$ open https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloud9/home/create
1. Click `Create environment` button
2. Input the environment name
3. Click `Next step` button
4. Select `Connect and run in remote server (SSH)` as your environment type
5. Save `public SSH key` to your local disk as a `id_rsa.pub`
* Do not click the `Next step` button for now
Set your S3 bucket name & key as environment variables
$ S3_KEY=
$ aws s3api put-object --bucket ${S3_BUCKET} --key ${S3_KEY} \
--body id_rsa.pub
$ aws --region us-east-1 cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name cloud9 --template-body file://cfn.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=AuthKeysS3Bucket,ParameterValue="${S3_BUCKET}" \
ParameterKey=AuthKeysS3Key,ParameterValue="${S3_KEY}" \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
$ aws --region us-east-1 cloudformation wait stack-create-complete \
--stack-name cloud9
$ outputs=$( aws --region us-east-1 cloudformation describe-stacks \
--stack-name cloud9 | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[]' )
$ cluster=$( echo ${outputs} | jq -r 'select(.OutputKey=="Cluster").OutputValue' )
$ subnet1=$( echo ${outputs} | jq -r 'select(.OutputKey=="PublicSubnet1").OutputValue' )
$ subnet2=$( echo ${outputs} | jq -r 'select(.OutputKey=="PublicSubnet2").OutputValue' )
$ secgrp=$( echo ${outputs} | jq -r 'select(.OutputKey=="SecurityGroup").OutputValue' )
$ awsvpc='subnets=['${subnet1}','${subnet2}'],securityGroups=['${secgrp}']'
$ result=$( aws --region us-east-1 ecs run-task \
--cluster ${cluster} \
--task-definition cloud9 \
--launch-type FARGATE \
--network-configuration awsvpcConfiguration="{${awsvpc},assignPublicIp=ENABLED}" \
--count 1 )
$ aws --region us-east-1 ecs wait tasks-running \
--cluster ${cluster} \
--tasks $( echo ${result} | jq -r '.tasks[0].taskArn' )
$ eni_id=$( aws --region us-east-1 ecs describe-tasks \
--cluster ${cluster} \
--tasks $( echo ${result} | jq -r '.tasks[0].taskArn' ) \
| jq '.tasks[0].attachments[0].details[]' \
| jq 'select( .name | contains("networkInterfaceId"))' \
| jq -r '.value' )
$ public_ip=$( aws ec2 --region us-east-1 describe-network-interfaces \
--network-interface-ids ${eni_id} \
| jq -r '.NetworkInterfaces[].Association.PublicIp' ) \
&& echo ${public_ip}
Set $public_ip as a Coud9 remote host.
Click the Next step
button to complete the process!
AWS Fargate is based on docker container itself.
It seems that we are not allowed to run docker in docker
on AWS Fargate :(
Not like a serverless-bastion container, servereless-cloud9 container has to be stopped manually.