- Optimized away modulo.
- Simplified area() to not use vec.cross().
- Expose project() as poly.project()
- Added some tests with a hexagon.
- Added radius() and radiusSq() which gives the radius between the centroid and the furthest away vertex.
- Added perimeter()
- Added reverse() which reverses the vertices in a polygon
- area() should always be a positive value.
- Return the modified polygon instead of the poly module for add() and close().
- Added some unit tests for area() and centroid().
- Moved break until after minIntervalDistance has been calculated.
- Fixed project() it didn't set the correct max.
- Added test for contained polygons.
- Added some sweet in-browser tests with drawn polygons. Very useful.
- Added tests for inverted polygons and static intersecting 'diamonds'.
- Got the tests to pass in both browser, testling and node.
- Changed so a distance of 0 does not mean intersect.
- Minor optimization of project() where it doesn't test the first vertex twice.
- Throws exception on non-implemented features.
- Added some basic collision tests.
- poly.collides() now optionally accepts an object to re-use for results.
- Allow for poly.aabb() to update previous aabb arrays