What are Pipes? What is a .Permalink or RelPermalink?
Use for Prod uglyURLs (false) When enabled, creates URL of the form /filename.html instead of /filename/.
Basic Design Notes: One single page for the home page. 'latest' will just use data from whatever has the latest=true flag, this should be by the most recent date. When clicking on an Episode image it should link to a single page that is for that episode only.
[permalinks] # page = "/:filename/" about = "/:filename/" episode = "/:filename/"
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twitter_domain = "arresteddevops.com" # This domain shows in twitter cards as "View on twitter_domain
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linkedin = "mattstratton"
[params.authors] [params.authors.Matt] name = "Matt Stratton" thumbnail = "img/host/matt.png" bio = "Matt Stratton is a solutions architect at Chef, where he demonstrates how Chef’s automation platform provides speed and flexibility to clients’ infrastructure. He is devoted to concepts like Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code, and his license plate actually says “DevOps”. He lives in Chicago and has an unhealthy obsession with Doctor Who, Firefly, and Game of Thrones. And whiskey." [params.authors.Matt.social] github = "mattstratton" facebook = "matt.stratton" twitter = "mattstratton" linkedin = "mattstratton" homepage = "https://www.mattstratton.io" pinterest = "mattstratton" instagram = "instagram" youtube = "mattstratton" [params.authors.Trevor] name = "Trevor Hess" thumbnail = "https://www.arresteddevops.com/img/trevor.png" bio = "" [params.authors.Trevor.social] twitter = "trevorghess" [params.authors.Bridget] name = "Bridget Kromhout" thumbnail = "https://www.arresteddevops.com/img/Bridget.png" bio = "" [params.authors.Bridget.social] twitter = "bridgetkromhout"
name = "Arrested DevOps"
url = "https://www.arresteddevops.com"
name = "Food Fight Show"
url = "https://foodfightshow.org"
name = "Software Defined Talk"
url = "https://cote.io/podcasts/sdt/"