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311 lines (281 loc) · 13.9 KB

File metadata and controls

311 lines (281 loc) · 13.9 KB

Octokit Webhooks

machine-readable, always up-to-date GitHub Webhooks specifications

Update status


Download the latest specification at


Example webhook definition

  "name": "issues",
  "actions": [
  "examples": [
      "action": "edited",
      "issue": {
        "url": "",
        "repository_url": "",
        "labels_url": "{/name}",
        "comments_url": "",
        "events_url": "",
        "html_url": "",
        "id": 327883527,
        "node_id": "MDU6SXNzdWUzMjc4ODM1Mjc=",
        "number": 2,
        "title": "Spelling error in the README file",
        "user": {
          "login": "Codertocat",
          "id": 21031067,
          "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjIxMDMxMDY3",
          "avatar_url": "",
          "gravatar_id": "",
          "url": "",
          "html_url": "",
          "followers_url": "",
          "following_url": "{/other_user}",
          "gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
          "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
          "subscriptions_url": "",
          "organizations_url": "",
          "repos_url": "",
          "events_url": "{/privacy}",
          "received_events_url": "",
          "type": "User",
          "site_admin": false
        "labels": [
            "id": 949737505,
            "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWw5NDk3Mzc1MDU=",
            "url": "",
            "name": "bug",
            "color": "d73a4a",
            "default": true
        "state": "open",
        "locked": false,
        "assignee": null,
        "assignees": [
            "login": "Codertocat",
            "id": 21031067,
            "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjIxMDMxMDY3",
            "avatar_url": "",
            "gravatar_id": "",
            "url": "",
            "html_url": "",
            "followers_url": "",
            "following_url": "{/other_user}",
            "gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
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            "organizations_url": "",
            "repos_url": "",
            "events_url": "{/privacy}",
            "received_events_url": "",
            "type": "User",
            "site_admin": false
        "milestone": null,
        "comments": 0,
        "created_at": "2018-05-30T20:18:32Z",
        "updated_at": "2018-05-30T20:18:32Z",
        "closed_at": null,
        "author_association": "OWNER",
        "body": "It looks like you accidently spelled 'commit' with two 't's."
      "changes": {},
      "repository": {
        "id": 135493233,
        "node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxMzU0OTMyMzM=",
        "name": "Hello-World",
        "full_name": "Codertocat/Hello-World",
        "owner": {
          "login": "Codertocat",
          "id": 21031067,
          "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjIxMDMxMDY3",
          "avatar_url": "",
          "gravatar_id": "",
          "url": "",
          "html_url": "",
          "followers_url": "",
          "following_url": "{/other_user}",
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          "repos_url": "",
          "events_url": "{/privacy}",
          "received_events_url": "",
          "type": "User",
          "site_admin": false
        "private": false,
        "html_url": "",
        "description": null,
        "fork": false,
        "url": "",
        "forks_url": "",
        "keys_url": "{/key_id}",
        "collaborators_url": "{/collaborator}",
        "teams_url": "",
        "hooks_url": "",
        "issue_events_url": "{/number}",
        "events_url": "",
        "assignees_url": "{/user}",
        "branches_url": "{/branch}",
        "tags_url": "",
        "blobs_url": "{/sha}",
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        "languages_url": "",
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        "subscribers_url": "",
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        "issue_comment_url": "{/number}",
        "contents_url": "{+path}",
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        "downloads_url": "",
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        "notifications_url": "{?since,all,participating}",
        "labels_url": "{/name}",
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        "deployments_url": "",
        "created_at": "2018-05-30T20:18:04Z",
        "updated_at": "2018-05-30T20:18:10Z",
        "pushed_at": "2018-05-30T20:18:30Z",
        "git_url": "git://",
        "ssh_url": "[email protected]:Codertocat/Hello-World.git",
        "clone_url": "",
        "svn_url": "",
        "homepage": null,
        "size": 0,
        "stargazers_count": 0,
        "watchers_count": 0,
        "language": null,
        "has_issues": true,
        "has_projects": true,
        "has_downloads": true,
        "has_wiki": true,
        "has_pages": true,
        "forks_count": 0,
        "mirror_url": null,
        "archived": false,
        "open_issues_count": 2,
        "license": null,
        "forks": 0,
        "open_issues": 2,
        "watchers": 0,
        "default_branch": "master"
      "sender": {
        "login": "Codertocat",
        "id": 21031067,
        "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjIxMDMxMDY3",
        "avatar_url": "",
        "gravatar_id": "",
        "url": "",
        "html_url": "",
        "followers_url": "",
        "following_url": "{/other_user}",
        "gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
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        "subscriptions_url": "",
        "organizations_url": "",
        "repos_url": "",
        "events_url": "{/privacy}",
        "received_events_url": "",
        "type": "User",
        "site_admin": false

Download webhook definitions and webhook payloads schema

You can download the latest index.json and schema.json files from unpkg

Usage as Node module

To get an array of all webhook definition objects, require the index.json file

// Use Node.js require:
const WEBHOOKS = require("@octokit/webhooks-definitions/index.json");

// Or ESM/TypeScript import:
import WEBHOOKS from "@octokit/webhooks-definitions/index.json";

To get the JSON schema for webhook payloads, require the schema.json file

// Use Node.js require:
const SCHEMA = require("@octokit/webhooks-definitions/schema.json");

// Or ESM/TypeScript import:
import SCHEMA from "@octokit/webhooks-definitions/schema.json";

Importing types

This package ships with types for the webhook events generated from the respective json schemas, which you can use like so:

import {
} from "@octokit/webhooks-definitions/schema";

const handleWebhookEvent = (event: WebhookEvent) => {
  if ("action" in event && event.action === "completed") {
    console.log(`${event.sender.login} completed something!`);

const handleIssuesOpenedEvent = (event: IssuesOpenedEvent) => {
    `${event.sender.login} opened "${event.issue.title}" on ${event.repository.full_name}`

How it works

This package updates itself using a daily cronjob running on GitHub Actions. The index.json file is generated by bin/octokit-webhooks.ts. Run npm run octokit-webhooks -- --usage for instructions. After the update is complete, run npm run build:webhooks and npm run build:schema to update index.json and schema.json files.

The update script is scraping GitHub’s Webhooks Event Types & Payloads documentation page and extracts the meta information using cheerio.

For simpler local testing and tracking of changes all loaded pages are cached in the cache/ folder.

See also