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436 lines (336 loc) · 16.6 KB

File metadata and controls

436 lines (336 loc) · 16.6 KB

Change log

v0.23.1 - 2021-04-17


  • Change validate to allow access to invalid input inside the message


  • Fix Choice#from to differentiate between no value being set and nil value

v0.23.0 - 2020-12-14


  • Add the ability to provide an arbitrary array of values to Prompt::Slider by Katelyn Schiesser (@slowbro)


  • Change to allow default option to be choice name as well as index in select, multi_select and enum_select prompts


  • Fix left and right key navigation while filtering choices in the #select and #multi_select prompts

v0.22.0 - 2020-07-20


  • Add #slider format customization with a proc by Sven Pchnit(@2called-chaos)
  • Add convert message customization
  • Add conversion of input into Array, Hash or URI object
  • Add callable objects as possible values in :active_color and :help_color
  • Add shortcuts to select of all/reverse choices in #multi_select prompt
  • Add :help option to #slider prompt
  • Add :quiet option to remove final prompt output by Katelyn Schiesser (@slowbro)
  • Add :show_help option to control help display in #select, #multi_select, #enum_select and #slider prompts


  • Changed question :validation option to :validate by Sven Pachnit(@2called-chaos)
  • Change ConverterRegistry to store only proc values and simplify interface
  • Change Converters to stop raising errors and print console error messages instead
  • Change :range conversion to handle float numbers
  • Change yes?/no? prompt to infer default value from words and raise when no boolean can be deduced
  • Change Prompt#new to use keyword arguments
  • Change #select/#multi_select prompts default help text
  • Change #multi_select to preserve original ordering in returned answers
  • Change to remove necromancer dependency
  • Change TTY::TestPrompt to TTY::Prompt::Test
  • Change #select,#multi_select & #enum_select to allow mix of options and block parameters configuration
  • Change to allow filtering through symbol choice names
  • Change all errors to inherit from common Error class


  • Fix multiline prompt to return default value when no input provided
  • Fix color option overriding in say, ok, error and warn prompts
  • Fix Prompt#inspect format to display all public attributes

v0.21.0 - 2020-03-08


  • Add :min option to #multi_select prompt by Katelyn Schiesser(@slowbro)


  • Change gemspec to remove test artifacts


  • Fix :help_color option for multi_select prompt by @robbystk

v0.20.0 - 2019-11-24


  • Change to update tty-reader dependency
  • Change gemspec to include metadata


  • Fix Choice#from to differentiate between nil and false by Katelyn Schiesser(@slowbro)
  • Fix yes? and no? prompts to stop raising on invalid/blank input by Katelyn Schiesser(@slowbro)
  • Fix Ruby 2.7 keyword arguments warnings
  • Fix question validation to work with nil input

v0.19.0 - 2019-05-27


  • Add Prompt#debug to allow displaying values in terminal's top right corner
  • Add :max to limit number of choices in #multi_select prompt
  • Add :value to pre populate #ask prompt line content
  • Add :auto_hint to expand default hint in #expand prompt by Ewoudt Kellerman(@hellola)
  • Add Timer to track and timeout code execution


  • Change Paginator to expose #start_index & #end_index
  • Change Paginator to figure out #start_index based on per page size and adjust boundaries to match active selection
  • Change #ask prompt to allow no question
  • Change #enum_select to automatically assigned non-disabled default option
  • Change #enum_select to set default choice when navigating by page
  • Change #select & #multi_select to allow navigation by page with left/right keys
  • Change #keypress to use Timer
  • Change Choice#from to allow any object coercible to string
  • Change to remove test artifacts from the gem bundle
  • Change to remove timers dependency
  • Change to update tty-reader dependency

v0.18.1 - 2018-12-29


  • Change #multi_select & #select to auto select first non-disabled active choice


  • Fix #select, #multi_select & #enum_select to allow for symbols as choice names

v0.18.0 - 2018-11-24


  • Change to update tty-reader dependency
  • Remove encoding magic comments


  • Fix #keypress to stop using the :nonblock option
  • Fix input reading to correctly capture the Esc key(#84)
  • Fix line editing when cursor is on second to last character(#94)

v0.17.2 - 2018-11-01


  • Fix #yes? & #no? prompt suffix option to all non-standard characters by Rui(@rpbaltazar)

v0.17.1 - 2018-10-03


  • Change #select, #multi_select to allow alphanumeric, punctuation and space characters in filters


  • Fix #select by making filter an array to avoid frozen string issues by Chris Hoffman(@yarmiganosca)

v0.17.0 - 2018-08-05


  • Change to update tty-reader & tty-cursor dependencies
  • Change to directly require files in gemspec

v0.16.1 - 2018-04-29


  • Fix key events subscription to only listen for the current prompt events

v0.16.0 - 2018-03-11


  • Add :disabled key to Choice
  • Add ability to disable choices in #select, #multi_selct & #enum_select prompts
  • Add #frozen_string_literal to all files


  • Change Choice#from to allow parsing different data structures
  • Change all classes to prevent strings mutations
  • Change Timeout to cleanly terminate keypress input without raising errors


  • Fix #select, #enum_select & #multi_select navigation to work correctly with items longer than terminal screen width
  • Fix timeout on Ruby 2.5 and stop raising Timeout::Error

v0.15.0 - 2018-02-08


  • Add ability to filter list items in #select, #multi_select & #enum_selct prompts by Saverio Miroddi(@saveriomiroddi)
  • Add support for array of values for an answer collector key by Danny Hadley(@dadleyy)


  • Relax dependency on timers by Andy Brody(@brodygov)

v0.14.0 - 2018-01-01


  • Add :cycle option to #select, #multi_select & #enum_select prompts to allow toggling between infinite and bounded list by Jonas Müller(@muellerj)


  • Change #multi_selct, #select & #enum_select to stop cycling options by default by Jona Müller(@muellerj)
  • Change gemspec to require ruby >= 2.0.0
  • Change #slider prompt to display slider next to query and help underneath
  • Change to use tty-reader v0.2.0 with new line editing features for processing long inputs


  • Fix Paginator & EnumPaginator to allow only positive integer values by Andy Brody(@ab)
  • Fix EnumSelect to report on default option out of range and raise correctly
  • Fix #ask :file & :path converters to correctly locate the files
  • Fix #ask, #multiline to correctly handle long strings that wrap around screen
  • Fix #slider prompt to correctly scale sliding

v0.13.2 - 2017-08-30


  • Change to extract TTY::Prompt::Reader to its own dependency

v0.13.1 - 2017-08-16


  • Add ability to manually cancel the time scheduler


  • Change #keypress to use new scheduler cancelling
  • Change Reader to inline interrupt to allow for early exit


  • Fix keypress reading on Windows to distinguish between blocking & non-blocking IO

v0.13.0 - 2017-08-11


  • Change Timeout to use clock time instead of sleep to measure interval
  • Upgrade tty-cursor to fix save & restore


  • Fix keypress with timeout option to cleanly stop timeout thread
  • Fix Reader on Windows to stop blocking when waiting for key press

v0.12.0 - 2017-03-19


  • Add Multiline question type
  • Add Keypress question type
  • Add Reader::History for storing buffered lines
  • Add Reader::Line for line abstraction


  • Remove :read option from Question
  • Chnage Reader#read_line to handle raw mode for processing special characters such as Ctrl+x, navigate through history buffer using up/down arrows, allow editing current line by moving left/right with arrow keys and inserting content
  • Change Reader#read_multiline to gather multi line input correctly, skip empty lines and terminate when Ctrl+d and Ctrl+z are pressed
  • Change Reader::Mode to check if tty is available by Matt Martyn (@MMartyn)
  • Change #keypress prompt to correctly refresh line and accept :keys & :timeout options


  • Fix issue with #select, #multi_selct, #enum_select when choices are provided as hash object together with prompt options.
  • Fix issue with default parameter for yes?/no? prompt by Carlos Fonseca (@carlosefonseca)
  • Fix List#help to allow setting help text through DSL

v0.11.0 - 2017-02-26


  • Add Console for reading input characters on Unix systems
  • Add WinConsole for reading input characters on Windows systems
  • Add WindowsApi to allow for calls to external Windows api
  • Add echo support to multilist by Keith Keith T. Garner(@ktgeek)


  • Change Reader to use Console for input reading
  • Change Codes to use codepoints instead of strings
  • Change Reader#read_line to match #gets behaviour
  • Change Symbols to provide Unicode support on windows
  • Change Slider to display Unicode when possible
  • Change ConverterRegistry to be immutable
  • Change Reader to expose #trigger in place of #publish for events firing


  • Fix modify throwing exception, when user enters empty input by Igor Rzegocki(@ajgon)
  • Fix #clear_line behaviour by using tty-cursor 0.4.0 to work in all terminals
  • Fix paging issue for lists shorter than :per_page value repeating title
  • Fix #mask prompt to correctly match input on Windows
  • Fix @mask to use default error messages
  • Fix #select & #multi_select prompts to allow changing options with arrow keys on Windows
  • Fix #echo to work correctly in zsh shell by štef(@d4be4st)
  • Fix Slider#keyright event accepting max value outside of range
  • Fix 2.4.0 conversion errors by using necromancer 0.4.0
  • Fix #enum_select preventing selection of first item

v0.10.1 - 2017-02-06


  • Fix File namespacing

v0.10.0 - 2017-01-01


  • Add :enable_color option for toggling colors support


  • Update pastel dependency version

v0.9.0 - 2016-12-20


  • Add ability to paginate choices list for #select, #multi_select & #enum_select with :per_page, :page_info and :default options
  • Add ability to switch through options in #select & #multi_select using the tab key


  • Fix readers to accept multibyte characters reported by Jaehyun Shin(@keepcosmos)

v0.8.0 - 2016-11-29


  • Add ability to publish custom key events for VIM keybindings customisations etc...


  • Fix Reader#read_char to use Ruby internal buffers instead of direct system call by @kke(Kimmo Lehto)
  • Fix issue with #ask required & validate checks to take into account required when validating values
  • Fix bug with #read_keypress to handle function keys and meta navigation keys
  • Fix issue with default messages not displaying for range, required and validate

v0.7.1 - 2016-08-07


  • Fix Reader::Mode to include standard io library

v0.7.0 - 2016-07-17


  • Add :interrupt_handler option to customise keyboard interrupt behaviour


  • Remove tty-platform dependency


  • Fix Reader#read_keypress issue when handling interrupt signal by Ondrej Moravcik(@ondra-m)
  • Fix raw & echo modes to use standard library support by Kim Burgestrand(@Burgestrand)

v0.6.0 - 2016-05-21


  • Upgrade tty-cursor dependency


  • Fix issue with reader trapping signals by @kylekyle
  • Fix expand to use new prev_line implementation

v0.5.0 - 2016-03-28


  • Add ConfirmQuestion for #yes? & #no? calls
  • Add ability to collect more than one answer through #collect call
  • Add Choices#find_by for selecting choice based on attribute
  • Add Prompt#expand for expanding key options
  • Add :active_color, :help_color, :prefix options for customizing prompts display


  • Change Choice#from to allow for coersion of complex objects with keys
  • Change Choices#pluck to search through object attributes
  • Change #select :enum option help text to display actual numbers range


  • Fix #no? to correctly ask negative question by @ondra-m
  • Fix #ask :default option to handle nil or empty string
  • Fix #multi_select :default option and color changing

v0.4.0 - 2016-02-08


  • Add :enum option for #select & #multi_select to allow for numerical selection by @rtoshiro
  • Add new key event types to KeyEvent
  • Add #slider for picking values from range of numbers
  • Add #enum_select for selecting option from enumerated list
  • Add ability to configure error messages for #ask call
  • Add new ConversionError type


  • Move #blank? to Utils
  • Update pastel dependency

v0.3.0 - 2015-12-28


  • Add prefix option to prompt to customize #ask, #select, #multi_select
  • Add default printing to #ask
  • Add #yes?/#no? boolean queries
  • Add Evaluator and Result for validation checking to Question
  • Add ability for #ask to display error messages on failed validation
  • Add ability to specify in-built names for validation e.i. :email
  • Add KeyEvent for keyboard events publishing to Reader
  • Add #read_multiline to Reader
  • Add :convert option for ask configuration
  • Add ability to specify custom proc converters
  • Add #ask_keypress to gather character input
  • Add #ask_multiline to gather multiline input
  • Add MaskedQuestion & #mask method for masking input stream characters


  • Change Reader#read_keypress to be robust and read correctly byte sequences
  • Change Reader#getc to #read_line and extend arguments with echo option
  • Extract cursor movement to dependency tty-cursor
  • Change List & MultiList to subscribe to keyboard events
  • Change to move mode inside reader namespace
  • Remove Response & Error objects
  • Remove :char option from #ask
  • Change :read option to specify mode of reading out of :line, :multiline, :keypress
  • Rename #confirm to #ok

v0.2.0 - 2015-11-23


  • Add ability to select choice form list #select
  • Add ability to select multiple options #multi_select
  • Add :read option to #ask for reading specific type input


  • Change #ask api to be similar to #select and #multi_select behaviour
  • Change #ask :argument option to be :required
  • Remove :valid option from #ask as #select is a better solution

v0.1.0 - 2015-11-01

  • Initial implementation and release