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ifDescr and ifAlias should be included as labels #215

ghost opened this issue Aug 11, 2017 · 8 comments

ifDescr and ifAlias should be included as labels #215

ghost opened this issue Aug 11, 2017 · 8 comments


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ghost commented Aug 11, 2017

ifDescr and ifAlias are provided as metrics/pdus. This data should be correlated and added as labels to all metrics.

I have a new collector.go that implements this functionality.

import (



var (
	snmpUnexpectedPduType = prometheus.NewCounter(
			Name: "snmp_unexpected_pdu_type_total",
			Help: "Unexpected Go types in a PDU.",

	ifDescrs = make(map[string]string)
	ifAliases = make(map[string]string)

func init() {

func oidToList(oid string) []int {
	result := []int{}
	for _, x := range strings.Split(oid, ".") {
		o, _ := strconv.Atoi(x)
		result = append(result, o)
	return result

func ScrapeTarget(target string, config *config.Module) ([]gosnmp.SnmpPDU, error) {
	// Set the options.
	snmp := gosnmp.GoSNMP{}
	snmp.MaxRepetitions = config.WalkParams.MaxRepetitions
	// User specifies timeout of each retry attempt but GoSNMP expects total timeout for all attemtps.
	snmp.Retries = config.WalkParams.Retries
	snmp.Timeout = config.WalkParams.Timeout * time.Duration(snmp.Retries)

	snmp.Target = target
	snmp.Port = 161
	if host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(target); err == nil {
		snmp.Target = host
		p, err := strconv.Atoi(port)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error converting port number to int for target %s: %s", target, err)
		snmp.Port = uint16(p)

	// Configure auth.

	// Do the actual walk.
	err := snmp.Connect()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error connecting to target %s: %s", target, err)
	defer snmp.Conn.Close()

	result := []gosnmp.SnmpPDU{}
	for _, subtree := range config.Walk {
		var pdus []gosnmp.SnmpPDU
		log.Debugf("Walking target %q subtree %q", snmp.Target, subtree)
		walkStart := time.Now()
		if snmp.Version == gosnmp.Version1 {
			pdus, err = snmp.WalkAll(subtree)
		} else {
			pdus, err = snmp.BulkWalkAll(subtree)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error walking target %s: %s", snmp.Target, err)
		} else {
			log.Debugf("Walk of target %q subtree %q completed in %s", snmp.Target, subtree, time.Since(walkStart))
		result = append(result, pdus...)
	return result, nil

type MetricNode struct {
	metric *config.Metric

	children map[int]*MetricNode

// Build a tree of metrics from the config, for fast lookup when there's lots of them.
func buildMetricTree(metrics []*config.Metric) *MetricNode {
	metricTree := &MetricNode{children: map[int]*MetricNode{}}
	for _, metric := range metrics {
		head := metricTree
		for _, o := range oidToList(metric.Oid) {
			_, ok := head.children[o]
			if !ok {
				head.children[o] = &MetricNode{children: map[int]*MetricNode{}}
			head = head.children[o]
		head.metric = metric
	return metricTree

type collector struct {
	target string
	module *config.Module

// Describe implements Prometheus.Collector.
func (c collector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
	ch <- prometheus.NewDesc("dummy", "dummy", nil, nil)

// Collect implements Prometheus.Collector.
func (c collector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
	start := time.Now()
	pdus, err := ScrapeTarget(, c.module)
	if err != nil {
		log.Infof("Error scraping target %s: %s",, err)
		ch <- prometheus.NewInvalidMetric(prometheus.NewDesc("snmp_error", "Error scraping target", nil, nil), err)
	ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
		prometheus.NewDesc("snmp_scrape_walk_duration_seconds", "Time SNMP walk/bulkwalk took.", nil, nil),
	ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
		prometheus.NewDesc("snmp_scrape_pdus_returned", "PDUs returned from walk.", nil, nil),
	oidToPdu := make(map[string]gosnmp.SnmpPDU, len(pdus))
	for _, pdu := range pdus {
		oidToPdu[pdu.Name[1:]] = pdu

	metricTree := buildMetricTree(c.module.Metrics)
	// Collect ifDescr and ifAlias
	for oid, pdu := range oidToPdu {
		head := metricTree
		oidList := oidToList(oid)
		for i, o := range oidList {
			var ok bool
			head, ok = head.children[o]
			if !ok {
				continue DescrLoop
			if head.metric != nil {
				// Found a match.
				pduToMeta(oidList[i+1:], &pdu, head.metric, oidToPdu)
	// Look for metrics that match each pdu.
	for oid, pdu := range oidToPdu {
		head := metricTree
		oidList := oidToList(oid)
		for i, o := range oidList {
			var ok bool
			head, ok = head.children[o]
			if !ok {
				continue PduLoop
			if head.metric != nil {
				// Found a match.
				ch <- pduToSample(oidList[i+1:], &pdu, head.metric, oidToPdu)
	ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
		prometheus.NewDesc("snmp_scrape_duration_seconds", "Total SNMP time scrape took (walk and processing).", nil, nil),

func getPduValue(pdu *gosnmp.SnmpPDU) float64 {
	switch pdu.Type {
	case gosnmp.Counter64:
		return float64(gosnmp.ToBigInt(pdu.Value).Uint64())
		return float64(gosnmp.ToBigInt(pdu.Value).Int64())

// Collect ifAlias and ifDescr values for correlation to other metrics
func pduToMeta(indexOids []int, pdu *gosnmp.SnmpPDU, metric *config.Metric, oidToPdu map[string]gosnmp.SnmpPDU) {
	labels := indexesToLabels(indexOids, metric, oidToPdu)

	ifIndex := ""
	for k, v := range labels {
		// Store the value of ifIndex to reference meta data from other pdus
		if k == "ifIndex" {
			ifIndex = v

	if metric.Name == "ifAlias" {
		ifAliases[ifIndex] = pduValueAsString(pdu, metric.Type)
	} else if metric.Name == "ifDescr" {
    ifDescrs[ifIndex] = pduValueAsString(pdu, metric.Type)

func pduToSample(indexOids []int, pdu *gosnmp.SnmpPDU, metric *config.Metric, oidToPdu map[string]gosnmp.SnmpPDU) prometheus.Metric {
	// The part of the OID that is the indexes.
	labels := indexesToLabels(indexOids, metric, oidToPdu)

	value := getPduValue(pdu)
	t := prometheus.UntypedValue
	stringType := false

	switch metric.Type {
	case "counter":
		t = prometheus.CounterValue
	case "gauge":
		t = prometheus.GaugeValue
		// It's some form of string.
		t = prometheus.GaugeValue
		value = 1.0
		stringType = true

	labelnames := make([]string, 0, len(labels)+1)
	labelvalues := make([]string, 0, len(labels)+1)

	ifIndex := ""
	for k, v := range labels {
		// Store the value of ifIndex to reference meta data from other pdus
		if k == "ifIndex" {
			ifIndex = v

		labelnames = append(labelnames, k)
		labelvalues = append(labelvalues, v)
	// For strings we put the value as a label with the same name as the metric.
	// If the name is already an index, we do not need to set it again.
	if stringType {
		if _, ok := labels[metric.Name]; !ok {
			labelnames = append(labelnames, metric.Name)
			labelvalues = append(labelvalues, pduValueAsString(pdu, metric.Type))

	if len(ifIndex) > 0 && metric.Name != "ifAlias" {
		if val, ok := ifAliases[ifIndex]; ok {
			labelnames = append(labelnames, "ifAlias")
			labelvalues = append(labelvalues, val)
		} else {
			labelnames = append(labelnames, "ifAlias")
			labelvalues = append(labelvalues, "")
	if len(ifIndex) > 0 && metric.Name != "ifDescr" {
		if val, ok := ifDescrs[ifIndex]; ok {
			labelnames = append(labelnames, "ifDescr")
			labelvalues = append(labelvalues, val)
		} else {
			labelnames = append(labelnames, "ifDescr")
			labelvalues = append(labelvalues, "")

	return prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(prometheus.NewDesc(metric.Name, metric.Help, labelnames, nil),
		t, value, labelvalues...)

// Right pad oid with zeros, and split at the given point.
// Some routers exclude trailing 0s in responses.
func splitOid(oid []int, count int) ([]int, []int) {
	head := make([]int, count)
	tail := []int{}
	for i, v := range oid {
		if i < count {
			head[i] = v
		} else {
			tail = append(tail, v)
	return head, tail

// This mirrors decodeValue in gosnmp's helper.go.
func pduValueAsString(pdu *gosnmp.SnmpPDU, typ string) string {
	switch pdu.Value.(type) {
	case int:
		return strconv.Itoa(pdu.Value.(int))
	case uint:
		return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(pdu.Value.(uint)), 10)
	case uint64:
		return strconv.FormatUint(pdu.Value.(uint64), 10)
	case string:
		if pdu.Type == gosnmp.ObjectIdentifier {
			// Trim leading period.
			return pdu.Value.(string)[1:]
		// DisplayString
		return pdu.Value.(string)
	case []byte:
		if typ == "" {
			typ = "OctetString"
		// Reuse the OID index parsing code.
		parts := make([]int, len(pdu.Value.([]byte)))
		for i, o := range pdu.Value.([]byte) {
			parts[i] = int(o)
		if typ == "OctetString" || typ == "DisplayString" {
			// Prepend the length, as it is explicit in an index.
			parts = append([]int{len(pdu.Value.([]byte))}, parts...)
		str, _, _ := indexOidsAsString(parts, typ)
		return str
	case nil:
		return ""
		// This shouldn't happen.
		log.Infof("Got PDU with unexpected type: Name: %s Value: '%s', Go Type: %T SNMP Type: %s", pdu.Name, pdu.Value, pdu.Value, pdu.Type)
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s", pdu.Value)

// Convert oids to a string index value.
// Returns the string, the oids that were used and the oids left over.
func indexOidsAsString(indexOids []int, typ string) (string, []int, []int) {
	switch typ {
	case "Integer32", "Integer", "gauge", "counter":
		// Extract the oid for this index, and keep the remainder for the next index.
		subOid, indexOids := splitOid(indexOids, 1)
		return fmt.Sprintf("%d", subOid[0]), subOid, indexOids
	case "PhysAddress48":
		subOid, indexOids := splitOid(indexOids, 6)
		parts := make([]string, 6)
		for i, o := range subOid {
			parts[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%02X", o)
		return strings.Join(parts, ":"), subOid, indexOids
	case "OctetString":
		subOid, indexOids := splitOid(indexOids, 1)
		length := subOid[0]
		content, indexOids := splitOid(indexOids, length)
		subOid = append(subOid, content...)
		parts := make([]byte, length)
		for i, o := range content {
			parts[i] = byte(o)
		if len(parts) == 0 {
			return "", subOid, indexOids
		} else {
			return fmt.Sprintf("0x%X", string(parts)), subOid, indexOids
	case "DisplayString":
		subOid, indexOids := splitOid(indexOids, 1)
		length := subOid[0]
		content, indexOids := splitOid(indexOids, length)
		subOid = append(subOid, content...)
		parts := make([]byte, length)
		for i, o := range content {
			parts[i] = byte(o)
		// ASCII, so can convert staight to utf-8.
		return string(parts), subOid, indexOids
	case "InetAddress":
		addressType, indexOids := splitOid(indexOids, 1)
		octets, indexOids := splitOid(indexOids, 1)
		address, indexOids := splitOid(indexOids, octets[0])
		subOid := append(addressType, octets...)
		subOid = append(subOid, address...)
		if addressType[0] == 1 { // IPv4.
			parts := make([]string, 4)
			for i, o := range address {
				parts[i] = strconv.Itoa(o)
			return strings.Join(parts, "."), subOid, indexOids
		} else if addressType[0] == 2 { // IPv6.
			parts := make([]string, 8)
			for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
				parts[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%02X%02X", address[i*2], address[i*2+1])
			return strings.Join(parts, ":"), subOid, indexOids
		} else { // Unknown, treat as OctetString.
			parts := make([]byte, octets[0])
			for i, o := range address {
				parts[i] = byte(o)
			return fmt.Sprintf("0x%X", string(parts)), subOid, indexOids
	case "IpAddr":
		subOid, indexOids := splitOid(indexOids, 4)
		parts := make([]string, 4)
		for i, o := range subOid {
			parts[i] = strconv.Itoa(o)
		return strings.Join(parts, "."), subOid, indexOids
	case "InetAddressType":
		subOid, indexOids := splitOid(indexOids, 1)
		switch subOid[0] {
		case 0:
			return "unknown", subOid, indexOids
		case 1:
			return "ipv4", subOid, indexOids
		case 2:
			return "ipv6", subOid, indexOids
		case 3:
			return "ipv4z", subOid, indexOids
		case 4:
			return "ipv6z", subOid, indexOids
		case 16:
			return "dns", subOid, indexOids
			return strconv.Itoa(subOid[0]), subOid, indexOids
		log.Fatalf("Unknown index type %s", typ)
		return "", nil, nil

func indexesToLabels(indexOids []int, metric *config.Metric, oidToPdu map[string]gosnmp.SnmpPDU) map[string]string {
	labels := map[string]string{}
	labelOids := map[string][]int{}

	// Covert indexes to useful strings.
	for _, index := range metric.Indexes {
		str, subOid, remainingOids := indexOidsAsString(indexOids, index.Type)
		// The labelvalue is the text form of the index oids.
		labels[index.Labelname] = str
		// Save its oid in case we need it for lookups.
		labelOids[index.Labelname] = subOid
		// For the next iteration.
		indexOids = remainingOids

	// Perform lookups.
	for _, lookup := range metric.Lookups {
		oid := lookup.Oid
		for _, label := range lookup.Labels {
			for _, o := range labelOids[label] {
				oid = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", oid, o)
		if pdu, ok := oidToPdu[oid]; ok {
			labels[lookup.Labelname] = pduValueAsString(&pdu, lookup.Type)
		} else {
			labels[lookup.Labelname] = ""

	return labels
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This is a complex topic. ifDescr and ifAlias are sometimes suitable labels, sometimes not. The only completely safe thing to do is use ifIndex.

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SuperQ commented Aug 11, 2017

There is no need to do this in the code, it can be accomplished via lookups.

You can use this patch to modify the generator to add ifDescr and similar rather than generate replacements.

An example use of this is in my default.yml config.

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Note that this is not recommended, as it is considered an inappropriate use of labels. Labels should be for unique identification, not for annotations.

The config produced by the modified generator is not supported, we only support configs generated by the standard generator.

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ghost commented Aug 11, 2017

If used correctly, don't ifAlias and ifDescr provide unique identification? In our environment these labels allow us to create useful output in Grafana that tells us where the metric is coming from.

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brian-brazil commented Aug 11, 2017

If used correctly, don't ifAlias and ifDescr provide unique identification?

It depends on the switch and your operational practices. For many switches one of them (or ifName) would be an appropriate label, and if so you can use e.g. the provided default_ifnamemodule to use ifName as the indexlabel.

Having all of ifIndex, ifAlias and ifDescr is incorrect, as ifIndex already provides unique identification.

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ghost commented Aug 11, 2017


I would posit, however, that since someone else has come up with a similiar solution accomplished a different way, that this might be something to consider.

Your data structure is technically correct but many of the tools that consume and use this data don't allow for easily(or at all) extraction of these meta datas from previous metrics.

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The primary tool here is Prometheus, and using group_left you can join in the labels at query time. This is the standard way we handle annotations, e.g.

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RichiH commented Aug 14, 2017

@CbrandVendini #180 has some more context.

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