Ripsaw is a log monitoring framework that allows the user to create a script containing decorated coroutines that define event handlers bound to trigger conditions. When ran, the monitor will watch a directory for files matching a glob pattern, and follows any files it finds line-by-line searching for trigger conditions. When a trigger activates, its event handler is prompted to react to the event.
from ripsaw import Monitor, Regex
from pathlib import Path
import re
monitor = Monitor(
target = Path('.'),
pattern = '*.log',
async def handle_info(prompter):
async for event in prompter:
print(f'[{}] found info on line {event.ln}: {event.line.strip()}, {event.match}')
@monitor.event(Regex('.*ERROR.*', re.IGNORECASE))
async def handle_error(prompter):
while True:
# do something before waiting
event = await prompter()
print(f'[{}] found error on line {event.ln}: {event.line.strip()}, {event.match}')
if __name__ == "__main__":
- install module:
pip install ripsaw
- blank script:
python -m
- start monitor:
- test:
- example:
python docs\
- build:
- publish:
- clean:
- Monitor
- Monitor.event
- Monitor.watcher
- Monitor.follower
- Monitor.Prompter
- Monitor.Prompter.Event
- Monitor.Prompter.defer ^
- Trigger
- Regex
- And
- Or
- Reporter ^
- Email ^
- HTTP ^
- SQL ^
- Timer ^
^ = todo
- watch a directory for files matching a glob pattern
- when a new file appears, follow it scanning for lines to push to a queue
- prompters watch the queue until a trigger activates and send out an event
- handler coroutines defined for each trigger implement how to react to events
- statefile keeps track of scanned portion of file across restart
- save logfile
- gracefully cancel tasks if file is deleted during monitoring
- compile report digests
- batch scanning on long intervals
- line history available to event handlers
- deferred handler subtask for obtaining lines after the event
- multiline triggers
- recursive directory watch
- non-daemon mode