Scaling your containers
- Getting ready
- Scale up and down manually with the kubectl scale command
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
Updating live containers
- Deployment update strategy – rolling-update
- Rollback the update
- Deployment update strategy – recreate
Forwarding container ports
- Container-to-container communication
- Pod-to-Pod communication
- Working with NetworkPolicy
- Pod-to-Service communication
- External-to-internal communication
- Working with Ingress
Ensuring flexible usage of your containers
- Pod as DaemonSets - Running a stateful Pod - Pod recovery by DaemonSets - Pod recovery by StatefulSet
Submitting Jobs on Kubernetes
- Pod as a single Job
- Create a repeatable Job
- Create a parallel Job
- Schedule to run Job using CronJob
Working with configuration files
- Pod
- Deployment
- Service
High-availability concepts
- Redundancy
- Hot swapping
- Leader election
- Smart load balancing
- Self-healing
Clustering etcd
- Static mechanism
- Discovery mechanism
- kubeadm
- kubespray
- kops
Building multiple masters
- Setting up the first master
- Setting up the other master with existing certifications
- Adding nodes in a HA cluster
High-availability best practices