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Set up Aggregation Service for Aggregatable Reports

[NOTE] The latest aggregatable reports generated with Chrome version 104+ are only supported with version 0.3.0 and later. Please follow the update instructions for your environment.

This repository contains instructions and scripts to set up and test the Aggregation Service for Aggregatable Reports locally and on Amazon Web Services Nitro Enclaves. If you want to learn more about the Privacy Sandbox Aggregation Service for the Attribution Reporting API, aggregatable, and summary reports click, read the Aggregation Service proposal.

Set up local testing

You can process aggregatable debug reports locally with the LocalTestingTool_{VERSION}.jar into summary reports. Learn how to setup debug reports.

Disclaimer: encrypted reports can not be processed with the local testing tool!

Clone the repository

Clone the repository into a local folder <repostory_root>:

git clone;
cd aggregation-service

Using the local testing tool

Download the local testing tool with the below command. Run this command in the <repository_root>

VERSION=$(cat VERSION); curl -f -o LocalTestingTool_$VERSION.jar$VERSION/LocalTestingTool_$VERSION.jar

You'll need Java JRE installed to use the tool.

The SHA256 of the LocalTestingTool_{version}.jar can be found on the releases page.

Follow the instructions on how to collect and batch aggregatable reports. Create an output domain file: output_domain.avro. For testing you can use our sample debug batch with the corresponding output domain avro.

To aggregate the resulting avro batch output_debug_reports.avro file into a summary report in the same directory where you run the tool, run the following command:

java -jar LocalTestingTool_{version}.jar \
--input_data_avro_file output_debug_reports.avro \
--domain_avro_file output_domain.avro \
--output_directory .

To see all supported flags for the local testing tool run java -jar LocalTestingTool_{version}.jar --help, e.g. you can adjust the noising epsilon with the --epsilon flag or disable noising all together with the --no_noising flag. See all flags and descriptions.

Test on AWS with support for encrypted reports

General Notes

Privacy Budget Enforcement

Aggregation Service enforces the no-duplicate rule. We recommend users design their systems keeping the no-duplicate rule in consideration. We suggest reading the debugging document for debug aggregation runs.


To test the aggregation service with support for encrypted reports, you need the following:

Once you’ve submitted the onboarding form, we will contact you to verify your information. Then, we’ll send you the remaining instructions and information needed for this setup.
You won't be able to successfully setup your AWS system without registering for the origin trial and completing the onboarding process!

To set up aggregation service in AWS you'll use Terraform.

Set up AWS client

Make sure you install and set up the latest AWS client.

Set up Terraform

Change into the <repository_root>/terraform/aws folder. See clone the repository if you have not cloned the repository so far.

The setup scripts require terraform version 1.2.3. You can download Terraform version 1.2.3 from or at your own risk, you can install and use Terraform version manager instead.

If you have the Terraform version manager tfenv installed, run the following in your <repository_root> to set Terraform to version 1.2.3.

tfenv install 1.2.3;
tfenv use 1.2.3

We recommend you store the Terraform state in a cloud bucket. Create a S3 bucket via the console/cli, which we'll reference as tf_state_bucket_name. Consider enabling versioning to preserve, retrieve, and restore previous versions and set appropriate policies for this bucket to prevent accidental changes and deletion.

Download Terraform scripts and prebuilt dependencies

Note: The prebuilt Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for the aggregation service is only available in the us-east-1 region. If you like to deploy the aggregation service in a different region you need to copy the released AMI to your account or build it using our provided scripts.

If you like to build the Amazon Machine Image including the enclave container, as well as the Lambda jars in your account, please follow the instructions in build-scripts/aws. This will skip running bash and run bash instead. Continue with the next deployment step after building and downloading your self-build jars.

The Terraform scripts to deploy the aggregation service depend on 5 packaged jars for Lambda functions deployment. These jars are hosted on Amazon S3 ({version}/{jar_file}) and can be downloaded with the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/ script. The script downloads the terrafrom scripts and jars which will be stored in <repository_root>/terraform/aws. License information of downloaded dependencies can be found in the

Run the following script in the <repository_root>/terraform/aws folder to download the prebuilt dependencies.

  • Note: The above script needs to be run with bash and does not support sh*

For manual download into the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/jars folder you can download them from the links on our releases page.

Set up your deployment environment

We use the following folder structure <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments/<environment_name> to separate deployment environments.

To set up your first environment (e.g dev), copy the demo environment. Run the following commands from the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments folder:

mkdir dev
cp -R demo/* dev
cd dev

Make the following adjustments in the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments/dev folder:

  1. Add the tf_state_bucket_name to your by uncommenting and replacing the values using <...>:

    # backend "s3" {
    #   bucket = "<tf_state_bucket_name>"
    #   key    = "<environment_name>.tfstate"
    #   region = "us-east-1"
    # }
  2. Rename to <environment>.auto.tfvars and add the ...assume_role... values using the information you received in the onboarding email. Delete the line that reads assume_role_parameter = "arn:aws:iam::example:role/example" Leave all other values as-is for the initial deployment.

    environment = "<environment_name>"
    coordinator_a_assume_role_parameter = "arn:aws:iam::<CoordinatorAAccountID>:role/a_<YourAccountID>_coordinator_assume_role"
    coordinator_b_assume_role_parameter = "arn:aws:iam::<CoordinatorBAccountID>:role/b_<YourAccountID>_coordinator_assume_role"
    alarm_notification_email = "<[email protected]>"
    • environment: name of your environment
    • coordinator_a_assume_role_parameter: IAM role for Coordinator A given by us in the onboarding or upgrade email
    • coordinator_b_assume_role_parameter: IAM role for Coordinator B given by us in the onboarding or upgrade email
    • alarm_notification_email: Email to receive alarm notifications. Requires confirmation subscription through sign up email sent to this address.
  3. Skip this step if you use our prebuilt AMI and Lambda jars

    If you self-build your AMI and jars, you need to copy the contents of the file into a new file remove the file afterwards.

    To copy without symlink, run the following in the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments/dev folder

    cp -L

    Then delete the symlinked file:


    And change the line ami_owners = ["971056657085"] to ami_owners = ["self"] in your

  4. Once you’ve adjusted the configuration, run the following in the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments/dev folder

    Install all Terraform modules:

    terraform init

    Get an infrastructure setup plan:

    terraform plan

    If you see the following output on a fresh project:

    Plan: 141 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

    you can continue to apply the changes (needs confirmation after the planning step)

    terraform apply

    If your see the following output, your setup was successful:

    Apply complete! Resources: 141 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
    frontend_api_id = "xyz"

    The terraform scripts create createJob and getJob API endpoints:

    • Create Job Endpoint: https://<frontend_api_id>.execute-api.<aws_region>
    • Get Job Endpoint: https://<frontend_api_id>.execute-api.<aws_region>

    These are authenticated endpoints, refer to the Testing the System section to learn how to use them.

    If you run into any issues during deployment of your system, please consult the Troubleshooting and Support sections.

Testing the system

To test the system, you'll need encrypted aggregatable reports in avro batch format (follow the collecting and batching instructions) accessible by the aggregation service.

If your inputs are larger than a few hundred MB, we suggest sharding the input reports and domain file into smaller shards.

  1. Create an S3 bucket for your input and output data, we will refer to it as data_bucket. This bucket must be created in the same AWS account where you set up the aggregation service.

    • Consider enabling versioning to preserve, retrieve, and restore previous versions and set appropriate policies for this bucket to prevent accidental changes and deletion.
  2. Copy your reports.avro with batched encrypted aggregatable reports to <data_bucket>/input.

  3. Create an aggregation job with the createJob API.

    POST https://<frontend_api_id>

        "input_data_blob_prefix": "input/reports.avro",
        "input_data_bucket_name": "<data_bucket>",
        "output_data_blob_prefix": "output/summary_report.avro",
        "output_data_bucket_name": "<data_bucket>",
        "job_parameters": {
            "attribution_report_to": "<your_attribution_domain>",
            "output_domain_blob_prefix": "domain/domain.avro",
            "output_domain_bucket_name": "<data_bucket>"
        "job_request_id": "test01"

    Note: This API requires authentication. Follow the AWS instructions for sending an authenticated request.

  4. Check the status of your job with the getJob API, replace values in <...>

    GET https://<frontend_api_id>.execute-api.<deployment_aws_region> Note: This API requires authentication. Follow the AWS instructions for sending an authenticated request. Detailed API spec

Updating the system

If you have deployed the system before, we recommend to run terraform destroy in your environment folder (e.g. <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments/dev) when upgrading from 0.3.z to 0.4.z+ and follow the setup steps again.

After your upgrade to 0.4.z+ and if you have followed the above setup, next time you can update your system to the latest version by checking out the latest tagged version and running terraform apply in your environment folder (e.g. <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments/dev).

Run the following in the <repository_root>.

git fetch origin && git checkout -b dev-v{VERSION} v{VERSION}
cd terraform/aws/environments/dev
terraform apply

Collect and batch aggregatable reports

Both the local testing tool and the aggregation service running on AWS Nitro Enclave expect aggregatable reports batched in the following Avro format.

  "type": "record",
  "name": "AggregatableReport",
  "fields": [
      "name": "payload",
      "type": "bytes"
      "name": "key_id",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "shared_info",
      "type": "string"

Additionally an output domain file is needed to declare all expected aggregation keys for aggregating the aggregatable reports (keys not listed in the domain file won't be aggregated)

 "type": "record",
 "name": "AggregationBucket",
 "fields": [
     "name": "bucket",
     "type": "bytes"
     /* A single bucket that appears in
     the aggregation service output.
     128-bit integer encoded as a
     16-byte big-endian byte string. */

Review code snippets which demonstrate how to collect and batch aggregatable reports.

Generate debug summary reports

Please refer to Debug aggregation runs for more details about debugging support in aggregation service.


The following error message points to a potential lack of instance availability. If you encounter this situation, run terraform destroy to remove your deployment and run terraform apply again.

Error: Error creating Auto Scaling Group: ValidationError: You must use a valid
fully-formed launch template. Your requested instance type (m5.2xlarge) is not
supported in your requested Availability Zone (us-east-1e).
Please retry your request by not specifying an Availability Zone or choosing
us-east-1a, us-east-1b, us-east-1c, us-east-1d, us-east-1f.


You can reach out to us for support through creating issues on this repository or sending us an email at aggregation-service-support<at> This address is monitored and only visible to selected support staff.

General security notes

  • The VPC subnet property map_public_ip_on_launch is currently set to true which assigns a public IP address to all instances in the subnet. This allows for easier console access, yet is considered a risk and will be addressed in a future release.
  • The worker VPC security group currently allows for inbound connections on port 22 from any source IP. This is considered a risk and will be addressed in a future release.


Apache 2.0 - See LICENSE for more information.


Where should I post feedback/questions, this repo or the Attribution API repo?

This repo hosts an implementation of the Attribution Reporting API. For feedback/questions encountered during using this particular aggregation service implementation, please use the support channels provided by this repo. For feedback/requests related to the APIs in general, please initiate discussions in the Attribution Reporting API repo.