ETL service.
Additional details will be added in the future.
Different parts of the Coronavirus dashboard service are maintained in their respective repositories, itemised as follows:
- API v.1 - Main API service for the data, lookup tables, CMS, and metadata.
- API v.2.0 - Batch downloads service [DEPRECATED in favour of v2.1]
- API v.2.1 - Batch downloads service
- Generic APIs - APIs that power the map, navigation, hierarchy, and relations
- Coronavirus Dashboard - Details pages
- Frontend Server - Home and postcode pages
- Easy-Read Server - Easy-read pages and PDF generator
- Layout CMS - Definition of contents
- Metadata - Description of metrics and textual contents
- Terraform - Infrastructure as Code [DEPRECATED in favour of ARM templates]
This service is developed and maintained by UK Health Security Agency.
Copyright (c) 2020-2021 UK Health Security Agency