This is the artifact of the paper "Translation Validation for JIT Compiler in the V8 JavaScript Engine" to appear in ICSE 2024. The paper presents TurboTV, the first SMT-based translation validation tool for the TurboFan engine of V8.
To run the experiments in the paper, we used a 64-core (Intel Xeon Processor Gold 6226R, 2.90 GHz) machine with 512 GB of RAM and Ubuntu 22.04. We recommend running the experiments with at least a 16-core machine with 32 GB of RAM.
We provide the artifact as a Docker image. To launch the Turbo-TV Docker image, run the following commands:
docker pull prosyslab/turbo-tv
docker run -it --privileged prosyslab/turbo-tv
The artifact implementation is at /home/user/turbo-tv-exp
Most of the experiments take a long time. For convenience, all the data obtained from the instructions below are already shipped in the Docker image.
├─ <- This file
├─ turbo-tv <- Main implementation
├─ exp <- Script for experiments
├─ benchmarks <- Benchmarks
│ ├─ unit-js
│ ├─ corpus
│ ├─ unit-llvm
│ └─ ...
├─ fuzzilli <- Validation corpus generator implemented on Fuzzilli
├─ d8s <- d8 builds for each TurboFan bugs
│ ├─ 1126249
│ ├─ 1198705
│ └─ ...
├─ eval <- Evaluation results. Counterexamples list in here.
├─ workbenchs <- Workbenchs for reproduced evaluation. All the data is already in here.
│ ├─ workbench-corpus
│ ├─ workbench-unitjs
│ └─ ...
├─ issues <- Build configuration and PoC for each TurboFan bugs
We provide a script for easy use of Turbo-TV. The script helps Turbo-TV to receive the js files and perform Translation Validation. The script works in a pyenv environment.
$ pyenv activate turbo-tv
(turbo-tv) $./exp v8 --select --issue 1199345 # switch v8 for issue #1199345
(turbo-tv) $./exp turbo-tv --check-ub issues/1199345/1199345.js # Check UB
(turbo-tv) $./exp turbo-tv --check-eq issues/1199345/1199345.js # Check EQ
The EQ check output would be as follows:
====================[Check EQ of js(s) in target dir]====================
[1] Emit reductions
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 4.40it/s]
[2] Check EQ
/home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/1: O
/home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/3: O
/home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/4: O
/home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/5: O
/home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/8: O
/home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/9: O
/home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/10: O
/home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/6: O
/home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/7: O
/home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/2: X
c.e. => /home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/2.ce
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████| 10/10 [00:01<00:00, 6.50it/s]
EQ check done. Elapsed(s): 1.5940730571746826
Avg Elapsed(s): 0.15940730571746825
c.e. => /home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/2.ce indicates that the counter-example is saved at /home/user/turbo-tv-exp/workbench/1199345/2.ce
. You can find the following counter-example there.
Result: Not Verified
Parameter[0]: TaggedSigned(0)
Parameter[1]: TaggedSigned(865386496)
State of src
#0:NumberConstant(0) [Range (0.000000, 0.000000)] =>
Value: TaggedSigned(0)
ControlToken: false
UB: false
Deopt: false
#1:NumberConstant(-0) [MinusZero] =>
Value: Float64(-0.0)
ControlToken: false
UB: false
Deopt: false
#2:Start() [Internal] =>
Value: empty
ControlToken: true
UB: false
Deopt: false
The following commands run Turbo-TV to reproduce experiments in the paper.
RQ1. Precision and Scalability of TurboTV
Precision: Effectiveness of TurboTV in discovering known bugs. (Table 1)
(turbo-tv) $./exp eval --precision
Scalability: Effectiveness of TurboTV for a large set of JS programs. (Table 2)
(turbo-tv) $./exp eval --scalability
RQ2. Effectiveness of Cross-Language TV
Effectiveness of cross-language TV for unit tests in LLVM. (Table 2)
(turbo-tv) $./exp eval --cross-validation
RQ3. Fuzzer Overhead The following command will augment and validate the corpus already been created.
./exp eval --overhead --corpus benchmarks/corpus-overhead/
For convenience, we provide a command to generate a corpus from scratch. For example, the following command generates random JS files for 10 seconds and measures overhead on the generated corpus
./exp eval --overhead --timeout 10