaxAnnotationsToKeep' in kwargs: + alerting_max_annotations_to_keep = kwargs['alertingMaxAnnotationsToKeep'] + if alerting_nodata_or_nullvalues is None and 'alertingNodataOrNullvalues' in kwargs: + alerting_nodata_or_nullvalues = kwargs['alertingNodataOrNullvalues'] + if allow_embedding is None and 'allowEmbedding' in kwargs: + allow_embedding = kwargs['allowEmbedding'] + if auth_azuread is None and 'authAzuread' in kwargs: + auth_azuread = kwargs['authAzuread'] + if auth_basic_enabled is None and 'authBasicEnabled' in kwargs: + auth_basic_enabled = kwargs['authBasicEnabled'] + if auth_generic_oauth is None and 'authGenericOauth' in kwargs: + auth_generic_oauth = kwargs['authGenericOauth'] + if auth_github is None and 'authGithub' in kwargs: + auth_github = kwargs['authGithub'] + if auth_gitlab is None and 'authGitlab' in kwargs: + auth_gitlab = kwargs['authGitlab'] + if auth_google is None and 'authGoogle' in kwargs: + auth_google = kwargs['authGoogle'] + if cookie_samesite is None and 'cookieSamesite' in kwargs: + cookie_samesite = kwargs['cookieSamesite'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if dashboard_previews_enabled is None and 'dashboardPreviewsEnabled' in kwargs: + dashboard_previews_enabled = kwargs['dashboardPreviewsEnabled'] + if dashboards_min_refresh_interval is None and 'dashboardsMinRefreshInterval' in kwargs: + dashboards_min_refresh_interval = kwargs['dashboardsMinRefreshInterval'] + if dashboards_versions_to_keep is None and 'dashboardsVersionsToKeep' in kwargs: + dashboards_versions_to_keep = kwargs['dashboardsVersionsToKeep'] + if dataproxy_send_user_header is None and 'dataproxySendUserHeader' in kwargs: + dataproxy_send_user_header = kwargs['dataproxySendUserHeader'] + if dataproxy_timeout is None and 'dataproxyTimeout' in kwargs: + dataproxy_timeout = kwargs['dataproxyTimeout'] + if date_formats is None and 'dateFormats' in kwargs: + date_formats = kwargs['dateFormats'] + if disable_gravatar is None and 'disableGravatar' in kwargs: + disable_gravatar = kwargs['disableGravatar'] + if editors_can_admin is None and 'editorsCanAdmin' in kwargs: + editors_can_admin = kwargs['editorsCanAdmin'] + if external_image_storage is None and 'externalImageStorage' in kwargs: + external_image_storage = kwargs['externalImageStorage'] + if google_analytics_ua_id is None and 'googleAnalyticsUaId' in kwargs: + google_analytics_ua_id = kwargs['googleAnalyticsUaId'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if metrics_enabled is None and 'metricsEnabled' in kwargs: + metrics_enabled = kwargs['metricsEnabled'] + if oauth_allow_insecure_email_lookup is None and 'oauthAllowInsecureEmailLookup' in kwargs: + oauth_allow_insecure_email_lookup = kwargs['oauthAllowInsecureEmailLookup'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if smtp_server is None and 'smtpServer' in kwargs: + smtp_server = kwargs['smtpServer'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if user_auto_assign_org is None and 'userAutoAssignOrg' in kwargs: + user_auto_assign_org = kwargs['userAutoAssignOrg'] + if user_auto_assign_org_role is None and 'userAutoAssignOrgRole' in kwargs: + user_auto_assign_org_role = kwargs['userAutoAssignOrgRole'] + if viewers_can_edit is None and 'viewersCanEdit' in kwargs: + viewers_can_edit = kwargs['viewersCanEdit'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if alerting_enabled is not None: @@ -3095,14 +3385,38 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - auth_url: pulumi.Input[str], - client_id: pulumi.Input[str], - client_secret: pulumi.Input[str], - token_url: pulumi.Input[str], + auth_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + client_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + client_secret: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + token_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, allowed_domains: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, allowed_groups: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if auth_url is None and 'authUrl' in kwargs: + auth_url = kwargs['authUrl'] + if auth_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'auth_url' argument") + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if token_url is None and 'tokenUrl' in kwargs: + token_url = kwargs['tokenUrl'] + if token_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'token_url' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_domains is None and 'allowedDomains' in kwargs: + allowed_domains = kwargs['allowedDomains'] + if allowed_groups is None and 'allowedGroups' in kwargs: + allowed_groups = kwargs['allowedGroups'] + _setter("auth_url", auth_url) _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) @@ -3209,18 +3523,48 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - api_url: pulumi.Input[str], - auth_url: pulumi.Input[str], - client_id: pulumi.Input[str], - client_secret: pulumi.Input[str], - token_url: pulumi.Input[str], + api_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + auth_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + client_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + client_secret: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + token_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, allowed_domains: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, allowed_organizations: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, auto_login: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, scopes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if api_url is None and 'apiUrl' in kwargs: + api_url = kwargs['apiUrl'] + if api_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'api_url' argument") + if auth_url is None and 'authUrl' in kwargs: + auth_url = kwargs['authUrl'] + if auth_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'auth_url' argument") + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if token_url is None and 'tokenUrl' in kwargs: + token_url = kwargs['tokenUrl'] + if token_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'token_url' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_domains is None and 'allowedDomains' in kwargs: + allowed_domains = kwargs['allowedDomains'] + if allowed_organizations is None and 'allowedOrganizations' in kwargs: + allowed_organizations = kwargs['allowedOrganizations'] + if auto_login is None and 'autoLogin' in kwargs: + auto_login = kwargs['autoLogin'] + _setter("api_url", api_url) _setter("auth_url", auth_url) _setter("client_id", client_id) @@ -3358,12 +3702,28 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: pulumi.Input[str], - client_secret: pulumi.Input[str], + client_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + client_secret: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, allowed_organizations: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, team_ids: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[int]]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_organizations is None and 'allowedOrganizations' in kwargs: + allowed_organizations = kwargs['allowedOrganizations'] + if team_ids is None and 'teamIds' in kwargs: + team_ids = kwargs['teamIds'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) if allow_sign_up is not None: @@ -3442,14 +3802,34 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: pulumi.Input[str], - client_secret: pulumi.Input[str], + client_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + client_secret: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, allowed_groups: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, api_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, auth_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, token_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_groups is None and 'allowedGroups' in kwargs: + allowed_groups = kwargs['allowedGroups'] + if api_url is None and 'apiUrl' in kwargs: + api_url = kwargs['apiUrl'] + if auth_url is None and 'authUrl' in kwargs: + auth_url = kwargs['authUrl'] + if token_url is None and 'tokenUrl' in kwargs: + token_url = kwargs['tokenUrl'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) if allow_sign_up is not None: @@ -3544,11 +3924,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: pulumi.Input[str], - client_secret: pulumi.Input[str], + client_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + client_secret: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, allowed_domains: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_domains is None and 'allowedDomains' in kwargs: + allowed_domains = kwargs['allowedDomains'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) if allow_sign_up is not None: @@ -3626,7 +4020,25 @@ def _configure( interval_month: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, interval_second: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, interval_year: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if default_timezone is None and 'defaultTimezone' in kwargs: + default_timezone = kwargs['defaultTimezone'] + if full_date is None and 'fullDate' in kwargs: + full_date = kwargs['fullDate'] + if interval_day is None and 'intervalDay' in kwargs: + interval_day = kwargs['intervalDay'] + if interval_hour is None and 'intervalHour' in kwargs: + interval_hour = kwargs['intervalHour'] + if interval_minute is None and 'intervalMinute' in kwargs: + interval_minute = kwargs['intervalMinute'] + if interval_month is None and 'intervalMonth' in kwargs: + interval_month = kwargs['intervalMonth'] + if interval_second is None and 'intervalSecond' in kwargs: + interval_second = kwargs['intervalSecond'] + if interval_year is None and 'intervalYear' in kwargs: + interval_year = kwargs['intervalYear'] + if default_timezone is not None: _setter("default_timezone", default_timezone) if full_date is not None: @@ -3734,11 +4146,27 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - access_key: pulumi.Input[str], - bucket_url: pulumi.Input[str], - provider: pulumi.Input[str], - secret_key: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + access_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + bucket_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + provider: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + secret_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if access_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'access_key' argument") + if bucket_url is None and 'bucketUrl' in kwargs: + bucket_url = kwargs['bucketUrl'] + if bucket_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'bucket_url' argument") + if provider is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'provider' argument") + if secret_key is None and 'secretKey' in kwargs: + secret_key = kwargs['secretKey'] + if secret_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'secret_key' argument") + _setter("access_key", access_key) _setter("bucket_url", bucket_url) _setter("provider", provider) @@ -3794,9 +4222,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -3832,7 +4264,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], grafana: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if grafana is not None: _setter("grafana", grafana) @@ -3858,7 +4292,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], grafana: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if grafana is not None: _setter("grafana", grafana) @@ -3884,7 +4320,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], grafana: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if grafana is not None: _setter("grafana", grafana) @@ -3923,15 +4361,31 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - from_address: pulumi.Input[str], - host: pulumi.Input[str], - port: pulumi.Input[int], + from_address: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + host: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + port: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, from_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, skip_verify: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, starttls_policy: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if from_address is None and 'fromAddress' in kwargs: + from_address = kwargs['fromAddress'] + if from_address is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'from_address' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if from_name is None and 'fromName' in kwargs: + from_name = kwargs['fromName'] + if skip_verify is None and 'skipVerify' in kwargs: + skip_verify = kwargs['skipVerify'] + if starttls_policy is None and 'starttlsPolicy' in kwargs: + starttls_policy = kwargs['starttlsPolicy'] + _setter("from_address", from_address) _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) @@ -4032,9 +4486,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -4070,9 +4534,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -4125,7 +4595,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -4217,7 +4691,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], database_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database_name is None and 'databaseName' in kwargs: + database_name = kwargs['databaseName'] + if database_name is not None: _setter("database_name", database_name) @@ -4294,7 +4772,33 @@ def _configure( recovery_basebackup_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -4524,7 +5028,23 @@ def _configure( max_select_point: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, query_log_enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if log_queries_after is None and 'logQueriesAfter' in kwargs: + log_queries_after = kwargs['logQueriesAfter'] + if max_connection_limit is None and 'maxConnectionLimit' in kwargs: + max_connection_limit = kwargs['maxConnectionLimit'] + if max_row_limit is None and 'maxRowLimit' in kwargs: + max_row_limit = kwargs['maxRowLimit'] + if max_select_buckets is None and 'maxSelectBuckets' in kwargs: + max_select_buckets = kwargs['maxSelectBuckets'] + if max_select_point is None and 'maxSelectPoint' in kwargs: + max_select_point = kwargs['maxSelectPoint'] + if query_log_enabled is None and 'queryLogEnabled' in kwargs: + query_log_enabled = kwargs['queryLogEnabled'] + if query_timeout is None and 'queryTimeout' in kwargs: + query_timeout = kwargs['queryTimeout'] + if log_queries_after is not None: _setter("log_queries_after", log_queries_after) if max_connection_limit is not None: @@ -4642,9 +5162,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -4689,7 +5213,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], influxdb: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if influxdb is not None: _setter("influxdb", influxdb) @@ -4721,7 +5247,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], influxdb: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if influxdb is not None: _setter("influxdb", influxdb) @@ -4753,7 +5281,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], influxdb: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if influxdb is not None: _setter("influxdb", influxdb) @@ -4787,9 +5317,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -4835,9 +5375,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -4896,7 +5442,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -5006,7 +5556,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -5093,10 +5647,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.input_type class KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -5133,7 +5689,27 @@ def _configure( privatelink_access: Optional[pulumi.Input['KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigPrivatelinkAccessArgs']] = None, public_access: Optional[pulumi.Input['KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigPublicAccessArgs']] = None, static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -5254,9 +5830,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -5337,7 +5917,41 @@ def _configure( producer_max_request_size: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, session_timeout_ms: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connector_client_config_override_policy is None and 'connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy' in kwargs: + connector_client_config_override_policy = kwargs['connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy'] + if consumer_auto_offset_reset is None and 'consumerAutoOffsetReset' in kwargs: + consumer_auto_offset_reset = kwargs['consumerAutoOffsetReset'] + if consumer_fetch_max_bytes is None and 'consumerFetchMaxBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_fetch_max_bytes = kwargs['consumerFetchMaxBytes'] + if consumer_isolation_level is None and 'consumerIsolationLevel' in kwargs: + consumer_isolation_level = kwargs['consumerIsolationLevel'] + if consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes is None and 'consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes = kwargs['consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes'] + if consumer_max_poll_interval_ms is None and 'consumerMaxPollIntervalMs' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_interval_ms = kwargs['consumerMaxPollIntervalMs'] + if consumer_max_poll_records is None and 'consumerMaxPollRecords' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_records = kwargs['consumerMaxPollRecords'] + if offset_flush_interval_ms is None and 'offsetFlushIntervalMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_interval_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushIntervalMs'] + if offset_flush_timeout_ms is None and 'offsetFlushTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_timeout_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushTimeoutMs'] + if producer_batch_size is None and 'producerBatchSize' in kwargs: + producer_batch_size = kwargs['producerBatchSize'] + if producer_buffer_memory is None and 'producerBufferMemory' in kwargs: + producer_buffer_memory = kwargs['producerBufferMemory'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms is None and 'scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs' in kwargs: + scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms = kwargs['scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs'] + if session_timeout_ms is None and 'sessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + session_timeout_ms = kwargs['sessionTimeoutMs'] + if connector_client_config_override_policy is not None: _setter("connector_client_config_override_policy", connector_client_config_override_policy) if consumer_auto_offset_reset is not None: @@ -5531,7 +6145,11 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], kafka_connect: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect is not None: _setter("kafka_connect", kafka_connect) if prometheus is not None: @@ -5574,7 +6192,11 @@ def _configure( jolokia: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, kafka_connect: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if jolokia is not None: _setter("jolokia", jolokia) if kafka_connect is not None: @@ -5625,7 +6247,11 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], kafka_connect: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect is not None: _setter("kafka_connect", kafka_connect) if prometheus is not None: @@ -5663,9 +6289,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -5701,9 +6337,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -5741,7 +6383,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], connector: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, task: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connector is not None: _setter("connector", connector) if task is not None: @@ -5790,7 +6434,19 @@ def _configure( connect_uri: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, rest_uri: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, schema_registry_uri: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_cert is None and 'accessCert' in kwargs: + access_cert = kwargs['accessCert'] + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if connect_uri is None and 'connectUri' in kwargs: + connect_uri = kwargs['connectUri'] + if rest_uri is None and 'restUri' in kwargs: + rest_uri = kwargs['restUri'] + if schema_registry_uri is None and 'schemaRegistryUri' in kwargs: + schema_registry_uri = kwargs['schemaRegistryUri'] + if access_cert is not None: _setter("access_cert", access_cert) if access_key is not None: @@ -5935,7 +6591,45 @@ def _configure( schema_registry: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, schema_registry_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['KafkaKafkaUserConfigSchemaRegistryConfigArgs']] = None, static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if kafka_authentication_methods is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethods' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_methods = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethods'] + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect_config is None and 'kafkaConnectConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_connect_config = kwargs['kafkaConnectConfig'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if kafka_rest_authorization is None and 'kafkaRestAuthorization' in kwargs: + kafka_rest_authorization = kwargs['kafkaRestAuthorization'] + if kafka_rest_config is None and 'kafkaRestConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_rest_config = kwargs['kafkaRestConfig'] + if kafka_version is None and 'kafkaVersion' in kwargs: + kafka_version = kwargs['kafkaVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if schema_registry_config is None and 'schemaRegistryConfig' in kwargs: + schema_registry_config = kwargs['schemaRegistryConfig'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -6227,9 +6921,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -6426,7 +7124,87 @@ def _configure( socket_request_max_bytes: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, transaction_remove_expired_transaction_cleanup_interval_ms: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, transaction_state_log_segment_bytes: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if auto_create_topics_enable is None and 'autoCreateTopicsEnable' in kwargs: + auto_create_topics_enable = kwargs['autoCreateTopicsEnable'] + if compression_type is None and 'compressionType' in kwargs: + compression_type = kwargs['compressionType'] + if connections_max_idle_ms is None and 'connectionsMaxIdleMs' in kwargs: + connections_max_idle_ms = kwargs['connectionsMaxIdleMs'] + if default_replication_factor is None and 'defaultReplicationFactor' in kwargs: + default_replication_factor = kwargs['defaultReplicationFactor'] + if group_initial_rebalance_delay_ms is None and 'groupInitialRebalanceDelayMs' in kwargs: + group_initial_rebalance_delay_ms = kwargs['groupInitialRebalanceDelayMs'] + if group_max_session_timeout_ms is None and 'groupMaxSessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + group_max_session_timeout_ms = kwargs['groupMaxSessionTimeoutMs'] + if group_min_session_timeout_ms is None and 'groupMinSessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + group_min_session_timeout_ms = kwargs['groupMinSessionTimeoutMs'] + if log_cleaner_delete_retention_ms is None and 'logCleanerDeleteRetentionMs' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_delete_retention_ms = kwargs['logCleanerDeleteRetentionMs'] + if log_cleaner_max_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'logCleanerMaxCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_max_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['logCleanerMaxCompactionLagMs'] + if log_cleaner_min_cleanable_ratio is None and 'logCleanerMinCleanableRatio' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_min_cleanable_ratio = kwargs['logCleanerMinCleanableRatio'] + if log_cleaner_min_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'logCleanerMinCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_min_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['logCleanerMinCompactionLagMs'] + if log_cleanup_policy is None and 'logCleanupPolicy' in kwargs: + log_cleanup_policy = kwargs['logCleanupPolicy'] + if log_flush_interval_messages is None and 'logFlushIntervalMessages' in kwargs: + log_flush_interval_messages = kwargs['logFlushIntervalMessages'] + if log_flush_interval_ms is None and 'logFlushIntervalMs' in kwargs: + log_flush_interval_ms = kwargs['logFlushIntervalMs'] + if log_index_interval_bytes is None and 'logIndexIntervalBytes' in kwargs: + log_index_interval_bytes = kwargs['logIndexIntervalBytes'] + if log_index_size_max_bytes is None and 'logIndexSizeMaxBytes' in kwargs: + log_index_size_max_bytes = kwargs['logIndexSizeMaxBytes'] + if log_message_downconversion_enable is None and 'logMessageDownconversionEnable' in kwargs: + log_message_downconversion_enable = kwargs['logMessageDownconversionEnable'] + if log_message_timestamp_difference_max_ms is None and 'logMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs' in kwargs: + log_message_timestamp_difference_max_ms = kwargs['logMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs'] + if log_message_timestamp_type is None and 'logMessageTimestampType' in kwargs: + log_message_timestamp_type = kwargs['logMessageTimestampType'] + if log_preallocate is None and 'logPreallocate' in kwargs: + log_preallocate = kwargs['logPreallocate'] + if log_retention_bytes is None and 'logRetentionBytes' in kwargs: + log_retention_bytes = kwargs['logRetentionBytes'] + if log_retention_hours is None and 'logRetentionHours' in kwargs: + log_retention_hours = kwargs['logRetentionHours'] + if log_retention_ms is None and 'logRetentionMs' in kwargs: + log_retention_ms = kwargs['logRetentionMs'] + if log_roll_jitter_ms is None and 'logRollJitterMs' in kwargs: + log_roll_jitter_ms = kwargs['logRollJitterMs'] + if log_roll_ms is None and 'logRollMs' in kwargs: + log_roll_ms = kwargs['logRollMs'] + if log_segment_bytes is None and 'logSegmentBytes' in kwargs: + log_segment_bytes = kwargs['logSegmentBytes'] + if log_segment_delete_delay_ms is None and 'logSegmentDeleteDelayMs' in kwargs: + log_segment_delete_delay_ms = kwargs['logSegmentDeleteDelayMs'] + if max_connections_per_ip is None and 'maxConnectionsPerIp' in kwargs: + max_connections_per_ip = kwargs['maxConnectionsPerIp'] + if max_incremental_fetch_session_cache_slots is None and 'maxIncrementalFetchSessionCacheSlots' in kwargs: + max_incremental_fetch_session_cache_slots = kwargs['maxIncrementalFetchSessionCacheSlots'] + if message_max_bytes is None and 'messageMaxBytes' in kwargs: + message_max_bytes = kwargs['messageMaxBytes'] + if min_insync_replicas is None and 'minInsyncReplicas' in kwargs: + min_insync_replicas = kwargs['minInsyncReplicas'] + if num_partitions is None and 'numPartitions' in kwargs: + num_partitions = kwargs['numPartitions'] + if offsets_retention_minutes is None and 'offsetsRetentionMinutes' in kwargs: + offsets_retention_minutes = kwargs['offsetsRetentionMinutes'] + if producer_purgatory_purge_interval_requests is None and 'producerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests' in kwargs: + producer_purgatory_purge_interval_requests = kwargs['producerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests'] + if replica_fetch_max_bytes is None and 'replicaFetchMaxBytes' in kwargs: + replica_fetch_max_bytes = kwargs['replicaFetchMaxBytes'] + if replica_fetch_response_max_bytes is None and 'replicaFetchResponseMaxBytes' in kwargs: + replica_fetch_response_max_bytes = kwargs['replicaFetchResponseMaxBytes'] + if socket_request_max_bytes is None and 'socketRequestMaxBytes' in kwargs: + socket_request_max_bytes = kwargs['socketRequestMaxBytes'] + if transaction_remove_expired_transaction_cleanup_interval_ms is None and 'transactionRemoveExpiredTransactionCleanupIntervalMs' in kwargs: + transaction_remove_expired_transaction_cleanup_interval_ms = kwargs['transactionRemoveExpiredTransactionCleanupIntervalMs'] + if transaction_state_log_segment_bytes is None and 'transactionStateLogSegmentBytes' in kwargs: + transaction_state_log_segment_bytes = kwargs['transactionStateLogSegmentBytes'] + if auto_create_topics_enable is not None: _setter("auto_create_topics_enable", auto_create_topics_enable) if compression_type is not None: @@ -6994,7 +7772,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], certificate: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, sasl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if certificate is not None: _setter("certificate", certificate) if sasl is not None: @@ -7100,7 +7880,41 @@ def _configure( producer_max_request_size: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, session_timeout_ms: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connector_client_config_override_policy is None and 'connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy' in kwargs: + connector_client_config_override_policy = kwargs['connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy'] + if consumer_auto_offset_reset is None and 'consumerAutoOffsetReset' in kwargs: + consumer_auto_offset_reset = kwargs['consumerAutoOffsetReset'] + if consumer_fetch_max_bytes is None and 'consumerFetchMaxBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_fetch_max_bytes = kwargs['consumerFetchMaxBytes'] + if consumer_isolation_level is None and 'consumerIsolationLevel' in kwargs: + consumer_isolation_level = kwargs['consumerIsolationLevel'] + if consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes is None and 'consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes = kwargs['consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes'] + if consumer_max_poll_interval_ms is None and 'consumerMaxPollIntervalMs' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_interval_ms = kwargs['consumerMaxPollIntervalMs'] + if consumer_max_poll_records is None and 'consumerMaxPollRecords' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_records = kwargs['consumerMaxPollRecords'] + if offset_flush_interval_ms is None and 'offsetFlushIntervalMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_interval_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushIntervalMs'] + if offset_flush_timeout_ms is None and 'offsetFlushTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_timeout_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushTimeoutMs'] + if producer_batch_size is None and 'producerBatchSize' in kwargs: + producer_batch_size = kwargs['producerBatchSize'] + if producer_buffer_memory is None and 'producerBufferMemory' in kwargs: + producer_buffer_memory = kwargs['producerBufferMemory'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms is None and 'scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs' in kwargs: + scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms = kwargs['scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs'] + if session_timeout_ms is None and 'sessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + session_timeout_ms = kwargs['sessionTimeoutMs'] + if connector_client_config_override_policy is not None: _setter("connector_client_config_override_policy", connector_client_config_override_policy) if consumer_auto_offset_reset is not None: @@ -7370,7 +8184,25 @@ def _configure( producer_linger_ms: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, producer_max_request_size: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, simpleconsumer_pool_size_max: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if consumer_enable_auto_commit is None and 'consumerEnableAutoCommit' in kwargs: + consumer_enable_auto_commit = kwargs['consumerEnableAutoCommit'] + if consumer_request_max_bytes is None and 'consumerRequestMaxBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_request_max_bytes = kwargs['consumerRequestMaxBytes'] + if consumer_request_timeout_ms is None and 'consumerRequestTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + consumer_request_timeout_ms = kwargs['consumerRequestTimeoutMs'] + if producer_acks is None and 'producerAcks' in kwargs: + producer_acks = kwargs['producerAcks'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if simpleconsumer_pool_size_max is None and 'simpleconsumerPoolSizeMax' in kwargs: + simpleconsumer_pool_size_max = kwargs['simpleconsumerPoolSizeMax'] + if consumer_enable_auto_commit is not None: _setter("consumer_enable_auto_commit", consumer_enable_auto_commit) if consumer_request_max_bytes is not None: @@ -7516,7 +8348,15 @@ def _configure( kafka_rest: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, schema_registry: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if kafka is not None: _setter("kafka", kafka) if kafka_connect is not None: @@ -7624,7 +8464,15 @@ def _configure( kafka_rest: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, schema_registry: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if jolokia is not None: _setter("jolokia", jolokia) if kafka is not None: @@ -7742,7 +8590,15 @@ def _configure( kafka_rest: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, schema_registry: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if kafka is not None: _setter("kafka", kafka) if kafka_connect is not None: @@ -7834,7 +8690,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], leader_eligibility: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, topic_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if leader_eligibility is None and 'leaderEligibility' in kwargs: + leader_eligibility = kwargs['leaderEligibility'] + if topic_name is None and 'topicName' in kwargs: + topic_name = kwargs['topicName'] + if leader_eligibility is not None: _setter("leader_eligibility", leader_eligibility) if topic_name is not None: @@ -7895,7 +8757,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -7982,10 +8848,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.input_type class KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -8013,7 +8881,21 @@ def _configure( ip_filters: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, kafka_mirrormaker: Optional[pulumi.Input['KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigKafkaMirrormakerArgs']] = None, static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if kafka_mirrormaker is None and 'kafkaMirrormaker' in kwargs: + kafka_mirrormaker = kwargs['kafkaMirrormaker'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -8101,9 +8983,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -8166,7 +9052,29 @@ def _configure( sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, sync_topic_configs_enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, tasks_max_per_cpu: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if emit_checkpoints_enabled is None and 'emitCheckpointsEnabled' in kwargs: + emit_checkpoints_enabled = kwargs['emitCheckpointsEnabled'] + if emit_checkpoints_interval_seconds is None and 'emitCheckpointsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + emit_checkpoints_interval_seconds = kwargs['emitCheckpointsIntervalSeconds'] + if refresh_groups_enabled is None and 'refreshGroupsEnabled' in kwargs: + refresh_groups_enabled = kwargs['refreshGroupsEnabled'] + if refresh_groups_interval_seconds is None and 'refreshGroupsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + refresh_groups_interval_seconds = kwargs['refreshGroupsIntervalSeconds'] + if refresh_topics_enabled is None and 'refreshTopicsEnabled' in kwargs: + refresh_topics_enabled = kwargs['refreshTopicsEnabled'] + if refresh_topics_interval_seconds is None and 'refreshTopicsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + refresh_topics_interval_seconds = kwargs['refreshTopicsIntervalSeconds'] + if sync_group_offsets_enabled is None and 'syncGroupOffsetsEnabled' in kwargs: + sync_group_offsets_enabled = kwargs['syncGroupOffsetsEnabled'] + if sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds is None and 'syncGroupOffsetsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds = kwargs['syncGroupOffsetsIntervalSeconds'] + if sync_topic_configs_enabled is None and 'syncTopicConfigsEnabled' in kwargs: + sync_topic_configs_enabled = kwargs['syncTopicConfigsEnabled'] + if tasks_max_per_cpu is None and 'tasksMaxPerCpu' in kwargs: + tasks_max_per_cpu = kwargs['tasksMaxPerCpu'] + if emit_checkpoints_enabled is not None: _setter("emit_checkpoints_enabled", emit_checkpoints_enabled) if emit_checkpoints_interval_seconds is not None: @@ -8292,9 +9200,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -8330,9 +9248,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -8372,9 +9296,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -8420,9 +9354,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -8558,7 +9498,55 @@ def _configure( segment_jitter_ms: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, segment_ms: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, unclean_leader_election_enable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if cleanup_policy is None and 'cleanupPolicy' in kwargs: + cleanup_policy = kwargs['cleanupPolicy'] + if compression_type is None and 'compressionType' in kwargs: + compression_type = kwargs['compressionType'] + if delete_retention_ms is None and 'deleteRetentionMs' in kwargs: + delete_retention_ms = kwargs['deleteRetentionMs'] + if file_delete_delay_ms is None and 'fileDeleteDelayMs' in kwargs: + file_delete_delay_ms = kwargs['fileDeleteDelayMs'] + if flush_messages is None and 'flushMessages' in kwargs: + flush_messages = kwargs['flushMessages'] + if flush_ms is None and 'flushMs' in kwargs: + flush_ms = kwargs['flushMs'] + if index_interval_bytes is None and 'indexIntervalBytes' in kwargs: + index_interval_bytes = kwargs['indexIntervalBytes'] + if max_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'maxCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + max_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['maxCompactionLagMs'] + if max_message_bytes is None and 'maxMessageBytes' in kwargs: + max_message_bytes = kwargs['maxMessageBytes'] + if message_downconversion_enable is None and 'messageDownconversionEnable' in kwargs: + message_downconversion_enable = kwargs['messageDownconversionEnable'] + if message_format_version is None and 'messageFormatVersion' in kwargs: + message_format_version = kwargs['messageFormatVersion'] + if message_timestamp_difference_max_ms is None and 'messageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs' in kwargs: + message_timestamp_difference_max_ms = kwargs['messageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs'] + if message_timestamp_type is None and 'messageTimestampType' in kwargs: + message_timestamp_type = kwargs['messageTimestampType'] + if min_cleanable_dirty_ratio is None and 'minCleanableDirtyRatio' in kwargs: + min_cleanable_dirty_ratio = kwargs['minCleanableDirtyRatio'] + if min_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'minCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + min_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['minCompactionLagMs'] + if min_insync_replicas is None and 'minInsyncReplicas' in kwargs: + min_insync_replicas = kwargs['minInsyncReplicas'] + if retention_bytes is None and 'retentionBytes' in kwargs: + retention_bytes = kwargs['retentionBytes'] + if retention_ms is None and 'retentionMs' in kwargs: + retention_ms = kwargs['retentionMs'] + if segment_bytes is None and 'segmentBytes' in kwargs: + segment_bytes = kwargs['segmentBytes'] + if segment_index_bytes is None and 'segmentIndexBytes' in kwargs: + segment_index_bytes = kwargs['segmentIndexBytes'] + if segment_jitter_ms is None and 'segmentJitterMs' in kwargs: + segment_jitter_ms = kwargs['segmentJitterMs'] + if segment_ms is None and 'segmentMs' in kwargs: + segment_ms = kwargs['segmentMs'] + if unclean_leader_election_enable is None and 'uncleanLeaderElectionEnable' in kwargs: + unclean_leader_election_enable = kwargs['uncleanLeaderElectionEnable'] + if cleanup_policy is not None: _setter("cleanup_policy", cleanup_policy) if compression_type is not None: @@ -8920,9 +9908,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + _setter("key", key) if value is not None: _setter("value", value) @@ -8982,7 +9974,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -9069,10 +10065,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.input_type class M3AggregatorM3aggregatorUserConfigArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -9103,7 +10101,23 @@ def _configure( m3_version: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, m3aggregator_version: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if m3_version is None and 'm3Version' in kwargs: + m3_version = kwargs['m3Version'] + if m3aggregator_version is None and 'm3aggregatorVersion' in kwargs: + m3aggregator_version = kwargs['m3aggregatorVersion'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if custom_domain is not None: _setter("custom_domain", custom_domain) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -9208,9 +10222,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -9247,9 +10265,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -9285,9 +10313,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -9340,7 +10374,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -9427,10 +10465,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.input_type class M3DbM3dbUserConfigArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -9491,7 +10531,35 @@ def _configure( rules: Optional[pulumi.Input['M3DbM3dbUserConfigRulesArgs']] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if m3_version is None and 'm3Version' in kwargs: + m3_version = kwargs['m3Version'] + if m3coordinator_enable_graphite_carbon_ingest is None and 'm3coordinatorEnableGraphiteCarbonIngest' in kwargs: + m3coordinator_enable_graphite_carbon_ingest = kwargs['m3coordinatorEnableGraphiteCarbonIngest'] + if m3db_version is None and 'm3dbVersion' in kwargs: + m3db_version = kwargs['m3dbVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -9706,9 +10774,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -9759,7 +10831,21 @@ def _configure( query_docs: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, query_require_exhaustive: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, query_series: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_recently_queried_series_blocks is None and 'maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesBlocks' in kwargs: + max_recently_queried_series_blocks = kwargs['maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesBlocks'] + if max_recently_queried_series_disk_bytes_read is None and 'maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesDiskBytesRead' in kwargs: + max_recently_queried_series_disk_bytes_read = kwargs['maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesDiskBytesRead'] + if max_recently_queried_series_lookback is None and 'maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesLookback' in kwargs: + max_recently_queried_series_lookback = kwargs['maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesLookback'] + if query_docs is None and 'queryDocs' in kwargs: + query_docs = kwargs['queryDocs'] + if query_require_exhaustive is None and 'queryRequireExhaustive' in kwargs: + query_require_exhaustive = kwargs['queryRequireExhaustive'] + if query_series is None and 'querySeries' in kwargs: + query_series = kwargs['querySeries'] + if max_recently_queried_series_blocks is not None: _setter("max_recently_queried_series_blocks", max_recently_queried_series_blocks) if max_recently_queried_series_disk_bytes_read is not None: @@ -9840,7 +10926,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], tag_options: Optional[pulumi.Input['M3DbM3dbUserConfigM3TagOptionsArgs']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tag_options is None and 'tagOptions' in kwargs: + tag_options = kwargs['tagOptions'] + if tag_options is not None: _setter("tag_options", tag_options) @@ -9869,7 +10959,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], allow_tag_name_duplicates: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, allow_tag_value_empty: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if allow_tag_name_duplicates is None and 'allowTagNameDuplicates' in kwargs: + allow_tag_name_duplicates = kwargs['allowTagNameDuplicates'] + if allow_tag_value_empty is None and 'allowTagValueEmpty' in kwargs: + allow_tag_value_empty = kwargs['allowTagValueEmpty'] + if allow_tag_name_duplicates is not None: _setter("allow_tag_name_duplicates", allow_tag_name_duplicates) if allow_tag_value_empty is not None: @@ -9911,11 +11007,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: pulumi.Input[str], - type: pulumi.Input[str], + name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, options: Optional[pulumi.Input['M3DbM3dbUserConfigNamespaceOptionsArgs']] = None, resolution: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'type' argument") + _setter("name", name) _setter("type", type) if options is not None: @@ -9978,7 +11080,15 @@ def _configure( retention_options: Optional[pulumi.Input['M3DbM3dbUserConfigNamespaceOptionsRetentionOptionsArgs']] = None, snapshot_enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, writes_to_commitlog: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if retention_options is None and 'retentionOptions' in kwargs: + retention_options = kwargs['retentionOptions'] + if snapshot_enabled is None and 'snapshotEnabled' in kwargs: + snapshot_enabled = kwargs['snapshotEnabled'] + if writes_to_commitlog is None and 'writesToCommitlog' in kwargs: + writes_to_commitlog = kwargs['writesToCommitlog'] + if retention_options is not None: _setter("retention_options", retention_options) if snapshot_enabled is not None: @@ -10038,7 +11148,19 @@ def _configure( buffer_future_duration: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, buffer_past_duration: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, retention_period_duration: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if block_data_expiry_duration is None and 'blockDataExpiryDuration' in kwargs: + block_data_expiry_duration = kwargs['blockDataExpiryDuration'] + if blocksize_duration is None and 'blocksizeDuration' in kwargs: + blocksize_duration = kwargs['blocksizeDuration'] + if buffer_future_duration is None and 'bufferFutureDuration' in kwargs: + buffer_future_duration = kwargs['bufferFutureDuration'] + if buffer_past_duration is None and 'bufferPastDuration' in kwargs: + buffer_past_duration = kwargs['bufferPastDuration'] + if retention_period_duration is None and 'retentionPeriodDuration' in kwargs: + retention_period_duration = kwargs['retentionPeriodDuration'] + if block_data_expiry_duration is not None: _setter("block_data_expiry_duration", block_data_expiry_duration) if blocksize_duration is not None: @@ -10108,7 +11230,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], m3coordinator: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if m3coordinator is not None: _setter("m3coordinator", m3coordinator) @@ -10134,7 +11258,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], m3coordinator: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if m3coordinator is not None: _setter("m3coordinator", m3coordinator) @@ -10160,7 +11286,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], mappings: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['M3DbM3dbUserConfigRulesMappingArgs']]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mappings is not None: _setter("mappings", mappings) @@ -10199,7 +11327,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - filter: pulumi.Input[str], + filter: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, aggregations: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, drop: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -10207,7 +11335,15 @@ def _configure( namespaces_objects: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['M3DbM3dbUserConfigRulesMappingNamespacesObjectArgs']]]] = None, namespaces_strings: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['M3DbM3dbUserConfigRulesMappingTagArgs']]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if filter is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'filter' argument") + if namespaces_objects is None and 'namespacesObjects' in kwargs: + namespaces_objects = kwargs['namespacesObjects'] + if namespaces_strings is None and 'namespacesStrings' in kwargs: + namespaces_strings = kwargs['namespacesStrings'] + _setter("filter", filter) if aggregations is not None: _setter("aggregations", aggregations) @@ -10318,7 +11454,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], resolution: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, retention: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if resolution is not None: _setter("resolution", resolution) if retention is not None: @@ -10356,9 +11494,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("name", name) _setter("value", value) @@ -10394,9 +11538,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -10432,9 +11586,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -10487,7 +11647,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -10574,10 +11738,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.input_type class MySqlMysqlUserConfigArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -10644,7 +11810,43 @@ def _configure( recovery_target_time: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if admin_password is None and 'adminPassword' in kwargs: + admin_password = kwargs['adminPassword'] + if admin_username is None and 'adminUsername' in kwargs: + admin_username = kwargs['adminUsername'] + if backup_hour is None and 'backupHour' in kwargs: + backup_hour = kwargs['backupHour'] + if backup_minute is None and 'backupMinute' in kwargs: + backup_minute = kwargs['backupMinute'] + if binlog_retention_period is None and 'binlogRetentionPeriod' in kwargs: + binlog_retention_period = kwargs['binlogRetentionPeriod'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if mysql_version is None and 'mysqlVersion' in kwargs: + mysql_version = kwargs['mysqlVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_target_time is None and 'recoveryTargetTime' in kwargs: + recovery_target_time = kwargs['recoveryTargetTime'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if admin_password is not None: @@ -10875,9 +12077,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -10926,15 +12132,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - host: pulumi.Input[str], - port: pulumi.Input[int], + host: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + port: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, dbname: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ignore_dbs: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, method: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if ignore_dbs is None and 'ignoreDbs' in kwargs: + ignore_dbs = kwargs['ignoreDbs'] + _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) if dbname is not None: @@ -11122,7 +12336,69 @@ def _configure( sql_require_primary_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, tmp_table_size: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, wait_timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connect_timeout is None and 'connectTimeout' in kwargs: + connect_timeout = kwargs['connectTimeout'] + if default_time_zone is None and 'defaultTimeZone' in kwargs: + default_time_zone = kwargs['defaultTimeZone'] + if group_concat_max_len is None and 'groupConcatMaxLen' in kwargs: + group_concat_max_len = kwargs['groupConcatMaxLen'] + if information_schema_stats_expiry is None and 'informationSchemaStatsExpiry' in kwargs: + information_schema_stats_expiry = kwargs['informationSchemaStatsExpiry'] + if innodb_change_buffer_max_size is None and 'innodbChangeBufferMaxSize' in kwargs: + innodb_change_buffer_max_size = kwargs['innodbChangeBufferMaxSize'] + if innodb_flush_neighbors is None and 'innodbFlushNeighbors' in kwargs: + innodb_flush_neighbors = kwargs['innodbFlushNeighbors'] + if innodb_ft_min_token_size is None and 'innodbFtMinTokenSize' in kwargs: + innodb_ft_min_token_size = kwargs['innodbFtMinTokenSize'] + if innodb_ft_server_stopword_table is None and 'innodbFtServerStopwordTable' in kwargs: + innodb_ft_server_stopword_table = kwargs['innodbFtServerStopwordTable'] + if innodb_lock_wait_timeout is None and 'innodbLockWaitTimeout' in kwargs: + innodb_lock_wait_timeout = kwargs['innodbLockWaitTimeout'] + if innodb_log_buffer_size is None and 'innodbLogBufferSize' in kwargs: + innodb_log_buffer_size = kwargs['innodbLogBufferSize'] + if innodb_online_alter_log_max_size is None and 'innodbOnlineAlterLogMaxSize' in kwargs: + innodb_online_alter_log_max_size = kwargs['innodbOnlineAlterLogMaxSize'] + if innodb_print_all_deadlocks is None and 'innodbPrintAllDeadlocks' in kwargs: + innodb_print_all_deadlocks = kwargs['innodbPrintAllDeadlocks'] + if innodb_read_io_threads is None and 'innodbReadIoThreads' in kwargs: + innodb_read_io_threads = kwargs['innodbReadIoThreads'] + if innodb_rollback_on_timeout is None and 'innodbRollbackOnTimeout' in kwargs: + innodb_rollback_on_timeout = kwargs['innodbRollbackOnTimeout'] + if innodb_thread_concurrency is None and 'innodbThreadConcurrency' in kwargs: + innodb_thread_concurrency = kwargs['innodbThreadConcurrency'] + if innodb_write_io_threads is None and 'innodbWriteIoThreads' in kwargs: + innodb_write_io_threads = kwargs['innodbWriteIoThreads'] + if interactive_timeout is None and 'interactiveTimeout' in kwargs: + interactive_timeout = kwargs['interactiveTimeout'] + if internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine is None and 'internalTmpMemStorageEngine' in kwargs: + internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine = kwargs['internalTmpMemStorageEngine'] + if long_query_time is None and 'longQueryTime' in kwargs: + long_query_time = kwargs['longQueryTime'] + if max_allowed_packet is None and 'maxAllowedPacket' in kwargs: + max_allowed_packet = kwargs['maxAllowedPacket'] + if max_heap_table_size is None and 'maxHeapTableSize' in kwargs: + max_heap_table_size = kwargs['maxHeapTableSize'] + if net_buffer_length is None and 'netBufferLength' in kwargs: + net_buffer_length = kwargs['netBufferLength'] + if net_read_timeout is None and 'netReadTimeout' in kwargs: + net_read_timeout = kwargs['netReadTimeout'] + if net_write_timeout is None and 'netWriteTimeout' in kwargs: + net_write_timeout = kwargs['netWriteTimeout'] + if slow_query_log is None and 'slowQueryLog' in kwargs: + slow_query_log = kwargs['slowQueryLog'] + if sort_buffer_size is None and 'sortBufferSize' in kwargs: + sort_buffer_size = kwargs['sortBufferSize'] + if sql_mode is None and 'sqlMode' in kwargs: + sql_mode = kwargs['sqlMode'] + if sql_require_primary_key is None and 'sqlRequirePrimaryKey' in kwargs: + sql_require_primary_key = kwargs['sqlRequirePrimaryKey'] + if tmp_table_size is None and 'tmpTableSize' in kwargs: + tmp_table_size = kwargs['tmpTableSize'] + if wait_timeout is None and 'waitTimeout' in kwargs: + wait_timeout = kwargs['waitTimeout'] + if connect_timeout is not None: _setter("connect_timeout", connect_timeout) if default_time_zone is not None: @@ -11473,7 +12749,9 @@ def _configure( mysql: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, mysqlx: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mysql is not None: _setter("mysql", mysql) if mysqlx is not None: @@ -11527,7 +12805,9 @@ def _configure( mysql: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, mysqlx: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mysql is not None: _setter("mysql", mysql) if mysqlx is not None: @@ -11581,7 +12861,9 @@ def _configure( mysql: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, mysqlx: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mysql is not None: _setter("mysql", mysql) if mysqlx is not None: @@ -11630,9 +12912,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -11668,9 +12960,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -11723,7 +13021,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -11815,7 +13117,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], opensearch_dashboards_uri: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards_uri is None and 'opensearchDashboardsUri' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards_uri = kwargs['opensearchDashboardsUri'] + if opensearch_dashboards_uri is not None: _setter("opensearch_dashboards_uri", opensearch_dashboards_uri) @@ -11928,7 +13234,47 @@ def _configure( saml: Optional[pulumi.Input['OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigSamlArgs']] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if disable_replication_factor_adjustment is None and 'disableReplicationFactorAdjustment' in kwargs: + disable_replication_factor_adjustment = kwargs['disableReplicationFactorAdjustment'] + if index_patterns is None and 'indexPatterns' in kwargs: + index_patterns = kwargs['indexPatterns'] + if index_template is None and 'indexTemplate' in kwargs: + index_template = kwargs['indexTemplate'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if keep_index_refresh_interval is None and 'keepIndexRefreshInterval' in kwargs: + keep_index_refresh_interval = kwargs['keepIndexRefreshInterval'] + if max_index_count is None and 'maxIndexCount' in kwargs: + max_index_count = kwargs['maxIndexCount'] + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch_version is None and 'opensearchVersion' in kwargs: + opensearch_version = kwargs['opensearchVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -12277,10 +13623,20 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - max_index_count: pulumi.Input[int], - pattern: pulumi.Input[str], + max_index_count: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, + pattern: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, sorting_algorithm: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_index_count is None and 'maxIndexCount' in kwargs: + max_index_count = kwargs['maxIndexCount'] + if max_index_count is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'max_index_count' argument") + if pattern is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'pattern' argument") + if sorting_algorithm is None and 'sortingAlgorithm' in kwargs: + sorting_algorithm = kwargs['sortingAlgorithm'] + _setter("max_index_count", max_index_count) _setter("pattern", pattern) if sorting_algorithm is not None: @@ -12346,7 +13702,15 @@ def _configure( mapping_nested_objects_limit: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, number_of_replicas: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, number_of_shards: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mapping_nested_objects_limit is None and 'mappingNestedObjectsLimit' in kwargs: + mapping_nested_objects_limit = kwargs['mappingNestedObjectsLimit'] + if number_of_replicas is None and 'numberOfReplicas' in kwargs: + number_of_replicas = kwargs['numberOfReplicas'] + if number_of_shards is None and 'numberOfShards' in kwargs: + number_of_shards = kwargs['numberOfShards'] + if mapping_nested_objects_limit is not None: _setter("mapping_nested_objects_limit", mapping_nested_objects_limit) if number_of_replicas is not None: @@ -12408,9 +13772,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -12487,9 +13855,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: pulumi.Input[str], - client_secret: pulumi.Input[str], - connect_url: pulumi.Input[str], + client_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + client_secret: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + connect_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, header: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, jwt_header: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -12499,7 +13867,33 @@ def _configure( roles_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, scope: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, subject_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if connect_url is None and 'connectUrl' in kwargs: + connect_url = kwargs['connectUrl'] + if connect_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'connect_url' argument") + if jwt_header is None and 'jwtHeader' in kwargs: + jwt_header = kwargs['jwtHeader'] + if jwt_url_parameter is None and 'jwtUrlParameter' in kwargs: + jwt_url_parameter = kwargs['jwtUrlParameter'] + if refresh_rate_limit_count is None and 'refreshRateLimitCount' in kwargs: + refresh_rate_limit_count = kwargs['refreshRateLimitCount'] + if refresh_rate_limit_time_window_ms is None and 'refreshRateLimitTimeWindowMs' in kwargs: + refresh_rate_limit_time_window_ms = kwargs['refreshRateLimitTimeWindowMs'] + if roles_key is None and 'rolesKey' in kwargs: + roles_key = kwargs['rolesKey'] + if subject_key is None and 'subjectKey' in kwargs: + subject_key = kwargs['subjectKey'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) _setter("connect_url", connect_url) @@ -12802,7 +14196,71 @@ def _configure( thread_pool_search_throttled_size: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, thread_pool_write_queue_size: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, thread_pool_write_size: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if action_auto_create_index_enabled is None and 'actionAutoCreateIndexEnabled' in kwargs: + action_auto_create_index_enabled = kwargs['actionAutoCreateIndexEnabled'] + if action_destructive_requires_name is None and 'actionDestructiveRequiresName' in kwargs: + action_destructive_requires_name = kwargs['actionDestructiveRequiresName'] + if cluster_max_shards_per_node is None and 'clusterMaxShardsPerNode' in kwargs: + cluster_max_shards_per_node = kwargs['clusterMaxShardsPerNode'] + if cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries is None and 'clusterRoutingAllocationNodeConcurrentRecoveries' in kwargs: + cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries = kwargs['clusterRoutingAllocationNodeConcurrentRecoveries'] + if email_sender_name is None and 'emailSenderName' in kwargs: + email_sender_name = kwargs['emailSenderName'] + if email_sender_password is None and 'emailSenderPassword' in kwargs: + email_sender_password = kwargs['emailSenderPassword'] + if email_sender_username is None and 'emailSenderUsername' in kwargs: + email_sender_username = kwargs['emailSenderUsername'] + if http_max_content_length is None and 'httpMaxContentLength' in kwargs: + http_max_content_length = kwargs['httpMaxContentLength'] + if http_max_header_size is None and 'httpMaxHeaderSize' in kwargs: + http_max_header_size = kwargs['httpMaxHeaderSize'] + if http_max_initial_line_length is None and 'httpMaxInitialLineLength' in kwargs: + http_max_initial_line_length = kwargs['httpMaxInitialLineLength'] + if indices_fielddata_cache_size is None and 'indicesFielddataCacheSize' in kwargs: + indices_fielddata_cache_size = kwargs['indicesFielddataCacheSize'] + if indices_memory_index_buffer_size is None and 'indicesMemoryIndexBufferSize' in kwargs: + indices_memory_index_buffer_size = kwargs['indicesMemoryIndexBufferSize'] + if indices_queries_cache_size is None and 'indicesQueriesCacheSize' in kwargs: + indices_queries_cache_size = kwargs['indicesQueriesCacheSize'] + if indices_query_bool_max_clause_count is None and 'indicesQueryBoolMaxClauseCount' in kwargs: + indices_query_bool_max_clause_count = kwargs['indicesQueryBoolMaxClauseCount'] + if indices_recovery_max_bytes_per_sec is None and 'indicesRecoveryMaxBytesPerSec' in kwargs: + indices_recovery_max_bytes_per_sec = kwargs['indicesRecoveryMaxBytesPerSec'] + if indices_recovery_max_concurrent_file_chunks is None and 'indicesRecoveryMaxConcurrentFileChunks' in kwargs: + indices_recovery_max_concurrent_file_chunks = kwargs['indicesRecoveryMaxConcurrentFileChunks'] + if override_main_response_version is None and 'overrideMainResponseVersion' in kwargs: + override_main_response_version = kwargs['overrideMainResponseVersion'] + if reindex_remote_whitelists is None and 'reindexRemoteWhitelists' in kwargs: + reindex_remote_whitelists = kwargs['reindexRemoteWhitelists'] + if script_max_compilations_rate is None and 'scriptMaxCompilationsRate' in kwargs: + script_max_compilations_rate = kwargs['scriptMaxCompilationsRate'] + if search_max_buckets is None and 'searchMaxBuckets' in kwargs: + search_max_buckets = kwargs['searchMaxBuckets'] + if thread_pool_analyze_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolAnalyzeQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_analyze_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolAnalyzeQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_analyze_size is None and 'threadPoolAnalyzeSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_analyze_size = kwargs['threadPoolAnalyzeSize'] + if thread_pool_force_merge_size is None and 'threadPoolForceMergeSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_force_merge_size = kwargs['threadPoolForceMergeSize'] + if thread_pool_get_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolGetQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_get_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolGetQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_get_size is None and 'threadPoolGetSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_get_size = kwargs['threadPoolGetSize'] + if thread_pool_search_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_search_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchSize'] + if thread_pool_search_throttled_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchThrottledQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_throttled_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchThrottledQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_search_throttled_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchThrottledSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_throttled_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchThrottledSize'] + if thread_pool_write_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolWriteQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_write_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolWriteQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_write_size is None and 'threadPoolWriteSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_write_size = kwargs['threadPoolWriteSize'] + if action_auto_create_index_enabled is not None: _setter("action_auto_create_index_enabled", action_auto_create_index_enabled) if action_destructive_requires_name is not None: @@ -13262,7 +14720,13 @@ def _configure( enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, max_old_space_size: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, opensearch_request_timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_old_space_size is None and 'maxOldSpaceSize' in kwargs: + max_old_space_size = kwargs['maxOldSpaceSize'] + if opensearch_request_timeout is None and 'opensearchRequestTimeout' in kwargs: + opensearch_request_timeout = kwargs['opensearchRequestTimeout'] + if enabled is not None: _setter("enabled", enabled) if max_old_space_size is not None: @@ -13330,7 +14794,11 @@ def _configure( opensearch: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, opensearch_dashboards: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch is not None: _setter("opensearch", opensearch) if opensearch_dashboards is not None: @@ -13398,7 +14866,11 @@ def _configure( opensearch: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, opensearch_dashboards: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch is not None: _setter("opensearch", opensearch) if opensearch_dashboards is not None: @@ -13466,7 +14938,11 @@ def _configure( opensearch: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, opensearch_dashboards: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch is not None: _setter("opensearch", opensearch) if opensearch_dashboards is not None: @@ -13543,14 +15019,36 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - enabled: pulumi.Input[bool], - idp_entity_id: pulumi.Input[str], - idp_metadata_url: pulumi.Input[str], - sp_entity_id: pulumi.Input[str], + enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, + idp_entity_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + idp_metadata_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + sp_entity_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, idp_pemtrustedcas_content: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, roles_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, subject_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if enabled is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'enabled' argument") + if idp_entity_id is None and 'idpEntityId' in kwargs: + idp_entity_id = kwargs['idpEntityId'] + if idp_entity_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'idp_entity_id' argument") + if idp_metadata_url is None and 'idpMetadataUrl' in kwargs: + idp_metadata_url = kwargs['idpMetadataUrl'] + if idp_metadata_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'idp_metadata_url' argument") + if sp_entity_id is None and 'spEntityId' in kwargs: + sp_entity_id = kwargs['spEntityId'] + if sp_entity_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'sp_entity_id' argument") + if idp_pemtrustedcas_content is None and 'idpPemtrustedcasContent' in kwargs: + idp_pemtrustedcas_content = kwargs['idpPemtrustedcasContent'] + if roles_key is None and 'rolesKey' in kwargs: + roles_key = kwargs['rolesKey'] + if subject_key is None and 'subjectKey' in kwargs: + subject_key = kwargs['subjectKey'] + _setter("enabled", enabled) _setter("idp_entity_id", idp_entity_id) _setter("idp_metadata_url", idp_metadata_url) @@ -13664,9 +15162,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -13712,9 +15220,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -13770,7 +15284,9 @@ def _configure( delete: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, read: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, update: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create is not None: _setter("create", create) if delete is not None: @@ -13859,7 +15375,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -13986,7 +15506,13 @@ def _configure( sslmode: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, uri: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, user: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_connections is None and 'maxConnections' in kwargs: + max_connections = kwargs['maxConnections'] + if replica_uri is None and 'replicaUri' in kwargs: + replica_uri = kwargs['replicaUri'] + if dbname is not None: _setter("dbname", dbname) if host is not None: @@ -14242,7 +15768,55 @@ def _configure( timescaledb: Optional[pulumi.Input['PgPgUserConfigTimescaledbArgs']] = None, variant: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, work_mem: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if admin_password is None and 'adminPassword' in kwargs: + admin_password = kwargs['adminPassword'] + if admin_username is None and 'adminUsername' in kwargs: + admin_username = kwargs['adminUsername'] + if backup_hour is None and 'backupHour' in kwargs: + backup_hour = kwargs['backupHour'] + if backup_minute is None and 'backupMinute' in kwargs: + backup_minute = kwargs['backupMinute'] + if enable_ipv6 is None and 'enableIpv6' in kwargs: + enable_ipv6 = kwargs['enableIpv6'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if pg_read_replica is None and 'pgReadReplica' in kwargs: + pg_read_replica = kwargs['pgReadReplica'] + if pg_service_to_fork_from is None and 'pgServiceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + pg_service_to_fork_from = kwargs['pgServiceToForkFrom'] + if pg_stat_monitor_enable is None and 'pgStatMonitorEnable' in kwargs: + pg_stat_monitor_enable = kwargs['pgStatMonitorEnable'] + if pg_version is None and 'pgVersion' in kwargs: + pg_version = kwargs['pgVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_target_time is None and 'recoveryTargetTime' in kwargs: + recovery_target_time = kwargs['recoveryTargetTime'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if shared_buffers_percentage is None and 'sharedBuffersPercentage' in kwargs: + shared_buffers_percentage = kwargs['sharedBuffersPercentage'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if synchronous_replication is None and 'synchronousReplication' in kwargs: + synchronous_replication = kwargs['synchronousReplication'] + if work_mem is None and 'workMem' in kwargs: + work_mem = kwargs['workMem'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if admin_password is not None: @@ -14686,9 +16260,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -14750,15 +16328,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - host: pulumi.Input[str], - port: pulumi.Input[int], + host: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + port: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, dbname: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ignore_dbs: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, method: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if ignore_dbs is None and 'ignoreDbs' in kwargs: + ignore_dbs = kwargs['ignoreDbs'] + _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) if dbname is not None: @@ -15069,7 +16655,103 @@ def _configure( track_io_timing: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, wal_sender_timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, wal_writer_delay: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor is None and 'autovacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor' in kwargs: + autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = kwargs['autovacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor'] + if autovacuum_analyze_threshold is None and 'autovacuumAnalyzeThreshold' in kwargs: + autovacuum_analyze_threshold = kwargs['autovacuumAnalyzeThreshold'] + if autovacuum_freeze_max_age is None and 'autovacuumFreezeMaxAge' in kwargs: + autovacuum_freeze_max_age = kwargs['autovacuumFreezeMaxAge'] + if autovacuum_max_workers is None and 'autovacuumMaxWorkers' in kwargs: + autovacuum_max_workers = kwargs['autovacuumMaxWorkers'] + if autovacuum_naptime is None and 'autovacuumNaptime' in kwargs: + autovacuum_naptime = kwargs['autovacuumNaptime'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay is None and 'autovacuumVacuumCostDelay' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumCostDelay'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit is None and 'autovacuumVacuumCostLimit' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumCostLimit'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor is None and 'autovacuumVacuumScaleFactor' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumScaleFactor'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_threshold is None and 'autovacuumVacuumThreshold' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumThreshold'] + if bgwriter_delay is None and 'bgwriterDelay' in kwargs: + bgwriter_delay = kwargs['bgwriterDelay'] + if bgwriter_flush_after is None and 'bgwriterFlushAfter' in kwargs: + bgwriter_flush_after = kwargs['bgwriterFlushAfter'] + if bgwriter_lru_maxpages is None and 'bgwriterLruMaxpages' in kwargs: + bgwriter_lru_maxpages = kwargs['bgwriterLruMaxpages'] + if bgwriter_lru_multiplier is None and 'bgwriterLruMultiplier' in kwargs: + bgwriter_lru_multiplier = kwargs['bgwriterLruMultiplier'] + if deadlock_timeout is None and 'deadlockTimeout' in kwargs: + deadlock_timeout = kwargs['deadlockTimeout'] + if default_toast_compression is None and 'defaultToastCompression' in kwargs: + default_toast_compression = kwargs['defaultToastCompression'] + if idle_in_transaction_session_timeout is None and 'idleInTransactionSessionTimeout' in kwargs: + idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = kwargs['idleInTransactionSessionTimeout'] + if log_autovacuum_min_duration is None and 'logAutovacuumMinDuration' in kwargs: + log_autovacuum_min_duration = kwargs['logAutovacuumMinDuration'] + if log_error_verbosity is None and 'logErrorVerbosity' in kwargs: + log_error_verbosity = kwargs['logErrorVerbosity'] + if log_line_prefix is None and 'logLinePrefix' in kwargs: + log_line_prefix = kwargs['logLinePrefix'] + if log_min_duration_statement is None and 'logMinDurationStatement' in kwargs: + log_min_duration_statement = kwargs['logMinDurationStatement'] + if log_temp_files is None and 'logTempFiles' in kwargs: + log_temp_files = kwargs['logTempFiles'] + if max_files_per_process is None and 'maxFilesPerProcess' in kwargs: + max_files_per_process = kwargs['maxFilesPerProcess'] + if max_locks_per_transaction is None and 'maxLocksPerTransaction' in kwargs: + max_locks_per_transaction = kwargs['maxLocksPerTransaction'] + if max_logical_replication_workers is None and 'maxLogicalReplicationWorkers' in kwargs: + max_logical_replication_workers = kwargs['maxLogicalReplicationWorkers'] + if max_parallel_workers is None and 'maxParallelWorkers' in kwargs: + max_parallel_workers = kwargs['maxParallelWorkers'] + if max_parallel_workers_per_gather is None and 'maxParallelWorkersPerGather' in kwargs: + max_parallel_workers_per_gather = kwargs['maxParallelWorkersPerGather'] + if max_pred_locks_per_transaction is None and 'maxPredLocksPerTransaction' in kwargs: + max_pred_locks_per_transaction = kwargs['maxPredLocksPerTransaction'] + if max_prepared_transactions is None and 'maxPreparedTransactions' in kwargs: + max_prepared_transactions = kwargs['maxPreparedTransactions'] + if max_replication_slots is None and 'maxReplicationSlots' in kwargs: + max_replication_slots = kwargs['maxReplicationSlots'] + if max_slot_wal_keep_size is None and 'maxSlotWalKeepSize' in kwargs: + max_slot_wal_keep_size = kwargs['maxSlotWalKeepSize'] + if max_stack_depth is None and 'maxStackDepth' in kwargs: + max_stack_depth = kwargs['maxStackDepth'] + if max_standby_archive_delay is None and 'maxStandbyArchiveDelay' in kwargs: + max_standby_archive_delay = kwargs['maxStandbyArchiveDelay'] + if max_standby_streaming_delay is None and 'maxStandbyStreamingDelay' in kwargs: + max_standby_streaming_delay = kwargs['maxStandbyStreamingDelay'] + if max_wal_senders is None and 'maxWalSenders' in kwargs: + max_wal_senders = kwargs['maxWalSenders'] + if max_worker_processes is None and 'maxWorkerProcesses' in kwargs: + max_worker_processes = kwargs['maxWorkerProcesses'] + if pg_partman_bgw_dot_interval is None and 'pgPartmanBgwDotInterval' in kwargs: + pg_partman_bgw_dot_interval = kwargs['pgPartmanBgwDotInterval'] + if pg_partman_bgw_dot_role is None and 'pgPartmanBgwDotRole' in kwargs: + pg_partman_bgw_dot_role = kwargs['pgPartmanBgwDotRole'] + if pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_enable_query_plan is None and 'pgStatMonitorDotPgsmEnableQueryPlan' in kwargs: + pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_enable_query_plan = kwargs['pgStatMonitorDotPgsmEnableQueryPlan'] + if pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_max_buckets is None and 'pgStatMonitorDotPgsmMaxBuckets' in kwargs: + pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_max_buckets = kwargs['pgStatMonitorDotPgsmMaxBuckets'] + if pg_stat_statements_dot_track is None and 'pgStatStatementsDotTrack' in kwargs: + pg_stat_statements_dot_track = kwargs['pgStatStatementsDotTrack'] + if temp_file_limit is None and 'tempFileLimit' in kwargs: + temp_file_limit = kwargs['tempFileLimit'] + if track_activity_query_size is None and 'trackActivityQuerySize' in kwargs: + track_activity_query_size = kwargs['trackActivityQuerySize'] + if track_commit_timestamp is None and 'trackCommitTimestamp' in kwargs: + track_commit_timestamp = kwargs['trackCommitTimestamp'] + if track_functions is None and 'trackFunctions' in kwargs: + track_functions = kwargs['trackFunctions'] + if track_io_timing is None and 'trackIoTiming' in kwargs: + track_io_timing = kwargs['trackIoTiming'] + if wal_sender_timeout is None and 'walSenderTimeout' in kwargs: + wal_sender_timeout = kwargs['walSenderTimeout'] + if wal_writer_delay is None and 'walWriterDelay' in kwargs: + wal_writer_delay = kwargs['walWriterDelay'] + if autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor is not None: _setter("autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor", autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor) if autovacuum_analyze_threshold is not None: @@ -15805,7 +17487,27 @@ def _configure( server_idle_timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, server_lifetime: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, server_reset_query_always: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if autodb_idle_timeout is None and 'autodbIdleTimeout' in kwargs: + autodb_idle_timeout = kwargs['autodbIdleTimeout'] + if autodb_max_db_connections is None and 'autodbMaxDbConnections' in kwargs: + autodb_max_db_connections = kwargs['autodbMaxDbConnections'] + if autodb_pool_mode is None and 'autodbPoolMode' in kwargs: + autodb_pool_mode = kwargs['autodbPoolMode'] + if autodb_pool_size is None and 'autodbPoolSize' in kwargs: + autodb_pool_size = kwargs['autodbPoolSize'] + if ignore_startup_parameters is None and 'ignoreStartupParameters' in kwargs: + ignore_startup_parameters = kwargs['ignoreStartupParameters'] + if min_pool_size is None and 'minPoolSize' in kwargs: + min_pool_size = kwargs['minPoolSize'] + if server_idle_timeout is None and 'serverIdleTimeout' in kwargs: + server_idle_timeout = kwargs['serverIdleTimeout'] + if server_lifetime is None and 'serverLifetime' in kwargs: + server_lifetime = kwargs['serverLifetime'] + if server_reset_query_always is None and 'serverResetQueryAlways' in kwargs: + server_reset_query_always = kwargs['serverResetQueryAlways'] + if autodb_idle_timeout is not None: _setter("autodb_idle_timeout", autodb_idle_timeout) if autodb_max_db_connections is not None: @@ -15949,7 +17651,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], max_failover_replication_time_lag: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_failover_replication_time_lag is None and 'maxFailoverReplicationTimeLag' in kwargs: + max_failover_replication_time_lag = kwargs['maxFailoverReplicationTimeLag'] + if max_failover_replication_time_lag is not None: _setter("max_failover_replication_time_lag", max_failover_replication_time_lag) @@ -15989,7 +17695,9 @@ def _configure( pg: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, pgbouncer: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if pg is not None: _setter("pg", pg) if pgbouncer is not None: @@ -16057,7 +17765,9 @@ def _configure( pg: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, pgbouncer: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if pg is not None: _setter("pg", pg) if pgbouncer is not None: @@ -16125,7 +17835,9 @@ def _configure( pg: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, pgbouncer: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if pg is not None: _setter("pg", pg) if pgbouncer is not None: @@ -16185,7 +17897,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], max_background_workers: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_background_workers is None and 'maxBackgroundWorkers' in kwargs: + max_background_workers = kwargs['maxBackgroundWorkers'] + if max_background_workers is not None: _setter("max_background_workers", max_background_workers) @@ -16219,9 +17935,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -16267,9 +17993,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -16315,9 +18047,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -16376,7 +18114,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, usage: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -16463,10 +18205,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.input_type class RedisRedisUserConfigArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -16545,7 +18289,53 @@ def _configure( redis_timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if redis_acl_channels_default is None and 'redisAclChannelsDefault' in kwargs: + redis_acl_channels_default = kwargs['redisAclChannelsDefault'] + if redis_io_threads is None and 'redisIoThreads' in kwargs: + redis_io_threads = kwargs['redisIoThreads'] + if redis_lfu_decay_time is None and 'redisLfuDecayTime' in kwargs: + redis_lfu_decay_time = kwargs['redisLfuDecayTime'] + if redis_lfu_log_factor is None and 'redisLfuLogFactor' in kwargs: + redis_lfu_log_factor = kwargs['redisLfuLogFactor'] + if redis_maxmemory_policy is None and 'redisMaxmemoryPolicy' in kwargs: + redis_maxmemory_policy = kwargs['redisMaxmemoryPolicy'] + if redis_notify_keyspace_events is None and 'redisNotifyKeyspaceEvents' in kwargs: + redis_notify_keyspace_events = kwargs['redisNotifyKeyspaceEvents'] + if redis_number_of_databases is None and 'redisNumberOfDatabases' in kwargs: + redis_number_of_databases = kwargs['redisNumberOfDatabases'] + if redis_persistence is None and 'redisPersistence' in kwargs: + redis_persistence = kwargs['redisPersistence'] + if redis_pubsub_client_output_buffer_limit is None and 'redisPubsubClientOutputBufferLimit' in kwargs: + redis_pubsub_client_output_buffer_limit = kwargs['redisPubsubClientOutputBufferLimit'] + if redis_ssl is None and 'redisSsl' in kwargs: + redis_ssl = kwargs['redisSsl'] + if redis_timeout is None and 'redisTimeout' in kwargs: + redis_timeout = kwargs['redisTimeout'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -16820,9 +18610,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: pulumi.Input[str], + network: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -16871,15 +18665,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - host: pulumi.Input[str], - port: pulumi.Input[int], + host: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + port: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, dbname: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ignore_dbs: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, method: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if ignore_dbs is None and 'ignoreDbs' in kwargs: + ignore_dbs = kwargs['ignoreDbs'] + _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) if dbname is not None: @@ -16983,7 +18785,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, redis: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) if redis is not None: @@ -17023,7 +18827,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, redis: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) if redis is not None: @@ -17063,7 +18869,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, redis: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) if redis is not None: @@ -17101,9 +18909,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - source_service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -17139,9 +18957,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: pulumi.Input[str], - value: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -17179,7 +19003,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], tables: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigTableArgs']]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tables is not None: _setter("tables", tables) @@ -17246,9 +19072,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - data_format: pulumi.Input[str], - group_name: pulumi.Input[str], - name: pulumi.Input[str], + data_format: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + group_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, auto_offset_reset: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, columns: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigTableColumnArgs']]]] = None, date_time_input_format: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -17259,7 +19085,35 @@ def _configure( poll_max_batch_size: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, skip_broken_messages: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, topics: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigTableTopicArgs']]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if data_format is None and 'dataFormat' in kwargs: + data_format = kwargs['dataFormat'] + if data_format is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'data_format' argument") + if group_name is None and 'groupName' in kwargs: + group_name = kwargs['groupName'] + if group_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'group_name' argument") + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if auto_offset_reset is None and 'autoOffsetReset' in kwargs: + auto_offset_reset = kwargs['autoOffsetReset'] + if date_time_input_format is None and 'dateTimeInputFormat' in kwargs: + date_time_input_format = kwargs['dateTimeInputFormat'] + if handle_error_mode is None and 'handleErrorMode' in kwargs: + handle_error_mode = kwargs['handleErrorMode'] + if max_block_size is None and 'maxBlockSize' in kwargs: + max_block_size = kwargs['maxBlockSize'] + if max_rows_per_message is None and 'maxRowsPerMessage' in kwargs: + max_rows_per_message = kwargs['maxRowsPerMessage'] + if num_consumers is None and 'numConsumers' in kwargs: + num_consumers = kwargs['numConsumers'] + if poll_max_batch_size is None and 'pollMaxBatchSize' in kwargs: + poll_max_batch_size = kwargs['pollMaxBatchSize'] + if skip_broken_messages is None and 'skipBrokenMessages' in kwargs: + skip_broken_messages = kwargs['skipBrokenMessages'] + _setter("data_format", data_format) _setter("group_name", group_name) _setter("name", name) @@ -17458,9 +19312,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: pulumi.Input[str], - type: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'type' argument") + _setter("name", name) _setter("type", type) @@ -17503,8 +19363,12 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + _setter("name", name) @property @@ -17535,7 +19399,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], databases: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationClickhousePostgresqlUserConfigDatabaseArgs']]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if databases is not None: _setter("databases", databases) @@ -17571,7 +19437,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], database: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, schema: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database is not None: _setter("database", database) if schema is not None: @@ -17653,7 +19521,25 @@ def _configure( max_jmx_metrics: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, opensearch: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationDatadogUserConfigOpensearchArgs']] = None, redis: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationDatadogUserConfigRedisArgs']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if datadog_dbm_enabled is None and 'datadogDbmEnabled' in kwargs: + datadog_dbm_enabled = kwargs['datadogDbmEnabled'] + if datadog_tags is None and 'datadogTags' in kwargs: + datadog_tags = kwargs['datadogTags'] + if exclude_consumer_groups is None and 'excludeConsumerGroups' in kwargs: + exclude_consumer_groups = kwargs['excludeConsumerGroups'] + if exclude_topics is None and 'excludeTopics' in kwargs: + exclude_topics = kwargs['excludeTopics'] + if include_consumer_groups is None and 'includeConsumerGroups' in kwargs: + include_consumer_groups = kwargs['includeConsumerGroups'] + if include_topics is None and 'includeTopics' in kwargs: + include_topics = kwargs['includeTopics'] + if kafka_custom_metrics is None and 'kafkaCustomMetrics' in kwargs: + kafka_custom_metrics = kwargs['kafkaCustomMetrics'] + if max_jmx_metrics is None and 'maxJmxMetrics' in kwargs: + max_jmx_metrics = kwargs['maxJmxMetrics'] + if datadog_dbm_enabled is not None: _setter("datadog_dbm_enabled", datadog_dbm_enabled) if datadog_tags is not None: @@ -17813,9 +19699,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - tag: pulumi.Input[str], + tag: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, comment: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tag is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'tag' argument") + _setter("tag", tag) if comment is not None: _setter("comment", comment) @@ -17868,7 +19758,15 @@ def _configure( index_stats_enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, pending_task_stats_enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, pshard_stats_enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if index_stats_enabled is None and 'indexStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + index_stats_enabled = kwargs['indexStatsEnabled'] + if pending_task_stats_enabled is None and 'pendingTaskStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + pending_task_stats_enabled = kwargs['pendingTaskStatsEnabled'] + if pshard_stats_enabled is None and 'pshardStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + pshard_stats_enabled = kwargs['pshardStatsEnabled'] + if index_stats_enabled is not None: _setter("index_stats_enabled", index_stats_enabled) if pending_task_stats_enabled is not None: @@ -17928,7 +19826,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], command_stats_enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if command_stats_enabled is None and 'commandStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + command_stats_enabled = kwargs['commandStatsEnabled'] + if command_stats_enabled is not None: _setter("command_stats_enabled", command_stats_enabled) @@ -17977,14 +19879,30 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - datadog_api_key: pulumi.Input[str], + datadog_api_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, datadog_tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationEndpointDatadogUserConfigDatadogTagArgs']]]] = None, disable_consumer_stats: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, kafka_consumer_check_instances: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, kafka_consumer_stats_timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, max_partition_contexts: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, site: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if datadog_api_key is None and 'datadogApiKey' in kwargs: + datadog_api_key = kwargs['datadogApiKey'] + if datadog_api_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'datadog_api_key' argument") + if datadog_tags is None and 'datadogTags' in kwargs: + datadog_tags = kwargs['datadogTags'] + if disable_consumer_stats is None and 'disableConsumerStats' in kwargs: + disable_consumer_stats = kwargs['disableConsumerStats'] + if kafka_consumer_check_instances is None and 'kafkaConsumerCheckInstances' in kwargs: + kafka_consumer_check_instances = kwargs['kafkaConsumerCheckInstances'] + if kafka_consumer_stats_timeout is None and 'kafkaConsumerStatsTimeout' in kwargs: + kafka_consumer_stats_timeout = kwargs['kafkaConsumerStatsTimeout'] + if max_partition_contexts is None and 'maxPartitionContexts' in kwargs: + max_partition_contexts = kwargs['maxPartitionContexts'] + _setter("datadog_api_key", datadog_api_key) if datadog_tags is not None: _setter("datadog_tags", datadog_tags) @@ -18101,9 +20019,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - tag: pulumi.Input[str], + tag: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, comment: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tag is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'tag' argument") + _setter("tag", tag) if comment is not None: _setter("comment", comment) @@ -18156,11 +20078,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - access_key: pulumi.Input[str], - region: pulumi.Input[str], - secret_key: pulumi.Input[str], + access_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + region: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + secret_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, log_group_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if access_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'access_key' argument") + if region is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'region' argument") + if secret_key is None and 'secretKey' in kwargs: + secret_key = kwargs['secretKey'] + if secret_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'secret_key' argument") + if log_group_name is None and 'logGroupName' in kwargs: + log_group_name = kwargs['logGroupName'] + _setter("access_key", access_key) _setter("region", region) _setter("secret_key", secret_key) @@ -18239,11 +20175,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - access_key: pulumi.Input[str], - namespace: pulumi.Input[str], - region: pulumi.Input[str], - secret_key: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + access_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + namespace: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + region: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + secret_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if access_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'access_key' argument") + if namespace is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'namespace' argument") + if region is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'region' argument") + if secret_key is None and 'secretKey' in kwargs: + secret_key = kwargs['secretKey'] + if secret_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'secret_key' argument") + _setter("access_key", access_key) _setter("namespace", namespace) _setter("region", region) @@ -18324,12 +20274,22 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - index_prefix: pulumi.Input[str], - url: pulumi.Input[str], + index_prefix: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ca: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, index_days_max: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[float]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if index_prefix is None and 'indexPrefix' in kwargs: + index_prefix = kwargs['indexPrefix'] + if index_prefix is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'index_prefix' argument") + if url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'url' argument") + if index_days_max is None and 'indexDaysMax' in kwargs: + index_days_max = kwargs['indexDaysMax'] + _setter("index_prefix", index_prefix) _setter("url", url) if ca is not None: @@ -18420,10 +20380,24 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - log_id: pulumi.Input[str], - project_id: pulumi.Input[str], - service_account_credentials: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + log_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_account_credentials: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if log_id is None and 'logId' in kwargs: + log_id = kwargs['logId'] + if log_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'log_id' argument") + if project_id is None and 'projectId' in kwargs: + project_id = kwargs['projectId'] + if project_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project_id' argument") + if service_account_credentials is None and 'serviceAccountCredentials' in kwargs: + service_account_credentials = kwargs['serviceAccountCredentials'] + if service_account_credentials is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_account_credentials' argument") + _setter("log_id", log_id) _setter("project_id", project_id) _setter("service_account_credentials", service_account_credentials) @@ -18503,8 +20477,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - bootstrap_servers: pulumi.Input[str], - security_protocol: pulumi.Input[str], + bootstrap_servers: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + security_protocol: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, sasl_mechanism: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, sasl_plain_password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, sasl_plain_username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -18512,7 +20486,31 @@ def _configure( ssl_client_cert: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl_client_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if bootstrap_servers is None and 'bootstrapServers' in kwargs: + bootstrap_servers = kwargs['bootstrapServers'] + if bootstrap_servers is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'bootstrap_servers' argument") + if security_protocol is None and 'securityProtocol' in kwargs: + security_protocol = kwargs['securityProtocol'] + if security_protocol is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'security_protocol' argument") + if sasl_mechanism is None and 'saslMechanism' in kwargs: + sasl_mechanism = kwargs['saslMechanism'] + if sasl_plain_password is None and 'saslPlainPassword' in kwargs: + sasl_plain_password = kwargs['saslPlainPassword'] + if sasl_plain_username is None and 'saslPlainUsername' in kwargs: + sasl_plain_username = kwargs['saslPlainUsername'] + if ssl_ca_cert is None and 'sslCaCert' in kwargs: + ssl_ca_cert = kwargs['sslCaCert'] + if ssl_client_cert is None and 'sslClientCert' in kwargs: + ssl_client_cert = kwargs['sslClientCert'] + if ssl_client_key is None and 'sslClientKey' in kwargs: + ssl_client_key = kwargs['sslClientKey'] + if ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm is None and 'sslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm' in kwargs: + ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm = kwargs['sslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm'] + _setter("bootstrap_servers", bootstrap_servers) _setter("security_protocol", security_protocol) if sasl_mechanism is not None: @@ -18665,12 +20663,22 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - index_prefix: pulumi.Input[str], - url: pulumi.Input[str], + index_prefix: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, ca: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, index_days_max: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, timeout: Optional[pulumi.Input[float]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if index_prefix is None and 'indexPrefix' in kwargs: + index_prefix = kwargs['indexPrefix'] + if index_prefix is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'index_prefix' argument") + if url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'url' argument") + if index_days_max is None and 'indexDaysMax' in kwargs: + index_days_max = kwargs['indexDaysMax'] + _setter("index_prefix", index_prefix) _setter("url", url) if ca is not None: @@ -18764,11 +20772,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - authentication: pulumi.Input[str], - url: pulumi.Input[str], + authentication: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, basic_auth_password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, basic_auth_username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if authentication is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'authentication' argument") + if url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'url' argument") + if basic_auth_password is None and 'basicAuthPassword' in kwargs: + basic_auth_password = kwargs['basicAuthPassword'] + if basic_auth_username is None and 'basicAuthUsername' in kwargs: + basic_auth_username = kwargs['basicAuthUsername'] + _setter("authentication", authentication) _setter("url", url) if basic_auth_password is not None: @@ -18844,7 +20862,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], basic_auth_password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, basic_auth_username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if basic_auth_password is None and 'basicAuthPassword' in kwargs: + basic_auth_password = kwargs['basicAuthPassword'] + if basic_auth_username is None and 'basicAuthUsername' in kwargs: + basic_auth_username = kwargs['basicAuthUsername'] + if basic_auth_password is not None: _setter("basic_auth_password", basic_auth_password) if basic_auth_username is not None: @@ -18894,7 +20918,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], basic_auth_password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, basic_auth_username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if basic_auth_password is None and 'basicAuthPassword' in kwargs: + basic_auth_password = kwargs['basicAuthPassword'] + if basic_auth_username is None and 'basicAuthUsername' in kwargs: + basic_auth_username = kwargs['basicAuthUsername'] + if basic_auth_password is not None: _setter("basic_auth_password", basic_auth_password) if basic_auth_username is not None: @@ -18963,16 +20993,26 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - format: pulumi.Input[str], - port: pulumi.Input[int], - server: pulumi.Input[str], - tls: pulumi.Input[bool], + format: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + port: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, + server: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + tls: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, ca: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cert: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, logline: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, sd: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if format is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'format' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if server is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'server' argument") + if tls is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'tls' argument") + _setter("format", format) _setter("port", port) _setter("server", server) @@ -19116,7 +21156,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], dropped_metrics: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigDroppedMetricArgs']]]] = None, extra_metrics: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigExtraMetricArgs']]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if dropped_metrics is None and 'droppedMetrics' in kwargs: + dropped_metrics = kwargs['droppedMetrics'] + if extra_metrics is None and 'extraMetrics' in kwargs: + extra_metrics = kwargs['extraMetrics'] + if dropped_metrics is not None: _setter("dropped_metrics", dropped_metrics) if extra_metrics is not None: @@ -19164,9 +21210,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - field: pulumi.Input[str], - metric: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + field: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + metric: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if field is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'field' argument") + if metric is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'metric' argument") + _setter("field", field) _setter("metric", metric) @@ -19212,9 +21264,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - field: pulumi.Input[str], - metric: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + field: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + metric: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if field is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'field' argument") + if metric is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'metric' argument") + _setter("field", field) _setter("metric", metric) @@ -19258,7 +21316,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], kafka_connect: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationKafkaConnectUserConfigKafkaConnectArgs']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect is not None: _setter("kafka_connect", kafka_connect) @@ -19302,7 +21364,17 @@ def _configure( group_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, offset_storage_topic: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, status_storage_topic: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if config_storage_topic is None and 'configStorageTopic' in kwargs: + config_storage_topic = kwargs['configStorageTopic'] + if group_id is None and 'groupId' in kwargs: + group_id = kwargs['groupId'] + if offset_storage_topic is None and 'offsetStorageTopic' in kwargs: + offset_storage_topic = kwargs['offsetStorageTopic'] + if status_storage_topic is None and 'statusStorageTopic' in kwargs: + status_storage_topic = kwargs['statusStorageTopic'] + if config_storage_topic is not None: _setter("config_storage_topic", config_storage_topic) if group_id is not None: @@ -19378,9 +21450,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - kafka_topic: pulumi.Input[str], + kafka_topic: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, selected_log_fields: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_topic is None and 'kafkaTopic' in kwargs: + kafka_topic = kwargs['kafkaTopic'] + if kafka_topic is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_topic' argument") + if selected_log_fields is None and 'selectedLogFields' in kwargs: + selected_log_fields = kwargs['selectedLogFields'] + _setter("kafka_topic", kafka_topic) if selected_log_fields is not None: _setter("selected_log_fields", selected_log_fields) @@ -19429,7 +21509,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], cluster_alias: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, kafka_mirrormaker: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigKafkaMirrormakerArgs']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if cluster_alias is None and 'clusterAlias' in kwargs: + cluster_alias = kwargs['clusterAlias'] + if kafka_mirrormaker is None and 'kafkaMirrormaker' in kwargs: + kafka_mirrormaker = kwargs['kafkaMirrormaker'] + if cluster_alias is not None: _setter("cluster_alias", cluster_alias) if kafka_mirrormaker is not None: @@ -19495,7 +21581,21 @@ def _configure( producer_compression_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, producer_linger_ms: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, producer_max_request_size: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if consumer_fetch_min_bytes is None and 'consumerFetchMinBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_fetch_min_bytes = kwargs['consumerFetchMinBytes'] + if producer_batch_size is None and 'producerBatchSize' in kwargs: + producer_batch_size = kwargs['producerBatchSize'] + if producer_buffer_memory is None and 'producerBufferMemory' in kwargs: + producer_buffer_memory = kwargs['producerBufferMemory'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if consumer_fetch_min_bytes is not None: _setter("consumer_fetch_min_bytes", consumer_fetch_min_bytes) if producer_batch_size is not None: @@ -19605,7 +21705,15 @@ def _configure( elasticsearch_index_days_max: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, elasticsearch_index_prefix: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, selected_log_fields: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if elasticsearch_index_days_max is None and 'elasticsearchIndexDaysMax' in kwargs: + elasticsearch_index_days_max = kwargs['elasticsearchIndexDaysMax'] + if elasticsearch_index_prefix is None and 'elasticsearchIndexPrefix' in kwargs: + elasticsearch_index_prefix = kwargs['elasticsearchIndexPrefix'] + if selected_log_fields is None and 'selectedLogFields' in kwargs: + selected_log_fields = kwargs['selectedLogFields'] + if elasticsearch_index_days_max is not None: _setter("elasticsearch_index_days_max", elasticsearch_index_days_max) if elasticsearch_index_prefix is not None: @@ -19681,7 +21789,15 @@ def _configure( ro_username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, source_mysql: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationMetricsUserConfigSourceMysqlArgs']] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if retention_days is None and 'retentionDays' in kwargs: + retention_days = kwargs['retentionDays'] + if ro_username is None and 'roUsername' in kwargs: + ro_username = kwargs['roUsername'] + if source_mysql is None and 'sourceMysql' in kwargs: + source_mysql = kwargs['sourceMysql'] + if database is not None: _setter("database", database) if retention_days is not None: @@ -19769,7 +21885,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], telegraf: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationMetricsUserConfigSourceMysqlTelegrafArgs']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if telegraf is not None: _setter("telegraf", telegraf) @@ -19853,7 +21971,37 @@ def _configure( perf_events_statements_digest_text_limit: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, perf_events_statements_limit: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, perf_events_statements_time_limit: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if gather_event_waits is None and 'gatherEventWaits' in kwargs: + gather_event_waits = kwargs['gatherEventWaits'] + if gather_file_events_stats is None and 'gatherFileEventsStats' in kwargs: + gather_file_events_stats = kwargs['gatherFileEventsStats'] + if gather_index_io_waits is None and 'gatherIndexIoWaits' in kwargs: + gather_index_io_waits = kwargs['gatherIndexIoWaits'] + if gather_info_schema_auto_inc is None and 'gatherInfoSchemaAutoInc' in kwargs: + gather_info_schema_auto_inc = kwargs['gatherInfoSchemaAutoInc'] + if gather_innodb_metrics is None and 'gatherInnodbMetrics' in kwargs: + gather_innodb_metrics = kwargs['gatherInnodbMetrics'] + if gather_perf_events_statements is None and 'gatherPerfEventsStatements' in kwargs: + gather_perf_events_statements = kwargs['gatherPerfEventsStatements'] + if gather_process_list is None and 'gatherProcessList' in kwargs: + gather_process_list = kwargs['gatherProcessList'] + if gather_slave_status is None and 'gatherSlaveStatus' in kwargs: + gather_slave_status = kwargs['gatherSlaveStatus'] + if gather_table_io_waits is None and 'gatherTableIoWaits' in kwargs: + gather_table_io_waits = kwargs['gatherTableIoWaits'] + if gather_table_lock_waits is None and 'gatherTableLockWaits' in kwargs: + gather_table_lock_waits = kwargs['gatherTableLockWaits'] + if gather_table_schema is None and 'gatherTableSchema' in kwargs: + gather_table_schema = kwargs['gatherTableSchema'] + if perf_events_statements_digest_text_limit is None and 'perfEventsStatementsDigestTextLimit' in kwargs: + perf_events_statements_digest_text_limit = kwargs['perfEventsStatementsDigestTextLimit'] + if perf_events_statements_limit is None and 'perfEventsStatementsLimit' in kwargs: + perf_events_statements_limit = kwargs['perfEventsStatementsLimit'] + if perf_events_statements_time_limit is None and 'perfEventsStatementsTimeLimit' in kwargs: + perf_events_statements_time_limit = kwargs['perfEventsStatementsTimeLimit'] + if gather_event_waits is not None: _setter("gather_event_waits", gather_event_waits) if gather_file_events_stats is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/_utilities.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/_utilities.py index 2d9a3c846..2936b65ad 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/_utilities.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/_utilities.py @@ -246,5 +246,24 @@ def lifted_func(*args, opts=None, **kwargs): return (lambda _: lifted_func) + +def configure(val, cls: type, input: bool): + def _apply(v): + if isinstance(v, typing.Mapping): + def _setter(key, value): + v[key] = value + cls._configure(_setter, **v) + return v + + # Check that cls has a static _configure method. External classes may + # not have it if it was generated with older codegen. + if hasattr(cls, "_configure"): + if isinstance(val, typing.Mapping): + return _apply(val) + elif input and val is not None and not isinstance(val, cls): + return pulumi.Output.from_input(val).apply(_apply) + + return val + def get_plugin_download_url(): return None diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account.py index 8eceb44a9..c4d839242 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account.py @@ -31,7 +31,11 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, primary_billing_group_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if primary_billing_group_id is None and 'primaryBillingGroupId' in kwargs: + primary_billing_group_id = kwargs['primaryBillingGroupId'] + if name is not None: _setter("name", name) if primary_billing_group_id is not None: @@ -112,7 +116,23 @@ def _configure( primary_billing_group_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, tenant_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, update_time: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if create_time is None and 'createTime' in kwargs: + create_time = kwargs['createTime'] + if is_account_owner is None and 'isAccountOwner' in kwargs: + is_account_owner = kwargs['isAccountOwner'] + if owner_team_id is None and 'ownerTeamId' in kwargs: + owner_team_id = kwargs['ownerTeamId'] + if primary_billing_group_id is None and 'primaryBillingGroupId' in kwargs: + primary_billing_group_id = kwargs['primaryBillingGroupId'] + if tenant_id is None and 'tenantId' in kwargs: + tenant_id = kwargs['tenantId'] + if update_time is None and 'updateTime' in kwargs: + update_time = kwargs['updateTime'] + if account_id is not None: warnings.warn("""The new aiven_organization resource won't have it, use the built-in ID field instead.""", DeprecationWarning) pulumi.log.warn("""account_id is deprecated: The new aiven_organization resource won't have it, use the built-in ID field instead.""") @@ -262,15 +282,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Account resource allows the creation and management of an Aiven Account. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - account1 = aiven.Account("account1") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -291,15 +302,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Account resource allows the creation and management of an Aiven Account. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - account1 = aiven.Account("account1") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_authentication.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_authentication.py index b9a65a598..34a320eb7 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_authentication.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_authentication.py @@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - account_id: pulumi.Input[str], - type: pulumi.Input[str], + account_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, auto_join_team_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -77,7 +77,33 @@ def _configure( saml_idp_url: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, saml_signature_algorithm: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, saml_variant: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if account_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'account_id' argument") + if type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'type' argument") + if auto_join_team_id is None and 'autoJoinTeamId' in kwargs: + auto_join_team_id = kwargs['autoJoinTeamId'] + if saml_certificate is None and 'samlCertificate' in kwargs: + saml_certificate = kwargs['samlCertificate'] + if saml_digest_algorithm is None and 'samlDigestAlgorithm' in kwargs: + saml_digest_algorithm = kwargs['samlDigestAlgorithm'] + if saml_entity_id is None and 'samlEntityId' in kwargs: + saml_entity_id = kwargs['samlEntityId'] + if saml_field_mapping is None and 'samlFieldMapping' in kwargs: + saml_field_mapping = kwargs['samlFieldMapping'] + if saml_idp_login_allowed is None and 'samlIdpLoginAllowed' in kwargs: + saml_idp_login_allowed = kwargs['samlIdpLoginAllowed'] + if saml_idp_url is None and 'samlIdpUrl' in kwargs: + saml_idp_url = kwargs['samlIdpUrl'] + if saml_signature_algorithm is None and 'samlSignatureAlgorithm' in kwargs: + saml_signature_algorithm = kwargs['samlSignatureAlgorithm'] + if saml_variant is None and 'samlVariant' in kwargs: + saml_variant = kwargs['samlVariant'] + _setter("account_id", account_id) _setter("type", type) if auto_join_team_id is not None: @@ -344,7 +370,39 @@ def _configure( saml_variant: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, update_time: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if authentication_id is None and 'authenticationId' in kwargs: + authentication_id = kwargs['authenticationId'] + if auto_join_team_id is None and 'autoJoinTeamId' in kwargs: + auto_join_team_id = kwargs['autoJoinTeamId'] + if create_time is None and 'createTime' in kwargs: + create_time = kwargs['createTime'] + if saml_acs_url is None and 'samlAcsUrl' in kwargs: + saml_acs_url = kwargs['samlAcsUrl'] + if saml_certificate is None and 'samlCertificate' in kwargs: + saml_certificate = kwargs['samlCertificate'] + if saml_digest_algorithm is None and 'samlDigestAlgorithm' in kwargs: + saml_digest_algorithm = kwargs['samlDigestAlgorithm'] + if saml_entity_id is None and 'samlEntityId' in kwargs: + saml_entity_id = kwargs['samlEntityId'] + if saml_field_mapping is None and 'samlFieldMapping' in kwargs: + saml_field_mapping = kwargs['samlFieldMapping'] + if saml_idp_login_allowed is None and 'samlIdpLoginAllowed' in kwargs: + saml_idp_login_allowed = kwargs['samlIdpLoginAllowed'] + if saml_idp_url is None and 'samlIdpUrl' in kwargs: + saml_idp_url = kwargs['samlIdpUrl'] + if saml_metadata_url is None and 'samlMetadataUrl' in kwargs: + saml_metadata_url = kwargs['samlMetadataUrl'] + if saml_signature_algorithm is None and 'samlSignatureAlgorithm' in kwargs: + saml_signature_algorithm = kwargs['samlSignatureAlgorithm'] + if saml_variant is None and 'samlVariant' in kwargs: + saml_variant = kwargs['samlVariant'] + if update_time is None and 'updateTime' in kwargs: + update_time = kwargs['updateTime'] + if account_id is not None: _setter("account_id", account_id) if authentication_id is not None: @@ -708,11 +766,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["saml_certificate"] = saml_certificate __props__.__dict__["saml_digest_algorithm"] = saml_digest_algorithm __props__.__dict__["saml_entity_id"] = saml_entity_id - if saml_field_mapping is not None and not isinstance(saml_field_mapping, AccountAuthenticationSamlFieldMappingArgs): - saml_field_mapping = saml_field_mapping or {} - def _setter(key, value): - saml_field_mapping[key] = value - AccountAuthenticationSamlFieldMappingArgs._configure(_setter, **saml_field_mapping) + saml_field_mapping = _utilities.configure(saml_field_mapping, AccountAuthenticationSamlFieldMappingArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["saml_field_mapping"] = saml_field_mapping __props__.__dict__["saml_idp_login_allowed"] = saml_idp_login_allowed __props__.__dict__["saml_idp_url"] = saml_idp_url diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team.py index 86475fb68..d91b9174c 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team.py @@ -29,9 +29,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - account_id: pulumi.Input[str], + account_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if account_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'account_id' argument") + _setter("account_id", account_id) if name is not None: _setter("name", name) @@ -93,7 +99,17 @@ def _configure( name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, team_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, update_time: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if create_time is None and 'createTime' in kwargs: + create_time = kwargs['createTime'] + if team_id is None and 'teamId' in kwargs: + team_id = kwargs['teamId'] + if update_time is None and 'updateTime' in kwargs: + update_time = kwargs['updateTime'] + if account_id is not None: _setter("account_id", account_id) if create_time is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team_member.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team_member.py index 21520f7f9..cde7f7cef 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team_member.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team_member.py @@ -32,10 +32,24 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - account_id: pulumi.Input[str], - team_id: pulumi.Input[str], - user_email: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + account_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + team_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + user_email: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if account_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'account_id' argument") + if team_id is None and 'teamId' in kwargs: + team_id = kwargs['teamId'] + if team_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'team_id' argument") + if user_email is None and 'userEmail' in kwargs: + user_email = kwargs['userEmail'] + if user_email is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'user_email' argument") + _setter("account_id", account_id) _setter("team_id", team_id) _setter("user_email", user_email) @@ -113,7 +127,19 @@ def _configure( invited_by_user_email: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, team_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, user_email: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if create_time is None and 'createTime' in kwargs: + create_time = kwargs['createTime'] + if invited_by_user_email is None and 'invitedByUserEmail' in kwargs: + invited_by_user_email = kwargs['invitedByUserEmail'] + if team_id is None and 'teamId' in kwargs: + team_id = kwargs['teamId'] + if user_email is None and 'userEmail' in kwargs: + user_email = kwargs['userEmail'] + if accepted is not None: _setter("accepted", accepted) if account_id is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team_project.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team_project.py index 3583bba9a..80f96a0ef 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team_project.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/account_team_project.py @@ -35,11 +35,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - account_id: pulumi.Input[str], - team_id: pulumi.Input[str], + account_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + team_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, project_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, team_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if account_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'account_id' argument") + if team_id is None and 'teamId' in kwargs: + team_id = kwargs['teamId'] + if team_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'team_id' argument") + if project_name is None and 'projectName' in kwargs: + project_name = kwargs['projectName'] + if team_type is None and 'teamType' in kwargs: + team_type = kwargs['teamType'] + _setter("account_id", account_id) _setter("team_id", team_id) if project_name is not None: @@ -124,7 +138,17 @@ def _configure( project_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, team_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, team_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if project_name is None and 'projectName' in kwargs: + project_name = kwargs['projectName'] + if team_id is None and 'teamId' in kwargs: + team_id = kwargs['teamId'] + if team_type is None and 'teamType' in kwargs: + team_type = kwargs['teamType'] + if account_id is not None: _setter("account_id", account_id) if project_name is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/aws_privatelink.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/aws_privatelink.py index 0e12109f4..12bb9f628 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/aws_privatelink.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/aws_privatelink.py @@ -32,10 +32,20 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - principals: pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + principals: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if principals is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'principals' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + _setter("principals", principals) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -109,7 +119,15 @@ def _configure( principals: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if aws_service_id is None and 'awsServiceId' in kwargs: + aws_service_id = kwargs['awsServiceId'] + if aws_service_name is None and 'awsServiceName' in kwargs: + aws_service_name = kwargs['awsServiceName'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if aws_service_id is not None: _setter("aws_service_id", aws_service_id) if aws_service_name is not None: @@ -194,18 +212,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.AwsPrivatelink("foo", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["bar"]["service_name"], - principals=["arn:aws:iam::012345678901:user/mwf"]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -227,18 +233,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.AwsPrivatelink("foo", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["bar"]["service_name"], - principals=["arn:aws:iam::012345678901:user/mwf"]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/aws_vpc_peering_connection.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/aws_vpc_peering_connection.py index 1a5f6da6e..7a0178d19 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/aws_vpc_peering_connection.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/aws_vpc_peering_connection.py @@ -35,11 +35,29 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - aws_account_id: pulumi.Input[str], - aws_vpc_id: pulumi.Input[str], - aws_vpc_region: pulumi.Input[str], - vpc_id: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + aws_account_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + aws_vpc_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + aws_vpc_region: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + vpc_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if aws_account_id is None and 'awsAccountId' in kwargs: + aws_account_id = kwargs['awsAccountId'] + if aws_account_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'aws_account_id' argument") + if aws_vpc_id is None and 'awsVpcId' in kwargs: + aws_vpc_id = kwargs['awsVpcId'] + if aws_vpc_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'aws_vpc_id' argument") + if aws_vpc_region is None and 'awsVpcRegion' in kwargs: + aws_vpc_region = kwargs['awsVpcRegion'] + if aws_vpc_region is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'aws_vpc_region' argument") + if vpc_id is None and 'vpcId' in kwargs: + vpc_id = kwargs['vpcId'] + if vpc_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'vpc_id' argument") + _setter("aws_account_id", aws_account_id) _setter("aws_vpc_id", aws_vpc_id) _setter("aws_vpc_region", aws_vpc_region) @@ -134,7 +152,21 @@ def _configure( state: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, state_info: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, Any]]] = None, vpc_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if aws_account_id is None and 'awsAccountId' in kwargs: + aws_account_id = kwargs['awsAccountId'] + if aws_vpc_id is None and 'awsVpcId' in kwargs: + aws_vpc_id = kwargs['awsVpcId'] + if aws_vpc_peering_connection_id is None and 'awsVpcPeeringConnectionId' in kwargs: + aws_vpc_peering_connection_id = kwargs['awsVpcPeeringConnectionId'] + if aws_vpc_region is None and 'awsVpcRegion' in kwargs: + aws_vpc_region = kwargs['awsVpcRegion'] + if state_info is None and 'stateInfo' in kwargs: + state_info = kwargs['stateInfo'] + if vpc_id is None and 'vpcId' in kwargs: + vpc_id = kwargs['vpcId'] + if aws_account_id is not None: _setter("aws_account_id", aws_account_id) if aws_vpc_id is not None: @@ -248,18 +280,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The AWS VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS VPC Peering Connections. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.AwsVpcPeeringConnection("foo", - vpc_id=data["aiven_project_vpc"]["vpc"]["id"], - aws_account_id="XXXXX", - aws_vpc_id="XXXXX") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -282,18 +302,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The AWS VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS VPC Peering Connections. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.AwsVpcPeeringConnection("foo", - vpc_id=data["aiven_project_vpc"]["vpc"]["id"], - aws_account_id="XXXXX", - aws_vpc_id="XXXXX") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_privatelink.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_privatelink.py index b3afa4744..a7c44d21c 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_privatelink.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_privatelink.py @@ -32,10 +32,22 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - user_subscription_ids: pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + user_subscription_ids: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if user_subscription_ids is None and 'userSubscriptionIds' in kwargs: + user_subscription_ids = kwargs['userSubscriptionIds'] + if user_subscription_ids is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'user_subscription_ids' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) _setter("user_subscription_ids", user_subscription_ids) @@ -117,7 +129,17 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, state: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, user_subscription_ids: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if azure_service_alias is None and 'azureServiceAlias' in kwargs: + azure_service_alias = kwargs['azureServiceAlias'] + if azure_service_id is None and 'azureServiceId' in kwargs: + azure_service_id = kwargs['azureServiceId'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if user_subscription_ids is None and 'userSubscriptionIds' in kwargs: + user_subscription_ids = kwargs['userSubscriptionIds'] + if azure_service_alias is not None: _setter("azure_service_alias", azure_service_alias) if azure_service_id is not None: @@ -230,18 +252,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.AzurePrivatelink("foo", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["bar"]["service_name"], - user_subscription_ids=["xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx"]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -263,18 +273,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.AzurePrivatelink("foo", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["bar"]["service_name"], - user_subscription_ids=["xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx"]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_privatelink_connection_approval.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_privatelink_connection_approval.py index fd87e3600..2a5ff41c8 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_privatelink_connection_approval.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_privatelink_connection_approval.py @@ -32,10 +32,20 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, endpoint_ip_address: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if endpoint_ip_address is None and 'endpointIpAddress' in kwargs: + endpoint_ip_address = kwargs['endpointIpAddress'] + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) if endpoint_ip_address is not None: @@ -110,7 +120,15 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, state: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if endpoint_ip_address is None and 'endpointIpAddress' in kwargs: + endpoint_ip_address = kwargs['endpointIpAddress'] + if privatelink_connection_id is None and 'privatelinkConnectionId' in kwargs: + privatelink_connection_id = kwargs['privatelinkConnectionId'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if endpoint_ip_address is not None: _setter("endpoint_ip_address", endpoint_ip_address) if privatelink_connection_id is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_vpc_peering_connection.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_vpc_peering_connection.py index ab3cbc21c..968d31674 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_vpc_peering_connection.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/azure_vpc_peering_connection.py @@ -41,13 +41,39 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - azure_subscription_id: pulumi.Input[str], - peer_azure_app_id: pulumi.Input[str], - peer_azure_tenant_id: pulumi.Input[str], - peer_resource_group: pulumi.Input[str], - vnet_name: pulumi.Input[str], - vpc_id: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + azure_subscription_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + peer_azure_app_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + peer_azure_tenant_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + peer_resource_group: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + vnet_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + vpc_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if azure_subscription_id is None and 'azureSubscriptionId' in kwargs: + azure_subscription_id = kwargs['azureSubscriptionId'] + if azure_subscription_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'azure_subscription_id' argument") + if peer_azure_app_id is None and 'peerAzureAppId' in kwargs: + peer_azure_app_id = kwargs['peerAzureAppId'] + if peer_azure_app_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'peer_azure_app_id' argument") + if peer_azure_tenant_id is None and 'peerAzureTenantId' in kwargs: + peer_azure_tenant_id = kwargs['peerAzureTenantId'] + if peer_azure_tenant_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'peer_azure_tenant_id' argument") + if peer_resource_group is None and 'peerResourceGroup' in kwargs: + peer_resource_group = kwargs['peerResourceGroup'] + if peer_resource_group is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'peer_resource_group' argument") + if vnet_name is None and 'vnetName' in kwargs: + vnet_name = kwargs['vnetName'] + if vnet_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'vnet_name' argument") + if vpc_id is None and 'vpcId' in kwargs: + vpc_id = kwargs['vpcId'] + if vpc_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'vpc_id' argument") + _setter("azure_subscription_id", azure_subscription_id) _setter("peer_azure_app_id", peer_azure_app_id) _setter("peer_azure_tenant_id", peer_azure_tenant_id) @@ -176,7 +202,25 @@ def _configure( state_info: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, Any]]] = None, vnet_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, vpc_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if azure_subscription_id is None and 'azureSubscriptionId' in kwargs: + azure_subscription_id = kwargs['azureSubscriptionId'] + if peer_azure_app_id is None and 'peerAzureAppId' in kwargs: + peer_azure_app_id = kwargs['peerAzureAppId'] + if peer_azure_tenant_id is None and 'peerAzureTenantId' in kwargs: + peer_azure_tenant_id = kwargs['peerAzureTenantId'] + if peer_resource_group is None and 'peerResourceGroup' in kwargs: + peer_resource_group = kwargs['peerResourceGroup'] + if peering_connection_id is None and 'peeringConnectionId' in kwargs: + peering_connection_id = kwargs['peeringConnectionId'] + if state_info is None and 'stateInfo' in kwargs: + state_info = kwargs['stateInfo'] + if vnet_name is None and 'vnetName' in kwargs: + vnet_name = kwargs['vnetName'] + if vpc_id is None and 'vpcId' in kwargs: + vpc_id = kwargs['vpcId'] + if azure_subscription_id is not None: _setter("azure_subscription_id", azure_subscription_id) if peer_azure_app_id is not None: @@ -320,21 +364,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Azure VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven VPC Peering Connections. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.AzureVpcPeeringConnection("foo", - vpc_id=data["aiven_project_vpc"]["vpc"]["id"], - azure_subscription_id="xxxxxx", - peer_resource_group="my-pr1", - vnet_name="my-vnet1", - peer_azure_app_id="xxxxxx", - peer_azure_tenant_id="xxxxxx") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -359,21 +388,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Azure VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven VPC Peering Connections. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.AzureVpcPeeringConnection("foo", - vpc_id=data["aiven_project_vpc"]["vpc"]["id"], - azure_subscription_id="xxxxxx", - peer_resource_group="my-pr1", - vnet_name="my-vnet1", - peer_azure_app_id="xxxxxx", - peer_azure_tenant_id="xxxxxx") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/billing_group.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/billing_group.py index 7eb3ce587..ce3b9c5bf 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/billing_group.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/billing_group.py @@ -83,7 +83,31 @@ def _configure( state: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, vat_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, zip_code: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if address_lines is None and 'addressLines' in kwargs: + address_lines = kwargs['addressLines'] + if billing_currency is None and 'billingCurrency' in kwargs: + billing_currency = kwargs['billingCurrency'] + if billing_emails is None and 'billingEmails' in kwargs: + billing_emails = kwargs['billingEmails'] + if billing_extra_text is None and 'billingExtraText' in kwargs: + billing_extra_text = kwargs['billingExtraText'] + if card_id is None and 'cardId' in kwargs: + card_id = kwargs['cardId'] + if copy_from_billing_group is None and 'copyFromBillingGroup' in kwargs: + copy_from_billing_group = kwargs['copyFromBillingGroup'] + if country_code is None and 'countryCode' in kwargs: + country_code = kwargs['countryCode'] + if parent_id is None and 'parentId' in kwargs: + parent_id = kwargs['parentId'] + if vat_id is None and 'vatId' in kwargs: + vat_id = kwargs['vatId'] + if zip_code is None and 'zipCode' in kwargs: + zip_code = kwargs['zipCode'] + if account_id is not None: warnings.warn("""Use parent_id instead. This field will be removed in the next major release.""", DeprecationWarning) pulumi.log.warn("""account_id is deprecated: Use parent_id instead. This field will be removed in the next major release.""") @@ -374,7 +398,31 @@ def _configure( state: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, vat_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, zip_code: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if address_lines is None and 'addressLines' in kwargs: + address_lines = kwargs['addressLines'] + if billing_currency is None and 'billingCurrency' in kwargs: + billing_currency = kwargs['billingCurrency'] + if billing_emails is None and 'billingEmails' in kwargs: + billing_emails = kwargs['billingEmails'] + if billing_extra_text is None and 'billingExtraText' in kwargs: + billing_extra_text = kwargs['billingExtraText'] + if card_id is None and 'cardId' in kwargs: + card_id = kwargs['cardId'] + if copy_from_billing_group is None and 'copyFromBillingGroup' in kwargs: + copy_from_billing_group = kwargs['copyFromBillingGroup'] + if country_code is None and 'countryCode' in kwargs: + country_code = kwargs['countryCode'] + if parent_id is None and 'parentId' in kwargs: + parent_id = kwargs['parentId'] + if vat_id is None and 'vatId' in kwargs: + vat_id = kwargs['vatId'] + if zip_code is None and 'zipCode' in kwargs: + zip_code = kwargs['zipCode'] + if account_id is not None: warnings.warn("""Use parent_id instead. This field will be removed in the next major release.""", DeprecationWarning) pulumi.log.warn("""account_id is deprecated: Use parent_id instead. This field will be removed in the next major release.""") @@ -617,20 +665,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Billing Group resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Billing Groups and association with the Projects. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - bybg1 = aiven.BillingGroup("bybg1", - billing_currency="USD", - vat_id="123ABC") - pr1 = aiven.Project("pr1", - project="pr1", - billing_group=bybg1.id) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -664,20 +698,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Billing Group resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Billing Groups and association with the Projects. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - bybg1 = aiven.BillingGroup("bybg1", - billing_currency="USD", - vat_id="123ABC") - pr1 = aiven.Project("pr1", - project="pr1", - billing_group=bybg1.id) - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/cassandra.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/cassandra.py index 7801b2e29..bd0b43a02 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/cassandra.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/cassandra.py @@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cassandra_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['CassandraCassandraUserConfigArgs']] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -81,7 +81,37 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['CassandraTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cassandra_user_config is None and 'cassandraUserConfig' in kwargs: + cassandra_user_config = kwargs['cassandraUserConfig'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -403,7 +433,51 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['CassandraTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cassandra_user_config is None and 'cassandraUserConfig' in kwargs: + cassandra_user_config = kwargs['cassandraUserConfig'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cassandra_user_config is not None: @@ -813,27 +887,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Cassandra resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Cassandra services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - bar = aiven.Cassandra("bar", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="test-service-name", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - cassandra_user_config=aiven.CassandraCassandraUserConfigArgs( - migrate_sstableloader=True, - public_access=aiven.CassandraCassandraUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - prometheus=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -866,27 +919,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Cassandra resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Cassandra services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - bar = aiven.Cassandra("bar", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="test-service-name", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - cassandra_user_config=aiven.CassandraCassandraUserConfigArgs( - migrate_sstableloader=True, - public_access=aiven.CassandraCassandraUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - prometheus=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -936,11 +968,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__ = CassandraArgs.__new__(CassandraArgs) __props__.__dict__["additional_disk_space"] = additional_disk_space - if cassandra_user_config is not None and not isinstance(cassandra_user_config, CassandraCassandraUserConfigArgs): - cassandra_user_config = cassandra_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - cassandra_user_config[key] = value - CassandraCassandraUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **cassandra_user_config) + cassandra_user_config = _utilities.configure(cassandra_user_config, CassandraCassandraUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["cassandra_user_config"] = cassandra_user_config __props__.__dict__["cloud_name"] = cloud_name __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/cassandra_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/cassandra_user.py index 688d62a26..47a68fb7a 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/cassandra_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/cassandra_user.py @@ -35,11 +35,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) _setter("username", username) @@ -135,7 +145,15 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_cert is None and 'accessCert' in kwargs: + access_cert = kwargs['accessCert'] + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if access_cert is not None: _setter("access_cert", access_cert) if access_key is not None: @@ -249,19 +267,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Cassandra User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Cassandra Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.CassandraUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_cassandra["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -284,19 +289,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Cassandra User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Cassandra Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.CassandraUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_cassandra["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse.py index 015eda58f..ce6d9cf2e 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse.py @@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, clickhouse_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ClickhouseClickhouseUserConfigArgs']] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -81,7 +81,37 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ClickhouseTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if clickhouse_user_config is None and 'clickhouseUserConfig' in kwargs: + clickhouse_user_config = kwargs['clickhouseUserConfig'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -403,7 +433,51 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ClickhouseTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if clickhouse_user_config is None and 'clickhouseUserConfig' in kwargs: + clickhouse_user_config = kwargs['clickhouseUserConfig'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if clickhouse_user_config is not None: @@ -813,21 +887,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Clickhouse resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clickhouse services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - clickhouse = aiven.Clickhouse("clickhouse", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-4", - service_name="my-clickhouse", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -860,21 +919,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Clickhouse resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clickhouse services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - clickhouse = aiven.Clickhouse("clickhouse", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-4", - service_name="my-clickhouse", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -924,11 +968,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__ = ClickhouseArgs.__new__(ClickhouseArgs) __props__.__dict__["additional_disk_space"] = additional_disk_space - if clickhouse_user_config is not None and not isinstance(clickhouse_user_config, ClickhouseClickhouseUserConfigArgs): - clickhouse_user_config = clickhouse_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - clickhouse_user_config[key] = value - ClickhouseClickhouseUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **clickhouse_user_config) + clickhouse_user_config = _utilities.configure(clickhouse_user_config, ClickhouseClickhouseUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["clickhouse_user_config"] = clickhouse_user_config __props__.__dict__["cloud_name"] = cloud_name __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_database.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_database.py index 7772515cd..e44bfacdf 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_database.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_database.py @@ -37,11 +37,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) if name is not None: @@ -130,7 +140,13 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if name is not None: _setter("name", name) if project is not None: @@ -204,17 +220,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Clickhouse Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clickhouse Databases. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - clickhouse_db = aiven.ClickhouseDatabase("clickhouseDb", - project=aiven_clickhouse["ch"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_clickhouse["ch"]["service_name"]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -239,17 +244,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Clickhouse Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clickhouse Databases. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - clickhouse_db = aiven.ClickhouseDatabase("clickhouseDb", - project=aiven_clickhouse["ch"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_clickhouse["ch"]["service_name"]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_grant.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_grant.py index 8e869f6a1..c338c5f5e 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_grant.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_grant.py @@ -43,13 +43,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, privilege_grants: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ClickhouseGrantPrivilegeGrantArgs']]]] = None, role: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, role_grants: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ClickhouseGrantRoleGrantArgs']]]] = None, user: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if privilege_grants is None and 'privilegeGrants' in kwargs: + privilege_grants = kwargs['privilegeGrants'] + if role_grants is None and 'roleGrants' in kwargs: + role_grants = kwargs['roleGrants'] + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) if privilege_grants is not None: @@ -170,7 +182,15 @@ def _configure( role_grants: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ClickhouseGrantRoleGrantArgs']]]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, user: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if privilege_grants is None and 'privilegeGrants' in kwargs: + privilege_grants = kwargs['privilegeGrants'] + if role_grants is None and 'roleGrants' in kwargs: + role_grants = kwargs['roleGrants'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if privilege_grants is not None: _setter("privilege_grants", privilege_grants) if project is not None: @@ -277,52 +297,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, * To grant a privilege on all tables of a database, do not write table = "*". Instead, omit the table and only keep the database. * Currently changes will first revoke all grants and then reissue the remaining grants for convergence. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - clickhouse = aiven.Clickhouse("clickhouse", - project=var["aiven_project_name"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-8", - service_name="exapmle-clickhouse") - demodb = aiven.ClickhouseDatabase("demodb", - project=clickhouse.project, - service_name=clickhouse.service_name) - demo_clickhouse_role = aiven.ClickhouseRole("demoClickhouseRole", - project=clickhouse.project, - service_name=clickhouse.service_name, - role="demo-role") - demo_role_grant = aiven.ClickhouseGrant("demo-role-grant", - project=clickhouse.project, - service_name=clickhouse.service_name, - role=demo_clickhouse_role.role, - privilege_grants=[ - aiven.ClickhouseGrantPrivilegeGrantArgs( - privilege="INSERT", - database=demodb.name, - table="demo-table", - ), - aiven.ClickhouseGrantPrivilegeGrantArgs( - privilege="SELECT", - database=demodb.name, - ), - ]) - demo_clickhouse_user = aiven.ClickhouseUser("demoClickhouseUser", - project=clickhouse.project, - service_name=clickhouse.service_name, - username="demo-user") - demo_user_grant = aiven.ClickhouseGrant("demo-user-grant", - project=clickhouse.project, - service_name=clickhouse.service_name, - user=demo_clickhouse_user.username, - role_grants=[aiven.ClickhouseGrantRoleGrantArgs( - role=demo_clickhouse_role.role, - )]) - ``` - :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. :param pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ClickhouseGrantPrivilegeGrantArgs']]]] privilege_grants: Configuration to grant a privilege. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -346,52 +320,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, * To grant a privilege on all tables of a database, do not write table = "*". Instead, omit the table and only keep the database. * Currently changes will first revoke all grants and then reissue the remaining grants for convergence. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - clickhouse = aiven.Clickhouse("clickhouse", - project=var["aiven_project_name"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-8", - service_name="exapmle-clickhouse") - demodb = aiven.ClickhouseDatabase("demodb", - project=clickhouse.project, - service_name=clickhouse.service_name) - demo_clickhouse_role = aiven.ClickhouseRole("demoClickhouseRole", - project=clickhouse.project, - service_name=clickhouse.service_name, - role="demo-role") - demo_role_grant = aiven.ClickhouseGrant("demo-role-grant", - project=clickhouse.project, - service_name=clickhouse.service_name, - role=demo_clickhouse_role.role, - privilege_grants=[ - aiven.ClickhouseGrantPrivilegeGrantArgs( - privilege="INSERT", - database=demodb.name, - table="demo-table", - ), - aiven.ClickhouseGrantPrivilegeGrantArgs( - privilege="SELECT", - database=demodb.name, - ), - ]) - demo_clickhouse_user = aiven.ClickhouseUser("demoClickhouseUser", - project=clickhouse.project, - service_name=clickhouse.service_name, - username="demo-user") - demo_user_grant = aiven.ClickhouseGrant("demo-user-grant", - project=clickhouse.project, - service_name=clickhouse.service_name, - user=demo_clickhouse_user.username, - role_grants=[aiven.ClickhouseGrantRoleGrantArgs( - role=demo_clickhouse_role.role, - )]) - ``` - :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param ClickhouseGrantArgs args: The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_role.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_role.py index a96fbff47..f9e2fc16f 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_role.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_role.py @@ -32,10 +32,20 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - role: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + role: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if role is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'role' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("role", role) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -101,7 +111,11 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, role: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if project is not None: _setter("project", project) if role is not None: @@ -158,25 +172,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Clickhouse Role resource allows the creation and management of Roles in Aiven Clickhouse services - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - bar = aiven.Clickhouse("bar", - project="example-project", - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-beta-8", - service_name="example-service", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00") - foo = aiven.ClickhouseRole("foo", - service_name=bar.service_name, - project=bar.project, - role="writer") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -198,25 +193,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Clickhouse Role resource allows the creation and management of Roles in Aiven Clickhouse services - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - bar = aiven.Clickhouse("bar", - project="example-project", - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-beta-8", - service_name="example-service", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00") - foo = aiven.ClickhouseRole("foo", - service_name=bar.service_name, - project=bar.project, - role="writer") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_user.py index 30c5480c3..8fa211cdc 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/clickhouse_user.py @@ -32,10 +32,20 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) _setter("username", username) @@ -113,7 +123,11 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, uuid: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if password is not None: _setter("password", password) if project is not None: @@ -212,18 +226,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Clickhouse User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clikhouse Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - ch_user = aiven.ClickhouseUser("ch-user", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_clickhouse["myservice"]["service_name"], - username="") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -245,18 +247,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Clickhouse User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Clikhouse Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - ch_user = aiven.ClickhouseUser("ch-user", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_clickhouse["myservice"]["service_name"], - username="") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/connection_pool.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/connection_pool.py index 715fe18e2..24879403f 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/connection_pool.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/connection_pool.py @@ -44,14 +44,34 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - database_name: pulumi.Input[str], - pool_name: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + database_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + pool_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, pool_mode: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, pool_size: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database_name is None and 'databaseName' in kwargs: + database_name = kwargs['databaseName'] + if database_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'database_name' argument") + if pool_name is None and 'poolName' in kwargs: + pool_name = kwargs['poolName'] + if pool_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'pool_name' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if pool_mode is None and 'poolMode' in kwargs: + pool_mode = kwargs['poolMode'] + if pool_size is None and 'poolSize' in kwargs: + pool_size = kwargs['poolSize'] + _setter("database_name", database_name) _setter("pool_name", pool_name) _setter("project", project) @@ -192,7 +212,21 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connection_uri is None and 'connectionUri' in kwargs: + connection_uri = kwargs['connectionUri'] + if database_name is None and 'databaseName' in kwargs: + database_name = kwargs['databaseName'] + if pool_mode is None and 'poolMode' in kwargs: + pool_mode = kwargs['poolMode'] + if pool_name is None and 'poolName' in kwargs: + pool_name = kwargs['poolName'] + if pool_size is None and 'poolSize' in kwargs: + pool_size = kwargs['poolSize'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if connection_uri is not None: _setter("connection_uri", connection_uri) if database_name is not None: @@ -323,22 +357,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Connection Pool resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Connection Pools. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestpool = aiven.ConnectionPool("mytestpool", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_pg["mypg"]["service_name"], - database_name=aiven_pg_database["mypgdatabase"]["database_name"], - pool_mode="transaction", - pool_name="mypool", - pool_size=10, - username=aiven_pg_user["mypguser"]["username"]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -364,22 +382,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Connection Pool resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Connection Pools. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestpool = aiven.ConnectionPool("mytestpool", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_pg["mypg"]["service_name"], - database_name=aiven_pg_database["mypgdatabase"]["database_name"], - pool_mode="transaction", - pool_name="mypool", - pool_size=10, - username=aiven_pg_user["mypguser"]["username"]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink.py index a57241074..bfb66dd1b 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink.py @@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -85,7 +85,37 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['FlinkTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if flink_user_config is None and 'flinkUserConfig' in kwargs: + flink_user_config = kwargs['flinkUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -421,7 +451,51 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['FlinkTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if flink_user_config is None and 'flinkUserConfig' in kwargs: + flink_user_config = kwargs['flinkUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -832,24 +906,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Flink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Flink services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - flink = aiven.Flink("flink", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-4", - service_name="my-flink", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - flink_user_config=aiven.FlinkFlinkUserConfigArgs( - flink_version="1.16", - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -883,24 +939,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Flink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Flink services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - flink = aiven.Flink("flink", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-4", - service_name="my-flink", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - flink_user_config=aiven.FlinkFlinkUserConfigArgs( - flink_version="1.16", - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -953,17 +991,9 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["additional_disk_space"] = additional_disk_space __props__.__dict__["cloud_name"] = cloud_name __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space - if flink is not None and not isinstance(flink, FlinkFlinkArgs): - flink = flink or {} - def _setter(key, value): - flink[key] = value - FlinkFlinkArgs._configure(_setter, **flink) + flink = _utilities.configure(flink, FlinkFlinkArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["flink"] = flink - if flink_user_config is not None and not isinstance(flink_user_config, FlinkFlinkUserConfigArgs): - flink_user_config = flink_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - flink_user_config[key] = value - FlinkFlinkUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **flink_user_config) + flink_user_config = _utilities.configure(flink_user_config, FlinkFlinkUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["flink_user_config"] = flink_user_config __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_dow"] = maintenance_window_dow __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_time"] = maintenance_window_time diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application.py index 608d26709..24ad3452c 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application.py @@ -32,10 +32,18 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) if name is not None: @@ -122,7 +130,21 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, updated_at: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, updated_by: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if application_id is None and 'applicationId' in kwargs: + application_id = kwargs['applicationId'] + if created_at is None and 'createdAt' in kwargs: + created_at = kwargs['createdAt'] + if created_by is None and 'createdBy' in kwargs: + created_by = kwargs['createdBy'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if updated_at is None and 'updatedAt' in kwargs: + updated_at = kwargs['updatedAt'] + if updated_by is None and 'updatedBy' in kwargs: + updated_by = kwargs['updatedBy'] + if application_id is not None: _setter("application_id", application_id) if created_at is not None: @@ -249,17 +271,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Flink Application resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Flink Applications. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.FlinkApplication("foo", - project=aiven_project["foo"]["project"], - service_name="flink-service-1") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -281,17 +292,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Flink Application resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Flink Applications. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.FlinkApplication("foo", - project=aiven_project["foo"]["project"], - service_name="flink-service-1") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application_deployment.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application_deployment.py index 3c1601c0f..496928a48 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application_deployment.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application_deployment.py @@ -46,14 +46,34 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - application_id: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - version_id: pulumi.Input[str], + application_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + version_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, parallelism: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, restart_enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, starting_savepoint: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if application_id is None and 'applicationId' in kwargs: + application_id = kwargs['applicationId'] + if application_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'application_id' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if version_id is None and 'versionId' in kwargs: + version_id = kwargs['versionId'] + if version_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'version_id' argument") + if restart_enabled is None and 'restartEnabled' in kwargs: + restart_enabled = kwargs['restartEnabled'] + if starting_savepoint is None and 'startingSavepoint' in kwargs: + starting_savepoint = kwargs['startingSavepoint'] + _setter("application_id", application_id) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -202,7 +222,23 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, starting_savepoint: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, version_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if application_id is None and 'applicationId' in kwargs: + application_id = kwargs['applicationId'] + if created_at is None and 'createdAt' in kwargs: + created_at = kwargs['createdAt'] + if created_by is None and 'createdBy' in kwargs: + created_by = kwargs['createdBy'] + if restart_enabled is None and 'restartEnabled' in kwargs: + restart_enabled = kwargs['restartEnabled'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if starting_savepoint is None and 'startingSavepoint' in kwargs: + starting_savepoint = kwargs['startingSavepoint'] + if version_id is None and 'versionId' in kwargs: + version_id = kwargs['versionId'] + if application_id is not None: _setter("application_id", application_id) if created_at is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application_version.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application_version.py index a76ece6a3..3f1b3a417 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application_version.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/flink_application_version.py @@ -49,15 +49,29 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - application_id: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - statement: pulumi.Input[str], + application_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + statement: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, sink: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['FlinkApplicationVersionSinkArgs']]]] = None, sinks: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['FlinkApplicationVersionSinkArgs']]]] = None, source: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['FlinkApplicationVersionSourceArgs']]]] = None, sources: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['FlinkApplicationVersionSourceArgs']]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if application_id is None and 'applicationId' in kwargs: + application_id = kwargs['applicationId'] + if application_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'application_id' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if statement is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'statement' argument") + _setter("application_id", application_id) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -240,7 +254,19 @@ def _configure( sources: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['FlinkApplicationVersionSourceArgs']]]] = None, statement: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, version: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if application_id is None and 'applicationId' in kwargs: + application_id = kwargs['applicationId'] + if application_version_id is None and 'applicationVersionId' in kwargs: + application_version_id = kwargs['applicationVersionId'] + if created_at is None and 'createdAt' in kwargs: + created_at = kwargs['createdAt'] + if created_by is None and 'createdBy' in kwargs: + created_by = kwargs['createdBy'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if application_id is not None: _setter("application_id", application_id) if application_version_id is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_privatelink.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_privatelink.py index d50d475ee..1c7f97624 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_privatelink.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_privatelink.py @@ -31,9 +31,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -98,7 +106,13 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, state: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if google_service_attachment is None and 'googleServiceAttachment' in kwargs: + google_service_attachment = kwargs['googleServiceAttachment'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if google_service_attachment is not None: _setter("google_service_attachment", google_service_attachment) if message is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_privatelink_connection_approval.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_privatelink_connection_approval.py index 308147022..686d5150f 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_privatelink_connection_approval.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_privatelink_connection_approval.py @@ -34,10 +34,22 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - user_ip_address: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + user_ip_address: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if user_ip_address is None and 'userIpAddress' in kwargs: + user_ip_address = kwargs['userIpAddress'] + if user_ip_address is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'user_ip_address' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) _setter("user_ip_address", user_ip_address) @@ -119,7 +131,17 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, state: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, user_ip_address: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if privatelink_connection_id is None and 'privatelinkConnectionId' in kwargs: + privatelink_connection_id = kwargs['privatelinkConnectionId'] + if psc_connection_id is None and 'pscConnectionId' in kwargs: + psc_connection_id = kwargs['pscConnectionId'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if user_ip_address is None and 'userIpAddress' in kwargs: + user_ip_address = kwargs['userIpAddress'] + if privatelink_connection_id is not None: _setter("privatelink_connection_id", privatelink_connection_id) if project is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_vpc_peering_connection.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_vpc_peering_connection.py index 4a899de84..fd15f415f 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_vpc_peering_connection.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/gcp_vpc_peering_connection.py @@ -32,10 +32,24 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - gcp_project_id: pulumi.Input[str], - peer_vpc: pulumi.Input[str], - vpc_id: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + gcp_project_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + peer_vpc: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + vpc_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if gcp_project_id is None and 'gcpProjectId' in kwargs: + gcp_project_id = kwargs['gcpProjectId'] + if gcp_project_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'gcp_project_id' argument") + if peer_vpc is None and 'peerVpc' in kwargs: + peer_vpc = kwargs['peerVpc'] + if peer_vpc is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'peer_vpc' argument") + if vpc_id is None and 'vpcId' in kwargs: + vpc_id = kwargs['vpcId'] + if vpc_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'vpc_id' argument") + _setter("gcp_project_id", gcp_project_id) _setter("peer_vpc", peer_vpc) _setter("vpc_id", vpc_id) @@ -113,7 +127,19 @@ def _configure( state: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, state_info: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, Any]]] = None, vpc_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if gcp_project_id is None and 'gcpProjectId' in kwargs: + gcp_project_id = kwargs['gcpProjectId'] + if peer_vpc is None and 'peerVpc' in kwargs: + peer_vpc = kwargs['peerVpc'] + if self_link is None and 'selfLink' in kwargs: + self_link = kwargs['selfLink'] + if state_info is None and 'stateInfo' in kwargs: + state_info = kwargs['stateInfo'] + if vpc_id is None and 'vpcId' in kwargs: + vpc_id = kwargs['vpcId'] + if gcp_project_id is not None: _setter("gcp_project_id", gcp_project_id) if peer_vpc is not None: @@ -212,18 +238,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The GCP VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven GCP VPC Peering Connections. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.GcpVpcPeeringConnection("foo", - vpc_id=data["aiven_project_vpc"]["vpc"]["id"], - gcp_project_id="xxxx", - peer_vpc="xxxx") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -245,18 +259,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The GCP VPC Peering Connection resource allows the creation and management of Aiven GCP VPC Peering Connections. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.GcpVpcPeeringConnection("foo", - vpc_id=data["aiven_project_vpc"]["vpc"]["id"], - gcp_project_id="xxxx", - peer_vpc="xxxx") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_account.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_account.py index b1c8180ad..035724187 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_account.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_account.py @@ -145,15 +145,6 @@ def get_account(name: Optional[str] = None, """ The Account data source provides information about the existing Aiven Account. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - account1 = aiven.get_account(name="") - ``` - :param str name: Account name """ @@ -180,15 +171,6 @@ def get_account_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Account data source provides information about the existing Aiven Account. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - account1 = aiven.get_account(name="") - ``` - :param str name: Account name """ diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_aws_privatelink.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_aws_privatelink.py index ebfb874f3..f91f42857 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_aws_privatelink.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_aws_privatelink.py @@ -110,16 +110,6 @@ def get_aws_privatelink(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.get_aws_privatelink(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["bar"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -146,16 +136,6 @@ def get_aws_privatelink_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The AWS Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven AWS Privatelink for a services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.get_aws_privatelink(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["bar"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_aws_vpc_peering_connection.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_aws_vpc_peering_connection.py index 78082d84b..eb5ac3b42 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_aws_vpc_peering_connection.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_aws_vpc_peering_connection.py @@ -136,17 +136,6 @@ def get_aws_vpc_peering_connection(aws_account_id: Optional[str] = None, """ The AWS VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.get_aws_vpc_peering_connection(vpc_id=data["aiven_project_vpc"]["vpc"]["id"], - aws_account_id="XXXXX", - aws_vpc_id="XXXXX") - ``` - :param str aws_account_id: AWS account ID. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str aws_vpc_id: AWS VPC ID. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -181,17 +170,6 @@ def get_aws_vpc_peering_connection_output(aws_account_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[ """ The AWS VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.get_aws_vpc_peering_connection(vpc_id=data["aiven_project_vpc"]["vpc"]["id"], - aws_account_id="XXXXX", - aws_vpc_id="XXXXX") - ``` - :param str aws_account_id: AWS account ID. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str aws_vpc_id: AWS VPC ID. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_azure_privatelink.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_azure_privatelink.py index dd34e56c5..928b5b67c 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_azure_privatelink.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_azure_privatelink.py @@ -134,16 +134,6 @@ def get_azure_privatelink(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.get_azure_privatelink(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["bar"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -172,16 +162,6 @@ def get_azure_privatelink_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Azure Privatelink resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Azure Privatelink for a services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.get_azure_privatelink(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["bar"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassanda.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassanda.py index 9a10ec7e1..0139ab56a 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassanda.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassanda.py @@ -377,16 +377,6 @@ def get_cassanda(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - bar = aiven.get_cassandra(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -436,16 +426,6 @@ def get_cassanda_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - bar = aiven.get_cassandra(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassandra.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassandra.py index efa73e251..b3b7f4a64 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassandra.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassandra.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_cassandra(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - bar = aiven.get_cassandra(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_cassandra_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Cassandra data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - bar = aiven.get_cassandra(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassandra_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassandra_user.py index 7df446db9..95aaca6b2 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassandra_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_cassandra_user.py @@ -135,17 +135,6 @@ def get_cassandra_user(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Cassandra User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_cassandra_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -177,17 +166,6 @@ def get_cassandra_user_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Cassandra User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Cassandra User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_cassandra_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse.py index 2abbc42c1..53b453210 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_clickhouse(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Clickhouse data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - clickhouse = aiven.get_clickhouse(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_clickhouse_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Clickhouse data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - clickhouse = aiven.get_clickhouse(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse_database.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse_database.py index 1703a6efa..ad501eafd 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse_database.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse_database.py @@ -96,17 +96,6 @@ def get_clickhouse_database(name: Optional[str] = None, """ The Clickhouse database data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse Database. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - clickhouse_db = aiven.get_clickhouse_database(project=aiven_clickhouse["ch"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_clickhouse["ch"]["service_name"], - name="my-ch-db") - ``` - :param str name: The name of the Clickhouse database. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -135,17 +124,6 @@ def get_clickhouse_database_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Clickhouse database data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse Database. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - clickhouse_db = aiven.get_clickhouse_database(project=aiven_clickhouse["ch"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_clickhouse["ch"]["service_name"], - name="my-ch-db") - ``` - :param str name: The name of the Clickhouse database. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse_user.py index 7d191ab41..877cdabcb 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_clickhouse_user.py @@ -123,17 +123,6 @@ def get_clickhouse_user(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Clickhouse User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - ch_user = aiven.get_clickhouse_user(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_clickhouse["myservice"]["service_name"], - username="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -164,17 +153,6 @@ def get_clickhouse_user_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Clickhouse User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Clickhouse User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - ch_user = aiven.get_clickhouse_user(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_clickhouse["myservice"]["service_name"], - username="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_connection_pool.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_connection_pool.py index f4820960a..c91ff08d4 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_connection_pool.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_connection_pool.py @@ -147,17 +147,6 @@ def get_connection_pool(pool_name: Optional[str] = None, """ The Connection Pool data source provides information about the existing Aiven Connection Pool. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestpool = aiven.get_connection_pool(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_pg["mypg"]["service_name"], - pool_name="mypool") - ``` - :param str pool_name: The name of the created pool. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -190,17 +179,6 @@ def get_connection_pool_output(pool_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Connection Pool data source provides information about the existing Aiven Connection Pool. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestpool = aiven.get_connection_pool(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_pg["mypg"]["service_name"], - pool_name="mypool") - ``` - :param str pool_name: The name of the created pool. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink.py index a074e6f6c..9d59721a8 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_flink(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Flink data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - flink = aiven.get_flink(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_flink_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Flink data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - flink = aiven.get_flink(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink_application.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink_application.py index 30045f24d..b10a3a8bf 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink_application.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink_application.py @@ -147,17 +147,6 @@ def get_flink_application(name: Optional[str] = None, """ The Flink Application data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - app1 = aiven.get_flink_application(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="", - name="") - ``` - :param str name: Application name :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -190,17 +179,6 @@ def get_flink_application_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Flink Application data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - app1 = aiven.get_flink_application(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="", - name="") - ``` - :param str name: Application name :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink_application_version.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink_application_version.py index 1d8681886..e176274ad 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink_application_version.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_flink_application_version.py @@ -197,18 +197,6 @@ def get_flink_application_version(application_id: Optional[str] = None, """ The Flink Application Version data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application Version. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - app1 = aiven.get_flink_application_version(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="", - application_id="", - application_version_id="") - ``` - :param str application_id: Application ID :param str application_version_id: Application version ID @@ -248,18 +236,6 @@ def get_flink_application_version_output(application_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[s """ The Flink Application Version data source provides information about the existing Aiven Flink Application Version. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - app1 = aiven.get_flink_application_version(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="", - application_id="", - application_version_id="") - ``` - :param str application_id: Application ID :param str application_version_id: Application version ID diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_gcp_vpc_peering_connection.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_gcp_vpc_peering_connection.py index cf8423758..533e6a9dc 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_gcp_vpc_peering_connection.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_gcp_vpc_peering_connection.py @@ -123,17 +123,6 @@ def get_gcp_vpc_peering_connection(gcp_project_id: Optional[str] = None, """ The GCP VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.get_gcp_vpc_peering_connection(vpc_id=data["aiven_project_vpc"]["vpc"]["id"], - gcp_project_id="xxxx", - peer_vpc="xxxx") - ``` - :param str gcp_project_id: GCP project ID. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str peer_vpc: GCP VPC network name. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -164,17 +153,6 @@ def get_gcp_vpc_peering_connection_output(gcp_project_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[ """ The GCP VPC Peering Connection data source provides information about the existing Aiven VPC Peering Connection. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.get_gcp_vpc_peering_connection(vpc_id=data["aiven_project_vpc"]["vpc"]["id"], - gcp_project_id="xxxx", - peer_vpc="xxxx") - ``` - :param str gcp_project_id: GCP project ID. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str peer_vpc: GCP VPC network name. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_grafana.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_grafana.py index d96d7ce83..843f3c358 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_grafana.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_grafana.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_grafana(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Grafana data source provides information about the existing Aiven Grafana service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - gr1 = aiven.get_grafana(project=data["aiven_project"]["ps1"]["project"], - service_name="my-gr1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_grafana_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Grafana data source provides information about the existing Aiven Grafana service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - gr1 = aiven.get_grafana(project=data["aiven_project"]["ps1"]["project"], - service_name="my-gr1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_influx_db.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_influx_db.py index a8fc1d59a..9fd9ac32c 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_influx_db.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_influx_db.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_influx_db(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The InfluxDB data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - inf1 = aiven.get_influx_db(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-inf1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_influx_db_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The InfluxDB data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - inf1 = aiven.get_influx_db(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-inf1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_influxdb_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_influxdb_user.py index 94fb2f095..5613bb9f5 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_influxdb_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_influxdb_user.py @@ -135,17 +135,6 @@ def get_influxdb_user(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The InfluxDB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_influxdb_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -177,17 +166,6 @@ def get_influxdb_user_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The InfluxDB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven InfluxDB User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_influxdb_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka.py index f9d25fb85..726b686c9 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka.py @@ -399,16 +399,6 @@ def get_kafka(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Kafka data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kafka1 = aiven.get_kafka(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-kafka1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -459,16 +449,6 @@ def get_kafka_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Kafka data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kafka1 = aiven.get_kafka(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-kafka1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_acl.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_acl.py index 395147368..392b64dce 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_acl.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_acl.py @@ -125,19 +125,6 @@ def get_kafka_acl(permission: Optional[str] = None, """ The Data Source Kafka ACL data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka ACL for a Kafka service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestacl = aiven.get_kafka_acl(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["mykafka"]["service_name"], - topic="", - permission="", - username="") - ``` - :param str permission: Kafka permission to grant. The possible values are `admin`, `read`, `readwrite` and `write`. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -174,19 +161,6 @@ def get_kafka_acl_output(permission: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Data Source Kafka ACL data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka ACL for a Kafka service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestacl = aiven.get_kafka_acl(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["mykafka"]["service_name"], - topic="", - permission="", - username="") - ``` - :param str permission: Kafka permission to grant. The possible values are `admin`, `read`, `readwrite` and `write`. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_connect.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_connect.py index 0f69eb54a..3b6246584 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_connect.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_connect.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_kafka_connect(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Kafka Connect data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Connect service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kc1 = aiven.get_kafka_connect(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-kc1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_kafka_connect_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Kafka Connect data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Connect service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kc1 = aiven.get_kafka_connect(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-kc1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_connector.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_connector.py index 65a7f4a89..73cd2a289 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_connector.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_connector.py @@ -184,17 +184,6 @@ def get_kafka_connector(connector_name: Optional[str] = None, """ The Kafka connector data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka connector. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kafka_es_con1 = aiven.get_kafka_connector(project=aiven_project["kafka-con-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"], - connector_name="kafka-es-con1") - ``` - :param str connector_name: The kafka connector name. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -230,17 +219,6 @@ def get_kafka_connector_output(connector_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = Non """ The Kafka connector data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka connector. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kafka_es_con1 = aiven.get_kafka_connector(project=aiven_project["kafka-con-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"], - connector_name="kafka-es-con1") - ``` - :param str connector_name: The kafka connector name. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_mirror_maker.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_mirror_maker.py index c07bc2d1b..2873dac59 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_mirror_maker.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_mirror_maker.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_kafka_mirror_maker(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Kafka MirrorMaker data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mm1 = aiven.get_kafka_mirror_maker(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-mm1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_kafka_mirror_maker_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Kafka MirrorMaker data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mm1 = aiven.get_kafka_mirror_maker(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-mm1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_schema.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_schema.py index 93e6ab8c9..2ae35d2c3 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_schema.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_schema.py @@ -135,16 +135,6 @@ def get_kafka_schema(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Kafka Schema data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - config = aiven.get_kafka_schema_configuration(project=aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -176,16 +166,6 @@ def get_kafka_schema_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Kafka Schema data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - config = aiven.get_kafka_schema_configuration(project=aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_schema_configuration.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_schema_configuration.py index f0d4d54e8..f524779a1 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_schema_configuration.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_schema_configuration.py @@ -134,18 +134,6 @@ def get_kafka_schema_configuration(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Kafka Schema Configuration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema Configuration. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - config = aiven.KafkaSchemaConfiguration("config", - project=aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"], - compatibility_level="BACKWARD") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -174,18 +162,6 @@ def get_kafka_schema_configuration_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = """ The Kafka Schema Configuration data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Schema Configuration. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - config = aiven.KafkaSchemaConfiguration("config", - project=aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"], - compatibility_level="BACKWARD") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_topic.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_topic.py index 69afc89d0..de02723e2 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_topic.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_topic.py @@ -145,17 +145,6 @@ def get_kafka_topic(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Kafka Topic data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Topic. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytesttopic = aiven.get_kafka_topic(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["myservice"]["service_name"], - topic_name="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -188,17 +177,6 @@ def get_kafka_topic_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Kafka Topic data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka Topic. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytesttopic = aiven.get_kafka_topic(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["myservice"]["service_name"], - topic_name="") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_user.py index ec48164e8..1f57205dc 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_kafka_user.py @@ -135,17 +135,6 @@ def get_kafka_user(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Kafka User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_kafka_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -177,17 +166,6 @@ def get_kafka_user_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Kafka User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Kafka User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_kafka_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3_aggregator.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3_aggregator.py index 9e3bbd3cd..b641ebf13 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3_aggregator.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3_aggregator.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_m3_aggregator(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The M3 Aggregator data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 Aggregator. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - m3a = aiven.get_m3_aggregator(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name="my-m3a") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_m3_aggregator_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The M3 Aggregator data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 Aggregator. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - m3a = aiven.get_m3_aggregator(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name="my-m3a") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3_db.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3_db.py index 7118682e6..0b556dd40 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3_db.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3_db.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_m3_db(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The M3 DB data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - m3 = aiven.get_m3_db(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name="my-m3db") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_m3_db_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The M3 DB data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3 services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - m3 = aiven.get_m3_db(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name="my-m3db") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3db_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3db_user.py index 7f3051ae6..bda4d4c39 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3db_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_m3db_user.py @@ -111,17 +111,6 @@ def get_m3db_user(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The M3DB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3DB User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_m3db_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -151,17 +140,6 @@ def get_m3db_user_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The M3DB User data source provides information about the existing Aiven M3DB User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_m3db_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mirror_maker_replication_flow.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mirror_maker_replication_flow.py index aab24d0c3..60af46d85 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mirror_maker_replication_flow.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mirror_maker_replication_flow.py @@ -196,18 +196,6 @@ def get_mirror_maker_replication_flow(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow data source provides information about the existing MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow on Aiven Cloud. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - f1 = aiven.get_mirror_maker_replication_flow(project=aiven_project["kafka-mm-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["mm"]["service_name"], - source_cluster=aiven_kafka["source"]["service_name"], - target_cluster=aiven_kafka["target"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -247,18 +235,6 @@ def get_mirror_maker_replication_flow_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str] """ The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow data source provides information about the existing MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow on Aiven Cloud. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - f1 = aiven.get_mirror_maker_replication_flow(project=aiven_project["kafka-mm-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["mm"]["service_name"], - source_cluster=aiven_kafka["source"]["service_name"], - target_cluster=aiven_kafka["target"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_my_sql.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_my_sql.py index 37122d54c..2e3edafbd 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_my_sql.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_my_sql.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_my_sql(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The MySQL data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mysql1 = aiven.get_my_sql(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name="my-mysql1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_my_sql_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The MySQL data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mysql1 = aiven.get_my_sql(project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - service_name="my-mysql1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mysql_database.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mysql_database.py index 86c0dc232..6dd8c5dd0 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mysql_database.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mysql_database.py @@ -96,17 +96,6 @@ def get_mysql_database(database_name: Optional[str] = None, """ The MySQL Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL Database. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mydatabase = aiven.get_mysql_database(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_mysql["mymysql"]["service_name"], - database_name="") - ``` - :param str database_name: The name of the service database. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -135,17 +124,6 @@ def get_mysql_database_output(database_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The MySQL Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL Database. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mydatabase = aiven.get_mysql_database(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_mysql["mymysql"]["service_name"], - database_name="") - ``` - :param str database_name: The name of the service database. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mysql_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mysql_user.py index 2f4b7d148..be308c633 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mysql_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_mysql_user.py @@ -147,17 +147,6 @@ def get_mysql_user(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The MySQL User data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_mysql_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -190,17 +179,6 @@ def get_mysql_user_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The MySQL User data source provides information about the existing Aiven MySQL User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_mysql_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search.py index 450ce6bc1..9a45adeab 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_open_search(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The OpenSearch data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os1 = aiven.get_open_search(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-os1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_open_search_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The OpenSearch data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os1 = aiven.get_open_search(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-os1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search_acl_config.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search_acl_config.py index f53443a6a..ba5f1fc71 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search_acl_config.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search_acl_config.py @@ -98,16 +98,6 @@ def get_open_search_acl_config(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The OpenSearch ACL Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Config. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os_acl_config = aiven.get_open_search_acl_config(project=aiven_project["os-project"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch["os"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -133,16 +123,6 @@ def get_open_search_acl_config_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = Non """ The OpenSearch ACL Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Config. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os_acl_config = aiven.get_open_search_acl_config(project=aiven_project["os-project"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch["os"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search_acl_rule.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search_acl_rule.py index 16ba6c803..119cfef44 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search_acl_rule.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_open_search_acl_rule.py @@ -113,18 +113,6 @@ def get_open_search_acl_rule(index: Optional[str] = None, """ The OpenSearch ACL Rule data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Rule. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os_acl_rule = aiven.get_open_search_acl_rule(project=aiven_opensearch_acl_config["os_acls_config"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch_acl_config["os_acls_config"]["service_name"], - username="", - index="") - ``` - :param str index: The index pattern for this ACL entry. Maximum length: `249`. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str permission: The permissions for this ACL entry. The possible values are `deny`, `admin`, `read`, `readwrite` and `write`. @@ -160,18 +148,6 @@ def get_open_search_acl_rule_output(index: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The OpenSearch ACL Rule data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch ACL Rule. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os_acl_rule = aiven.get_open_search_acl_rule(project=aiven_opensearch_acl_config["os_acls_config"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch_acl_config["os_acls_config"]["service_name"], - username="", - index="") - ``` - :param str index: The index pattern for this ACL entry. Maximum length: `249`. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str permission: The permissions for this ACL entry. The possible values are `deny`, `admin`, `read`, `readwrite` and `write`. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_opensearch_security_plugin_config.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_opensearch_security_plugin_config.py index 90a231d87..fc622f8e8 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_opensearch_security_plugin_config.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_opensearch_security_plugin_config.py @@ -122,16 +122,6 @@ def get_opensearch_security_plugin_config(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The OpenSearch Security Plugin Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch Security Plugin Config. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os_sec_config = aiven.get_opensearch_security_plugin_config(project=aiven_project["os-project"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch["os"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -159,16 +149,6 @@ def get_opensearch_security_plugin_config_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[ """ The OpenSearch Security Plugin Config data source provides information about an existing Aiven OpenSearch Security Plugin Config. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os_sec_config = aiven.get_opensearch_security_plugin_config(project=aiven_project["os-project"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch["os"]["service_name"]) - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_opensearch_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_opensearch_user.py index e11e2414b..26a2855a3 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_opensearch_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_opensearch_user.py @@ -111,17 +111,6 @@ def get_opensearch_user(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The OpenSearch User data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_opensearch_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -151,17 +140,6 @@ def get_opensearch_user_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The OpenSearch User data source provides information about the existing Aiven OpenSearch User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_opensearch_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_organization.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_organization.py index bb143d755..77044d33f 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_organization.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_organization.py @@ -98,15 +98,6 @@ def get_organization(id: Optional[str] = None, """ Retrieves information about an organization from Aiven. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - organization1 = aiven.get_organization(name="") - ``` - :param str id: Identifier of the organization. :param str name: Name of the organization. @@ -132,15 +123,6 @@ def get_organization_output(id: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = None, """ Retrieves information about an organization from Aiven. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - organization1 = aiven.get_organization(name="") - ``` - :param str id: Identifier of the organization. :param str name: Name of the organization. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg.py index 8287e9b1b..13e4a1f3e 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_pg(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The PG data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - pg = aiven.get_pg(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-pg1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_pg_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The PG data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - pg = aiven.get_pg(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-pg1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg_database.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg_database.py index c00e1b6da..8049c3ae3 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg_database.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg_database.py @@ -120,17 +120,6 @@ def get_pg_database(database_name: Optional[str] = None, """ The PG Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL Database. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mydatabase = aiven.get_pg_database(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_pg["mypg"]["service_name"], - database_name="") - ``` - :param str database_name: The name of the service database. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -161,17 +150,6 @@ def get_pg_database_output(database_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The PG Database data source provides information about the existing Aiven PostgreSQL Database. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mydatabase = aiven.get_pg_database(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_pg["mypg"]["service_name"], - database_name="") - ``` - :param str database_name: The name of the service database. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg_user.py index f79c0e4a7..613d5ada9 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_pg_user.py @@ -147,17 +147,6 @@ def get_pg_user(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The PG User data source provides information about the existing Aiven PG User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_pg_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -190,17 +179,6 @@ def get_pg_user_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The PG User data source provides information about the existing Aiven PG User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_pg_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project.py index 1fe9cd6a5..9ca265fdf 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project.py @@ -218,15 +218,6 @@ def get_project(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Project data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - myproject = aiven.get_project(project="") - ``` - :param str project: Defines the name of the project. Name must be globally unique (between all Aiven customers) and cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the project, including all sub-resources. """ @@ -259,15 +250,6 @@ def get_project_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Project data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - myproject = aiven.get_project(project="") - ``` - :param str project: Defines the name of the project. Name must be globally unique (between all Aiven customers) and cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the project, including all sub-resources. """ diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project_user.py index ea0c05941..48879abce 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project_user.py @@ -98,16 +98,6 @@ def get_project_user(email: Optional[str] = None, """ The Project User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestuser = aiven.get_project_user(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - email="john.doe@example.com") - ``` - :param str email: Email address of the user. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -133,16 +123,6 @@ def get_project_user_output(email: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Project User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestuser = aiven.get_project_user(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - email="john.doe@example.com") - ``` - :param str email: Email address of the user. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project_vpc.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project_vpc.py index 6c799ee2e..b56c22f58 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project_vpc.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_project_vpc.py @@ -111,17 +111,6 @@ def get_project_vpc(cloud_name: Optional[str] = None, """ The Project VPC data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project VPC. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - myvpc = aiven.get_project_vpc(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1") - myvpc_id = aiven.get_project_vpc(vpc_id=aiven_project_vpc["vpc"]["id"]) - ``` - :param str cloud_name: Defines where the cloud provider and region where the service is hosted in. See the Service resource for additional information. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. @@ -151,17 +140,6 @@ def get_project_vpc_output(cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[str]]] = N """ The Project VPC data source provides information about the existing Aiven Project VPC. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - myvpc = aiven.get_project_vpc(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1") - myvpc_id = aiven.get_project_vpc(vpc_id=aiven_project_vpc["vpc"]["id"]) - ``` - :param str cloud_name: Defines where the cloud provider and region where the service is hosted in. See the Service resource for additional information. :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_redis.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_redis.py index 6293cafe0..e1889be03 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_redis.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_redis.py @@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ def get_redis(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Redis data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - redis1 = aiven.get_redis(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-redis1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. @@ -433,16 +423,6 @@ def get_redis_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Redis data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - redis1 = aiven.get_redis(project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - service_name="my-redis1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the actual name of the service. The name cannot be changed later without destroying and re-creating the service so name should be picked based on intended service usage rather than current attributes. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_redis_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_redis_user.py index 349d22778..ea93dc651 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_redis_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_redis_user.py @@ -159,17 +159,6 @@ def get_redis_user(project: Optional[str] = None, """ The Redis User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_redis_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -203,17 +192,6 @@ def get_redis_user_output(project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, """ The Redis User data source provides information about the existing Aiven Redis User. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - user = aiven.get_redis_user(project="my-project", - service_name="my-service", - username="user1") - ``` - :param str project: Identifies the project this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str service_name: Specifies the name of the service that this resource belongs to. To set up proper dependencies please refer to this variable as a reference. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_component.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_component.py index 1202f5f4c..c355d0b58 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_component.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_component.py @@ -165,19 +165,6 @@ def get_service_component(component: Optional[str] = None, Service components can be defined to get the connection info for specific service. Services may support multiple different access routes (VPC peering and public access), have additional components or support various authentication methods. Each of these may be represented by different DNS name or TCP port and the specific component to match can be selected by specifying appropriate filters as shown below. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - sc1 = aiven.get_service_component(project=aiven_kafka["project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["service1"]["service_name"], - component="kafka", - route="dynamic", - kafka_authentication_method="certificate") - ``` - :param str component: Service component name :param str kafka_authentication_method: Kafka authentication method. This is a value specific to the 'kafka' service component @@ -225,19 +212,6 @@ def get_service_component_output(component: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, Service components can be defined to get the connection info for specific service. Services may support multiple different access routes (VPC peering and public access), have additional components or support various authentication methods. Each of these may be represented by different DNS name or TCP port and the specific component to match can be selected by specifying appropriate filters as shown below. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - sc1 = aiven.get_service_component(project=aiven_kafka["project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["service1"]["service_name"], - component="kafka", - route="dynamic", - kafka_authentication_method="certificate") - ``` - :param str component: Service component name :param str kafka_authentication_method: Kafka authentication method. This is a value specific to the 'kafka' service component diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_integration.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_integration.py index d7202e439..fd21bfa61 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_integration.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_integration.py @@ -247,18 +247,6 @@ def get_service_integration(destination_service_name: Optional[str] = None, Service Integration defines an integration between two Aiven services or between Aiven service and an external integration endpoint. Integration could be for example sending metrics from Kafka service to an InfluxDB service, getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to Elasticsearch, etc. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - myintegration = aiven.get_service_integration(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - destination_service_name="", - integration_type="datadog", - source_service_name="") - ``` - :param str destination_service_name: Destination service for the integration (if any) :param str integration_type: Type of the service integration. Possible values: `alertmanager`, `cassandra_cross_service_cluster`, `clickhouse_kafka`, `clickhouse_postgresql`, `dashboard`, `datadog`, `datasource`, `external_aws_cloudwatch_logs`, `external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics`, `external_elasticsearch_logs`, `external_google_cloud_logging`, `external_opensearch_logs`, `flink`, `internal_connectivity`, `jolokia`, `kafka_connect`, `kafka_logs`, `kafka_mirrormaker`, `logs`, `m3aggregator`, `m3coordinator`, `metrics`, `opensearch_cross_cluster_replication`, `opensearch_cross_cluster_search`, `prometheus`, `read_replica`, `rsyslog`, `schema_registry_proxy` @@ -304,18 +292,6 @@ def get_service_integration_output(destination_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Inp Service Integration defines an integration between two Aiven services or between Aiven service and an external integration endpoint. Integration could be for example sending metrics from Kafka service to an InfluxDB service, getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to Elasticsearch, etc. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - myintegration = aiven.get_service_integration(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - destination_service_name="", - integration_type="datadog", - source_service_name="") - ``` - :param str destination_service_name: Destination service for the integration (if any) :param str integration_type: Type of the service integration. Possible values: `alertmanager`, `cassandra_cross_service_cluster`, `clickhouse_kafka`, `clickhouse_postgresql`, `dashboard`, `datadog`, `datasource`, `external_aws_cloudwatch_logs`, `external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics`, `external_elasticsearch_logs`, `external_google_cloud_logging`, `external_opensearch_logs`, `flink`, `internal_connectivity`, `jolokia`, `kafka_connect`, `kafka_logs`, `kafka_mirrormaker`, `logs`, `m3aggregator`, `m3coordinator`, `metrics`, `opensearch_cross_cluster_replication`, `opensearch_cross_cluster_search`, `prometheus`, `read_replica`, `rsyslog`, `schema_registry_proxy` diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_integration_endpoint.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_integration_endpoint.py index a057a0be8..52f2c2051 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_integration_endpoint.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_service_integration_endpoint.py @@ -231,16 +231,6 @@ def get_service_integration_endpoint(endpoint_name: Optional[str] = None, """ The Service Integration Endpoint data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration Endpoint. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - myendpoint = aiven.get_service_integration_endpoint(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - endpoint_name="") - ``` - :param str endpoint_name: Name of the service integration endpoint :param str project: Project the service integration endpoint belongs to @@ -277,16 +267,6 @@ def get_service_integration_endpoint_output(endpoint_name: Optional[pulumi.Input """ The Service Integration Endpoint data source provides information about the existing Aiven Service Integration Endpoint. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - myendpoint = aiven.get_service_integration_endpoint(project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - endpoint_name="") - ``` - :param str endpoint_name: Name of the service integration endpoint :param str project: Project the service integration endpoint belongs to diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.py index 90c08c887..4efec1c4b 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/get_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.py @@ -147,17 +147,6 @@ def get_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment(peer_cloud_account: Optional[str] = None, """ The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - attachment = aiven.get_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment(vpc_id=aiven_project_vpc["bar"]["id"], - peer_cloud_account="", - peer_vpc="google-project1") - ``` - :param str peer_cloud_account: AWS account ID or GCP project ID of the peered VPC. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str peer_vpc: Transit gateway ID. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. @@ -190,17 +179,6 @@ def get_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_output(peer_cloud_account: Optional[pulum """ The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - attachment = aiven.get_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment(vpc_id=aiven_project_vpc["bar"]["id"], - peer_cloud_account="", - peer_vpc="google-project1") - ``` - :param str peer_cloud_account: AWS account ID or GCP project ID of the peered VPC. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. :param str peer_vpc: Transit gateway ID. This property cannot be changed, doing so forces recreation of the resource. diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/grafana.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/grafana.py index 7a5d6360a..5f40ea58e 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/grafana.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/grafana.py @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -101,7 +101,35 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['GrafanaTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if grafana_user_config is None and 'grafanaUserConfig' in kwargs: + grafana_user_config = kwargs['grafanaUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) if additional_disk_space is not None: @@ -466,7 +494,51 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['GrafanaTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if grafana_user_config is None and 'grafanaUserConfig' in kwargs: + grafana_user_config = kwargs['grafanaUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -898,26 +970,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Grafana resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Grafana services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - gr1 = aiven.Grafana("gr1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["ps1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - grafana_user_config=aiven.GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigArgs( - alerting_enabled=True, - public_access=aiven.GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - grafana=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -970,26 +1022,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Grafana resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Grafana services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - gr1 = aiven.Grafana("gr1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["ps1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - grafana_user_config=aiven.GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigArgs( - alerting_enabled=True, - public_access=aiven.GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - grafana=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -1041,11 +1073,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["additional_disk_space"] = additional_disk_space __props__.__dict__["cloud_name"] = cloud_name __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space - if grafana_user_config is not None and not isinstance(grafana_user_config, GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigArgs): - grafana_user_config = grafana_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - grafana_user_config[key] = value - GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **grafana_user_config) + grafana_user_config = _utilities.configure(grafana_user_config, GrafanaGrafanaUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["grafana_user_config"] = grafana_user_config __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_dow"] = maintenance_window_dow __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_time"] = maintenance_window_time diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influx_db.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influx_db.py index 7bae46889..9c5913554 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influx_db.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influx_db.py @@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -81,7 +81,37 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['InfluxDbTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if influxdb_user_config is None and 'influxdbUserConfig' in kwargs: + influxdb_user_config = kwargs['influxdbUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -403,7 +433,51 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['InfluxDbTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if influxdb_user_config is None and 'influxdbUserConfig' in kwargs: + influxdb_user_config = kwargs['influxdbUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -813,26 +887,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The InfluxDB resource allows the creation and management of Aiven InfluxDB services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - inf1 = aiven.InfluxDb("inf1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="my-inf1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - influxdb_user_config=aiven.InfluxDbInfluxdbUserConfigArgs( - public_access=aiven.InfluxDbInfluxdbUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - influxdb=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -865,26 +919,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The InfluxDB resource allows the creation and management of Aiven InfluxDB services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - inf1 = aiven.InfluxDb("inf1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="my-inf1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - influxdb_user_config=aiven.InfluxDbInfluxdbUserConfigArgs( - public_access=aiven.InfluxDbInfluxdbUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - influxdb=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -936,11 +970,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["additional_disk_space"] = additional_disk_space __props__.__dict__["cloud_name"] = cloud_name __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space - if influxdb_user_config is not None and not isinstance(influxdb_user_config, InfluxDbInfluxdbUserConfigArgs): - influxdb_user_config = influxdb_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - influxdb_user_config[key] = value - InfluxDbInfluxdbUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **influxdb_user_config) + influxdb_user_config = _utilities.configure(influxdb_user_config, InfluxDbInfluxdbUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["influxdb_user_config"] = influxdb_user_config __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_dow"] = maintenance_window_dow __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_time"] = maintenance_window_time diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influxdb_database.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influxdb_database.py index 73f7075de..52115aaee 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influxdb_database.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influxdb_database.py @@ -36,11 +36,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - database_name: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + database_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database_name is None and 'databaseName' in kwargs: + database_name = kwargs['databaseName'] + if database_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'database_name' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("database_name", database_name) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -126,7 +140,15 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database_name is None and 'databaseName' in kwargs: + database_name = kwargs['databaseName'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if database_name is not None: _setter("database_name", database_name) if project is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influxdb_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influxdb_user.py index 0ef5f3804..52947dc35 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influxdb_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/influxdb_user.py @@ -35,11 +35,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) _setter("username", username) @@ -135,7 +145,15 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_cert is None and 'accessCert' in kwargs: + access_cert = kwargs['accessCert'] + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if access_cert is not None: _setter("access_cert", access_cert) if access_key is not None: @@ -249,19 +267,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The InfluxDB User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven InfluxDB Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.InfluxdbUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_influxdb["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -284,19 +289,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The InfluxDB User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven InfluxDB Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.InfluxdbUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_influxdb["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka.py index a1c7ed159..865d5f5f3 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka.py @@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, default_acl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, @@ -89,7 +89,39 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['KafkaTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if default_acl is None and 'defaultAcl' in kwargs: + default_acl = kwargs['defaultAcl'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if kafka_user_config is None and 'kafkaUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_user_config = kwargs['kafkaUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -453,7 +485,53 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['KafkaTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if default_acl is None and 'defaultAcl' in kwargs: + default_acl = kwargs['defaultAcl'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if kafka_user_config is None and 'kafkaUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_user_config = kwargs['kafkaUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -899,35 +977,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kafka1 = aiven.Kafka("kafka1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-4", - service_name="my-kafka1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - kafka_user_config=aiven.KafkaKafkaUserConfigArgs( - kafka_rest=True, - kafka_connect=True, - schema_registry=True, - kafka_version="3.1", - kafka=aiven.KafkaKafkaUserConfigKafkaArgs( - group_max_session_timeout_ms=70000, - log_retention_bytes=1000000000, - ), - public_access=aiven.KafkaKafkaUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - kafka_rest=True, - kafka_connect=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -962,35 +1011,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kafka1 = aiven.Kafka("kafka1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-4", - service_name="my-kafka1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - kafka_user_config=aiven.KafkaKafkaUserConfigArgs( - kafka_rest=True, - kafka_connect=True, - schema_registry=True, - kafka_version="3.1", - kafka=aiven.KafkaKafkaUserConfigKafkaArgs( - group_max_session_timeout_ms=70000, - log_retention_bytes=1000000000, - ), - public_access=aiven.KafkaKafkaUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - kafka_rest=True, - kafka_connect=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -1045,11 +1065,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["cloud_name"] = cloud_name __props__.__dict__["default_acl"] = default_acl __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space - if kafka_user_config is not None and not isinstance(kafka_user_config, KafkaKafkaUserConfigArgs): - kafka_user_config = kafka_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - kafka_user_config[key] = value - KafkaKafkaUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **kafka_user_config) + kafka_user_config = _utilities.configure(kafka_user_config, KafkaKafkaUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["kafka_user_config"] = kafka_user_config __props__.__dict__["karapace"] = karapace __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_dow"] = maintenance_window_dow diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_acl.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_acl.py index ea83dc068..d33d648dd 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_acl.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_acl.py @@ -38,12 +38,26 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - permission: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - topic: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + permission: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + topic: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if permission is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'permission' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if topic is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'topic' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + _setter("permission", permission) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -147,7 +161,13 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, topic: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if acl_id is None and 'aclId' in kwargs: + acl_id = kwargs['aclId'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if acl_id is not None: _setter("acl_id", acl_id) if permission is not None: @@ -248,20 +268,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Resource Kafka ACL resource allows the creation and management of ACLs for an Aiven Kafka service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestacl = aiven.KafkaAcl("mytestacl", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["myservice"]["service_name"], - topic="", - permission="admin", - username="") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -285,20 +291,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Resource Kafka ACL resource allows the creation and management of ACLs for an Aiven Kafka service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestacl = aiven.KafkaAcl("mytestacl", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["myservice"]["service_name"], - topic="", - permission="admin", - username="") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_connect.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_connect.py index 6ff7aeb30..0ce0a27e3 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_connect.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_connect.py @@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -101,7 +101,37 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['KafkaConnectTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if kafka_connect_user_config is None and 'kafkaConnectUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_connect_user_config = kwargs['kafkaConnectUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -465,7 +495,53 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['KafkaConnectTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if kafka_connect_user_config is None and 'kafkaConnectUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_connect_user_config = kwargs['kafkaConnectUserConfig'] + if kafka_connects is None and 'kafkaConnects' in kwargs: + kafka_connects = kwargs['kafkaConnects'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -897,29 +973,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka Connect resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Connect services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kc1 = aiven.KafkaConnect("kc1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="my-kc1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - kafka_connect_user_config=aiven.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigArgs( - kafka_connect=aiven.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigKafkaConnectArgs( - consumer_isolation_level="read_committed", - ), - public_access=aiven.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - kafka_connect=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -972,29 +1025,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka Connect resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Connect services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kc1 = aiven.KafkaConnect("kc1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="my-kc1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - kafka_connect_user_config=aiven.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigArgs( - kafka_connect=aiven.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigKafkaConnectArgs( - consumer_isolation_level="read_committed", - ), - public_access=aiven.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - kafka_connect=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -1046,11 +1076,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["additional_disk_space"] = additional_disk_space __props__.__dict__["cloud_name"] = cloud_name __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space - if kafka_connect_user_config is not None and not isinstance(kafka_connect_user_config, KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigArgs): - kafka_connect_user_config = kafka_connect_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - kafka_connect_user_config[key] = value - KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **kafka_connect_user_config) + kafka_connect_user_config = _utilities.configure(kafka_connect_user_config, KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["kafka_connect_user_config"] = kafka_connect_user_config __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_dow"] = maintenance_window_dow __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_time"] = maintenance_window_time diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_connector.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_connector.py index baa3eaf92..2d7b72347 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_connector.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_connector.py @@ -37,11 +37,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - config: pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]], - connector_name: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + config: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, + connector_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if config is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'config' argument") + if connector_name is None and 'connectorName' in kwargs: + connector_name = kwargs['connectorName'] + if connector_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'connector_name' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + _setter("config", config) _setter("connector_name", connector_name) _setter("project", project) @@ -152,7 +166,25 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, tasks: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['KafkaConnectorTaskArgs']]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connector_name is None and 'connectorName' in kwargs: + connector_name = kwargs['connectorName'] + if plugin_author is None and 'pluginAuthor' in kwargs: + plugin_author = kwargs['pluginAuthor'] + if plugin_class is None and 'pluginClass' in kwargs: + plugin_class = kwargs['pluginClass'] + if plugin_doc_url is None and 'pluginDocUrl' in kwargs: + plugin_doc_url = kwargs['pluginDocUrl'] + if plugin_title is None and 'pluginTitle' in kwargs: + plugin_title = kwargs['pluginTitle'] + if plugin_type is None and 'pluginType' in kwargs: + plugin_type = kwargs['pluginType'] + if plugin_version is None and 'pluginVersion' in kwargs: + plugin_version = kwargs['pluginVersion'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if config is not None: _setter("config", config) if connector_name is not None: @@ -322,27 +354,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka connectors resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka connectors. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kafka_os_con1 = aiven.KafkaConnector("kafka-os-con1", - project=aiven_project["kafka-con-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"], - connector_name="kafka-os-con1", - config={ - "topics": aiven_kafka_topic["kafka-topic1"]["topic_name"], - "connector.class": "io.aiven.kafka.connect.opensearch.OpensearchSinkConnector", - "type.name": "os-connector", - "name": "kafka-os-con1", - "connection.url": aiven_elasticsearch["os-service1"]["service_uri"], - "connection.username": aiven_opensearch["os-service1"]["service_username"], - "connection.password": aiven_opensearch["os-service1"]["service_password"], - }) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -365,27 +376,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka connectors resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka connectors. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kafka_os_con1 = aiven.KafkaConnector("kafka-os-con1", - project=aiven_project["kafka-con-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"], - connector_name="kafka-os-con1", - config={ - "topics": aiven_kafka_topic["kafka-topic1"]["topic_name"], - "connector.class": "io.aiven.kafka.connect.opensearch.OpensearchSinkConnector", - "type.name": "os-connector", - "name": "kafka-os-con1", - "connection.url": aiven_elasticsearch["os-service1"]["service_uri"], - "connection.username": aiven_opensearch["os-service1"]["service_username"], - "connection.password": aiven_opensearch["os-service1"]["service_password"], - }) - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_mirror_maker.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_mirror_maker.py index 4795b13ab..15b2d9fd3 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_mirror_maker.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_mirror_maker.py @@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -101,7 +101,37 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['KafkaMirrorMakerTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if kafka_mirrormaker_user_config is None and 'kafkaMirrormakerUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_mirrormaker_user_config = kwargs['kafkaMirrormakerUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -465,7 +495,53 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['KafkaMirrorMakerTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if kafka_mirrormaker_user_config is None and 'kafkaMirrormakerUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_mirrormaker_user_config = kwargs['kafkaMirrormakerUserConfig'] + if kafka_mirrormakers is None and 'kafkaMirrormakers' in kwargs: + kafka_mirrormakers = kwargs['kafkaMirrormakers'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -897,27 +973,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka MirrorMaker resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mm1 = aiven.KafkaMirrorMaker("mm1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="my-mm1", - kafka_mirrormaker_user_config=aiven.KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigArgs( - ip_filters=[""], - kafka_mirrormaker=aiven.KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigKafkaMirrormakerArgs( - refresh_groups_interval_seconds=600, - refresh_topics_enabled=True, - refresh_topics_interval_seconds=600, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -970,27 +1025,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka MirrorMaker resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka MirrorMaker 2 services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mm1 = aiven.KafkaMirrorMaker("mm1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="my-mm1", - kafka_mirrormaker_user_config=aiven.KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigArgs( - ip_filters=[""], - kafka_mirrormaker=aiven.KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigKafkaMirrormakerArgs( - refresh_groups_interval_seconds=600, - refresh_topics_enabled=True, - refresh_topics_interval_seconds=600, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -1042,11 +1076,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["additional_disk_space"] = additional_disk_space __props__.__dict__["cloud_name"] = cloud_name __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space - if kafka_mirrormaker_user_config is not None and not isinstance(kafka_mirrormaker_user_config, KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigArgs): - kafka_mirrormaker_user_config = kafka_mirrormaker_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - kafka_mirrormaker_user_config[key] = value - KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **kafka_mirrormaker_user_config) + kafka_mirrormaker_user_config = _utilities.configure(kafka_mirrormaker_user_config, KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["kafka_mirrormaker_user_config"] = kafka_mirrormaker_user_config __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_dow"] = maintenance_window_dow __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_time"] = maintenance_window_time diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema.py index 0ea36dea2..630f94d6b 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema.py @@ -41,13 +41,31 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - schema: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - subject_name: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + schema: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + subject_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, compatibility_level: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, schema_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if schema is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'schema' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if subject_name is None and 'subjectName' in kwargs: + subject_name = kwargs['subjectName'] + if subject_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'subject_name' argument") + if compatibility_level is None and 'compatibilityLevel' in kwargs: + compatibility_level = kwargs['compatibilityLevel'] + if schema_type is None and 'schemaType' in kwargs: + schema_type = kwargs['schemaType'] + _setter("project", project) _setter("schema", schema) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -170,7 +188,17 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, subject_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, version: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if compatibility_level is None and 'compatibilityLevel' in kwargs: + compatibility_level = kwargs['compatibilityLevel'] + if schema_type is None and 'schemaType' in kwargs: + schema_type = kwargs['schemaType'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if subject_name is None and 'subjectName' in kwargs: + subject_name = kwargs['subjectName'] + if compatibility_level is not None: _setter("compatibility_level", compatibility_level) if project is not None: @@ -286,33 +314,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka Schema resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Schemas. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kafka_schema1 = aiven.KafkaSchema("kafka-schema1", - project=aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"], - subject_name="kafka-schema1", - compatibility_level="FORWARD", - schema=\"\"\" { - "doc": "example", - "fields": [{ - "default": 5, - "doc": "my test number", - "name": "test", - "namespace": "test", - "type": "int" - }], - "name": "example", - "namespace": "example", - "type": "record" - } - \"\"\") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -337,33 +338,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka Schema resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Schemas. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - kafka_schema1 = aiven.KafkaSchema("kafka-schema1", - project=aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"], - subject_name="kafka-schema1", - compatibility_level="FORWARD", - schema=\"\"\" { - "doc": "example", - "fields": [{ - "default": 5, - "doc": "my test number", - "name": "test", - "namespace": "test", - "type": "int" - }], - "name": "example", - "namespace": "example", - "type": "record" - } - \"\"\") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema_configuration.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema_configuration.py index 6b300b896..c7cb4681d 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema_configuration.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema_configuration.py @@ -32,10 +32,20 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, compatibility_level: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if compatibility_level is None and 'compatibilityLevel' in kwargs: + compatibility_level = kwargs['compatibilityLevel'] + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) if compatibility_level is not None: @@ -102,7 +112,13 @@ def _configure( compatibility_level: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if compatibility_level is None and 'compatibilityLevel' in kwargs: + compatibility_level = kwargs['compatibilityLevel'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if compatibility_level is not None: _setter("compatibility_level", compatibility_level) if project is not None: @@ -159,18 +175,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka Schema Configuration resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Schema Configurations. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - config = aiven.KafkaSchemaConfiguration("config", - project=aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"], - compatibility_level="BACKWARD") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -192,18 +196,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka Schema Configuration resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Schema Configurations. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - config = aiven.KafkaSchemaConfiguration("config", - project=aiven_project["kafka-schemas-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["kafka-service1"]["service_name"], - compatibility_level="BACKWARD") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema_registry_acl.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema_registry_acl.py index 829b205f0..f4eadbb5f 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema_registry_acl.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_schema_registry_acl.py @@ -38,12 +38,26 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - permission: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - resource: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + permission: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + resource: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if permission is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'permission' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if resource is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'resource' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + _setter("permission", permission) _setter("project", project) _setter("resource", resource) @@ -147,7 +161,13 @@ def _configure( resource: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if acl_id is None and 'aclId' in kwargs: + acl_id = kwargs['aclId'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if acl_id is not None: _setter("acl_id", acl_id) if permission is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_topic.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_topic.py index 185c8f734..bf83e9aca 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_topic.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_topic.py @@ -50,15 +50,33 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - partitions: pulumi.Input[int], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - replication: pulumi.Input[int], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - topic_name: pulumi.Input[str], + partitions: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + replication: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + topic_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, config: Optional[pulumi.Input['KafkaTopicConfigArgs']] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['KafkaTopicTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if partitions is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'partitions' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if replication is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'replication' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if topic_name is None and 'topicName' in kwargs: + topic_name = kwargs['topicName'] + if topic_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'topic_name' argument") + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("partitions", partitions) _setter("project", project) _setter("replication", replication) @@ -214,7 +232,15 @@ def _configure( tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['KafkaTopicTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, topic_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if topic_name is None and 'topicName' in kwargs: + topic_name = kwargs['topicName'] + if config is not None: _setter("config", config) if partitions is not None: @@ -416,11 +442,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, raise TypeError('__props__ is only valid when passed in combination with a valid opts.id to get an existing resource') __props__ = KafkaTopicArgs.__new__(KafkaTopicArgs) - if config is not None and not isinstance(config, KafkaTopicConfigArgs): - config = config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - config[key] = value - KafkaTopicConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **config) + config = _utilities.configure(config, KafkaTopicConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["config"] = config if partitions is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'partitions'") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_user.py index 7449b27c8..4c947badc 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/kafka_user.py @@ -35,11 +35,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) _setter("username", username) @@ -135,7 +145,15 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_cert is None and 'accessCert' in kwargs: + access_cert = kwargs['accessCert'] + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if access_cert is not None: _setter("access_cert", access_cert) if access_key is not None: @@ -249,19 +267,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.KafkaUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_kafka["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -284,19 +289,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Kafka User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Kafka Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.KafkaUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_kafka["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3_aggregator.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3_aggregator.py index 1962d220f..a7fb840b9 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3_aggregator.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3_aggregator.py @@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -101,7 +101,37 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['M3AggregatorTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if m3aggregator_user_config is None and 'm3aggregatorUserConfig' in kwargs: + m3aggregator_user_config = kwargs['m3aggregatorUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -465,7 +495,51 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['M3AggregatorTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if m3aggregator_user_config is None and 'm3aggregatorUserConfig' in kwargs: + m3aggregator_user_config = kwargs['m3aggregatorUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -897,24 +971,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The M3 Aggregator resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3 Aggregator services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - m3a = aiven.M3Aggregator("m3a", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-8", - service_name="my-m3a", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - m3aggregator_user_config=aiven.M3AggregatorM3aggregatorUserConfigArgs( - m3aggregator_version="0.15", - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -967,24 +1023,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The M3 Aggregator resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3 Aggregator services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - m3a = aiven.M3Aggregator("m3a", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-8", - service_name="my-m3a", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - m3aggregator_user_config=aiven.M3AggregatorM3aggregatorUserConfigArgs( - m3aggregator_version="0.15", - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -1036,11 +1074,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["additional_disk_space"] = additional_disk_space __props__.__dict__["cloud_name"] = cloud_name __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space - if m3aggregator_user_config is not None and not isinstance(m3aggregator_user_config, M3AggregatorM3aggregatorUserConfigArgs): - m3aggregator_user_config = m3aggregator_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - m3aggregator_user_config[key] = value - M3AggregatorM3aggregatorUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **m3aggregator_user_config) + m3aggregator_user_config = _utilities.configure(m3aggregator_user_config, M3AggregatorM3aggregatorUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["m3aggregator_user_config"] = m3aggregator_user_config __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_dow"] = maintenance_window_dow __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_time"] = maintenance_window_time diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3_db.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3_db.py index 1df71010c..a787d6388 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3_db.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3_db.py @@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -101,7 +101,37 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['M3DbTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if m3db_user_config is None and 'm3dbUserConfig' in kwargs: + m3db_user_config = kwargs['m3dbUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -465,7 +495,51 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['M3DbTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if m3db_user_config is None and 'm3dbUserConfig' in kwargs: + m3db_user_config = kwargs['m3dbUserConfig'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -897,28 +971,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The M3 DB resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3 services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - m3 = aiven.M3Db("m3", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-8", - service_name="my-m3db", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - m3db_user_config=aiven.M3DbM3dbUserConfigArgs( - m3db_version="1.1", - namespaces=[aiven.M3DbM3dbUserConfigNamespaceArgs( - name="my_ns1", - type="unaggregated", - )], - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -971,28 +1023,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The M3 DB resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3 services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - m3 = aiven.M3Db("m3", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-8", - service_name="my-m3db", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - m3db_user_config=aiven.M3DbM3dbUserConfigArgs( - m3db_version="1.1", - namespaces=[aiven.M3DbM3dbUserConfigNamespaceArgs( - name="my_ns1", - type="unaggregated", - )], - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -1044,11 +1074,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["additional_disk_space"] = additional_disk_space __props__.__dict__["cloud_name"] = cloud_name __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space - if m3db_user_config is not None and not isinstance(m3db_user_config, M3DbM3dbUserConfigArgs): - m3db_user_config = m3db_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - m3db_user_config[key] = value - M3DbM3dbUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **m3db_user_config) + m3db_user_config = _utilities.configure(m3db_user_config, M3DbM3dbUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["m3db_user_config"] = m3db_user_config __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_dow"] = maintenance_window_dow __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_time"] = maintenance_window_time diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3db_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3db_user.py index 133a2a507..db1765dc6 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3db_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/m3db_user.py @@ -35,11 +35,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) _setter("username", username) @@ -127,7 +137,11 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if password is not None: _setter("password", password) if project is not None: @@ -213,19 +227,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The M3DB User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3DB Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.M3dbUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_m3db["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -248,19 +249,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The M3DB User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven M3DB Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.M3dbUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_m3db["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mirror_maker_replication_flow.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mirror_maker_replication_flow.py index bf5e0680c..34762b2a7 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mirror_maker_replication_flow.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mirror_maker_replication_flow.py @@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - enable: pulumi.Input[bool], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - source_cluster: pulumi.Input[str], - target_cluster: pulumi.Input[str], + enable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + source_cluster: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + target_cluster: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, emit_heartbeats_enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, offset_syncs_topic_location: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, replication_policy_class: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -71,7 +71,37 @@ def _configure( sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, topics: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, topics_blacklists: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if enable is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'enable' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if source_cluster is None and 'sourceCluster' in kwargs: + source_cluster = kwargs['sourceCluster'] + if source_cluster is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_cluster' argument") + if target_cluster is None and 'targetCluster' in kwargs: + target_cluster = kwargs['targetCluster'] + if target_cluster is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'target_cluster' argument") + if emit_heartbeats_enabled is None and 'emitHeartbeatsEnabled' in kwargs: + emit_heartbeats_enabled = kwargs['emitHeartbeatsEnabled'] + if offset_syncs_topic_location is None and 'offsetSyncsTopicLocation' in kwargs: + offset_syncs_topic_location = kwargs['offsetSyncsTopicLocation'] + if replication_policy_class is None and 'replicationPolicyClass' in kwargs: + replication_policy_class = kwargs['replicationPolicyClass'] + if sync_group_offsets_enabled is None and 'syncGroupOffsetsEnabled' in kwargs: + sync_group_offsets_enabled = kwargs['syncGroupOffsetsEnabled'] + if sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds is None and 'syncGroupOffsetsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds = kwargs['syncGroupOffsetsIntervalSeconds'] + if topics_blacklists is None and 'topicsBlacklists' in kwargs: + topics_blacklists = kwargs['topicsBlacklists'] + _setter("enable", enable) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -297,7 +327,27 @@ def _configure( target_cluster: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, topics: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, topics_blacklists: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if emit_heartbeats_enabled is None and 'emitHeartbeatsEnabled' in kwargs: + emit_heartbeats_enabled = kwargs['emitHeartbeatsEnabled'] + if offset_syncs_topic_location is None and 'offsetSyncsTopicLocation' in kwargs: + offset_syncs_topic_location = kwargs['offsetSyncsTopicLocation'] + if replication_policy_class is None and 'replicationPolicyClass' in kwargs: + replication_policy_class = kwargs['replicationPolicyClass'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if source_cluster is None and 'sourceCluster' in kwargs: + source_cluster = kwargs['sourceCluster'] + if sync_group_offsets_enabled is None and 'syncGroupOffsetsEnabled' in kwargs: + sync_group_offsets_enabled = kwargs['syncGroupOffsetsEnabled'] + if sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds is None and 'syncGroupOffsetsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds = kwargs['syncGroupOffsetsIntervalSeconds'] + if target_cluster is None and 'targetCluster' in kwargs: + target_cluster = kwargs['targetCluster'] + if topics_blacklists is None and 'topicsBlacklists' in kwargs: + topics_blacklists = kwargs['topicsBlacklists'] + if emit_heartbeats_enabled is not None: _setter("emit_heartbeats_enabled", emit_heartbeats_enabled) if enable is not None: @@ -489,26 +539,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow resource allows the creation and management of MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flows on Aiven Cloud. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - f1 = aiven.MirrorMakerReplicationFlow("f1", - project=aiven_project["kafka-mm-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["mm"]["service_name"], - source_cluster=aiven_kafka["source"]["service_name"], - target_cluster=aiven_kafka["target"]["service_name"], - enable=True, - topics=[".*"], - topics_blacklists=[ - ".*[\\\\-\\\\.]internal", - ".*\\\\.replica", - "__.*", - ]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -539,26 +569,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flow resource allows the creation and management of MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flows on Aiven Cloud. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - f1 = aiven.MirrorMakerReplicationFlow("f1", - project=aiven_project["kafka-mm-project1"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_kafka["mm"]["service_name"], - source_cluster=aiven_kafka["source"]["service_name"], - target_cluster=aiven_kafka["target"]["service_name"], - enable=True, - topics=[".*"], - topics_blacklists=[ - ".*[\\\\-\\\\.]internal", - ".*\\\\.replica", - "__.*", - ]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/my_sql.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/my_sql.py index 3ea4168d1..9ebd946c5 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/my_sql.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/my_sql.py @@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -101,7 +101,37 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['MySqlTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if mysql_user_config is None and 'mysqlUserConfig' in kwargs: + mysql_user_config = kwargs['mysqlUserConfig'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -465,7 +495,51 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['MySqlTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if mysql_user_config is None and 'mysqlUserConfig' in kwargs: + mysql_user_config = kwargs['mysqlUserConfig'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -897,31 +971,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The MySQL resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mysql1 = aiven.MySql("mysql1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-4", - service_name="my-mysql1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - mysql_user_config=aiven.MySqlMysqlUserConfigArgs( - mysql_version="8", - mysql=aiven.MySqlMysqlUserConfigMysqlArgs( - sql_mode="ANSI,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,NO_ZERO_DATE,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE", - sql_require_primary_key=True, - ), - public_access=aiven.MySqlMysqlUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - mysql=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -974,31 +1023,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The MySQL resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mysql1 = aiven.MySql("mysql1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["foo"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-4", - service_name="my-mysql1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - mysql_user_config=aiven.MySqlMysqlUserConfigArgs( - mysql_version="8", - mysql=aiven.MySqlMysqlUserConfigMysqlArgs( - sql_mode="ANSI,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,NO_ZERO_DATE,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE", - sql_require_primary_key=True, - ), - public_access=aiven.MySqlMysqlUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - mysql=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -1052,11 +1076,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_dow"] = maintenance_window_dow __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_time"] = maintenance_window_time - if mysql_user_config is not None and not isinstance(mysql_user_config, MySqlMysqlUserConfigArgs): - mysql_user_config = mysql_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - mysql_user_config[key] = value - MySqlMysqlUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **mysql_user_config) + mysql_user_config = _utilities.configure(mysql_user_config, MySqlMysqlUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["mysql_user_config"] = mysql_user_config if plan is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'plan'") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mysql_database.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mysql_database.py index af61332f5..3c1876023 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mysql_database.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mysql_database.py @@ -36,11 +36,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - database_name: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + database_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database_name is None and 'databaseName' in kwargs: + database_name = kwargs['databaseName'] + if database_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'database_name' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("database_name", database_name) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -126,7 +140,15 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database_name is None and 'databaseName' in kwargs: + database_name = kwargs['databaseName'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if database_name is not None: _setter("database_name", database_name) if project is not None: @@ -199,18 +221,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The MySQL Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL Databases. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mydatabase = aiven.MysqlDatabase("mydatabase", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_mysql["mymysql"]["service_name"], - database_name="") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -234,18 +244,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The MySQL Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL Databases. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mydatabase = aiven.MysqlDatabase("mydatabase", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_mysql["mymysql"]["service_name"], - database_name="") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mysql_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mysql_user.py index 83fe2d5d1..76b786bfb 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mysql_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/mysql_user.py @@ -38,12 +38,22 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, authentication: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) _setter("username", username) @@ -157,7 +167,15 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_cert is None and 'accessCert' in kwargs: + access_cert = kwargs['accessCert'] + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if access_cert is not None: _setter("access_cert", access_cert) if access_key is not None: @@ -286,19 +304,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The MySQL User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.MysqlUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_mysql["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -322,19 +327,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The MySQL User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven MySQL Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.MysqlUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_mysql["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search.py index 7fae75d49..8e50c3b11 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search.py @@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -81,7 +81,37 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['OpenSearchTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if opensearch_user_config is None and 'opensearchUserConfig' in kwargs: + opensearch_user_config = kwargs['opensearchUserConfig'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -403,7 +433,51 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['OpenSearchTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if opensearch_user_config is None and 'opensearchUserConfig' in kwargs: + opensearch_user_config = kwargs['opensearchUserConfig'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -813,32 +887,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The OpenSearch resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os1 = aiven.OpenSearch("os1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="my-os1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - opensearch_user_config=aiven.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigArgs( - opensearch_version="1", - opensearch_dashboards=aiven.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigOpensearchDashboardsArgs( - enabled=True, - opensearch_request_timeout=30000, - ), - public_access=aiven.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - opensearch=True, - opensearch_dashboards=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -871,32 +919,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The OpenSearch resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os1 = aiven.OpenSearch("os1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="my-os1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - opensearch_user_config=aiven.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigArgs( - opensearch_version="1", - opensearch_dashboards=aiven.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigOpensearchDashboardsArgs( - enabled=True, - opensearch_request_timeout=30000, - ), - public_access=aiven.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - opensearch=True, - opensearch_dashboards=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -950,11 +972,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_dow"] = maintenance_window_dow __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_time"] = maintenance_window_time - if opensearch_user_config is not None and not isinstance(opensearch_user_config, OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigArgs): - opensearch_user_config = opensearch_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - opensearch_user_config[key] = value - OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **opensearch_user_config) + opensearch_user_config = _utilities.configure(opensearch_user_config, OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["opensearch_user_config"] = opensearch_user_config if plan is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'plan'") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search_acl_config.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search_acl_config.py index 007366855..0d09715d9 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search_acl_config.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search_acl_config.py @@ -35,11 +35,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, extended_acl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if extended_acl is None and 'extendedAcl' in kwargs: + extended_acl = kwargs['extendedAcl'] + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) if enabled is not None: @@ -124,7 +134,13 @@ def _configure( extended_acl: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if extended_acl is None and 'extendedAcl' in kwargs: + extended_acl = kwargs['extendedAcl'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if enabled is not None: _setter("enabled", enabled) if extended_acl is not None: @@ -196,31 +212,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The OpenSearch ACL Config resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch ACLs. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo_project = aiven.get_project(project="example_project") - bar = aiven.OpenSearch("bar", - project=foo_project.project, - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="example_service_name", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00") - foo_opensearch_user = aiven.OpensearchUser("fooOpensearchUser", - service_name=bar.service_name, - project=foo_project.project, - username="user-example") - foo_open_search_acl_config = aiven.OpenSearchAclConfig("fooOpenSearchAclConfig", - project=foo_project.project, - service_name=bar.service_name, - enabled=True, - extended_acl=False) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -243,31 +234,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The OpenSearch ACL Config resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch ACLs. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo_project = aiven.get_project(project="example_project") - bar = aiven.OpenSearch("bar", - project=foo_project.project, - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="startup-4", - service_name="example_service_name", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00") - foo_opensearch_user = aiven.OpensearchUser("fooOpensearchUser", - service_name=bar.service_name, - project=foo_project.project, - username="user-example") - foo_open_search_acl_config = aiven.OpenSearchAclConfig("fooOpenSearchAclConfig", - project=foo_project.project, - service_name=bar.service_name, - enabled=True, - extended_acl=False) - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search_acl_rule.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search_acl_rule.py index 3436c65d2..5432057a5 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search_acl_rule.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/open_search_acl_rule.py @@ -38,12 +38,26 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - index: pulumi.Input[str], - permission: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + index: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + permission: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if index is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'index' argument") + if permission is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'permission' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + _setter("index", index) _setter("permission", permission) _setter("project", project) @@ -143,7 +157,11 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if index is not None: _setter("index", index) if permission is not None: @@ -230,65 +248,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The OpenSearch ACL Rule resource models a single ACL Rule for an Aiven OpenSearch service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os_user = aiven.OpensearchUser("osUser", - project=var["aiven_project_name"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch["os_test"]["service_name"], - username="documentation-user-1") - os_user2 = aiven.OpensearchUser("osUser2", - project=var["aiven_project_name"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch["os_test"]["service_name"], - username="documentation-user-2") - os_acls_config = aiven.OpenSearchAclConfig("osAclsConfig", - project=var["aiven_project_name"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch["os_test"]["service_name"], - enabled=True, - extended_acl=False) - acl_rules = [ - { - "username": os_user.username, - "index": "index2", - "permission": "readwrite", - }, - { - "username": os_user.username, - "index": "index3", - "permission": "read", - }, - { - "username": os_user.username, - "index": "index5", - "permission": "deny", - }, - { - "username": os_user2.username, - "index": "index3", - "permission": "write", - }, - { - "username": os_user2.username, - "index": "index7", - "permission": "readwrite", - }, - ] - os_acl_rule = [] - def create_os_acl_rule(range_body): - for range in [{"key": k, "value": v} for [k, v] in enumerate(range_body)]: - os_acl_rule.append(aiven.OpenSearchAclRule(f"osAclRule-{range['key']}", - project=os_acls_config.project, - service_name=os_acls_config.service_name, - username=range["value"]["username"], - index=range["value"]["index"], - permission=range["value"]["permission"])) - - pulumi.Output.all({i: v for i, v in acl_rules}).apply(lambda resolved_outputs: create_os_acl_rule(resolved_outputs[0])) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -312,65 +271,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The OpenSearch ACL Rule resource models a single ACL Rule for an Aiven OpenSearch service. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - os_user = aiven.OpensearchUser("osUser", - project=var["aiven_project_name"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch["os_test"]["service_name"], - username="documentation-user-1") - os_user2 = aiven.OpensearchUser("osUser2", - project=var["aiven_project_name"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch["os_test"]["service_name"], - username="documentation-user-2") - os_acls_config = aiven.OpenSearchAclConfig("osAclsConfig", - project=var["aiven_project_name"], - service_name=aiven_opensearch["os_test"]["service_name"], - enabled=True, - extended_acl=False) - acl_rules = [ - { - "username": os_user.username, - "index": "index2", - "permission": "readwrite", - }, - { - "username": os_user.username, - "index": "index3", - "permission": "read", - }, - { - "username": os_user.username, - "index": "index5", - "permission": "deny", - }, - { - "username": os_user2.username, - "index": "index3", - "permission": "write", - }, - { - "username": os_user2.username, - "index": "index7", - "permission": "readwrite", - }, - ] - os_acl_rule = [] - def create_os_acl_rule(range_body): - for range in [{"key": k, "value": v} for [k, v] in enumerate(range_body)]: - os_acl_rule.append(aiven.OpenSearchAclRule(f"osAclRule-{range['key']}", - project=os_acls_config.project, - service_name=os_acls_config.service_name, - username=range["value"]["username"], - index=range["value"]["index"], - permission=range["value"]["permission"])) - - pulumi.Output.all({i: v for i, v in acl_rules}).apply(lambda resolved_outputs: create_os_acl_rule(resolved_outputs[0])) - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/opensearch_security_plugin_config.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/opensearch_security_plugin_config.py index b932e981b..30e29fd55 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/opensearch_security_plugin_config.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/opensearch_security_plugin_config.py @@ -32,10 +32,22 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - admin_password: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + admin_password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if admin_password is None and 'adminPassword' in kwargs: + admin_password = kwargs['adminPassword'] + if admin_password is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'admin_password' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + _setter("admin_password", admin_password) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -113,7 +125,15 @@ def _configure( enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if admin_enabled is None and 'adminEnabled' in kwargs: + admin_enabled = kwargs['adminEnabled'] + if admin_password is None and 'adminPassword' in kwargs: + admin_password = kwargs['adminPassword'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if admin_enabled is not None: _setter("admin_enabled", admin_enabled) if admin_password is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/opensearch_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/opensearch_user.py index 1b19ce91b..10651b90c 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/opensearch_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/opensearch_user.py @@ -35,11 +35,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) _setter("username", username) @@ -127,7 +137,11 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if password is not None: _setter("password", password) if project is not None: @@ -213,19 +227,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The OpenSearch User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.OpensearchUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_opensearch["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -248,19 +249,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The OpenSearch User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven OpenSearch Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.OpensearchUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_opensearch["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization.py index 5a9d1ced3..3110ebf21 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization.py @@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, timeouts: Optional[pulumi.Input['OrganizationTimeoutsArgs']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is not None: _setter("name", name) if timeouts is not None: @@ -91,7 +93,15 @@ def _configure( tenant_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, timeouts: Optional[pulumi.Input['OrganizationTimeoutsArgs']] = None, update_time: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create_time is None and 'createTime' in kwargs: + create_time = kwargs['createTime'] + if tenant_id is None and 'tenantId' in kwargs: + tenant_id = kwargs['tenantId'] + if update_time is None and 'updateTime' in kwargs: + update_time = kwargs['updateTime'] + if create_time is not None: _setter("create_time", create_time) if name is not None: @@ -172,15 +182,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ Creates and manages an organization in Aiven. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - organization1 = aiven.Organization("organization1") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -200,15 +201,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ Creates and manages an organization in Aiven. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - organization1 = aiven.Organization("organization1") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -246,11 +238,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__ = OrganizationArgs.__new__(OrganizationArgs) __props__.__dict__["name"] = name - if timeouts is not None and not isinstance(timeouts, OrganizationTimeoutsArgs): - timeouts = timeouts or {} - def _setter(key, value): - timeouts[key] = value - OrganizationTimeoutsArgs._configure(_setter, **timeouts) + timeouts = _utilities.configure(timeouts, OrganizationTimeoutsArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["timeouts"] = timeouts __props__.__dict__["create_time"] = None __props__.__dict__["tenant_id"] = None diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization_user.py index 331ccd48e..e5291f0ad 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization_user.py @@ -29,9 +29,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - organization_id: pulumi.Input[str], - user_email: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + organization_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + user_email: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if organization_id is None and 'organizationId' in kwargs: + organization_id = kwargs['organizationId'] + if organization_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'organization_id' argument") + if user_email is None and 'userEmail' in kwargs: + user_email = kwargs['userEmail'] + if user_email is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'user_email' argument") + _setter("organization_id", organization_id) _setter("user_email", user_email) @@ -92,7 +102,17 @@ def _configure( invited_by: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, organization_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, user_email: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create_time is None and 'createTime' in kwargs: + create_time = kwargs['createTime'] + if invited_by is None and 'invitedBy' in kwargs: + invited_by = kwargs['invitedBy'] + if organization_id is None and 'organizationId' in kwargs: + organization_id = kwargs['organizationId'] + if user_email is None and 'userEmail' in kwargs: + user_email = kwargs['userEmail'] + if accepted is not None: _setter("accepted", accepted) if create_time is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization_user_group.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization_user_group.py index 44a6ba492..76d33209c 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization_user_group.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organization_user_group.py @@ -32,10 +32,16 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - organization_id: pulumi.Input[str], + organization_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, description: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if organization_id is None and 'organizationId' in kwargs: + organization_id = kwargs['organizationId'] + if organization_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'organization_id' argument") + _setter("organization_id", organization_id) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -111,7 +117,15 @@ def _configure( name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, organization_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, update_time: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create_time is None and 'createTime' in kwargs: + create_time = kwargs['createTime'] + if organization_id is None and 'organizationId' in kwargs: + organization_id = kwargs['organizationId'] + if update_time is None and 'updateTime' in kwargs: + update_time = kwargs['updateTime'] + if create_time is not None: _setter("create_time", create_time) if description is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organizational_unit.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organizational_unit.py index 813ea0b48..3097fd036 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organizational_unit.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/organizational_unit.py @@ -29,9 +29,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - parent_id: pulumi.Input[str], + parent_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if parent_id is None and 'parentId' in kwargs: + parent_id = kwargs['parentId'] + if parent_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'parent_id' argument") + _setter("parent_id", parent_id) if name is not None: _setter("name", name) @@ -93,7 +99,17 @@ def _configure( parent_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, tenant_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, update_time: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create_time is None and 'createTime' in kwargs: + create_time = kwargs['createTime'] + if parent_id is None and 'parentId' in kwargs: + parent_id = kwargs['parentId'] + if tenant_id is None and 'tenantId' in kwargs: + tenant_id = kwargs['tenantId'] + if update_time is None and 'updateTime' in kwargs: + update_time = kwargs['updateTime'] + if create_time is not None: _setter("create_time", create_time) if name is not None: @@ -177,15 +193,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Organizational Unit resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Organizational Units. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - organizational_unit1 = aiven.OrganizationalUnit("organizationalUnit1", parent_id="") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -206,15 +213,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Organizational Unit resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Organizational Units. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - organizational_unit1 = aiven.OrganizationalUnit("organizationalUnit1", parent_id="") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/outputs.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/outputs.py index 150f567a4..2d229af69 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/outputs.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/outputs.py @@ -473,7 +473,15 @@ def _configure( identity: Optional[str] = None, last_name: Optional[str] = None, real_name: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if first_name is None and 'firstName' in kwargs: + first_name = kwargs['firstName'] + if last_name is None and 'lastName' in kwargs: + last_name = kwargs['lastName'] + if real_name is None and 'realName' in kwargs: + real_name = kwargs['realName'] + if email is not None: _setter("email", email) if first_name is not None: @@ -533,10 +541,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class CassandraCassandraUserConfig(dict): @staticmethod @@ -651,7 +661,37 @@ def _configure( service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, service_to_join_with: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if backup_hour is None and 'backupHour' in kwargs: + backup_hour = kwargs['backupHour'] + if backup_minute is None and 'backupMinute' in kwargs: + backup_minute = kwargs['backupMinute'] + if cassandra_version is None and 'cassandraVersion' in kwargs: + cassandra_version = kwargs['cassandraVersion'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if migrate_sstableloader is None and 'migrateSstableloader' in kwargs: + migrate_sstableloader = kwargs['migrateSstableloader'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if service_to_join_with is None and 'serviceToJoinWith' in kwargs: + service_to_join_with = kwargs['serviceToJoinWith'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if backup_hour is not None: @@ -849,7 +889,13 @@ def _configure( batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb: Optional[int] = None, batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb: Optional[int] = None, datacenter: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb is None and 'batchSizeFailThresholdInKb' in kwargs: + batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb = kwargs['batchSizeFailThresholdInKb'] + if batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb is None and 'batchSizeWarnThresholdInKb' in kwargs: + batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb = kwargs['batchSizeWarnThresholdInKb'] + if batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb is not None: _setter("batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb", batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb) if batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb is not None: @@ -899,9 +945,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -938,7 +988,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) @@ -966,7 +1018,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) @@ -1026,7 +1080,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -1114,9 +1172,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -1154,9 +1222,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -1184,10 +1258,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class ClickhouseClickhouseUserConfig(dict): @staticmethod @@ -1274,7 +1350,29 @@ def _configure( public_access: Optional['outputs.ClickhouseClickhouseUserConfigPublicAccess'] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -1397,9 +1495,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -1461,7 +1563,11 @@ def _configure( clickhouse: Optional[bool] = None, clickhouse_https: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if clickhouse_https is None and 'clickhouseHttps' in kwargs: + clickhouse_https = kwargs['clickhouseHttps'] + if clickhouse is not None: _setter("clickhouse", clickhouse) if clickhouse_https is not None: @@ -1534,7 +1640,11 @@ def _configure( clickhouse: Optional[bool] = None, clickhouse_https: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if clickhouse_https is None and 'clickhouseHttps' in kwargs: + clickhouse_https = kwargs['clickhouseHttps'] + if clickhouse is not None: _setter("clickhouse", clickhouse) if clickhouse_https is not None: @@ -1607,7 +1717,11 @@ def _configure( clickhouse: Optional[bool] = None, clickhouse_https: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if clickhouse_https is None and 'clickhouseHttps' in kwargs: + clickhouse_https = kwargs['clickhouseHttps'] + if clickhouse is not None: _setter("clickhouse", clickhouse) if clickhouse_https is not None: @@ -1687,7 +1801,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -1782,12 +1900,18 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - database: str, + database: Optional[str] = None, column: Optional[str] = None, privilege: Optional[str] = None, table: Optional[str] = None, with_grant: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'database' argument") + if with_grant is None and 'withGrant' in kwargs: + with_grant = kwargs['withGrant'] + _setter("database", database) if column is not None: _setter("column", column) @@ -1854,7 +1978,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], role: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if role is not None: _setter("role", role) @@ -1903,9 +2029,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -1943,9 +2079,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -2002,9 +2144,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - create_table: str, + create_table: Optional[str] = None, integration_id: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create_table is None and 'createTable' in kwargs: + create_table = kwargs['createTable'] + if create_table is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'create_table' argument") + if integration_id is None and 'integrationId' in kwargs: + integration_id = kwargs['integrationId'] + _setter("create_table", create_table) if integration_id is not None: _setter("integration_id", integration_id) @@ -2062,9 +2212,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - create_table: str, + create_table: Optional[str] = None, integration_id: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create_table is None and 'createTable' in kwargs: + create_table = kwargs['createTable'] + if create_table is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'create_table' argument") + if integration_id is None and 'integrationId' in kwargs: + integration_id = kwargs['integrationId'] + _setter("create_table", create_table) if integration_id is not None: _setter("integration_id", integration_id) @@ -2133,7 +2291,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -2217,7 +2379,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], host_ports: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host_ports is None and 'hostPorts' in kwargs: + host_ports = kwargs['hostPorts'] + if host_ports is not None: _setter("host_ports", host_ports) @@ -2292,7 +2458,21 @@ def _configure( ip_filters: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, number_of_task_slots: Optional[int] = None, privatelink_access: Optional['outputs.FlinkFlinkUserConfigPrivatelinkAccess'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if flink_version is None and 'flinkVersion' in kwargs: + flink_version = kwargs['flinkVersion'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if number_of_task_slots is None and 'numberOfTaskSlots' in kwargs: + number_of_task_slots = kwargs['numberOfTaskSlots'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if flink_version is not None: _setter("flink_version", flink_version) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -2375,9 +2555,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -2418,7 +2602,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], flink: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if flink is not None: _setter("flink", flink) if prometheus is not None: @@ -2477,9 +2663,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -2517,9 +2713,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -2587,7 +2789,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -2646,10 +2852,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class GrafanaGrafanaUserConfig(dict): @staticmethod @@ -2874,7 +3082,89 @@ def _configure( user_auto_assign_org: Optional[bool] = None, user_auto_assign_org_role: Optional[str] = None, viewers_can_edit: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if alerting_enabled is None and 'alertingEnabled' in kwargs: + alerting_enabled = kwargs['alertingEnabled'] + if alerting_error_or_timeout is None and 'alertingErrorOrTimeout' in kwargs: + alerting_error_or_timeout = kwargs['alertingErrorOrTimeout'] + if alerting_max_annotations_to_keep is None and 'alertingMaxAnnotationsToKeep' in kwargs: + alerting_max_annotations_to_keep = kwargs['alertingMaxAnnotationsToKeep'] + if alerting_nodata_or_nullvalues is None and 'alertingNodataOrNullvalues' in kwargs: + alerting_nodata_or_nullvalues = kwargs['alertingNodataOrNullvalues'] + if allow_embedding is None and 'allowEmbedding' in kwargs: + allow_embedding = kwargs['allowEmbedding'] + if auth_azuread is None and 'authAzuread' in kwargs: + auth_azuread = kwargs['authAzuread'] + if auth_basic_enabled is None and 'authBasicEnabled' in kwargs: + auth_basic_enabled = kwargs['authBasicEnabled'] + if auth_generic_oauth is None and 'authGenericOauth' in kwargs: + auth_generic_oauth = kwargs['authGenericOauth'] + if auth_github is None and 'authGithub' in kwargs: + auth_github = kwargs['authGithub'] + if auth_gitlab is None and 'authGitlab' in kwargs: + auth_gitlab = kwargs['authGitlab'] + if auth_google is None and 'authGoogle' in kwargs: + auth_google = kwargs['authGoogle'] + if cookie_samesite is None and 'cookieSamesite' in kwargs: + cookie_samesite = kwargs['cookieSamesite'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if dashboard_previews_enabled is None and 'dashboardPreviewsEnabled' in kwargs: + dashboard_previews_enabled = kwargs['dashboardPreviewsEnabled'] + if dashboards_min_refresh_interval is None and 'dashboardsMinRefreshInterval' in kwargs: + dashboards_min_refresh_interval = kwargs['dashboardsMinRefreshInterval'] + if dashboards_versions_to_keep is None and 'dashboardsVersionsToKeep' in kwargs: + dashboards_versions_to_keep = kwargs['dashboardsVersionsToKeep'] + if dataproxy_send_user_header is None and 'dataproxySendUserHeader' in kwargs: + dataproxy_send_user_header = kwargs['dataproxySendUserHeader'] + if dataproxy_timeout is None and 'dataproxyTimeout' in kwargs: + dataproxy_timeout = kwargs['dataproxyTimeout'] + if date_formats is None and 'dateFormats' in kwargs: + date_formats = kwargs['dateFormats'] + if disable_gravatar is None and 'disableGravatar' in kwargs: + disable_gravatar = kwargs['disableGravatar'] + if editors_can_admin is None and 'editorsCanAdmin' in kwargs: + editors_can_admin = kwargs['editorsCanAdmin'] + if external_image_storage is None and 'externalImageStorage' in kwargs: + external_image_storage = kwargs['externalImageStorage'] + if google_analytics_ua_id is None and 'googleAnalyticsUaId' in kwargs: + google_analytics_ua_id = kwargs['googleAnalyticsUaId'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if metrics_enabled is None and 'metricsEnabled' in kwargs: + metrics_enabled = kwargs['metricsEnabled'] + if oauth_allow_insecure_email_lookup is None and 'oauthAllowInsecureEmailLookup' in kwargs: + oauth_allow_insecure_email_lookup = kwargs['oauthAllowInsecureEmailLookup'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if smtp_server is None and 'smtpServer' in kwargs: + smtp_server = kwargs['smtpServer'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if user_auto_assign_org is None and 'userAutoAssignOrg' in kwargs: + user_auto_assign_org = kwargs['userAutoAssignOrg'] + if user_auto_assign_org_role is None and 'userAutoAssignOrgRole' in kwargs: + user_auto_assign_org_role = kwargs['userAutoAssignOrgRole'] + if viewers_can_edit is None and 'viewersCanEdit' in kwargs: + viewers_can_edit = kwargs['viewersCanEdit'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if alerting_enabled is not None: @@ -3212,14 +3502,38 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - auth_url: str, - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, - token_url: str, + auth_url: Optional[str] = None, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, + token_url: Optional[str] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[bool] = None, allowed_domains: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, allowed_groups: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if auth_url is None and 'authUrl' in kwargs: + auth_url = kwargs['authUrl'] + if auth_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'auth_url' argument") + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if token_url is None and 'tokenUrl' in kwargs: + token_url = kwargs['tokenUrl'] + if token_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'token_url' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_domains is None and 'allowedDomains' in kwargs: + allowed_domains = kwargs['allowedDomains'] + if allowed_groups is None and 'allowedGroups' in kwargs: + allowed_groups = kwargs['allowedGroups'] + _setter("auth_url", auth_url) _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) @@ -3331,18 +3645,48 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - api_url: str, - auth_url: str, - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, - token_url: str, + api_url: Optional[str] = None, + auth_url: Optional[str] = None, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, + token_url: Optional[str] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[bool] = None, allowed_domains: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, allowed_organizations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, auto_login: Optional[bool] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if api_url is None and 'apiUrl' in kwargs: + api_url = kwargs['apiUrl'] + if api_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'api_url' argument") + if auth_url is None and 'authUrl' in kwargs: + auth_url = kwargs['authUrl'] + if auth_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'auth_url' argument") + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if token_url is None and 'tokenUrl' in kwargs: + token_url = kwargs['tokenUrl'] + if token_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'token_url' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_domains is None and 'allowedDomains' in kwargs: + allowed_domains = kwargs['allowedDomains'] + if allowed_organizations is None and 'allowedOrganizations' in kwargs: + allowed_organizations = kwargs['allowedOrganizations'] + if auto_login is None and 'autoLogin' in kwargs: + auto_login = kwargs['autoLogin'] + _setter("api_url", api_url) _setter("auth_url", auth_url) _setter("client_id", client_id) @@ -3461,12 +3805,28 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[bool] = None, allowed_organizations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, team_ids: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_organizations is None and 'allowedOrganizations' in kwargs: + allowed_organizations = kwargs['allowedOrganizations'] + if team_ids is None and 'teamIds' in kwargs: + team_ids = kwargs['teamIds'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) if allow_sign_up is not None: @@ -3554,14 +3914,34 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[bool] = None, allowed_groups: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, api_url: Optional[str] = None, auth_url: Optional[str] = None, token_url: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_groups is None and 'allowedGroups' in kwargs: + allowed_groups = kwargs['allowedGroups'] + if api_url is None and 'apiUrl' in kwargs: + api_url = kwargs['apiUrl'] + if auth_url is None and 'authUrl' in kwargs: + auth_url = kwargs['authUrl'] + if token_url is None and 'tokenUrl' in kwargs: + token_url = kwargs['tokenUrl'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) if allow_sign_up is not None: @@ -3651,11 +4031,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[bool] = None, allowed_domains: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_domains is None and 'allowedDomains' in kwargs: + allowed_domains = kwargs['allowedDomains'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) if allow_sign_up is not None: @@ -3748,7 +4142,25 @@ def _configure( interval_month: Optional[str] = None, interval_second: Optional[str] = None, interval_year: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if default_timezone is None and 'defaultTimezone' in kwargs: + default_timezone = kwargs['defaultTimezone'] + if full_date is None and 'fullDate' in kwargs: + full_date = kwargs['fullDate'] + if interval_day is None and 'intervalDay' in kwargs: + interval_day = kwargs['intervalDay'] + if interval_hour is None and 'intervalHour' in kwargs: + interval_hour = kwargs['intervalHour'] + if interval_minute is None and 'intervalMinute' in kwargs: + interval_minute = kwargs['intervalMinute'] + if interval_month is None and 'intervalMonth' in kwargs: + interval_month = kwargs['intervalMonth'] + if interval_second is None and 'intervalSecond' in kwargs: + interval_second = kwargs['intervalSecond'] + if interval_year is None and 'intervalYear' in kwargs: + interval_year = kwargs['intervalYear'] + if default_timezone is not None: _setter("default_timezone", default_timezone) if full_date is not None: @@ -3845,11 +4257,27 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - access_key: str, - bucket_url: str, - provider: str, - secret_key: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + access_key: Optional[str] = None, + bucket_url: Optional[str] = None, + provider: Optional[str] = None, + secret_key: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if access_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'access_key' argument") + if bucket_url is None and 'bucketUrl' in kwargs: + bucket_url = kwargs['bucketUrl'] + if bucket_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'bucket_url' argument") + if provider is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'provider' argument") + if secret_key is None and 'secretKey' in kwargs: + secret_key = kwargs['secretKey'] + if secret_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'secret_key' argument") + _setter("access_key", access_key) _setter("bucket_url", bucket_url) _setter("provider", provider) @@ -3889,9 +4317,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -3919,7 +4351,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], grafana: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if grafana is not None: _setter("grafana", grafana) @@ -3941,7 +4375,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], grafana: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if grafana is not None: _setter("grafana", grafana) @@ -3963,7 +4399,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], grafana: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if grafana is not None: _setter("grafana", grafana) @@ -4021,15 +4459,31 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - from_address: str, - host: str, - port: int, + from_address: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, from_name: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, skip_verify: Optional[bool] = None, starttls_policy: Optional[str] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if from_address is None and 'fromAddress' in kwargs: + from_address = kwargs['fromAddress'] + if from_address is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'from_address' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if from_name is None and 'fromName' in kwargs: + from_name = kwargs['fromName'] + if skip_verify is None and 'skipVerify' in kwargs: + skip_verify = kwargs['skipVerify'] + if starttls_policy is None and 'starttlsPolicy' in kwargs: + starttls_policy = kwargs['starttlsPolicy'] + _setter("from_address", from_address) _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) @@ -4117,9 +4571,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -4147,9 +4611,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -4211,7 +4681,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -4292,7 +4766,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], database_name: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database_name is None and 'databaseName' in kwargs: + database_name = kwargs['databaseName'] + if database_name is not None: _setter("database_name", database_name) @@ -4404,7 +4882,33 @@ def _configure( recovery_basebackup_name: Optional[str] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -4608,7 +5112,23 @@ def _configure( max_select_point: Optional[int] = None, query_log_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, query_timeout: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if log_queries_after is None and 'logQueriesAfter' in kwargs: + log_queries_after = kwargs['logQueriesAfter'] + if max_connection_limit is None and 'maxConnectionLimit' in kwargs: + max_connection_limit = kwargs['maxConnectionLimit'] + if max_row_limit is None and 'maxRowLimit' in kwargs: + max_row_limit = kwargs['maxRowLimit'] + if max_select_buckets is None and 'maxSelectBuckets' in kwargs: + max_select_buckets = kwargs['maxSelectBuckets'] + if max_select_point is None and 'maxSelectPoint' in kwargs: + max_select_point = kwargs['maxSelectPoint'] + if query_log_enabled is None and 'queryLogEnabled' in kwargs: + query_log_enabled = kwargs['queryLogEnabled'] + if query_timeout is None and 'queryTimeout' in kwargs: + query_timeout = kwargs['queryTimeout'] + if log_queries_after is not None: _setter("log_queries_after", log_queries_after) if max_connection_limit is not None: @@ -4698,9 +5218,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -4737,7 +5261,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], influxdb: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if influxdb is not None: _setter("influxdb", influxdb) @@ -4765,7 +5291,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], influxdb: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if influxdb is not None: _setter("influxdb", influxdb) @@ -4793,7 +5321,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], influxdb: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if influxdb is not None: _setter("influxdb", influxdb) @@ -4842,9 +5372,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -4882,9 +5422,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -4952,7 +5498,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -5051,7 +5601,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -5110,10 +5664,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfig(dict): @staticmethod @@ -5183,7 +5739,27 @@ def _configure( privatelink_access: Optional['outputs.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigPrivatelinkAccess'] = None, public_access: Optional['outputs.KafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigPublicAccess'] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -5265,9 +5841,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -5387,7 +5967,41 @@ def _configure( producer_max_request_size: Optional[int] = None, scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None, session_timeout_ms: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connector_client_config_override_policy is None and 'connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy' in kwargs: + connector_client_config_override_policy = kwargs['connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy'] + if consumer_auto_offset_reset is None and 'consumerAutoOffsetReset' in kwargs: + consumer_auto_offset_reset = kwargs['consumerAutoOffsetReset'] + if consumer_fetch_max_bytes is None and 'consumerFetchMaxBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_fetch_max_bytes = kwargs['consumerFetchMaxBytes'] + if consumer_isolation_level is None and 'consumerIsolationLevel' in kwargs: + consumer_isolation_level = kwargs['consumerIsolationLevel'] + if consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes is None and 'consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes = kwargs['consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes'] + if consumer_max_poll_interval_ms is None and 'consumerMaxPollIntervalMs' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_interval_ms = kwargs['consumerMaxPollIntervalMs'] + if consumer_max_poll_records is None and 'consumerMaxPollRecords' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_records = kwargs['consumerMaxPollRecords'] + if offset_flush_interval_ms is None and 'offsetFlushIntervalMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_interval_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushIntervalMs'] + if offset_flush_timeout_ms is None and 'offsetFlushTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_timeout_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushTimeoutMs'] + if producer_batch_size is None and 'producerBatchSize' in kwargs: + producer_batch_size = kwargs['producerBatchSize'] + if producer_buffer_memory is None and 'producerBufferMemory' in kwargs: + producer_buffer_memory = kwargs['producerBufferMemory'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms is None and 'scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs' in kwargs: + scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms = kwargs['scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs'] + if session_timeout_ms is None and 'sessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + session_timeout_ms = kwargs['sessionTimeoutMs'] + if connector_client_config_override_policy is not None: _setter("connector_client_config_override_policy", connector_client_config_override_policy) if consumer_auto_offset_reset is not None: @@ -5534,7 +6148,11 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], kafka_connect: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect is not None: _setter("kafka_connect", kafka_connect) if prometheus is not None: @@ -5586,7 +6204,11 @@ def _configure( jolokia: Optional[bool] = None, kafka_connect: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if jolokia is not None: _setter("jolokia", jolokia) if kafka_connect is not None: @@ -5642,7 +6264,11 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], kafka_connect: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect is not None: _setter("kafka_connect", kafka_connect) if prometheus is not None: @@ -5691,9 +6317,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -5721,9 +6357,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -5753,7 +6395,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], connector: Optional[str] = None, task: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connector is not None: _setter("connector", connector) if task is not None: @@ -5819,7 +6463,19 @@ def _configure( connect_uri: Optional[str] = None, rest_uri: Optional[str] = None, schema_registry_uri: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_cert is None and 'accessCert' in kwargs: + access_cert = kwargs['accessCert'] + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if connect_uri is None and 'connectUri' in kwargs: + connect_uri = kwargs['connectUri'] + if rest_uri is None and 'restUri' in kwargs: + rest_uri = kwargs['restUri'] + if schema_registry_uri is None and 'schemaRegistryUri' in kwargs: + schema_registry_uri = kwargs['schemaRegistryUri'] + if access_cert is not None: _setter("access_cert", access_cert) if access_key is not None: @@ -5995,7 +6651,45 @@ def _configure( schema_registry: Optional[bool] = None, schema_registry_config: Optional['outputs.KafkaKafkaUserConfigSchemaRegistryConfig'] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if kafka_authentication_methods is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethods' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_methods = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethods'] + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect_config is None and 'kafkaConnectConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_connect_config = kwargs['kafkaConnectConfig'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if kafka_rest_authorization is None and 'kafkaRestAuthorization' in kwargs: + kafka_rest_authorization = kwargs['kafkaRestAuthorization'] + if kafka_rest_config is None and 'kafkaRestConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_rest_config = kwargs['kafkaRestConfig'] + if kafka_version is None and 'kafkaVersion' in kwargs: + kafka_version = kwargs['kafkaVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if schema_registry_config is None and 'schemaRegistryConfig' in kwargs: + schema_registry_config = kwargs['schemaRegistryConfig'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -6208,9 +6902,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -6492,7 +7190,87 @@ def _configure( socket_request_max_bytes: Optional[int] = None, transaction_remove_expired_transaction_cleanup_interval_ms: Optional[int] = None, transaction_state_log_segment_bytes: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if auto_create_topics_enable is None and 'autoCreateTopicsEnable' in kwargs: + auto_create_topics_enable = kwargs['autoCreateTopicsEnable'] + if compression_type is None and 'compressionType' in kwargs: + compression_type = kwargs['compressionType'] + if connections_max_idle_ms is None and 'connectionsMaxIdleMs' in kwargs: + connections_max_idle_ms = kwargs['connectionsMaxIdleMs'] + if default_replication_factor is None and 'defaultReplicationFactor' in kwargs: + default_replication_factor = kwargs['defaultReplicationFactor'] + if group_initial_rebalance_delay_ms is None and 'groupInitialRebalanceDelayMs' in kwargs: + group_initial_rebalance_delay_ms = kwargs['groupInitialRebalanceDelayMs'] + if group_max_session_timeout_ms is None and 'groupMaxSessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + group_max_session_timeout_ms = kwargs['groupMaxSessionTimeoutMs'] + if group_min_session_timeout_ms is None and 'groupMinSessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + group_min_session_timeout_ms = kwargs['groupMinSessionTimeoutMs'] + if log_cleaner_delete_retention_ms is None and 'logCleanerDeleteRetentionMs' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_delete_retention_ms = kwargs['logCleanerDeleteRetentionMs'] + if log_cleaner_max_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'logCleanerMaxCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_max_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['logCleanerMaxCompactionLagMs'] + if log_cleaner_min_cleanable_ratio is None and 'logCleanerMinCleanableRatio' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_min_cleanable_ratio = kwargs['logCleanerMinCleanableRatio'] + if log_cleaner_min_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'logCleanerMinCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_min_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['logCleanerMinCompactionLagMs'] + if log_cleanup_policy is None and 'logCleanupPolicy' in kwargs: + log_cleanup_policy = kwargs['logCleanupPolicy'] + if log_flush_interval_messages is None and 'logFlushIntervalMessages' in kwargs: + log_flush_interval_messages = kwargs['logFlushIntervalMessages'] + if log_flush_interval_ms is None and 'logFlushIntervalMs' in kwargs: + log_flush_interval_ms = kwargs['logFlushIntervalMs'] + if log_index_interval_bytes is None and 'logIndexIntervalBytes' in kwargs: + log_index_interval_bytes = kwargs['logIndexIntervalBytes'] + if log_index_size_max_bytes is None and 'logIndexSizeMaxBytes' in kwargs: + log_index_size_max_bytes = kwargs['logIndexSizeMaxBytes'] + if log_message_downconversion_enable is None and 'logMessageDownconversionEnable' in kwargs: + log_message_downconversion_enable = kwargs['logMessageDownconversionEnable'] + if log_message_timestamp_difference_max_ms is None and 'logMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs' in kwargs: + log_message_timestamp_difference_max_ms = kwargs['logMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs'] + if log_message_timestamp_type is None and 'logMessageTimestampType' in kwargs: + log_message_timestamp_type = kwargs['logMessageTimestampType'] + if log_preallocate is None and 'logPreallocate' in kwargs: + log_preallocate = kwargs['logPreallocate'] + if log_retention_bytes is None and 'logRetentionBytes' in kwargs: + log_retention_bytes = kwargs['logRetentionBytes'] + if log_retention_hours is None and 'logRetentionHours' in kwargs: + log_retention_hours = kwargs['logRetentionHours'] + if log_retention_ms is None and 'logRetentionMs' in kwargs: + log_retention_ms = kwargs['logRetentionMs'] + if log_roll_jitter_ms is None and 'logRollJitterMs' in kwargs: + log_roll_jitter_ms = kwargs['logRollJitterMs'] + if log_roll_ms is None and 'logRollMs' in kwargs: + log_roll_ms = kwargs['logRollMs'] + if log_segment_bytes is None and 'logSegmentBytes' in kwargs: + log_segment_bytes = kwargs['logSegmentBytes'] + if log_segment_delete_delay_ms is None and 'logSegmentDeleteDelayMs' in kwargs: + log_segment_delete_delay_ms = kwargs['logSegmentDeleteDelayMs'] + if max_connections_per_ip is None and 'maxConnectionsPerIp' in kwargs: + max_connections_per_ip = kwargs['maxConnectionsPerIp'] + if max_incremental_fetch_session_cache_slots is None and 'maxIncrementalFetchSessionCacheSlots' in kwargs: + max_incremental_fetch_session_cache_slots = kwargs['maxIncrementalFetchSessionCacheSlots'] + if message_max_bytes is None and 'messageMaxBytes' in kwargs: + message_max_bytes = kwargs['messageMaxBytes'] + if min_insync_replicas is None and 'minInsyncReplicas' in kwargs: + min_insync_replicas = kwargs['minInsyncReplicas'] + if num_partitions is None and 'numPartitions' in kwargs: + num_partitions = kwargs['numPartitions'] + if offsets_retention_minutes is None and 'offsetsRetentionMinutes' in kwargs: + offsets_retention_minutes = kwargs['offsetsRetentionMinutes'] + if producer_purgatory_purge_interval_requests is None and 'producerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests' in kwargs: + producer_purgatory_purge_interval_requests = kwargs['producerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests'] + if replica_fetch_max_bytes is None and 'replicaFetchMaxBytes' in kwargs: + replica_fetch_max_bytes = kwargs['replicaFetchMaxBytes'] + if replica_fetch_response_max_bytes is None and 'replicaFetchResponseMaxBytes' in kwargs: + replica_fetch_response_max_bytes = kwargs['replicaFetchResponseMaxBytes'] + if socket_request_max_bytes is None and 'socketRequestMaxBytes' in kwargs: + socket_request_max_bytes = kwargs['socketRequestMaxBytes'] + if transaction_remove_expired_transaction_cleanup_interval_ms is None and 'transactionRemoveExpiredTransactionCleanupIntervalMs' in kwargs: + transaction_remove_expired_transaction_cleanup_interval_ms = kwargs['transactionRemoveExpiredTransactionCleanupIntervalMs'] + if transaction_state_log_segment_bytes is None and 'transactionStateLogSegmentBytes' in kwargs: + transaction_state_log_segment_bytes = kwargs['transactionStateLogSegmentBytes'] + if auto_create_topics_enable is not None: _setter("auto_create_topics_enable", auto_create_topics_enable) if compression_type is not None: @@ -6904,7 +7682,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], certificate: Optional[bool] = None, sasl: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if certificate is not None: _setter("certificate", certificate) if sasl is not None: @@ -7049,7 +7829,41 @@ def _configure( producer_max_request_size: Optional[int] = None, scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None, session_timeout_ms: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connector_client_config_override_policy is None and 'connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy' in kwargs: + connector_client_config_override_policy = kwargs['connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy'] + if consumer_auto_offset_reset is None and 'consumerAutoOffsetReset' in kwargs: + consumer_auto_offset_reset = kwargs['consumerAutoOffsetReset'] + if consumer_fetch_max_bytes is None and 'consumerFetchMaxBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_fetch_max_bytes = kwargs['consumerFetchMaxBytes'] + if consumer_isolation_level is None and 'consumerIsolationLevel' in kwargs: + consumer_isolation_level = kwargs['consumerIsolationLevel'] + if consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes is None and 'consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes = kwargs['consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes'] + if consumer_max_poll_interval_ms is None and 'consumerMaxPollIntervalMs' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_interval_ms = kwargs['consumerMaxPollIntervalMs'] + if consumer_max_poll_records is None and 'consumerMaxPollRecords' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_records = kwargs['consumerMaxPollRecords'] + if offset_flush_interval_ms is None and 'offsetFlushIntervalMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_interval_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushIntervalMs'] + if offset_flush_timeout_ms is None and 'offsetFlushTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_timeout_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushTimeoutMs'] + if producer_batch_size is None and 'producerBatchSize' in kwargs: + producer_batch_size = kwargs['producerBatchSize'] + if producer_buffer_memory is None and 'producerBufferMemory' in kwargs: + producer_buffer_memory = kwargs['producerBufferMemory'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms is None and 'scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs' in kwargs: + scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms = kwargs['scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs'] + if session_timeout_ms is None and 'sessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + session_timeout_ms = kwargs['sessionTimeoutMs'] + if connector_client_config_override_policy is not None: _setter("connector_client_config_override_policy", connector_client_config_override_policy) if consumer_auto_offset_reset is not None: @@ -7286,7 +8100,25 @@ def _configure( producer_linger_ms: Optional[int] = None, producer_max_request_size: Optional[int] = None, simpleconsumer_pool_size_max: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if consumer_enable_auto_commit is None and 'consumerEnableAutoCommit' in kwargs: + consumer_enable_auto_commit = kwargs['consumerEnableAutoCommit'] + if consumer_request_max_bytes is None and 'consumerRequestMaxBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_request_max_bytes = kwargs['consumerRequestMaxBytes'] + if consumer_request_timeout_ms is None and 'consumerRequestTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + consumer_request_timeout_ms = kwargs['consumerRequestTimeoutMs'] + if producer_acks is None and 'producerAcks' in kwargs: + producer_acks = kwargs['producerAcks'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if simpleconsumer_pool_size_max is None and 'simpleconsumerPoolSizeMax' in kwargs: + simpleconsumer_pool_size_max = kwargs['simpleconsumerPoolSizeMax'] + if consumer_enable_auto_commit is not None: _setter("consumer_enable_auto_commit", consumer_enable_auto_commit) if consumer_request_max_bytes is not None: @@ -7421,7 +8253,15 @@ def _configure( kafka_rest: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, schema_registry: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if kafka is not None: _setter("kafka", kafka) if kafka_connect is not None: @@ -7530,7 +8370,15 @@ def _configure( kafka_rest: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, schema_registry: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if jolokia is not None: _setter("jolokia", jolokia) if kafka is not None: @@ -7645,7 +8493,15 @@ def _configure( kafka_rest: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, schema_registry: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if kafka is not None: _setter("kafka", kafka) if kafka_connect is not None: @@ -7736,7 +8592,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], leader_eligibility: Optional[bool] = None, topic_name: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if leader_eligibility is None and 'leaderEligibility' in kwargs: + leader_eligibility = kwargs['leaderEligibility'] + if topic_name is None and 'topicName' in kwargs: + topic_name = kwargs['topicName'] + if leader_eligibility is not None: _setter("leader_eligibility", leader_eligibility) if topic_name is not None: @@ -7806,7 +8668,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -7865,10 +8731,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfig(dict): @staticmethod @@ -7923,7 +8791,21 @@ def _configure( ip_filters: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, kafka_mirrormaker: Optional['outputs.KafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigKafkaMirrormaker'] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if kafka_mirrormaker is None and 'kafkaMirrormaker' in kwargs: + kafka_mirrormaker = kwargs['kafkaMirrormaker'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -7984,9 +8866,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -8076,7 +8962,29 @@ def _configure( sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds: Optional[int] = None, sync_topic_configs_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, tasks_max_per_cpu: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if emit_checkpoints_enabled is None and 'emitCheckpointsEnabled' in kwargs: + emit_checkpoints_enabled = kwargs['emitCheckpointsEnabled'] + if emit_checkpoints_interval_seconds is None and 'emitCheckpointsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + emit_checkpoints_interval_seconds = kwargs['emitCheckpointsIntervalSeconds'] + if refresh_groups_enabled is None and 'refreshGroupsEnabled' in kwargs: + refresh_groups_enabled = kwargs['refreshGroupsEnabled'] + if refresh_groups_interval_seconds is None and 'refreshGroupsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + refresh_groups_interval_seconds = kwargs['refreshGroupsIntervalSeconds'] + if refresh_topics_enabled is None and 'refreshTopicsEnabled' in kwargs: + refresh_topics_enabled = kwargs['refreshTopicsEnabled'] + if refresh_topics_interval_seconds is None and 'refreshTopicsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + refresh_topics_interval_seconds = kwargs['refreshTopicsIntervalSeconds'] + if sync_group_offsets_enabled is None and 'syncGroupOffsetsEnabled' in kwargs: + sync_group_offsets_enabled = kwargs['syncGroupOffsetsEnabled'] + if sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds is None and 'syncGroupOffsetsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds = kwargs['syncGroupOffsetsIntervalSeconds'] + if sync_topic_configs_enabled is None and 'syncTopicConfigsEnabled' in kwargs: + sync_topic_configs_enabled = kwargs['syncTopicConfigsEnabled'] + if tasks_max_per_cpu is None and 'tasksMaxPerCpu' in kwargs: + tasks_max_per_cpu = kwargs['tasksMaxPerCpu'] + if emit_checkpoints_enabled is not None: _setter("emit_checkpoints_enabled", emit_checkpoints_enabled) if emit_checkpoints_interval_seconds is not None: @@ -8181,9 +9089,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -8211,9 +9129,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -8264,9 +9188,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -8304,9 +9238,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -8495,7 +9435,55 @@ def _configure( segment_jitter_ms: Optional[str] = None, segment_ms: Optional[str] = None, unclean_leader_election_enable: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if cleanup_policy is None and 'cleanupPolicy' in kwargs: + cleanup_policy = kwargs['cleanupPolicy'] + if compression_type is None and 'compressionType' in kwargs: + compression_type = kwargs['compressionType'] + if delete_retention_ms is None and 'deleteRetentionMs' in kwargs: + delete_retention_ms = kwargs['deleteRetentionMs'] + if file_delete_delay_ms is None and 'fileDeleteDelayMs' in kwargs: + file_delete_delay_ms = kwargs['fileDeleteDelayMs'] + if flush_messages is None and 'flushMessages' in kwargs: + flush_messages = kwargs['flushMessages'] + if flush_ms is None and 'flushMs' in kwargs: + flush_ms = kwargs['flushMs'] + if index_interval_bytes is None and 'indexIntervalBytes' in kwargs: + index_interval_bytes = kwargs['indexIntervalBytes'] + if max_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'maxCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + max_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['maxCompactionLagMs'] + if max_message_bytes is None and 'maxMessageBytes' in kwargs: + max_message_bytes = kwargs['maxMessageBytes'] + if message_downconversion_enable is None and 'messageDownconversionEnable' in kwargs: + message_downconversion_enable = kwargs['messageDownconversionEnable'] + if message_format_version is None and 'messageFormatVersion' in kwargs: + message_format_version = kwargs['messageFormatVersion'] + if message_timestamp_difference_max_ms is None and 'messageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs' in kwargs: + message_timestamp_difference_max_ms = kwargs['messageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs'] + if message_timestamp_type is None and 'messageTimestampType' in kwargs: + message_timestamp_type = kwargs['messageTimestampType'] + if min_cleanable_dirty_ratio is None and 'minCleanableDirtyRatio' in kwargs: + min_cleanable_dirty_ratio = kwargs['minCleanableDirtyRatio'] + if min_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'minCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + min_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['minCompactionLagMs'] + if min_insync_replicas is None and 'minInsyncReplicas' in kwargs: + min_insync_replicas = kwargs['minInsyncReplicas'] + if retention_bytes is None and 'retentionBytes' in kwargs: + retention_bytes = kwargs['retentionBytes'] + if retention_ms is None and 'retentionMs' in kwargs: + retention_ms = kwargs['retentionMs'] + if segment_bytes is None and 'segmentBytes' in kwargs: + segment_bytes = kwargs['segmentBytes'] + if segment_index_bytes is None and 'segmentIndexBytes' in kwargs: + segment_index_bytes = kwargs['segmentIndexBytes'] + if segment_jitter_ms is None and 'segmentJitterMs' in kwargs: + segment_jitter_ms = kwargs['segmentJitterMs'] + if segment_ms is None and 'segmentMs' in kwargs: + segment_ms = kwargs['segmentMs'] + if unclean_leader_election_enable is None and 'uncleanLeaderElectionEnable' in kwargs: + unclean_leader_election_enable = kwargs['uncleanLeaderElectionEnable'] + if cleanup_policy is not None: _setter("cleanup_policy", cleanup_policy) if compression_type is not None: @@ -8758,9 +9746,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, + key: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + _setter("key", key) if value is not None: _setter("value", value) @@ -8829,7 +9821,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -8888,10 +9884,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class M3AggregatorM3aggregatorUserConfig(dict): @staticmethod @@ -8951,7 +9949,23 @@ def _configure( m3_version: Optional[str] = None, m3aggregator_version: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if m3_version is None and 'm3Version' in kwargs: + m3_version = kwargs['m3Version'] + if m3aggregator_version is None and 'm3aggregatorVersion' in kwargs: + m3aggregator_version = kwargs['m3aggregatorVersion'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if custom_domain is not None: _setter("custom_domain", custom_domain) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -9022,9 +10036,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -9072,9 +10090,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -9102,9 +10130,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -9166,7 +10200,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -9225,10 +10263,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class M3DbM3dbUserConfig(dict): @staticmethod @@ -9330,7 +10370,35 @@ def _configure( rules: Optional['outputs.M3DbM3dbUserConfigRules'] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if m3_version is None and 'm3Version' in kwargs: + m3_version = kwargs['m3Version'] + if m3coordinator_enable_graphite_carbon_ingest is None and 'm3coordinatorEnableGraphiteCarbonIngest' in kwargs: + m3coordinator_enable_graphite_carbon_ingest = kwargs['m3coordinatorEnableGraphiteCarbonIngest'] + if m3db_version is None and 'm3dbVersion' in kwargs: + m3db_version = kwargs['m3dbVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -9471,9 +10539,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -9543,7 +10615,21 @@ def _configure( query_docs: Optional[int] = None, query_require_exhaustive: Optional[bool] = None, query_series: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_recently_queried_series_blocks is None and 'maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesBlocks' in kwargs: + max_recently_queried_series_blocks = kwargs['maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesBlocks'] + if max_recently_queried_series_disk_bytes_read is None and 'maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesDiskBytesRead' in kwargs: + max_recently_queried_series_disk_bytes_read = kwargs['maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesDiskBytesRead'] + if max_recently_queried_series_lookback is None and 'maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesLookback' in kwargs: + max_recently_queried_series_lookback = kwargs['maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesLookback'] + if query_docs is None and 'queryDocs' in kwargs: + query_docs = kwargs['queryDocs'] + if query_require_exhaustive is None and 'queryRequireExhaustive' in kwargs: + query_require_exhaustive = kwargs['queryRequireExhaustive'] + if query_series is None and 'querySeries' in kwargs: + query_series = kwargs['querySeries'] + if max_recently_queried_series_blocks is not None: _setter("max_recently_queried_series_blocks", max_recently_queried_series_blocks) if max_recently_queried_series_disk_bytes_read is not None: @@ -9617,7 +10703,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], tag_options: Optional['outputs.M3DbM3dbUserConfigM3TagOptions'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tag_options is None and 'tagOptions' in kwargs: + tag_options = kwargs['tagOptions'] + if tag_options is not None: _setter("tag_options", tag_options) @@ -9661,7 +10751,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], allow_tag_name_duplicates: Optional[bool] = None, allow_tag_value_empty: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if allow_tag_name_duplicates is None and 'allowTagNameDuplicates' in kwargs: + allow_tag_name_duplicates = kwargs['allowTagNameDuplicates'] + if allow_tag_value_empty is None and 'allowTagValueEmpty' in kwargs: + allow_tag_value_empty = kwargs['allowTagValueEmpty'] + if allow_tag_name_duplicates is not None: _setter("allow_tag_name_duplicates", allow_tag_name_duplicates) if allow_tag_value_empty is not None: @@ -9695,11 +10791,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: str, - type: str, + name: Optional[str] = None, + type: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional['outputs.M3DbM3dbUserConfigNamespaceOptions'] = None, resolution: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'type' argument") + _setter("name", name) _setter("type", type) if options is not None: @@ -9767,7 +10869,15 @@ def _configure( retention_options: Optional['outputs.M3DbM3dbUserConfigNamespaceOptionsRetentionOptions'] = None, snapshot_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, writes_to_commitlog: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if retention_options is None and 'retentionOptions' in kwargs: + retention_options = kwargs['retentionOptions'] + if snapshot_enabled is None and 'snapshotEnabled' in kwargs: + snapshot_enabled = kwargs['snapshotEnabled'] + if writes_to_commitlog is None and 'writesToCommitlog' in kwargs: + writes_to_commitlog = kwargs['writesToCommitlog'] + if retention_options is not None: _setter("retention_options", retention_options) if snapshot_enabled is not None: @@ -9840,7 +10950,19 @@ def _configure( buffer_future_duration: Optional[str] = None, buffer_past_duration: Optional[str] = None, retention_period_duration: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if block_data_expiry_duration is None and 'blockDataExpiryDuration' in kwargs: + block_data_expiry_duration = kwargs['blockDataExpiryDuration'] + if blocksize_duration is None and 'blocksizeDuration' in kwargs: + blocksize_duration = kwargs['blocksizeDuration'] + if buffer_future_duration is None and 'bufferFutureDuration' in kwargs: + buffer_future_duration = kwargs['bufferFutureDuration'] + if buffer_past_duration is None and 'bufferPastDuration' in kwargs: + buffer_past_duration = kwargs['bufferPastDuration'] + if retention_period_duration is None and 'retentionPeriodDuration' in kwargs: + retention_period_duration = kwargs['retentionPeriodDuration'] + if block_data_expiry_duration is not None: _setter("block_data_expiry_duration", block_data_expiry_duration) if blocksize_duration is not None: @@ -9890,7 +11012,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], m3coordinator: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if m3coordinator is not None: _setter("m3coordinator", m3coordinator) @@ -9912,7 +11036,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], m3coordinator: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if m3coordinator is not None: _setter("m3coordinator", m3coordinator) @@ -9934,7 +11060,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], mappings: Optional[Sequence['outputs.M3DbM3dbUserConfigRulesMapping']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mappings is not None: _setter("mappings", mappings) @@ -9988,7 +11116,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - filter: str, + filter: Optional[str] = None, aggregations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, drop: Optional[bool] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, @@ -9996,7 +11124,15 @@ def _configure( namespaces_objects: Optional[Sequence['outputs.M3DbM3dbUserConfigRulesMappingNamespacesObject']] = None, namespaces_strings: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, tags: Optional[Sequence['outputs.M3DbM3dbUserConfigRulesMappingTag']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if filter is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'filter' argument") + if namespaces_objects is None and 'namespacesObjects' in kwargs: + namespaces_objects = kwargs['namespacesObjects'] + if namespaces_strings is None and 'namespacesStrings' in kwargs: + namespaces_strings = kwargs['namespacesStrings'] + _setter("filter", filter) if aggregations is not None: _setter("aggregations", aggregations) @@ -10072,7 +11208,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], resolution: Optional[str] = None, retention: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if resolution is not None: _setter("resolution", resolution) if retention is not None: @@ -10102,9 +11240,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + name: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("name", name) _setter("value", value) @@ -10151,9 +11295,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -10181,9 +11335,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -10245,7 +11405,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -10304,10 +11468,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class MySqlMysqlUserConfig(dict): @staticmethod @@ -10423,7 +11589,43 @@ def _configure( recovery_target_time: Optional[str] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if admin_password is None and 'adminPassword' in kwargs: + admin_password = kwargs['adminPassword'] + if admin_username is None and 'adminUsername' in kwargs: + admin_username = kwargs['adminUsername'] + if backup_hour is None and 'backupHour' in kwargs: + backup_hour = kwargs['backupHour'] + if backup_minute is None and 'backupMinute' in kwargs: + backup_minute = kwargs['backupMinute'] + if binlog_retention_period is None and 'binlogRetentionPeriod' in kwargs: + binlog_retention_period = kwargs['binlogRetentionPeriod'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if mysql_version is None and 'mysqlVersion' in kwargs: + mysql_version = kwargs['mysqlVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_target_time is None and 'recoveryTargetTime' in kwargs: + recovery_target_time = kwargs['recoveryTargetTime'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if admin_password is not None: @@ -10575,9 +11777,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -10635,15 +11841,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - host: str, - port: int, + host: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, dbname: Optional[str] = None, ignore_dbs: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if ignore_dbs is None and 'ignoreDbs' in kwargs: + ignore_dbs = kwargs['ignoreDbs'] + _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) if dbname is not None: @@ -10874,7 +12088,69 @@ def _configure( sql_require_primary_key: Optional[bool] = None, tmp_table_size: Optional[int] = None, wait_timeout: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connect_timeout is None and 'connectTimeout' in kwargs: + connect_timeout = kwargs['connectTimeout'] + if default_time_zone is None and 'defaultTimeZone' in kwargs: + default_time_zone = kwargs['defaultTimeZone'] + if group_concat_max_len is None and 'groupConcatMaxLen' in kwargs: + group_concat_max_len = kwargs['groupConcatMaxLen'] + if information_schema_stats_expiry is None and 'informationSchemaStatsExpiry' in kwargs: + information_schema_stats_expiry = kwargs['informationSchemaStatsExpiry'] + if innodb_change_buffer_max_size is None and 'innodbChangeBufferMaxSize' in kwargs: + innodb_change_buffer_max_size = kwargs['innodbChangeBufferMaxSize'] + if innodb_flush_neighbors is None and 'innodbFlushNeighbors' in kwargs: + innodb_flush_neighbors = kwargs['innodbFlushNeighbors'] + if innodb_ft_min_token_size is None and 'innodbFtMinTokenSize' in kwargs: + innodb_ft_min_token_size = kwargs['innodbFtMinTokenSize'] + if innodb_ft_server_stopword_table is None and 'innodbFtServerStopwordTable' in kwargs: + innodb_ft_server_stopword_table = kwargs['innodbFtServerStopwordTable'] + if innodb_lock_wait_timeout is None and 'innodbLockWaitTimeout' in kwargs: + innodb_lock_wait_timeout = kwargs['innodbLockWaitTimeout'] + if innodb_log_buffer_size is None and 'innodbLogBufferSize' in kwargs: + innodb_log_buffer_size = kwargs['innodbLogBufferSize'] + if innodb_online_alter_log_max_size is None and 'innodbOnlineAlterLogMaxSize' in kwargs: + innodb_online_alter_log_max_size = kwargs['innodbOnlineAlterLogMaxSize'] + if innodb_print_all_deadlocks is None and 'innodbPrintAllDeadlocks' in kwargs: + innodb_print_all_deadlocks = kwargs['innodbPrintAllDeadlocks'] + if innodb_read_io_threads is None and 'innodbReadIoThreads' in kwargs: + innodb_read_io_threads = kwargs['innodbReadIoThreads'] + if innodb_rollback_on_timeout is None and 'innodbRollbackOnTimeout' in kwargs: + innodb_rollback_on_timeout = kwargs['innodbRollbackOnTimeout'] + if innodb_thread_concurrency is None and 'innodbThreadConcurrency' in kwargs: + innodb_thread_concurrency = kwargs['innodbThreadConcurrency'] + if innodb_write_io_threads is None and 'innodbWriteIoThreads' in kwargs: + innodb_write_io_threads = kwargs['innodbWriteIoThreads'] + if interactive_timeout is None and 'interactiveTimeout' in kwargs: + interactive_timeout = kwargs['interactiveTimeout'] + if internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine is None and 'internalTmpMemStorageEngine' in kwargs: + internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine = kwargs['internalTmpMemStorageEngine'] + if long_query_time is None and 'longQueryTime' in kwargs: + long_query_time = kwargs['longQueryTime'] + if max_allowed_packet is None and 'maxAllowedPacket' in kwargs: + max_allowed_packet = kwargs['maxAllowedPacket'] + if max_heap_table_size is None and 'maxHeapTableSize' in kwargs: + max_heap_table_size = kwargs['maxHeapTableSize'] + if net_buffer_length is None and 'netBufferLength' in kwargs: + net_buffer_length = kwargs['netBufferLength'] + if net_read_timeout is None and 'netReadTimeout' in kwargs: + net_read_timeout = kwargs['netReadTimeout'] + if net_write_timeout is None and 'netWriteTimeout' in kwargs: + net_write_timeout = kwargs['netWriteTimeout'] + if slow_query_log is None and 'slowQueryLog' in kwargs: + slow_query_log = kwargs['slowQueryLog'] + if sort_buffer_size is None and 'sortBufferSize' in kwargs: + sort_buffer_size = kwargs['sortBufferSize'] + if sql_mode is None and 'sqlMode' in kwargs: + sql_mode = kwargs['sqlMode'] + if sql_require_primary_key is None and 'sqlRequirePrimaryKey' in kwargs: + sql_require_primary_key = kwargs['sqlRequirePrimaryKey'] + if tmp_table_size is None and 'tmpTableSize' in kwargs: + tmp_table_size = kwargs['tmpTableSize'] + if wait_timeout is None and 'waitTimeout' in kwargs: + wait_timeout = kwargs['waitTimeout'] + if connect_timeout is not None: _setter("connect_timeout", connect_timeout) if default_time_zone is not None: @@ -11105,7 +12381,9 @@ def _configure( mysql: Optional[bool] = None, mysqlx: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mysql is not None: _setter("mysql", mysql) if mysqlx is not None: @@ -11147,7 +12425,9 @@ def _configure( mysql: Optional[bool] = None, mysqlx: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mysql is not None: _setter("mysql", mysql) if mysqlx is not None: @@ -11189,7 +12469,9 @@ def _configure( mysql: Optional[bool] = None, mysqlx: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mysql is not None: _setter("mysql", mysql) if mysqlx is not None: @@ -11245,9 +12527,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -11275,9 +12567,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -11339,7 +12637,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -11420,7 +12722,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], opensearch_dashboards_uri: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards_uri is None and 'opensearchDashboardsUri' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards_uri = kwargs['opensearchDashboardsUri'] + if opensearch_dashboards_uri is not None: _setter("opensearch_dashboards_uri", opensearch_dashboards_uri) @@ -11582,7 +12888,47 @@ def _configure( saml: Optional['outputs.OpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigSaml'] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if disable_replication_factor_adjustment is None and 'disableReplicationFactorAdjustment' in kwargs: + disable_replication_factor_adjustment = kwargs['disableReplicationFactorAdjustment'] + if index_patterns is None and 'indexPatterns' in kwargs: + index_patterns = kwargs['indexPatterns'] + if index_template is None and 'indexTemplate' in kwargs: + index_template = kwargs['indexTemplate'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if keep_index_refresh_interval is None and 'keepIndexRefreshInterval' in kwargs: + keep_index_refresh_interval = kwargs['keepIndexRefreshInterval'] + if max_index_count is None and 'maxIndexCount' in kwargs: + max_index_count = kwargs['maxIndexCount'] + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch_version is None and 'opensearchVersion' in kwargs: + opensearch_version = kwargs['opensearchVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -11853,10 +13199,20 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - max_index_count: int, - pattern: str, + max_index_count: Optional[int] = None, + pattern: Optional[str] = None, sorting_algorithm: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_index_count is None and 'maxIndexCount' in kwargs: + max_index_count = kwargs['maxIndexCount'] + if max_index_count is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'max_index_count' argument") + if pattern is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'pattern' argument") + if sorting_algorithm is None and 'sortingAlgorithm' in kwargs: + sorting_algorithm = kwargs['sortingAlgorithm'] + _setter("max_index_count", max_index_count) _setter("pattern", pattern) if sorting_algorithm is not None: @@ -11931,7 +13287,15 @@ def _configure( mapping_nested_objects_limit: Optional[int] = None, number_of_replicas: Optional[int] = None, number_of_shards: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mapping_nested_objects_limit is None and 'mappingNestedObjectsLimit' in kwargs: + mapping_nested_objects_limit = kwargs['mappingNestedObjectsLimit'] + if number_of_replicas is None and 'numberOfReplicas' in kwargs: + number_of_replicas = kwargs['numberOfReplicas'] + if number_of_shards is None and 'numberOfShards' in kwargs: + number_of_shards = kwargs['numberOfShards'] + if mapping_nested_objects_limit is not None: _setter("mapping_nested_objects_limit", mapping_nested_objects_limit) if number_of_replicas is not None: @@ -11981,9 +13345,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -12085,9 +13453,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, - connect_url: str, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, + connect_url: Optional[str] = None, enabled: Optional[bool] = None, header: Optional[str] = None, jwt_header: Optional[str] = None, @@ -12097,7 +13465,33 @@ def _configure( roles_key: Optional[str] = None, scope: Optional[str] = None, subject_key: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if connect_url is None and 'connectUrl' in kwargs: + connect_url = kwargs['connectUrl'] + if connect_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'connect_url' argument") + if jwt_header is None and 'jwtHeader' in kwargs: + jwt_header = kwargs['jwtHeader'] + if jwt_url_parameter is None and 'jwtUrlParameter' in kwargs: + jwt_url_parameter = kwargs['jwtUrlParameter'] + if refresh_rate_limit_count is None and 'refreshRateLimitCount' in kwargs: + refresh_rate_limit_count = kwargs['refreshRateLimitCount'] + if refresh_rate_limit_time_window_ms is None and 'refreshRateLimitTimeWindowMs' in kwargs: + refresh_rate_limit_time_window_ms = kwargs['refreshRateLimitTimeWindowMs'] + if roles_key is None and 'rolesKey' in kwargs: + roles_key = kwargs['rolesKey'] + if subject_key is None and 'subjectKey' in kwargs: + subject_key = kwargs['subjectKey'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) _setter("connect_url", connect_url) @@ -12429,7 +13823,71 @@ def _configure( thread_pool_search_throttled_size: Optional[int] = None, thread_pool_write_queue_size: Optional[int] = None, thread_pool_write_size: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if action_auto_create_index_enabled is None and 'actionAutoCreateIndexEnabled' in kwargs: + action_auto_create_index_enabled = kwargs['actionAutoCreateIndexEnabled'] + if action_destructive_requires_name is None and 'actionDestructiveRequiresName' in kwargs: + action_destructive_requires_name = kwargs['actionDestructiveRequiresName'] + if cluster_max_shards_per_node is None and 'clusterMaxShardsPerNode' in kwargs: + cluster_max_shards_per_node = kwargs['clusterMaxShardsPerNode'] + if cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries is None and 'clusterRoutingAllocationNodeConcurrentRecoveries' in kwargs: + cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries = kwargs['clusterRoutingAllocationNodeConcurrentRecoveries'] + if email_sender_name is None and 'emailSenderName' in kwargs: + email_sender_name = kwargs['emailSenderName'] + if email_sender_password is None and 'emailSenderPassword' in kwargs: + email_sender_password = kwargs['emailSenderPassword'] + if email_sender_username is None and 'emailSenderUsername' in kwargs: + email_sender_username = kwargs['emailSenderUsername'] + if http_max_content_length is None and 'httpMaxContentLength' in kwargs: + http_max_content_length = kwargs['httpMaxContentLength'] + if http_max_header_size is None and 'httpMaxHeaderSize' in kwargs: + http_max_header_size = kwargs['httpMaxHeaderSize'] + if http_max_initial_line_length is None and 'httpMaxInitialLineLength' in kwargs: + http_max_initial_line_length = kwargs['httpMaxInitialLineLength'] + if indices_fielddata_cache_size is None and 'indicesFielddataCacheSize' in kwargs: + indices_fielddata_cache_size = kwargs['indicesFielddataCacheSize'] + if indices_memory_index_buffer_size is None and 'indicesMemoryIndexBufferSize' in kwargs: + indices_memory_index_buffer_size = kwargs['indicesMemoryIndexBufferSize'] + if indices_queries_cache_size is None and 'indicesQueriesCacheSize' in kwargs: + indices_queries_cache_size = kwargs['indicesQueriesCacheSize'] + if indices_query_bool_max_clause_count is None and 'indicesQueryBoolMaxClauseCount' in kwargs: + indices_query_bool_max_clause_count = kwargs['indicesQueryBoolMaxClauseCount'] + if indices_recovery_max_bytes_per_sec is None and 'indicesRecoveryMaxBytesPerSec' in kwargs: + indices_recovery_max_bytes_per_sec = kwargs['indicesRecoveryMaxBytesPerSec'] + if indices_recovery_max_concurrent_file_chunks is None and 'indicesRecoveryMaxConcurrentFileChunks' in kwargs: + indices_recovery_max_concurrent_file_chunks = kwargs['indicesRecoveryMaxConcurrentFileChunks'] + if override_main_response_version is None and 'overrideMainResponseVersion' in kwargs: + override_main_response_version = kwargs['overrideMainResponseVersion'] + if reindex_remote_whitelists is None and 'reindexRemoteWhitelists' in kwargs: + reindex_remote_whitelists = kwargs['reindexRemoteWhitelists'] + if script_max_compilations_rate is None and 'scriptMaxCompilationsRate' in kwargs: + script_max_compilations_rate = kwargs['scriptMaxCompilationsRate'] + if search_max_buckets is None and 'searchMaxBuckets' in kwargs: + search_max_buckets = kwargs['searchMaxBuckets'] + if thread_pool_analyze_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolAnalyzeQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_analyze_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolAnalyzeQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_analyze_size is None and 'threadPoolAnalyzeSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_analyze_size = kwargs['threadPoolAnalyzeSize'] + if thread_pool_force_merge_size is None and 'threadPoolForceMergeSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_force_merge_size = kwargs['threadPoolForceMergeSize'] + if thread_pool_get_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolGetQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_get_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolGetQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_get_size is None and 'threadPoolGetSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_get_size = kwargs['threadPoolGetSize'] + if thread_pool_search_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_search_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchSize'] + if thread_pool_search_throttled_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchThrottledQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_throttled_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchThrottledQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_search_throttled_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchThrottledSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_throttled_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchThrottledSize'] + if thread_pool_write_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolWriteQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_write_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolWriteQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_write_size is None and 'threadPoolWriteSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_write_size = kwargs['threadPoolWriteSize'] + if action_auto_create_index_enabled is not None: _setter("action_auto_create_index_enabled", action_auto_create_index_enabled) if action_destructive_requires_name is not None: @@ -12784,7 +14242,13 @@ def _configure( enabled: Optional[bool] = None, max_old_space_size: Optional[int] = None, opensearch_request_timeout: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_old_space_size is None and 'maxOldSpaceSize' in kwargs: + max_old_space_size = kwargs['maxOldSpaceSize'] + if opensearch_request_timeout is None and 'opensearchRequestTimeout' in kwargs: + opensearch_request_timeout = kwargs['opensearchRequestTimeout'] + if enabled is not None: _setter("enabled", enabled) if max_old_space_size is not None: @@ -12857,7 +14321,11 @@ def _configure( opensearch: Optional[bool] = None, opensearch_dashboards: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch is not None: _setter("opensearch", opensearch) if opensearch_dashboards is not None: @@ -12930,7 +14398,11 @@ def _configure( opensearch: Optional[bool] = None, opensearch_dashboards: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch is not None: _setter("opensearch", opensearch) if opensearch_dashboards is not None: @@ -13003,7 +14475,11 @@ def _configure( opensearch: Optional[bool] = None, opensearch_dashboards: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch is not None: _setter("opensearch", opensearch) if opensearch_dashboards is not None: @@ -13095,14 +14571,36 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - enabled: bool, - idp_entity_id: str, - idp_metadata_url: str, - sp_entity_id: str, + enabled: Optional[bool] = None, + idp_entity_id: Optional[str] = None, + idp_metadata_url: Optional[str] = None, + sp_entity_id: Optional[str] = None, idp_pemtrustedcas_content: Optional[str] = None, roles_key: Optional[str] = None, subject_key: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if enabled is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'enabled' argument") + if idp_entity_id is None and 'idpEntityId' in kwargs: + idp_entity_id = kwargs['idpEntityId'] + if idp_entity_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'idp_entity_id' argument") + if idp_metadata_url is None and 'idpMetadataUrl' in kwargs: + idp_metadata_url = kwargs['idpMetadataUrl'] + if idp_metadata_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'idp_metadata_url' argument") + if sp_entity_id is None and 'spEntityId' in kwargs: + sp_entity_id = kwargs['spEntityId'] + if sp_entity_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'sp_entity_id' argument") + if idp_pemtrustedcas_content is None and 'idpPemtrustedcasContent' in kwargs: + idp_pemtrustedcas_content = kwargs['idpPemtrustedcasContent'] + if roles_key is None and 'rolesKey' in kwargs: + roles_key = kwargs['rolesKey'] + if subject_key is None and 'subjectKey' in kwargs: + subject_key = kwargs['subjectKey'] + _setter("enabled", enabled) _setter("idp_entity_id", idp_entity_id) _setter("idp_metadata_url", idp_metadata_url) @@ -13207,9 +14705,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -13247,9 +14755,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -13297,7 +14811,9 @@ def _configure( delete: Optional[str] = None, read: Optional[str] = None, update: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create is not None: _setter("create", create) if delete is not None: @@ -13387,7 +14903,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -13505,7 +15025,13 @@ def _configure( sslmode: Optional[str] = None, uri: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_connections is None and 'maxConnections' in kwargs: + max_connections = kwargs['maxConnections'] + if replica_uri is None and 'replicaUri' in kwargs: + replica_uri = kwargs['replicaUri'] + if dbname is not None: _setter("dbname", dbname) if host is not None: @@ -13786,7 +15312,55 @@ def _configure( timescaledb: Optional['outputs.PgPgUserConfigTimescaledb'] = None, variant: Optional[str] = None, work_mem: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if admin_password is None and 'adminPassword' in kwargs: + admin_password = kwargs['adminPassword'] + if admin_username is None and 'adminUsername' in kwargs: + admin_username = kwargs['adminUsername'] + if backup_hour is None and 'backupHour' in kwargs: + backup_hour = kwargs['backupHour'] + if backup_minute is None and 'backupMinute' in kwargs: + backup_minute = kwargs['backupMinute'] + if enable_ipv6 is None and 'enableIpv6' in kwargs: + enable_ipv6 = kwargs['enableIpv6'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if pg_read_replica is None and 'pgReadReplica' in kwargs: + pg_read_replica = kwargs['pgReadReplica'] + if pg_service_to_fork_from is None and 'pgServiceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + pg_service_to_fork_from = kwargs['pgServiceToForkFrom'] + if pg_stat_monitor_enable is None and 'pgStatMonitorEnable' in kwargs: + pg_stat_monitor_enable = kwargs['pgStatMonitorEnable'] + if pg_version is None and 'pgVersion' in kwargs: + pg_version = kwargs['pgVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_target_time is None and 'recoveryTargetTime' in kwargs: + recovery_target_time = kwargs['recoveryTargetTime'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if shared_buffers_percentage is None and 'sharedBuffersPercentage' in kwargs: + shared_buffers_percentage = kwargs['sharedBuffersPercentage'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if synchronous_replication is None and 'synchronousReplication' in kwargs: + synchronous_replication = kwargs['synchronousReplication'] + if work_mem is None and 'workMem' in kwargs: + work_mem = kwargs['workMem'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if admin_password is not None: @@ -14105,9 +15679,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -14178,15 +15756,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - host: str, - port: int, + host: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, dbname: Optional[str] = None, ignore_dbs: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if ignore_dbs is None and 'ignoreDbs' in kwargs: + ignore_dbs = kwargs['ignoreDbs'] + _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) if dbname is not None: @@ -14574,7 +16160,103 @@ def _configure( track_io_timing: Optional[str] = None, wal_sender_timeout: Optional[int] = None, wal_writer_delay: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor is None and 'autovacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor' in kwargs: + autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = kwargs['autovacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor'] + if autovacuum_analyze_threshold is None and 'autovacuumAnalyzeThreshold' in kwargs: + autovacuum_analyze_threshold = kwargs['autovacuumAnalyzeThreshold'] + if autovacuum_freeze_max_age is None and 'autovacuumFreezeMaxAge' in kwargs: + autovacuum_freeze_max_age = kwargs['autovacuumFreezeMaxAge'] + if autovacuum_max_workers is None and 'autovacuumMaxWorkers' in kwargs: + autovacuum_max_workers = kwargs['autovacuumMaxWorkers'] + if autovacuum_naptime is None and 'autovacuumNaptime' in kwargs: + autovacuum_naptime = kwargs['autovacuumNaptime'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay is None and 'autovacuumVacuumCostDelay' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumCostDelay'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit is None and 'autovacuumVacuumCostLimit' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumCostLimit'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor is None and 'autovacuumVacuumScaleFactor' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumScaleFactor'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_threshold is None and 'autovacuumVacuumThreshold' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumThreshold'] + if bgwriter_delay is None and 'bgwriterDelay' in kwargs: + bgwriter_delay = kwargs['bgwriterDelay'] + if bgwriter_flush_after is None and 'bgwriterFlushAfter' in kwargs: + bgwriter_flush_after = kwargs['bgwriterFlushAfter'] + if bgwriter_lru_maxpages is None and 'bgwriterLruMaxpages' in kwargs: + bgwriter_lru_maxpages = kwargs['bgwriterLruMaxpages'] + if bgwriter_lru_multiplier is None and 'bgwriterLruMultiplier' in kwargs: + bgwriter_lru_multiplier = kwargs['bgwriterLruMultiplier'] + if deadlock_timeout is None and 'deadlockTimeout' in kwargs: + deadlock_timeout = kwargs['deadlockTimeout'] + if default_toast_compression is None and 'defaultToastCompression' in kwargs: + default_toast_compression = kwargs['defaultToastCompression'] + if idle_in_transaction_session_timeout is None and 'idleInTransactionSessionTimeout' in kwargs: + idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = kwargs['idleInTransactionSessionTimeout'] + if log_autovacuum_min_duration is None and 'logAutovacuumMinDuration' in kwargs: + log_autovacuum_min_duration = kwargs['logAutovacuumMinDuration'] + if log_error_verbosity is None and 'logErrorVerbosity' in kwargs: + log_error_verbosity = kwargs['logErrorVerbosity'] + if log_line_prefix is None and 'logLinePrefix' in kwargs: + log_line_prefix = kwargs['logLinePrefix'] + if log_min_duration_statement is None and 'logMinDurationStatement' in kwargs: + log_min_duration_statement = kwargs['logMinDurationStatement'] + if log_temp_files is None and 'logTempFiles' in kwargs: + log_temp_files = kwargs['logTempFiles'] + if max_files_per_process is None and 'maxFilesPerProcess' in kwargs: + max_files_per_process = kwargs['maxFilesPerProcess'] + if max_locks_per_transaction is None and 'maxLocksPerTransaction' in kwargs: + max_locks_per_transaction = kwargs['maxLocksPerTransaction'] + if max_logical_replication_workers is None and 'maxLogicalReplicationWorkers' in kwargs: + max_logical_replication_workers = kwargs['maxLogicalReplicationWorkers'] + if max_parallel_workers is None and 'maxParallelWorkers' in kwargs: + max_parallel_workers = kwargs['maxParallelWorkers'] + if max_parallel_workers_per_gather is None and 'maxParallelWorkersPerGather' in kwargs: + max_parallel_workers_per_gather = kwargs['maxParallelWorkersPerGather'] + if max_pred_locks_per_transaction is None and 'maxPredLocksPerTransaction' in kwargs: + max_pred_locks_per_transaction = kwargs['maxPredLocksPerTransaction'] + if max_prepared_transactions is None and 'maxPreparedTransactions' in kwargs: + max_prepared_transactions = kwargs['maxPreparedTransactions'] + if max_replication_slots is None and 'maxReplicationSlots' in kwargs: + max_replication_slots = kwargs['maxReplicationSlots'] + if max_slot_wal_keep_size is None and 'maxSlotWalKeepSize' in kwargs: + max_slot_wal_keep_size = kwargs['maxSlotWalKeepSize'] + if max_stack_depth is None and 'maxStackDepth' in kwargs: + max_stack_depth = kwargs['maxStackDepth'] + if max_standby_archive_delay is None and 'maxStandbyArchiveDelay' in kwargs: + max_standby_archive_delay = kwargs['maxStandbyArchiveDelay'] + if max_standby_streaming_delay is None and 'maxStandbyStreamingDelay' in kwargs: + max_standby_streaming_delay = kwargs['maxStandbyStreamingDelay'] + if max_wal_senders is None and 'maxWalSenders' in kwargs: + max_wal_senders = kwargs['maxWalSenders'] + if max_worker_processes is None and 'maxWorkerProcesses' in kwargs: + max_worker_processes = kwargs['maxWorkerProcesses'] + if pg_partman_bgw_dot_interval is None and 'pgPartmanBgwDotInterval' in kwargs: + pg_partman_bgw_dot_interval = kwargs['pgPartmanBgwDotInterval'] + if pg_partman_bgw_dot_role is None and 'pgPartmanBgwDotRole' in kwargs: + pg_partman_bgw_dot_role = kwargs['pgPartmanBgwDotRole'] + if pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_enable_query_plan is None and 'pgStatMonitorDotPgsmEnableQueryPlan' in kwargs: + pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_enable_query_plan = kwargs['pgStatMonitorDotPgsmEnableQueryPlan'] + if pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_max_buckets is None and 'pgStatMonitorDotPgsmMaxBuckets' in kwargs: + pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_max_buckets = kwargs['pgStatMonitorDotPgsmMaxBuckets'] + if pg_stat_statements_dot_track is None and 'pgStatStatementsDotTrack' in kwargs: + pg_stat_statements_dot_track = kwargs['pgStatStatementsDotTrack'] + if temp_file_limit is None and 'tempFileLimit' in kwargs: + temp_file_limit = kwargs['tempFileLimit'] + if track_activity_query_size is None and 'trackActivityQuerySize' in kwargs: + track_activity_query_size = kwargs['trackActivityQuerySize'] + if track_commit_timestamp is None and 'trackCommitTimestamp' in kwargs: + track_commit_timestamp = kwargs['trackCommitTimestamp'] + if track_functions is None and 'trackFunctions' in kwargs: + track_functions = kwargs['trackFunctions'] + if track_io_timing is None and 'trackIoTiming' in kwargs: + track_io_timing = kwargs['trackIoTiming'] + if wal_sender_timeout is None and 'walSenderTimeout' in kwargs: + wal_sender_timeout = kwargs['walSenderTimeout'] + if wal_writer_delay is None and 'walWriterDelay' in kwargs: + wal_writer_delay = kwargs['walWriterDelay'] + if autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor is not None: _setter("autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor", autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor) if autovacuum_analyze_threshold is not None: @@ -15147,7 +16829,27 @@ def _configure( server_idle_timeout: Optional[int] = None, server_lifetime: Optional[int] = None, server_reset_query_always: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if autodb_idle_timeout is None and 'autodbIdleTimeout' in kwargs: + autodb_idle_timeout = kwargs['autodbIdleTimeout'] + if autodb_max_db_connections is None and 'autodbMaxDbConnections' in kwargs: + autodb_max_db_connections = kwargs['autodbMaxDbConnections'] + if autodb_pool_mode is None and 'autodbPoolMode' in kwargs: + autodb_pool_mode = kwargs['autodbPoolMode'] + if autodb_pool_size is None and 'autodbPoolSize' in kwargs: + autodb_pool_size = kwargs['autodbPoolSize'] + if ignore_startup_parameters is None and 'ignoreStartupParameters' in kwargs: + ignore_startup_parameters = kwargs['ignoreStartupParameters'] + if min_pool_size is None and 'minPoolSize' in kwargs: + min_pool_size = kwargs['minPoolSize'] + if server_idle_timeout is None and 'serverIdleTimeout' in kwargs: + server_idle_timeout = kwargs['serverIdleTimeout'] + if server_lifetime is None and 'serverLifetime' in kwargs: + server_lifetime = kwargs['serverLifetime'] + if server_reset_query_always is None and 'serverResetQueryAlways' in kwargs: + server_reset_query_always = kwargs['serverResetQueryAlways'] + if autodb_idle_timeout is not None: _setter("autodb_idle_timeout", autodb_idle_timeout) if autodb_max_db_connections is not None: @@ -15272,7 +16974,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], max_failover_replication_time_lag: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_failover_replication_time_lag is None and 'maxFailoverReplicationTimeLag' in kwargs: + max_failover_replication_time_lag = kwargs['maxFailoverReplicationTimeLag'] + if max_failover_replication_time_lag is not None: _setter("max_failover_replication_time_lag", max_failover_replication_time_lag) @@ -15308,7 +17014,9 @@ def _configure( pg: Optional[bool] = None, pgbouncer: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if pg is not None: _setter("pg", pg) if pgbouncer is not None: @@ -15364,7 +17072,9 @@ def _configure( pg: Optional[bool] = None, pgbouncer: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if pg is not None: _setter("pg", pg) if pgbouncer is not None: @@ -15420,7 +17130,9 @@ def _configure( pg: Optional[bool] = None, pgbouncer: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if pg is not None: _setter("pg", pg) if pgbouncer is not None: @@ -15485,7 +17197,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], max_background_workers: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_background_workers is None and 'maxBackgroundWorkers' in kwargs: + max_background_workers = kwargs['maxBackgroundWorkers'] + if max_background_workers is not None: _setter("max_background_workers", max_background_workers) @@ -15534,9 +17250,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -15574,9 +17300,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -15614,9 +17346,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -15684,7 +17422,11 @@ def _configure( route: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if component is not None: _setter("component", component) if host is not None: @@ -15743,10 +17485,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class RedisRedisUserConfig(dict): @staticmethod @@ -15884,7 +17628,53 @@ def _configure( redis_timeout: Optional[int] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if redis_acl_channels_default is None and 'redisAclChannelsDefault' in kwargs: + redis_acl_channels_default = kwargs['redisAclChannelsDefault'] + if redis_io_threads is None and 'redisIoThreads' in kwargs: + redis_io_threads = kwargs['redisIoThreads'] + if redis_lfu_decay_time is None and 'redisLfuDecayTime' in kwargs: + redis_lfu_decay_time = kwargs['redisLfuDecayTime'] + if redis_lfu_log_factor is None and 'redisLfuLogFactor' in kwargs: + redis_lfu_log_factor = kwargs['redisLfuLogFactor'] + if redis_maxmemory_policy is None and 'redisMaxmemoryPolicy' in kwargs: + redis_maxmemory_policy = kwargs['redisMaxmemoryPolicy'] + if redis_notify_keyspace_events is None and 'redisNotifyKeyspaceEvents' in kwargs: + redis_notify_keyspace_events = kwargs['redisNotifyKeyspaceEvents'] + if redis_number_of_databases is None and 'redisNumberOfDatabases' in kwargs: + redis_number_of_databases = kwargs['redisNumberOfDatabases'] + if redis_persistence is None and 'redisPersistence' in kwargs: + redis_persistence = kwargs['redisPersistence'] + if redis_pubsub_client_output_buffer_limit is None and 'redisPubsubClientOutputBufferLimit' in kwargs: + redis_pubsub_client_output_buffer_limit = kwargs['redisPubsubClientOutputBufferLimit'] + if redis_ssl is None and 'redisSsl' in kwargs: + redis_ssl = kwargs['redisSsl'] + if redis_timeout is None and 'redisTimeout' in kwargs: + redis_timeout = kwargs['redisTimeout'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -16064,9 +17854,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -16124,15 +17918,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - host: str, - port: int, + host: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, dbname: Optional[str] = None, ignore_dbs: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if ignore_dbs is None and 'ignoreDbs' in kwargs: + ignore_dbs = kwargs['ignoreDbs'] + _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) if dbname is not None: @@ -16204,7 +18006,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, redis: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) if redis is not None: @@ -16236,7 +18040,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, redis: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) if redis is not None: @@ -16268,7 +18074,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, redis: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) if redis is not None: @@ -16317,9 +18125,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -16347,9 +18165,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -16379,7 +18203,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], tables: Optional[Sequence['outputs.ServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigTable']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tables is not None: _setter("tables", tables) @@ -16477,9 +18303,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - data_format: str, - group_name: str, - name: str, + data_format: Optional[str] = None, + group_name: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, auto_offset_reset: Optional[str] = None, columns: Optional[Sequence['outputs.ServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigTableColumn']] = None, date_time_input_format: Optional[str] = None, @@ -16490,7 +18316,35 @@ def _configure( poll_max_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, skip_broken_messages: Optional[int] = None, topics: Optional[Sequence['outputs.ServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigTableTopic']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if data_format is None and 'dataFormat' in kwargs: + data_format = kwargs['dataFormat'] + if data_format is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'data_format' argument") + if group_name is None and 'groupName' in kwargs: + group_name = kwargs['groupName'] + if group_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'group_name' argument") + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if auto_offset_reset is None and 'autoOffsetReset' in kwargs: + auto_offset_reset = kwargs['autoOffsetReset'] + if date_time_input_format is None and 'dateTimeInputFormat' in kwargs: + date_time_input_format = kwargs['dateTimeInputFormat'] + if handle_error_mode is None and 'handleErrorMode' in kwargs: + handle_error_mode = kwargs['handleErrorMode'] + if max_block_size is None and 'maxBlockSize' in kwargs: + max_block_size = kwargs['maxBlockSize'] + if max_rows_per_message is None and 'maxRowsPerMessage' in kwargs: + max_rows_per_message = kwargs['maxRowsPerMessage'] + if num_consumers is None and 'numConsumers' in kwargs: + num_consumers = kwargs['numConsumers'] + if poll_max_batch_size is None and 'pollMaxBatchSize' in kwargs: + poll_max_batch_size = kwargs['pollMaxBatchSize'] + if skip_broken_messages is None and 'skipBrokenMessages' in kwargs: + skip_broken_messages = kwargs['skipBrokenMessages'] + _setter("data_format", data_format) _setter("group_name", group_name) _setter("name", name) @@ -16637,9 +18491,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: str, - type: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + name: Optional[str] = None, + type: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'type' argument") + _setter("name", name) _setter("type", type) @@ -16674,8 +18534,12 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + _setter("name", name) @property @@ -16702,7 +18566,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], databases: Optional[Sequence['outputs.ServiceIntegrationClickhousePostgresqlUserConfigDatabase']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if databases is not None: _setter("databases", databases) @@ -16734,7 +18600,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], database: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database is not None: _setter("database", database) if schema is not None: @@ -16839,7 +18707,25 @@ def _configure( max_jmx_metrics: Optional[int] = None, opensearch: Optional['outputs.ServiceIntegrationDatadogUserConfigOpensearch'] = None, redis: Optional['outputs.ServiceIntegrationDatadogUserConfigRedis'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if datadog_dbm_enabled is None and 'datadogDbmEnabled' in kwargs: + datadog_dbm_enabled = kwargs['datadogDbmEnabled'] + if datadog_tags is None and 'datadogTags' in kwargs: + datadog_tags = kwargs['datadogTags'] + if exclude_consumer_groups is None and 'excludeConsumerGroups' in kwargs: + exclude_consumer_groups = kwargs['excludeConsumerGroups'] + if exclude_topics is None and 'excludeTopics' in kwargs: + exclude_topics = kwargs['excludeTopics'] + if include_consumer_groups is None and 'includeConsumerGroups' in kwargs: + include_consumer_groups = kwargs['includeConsumerGroups'] + if include_topics is None and 'includeTopics' in kwargs: + include_topics = kwargs['includeTopics'] + if kafka_custom_metrics is None and 'kafkaCustomMetrics' in kwargs: + kafka_custom_metrics = kwargs['kafkaCustomMetrics'] + if max_jmx_metrics is None and 'maxJmxMetrics' in kwargs: + max_jmx_metrics = kwargs['maxJmxMetrics'] + if datadog_dbm_enabled is not None: _setter("datadog_dbm_enabled", datadog_dbm_enabled) if datadog_tags is not None: @@ -16959,9 +18845,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - tag: str, + tag: Optional[str] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tag is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'tag' argument") + _setter("tag", tag) if comment is not None: _setter("comment", comment) @@ -17027,7 +18917,15 @@ def _configure( index_stats_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, pending_task_stats_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, pshard_stats_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if index_stats_enabled is None and 'indexStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + index_stats_enabled = kwargs['indexStatsEnabled'] + if pending_task_stats_enabled is None and 'pendingTaskStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + pending_task_stats_enabled = kwargs['pendingTaskStatsEnabled'] + if pshard_stats_enabled is None and 'pshardStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + pshard_stats_enabled = kwargs['pshardStatsEnabled'] + if index_stats_enabled is not None: _setter("index_stats_enabled", index_stats_enabled) if pending_task_stats_enabled is not None: @@ -17092,7 +18990,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], command_stats_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if command_stats_enabled is None and 'commandStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + command_stats_enabled = kwargs['commandStatsEnabled'] + if command_stats_enabled is not None: _setter("command_stats_enabled", command_stats_enabled) @@ -17164,14 +19066,30 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - datadog_api_key: str, + datadog_api_key: Optional[str] = None, datadog_tags: Optional[Sequence['outputs.ServiceIntegrationEndpointDatadogUserConfigDatadogTag']] = None, disable_consumer_stats: Optional[bool] = None, kafka_consumer_check_instances: Optional[int] = None, kafka_consumer_stats_timeout: Optional[int] = None, max_partition_contexts: Optional[int] = None, site: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if datadog_api_key is None and 'datadogApiKey' in kwargs: + datadog_api_key = kwargs['datadogApiKey'] + if datadog_api_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'datadog_api_key' argument") + if datadog_tags is None and 'datadogTags' in kwargs: + datadog_tags = kwargs['datadogTags'] + if disable_consumer_stats is None and 'disableConsumerStats' in kwargs: + disable_consumer_stats = kwargs['disableConsumerStats'] + if kafka_consumer_check_instances is None and 'kafkaConsumerCheckInstances' in kwargs: + kafka_consumer_check_instances = kwargs['kafkaConsumerCheckInstances'] + if kafka_consumer_stats_timeout is None and 'kafkaConsumerStatsTimeout' in kwargs: + kafka_consumer_stats_timeout = kwargs['kafkaConsumerStatsTimeout'] + if max_partition_contexts is None and 'maxPartitionContexts' in kwargs: + max_partition_contexts = kwargs['maxPartitionContexts'] + _setter("datadog_api_key", datadog_api_key) if datadog_tags is not None: _setter("datadog_tags", datadog_tags) @@ -17260,9 +19178,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - tag: str, + tag: Optional[str] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tag is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'tag' argument") + _setter("tag", tag) if comment is not None: _setter("comment", comment) @@ -17328,11 +19250,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - access_key: str, - region: str, - secret_key: str, + access_key: Optional[str] = None, + region: Optional[str] = None, + secret_key: Optional[str] = None, log_group_name: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if access_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'access_key' argument") + if region is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'region' argument") + if secret_key is None and 'secretKey' in kwargs: + secret_key = kwargs['secretKey'] + if secret_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'secret_key' argument") + if log_group_name is None and 'logGroupName' in kwargs: + log_group_name = kwargs['logGroupName'] + _setter("access_key", access_key) _setter("region", region) _setter("secret_key", secret_key) @@ -17414,11 +19350,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - access_key: str, - namespace: str, - region: str, - secret_key: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + access_key: Optional[str] = None, + namespace: Optional[str] = None, + region: Optional[str] = None, + secret_key: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if access_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'access_key' argument") + if namespace is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'namespace' argument") + if region is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'region' argument") + if secret_key is None and 'secretKey' in kwargs: + secret_key = kwargs['secretKey'] + if secret_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'secret_key' argument") + _setter("access_key", access_key) _setter("namespace", namespace) _setter("region", region) @@ -17502,12 +19452,22 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - index_prefix: str, - url: str, + index_prefix: Optional[str] = None, + url: Optional[str] = None, ca: Optional[str] = None, index_days_max: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if index_prefix is None and 'indexPrefix' in kwargs: + index_prefix = kwargs['indexPrefix'] + if index_prefix is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'index_prefix' argument") + if url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'url' argument") + if index_days_max is None and 'indexDaysMax' in kwargs: + index_days_max = kwargs['indexDaysMax'] + _setter("index_prefix", index_prefix) _setter("url", url) if ca is not None: @@ -17599,10 +19559,24 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - log_id: str, - project_id: str, - service_account_credentials: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + log_id: Optional[str] = None, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + service_account_credentials: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if log_id is None and 'logId' in kwargs: + log_id = kwargs['logId'] + if log_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'log_id' argument") + if project_id is None and 'projectId' in kwargs: + project_id = kwargs['projectId'] + if project_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project_id' argument") + if service_account_credentials is None and 'serviceAccountCredentials' in kwargs: + service_account_credentials = kwargs['serviceAccountCredentials'] + if service_account_credentials is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_account_credentials' argument") + _setter("log_id", log_id) _setter("project_id", project_id) _setter("service_account_credentials", service_account_credentials) @@ -17703,8 +19677,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - bootstrap_servers: str, - security_protocol: str, + bootstrap_servers: Optional[str] = None, + security_protocol: Optional[str] = None, sasl_mechanism: Optional[str] = None, sasl_plain_password: Optional[str] = None, sasl_plain_username: Optional[str] = None, @@ -17712,7 +19686,31 @@ def _configure( ssl_client_cert: Optional[str] = None, ssl_client_key: Optional[str] = None, ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if bootstrap_servers is None and 'bootstrapServers' in kwargs: + bootstrap_servers = kwargs['bootstrapServers'] + if bootstrap_servers is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'bootstrap_servers' argument") + if security_protocol is None and 'securityProtocol' in kwargs: + security_protocol = kwargs['securityProtocol'] + if security_protocol is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'security_protocol' argument") + if sasl_mechanism is None and 'saslMechanism' in kwargs: + sasl_mechanism = kwargs['saslMechanism'] + if sasl_plain_password is None and 'saslPlainPassword' in kwargs: + sasl_plain_password = kwargs['saslPlainPassword'] + if sasl_plain_username is None and 'saslPlainUsername' in kwargs: + sasl_plain_username = kwargs['saslPlainUsername'] + if ssl_ca_cert is None and 'sslCaCert' in kwargs: + ssl_ca_cert = kwargs['sslCaCert'] + if ssl_client_cert is None and 'sslClientCert' in kwargs: + ssl_client_cert = kwargs['sslClientCert'] + if ssl_client_key is None and 'sslClientKey' in kwargs: + ssl_client_key = kwargs['sslClientKey'] + if ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm is None and 'sslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm' in kwargs: + ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm = kwargs['sslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm'] + _setter("bootstrap_servers", bootstrap_servers) _setter("security_protocol", security_protocol) if sasl_mechanism is not None: @@ -17848,12 +19846,22 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - index_prefix: str, - url: str, + index_prefix: Optional[str] = None, + url: Optional[str] = None, ca: Optional[str] = None, index_days_max: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if index_prefix is None and 'indexPrefix' in kwargs: + index_prefix = kwargs['indexPrefix'] + if index_prefix is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'index_prefix' argument") + if url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'url' argument") + if index_days_max is None and 'indexDaysMax' in kwargs: + index_days_max = kwargs['indexDaysMax'] + _setter("index_prefix", index_prefix) _setter("url", url) if ca is not None: @@ -17946,11 +19954,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - authentication: str, - url: str, + authentication: Optional[str] = None, + url: Optional[str] = None, basic_auth_password: Optional[str] = None, basic_auth_username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if authentication is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'authentication' argument") + if url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'url' argument") + if basic_auth_password is None and 'basicAuthPassword' in kwargs: + basic_auth_password = kwargs['basicAuthPassword'] + if basic_auth_username is None and 'basicAuthUsername' in kwargs: + basic_auth_username = kwargs['basicAuthUsername'] + _setter("authentication", authentication) _setter("url", url) if basic_auth_password is not None: @@ -18029,7 +20047,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], basic_auth_password: Optional[str] = None, basic_auth_username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if basic_auth_password is None and 'basicAuthPassword' in kwargs: + basic_auth_password = kwargs['basicAuthPassword'] + if basic_auth_username is None and 'basicAuthUsername' in kwargs: + basic_auth_username = kwargs['basicAuthUsername'] + if basic_auth_password is not None: _setter("basic_auth_password", basic_auth_password) if basic_auth_username is not None: @@ -18090,7 +20114,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], basic_auth_password: Optional[str] = None, basic_auth_username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if basic_auth_password is None and 'basicAuthPassword' in kwargs: + basic_auth_password = kwargs['basicAuthPassword'] + if basic_auth_username is None and 'basicAuthUsername' in kwargs: + basic_auth_username = kwargs['basicAuthUsername'] + if basic_auth_password is not None: _setter("basic_auth_password", basic_auth_password) if basic_auth_username is not None: @@ -18151,16 +20181,26 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - format: str, - port: int, - server: str, - tls: bool, + format: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + server: Optional[str] = None, + tls: Optional[bool] = None, ca: Optional[str] = None, cert: Optional[str] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, logline: Optional[str] = None, sd: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if format is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'format' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if server is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'server' argument") + if tls is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'tls' argument") + _setter("format", format) _setter("port", port) _setter("server", server) @@ -18287,7 +20327,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], dropped_metrics: Optional[Sequence['outputs.ServiceIntegrationExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigDroppedMetric']] = None, extra_metrics: Optional[Sequence['outputs.ServiceIntegrationExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigExtraMetric']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if dropped_metrics is None and 'droppedMetrics' in kwargs: + dropped_metrics = kwargs['droppedMetrics'] + if extra_metrics is None and 'extraMetrics' in kwargs: + extra_metrics = kwargs['extraMetrics'] + if dropped_metrics is not None: _setter("dropped_metrics", dropped_metrics) if extra_metrics is not None: @@ -18327,9 +20373,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - field: str, - metric: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + field: Optional[str] = None, + metric: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if field is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'field' argument") + if metric is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'metric' argument") + _setter("field", field) _setter("metric", metric) @@ -18367,9 +20419,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - field: str, - metric: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + field: Optional[str] = None, + metric: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if field is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'field' argument") + if metric is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'metric' argument") + _setter("field", field) _setter("metric", metric) @@ -18422,7 +20480,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], kafka_connect: Optional['outputs.ServiceIntegrationKafkaConnectUserConfigKafkaConnect'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect is not None: _setter("kafka_connect", kafka_connect) @@ -18485,7 +20547,17 @@ def _configure( group_id: Optional[str] = None, offset_storage_topic: Optional[str] = None, status_storage_topic: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if config_storage_topic is None and 'configStorageTopic' in kwargs: + config_storage_topic = kwargs['configStorageTopic'] + if group_id is None and 'groupId' in kwargs: + group_id = kwargs['groupId'] + if offset_storage_topic is None and 'offsetStorageTopic' in kwargs: + offset_storage_topic = kwargs['offsetStorageTopic'] + if status_storage_topic is None and 'statusStorageTopic' in kwargs: + status_storage_topic = kwargs['statusStorageTopic'] + if config_storage_topic is not None: _setter("config_storage_topic", config_storage_topic) if group_id is not None: @@ -18564,9 +20636,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - kafka_topic: str, + kafka_topic: Optional[str] = None, selected_log_fields: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_topic is None and 'kafkaTopic' in kwargs: + kafka_topic = kwargs['kafkaTopic'] + if kafka_topic is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_topic' argument") + if selected_log_fields is None and 'selectedLogFields' in kwargs: + selected_log_fields = kwargs['selectedLogFields'] + _setter("kafka_topic", kafka_topic) if selected_log_fields is not None: _setter("selected_log_fields", selected_log_fields) @@ -18626,7 +20706,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], cluster_alias: Optional[str] = None, kafka_mirrormaker: Optional['outputs.ServiceIntegrationKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigKafkaMirrormaker'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if cluster_alias is None and 'clusterAlias' in kwargs: + cluster_alias = kwargs['clusterAlias'] + if kafka_mirrormaker is None and 'kafkaMirrormaker' in kwargs: + kafka_mirrormaker = kwargs['kafkaMirrormaker'] + if cluster_alias is not None: _setter("cluster_alias", cluster_alias) if kafka_mirrormaker is not None: @@ -18711,7 +20797,21 @@ def _configure( producer_compression_type: Optional[str] = None, producer_linger_ms: Optional[int] = None, producer_max_request_size: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if consumer_fetch_min_bytes is None and 'consumerFetchMinBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_fetch_min_bytes = kwargs['consumerFetchMinBytes'] + if producer_batch_size is None and 'producerBatchSize' in kwargs: + producer_batch_size = kwargs['producerBatchSize'] + if producer_buffer_memory is None and 'producerBufferMemory' in kwargs: + producer_buffer_memory = kwargs['producerBufferMemory'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if consumer_fetch_min_bytes is not None: _setter("consumer_fetch_min_bytes", consumer_fetch_min_bytes) if producer_batch_size is not None: @@ -18818,7 +20918,15 @@ def _configure( elasticsearch_index_days_max: Optional[int] = None, elasticsearch_index_prefix: Optional[str] = None, selected_log_fields: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if elasticsearch_index_days_max is None and 'elasticsearchIndexDaysMax' in kwargs: + elasticsearch_index_days_max = kwargs['elasticsearchIndexDaysMax'] + if elasticsearch_index_prefix is None and 'elasticsearchIndexPrefix' in kwargs: + elasticsearch_index_prefix = kwargs['elasticsearchIndexPrefix'] + if selected_log_fields is None and 'selectedLogFields' in kwargs: + selected_log_fields = kwargs['selectedLogFields'] + if elasticsearch_index_days_max is not None: _setter("elasticsearch_index_days_max", elasticsearch_index_days_max) if elasticsearch_index_prefix is not None: @@ -18903,7 +21011,15 @@ def _configure( ro_username: Optional[str] = None, source_mysql: Optional['outputs.ServiceIntegrationMetricsUserConfigSourceMysql'] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if retention_days is None and 'retentionDays' in kwargs: + retention_days = kwargs['retentionDays'] + if ro_username is None and 'roUsername' in kwargs: + ro_username = kwargs['roUsername'] + if source_mysql is None and 'sourceMysql' in kwargs: + source_mysql = kwargs['sourceMysql'] + if database is not None: _setter("database", database) if retention_days is not None: @@ -18971,7 +21087,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], telegraf: Optional['outputs.ServiceIntegrationMetricsUserConfigSourceMysqlTelegraf'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if telegraf is not None: _setter("telegraf", telegraf) @@ -19094,7 +21212,37 @@ def _configure( perf_events_statements_digest_text_limit: Optional[int] = None, perf_events_statements_limit: Optional[int] = None, perf_events_statements_time_limit: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if gather_event_waits is None and 'gatherEventWaits' in kwargs: + gather_event_waits = kwargs['gatherEventWaits'] + if gather_file_events_stats is None and 'gatherFileEventsStats' in kwargs: + gather_file_events_stats = kwargs['gatherFileEventsStats'] + if gather_index_io_waits is None and 'gatherIndexIoWaits' in kwargs: + gather_index_io_waits = kwargs['gatherIndexIoWaits'] + if gather_info_schema_auto_inc is None and 'gatherInfoSchemaAutoInc' in kwargs: + gather_info_schema_auto_inc = kwargs['gatherInfoSchemaAutoInc'] + if gather_innodb_metrics is None and 'gatherInnodbMetrics' in kwargs: + gather_innodb_metrics = kwargs['gatherInnodbMetrics'] + if gather_perf_events_statements is None and 'gatherPerfEventsStatements' in kwargs: + gather_perf_events_statements = kwargs['gatherPerfEventsStatements'] + if gather_process_list is None and 'gatherProcessList' in kwargs: + gather_process_list = kwargs['gatherProcessList'] + if gather_slave_status is None and 'gatherSlaveStatus' in kwargs: + gather_slave_status = kwargs['gatherSlaveStatus'] + if gather_table_io_waits is None and 'gatherTableIoWaits' in kwargs: + gather_table_io_waits = kwargs['gatherTableIoWaits'] + if gather_table_lock_waits is None and 'gatherTableLockWaits' in kwargs: + gather_table_lock_waits = kwargs['gatherTableLockWaits'] + if gather_table_schema is None and 'gatherTableSchema' in kwargs: + gather_table_schema = kwargs['gatherTableSchema'] + if perf_events_statements_digest_text_limit is None and 'perfEventsStatementsDigestTextLimit' in kwargs: + perf_events_statements_digest_text_limit = kwargs['perfEventsStatementsDigestTextLimit'] + if perf_events_statements_limit is None and 'perfEventsStatementsLimit' in kwargs: + perf_events_statements_limit = kwargs['perfEventsStatementsLimit'] + if perf_events_statements_time_limit is None and 'perfEventsStatementsTimeLimit' in kwargs: + perf_events_statements_time_limit = kwargs['perfEventsStatementsTimeLimit'] + if gather_event_waits is not None: _setter("gather_event_waits", gather_event_waits) if gather_file_events_stats is not None: @@ -19261,7 +21409,15 @@ def _configure( identity: Optional[str] = None, last_name: Optional[str] = None, real_name: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if first_name is None and 'firstName' in kwargs: + first_name = kwargs['firstName'] + if last_name is None and 'lastName' in kwargs: + last_name = kwargs['lastName'] + if real_name is None and 'realName' in kwargs: + real_name = kwargs['realName'] + if email is not None: _setter("email", email) if first_name is not None: @@ -19306,10 +21462,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class GetCassandaCassandraUserConfigResult(dict): def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -19364,7 +21522,37 @@ def _configure( service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, service_to_join_with: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if backup_hour is None and 'backupHour' in kwargs: + backup_hour = kwargs['backupHour'] + if backup_minute is None and 'backupMinute' in kwargs: + backup_minute = kwargs['backupMinute'] + if cassandra_version is None and 'cassandraVersion' in kwargs: + cassandra_version = kwargs['cassandraVersion'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if migrate_sstableloader is None and 'migrateSstableloader' in kwargs: + migrate_sstableloader = kwargs['migrateSstableloader'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if service_to_join_with is None and 'serviceToJoinWith' in kwargs: + service_to_join_with = kwargs['serviceToJoinWith'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if backup_hour is not None: @@ -19493,7 +21681,13 @@ def _configure( batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb: Optional[int] = None, batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb: Optional[int] = None, datacenter: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb is None and 'batchSizeFailThresholdInKb' in kwargs: + batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb = kwargs['batchSizeFailThresholdInKb'] + if batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb is None and 'batchSizeWarnThresholdInKb' in kwargs: + batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb = kwargs['batchSizeWarnThresholdInKb'] + if batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb is not None: _setter("batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb", batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb) if batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb is not None: @@ -19530,9 +21724,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -19560,7 +21758,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) @@ -19582,7 +21782,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) @@ -19615,14 +21817,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -19680,9 +21900,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -19710,9 +21940,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -19734,10 +21970,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class GetCassandraCassandraUserConfigResult(dict): def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -19792,7 +22030,37 @@ def _configure( service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, service_to_join_with: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if backup_hour is None and 'backupHour' in kwargs: + backup_hour = kwargs['backupHour'] + if backup_minute is None and 'backupMinute' in kwargs: + backup_minute = kwargs['backupMinute'] + if cassandra_version is None and 'cassandraVersion' in kwargs: + cassandra_version = kwargs['cassandraVersion'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if migrate_sstableloader is None and 'migrateSstableloader' in kwargs: + migrate_sstableloader = kwargs['migrateSstableloader'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if service_to_join_with is None and 'serviceToJoinWith' in kwargs: + service_to_join_with = kwargs['serviceToJoinWith'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if backup_hour is not None: @@ -19921,7 +22189,13 @@ def _configure( batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb: Optional[int] = None, batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb: Optional[int] = None, datacenter: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb is None and 'batchSizeFailThresholdInKb' in kwargs: + batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb = kwargs['batchSizeFailThresholdInKb'] + if batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb is None and 'batchSizeWarnThresholdInKb' in kwargs: + batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb = kwargs['batchSizeWarnThresholdInKb'] + if batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb is not None: _setter("batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb", batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb) if batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb is not None: @@ -19958,9 +22232,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -19988,7 +22266,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) @@ -20010,7 +22290,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) @@ -20043,14 +22325,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -20108,9 +22408,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -20138,9 +22448,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -20162,10 +22478,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class GetClickhouseClickhouseUserConfigResult(dict): def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -20205,7 +22523,29 @@ def _configure( public_access: Optional['outputs.GetClickhouseClickhouseUserConfigPublicAccessResult'] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -20294,9 +22634,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -20330,7 +22674,11 @@ def _configure( clickhouse: Optional[bool] = None, clickhouse_https: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if clickhouse_https is None and 'clickhouseHttps' in kwargs: + clickhouse_https = kwargs['clickhouseHttps'] + if clickhouse is not None: _setter("clickhouse", clickhouse) if clickhouse_https is not None: @@ -20372,7 +22720,11 @@ def _configure( clickhouse: Optional[bool] = None, clickhouse_https: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if clickhouse_https is None and 'clickhouseHttps' in kwargs: + clickhouse_https = kwargs['clickhouseHttps'] + if clickhouse is not None: _setter("clickhouse", clickhouse) if clickhouse_https is not None: @@ -20414,7 +22766,11 @@ def _configure( clickhouse: Optional[bool] = None, clickhouse_https: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if clickhouse_https is None and 'clickhouseHttps' in kwargs: + clickhouse_https = kwargs['clickhouseHttps'] + if clickhouse is not None: _setter("clickhouse", clickhouse) if clickhouse_https is not None: @@ -20461,14 +22817,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -20526,9 +22900,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -20556,9 +22940,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -20586,9 +22976,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - create_table: str, + create_table: Optional[str] = None, integration_id: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create_table is None and 'createTable' in kwargs: + create_table = kwargs['createTable'] + if create_table is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'create_table' argument") + if integration_id is None and 'integrationId' in kwargs: + integration_id = kwargs['integrationId'] + _setter("create_table", create_table) if integration_id is not None: _setter("integration_id", integration_id) @@ -20617,9 +23015,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - create_table: str, + create_table: Optional[str] = None, integration_id: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if create_table is None and 'createTable' in kwargs: + create_table = kwargs['createTable'] + if create_table is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'create_table' argument") + if integration_id is None and 'integrationId' in kwargs: + integration_id = kwargs['integrationId'] + _setter("create_table", create_table) if integration_id is not None: _setter("integration_id", integration_id) @@ -20658,14 +23064,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -20721,8 +23145,14 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - host_ports: Sequence[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + host_ports: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host_ports is None and 'hostPorts' in kwargs: + host_ports = kwargs['hostPorts'] + if host_ports is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host_ports' argument") + _setter("host_ports", host_ports) @property @@ -20758,7 +23188,21 @@ def _configure( ip_filters: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, number_of_task_slots: Optional[int] = None, privatelink_access: Optional['outputs.GetFlinkFlinkUserConfigPrivatelinkAccessResult'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if flink_version is None and 'flinkVersion' in kwargs: + flink_version = kwargs['flinkVersion'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if number_of_task_slots is None and 'numberOfTaskSlots' in kwargs: + number_of_task_slots = kwargs['numberOfTaskSlots'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if flink_version is not None: _setter("flink_version", flink_version) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -20819,9 +23263,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -20852,7 +23300,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], flink: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if flink is not None: _setter("flink", flink) if prometheus is not None: @@ -20882,9 +23332,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -20912,9 +23372,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -20952,14 +23418,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -21011,10 +23495,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class GetGrafanaGrafanaUserConfigResult(dict): def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -21144,7 +23630,89 @@ def _configure( user_auto_assign_org: Optional[bool] = None, user_auto_assign_org_role: Optional[str] = None, viewers_can_edit: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if alerting_enabled is None and 'alertingEnabled' in kwargs: + alerting_enabled = kwargs['alertingEnabled'] + if alerting_error_or_timeout is None and 'alertingErrorOrTimeout' in kwargs: + alerting_error_or_timeout = kwargs['alertingErrorOrTimeout'] + if alerting_max_annotations_to_keep is None and 'alertingMaxAnnotationsToKeep' in kwargs: + alerting_max_annotations_to_keep = kwargs['alertingMaxAnnotationsToKeep'] + if alerting_nodata_or_nullvalues is None and 'alertingNodataOrNullvalues' in kwargs: + alerting_nodata_or_nullvalues = kwargs['alertingNodataOrNullvalues'] + if allow_embedding is None and 'allowEmbedding' in kwargs: + allow_embedding = kwargs['allowEmbedding'] + if auth_azuread is None and 'authAzuread' in kwargs: + auth_azuread = kwargs['authAzuread'] + if auth_basic_enabled is None and 'authBasicEnabled' in kwargs: + auth_basic_enabled = kwargs['authBasicEnabled'] + if auth_generic_oauth is None and 'authGenericOauth' in kwargs: + auth_generic_oauth = kwargs['authGenericOauth'] + if auth_github is None and 'authGithub' in kwargs: + auth_github = kwargs['authGithub'] + if auth_gitlab is None and 'authGitlab' in kwargs: + auth_gitlab = kwargs['authGitlab'] + if auth_google is None and 'authGoogle' in kwargs: + auth_google = kwargs['authGoogle'] + if cookie_samesite is None and 'cookieSamesite' in kwargs: + cookie_samesite = kwargs['cookieSamesite'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if dashboard_previews_enabled is None and 'dashboardPreviewsEnabled' in kwargs: + dashboard_previews_enabled = kwargs['dashboardPreviewsEnabled'] + if dashboards_min_refresh_interval is None and 'dashboardsMinRefreshInterval' in kwargs: + dashboards_min_refresh_interval = kwargs['dashboardsMinRefreshInterval'] + if dashboards_versions_to_keep is None and 'dashboardsVersionsToKeep' in kwargs: + dashboards_versions_to_keep = kwargs['dashboardsVersionsToKeep'] + if dataproxy_send_user_header is None and 'dataproxySendUserHeader' in kwargs: + dataproxy_send_user_header = kwargs['dataproxySendUserHeader'] + if dataproxy_timeout is None and 'dataproxyTimeout' in kwargs: + dataproxy_timeout = kwargs['dataproxyTimeout'] + if date_formats is None and 'dateFormats' in kwargs: + date_formats = kwargs['dateFormats'] + if disable_gravatar is None and 'disableGravatar' in kwargs: + disable_gravatar = kwargs['disableGravatar'] + if editors_can_admin is None and 'editorsCanAdmin' in kwargs: + editors_can_admin = kwargs['editorsCanAdmin'] + if external_image_storage is None and 'externalImageStorage' in kwargs: + external_image_storage = kwargs['externalImageStorage'] + if google_analytics_ua_id is None and 'googleAnalyticsUaId' in kwargs: + google_analytics_ua_id = kwargs['googleAnalyticsUaId'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if metrics_enabled is None and 'metricsEnabled' in kwargs: + metrics_enabled = kwargs['metricsEnabled'] + if oauth_allow_insecure_email_lookup is None and 'oauthAllowInsecureEmailLookup' in kwargs: + oauth_allow_insecure_email_lookup = kwargs['oauthAllowInsecureEmailLookup'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if smtp_server is None and 'smtpServer' in kwargs: + smtp_server = kwargs['smtpServer'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if user_auto_assign_org is None and 'userAutoAssignOrg' in kwargs: + user_auto_assign_org = kwargs['userAutoAssignOrg'] + if user_auto_assign_org_role is None and 'userAutoAssignOrgRole' in kwargs: + user_auto_assign_org_role = kwargs['userAutoAssignOrgRole'] + if viewers_can_edit is None and 'viewersCanEdit' in kwargs: + viewers_can_edit = kwargs['viewersCanEdit'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if alerting_enabled is not None: @@ -21453,14 +24021,38 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - auth_url: str, - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, - token_url: str, + auth_url: Optional[str] = None, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, + token_url: Optional[str] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[bool] = None, allowed_domains: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, allowed_groups: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if auth_url is None and 'authUrl' in kwargs: + auth_url = kwargs['authUrl'] + if auth_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'auth_url' argument") + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if token_url is None and 'tokenUrl' in kwargs: + token_url = kwargs['tokenUrl'] + if token_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'token_url' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_domains is None and 'allowedDomains' in kwargs: + allowed_domains = kwargs['allowedDomains'] + if allowed_groups is None and 'allowedGroups' in kwargs: + allowed_groups = kwargs['allowedGroups'] + _setter("auth_url", auth_url) _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) @@ -21539,18 +24131,48 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - api_url: str, - auth_url: str, - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, - token_url: str, + api_url: Optional[str] = None, + auth_url: Optional[str] = None, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, + token_url: Optional[str] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[bool] = None, allowed_domains: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, allowed_organizations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, auto_login: Optional[bool] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if api_url is None and 'apiUrl' in kwargs: + api_url = kwargs['apiUrl'] + if api_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'api_url' argument") + if auth_url is None and 'authUrl' in kwargs: + auth_url = kwargs['authUrl'] + if auth_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'auth_url' argument") + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if token_url is None and 'tokenUrl' in kwargs: + token_url = kwargs['tokenUrl'] + if token_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'token_url' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_domains is None and 'allowedDomains' in kwargs: + allowed_domains = kwargs['allowedDomains'] + if allowed_organizations is None and 'allowedOrganizations' in kwargs: + allowed_organizations = kwargs['allowedOrganizations'] + if auto_login is None and 'autoLogin' in kwargs: + auto_login = kwargs['autoLogin'] + _setter("api_url", api_url) _setter("auth_url", auth_url) _setter("client_id", client_id) @@ -21644,12 +24266,28 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[bool] = None, allowed_organizations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, team_ids: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_organizations is None and 'allowedOrganizations' in kwargs: + allowed_organizations = kwargs['allowedOrganizations'] + if team_ids is None and 'teamIds' in kwargs: + team_ids = kwargs['teamIds'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) if allow_sign_up is not None: @@ -21708,14 +24346,34 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[bool] = None, allowed_groups: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, api_url: Optional[str] = None, auth_url: Optional[str] = None, token_url: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_groups is None and 'allowedGroups' in kwargs: + allowed_groups = kwargs['allowedGroups'] + if api_url is None and 'apiUrl' in kwargs: + api_url = kwargs['apiUrl'] + if auth_url is None and 'authUrl' in kwargs: + auth_url = kwargs['authUrl'] + if token_url is None and 'tokenUrl' in kwargs: + token_url = kwargs['tokenUrl'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) if allow_sign_up is not None: @@ -21782,11 +24440,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, allow_sign_up: Optional[bool] = None, allowed_domains: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if allow_sign_up is None and 'allowSignUp' in kwargs: + allow_sign_up = kwargs['allowSignUp'] + if allowed_domains is None and 'allowedDomains' in kwargs: + allowed_domains = kwargs['allowedDomains'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) if allow_sign_up is not None: @@ -21848,7 +24520,25 @@ def _configure( interval_month: Optional[str] = None, interval_second: Optional[str] = None, interval_year: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if default_timezone is None and 'defaultTimezone' in kwargs: + default_timezone = kwargs['defaultTimezone'] + if full_date is None and 'fullDate' in kwargs: + full_date = kwargs['fullDate'] + if interval_day is None and 'intervalDay' in kwargs: + interval_day = kwargs['intervalDay'] + if interval_hour is None and 'intervalHour' in kwargs: + interval_hour = kwargs['intervalHour'] + if interval_minute is None and 'intervalMinute' in kwargs: + interval_minute = kwargs['intervalMinute'] + if interval_month is None and 'intervalMonth' in kwargs: + interval_month = kwargs['intervalMonth'] + if interval_second is None and 'intervalSecond' in kwargs: + interval_second = kwargs['intervalSecond'] + if interval_year is None and 'intervalYear' in kwargs: + interval_year = kwargs['intervalYear'] + if default_timezone is not None: _setter("default_timezone", default_timezone) if full_date is not None: @@ -21924,11 +24614,27 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - access_key: str, - bucket_url: str, - provider: str, - secret_key: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + access_key: Optional[str] = None, + bucket_url: Optional[str] = None, + provider: Optional[str] = None, + secret_key: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if access_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'access_key' argument") + if bucket_url is None and 'bucketUrl' in kwargs: + bucket_url = kwargs['bucketUrl'] + if bucket_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'bucket_url' argument") + if provider is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'provider' argument") + if secret_key is None and 'secretKey' in kwargs: + secret_key = kwargs['secretKey'] + if secret_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'secret_key' argument") + _setter("access_key", access_key) _setter("bucket_url", bucket_url) _setter("provider", provider) @@ -21968,9 +24674,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -21998,7 +24708,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], grafana: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if grafana is not None: _setter("grafana", grafana) @@ -22020,7 +24732,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], grafana: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if grafana is not None: _setter("grafana", grafana) @@ -22042,7 +24756,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], grafana: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if grafana is not None: _setter("grafana", grafana) @@ -22077,15 +24793,31 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - from_address: str, - host: str, - port: int, + from_address: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, from_name: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, skip_verify: Optional[bool] = None, starttls_policy: Optional[str] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if from_address is None and 'fromAddress' in kwargs: + from_address = kwargs['fromAddress'] + if from_address is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'from_address' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if from_name is None and 'fromName' in kwargs: + from_name = kwargs['fromName'] + if skip_verify is None and 'skipVerify' in kwargs: + skip_verify = kwargs['skipVerify'] + if starttls_policy is None and 'starttlsPolicy' in kwargs: + starttls_policy = kwargs['starttlsPolicy'] + _setter("from_address", from_address) _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) @@ -22154,9 +24886,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -22184,9 +24926,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -22224,14 +24972,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -22287,8 +25053,14 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - database_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + database_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database_name is None and 'databaseName' in kwargs: + database_name = kwargs['databaseName'] + if database_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'database_name' argument") + _setter("database_name", database_name) @property @@ -22345,7 +25117,33 @@ def _configure( recovery_basebackup_name: Optional[str] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -22472,7 +25270,23 @@ def _configure( max_select_point: Optional[int] = None, query_log_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, query_timeout: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if log_queries_after is None and 'logQueriesAfter' in kwargs: + log_queries_after = kwargs['logQueriesAfter'] + if max_connection_limit is None and 'maxConnectionLimit' in kwargs: + max_connection_limit = kwargs['maxConnectionLimit'] + if max_row_limit is None and 'maxRowLimit' in kwargs: + max_row_limit = kwargs['maxRowLimit'] + if max_select_buckets is None and 'maxSelectBuckets' in kwargs: + max_select_buckets = kwargs['maxSelectBuckets'] + if max_select_point is None and 'maxSelectPoint' in kwargs: + max_select_point = kwargs['maxSelectPoint'] + if query_log_enabled is None and 'queryLogEnabled' in kwargs: + query_log_enabled = kwargs['queryLogEnabled'] + if query_timeout is None and 'queryTimeout' in kwargs: + query_timeout = kwargs['queryTimeout'] + if log_queries_after is not None: _setter("log_queries_after", log_queries_after) if max_connection_limit is not None: @@ -22537,9 +25351,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -22567,7 +25385,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], influxdb: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if influxdb is not None: _setter("influxdb", influxdb) @@ -22589,7 +25409,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], influxdb: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if influxdb is not None: _setter("influxdb", influxdb) @@ -22611,7 +25433,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], influxdb: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if influxdb is not None: _setter("influxdb", influxdb) @@ -22634,9 +25458,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -22664,9 +25498,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -22704,14 +25544,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -22779,14 +25637,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -22838,10 +25714,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class GetKafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigResult(dict): def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -22878,7 +25756,27 @@ def _configure( privatelink_access: Optional['outputs.GetKafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigPrivatelinkAccessResult'] = None, public_access: Optional['outputs.GetKafkaConnectKafkaConnectUserConfigPublicAccessResult'] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -22960,9 +25858,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -23035,7 +25937,41 @@ def _configure( producer_max_request_size: Optional[int] = None, scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None, session_timeout_ms: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connector_client_config_override_policy is None and 'connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy' in kwargs: + connector_client_config_override_policy = kwargs['connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy'] + if consumer_auto_offset_reset is None and 'consumerAutoOffsetReset' in kwargs: + consumer_auto_offset_reset = kwargs['consumerAutoOffsetReset'] + if consumer_fetch_max_bytes is None and 'consumerFetchMaxBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_fetch_max_bytes = kwargs['consumerFetchMaxBytes'] + if consumer_isolation_level is None and 'consumerIsolationLevel' in kwargs: + consumer_isolation_level = kwargs['consumerIsolationLevel'] + if consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes is None and 'consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes = kwargs['consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes'] + if consumer_max_poll_interval_ms is None and 'consumerMaxPollIntervalMs' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_interval_ms = kwargs['consumerMaxPollIntervalMs'] + if consumer_max_poll_records is None and 'consumerMaxPollRecords' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_records = kwargs['consumerMaxPollRecords'] + if offset_flush_interval_ms is None and 'offsetFlushIntervalMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_interval_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushIntervalMs'] + if offset_flush_timeout_ms is None and 'offsetFlushTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_timeout_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushTimeoutMs'] + if producer_batch_size is None and 'producerBatchSize' in kwargs: + producer_batch_size = kwargs['producerBatchSize'] + if producer_buffer_memory is None and 'producerBufferMemory' in kwargs: + producer_buffer_memory = kwargs['producerBufferMemory'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms is None and 'scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs' in kwargs: + scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms = kwargs['scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs'] + if session_timeout_ms is None and 'sessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + session_timeout_ms = kwargs['sessionTimeoutMs'] + if connector_client_config_override_policy is not None: _setter("connector_client_config_override_policy", connector_client_config_override_policy) if consumer_auto_offset_reset is not None: @@ -23165,7 +26101,11 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], kafka_connect: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect is not None: _setter("kafka_connect", kafka_connect) if prometheus is not None: @@ -23200,7 +26140,11 @@ def _configure( jolokia: Optional[bool] = None, kafka_connect: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if jolokia is not None: _setter("jolokia", jolokia) if kafka_connect is not None: @@ -23239,7 +26183,11 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], kafka_connect: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect is not None: _setter("kafka_connect", kafka_connect) if prometheus is not None: @@ -23269,9 +26217,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -23299,9 +26257,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -23329,9 +26293,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - connector: str, - task: int, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + connector: Optional[str] = None, + task: Optional[int] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connector is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'connector' argument") + if task is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'task' argument") + _setter("connector", connector) _setter("task", task) @@ -23365,12 +26335,34 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - access_cert: str, - access_key: str, - connect_uri: str, - rest_uri: str, - schema_registry_uri: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + access_cert: Optional[str] = None, + access_key: Optional[str] = None, + connect_uri: Optional[str] = None, + rest_uri: Optional[str] = None, + schema_registry_uri: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_cert is None and 'accessCert' in kwargs: + access_cert = kwargs['accessCert'] + if access_cert is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'access_cert' argument") + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if access_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'access_key' argument") + if connect_uri is None and 'connectUri' in kwargs: + connect_uri = kwargs['connectUri'] + if connect_uri is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'connect_uri' argument") + if rest_uri is None and 'restUri' in kwargs: + rest_uri = kwargs['restUri'] + if rest_uri is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'rest_uri' argument") + if schema_registry_uri is None and 'schemaRegistryUri' in kwargs: + schema_registry_uri = kwargs['schemaRegistryUri'] + if schema_registry_uri is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'schema_registry_uri' argument") + _setter("access_cert", access_cert) _setter("access_key", access_key) _setter("connect_uri", connect_uri) @@ -23469,7 +26461,45 @@ def _configure( schema_registry: Optional[bool] = None, schema_registry_config: Optional['outputs.GetKafkaKafkaUserConfigSchemaRegistryConfigResult'] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if kafka_authentication_methods is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethods' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_methods = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethods'] + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect_config is None and 'kafkaConnectConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_connect_config = kwargs['kafkaConnectConfig'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if kafka_rest_authorization is None and 'kafkaRestAuthorization' in kwargs: + kafka_rest_authorization = kwargs['kafkaRestAuthorization'] + if kafka_rest_config is None and 'kafkaRestConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_rest_config = kwargs['kafkaRestConfig'] + if kafka_version is None and 'kafkaVersion' in kwargs: + kafka_version = kwargs['kafkaVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if schema_registry_config is None and 'schemaRegistryConfig' in kwargs: + schema_registry_config = kwargs['schemaRegistryConfig'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -23621,9 +26651,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -23765,7 +26799,87 @@ def _configure( socket_request_max_bytes: Optional[int] = None, transaction_remove_expired_transaction_cleanup_interval_ms: Optional[int] = None, transaction_state_log_segment_bytes: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if auto_create_topics_enable is None and 'autoCreateTopicsEnable' in kwargs: + auto_create_topics_enable = kwargs['autoCreateTopicsEnable'] + if compression_type is None and 'compressionType' in kwargs: + compression_type = kwargs['compressionType'] + if connections_max_idle_ms is None and 'connectionsMaxIdleMs' in kwargs: + connections_max_idle_ms = kwargs['connectionsMaxIdleMs'] + if default_replication_factor is None and 'defaultReplicationFactor' in kwargs: + default_replication_factor = kwargs['defaultReplicationFactor'] + if group_initial_rebalance_delay_ms is None and 'groupInitialRebalanceDelayMs' in kwargs: + group_initial_rebalance_delay_ms = kwargs['groupInitialRebalanceDelayMs'] + if group_max_session_timeout_ms is None and 'groupMaxSessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + group_max_session_timeout_ms = kwargs['groupMaxSessionTimeoutMs'] + if group_min_session_timeout_ms is None and 'groupMinSessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + group_min_session_timeout_ms = kwargs['groupMinSessionTimeoutMs'] + if log_cleaner_delete_retention_ms is None and 'logCleanerDeleteRetentionMs' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_delete_retention_ms = kwargs['logCleanerDeleteRetentionMs'] + if log_cleaner_max_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'logCleanerMaxCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_max_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['logCleanerMaxCompactionLagMs'] + if log_cleaner_min_cleanable_ratio is None and 'logCleanerMinCleanableRatio' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_min_cleanable_ratio = kwargs['logCleanerMinCleanableRatio'] + if log_cleaner_min_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'logCleanerMinCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + log_cleaner_min_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['logCleanerMinCompactionLagMs'] + if log_cleanup_policy is None and 'logCleanupPolicy' in kwargs: + log_cleanup_policy = kwargs['logCleanupPolicy'] + if log_flush_interval_messages is None and 'logFlushIntervalMessages' in kwargs: + log_flush_interval_messages = kwargs['logFlushIntervalMessages'] + if log_flush_interval_ms is None and 'logFlushIntervalMs' in kwargs: + log_flush_interval_ms = kwargs['logFlushIntervalMs'] + if log_index_interval_bytes is None and 'logIndexIntervalBytes' in kwargs: + log_index_interval_bytes = kwargs['logIndexIntervalBytes'] + if log_index_size_max_bytes is None and 'logIndexSizeMaxBytes' in kwargs: + log_index_size_max_bytes = kwargs['logIndexSizeMaxBytes'] + if log_message_downconversion_enable is None and 'logMessageDownconversionEnable' in kwargs: + log_message_downconversion_enable = kwargs['logMessageDownconversionEnable'] + if log_message_timestamp_difference_max_ms is None and 'logMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs' in kwargs: + log_message_timestamp_difference_max_ms = kwargs['logMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs'] + if log_message_timestamp_type is None and 'logMessageTimestampType' in kwargs: + log_message_timestamp_type = kwargs['logMessageTimestampType'] + if log_preallocate is None and 'logPreallocate' in kwargs: + log_preallocate = kwargs['logPreallocate'] + if log_retention_bytes is None and 'logRetentionBytes' in kwargs: + log_retention_bytes = kwargs['logRetentionBytes'] + if log_retention_hours is None and 'logRetentionHours' in kwargs: + log_retention_hours = kwargs['logRetentionHours'] + if log_retention_ms is None and 'logRetentionMs' in kwargs: + log_retention_ms = kwargs['logRetentionMs'] + if log_roll_jitter_ms is None and 'logRollJitterMs' in kwargs: + log_roll_jitter_ms = kwargs['logRollJitterMs'] + if log_roll_ms is None and 'logRollMs' in kwargs: + log_roll_ms = kwargs['logRollMs'] + if log_segment_bytes is None and 'logSegmentBytes' in kwargs: + log_segment_bytes = kwargs['logSegmentBytes'] + if log_segment_delete_delay_ms is None and 'logSegmentDeleteDelayMs' in kwargs: + log_segment_delete_delay_ms = kwargs['logSegmentDeleteDelayMs'] + if max_connections_per_ip is None and 'maxConnectionsPerIp' in kwargs: + max_connections_per_ip = kwargs['maxConnectionsPerIp'] + if max_incremental_fetch_session_cache_slots is None and 'maxIncrementalFetchSessionCacheSlots' in kwargs: + max_incremental_fetch_session_cache_slots = kwargs['maxIncrementalFetchSessionCacheSlots'] + if message_max_bytes is None and 'messageMaxBytes' in kwargs: + message_max_bytes = kwargs['messageMaxBytes'] + if min_insync_replicas is None and 'minInsyncReplicas' in kwargs: + min_insync_replicas = kwargs['minInsyncReplicas'] + if num_partitions is None and 'numPartitions' in kwargs: + num_partitions = kwargs['numPartitions'] + if offsets_retention_minutes is None and 'offsetsRetentionMinutes' in kwargs: + offsets_retention_minutes = kwargs['offsetsRetentionMinutes'] + if producer_purgatory_purge_interval_requests is None and 'producerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests' in kwargs: + producer_purgatory_purge_interval_requests = kwargs['producerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests'] + if replica_fetch_max_bytes is None and 'replicaFetchMaxBytes' in kwargs: + replica_fetch_max_bytes = kwargs['replicaFetchMaxBytes'] + if replica_fetch_response_max_bytes is None and 'replicaFetchResponseMaxBytes' in kwargs: + replica_fetch_response_max_bytes = kwargs['replicaFetchResponseMaxBytes'] + if socket_request_max_bytes is None and 'socketRequestMaxBytes' in kwargs: + socket_request_max_bytes = kwargs['socketRequestMaxBytes'] + if transaction_remove_expired_transaction_cleanup_interval_ms is None and 'transactionRemoveExpiredTransactionCleanupIntervalMs' in kwargs: + transaction_remove_expired_transaction_cleanup_interval_ms = kwargs['transactionRemoveExpiredTransactionCleanupIntervalMs'] + if transaction_state_log_segment_bytes is None and 'transactionStateLogSegmentBytes' in kwargs: + transaction_state_log_segment_bytes = kwargs['transactionStateLogSegmentBytes'] + if auto_create_topics_enable is not None: _setter("auto_create_topics_enable", auto_create_topics_enable) if compression_type is not None: @@ -24056,7 +27170,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], certificate: Optional[bool] = None, sasl: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if certificate is not None: _setter("certificate", certificate) if sasl is not None: @@ -24130,7 +27246,41 @@ def _configure( producer_max_request_size: Optional[int] = None, scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None, session_timeout_ms: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connector_client_config_override_policy is None and 'connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy' in kwargs: + connector_client_config_override_policy = kwargs['connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy'] + if consumer_auto_offset_reset is None and 'consumerAutoOffsetReset' in kwargs: + consumer_auto_offset_reset = kwargs['consumerAutoOffsetReset'] + if consumer_fetch_max_bytes is None and 'consumerFetchMaxBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_fetch_max_bytes = kwargs['consumerFetchMaxBytes'] + if consumer_isolation_level is None and 'consumerIsolationLevel' in kwargs: + consumer_isolation_level = kwargs['consumerIsolationLevel'] + if consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes is None and 'consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes = kwargs['consumerMaxPartitionFetchBytes'] + if consumer_max_poll_interval_ms is None and 'consumerMaxPollIntervalMs' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_interval_ms = kwargs['consumerMaxPollIntervalMs'] + if consumer_max_poll_records is None and 'consumerMaxPollRecords' in kwargs: + consumer_max_poll_records = kwargs['consumerMaxPollRecords'] + if offset_flush_interval_ms is None and 'offsetFlushIntervalMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_interval_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushIntervalMs'] + if offset_flush_timeout_ms is None and 'offsetFlushTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + offset_flush_timeout_ms = kwargs['offsetFlushTimeoutMs'] + if producer_batch_size is None and 'producerBatchSize' in kwargs: + producer_batch_size = kwargs['producerBatchSize'] + if producer_buffer_memory is None and 'producerBufferMemory' in kwargs: + producer_buffer_memory = kwargs['producerBufferMemory'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms is None and 'scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs' in kwargs: + scheduled_rebalance_max_delay_ms = kwargs['scheduledRebalanceMaxDelayMs'] + if session_timeout_ms is None and 'sessionTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + session_timeout_ms = kwargs['sessionTimeoutMs'] + if connector_client_config_override_policy is not None: _setter("connector_client_config_override_policy", connector_client_config_override_policy) if consumer_auto_offset_reset is not None: @@ -24278,7 +27428,25 @@ def _configure( producer_linger_ms: Optional[int] = None, producer_max_request_size: Optional[int] = None, simpleconsumer_pool_size_max: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if consumer_enable_auto_commit is None and 'consumerEnableAutoCommit' in kwargs: + consumer_enable_auto_commit = kwargs['consumerEnableAutoCommit'] + if consumer_request_max_bytes is None and 'consumerRequestMaxBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_request_max_bytes = kwargs['consumerRequestMaxBytes'] + if consumer_request_timeout_ms is None and 'consumerRequestTimeoutMs' in kwargs: + consumer_request_timeout_ms = kwargs['consumerRequestTimeoutMs'] + if producer_acks is None and 'producerAcks' in kwargs: + producer_acks = kwargs['producerAcks'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if simpleconsumer_pool_size_max is None and 'simpleconsumerPoolSizeMax' in kwargs: + simpleconsumer_pool_size_max = kwargs['simpleconsumerPoolSizeMax'] + if consumer_enable_auto_commit is not None: _setter("consumer_enable_auto_commit", consumer_enable_auto_commit) if consumer_request_max_bytes is not None: @@ -24361,7 +27529,15 @@ def _configure( kafka_rest: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, schema_registry: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if kafka is not None: _setter("kafka", kafka) if kafka_connect is not None: @@ -24426,7 +27602,15 @@ def _configure( kafka_rest: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, schema_registry: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if jolokia is not None: _setter("jolokia", jolokia) if kafka is not None: @@ -24495,7 +27679,15 @@ def _configure( kafka_rest: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, schema_registry: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_rest is None and 'kafkaRest' in kwargs: + kafka_rest = kwargs['kafkaRest'] + if schema_registry is None and 'schemaRegistry' in kwargs: + schema_registry = kwargs['schemaRegistry'] + if kafka is not None: _setter("kafka", kafka) if kafka_connect is not None: @@ -24548,7 +27740,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], leader_eligibility: Optional[bool] = None, topic_name: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if leader_eligibility is None and 'leaderEligibility' in kwargs: + leader_eligibility = kwargs['leaderEligibility'] + if topic_name is None and 'topicName' in kwargs: + topic_name = kwargs['topicName'] + if leader_eligibility is not None: _setter("leader_eligibility", leader_eligibility) if topic_name is not None: @@ -24588,14 +27786,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -24647,10 +27863,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class GetKafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigResult(dict): def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -24678,7 +27896,21 @@ def _configure( ip_filters: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, kafka_mirrormaker: Optional['outputs.GetKafkaMirrorMakerKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigKafkaMirrormakerResult'] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if kafka_mirrormaker is None and 'kafkaMirrormaker' in kwargs: + kafka_mirrormaker = kwargs['kafkaMirrormaker'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -24739,9 +27971,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -24796,7 +28032,29 @@ def _configure( sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds: Optional[int] = None, sync_topic_configs_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, tasks_max_per_cpu: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if emit_checkpoints_enabled is None and 'emitCheckpointsEnabled' in kwargs: + emit_checkpoints_enabled = kwargs['emitCheckpointsEnabled'] + if emit_checkpoints_interval_seconds is None and 'emitCheckpointsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + emit_checkpoints_interval_seconds = kwargs['emitCheckpointsIntervalSeconds'] + if refresh_groups_enabled is None and 'refreshGroupsEnabled' in kwargs: + refresh_groups_enabled = kwargs['refreshGroupsEnabled'] + if refresh_groups_interval_seconds is None and 'refreshGroupsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + refresh_groups_interval_seconds = kwargs['refreshGroupsIntervalSeconds'] + if refresh_topics_enabled is None and 'refreshTopicsEnabled' in kwargs: + refresh_topics_enabled = kwargs['refreshTopicsEnabled'] + if refresh_topics_interval_seconds is None and 'refreshTopicsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + refresh_topics_interval_seconds = kwargs['refreshTopicsIntervalSeconds'] + if sync_group_offsets_enabled is None and 'syncGroupOffsetsEnabled' in kwargs: + sync_group_offsets_enabled = kwargs['syncGroupOffsetsEnabled'] + if sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds is None and 'syncGroupOffsetsIntervalSeconds' in kwargs: + sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds = kwargs['syncGroupOffsetsIntervalSeconds'] + if sync_topic_configs_enabled is None and 'syncTopicConfigsEnabled' in kwargs: + sync_topic_configs_enabled = kwargs['syncTopicConfigsEnabled'] + if tasks_max_per_cpu is None and 'tasksMaxPerCpu' in kwargs: + tasks_max_per_cpu = kwargs['tasksMaxPerCpu'] + if emit_checkpoints_enabled is not None: _setter("emit_checkpoints_enabled", emit_checkpoints_enabled) if emit_checkpoints_interval_seconds is not None: @@ -24882,9 +28140,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -24912,9 +28180,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -24942,9 +28216,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -24972,9 +28256,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -25070,7 +28360,55 @@ def _configure( segment_jitter_ms: Optional[str] = None, segment_ms: Optional[str] = None, unclean_leader_election_enable: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if cleanup_policy is None and 'cleanupPolicy' in kwargs: + cleanup_policy = kwargs['cleanupPolicy'] + if compression_type is None and 'compressionType' in kwargs: + compression_type = kwargs['compressionType'] + if delete_retention_ms is None and 'deleteRetentionMs' in kwargs: + delete_retention_ms = kwargs['deleteRetentionMs'] + if file_delete_delay_ms is None and 'fileDeleteDelayMs' in kwargs: + file_delete_delay_ms = kwargs['fileDeleteDelayMs'] + if flush_messages is None and 'flushMessages' in kwargs: + flush_messages = kwargs['flushMessages'] + if flush_ms is None and 'flushMs' in kwargs: + flush_ms = kwargs['flushMs'] + if index_interval_bytes is None and 'indexIntervalBytes' in kwargs: + index_interval_bytes = kwargs['indexIntervalBytes'] + if max_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'maxCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + max_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['maxCompactionLagMs'] + if max_message_bytes is None and 'maxMessageBytes' in kwargs: + max_message_bytes = kwargs['maxMessageBytes'] + if message_downconversion_enable is None and 'messageDownconversionEnable' in kwargs: + message_downconversion_enable = kwargs['messageDownconversionEnable'] + if message_format_version is None and 'messageFormatVersion' in kwargs: + message_format_version = kwargs['messageFormatVersion'] + if message_timestamp_difference_max_ms is None and 'messageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs' in kwargs: + message_timestamp_difference_max_ms = kwargs['messageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs'] + if message_timestamp_type is None and 'messageTimestampType' in kwargs: + message_timestamp_type = kwargs['messageTimestampType'] + if min_cleanable_dirty_ratio is None and 'minCleanableDirtyRatio' in kwargs: + min_cleanable_dirty_ratio = kwargs['minCleanableDirtyRatio'] + if min_compaction_lag_ms is None and 'minCompactionLagMs' in kwargs: + min_compaction_lag_ms = kwargs['minCompactionLagMs'] + if min_insync_replicas is None and 'minInsyncReplicas' in kwargs: + min_insync_replicas = kwargs['minInsyncReplicas'] + if retention_bytes is None and 'retentionBytes' in kwargs: + retention_bytes = kwargs['retentionBytes'] + if retention_ms is None and 'retentionMs' in kwargs: + retention_ms = kwargs['retentionMs'] + if segment_bytes is None and 'segmentBytes' in kwargs: + segment_bytes = kwargs['segmentBytes'] + if segment_index_bytes is None and 'segmentIndexBytes' in kwargs: + segment_index_bytes = kwargs['segmentIndexBytes'] + if segment_jitter_ms is None and 'segmentJitterMs' in kwargs: + segment_jitter_ms = kwargs['segmentJitterMs'] + if segment_ms is None and 'segmentMs' in kwargs: + segment_ms = kwargs['segmentMs'] + if unclean_leader_election_enable is None and 'uncleanLeaderElectionEnable' in kwargs: + unclean_leader_election_enable = kwargs['uncleanLeaderElectionEnable'] + if cleanup_policy is not None: _setter("cleanup_policy", cleanup_policy) if compression_type is not None: @@ -25257,9 +28595,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, + key: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + _setter("key", key) if value is not None: _setter("value", value) @@ -25298,14 +28640,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -25357,10 +28717,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class GetM3AggregatorM3aggregatorUserConfigResult(dict): def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -25391,7 +28753,23 @@ def _configure( m3_version: Optional[str] = None, m3aggregator_version: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if m3_version is None and 'm3Version' in kwargs: + m3_version = kwargs['m3Version'] + if m3aggregator_version is None and 'm3aggregatorVersion' in kwargs: + m3aggregator_version = kwargs['m3aggregatorVersion'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if custom_domain is not None: _setter("custom_domain", custom_domain) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -25462,9 +28840,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -25493,9 +28875,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -25523,9 +28915,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -25563,14 +28961,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -25622,10 +29038,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class GetM3DbM3dbUserConfigResult(dict): def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -25686,7 +29104,35 @@ def _configure( rules: Optional['outputs.GetM3DbM3dbUserConfigRulesResult'] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if m3_version is None and 'm3Version' in kwargs: + m3_version = kwargs['m3Version'] + if m3coordinator_enable_graphite_carbon_ingest is None and 'm3coordinatorEnableGraphiteCarbonIngest' in kwargs: + m3coordinator_enable_graphite_carbon_ingest = kwargs['m3coordinatorEnableGraphiteCarbonIngest'] + if m3db_version is None and 'm3dbVersion' in kwargs: + m3db_version = kwargs['m3dbVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -25827,9 +29273,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -25872,7 +29322,21 @@ def _configure( query_docs: Optional[int] = None, query_require_exhaustive: Optional[bool] = None, query_series: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_recently_queried_series_blocks is None and 'maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesBlocks' in kwargs: + max_recently_queried_series_blocks = kwargs['maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesBlocks'] + if max_recently_queried_series_disk_bytes_read is None and 'maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesDiskBytesRead' in kwargs: + max_recently_queried_series_disk_bytes_read = kwargs['maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesDiskBytesRead'] + if max_recently_queried_series_lookback is None and 'maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesLookback' in kwargs: + max_recently_queried_series_lookback = kwargs['maxRecentlyQueriedSeriesLookback'] + if query_docs is None and 'queryDocs' in kwargs: + query_docs = kwargs['queryDocs'] + if query_require_exhaustive is None and 'queryRequireExhaustive' in kwargs: + query_require_exhaustive = kwargs['queryRequireExhaustive'] + if query_series is None and 'querySeries' in kwargs: + query_series = kwargs['querySeries'] + if max_recently_queried_series_blocks is not None: _setter("max_recently_queried_series_blocks", max_recently_queried_series_blocks) if max_recently_queried_series_disk_bytes_read is not None: @@ -25929,7 +29393,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], tag_options: Optional['outputs.GetM3DbM3dbUserConfigM3TagOptionsResult'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tag_options is None and 'tagOptions' in kwargs: + tag_options = kwargs['tagOptions'] + if tag_options is not None: _setter("tag_options", tag_options) @@ -25954,7 +29422,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], allow_tag_name_duplicates: Optional[bool] = None, allow_tag_value_empty: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if allow_tag_name_duplicates is None and 'allowTagNameDuplicates' in kwargs: + allow_tag_name_duplicates = kwargs['allowTagNameDuplicates'] + if allow_tag_value_empty is None and 'allowTagValueEmpty' in kwargs: + allow_tag_value_empty = kwargs['allowTagValueEmpty'] + if allow_tag_name_duplicates is not None: _setter("allow_tag_name_duplicates", allow_tag_name_duplicates) if allow_tag_value_empty is not None: @@ -25988,11 +29462,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: str, - type: str, + name: Optional[str] = None, + type: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional['outputs.GetM3DbM3dbUserConfigNamespaceOptionsResult'] = None, resolution: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'type' argument") + _setter("name", name) _setter("type", type) if options is not None: @@ -26039,7 +29519,15 @@ def _configure( retention_options: Optional['outputs.GetM3DbM3dbUserConfigNamespaceOptionsRetentionOptionsResult'] = None, snapshot_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, writes_to_commitlog: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if retention_options is None and 'retentionOptions' in kwargs: + retention_options = kwargs['retentionOptions'] + if snapshot_enabled is None and 'snapshotEnabled' in kwargs: + snapshot_enabled = kwargs['snapshotEnabled'] + if writes_to_commitlog is None and 'writesToCommitlog' in kwargs: + writes_to_commitlog = kwargs['writesToCommitlog'] + if retention_options is not None: _setter("retention_options", retention_options) if snapshot_enabled is not None: @@ -26087,7 +29575,19 @@ def _configure( buffer_future_duration: Optional[str] = None, buffer_past_duration: Optional[str] = None, retention_period_duration: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if block_data_expiry_duration is None and 'blockDataExpiryDuration' in kwargs: + block_data_expiry_duration = kwargs['blockDataExpiryDuration'] + if blocksize_duration is None and 'blocksizeDuration' in kwargs: + blocksize_duration = kwargs['blocksizeDuration'] + if buffer_future_duration is None and 'bufferFutureDuration' in kwargs: + buffer_future_duration = kwargs['bufferFutureDuration'] + if buffer_past_duration is None and 'bufferPastDuration' in kwargs: + buffer_past_duration = kwargs['bufferPastDuration'] + if retention_period_duration is None and 'retentionPeriodDuration' in kwargs: + retention_period_duration = kwargs['retentionPeriodDuration'] + if block_data_expiry_duration is not None: _setter("block_data_expiry_duration", block_data_expiry_duration) if blocksize_duration is not None: @@ -26137,7 +29637,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], m3coordinator: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if m3coordinator is not None: _setter("m3coordinator", m3coordinator) @@ -26159,7 +29661,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], m3coordinator: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if m3coordinator is not None: _setter("m3coordinator", m3coordinator) @@ -26181,7 +29685,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], mappings: Optional[Sequence['outputs.GetM3DbM3dbUserConfigRulesMappingResult']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mappings is not None: _setter("mappings", mappings) @@ -26216,7 +29722,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - filter: str, + filter: Optional[str] = None, aggregations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, drop: Optional[bool] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, @@ -26224,7 +29730,15 @@ def _configure( namespaces_objects: Optional[Sequence['outputs.GetM3DbM3dbUserConfigRulesMappingNamespacesObjectResult']] = None, namespaces_strings: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, tags: Optional[Sequence['outputs.GetM3DbM3dbUserConfigRulesMappingTagResult']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if filter is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'filter' argument") + if namespaces_objects is None and 'namespacesObjects' in kwargs: + namespaces_objects = kwargs['namespacesObjects'] + if namespaces_strings is None and 'namespacesStrings' in kwargs: + namespaces_strings = kwargs['namespacesStrings'] + _setter("filter", filter) if aggregations is not None: _setter("aggregations", aggregations) @@ -26300,7 +29814,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], resolution: Optional[str] = None, retention: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if resolution is not None: _setter("resolution", resolution) if retention is not None: @@ -26330,9 +29846,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + name: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("name", name) _setter("value", value) @@ -26360,9 +29882,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -26390,9 +29922,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -26430,14 +29968,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -26489,10 +30045,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class GetMySqlMysqlUserConfigResult(dict): def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -26559,7 +30117,43 @@ def _configure( recovery_target_time: Optional[str] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if admin_password is None and 'adminPassword' in kwargs: + admin_password = kwargs['adminPassword'] + if admin_username is None and 'adminUsername' in kwargs: + admin_username = kwargs['adminUsername'] + if backup_hour is None and 'backupHour' in kwargs: + backup_hour = kwargs['backupHour'] + if backup_minute is None and 'backupMinute' in kwargs: + backup_minute = kwargs['backupMinute'] + if binlog_retention_period is None and 'binlogRetentionPeriod' in kwargs: + binlog_retention_period = kwargs['binlogRetentionPeriod'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if mysql_version is None and 'mysqlVersion' in kwargs: + mysql_version = kwargs['mysqlVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_target_time is None and 'recoveryTargetTime' in kwargs: + recovery_target_time = kwargs['recoveryTargetTime'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if admin_password is not None: @@ -26711,9 +30305,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -26754,15 +30352,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - host: str, - port: int, + host: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, dbname: Optional[str] = None, ignore_dbs: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if ignore_dbs is None and 'ignoreDbs' in kwargs: + ignore_dbs = kwargs['ignoreDbs'] + _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) if dbname is not None: @@ -26918,7 +30524,69 @@ def _configure( sql_require_primary_key: Optional[bool] = None, tmp_table_size: Optional[int] = None, wait_timeout: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if connect_timeout is None and 'connectTimeout' in kwargs: + connect_timeout = kwargs['connectTimeout'] + if default_time_zone is None and 'defaultTimeZone' in kwargs: + default_time_zone = kwargs['defaultTimeZone'] + if group_concat_max_len is None and 'groupConcatMaxLen' in kwargs: + group_concat_max_len = kwargs['groupConcatMaxLen'] + if information_schema_stats_expiry is None and 'informationSchemaStatsExpiry' in kwargs: + information_schema_stats_expiry = kwargs['informationSchemaStatsExpiry'] + if innodb_change_buffer_max_size is None and 'innodbChangeBufferMaxSize' in kwargs: + innodb_change_buffer_max_size = kwargs['innodbChangeBufferMaxSize'] + if innodb_flush_neighbors is None and 'innodbFlushNeighbors' in kwargs: + innodb_flush_neighbors = kwargs['innodbFlushNeighbors'] + if innodb_ft_min_token_size is None and 'innodbFtMinTokenSize' in kwargs: + innodb_ft_min_token_size = kwargs['innodbFtMinTokenSize'] + if innodb_ft_server_stopword_table is None and 'innodbFtServerStopwordTable' in kwargs: + innodb_ft_server_stopword_table = kwargs['innodbFtServerStopwordTable'] + if innodb_lock_wait_timeout is None and 'innodbLockWaitTimeout' in kwargs: + innodb_lock_wait_timeout = kwargs['innodbLockWaitTimeout'] + if innodb_log_buffer_size is None and 'innodbLogBufferSize' in kwargs: + innodb_log_buffer_size = kwargs['innodbLogBufferSize'] + if innodb_online_alter_log_max_size is None and 'innodbOnlineAlterLogMaxSize' in kwargs: + innodb_online_alter_log_max_size = kwargs['innodbOnlineAlterLogMaxSize'] + if innodb_print_all_deadlocks is None and 'innodbPrintAllDeadlocks' in kwargs: + innodb_print_all_deadlocks = kwargs['innodbPrintAllDeadlocks'] + if innodb_read_io_threads is None and 'innodbReadIoThreads' in kwargs: + innodb_read_io_threads = kwargs['innodbReadIoThreads'] + if innodb_rollback_on_timeout is None and 'innodbRollbackOnTimeout' in kwargs: + innodb_rollback_on_timeout = kwargs['innodbRollbackOnTimeout'] + if innodb_thread_concurrency is None and 'innodbThreadConcurrency' in kwargs: + innodb_thread_concurrency = kwargs['innodbThreadConcurrency'] + if innodb_write_io_threads is None and 'innodbWriteIoThreads' in kwargs: + innodb_write_io_threads = kwargs['innodbWriteIoThreads'] + if interactive_timeout is None and 'interactiveTimeout' in kwargs: + interactive_timeout = kwargs['interactiveTimeout'] + if internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine is None and 'internalTmpMemStorageEngine' in kwargs: + internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine = kwargs['internalTmpMemStorageEngine'] + if long_query_time is None and 'longQueryTime' in kwargs: + long_query_time = kwargs['longQueryTime'] + if max_allowed_packet is None and 'maxAllowedPacket' in kwargs: + max_allowed_packet = kwargs['maxAllowedPacket'] + if max_heap_table_size is None and 'maxHeapTableSize' in kwargs: + max_heap_table_size = kwargs['maxHeapTableSize'] + if net_buffer_length is None and 'netBufferLength' in kwargs: + net_buffer_length = kwargs['netBufferLength'] + if net_read_timeout is None and 'netReadTimeout' in kwargs: + net_read_timeout = kwargs['netReadTimeout'] + if net_write_timeout is None and 'netWriteTimeout' in kwargs: + net_write_timeout = kwargs['netWriteTimeout'] + if slow_query_log is None and 'slowQueryLog' in kwargs: + slow_query_log = kwargs['slowQueryLog'] + if sort_buffer_size is None and 'sortBufferSize' in kwargs: + sort_buffer_size = kwargs['sortBufferSize'] + if sql_mode is None and 'sqlMode' in kwargs: + sql_mode = kwargs['sqlMode'] + if sql_require_primary_key is None and 'sqlRequirePrimaryKey' in kwargs: + sql_require_primary_key = kwargs['sqlRequirePrimaryKey'] + if tmp_table_size is None and 'tmpTableSize' in kwargs: + tmp_table_size = kwargs['tmpTableSize'] + if wait_timeout is None and 'waitTimeout' in kwargs: + wait_timeout = kwargs['waitTimeout'] + if connect_timeout is not None: _setter("connect_timeout", connect_timeout) if default_time_zone is not None: @@ -27149,7 +30817,9 @@ def _configure( mysql: Optional[bool] = None, mysqlx: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mysql is not None: _setter("mysql", mysql) if mysqlx is not None: @@ -27191,7 +30861,9 @@ def _configure( mysql: Optional[bool] = None, mysqlx: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mysql is not None: _setter("mysql", mysql) if mysqlx is not None: @@ -27233,7 +30905,9 @@ def _configure( mysql: Optional[bool] = None, mysqlx: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mysql is not None: _setter("mysql", mysql) if mysqlx is not None: @@ -27270,9 +30944,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -27300,9 +30984,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -27340,14 +31030,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -27403,8 +31111,14 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opensearch_dashboards_uri: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opensearch_dashboards_uri: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards_uri is None and 'opensearchDashboardsUri' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards_uri = kwargs['opensearchDashboardsUri'] + if opensearch_dashboards_uri is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'opensearch_dashboards_uri' argument") + _setter("opensearch_dashboards_uri", opensearch_dashboards_uri) @property @@ -27488,7 +31202,47 @@ def _configure( saml: Optional['outputs.GetOpenSearchOpensearchUserConfigSamlResult'] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if custom_domain is None and 'customDomain' in kwargs: + custom_domain = kwargs['customDomain'] + if disable_replication_factor_adjustment is None and 'disableReplicationFactorAdjustment' in kwargs: + disable_replication_factor_adjustment = kwargs['disableReplicationFactorAdjustment'] + if index_patterns is None and 'indexPatterns' in kwargs: + index_patterns = kwargs['indexPatterns'] + if index_template is None and 'indexTemplate' in kwargs: + index_template = kwargs['indexTemplate'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if keep_index_refresh_interval is None and 'keepIndexRefreshInterval' in kwargs: + keep_index_refresh_interval = kwargs['keepIndexRefreshInterval'] + if max_index_count is None and 'maxIndexCount' in kwargs: + max_index_count = kwargs['maxIndexCount'] + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch_version is None and 'opensearchVersion' in kwargs: + opensearch_version = kwargs['opensearchVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if custom_domain is not None: @@ -27669,10 +31423,20 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - max_index_count: int, - pattern: str, + max_index_count: Optional[int] = None, + pattern: Optional[str] = None, sorting_algorithm: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_index_count is None and 'maxIndexCount' in kwargs: + max_index_count = kwargs['maxIndexCount'] + if max_index_count is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'max_index_count' argument") + if pattern is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'pattern' argument") + if sorting_algorithm is None and 'sortingAlgorithm' in kwargs: + sorting_algorithm = kwargs['sortingAlgorithm'] + _setter("max_index_count", max_index_count) _setter("pattern", pattern) if sorting_algorithm is not None: @@ -27712,7 +31476,15 @@ def _configure( mapping_nested_objects_limit: Optional[int] = None, number_of_replicas: Optional[int] = None, number_of_shards: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if mapping_nested_objects_limit is None and 'mappingNestedObjectsLimit' in kwargs: + mapping_nested_objects_limit = kwargs['mappingNestedObjectsLimit'] + if number_of_replicas is None and 'numberOfReplicas' in kwargs: + number_of_replicas = kwargs['numberOfReplicas'] + if number_of_shards is None and 'numberOfShards' in kwargs: + number_of_shards = kwargs['numberOfShards'] + if mapping_nested_objects_limit is not None: _setter("mapping_nested_objects_limit", mapping_nested_objects_limit) if number_of_replicas is not None: @@ -27749,9 +31521,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -27800,9 +31576,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - client_id: str, - client_secret: str, - connect_url: str, + client_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_secret: Optional[str] = None, + connect_url: Optional[str] = None, enabled: Optional[bool] = None, header: Optional[str] = None, jwt_header: Optional[str] = None, @@ -27812,7 +31588,33 @@ def _configure( roles_key: Optional[str] = None, scope: Optional[str] = None, subject_key: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if client_id is None and 'clientId' in kwargs: + client_id = kwargs['clientId'] + if client_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_id' argument") + if client_secret is None and 'clientSecret' in kwargs: + client_secret = kwargs['clientSecret'] + if client_secret is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'client_secret' argument") + if connect_url is None and 'connectUrl' in kwargs: + connect_url = kwargs['connectUrl'] + if connect_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'connect_url' argument") + if jwt_header is None and 'jwtHeader' in kwargs: + jwt_header = kwargs['jwtHeader'] + if jwt_url_parameter is None and 'jwtUrlParameter' in kwargs: + jwt_url_parameter = kwargs['jwtUrlParameter'] + if refresh_rate_limit_count is None and 'refreshRateLimitCount' in kwargs: + refresh_rate_limit_count = kwargs['refreshRateLimitCount'] + if refresh_rate_limit_time_window_ms is None and 'refreshRateLimitTimeWindowMs' in kwargs: + refresh_rate_limit_time_window_ms = kwargs['refreshRateLimitTimeWindowMs'] + if roles_key is None and 'rolesKey' in kwargs: + roles_key = kwargs['rolesKey'] + if subject_key is None and 'subjectKey' in kwargs: + subject_key = kwargs['subjectKey'] + _setter("client_id", client_id) _setter("client_secret", client_secret) _setter("connect_url", connect_url) @@ -27998,7 +31800,71 @@ def _configure( thread_pool_search_throttled_size: Optional[int] = None, thread_pool_write_queue_size: Optional[int] = None, thread_pool_write_size: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if action_auto_create_index_enabled is None and 'actionAutoCreateIndexEnabled' in kwargs: + action_auto_create_index_enabled = kwargs['actionAutoCreateIndexEnabled'] + if action_destructive_requires_name is None and 'actionDestructiveRequiresName' in kwargs: + action_destructive_requires_name = kwargs['actionDestructiveRequiresName'] + if cluster_max_shards_per_node is None and 'clusterMaxShardsPerNode' in kwargs: + cluster_max_shards_per_node = kwargs['clusterMaxShardsPerNode'] + if cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries is None and 'clusterRoutingAllocationNodeConcurrentRecoveries' in kwargs: + cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries = kwargs['clusterRoutingAllocationNodeConcurrentRecoveries'] + if email_sender_name is None and 'emailSenderName' in kwargs: + email_sender_name = kwargs['emailSenderName'] + if email_sender_password is None and 'emailSenderPassword' in kwargs: + email_sender_password = kwargs['emailSenderPassword'] + if email_sender_username is None and 'emailSenderUsername' in kwargs: + email_sender_username = kwargs['emailSenderUsername'] + if http_max_content_length is None and 'httpMaxContentLength' in kwargs: + http_max_content_length = kwargs['httpMaxContentLength'] + if http_max_header_size is None and 'httpMaxHeaderSize' in kwargs: + http_max_header_size = kwargs['httpMaxHeaderSize'] + if http_max_initial_line_length is None and 'httpMaxInitialLineLength' in kwargs: + http_max_initial_line_length = kwargs['httpMaxInitialLineLength'] + if indices_fielddata_cache_size is None and 'indicesFielddataCacheSize' in kwargs: + indices_fielddata_cache_size = kwargs['indicesFielddataCacheSize'] + if indices_memory_index_buffer_size is None and 'indicesMemoryIndexBufferSize' in kwargs: + indices_memory_index_buffer_size = kwargs['indicesMemoryIndexBufferSize'] + if indices_queries_cache_size is None and 'indicesQueriesCacheSize' in kwargs: + indices_queries_cache_size = kwargs['indicesQueriesCacheSize'] + if indices_query_bool_max_clause_count is None and 'indicesQueryBoolMaxClauseCount' in kwargs: + indices_query_bool_max_clause_count = kwargs['indicesQueryBoolMaxClauseCount'] + if indices_recovery_max_bytes_per_sec is None and 'indicesRecoveryMaxBytesPerSec' in kwargs: + indices_recovery_max_bytes_per_sec = kwargs['indicesRecoveryMaxBytesPerSec'] + if indices_recovery_max_concurrent_file_chunks is None and 'indicesRecoveryMaxConcurrentFileChunks' in kwargs: + indices_recovery_max_concurrent_file_chunks = kwargs['indicesRecoveryMaxConcurrentFileChunks'] + if override_main_response_version is None and 'overrideMainResponseVersion' in kwargs: + override_main_response_version = kwargs['overrideMainResponseVersion'] + if reindex_remote_whitelists is None and 'reindexRemoteWhitelists' in kwargs: + reindex_remote_whitelists = kwargs['reindexRemoteWhitelists'] + if script_max_compilations_rate is None and 'scriptMaxCompilationsRate' in kwargs: + script_max_compilations_rate = kwargs['scriptMaxCompilationsRate'] + if search_max_buckets is None and 'searchMaxBuckets' in kwargs: + search_max_buckets = kwargs['searchMaxBuckets'] + if thread_pool_analyze_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolAnalyzeQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_analyze_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolAnalyzeQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_analyze_size is None and 'threadPoolAnalyzeSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_analyze_size = kwargs['threadPoolAnalyzeSize'] + if thread_pool_force_merge_size is None and 'threadPoolForceMergeSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_force_merge_size = kwargs['threadPoolForceMergeSize'] + if thread_pool_get_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolGetQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_get_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolGetQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_get_size is None and 'threadPoolGetSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_get_size = kwargs['threadPoolGetSize'] + if thread_pool_search_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_search_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchSize'] + if thread_pool_search_throttled_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchThrottledQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_throttled_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchThrottledQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_search_throttled_size is None and 'threadPoolSearchThrottledSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_search_throttled_size = kwargs['threadPoolSearchThrottledSize'] + if thread_pool_write_queue_size is None and 'threadPoolWriteQueueSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_write_queue_size = kwargs['threadPoolWriteQueueSize'] + if thread_pool_write_size is None and 'threadPoolWriteSize' in kwargs: + thread_pool_write_size = kwargs['threadPoolWriteSize'] + if action_auto_create_index_enabled is not None: _setter("action_auto_create_index_enabled", action_auto_create_index_enabled) if action_destructive_requires_name is not None: @@ -28236,7 +32102,13 @@ def _configure( enabled: Optional[bool] = None, max_old_space_size: Optional[int] = None, opensearch_request_timeout: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_old_space_size is None and 'maxOldSpaceSize' in kwargs: + max_old_space_size = kwargs['maxOldSpaceSize'] + if opensearch_request_timeout is None and 'opensearchRequestTimeout' in kwargs: + opensearch_request_timeout = kwargs['opensearchRequestTimeout'] + if enabled is not None: _setter("enabled", enabled) if max_old_space_size is not None: @@ -28278,7 +32150,11 @@ def _configure( opensearch: Optional[bool] = None, opensearch_dashboards: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch is not None: _setter("opensearch", opensearch) if opensearch_dashboards is not None: @@ -28320,7 +32196,11 @@ def _configure( opensearch: Optional[bool] = None, opensearch_dashboards: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch is not None: _setter("opensearch", opensearch) if opensearch_dashboards is not None: @@ -28362,7 +32242,11 @@ def _configure( opensearch: Optional[bool] = None, opensearch_dashboards: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if opensearch_dashboards is None and 'opensearchDashboards' in kwargs: + opensearch_dashboards = kwargs['opensearchDashboards'] + if opensearch is not None: _setter("opensearch", opensearch) if opensearch_dashboards is not None: @@ -28409,14 +32293,36 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - enabled: bool, - idp_entity_id: str, - idp_metadata_url: str, - sp_entity_id: str, + enabled: Optional[bool] = None, + idp_entity_id: Optional[str] = None, + idp_metadata_url: Optional[str] = None, + sp_entity_id: Optional[str] = None, idp_pemtrustedcas_content: Optional[str] = None, roles_key: Optional[str] = None, subject_key: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if enabled is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'enabled' argument") + if idp_entity_id is None and 'idpEntityId' in kwargs: + idp_entity_id = kwargs['idpEntityId'] + if idp_entity_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'idp_entity_id' argument") + if idp_metadata_url is None and 'idpMetadataUrl' in kwargs: + idp_metadata_url = kwargs['idpMetadataUrl'] + if idp_metadata_url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'idp_metadata_url' argument") + if sp_entity_id is None and 'spEntityId' in kwargs: + sp_entity_id = kwargs['spEntityId'] + if sp_entity_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'sp_entity_id' argument") + if idp_pemtrustedcas_content is None and 'idpPemtrustedcasContent' in kwargs: + idp_pemtrustedcas_content = kwargs['idpPemtrustedcasContent'] + if roles_key is None and 'rolesKey' in kwargs: + roles_key = kwargs['rolesKey'] + if subject_key is None and 'subjectKey' in kwargs: + subject_key = kwargs['subjectKey'] + _setter("enabled", enabled) _setter("idp_entity_id", idp_entity_id) _setter("idp_metadata_url", idp_metadata_url) @@ -28477,9 +32383,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -28507,9 +32423,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -28547,14 +32469,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -28626,16 +32566,40 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - dbname: str, - host: str, - max_connections: int, - password: str, - port: int, - replica_uri: str, - sslmode: str, - uri: str, - user: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + dbname: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + max_connections: Optional[int] = None, + password: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + replica_uri: Optional[str] = None, + sslmode: Optional[str] = None, + uri: Optional[str] = None, + user: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if dbname is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'dbname' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if max_connections is None and 'maxConnections' in kwargs: + max_connections = kwargs['maxConnections'] + if max_connections is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'max_connections' argument") + if password is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'password' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if replica_uri is None and 'replicaUri' in kwargs: + replica_uri = kwargs['replicaUri'] + if replica_uri is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'replica_uri' argument") + if sslmode is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'sslmode' argument") + if uri is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'uri' argument") + if user is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'user' argument") + _setter("dbname", dbname) _setter("host", host) _setter("max_connections", max_connections) @@ -28788,7 +32752,55 @@ def _configure( timescaledb: Optional['outputs.GetPgPgUserConfigTimescaledbResult'] = None, variant: Optional[str] = None, work_mem: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if admin_password is None and 'adminPassword' in kwargs: + admin_password = kwargs['adminPassword'] + if admin_username is None and 'adminUsername' in kwargs: + admin_username = kwargs['adminUsername'] + if backup_hour is None and 'backupHour' in kwargs: + backup_hour = kwargs['backupHour'] + if backup_minute is None and 'backupMinute' in kwargs: + backup_minute = kwargs['backupMinute'] + if enable_ipv6 is None and 'enableIpv6' in kwargs: + enable_ipv6 = kwargs['enableIpv6'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if pg_read_replica is None and 'pgReadReplica' in kwargs: + pg_read_replica = kwargs['pgReadReplica'] + if pg_service_to_fork_from is None and 'pgServiceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + pg_service_to_fork_from = kwargs['pgServiceToForkFrom'] + if pg_stat_monitor_enable is None and 'pgStatMonitorEnable' in kwargs: + pg_stat_monitor_enable = kwargs['pgStatMonitorEnable'] + if pg_version is None and 'pgVersion' in kwargs: + pg_version = kwargs['pgVersion'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_target_time is None and 'recoveryTargetTime' in kwargs: + recovery_target_time = kwargs['recoveryTargetTime'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if shared_buffers_percentage is None and 'sharedBuffersPercentage' in kwargs: + shared_buffers_percentage = kwargs['sharedBuffersPercentage'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if synchronous_replication is None and 'synchronousReplication' in kwargs: + synchronous_replication = kwargs['synchronousReplication'] + if work_mem is None and 'workMem' in kwargs: + work_mem = kwargs['workMem'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if admin_password is not None: @@ -29016,9 +33028,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -29059,15 +33075,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - host: str, - port: int, + host: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, dbname: Optional[str] = None, ignore_dbs: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if ignore_dbs is None and 'ignoreDbs' in kwargs: + ignore_dbs = kwargs['ignoreDbs'] + _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) if dbname is not None: @@ -29280,7 +33304,103 @@ def _configure( track_io_timing: Optional[str] = None, wal_sender_timeout: Optional[int] = None, wal_writer_delay: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor is None and 'autovacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor' in kwargs: + autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = kwargs['autovacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor'] + if autovacuum_analyze_threshold is None and 'autovacuumAnalyzeThreshold' in kwargs: + autovacuum_analyze_threshold = kwargs['autovacuumAnalyzeThreshold'] + if autovacuum_freeze_max_age is None and 'autovacuumFreezeMaxAge' in kwargs: + autovacuum_freeze_max_age = kwargs['autovacuumFreezeMaxAge'] + if autovacuum_max_workers is None and 'autovacuumMaxWorkers' in kwargs: + autovacuum_max_workers = kwargs['autovacuumMaxWorkers'] + if autovacuum_naptime is None and 'autovacuumNaptime' in kwargs: + autovacuum_naptime = kwargs['autovacuumNaptime'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay is None and 'autovacuumVacuumCostDelay' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumCostDelay'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit is None and 'autovacuumVacuumCostLimit' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumCostLimit'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor is None and 'autovacuumVacuumScaleFactor' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumScaleFactor'] + if autovacuum_vacuum_threshold is None and 'autovacuumVacuumThreshold' in kwargs: + autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = kwargs['autovacuumVacuumThreshold'] + if bgwriter_delay is None and 'bgwriterDelay' in kwargs: + bgwriter_delay = kwargs['bgwriterDelay'] + if bgwriter_flush_after is None and 'bgwriterFlushAfter' in kwargs: + bgwriter_flush_after = kwargs['bgwriterFlushAfter'] + if bgwriter_lru_maxpages is None and 'bgwriterLruMaxpages' in kwargs: + bgwriter_lru_maxpages = kwargs['bgwriterLruMaxpages'] + if bgwriter_lru_multiplier is None and 'bgwriterLruMultiplier' in kwargs: + bgwriter_lru_multiplier = kwargs['bgwriterLruMultiplier'] + if deadlock_timeout is None and 'deadlockTimeout' in kwargs: + deadlock_timeout = kwargs['deadlockTimeout'] + if default_toast_compression is None and 'defaultToastCompression' in kwargs: + default_toast_compression = kwargs['defaultToastCompression'] + if idle_in_transaction_session_timeout is None and 'idleInTransactionSessionTimeout' in kwargs: + idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = kwargs['idleInTransactionSessionTimeout'] + if log_autovacuum_min_duration is None and 'logAutovacuumMinDuration' in kwargs: + log_autovacuum_min_duration = kwargs['logAutovacuumMinDuration'] + if log_error_verbosity is None and 'logErrorVerbosity' in kwargs: + log_error_verbosity = kwargs['logErrorVerbosity'] + if log_line_prefix is None and 'logLinePrefix' in kwargs: + log_line_prefix = kwargs['logLinePrefix'] + if log_min_duration_statement is None and 'logMinDurationStatement' in kwargs: + log_min_duration_statement = kwargs['logMinDurationStatement'] + if log_temp_files is None and 'logTempFiles' in kwargs: + log_temp_files = kwargs['logTempFiles'] + if max_files_per_process is None and 'maxFilesPerProcess' in kwargs: + max_files_per_process = kwargs['maxFilesPerProcess'] + if max_locks_per_transaction is None and 'maxLocksPerTransaction' in kwargs: + max_locks_per_transaction = kwargs['maxLocksPerTransaction'] + if max_logical_replication_workers is None and 'maxLogicalReplicationWorkers' in kwargs: + max_logical_replication_workers = kwargs['maxLogicalReplicationWorkers'] + if max_parallel_workers is None and 'maxParallelWorkers' in kwargs: + max_parallel_workers = kwargs['maxParallelWorkers'] + if max_parallel_workers_per_gather is None and 'maxParallelWorkersPerGather' in kwargs: + max_parallel_workers_per_gather = kwargs['maxParallelWorkersPerGather'] + if max_pred_locks_per_transaction is None and 'maxPredLocksPerTransaction' in kwargs: + max_pred_locks_per_transaction = kwargs['maxPredLocksPerTransaction'] + if max_prepared_transactions is None and 'maxPreparedTransactions' in kwargs: + max_prepared_transactions = kwargs['maxPreparedTransactions'] + if max_replication_slots is None and 'maxReplicationSlots' in kwargs: + max_replication_slots = kwargs['maxReplicationSlots'] + if max_slot_wal_keep_size is None and 'maxSlotWalKeepSize' in kwargs: + max_slot_wal_keep_size = kwargs['maxSlotWalKeepSize'] + if max_stack_depth is None and 'maxStackDepth' in kwargs: + max_stack_depth = kwargs['maxStackDepth'] + if max_standby_archive_delay is None and 'maxStandbyArchiveDelay' in kwargs: + max_standby_archive_delay = kwargs['maxStandbyArchiveDelay'] + if max_standby_streaming_delay is None and 'maxStandbyStreamingDelay' in kwargs: + max_standby_streaming_delay = kwargs['maxStandbyStreamingDelay'] + if max_wal_senders is None and 'maxWalSenders' in kwargs: + max_wal_senders = kwargs['maxWalSenders'] + if max_worker_processes is None and 'maxWorkerProcesses' in kwargs: + max_worker_processes = kwargs['maxWorkerProcesses'] + if pg_partman_bgw_dot_interval is None and 'pgPartmanBgwDotInterval' in kwargs: + pg_partman_bgw_dot_interval = kwargs['pgPartmanBgwDotInterval'] + if pg_partman_bgw_dot_role is None and 'pgPartmanBgwDotRole' in kwargs: + pg_partman_bgw_dot_role = kwargs['pgPartmanBgwDotRole'] + if pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_enable_query_plan is None and 'pgStatMonitorDotPgsmEnableQueryPlan' in kwargs: + pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_enable_query_plan = kwargs['pgStatMonitorDotPgsmEnableQueryPlan'] + if pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_max_buckets is None and 'pgStatMonitorDotPgsmMaxBuckets' in kwargs: + pg_stat_monitor_dot_pgsm_max_buckets = kwargs['pgStatMonitorDotPgsmMaxBuckets'] + if pg_stat_statements_dot_track is None and 'pgStatStatementsDotTrack' in kwargs: + pg_stat_statements_dot_track = kwargs['pgStatStatementsDotTrack'] + if temp_file_limit is None and 'tempFileLimit' in kwargs: + temp_file_limit = kwargs['tempFileLimit'] + if track_activity_query_size is None and 'trackActivityQuerySize' in kwargs: + track_activity_query_size = kwargs['trackActivityQuerySize'] + if track_commit_timestamp is None and 'trackCommitTimestamp' in kwargs: + track_commit_timestamp = kwargs['trackCommitTimestamp'] + if track_functions is None and 'trackFunctions' in kwargs: + track_functions = kwargs['trackFunctions'] + if track_io_timing is None and 'trackIoTiming' in kwargs: + track_io_timing = kwargs['trackIoTiming'] + if wal_sender_timeout is None and 'walSenderTimeout' in kwargs: + wal_sender_timeout = kwargs['walSenderTimeout'] + if wal_writer_delay is None and 'walWriterDelay' in kwargs: + wal_writer_delay = kwargs['walWriterDelay'] + if autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor is not None: _setter("autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor", autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor) if autovacuum_analyze_threshold is not None: @@ -29662,7 +33782,27 @@ def _configure( server_idle_timeout: Optional[int] = None, server_lifetime: Optional[int] = None, server_reset_query_always: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if autodb_idle_timeout is None and 'autodbIdleTimeout' in kwargs: + autodb_idle_timeout = kwargs['autodbIdleTimeout'] + if autodb_max_db_connections is None and 'autodbMaxDbConnections' in kwargs: + autodb_max_db_connections = kwargs['autodbMaxDbConnections'] + if autodb_pool_mode is None and 'autodbPoolMode' in kwargs: + autodb_pool_mode = kwargs['autodbPoolMode'] + if autodb_pool_size is None and 'autodbPoolSize' in kwargs: + autodb_pool_size = kwargs['autodbPoolSize'] + if ignore_startup_parameters is None and 'ignoreStartupParameters' in kwargs: + ignore_startup_parameters = kwargs['ignoreStartupParameters'] + if min_pool_size is None and 'minPoolSize' in kwargs: + min_pool_size = kwargs['minPoolSize'] + if server_idle_timeout is None and 'serverIdleTimeout' in kwargs: + server_idle_timeout = kwargs['serverIdleTimeout'] + if server_lifetime is None and 'serverLifetime' in kwargs: + server_lifetime = kwargs['serverLifetime'] + if server_reset_query_always is None and 'serverResetQueryAlways' in kwargs: + server_reset_query_always = kwargs['serverResetQueryAlways'] + if autodb_idle_timeout is not None: _setter("autodb_idle_timeout", autodb_idle_timeout) if autodb_max_db_connections is not None: @@ -29740,7 +33880,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], max_failover_replication_time_lag: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_failover_replication_time_lag is None and 'maxFailoverReplicationTimeLag' in kwargs: + max_failover_replication_time_lag = kwargs['maxFailoverReplicationTimeLag'] + if max_failover_replication_time_lag is not None: _setter("max_failover_replication_time_lag", max_failover_replication_time_lag) @@ -29768,7 +33912,9 @@ def _configure( pg: Optional[bool] = None, pgbouncer: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if pg is not None: _setter("pg", pg) if pgbouncer is not None: @@ -29810,7 +33956,9 @@ def _configure( pg: Optional[bool] = None, pgbouncer: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if pg is not None: _setter("pg", pg) if pgbouncer is not None: @@ -29852,7 +34000,9 @@ def _configure( pg: Optional[bool] = None, pgbouncer: Optional[bool] = None, prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if pg is not None: _setter("pg", pg) if pgbouncer is not None: @@ -29888,7 +34038,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], max_background_workers: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if max_background_workers is None and 'maxBackgroundWorkers' in kwargs: + max_background_workers = kwargs['maxBackgroundWorkers'] + if max_background_workers is not None: _setter("max_background_workers", max_background_workers) @@ -29911,9 +34065,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -29941,9 +34105,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -29971,9 +34141,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -30011,14 +34187,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - component: str, - host: str, - kafka_authentication_method: str, - port: int, - route: str, - ssl: bool, - usage: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + component: Optional[str] = None, + host: Optional[str] = None, + kafka_authentication_method: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + route: Optional[str] = None, + ssl: Optional[bool] = None, + usage: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if component is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'component' argument") + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if kafka_authentication_method is None and 'kafkaAuthenticationMethod' in kwargs: + kafka_authentication_method = kwargs['kafkaAuthenticationMethod'] + if kafka_authentication_method is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_authentication_method' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if route is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'route' argument") + if ssl is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'ssl' argument") + if usage is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'usage' argument") + _setter("component", component) _setter("host", host) _setter("kafka_authentication_method", kafka_authentication_method) @@ -30070,10 +34264,12 @@ def __init__(__self__): @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): pass + @pulumi.output_type class GetRedisRedisUserConfigResult(dict): def __init__(__self__, *, @@ -30152,7 +34348,53 @@ def _configure( redis_timeout: Optional[int] = None, service_to_fork_from: Optional[str] = None, static_ips: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_backup_regions is None and 'additionalBackupRegions' in kwargs: + additional_backup_regions = kwargs['additionalBackupRegions'] + if ip_filter_objects is None and 'ipFilterObjects' in kwargs: + ip_filter_objects = kwargs['ipFilterObjects'] + if ip_filter_strings is None and 'ipFilterStrings' in kwargs: + ip_filter_strings = kwargs['ipFilterStrings'] + if ip_filters is None and 'ipFilters' in kwargs: + ip_filters = kwargs['ipFilters'] + if private_access is None and 'privateAccess' in kwargs: + private_access = kwargs['privateAccess'] + if privatelink_access is None and 'privatelinkAccess' in kwargs: + privatelink_access = kwargs['privatelinkAccess'] + if project_to_fork_from is None and 'projectToForkFrom' in kwargs: + project_to_fork_from = kwargs['projectToForkFrom'] + if public_access is None and 'publicAccess' in kwargs: + public_access = kwargs['publicAccess'] + if recovery_basebackup_name is None and 'recoveryBasebackupName' in kwargs: + recovery_basebackup_name = kwargs['recoveryBasebackupName'] + if redis_acl_channels_default is None and 'redisAclChannelsDefault' in kwargs: + redis_acl_channels_default = kwargs['redisAclChannelsDefault'] + if redis_io_threads is None and 'redisIoThreads' in kwargs: + redis_io_threads = kwargs['redisIoThreads'] + if redis_lfu_decay_time is None and 'redisLfuDecayTime' in kwargs: + redis_lfu_decay_time = kwargs['redisLfuDecayTime'] + if redis_lfu_log_factor is None and 'redisLfuLogFactor' in kwargs: + redis_lfu_log_factor = kwargs['redisLfuLogFactor'] + if redis_maxmemory_policy is None and 'redisMaxmemoryPolicy' in kwargs: + redis_maxmemory_policy = kwargs['redisMaxmemoryPolicy'] + if redis_notify_keyspace_events is None and 'redisNotifyKeyspaceEvents' in kwargs: + redis_notify_keyspace_events = kwargs['redisNotifyKeyspaceEvents'] + if redis_number_of_databases is None and 'redisNumberOfDatabases' in kwargs: + redis_number_of_databases = kwargs['redisNumberOfDatabases'] + if redis_persistence is None and 'redisPersistence' in kwargs: + redis_persistence = kwargs['redisPersistence'] + if redis_pubsub_client_output_buffer_limit is None and 'redisPubsubClientOutputBufferLimit' in kwargs: + redis_pubsub_client_output_buffer_limit = kwargs['redisPubsubClientOutputBufferLimit'] + if redis_ssl is None and 'redisSsl' in kwargs: + redis_ssl = kwargs['redisSsl'] + if redis_timeout is None and 'redisTimeout' in kwargs: + redis_timeout = kwargs['redisTimeout'] + if service_to_fork_from is None and 'serviceToForkFrom' in kwargs: + service_to_fork_from = kwargs['serviceToForkFrom'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if additional_backup_regions is not None: _setter("additional_backup_regions", additional_backup_regions) if ip_filter_objects is not None: @@ -30332,9 +34574,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - network: str, + network: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if network is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network' argument") + _setter("network", network) if description is not None: _setter("description", description) @@ -30375,15 +34621,23 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - host: str, - port: int, + host: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, dbname: Optional[str] = None, ignore_dbs: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if host is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'host' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if ignore_dbs is None and 'ignoreDbs' in kwargs: + ignore_dbs = kwargs['ignoreDbs'] + _setter("host", host) _setter("port", port) if dbname is not None: @@ -30455,7 +34709,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, redis: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) if redis is not None: @@ -30487,7 +34743,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, redis: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) if redis is not None: @@ -30519,7 +34777,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], prometheus: Optional[bool] = None, redis: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if prometheus is not None: _setter("prometheus", prometheus) if redis is not None: @@ -30549,9 +34809,19 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: str, - source_service_name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + integration_type: Optional[str] = None, + source_service_name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if source_service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'source_service_name' argument") + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("source_service_name", source_service_name) @@ -30579,9 +34849,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - key: str, - value: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + key: Optional[str] = None, + value: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'key' argument") + if value is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'value' argument") + _setter("key", key) _setter("value", value) @@ -30608,7 +34884,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], tables: Optional[Sequence['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigTableResult']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tables is not None: _setter("tables", tables) @@ -30653,9 +34931,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - data_format: str, - group_name: str, - name: str, + data_format: Optional[str] = None, + group_name: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, auto_offset_reset: Optional[str] = None, columns: Optional[Sequence['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigTableColumnResult']] = None, date_time_input_format: Optional[str] = None, @@ -30666,7 +34944,35 @@ def _configure( poll_max_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, skip_broken_messages: Optional[int] = None, topics: Optional[Sequence['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigTableTopicResult']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if data_format is None and 'dataFormat' in kwargs: + data_format = kwargs['dataFormat'] + if data_format is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'data_format' argument") + if group_name is None and 'groupName' in kwargs: + group_name = kwargs['groupName'] + if group_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'group_name' argument") + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if auto_offset_reset is None and 'autoOffsetReset' in kwargs: + auto_offset_reset = kwargs['autoOffsetReset'] + if date_time_input_format is None and 'dateTimeInputFormat' in kwargs: + date_time_input_format = kwargs['dateTimeInputFormat'] + if handle_error_mode is None and 'handleErrorMode' in kwargs: + handle_error_mode = kwargs['handleErrorMode'] + if max_block_size is None and 'maxBlockSize' in kwargs: + max_block_size = kwargs['maxBlockSize'] + if max_rows_per_message is None and 'maxRowsPerMessage' in kwargs: + max_rows_per_message = kwargs['maxRowsPerMessage'] + if num_consumers is None and 'numConsumers' in kwargs: + num_consumers = kwargs['numConsumers'] + if poll_max_batch_size is None and 'pollMaxBatchSize' in kwargs: + poll_max_batch_size = kwargs['pollMaxBatchSize'] + if skip_broken_messages is None and 'skipBrokenMessages' in kwargs: + skip_broken_messages = kwargs['skipBrokenMessages'] + _setter("data_format", data_format) _setter("group_name", group_name) _setter("name", name) @@ -30770,9 +35076,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: str, - type: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + name: Optional[str] = None, + type: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + if type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'type' argument") + _setter("name", name) _setter("type", type) @@ -30798,8 +35110,12 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - name: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + name: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'name' argument") + _setter("name", name) @property @@ -30820,7 +35136,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], databases: Optional[Sequence['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationClickhousePostgresqlUserConfigDatabaseResult']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if databases is not None: _setter("databases", databases) @@ -30845,7 +35163,9 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], database: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database is not None: _setter("database", database) if schema is not None: @@ -30901,7 +35221,25 @@ def _configure( max_jmx_metrics: Optional[int] = None, opensearch: Optional['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationDatadogUserConfigOpensearchResult'] = None, redis: Optional['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationDatadogUserConfigRedisResult'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if datadog_dbm_enabled is None and 'datadogDbmEnabled' in kwargs: + datadog_dbm_enabled = kwargs['datadogDbmEnabled'] + if datadog_tags is None and 'datadogTags' in kwargs: + datadog_tags = kwargs['datadogTags'] + if exclude_consumer_groups is None and 'excludeConsumerGroups' in kwargs: + exclude_consumer_groups = kwargs['excludeConsumerGroups'] + if exclude_topics is None and 'excludeTopics' in kwargs: + exclude_topics = kwargs['excludeTopics'] + if include_consumer_groups is None and 'includeConsumerGroups' in kwargs: + include_consumer_groups = kwargs['includeConsumerGroups'] + if include_topics is None and 'includeTopics' in kwargs: + include_topics = kwargs['includeTopics'] + if kafka_custom_metrics is None and 'kafkaCustomMetrics' in kwargs: + kafka_custom_metrics = kwargs['kafkaCustomMetrics'] + if max_jmx_metrics is None and 'maxJmxMetrics' in kwargs: + max_jmx_metrics = kwargs['maxJmxMetrics'] + if datadog_dbm_enabled is not None: _setter("datadog_dbm_enabled", datadog_dbm_enabled) if datadog_tags is not None: @@ -30987,9 +35325,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - tag: str, + tag: Optional[str] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tag is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'tag' argument") + _setter("tag", tag) if comment is not None: _setter("comment", comment) @@ -31023,7 +35365,15 @@ def _configure( index_stats_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, pending_task_stats_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, pshard_stats_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if index_stats_enabled is None and 'indexStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + index_stats_enabled = kwargs['indexStatsEnabled'] + if pending_task_stats_enabled is None and 'pendingTaskStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + pending_task_stats_enabled = kwargs['pendingTaskStatsEnabled'] + if pshard_stats_enabled is None and 'pshardStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + pshard_stats_enabled = kwargs['pshardStatsEnabled'] + if index_stats_enabled is not None: _setter("index_stats_enabled", index_stats_enabled) if pending_task_stats_enabled is not None: @@ -31059,7 +35409,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], command_stats_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if command_stats_enabled is None and 'commandStatsEnabled' in kwargs: + command_stats_enabled = kwargs['commandStatsEnabled'] + if command_stats_enabled is not None: _setter("command_stats_enabled", command_stats_enabled) @@ -31092,14 +35446,30 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - datadog_api_key: str, + datadog_api_key: Optional[str] = None, datadog_tags: Optional[Sequence['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationEndpointDatadogUserConfigDatadogTagResult']] = None, disable_consumer_stats: Optional[bool] = None, kafka_consumer_check_instances: Optional[int] = None, kafka_consumer_stats_timeout: Optional[int] = None, max_partition_contexts: Optional[int] = None, site: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if datadog_api_key is None and 'datadogApiKey' in kwargs: + datadog_api_key = kwargs['datadogApiKey'] + if datadog_api_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'datadog_api_key' argument") + if datadog_tags is None and 'datadogTags' in kwargs: + datadog_tags = kwargs['datadogTags'] + if disable_consumer_stats is None and 'disableConsumerStats' in kwargs: + disable_consumer_stats = kwargs['disableConsumerStats'] + if kafka_consumer_check_instances is None and 'kafkaConsumerCheckInstances' in kwargs: + kafka_consumer_check_instances = kwargs['kafkaConsumerCheckInstances'] + if kafka_consumer_stats_timeout is None and 'kafkaConsumerStatsTimeout' in kwargs: + kafka_consumer_stats_timeout = kwargs['kafkaConsumerStatsTimeout'] + if max_partition_contexts is None and 'maxPartitionContexts' in kwargs: + max_partition_contexts = kwargs['maxPartitionContexts'] + _setter("datadog_api_key", datadog_api_key) if datadog_tags is not None: _setter("datadog_tags", datadog_tags) @@ -31163,9 +35533,13 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - tag: str, + tag: Optional[str] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if tag is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'tag' argument") + _setter("tag", tag) if comment is not None: _setter("comment", comment) @@ -31198,11 +35572,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - access_key: str, - region: str, - secret_key: str, + access_key: Optional[str] = None, + region: Optional[str] = None, + secret_key: Optional[str] = None, log_group_name: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if access_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'access_key' argument") + if region is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'region' argument") + if secret_key is None and 'secretKey' in kwargs: + secret_key = kwargs['secretKey'] + if secret_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'secret_key' argument") + if log_group_name is None and 'logGroupName' in kwargs: + log_group_name = kwargs['logGroupName'] + _setter("access_key", access_key) _setter("region", region) _setter("secret_key", secret_key) @@ -31247,11 +35635,25 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - access_key: str, - namespace: str, - region: str, - secret_key: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + access_key: Optional[str] = None, + namespace: Optional[str] = None, + region: Optional[str] = None, + secret_key: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if access_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'access_key' argument") + if namespace is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'namespace' argument") + if region is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'region' argument") + if secret_key is None and 'secretKey' in kwargs: + secret_key = kwargs['secretKey'] + if secret_key is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'secret_key' argument") + _setter("access_key", access_key) _setter("namespace", namespace) _setter("region", region) @@ -31297,12 +35699,22 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - index_prefix: str, - url: str, + index_prefix: Optional[str] = None, + url: Optional[str] = None, ca: Optional[str] = None, index_days_max: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if index_prefix is None and 'indexPrefix' in kwargs: + index_prefix = kwargs['indexPrefix'] + if index_prefix is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'index_prefix' argument") + if url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'url' argument") + if index_days_max is None and 'indexDaysMax' in kwargs: + index_days_max = kwargs['indexDaysMax'] + _setter("index_prefix", index_prefix) _setter("url", url) if ca is not None: @@ -31353,10 +35765,24 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - log_id: str, - project_id: str, - service_account_credentials: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + log_id: Optional[str] = None, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + service_account_credentials: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if log_id is None and 'logId' in kwargs: + log_id = kwargs['logId'] + if log_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'log_id' argument") + if project_id is None and 'projectId' in kwargs: + project_id = kwargs['projectId'] + if project_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project_id' argument") + if service_account_credentials is None and 'serviceAccountCredentials' in kwargs: + service_account_credentials = kwargs['serviceAccountCredentials'] + if service_account_credentials is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_account_credentials' argument") + _setter("log_id", log_id) _setter("project_id", project_id) _setter("service_account_credentials", service_account_credentials) @@ -31404,8 +35830,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - bootstrap_servers: str, - security_protocol: str, + bootstrap_servers: Optional[str] = None, + security_protocol: Optional[str] = None, sasl_mechanism: Optional[str] = None, sasl_plain_password: Optional[str] = None, sasl_plain_username: Optional[str] = None, @@ -31413,7 +35839,31 @@ def _configure( ssl_client_cert: Optional[str] = None, ssl_client_key: Optional[str] = None, ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if bootstrap_servers is None and 'bootstrapServers' in kwargs: + bootstrap_servers = kwargs['bootstrapServers'] + if bootstrap_servers is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'bootstrap_servers' argument") + if security_protocol is None and 'securityProtocol' in kwargs: + security_protocol = kwargs['securityProtocol'] + if security_protocol is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'security_protocol' argument") + if sasl_mechanism is None and 'saslMechanism' in kwargs: + sasl_mechanism = kwargs['saslMechanism'] + if sasl_plain_password is None and 'saslPlainPassword' in kwargs: + sasl_plain_password = kwargs['saslPlainPassword'] + if sasl_plain_username is None and 'saslPlainUsername' in kwargs: + sasl_plain_username = kwargs['saslPlainUsername'] + if ssl_ca_cert is None and 'sslCaCert' in kwargs: + ssl_ca_cert = kwargs['sslCaCert'] + if ssl_client_cert is None and 'sslClientCert' in kwargs: + ssl_client_cert = kwargs['sslClientCert'] + if ssl_client_key is None and 'sslClientKey' in kwargs: + ssl_client_key = kwargs['sslClientKey'] + if ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm is None and 'sslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm' in kwargs: + ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm = kwargs['sslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm'] + _setter("bootstrap_servers", bootstrap_servers) _setter("security_protocol", security_protocol) if sasl_mechanism is not None: @@ -31496,12 +35946,22 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - index_prefix: str, - url: str, + index_prefix: Optional[str] = None, + url: Optional[str] = None, ca: Optional[str] = None, index_days_max: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if index_prefix is None and 'indexPrefix' in kwargs: + index_prefix = kwargs['indexPrefix'] + if index_prefix is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'index_prefix' argument") + if url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'url' argument") + if index_days_max is None and 'indexDaysMax' in kwargs: + index_days_max = kwargs['indexDaysMax'] + _setter("index_prefix", index_prefix) _setter("url", url) if ca is not None: @@ -31554,11 +36014,21 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - authentication: str, - url: str, + authentication: Optional[str] = None, + url: Optional[str] = None, basic_auth_password: Optional[str] = None, basic_auth_username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if authentication is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'authentication' argument") + if url is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'url' argument") + if basic_auth_password is None and 'basicAuthPassword' in kwargs: + basic_auth_password = kwargs['basicAuthPassword'] + if basic_auth_username is None and 'basicAuthUsername' in kwargs: + basic_auth_username = kwargs['basicAuthUsername'] + _setter("authentication", authentication) _setter("url", url) if basic_auth_password is not None: @@ -31602,7 +36072,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], basic_auth_password: Optional[str] = None, basic_auth_username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if basic_auth_password is None and 'basicAuthPassword' in kwargs: + basic_auth_password = kwargs['basicAuthPassword'] + if basic_auth_username is None and 'basicAuthUsername' in kwargs: + basic_auth_username = kwargs['basicAuthUsername'] + if basic_auth_password is not None: _setter("basic_auth_password", basic_auth_password) if basic_auth_username is not None: @@ -31634,7 +36110,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], basic_auth_password: Optional[str] = None, basic_auth_username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if basic_auth_password is None and 'basicAuthPassword' in kwargs: + basic_auth_password = kwargs['basicAuthPassword'] + if basic_auth_username is None and 'basicAuthUsername' in kwargs: + basic_auth_username = kwargs['basicAuthUsername'] + if basic_auth_password is not None: _setter("basic_auth_password", basic_auth_password) if basic_auth_username is not None: @@ -31678,16 +36160,26 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - format: str, - port: int, - server: str, - tls: bool, + format: Optional[str] = None, + port: Optional[int] = None, + server: Optional[str] = None, + tls: Optional[bool] = None, ca: Optional[str] = None, cert: Optional[str] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, logline: Optional[str] = None, sd: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if format is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'format' argument") + if port is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'port' argument") + if server is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'server' argument") + if tls is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'tls' argument") + _setter("format", format) _setter("port", port) _setter("server", server) @@ -31764,7 +36256,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], dropped_metrics: Optional[Sequence['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigDroppedMetricResult']] = None, extra_metrics: Optional[Sequence['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigExtraMetricResult']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if dropped_metrics is None and 'droppedMetrics' in kwargs: + dropped_metrics = kwargs['droppedMetrics'] + if extra_metrics is None and 'extraMetrics' in kwargs: + extra_metrics = kwargs['extraMetrics'] + if dropped_metrics is not None: _setter("dropped_metrics", dropped_metrics) if extra_metrics is not None: @@ -31794,9 +36292,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - field: str, - metric: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + field: Optional[str] = None, + metric: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if field is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'field' argument") + if metric is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'metric' argument") + _setter("field", field) _setter("metric", metric) @@ -31824,9 +36328,15 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - field: str, - metric: str, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + field: Optional[str] = None, + metric: Optional[str] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if field is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'field' argument") + if metric is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'metric' argument") + _setter("field", field) _setter("metric", metric) @@ -31853,7 +36363,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], kafka_connect: Optional['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationKafkaConnectUserConfigKafkaConnectResult'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_connect is None and 'kafkaConnect' in kwargs: + kafka_connect = kwargs['kafkaConnect'] + if kafka_connect is not None: _setter("kafka_connect", kafka_connect) @@ -31884,7 +36398,17 @@ def _configure( group_id: Optional[str] = None, offset_storage_topic: Optional[str] = None, status_storage_topic: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if config_storage_topic is None and 'configStorageTopic' in kwargs: + config_storage_topic = kwargs['configStorageTopic'] + if group_id is None and 'groupId' in kwargs: + group_id = kwargs['groupId'] + if offset_storage_topic is None and 'offsetStorageTopic' in kwargs: + offset_storage_topic = kwargs['offsetStorageTopic'] + if status_storage_topic is None and 'statusStorageTopic' in kwargs: + status_storage_topic = kwargs['statusStorageTopic'] + if config_storage_topic is not None: _setter("config_storage_topic", config_storage_topic) if group_id is not None: @@ -31928,9 +36452,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - kafka_topic: str, + kafka_topic: Optional[str] = None, selected_log_fields: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if kafka_topic is None and 'kafkaTopic' in kwargs: + kafka_topic = kwargs['kafkaTopic'] + if kafka_topic is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'kafka_topic' argument") + if selected_log_fields is None and 'selectedLogFields' in kwargs: + selected_log_fields = kwargs['selectedLogFields'] + _setter("kafka_topic", kafka_topic) if selected_log_fields is not None: _setter("selected_log_fields", selected_log_fields) @@ -31961,7 +36493,13 @@ def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], cluster_alias: Optional[str] = None, kafka_mirrormaker: Optional['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigKafkaMirrormakerResult'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if cluster_alias is None and 'clusterAlias' in kwargs: + cluster_alias = kwargs['clusterAlias'] + if kafka_mirrormaker is None and 'kafkaMirrormaker' in kwargs: + kafka_mirrormaker = kwargs['kafkaMirrormaker'] + if cluster_alias is not None: _setter("cluster_alias", cluster_alias) if kafka_mirrormaker is not None: @@ -32005,7 +36543,21 @@ def _configure( producer_compression_type: Optional[str] = None, producer_linger_ms: Optional[int] = None, producer_max_request_size: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if consumer_fetch_min_bytes is None and 'consumerFetchMinBytes' in kwargs: + consumer_fetch_min_bytes = kwargs['consumerFetchMinBytes'] + if producer_batch_size is None and 'producerBatchSize' in kwargs: + producer_batch_size = kwargs['producerBatchSize'] + if producer_buffer_memory is None and 'producerBufferMemory' in kwargs: + producer_buffer_memory = kwargs['producerBufferMemory'] + if producer_compression_type is None and 'producerCompressionType' in kwargs: + producer_compression_type = kwargs['producerCompressionType'] + if producer_linger_ms is None and 'producerLingerMs' in kwargs: + producer_linger_ms = kwargs['producerLingerMs'] + if producer_max_request_size is None and 'producerMaxRequestSize' in kwargs: + producer_max_request_size = kwargs['producerMaxRequestSize'] + if consumer_fetch_min_bytes is not None: _setter("consumer_fetch_min_bytes", consumer_fetch_min_bytes) if producer_batch_size is not None: @@ -32068,7 +36620,15 @@ def _configure( elasticsearch_index_days_max: Optional[int] = None, elasticsearch_index_prefix: Optional[str] = None, selected_log_fields: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if elasticsearch_index_days_max is None and 'elasticsearchIndexDaysMax' in kwargs: + elasticsearch_index_days_max = kwargs['elasticsearchIndexDaysMax'] + if elasticsearch_index_prefix is None and 'elasticsearchIndexPrefix' in kwargs: + elasticsearch_index_prefix = kwargs['elasticsearchIndexPrefix'] + if selected_log_fields is None and 'selectedLogFields' in kwargs: + selected_log_fields = kwargs['selectedLogFields'] + if elasticsearch_index_days_max is not None: _setter("elasticsearch_index_days_max", elasticsearch_index_days_max) if elasticsearch_index_prefix is not None: @@ -32116,7 +36676,15 @@ def _configure( ro_username: Optional[str] = None, source_mysql: Optional['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationMetricsUserConfigSourceMysqlResult'] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if retention_days is None and 'retentionDays' in kwargs: + retention_days = kwargs['retentionDays'] + if ro_username is None and 'roUsername' in kwargs: + ro_username = kwargs['roUsername'] + if source_mysql is None and 'sourceMysql' in kwargs: + source_mysql = kwargs['sourceMysql'] + if database is not None: _setter("database", database) if retention_days is not None: @@ -32166,7 +36734,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], telegraf: Optional['outputs.GetServiceIntegrationMetricsUserConfigSourceMysqlTelegrafResult'] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if telegraf is not None: _setter("telegraf", telegraf) @@ -32227,7 +36797,37 @@ def _configure( perf_events_statements_digest_text_limit: Optional[int] = None, perf_events_statements_limit: Optional[int] = None, perf_events_statements_time_limit: Optional[int] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if gather_event_waits is None and 'gatherEventWaits' in kwargs: + gather_event_waits = kwargs['gatherEventWaits'] + if gather_file_events_stats is None and 'gatherFileEventsStats' in kwargs: + gather_file_events_stats = kwargs['gatherFileEventsStats'] + if gather_index_io_waits is None and 'gatherIndexIoWaits' in kwargs: + gather_index_io_waits = kwargs['gatherIndexIoWaits'] + if gather_info_schema_auto_inc is None and 'gatherInfoSchemaAutoInc' in kwargs: + gather_info_schema_auto_inc = kwargs['gatherInfoSchemaAutoInc'] + if gather_innodb_metrics is None and 'gatherInnodbMetrics' in kwargs: + gather_innodb_metrics = kwargs['gatherInnodbMetrics'] + if gather_perf_events_statements is None and 'gatherPerfEventsStatements' in kwargs: + gather_perf_events_statements = kwargs['gatherPerfEventsStatements'] + if gather_process_list is None and 'gatherProcessList' in kwargs: + gather_process_list = kwargs['gatherProcessList'] + if gather_slave_status is None and 'gatherSlaveStatus' in kwargs: + gather_slave_status = kwargs['gatherSlaveStatus'] + if gather_table_io_waits is None and 'gatherTableIoWaits' in kwargs: + gather_table_io_waits = kwargs['gatherTableIoWaits'] + if gather_table_lock_waits is None and 'gatherTableLockWaits' in kwargs: + gather_table_lock_waits = kwargs['gatherTableLockWaits'] + if gather_table_schema is None and 'gatherTableSchema' in kwargs: + gather_table_schema = kwargs['gatherTableSchema'] + if perf_events_statements_digest_text_limit is None and 'perfEventsStatementsDigestTextLimit' in kwargs: + perf_events_statements_digest_text_limit = kwargs['perfEventsStatementsDigestTextLimit'] + if perf_events_statements_limit is None and 'perfEventsStatementsLimit' in kwargs: + perf_events_statements_limit = kwargs['perfEventsStatementsLimit'] + if perf_events_statements_time_limit is None and 'perfEventsStatementsTimeLimit' in kwargs: + perf_events_statements_time_limit = kwargs['perfEventsStatementsTimeLimit'] + if gather_event_waits is not None: _setter("gather_event_waits", gather_event_waits) if gather_file_events_stats is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg.py index 2be8b9a61..7afa9e1c0 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg.py @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -85,7 +85,35 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['PgTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if pg_user_config is None and 'pgUserConfig' in kwargs: + pg_user_config = kwargs['pgUserConfig'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) if additional_disk_space is not None: @@ -422,7 +450,51 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['PgTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if pg_user_config is None and 'pgUserConfig' in kwargs: + pg_user_config = kwargs['pgUserConfig'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -920,17 +992,9 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, __props__.__dict__["disk_space"] = disk_space __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_dow"] = maintenance_window_dow __props__.__dict__["maintenance_window_time"] = maintenance_window_time - if pg is not None and not isinstance(pg, PgPgArgs): - pg = pg or {} - def _setter(key, value): - pg[key] = value - PgPgArgs._configure(_setter, **pg) + pg = _utilities.configure(pg, PgPgArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["pg"] = pg - if pg_user_config is not None and not isinstance(pg_user_config, PgPgUserConfigArgs): - pg_user_config = pg_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - pg_user_config[key] = value - PgPgUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **pg_user_config) + pg_user_config = _utilities.configure(pg_user_config, PgPgUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["pg_user_config"] = pg_user_config if plan is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'plan'") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg_database.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg_database.py index e734dce07..0c08206ac 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg_database.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg_database.py @@ -42,13 +42,31 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - database_name: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + database_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, lc_collate: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, lc_ctype: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database_name is None and 'databaseName' in kwargs: + database_name = kwargs['databaseName'] + if database_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'database_name' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if lc_collate is None and 'lcCollate' in kwargs: + lc_collate = kwargs['lcCollate'] + if lc_ctype is None and 'lcCtype' in kwargs: + lc_ctype = kwargs['lcCtype'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("database_name", database_name) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -170,7 +188,19 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if database_name is None and 'databaseName' in kwargs: + database_name = kwargs['databaseName'] + if lc_collate is None and 'lcCollate' in kwargs: + lc_collate = kwargs['lcCollate'] + if lc_ctype is None and 'lcCtype' in kwargs: + lc_ctype = kwargs['lcCtype'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if database_name is not None: _setter("database_name", database_name) if lc_collate is not None: @@ -273,18 +303,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The PG Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven PostgreSQL Databases. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mydatabase = aiven.PgDatabase("mydatabase", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_pg["mypg"]["service_name"], - database_name="") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -310,18 +328,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The PG Database resource allows the creation and management of Aiven PostgreSQL Databases. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mydatabase = aiven.PgDatabase("mydatabase", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - service_name=aiven_pg["mypg"]["service_name"], - database_name="") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg_user.py index 4e764fcd3..c8b654afb 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/pg_user.py @@ -38,12 +38,24 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, pg_allow_replication: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + if pg_allow_replication is None and 'pgAllowReplication' in kwargs: + pg_allow_replication = kwargs['pgAllowReplication'] + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) _setter("username", username) @@ -157,7 +169,17 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if access_cert is None and 'accessCert' in kwargs: + access_cert = kwargs['accessCert'] + if access_key is None and 'accessKey' in kwargs: + access_key = kwargs['accessKey'] + if pg_allow_replication is None and 'pgAllowReplication' in kwargs: + pg_allow_replication = kwargs['pgAllowReplication'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if access_cert is not None: _setter("access_cert", access_cert) if access_key is not None: @@ -286,19 +308,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The PG User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven PG Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.PgUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_pg["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -322,19 +331,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The PG User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven PG Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.PgUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_pg["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project.py index cd2e61ae8..06c048b98 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project.py @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, account_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, add_account_owners_admin_access: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, billing_group: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -65,7 +65,27 @@ def _configure( tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ProjectTagArgs']]]] = None, technical_emails: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, use_source_project_billing_group: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if add_account_owners_admin_access is None and 'addAccountOwnersAdminAccess' in kwargs: + add_account_owners_admin_access = kwargs['addAccountOwnersAdminAccess'] + if billing_group is None and 'billingGroup' in kwargs: + billing_group = kwargs['billingGroup'] + if copy_from_project is None and 'copyFromProject' in kwargs: + copy_from_project = kwargs['copyFromProject'] + if default_cloud is None and 'defaultCloud' in kwargs: + default_cloud = kwargs['defaultCloud'] + if parent_id is None and 'parentId' in kwargs: + parent_id = kwargs['parentId'] + if technical_emails is None and 'technicalEmails' in kwargs: + technical_emails = kwargs['technicalEmails'] + if use_source_project_billing_group is None and 'useSourceProjectBillingGroup' in kwargs: + use_source_project_billing_group = kwargs['useSourceProjectBillingGroup'] + _setter("project", project) if account_id is not None: warnings.warn("""Use parent_id instead. This field will be removed in the next major release.""", DeprecationWarning) @@ -293,7 +313,33 @@ def _configure( tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['ProjectTagArgs']]]] = None, technical_emails: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, use_source_project_billing_group: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if account_id is None and 'accountId' in kwargs: + account_id = kwargs['accountId'] + if add_account_owners_admin_access is None and 'addAccountOwnersAdminAccess' in kwargs: + add_account_owners_admin_access = kwargs['addAccountOwnersAdminAccess'] + if available_credits is None and 'availableCredits' in kwargs: + available_credits = kwargs['availableCredits'] + if billing_group is None and 'billingGroup' in kwargs: + billing_group = kwargs['billingGroup'] + if ca_cert is None and 'caCert' in kwargs: + ca_cert = kwargs['caCert'] + if copy_from_project is None and 'copyFromProject' in kwargs: + copy_from_project = kwargs['copyFromProject'] + if default_cloud is None and 'defaultCloud' in kwargs: + default_cloud = kwargs['defaultCloud'] + if estimated_balance is None and 'estimatedBalance' in kwargs: + estimated_balance = kwargs['estimatedBalance'] + if parent_id is None and 'parentId' in kwargs: + parent_id = kwargs['parentId'] + if payment_method is None and 'paymentMethod' in kwargs: + payment_method = kwargs['paymentMethod'] + if technical_emails is None and 'technicalEmails' in kwargs: + technical_emails = kwargs['technicalEmails'] + if use_source_project_billing_group is None and 'useSourceProjectBillingGroup' in kwargs: + use_source_project_billing_group = kwargs['useSourceProjectBillingGroup'] + if account_id is not None: warnings.warn("""Use parent_id instead. This field will be removed in the next major release.""", DeprecationWarning) pulumi.log.warn("""account_id is deprecated: Use parent_id instead. This field will be removed in the next major release.""") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project_user.py index ef0fda2cb..886949115 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project_user.py @@ -32,10 +32,20 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - email: pulumi.Input[str], - member_type: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + email: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + member_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if email is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'email' argument") + if member_type is None and 'memberType' in kwargs: + member_type = kwargs['memberType'] + if member_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'member_type' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + _setter("email", email) _setter("member_type", member_type) _setter("project", project) @@ -105,7 +115,11 @@ def _configure( email: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, member_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if member_type is None and 'memberType' in kwargs: + member_type = kwargs['memberType'] + if accepted is not None: _setter("accepted", accepted) if email is not None: @@ -176,18 +190,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Project User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Project Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestuser = aiven.ProjectUser("mytestuser", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - email="john.doe@example.com", - member_type="admin") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -209,18 +211,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Project User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Project Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - mytestuser = aiven.ProjectUser("mytestuser", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - email="john.doe@example.com", - member_type="admin") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project_vpc.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project_vpc.py index b4d276e41..12963a4b1 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project_vpc.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/project_vpc.py @@ -32,10 +32,22 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - cloud_name: pulumi.Input[str], - network_cidr: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + network_cidr: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if cloud_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'cloud_name' argument") + if network_cidr is None and 'networkCidr' in kwargs: + network_cidr = kwargs['networkCidr'] + if network_cidr is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'network_cidr' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + _setter("cloud_name", cloud_name) _setter("network_cidr", network_cidr) _setter("project", project) @@ -105,7 +117,13 @@ def _configure( network_cidr: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, state: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if network_cidr is None and 'networkCidr' in kwargs: + network_cidr = kwargs['networkCidr'] + if cloud_name is not None: _setter("cloud_name", cloud_name) if network_cidr is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/provider.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/provider.py index b5911262f..2a089a038 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/provider.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/provider.py @@ -27,7 +27,11 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], api_token: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if api_token is None and 'apiToken' in kwargs: + api_token = kwargs['apiToken'] + if api_token is not None: _setter("api_token", api_token) diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/redis.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/redis.py index 9a1907079..6bae63c27 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/redis.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/redis.py @@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - plan: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], + plan: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, additional_disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, disk_space: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, @@ -101,7 +101,37 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['RedisTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if plan is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'plan' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if redis_user_config is None and 'redisUserConfig' in kwargs: + redis_user_config = kwargs['redisUserConfig'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + _setter("plan", plan) _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) @@ -465,7 +495,51 @@ def _configure( static_ips: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input['RedisTagArgs']]]] = None, termination_protection: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if additional_disk_space is None and 'additionalDiskSpace' in kwargs: + additional_disk_space = kwargs['additionalDiskSpace'] + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if disk_space is None and 'diskSpace' in kwargs: + disk_space = kwargs['diskSpace'] + if disk_space_cap is None and 'diskSpaceCap' in kwargs: + disk_space_cap = kwargs['diskSpaceCap'] + if disk_space_default is None and 'diskSpaceDefault' in kwargs: + disk_space_default = kwargs['diskSpaceDefault'] + if disk_space_step is None and 'diskSpaceStep' in kwargs: + disk_space_step = kwargs['diskSpaceStep'] + if disk_space_used is None and 'diskSpaceUsed' in kwargs: + disk_space_used = kwargs['diskSpaceUsed'] + if maintenance_window_dow is None and 'maintenanceWindowDow' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_dow = kwargs['maintenanceWindowDow'] + if maintenance_window_time is None and 'maintenanceWindowTime' in kwargs: + maintenance_window_time = kwargs['maintenanceWindowTime'] + if project_vpc_id is None and 'projectVpcId' in kwargs: + project_vpc_id = kwargs['projectVpcId'] + if redis_user_config is None and 'redisUserConfig' in kwargs: + redis_user_config = kwargs['redisUserConfig'] + if service_host is None and 'serviceHost' in kwargs: + service_host = kwargs['serviceHost'] + if service_integrations is None and 'serviceIntegrations' in kwargs: + service_integrations = kwargs['serviceIntegrations'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_password is None and 'servicePassword' in kwargs: + service_password = kwargs['servicePassword'] + if service_port is None and 'servicePort' in kwargs: + service_port = kwargs['servicePort'] + if service_type is None and 'serviceType' in kwargs: + service_type = kwargs['serviceType'] + if service_uri is None and 'serviceUri' in kwargs: + service_uri = kwargs['serviceUri'] + if service_username is None and 'serviceUsername' in kwargs: + service_username = kwargs['serviceUsername'] + if static_ips is None and 'staticIps' in kwargs: + static_ips = kwargs['staticIps'] + if termination_protection is None and 'terminationProtection' in kwargs: + termination_protection = kwargs['terminationProtection'] + if additional_disk_space is not None: _setter("additional_disk_space", additional_disk_space) if cloud_name is not None: @@ -897,27 +971,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Redis resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Redis services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - redis1 = aiven.Redis("redis1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-4", - service_name="my-redis1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - redis_user_config=aiven.RedisRedisUserConfigArgs( - redis_maxmemory_policy="allkeys-random", - public_access=aiven.RedisRedisUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - redis=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -970,27 +1023,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Redis resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Redis services. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - redis1 = aiven.Redis("redis1", - project=data["aiven_project"]["pr1"]["project"], - cloud_name="google-europe-west1", - plan="business-4", - service_name="my-redis1", - maintenance_window_dow="monday", - maintenance_window_time="10:00:00", - redis_user_config=aiven.RedisRedisUserConfigArgs( - redis_maxmemory_policy="allkeys-random", - public_access=aiven.RedisRedisUserConfigPublicAccessArgs( - redis=True, - ), - )) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -1051,11 +1083,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, raise TypeError("Missing required property 'project'") __props__.__dict__["project"] = project __props__.__dict__["project_vpc_id"] = project_vpc_id - if redis_user_config is not None and not isinstance(redis_user_config, RedisRedisUserConfigArgs): - redis_user_config = redis_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - redis_user_config[key] = value - RedisRedisUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **redis_user_config) + redis_user_config = _utilities.configure(redis_user_config, RedisRedisUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["redis_user_config"] = redis_user_config __props__.__dict__["service_integrations"] = service_integrations if service_name is None and not opts.urn: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/redis_user.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/redis_user.py index 6a2f64037..6a6337249 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/redis_user.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/redis_user.py @@ -47,15 +47,33 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - service_name: pulumi.Input[str], - username: pulumi.Input[str], + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, password: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, redis_acl_categories: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, redis_acl_channels: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, redis_acl_commands: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, redis_acl_keys: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if service_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'service_name' argument") + if username is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'username' argument") + if redis_acl_categories is None and 'redisAclCategories' in kwargs: + redis_acl_categories = kwargs['redisAclCategories'] + if redis_acl_channels is None and 'redisAclChannels' in kwargs: + redis_acl_channels = kwargs['redisAclChannels'] + if redis_acl_commands is None and 'redisAclCommands' in kwargs: + redis_acl_commands = kwargs['redisAclCommands'] + if redis_acl_keys is None and 'redisAclKeys' in kwargs: + redis_acl_keys = kwargs['redisAclKeys'] + _setter("project", project) _setter("service_name", service_name) _setter("username", username) @@ -215,7 +233,19 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, username: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if redis_acl_categories is None and 'redisAclCategories' in kwargs: + redis_acl_categories = kwargs['redisAclCategories'] + if redis_acl_channels is None and 'redisAclChannels' in kwargs: + redis_acl_channels = kwargs['redisAclChannels'] + if redis_acl_commands is None and 'redisAclCommands' in kwargs: + redis_acl_commands = kwargs['redisAclCommands'] + if redis_acl_keys is None and 'redisAclKeys' in kwargs: + redis_acl_keys = kwargs['redisAclKeys'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if password is not None: _setter("password", password) if project is not None: @@ -361,19 +391,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Redis User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Redis Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.RedisUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_redis["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -400,19 +417,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Redis User resource allows the creation and management of Aiven Redis Users. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - foo = aiven.RedisUser("foo", - service_name=aiven_redis["bar"]["service_name"], - project="my-project", - username="user-1", - password="Test$1234") - ``` - ## Import ```sh diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/service_integration.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/service_integration.py index 3742104ac..2239211d5 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/service_integration.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/service_integration.py @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - integration_type: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], + integration_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, clickhouse_kafka_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigArgs']] = None, clickhouse_postgresql_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationClickhousePostgresqlUserConfigArgs']] = None, datadog_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationDatadogUserConfigArgs']] = None, @@ -85,7 +85,41 @@ def _configure( metrics_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationMetricsUserConfigArgs']] = None, source_endpoint_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if integration_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'integration_type' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if clickhouse_kafka_user_config is None and 'clickhouseKafkaUserConfig' in kwargs: + clickhouse_kafka_user_config = kwargs['clickhouseKafkaUserConfig'] + if clickhouse_postgresql_user_config is None and 'clickhousePostgresqlUserConfig' in kwargs: + clickhouse_postgresql_user_config = kwargs['clickhousePostgresqlUserConfig'] + if datadog_user_config is None and 'datadogUserConfig' in kwargs: + datadog_user_config = kwargs['datadogUserConfig'] + if destination_endpoint_id is None and 'destinationEndpointId' in kwargs: + destination_endpoint_id = kwargs['destinationEndpointId'] + if destination_service_name is None and 'destinationServiceName' in kwargs: + destination_service_name = kwargs['destinationServiceName'] + if external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config is None and 'externalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config = kwargs['externalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfig'] + if kafka_connect_user_config is None and 'kafkaConnectUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_connect_user_config = kwargs['kafkaConnectUserConfig'] + if kafka_logs_user_config is None and 'kafkaLogsUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_logs_user_config = kwargs['kafkaLogsUserConfig'] + if kafka_mirrormaker_user_config is None and 'kafkaMirrormakerUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_mirrormaker_user_config = kwargs['kafkaMirrormakerUserConfig'] + if logs_user_config is None and 'logsUserConfig' in kwargs: + logs_user_config = kwargs['logsUserConfig'] + if metrics_user_config is None and 'metricsUserConfig' in kwargs: + metrics_user_config = kwargs['metricsUserConfig'] + if source_endpoint_id is None and 'sourceEndpointId' in kwargs: + source_endpoint_id = kwargs['sourceEndpointId'] + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + _setter("integration_type", integration_type) _setter("project", project) if clickhouse_kafka_user_config is not None: @@ -372,7 +406,39 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, source_endpoint_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, source_service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if clickhouse_kafka_user_config is None and 'clickhouseKafkaUserConfig' in kwargs: + clickhouse_kafka_user_config = kwargs['clickhouseKafkaUserConfig'] + if clickhouse_postgresql_user_config is None and 'clickhousePostgresqlUserConfig' in kwargs: + clickhouse_postgresql_user_config = kwargs['clickhousePostgresqlUserConfig'] + if datadog_user_config is None and 'datadogUserConfig' in kwargs: + datadog_user_config = kwargs['datadogUserConfig'] + if destination_endpoint_id is None and 'destinationEndpointId' in kwargs: + destination_endpoint_id = kwargs['destinationEndpointId'] + if destination_service_name is None and 'destinationServiceName' in kwargs: + destination_service_name = kwargs['destinationServiceName'] + if external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config is None and 'externalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config = kwargs['externalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfig'] + if integration_id is None and 'integrationId' in kwargs: + integration_id = kwargs['integrationId'] + if integration_type is None and 'integrationType' in kwargs: + integration_type = kwargs['integrationType'] + if kafka_connect_user_config is None and 'kafkaConnectUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_connect_user_config = kwargs['kafkaConnectUserConfig'] + if kafka_logs_user_config is None and 'kafkaLogsUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_logs_user_config = kwargs['kafkaLogsUserConfig'] + if kafka_mirrormaker_user_config is None and 'kafkaMirrormakerUserConfig' in kwargs: + kafka_mirrormaker_user_config = kwargs['kafkaMirrormakerUserConfig'] + if logs_user_config is None and 'logsUserConfig' in kwargs: + logs_user_config = kwargs['logsUserConfig'] + if metrics_user_config is None and 'metricsUserConfig' in kwargs: + metrics_user_config = kwargs['metricsUserConfig'] + if source_endpoint_id is None and 'sourceEndpointId' in kwargs: + source_endpoint_id = kwargs['sourceEndpointId'] + if source_service_name is None and 'sourceServiceName' in kwargs: + source_service_name = kwargs['sourceServiceName'] + if clickhouse_kafka_user_config is not None: _setter("clickhouse_kafka_user_config", clickhouse_kafka_user_config) if clickhouse_postgresql_user_config is not None: @@ -630,19 +696,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to Elasticsearch, etc. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - my_integration_metrics = aiven.ServiceIntegration("myIntegrationMetrics", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - integration_type="metrics", - source_service_name=aiven_kafka["kfk1"]["service_name"], - destination_service_name=aiven_m3db["m3db"]["service_name"]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -683,19 +736,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, getting metrics from an InfluxDB service to a Grafana service to show dashboards, sending logs from any service to Elasticsearch, etc. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - my_integration_metrics = aiven.ServiceIntegration("myIntegrationMetrics", - project=aiven_project["myproject"]["project"], - integration_type="metrics", - source_service_name=aiven_kafka["kfk1"]["service_name"], - destination_service_name=aiven_m3db["m3db"]["service_name"]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -745,64 +785,28 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, raise TypeError('__props__ is only valid when passed in combination with a valid opts.id to get an existing resource') __props__ = ServiceIntegrationArgs.__new__(ServiceIntegrationArgs) - if clickhouse_kafka_user_config is not None and not isinstance(clickhouse_kafka_user_config, ServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigArgs): - clickhouse_kafka_user_config = clickhouse_kafka_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - clickhouse_kafka_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **clickhouse_kafka_user_config) + clickhouse_kafka_user_config = _utilities.configure(clickhouse_kafka_user_config, ServiceIntegrationClickhouseKafkaUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["clickhouse_kafka_user_config"] = clickhouse_kafka_user_config - if clickhouse_postgresql_user_config is not None and not isinstance(clickhouse_postgresql_user_config, ServiceIntegrationClickhousePostgresqlUserConfigArgs): - clickhouse_postgresql_user_config = clickhouse_postgresql_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - clickhouse_postgresql_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationClickhousePostgresqlUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **clickhouse_postgresql_user_config) + clickhouse_postgresql_user_config = _utilities.configure(clickhouse_postgresql_user_config, ServiceIntegrationClickhousePostgresqlUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["clickhouse_postgresql_user_config"] = clickhouse_postgresql_user_config - if datadog_user_config is not None and not isinstance(datadog_user_config, ServiceIntegrationDatadogUserConfigArgs): - datadog_user_config = datadog_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - datadog_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationDatadogUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **datadog_user_config) + datadog_user_config = _utilities.configure(datadog_user_config, ServiceIntegrationDatadogUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["datadog_user_config"] = datadog_user_config __props__.__dict__["destination_endpoint_id"] = destination_endpoint_id __props__.__dict__["destination_service_name"] = destination_service_name - if external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config is not None and not isinstance(external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config, ServiceIntegrationExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigArgs): - external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config = external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config) + external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config = _utilities.configure(external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config, ServiceIntegrationExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config"] = external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config if integration_type is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'integration_type'") __props__.__dict__["integration_type"] = integration_type - if kafka_connect_user_config is not None and not isinstance(kafka_connect_user_config, ServiceIntegrationKafkaConnectUserConfigArgs): - kafka_connect_user_config = kafka_connect_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - kafka_connect_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationKafkaConnectUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **kafka_connect_user_config) + kafka_connect_user_config = _utilities.configure(kafka_connect_user_config, ServiceIntegrationKafkaConnectUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["kafka_connect_user_config"] = kafka_connect_user_config - if kafka_logs_user_config is not None and not isinstance(kafka_logs_user_config, ServiceIntegrationKafkaLogsUserConfigArgs): - kafka_logs_user_config = kafka_logs_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - kafka_logs_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationKafkaLogsUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **kafka_logs_user_config) + kafka_logs_user_config = _utilities.configure(kafka_logs_user_config, ServiceIntegrationKafkaLogsUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["kafka_logs_user_config"] = kafka_logs_user_config - if kafka_mirrormaker_user_config is not None and not isinstance(kafka_mirrormaker_user_config, ServiceIntegrationKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigArgs): - kafka_mirrormaker_user_config = kafka_mirrormaker_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - kafka_mirrormaker_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **kafka_mirrormaker_user_config) + kafka_mirrormaker_user_config = _utilities.configure(kafka_mirrormaker_user_config, ServiceIntegrationKafkaMirrormakerUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["kafka_mirrormaker_user_config"] = kafka_mirrormaker_user_config - if logs_user_config is not None and not isinstance(logs_user_config, ServiceIntegrationLogsUserConfigArgs): - logs_user_config = logs_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - logs_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationLogsUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **logs_user_config) + logs_user_config = _utilities.configure(logs_user_config, ServiceIntegrationLogsUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["logs_user_config"] = logs_user_config - if metrics_user_config is not None and not isinstance(metrics_user_config, ServiceIntegrationMetricsUserConfigArgs): - metrics_user_config = metrics_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - metrics_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationMetricsUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **metrics_user_config) + metrics_user_config = _utilities.configure(metrics_user_config, ServiceIntegrationMetricsUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["metrics_user_config"] = metrics_user_config if project is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'project'") diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/service_integration_endpoint.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/service_integration_endpoint.py index 625008332..d35243f6d 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/service_integration_endpoint.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/service_integration_endpoint.py @@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - endpoint_name: pulumi.Input[str], - endpoint_type: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], + endpoint_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + endpoint_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, datadog_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationEndpointDatadogUserConfigArgs']] = None, external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalAwsCloudwatchLogsUserConfigArgs']] = None, external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigArgs']] = None, @@ -81,7 +81,41 @@ def _configure( jolokia_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationEndpointJolokiaUserConfigArgs']] = None, prometheus_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationEndpointPrometheusUserConfigArgs']] = None, rsyslog_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationEndpointRsyslogUserConfigArgs']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if endpoint_name is None and 'endpointName' in kwargs: + endpoint_name = kwargs['endpointName'] + if endpoint_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'endpoint_name' argument") + if endpoint_type is None and 'endpointType' in kwargs: + endpoint_type = kwargs['endpointType'] + if endpoint_type is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'endpoint_type' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + if datadog_user_config is None and 'datadogUserConfig' in kwargs: + datadog_user_config = kwargs['datadogUserConfig'] + if external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config is None and 'externalAwsCloudwatchLogsUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config = kwargs['externalAwsCloudwatchLogsUserConfig'] + if external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config is None and 'externalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config = kwargs['externalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfig'] + if external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config is None and 'externalElasticsearchLogsUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config = kwargs['externalElasticsearchLogsUserConfig'] + if external_google_cloud_logging_user_config is None and 'externalGoogleCloudLoggingUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_google_cloud_logging_user_config = kwargs['externalGoogleCloudLoggingUserConfig'] + if external_kafka_user_config is None and 'externalKafkaUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_kafka_user_config = kwargs['externalKafkaUserConfig'] + if external_opensearch_logs_user_config is None and 'externalOpensearchLogsUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_opensearch_logs_user_config = kwargs['externalOpensearchLogsUserConfig'] + if external_schema_registry_user_config is None and 'externalSchemaRegistryUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_schema_registry_user_config = kwargs['externalSchemaRegistryUserConfig'] + if jolokia_user_config is None and 'jolokiaUserConfig' in kwargs: + jolokia_user_config = kwargs['jolokiaUserConfig'] + if prometheus_user_config is None and 'prometheusUserConfig' in kwargs: + prometheus_user_config = kwargs['prometheusUserConfig'] + if rsyslog_user_config is None and 'rsyslogUserConfig' in kwargs: + rsyslog_user_config = kwargs['rsyslogUserConfig'] + _setter("endpoint_name", endpoint_name) _setter("endpoint_type", endpoint_type) _setter("project", project) @@ -349,7 +383,37 @@ def _configure( project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, prometheus_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationEndpointPrometheusUserConfigArgs']] = None, rsyslog_user_config: Optional[pulumi.Input['ServiceIntegrationEndpointRsyslogUserConfigArgs']] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if datadog_user_config is None and 'datadogUserConfig' in kwargs: + datadog_user_config = kwargs['datadogUserConfig'] + if endpoint_config is None and 'endpointConfig' in kwargs: + endpoint_config = kwargs['endpointConfig'] + if endpoint_name is None and 'endpointName' in kwargs: + endpoint_name = kwargs['endpointName'] + if endpoint_type is None and 'endpointType' in kwargs: + endpoint_type = kwargs['endpointType'] + if external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config is None and 'externalAwsCloudwatchLogsUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config = kwargs['externalAwsCloudwatchLogsUserConfig'] + if external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config is None and 'externalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config = kwargs['externalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfig'] + if external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config is None and 'externalElasticsearchLogsUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config = kwargs['externalElasticsearchLogsUserConfig'] + if external_google_cloud_logging_user_config is None and 'externalGoogleCloudLoggingUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_google_cloud_logging_user_config = kwargs['externalGoogleCloudLoggingUserConfig'] + if external_kafka_user_config is None and 'externalKafkaUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_kafka_user_config = kwargs['externalKafkaUserConfig'] + if external_opensearch_logs_user_config is None and 'externalOpensearchLogsUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_opensearch_logs_user_config = kwargs['externalOpensearchLogsUserConfig'] + if external_schema_registry_user_config is None and 'externalSchemaRegistryUserConfig' in kwargs: + external_schema_registry_user_config = kwargs['externalSchemaRegistryUserConfig'] + if jolokia_user_config is None and 'jolokiaUserConfig' in kwargs: + jolokia_user_config = kwargs['jolokiaUserConfig'] + if prometheus_user_config is None and 'prometheusUserConfig' in kwargs: + prometheus_user_config = kwargs['prometheusUserConfig'] + if rsyslog_user_config is None and 'rsyslogUserConfig' in kwargs: + rsyslog_user_config = kwargs['rsyslogUserConfig'] + if datadog_user_config is not None: _setter("datadog_user_config", datadog_user_config) if endpoint_config is not None: @@ -653,11 +717,7 @@ def _internal_init(__self__, raise TypeError('__props__ is only valid when passed in combination with a valid opts.id to get an existing resource') __props__ = ServiceIntegrationEndpointArgs.__new__(ServiceIntegrationEndpointArgs) - if datadog_user_config is not None and not isinstance(datadog_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointDatadogUserConfigArgs): - datadog_user_config = datadog_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - datadog_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationEndpointDatadogUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **datadog_user_config) + datadog_user_config = _utilities.configure(datadog_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointDatadogUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["datadog_user_config"] = datadog_user_config if endpoint_name is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'endpoint_name'") @@ -665,68 +725,28 @@ def _setter(key, value): if endpoint_type is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'endpoint_type'") __props__.__dict__["endpoint_type"] = endpoint_type - if external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config is not None and not isinstance(external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalAwsCloudwatchLogsUserConfigArgs): - external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config = external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalAwsCloudwatchLogsUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config) + external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config = _utilities.configure(external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalAwsCloudwatchLogsUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config"] = external_aws_cloudwatch_logs_user_config - if external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config is not None and not isinstance(external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigArgs): - external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config = external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config) + external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config = _utilities.configure(external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalAwsCloudwatchMetricsUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config"] = external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics_user_config - if external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config is not None and not isinstance(external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalElasticsearchLogsUserConfigArgs): - external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config = external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalElasticsearchLogsUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config) + external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config = _utilities.configure(external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalElasticsearchLogsUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config"] = external_elasticsearch_logs_user_config - if external_google_cloud_logging_user_config is not None and not isinstance(external_google_cloud_logging_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalGoogleCloudLoggingUserConfigArgs): - external_google_cloud_logging_user_config = external_google_cloud_logging_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - external_google_cloud_logging_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalGoogleCloudLoggingUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **external_google_cloud_logging_user_config) + external_google_cloud_logging_user_config = _utilities.configure(external_google_cloud_logging_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalGoogleCloudLoggingUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["external_google_cloud_logging_user_config"] = external_google_cloud_logging_user_config - if external_kafka_user_config is not None and not isinstance(external_kafka_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalKafkaUserConfigArgs): - external_kafka_user_config = external_kafka_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - external_kafka_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalKafkaUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **external_kafka_user_config) + external_kafka_user_config = _utilities.configure(external_kafka_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalKafkaUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["external_kafka_user_config"] = external_kafka_user_config - if external_opensearch_logs_user_config is not None and not isinstance(external_opensearch_logs_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalOpensearchLogsUserConfigArgs): - external_opensearch_logs_user_config = external_opensearch_logs_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - external_opensearch_logs_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalOpensearchLogsUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **external_opensearch_logs_user_config) + external_opensearch_logs_user_config = _utilities.configure(external_opensearch_logs_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalOpensearchLogsUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["external_opensearch_logs_user_config"] = external_opensearch_logs_user_config - if external_schema_registry_user_config is not None and not isinstance(external_schema_registry_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalSchemaRegistryUserConfigArgs): - external_schema_registry_user_config = external_schema_registry_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - external_schema_registry_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalSchemaRegistryUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **external_schema_registry_user_config) + external_schema_registry_user_config = _utilities.configure(external_schema_registry_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointExternalSchemaRegistryUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["external_schema_registry_user_config"] = external_schema_registry_user_config - if jolokia_user_config is not None and not isinstance(jolokia_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointJolokiaUserConfigArgs): - jolokia_user_config = jolokia_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - jolokia_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationEndpointJolokiaUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **jolokia_user_config) + jolokia_user_config = _utilities.configure(jolokia_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointJolokiaUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["jolokia_user_config"] = jolokia_user_config if project is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'project'") __props__.__dict__["project"] = project - if prometheus_user_config is not None and not isinstance(prometheus_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointPrometheusUserConfigArgs): - prometheus_user_config = prometheus_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - prometheus_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationEndpointPrometheusUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **prometheus_user_config) + prometheus_user_config = _utilities.configure(prometheus_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointPrometheusUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["prometheus_user_config"] = prometheus_user_config - if rsyslog_user_config is not None and not isinstance(rsyslog_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointRsyslogUserConfigArgs): - rsyslog_user_config = rsyslog_user_config or {} - def _setter(key, value): - rsyslog_user_config[key] = value - ServiceIntegrationEndpointRsyslogUserConfigArgs._configure(_setter, **rsyslog_user_config) + rsyslog_user_config = _utilities.configure(rsyslog_user_config, ServiceIntegrationEndpointRsyslogUserConfigArgs, True) __props__.__dict__["rsyslog_user_config"] = rsyslog_user_config __props__.__dict__["endpoint_config"] = None super(ServiceIntegrationEndpoint, __self__).__init__( diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/static_ip.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/static_ip.py index 59d5cd617..e9fff4a28 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/static_ip.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/static_ip.py @@ -29,9 +29,17 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - cloud_name: pulumi.Input[str], - project: pulumi.Input[str], - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + cloud_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if cloud_name is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'cloud_name' argument") + if project is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'project' argument") + _setter("cloud_name", cloud_name) _setter("project", project) @@ -96,7 +104,17 @@ def _configure( service_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, state: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, static_ip_address_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if cloud_name is None and 'cloudName' in kwargs: + cloud_name = kwargs['cloudName'] + if ip_address is None and 'ipAddress' in kwargs: + ip_address = kwargs['ipAddress'] + if service_name is None and 'serviceName' in kwargs: + service_name = kwargs['serviceName'] + if static_ip_address_id is None and 'staticIpAddressId' in kwargs: + static_ip_address_id = kwargs['staticIpAddressId'] + if cloud_name is not None: _setter("cloud_name", cloud_name) if ip_address is not None: diff --git a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.py b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.py index 98e345237..edff8fedd 100644 --- a/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.py +++ b/sdk/python/pulumi_aiven/transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.py @@ -38,12 +38,32 @@ def __init__(__self__, *, @staticmethod def _configure( _setter: Callable[[Any, Any], None], - peer_cloud_account: pulumi.Input[str], - peer_vpc: pulumi.Input[str], - user_peer_network_cidrs: pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]], - vpc_id: pulumi.Input[str], + peer_cloud_account: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + peer_vpc: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, + user_peer_network_cidrs: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, + vpc_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, peer_region: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if peer_cloud_account is None and 'peerCloudAccount' in kwargs: + peer_cloud_account = kwargs['peerCloudAccount'] + if peer_cloud_account is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'peer_cloud_account' argument") + if peer_vpc is None and 'peerVpc' in kwargs: + peer_vpc = kwargs['peerVpc'] + if peer_vpc is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'peer_vpc' argument") + if user_peer_network_cidrs is None and 'userPeerNetworkCidrs' in kwargs: + user_peer_network_cidrs = kwargs['userPeerNetworkCidrs'] + if user_peer_network_cidrs is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'user_peer_network_cidrs' argument") + if vpc_id is None and 'vpcId' in kwargs: + vpc_id = kwargs['vpcId'] + if vpc_id is None: + raise TypeError("Missing 'vpc_id' argument") + if peer_region is None and 'peerRegion' in kwargs: + peer_region = kwargs['peerRegion'] + _setter("peer_cloud_account", peer_cloud_account) _setter("peer_vpc", peer_vpc) _setter("user_peer_network_cidrs", user_peer_network_cidrs) @@ -162,7 +182,23 @@ def _configure( state_info: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, Any]]] = None, user_peer_network_cidrs: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, vpc_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, - opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions]=None): + opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, + **kwargs): + if peer_cloud_account is None and 'peerCloudAccount' in kwargs: + peer_cloud_account = kwargs['peerCloudAccount'] + if peer_region is None and 'peerRegion' in kwargs: + peer_region = kwargs['peerRegion'] + if peer_vpc is None and 'peerVpc' in kwargs: + peer_vpc = kwargs['peerVpc'] + if peering_connection_id is None and 'peeringConnectionId' in kwargs: + peering_connection_id = kwargs['peeringConnectionId'] + if state_info is None and 'stateInfo' in kwargs: + state_info = kwargs['stateInfo'] + if user_peer_network_cidrs is None and 'userPeerNetworkCidrs' in kwargs: + user_peer_network_cidrs = kwargs['userPeerNetworkCidrs'] + if vpc_id is None and 'vpcId' in kwargs: + vpc_id = kwargs['vpcId'] + if peer_cloud_account is not None: _setter("peer_cloud_account", peer_cloud_account) if peer_region is not None: @@ -297,20 +333,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - attachment = aiven.TransitGatewayVpcAttachment("attachment", - vpc_id=aiven_project_vpc["bar"]["id"], - peer_cloud_account="", - peer_vpc="google-project1", - peer_region="aws-eu-west-1", - user_peer_network_cidrs=[""]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh @@ -334,20 +356,6 @@ def __init__(__self__, """ The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment resource allows the creation and management Transit Gateway VPC Attachment VPC peering connection between Aiven and AWS. - ## Example Usage - - ```python - import pulumi - import pulumi_aiven as aiven - - attachment = aiven.TransitGatewayVpcAttachment("attachment", - vpc_id=aiven_project_vpc["bar"]["id"], - peer_cloud_account="", - peer_vpc="google-project1", - peer_region="aws-eu-west-1", - user_peer_network_cidrs=[""]) - ``` - ## Import ```sh