Thought of creating a file that can solve many minute problem that are small
JavaScript One line Code to Check If it's a Mobile Screen or not
const isMobile = () => window.matchMedia('(max-width: 700px)').matches
how to add background image to next js
backgroundImage: 'url("/beach.avif")',
backgroundSize: 'cover',
backgroundPosition: 'center',
backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
function PrintElem ( elem )
var mywindow = window . open ( '' , 'PRINT' , 'height=400,width=600' ) ;
mywindow . document . write ( '<html><head><title>' + document . title + '</title>' ) ;
mywindow . document . write ( '</head><body >' ) ;
mywindow . document . write ( '<h1>' + document . title + '</h1>' ) ;
mywindow . document . write ( document . getElementById ( elem ) . innerHTML ) ;
mywindow . document . write ( '</body></html>' ) ;
mywindow . document . close ( ) ; // necessary for IE >= 10
mywindow . focus ( ) ; // necessary for IE >= 10*/
mywindow . print ( ) ;
return true ;
PrintElem ( 'print1' )
Url identifier Function with the help of Regex
function containsLink ( paragraph ) {
const regex = / ((http|https):\/\/)?([a-z0-9-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,}(\.[a-z]{2,})?(\/[^\s]*)?/ i;
const match = regex . exec ( paragraph ) ;
if ( match && match [ 0 ] . includes ( '.' ) && ! match [ 0 ] . startsWith ( 'www.' ) ) {
const link = match [ 0 ] ;
const httpsLink = link . replace ( / ^http:/ , "https:" ) ;
return httpsLink ;
return false ;