crio(object: any): (CrioArray|CrioObject)
- Standard method, will
the object passed if an array or object, else it will return the object itself
- Standard method, will
const emptyObject = crio(); // {}
const populatedObject = crio({foo: 'bar'}); // {foo: 'bar'}
const populatedArray = crio(['foo', 'bar']); // ['foo', 'bar']
crio.array(object: Array<any>): CrioArray
- Shortcut method for
ing array-specific values
- Shortcut method for
const empty = crio.array(); // []
const populated = crio.array(['foo']); // ['foo']
crio.object(object: Object): CrioObject
- Shortcut method for
ing object-specific values
- Shortcut method for
const empty = crio.object(); // {}
const populated = crio.object({foo: 'bar'}); // {foo: 'bar'}
crio.isCrio(object: any): boolean
- Determine if the object passed is a
- Determine if the object passed is a
const normal = {foo: 'bar'};
const crioed = crio({foo: 'bar'});
console.log(crio.isCrio(normal)); // false
console.log(crio.isCrio(crioed)); // true
crio.isArray(object: any): boolean
- Determine if the object passed is a
- Determine if the object passed is a
const normal = ['foo'];
const croiedArray = crio(['foo']);
const crioedObject = crio({foo: 'bar'});
console.log(crio.isObject(normal)); // false
console.log(crio.isObject(croiedArray)); // true
console.log(crio.isObject(crioedObject)); // false
crio.isObject(object: any): boolean
- Determine if the object passed is a
- Determine if the object passed is a
const normal = {foo: 'bar'};
const croiedArray = crio(['foo']);
const crioedObject = crio({foo: 'bar'});
console.log(crio.isObject(normal)); // false
console.log(crio.isObject(croiedArray)); // false
console.log(crio.isObject(crioedObject)); // true
Methods with the same name as the native method will be a link to MDN, as they are meant to be as similar to the native method as possible, with the exception of accepting thisArg
. Where any specific differences from the default behavior exist, the crio
-specific behavior is mentioned.
clear(): CrioArray
- returns an empty
- returns an empty
const populated = crio(['foo']);
console.log(populated.clear()); // []
compact(): CrioArray
- returns a new
with all falsy values filtered out
- returns a new
const array = crio(['foo', false, 0, '', {}, [], null, undefined]);
console.log(array.compact()); // ['foo', {}, []]
const array = crio(['foo']);
console.log(array.concat(['bar'])); // ['foo', 'bar']
delete(key: (Array<number|string>|number)): CrioArray
- Deletes the key provided from the
- Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
- Deletes the key provided from the
const array = crio(['foo', {bar: 'baz', baz: 'quz'}]);
console.log(array.delete(1)); // ['foo']
console.log(array.delete('[1].bar')); // ['foo', {baz: 'quz'}]
difference(array1: Array<any>[, array2: Array<any>[, ...arrayN: Array<any>]]): CrioArray
- Returns a new array of the values that only exist in either the
or in one of the arrays passed
- Returns a new array of the values that only exist in either the
const array = crio(['foo', true, 1]);
console.log(array.difference(['foo'], [true])); // [1]
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.copyWithin(2, 0)); // ['foo', 'bar', 'foo']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.entries()); // [[0, 'foo'], [1, 'bar']]
equals(object: any): boolean
- Determines whether
is deeply equal to theCrioArray
- Determines whether
const array = crio(['foo']);
const matchingArray = crio(['foo']);
console.log(array === matchingArray); // false
console.log(array.equals(matchingArray)); // true
console.log(array.equals(crio(['bar']))); // false
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.every(value => value.length === 3)); // true
console.log(array.every(value => value === 'bar')); // false
- fill
- Returns new
with items fromstart
filled withvalue
- Returns new
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.fill('same')); // ['same', 'same', 'same']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.filter(value => value[0] === 'b')); // ['bar', 'baz']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.find(value => value[0] === 'b')); // 'bar'
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.find(value => value[0] === 'b')); // 1
findLast(fn: function(value: any, index: number, object: CrioArray)): any
- Find the value that matches the result of
starting at the lastindex
in the object
- Find the value that matches the result of
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.find(value => value[0] === 'b')); // 'baz'
findLastIndex(fn: function): number
- Same as
but starting from end and working to start
- Same as
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.find(value => value[0] === 'b')); // 2
first(size: number = 1): CrioArray
- Returns a new array of the first
number of items in the array
- Returns a new array of the first
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.first()); // ['foo']
console.log(array.first(2)); // ['foo', 'bar']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
let count = 0;
console.log(array.forEach(() => count++)); // ['foo', 'bar']
console.log(count); // 2
get(key: (Array<number|string>|number)): any
- Retrieve value at
- Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
- Retrieve value at
const array = crio(['foo', {bar: 'baz'}]);
console.log(array.get(1)); // {bar: 'baz'}
console.log(array.get('[1].bar')); // 'baz'
has(key: (Array<number|string>|number)): boolean
- Does
exist in object - Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
- Does
const array = crio(['foo', {bar: 'baz'}]);
console.log(array.has(1)); // true
console.log(array.has(6)); // false
console.log(array.has('[1].bar')); // true
console.log(array.has('[1].quz')); // false
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.includes('foo')); // true
console.log(array.includes('baz')); // false
intersection(array1: Array<any>[, array2: Array<any>[, ...arrayN: Array<any>]]): CrioArray
- Returns a new
of the values that exist in all of the arrays
- Returns a new
const array = crio(['foo', 1, true]);
console.log(array.intersection(['foo', 1], [1])); // 1
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bar']);
console.log(array.indexOf('bar')); // 1
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.join()); // 'foo,bar'
console.log(array.join('|')); // 'foo|bar'
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.keys()); // [0, 1]
last(size: number = 1): CrioArray
- Returns a new
of the last num number of items in the array
- Returns a new
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.last()); // ['baz']
console.log(array.last(2)); // ['bar', 'baz']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bar']);
console.log(array.indexOf('bar')); // 3
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log( =>
); // ['oof', 'rab']
merge(array1: Array<any>[, array2: Array<any>[, ...arrayN: Array<any>]]): CrioArray
- Merge any number of objects into existing crio
- Supports shallow or deep key values via array or dot-bracket syntax
const array = crio(['foo', {bar: 'baz'}]);
console.log(array.merge(null, ['quz'])); // ['foo', {bar: 'baz'}, 'quz']
console.log(array.merge('[0].bar', {baz: 'quz'})); // ['foo', {bar: {baz: 'quz'}}]
mutate(fn: function(array: Array<any>, crio: CrioArray)): any
- Whatever you return in the callback is what is returned (as a
if applicable)
- Whatever you return in the callback is what is returned (as a
const array = crio([{foo: 'bar'}]);
const result = array.mutate(thawed => {
thawed[0].foo = 'baz';
return thawed;
console.log(result); // [{foo: 'baz'}, 'bar']
pluck(key: (Array<number|string>|number)): CrioArray
- Iterates over the
and returns a newCrioArray
of values where thekey
exists as a property on the collection item - Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
- Iterates over the
const array = crio([{foo: 'bar'}, {bar: 'baz'}, {foo: 'quz'}]);
console.log(array.pluck('foo')); // ['bar', undefined, 'quz']
const deepArray = crio([
[{foo: 'foo'}, {bar: 'baz'}, {foo: 'bar'}],
[{foo: 'bar'}, {bar: 'baz'}, null, {foo: 'foo'}]
console.log(array.pluck('[1].foo')); // ['bar', undefined, undefined, 'foo']
- pop
- Returns new
with first item removed
- Returns new
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.pop()); // ['foo']
- push
- Returns new
with new item(s) added
- Returns new
const array = crio(['foo']);
console.log(array.push('bar', 'baz')); // ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
const array = crio([1, 2, 3]);
const result = array.reduce(
({order, sum}, value) => {
return {order: [...order, value], sum: sum + value};
{order: [], sum: 0}
console.log(result); // {order: [1, 2, 3], sum: 6}
const array = crio([1, 2, 3]);
const result = array.reduceRight(
({order, sum}, value) => {
return {order: [...order, value], sum: sum + value};
{order: [], sum: 0}
console.log(result); // {order: [3, 2, 1], sum: 6}
- reverse
- The original array's order is maintained (not mutated)
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.reverse()); // ['baz', 'bar', 'foo']
set(key: (Array<number|string>|number), value: any): CrioArray
- Sets value at
- Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
- Sets value at
const array = crio(['foo', {bar: 'baz'}]);
console.log(array.set(1, 'quz')); // ['foo', 'quz']
console.log(array.set('[1].bar', 'quz')); // ['foo', {bar: 'quz'}]
- shift
- Returns new
with first item removed
- Returns new
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.shift()); // ['bar', 'baz']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.slice(1)); // ['bar']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.some(value => value === 'bar')); // true
console.log(array.some(value => value === 'quz')); // false
- sort
- Returns new
sorted by either callback or default
- Returns new
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.sort()); // ['bar', 'baz', 'foo']
- splice
- Returns new
with item(s) added/removed based on splicing parameters
- Returns new
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
console.log(array.splice(1, 1)); // ['foo', 'baz']
thaw(): Array<any>
- Recursively thaws
deeply and returns standard array version of itself
- Recursively thaws
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.thaw()); // ['foo', 'bar']
console.log(array.constructor === Array); // false
console.log(array.thaw().constructor === Array); // true
toObject(): CrioObject
- Converts
into aCrioObject
of{index: value}
- Converts
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.toObject()); // {0: 'foo', 1: 'bar'}
- toLocaleString
- Returns stringified version of
- Optionally accepts
arguments, which are identical to those arguments for JSON.stringify
- Returns stringified version of
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.toLocaleString()); // ["foo","bar"]
console.log(arrat.toLocaleString(null, 2));
- toString
- Returns stringified version of
- Optionally accepts
arguments, which are identical to those arguments for JSON.stringify
- Returns stringified version of
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.toString()); // ["foo","bar"]
console.log(arrat.toString(null, 2));
unique(): CrioArray
- Returns a new
of values filtered down to only existing in the array once
- Returns a new
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.unique()); // ['foo', 'bar']
- unshift
- Returns new
with new item(s) added to beginning
- Returns new
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.unshift('baz', 'quz')); // ['baz', 'quz', 'foo', 'bar']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);
console.log(array.values()); // ['foo', 'bar']
xor(array1: Array<any>[, array2: Array<any>[, ...arrayN: Array<any>]]): CrioArray
- Returns a new
of the values that are the symmetric difference of theCrioArray
and the arrays passed
- Returns a new
const array = crio(['foo', 1, true]);
console.log(array.xor(['foo'], [true])); // [1]
clear(): CrioObject
- returns an empty
- returns an empty
const object = crio({foo: 'bar'});
compact(): CrioObject
- returns a new
with all falsy values filtered out
- returns a new
const object = crio({
string: 'foo',
bool: false,
num: 0,
object: {},
array: [],
nul: null,
undef: undefined
console.log(object.compact()); // {string: 'foo', object: {}, array: []}
delete(key: (Array<number|string>|string)): CrioObject
- Deletes the key provided from the
- Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
- Deletes the key provided from the
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});
console.log(object.delete('bar')); // {foo; 'bar'}
console.log(object.delete('bar[0]')); // {foo: 'bar', bar: ['quz']}
entries(): CrioArray
- Gets an array of the
[key, value]
pairs in theCrioObject
- Gets an array of the
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});
console.log(object.entries()); // [['foo', 'bar'], ['bar', 'baz']]
every(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): boolean
- Performs same function as
, but on theCrioObject
- Performs same function as
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});
console.log(object.every(value => value.length === 3)); // true
console.log(object.every(value => value === 'bar')); // false
forEach(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): CrioObject
- Iterates over object executing
and returns the originalCrioObject
- Iteration order is not guaranteed (due to object key order not being guaranteed per the spec)
- Iterates over object executing
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});
let count = 0;
console.log(object.forEach(() => count++)); // {foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}
console.log(count); // 2
filter(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): CrioObject
- Iterates over object and filters out any returned values that are falsy
- Iteration order is not guaranteed (due to object key order not being guaranteed per the spec)
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz', baz: 'quz'});
console.log(object.filter(value => value[0] === 'b')); // {foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}
find(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): any
- Same as
but on theCrioObject
- Same as
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}, (baz: 'quz'));
console.log(object.find(value => value !== 'baz')); // 'bar'
findKey(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): string
- Same as
but finding the appropriatekey
- Same as
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}, (baz: 'quz'));
console.log(object.findKey(value => value !== 'baz')); // 'foo'
findLast(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): any
- Find the value that matches the result of
starting at the last key in theCrioObject
- Find the value that matches the result of
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}, (baz: 'quz'));
console.log(object.findLast(value => value !== 'baz')); // 'quz'
findLastKey(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): string
- Same as
but starting from end and working to start
- Same as
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}, (baz: 'quz'));
console.log(object.findLastKey(value => value !== 'baz')); // 'baz'
get(key: (Array<number|string>|string)): any
- Retrieve value at
- Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
- Retrieve value at
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});
console.log(crio.get('bar')); // ['baz', 'quz']
console.log(crio.get('bar[0]')); // 'baz'
has(key: (Array<number|string>|string)): boolean
- Does
exist in object - Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
- Does
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});
console.log(crio.has('bar')); // true
console.log(crio.has('baz')); // false
console.log(crio.has('bar[0]')); // true
console.log(crio.has('bar[6]')); // false
- hasOwnProperty
- Only supports shallow values
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});
console.log(crio.hasOwnProperty('bar')); // true
console.log(crio.hasOwnProperty('baz')); // false
includes(item: any): boolean
- Determine if the
has a value that matchesvalue
in strict equality
- Determine if the
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});
console.log(object.includes('baz')); // true
console.log(object.includes('quz')); // false
keyOf(item: any): string
- Get the key for the
passed starting with the first key in theCrioObject
- Get the key for the
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz', baz: 'bar'});
console.log(object.keyOf('bar')); // foo
keys(): CrioArray
- Returns an array of the keys in the
- Returns an array of the keys in the
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});
console.log(object.keys()); // ['foo', 'bar']
lastKeyOf(item: any): string
- Get the key for the
passed starting with the last key in theCrioObject
- Get the key for the
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz', baz: 'bar'});
console.log(object.keyOf('bar')); // baz
map(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): CrioObject
- Iterates over object and maps returned value to the respective
- Iteration order is not guaranteed (due to object key order not being guaranteed per the spec)
- Iterates over object and maps returned value to the respective
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz', baz: 'quz'});
console.log( =>
); // {foo: 'rab', bar: 'zab', baz: 'zuq'}
merge(object1: Object[, object2: Object[, ...objectN: Object]]): CrioObject
- Merge any number of objects into existing
- Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
- Merge any number of objects into existing
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});
console.log(object.merge(null, {baz: 'quz'})); // {foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz'], baz: 'quz'}
console.log(object.merge('bar[0]', ['blah'])); // {foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz', 'blah']};
mutate(fn: function(object: Object, crio: CrioObject)): any
- Whatever you return in the callback is what is returned (as a
if applicable)
- Whatever you return in the callback is what is returned (as a
const object = crio({foo: ['bar', 'baz']});
const result = object.mutate(thawed => {'quz'); = 'baz';
return thawed;
console.log(result); // {foo: ['bar', 'baz', 'quz'], bar: 'baz'}
pluck(key: (Array<number|string>|string)): CrioArray
- Iterates over the
and returns aCrioArray
of values where thekey
exists as a property on the collection item - Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
- Iteration order is not guaranteed (due to object key order not being guaranteed per the spec)
- Iterates over the
const object = crio({
first: {foo: 'bar'},
second: {bar: 'baz'},
third: null,
fourth: {foo: 'foo'}
console.log(object.pluck('foo')); // ['bar', undefined, undefined, 'foo']
const otherObject = crio({
first: [{foo: 'foo'}, {bar: 'baz'}, {foo: 'bar'}],
second: [{foo: 'bar'}, {bar: 'baz'}, null, {foo: 'foo'}]
console.log(otherObject.pluck('')); // ['bar', undefined, undefined, 'foo']
reduce(fn: function(accumulator: any, value: any, key: string, object:CrioObject)): any
- Performs same function as
, but on theCrioObject
- Performs same function as
const object = crio({one: 1, two; 2, three: 3});
const result = object.reduce(({order, sum}, value) => {
return {order: [...order, value], sum: sum + value};
}, {order: [], sum; 0});
console.log(result); // {order: [1, 2, 3], sum: 6}
reduceRight(fn: function(accumulator: any, value: any, key: string, object:CrioObject)): any
- Performs same function as
, but on theCrioObject
- Performs same function as
const object = crio({one: 1, two; 2, three: 3});
const result = object.reduceRight(({order, sum}, value) => {
return {order: [...order, value], sum: sum + value};
}, {order: [], sum; 0});
console.log(result); // {order: [3, 2, 1], sum: 6}
set(key: (Array<number|string>|string), value: any): CrioObject
- Sets value at
- Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
- Sets value at
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});
console.log(object.set('bar', 'baz')); // {foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}
console.log(object.set('bar[0]', {baz: 'blah'})); // {foo: 'bar', bar: [{baz: 'blah'}, 'quz']}
some(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): boolean
- Performs same function as
, but on theCrioObject
- Performs same function as
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});
console.log(object.some(value => value === 'baz')); // true
console.log(object.some(value => value === 'quz')); // false
toArray(): CrioArray
- Converts
to aCrioArray
of the object's values
- Converts
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});
console.log(object.toArray()); // ['bar', 'baz']
- toLocaleString
- Returns stringified version of
- Optionally accepts
arguments, which are identical to those arguments for JSON.stringify
- Returns stringified version of
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});
console.log(object.toLocaleString()); // {"foo":"bar","bar":"baz"}
console.log(object.toLocaleString(null, 2));
"foo": "bar",
"bar": "baz"
- toString
- Returns stringified version of
- Optionally accepts
arguments, which are identical to those arguments for JSON.stringify
- Returns stringified version of
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});
console.log(object.toString()); // {"foo":"bar","bar":"baz"}
console.log(object.toString(null, 2));
"foo": "bar",
"bar": "baz"
thaw(): Object
- Recursively thaws
deeply and returns standard object version of itself
- Recursively thaws
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});
console.log(object.thaw()); // {foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}
console.log(object.constructor === Object); // false
console.log(object.thaw().constructor === Object); // true
values(): CrioObject
- Returns a
of the values in theCrioObject
- Returns a
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});
console.log(object.values()); // ['bar', 'baz']