@@ -238,4 +239,5 @@
+ {{/if}} {{!-- showComponent --}}
diff --git a/frontend/app/templates/components/suggest-link.hbs b/frontend/app/templates/components/suggest-link.hbs
index c0d6ae897..a9d2dc0fc 100644
--- a/frontend/app/templates/components/suggest-link.hbs
+++ b/frontend/app/templates/components/suggest-link.hbs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- {{suggest-text}}
- {{#link-to link-name classNames='' tagName='a'}}
- {{link-pretty}}
+ {{@suggest-text}}
+ {{#link-to @link-name classNames='' tagName='a'}}
+ {{@link-pretty}}
diff --git a/frontend/app/templates/index.hbs b/frontend/app/templates/index.hbs
index fe88220be..bd8abfcb5 100644
--- a/frontend/app/templates/index.hbs
+++ b/frontend/app/templates/index.hbs
@@ -12,13 +12,14 @@
An Express/Ember/D3 framework to display and interactively navigate complex datasets.
Developed by
- - AgriBio, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR), Victoria,
- Australia;
- - CSIRO, Canberra, Australia.
- Funded by the Grains Research Development Corporation (GRDC).
+Currently (2020-) funded and developed by Agriculture Victoria, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR), Victoria, Australia.
+Previously (2016-2020) funded by the Grains Research Development Corporation (GRDC) and co-developed by Agriculture Victoria and CSIRO, Canberra, Australia.
diff --git a/frontend/app/utils/draw/featuresCountsResults.js b/frontend/app/utils/draw/featuresCountsResults.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..655c44922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/app/utils/draw/featuresCountsResults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+import { isEqual } from 'lodash/lang';
+import groupBy from 'lodash/groupBy';
+import createIntervalTree from 'interval-tree-1d';
+import {
+ intervalOverlap,
+ intervalOrdered,
+ intervalJoin,
+ intervalSubtract2,
+ intervalsAbut,
+} from '../interval-calcs';
+import { inInterval } from './interval-overlap';
+import { inRange, subInterval, overlapInterval, intervalSign } from './zoomPanCalcs';
+import { featureCountDataProperties } from '../data-types';
+const dLog = console.debug;
+/** Check that the bins which are in the overlap of the 2 given FCRs match.
+ *
+ * This is used in featuresCountsResultsMergeOrAppend() before
+ * discarding the overlap section from one of the FCRs using
+ * featuresCountsResultsMerge().
+ * @param fcr1, fcr2 featuresCountsResults
+ * @return true if the bins in the overlap match between the 2 FCRs
+ */
+function featuresCountsResultsCheckOverlap(fcr1, fcr2) {
+ let o = intervalOverlap([fcr1.domain, fcr2.domain]),
+ fcr1O = featuresCountsResultsFilter(fcr1, o),
+ fcr2O = featuresCountsResultsFilter(fcr2, o),
+ same = isEqual(fcr1O, fcr2O);
+ if (! same) {
+ dLog('featuresCountsResultsCheckOverlap', same, fcr1, fcr2, o, fcr1O, fcr2O);
+ }
+ return same;
+/** The two given featuresCountsResults overlap; merge them.
+ * If one contains the other, then discard the sub-interval,
+ * otherwise ap/pre -pend to fcr1 the part of fcr2 which is outside of fcr1.
+ * @return the larger or combined featuresCountsResult
+ */
+function featuresCountsResultsMerge(fcr1, fcr2) {
+ let fcr;
+ if (subInterval(fcr1.domain, fcr2.domain)) {
+ fcr = fcr2;
+ } else if (subInterval(fcr2.domain, fcr1.domain)) {
+ fcr = fcr1;
+ } else {
+ let
+ addInterval = intervalJoin('subtract', fcr2.domain, fcr1.domain),
+ add = featuresCountsResultsFilter(fcr2, addInterval);
+ fcr = fcr1;
+ fcr.result = featuresCountsResultsConcat(fcr.result, add.result);
+ // this doesn't count the empty bins in fcr2 / add
+ fcr.nBins += add.result.length;
+ fcr.domain = intervalJoin('union', fcr1.domain, fcr2.domain);
+ }
+ dLog('featuresCountsResultsMerge', fcr, fcr1, fcr2);
+ return fcr;
+/** concat() two featuresCountsResult .result[] arrays, preserving ._id order.
+ */
+function featuresCountsResultsConcat(r1, r2) {
+ let r;
+ if (r1[r1.length-1]._id < r2[0]._id) {
+ r = r1.concat(r2);
+ } else if (r2[r2.length-1]._id < r1[0]._id) {
+ r = r2.concat(r1);
+ } else {
+ // ignore order - just concat.
+ dLog('featuresCountsResultsConcat', r1[0], r1[r1.length-1], r2[0], r2[r2.length-1], r1, r2);
+ r = r1.concat(r2);
+ }
+ return r;
+/** Copy a featuresCountsResult, within the given domain.
+ * @return a copy of fcResult, with results outside of domain filtered out.
+ */
+function featuresCountsResultsFilter(fcResult, domain) {
+ let {...out} = fcResult;
+ resultFilter(out, domain);
+ out.domain = domain;
+ dLog('featuresCountsResultsFilter', out, fcResult, domain);
+ return out;
+function resultFilter(out, domain) {
+ /* if needed could also support featureCountAutoDataProperties */
+ let datum2Location = featureCountDataProperties.datum2Location;
+ out.result = out.result.filter(
+ (fc) => binInRange(datum2Location(fc), domain));
+ out.nBins = out.result.length;
+/** Similar to intervalOverlap().
+ * Regard a bin interval as [closed, open)
+ */
+function binInRange(binInt, domain) {
+ // related : intervalOverlap([]) ( open)
+ // overlapInterval() allows === (closed)
+ // inRange() (closed)
+ let
+ i0 = intervalOrdered(binInt),
+ i1 = intervalOrdered(domain);
+ let within =
+ (i1[0] <= i0[0]) && (i0[1] <= i1[1]);
+ return within;
+/** Truncate excess decimal places in fcResult.result[*]._id
+ * If result[].idWidth < 1 then ._id often has alias error
+ * e.g. {_id: 49.20000000000024, count: 1, idWidth: [0.2]}
+ *
+ * This impacts on comparison isEqual() done by
+ * featuresCountsResultsCheckOverlap(), which is purely for
+ * development verification, and otherwise doesn't matter.
+ *
+ * @param fcResult fcResult.result[*]._id is mutated in situ.
+ */
+function featuresCountsResultsTidy(fcResult) {
+ let result = fcResult.result;
+ if (result[result.length-1] === undefined) {
+ result.pop();
+ }
+ result.forEach((r) => {
+ // this assumes featureCountDataProperties, not featureCountAutoDataProperties.
+ if (r.idWidth < 1) { r._id = Math.round(r._id / r.idWidth) * r.idWidth; }
+ });
+/** The given featuresCountsResults selectedResults have been selected
+ * by their coverage of a given interval (e.g. zoomedDomain), and by
+ * their binSize being suited for display at the current scale.
+ * Adjacent or overlapping results with the same binSize have been
+ * merged using featuresCountsResultsMerge(), so for a given binSize,
+ * results in selectedResults do not overlap.
+ * For different binSizes, they are likely to overlap and may have
+ * gaps in covering the domain.
+ *
+ * This function selects sections of these results; the return
+ * featuresCountsResult contains results whose bins join exactly with
+ * no overlap, and no gap if none was present in the input.
+ * Results with smaller binSize (higher resolution) are preferred.
+ *
+Rough design notes
+ * (from early Mar11)
+. starting from result of featuresCountsInZoom()
+. group into layers by binSize
+. start with the layer with smallest binSize (only those large enough to display are chosen by featuresCountsInZoom())
+ . accept all of these; set .join = .domain; add them to interval tree
+. for each subsequent layer :
+ . subtract all previous (smaller) layers from results, this defines .join at an end where subtraction limits the result
+ . for each result in layer : for each end : search for overlapping results in interval tree
+ . this may split results into multiple pieces; add a function in featuresCountsResults.js, using
+ added operation 'subtract2' to intervalJoin( ), for this specific internal use, not public api.
+ . for edges which are not cut, set .join = .domain
+ . at the subtraction edge : set .join to the cut point, calculate .rounded :
+ . on the result being added (larger binSize) : round outwards by .binSize
+ . on the result already accepted (smaller binSize) : round inwards by .binSize of the result being added.
+. after the above : all results have .join set at both ends, and possibly .rounded
+ . where .rounded is not set, set it to .join
+. all results have .rounded and are non-overlapping
+. slice each result : removing bins at each end which are outside .rounded
+ * @param selectedResults array of featuresCountsResults, which have the form e.g.
+ * {binSize: 200000, nBins: 100, domain: Array(2), result: Array(90)}
+ * .result is an array of feature counts : e.g. {_id: 8500000, count: 131, idWidth: Array(1)}
+ * .idWidth[0] is binSize.
+ *
+ * This assumes the result type is featureCountDataProperties, not featureCountAutoDataProperties.
+ * It would be easy to add an _id lookup function to featureCount{,Auto}DataProperties,
+ * but bucketauto would not suit the current requirements, and using defined boundaries does.
+ *
+ * @param preferredBinSize the binSize the user has configured as
+ * preferred, calculated from axis size in pixels and zoomedDomain and
+ * featuresCountsNBins; see lengthRounded in @see selectFeaturesCountsResults()
+ */
+function featuresCountsResultsSansOverlap (selectedResults, preferredBinSize) {
+ if (! selectedResults || ! selectedResults.length)
+ return selectedResults;
+ /** group into layers by binSize */
+ let binSize2fcrs = groupBy(selectedResults, 'binSize');
+ let
+ /** createIntervalTree() handles just the interval, so map from that to the FCR */
+ domain2Fcr = new WeakMap();
+ // map .domain before assigning in domain2Fcr .
+ selectedResults.forEach((fcr) => {
+ let direction = intervalSign(fcr.domain);
+ /** round outwards by binSize. if i===0 and direction then up is false */
+ fcr.domain = fcr.domain.map((d, i) => roundToBinSize(d, fcr.binSize, /*up*/ ((i===0) ^ direction )));
+ });
+ selectedResults.forEach((fcr) => domain2Fcr.set(fcr.domain, fcr));
+ /** .join[] and .rounded[] are parallel to .domain[], i.e. [start, end].
+ * When end `i` is cut, .join[i] is set, and .rounded[i] is
+ * calculated from that by rounding by the binSize of the shadowing
+ * fcr.
+ * Dropping .join because it is not needed, and it introduces
+ * the complication of using .join[i] || .domain[i]
+ * Dropping .rounded - use .domain instead
+ */
+ // selectedResults.forEach((fcr) => { fcr.rounded = []; /*fcr.join = [];*/ });
+ /** start with the layer with binSize closest to preferredBinSize (only those large
+ * enough to display are chosen by selectFeaturesCountsResults())
+ * accept all of these; set .join = .domain; add them to interval tree
+ */
+ let
+ /** sorted in order of closeness to preferredBinSize (lengthRounded).
+ * similar calc in selectFeaturesCountsResults(). */
+ closeToPreferred = function(binSize) { return Math.abs(Math.log2(binSize / preferredBinSize)); },
+ binSizes = Object.keys(binSize2fcrs).sort((a,b) => closeToPreferred(a) - closeToPreferred(b)),
+ firstBinSize = binSizes.shift(),
+ firstLayer = binSize2fcrs[firstBinSize],
+ intervalTree = createIntervalTree(firstLayer.mapBy('domain'));
+ /** can't intervalTree.remove during queryInterval(), so collate for .remove after query. */
+ let intervalTreeChanges = [];
+ // firstLayer.forEach((fcr) => fcr.join = fcr.domain);
+ /** a subset of selectedResults, containing those which are not entirely shadowed and hence not used. */
+ let selectedUsed = firstLayer.slice();
+ /** fcr-s created by subtracting a sub-interval */
+ let addedFcr = [];
+ function setDomain(fcr, domain, inTree) {
+ if (inTree) {
+ intervalTree.remove(fcr.domain);
+ }
+ fcr.domain = domain;
+ domain2Fcr.set(fcr.domain, fcr);
+ if (inTree) {
+ intervalTree.insert(fcr.domain);
+ }
+ }
+. for each subsequent layer :
+ . subtract all previous (smaller) layers from results, this defines .join at an end where subtraction limits the result
+ . for each result in layer : for each end : search for overlapping results in interval tree
+ . this may split results into multiple pieces; add a function in featuresCountsResults.js, using
+ added operation 'subtract2' to intervalJoin( ), for this specific internal use, not public api.
+ */
+ binSizes.forEach((binSize) => {
+ let fcrs = binSize2fcrs[binSize];
+ fcrs.forEach((fcr) => subtractAccepted(fcr) && selectedUsed.push(fcr));
+ });
+ /** @return true if fcr is not completely shadowed by a previously-accepted result.
+ */
+ function subtractAccepted(fcr) {
+ let used = true;
+ let addedFcrLocal = [];
+ let [lo, hi] = fcr.domain;
+ intervalTree.queryInterval(lo, hi, function(interval) {
+ let fcrI = domain2Fcr.get(interval);
+ let abut = intervalsAbut(interval, fcr.domain, false);
+ if (fcrI.binSize === fcr.binSize) {
+ // ignore - no overlap, and no rounding required.
+ } else
+ /* fcr.domain may be cut by multiple matching intervals.
+ */
+ if (subInterval(fcr.domain, interval)) {
+ // fcr is already covered by interval
+ used = false;
+ } else if (subInterval(interval, fcr.domain) &&
+ ! abut) {
+ let
+ outer = intervalSubtract2(fcr.domain, interval);
+ setDomain(fcr, outer[0], false);
+ let {...fcr2} = fcr;
+ fcr2.domain = outer[1];
+ // copy because it will have different values to fcr.
+ // fcr2.rounded = fcr2.rounded.slice();
+ // copy because it may be used to lookup domain2Fcr.
+ fcr2.domain = fcr2.domain.slice();
+ domain2Fcr.set(fcr2.domain, fcr2);
+ addedFcrLocal.push(fcr2);
+ addedFcr.push(fcr2);
+ cutEdge(fcr, interval, 1);
+ cutEdge(fcr2, interval, 0);
+ } else
+ /* fcr.domain may have reduced since start of .queryInterval() so re-check if overlap. */
+ if (!!intervalOverlap([fcr.domain, interval]) ) {
+ /** this case includes (subInterval && abut). */
+ /** interval overlaps fcr.domain, or they
+ * abut, so subtract produces just 1 interval. */
+ fcr.domain = intervalJoin('subtract', fcr.domain, interval);
+ domain2Fcr.set(fcr.domain, fcr);
+ /** edge of fcr cut by interval is fcr.domain[ci] */
+ let ci = fcr.domain.findIndex((d) => inRange(d, interval));
+ cutEdge(fcr, interval, ci);
+ }
+ });
+ let fromTo;
+ while ((fromTo = intervalTreeChanges.shift())) { let [from, to] = fromTo; intervalTree.remove(from); intervalTree.insert(to); };
+ /* for edges which are not cut, set .join = .domain
+ fcr.domain.forEach((d, i) => {
+ if (fcr.join[i] === undefined) { fcr.join[i] = d; }});
+ */
+ if (used) {
+ intervalTree.insert(fcr.domain);
+ }
+ addedFcrLocal.forEach((fcr) => subtractAccepted(fcr));
+ return used;
+ }
+ /** fcr (i1) is cut by i2 at i2[+!edge].
+ * Round the edge.
+ *
+ * @param fcr not yet accepted (not in intervalTree)
+ *
+ * @desc
+ * For featuresCountsResults, direction is true (positive) because
+ * it is determined by the block domain, which is positive; some of
+ * this code handles direction variation, but there seems no point
+ * in making that complete.
+ */
+ function cutEdge(fcr, i2, edge) {
+ /*
+ . at the subtraction edge : set .join to the cut point, calculate .rounded :
+ . on the result being added (larger binSize) : round outwards by .binSize
+ . on the result already accepted (smaller binSize) : round inwards by .binSize of the result being added.
+ let
+ /** i2 is from intervalTree. */
+ fcr2 = domain2Fcr.get(i2),
+ /** in the original design the binSize2fcrs[smallestBinSize] was
+ * accepted first, so here fcr.binSize was always the larger. */
+ binSize = Math.max(fcr2.binSize, fcr.binSize);
+ /*if ((fcr.rounded[+!edge] !== undefined) || (fcr2.rounded[edge] !== undefined)) {
+ dLog('cutEdge', fcr, i2, edge);
+ } else*/ {
+ // fcr.domain[edge] has been limited at i2[+!edge]
+ featuresCountsResultsRound(fcr, edge, true, binSize);
+ featuresCountsResultsRound(fcr2, +!edge, false, binSize);
+ // fcr2 is already in tree, so if .domain changed, update tree.
+ if (i2[+!edge] !== fcr2.domain[+!edge]) {
+ intervalTreeChanges.push([i2, fcr2.domain]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ . after the above : all results have .join set at both ends, and possibly .rounded
+ . where .rounded is not set, set it to .join
+ . all results have .rounded and are non-overlapping
+ */
+ let withAdded = selectedUsed.concat(addedFcr);
+ if (false)
+ withAdded.forEach((fcr) => {
+ fcr.domain.forEach((r, i) => (fcr.rounded[i] ||= fcr.domain[i]));
+ });
+ /*
+ . slice each result : removing bins at each end which are outside .rounded
+ */
+ withAdded.forEach((fcr) => {
+ resultFilter(fcr, fcr.domain/*rounded*/);
+ });
+ /* Result is single-layer - no overlapping featuresCountsResults. */
+ let single = withAdded;
+ dLog('featuresCountsResultsSansOverlap', single, selectedUsed, addedFcr, selectedResults, firstBinSize, binSizes);
+ return single;
+/** Round one edge of fcr (fcr.domain[edge]) by binSize.
+ */
+function featuresCountsResultsRound(fcr, edge, outwards, binSize) {
+ const fnName = 'featuresCountsResultsRound';
+ /**
+ fcr |<-- binSize -->|
+ ... ------|---------------|-----------|
+ |---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...
+ shadowing fcr (already accepted; smaller binSize)
+ edge outwards direction up
+ 0 true true 0
+ 0 true false 1
+ 0 false true 1
+ 0 false false 0
+ 1 true true 1
+ 1 true false 0
+ 1 false true 0
+ 1 false false 1
+ Check the above truth table with :
+ [0,1].forEach((edge) => [true, false].forEach(
+ (outwards) => [true, false].forEach(
+ (direction) => console.log(edge, outwards, direction, (edge === 1) ^ !direction ^ !outwards))));
+ */
+ {
+ // if edge is 1 and direction is positive and outwards then round up
+ let
+ edgeLocn = fcr.domain[edge],
+ direction = intervalSign(fcr.domain),
+ up = (edge === 1) ^ !direction ^ !outwards,
+ r = roundToBinSize(edgeLocn, binSize, up);
+ if (true) {
+ // doesn't affect domain2Fcr.
+ fcr.domain[edge] = r;
+ } else {
+ /** The fcr to be added can be shadowed by multiple accepted fcrs,
+ * which should reduce its size. i.e. if .rounded[edge] is already
+ * defined, then it should be further from .domain[+!edge] than r.
+ */
+ if ((fcr.rounded[edge] !== undefined) && (r !== fcr.rounded[edge])
+ && (intervalSign([fcr.domain[+!edge], r]) !== intervalSign([r, fcr.rounded[edge]]))) {
+ dLog(fnName, r, fcr, edge, outwards, binSize, edgeLocn, direction, up, fcr.rounded, fcr.domain);
+ } else if (Math.abs(fcr.rounded[edge] - fcr.domain[edge]) > binSize) {
+ dLog(fnName, r, fcr, edge, outwards, binSize, edgeLocn, direction, up, fcr.rounded, fcr.domain);
+ } else {
+ fcr.rounded[edge] = r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function roundToBinSize(edgeLocn, binSize, up) {
+ let r = Math.trunc(edgeLocn / binSize + (up ? 1 : 0)) * binSize;
+ return r;
+/** trace an array of FCR-s. formatted for pasting into web inspector console.
+ */
+fcrsShow = function (fcrs) { fcrs.forEach((fcr) => console.log('featuresCountsResults show', fcr, fcr.domain, fcr.rounded, fcr.result[0], fcr.result[fcr.result.length-1])); }
+export {
+ featuresCountsResultsCheckOverlap,
+ featuresCountsResultsMerge,
+ featuresCountsResultsFilter,
+ featuresCountsResultsTidy,
+ featuresCountsResultsSansOverlap,
diff --git a/frontend/app/utils/draw/interval-overlap.js b/frontend/app/utils/draw/interval-overlap.js
index 620f36812..c8edcce89 100644
--- a/frontend/app/utils/draw/interval-overlap.js
+++ b/frontend/app/utils/draw/interval-overlap.js
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ var trace_filter = 1;
* The result is analogous to the comparator function (cmp) result.
* Assume i[0] < i[1].
* @return 0 if v is in i, -1 if v < i, +1 if v > i
+ * The argument order is opposite to the similar function @see inRange()
function inInterval(i, v) {
diff --git a/frontend/app/utils/draw/zoomPanCalcs.js b/frontend/app/utils/draw/zoomPanCalcs.js
index 27c6f23dd..e88592f3e 100644
--- a/frontend/app/utils/draw/zoomPanCalcs.js
+++ b/frontend/app/utils/draw/zoomPanCalcs.js
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ const dLog = console.debug;
/* copied from draw-map.js; this has already been split out of draw-map.js into
* utils/graph-maths.js in an unpushed branch (8fccbd3).
* Added : this version handles range[] being in -ve order, i.e. range[0] > range[1].
+ * @param a point value
+ * @param range interval [start, end]
+ * The argument order is opposite to the similar function @see inInterval()
function inRange(a, range)
@@ -138,6 +141,9 @@ function intervalSign(interval) {
* @param inFilter true when called from zoomFilter() (d3.zoom().filter()),
* false when called from zoom() (d3.zoom().on('zoom')); this indicates
* variation of the event information structure.
+ * @return inFilter ? include : newDomain
+ * include is a flag for which true means don't filter out this event.
+ * newDomain is the new domain resulting from the zoom change.
function wheelNewDomain(axis, axisApi, inFilter) {
let yp = axis.y;
@@ -146,7 +152,7 @@ function wheelNewDomain(axis, axisApi, inFilter) {
* wheel, but if this can happen if there is an error in requesting block
* features.
- if (! yp) return;
+ if (! yp) return inFilter ? false : undefined;
/** Access these fields from the DOM event : .shiftKey, .deltaY, .currentTarget.
* When called from zoom(), d3.event is the d3 wrapper around the event, and
* the DOM event is referenced by .sourceEvent, whereas in zoomFilter()
@@ -247,7 +253,12 @@ function wheelNewDomain(axis, axisApi, inFilter) {
console.log('mousePosition', mousePosition);
range = yp.range(),
- rangeYCentre = mousePosition[1],
+ rangeYCentre = mousePosition[1];
+ if (rangeYCentre === undefined) {
+ dLog('mousePosition has no [1]', mousePosition);
+ return false;
+ }
+ let
/** This is the centre of zoom, i.e. the mouse position, not the centre of the axis. */
centre = axisApi.axisRange2Domain(axis.axisName, rangeYCentre),
@@ -315,4 +326,8 @@ function wheelNewDomain(axis, axisApi, inFilter) {
-export { inRangeEither, subInterval, overlapInterval, wheelNewDomain };
+export {
+ inRange, inRangeEither, subInterval, overlapInterval,
+ intervalSign,
+ wheelNewDomain
diff --git a/frontend/app/utils/ember-devel.js b/frontend/app/utils/ember-devel.js
index 5c058613b..8433009fb 100644
--- a/frontend/app/utils/ember-devel.js
+++ b/frontend/app/utils/ember-devel.js
@@ -36,4 +36,13 @@ function getAttrOrCP(object, attrName) {
-export { parentOfType, elt0, getAttrOrCP };
+/** Display Ember Data store Object field values. for devel debug - this is not a public API.
+ * Before Ember V3 this was '_internalModel.__data'
+ */
+const _internalModel_data = '_internalModel._recordData.__data';
+export { parentOfType, elt0, getAttrOrCP, _internalModel_data };
diff --git a/frontend/app/utils/hover.js b/frontend/app/utils/hover.js
index 874cfd823..18f3f8d3e 100644
--- a/frontend/app/utils/hover.js
+++ b/frontend/app/utils/hover.js
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ function showHover(context, textFn, d, i, g) {
delay: {show: 200, hide: 3000},
container: 'div#holder',
placement : hoverNearElement ? "auto right" : "left",
+ // comment re. title versus content in @see draw-map.js: configureHorizTickHover()
content : text
if (! hoverNearElement) {
@@ -89,25 +90,23 @@ function hideHover() {
+/** Wrapper for configureHover(), supporting existing uses in
+ * utils/draw/chart1.js : ChartLine.prototype.{bars,linebars}
+ */
function configureHorizTickHover(d, block, hoverTextFn) {
// console.log("configureHorizTickHover", d, this, this.outerHTML);
- let text = hoverTextFn(d, block);
- let node_ = this;
- if ($(node_).popover)
- $(node_)
- .popover({
- trigger : "click hover",
- sticky: true,
- delay: {show: 200, hide: 3000},
- container: 'div#holder',
- placement : "auto right",
- positionFixed : true,
- // comment re. title versus content in @see draw-map.js: configureHorizTickHover()
- content : text,
- html: false
- });
+ /** client data : block for hoverTextFn() */
+ let context = {block};
+ configureHover.apply(this, [context, (context_, d) => hoverTextFn(d, context_.block)]);
+/* The original of this function configureHorizTickHover (up to 3e674205) is
+ * very similar to draw-map : configureHorizTickHover() which was factored from.
+ * Using configureHover() is equivalent, minor differences :
+ * this version had positionFixed : true, and html: false,
+ * and configureHover() adds hoverNearElement ... "left".
+ */
export { configureHover, configureHorizTickHover };
diff --git a/frontend/app/utils/interval-calcs.js b/frontend/app/utils/interval-calcs.js
index 58590ba05..589fd5334 100644
--- a/frontend/app/utils/interval-calcs.js
+++ b/frontend/app/utils/interval-calcs.js
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+import { intervalSign } from './draw/zoomPanCalcs';
+import { inInterval } from './draw/interval-overlap';
+import { maybeFlip } from './draw/axis';
/* related : see utils/draw/zoomPanCalcs.js
* backend/common/utilities/interval-overlap.js
@@ -6,6 +12,8 @@
/* global d3 */
+const dLog = console.debug;
/** Determine the absolute length of the given interval or domain.
@@ -101,6 +109,95 @@ function intervalOrdered(interval) {
return interval;
+/** @return i1 - i2, i.e. the part of i1 outside of i2
+ * Result direction is the same as the direction of i1.
+ * @param operation 'intersect', 'union', 'subtract'.
+ *
+ * @param i1, i2 are intervals, i.e. [start, end]
+ * (i1 and i2 have the same direction)
+ * i1 and i2 overlap, and neither is a sub-interval of the other.
+ * @see subInterval(), featuresCountsResultsMerge().
+ */
+function intervalJoin(operation, i1, i2) {
+ /**
+ |----------------| i1
+ |-----------------| i2
+ |-------|--------|--------|
+ outside inside outside
+ |--------| intersect
+ |-------|--------|--------| union
+ |-------| subtract
+ */
+ const inside = 1, outside = 0;
+ let
+ cmp1 = i1.map((i) => inInterval(i2, i)),
+ /** i1[indexes1[outside]] is outside i2, and
+ * i1[indexes1[inside]] is inside i2.
+ */
+ indexes1 = cmp1.map((i) => (+(i === 0))),
+ /** could calculate cmp2, indexes2, but for current use
+ * (featureCountsResults) can assume that direction of i1 and i2 is
+ * the same, so i2[indexes1[outside]] is inside i1.
+ */
+ interval =
+ (operation === 'intersect') ? [i1[indexes1[inside]], i2[indexes1[outside]]] :
+ (operation === 'union') ? [i1[indexes1[outside]], i2[indexes1[inside]]] :
+ (operation === 'subtract') ? [i1[indexes1[outside]], i2[indexes1[outside]]] :
+ undefined;
+ let flip = intervalSign(interval) !== intervalSign(i1);
+ interval = maybeFlip(interval, flip);
+ dLog('intervalJoin', operation, interval, i1, i2, cmp1, indexes1);
+ return interval;
+/** Subtract i2 from i1, where i2 is a sub-interval of i1.
+ * If i2 overlaps i1 but is not a sub-interval of it, then use intervalJoin('subtract', i1, i2).
+ *
+ * This is applicable
+ * when i2 is a subInterval of i1, and hence the result is 2 intervals
+ * in an array; (used by featuresCountsResultsSansOverlap()).
+ */
+function intervalSubtract2(i1, i2) {
+ /**
+ |-------------------------| i1
+ |--------| i2
+ |-------| |--------| subtract2
+ */
+ let
+ sameDir = intervalSign(i1) === intervalSign(i2),
+ start1 = 0,
+ end1 = 1 - start1,
+ start2 = sameDir ? start1 : end1,
+ end2 = 1 - start2,
+ interval = [[i1[start1], i2[start2]], [i2[end2], i1[end1]]];
+ interval.forEach((i3, i) => { if (! intervalSign(i3)) { console.log('intervalSubtract2', i3, i); } });
+ dLog('intervalSubtract2', interval, i1, i2);
+ return interval;
+/** @return true if the 2 intervals have a common endpoint.
+ * Form of i1 and i2 is : [number, number].
+ * The implementation will handle other vector lengths; if sameDir
+ * then i2.length is expected to be >= i1.length
+ * @param sameDir if true then assume i1 and i2 have the same direction.
+ */
+function intervalsAbut(i1, i2, sameDir) {
+ let
+ matchFn = sameDir ?
+ (x1, i) => x1 === i2[i] :
+ (x1, i) => i2.find((x2, j) => (x1 === x2)),
+ match = i1.find(matchFn);
+ return match;
/** Keep the top byte of the mantissa and clear the rest.
@@ -132,5 +229,9 @@ export {
intervalSize, intervalLimit, intervalOutside, intervalMerge, intervalExtent,
+ intervalOrdered,
+ intervalJoin,
+ intervalSubtract2,
+ intervalsAbut,
diff --git a/frontend/app/utils/stacks-adj.js b/frontend/app/utils/stacks-adj.js
index 38637b893..4c4fa1cdc 100644
--- a/frontend/app/utils/stacks-adj.js
+++ b/frontend/app/utils/stacks-adj.js
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ function collateAdjacentAxes()
let dataBlocks = [];
for (let stackIndex=0; stackIndex 2)
console.log('collateAdjacentAxes', stackIndex, fAxis_s0, stackIndex+1, fAxis_s1);
diff --git a/frontend/app/utils/stacks.js b/frontend/app/utils/stacks.js
index b90ae1e4e..5a83a28cd 100644
--- a/frontend/app/utils/stacks.js
+++ b/frontend/app/utils/stacks.js
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Block.prototype.datasetHasParent = function() {
/** @return true if this Block is a data block, not the reference block.
-Block.prototype.isData = function() {
+Block.prototype.isData = function(showPaths) {
let axis = this.getAxis(),
blockR = this.block,
/** The most significant check here is blockR.get('featureCount'); now that we
@@ -239,8 +239,11 @@ Block.prototype.isData = function() {
* in populating the blocks parameter of getBlockFeaturesInterval().
* (checking if features is defined and features.length > 0)
- isData =
- (blockR.get('namespace') || blockR.get('isChartable') || blockR.get('features.length') || blockR.get('featureCount') || ! this.isReference());
+ isData = blockR.get('isData');
+ // (blockR.get('namespace') || blockR.get('isChartable') || blockR.get('features.length') || blockR.get('featureCount') || ! this.isReference());
+ if (showPaths) {
+ isData &&= blockR.get('showPaths');
+ }
return isData;
@@ -320,7 +323,11 @@ Stacked.axis1dRemove = function (axisName, axis1dComponent) {
delete axes1d[axisName];
Stacked.prototype.getAxis1d = function () {
- let axis1d = this.axis1d || (this.axis1d = axes1d[this.axisName]);
+ let axis1d = this.axis1d,
+ a1;
+ if (! axis1d && (a1 = axes1d[this.axisName])) {
+ Ember.set(this, 'axis1d', a1);
+ }
if (axis1d && (axis1d.isDestroying || axis1d.isDestroying)) {
dLog('getAxis1d() isDestroying', axis1d, this);
axis1d = this.axis1d = undefined;
@@ -783,16 +790,17 @@ Stack.prototype.childBlocks = function (names)
/** @return all the blocks in this axis which are data blocks, not reference blocks.
* Data blocks are recognised by having a .namespace;
* @param visible if true then exclude blocks which are not visible
+ * @param showPaths if true then exclude blocks which are not for paths alignment
-Stacked.prototype.dataBlocks = function (visible)
+Stacked.prototype.dataBlocks = function (visible, showPaths)
let db = this.blocks
.filter(function (block) {
return (! visible || block.visible)
- && block.isData(); });
+ && block.isData(showPaths); });
if (trace_stack > 1)
- 'Stacked', 'blocks', visible, this.blocks.map(function (block) { return block.longName(); }),
+ 'Stacked', 'blocks', visible, showPaths, this.blocks.map(function (block) { return block.longName(); }),
this.axisName, this.mapName, 'dataBlocks',
db.map(function (block) { return block.longName(); }));
return db;
@@ -800,13 +808,14 @@ Stacked.prototype.dataBlocks = function (visible)
/** @return all the blocks in this Stack which are data blocks, not reference blocks.
* Data blocks are recognised by having a .namespace;
* this is a different criteria to @see Stack.prototype.dataBlocks0().
+ * @param showPaths if true then exclude blocks which are not for paths alignment
-Stack.prototype.dataBlocks = function ()
+Stack.prototype.dataBlocks = function (showPaths)
/** Currently only visible == true is used, but could make this a param. */
let visible = true;
let axesDataBlocks = this.axes
- .map(function (stacked) { return stacked.dataBlocks(visible); } ),
+ .map(function (stacked) { return stacked.dataBlocks(visible, showPaths); } ),
db = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], axesDataBlocks)
// Stacked.longName() handles blocks also.
@@ -2223,7 +2232,7 @@ Stacked.prototype.axisDimensions = function ()
currentPosition = axis1d && axis1d.get('currentPosition');
if (! currentPosition || ! isEqual(domain, currentPosition.yDomain))
- dLog('axisDimensions', domain, currentPosition.yDomain, zoomed, currentPosition);
+ dLog('axisDimensions', domain, currentPosition && currentPosition.yDomain, zoomed, currentPosition);
return dim;
/** Set the domain of the current position to the given domain
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"name": "pretzel-frontend",
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+ "version": "2.6.1",
"description": "Frontend code for Pretzel",
"repository": "",
"license": "MIT",
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--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
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"name": "pretzel",
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"dependencies": {
"repository" :
diff --git a/resources/data_templates/datasets.ots b/resources/data_templates/datasets.ots
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4c7ea0d6
Binary files /dev/null and b/resources/data_templates/datasets.ots differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1be99cb6
Binary files /dev/null and b/resources/data_templates/datasets.xltx differ
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index 7144ea607..6e8bfc652 100644
--- a/resources/emacs_config.el
+++ b/resources/emacs_config.el
@@ -7,8 +7,12 @@
;; The path of this directory.
;; Used to calculate the git work-tree root dir.
(setq mmv_Dav127
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "^~/" "$HOME/"
(replace-regexp-in-string "/resources/$" "" (file-name-directory load-file-name) )
- )
+ ))
+;; same as $MMv
+(setq MMv
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "/pretzel.*" "" mmv_Dav127))
@@ -58,7 +62,13 @@
(setq safe-local-variable-values
`((create-lockfiles . nil)
+ (js2-basic-offset . 2)
(js2-bounce-indent-p . t)
+ (js2-pretty-multiline-declarations . nil)
+ ;; GNU style
+ (perl-indent-level . 2)
+ (perl-continued-statement-offset . 2)
+ (perl-continued-brace-offset . 0)
@@ -70,7 +80,7 @@
;; To make this code flexible wrt directory path, the path of the git work-tree
;; is calculated and the settings are configured to apply for that tree.
- mmv_Dav127
+ MMv ;; was mmv_Dav127
diff --git a/resources/tools/dev/functions_convert.bash b/resources/tools/dev/functions_convert.bash
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cc14424c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/tools/dev/functions_convert.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Usage : source pretzel/resources/tools/dev/functions_convert.bash
+# sp=~/pretzel/resources/tools/dev/snps2Dataset.pl;
+# commonName=Chickpea;
+# shortName=WGS_SNP;
+# platform=WGS_SNP;
+# parentName=...
+# genBankRename= sed script of the form :
+# s/gi|442654316|gb|CM001764.1|/Ca1/
+# s/gi|442654315|gb|CM001765.1|/Ca2/
+# setup :
+# mkdir out out_json
+# for i in *.xlsx; do echo $i; ssconvert -S "$i" out/"$i.%s.csv"; done
+function snp1() {
+ echo "$i"; <"$i" tail -n +2 | sed -f $genBankRename | sort -t, -k 2 | \
+ $sp -d "$parentName.$datasetName" -s "$shortName" -p $parentName -n"$parentName:$platform" -c "$commonName" \
+ > ../out_json/"$i".json ; ls -gG ../out_json/"$i".json
+function datasetName2shortName() {
+ sed 's/_Submission//ig;s/_Gydle//ig;s/SSRs/SSR/;s/SNPs/SNP/;s/^CP_//;s/FieldPea//;s/FABABEAN_//;s/FABA_//;s/^FB_//;s/_FP$//;s/^Len_//;s/Lentil_//;s/inhouse_Pretzel//;s/ (2)//' ; }
+function fileName2DatasetName() {
+ sed -n 's/\.csv$//;s/[ _]*Linkage[ _]*map[_ ]*//ig;s/Pretzel_submission_//ig;s/ $//;s/ map$//i;s/\([^ ls]\)[xX]\([^ ls]\)/\1 x \2/g;s/ x / x /ig;s/.*\.xlsx\.//p;'; }
+# env var $snpFile is the name of the file which contains SNPs which associate the markers in this map file with chromosome names
+# See also mapChrsCN()
+# usage e.g. snpFile=*mission*CP_EST_SNP-OPA*
+function mapChrs() {
+ lm_c=$( awk -F, ' { print $2; }' "$i" | uniq)
+ datasetName=$( echo "$i" | fileName2DatasetName ); echo "$datasetName $i";
+ mkdir chrSnps/"$datasetName"
+ if [ -f chrSnps/"$datasetName".chrCount ]
+ then
+ rm chrSnps/"$datasetName".chrCount
+ fi
+ for j in $lm_c; do echo $j; awk -F, "/,$j,/ {print \$1;}" "$i" >chrSnps/"$datasetName"/$j; done
+ for j in $(cd chrSnps/"$datasetName"; ls ); do suffix=$(echo $j | sed -n "s/.*\(\..*\)/\1/p"); fgrep -f "chrSnps/$datasetName/$j" $snpFile | sed -f $genBankRename | awk -F, '{a[$2]++;} END {for (i in a) print a[i], i;}' | sort -n -r | head -1 | tee -a chrSnps/"$datasetName".chrCount | awk ' {printf("s/,%s,/,%s%s,/\n", "'$j'", $2, "'$suffix'"); }' ; done > chrSnps/"$datasetName".chrRename.sed
+function map1() {
+ j=$(echo "$i" | fileName2DatasetName); \
+ datasetName=$j;
+ echo "$j"; <"$i" sed -f chrSnps/"$datasetName".chrRename.sed | $sp -d "$j" -p '' -n 'SNP_OPA' -c "$commonName" -g > ../out_json/"$i".json ; ls -gG ../out_json/"$i".json
+# Convert a linkage / genetic map from csv to Pretzel json.
+# Similar to mapChrs() except the column order here is assumed to be
+# columnsKeyString="chr name pos"
+# i.e. chr is in $1, name is in $2 (awk)
+# This also impacts the regexp /^$j
+# snpFile=*mission*CP_EST_SNP-OPA*
+# snpFile=*CP_GBS-TC*
+function mapChrsCN() {
+ lm_c=$( awk -F, ' { print $1; }' "$i" | uniq)
+ datasetName=$( echo "$i" | fileName2DatasetName ); echo "$datasetName $i";
+ mkdir chrSnps/"$datasetName"
+ for j in $lm_c; do echo $j; awk -F, "/^$j,/ {print \$2;}" "$i" >chrSnps/"$datasetName"/$j; done
+ for j in $(cd chrSnps/"$datasetName"; ls L*); do suffix=$(echo $j | sed -n "s/.*\(\..*\)/\1/p"); fgrep -f "chrSnps/$datasetName/$j" $snpFile | sed -f $genBankRename | awk -F, '{a[$2]++;} END {for (i in a) print a[i], i;}' | sort -n -r | head -1 | awk ' {printf("s/^%s,/%s%s,/\n", "'$j'", $2, "'$suffix'"); }' ; done > chrSnps/"$datasetName".chrRename.sed
+function CP_GM() {
+ export columnsKeyString="name chr pos";
+ for i in *inkage*_LasseterxICC3996* ; do mapChrs; done
+ export columnsKeyString="chr name pos";
+ for i in *inkage*_SonalixGenesis* ; do mapChrsCN; done
+ export columnsKeyString="chr name pos";
+ for i in *inkage*_SonalixGenesis* ; do map1; done
+ export columnsKeyString="name chr pos";
+ for i in *inkage*_LasseterxICC3996* ; do map1; done
diff --git a/resources/tools/dev/functions_data.bash b/resources/tools/dev/functions_data.bash
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b8810cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/tools/dev/functions_data.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Usage :
+# source pretzel/resources/tools/dev/functions_data.bash
+# source ~/pretzel/resources/tools/functions_prod.bash
+# setToken ...
+# loadChr 2H SNPs.vcf.gz Barley_RGT_Planet_SNPs_10M Hordeum_vulgare_RGT_Planet_v1
+# $URL is modified
+# check to warn if size of $vcfGz is < $bytesAvailable / 10
+function checkSpace() {
+ vcfGz=$1
+ bytesAvailable=$(df -k . | tail -n +2 | awk ' { print $4;}')
+ gzSize=$(ls -gG "$vcfGz" | awk ' { print $3; } ')
+ echo vcfGz="$vcfGz" bytesAvailable=$bytesAvailable gzSize=$gzSize
+function datasetAndName2BlockId {
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ] ; then
+ datasetId=$1
+ blockName=$2
+ $dockerExec mongo --quiet $DB_NAME --eval "db.Block.find({ datasetId : \"$datasetId\", name : \"$blockName\" }).map( function (b) { return b._id.valueOf(); })" | tr -d '[:punct:] '
+ fi
+dockerExec="docker exec $DIM"
+# or local :
+# dockerExec=
+# DB_NAME=admin
+# Load 1 chromosome from the given .vcf.gz file
+# This handles large chromosomes by splitting into chunks and using
+# Datasets/createComplete for the first chunk then
+# Blocks/blockFeaturesAdd for the remainder.
+# Column 3 of the vcf is expected to be '.'; this is converted into a unique name "$1:$2"
+# Split into 1e5 line chunks, to avoid JSON data too large for curl or node
+# (node handles 1e6 OK, but got curl: option --data-binary: out of memory).
+# Usage in file header comment above.
+# @param chr not expected to contain a space or punctuation, e.g. 2H
+# @param vcfGz
+# @param datasetName Name of dataset to create and add the chromosome / block to
+# @param parentName Name of parent / reference genome for this dataset to reference as parent.
+function loadChr()
+ [ $# -eq 4 ] || (echo "Usage : loadChr chr vcfGz datasetName parentName" 1>&2 ; exit 1)
+ chr="$1"
+ vcfGz="$2"
+ datasetName="$3"
+ parentName="$4"
+ echo chr=$chr, vcfGz="$vcfGz", datasetName="$datasetName", parentName="$parentName"
+ checkSpace "$vcfGz"
+ mkdir ${chr}
+ gzip -d < "$vcfGz" | grep "^chr${chr}" | awk -F'\t' ' { printf("%s\t%s\t%s:%s\t%s\t%s\t\n", $1, $2, $1,$2, $4, $5); } ' | split -l 100000 - ${chr}/
+ # cd ${chr}
+ echo URL="$URL"; sleep 5
+ for splitChunk in $chr/[a-z][a-z]; do
+ echo $splitChunk;
+ case $splitChunk in
+ */aa)
+ export URL=localhost:8080/api/Datasets/createComplete
+ < "$splitChunk" "$snps2Dataset" -d "$datasetName" -p "$parentName" > "$splitChunk".json
+ status=$?
+ if [ $status -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo 1>&2 Exit due to error. "$splitChunk" not loaded.;
+ return $status
+ fi
+ # The normal output is small, but error output could be the whole json, so |cut|head.
+ time uploadData "$splitChunk".json 2>&1 | cut -c-200 | head -100
+ status=$?
+ if [ $status -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo 1>&2 Exit due to error. "$splitChunk".json not loaded.;
+ return $status
+ fi
+ # rm "$splitChunk".json
+ blockId=$(datasetAndName2BlockId "$datasetName" ${chr} )
+ echo blockId=$blockId
+ URL=$(echo $URL | sed 's,Datasets/createComplete,Blocks/blockFeaturesAdd,')
+ echo URL="$URL"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # > $splitChunk.json && time
+ < $splitChunk "$snps2Dataset" -b $blockId | uploadData - 2>&1 | cut -c-200 | head -100
+ status=$?
+ if [ $status -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo 1>&2 Exit due to error. "$splitChunk" not loaded.;
+ return $status
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # cd ..
diff --git a/resources/tools/dev/snps2Dataset.pl b/resources/tools/dev/snps2Dataset.pl
index 857c8282e..10f1559c3 100755
--- a/resources/tools/dev/snps2Dataset.pl
+++ b/resources/tools/dev/snps2Dataset.pl
@@ -11,68 +11,438 @@
# initial version based on effects2Dataset.pl (a6e96c6)
-# -*- tab-width 2; perl-indent-level : 2; perl-continued-statement-offset : 2; perl-continued-brace-offset : -2; -*- (emacs)
-# vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 noexpandtab:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std; # for getopt()
+use Scalar::Util qw/reftype/;
+# Forward declarations
+sub convertInput();
+sub createDataset();
+sub appendToBlock();
+sub makeTemplates();
+sub encode_json_2($$);
+sub columnConfig();
+sub chromosomeRenamePrepare();
+# Handles dynamic / optional columns, in place of ColumnsEnum.
+my %columnsKeyLookup = ();
+my $c_arrayColumnName;
+# main
+## Get options from ARGV
+my %options;
+getopts("vhd:p:b:n:c:s:C:F:P:gM:R:A:t:D:H", \%options);
+## Version and help options display
+use constant versionMsg => "2021 Apr.\n";
+use constant usageMsg => < Exome_SNPs_1A.json
+ Optional params : -n namespace [empty | 90k | ... ] -c "common name"
+ -C columnsKeyString e.g. "chr pos name ref_alt"
+ -F field separator, e.g. '\t', default ','
+ -P species prefix for chr number, e.g. Ca
+ -M column for dataset from Metadata worksheet csv
+ -R Chromosome Renaming worksheet csv
+ -A array column name
+ -t tags
+ -D output directory
+ -H first line is header line
+my $datasetName = $options{d};
+my $parentName = $options{p};
+my $blockId = $options{b};
+# may be '', which is false-y
+my $namespace = defined($options{n}) ? $options{n} : (defined($parentName) ? "$parentName:$datasetName" : $datasetName);
+my $commonName = $options{c};
+my $shortName = $options{s}; # option, Exome. WGS
+my $columnsKeyString = "chr pos name ref_alt";
+if (defined($options{C}))
+ $columnsKeyString = $options{C};
+my $fieldSeparator = $options{F} || ','; # '\t'
+# Prefix the chr with e.g. 2-letter abbreviation of latin name (e.g. 'Ca')
+# The chr input may be just a number, or it may have some other prefix which is trimmed off (see $chrPrefix).
+my $chrOutputPrefix = $options{P} || '';
+my $datasetMetaFile = $options{M};
+my $chromosomeRenamingFile = $options{R};
+# An array which is accumulated from preceding lines.
+my $arrayColumnName = $options{A};
+# Accumulate values from column $arrayColumnName since last Feature.
+my $arrayRef = [];
+#my $refAltSlash = 0; # option, default 0
+# true means add other columns to Feature.values { }
+my $addValues = 1; # option : add values : { other columns, }
+# option : if $namespace =~ m/90k/ etc, use $datasetHeaderGM
+my $isGM = $options{g}; # default 0, 1 for physical data blocks
+# QTL worksheet may output multiple datasets.
+# If undefined, output is to stdout, otherwise create a file named $dataset.json in $outputDir for each dataset.
+my $outputDir = $options{D};
+my $extraTags = $options{t}; # '"SNP"'; # . ", \"HighDensity\""; # option, default ''
+if ($extraTags)
+ # the tags are comma-separated, express them as a comma-separated list of strings wrapped with "".
+ $extraTags = '"' . join('", "', split(',', $extraTags)) . '"';
+ $extraTags = '';
+# For loading Genome Reference / Parent :
+# my $extraMeta = ''; # '"paths" : "false",'; # '"type" : "Genome",';
+my $line1IsHeader = $options{H};
+if ($arrayColumnName)
+ columnConfig();
+ $c_arrayColumnName = defined($columnsKeyLookup{$arrayColumnName}) ? $columnsKeyLookup{$arrayColumnName} : undef;
+ # print join(';', keys(%columnsKeyLookup)), ',', $columnsKeyLookup{'end'}, ',', $arrayColumnName, ', ', $c_arrayColumnName || 'undef', "\n";
+my $c_Trait = defined($columnsKeyLookup{'Trait'}) ? $columnsKeyLookup{'Trait'} : undef;
+# initialised by makeTemplates()
+my $datasetHeader;
+my $blockHeader;
+my $blockFooter;
+my $datasetFooter;
+my $datasetHeaderGM;
+# true after startDataset()
+my $startedDataset = 0;
+sub main()
+if ($options{v}) {
+ print STDERR versionMsg;
+elsif ($options{h})
+ print STDERR usageMsg;
+elsif (defined ($datasetName) == defined ($blockId))
+ print STDERR usageMsg, < qw(c_chr c_pos c_scaffold_pos c_ref_alt);
+# scaffold_pos -> name
+# $columnsKeyString = "chr pos name ref_alt";
+# $columnsKeyString = "name chr pos";
+# This may be a requirement :
+# my $chrPrefix = 'L.';
+# Assumption : if chr has 2 '.' after $chrPrefix then scope is : trim off the 2nd . and following chars.
+# equivalent to e.g : qw(c_chr c_pos c_name c_ref_alt)
+# /r for non-destructive, allows chaining.
+my $columnsKeyPrefixed;
+# End position, optional column.
+my $c_endPos;
+sub columnConfig() {
+ # $columnsKeyString indicates which columns contain the key values
+ # e.g. "chr name pos" or "name chr pos end" or "chr pos name ref_alt"
+ # Words are separated by single spaces (multiple spaces can be used to indicate columns which are not keys).
+ $columnsKeyString = $ENV{columnsKeyString} || "chr name pos";
+ # print "columnsKeyString", $columnsKeyString, "\n";
+ # data flow : $columnsKeyString -> $columnsKeyPrefixed -> ColumnsEnum
+ # which defines the enums, c_name, c_chr, c_pos etc.
+ # Using an enum made sense in the initial version which had fixed columns,
+ # but now %columnsKeyLookup is more suitable.
+ #
+ # $columnsKeyString is space-separated, not comma.
+ # column header names which contain spaces are wrapped with "".
+ my @a1 = split(/"([^\"]*)"| */, $columnsKeyString );
+ my @columnsKeyValues = grep { $_ } @a1;
+ # print 'columnsKeyValues : ', join(':', @columnsKeyValues), "\n";
+ for (my $ki=0; $ki <= $#columnsKeyValues; $ki++)
+ {
+ $columnsKeyLookup{$columnsKeyValues[$ki]} = $ki;
+ }
- eval "use constant (ColumnsEnum)[$_] => $_;" foreach 0..(ColumnsEnum)-1;
+ columnConfig();
+ $columnsKeyPrefixed = $columnsKeyString
+ =~ s/,/ /rg
+ =~ s/^/c_/r
+ =~ s/ / c_/rg;
+ # print 'columnsKeyPrefixed : ', $columnsKeyPrefixed, "\n";
+ # my @a2 = split(' ', $columnsKeyPrefixed);
+ # print 'a2 : ', join(':', @a2), "\n";
+ # These columns are identified using variables, (e.g. $c_endPos),
+ # because the corresponding enum (e.g. c_endPos) can't have a conditional value.
+ $c_endPos = defined($columnsKeyLookup{'end'}) ? $columnsKeyLookup{'end'} : undef;
+use constant ColumnsEnum => split(' ', $columnsKeyPrefixed);
+ eval "use constant (ColumnsEnum)[$_] => $_;" foreach 0..(ColumnsEnum)-1;
+ eval "use constant c_start => c_pos;";
-sub convertInput();
+my @columnHeaders;
+# @return true if the given line is a column header row
+sub headerLine($$) {
+ my ($line, $lineNumber) = @_;
+ my $isHeader = ($lineNumber == 1) &&
+ (
+ $line1IsHeader ||
+ ($line =~ m/^label chr pos/)
+ || ($line =~ m/^name,chr,pos/)
+ || (($line =~ m/Marker|Name/i) && ($line =~ m/Chromosome/i))
+ || ($line =~ m/Contig,Position/i)
+ );
+ if ($isHeader) {
+ @columnHeaders = map { trimOutsideQuotesAndSpaces($_); } split($fieldSeparator);
+ }
+ return $isHeader;
+# Sanitize input by removing punctuation other than space, comma, _, ., /, \n
+# Commonly _ and . are present in parentName.
+# Space appears in commonName (handled in .bash).
+# , is used for splitting csv lines, and / appears in some chr names e.g. 'LG5/LG7'
+# Related : deletePunctuation() in uploadSpreadsheet.bash
+sub deletePunctuation($)
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ $text =~ tr/_.,\/\n 0-9A-Za-z//cd;
+ return $text;
+# hash -> json
+# Only need simple 1-level json output, so implement it here to avoid installing JSON.pm.
+sub simple_encode_json($)
+ my ($data) = @_;
+ my @fields = ();
+ for my $key (keys %$data) {
+ push @fields, '"' . $key . '" : "' . $data->{$key} . '"';
+ }
+ return @fields;
+# slightly more complete - handle hash or array, or a hash with an array value
+# @param $indent
+# @param $data
+sub encode_json_2($$)
+ my ($indent, $data) = @_;
+ my $json;
+ if (reftype $data eq 'ARRAY')
+ {
+ my $quote = $#$data ? '"' : '';
+ $json = '[' . $quote . join('"' . ",\n" . $indent . '"' , @$data) . $quote . ']';
+ }
+ elsif (reftype $data eq 'HASH')
+ {
+ my @fields = ();
+ for my $key (keys %$data) {
+ my $value = $data->{$key};
+ my $valueString = (reftype \$value eq 'SCALAR') ?
+ '"' . $value . '"'
+ : encode_json_2($indent . ' ', $value);
+ push @fields, '"' . $key . '" : ' . $valueString;
+ }
+ $json = '{' . join(",\n" . $indent, @fields) . '}';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $json = '"' . $data . '"';
+ }
+ return $json;
+# Populate Dataset .meta from command-line options and
+# column for dataset from Metadata worksheet.
+sub setupMeta()
+ my %meta = ();
+ if (defined($shortName) && $shortName)
+ {
+ $meta{'shortName'} = $shortName;
+ }
+ if (defined($commonName) && $commonName)
+ {
+ $meta{'commonName'} = $commonName;
+ }
+ # When called from uploadSpreadsheet.bash, meta.type can now be set from the Metadata worksheet.
+ if ($isGM) {
+ $meta{'type'} = "Genetic Map";
+ }
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Read additional meta from file.
+ if (defined($datasetMetaFile) && $datasetMetaFile)
+ {
+ if (! open(FH, '<', $datasetMetaFile))
+ { warn $!; }
+ else
+ {
+ while(){
+ chomp;
+ my ($fieldName, $value) = split(/,/, $_);
+ if (! ($fieldName =~ m/commonName|parentName|platform|shortName/)) {
+ $meta{$fieldName} = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ close(FH);
+ }
+ }
+ # use JSON;
+ # my $metaJson = encode_json \%meta;
+ my $metaJson = '{' . join(",\n ", simple_encode_json(\%meta)) . '}';
+ return $metaJson;
+sub makeTemplates()
+ my $metaJson = setupMeta();
+ # Could include . "\n" in this expression, but OTOH there is some
+ # value in leaving blank lines when parent and namespace are not defined.
+ # (the template does contain the indent spaces so the line is blank but not empty).
+ my $parentJson = defined($parentName) ? '"parent" : "' . $parentName . '",' : '';
+ my $namespaceJson = defined($namespace) ? '"namespace" : "' . $namespace . '",' : '';
# Used to form the JSON structure of datasets and blocks.
# Text extracted from pretzel-data/myMap.json
-# These are indented with 4 spaces, whereas the remainder of the file is indented with 2-column tabs.
-my $datasetHeader = < "2020 Dec 07 (Don Isdale).\n";
-use constant usageMsg => < Exome_SNPs_1A.json
-my $datasetName = $options{d};
-my $parentName = $options{p};
-if ($options{v}) {
- print versionMsg;
-elsif ($options{h})
+sub createDataset()
- print usageMsg;
+ if ($isGM) {
+ $datasetHeader = $datasetHeaderGM;
+ }
+ if (! $outputDir)
+ {
+ print $datasetHeader;
+ }
+ convertInput();
+ optionalBlockFooter();
+ print $datasetFooter;
-elsif (!defined ($datasetName))
+sub startDataset()
- print usageMsg, <)
+ while (<>)
- chomp;
- # commenting out this condition will output the column headers in the JSON,
- # which is a useful check of column alignment with the ColumnsEnum.
- if (! m/^label chr pos/)
+ chomp;
+ # commenting out this condition will output the column headers in the JSON,
+ # which is a useful check of column alignment with the ColumnsEnum.
+ if (@columnHeaders || ! headerLine($_, $.))
{ snpLine($_); }
- optionalBlockFooter();
- print $datasetFooter;
sub optionalBlockFooter()
- if (defined($lastChr))
+ if (defined($lastChr))
{ print $blockFooter; }
+my %chromosomeRenames;
+# Read $chromosomeRenamingFile
+sub chromosomeRenamePrepare()
+ if (defined($chromosomeRenamingFile) && $chromosomeRenamingFile)
+ {
+ if (! open(FH, '<', $chromosomeRenamingFile))
+ { warn $!, "'$chromosomeRenamingFile'\n"; }
+ else
+ {
+ while(){
+ chomp;
+ # Skip empty lines.
+ ! $_ && continue;
+ # deletePunctuation() is applied to both $fromName and $toName.
+ # $fromName is used as an array index, whereas $toName is
+ # simply inserted into the json output, so is perhaps lower risk.
+ my ($fromName, $toName) = split(/,/, deletePunctuation($_));
+ $chromosomeRenames{$fromName} = $toName;
+ }
+ close(FH);
+ }
+ }
+my $chromosomeRenamedFrom;
# read 1 line, which defines a SNP and associated reference/alternate data
sub snpLine($)
- my ($line) = @_;
- # input line e.g.
- #c_chr c_pos c_scaffold_pos c_ref_alt
- #chr1A 22298 scaffold38755_22298 T/C
+ my ($line) = @_;
+ # input line e.g.
+ #c_chr c_pos c_name c_ref_alt
+ #chr1A 22298 scaffold38755_22298 T/C
+ my @a = split($fieldSeparator, $line);
+ @a = map { trimOutsideQuotesAndSpaces($_) } @a;
+ if (defined($c_arrayColumnName) && $a[$c_arrayColumnName])
+ {
+ push @$arrayRef, $a[$c_arrayColumnName];
+ }
+ # Skip blank lines
+ if (! $a[c_name] && ! $a[c_chr])
+ {
+ # Could output a warning if the line is not blank, i.e. not /^,,,/, or $a[c_pos]
+ return;
+ }
+ # For QTL : Flanking Marker by itself in a row is added as a feature
+ # to current block / QTL
+ elsif ($a[c_name] && ! $a[c_chr] && ! $a[c_pos] &&
+ defined($c_Trait) && $columnsKeyLookup{'parentname'})
+ {
+ $a[c_pos] = 'null';
+ $a[$c_endPos] = '';
+ }
+ elsif (defined($c_Trait))
+ {
+ # If trait is blank / empty, use current.
+ if ($a[$c_Trait])
+ {
+ $currentTrait = $a[$c_Trait];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $a[$c_Trait] = $currentTrait;
+ }
+ }
- my @a = split( '\t', $line);
- # tsv datasets often follow the naming convention 'chr1A'; Pretzel data omits 'chr' for block scope & name : '1A'.
+ # $a[c_chr] = trimOutsideQuotesAndSpaces($a[c_chr]);
+ # tsv datasets often follow the naming convention 'chr1A'; Pretzel data omits 'chr' for block scope & name : '1A'.
+ if (! %chromosomeRenames)
+ {
$a[c_chr] =~ s/^chr//;
- my $c = $a[c_chr];
- if (! defined($lastChr) || ($lastChr ne $c))
+ $a[c_chr] = $chrOutputPrefix . $a[c_chr];
+ }
+ else
+ # Apply %chromosomeRenames
+ {
+ # deletePunctuation() is applied to $fromName in chromosomeRenamePrepare(),
+ # so applying it equally here to $a[c_chr] enables fromName containing punctuation to match,
+ # e.g. genbank ids contain '|'.
+ # Apply to Scope column, or Chromosome.
+ my $c_scope = $columnsKeyLookup{'Scope'};
+ my $col = defined($c_scope) ? $c_scope : c_chr;
+ my $toName = $chromosomeRenames{deletePunctuation($a[$col])};
+ if (defined($toName))
- optionalBlockFooter();
+ $chromosomeRenamedFrom = $a[$col];
+ $a[$col] = $toName;
+ }
+ }
- # print $c;
- $lastChr = $c;
+ $a[c_name] = markerPrefix($a[c_name]);
+ # start new Dataset when change in parentName
+ my $c_parentName = $columnsKeyLookup{'parentname'};
+ if (defined($c_parentName))
+ {
+ $parentName = $a[$c_parentName];
+ if ($parentName)
+ {
+ $datasetName = $currentTrait;
+ makeTemplates();
+ if ($startedDataset)
+ {
+ endDataset();
+ }
+ $lastChr = undef;
+ $blockSeparator = undef;
+ if ($outputDir)
+ {
+ my $datasetOutFile = "$outputDir/$datasetName.json";
+ # re-open stdout
+ open(my $oldStdout, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
+ open(STDOUT, '>', $datasetOutFile) or die "Can't redirect STDOUT to '$datasetOutFile': $!";
+ }
+ startDataset();
+ }
+ }
- if (defined($blockSeparator))
- { print $blockSeparator; }
- else
- { $blockSeparator = ",\n"; }
- my $h = $blockHeader;
- # replace '1A' in the $blockHeader template with the actual chromosome name $c.
- $h =~ s/1A/$c/g;
- print $h;
+ # If Chromosome has changed, end the block and start a new block.
+ # If Chromosome is empty / blank, use current ($lastChr).
+ my $c = $a[c_chr];
+ if (! defined($lastChr) || ($c && ($lastChr ne $c)))
+ {
+ if (defined($blockId))
+ {
+ $lastChr = $c;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ optionalBlockFooter();
+ # print $c;
+ $lastChr = $c;
+ if (defined($blockSeparator))
+ { print $blockSeparator; }
+ else
+ { $blockSeparator = ",\n"; }
+ my $h = blockHeader($chromosomeRenamedFrom);
+ # replace 'blockName' in the $blockHeader template with the actual chromosome name $c.
+ # and blockScope with : the scope which is the chr $c with .[1-9] trimmed off
+ # or scope might be just the chr name $c so that each GM block gets its own axis.
+ # Use Scope column if given.
+ my $c_scope = $columnsKeyLookup{'Scope'};
+ my $scope = defined($c_scope) ? $a[$c_scope] : $c; # ($c =~ s/\.[1-9]$//r);
+ $h =~ s/blockName/$c/g;
+ $h =~ s/blockScope/$scope/g;
+ print $h;
+ # create block (and nominal feature) and feature. use scope and parentName,
+ # Start/End are block range, or create a nominal feature for the block
+ # (could put extra columns values in this, or in block.meta)
+ # Output nominal feature of block
+ # printFeature(@a); # done below
+ my $c_parentName = $columnsKeyLookup{'parentName'};
+ if (defined($c_parentName))
+ {
+ my @f = ();
+ $f[c_name] = $a[c_name];
+ $f[c_pos] = 'null';
+ if (defined($c_endPos))
+ { $f[$c_endPos] = ''; }
+ printFeature(@f);
+ # print feature separator
+ print ",";
+ }
+ }
- else # print feature separator
+ else # print feature separator
{ print ","; }
- printFeature(@a);
+ printFeature(@a);
+# Strip off outside " and spaces, to handle e.g.
+# "LG4 ",Ca_2289,0
+# Ps_ILL_03447,"LG 2",0
+# Used for name (label) and chr (chromosome / block) name columns.
+sub trimOutsideQuotesAndSpaces($) {
+ my ($label) = @_;
+ if ($label =~ m/"/) {
+ $label =~ s/^"//;
+ $label =~ s/"$//;
+ }
+ if ($label =~ m/ /) {
+ $label =~ s/^ //;
+ $label =~ s/ $//;
+ }
+ return $label;
+# Illumina OPA SNP names are [1234]000 or SNP_[1234]000.
+# Prefix with SNP_ if not present, to make all consistent.
+sub markerPrefix($) {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ if ($name =~ m/^[1234]000/)
+ {
+ $name = "SNP_" . $name;
+ }
+ return $name
+# @return true if the given string has a leading # or "#
+# i.e. is a comment.
+# related : filterOutComments() (backend/scripts/uploadSpreadsheet.bash)
+sub isComment($)
+ my ($columnHeader) = @_;
+ return $columnHeader =~ m/^#|^"#/;
+# Recognise decimal fraction aliasing and round the number.
+# ssconvert apparently has different rounding to libreoffice, as the former
+# expresses some decimal fractions with recurring 0 or 9.
+# e.g comparing output from libreoffice and ssconvert respectively
+# < SNP_40002085,LG1,1.3
+# > SNP_40002085,LG1,1.2999999999999998
+# < SNP_40001996,LG1,7.6
+# > SNP_40001996,LG1,7.6000000000000005
+# ssconvert handles multiple work-sheets within the .xslx, but libreoffice does not.
+# If the number has a few decimal digits in the source spreadsheet, then
+# the number of 0-s or 9-s to match here may be as few as 11. match a minimum of 6.
+# The SNP / marker name may also contain 4 0-s, but that is a different column and they are unlikely to have 8.
+sub roundPosition($)
+ my ($pos) = @_;
+ if ($pos =~ m/000000|999999/) {
+ $pos = (sprintf('%.8f', $pos) =~ s/0+$//r =~ s/\.$//r);
+ }
+ return $pos;
# For printing array as comma-separated list.
# Could make this local if it clashed with any other print.
# As an alternative to using join to construct $aCsv in printFeature(), can do :
@@ -198,22 +774,104 @@ ($)
sub printFeature($)
- my (@a) = @_;
+ my (@a) = @_;
+ # No longer removing key values from @a, so $ak can be simply $a.
+ # Copy the essential / key columns; remainder may go in .values.
+ my (@ak) = ();
+ my $c;
+ for $c (c_name, c_chr, c_pos, c_start, $c_endPos)
+ {
+ if (defined($c)) {
+ $ak[$c] = $a[$c];
+ }
+ }
- my $chr = shift @a;
- my $pos = shift @a;
- my $label = shift @a; # c_scaffold_pos
- my $ref_alt = shift @a;
- print <&2 required : define slack_postEventsAPP_URL e.g. https://hooks.slack.com/services/.../.../...
+# post param to Slack app postEventsAPP (plantinformatics)
+# @param text should not contain punctuation such as \'\"\''[]<()-'
+function postText() {
+ pText="$1"
+ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"text":"$pText"}' $slack_postEventsAPP_URL
+# post stdin to Slack app postEventsAPP (plantinformatics)
+# Punctuation is filtered out because currently the text is passed via command-line params.
+function postInput() {
+ # enable this for dev / test
+ if false
+ then
+ (date; cat >> $logDir/test.log)
+ else
+ tr -d \'\"\''[]<()-' | curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"text":"'"$SERVER_NAME"'
+'"$(cat)"'"}' $slack_postEventsAPP_URL
+ fi
+# Post stdin as a 'text snippet' via file-upload
+# @param textLabel displayed as the message
+function postInputAsSnippet() {
+ textLabel=$1
+ tr -d \'\"\''[]<()-' | curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"text":"$textLabel", "channels":"GC57GHSR2", "fileType":"text", "content":"'"$(cat)"'"}' $slack_postEventsAPP_URL
+# run initially to set up $logDir, so that accessDiffPost() may be run.
+function setupMonitor() {
+ [ -d ~/log ] || mkdir ~/log || return
+ [ -d $logDir ] || mkdir $logDir || return
+ if [ ! -f $logDir/access.log ] ; then sudo cp -ip /var/log/nginx/access.log $logDir/access.log ; fi;
+ cd $logDir || return
+ [ -f server.log ] || touch server.log || return
+# run regularly, e.g. from cron
+function accessDiffPost() {
+ # To handle nginx log rolling, show only the added lines of the diff, not the removed lines.
+ # refn http://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils/manual/html_node/Line-Group-Formats.html
+ # and https://stackoverflow.com/a/15385080
+ if sudo diff --changed-group-format='%>' --unchanged-group-format='' $logDir/access.log /var/log/nginx/access.log > $logDir/access.log.diff;
+ then
+ : # same
+ else
+ if fgrep /api/Clients $logDir/access.log.diff | fgrep -v /api/Clients/login > $logDir/access.log.diff.api_Clients;
+ then
+ postInput < $logDir/access.log.diff.api_Clients
+ fi
+ sudo cp -p /var/log/nginx/access.log $logDir/access.log
+ fi
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function currentLog() { echo -n ~/log/nohup_out/; ls -rt ~/log/nohup_out/ | tail -1; }
+# Similar to accessDiffPost, but monitor the node server log
+# run regularly, e.g. from cron
+function serverDiffPost() {
+ l1=$( currentLog )
+ [ -z "$l1" -o \! -f "$l1" ] && return
+ cd $logDir || return
+ logPrev=server.log
+ # To handle server log rolling (when server is restarted), show only the added lines of the diff, not the removed lines.
+ if sudo diff --changed-group-format='%>' --unchanged-group-format='' $logPrev "$l1" > $logPrev.diff;
+ then
+ : # same
+ else
+ # /api/Clients| is already logged from nginx log
+ if egrep 'Error: Invalid token|ValidationError' $logPrev.diff | fgrep -v /api/Clients/login > $logPrev.diff.report;
+ then
+ postInput < $logPrev.diff.report
+ fi
+ sudo cp -p "$l1" $logPrev
+ fi
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function setupMonitorSignup() {
+ [ -d $logDir/$newSignup ] || mkdir $logDir/$newSignup || return
+ cd $logDir || return
+ monitorSignup
+ ls -l *erified.tsv $newSignup
+function monitorSignup() {
+ emailVerified=true signupReport > verified.tsv
+ signupReport > notVerified.tsv
+# Compare the current and previous versions of a file.
+# Used for showing additions to a log file.
+# Output diff to stdout, with diffLabel appended if not empty.
+# @return same as diff :
+# diff returns : 0 (true) if files are identical, otherwise 1 (false)
+# @param newDir dir containing the new version. previous is in ./
+# @param fileName name of pair of files to diff
+# @param diffLabel text to label the diff output with, if not empty
+function diffPrevious() {
+ newDir="$1"
+ fileName="$2"
+ diffLabel="$3"
+ statusDP=0
+ diff {,"$newDir"/}"$fileName" || { statusDP=$?; echo "$diffLabel" ; }
+ return $statusDP
+# @return same as diff :
+# diff returns : 0 (true) if each pair of files is identical, otherwise 1 or 2 (both values are false)
+function signupDiffBoth() {
+ diffPrevious "$newSignup" verified.tsv 'verified
+ status1=$?
+ diffPrevious "$newSignup" notVerified.tsv 'notVerified'
+ status2=$?
+ return $(expr $status1 + $status2)
+function signupDiffPost() {
+ cd $logDir/$newSignup || return
+ monitorSignup
+ cd ..
+ if signupDiffBoth > signup.diff
+ then
+ : # same
+ else
+ postInput < signup.diff
+ ls -l {,$newSignup/}*erified.tsv signup.diff
+ cp -p $newSignup/* .
+ fi
+# Diff notVerified / unapproved since last call
+# @param periodName text name for directory - e.g. "daily"
+# The directory caches the previous value which is the reference for diff
+# Usage, e.g. cron : bash -c "source ~/pretzel/resources/tools/mongo_admin.bash; source ~/pretzel/resources/tools/functions_hosted.bash; DIM=... ; slack_postEventsAPP_URL=...; signupDiffUnapprovedPost daily 2>&1" >> $HOME/log/monitor/cron.log 2>&1
+function signupDiffUnapprovedPost() {
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]
+ then
+ echo "Usage : $0 periodName" 1>&2;
+ else
+ periodName="$1"
+ cd $logDir/ || return
+ [ -d "$periodName" ] || mkdir "$periodName" || return
+ cd "$periodName"
+ [ -d $newSignup ] || mkdir $newSignup || return
+ [ -f "notVerified.tsv" ] || { signupReport > notVerified.tsv; return; }
+ signupReport > $newSignup/notVerified.tsv
+ diffPrevious "$newSignup" notVerified.tsv 'notVerified' > signupUnapproved.diff
+ statusPeriod=$?
+ if [ "$statusPeriod" -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ postInput < signupUnapproved.diff
+ ls -l {,$newSignup/}notVerified.tsv signupUnapproved.diff
+ cp -p $newSignup/notVerified.tsv .
+ fi
+ fi
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/resources/tools/mongo_admin.bash b/resources/tools/mongo_admin.bash
index ea58c5e61..ab43d3470 100644
--- a/resources/tools/mongo_admin.bash
+++ b/resources/tools/mongo_admin.bash
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
+# Using pretzel in place of admin in new instances.
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ checkDIM()
checkDIM &&
- docker exec -it $DIM mongo --quiet admin --eval "db.getCollectionNames()" | tr -d '[\[\]",\t ]' | tr '\r' ' '
+ docker exec -it $DIM mongo --quiet $DB_NAME --eval "db.getCollectionNames()" | tr -d '[\[\]",\t ]' | tr '\r' ' '
@@ -35,13 +37,13 @@ function mongodump2S3()
logDate=`date +%Y%b%d`
echo $logDate
# 2018Sep26
- export S3_MON="s3://shared-data-4pretzel/mongodb/$SERVER_NAME.admin/$logDate"
+ export S3_MON="s3://shared-data-4pretzel/mongodb/$SERVER_NAME.$DB_NAME/$logDate"
echo $S3_MON
collections=$(dbCollections )
echo $collections
sleep 5
- docker exec -i $DIM mongodump --archive --gzip --db admin | aws s3 cp - $S3_MON.gz \
+ docker exec -i $DIM mongodump --archive --gzip --db $DB_NAME | aws s3 cp - $S3_MON.gz \
&& aws s3 ls $S3_MON.tar.gz
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ function signupList()
checkDIM &&
- docker exec -i $DIM mongo --quiet admin <