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Prebid 9: disallow eval / bidder pair scripts #10653

patmmccann opened this issue Oct 27, 2023 · 2 comments · Fixed by #11655

Prebid 9: disallow eval / bidder pair scripts #10653

patmmccann opened this issue Oct 27, 2023 · 2 comments · Fixed by #11655


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patmmccann commented Oct 27, 2023

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At the last Prebid board meeting

eval(publisherTag); // eslint-disable-line no-eval
and #adagio were directed to be resolved by Prebid 9. Bidders having parallel js they appear to use to hide things from publishers or other bidders and to bypass review is not something remains comfortable with.

to close this out we should add a linting rule disallowing loadexternal imports from bid adapters

After merging #11489 and Criteo and (pending) Adagio fixes, we show two bidders continue to import the utility (lucead and improve). Improve only loads for rendering so we can add a lint exception there, as the prebid rendering workflow doesnt meet their needs for reasons detailed elsewhere

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copy of lucead logic, appears to make client side endpoint requests to several other bidders
(() => {
var F = Object.defineProperty,
H = Object.defineProperties;
var Q = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
var z = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var X = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
Y = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var $ = (e, n, t) => n in e ? F(e, n, {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: t
}) : e[n] = t,
m = (e, n) => {
for (var t in n || (n = {})), t) && $(e, t, n[t]);
if (z)
for (var t of z(n)), t) && $(e, t, n[t]);
return e
h = (e, n) => H(e, Q(n));

function w() {
    console.log("%cLucead", "background:#444;color:#4EA05D;border-radius:4px;padding:2px", ...arguments)

function b() {
    console.error("%cLucead", "background:#444;color:#4EA05D;border-radius:4px;padding:2px", ...arguments)
var v = "storage";

function L(e) {
    v = e

function Z() {
    let e = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(v)) || {};
    for (let n in e)
        if (e.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
            let t = e[n][1] || 0;
            t && t < A() && (delete e[n], k(n, null))
        } return e

function j(e) {
    let n = Z();
    return n[e] && n[e][0] || null

function k(e, n, t) {
    let o = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(v)) || {};
    n ? o[e] = [n, t ? A() + t : 0] : delete o[e], localStorage.setItem(v, JSON.stringify(o)), K()

function W(e) {
    k(e, null)

function A() {
    return Math.floor( / 1e3)

function K() {
    let e = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(v));
    for (let n in e)
        if (e.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
            let t = e[n][1] || 0;
            t && t < A() && delete e[n]
        } localStorage.setItem(v, JSON.stringify(e))
var q = "v0512.1",
    ee = 1500,
    te = !0,
    M = !0;

function C(e) {
    return "response-" + e
async function I(e, n = {}) {
    let {
        timeout: t = ee
    } = n, o = new AbortController, r = setTimeout(() => o.abort(), t), p = await fetch(e, h(m({}, n), {
        signal: o.signal,
        credentials: "include"
    return clearTimeout(r), p

function U(e) {
    return e ? e.includes("<html") ? e : `<html lang="en"><body style="margin:0;background-color:#FFF">${e}</body></html>` : null

function O(e, n) {
    var o, r, p, i, a, d;
    let t = e.ortbConverter({}).toORTB({
        bidRequests: [n],
        bidderRequest: e.bidderRequest
    if (e.consent ? (e.deepSetValue(t, "user.ext.consent", (o = e == null ? void 0 : e.consent) == null ? void 0 : o.tcString), e.deepSetValue(t, "regs.ext.gdpr", (r = e == null ? void 0 : e.consent) != null && r.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0)) : e.deepSetValue(t, "regs.ext.gdpr", 0), (p = t.imp) != null && p.length)
        for (let l of t.imp) l.banner.w = n.sizes[0][0], l.banner.h = n.sizes[0][1];
    return (a = (i = t == null ? void 0 : t.source) == null ? void 0 : i.ext) != null && a.wrapper || (e.deepSetValue(t, "source.ext.wrapper", "Prebid_js"), e.deepSetValue(t, "source.ext.wrapper_version", (e == null ? void 0 : e.prebid_version) || ((d = window == null ? void 0 : window.pbjs) == null ? void 0 : d.version))), n != null && n.userIdAsEids && e.deepSetValue(t, "user.ext.eids", n.userIdAsEids), e.deepSetValue(t, "device.js", 1), e.deepSetValue(t, "at", 1), e.deepSetValue(t, "cur", ["USD"]), t

function T(e, n, t = null) {
    var p;
    if (!((p = e == null ? void 0 : e.seatbid) != null && p.length)) return null;
    let o = e.seatbid[0].bid.filter(i => i && i.price > 0 && i.adm && i.w === n.width && i.h === n.height);
    o.sort((i, a) => a.price - i.price);
    let r = o[0];
    return {
        cpm: (r == null ? void 0 : r.price) || 0,
        currency: e.cur || "USD",
        ad: U((r == null ? void 0 : r.adm) || null),
        size: {
            width: (r == null ? void 0 : r.w) || n.width,
            height: (r == null ? void 0 : r.h) || n.height
        ssp: t,
        advertiser_domains: (r == null ? void 0 : r.adomain) || null
async function ne() {
    return new Promise(e => {
        window.__tcfapi ? window.__tcfapi("getTCData", 2, (n, t) => {
            e(t ? n : null)
        }) : e(null)
async function re(e) {
    try {
        return await fetch(`${e.static_url}/placements/info?ids=` + => n == null ? void 0 : n.params.placementId).join(",")).then(n => n.json())
    } catch (n) {
        return null
async function oe({
    lb_url: e,
    base_url: n,
    size: t,
    placement_id: o,
    bidRequest: r,
    bidderRequest: p,
    floor: i,
    is_sra: a,
    endpoint_url: d
}) {
    t || (t = {
        width: 300,
        height: 250
    let l = n,
        S = {
            seller: l,
            decisionLogicUrl: `${l}/js/ssp.js`,
            interestGroupBuyers: [l],
            auctionSignals: {
                size: t,
                placement_id: o
            requestedSize: t,
            allSlotsRequestedSizes: [t],
            sellerSignals: {},
            sellerTimeout: 1e3,
            sellerCurrency: "EUR",
            perBuyerSignals: {
                [l]: {
                    prebid_bid_id: r == null ? void 0 : r.bidId,
                    prebid_request_id: p == null ? void 0 : p.bidderRequestId,
                    placement_id: o,
                    floor: i,
                    is_sra: a,
                    endpoint_url: d
            perBuyerTimeouts: {
                "*": 1e3
            resolveToConfig: !1,
            dataVersion: 2,
            deprecatedReplaceInURN: {
                "${PLACEMENT_ID}": o
    if (!navigator.runAdAuction || location.hash.includes("skip-pa") ? s = null : s = await navigator.runAdAuction(S), s) {
        if (await navigator.deprecatedReplaceInURN(s, {
                "${PLACEMENT_ID}": o
            }), te) {
            let _ = document.createElement("iframe");
            _.src = s, = "none", document.body.appendChild(_), _.remove()
        return {
            bid_id: r == null ? void 0 : r.bidId,
            ad: U(`<iframe src="${s}" style="width:${t.width}px;height:${t.height}px;border:none" seamless ></iframe>`),
            size: t,
            is_pa: !0,
            placement_id: o
    } else return null
async function ie(e) {
    let n = e.placements_info;
    return await Promise.all( t => {
        var p, i, a, d, l, S, s, _, P, J, D, E;
        let o = {
            bid_id: t == null ? void 0 : t.bidId,
            bid: 0,
            ad: null,
            size: null,
            placement_id: e.placement_id
        if (((p = t == null ? void 0 : t.params) == null ? void 0 : p.enableContextual) === !1) return o;
        let r = {
            width: t.sizes[0][0] || 300,
            height: t.sizes[0][1] || 250
        try {
            let g = (i = t == null ? void 0 : t.params) == null ? void 0 : i.placementId;
            if (!g) return o;
            let G = await oe(h(m({}, e), {
                size: r,
                placement_id: g,
                data: e,
                bidRequest: t
            if (G) return G;
            let c = n[g] || null;
            if (!(c != null && c.ssps)) return w("No placement info", g, n), o;
            if (M) {
                let u = j(C(g));
                if (u) return u.bid_id = t.bidId, u
            let y = [];
            if ((a = c == null ? void 0 : c.ssps) != null && a.improve && y.push(se(h(m({}, e), {
                    size: r,
                    placement_id: (d = c == null ? void 0 : c.ssps) == null ? void 0 : d.improve,
                    data: e,
                    bidRequest: t
                }))), (l = c == null ? void 0 : c.ssps) != null && l.grid && y.push(ce(h(m({}, e), {
                    size: r,
                    placement_id: c == null ? void 0 : c.ssps.grid,
                    deepSetValue: e.deepSetValue,
                    data: e,
                    bidRequest: t
                }))), (S = c == null ? void 0 : c.ssps) != null && && y.push(le(h(m({}, e), {
                    sizes: t.sizes,
                    size: r,
                    placement_id: (s = c == null ? void 0 : c.ssps) == null ? void 0 :,
                    transaction_id: t.transactionId,
                    bid_id: t.bidId,
                    ad_unit_code: t.adUnitCode,
                    deepSetValue: e.deepSetValue,
                    data: e,
                    bidRequest: t
                }))), (_ = c == null ? void 0 : c.ssps) != null && _.pubmatic && y.push(ae(h(m({}, e), {
                    size: r,
                    placement_id: (P = c == null ? void 0 : c.ssps) == null ? void 0 : P.pubmatic,
                    transaction_id: t.transactionId,
                    bid_id: t.bidId,
                    ad_unit_code: t.adUnitCode,
                    data: e,
                    bidRequest: t
                }))), (J = c == null ? void 0 : c.ssps) != null && J.magnite && y.push(pe(h(m({}, e), {
                    size: r,
                    placement_id: (D = c == null ? void 0 : c.ssps) == null ? void 0 : D.magnite,
                    ad_unit_code: t.adUnitCode,
                    data: e,
                    bidRequest: t,
                    placement: c
                }))), !y.length) return o;
            let f = await Promise.all(y);
            if (f === null || !(f != null && f.length)) return o;
            if (f = f.filter(u => u && u.cpm), f != null && f.length) {
                (E = f[0]) != null && E.is_pa || f.sort((x, V) => ((V == null ? void 0 : V.cpm) || 0) - ((x == null ? void 0 : x.cpm) || 0));
                let u = f[0];
                if (u.bid_id = t.bidId, u.size = r, u.placement_id = g, M) {
                    let x = `<script>top.ayads_rendered("${g}")<\/script>`;
          "</body>") ? ="</body>", x + "</body>") : += x, k(C(g), u, 86400)
                return u
            } else return o
        } catch (g) {
            return b(g), o
async function B(e) {
    w("Lucead for Prebid ", q, e);
    let n = e.endpoint_url.replace("/go", ""),
        t = e.request_id,
        [o, r] = await Promise.all([re(e), ne()]);
    e.consent = r, e.placements_info = o;
    let p = null;
    try {
        p = await ie(e)
    } catch (i) {
    fetch(`${n}/go/prebid/pub`, {
        method: "POST",
        contentType: "text/plain",
        body: JSON.stringify({
            request_id: t,
            responses: p,
            is_sra: e.is_sra
window.ayads_rendered = function(e) {
    let n = C(e);
    w("rendered", e, j(n)), W(n)
var N = location.hash.includes("mock");
async function se({
    data: e,
    bidRequest: n,
    prebid_version: t,
    size: o,
    placement_id: r
}) {
    var a, d;
    let p = N ? "?mock=improve" : "",
        i = O(e, n);
    i.imp[0].ext.bidder = {
        placementId: r || 22511670
    }, i.ext = {
        improvedigital: {
            sdk: {
                name: "pbjs",
                version: t || "8.32.0"
    try {
        let l = await I(p, {
            method: "POST",
            contentType: "text/plain",
            body: JSON.stringify(i)
        return l.status !== 200 || (l = await l.json(), !((d = (a = l == null ? void 0 : l.seatbid[0]) == null ? void 0 :[0]) != null && d.price)) ? null : (performance.mark("lucead-improve-end"), T(l, o, "improve"))
    } catch (l) {
        return null
async function ce({
    size: e,
    placement_id: n,
    data: t,
    bidRequest: o
}) {
    let r = N ? "?mock=grid" : "",
        p = O(t, o);
    p.imp[0].tagid = n.toString();
    try {
        let i = await I(r, {
            method: "POST",
            contentType: "text/plain",
            body: JSON.stringify(p)
        return i.status !== 200 ? (w("Grid response not ok", i), null) : (i = await i.json(), T(i, e, "grid"))
    } catch (i) {
        return null
async function le({
    placement_id: e,
    sizes: n,
    size: t,
    prebid_version: o,
    transaction_id: r,
    bid_id: p,
    ad_unit_code: i,
    consent: a
}) {
    let d = "",
        l = e.toString().split(":").map(s => parseInt(s));
    if (l.length < 3) return null;
    let S = {
        siteid: l[0] || 351627,
        pageid: l[1] || 1232283,
        formatid: l[2] || 88269,
        ckid: l[3] || 0,
        tagId: i,
        pageDomain: location.href,
        transactionId: r,
        timeout: 3e3,
        bidId: p,
        prebidVersion: o || "8.37.0",
        schain: pbjs.getConfig("schain"),
        gpid: i,
        sizes: => ({
            w: s[0],
            h: s[1]
        bidfloor: 0,
        gdpr_consent: (a == null ? void 0 : a.tcString) || null
    try {
        let s = await I(d, {
            method: "POST",
            contentType: "text/plain",
            body: JSON.stringify(S)
        return !s.ok || s.status !== 200 || s.headers.get("content-length") === "0" ? (w("Response not ok", s), null) : (s = await s.json(), s ? {
            cpm: (s == null ? void 0 : s.cpm) || 0,
            currency: (s == null ? void 0 : s.currency) || "USD",
            ad: s != null && ? U( : null,
            size: {
                width: s.width || t.width,
                height: s.height || t.height
            ssp: "smart"
        } : null)
    } catch (s) {
        return null
async function ae({
    placement_id: e,
    size: n,
    data: t,
    bidRequest: o
}) {
    let r = N ? "?mock=pubmatic" : "",
        [p, i] = e.toString().split(":"),
        a = O(t, o); = 1, a.cur = ["USD"], a.imp[0].tagid = i, a.imp[0].secure = 1, a.imp[0].banner.pos = 0, = p;
    try {
        let d = await I(r, {
            method: "POST",
            contentType: "text/plain",
            body: JSON.stringify(a)
        return d.ok ? (d = await d.json(), T(d, n, "pubmatic")) : (w("Response not ok", d), null)
    } catch (d) {
        return null
async function pe({
    placement_id: e,
    size: n,
    ad_unit_code: t,
    data: o,
    bidRequest: r,
    placement: p
}) {
    let i = N ? "?mock=magnite" : "",
        a = e.toString().split(":").map(l => parseInt(l));
    if (a.length < 3) return null;
    let d = O(o, r);
    d.imp[0].ext.prebid = {
        bidder: {
            rubicon: {
                video: {},
                accountId: a[0],
                siteId: a[1],
                zoneId: a[2]
        adunitcode: t
    try {
        let l = await I(i, {
            method: "POST",
            contentType: "text/plain",
            body: JSON.stringify(d)
        return l.ok ? (l = await l.json(), T(l, n, "magnite", p)) : null
    } catch (l) {
        return null
window.ayads_prebid = B;
window.lucead_prebid = B;


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Marking as ready for dev on the linting rule

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