diff --git a/gravity-force-lab-basics_a11y_view.html b/gravity-force-lab-basics_a11y_view.html
index d0446c5..c6e976c 100644
--- a/gravity-force-lab-basics_a11y_view.html
+++ b/gravity-force-lab-basics_a11y_view.html
@@ -305,7 +305,6 @@
State Descriptions for Gravity Force Lab: Basics
element.tabIndex = '-1';
// make sure that styling is removed, unless some styling was added just for the copy
- // TODO: pdom-style is not used anywhere. Should we keep it? https://github.com/phetsims/chipper/issues/916
if ( element.className !== 'pdom-style' ) {
element.removeAttribute( 'style' );
@@ -382,7 +381,6 @@ State Descriptions for Gravity Force Lab: Basics
// This is extremely inefficient every time the document changes, make a new copy, remove
// the visual DOM, and add a new one
- // TODO: Work on refining this, and only modifying the elements that change in the PDOM https://github.com/phetsims/chipper/issues/916
copyContainer.innerHTML = '';
const pdomCopy = pdomRoot.cloneNode( true );
pdomCopy.removeAttribute( 'style' );
@@ -535,14 +533,12 @@ State Descriptions for Gravity Force Lab: Basics
// strip the styling from the copied DOM elements
- // TODO: why do we do this? Isn't this an element purely in the a11y view? https://github.com/phetsims/chipper/issues/916
alertList.removeAttribute( 'style' );
// get the parent container for the parallel DOM copy and the alert content
const copyContainer = document.getElementById( 'dom-copy-container' );
// once for initial setup
- // TODO: do we have to do this? https://github.com/phetsims/chipper/issues/916
setPDOMCopyContent( PDOMRoot, copyContainer );
// update the PDOM copy whenever the sim's PDOM changes
@@ -561,7 +557,6 @@ State Descriptions for Gravity Force Lab: Basics
document.getElementById( 'iframe' ).focus();
// Provide fake focus highlighting to the PDOM copy based on what is actually highlighted in the sim.
- // TODO: is polling the best way to do this? If so why 500? https://github.com/phetsims/chipper/issues/916
let previousElement = null;
setInterval( () => {