Releases: pluginkollektiv/antispam-bee
- Improved backend accessibility
- Prefilled comment textareas do now work with the honeypot
- AMP compatibility
- Improved dashboard tooltips
- Improvements for the language detection API
- Scalable IP look up for local spam database
For more details see
- Introduction of coding standards.
- Switch to franc language detection API for the language check.
- Do not longer overwrite the IP address WordPress saves with the comment by using pre_comment_user_ip.
- Do not show "Trust commenters with a Gravatar" if the "Show Gravatar" option is not set.
- Skip the checks, when I ping myself.
- Fixes some wrong usages of the translation functions.
- Use the regular expressions check also for trackbacks.
- Add option to delete Antispam Bee related data when plugin gets deleted via the admin interface.
- Save a hashed + salted IP for every comment
- New check for incoming Trackbacks.
- Introduction of behat tests.
- Updates the used JavaScript library for the statistics widget.
- Bugfix in the "Comment form used outside of posts" option.
For more details click here
🐝 The Antispam Bee Team has worked hard the last couple of weeks, and version 2.9 is close to finish. You can help us by testing this beta version.
✅ Simply download the .zip and replace your preexisting Antispam Bee via FTP
🪲 Found a bug? Report it as an GitHub Issue and help Antispam Bee fly.
❤️ Thanks!
- PHP 5.3 compatibility
- Bugfix where a spam trackback produced a fatal error
- For more details see
- Removed to avoid potential GDPR violation
- Improved IP handling to comply with GDPR
- Improved PHP7.2 compatibility
- Fixed small bug on mobile views
- Allow more than one language in language check
- Minor interface improvements
- Removed old russian and Dutch translation files
- For more details see
🐝 The Antispam Bee Team has worked hard the last couple of weeks, and version 2.8 is close to finish. You can help us by testing this beta version.
✅ Simply download the .zip and replace your preexisting Antispam Bee via FTP
🐞 Found a bug? Report it as an GitHub Issue and help Antispam Bee fly.
❤️ Thanks!
- Country check is back again (thanks to Sergej Müller for his amazing work and the service page)
- Improved Honeypot
- Language check through Google Translate API is back again (thanks to Simon Kraft for offering to cover the costs)
- More default Regexes
- Unit Test Framework
- Accessibility and GUI improvements
- An english documentation is now available, too. Some corrections in the german documentation.
- Some bugfixes - Among other things for WPML compatibility
- For more details see
🐝 Version 2.7 is nearly done. You can help us by testing the this beta version
✅ Simply download the .zip and replace your preexisting Antispam Bee via FTP
🐞 Found a bug? Report it as an Github Issue and help Antispam Bee fly.
❤️ Thanks!
Administrative and language-related updates:
- added a POT file
- updated German translation, added formal version
- updated plugin text domain to include a dash instead of an underscore
- updated, translated + formatted
- updated expired link URLs in plugin and languages files
- updated plugin authors