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API for serving machine translation models.

It can run three types of translation systems:

  • ctranslate2 models
  • Certain transformer-based models models provided through huggingface.
  • Custom translators specified as a python module (Experimental)

Model specifications need to go in config.json.

Model configuration

Configuration file syntax

API configuration file (config.json) is where we specify the models to load and their pipeline. It is a JSON format file containing a dictionary languages and a list models. Languages is just an (optional) mapping between language codes (e.g. en) and language names (e.g. English). model lists the model configurations as dictionaries. An minimal example of configuration file:

  "languages": {
    "es": "Spanish",
    "ca": "Catalan",
    "en": "English"
  "models": [
      "src": "ca",
      "tgt": "es",
      "model_type": "ctranslator2",
      "hugging_face_repo_id": "id...." // repo id to download the model (optional)",
      "model_path": "model...", //model directory name under models
      "src_sentencepiece_model": "spm.model",
      "tgt_sentencepiece_model": "spm.model",
      "sentence_split": "nltk",
      "pipeline": {
        "sentencepiece": true,
        "translate": true

Setup development environment

Set the environment variables:

MT_API_DEVICE=cpu #or "gpu"

Create an environment

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python [--load es-ca ca-es ...] [--models ./models]

It takes two arguments both optional. With the argument --load you can specify ids for models to be loaded. If this argument contains all it will load all the models. by default it will load es-ca and ca-es

python --load all

On the other hand, the argument --models is used to specify path of preexisting model, it will prevent downloading and use these preexisting models.

python --models ./path_to_models

Download models (required for load models from local path)

create directory for models if not exists

mkdir models && cd models

Install git lfs

git lfs install

Now you can download any model from this repository MT-MODELS.

Next command lines examples of how to download these models.

  • Ex1: Download model ca-es to translate from catalan to spanish
git clone
  • Ex2: Download models es-ca to translate from spanish to catalan
git clone


Docker launch from the hub

To launch using lastest version available on the Dockerhub:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -v ./models:/app/models projecteaina/mt-api:latest

Check out the documentation available on the Dockerhub

Run offline mode with docker

docker run -p 8000:8000 -e HF_HUB_OFFLINE=True  -v ./models:/app/models projecteaina/mt-api:latest  [--load es-ca ca-es ...]

--load argument is used to prevent downloading all the models, by default it will load only ca-es es-ca. If you need to load all the models you can add:

--load all

Deploy with docker-compose

make deploy

To use GPU on docker-compose

Do the following edits on docker-compose file

  1. Remove comment on runtime: nvidia line
  2. Under environment, set MT_API_DEVICE=gpu
  3. Build and run.

Rest API Endpoints

1. Translate text

Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/v1/translate Translate text.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
src string Source language code (e.g., "es")
tgt string Target language code (e.g., "ca")
text string Text to translate (e.g., "Hola cómo estás")

2. Translate batch of text

Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/v1/translate/batch Translate batch of texts.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
src string Source language code (e.g., "es")
tgt string Target language code (e.g., "ca")
texts string List of texts (e.g., ["Hola", "Cómo estás"])

2. Check api health

Method Endpoint Description
POST /health Check the api health, if the api is working correctly.

Example calls


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"src":"ca", "tgt":"es", "text":"c'\''Això es una prova."}'


import httpx
translate_service_url = ""
json_data = {"src":"ca", "tgt":"es", "text":"Això es una prova."}
r =, json=json_data)
response = r.json()
print("Translation:", response['translation'])

Using alternative models

You can specify usage of alternative models with the alt parameter in your requests.


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"src":"en", "tgt":"fr", "alt":"big", text":"this is a test."}'


import httpx
translate_service_url = ""
json_data = {'src':'en', 'tgt':'fr', 'alt':'big', text':"this is a test."}
r =, json=json_data)
response = r.json()
print("Translation:", response['translation'])

Batch translation

Endpoint for translating a list of sentences.


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"src":"ca", "tgt":"es", "texts":["This is a sentence", "this is another sentence"]}'


import httpx
translate_service_url = ""
json_data = {'src':'fr', 'tgt':'en', 'texts':["This is a sentence", "this is another sentence"]}
r =, json=json_data)
response = r.json()
print("Translation:", response['translation'])

Retrieve languages

Retrieves a the list of supported languages and model pairs.


curl ''


import httpx
translate_service_url = ""
r = httpx.get(translate_url)
response = r.json()

Response description

  "languages": {
    "ar": "Levantine Arabic",
    "en": "English",
    "fr": "French",
    "swc": "Congolese Swahili",
    "ti": "Tigrinya"
  }, "models":{"fr":{"en":["fr_en"],"swc":["fr_swc"]},"swc":{"fr":["swc_fr"]},"ti":{"en":["ti_en"]},"en":{"ti":["en_ti"]},"ar":{"en":["ar_en", "ar_en_domainspecific"]}}
  • languages: All language codes used in the system and their respective language names.
  • models: Three level dictionary listing the available models with the structure:
        ↳ <target-language>
            ↳ List of <model-id>s associated with the language pair

Note: The third level model list is for seeing different versions of the model. There is always a default model in the language pair with id <src>_<tgt> and there could be alternative models with model id <src>_<tgt>_<alt-tag>.

For example in the setup above, there are two alternative models in the Arabic-English direction: A default model ar_en and a domain specific ar_en_domainspecific model where domainspecific is the alternative model id. For the rest of the language pairs there is only one default model.

Api Testing

To test the api just run the next command in terminal


Authors and acknowledgment

Developed by the Language Technologies Unit in Barcelona Supercomputing Center. The code is based on TWB-MT-fastapi which has a GNU General Public License.


GNU General Public License v3.0


This work is funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya within the framework of Projecte AINA.


API for serving machine translation models.







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