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These are the documentation sources for OpenRAO.
Please keep them up-to-date with your developments.
They are published on and pull requests are built and previewed automatically.

Readthedocs & Sphinx

The website is hosted on readthedocs. The build workflow requires a configuration file: .readthedocs.yml. This platform presents many advantages, thanks to its workflow of automatic branch/tag building & publication:

  • Multiple versions are activated: you can browse different versions of the documentation for different releases of OpenRAO
  • Pull requests are built automatically and the build status is reported in the PR's checks ("Build documentation" workflow).
    Reviewers have access to the resulting documentation preview in order to make reviewing it easier.

HTML content of the website is built automatically from source files written in Markdown, using Sphinx.
Sphinx build needs a configuration file: It contains all customization options for the website (for example, the theme used is furo). Here is the most common cases when you'll need to tweak this file:

  • If you want to customize the theme's behaviour, you will probably have to change the file (refer to the used theme's documentation first)
  • If you want to customize sphinx's behaviour, add plugins, css, etc., you need to change this file (refer to the Sphinx doc first)

Customization options

Sometimes, the possibilities offered by Sphinx & the used theme can be limiting. Sphinx offers the possibility to use custom html & css code. Currently, two methods are used:

  • Custom CSS: the styles.css files contains custom CSS classes (read more about this here). Feel free to add classes to it if you find it necessary.
  • HTML overrides: the _templates directory contains HTML files that override objects inherited from Sphinx or its theme (read more about this here). You can use this method when other, lighter methods (i.e. tweaking mkdocs.yml & CSS styles) are not enough.

Using PlantUML

You can draw diagrams using the PlantUml plugin.
In markdown, use the '~~~{plantuml}' fields.
You can preview the diagrams in your markdown editor by removing the '{}'.

Note: in order to render the diagrams locally, you have to install plantuml: 'sudo apt install plantuml'

Building the website locally

When modifying the website content, you can easily preview the result on your PC by navigating to the root of the project and running:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
sphinx-build -a docs ./build-docs

Then open build-docs/index.html in your browser.

External links