# Contributing Contributions to Schema are very welcome. Please file bug reports on [GitHub](https://github.com/plumatic/schema-generators/issues). For questions, feature requests, or discussion, please post on the Plumbing [mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/prismatic-plumbing) for now. Contributions are preferred as GitHub pull requests on topic branches. If you want to discuss a potential change before coding it up, please post on the mailing list. Schema is relatively well-tested, on both Clojure and ClojureScript. Before submitting a pull request, we ask that you: * please try to follow the conventions in the existing code, including standard Emacs indentation, no trailing whitespace, and a max width of 95 columns * rebase your feature branch on the latest master branch * ensure any new code is well-tested, and if possible, any issue fixed is covered by one or more new tests * check that all of the tests pass **in both Clojure and ClojureScript** To run tests: * Clojure - `lein test` * ClojureScript - [doo](https://github.com/bensu/doo) is used for running cljs tests. After [setting up your environment](https://github.com/bensu/doo#setting-up-environments), run `lein doo {js-env} test`