- Show links and newlines in messages (@jakub3279)
- CSS classes arguments passed to the bootstrap_form are now working (@gordon)
- Support for Django 1.9/Python 3.5 (@jieter and @jonashaag)
- Bug fix for escaped icons in buttons (reported by @jlec)
- Bug fix for whitespace in label placeholders (@Grelek)
- Improved tests
- Make simple_tag output safe in Django 1.9
- Better support for MultiWidgets (@xrmx)
- Better documentation (@Moustacha)
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3.5
- Properly quote help text (@joshkel)
- No more media="screen" in CSS tags, complying to Bootstraps examples
- No more forcing btn-primary when another button class is specified (@takuchanno2)
- Added value option to buttons (@TyVik)
- Switched CDN to //maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/ (@djangoic)
- Fix Django 1.8 importlib warnings
- Set defaults for horizontal-form to col-md-3 for label, col-md-9 for field
- Various bug fixes
- Fix version number typo
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3.4
- Fix required bug for checkboxes
- Various bug fixes
- Fix checkbox display bug
- Make Bootstrap 3.3.2 default
- Fix issue #140 (bad behaviour in Python 3)
- Fixing tests for older Django and Python versions
- Cleaning up some mess in 5.0.1 created by PyPI malfunction
- Bug fixes and update to Bootstrap 3.3.1
- Improved handling and control of form classes for error and success
- Bug fixes, test fixes, documentation fixes
- Template tag bootstrap_icon now supports a title parameter
- Fixed bug causing problems with setting classes for horizontal forms
- Fixed test for Django 1.4
- New parameter href for bootstrap_button, if provided will render a tag instead of button tag
- Internal fixes to master branch
- Make extra classes override bootstrap defaults
- Introduced new setting set_placeholder, default True
- Fixed rendering of various sizes (as introduced in 4.7.0)
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.2.0 as default version
- size option added to formsets, forms, fields and buttons
- new bootstrap_formset_errors tag
- bug fixes in formsets
- new formset renderer
- new bootstrap_form_errors tag
- documentation now mentions templates
- bug fixes
- documentation fixes
- test coverage on coveralls.io
- added bootstrap_alert template tag
- added required_css_class and error_css_class as optional settings (global) and parameters (form and field rendering)
- moved styling of form level errors to template
- bug fixes
- moved all text conversions to text_value
- typo fix and internal branching changes
- fixed checkbox label bug in vertical and inline forms
- fixed bug in vertical form rendering
- fixed unicode bug and added unicode label to tests
- use renderer classes for generating HTML
- several bug fixes
- use Django forms css classes for indicating required and error on fields
- improved form rendering
- support for addons
- improve compatibility with Django < 1.5
- added support for themes (fix issue #74)
- show inline form errors in field title (fix issue #81)
- fixed bugs in demo application
- update to newest Bootstrap (fix issue #83)
- new setting set_required to control setting of HTML required attribute (fix issue #76)
- project refactored
- added skeleton for creating documentation (fix issue #30)
- fixed FileField issues