- HttpResponseSender.SendError - improved error creation
- HttpResponseSender.SendError - fixed error with zero statuses
- Added supports custom CA certificates for server and client
- Added inheritance constructor for TLS in RestClient
- Added IHttpEndpoint interface for custom endpoint implementation
- Fixed https connection validation
- Update dependencies
- Added regexp supporting to interceptor
- the interceptor route "/dummies" corresponds to all of this routes "/dummies", "/dummies/check", "/dummies/test"
- the interceptor route "/dummies$" corresponds only for this route "/dummies". The routes "/dummies/check", "/dummies/test" aren't processing by interceptor Please, don't forgot, route in interceptor always automaticaly concateneted with base route, like this service_base_route + route_in_interceptor. For example, "/api/v1/" - service base route, "/dummies$" - interceptor route, in result will be next expression - "/api/v1/dummies$"
- Fix retry mechnaism in REST client
- Updated error propagation mechanism between client and services
- Add configuration parameters for CORS Headers in HttpEndpoint. Use cors_headers and cors_origins.
-cors_headers: "correlation_id, access_token, Accept, Content-Type, Content-Length, X-CSRF-Token" -cors_origins: "*"
- Fix route checks in interceptors
- Add methods for controll CORS Headers in HttpEndpoint
- Add configuration parameters for CORS Headers in HttpEndpoint
- Update Instruments and added tracers
- Fix loggers
- test Refactor test services running
- Encode URL params
- Add InstrumentTiming
- test Added TestRestClient
- test Added TestCommandableHttpClient
- Introduced IRpcServiceOverrides
- Changed signature NewRpcService to InheritRpcService
- Changed signature NewCommandableRpcService to InheritRpcService
- services Added correlation_id and access_token to CORS headers
- services Added integration with Swagger UI
- Fix work with CorrelationID in RestService
- Update dependencies
- Fix headers in RestClient for properly work with others services
- Added helper methods to RestOperations
- Changed RegisterWithAuth methods
- Fix authorizer
- Added swagger support
- Added helper methods
- Added helper methods in RestService
- Fix signature CallCommand in CommandableHttpClient
- Added error handler in Call method of RestClient
- Fix response error method
Initial public release
- build HTTP service factory
- clients mechanisms for retrieving connection settings
- connect helper module to retrieve connections services and clients
- services basic implementation of services for connecting