date:2022-03-10 change-date: 2022-03-21 author: Dieter Buricke [email protected]
If you like to run mkdocs server in Docker container, then this description can be usefull for you.
After starting Docker container, mkdocs server is reached at http://localhost:8083 from host system (compare configuration section "ports:" in docker-compose-dev.yml).
Building Docker image and starting container with docker-compose needs only to be done once. Then you can reuse that container several times (but you can rebuild it whenever you want).
Run following command (as user root!? - depending on your Docker installation) in directory, where files Dockerfile-dev and docker-compose-dev.yml are located:
docker-compose -p plutus-community-docs -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
Above command builds Docker image "plutus-community-docs_docs" (notice _underscore before docs!) and starts Docker container "plutus-community-docs".
To be able to connect from host system to mkdocs server running inside Docker container, it needs to bind to all interfaces within container (not only the default: localhost)!
This is enabled through following line in mkdocs.yml:
dev_addr: ''
If you want to leave mkdocs.yml untouched, mkdocs serve has to be started with option --dev-addr (the option has to be placed after mkdocs serve and must not put before serve!) in Dockerfile Dockerfile-dev:
CMD ["mkdocs", "serve", "--dev-addr="]
List of available (--all: not only running) containers and filtering output with grep:
docker container ls --all | grep plutus-community-docs
You get a list with following columns: CONTAINER ID | IMAGE | COMMAND | CREATED | STATUS | PORTS | NAMES
Stopping container:
docker stop <CONTAINER ID>
docker start <CONTAINER ID>
For watching log messages of mkdocs server it can be helpfull to start in attached mode:
docker start -a <CONTAINER ID>
Container can be stopped with keys: STRG+c
For administrative work you can start a shell to container:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/sh