diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 0ca2a856c8..842c89611c 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ RUN : INSTALL APT REQUIREMENTS \
     && aws --version \
+    && gem install net-ssh -v 6.1.0 \
     && gem install \
         bcrypt_pbkdf ed25519 rake rspec_junit_formatter serverspec \
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/applications/templates/rabbitmq/03-rabbitmq.yml.j2 b/ansible/playbooks/roles/applications/templates/rabbitmq/03-rabbitmq.yml.j2
index 70886c46e8..fe8e3537da 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/applications/templates/rabbitmq/03-rabbitmq.yml.j2
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/applications/templates/rabbitmq/03-rabbitmq.yml.j2
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ data:
       ## Set to "hostname" to use pod hostnames.
       ## When this value is changed, so should the variable used to set the RABBITMQ_NODENAME
       ## environment variable.
-      cluster_formation.k8s.address_type = ip
+      cluster_formation.k8s.address_type = hostname
+      cluster_formation.k8s.hostname_suffix = .{{ rabbitmq_service_name }}.{{ namespace_name }}.svc.cluster.local
       ## How often should node cleanup checks run?
       cluster_formation.node_cleanup.interval = 30
       ## Set to false if automatic removal of unknown/absent nodes
@@ -120,9 +121,6 @@ spec:
                 fieldPath: status.podIP
           - name: RABBITMQ_USE_LONGNAME
             value: "true"
-          # See a note on cluster_formation.k8s.address_type in the config file section
-          - name: RABBITMQ_NODENAME
-            value: "rabbit@$(MY_POD_IP)"
           - name: K8S_SERVICE_NAME
             value: "{{ rabbitmq_service_name }}"
           - name: RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/elasticsearch_curator/tasks/install-es-curator-Debian.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/elasticsearch_curator/tasks/install-es-curator-Debian.yml
index fb6e332206..edc9f8a08c 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/elasticsearch_curator/tasks/install-es-curator-Debian.yml
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/elasticsearch_curator/tasks/install-es-curator-Debian.yml
@@ -5,3 +5,7 @@
     name: "elasticsearch-curator={{ curator_version }}"
     state: present
+  register: result
+  until: result is succeeded
+  retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+  delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/firewall/tasks/Debian/install-firewall.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/firewall/tasks/Debian/install-firewall.yml
index 2ef0849349..ca665fbbad 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/firewall/tasks/Debian/install-firewall.yml
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/firewall/tasks/Debian/install-firewall.yml
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
     name: ufw
     state: absent
     purge: true
+  register: result
+  until: result is succeeded
+  retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+  delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
 - name: Install firewalld package
@@ -22,6 +26,9 @@
         name: firewalld
         state: present
       register: install_firewalld
+      until: install_firewalld is succeeded
+      retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+      delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
     - name: Stop and mask service for consistency with RHEL
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/grafana/tasks/install-packages-Debian.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/grafana/tasks/install-packages-Debian.yml
index dba83b1888..e985ae458f 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/grafana/tasks/install-packages-Debian.yml
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/grafana/tasks/install-packages-Debian.yml
@@ -3,3 +3,7 @@
     name: "{{ _package_name }}"
     state: present
+  register: result
+  until: result is succeeded
+  retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+  delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/haproxy_runc/tasks/install-packages-Debian.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/haproxy_runc/tasks/install-packages-Debian.yml
index 20a95056a5..e328e57801 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/haproxy_runc/tasks/install-packages-Debian.yml
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/haproxy_runc/tasks/install-packages-Debian.yml
@@ -6,3 +6,7 @@
       - containerd.io={{ containerd_defaults.containerd_version }}-*  # provides "runc"
     state: present
     allow_downgrade: true
+  register: result
+  until: result is succeeded
+  retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+  delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/postgres_exporter/tasks/main.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/postgres_exporter/tasks/main.yml
index 0cbc959e98..4c7736ecca 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/postgres_exporter/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/postgres_exporter/tasks/main.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
     state: present
     install_recommends: no
   when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
+  register: result
+  until: result is succeeded
+  retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+  delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
 - name: Create postgres_exporter system group
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/postgresql/templates/postgresql.conf.j2 b/ansible/playbooks/roles/postgresql/templates/postgresql.conf.j2
index 6dc1df10b5..e919dca5a3 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/postgresql/templates/postgresql.conf.j2
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/postgresql/templates/postgresql.conf.j2
@@ -772,6 +772,7 @@ default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'
 #include_if_exists = '...'		# include file only if it exists
 #include = '...'			# include file
 include = 'postgresql-epiphany.conf'	# Epiphany managed configuration that overrides settings above
+include_if_exists = '{{ specification.custom_postgresql_config }}'
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/rabbitmq/tasks/install-packages-debian.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/rabbitmq/tasks/install-packages-debian.yml
index bd53f5e313..6906895643 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/rabbitmq/tasks/install-packages-debian.yml
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/rabbitmq/tasks/install-packages-debian.yml
@@ -24,3 +24,7 @@
       - rabbitmq-server={{ versions.debian.rabbitmq }}
     update_cache: true
     state: present
+  register: result
+  until: result is succeeded
+  retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+  delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/repository/tasks/Debian/setup.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/repository/tasks/Debian/setup.yml
index e512e51137..71c755fcc7 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/repository/tasks/Debian/setup.yml
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/repository/tasks/Debian/setup.yml
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
           - apache2
           - libdpkg-perl  # required by dpkg-scanpackages script
         cache_valid_time: 3600  # 1 h
+      register: result
+      until: result is succeeded
+      retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+      delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
       when: not offline_mode
     - name: Create epirepo repository
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/kubernetes/Debian/install-kubeadm.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/kubernetes/Debian/install-kubeadm.yml
index 729b157438..ca83b9ec24 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/kubernetes/Debian/install-kubeadm.yml
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/kubernetes/Debian/install-kubeadm.yml
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@
         packages_to_install_with_version: >-
           {{ packages_to_install.items() | map('join', '=') | list }}
+      register: result
+      until: result is succeeded
+      retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+      delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
     - name: K8s/install | Include hold packages task
       include_tasks: hold-packages.yml
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/kubernetes/Debian/install-packages.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/kubernetes/Debian/install-packages.yml
index b6bb7d7d63..68fd788aea 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/kubernetes/Debian/install-packages.yml
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/kubernetes/Debian/install-packages.yml
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
 - name: Install K8s packages
   when: packages_to_install_or_upgrade | length
      or packages_to_downgrade | length
+  register: result
+  until: result is succeeded
+  retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+  delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
       kubeadm: "{{ version }}-00" # kubeadm may be removed as dependency and then has to be reinstalled
@@ -52,6 +56,10 @@
         name: "{{ packages_to_downgrade }}"
         state: absent
+      register: result
+      until: result is succeeded
+      retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+      delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
       when: packages_to_downgrade | length
     - name: "K8s/install | Install packages: {{ packages_to_install_with_version | join( ', ' ) }}"
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/legacy-haproxy/Debian/uninstall-haproxy.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/legacy-haproxy/Debian/uninstall-haproxy.yml
index ba744a5124..b0d235aff2 100644
--- a/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/legacy-haproxy/Debian/uninstall-haproxy.yml
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/upgrade/tasks/legacy-haproxy/Debian/uninstall-haproxy.yml
@@ -4,3 +4,7 @@
     name: haproxy
     update_cache: true
     state: absent
+  register: result
+  until: result is succeeded
+  retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+  delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
diff --git a/ci/ansible/playbooks/os/ubuntu/upgrade-release.yml b/ci/ansible/playbooks/os/ubuntu/upgrade-release.yml
index 6002cc0138..cf3526b91b 100644
--- a/ci/ansible/playbooks/os/ubuntu/upgrade-release.yml
+++ b/ci/ansible/playbooks/os/ubuntu/upgrade-release.yml
@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@
         - name: Install all updates
             upgrade: safe  # equivalent of 'apt upgrade'
+          register: result
+          until: result is succeeded
+          retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+          delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
         # 4) Reboot the system (to use the latest kernel)
@@ -85,6 +89,10 @@
             autoremove: true
             purge: true
+          register: result
+          until: result is succeeded
+          retries: "{{ specification.retries }}"
+          delay: "{{ specification.delay }}"
         # 6) Upgrade OS release
diff --git a/ci/pipelines/linters.yaml b/ci/pipelines/linters.yaml
index 78d6ef7361..fb2bc1d5ac 100755
--- a/ci/pipelines/linters.yaml
+++ b/ci/pipelines/linters.yaml
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
-  branches:
-    include:
-      - develop
-  branches:
-    include:
-      - develop
-  name: $(agentPoolName)
-  ansible_lint_error_threshold: 338
-  pylint_score_cli_threshold: 9.41
-  pylint_score_tests_threshold: 9.78
-  rubocop_linter_threshold: 183
-  - job: Run_linters
-    displayName: Run linters
-    steps:
-      - task: UsePythonVersion@0
-        displayName: Use Python 3.10
-        # To be compatible with the epicli's parent image (python:3.10-slim).
-        inputs:
-          versionSpec: 3.10
-      - task: Bash@3
-        displayName: Install Ansible Lint and its dependencies
-        # Installing Ansible 5.2.0 to be compatible with the epicli image.
-        inputs:
-          targetType: inline
-          script: |
-            python3 -m pip install --upgrade ansible==6.2.0 ansible-lint==6.5.0 ansible-lint-junit==0.16 lxml pip setuptools
-      - task: Bash@3
-        displayName: Run Ansible Lint
-        inputs:
-          targetType: inline
-          script: |
-            set -e
-            if ansible-lint -p ansible --show-relpath --nocolor 1> ansible_lint_stdout 2> ansible_lint_stderr \
-            || grep 'violation(s) that are fatal' ansible_lint_stderr; then
-              # Suppress the next line when the "load-failure" bug in ansible-lint is solved
-              # https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/issues/2217
-              sed -i '/load-failure/d' ansible_lint_stdout
-              error_count=$(wc -l < ansible_lint_stdout)
-              # Convert to junit
-              ansible-lint-junit ansible_lint_stdout -o ansible_lint_output.xml
-              test $error_count -le $(ansible_lint_error_threshold)
-            else
-              exit 1
-            fi
-      - task: PublishTestResults@2
-        displayName: Publish Ansible Lint test results
-        inputs:
-          testResultsFiles: ansible_lint_output.xml
-          searchFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
-          testRunTitle: Ansible Lint test results
-      - task: Bash@3
-        displayName: Install Pylint and its dependencies
-        inputs:
-          targetType: inline
-          script: |
-            # epicli deps: click
-            python3 -m pip install --upgrade pylint pylint-fail-under pylint-junit \
-                                             click
-      - task: Bash@3
-        displayName: Run Pylint on CLI code
-        inputs:
-          targetType: inline
-          script: |
-            python3 -m pylint ./cli \
-            --rcfile .pylintrc \
-            --fail-under=$(pylint_score_cli_threshold) \
-            --output cli_code_results.xml
-      - task: PublishTestResults@2
-        displayName: Publish Pylint test results for CLI Code
-        inputs:
-          testResultsFiles: cli_code_results.xml
-          searchFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
-          testRunTitle: Pylint test results for CLI Code
-      - task: Bash@3
-        displayName: Run Pylint on test code
-        inputs:
-          targetType: inline
-          script: |
-            python3 -m pylint ./tests \
-            --rcfile .pylintrc \
-            --fail-under=$(pylint_score_tests_threshold) \
-            --output test_code_results.xml \
-            --disable=F0401 # Disable import-error checking
-      - task: PublishTestResults@2
-        displayName: Publish Pylint test results for test code
-        inputs:
-          testResultsFiles: test_code_results.xml
-          searchFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
-          testRunTitle: Pylint test results for test code
-      - task: Bash@3
-        displayName: Install Rubocop and its dependencies
-        inputs:
-          targetType: inline
-          script: |
-            set -e
-            apt-get -y update
-            apt-get -y install rubygems
-            gem install rubocop-ast:1.17.0 rubocop:1.28.2 rubocop-junit_formatter
-      - task: Bash@3
-        displayName: Run Rubocop linter on test code
-        inputs:
-          targetType: inline
-          script: |
-            rubocop ./tests \
-            -c .rubocop.yml \
-            --require rubocop/formatter/junit_formatter \
-            --format RuboCop::Formatter::JUnitFormatter \
-            --out rubocop_results.xml \
-            --fail-level error
-      - task: Bash@3
-        displayName: Assert number of linter failures
-        inputs:
-          targetType: inline
-          script: |
-            set -e
-            # Fetch number of detected failures from results file, then test if it does not exceed the declared threshold
-            # rubocop_linter_threshold is set based on latest linter results performed after code cleaning
-            detected_failures=$( \
-              grep --only-matching 'failures=.[0-9]*.' rubocop_results.xml | \
-              grep --only-matching '[0-9]*')
-            echo "Number of detected failures: $detected_failures"
-            echo "Failures threshold value: $(rubocop_linter_threshold)"
-            test $detected_failures -le $(rubocop_linter_threshold)
-      - task: PublishTestResults@2
-        displayName: Publish Rubocop linting test results
-        inputs:
-          testResultsFiles: rubocop_results.xml
-          searchFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
-          testRunTitle: Rubocop linting test results
+  branches:
+    include:
+      - develop
+  branches:
+    include:
+      - develop
+  name: $(agentPoolName)
+  ansible_lint_error_threshold: 338
+  pylint_score_cli_threshold: 9.41
+  pylint_score_tests_threshold: 9.78
+  rubocop_linter_threshold: 183
+  - job: Run_linters
+    displayName: Run linters
+    steps:
+      - task: UsePythonVersion@0
+        displayName: Use Python 3.10
+        # To be compatible with the epicli's parent image (python:3.10-slim).
+        inputs:
+          versionSpec: 3.10
+      - task: Bash@3
+        displayName: Install Ansible Lint and its dependencies
+        # Installing Ansible 5.2.0 to be compatible with the epicli image.
+        inputs:
+          targetType: inline
+          script: |
+            python3 -m pip install --upgrade ansible==6.2.0 ansible-compat==3.* ansible-lint==6.5.0 ansible-lint-junit==0.16 lxml pip setuptools
+      - task: Bash@3
+        displayName: Run Ansible Lint
+        inputs:
+          targetType: inline
+          script: |
+            set -e
+            if ansible-lint -p ansible --show-relpath --nocolor 1> ansible_lint_stdout 2> ansible_lint_stderr \
+            || grep 'violation(s) that are fatal' ansible_lint_stderr; then
+              # Suppress the next line when the "load-failure" bug in ansible-lint is solved
+              # https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/issues/2217
+              sed -i '/load-failure/d' ansible_lint_stdout
+              error_count=$(wc -l < ansible_lint_stdout)
+              # Convert to junit
+              ansible-lint-junit ansible_lint_stdout -o ansible_lint_output.xml
+              test $error_count -le $(ansible_lint_error_threshold)
+            else
+              exit 1
+            fi
+      - task: PublishTestResults@2
+        displayName: Publish Ansible Lint test results
+        inputs:
+          testResultsFiles: ansible_lint_output.xml
+          searchFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
+          testRunTitle: Ansible Lint test results
+      - task: Bash@3
+        displayName: Install Pylint and its dependencies
+        inputs:
+          targetType: inline
+          script: |
+            # epicli deps: click
+            python3 -m pip install --upgrade pylint==2.* pylint-fail-under pylint-junit \
+                                             click
+      - task: Bash@3
+        displayName: Run Pylint on CLI code
+        inputs:
+          targetType: inline
+          script: |
+            python3 -m pylint ./cli \
+            --rcfile .pylintrc \
+            --fail-under=$(pylint_score_cli_threshold) \
+            --output cli_code_results.xml
+      - task: PublishTestResults@2
+        displayName: Publish Pylint test results for CLI Code
+        inputs:
+          testResultsFiles: cli_code_results.xml
+          searchFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
+          testRunTitle: Pylint test results for CLI Code
+      - task: Bash@3
+        displayName: Run Pylint on test code
+        inputs:
+          targetType: inline
+          script: |
+            python3 -m pylint ./tests \
+            --rcfile .pylintrc \
+            --fail-under=$(pylint_score_tests_threshold) \
+            --output test_code_results.xml \
+            --disable=F0401 # Disable import-error checking
+      - task: PublishTestResults@2
+        displayName: Publish Pylint test results for test code
+        inputs:
+          testResultsFiles: test_code_results.xml
+          searchFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
+          testRunTitle: Pylint test results for test code
+      - task: Bash@3
+        displayName: Install Rubocop and its dependencies
+        inputs:
+          targetType: inline
+          script: |
+            set -e
+            apt-get -y update
+            apt-get -y install rubygems
+            gem install rubocop-ast:1.17.0 rubocop:1.28.2 rubocop-junit_formatter
+      - task: Bash@3
+        displayName: Run Rubocop linter on test code
+        inputs:
+          targetType: inline
+          script: |
+            rubocop ./tests \
+            -c .rubocop.yml \
+            --require rubocop/formatter/junit_formatter \
+            --format RuboCop::Formatter::JUnitFormatter \
+            --out rubocop_results.xml \
+            --fail-level error
+      - task: Bash@3
+        displayName: Assert number of linter failures
+        inputs:
+          targetType: inline
+          script: |
+            set -e
+            # Fetch number of detected failures from results file, then test if it does not exceed the declared threshold
+            # rubocop_linter_threshold is set based on latest linter results performed after code cleaning
+            detected_failures=$( \
+              grep --only-matching 'failures=.[0-9]*.' rubocop_results.xml | \
+              grep --only-matching '[0-9]*')
+            echo "Number of detected failures: $detected_failures"
+            echo "Failures threshold value: $(rubocop_linter_threshold)"
+            test $detected_failures -le $(rubocop_linter_threshold)
+      - task: PublishTestResults@2
+        displayName: Publish Rubocop linting test results
+        inputs:
+          testResultsFiles: rubocop_results.xml
+          searchFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
+          testRunTitle: Rubocop linting test results
diff --git a/docs/changelogs/CHANGELOG-2.0.md b/docs/changelogs/CHANGELOG-2.0.md
index e55f60b7b3..715224b562 100644
--- a/docs/changelogs/CHANGELOG-2.0.md
+++ b/docs/changelogs/CHANGELOG-2.0.md
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 <!-- markdownlint-disable-file no-duplicate-header -->
 # Changelog 2.0
+## [2.0.10] 2023-11-03
+### Added
+- [#3408](https://github.com/hitachienergy/epiphany/issues/3408) - Apply changes made by the Lumada team
 ## [2.0.9] 2023-10-19
 ### Updated
diff --git a/docs/home/howto/DATABASES.md b/docs/home/howto/DATABASES.md
index d96ec8473c..4fd1840e37 100644
--- a/docs/home/howto/DATABASES.md
+++ b/docs/home/howto/DATABASES.md
@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ specification:
           value: 10
           comment: maximum number of simultaneously running WAL sender processes
           when: replication
+        - name: max_replication_slots
+          value: 10
+          comment: maximum number of replication slots that a server can support
+          when: replication
         - name: wal_keep_size
           value: 500
           comment: the size of WAL files held for standby servers (MB)
diff --git a/docs/home/howto/MODULES.md b/docs/home/howto/MODULES.md
index b6607edaee..418e197e7e 100644
--- a/docs/home/howto/MODULES.md
+++ b/docs/home/howto/MODULES.md
@@ -211,6 +211,10 @@ AWS:
                   value: 10
                   comment: maximum number of simultaneously running WAL sender processes
                   when: replication
+                - name: max_replication_slots
+                  value: 10
+                  comment: maximum number of replication slots that a server can support
+                  when: replication
                 - name: wal_keep_segments
                   value: 34
                   comment: number of WAL files held for standby servers
diff --git a/schema/common/defaults/configuration/keycloak.yml b/schema/common/defaults/configuration/keycloak.yml
index ef07688eb0..f604888d76 100644
--- a/schema/common/defaults/configuration/keycloak.yml
+++ b/schema/common/defaults/configuration/keycloak.yml
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ specification:
       # - '--spi-events-listener-jboss-logging-success-level=info'  # enable successful events in logs
     extraEnv: |-
-      {%- raw -%}
+      {%- raw %}
       - name: KEYCLOAK_ADMIN
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ specification:
     # Pod affinity
     affinity: |-
-      {%- raw -%}
+      {%- raw %}
           - labelSelector:
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ specification:
     # Probes configuration based on https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/19.0/operator/src/main/java/org/keycloak/operator/controllers/KeycloakDeployment.java
     livenessProbe: |-
-      {%- raw -%}
+      {%- raw %}
           - curl
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ specification:
       failureThreshold: 15
     readinessProbe: |-
-      {%- raw -%}
+      {%- raw %}
           - curl
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ specification:
       failureThreshold: 15
     startupProbe: |-
-      {%- raw -%}
+      {%- raw %}
           - curl
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ specification:
         type: kubernetes.io/tls
           ca.crt: |-
-            {%- raw -%}
+            {%- raw %}
             {{- $ca := genCA "epiphany-keycloak-ca" 3650 }}
             {{- $_ := set $.Values "_shared" dict }}
             {{- $_ := set $.Values._shared "ca" $ca }}
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ specification:
             {{- $caCert -}}
             {%- endraw %}
           tls.crt: |-
-            {%- raw -%}
+            {%- raw %}
             {{- $altNames := list "keycloak-0.keycloak-headless.keycloak.svc.cluster.local" "keycloak-0.keycloak-headless.keycloak" "keycloak-0.keycloak-headless" "keycloak-0" "keycloak-1.keycloak-headless.keycloak.svc.cluster.local" "keycloak-1.keycloak-headless.keycloak" "keycloak-1.keycloak-headless" "keycloak-1" "keycloak-headless.keycloak.svc.cluster.local" "keycloak-headless.keycloak" "keycloak-headless" "keycloak-http.keycloak.svc.cluster.local" "keycloak-http.keycloak" "keycloak-http" }}
             {{- $crt := genSignedCert "keycloak-http.keycloak.svc.cluster.local" nil $altNames 3650 $.Values._shared.ca }}
             {{- $_ := set $.Values._shared "crt" $crt }}
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ specification:
             {{- $tlsCert -}}
             {%- endraw %}
           tls.key: |-
-            {%- raw -%}
+            {%- raw %}
             {{- $tlsKey := $.Values._shared.crt.Key }}
             {{- $secret := (lookup "v1" "Secret" .Release.Namespace (printf "%s-%s" (include "keycloak.fullname" .) "tls-certs")) }}
             {{- if $secret }}
diff --git a/schema/common/defaults/configuration/postgresql.yml b/schema/common/defaults/configuration/postgresql.yml
index 0e90e8c020..afc6ab0c33 100644
--- a/schema/common/defaults/configuration/postgresql.yml
+++ b/schema/common/defaults/configuration/postgresql.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ kind: configuration/postgresql
 title: PostgreSQL
 name: default
+  custom_postgresql_config: ''  # leave it empty to use postgresql-epiphany.conf
diff --git a/schema/common/defaults/configuration/shared-config.yml b/schema/common/defaults/configuration/shared-config.yml
index e127bfdc90..3b41e79f86 100644
--- a/schema/common/defaults/configuration/shared-config.yml
+++ b/schema/common/defaults/configuration/shared-config.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ kind: configuration/shared-config
 title: "Shared configuration that will be visible to all roles"
 name: default
-  custom_repository_url: '' # leave it empty to use local repository or provide url to your repo
-  custom_image_registry_address: '' # leave it empty to use local registry or provide address of your registry (hostname:port). This registry will be used to populate K8s control plane and should contain all required images.
-  download_directory: /tmp # directory where files and images will be stored just before installing/loading
-  vault_location: '' # if empty "BUILD DIRECTORY/vault" will be used
+  custom_image_registry_address: ''  # leave it empty to use local registry or provide address of your registry (hostname:port). This registry will be used to populate K8s control plane and should contain all required images.
+  custom_repository_url: ''  # leave it empty to use local repository or provide url to your repo
+  delay: 30  # time between retries when task fails
+  download_directory: /tmp  # directory where files and images will be stored just before installing/loading
+  promote_to_ha: false
+  retries: 60  # used for custom retries count when task fails
+  use_ha_control_plane: false
+  vault_location: ''  # if empty "BUILD DIRECTORY/vault" will be used
   vault_tmp_file_location: SET_BY_AUTOMATION
-  use_ha_control_plane: False
-  promote_to_ha: False
diff --git a/schema/common/validation/configuration/postgresql.yml b/schema/common/validation/configuration/postgresql.yml
index 6e2ef5f130..aec8a23e24 100644
--- a/schema/common/validation/configuration/postgresql.yml
+++ b/schema/common/validation/configuration/postgresql.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ title: "Postgresql specification schema"
 description: "Postgresql specification schema"
 type: object
+  custom_postgresql_config:
+    type: string
     type: object
diff --git a/schema/common/validation/configuration/shared-config.yml b/schema/common/validation/configuration/shared-config.yml
index 908861f488..d42eb0af85 100644
--- a/schema/common/validation/configuration/shared-config.yml
+++ b/schema/common/validation/configuration/shared-config.yml
@@ -4,17 +4,21 @@ title: "Shared-config specification schema"
 description: "Shared-config specification schema"
 type: object
-  custom_repository_url:
-    type: string
     type: string
+  custom_repository_url:
+    type: string
+  delay:
+    type: integer
     type: string
+  promote_to_ha:
+    type: boolean
+  retries:
+    type: integer
+  use_ha_control_plane:
+    type: boolean
     type: string
     type: string
-  use_ha_control_plane:
-    type: boolean
-  promote_to_ha:
-    type: boolean
diff --git a/tests/spec/spec/postgresql/postgresql_spec.rb b/tests/spec/spec/postgresql/postgresql_spec.rb
index 7aa270b74d..7723cb4a07 100644
--- a/tests/spec/spec/postgresql/postgresql_spec.rb
+++ b/tests/spec/spec/postgresql/postgresql_spec.rb
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@
 max_wal_senders =      config_docs[:postgresql]['specification']['config_file']['parameter_groups'].detect do |i|
   i['name'] == 'REPLICATION'
 end ['subgroups'].detect { |i| i['name'] == 'Sending Server(s)' }['parameters'].detect { |i| i['name'] == 'max_wal_senders' }['value']
+max_replication_slots = config_docs[:postgresql]['specification']['config_file']['parameter_groups'].detect do |i|
+  i['name'] == 'REPLICATION'
+end ['subgroups'].detect { |i| i['name'] == 'Sending Server(s)' }['parameters'].detect { |i| i['name'] == 'max_replication_slots' }['value']
 pgaudit_enabled = config_docs[:postgresql]['specification']['extensions']['pgaudit']['enabled']
 spec_doc = if upgradeRun?
@@ -341,6 +345,10 @@ def queryForDropping
           its(:stdout) { should match(/^max_wal_senders = #{max_wal_senders}/) }
           its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
+        describe command('cat /var/lib/pgsql/13/data/postgresql-epiphany.conf | grep max_replication_slots') do
+          its(:stdout) { should match(/^max_replication_slots = #{max_replication_slots}/) }
+          its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
+        end
         describe command('cat /var/lib/pgsql/13/data/postgresql-epiphany.conf | grep wal_keep_size') do
           its(:stdout) { should match(/^wal_keep_size = #{wal_keep_size}/) }
           its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
@@ -367,6 +375,10 @@ def queryForDropping
           its(:stdout) { should match(/^max_wal_senders = #{max_wal_senders}/) }
           its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
+        describe command('cat /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql-epiphany.conf | grep max_replication_slots') do
+          its(:stdout) { should match(/^max_replication_slots = #{max_replication_slots}/) }
+          its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
+        end
         describe command('cat /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql-epiphany.conf | grep wal_keep_size') do
           its(:stdout) { should match(/^wal_keep_size = #{wal_keep_size}/) }
           its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }