diff --git a/ci.md b/ci.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8b5abfd8fefd3
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+++ b/ci.md
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+# Commands to trigger ci pipeline
+## Guide
+1. ci pipeline will be triggered when your comment on pull request matched command.
+2. "**Only triggered by command**". What does that mean?
+ * Yes, this ci will be triggered only when your comment on pr matched command.
+ * No, this ci will be triggered by every new commit on current pr, comment matched command also trigger ci pipeline.
+## Commands
+| ci pipeline | Commands | Only triggered by command |
+| ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------- |
+| tidb_ghpr_build | /run-build
/merge | No |
+| tidb_ghpr_check | /run-check_dev
/merge | No |
+| tidb_ghpr_check_2 | /run-check_dev_2
/merge | No |
+| tidb_ghpr_coverage | /run-coverage | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_build_arm64 | /run-build-arm64 | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_common_test | /run-common-test
/run-integration-tests | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_integration_br_test | /run-integration-br-test
/run-integration-tests | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_integration_campatibility_test | /run-integration-compatibility-test
/run-integration-tests | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_integration_common_test | /run-integration-common-test
/run-integration-tests | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_integration_copr_test | /run-integration-copr-test
/run-integration-tests | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_integration_ddl_test | /run-integration-ddl-test
/run-integration-tests | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_monitor_test | /run-monitor-test | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_mybatis | /run-mybatis-test
/run-integration-tests | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_sqllogic_test_1 | /run-sqllogic-test
/run-integration-tests | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_sqllogic_test_2 | /run-sqllogic-test
/run-integration-tests | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_tics_test | /run-tics-test
/run-integration-tests | Yes |
+| tidb_ghpr_unit_test | /run-unit-test
/merge | Yes |