- Ask your GCE project administrator for a GCE service key
Note: If your GCE project does not show a Service Account under /APIs & auth/Credentials, you will need to use "Create new Client ID" to create a Service Account before your administrator can create the service key for you.
- mkdir -p ~/.gce
- The gce service key looks something like this: projectname-ef83bd90f261.p12 .. The ef83bd90f261 part is the public hash (GCE_KEY_HASH), The projectname part, is the project name (PROJECT_NAME).
- Be in the same directory as the p12 key file.
- The commands below should be copy / paste-able
- Run these commands:
# Temporarily set hash variable and project name
export GCE_KEY_HASH=ef83bd90f261
export PROJECT_NAME=Project Name
export PROJECT_ID=Project ID
# Convert the service key (note: 'notasecret' is literally what we want here)
openssl pkcs12 -in "${PROJECT_NAME}-${GCE_KEY_HASH}.p12" -passin pass:notasecret -nodes -nocerts | openssl rsa -out ${PROJECT_ID}-${GCE_KEY_HASH}.pem
# Move the converted service key to the .gce dir
mv ${PROJECT_ID}-${GCE_KEY_HASH}.pem ~/.gce
- Once this is done, put the original service key file (projectname-ef83bd90f261.p12) somewhere safe, or delete it (your call, I don not know what else we will use it for, and we can always regen it if needed).
- gce_service_account_email_address - Found in "APIs & auth" -> Credentials -> "Service Account" -> "Email Address"
- gce_service_account_pem_file_path - Full path from previous steps
- gce_project_id - Found in "Projects", it list all the gce projects you are associated with. The page lists their "Project Name" and "Project ID". You want the "Project ID"
Mandatory customization variables (check the values according to your tenant):
- zone = europe-west1-d
- network = default
Optional Variable Overrides:
- gce_ssh_user - ssh user, defaults to the current logged in user
- gce_machine_type = n1-standard-1 - default machine type
- gce_machine_etcd_type = n1-standard-1 - machine type for etcd hosts
- gce_machine_master_type = n1-standard-1 - machine type for master hosts
- gce_machine_node_type = n1-standard-1 - machine type for node hosts
- gce_machine_image = centos-7 - default image
- gce_machine_etcd_image = centos-7 - image for etcd hosts
- gce_machine_master_image = centos-7 - image for master hosts
- gce_machine_node_image = centos-7 - image for node hosts
- vi ~/.gce/gce.ini
- make the contents look like this:
gce_service_account_email_address = [email protected]
gce_service_account_pem_file_path = /full/path/to/project_id-gce_key_hash.pem
gce_project_id = project_id
zone = europe-west1-d
network = default
gce_machine_type = n1-standard-2
gce_machine_master_type = n1-standard-1
gce_machine_node_type = n1-standard-2
gce_machine_image = centos-7
gce_machine_master_image = centos-7
gce_machine_node_image = centos-7
- Define the environment variable GCE_INI_PATH so gce.py can pick it up and bin/cluster can also read it
export GCE_INI_PATH=~/.gce/gce.ini
- Ansible requires libcloud for gce operations:
yum install -y ansible python-libcloud
Installation using Mac OSX requires pycrypto library $ pip install pycrypto
- cd openshift-ansible/
- Try to list all instances (Passing an empty string as the cluster_id argument will result in all gce instances being listed)
bin/cluster list gce ''
- To create a cluster with one master, one infra node, and two compute nodes
bin/cluster create gce <cluster-id>
- To create a cluster with 3 masters, 3 etcd hosts, 2 infra nodes and 10 compute nodes
bin/cluster create gce -m 3 -e 3 -i 2 -n 10 <cluster-id>
- To update the cluster
bin/cluster update gce <cluster-id>
- To add additional infra nodes
bin/cluster add-nodes gce -i <num nodes> <cluster-id>
- To add additional compute nodes
bin/cluster add-nodes gce -n <num nodes> <cluster-id>
- To terminate the cluster
bin/cluster terminate gce <cluster-id>