diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity-main.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity-main.js
index 8847c075..efa7f74f 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity-main.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity-main.js
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ define( require => {
SimLauncher.launch( function() {
- var tandem = Tandem.rootTandem;
+ const tandem = Tandem.rootTandem;
- var simOptions = {
+ const simOptions = {
credits: {
leadDesign: 'Noah Podolefsky & Sam Reid',
softwareDevelopment: 'Sam Reid, John Blanco',
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ define( require => {
keyboardHelpNode: new BASEKeyboardHelpContent()
- var balloonsAndStaticElectricityScreenTandem = tandem.createTandem( 'balloonsAndStaticElectricityScreen' );
+ const balloonsAndStaticElectricityScreenTandem = tandem.createTandem( 'balloonsAndStaticElectricityScreen' );
//Create and start the sim
new Sim( balloonsAndStaticElectricityTitleString, [
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEA11yStrings.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEA11yStrings.js
index 8ab4497c..0bad00ff 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEA11yStrings.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEA11yStrings.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ define( require => {
const balloonsAndStaticElectricity = require( 'BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/balloonsAndStaticElectricity' );
- var BASEA11yStrings = {
+ const BASEA11yStrings = {
// General utility strings
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ define( require => {
if ( phet.chipper.queryParameters.stringTest === 'xss' ) {
- for ( var key in BASEA11yStrings ) {
+ for ( const key in BASEA11yStrings ) {
BASEA11yStrings[ key ].value += '';
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEConstants.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEConstants.js
index a908dfa3..e13fcf58 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEConstants.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEConstants.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ define( require => {
const balloonsAndStaticElectricity = require( 'BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/balloonsAndStaticElectricity' );
const Property = require( 'AXON/Property' );
- var BASEConstants = {
+ const BASEConstants = {
backgroundColorProperty: new Property( 'rgb( 151, 208, 255 )' ),
msScaleFactor: 1000, // to convert seconds to miliseconds, used throughout the view
MAX_BALLOON_CHARGE: 57, // max number of charges the balloon can have
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEQueryParameters.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEQueryParameters.js
index 542c5e57..0caed62e 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEQueryParameters.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/BASEQueryParameters.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ define( require => {
// modules
const balloonsAndStaticElectricity = require( 'BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/balloonsAndStaticElectricity' );
- var BASEQueryParameters = QueryStringMachine.getAll( {
+ const BASEQueryParameters = QueryStringMachine.getAll( {
// keyData - must be used with reader, shows key information instead of reader output, useful for debugging
keyData: { type: 'flag' },
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/BASEModel.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/BASEModel.js
index 1d208ded..c6641ff4 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/BASEModel.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/BASEModel.js
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ define( require => {
this.wall = new WallModel( width - this.wallWidth, this.wallWidth, height, this.yellowBalloon, this.greenBalloon, tandem.createTandem( 'wall' ) );
// when the wall changes visibility, the balloons could start moving if they have charge and are near the wall
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
this.wall.isVisibleProperty.link( function( isVisible ) {
// update the model bounds
- var newWidth = isVisible ? width - self.wallWidth : width;
+ const newWidth = isVisible ? width - self.wallWidth : width;
self.playAreaBounds.setMaxX( newWidth );
} );
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ define( require => {
// Called by the animation loop
step: function( dt ) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
this.balloons.forEach( function( balloon ) {
if ( balloon.isVisibleProperty.get() ) {
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {boolean}
getBalloonsAdjacent: function() {
- var balloonsAdjacent = ( this.yellowBalloon.getCenter().minus( this.greenBalloon.getCenter() ).magnitude ) < BalloonModel.BALLOON_WIDTH;
+ const balloonsAdjacent = ( this.yellowBalloon.getCenter().minus( this.greenBalloon.getCenter() ).magnitude ) < BalloonModel.BALLOON_WIDTH;
return balloonsAdjacent && this.bothBalloonsVisible();
@@ -172,10 +172,10 @@ define( require => {
checkBalloonRestrictions: function( position, objWidth, objHeight ) {
//flag to check if we outside borders
- var isOutBounds = false;
+ let isOutBounds = false;
// if wall visible, right bound will be smaller by width of wall
- var rightBound = this.playAreaBounds.width;
+ const rightBound = this.playAreaBounds.width;
//if more than maxRight position - set maxRight position
if ( position.x + objWidth > rightBound ) {
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/BalloonModel.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/BalloonModel.js
index c0aff707..05dbd793 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/BalloonModel.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/BalloonModel.js
@@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ define( require => {
const Vector2Property = require( 'DOT/Vector2Property' );
// constants, most if not all of which were empirically determined to elicit the desired appearance and behavior
- var THRESHOLD_SPEED = 0.0125;
- var BALLOON_WIDTH = 134;
- var BALLOON_HEIGHT = 222;
+ const THRESHOLD_SPEED = 0.0125;
+ const BALLOON_WIDTH = 134;
+ const BALLOON_HEIGHT = 222;
// threshold for diagonal movement is +/- 15 degrees from diagonals
+ const DIAGONAL_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD = 15 * Math.PI / 180;
// map that determines if the balloon is moving up, down, horizontally or along a diagonal between two points
+ const DIRECTION_MAP = {
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ define( require => {
+ const DIRECTION_MAP_KEYS = Object.keys( DIRECTION_MAP );
// collection of charge positions on the balloon, relative to the top left corners
// charges will appear in these positions as the balloon collects electrons
- var POSITIONS = [
+ const POSITIONS = [
[ 14, 70 ],
[ 18, 60 ],
[ 14, 90 ],
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ define( require => {
// determine average Y position for the charges in the balloon, used to calculate the average vertical location of
// the visual charge center
- var positionYSum = 0;
- for ( var i = 0; i < POSITIONS.length; i++ ) {
+ let positionYSum = 0;
+ for ( let i = 0; i < POSITIONS.length; i++ ) {
positionYSum += POSITIONS[ i ][ 1 ]; // y coordinate is second value
- var AVERAGE_CHARGE_Y = ( positionYSum / POSITIONS.length );
+ const AVERAGE_CHARGE_Y = ( positionYSum / POSITIONS.length );
* Constructor
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ define( require => {
function BalloonModel( x, y, balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel, defaultVisibility, tandem ) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
// Properties
@@ -257,15 +257,15 @@ define( require => {
this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel = balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel;
// neutral pair of charges
- var plusChargesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusCharges' );
- var minusChargesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'minusCharges' );
+ const plusChargesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusCharges' );
+ const minusChargesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'minusCharges' );
this.positionsOfStartCharges.forEach( function( entry ) {
- var plusCharge = new PointChargeModel( entry[ 0 ], entry[ 1 ], plusChargesTandemGroup.createNextTandem(), false );
+ const plusCharge = new PointChargeModel( entry[ 0 ], entry[ 1 ], plusChargesTandemGroup.createNextTandem(), false );
self.plusCharges.push( plusCharge );
// minus charges at same location of positive charge, shifted down and to the right by charge radius
- var minusCharge = new PointChargeModel(
+ const minusCharge = new PointChargeModel(
entry[ 0 ] + PointChargeModel.RADIUS,
entry[ 1 ] + PointChargeModel.RADIUS,
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ define( require => {
// charges that we can get from sweater, only negative charges
POSITIONS.forEach( function( entry ) {
- var minusCharge = new PointChargeModel( entry[ 0 ], entry[ 1 ], minusChargesTandemGroup.createNextTandem(), true );
+ const minusCharge = new PointChargeModel( entry[ 0 ], entry[ 1 ], minusChargesTandemGroup.createNextTandem(), true );
self.minusCharges.push( minusCharge );
} );
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {boolean}
onSweater: function() {
- var sweaterBounds = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel.sweater.bounds;
+ const sweaterBounds = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel.sweater.bounds;
if ( sweaterBounds.intersectsBounds( this.bounds ) ) {
return true;
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
veryCloseToObject: function() {
- var centerX = this.getCenterX();
+ const centerX = this.getCenterX();
return PlayAreaMap.LANDMARK_RANGES.AT_VERY_CLOSE_TO_SWEATER.contains( centerX ) ||
PlayAreaMap.LANDMARK_RANGES.AT_VERY_CLOSE_TO_WALL.contains( centerX ) ||
@@ -433,8 +433,8 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {boolean}
touchingWall: function() {
- var atWall = this.getCenterX() === PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL;
- var wallVisible = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const atWall = this.getCenterX() === PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL;
+ const wallVisible = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
return ( atWall && wallVisible );
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string} - "LEFT"|"RIGHT"
movingHorizontally: function() {
- var direction = this.directionProperty.get();
+ const direction = this.directionProperty.get();
return direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.LEFT || direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.RIGHT;
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string} - "UP"|"DOWN"
movingVertically: function() {
- var direction = this.directionProperty.get();
+ const direction = this.directionProperty.get();
return direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.UP || direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.DOWN;
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string} - "UP_LEFT"|"UP_RIGHT"|"DOWN_LEFT"|"DOWN_RIGHT"
movingDiagonally: function() {
- var direction = this.directionProperty.get();
+ const direction = this.directionProperty.get();
return direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.UP_LEFT ||
direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.UP_RIGHT ||
direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.DOWN_LEFT ||
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {boolean}
movingRight: function() {
- var direction = this.directionProperty.get();
+ const direction = this.directionProperty.get();
return direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.RIGHT ||
direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.UP_RIGHT ||
direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.DOWN_RIGHT;
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {boolean}
movingLeft: function() {
- var direction = this.directionProperty.get();
+ const direction = this.directionProperty.get();
return direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.LEFT ||
direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.UP_LEFT ||
direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.DOWN_LEFT;
@@ -505,8 +505,8 @@ define( require => {
getProgressThroughRegion: function() {
- var range;
- var difference;
+ let range;
+ let difference;
if ( this.movingHorizontally() || this.movingDiagonally() ) {
range = PlayAreaMap.COLUMN_RANGES[ this.playAreaColumnProperty.get() ];
difference = this.getCenter().x - range.min;
@@ -517,10 +517,10 @@ define( require => {
// determine how far we are through the region
- var progress = difference / range.getLength();
+ let progress = difference / range.getLength();
// progress is the difference of the calculated proportion if moving to the left or up
- var direction = this.directionProperty.get();
+ const direction = this.directionProperty.get();
if ( direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.LEFT || direction === BalloonDirectionEnum.UP ) {
progress = 1 - progress;
@@ -586,8 +586,8 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {Vector2}
getChargeCenter: function() {
- var centerX = this.getCenter().x;
- var centerY = this.locationProperty.get().y + AVERAGE_CHARGE_Y;
+ const centerX = this.getCenter().x;
+ const centerY = this.locationProperty.get().y + AVERAGE_CHARGE_Y;
return new Vector2( centerX, centerY );
@@ -598,8 +598,8 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {Vector2}
getSweaterTouchingCenter: function() {
- var sweater = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel.sweater;
- var sweaterRight = sweater.x + sweater.width;
+ const sweater = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel.sweater;
+ const sweaterRight = sweater.x + sweater.width;
if ( this.getCenter().x > sweaterRight ) {
var centerX = this.locationProperty.get().x;
@@ -645,8 +645,8 @@ define( require => {
// otherwise, wall and balloon must be visible, and force must be large enough
- var balloonForce = BalloonModel.getForceToClosestWallCharge( this );
- var forceLargeEnough = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel.wall.forceIndicatesInducedCharge( balloonForce );
+ const balloonForce = BalloonModel.getForceToClosestWallCharge( this );
+ const forceLargeEnough = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel.wall.forceIndicatesInducedCharge( balloonForce );
return wallVisible && this.isVisibleProperty.get() && forceLargeEnough;
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ define( require => {
// seconds to milliseconds - really, the model is fairly 'unitless' but multiplying the
// time step by 1000 makes the sim look and feel like the Java version
- var dt = dtSeconds * 1000;
+ let dt = dtSeconds * 1000;
// limit large values of dt - they probably mean that the sim just regained focus
if ( dt > 500 ) {
@@ -722,8 +722,8 @@ define( require => {
if ( !this.oldLocation ) {
- var vx = ( this.locationProperty.get().x - this.oldLocation.x ) / dt;
- var vy = ( this.locationProperty.get().y - this.oldLocation.y ) / dt;
+ const vx = ( this.locationProperty.get().x - this.oldLocation.x ) / dt;
+ const vy = ( this.locationProperty.get().y - this.oldLocation.y ) / dt;
// calculate average velocity
this.xVelocityArray[ this.xVelocityArray.counter++ ] = vx * vx;
@@ -731,9 +731,9 @@ define( require => {
this.yVelocityArray[ this.yVelocityArray.counter++ ] = vy * vy;
this.yVelocityArray.counter %= VELOCITY_ARRAY_LENGTH;
- var averageX = 0;
- var averageY = 0;
- for ( var i = 0; i < VELOCITY_ARRAY_LENGTH; i++ ) {
+ let averageX = 0;
+ let averageY = 0;
+ for ( let i = 0; i < VELOCITY_ARRAY_LENGTH; i++ ) {
averageX += this.xVelocityArray[ i ];
averageY += this.yVelocityArray[ i ];
@@ -741,11 +741,11 @@ define( require => {
// if average speed larger than threshold speed we try to move minus charges from sweater to balloon
- var speed = Math.sqrt( averageX * averageX + averageY * averageY );
+ const speed = Math.sqrt( averageX * averageX + averageY * averageY );
this.dragVelocityProperty.set( new Vector2( vx, vy ) );
- var chargeFound = false;
+ let chargeFound = false;
if ( speed >= THRESHOLD_SPEED ) {
chargeFound = model.sweater.checkAndTransferCharges( this );
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {boolean}
isTouchingRightBoundary: function() {
- var balloonX = this.getCenter().x;
+ const balloonX = this.getCenter().x;
if ( this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel.wall.isVisibleProperty.get() ) {
return PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL === balloonX;
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {boolean}
isTouchingRightEdge: function() {
- var balloonX = this.getCenterX();
+ const balloonX = this.getCenterX();
return PlayAreaMap.X_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_RIGHT_EDGE === balloonX;
@@ -835,13 +835,13 @@ define( require => {
applyForce: function( dt ) {
// only move if this balloon is not over the sweater
- var model = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel;
+ const model = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel;
if ( !this.centerInSweaterChargedArea() ) {
- var rightBound = model.playAreaBounds.maxX;
- var force = this.getTotalForce();
- var newVelocity = this.velocityProperty.get().plus( force.timesScalar( dt ) );
- var newLocation = this.locationProperty.get().plus( this.velocityProperty.get().timesScalar( dt ) );
+ const rightBound = model.playAreaBounds.maxX;
+ const force = this.getTotalForce();
+ const newVelocity = this.velocityProperty.get().plus( force.timesScalar( dt ) );
+ const newLocation = this.locationProperty.get().plus( this.velocityProperty.get().timesScalar( dt ) );
if ( newLocation.x + this.width >= rightBound ) {
@@ -890,27 +890,27 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {Vector2}
getTotalForce: function() {
- var model = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel;
+ const model = this.balloonsAndStaticElectricityModel;
if ( model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get() ) {
- var distFromWall = model.wall.x - this.locationProperty.get().x;
+ const distFromWall = model.wall.x - this.locationProperty.get().x;
// if the balloon has enough charge and is close enough to the wall, the wall attracts it more than the sweater
if ( this.chargeProperty.get() < -5 ) {
- var relDist = distFromWall - this.width;
- var fright = 0.003;
+ const relDist = distFromWall - this.width;
+ const fright = 0.003;
if ( relDist <= 40 + this.chargeProperty.get() / 8 ) {
return new Vector2( -fright * this.chargeProperty.get() / 20.0, 0 );
- var force = this.getSweaterForce( model.sweater );
- var other = this.getOtherBalloonForce();
- var sumOfForces = force.plus( other );
+ const force = this.getSweaterForce( model.sweater );
+ const other = this.getOtherBalloonForce();
+ const sumOfForces = force.plus( other );
// Don't allow the force to be too high or the balloon can jump across the screen in 1 step, see #67
- var mag = sumOfForces.magnitude;
- var max = 1E-2;
+ const mag = sumOfForces.magnitude;
+ const max = 1E-2;
if ( mag > max ) {
sumOfForces.multiplyScalar( max );
@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ define( require => {
if ( this.isDraggedProperty.get() || !this.isVisibleProperty.get() || !this.other.isVisibleProperty.get() ) {
return new Vector2( 0, 0 );
- var kqq = BalloonModel.FORCE_CONSTANT * this.chargeProperty.get() * this.other.chargeProperty.get();
+ const kqq = BalloonModel.FORCE_CONSTANT * this.chargeProperty.get() * this.other.chargeProperty.get();
return BalloonModel.getForce( this.getCenter(), this.other.getCenter(), kqq );
}, {
@@ -954,8 +954,8 @@ define( require => {
power = power || 2;
// calculate a vector from one point to the other
- var difference = p1.minus( p2 );
- var r = difference.magnitude;
+ const difference = p1.minus( p2 );
+ const r = difference.magnitude;
// if the points are right on top of one another, return an attraction value of zero
if ( r === 0 ) {
@@ -995,11 +995,11 @@ define( require => {
* @static
getDirection: function( pointA, pointB ) {
- var direction;
+ let direction;
- var dx = pointA.x - pointB.x;
- var dy = pointA.y - pointB.y;
- var angle = Math.atan2( dy, dx );
+ const dx = pointA.x - pointB.x;
+ const dy = pointA.y - pointB.y;
+ const angle = Math.atan2( dy, dx );
// atan2 wraps around Math.PI, so special check for moving left from absolute value
if ( DIRECTION_MAP.LEFT.contains( Math.abs( angle ) ) ) {
@@ -1007,8 +1007,8 @@ define( require => {
// otherwise, angle will be in one of the ranges in DIRECTION_MAP
- for ( var i = 0; i < DIRECTION_MAP_KEYS.length; i++ ) {
+ for ( let i = 0; i < DIRECTION_MAP_KEYS.length; i++ ) {
+ const entry = DIRECTION_MAP[ DIRECTION_MAP_KEYS[ i ] ];
if ( entry.contains( angle ) ) {
direction = BalloonDirectionEnum[ DIRECTION_MAP_KEYS[ i ] ];
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/MovablePointChargeModel.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/MovablePointChargeModel.js
index ed2a180f..90494af3 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/MovablePointChargeModel.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/MovablePointChargeModel.js
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {Vector2}
getDisplacement: function() {
- var initialPosition = this.locationProperty.initialValue;
- var displacement = this.locationProperty.get().distance( initialPosition );
+ const initialPosition = this.locationProperty.initialValue;
+ const displacement = this.locationProperty.get().distance( initialPosition );
return displacement;
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/PlayAreaMap.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/PlayAreaMap.js
index 4d03bc23..ceffa037 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/PlayAreaMap.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/PlayAreaMap.js
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ define( require => {
// constants
// when within this width of an X_LOCATION, balloon is considered in a landmark
- var LANDMARK_WIDTH = 20;
+ const LANDMARK_WIDTH = 20;
// critical x locations for the balloon (relative to the balloon's center)
- var X_LOCATIONS = {
+ const X_LOCATIONS = {
@@ -36,42 +36,42 @@ define( require => {
// critical y locations for the balloon (relative to the balloon's center)
- var Y_LOCATIONS = {
+ const Y_LOCATIONS = {
// horizontal boundary locations, the left and right edges
// vertical boundary locations, the top and bottom edges
AT_TOP: 111,
// landmark ranges that surround critical x locations, but more are added below that depend on these ranges
- var atNearSweaterRange = createLandmarkRange( X_LOCATIONS.AT_NEAR_SWEATER );
- var atCenterPlayAreaRange = createLandmarkRange( X_LOCATIONS.AT_CENTER_PLAY_AREA );
- var atNearWallRange = createLandmarkRange( X_LOCATIONS.AT_NEAR_WALL );
- var atNearRightEdgeRange = createLandmarkRange( X_LOCATIONS.AT_NEAR_RIGHT_EDGE );
+ const atNearSweaterRange = createLandmarkRange( X_LOCATIONS.AT_NEAR_SWEATER );
+ const atCenterPlayAreaRange = createLandmarkRange( X_LOCATIONS.AT_CENTER_PLAY_AREA );
+ const atNearWallRange = createLandmarkRange( X_LOCATIONS.AT_NEAR_WALL );
+ const atNearRightEdgeRange = createLandmarkRange( X_LOCATIONS.AT_NEAR_RIGHT_EDGE );
// special ranges with slightly different widths, but that behave just like a landmark in the play area
// at 'very close to sweater' landmark which extends to the left off the 'near sweater' landmark until we hit the
// sweater
- var atVeryCloseToSweaterRange = new Range( atNearSweaterRange.min - LANDMARK_WIDTH, atNearSweaterRange.min );
+ const atVeryCloseToSweaterRange = new Range( atNearSweaterRange.min - LANDMARK_WIDTH, atNearSweaterRange.min );
// at 'very close to wall' landmark which extends to the right off the 'near wall' landmark until just before we hit
// the wall
- var atVeryCloseToWallRange = new Range( atNearWallRange.max, X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL - 1 );
+ const atVeryCloseToWallRange = new Range( atNearWallRange.max, X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL - 1 );
// at 'very close to right edge' landmark, which extends to right of the 'near right edge' landmark until just before
// we hit the right edge
- var atVeryCloseToRightEdgeRange = new Range( atNearRightEdgeRange.max, X_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_RIGHT_EDGE - 1 );
+ const atVeryCloseToRightEdgeRange = new Range( atNearRightEdgeRange.max, X_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_RIGHT_EDGE - 1 );
AT_NEAR_SWEATER: atNearSweaterRange,
AT_CENTER_PLAY_AREA: atCenterPlayAreaRange,
AT_NEAR_WALL: atNearWallRange,
@@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ define( require => {
// ranges that define columns in the play area, exact widths chosen by inspection to match mockup provided in #222
- var leftArmRange = createNextRange( 138 );
- var leftSideOfSweaterRange = createNextRange( 65, leftArmRange );
- var rightSideOfSweaterRange = createNextRange( 67, leftSideOfSweaterRange );
- var rightArmRange = createNextRange( 65, rightSideOfSweaterRange );
- var leftPlayAreaRange = createNextRange( 132, rightArmRange );
- var centerPlayAreaRange = createNextRange( 77, leftPlayAreaRange );
- var rightPlayAreaRange = createNextRange( 132, centerPlayAreaRange );
- var rightEdgeRange = createNextRange( 500, rightPlayAreaRange ); // extends far beyond the play area bounds
+ const leftArmRange = createNextRange( 138 );
+ const leftSideOfSweaterRange = createNextRange( 65, leftArmRange );
+ const rightSideOfSweaterRange = createNextRange( 67, leftSideOfSweaterRange );
+ const rightArmRange = createNextRange( 65, rightSideOfSweaterRange );
+ const leftPlayAreaRange = createNextRange( 132, rightArmRange );
+ const centerPlayAreaRange = createNextRange( 77, leftPlayAreaRange );
+ const rightPlayAreaRange = createNextRange( 132, centerPlayAreaRange );
+ const rightEdgeRange = createNextRange( 500, rightPlayAreaRange ); // extends far beyond the play area bounds
+ const COLUMN_RANGES = {
LEFT_ARM: leftArmRange,
LEFT_SIDE_OF_SWEATER: leftSideOfSweaterRange,
RIGHT_SIDE_OF_SWEATER: rightSideOfSweaterRange,
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ define( require => {
// ranges that define the rows of the play area, exact heights chosen by inspection to match mockup in #222
- var upperPlayAreaRange = createNextRange( 172 );
- var centerPlayAreaRowRange = createNextRange( 154, upperPlayAreaRange );
- var lowerPlayAreaRange = createNextRange( 500, centerPlayAreaRowRange );
- var ROW_RANGES = {
+ const upperPlayAreaRange = createNextRange( 172 );
+ const centerPlayAreaRowRange = createNextRange( 154, upperPlayAreaRange );
+ const lowerPlayAreaRange = createNextRange( 500, centerPlayAreaRowRange );
+ const ROW_RANGES = {
UPPER_PLAY_AREA: upperPlayAreaRange,
CENTER_PLAY_AREA: centerPlayAreaRowRange,
LOWER_PLAY_AREA: lowerPlayAreaRange
@@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getPlayAreaColumn: function( location, wallVisible ) {
- var columns = COLUMN_RANGES;
+ const columns = COLUMN_RANGES;
// loop through keys manually to prevent a many closures from being created during object iteration in 'for in'
// loops
- var columnsKeys = Object.keys( columns );
+ const columnsKeys = Object.keys( columns );
- var column;
- for ( var i = 0; i < columnsKeys.length; i++ ) {
+ let column;
+ for ( let i = 0; i < columnsKeys.length; i++ ) {
if ( columns[ columnsKeys[ i ] ].contains( location.x ) ) {
column = columnsKeys[ i ];
@@ -158,14 +158,14 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getPlayAreaLandmark: function( location, wallVisible ) {
- var landmarks = LANDMARK_RANGES;
+ const landmarks = LANDMARK_RANGES;
// loop through keys manually to prevent a many closures from being created during object iteration in 'for in'
// loops
- var landmarksKeys = Object.keys( landmarks );
+ const landmarksKeys = Object.keys( landmarks );
- var landmark = null;
- for ( var i = 0; i < landmarksKeys.length; i++ ) {
+ let landmark = null;
+ for ( let i = 0; i < landmarksKeys.length; i++ ) {
if ( landmarks[ landmarksKeys[ i ] ].contains( location.x ) ) {
landmark = landmarksKeys[ i ];
@@ -186,13 +186,13 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {strint}
getPlayAreaRow: function( location ) {
- var rows = PlayAreaMap.ROW_RANGES;
+ const rows = PlayAreaMap.ROW_RANGES;
// loop through keys manually to prevent a many closures from being created during object iteration in 'for in' loops
- var rowKeys = Object.keys( rows );
+ const rowKeys = Object.keys( rows );
- var row;
- var i;
+ let row;
+ let i;
for ( i = 0; i < rowKeys.length; i++ ) {
if ( rows[ rowKeys[ i ] ].contains( location.y ) ) {
row = rowKeys[ i ];
@@ -211,12 +211,12 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {boolean}
inLandmarkColumn: function( location ) {
- var landmarks = PlayAreaMap.LANDMARK_RANGES;
+ const landmarks = PlayAreaMap.LANDMARK_RANGES;
// loop through keys manually to prevent many closures from being created during object iteration in for loops
- var landmarkKeys = Object.keys( landmarks );
- var inLandmarkColumn = false;
- for( var i = 0; i < landmarkKeys.length; i++ ) {
+ const landmarkKeys = Object.keys( landmarks );
+ let inLandmarkColumn = false;
+ for( let i = 0; i < landmarkKeys.length; i++ ) {
if ( landmarks[ landmarkKeys[ i ] ].contains( location.x ) ) {
inLandmarkColumn = true;
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {Range}
function createNextRange( width, previousRange ) {
- var min = previousRange ? previousRange.max : 0;
+ const min = previousRange ? previousRange.max : 0;
return new Range( min, min + width );
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/PointChargeModel.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/PointChargeModel.js
index d7b0a7ec..660ce42b 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/PointChargeModel.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/PointChargeModel.js
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ define( require => {
const Vector2 = require( 'DOT/Vector2' );
// constants
- var RADIUS = 8;
+ const RADIUS = 8;
//1,754 = 100/57 - to get relevant to original java model, where we have 100 sweater's charges (in this model only 57 )
- var CHARGE = -1.754;
+ const CHARGE = -1.754;
* @constructor
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/SweaterModel.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/SweaterModel.js
index 4e500e8c..b9f92fa5 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/SweaterModel.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/SweaterModel.js
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ define( require => {
const Vector2 = require( 'DOT/Vector2' );
// positions of the charge pairs, in absolute model coordinates (i.e. not relative to the sweater position)
new Vector2( 104, 64 ),
new Vector2( 94, 90 ),
new Vector2( 85, 121 ),
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ define( require => {
phetioReadOnly: true
} );
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
// @public
this.x = x;
@@ -119,14 +119,14 @@ define( require => {
// https://github.com/phetsims/balloons-and-static-electricity/issues/240. This algorithm works by dividing the
// unit circle into a set of slices and finding the charge location that is furthest from the center in that
// slice, then building a shape from that set of points.
- var numSlices = 9; // this number can be adjusted to get a more refined shape to enclose the charges
- var shapeDefiningPoints = [];
- var sliceWidth = ( 2 * Math.PI ) / numSlices; // in radians
+ const numSlices = 9; // this number can be adjusted to get a more refined shape to enclose the charges
+ const shapeDefiningPoints = [];
+ const sliceWidth = ( 2 * Math.PI ) / numSlices; // in radians
_.times( numSlices ).forEach( function( sliceNumber ) {
shapeDefiningPoints.push( self.center.copy() );
- var slice = new Range( sliceNumber * sliceWidth, ( sliceNumber + 1 ) * sliceWidth );
+ const slice = new Range( sliceNumber * sliceWidth, ( sliceNumber + 1 ) * sliceWidth );
CHARGE_PAIR_POSITIONS.forEach( function( chargePairPosition ) {
- var angle = chargePairPosition.minus( self.center ).angle;
+ let angle = chargePairPosition.minus( self.center ).angle;
// convert negative angles
if ( angle < 0 ) {
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ define( require => {
// @public {Shape} - area on the sweater where charges exist
this.chargedArea = new Shape().moveToPoint( shapeDefiningPoints[ 0 ] );
- for ( var i = 1; i < shapeDefiningPoints.length; i++ ) {
+ for ( let i = 1; i < shapeDefiningPoints.length; i++ ) {
this.chargedArea.lineToPoint( shapeDefiningPoints[ i ] );
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ define( require => {
this.plusCharges = [];
this.minusCharges = [];
- var plusChargesGroupTandem = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusCharges' );
- var minusChargesGroupTandem = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'minusCharges' );
+ const plusChargesGroupTandem = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusCharges' );
+ const minusChargesGroupTandem = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'minusCharges' );
CHARGE_PAIR_POSITIONS.forEach( function( chargePairPosition ) {
- var plusCharge = new PointChargeModel(
+ const plusCharge = new PointChargeModel(
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ define( require => {
self.plusCharges.push( plusCharge );
- var minusCharge = new PointChargeModel(
+ const minusCharge = new PointChargeModel(
chargePairPosition.x + PointChargeModel.RADIUS,
chargePairPosition.y + PointChargeModel.RADIUS,
@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {boolean} chargeMoved - was a charge moved to the balloon?
checkAndTransferCharges: function( balloon ) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
// track whether or not at least once charge was moved
- var chargeMoved = false;
+ let chargeMoved = false;
// check each minus charge to see whether it should be moved to the balloon
this.minusCharges.forEach( function( minusCharge ) {
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/WallModel.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/WallModel.js
index 9272cb31..9390bdb7 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/WallModel.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/model/WallModel.js
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ define( require => {
// constants
// when charge displacement is larger than this, there is an appreciable induced charge
* @constructor
@@ -52,22 +52,22 @@ define( require => {
// @private {array.}
this.plusCharges = [];
- var plusChargesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusCharges' );
+ const plusChargesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusCharges' );
// @private {array.}
this.minusCharges = [];
- var minusChargesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'minusCharges' );
+ const minusChargesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'minusCharges' );
- for ( var i = 0; i < this.numX; i++ ) {
- for ( var k = 0; k < this.numY; k++ ) {
+ for ( let i = 0; i < this.numX; i++ ) {
+ for ( let k = 0; k < this.numY; k++ ) {
- var position = this.calculatePosition( i, k );
- var plusCharge = new PointChargeModel( x + position[ 0 ], position[ 1 ], plusChargesTandemGroup.createNextTandem(), false );
+ const position = this.calculatePosition( i, k );
+ const plusCharge = new PointChargeModel( x + position[ 0 ], position[ 1 ], plusChargesTandemGroup.createNextTandem(), false );
this.plusCharges.push( plusCharge );
- var minusCharge = new MovablePointChargeModel(
+ const minusCharge = new MovablePointChargeModel(
x + position[ 0 ] - PointChargeModel.RADIUS,
position[ 1 ] - PointChargeModel.RADIUS,
@@ -77,20 +77,20 @@ define( require => {
- var self = this;
- var updateChargePositions = function() {
+ const self = this;
+ const updateChargePositions = function() {
// value for k for calculating forces, chosen so that motion of the balloon looks like Java version
- var k = 10000;
+ const k = 10000;
// calculate force from Balloon to each charge in the wall, we subtract by the PointChargeModel radius
// to make the force look correct because each charge is minus charge is shifted down by that much initially
self.minusCharges.forEach( function( entry ) {
- var ch = entry;
- var dv1 = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
- var dv2 = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
+ const ch = entry;
+ let dv1 = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
+ let dv2 = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
- var defaultLocation = ch.locationProperty.initialValue;
+ const defaultLocation = ch.locationProperty.initialValue;
if ( yellowBalloon.isVisibleProperty.get() ) {
dv1 = BalloonModel.getForce(
@@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ define( require => {
// if a balloon was stuck to the wall and visible when the wall becomes invisible, we need to
// notify that the balloon was released by reseting the timer
- var balloons = [ yellowBalloon, greenBalloon ];
+ const balloons = [ yellowBalloon, greenBalloon ];
this.isVisibleProperty.link( function( isVisible ) {
if ( !isVisible ) {
- for ( var i = 0; i < balloons.length; i++ ) {
- var balloon = balloons[ i ];
+ for ( let i = 0; i < balloons.length; i++ ) {
+ const balloon = balloons[ i ];
if ( balloon.isVisibleProperty.get() && balloon.rightAtWallLocation() && balloon.isCharged() ) {
balloon.timeSinceRelease = 0;
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {Array.} - an array containing the x and y values for the charge
calculatePosition: function( i, k ) {
- var y0 = i % 2 === 0 ? this.dy / 2 : 1;
+ const y0 = i % 2 === 0 ? this.dy / 2 : 1;
return [ i * this.dx + PointChargeModel.RADIUS + 1, k * this.dy + y0 ];
@@ -168,16 +168,16 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {MovablePointChargeModel}
getClosestChargeToBalloon: function( balloon ) {
- var minusCharges = this.minusCharges;
+ const minusCharges = this.minusCharges;
// get the minus charge that is closest to the balloon
- var closestCharge = null;
- var chargeDistance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- var balloonChargeCenter = balloon.getChargeCenter();
+ let closestCharge = null;
+ let chargeDistance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ const balloonChargeCenter = balloon.getChargeCenter();
- for ( var i = 0; i < minusCharges.length; i++ ) {
+ for ( let i = 0; i < minusCharges.length; i++ ) {
var charge = minusCharges[ i ];
- var newChargeDistance = charge.locationProperty.initialValue.distance( balloonChargeCenter );
+ const newChargeDistance = charge.locationProperty.initialValue.distance( balloonChargeCenter );
if ( newChargeDistance < chargeDistance ) {
chargeDistance = newChargeDistance;
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASESummaryNode.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASESummaryNode.js
index b609a979..cc35b41e 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASESummaryNode.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASESummaryNode.js
@@ -24,30 +24,30 @@ define( require => {
const WallDescriber = require( 'BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriber' );
// a11y strings
- var grabBalloonToPlayString = BASEA11yStrings.grabBalloonToPlay.value;
- var andARemovableWallString = BASEA11yStrings.andARemovableWall.value;
- var aSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.aSweater.value;
- var andASweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.andASweater.value;
- var roomObjectsPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.roomObjectsPattern.value;
- var aYellowBalloonString = BASEA11yStrings.aYellowBalloon.value;
- var aGreenBalloonString = BASEA11yStrings.aGreenBalloon.value;
- var summaryBalloonChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryBalloonChargePattern.value;
- var summaryEachBalloonChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryEachBalloonChargePattern.value;
- var zeroString = BASEA11yStrings.zero.value;
- var summaryObjectsHaveChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectsHaveChargePattern.value;
- var summarySweaterAndWallString = BASEA11yStrings.summarySweaterAndWall.value;
- var summarySweaterWallPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summarySweaterWallPattern.value;
- var summarySecondBalloonInducingChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summarySecondBalloonInducingChargePattern.value;
- var summaryBothBalloonsPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryBothBalloonsPattern.value;
- var summaryObjectEachHasPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectEachHasPattern.value;
- var summaryObjectEachPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectEachPattern.value;
- var singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
- var summaryYellowGreenSweaterWallPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryYellowGreenSweaterWallPattern.value;
- var summaryYellowGreenSweaterPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryYellowGreenSweaterPattern.value;
- var summaryYellowSweaterWallPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryYellowSweaterWallPattern.value;
- var summaryYellowSweaterPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryYellowSweaterPattern.value;
- var initialObjectLocationsString = BASEA11yStrings.initialObjectLocations.value;
- var simOpeningString = BASEA11yStrings.simOpening.value;
+ const grabBalloonToPlayString = BASEA11yStrings.grabBalloonToPlay.value;
+ const andARemovableWallString = BASEA11yStrings.andARemovableWall.value;
+ const aSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.aSweater.value;
+ const andASweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.andASweater.value;
+ const roomObjectsPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.roomObjectsPattern.value;
+ const aYellowBalloonString = BASEA11yStrings.aYellowBalloon.value;
+ const aGreenBalloonString = BASEA11yStrings.aGreenBalloon.value;
+ const summaryBalloonChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryBalloonChargePattern.value;
+ const summaryEachBalloonChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryEachBalloonChargePattern.value;
+ const zeroString = BASEA11yStrings.zero.value;
+ const summaryObjectsHaveChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectsHaveChargePattern.value;
+ const summarySweaterAndWallString = BASEA11yStrings.summarySweaterAndWall.value;
+ const summarySweaterWallPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summarySweaterWallPattern.value;
+ const summarySecondBalloonInducingChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summarySecondBalloonInducingChargePattern.value;
+ const summaryBothBalloonsPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryBothBalloonsPattern.value;
+ const summaryObjectEachHasPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectEachHasPattern.value;
+ const summaryObjectEachPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectEachPattern.value;
+ const singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
+ const summaryYellowGreenSweaterWallPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryYellowGreenSweaterWallPattern.value;
+ const summaryYellowGreenSweaterPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryYellowGreenSweaterPattern.value;
+ const summaryYellowSweaterWallPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryYellowSweaterWallPattern.value;
+ const summaryYellowSweaterPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryYellowSweaterPattern.value;
+ const initialObjectLocationsString = BASEA11yStrings.initialObjectLocations.value;
+ const simOpeningString = BASEA11yStrings.simOpening.value;
* @constructor
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ define( require => {
function BASESummaryNode( model, yellowBalloonNode, greenBalloonNode, wallNode, tandem ) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
Node.call( this, {
tandem: tandem
@@ -77,16 +77,16 @@ define( require => {
this.wall = model.wall;
// opening paragraph for the simulation
- var openingSummaryNode = new Node( { tagName: 'p', innerContent: simOpeningString } );
+ const openingSummaryNode = new Node( { tagName: 'p', innerContent: simOpeningString } );
this.addChild( openingSummaryNode );
// list of dynamic description content that will update with the state of the simulation
- var listNode = new Node( { tagName: 'ul' } );
- var roomObjectsNode = new Node( { tagName: 'li' } );
- var objectLocationsNode = new Node( { tagName: 'li', innerContent: initialObjectLocationsString } );
- var balloonChargeNode = new Node( { tagName: 'li' } );
- var sweaterWallChargeNode = new Node( { tagName: 'li' } );
- var inducedChargeNode = new Node( { tagName: 'li' } );
+ const listNode = new Node( { tagName: 'ul' } );
+ const roomObjectsNode = new Node( { tagName: 'li' } );
+ const objectLocationsNode = new Node( { tagName: 'li', innerContent: initialObjectLocationsString } );
+ const balloonChargeNode = new Node( { tagName: 'li' } );
+ const sweaterWallChargeNode = new Node( { tagName: 'li' } );
+ const inducedChargeNode = new Node( { tagName: 'li' } );
// structure the accessible content
this.addChild( listNode );
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ define( require => {
roomObjectsNode.innerContent = BASESummaryNode.getVisibleObjectsDescription( balloonVisible, wallVisible );
} );
- var chargeProperties = [ this.yellowBalloon.chargeProperty, this.greenBalloon.chargeProperty, this.greenBalloon.isVisibleProperty, model.showChargesProperty, model.wall.isVisibleProperty ];
+ const chargeProperties = [ this.yellowBalloon.chargeProperty, this.greenBalloon.chargeProperty, this.greenBalloon.isVisibleProperty, model.showChargesProperty, model.wall.isVisibleProperty ];
Property.multilink( chargeProperties, function( yellowBalloonCharge, greenBalloonCharge, greenBalloonVisible, showCharges, wallVisible ) {
- var chargesVisible = showCharges !== 'none';
+ const chargesVisible = showCharges !== 'none';
balloonChargeNode.accessibleVisible = chargesVisible;
sweaterWallChargeNode.accessibleVisible = chargesVisible;
@@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ define( require => {
} );
- var inducedChargeProperties = [ this.yellowBalloon.locationProperty, this.greenBalloon.locationProperty, this.greenBalloon.isVisibleProperty, model.showChargesProperty, model.wall.isVisibleProperty ];
+ const inducedChargeProperties = [ this.yellowBalloon.locationProperty, this.greenBalloon.locationProperty, this.greenBalloon.isVisibleProperty, model.showChargesProperty, model.wall.isVisibleProperty ];
Property.multilink( inducedChargeProperties, function( yellowLocation, greenLocation, greenVisible, showCharges, wallVisible ) {
// the induced charge item is only available if one balloon is visible, inducing charge, and showCharges setting is set to 'all'
- var inducingCharge = self.yellowBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible() || self.greenBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible();
- var showInducingItem = inducingCharge && wallVisible && showCharges === 'all';
+ const inducingCharge = self.yellowBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible() || self.greenBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible();
+ const showInducingItem = inducingCharge && wallVisible && showCharges === 'all';
inducedChargeNode.accessibleVisible = showInducingItem;
if ( showInducingItem ) {
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ define( require => {
], function( yellowLocation, greenLocation, greenVisible, wallVisible ) {
- var initialValues = self.yellowBalloon.locationProperty.initialValue === yellowLocation &&
+ const initialValues = self.yellowBalloon.locationProperty.initialValue === yellowLocation &&
self.greenBalloon.locationProperty.initialValue === greenLocation &&
self.greenBalloon.isVisibleProperty.initialValue === greenVisible &&
model.wall.isVisibleProperty.initialValue === wallVisible;
@@ -163,21 +163,21 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getSweaterAndWallChargeDescription: function() {
- var description;
+ let description;
- var chargesShown = this.model.showChargesProperty.get();
- var wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
- var numberOfWallCharges = this.model.wall.numX * this.model.wall.numY;
- var wallChargeString = BASEDescriber.getNeutralChargesShownDescription( chargesShown, numberOfWallCharges );
+ const chargesShown = this.model.showChargesProperty.get();
+ const wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const numberOfWallCharges = this.model.wall.numX * this.model.wall.numY;
+ const wallChargeString = BASEDescriber.getNeutralChargesShownDescription( chargesShown, numberOfWallCharges );
// if sweater has neutral charge, describe the sweater and wall together
if ( this.model.sweater.chargeProperty.get() === 0 && wallVisible ) {
- var chargedObjectsString = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryObjectsHaveChargePatternString, {
+ const chargedObjectsString = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryObjectsHaveChargePatternString, {
objects: summarySweaterAndWallString,
charge: zeroString
} );
- var patternString = chargesShown === 'all' ? summaryObjectEachHasPatternString : summaryObjectEachPatternString;
+ const patternString = chargesShown === 'all' ? summaryObjectEachHasPatternString : summaryObjectEachPatternString;
// both have same described charge, can be described with wallChargeString
description = StringUtils.fillIn( patternString, {
@@ -186,11 +186,11 @@ define( require => {
} );
else {
- var sweaterSummaryString = SweaterDescriber.getSummaryChargeDescription( chargesShown, this.model.sweater.chargeProperty.get() );
+ const sweaterSummaryString = SweaterDescriber.getSummaryChargeDescription( chargesShown, this.model.sweater.chargeProperty.get() );
// if the wall is visible, it also gets its own description
if ( wallVisible ) {
- var wallSummaryString = WallDescriber.getSummaryChargeDescription( chargesShown, numberOfWallCharges );
+ const wallSummaryString = WallDescriber.getSummaryChargeDescription( chargesShown, numberOfWallCharges );
description = StringUtils.fillIn( summarySweaterWallPatternString, {
sweater: sweaterSummaryString,
wall: wallSummaryString
@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getBalloonChargeDescription: function() {
- var description;
+ let description;
- var yellowChargeRange = BASEDescriber.getDescribedChargeRange( this.yellowBalloon.chargeProperty.get() );
- var greenChargeRange = BASEDescriber.getDescribedChargeRange( this.greenBalloon.chargeProperty.get() );
+ const yellowChargeRange = BASEDescriber.getDescribedChargeRange( this.yellowBalloon.chargeProperty.get() );
+ const greenChargeRange = BASEDescriber.getDescribedChargeRange( this.greenBalloon.chargeProperty.get() );
- var yellowRelativeCharge = this.yellowBalloonDescriber.chargeDescriber.getSummaryRelativeChargeDescription();
- var yellowNetCharge = this.yellowBalloonDescriber.chargeDescriber.getNetChargeDescriptionWithLabel();
+ const yellowRelativeCharge = this.yellowBalloonDescriber.chargeDescriber.getSummaryRelativeChargeDescription();
+ const yellowNetCharge = this.yellowBalloonDescriber.chargeDescriber.getNetChargeDescriptionWithLabel();
if ( !this.greenBalloon.isVisibleProperty.get() ) {
description = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryBalloonChargePatternString, {
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ define( require => {
else if ( this.greenBalloon.isVisibleProperty.get() && yellowChargeRange.equals( greenChargeRange ) ) {
// both balloons visible have the same charge, describe charge together
- var eachNetCharge = BASEDescriber.getNetChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.yellowBalloon.chargeProperty.get() );
+ const eachNetCharge = BASEDescriber.getNetChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.yellowBalloon.chargeProperty.get() );
description = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryBalloonChargePatternString, {
balloonCharge: eachNetCharge,
@@ -241,14 +241,14 @@ define( require => {
else {
// both balloons visible with different amounts of relative charge
- var greenRelativeCharge = this.greenBalloonDescriber.chargeDescriber.getSummaryRelativeChargeDescription();
- var greenNetCharge = this.greenBalloonDescriber.chargeDescriber.getNetChargeDescriptionWithLabel();
+ const greenRelativeCharge = this.greenBalloonDescriber.chargeDescriber.getSummaryRelativeChargeDescription();
+ const greenNetCharge = this.greenBalloonDescriber.chargeDescriber.getNetChargeDescriptionWithLabel();
- var yellowBalloonDescription = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryBalloonChargePatternString, {
+ const yellowBalloonDescription = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryBalloonChargePatternString, {
balloonCharge: yellowNetCharge,
showingCharge: yellowRelativeCharge
} );
- var greenBalloonDescription = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryBalloonChargePatternString, {
+ const greenBalloonDescription = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryBalloonChargePatternString, {
balloonCharge: greenNetCharge,
showingCharge: greenRelativeCharge
} );
@@ -272,21 +272,21 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getInducedChargeDescription: function() {
- var description;
+ let description;
- var yellowBalloon = this.yellowBalloon;
- var yellowBalloonDescriber = this.yellowBalloonDescriber;
- var yellowBalloonLabel = yellowBalloonDescriber.accessibleName;
+ const yellowBalloon = this.yellowBalloon;
+ const yellowBalloonDescriber = this.yellowBalloonDescriber;
+ const yellowBalloonLabel = yellowBalloonDescriber.accessibleName;
- var greenBalloon = this.greenBalloon;
- var greenBalloonDescriber = this.greenBalloonDescriber;
- var greenBalloonLabel = greenBalloonDescriber.accessibleName;
+ const greenBalloon = this.greenBalloon;
+ const greenBalloonDescriber = this.greenBalloonDescriber;
+ const greenBalloonLabel = greenBalloonDescriber.accessibleName;
- var greenInducingChargeAndVisilbe = greenBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible();
- var yellowInducingChargeAndVisible = yellowBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible();
+ const greenInducingChargeAndVisilbe = greenBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible();
+ const yellowInducingChargeAndVisible = yellowBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible();
assert && assert( greenInducingChargeAndVisilbe || yellowInducingChargeAndVisible );
- var wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
if ( greenInducingChargeAndVisilbe && yellowInducingChargeAndVisible ) {
@@ -303,14 +303,14 @@ define( require => {
else {
// full description for yellow balloon
- var yellowBalloonDescription = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeDescription( yellowBalloon, yellowBalloonLabel, wallVisible, {
+ const yellowBalloonDescription = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeDescription( yellowBalloon, yellowBalloonLabel, wallVisible, {
includeWallLocation: false,
includePositiveChargeInfo: false
} );
// short summary for green balloon
- var inducedChargeAmount = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeAmountDescription( greenBalloon );
- var greenBalloonDescription = StringUtils.fillIn( summarySecondBalloonInducingChargePatternString, {
+ const inducedChargeAmount = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeAmountDescription( greenBalloon );
+ const greenBalloonDescription = StringUtils.fillIn( summarySecondBalloonInducingChargePatternString, {
amount: inducedChargeAmount
} );
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getVisibleObjectsDescription: function( balloonVisible, wallVisible ) {
- var patternString;
+ let patternString;
if ( wallVisible ) {
patternString = balloonVisible ? summaryYellowGreenSweaterWallPatternString : summaryYellowSweaterWallPatternString;
@@ -359,8 +359,8 @@ define( require => {
patternString = balloonVisible ? summaryYellowGreenSweaterPatternString : summaryYellowSweaterPatternString;
- var sweaterString = wallVisible ? aSweaterString : andASweaterString;
- var descriptionString = StringUtils.fillIn( patternString, {
+ const sweaterString = wallVisible ? aSweaterString : andASweaterString;
+ const descriptionString = StringUtils.fillIn( patternString, {
yellowBalloon: aYellowBalloonString,
greenBalloon: aGreenBalloonString,
sweater: sweaterString,
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASESummaryNodeTests.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASESummaryNodeTests.js
index ba75b3d1..a1f3e532 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASESummaryNodeTests.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASESummaryNodeTests.js
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@ define( require => {
QUnit.module( 'BASESummaryNode' );
// create model and view for testing
- var model = new BASEModel( 768, 504, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'model' ) );
- var view = new BASEView( model, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'view' ) );
+ const model = new BASEModel( 768, 504, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'model' ) );
+ const view = new BASEView( model, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'view' ) );
// create a wallNode for testing
- var wallNode = new WallNode( model, view.layoutBounds, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'wallNode' ) );
+ const wallNode = new WallNode( model, view.layoutBounds, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'wallNode' ) );
QUnit.test( 'Summary tests', function( assert ) {
- var summaryNode = new BASESummaryNode( model, view.yellowBalloonNode, view.greenBalloonNode, wallNode, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'summaryNode' ) );
+ const summaryNode = new BASESummaryNode( model, view.yellowBalloonNode, view.greenBalloonNode, wallNode, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'summaryNode' ) );
// verify first item in summary, description of items in the room
// on load, yellow balloon, sweater, and removable wall
- var expectedFirstItem = 'Currently, room has a yellow balloon, a sweater, and a removable wall.';
- var actualFirstItem = BASESummaryNode.getVisibleObjectsDescription( model.greenBalloon.isVisibleProperty.get(), model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get() );
+ let expectedFirstItem = 'Currently, room has a yellow balloon, a sweater, and a removable wall.';
+ let actualFirstItem = BASESummaryNode.getVisibleObjectsDescription( model.greenBalloon.isVisibleProperty.get(), model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get() );
assert.equal( actualFirstItem, expectedFirstItem, 'first summary item incorrect on load' );
// yellow balloon and sweater
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ define( require => {
// on load
- var expectedSecondItem = 'Yellow Balloon has zero net charge, a few pairs of negative and positive charges.';
- var actualSecondItem = summaryNode.getBalloonChargeDescription();
+ let expectedSecondItem = 'Yellow Balloon has zero net charge, a few pairs of negative and positive charges.';
+ let actualSecondItem = summaryNode.getBalloonChargeDescription();
assert.equal( actualSecondItem, expectedSecondItem );
// when both balloons are visible
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ define( require => {
// on load
- var expectedThirdItem = 'Sweater and wall have zero net charge, each has many pairs of negative and positive charges.';
- var actualThirdItem = summaryNode.getSweaterAndWallChargeDescription();
+ let expectedThirdItem = 'Sweater and wall have zero net charge, each has many pairs of negative and positive charges.';
+ let actualThirdItem = summaryNode.getSweaterAndWallChargeDescription();
assert.equal( actualThirdItem, expectedThirdItem );
// when wall is invisible
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ define( require => {
model.yellowBalloon.chargeProperty.set( -20 );
model.yellowBalloon.setCenter( new Vector2( PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL, model.yellowBalloon.getCenter().y ) );
- var expectedFourthItem = 'Negative charges in wall move away from Yellow Balloon a lot. Positive charges do not move.';
- var actualFourthItem = summaryNode.getInducedChargeDescription();
+ let expectedFourthItem = 'Negative charges in wall move away from Yellow Balloon a lot. Positive charges do not move.';
+ let actualFourthItem = summaryNode.getInducedChargeDescription();
assert.equal( actualFourthItem, expectedFourthItem );
// test both balloons when they are adjacent
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASEView.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASEView.js
index 6a3183cc..10a34cc1 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASEView.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BASEView.js
@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ define( require => {
const WallNode = require( 'BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/WallNode' );
// a11y strings
- var greenBalloonLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.greenBalloonLabel.value;
- var yellowBalloonLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.yellowBalloonLabel.value;
+ const greenBalloonLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.greenBalloonLabel.value;
+ const yellowBalloonLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.yellowBalloonLabel.value;
// images
const balloonGreen = require( 'image!BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/balloon-green.png' );
const balloonYellow = require( 'image!BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/balloon-yellow.png' );
// constants
- var BALLOON_TIE_POINT_HEIGHT = 14; // empirically determined
+ const BALLOON_TIE_POINT_HEIGHT = 14; // empirically determined
* @constructor
@@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ define( require => {
function BASEView( model, tandem ) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
ScreenView.call( this, {
layoutBounds: new Bounds2( 0, 0, 768, 504 ),
tandem: tandem
} );
- var sweaterNode = new SweaterNode( model, tandem.createTandem( 'sweaterNode' ) );
- var wallNode = new WallNode( model, this.layoutBounds.height, tandem.createTandem( 'wall' ) );
+ const sweaterNode = new SweaterNode( model, tandem.createTandem( 'sweaterNode' ) );
+ const wallNode = new WallNode( model, this.layoutBounds.height, tandem.createTandem( 'wall' ) );
this.playAreaNode.addChild( sweaterNode );
this.playAreaNode.addChild( wallNode );
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ define( require => {
) );
//Add black to the left of the screen to match the black region to the right of the wall
- var maxX = this.layoutBounds.maxX - model.wall.x - wallNode.wallNode.width;
+ const maxX = this.layoutBounds.maxX - model.wall.x - wallNode.wallNode.width;
this.addChild( new Rectangle(
maxX - 1000,
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ define( require => {
{ fill: 'black', tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'spaceToLeftOfWall' ) }
) );
- var controlPanel = new ControlPanel( model, this.layoutBounds, tandem.createTandem( 'controlPanel' ) );
+ const controlPanel = new ControlPanel( model, this.layoutBounds, tandem.createTandem( 'controlPanel' ) );
this.yellowBalloonNode = new BalloonNode( model.yellowBalloon, balloonYellow, model, yellowBalloonLabelString, greenBalloonLabelString, this.layoutBounds, tandem.createTandem( 'yellowBalloonNode' ), {
labelContent: yellowBalloonLabelString
} );
- var tetherAnchorPoint = new Vector2(
+ const tetherAnchorPoint = new Vector2(
model.yellowBalloon.locationProperty.get().x + 30, // a bit to the side of directly below the starting position
@@ -104,12 +104,12 @@ define( require => {
// created after all other view objects so we can access each describer
- var screenSummaryNode = new BASESummaryNode( model, this.yellowBalloonNode, this.greenBalloonNode, wallNode, tandem.createTandem( 'screenSummaryNode' ) );
+ const screenSummaryNode = new BASESummaryNode( model, this.yellowBalloonNode, this.greenBalloonNode, wallNode, tandem.createTandem( 'screenSummaryNode' ) );
this.setScreenSummaryContent( screenSummaryNode );
// combine the balloon content into single nodes so that they are easily layerable
- var greenBalloonLayerNode = new Node( { children: [ this.greenBalloonTetherNode, this.greenBalloonNode ] } );
- var yellowBalloonLayerNode = new Node( { children: [ this.yellowBalloonTetherNode, this.yellowBalloonNode ] } );
+ const greenBalloonLayerNode = new Node( { children: [ this.greenBalloonTetherNode, this.greenBalloonNode ] } );
+ const yellowBalloonLayerNode = new Node( { children: [ this.yellowBalloonTetherNode, this.yellowBalloonNode ] } );
this.playAreaNode.addChild( yellowBalloonLayerNode );
this.playAreaNode.addChild( greenBalloonLayerNode );
@@ -172,11 +172,11 @@ define( require => {
layout: function( width, height ) {
- var scale = this.getLayoutScale( width, height );
+ const scale = this.getLayoutScale( width, height );
this.setScaleMagnitude( scale );
- var dx = 0;
- var offsetY = 0;
+ let dx = 0;
+ let offsetY = 0;
// Move to bottom vertically (custom for this sim)
if ( scale === width / this.layoutBounds.width ) {
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BalloonInteractionCueNode.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BalloonInteractionCueNode.js
index ec2e2ee4..09749ce4 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BalloonInteractionCueNode.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BalloonInteractionCueNode.js
@@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ define( require => {
const VBox = require( 'SCENERY/nodes/VBox' );
// constants
- var ARROW_HEIGHT = 15; // dimensions for the arrow icons
- var KEY_HEIGHT = 24; // height of the arrow key, larger than default KeyNode height
- var ARROW_WIDTH = 1 / 2 * Math.sqrt( 3 ) * ARROW_HEIGHT; // for equilateral triangle
- var TEXT_KEY_OPTIONS = { font: new PhetFont( 14 ), forceSquareKey: true, keyHeight: KEY_HEIGHT };
- var SHADOW_WIDTH = 2;
+ const ARROW_HEIGHT = 15; // dimensions for the arrow icons
+ const KEY_HEIGHT = 24; // height of the arrow key, larger than default KeyNode height
+ const ARROW_WIDTH = 1 / 2 * Math.sqrt( 3 ) * ARROW_HEIGHT; // for equilateral triangle
+ const TEXT_KEY_OPTIONS = { font: new PhetFont( 14 ), forceSquareKey: true, keyHeight: KEY_HEIGHT };
+ const KEY_ARROW_SPACING = 2;
+ const SHADOW_WIDTH = 2;
// possible directions or the directional cues
up: 0,
down: Math.PI,
left: -Math.PI / 2,
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ define( require => {
Node.call( this );
// create the help node for the WASD and arrow keys, invisible except for on the initial balloon pick up
- var directionKeysParent = new Node();
+ const directionKeysParent = new Node();
this.addChild( directionKeysParent );
- var wNode = this.createMovementKeyNode( 'up' );
- var aNode = this.createMovementKeyNode( 'left' );
- var sNode = this.createMovementKeyNode( 'down' );
- var dNode = this.createMovementKeyNode( 'right' );
+ const wNode = this.createMovementKeyNode( 'up' );
+ const aNode = this.createMovementKeyNode( 'left' );
+ const sNode = this.createMovementKeyNode( 'down' );
+ const dNode = this.createMovementKeyNode( 'right' );
directionKeysParent.addChild( wNode );
directionKeysParent.addChild( aNode );
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ define( require => {
Property.multilink( [ balloonModel.locationProperty, model.wall.isVisibleProperty ], function( location, visible ) {
// get the max x locations depending on if the wall is visible
- var centerXRightBoundary;
+ let centerXRightBoundary;
if ( visible ) {
centerXRightBoundary = PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL;
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ define( require => {
centerXRightBoundary = PlayAreaMap.X_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_RIGHT_EDGE;
- var balloonCenter = balloonModel.getCenter();
+ const balloonCenter = balloonModel.getCenter();
aNode.visible = balloonCenter.x !== PlayAreaMap.X_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_LEFT_EDGE;
sNode.visible = balloonCenter.y !== PlayAreaMap.Y_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_BOTTOM;
dNode.visible = balloonCenter.x !== centerXRightBoundary;
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ define( require => {
} );
// place the direction cues relative to the balloon bounds
- var balloonBounds = balloonModel.bounds;
+ const balloonBounds = balloonModel.bounds;
wNode.centerBottom = balloonBounds.getCenterTop().plusXY( 0, -BALLOON_KEY_SPACING );
aNode.rightCenter = balloonBounds.getLeftCenter().plusXY( -BALLOON_KEY_SPACING, 0 );
sNode.centerTop = balloonBounds.getCenterBottom().plusXY( 0, BALLOON_KEY_SPACING + SHADOW_WIDTH );
@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ define( require => {
createMovementKeyNode: function( direction ) {
// create the arrow icon
- var arrowShape = new Shape();
+ const arrowShape = new Shape();
arrowShape.moveTo( ARROW_HEIGHT / 2, 0 ).lineTo( ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_WIDTH ).lineTo( 0, ARROW_WIDTH ).close();
- var arrowIcon = new Path( arrowShape, {
+ const arrowIcon = new Path( arrowShape, {
fill: 'white',
stroke: 'black',
lineJoin: 'bevel',
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ define( require => {
} );
// create the letter key nodes and place in the correct layout box
- var keyIcon;
- var box;
+ let keyIcon;
+ let box;
if ( direction === 'up' ) {
keyIcon = new LetterKeyNode( 'W', TEXT_KEY_OPTIONS );
box = new VBox( { children: [ arrowIcon, keyIcon ], spacing: KEY_ARROW_SPACING } );
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BalloonNode.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BalloonNode.js
index 5aa454dd..6b38af40 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BalloonNode.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/BalloonNode.js
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ define( require => {
const Vector2 = require( 'DOT/Vector2' );
// a11y - critical x locations for the balloon
+ const X_LOCATIONS = PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS;
// a11y strings
- var grabBalloonHelpString = BASEA11yStrings.grabBalloonHelp.value;
+ const grabBalloonHelpString = BASEA11yStrings.grabBalloonHelp.value;
* Constructor for the balloon
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ define( require => {
* @constructor
function BalloonNode( model, imgsrc, globalModel, accessibleLabelString, otherAccessibleLabelString, layoutBounds, tandem, options ) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
options = _.extend( {
cursor: 'pointer',
@@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ define( require => {
// @private - the utterance to be sent to the utteranceQueue when a jumping action occurs
this.jumpingUtterance = new Utterance();
- var originalChargesNode = new Node( {
+ const originalChargesNode = new Node( {
pickable: false,
tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'originalChargesNode' )
} );
- var addedChargesNode = new Node( { pickable: false, tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'addedChargesNode' ) } );
+ const addedChargesNode = new Node( { pickable: false, tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'addedChargesNode' ) } );
- var property = {
+ const property = {
//Set only to the legal positions in the frame
set: function( location ) { model.locationProperty.set( globalModel.checkBalloonRestrictions( location, model.width, model.height ) ); },
@@ -108,14 +108,14 @@ define( require => {
* Finish a drag interaction by updating the Property tracking that the balloon is dragged and resetting
* velocities.
- var endDragListener = function() {
+ const endDragListener = function() {
model.isDraggedProperty.set( false );
model.velocityProperty.set( new Vector2( 0, 0 ) );
model.dragVelocityProperty.set( new Vector2( 0, 0 ) );
//When dragging, move the balloon
- var dragHandler = new MovableDragHandler( property, {
+ const dragHandler = new MovableDragHandler( property, {
//When dragging across it in a mobile device, pick it up
allowTouchSnag: true,
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ define( require => {
this.addInputListener( dragHandler );
- var balloonImageNode = new Image( imgsrc, {
+ const balloonImageNode = new Image( imgsrc, {
tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'balloonImageNode' ),
pickable: false // custom touch areas applied to parent
} );
@@ -148,16 +148,16 @@ define( require => {
this.touchArea = this.mouseArea;
// static charges
- var plusChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusChargeNodes' );
- var minusChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'minusChargeNodes' );
+ const plusChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusChargeNodes' );
+ const minusChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'minusChargeNodes' );
for ( var i = 0; i < model.plusCharges.length; i++ ) {
- var plusChargeNode = new PlusChargeNode(
+ const plusChargeNode = new PlusChargeNode(
model.plusCharges[ i ].location,
originalChargesNode.addChild( plusChargeNode );
- var minusChargeNode = new MinusChargeNode(
+ const minusChargeNode = new MinusChargeNode(
model.minusCharges[ i ].location,
@@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ define( require => {
//possible charges
- var addedNodes = []; // track in a local array to update visibility with charge
- var addedChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'addedChargeNodes' );
+ const addedNodes = []; // track in a local array to update visibility with charge
+ const addedChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'addedChargeNodes' );
for ( i = model.plusCharges.length; i < model.minusCharges.length; i++ ) {
- var addedMinusChargeNode = new MinusChargeNode(
+ const addedMinusChargeNode = new MinusChargeNode(
model.minusCharges[ i ].location,
@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ define( require => {
//if change charge, show more minus charges
model.chargeProperty.link( function updateCharge( chargeVal ) {
- var numVisibleMinusCharges = Math.abs( chargeVal );
+ const numVisibleMinusCharges = Math.abs( chargeVal );
- for ( var i = 0; i < addedNodes.length; i++ ) {
+ for ( let i = 0; i < addedNodes.length; i++ ) {
addedNodes[ i ].visible = i < numVisibleMinusCharges;
} );
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ define( require => {
addedChargesNode.visible = true;
else {
- var visiblity = ( value === 'all' );
+ const visiblity = ( value === 'all' );
originalChargesNode.visible = visiblity;
addedChargesNode.visible = visiblity;
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ define( require => {
// a11y - when the balloon charge, location, or model.showChargesProperty changes, the balloon needs a new
// description for assistive technology
- var updateAccessibleDescription = function() {
+ const updateAccessibleDescription = function() {
self.descriptionContent = self.describer.getBalloonDescription( model );
model.locationProperty.link( updateAccessibleDescription );
@@ -244,12 +244,12 @@ define( require => {
// made visible when the balloon is picked up with a keyboard for the first time to show how a user can drag with
// a keyboard
- var interactionCueNode = new BalloonInteractionCueNode( globalModel, model, this, layoutBounds );
+ const interactionCueNode = new BalloonInteractionCueNode( globalModel, model, this, layoutBounds );
interactionCueNode.center = balloonImageNode.center;
// attach the GrabDragInteraction to the image node, which is a child of this node so that the accessible
// content for the interaction is underneath this node
- var grabDragInteraction = new GrabDragInteraction( balloonImageNode, {
+ const grabDragInteraction = new GrabDragInteraction( balloonImageNode, {
objectToGrabString: accessibleLabelString,
dragCueNode: interactionCueNode,
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ define( require => {
} );
if ( BASEQueryParameters.showBalloonChargeCenter ) {
- var parentToLocalChargeCenter = this.parentToLocalPoint( model.getChargeCenter() );
+ const parentToLocalChargeCenter = this.parentToLocalPoint( model.getChargeCenter() );
this.addChild( new Rectangle( 0, 0, 5, 5, { fill: 'green', center: parentToLocalChargeCenter } ) );
this.addChild( new Line( -500, parentToLocalChargeCenter.y, 500, parentToLocalChargeCenter.y, { stroke: 'green' } ) );
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ define( require => {
getAttemptedMovementDirection: function( keyCode ) {
- var direction;
+ let direction;
if ( KeyboardDragListener.isLeftMovementKey( keyCode ) ) {
direction = BalloonDirectionEnum.LEFT;
@@ -397,9 +397,9 @@ define( require => {
getDragBounds: function() {
- var modelBounds = this.globalModel.playAreaBounds;
- var balloonWidth = this.model.width;
- var balloonHeight = this.model.height;
+ const modelBounds = this.globalModel.playAreaBounds;
+ const balloonWidth = this.model.width;
+ const balloonHeight = this.model.height;
return new Bounds2( modelBounds.minX, modelBounds.minY, modelBounds.maxX - balloonWidth, modelBounds.maxY - balloonHeight );
} );
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/ControlPanel.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/ControlPanel.js
index 3baf228d..92afed0b 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/ControlPanel.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/ControlPanel.js
@@ -46,26 +46,26 @@ define( require => {
const resetBalloonString = require( 'string!BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/resetBalloon' );
// a11y strings
- var twoBalloonExperimentLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.twoBalloonExperimentLabel.value;
- var chargeSettingsLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.chargeSettingsLabel.value;
- var chargeSettingsDescriptionString = BASEA11yStrings.chargeSettingsDescription.value;
- var showAllChargesAlertString = BASEA11yStrings.showAllChargesAlert.value;
- var shoNoChargesAlertString = BASEA11yStrings.shoNoChargesAlert.value;
- var showChargeDifferencesAlertString = BASEA11yStrings.showChargeDifferencesAlert.value;
- var removeWallDescriptionString = BASEA11yStrings.removeWallDescription.value;
- var twoBalloonExperimentDescriptionString = BASEA11yStrings.twoBalloonExperimentDescription.value;
- var resetBalloonsAlertPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.resetBalloonsAlertPattern.value;
- var balloonString = BASEA11yStrings.balloon.value;
- var balloonsString = BASEA11yStrings.balloons.value;
- var wallAddedString = BASEA11yStrings.wallAdded.value;
- var wallRemovedString = BASEA11yStrings.wallRemoved.value;
- var positionsString = BASEA11yStrings.positions.value;
- var positionString = BASEA11yStrings.position.value;
- var resetBalloonsDescriptionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.resetBalloonsDescriptionPattern.value;
+ const twoBalloonExperimentLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.twoBalloonExperimentLabel.value;
+ const chargeSettingsLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.chargeSettingsLabel.value;
+ const chargeSettingsDescriptionString = BASEA11yStrings.chargeSettingsDescription.value;
+ const showAllChargesAlertString = BASEA11yStrings.showAllChargesAlert.value;
+ const shoNoChargesAlertString = BASEA11yStrings.shoNoChargesAlert.value;
+ const showChargeDifferencesAlertString = BASEA11yStrings.showChargeDifferencesAlert.value;
+ const removeWallDescriptionString = BASEA11yStrings.removeWallDescription.value;
+ const twoBalloonExperimentDescriptionString = BASEA11yStrings.twoBalloonExperimentDescription.value;
+ const resetBalloonsAlertPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.resetBalloonsAlertPattern.value;
+ const balloonString = BASEA11yStrings.balloon.value;
+ const balloonsString = BASEA11yStrings.balloons.value;
+ const wallAddedString = BASEA11yStrings.wallAdded.value;
+ const wallRemovedString = BASEA11yStrings.wallRemoved.value;
+ const positionsString = BASEA11yStrings.positions.value;
+ const positionString = BASEA11yStrings.position.value;
+ const resetBalloonsDescriptionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.resetBalloonsDescriptionPattern.value;
// constants
- var CONTROLS_FONT = new PhetFont( 15 );
+ const CONTROLS_FONT = new PhetFont( 15 );
* @constructor
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ define( require => {
// super constructor
Node.call( this );
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
// content for Add/Remove wall button.
- var addWallText = new MultiLineText( addWallString, {
+ const addWallText = new MultiLineText( addWallString, {
tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'addWallText' )
} );
- var removeWallText = new MultiLineText( removeWallString, {
+ const removeWallText = new MultiLineText( removeWallString, {
center: addWallText.center,
tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'removeWallText' )
@@ -108,16 +108,16 @@ define( require => {
model.wall.isVisibleProperty.lazyLink( function( wallVisible ) {
self.wallButton.innerContent = model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get() ? removeWallString : addWallString;
- var alertDescription = wallVisible ? wallAddedString : wallRemovedString;
+ const alertDescription = wallVisible ? wallAddedString : wallRemovedString;
utteranceQueue.addToBack( alertDescription );
} );
// Radio buttons related to charges
maxWidth: 200
- var showChargesRadioButtonGroup = new VerticalAquaRadioButtonGroup( model.showChargesProperty, [ {
+ const showChargesRadioButtonGroup = new VerticalAquaRadioButtonGroup( model.showChargesProperty, [ {
node: new Text(
_.extend( { tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'allCharges' ) }, RADIO_BUTTON_TEXT_OPTIONS )
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ define( require => {
// a11y - announce an alert that describes the state of charge visibility, linked lazily
// so that we don't get any alerts on sim startup
model.showChargesProperty.lazyLink( function( value ) {
- var alertString;
+ let alertString;
if ( value === 'all' ) {
alertString = showAllChargesAlertString;
@@ -171,10 +171,10 @@ define( require => {
} );
// Radio buttons for selecting 1 vs 2 balloons
- var scale = 0.14;
- var yellowBalloonImage = new Image( balloonYellow, { tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'yellowBalloonImage' ) } );
- var twoBalloonIconTandem = tandem.createTandem( 'twoBalloonIcon' );
- var twoBalloonIcon = new Node( {
+ const scale = 0.14;
+ const yellowBalloonImage = new Image( balloonYellow, { tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'yellowBalloonImage' ) } );
+ const twoBalloonIconTandem = tandem.createTandem( 'twoBalloonIcon' );
+ const twoBalloonIcon = new Node( {
children: [
new Image( balloonGreen, { x: 160, tandem: twoBalloonIconTandem.createTandem( 'greenBalloonImage' ) } ),
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ define( require => {
tandem: twoBalloonIconTandem
} );
- var oneBalloonIconTandem = tandem.createTandem( 'oneBalloonIcon' );
- var oneBalloonIcon = new Node( {
+ const oneBalloonIconTandem = tandem.createTandem( 'oneBalloonIcon' );
+ const oneBalloonIcon = new Node( {
children: [
new Image( balloonYellow, {
x: twoBalloonIcon.width / scale / 2 - yellowBalloonImage.width / 2,
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ define( require => {
tandem: oneBalloonIconTandem
} );
- var showSecondBalloonSelector = new TwoSceneSelectionNode(
+ const showSecondBalloonSelector = new TwoSceneSelectionNode(
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ define( require => {
// 'Reset Balloons' button
- var resetBalloonToggleNode = new BooleanToggleNode(
+ const resetBalloonToggleNode = new BooleanToggleNode(
new Text( resetBalloonsString, {
tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'resetBalloonsText' )
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ define( require => {
{ maxWidth: 140, tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'resetBalloonToggleNode' ) }
- var resetBalloonButtonListener = function() {
+ const resetBalloonButtonListener = function() {
// disable other alerts until after we are finished resetting the balloons
utteranceQueue.enabled = false;
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ define( require => {
balloons: model.greenBalloon.isVisibleProperty.get() ? balloonsString : balloonString
} ) );
- var resetBalloonButton = new RectangularPushButton( {
+ const resetBalloonButton = new RectangularPushButton( {
content: resetBalloonToggleNode,
baseColor: 'rgb( 255, 200, 0 )',
listener: resetBalloonButtonListener,
@@ -253,9 +253,9 @@ define( require => {
} );
// create the accessible description for the reset balloon button
- var generateDescriptionString = function( balloonVisible ) {
- var balloonDescriptionString = balloonVisible ? balloonsString : balloonString;
- var positionDescriptionString = balloonVisible ? positionsString : positionString;
+ const generateDescriptionString = function( balloonVisible ) {
+ const balloonDescriptionString = balloonVisible ? balloonsString : balloonString;
+ const positionDescriptionString = balloonVisible ? positionsString : positionString;
return StringUtils.fillIn( resetBalloonsDescriptionPatternString, {
balloons: balloonDescriptionString,
positions: positionDescriptionString
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ define( require => {
resetBalloonButton.innerContent = isVisible ? resetBalloonsString : resetBalloonString;
} );
- var balloonsPanel = new VBox( {
+ const balloonsPanel = new VBox( {
spacing: 2,
children: [ showSecondBalloonSelector, resetBalloonButton ],
@@ -279,13 +279,13 @@ define( require => {
} );
//Add the controls at the right, with the reset all button and the wall button
- var resetAllButton = new ResetAllButton( {
+ const resetAllButton = new ResetAllButton( {
listener: model.reset.bind( model ),
scale: 0.96,
tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'resetAllButton' )
} );
- var controls = new HBox( {
+ const controls = new HBox( {
spacing: 14,
align: 'bottom',
children: [ resetAllButton, this.wallButton ]
@@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ define( require => {
controls.bottom = layoutBounds.maxY - BOTTOM_CONTROL_SPACING;
controls.right = layoutBounds.maxX - 4.5;// so "Remove Wall" button looks centered with wall
- var visibilityControls;
- var controlsLeft;
+ let visibilityControls;
+ let controlsLeft;
if ( BASEQueryParameters.hideChargeControls ) {
visibilityControls = [ balloonsPanel ];
controlsLeft = layoutBounds.width / 2 - balloonsPanel.width / 2;
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/MinusChargeNode.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/MinusChargeNode.js
index c0aef445..5c272d17 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/MinusChargeNode.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/MinusChargeNode.js
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ define( require => {
const RadialGradient = require( 'SCENERY/util/RadialGradient' );
const Rectangle = require( 'SCENERY/nodes/Rectangle' );
- var RADIUS = PointChargeModel.RADIUS;
+ const RADIUS = PointChargeModel.RADIUS;
const icon = new Node( {
children: [
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ define( require => {
} )
} );
- var sharedMinusChargeNode = icon.rasterized( { resolution: BASEConstants.IMAGE_SCALE } );
+ const sharedMinusChargeNode = icon.rasterized( { resolution: BASEConstants.IMAGE_SCALE } );
* @constructor
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/MinusChargesCanvasNode.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/MinusChargesCanvasNode.js
index 68d57972..84cf2581 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/MinusChargesCanvasNode.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/MinusChargesCanvasNode.js
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ define( require => {
// Node converted to image to be drawn in canvas - scale up the node, then back down when converting to image so it
// doesn't look fuzzy
- var scale = 3.0;
- var chargeNode = null;
+ const scale = 3.0;
+ let chargeNode = null;
// This is to prevent an instrumented phet-io instance from being created outside of a constructor,
// see https://github.com/phetsims/phet-io-wrappers/issues/97
- var getChargeNode = function() {
+ const getChargeNode = function() {
if ( !chargeNode ) {
chargeNode = new MinusChargeNode( new Vector2( 0, 0 ), Tandem.globalTandem.createTandem( 'chargeNode' ), {
scale: scale
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ define( require => {
context.scale( 1 / scale, 1 / scale );
// draw all of the charges
- for ( var i = 0; i < this.charges.length; i++ ) {
- var charge = this.charges[ i ];
- var chargePosition = charge.locationProperty.get();
+ for ( let i = 0; i < this.charges.length; i++ ) {
+ const charge = this.charges[ i ];
+ const chargePosition = charge.locationProperty.get();
- var xPosition = ( ( chargePosition.x - this.wallX + PointChargeModel.RADIUS - BASEConstants.IMAGE_PADDING ) * scale );
- var yPosition = ( chargePosition.y + PointChargeModel.RADIUS - BASEConstants.IMAGE_PADDING ) * scale;
+ const xPosition = ( ( chargePosition.x - this.wallX + PointChargeModel.RADIUS - BASEConstants.IMAGE_PADDING ) * scale );
+ const yPosition = ( chargePosition.y + PointChargeModel.RADIUS - BASEConstants.IMAGE_PADDING ) * scale;
// render particle
context.drawImage( this.chargeImageNode.image, xPosition, yPosition );
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/PlayAreaGridNode.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/PlayAreaGridNode.js
index bf3fa07a..1a1ac71e 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/PlayAreaGridNode.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/PlayAreaGridNode.js
@@ -28,26 +28,26 @@ define( require => {
function PlayAreaGridNode( layoutBounds, tandem ) {
Node.call( this, { pickable: false } );
- var blueOptions = { fill: 'rgba(0,0,255,0.5)' };
- var greyOptions = { fill: 'rgba(200,200,200,0.5)' };
- var redOptions = { fill: 'rgba(250,0,50,0.45)' };
+ const blueOptions = { fill: 'rgba(0,0,255,0.5)' };
+ const greyOptions = { fill: 'rgba(200,200,200,0.5)' };
+ const redOptions = { fill: 'rgba(250,0,50,0.45)' };
- var columns = PlayAreaMap.COLUMN_RANGES;
- var rows = PlayAreaMap.ROW_RANGES;
- var landmarks = PlayAreaMap.LANDMARK_RANGES;
+ const columns = PlayAreaMap.COLUMN_RANGES;
+ const rows = PlayAreaMap.ROW_RANGES;
+ const landmarks = PlayAreaMap.LANDMARK_RANGES;
// draw each column
- var self = this;
- var i = 0;
- var range;
- var minValue;
- var maxValue;
+ const self = this;
+ let i = 0;
+ let range;
+ let minValue;
+ let maxValue;
for ( range in columns ) {
if ( columns.hasOwnProperty( range ) ) {
if ( i % 2 === 0 ) {
minValue = Math.max( layoutBounds.minX, columns[ range ].min );
maxValue = Math.min( layoutBounds.maxX, columns[ range ].max );
- var width = maxValue - minValue;
+ const width = maxValue - minValue;
self.addChild( new Rectangle( minValue, 0, width, PlayAreaMap.HEIGHT, blueOptions ) );
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ define( require => {
if ( i % 2 === 0 ) {
minValue = Math.max( layoutBounds.minY, rows[ range ].min );
maxValue = Math.min( layoutBounds.maxY, rows[ range ].max );
- var height = maxValue - minValue;
+ const height = maxValue - minValue;
self.addChild( new Rectangle( 0, minValue, PlayAreaMap.WIDTH, height, greyOptions ) );
@@ -72,16 +72,16 @@ define( require => {
if ( landmarks.hasOwnProperty( range ) ) {
minValue = Math.max( layoutBounds.minX, landmarks[ range ].min );
maxValue = Math.min( layoutBounds.maxX, landmarks[ range ].max );
- var landmarkWidth = maxValue - minValue;
+ const landmarkWidth = maxValue - minValue;
self.addChild( new Rectangle( minValue, 0, landmarkWidth, PlayAreaMap.HEIGHT, redOptions ) );
// draw the lines to along critical balloon locations along both x and y
- var lineOptions = { stroke: 'rgba(0, 0, 0,0.4)', lineWidth: 2, lineDash: [ 2, 4 ] };
- var xLocations = PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS;
- var yLocations = PlayAreaMap.Y_LOCATIONS;
- var location;
+ const lineOptions = { stroke: 'rgba(0, 0, 0,0.4)', lineWidth: 2, lineDash: [ 2, 4 ] };
+ const xLocations = PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS;
+ const yLocations = PlayAreaMap.Y_LOCATIONS;
+ let location;
for ( location in xLocations ) {
if ( xLocations.hasOwnProperty( location ) ) {
self.addChild( new Line( xLocations[ location ], 0, xLocations[ location ], PlayAreaMap.HEIGHT, lineOptions ) );
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/PlusChargeNode.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/PlusChargeNode.js
index 1189322a..d5959843 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/PlusChargeNode.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/PlusChargeNode.js
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ define( require => {
const RadialGradient = require( 'SCENERY/util/RadialGradient' );
const Rectangle = require( 'SCENERY/nodes/Rectangle' );
- var RADIUS = PointChargeModel.RADIUS;
+ const RADIUS = PointChargeModel.RADIUS;
const icon = new Node( {
children: [
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ define( require => {
} )
} );
- var sharedPlusChargeNode = icon.rasterized( { resolution: BASEConstants.IMAGE_SCALE } );
+ const sharedPlusChargeNode = icon.rasterized( { resolution: BASEConstants.IMAGE_SCALE } );
* @constructor
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/SweaterNode.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/SweaterNode.js
index 52d6c810..dc0eed88 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/SweaterNode.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/SweaterNode.js
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ define( require => {
const SweaterDescriber = require( 'BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/SweaterDescriber' );
// a11y strings
- var sweaterLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterLabel.value;
+ const sweaterLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterLabel.value;
// images
const sweater = require( 'image!BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/sweater.png' );
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ define( require => {
* @param {Tandem} tandem
function SweaterNode( model, tandem ) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
Node.call( this, {
pickable: false,
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ define( require => {
this.sweaterModel = model.sweater;
// create the sweater image
- var sweaterImageNode = new Image( sweater, { tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'sweater' ) } );
+ const sweaterImageNode = new Image( sweater, { tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'sweater' ) } );
// scale image to match model, then set position
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ define( require => {
// draw plus and minus charges
- var plusChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusChargeNodes' );
- var minusChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'minusChargeNodes' );
+ const plusChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusChargeNodes' );
+ const minusChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'minusChargeNodes' );
this.sweaterModel.plusCharges.forEach( function( plusCharge ) {
- var plusChargeNode = new PlusChargeNode( plusCharge.location, plusChargeNodesTandemGroup.createNextTandem() );
+ const plusChargeNode = new PlusChargeNode( plusCharge.location, plusChargeNodesTandemGroup.createNextTandem() );
self.plusChargesNode.addChild( plusChargeNode );
} );
this.sweaterModel.minusCharges.forEach( function( minusCharge ) {
- var minusChargeNode = new MinusChargeNode( minusCharge.location, minusChargeNodesTandemGroup.createNextTandem() );
+ const minusChargeNode = new MinusChargeNode( minusCharge.location, minusChargeNodesTandemGroup.createNextTandem() );
self.minusChargesNode.addChild( minusChargeNode );
} );
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ define( require => {
this.addChild( this.minusChargesNode );
// show all, none or charge difference
- var updateChargesVisibilityOnSweater = function( value ) {
+ const updateChargesVisibilityOnSweater = function( value ) {
if ( model.showChargesProperty.get() === 'none' ) {
self.plusChargesNode.visible = false;
self.minusChargesNode.visible = false;
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ define( require => {
self.plusChargesNode.visible = true;
self.minusChargesNode.visible = true;
- var showAll = ( model.showChargesProperty.get() === 'all');
- for ( var i = 0; i < self.sweaterModel.minusCharges.length; i++ ) {
- var plusChargeNodes = self.plusChargesNode.children;
- var minusChargeNodes = self.minusChargesNode.children;
+ const showAll = ( model.showChargesProperty.get() === 'all');
+ for ( let i = 0; i < self.sweaterModel.minusCharges.length; i++ ) {
+ const plusChargeNodes = self.plusChargesNode.children;
+ const minusChargeNodes = self.minusChargesNode.children;
plusChargeNodes[ i ].visible = showAll ||
self.sweaterModel.minusCharges[ i ].movedProperty.get();
minusChargeNodes[ i ].visible = showAll && !self.sweaterModel.minusCharges[ i ].movedProperty.get();
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ define( require => {
// a11y - construct a type that manages descriptions depending on the state of the model
- var sweaterDescriber = new SweaterDescriber( model, this.sweaterModel );
+ const sweaterDescriber = new SweaterDescriber( model, this.sweaterModel );
Property.multilink( [ model.showChargesProperty, this.sweaterModel.chargeProperty ], function( showCharges, charge ) {
updateChargesVisibilityOnSweater( charge );
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/TetherNode.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/TetherNode.js
index e0ce2ca2..29e30fd7 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/TetherNode.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/TetherNode.js
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ define( require => {
* @constructor
function TetherNode( balloonModel, anchorPoint, tetherPointOffset, tandem ) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
Path.call( this, null, {
stroke: '#000000',
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ define( require => {
tandem: tandem
} );
- var anchorPointCopy = anchorPoint.copy();
+ const anchorPointCopy = anchorPoint.copy();
balloonModel.locationProperty.link( function( location ) {
- var attachmentPoint = location.plus( tetherPointOffset );
+ const attachmentPoint = location.plus( tetherPointOffset );
self.shape = new Shape()
.moveToPoint( anchorPointCopy )
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/TwoSceneSelectionNode.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/TwoSceneSelectionNode.js
index 6e35f5ce..e252a3dc 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/TwoSceneSelectionNode.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/TwoSceneSelectionNode.js
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ define( require => {
const Tandem = require( 'TANDEM/Tandem' );
// constants
- var DEFAULT_FILL = new Color( 'white' );
+ const DEFAULT_FILL = new Color( 'white' );
* @constructor
@@ -115,20 +115,20 @@ define( require => {
this.enabledProperty = options.enabledProperty;
// place the nodes in an align group so that the two buttons will have identical sizing
- var buttonAlignGroup = new AlignGroup();
- var aBox = buttonAlignGroup.createBox( nodeA );
- var bBox = buttonAlignGroup.createBox( nodeB );
+ const buttonAlignGroup = new AlignGroup();
+ const aBox = buttonAlignGroup.createBox( nodeA );
+ const bBox = buttonAlignGroup.createBox( nodeB );
// use a path so that the line width can be updated
- var xMargin = options.buttonContentXMargin;
- var yMargin = options.buttonContentYMargin;
- var cornerRadius = options.cornerRadius;
+ const xMargin = options.buttonContentXMargin;
+ const yMargin = options.buttonContentYMargin;
+ const cornerRadius = options.cornerRadius;
- var aButton = new Node();
- var bButton = new Node();
+ const aButton = new Node();
+ const bButton = new Node();
// aBox.bounds === bBox.bounds since we are using AlignGroup
- var rectShape = Shape.roundRect(
+ const rectShape = Shape.roundRect(
aBox.width + 2 * xMargin,
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ define( require => {
- var aButtonPath = new Path( rectShape );
- var bButtonPath = new Path( rectShape );
+ const aButtonPath = new Path( rectShape );
+ const bButtonPath = new Path( rectShape );
// if there should be a mask, add before the buttons
if ( options.maskFill ) {
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ define( require => {
aButtonPath.addChild( aBox );
bButtonPath.addChild( bBox );
- var buttonBox = new LayoutBox( {
+ const buttonBox = new LayoutBox( {
spacing: options.spacing,
orientation: options.orientation,
align: options.align,
@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ define( require => {
// sets the styles of the buttons after an interaction, including the stroke, opacity, lineWidth, and fill,
// depending on whether or not the button is enabled
- var self = this;
- var setStyles = function( enabled ) {
+ const self = this;
+ const setStyles = function( enabled ) {
- var selectedButton;
- var deselectedButton;
- var selectedContent;
- var deselectedContent;
+ let selectedButton;
+ let deselectedButton;
+ let selectedContent;
+ let deselectedContent;
if ( property.get() === valueA ) {
selectedButton = aButtonPath;
@@ -213,48 +213,48 @@ define( require => {
setStyles( self.enabledProperty.get() );
} );
- var upFunction = function() {
- var newValue = property.get() === valueA ? valueB : valueA;
+ const upFunction = function() {
+ const newValue = property.get() === valueA ? valueB : valueA;
property.set( newValue );
setStyles( self.enabledProperty.get() );
// Internal emitter for the PhET-iO data stream, see https://github.com/phetsims/sun/issues/396
- var firedEmitter = new Emitter( {
+ const firedEmitter = new Emitter( {
tandem: options.tandem.createTandem( 'firedEmitter' ),
phetioEventType: EventType.USER
} );
firedEmitter.addListener( upFunction );
- var downUpListener = new DownUpListener( {
+ const downUpListener = new DownUpListener( {
up: function() {
down: function() {
- var otherButton = property.get() === valueA ? bButtonPath : aButtonPath;
+ const otherButton = property.get() === valueA ? bButtonPath : aButtonPath;
otherButton.fill = options.pressedColor;
} );
// considered "checked" for accessibility when node B is selected
- var propertyListener = function( value ) {
+ const propertyListener = function( value ) {
self.setAccessibleChecked( value === valueB );
// listener that highlights the unselected button when mouse is over local bounds
- var highlightListener = new HighlightListener( function( target, highlight ) {
- var otherButton = property.get() === valueA ? bButtonPath : aButtonPath;
- var otherContent = property.get() === valueA ? nodeB : nodeA;
+ const highlightListener = new HighlightListener( function( target, highlight ) {
+ const otherButton = property.get() === valueA ? bButtonPath : aButtonPath;
+ const otherContent = property.get() === valueA ? nodeB : nodeA;
- var buttonOpacity = highlight ? options.overButtonOpacity : options.deselectedButtonOpacity;
- var contentOpacity = highlight ? options.overContentOpacity : options.deselectedContentOpacity;
+ const buttonOpacity = highlight ? options.overButtonOpacity : options.deselectedButtonOpacity;
+ const contentOpacity = highlight ? options.overContentOpacity : options.deselectedContentOpacity;
otherButton.opacity = buttonOpacity;
otherContent.opacity = contentOpacity;
} );
// listener that is called when the button is pressed with 'enter' or 'spacebar'
- var clickListener = { click: upFunction };
+ const clickListener = { click: upFunction };
// add listeners, to be disposed
this.addInputListener( downUpListener );
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/WallNode.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/WallNode.js
index 0245a6a5..9b4fa954 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/WallNode.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/WallNode.js
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ define( require => {
const wallImage = require( 'image!BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/wall.png' );
// a11y strings
- var wallLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.wallLabel.value;
+ const wallLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.wallLabel.value;
* @constructor
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ define( require => {
* @param {Tandem} tandem
function WallNode( model, layoutHeight, tandem ) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
// @private
this.model = model;
- var wallModel = model.wall;
+ const wallModel = model.wall;
// manages a11y descriptions for the wall
this.wallDescriber = new WallDescriber( model );
@@ -56,21 +56,21 @@ define( require => {
this.addChild( this.wallNode );
- var plusChargesNode = new Node( { tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'plusChargesNode' ) } );
+ const plusChargesNode = new Node( { tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'plusChargesNode' ) } );
plusChargesNode.translate( -wallModel.x, 0 );
//draw plusCharges on the wall
- var plusChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusChargeNodes' );
+ const plusChargeNodesTandemGroup = tandem.createGroupTandem( 'plusChargeNodes' );
wallModel.plusCharges.forEach( function( entry ) {
- var plusChargeNode = new PlusChargeNode( entry.location, plusChargeNodesTandemGroup.createNextTandem() );
+ const plusChargeNode = new PlusChargeNode( entry.location, plusChargeNodesTandemGroup.createNextTandem() );
plusChargesNode.addChild( plusChargeNode );
} );
this.addChild( plusChargesNode );
// the minus charges on the wall - with Canvas for performance, bounds widened so that charges are fully
// visible in wider layouts, see #409
- var wallBounds = new Bounds2( 0, 0, wallModel.width + 20, wallModel.height );
- var minusChargesNode = new MinusChargesCanvasNode( wallModel.x, wallBounds, wallModel.minusCharges );
+ const wallBounds = new Bounds2( 0, 0, wallModel.width + 20, wallModel.height );
+ const minusChargesNode = new MinusChargesCanvasNode( wallModel.x, wallBounds, wallModel.minusCharges );
this.addChild( minusChargesNode );
wallModel.isVisibleProperty.link( function updateWallVisibility( isVisible ) {
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ define( require => {
} );
// a11y - when the balloons change location, update the description of the induced charge in the wall
- var updateWallDescription = function() {
+ const updateWallDescription = function() {
self.setDescriptionContent( self.wallDescriber.getWallDescription( model.yellowBalloon, model.greenBalloon, model.getBalloonsAdjacent() ) );
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BASEDescriber.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BASEDescriber.js
index c95432eb..7d8d0f50 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BASEDescriber.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BASEDescriber.js
@@ -20,80 +20,80 @@ define( require => {
// a11y strings
// play area grid strings
- var leftShoulderOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.leftShoulderOfSweater.value;
- var leftArmOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.leftArmOfSweater.value;
- var bottomLeftEdgeOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.bottomLeftEdgeOfSweater.value;
+ const leftShoulderOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.leftShoulderOfSweater.value;
+ const leftArmOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.leftArmOfSweater.value;
+ const bottomLeftEdgeOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.bottomLeftEdgeOfSweater.value;
- var upperLeftSideOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.upperLeftSideOfSweater.value;
- var leftSideOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.leftSideOfSweater.value;
- var lowerLeftSideOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerLeftSideOfSweater.value;
+ const upperLeftSideOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.upperLeftSideOfSweater.value;
+ const leftSideOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.leftSideOfSweater.value;
+ const lowerLeftSideOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerLeftSideOfSweater.value;
- var upperRightSideOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.upperRightSideOfSweater.value;
- var rightSideOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.rightSideOfSweater.value;
- var lowerRightSideOfSweater = BASEA11yStrings.lowerRightSideOfSweater.value;
+ const upperRightSideOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.upperRightSideOfSweater.value;
+ const rightSideOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.rightSideOfSweater.value;
+ const lowerRightSideOfSweater = BASEA11yStrings.lowerRightSideOfSweater.value;
- var rightShoulderOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.rightShoulderOfSweater.value;
- var rightArmOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.rightArmOfSweater.value;
- var lowerRightArmOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerRightArmOfSweater.value;
+ const rightShoulderOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.rightShoulderOfSweater.value;
+ const rightArmOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.rightArmOfSweater.value;
+ const lowerRightArmOfSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerRightArmOfSweater.value;
- var upperLeftSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.upperLeftSideOfPlayArea.value;
- var leftSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.leftSideOfPlayArea.value;
- var lowerLeftSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerLeftSideOfPlayArea.value;
+ const upperLeftSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.upperLeftSideOfPlayArea.value;
+ const leftSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.leftSideOfPlayArea.value;
+ const lowerLeftSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerLeftSideOfPlayArea.value;
- var upperCenterOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.upperCenterOfPlayArea.value;
- var centerOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.centerOfPlayArea.value;
- var lowerCenterOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerCenterOfPlayArea.value;
+ const upperCenterOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.upperCenterOfPlayArea.value;
+ const centerOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.centerOfPlayArea.value;
+ const lowerCenterOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerCenterOfPlayArea.value;
- var upperRightSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.upperRightSideOfPlayArea.value;
- var rightSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.rightSideOfPlayArea.value;
- var lowerRightSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerRightSideOfPlayArea.value;
+ const upperRightSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.upperRightSideOfPlayArea.value;
+ const rightSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.rightSideOfPlayArea.value;
+ const lowerRightSideOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerRightSideOfPlayArea.value;
- var upperWallString = BASEA11yStrings.upperWall.value;
- var wallString = BASEA11yStrings.wall.value;
- var lowerWallString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerWall.value;
+ const upperWallString = BASEA11yStrings.upperWall.value;
+ const wallString = BASEA11yStrings.wall.value;
+ const lowerWallString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerWall.value;
- var upperRightEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.upperRightEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
- var rightEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.rightEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
- var lowerRightEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerRightEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
+ const upperRightEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.upperRightEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
+ const rightEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.rightEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
+ const lowerRightEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.lowerRightEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
// charge strings
- var noString = BASEA11yStrings.no.value;
- var zeroString = BASEA11yStrings.zero.value;
- var aFewString = BASEA11yStrings.aFew.value;
- var severalString = BASEA11yStrings.several.value;
- var manyString = BASEA11yStrings.many.value;
- var negativeString = BASEA11yStrings.negative.value;
- var eachBalloonString = BASEA11yStrings.eachBalloon.value;
- var balloonNetChargePatternStringWithLabel = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNetChargePatternStringWithLabel.value;
- var landmarkNearSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearSweater.value;
- var landmarkLeftEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkLeftEdge.value;
- var landmarkNearUpperWallString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearUpperWall.value;
- var landmarkNearWallString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearWall.value;
- var landmarkNearLowerWallString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearLowerWall.value;
- var landmarkNearUpperRightEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearUpperRightEdge.value;
- var landmarkNearRightEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearRightEdge.value;
- var landmarkNearLowerRightEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearLowerRightEdge.value;
- var landmarkAtCenterPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkAtCenterPlayArea.value;
- var landmarkAtUpperCenterPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkAtUpperCenterPlayArea.value;
- var landmarkAtLowerCenterPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkAtLowerCenterPlayArea.value;
- var upString = BASEA11yStrings.up.value;
- var leftString = BASEA11yStrings.left.value;
- var downString = BASEA11yStrings.down.value;
- var rightString = BASEA11yStrings.right.value;
- var upAndToTheRightString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheRight.value;
- var upAndToTheLeftString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheLeft.value;
- var downAndToTheRightString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheRight.value;
- var downAndToTheLeftString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheLeft.value;
+ const noString = BASEA11yStrings.no.value;
+ const zeroString = BASEA11yStrings.zero.value;
+ const aFewString = BASEA11yStrings.aFew.value;
+ const severalString = BASEA11yStrings.several.value;
+ const manyString = BASEA11yStrings.many.value;
+ const negativeString = BASEA11yStrings.negative.value;
+ const eachBalloonString = BASEA11yStrings.eachBalloon.value;
+ const balloonNetChargePatternStringWithLabel = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNetChargePatternStringWithLabel.value;
+ const landmarkNearSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearSweater.value;
+ const landmarkLeftEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkLeftEdge.value;
+ const landmarkNearUpperWallString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearUpperWall.value;
+ const landmarkNearWallString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearWall.value;
+ const landmarkNearLowerWallString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearLowerWall.value;
+ const landmarkNearUpperRightEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearUpperRightEdge.value;
+ const landmarkNearRightEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearRightEdge.value;
+ const landmarkNearLowerRightEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkNearLowerRightEdge.value;
+ const landmarkAtCenterPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkAtCenterPlayArea.value;
+ const landmarkAtUpperCenterPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkAtUpperCenterPlayArea.value;
+ const landmarkAtLowerCenterPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.landmarkAtLowerCenterPlayArea.value;
+ const upString = BASEA11yStrings.up.value;
+ const leftString = BASEA11yStrings.left.value;
+ const downString = BASEA11yStrings.down.value;
+ const rightString = BASEA11yStrings.right.value;
+ const upAndToTheRightString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheRight.value;
+ const upAndToTheLeftString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheLeft.value;
+ const downAndToTheRightString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheRight.value;
+ const downAndToTheLeftString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheLeft.value;
// charge strings
- var summaryNeutralChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryNeutralChargesPattern.value;
- var showingNoChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.showingNoCharges.value;
+ const summaryNeutralChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryNeutralChargesPattern.value;
+ const showingNoChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.showingNoCharges.value;
// constants
UPPER_PLAY_AREA: landmarkLeftEdgeString,
CENTER_PLAY_AREA: landmarkLeftEdgeString,
@@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {Object}
- var generateDescriptionMapWithEntries = function( descriptionArray, valueRange, entries ) {
+ const generateDescriptionMapWithEntries = function( descriptionArray, valueRange, entries ) {
entries = entries || [];
- var map = {};
+ const map = {};
- var minValue = valueRange.min;
- for ( var i = 0; i < descriptionArray.length; i++ ) {
+ let minValue = valueRange.min;
+ for ( let i = 0; i < descriptionArray.length; i++ ) {
- var nextMin = minValue + valueRange.getLength() / descriptionArray.length;
+ const nextMin = minValue + valueRange.getLength() / descriptionArray.length;
map[ i ] = {};
map[ i ].description = descriptionArray[ i ];
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ define( require => {
if ( entries.length > 0 ) {
- for ( var j = 0; j < entries.length; j++ ) {
+ for ( let j = 0; j < entries.length; j++ ) {
map[ descriptionArray.length + j ] = entries[ j ];
@@ -232,14 +232,14 @@ define( require => {
return map;
- var relativeChargeStrings = [ aFewString, severalString, manyString ];
- var RELATIVE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP = generateDescriptionMapWithEntries( relativeChargeStrings, new Range( 1, BASEConstants.MAX_BALLOON_CHARGE ), [ {
+ const relativeChargeStrings = [ aFewString, severalString, manyString ];
+ const RELATIVE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP = generateDescriptionMapWithEntries( relativeChargeStrings, new Range( 1, BASEConstants.MAX_BALLOON_CHARGE ), [ {
range: new Range( 0, 0 ),
description: noString
} ] );
// maps direction to a description string
+ const DIRECTION_MAP = {
UP: upString,
DOWN: downString,
LEFT: leftString,
@@ -261,23 +261,23 @@ define( require => {
getLocationDescription: function( location, wallVisible ) {
- var landmarks = PlayAreaMap.LANDMARK_RANGES;
- var columns = PlayAreaMap.COLUMN_RANGES;
- var locations = PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS;
- var rows = PlayAreaMap.ROW_RANGES;
+ const landmarks = PlayAreaMap.LANDMARK_RANGES;
+ const columns = PlayAreaMap.COLUMN_RANGES;
+ const locations = PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS;
+ const rows = PlayAreaMap.ROW_RANGES;
// loop through keys manually to prevent a many closures from being created during object iteration in 'for in'
// loops
- var columnsKeys = Object.keys( columns );
- var rowKeys = Object.keys( rows );
- var landmarkKeys = Object.keys( landmarks );
- var locationKeys = Object.keys( locations );
+ const columnsKeys = Object.keys( columns );
+ const rowKeys = Object.keys( rows );
+ const landmarkKeys = Object.keys( landmarks );
+ const locationKeys = Object.keys( locations );
- var i;
- var currentLocation;
- var currentLandmark;
- var currentColumn;
- var currentRow;
+ let i;
+ let currentLocation;
+ let currentLandmark;
+ let currentColumn;
+ let currentRow;
// critical x locations take priority, start there
for ( i = 0; i < locationKeys.length; i++ ) {
@@ -342,13 +342,13 @@ define( require => {
getRelativeChargeDescription: function( charge ) {
// the description is mapped to the absolute value of charge
- var absCharge = Math.abs( charge );
+ const absCharge = Math.abs( charge );
- var keys = Object.keys( RELATIVE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP );
- var description;
+ const keys = Object.keys( RELATIVE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP );
+ let description;
- for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
- var value = RELATIVE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP[ keys[ i ] ];
+ for ( let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
+ const value = RELATIVE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP[ keys[ i ] ];
if ( value.range.contains( absCharge ) ) {
description = value.description;
@@ -368,12 +368,12 @@ define( require => {
getDescribedChargeRange: function( charge ) {
- var describedCharge = Math.abs( charge );
- var keys = Object.keys( RELATIVE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP );
+ const describedCharge = Math.abs( charge );
+ const keys = Object.keys( RELATIVE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP );
- var range;
- for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
- var value = RELATIVE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP[ keys[ i ] ];
+ let range;
+ for ( let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
+ const value = RELATIVE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP[ keys[ i ] ];
if ( value.range.contains( describedCharge ) ) {
range = value.range;
@@ -393,11 +393,11 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {[type]} [description]
getBalloonsVisibleWithSameChargeRange: function( balloonA, balloonB ) {
- var rangeA = BASEDescriber.getDescribedChargeRange( balloonA.chargeProperty.get() );
- var rangeB = BASEDescriber.getDescribedChargeRange( balloonB.chargeProperty.get() );
+ const rangeA = BASEDescriber.getDescribedChargeRange( balloonA.chargeProperty.get() );
+ const rangeB = BASEDescriber.getDescribedChargeRange( balloonB.chargeProperty.get() );
- var visibleA = balloonA.isVisibleProperty.get();
- var visibleB = balloonB.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const visibleA = balloonA.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const visibleB = balloonB.isVisibleProperty.get();
return rangeA.equals( rangeB ) && ( visibleA && visibleB );
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getNetChargeDescriptionWithLabel: function( charge ) {
- var chargeAmountString = charge < 0 ? negativeString : zeroString;
+ const chargeAmountString = charge < 0 ? negativeString : zeroString;
return StringUtils.fillIn( balloonNetChargePatternStringWithLabel, {
chargeAmount: chargeAmountString,
balloon: eachBalloonString
@@ -441,9 +441,9 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getNeutralChargesShownDescription: function( chargesShown, numberOfCharges ) {
- var description;
+ let description;
- var relativeCharge = BASEDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( numberOfCharges );
+ const relativeCharge = BASEDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( numberOfCharges );
if ( chargesShown === 'all' ) {
description = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryNeutralChargesPatternString, {
amount: relativeCharge
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonChargeDescriber.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonChargeDescriber.js
index 2fcd6404..663a5a80 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonChargeDescriber.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonChargeDescriber.js
@@ -23,29 +23,29 @@ define( require => {
const WallDescriber = require( 'BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriber' );
// a11y strings
- var summaryBalloonNeutralChargeString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryBalloonNeutralCharge.value;
- var balloonNetChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNetChargePattern.value;
- var balloonZeroString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonZero.value;
- var balloonNegativeString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNegative.value;
- var balloonRelativeChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonRelativeChargePattern.value;
- var balloonChargeDifferencesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonChargeDifferencesPattern.value;
- var moreInducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.moreInducedChargePattern.value;
- var lessInducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.lessInducedChargePattern.value;
- var balloonRelativeChargeAllPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonRelativeChargeAllPattern.value;
- var combinedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.combinedChargePattern.value;
- var wallInducedChargeWithManyPairsPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallInducedChargeWithManyPairsPattern.value;
- var eachBalloonString = BASEA11yStrings.eachBalloon.value;
- var singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
- var wallHasManyChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.wallHasManyCharges.value;
- var balloonHasRelativeChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonHasRelativeChargePattern.value;
- var showingNoChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.showingNoCharges.value;
- var balloonHasNetChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonHasNetChargePattern.value;
- var balloonNetChargePatternStringWithLabel = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNetChargePatternStringWithLabel.value;
- var moveAwayALittleMoreString = BASEA11yStrings.moveAwayALittleMore.value;
- var beginToReturnString = BASEA11yStrings.beginToReturn.value;
- var returnALittleMoreString = BASEA11yStrings.returnALittleMore.value;
- var balloonHasChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonHasChargePattern.value;
- var balloonHasChargeShowingPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonHasChargeShowingPattern.value;
+ const summaryBalloonNeutralChargeString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryBalloonNeutralCharge.value;
+ const balloonNetChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNetChargePattern.value;
+ const balloonZeroString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonZero.value;
+ const balloonNegativeString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNegative.value;
+ const balloonRelativeChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonRelativeChargePattern.value;
+ const balloonChargeDifferencesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonChargeDifferencesPattern.value;
+ const moreInducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.moreInducedChargePattern.value;
+ const lessInducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.lessInducedChargePattern.value;
+ const balloonRelativeChargeAllPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonRelativeChargeAllPattern.value;
+ const combinedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.combinedChargePattern.value;
+ const wallInducedChargeWithManyPairsPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallInducedChargeWithManyPairsPattern.value;
+ const eachBalloonString = BASEA11yStrings.eachBalloon.value;
+ const singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
+ const wallHasManyChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.wallHasManyCharges.value;
+ const balloonHasRelativeChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonHasRelativeChargePattern.value;
+ const showingNoChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.showingNoCharges.value;
+ const balloonHasNetChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonHasNetChargePattern.value;
+ const balloonNetChargePatternStringWithLabel = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNetChargePatternStringWithLabel.value;
+ const moveAwayALittleMoreString = BASEA11yStrings.moveAwayALittleMore.value;
+ const beginToReturnString = BASEA11yStrings.beginToReturn.value;
+ const returnALittleMoreString = BASEA11yStrings.returnALittleMore.value;
+ const balloonHasChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonHasChargePattern.value;
+ const balloonHasChargeShowingPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonHasChargeShowingPattern.value;
* @constructor
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ define( require => {
* @param {string} otherAccessibleName - the accessible name for the other balloon in this sim
function BalloonChargeDescriber( model, balloonModel, accessibleName, otherAccessibleName ) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
// @private
this.model = model;
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getNetChargeDescription: function() {
- var chargeAmountString = this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get() < 0 ? balloonNegativeString : balloonZeroString;
+ const chargeAmountString = this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get() < 0 ? balloonNegativeString : balloonZeroString;
return StringUtils.fillIn( balloonNetChargePatternString, {
chargeAmount: chargeAmountString
} );
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getNetChargeDescriptionWithLabel: function() {
- var chargeAmountString = this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get() < 0 ? balloonNegativeString : balloonZeroString;
+ const chargeAmountString = this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get() < 0 ? balloonNegativeString : balloonZeroString;
return StringUtils.fillIn( balloonNetChargePatternStringWithLabel, {
chargeAmount: chargeAmountString,
balloon: this.accessibleName
@@ -142,22 +142,22 @@ define( require => {
getCombinedRelativeChargeDescription: function() {
assert && assert( this.balloonModel.isDraggedProperty.get(), 'alert should only be generated if balloon is grabbed' );
- var description;
+ let description;
// the relative charge, used in all cases
- var sameChargeRange = BASEDescriber.getBalloonsVisibleWithSameChargeRange( this.balloonModel, this.balloonModel.other );
+ const sameChargeRange = BASEDescriber.getBalloonsVisibleWithSameChargeRange( this.balloonModel, this.balloonModel.other );
- var chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
+ const chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
// if both balloons have the same charge range, describe togethehr
if ( sameChargeRange ) {
description = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.balloonModel, chargesShown, eachBalloonString );
else {
- var grabbedBalloonDescription = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.balloonModel, chargesShown, this.accessibleName );
+ const grabbedBalloonDescription = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.balloonModel, chargesShown, this.accessibleName );
if ( this.model.bothBalloonsVisible() ) {
- var otherBalloonDescription = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.balloonModel.other, chargesShown, this.otherAccessibleName );
+ const otherBalloonDescription = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.balloonModel.other, chargesShown, this.otherAccessibleName );
description = StringUtils.fillIn( combinedChargePatternString, {
grabbedBalloon: grabbedBalloonDescription,
@@ -183,21 +183,21 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getOtherObjectChargeDescription: function() {
- var inducingChargeOrTouchingWall = this.balloonModel.inducingChargeProperty.get() || this.balloonModel.touchingWall();
- var onSweater = this.balloonModel.onSweater();
+ const inducingChargeOrTouchingWall = this.balloonModel.inducingChargeProperty.get() || this.balloonModel.touchingWall();
+ const onSweater = this.balloonModel.onSweater();
assert && assert( onSweater || inducingChargeOrTouchingWall, 'only include this phrase when balloon is inducing charge or on sweater' );
- var description;
+ let description;
- var chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
+ const chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
// if balloon is inducing charge, describe that object
if ( inducingChargeOrTouchingWall ) {
- var wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
if ( chargesShown === 'diff' ) {
// if showing charge differences, no charges are shown, so include that information
- var balloonsAdjacent = this.model.getBalloonsAdjacent();
+ const balloonsAdjacent = this.model.getBalloonsAdjacent();
description = WallDescriber.getWallChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.model.yellowBalloon, this.model.greenBalloon, balloonsAdjacent, wallVisible, chargesShown );
description = StringUtils.fillIn( singleStatementPatternString, { statement: description } );
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ define( require => {
else {
// touching wall, not inducing charge, wrap with punctuation for this context
- var balloonCenter = this.balloonModel.getCenter();
+ const balloonCenter = this.balloonModel.getCenter();
description = WallDescriber.getNoChangeInChargesDescription( BASEDescriber.getLocationDescription( balloonCenter, wallVisible ) );
description = StringUtils.fillIn( singleStatementPatternString, {
statement: description
@@ -252,30 +252,30 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getInducedChargeChangeDescription: function() {
- var descriptionString;
+ let descriptionString;
- var wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
// the force between the balloon and the closest charge to the balloon in the wall
- var balloonForce = BalloonModel.getForceToClosestWallCharge( this.balloonModel );
- var forceMagnitude = balloonForce.magnitude;
+ const balloonForce = BalloonModel.getForceToClosestWallCharge( this.balloonModel );
+ const forceMagnitude = balloonForce.magnitude;
// change in force magnitude on charges in the wall - sign determines if balloon is inducing more or less
// charge in the wall, but there must be some change since the last description
- var forceDelta = forceMagnitude - this.previousForceMagnitude;
+ const forceDelta = forceMagnitude - this.previousForceMagnitude;
assert && assert( forceDelta !== 0, 'induced charge did not change since last description' );
// if the sign of the change in force hasn't changed, then the balloon has continued to apply force on
// wall charges in the same direction since the last time this change was described
- var forceDeltaNormalized = forceDelta / Math.abs( forceDelta );
- var continuedDirection = forceDeltaNormalized === this.previousForceMagnitudeNormalized;
+ const forceDeltaNormalized = forceDelta / Math.abs( forceDelta );
+ const continuedDirection = forceDeltaNormalized === this.previousForceMagnitudeNormalized;
// describes the location of induced charge in the wall
- var balloonY = this.balloonModel.getCenterY();
- var chargeLocation = new Vector2( PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL, balloonY );
- var chargeLocationString = BASEDescriber.getLocationDescription( chargeLocation, wallVisible );
+ const balloonY = this.balloonModel.getCenterY();
+ const chargeLocation = new Vector2( PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL, balloonY );
+ const chargeLocationString = BASEDescriber.getLocationDescription( chargeLocation, wallVisible );
- var movementString;
+ let movementString;
if ( forceDelta > 0 ) {
if ( continuedDirection ) {
@@ -327,9 +327,9 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
describeInducedChargeChange: function() {
- var chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
- var wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
- var jumping = this.balloonModel.jumping;
+ const chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
+ const wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const jumping = this.balloonModel.jumping;
return !jumping &&
!this.balloonModel.touchingWall() &&
wallVisible &&
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getSummaryRelativeChargeDescription: function() {
- var chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
+ const chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
if ( this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get() === 0 && chargesShown === 'all' ) {
return summaryBalloonNeutralChargeString;
@@ -362,9 +362,9 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getHasRelativeChargeDescription: function() {
- var balloonCharge = this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get();
- var chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
- var chargeDescription = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( this.balloonModel, chargesShown );
+ const balloonCharge = this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get();
+ const chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
+ let chargeDescription = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( this.balloonModel, chargesShown );
if ( chargesShown === 'all' ) {
chargeDescription = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonHasChargePatternString, {
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ define( require => {
} );
else if ( chargesShown === 'diff' ) {
- var chargeString = ( balloonCharge < 0 ) ? balloonNegativeString : balloonZeroString;
+ const chargeString = ( balloonCharge < 0 ) ? balloonNegativeString : balloonZeroString;
chargeDescription = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonHasChargeShowingPatternString, {
charge: chargeString,
showing: chargeDescription
@@ -408,8 +408,8 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getRelativeChargeDescription: function( balloonModel, showCharges ) {
- var description;
- var chargeValue = Math.abs( balloonModel.chargeProperty.get() );
+ let description;
+ const chargeValue = Math.abs( balloonModel.chargeProperty.get() );
// if charge view is 'diff' and there are no charges, we simply say that there are no
// charges shown
@@ -417,8 +417,8 @@ define( require => {
description = showingNoChargesString;
else {
- var relativeChargesString = BASEDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( chargeValue );
- var stringPattern;
+ const relativeChargesString = BASEDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( chargeValue );
+ let stringPattern;
if ( showCharges === 'all' ) {
stringPattern = balloonRelativeChargePatternString;
@@ -446,8 +446,8 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel: function( balloonModel, showCharges, label ) {
- var description;
- var relativeCharge = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( balloonModel, showCharges );
+ let description;
+ const relativeCharge = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( balloonModel, showCharges );
assert && assert( showCharges !== 'none', 'relative description with label should never be read when no charges are shown' );
if ( showCharges === 'all' ) {
@@ -457,8 +457,8 @@ define( require => {
} );
else if ( showCharges === 'diff' ) {
- var balloonCharge = balloonModel.chargeProperty.get();
- var chargeString = ( balloonCharge < 0 ) ? balloonNegativeString : balloonZeroString;
+ const balloonCharge = balloonModel.chargeProperty.get();
+ const chargeString = ( balloonCharge < 0 ) ? balloonNegativeString : balloonZeroString;
description = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonHasNetChargePatternString, {
balloon: label,
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonDescriber.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonDescriber.js
index d13e3391..22a28165 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonDescriber.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonDescriber.js
@@ -39,38 +39,38 @@ define( require => {
const WallDescriber = require( 'BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriber' );
// a11y strings
- var balloonShowAllChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonShowAllChargesPattern.value;
- var balloonAtLocationPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonAtLocationPattern.value;
- var singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
- var balloonPicksUpChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonPicksUpChargesPattern.value;
- var balloonPicksUpMoreChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonPicksUpMoreChargesPattern.value;
- var balloonPicksUpChargesDiffPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonPicksUpChargesDiffPattern.value;
- var balloonPicksUpMoreChargesDiffPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonPicksUpMoreChargesDiffPattern.value;
- var balloonSweaterRelativeChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonSweaterRelativeChargesPattern.value;
- var lastChargePickedUpPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.lastChargePickedUpPattern.value;
- var noChargePickupPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.noChargePickupPattern.value;
- var noChangeInChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.noChangeInCharges.value;
- var noChangeInNetChargeString = BASEA11yStrings.noChangeInNetCharge.value;
- var noChargePickupHintPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.noChargePickupHintPattern.value;
- var nochargePickupWithObjectChargeAndHint = BASEA11yStrings.nochargePickupWithObjectChargeAndHint.value;
- var releaseHintString = BASEA11yStrings.releaseHint.value;
- var balloonAddedPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonAddedPattern.value;
- var balloonRemovedPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonRemovedPattern.value;
- var balloonAddedWithLocationPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonAddedWithLocationPattern.value;
- var wallRubbingWithPairsPattern = BASEA11yStrings.wallRubbingWithPairsPattern.value;
- var wallRubPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallRubPattern.value;
- var wallRubAllPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallRubAllPattern.value;
- var wallRubDiffPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallRubDiffPattern.value;
+ const balloonShowAllChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonShowAllChargesPattern.value;
+ const balloonAtLocationPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonAtLocationPattern.value;
+ const singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
+ const balloonPicksUpChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonPicksUpChargesPattern.value;
+ const balloonPicksUpMoreChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonPicksUpMoreChargesPattern.value;
+ const balloonPicksUpChargesDiffPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonPicksUpChargesDiffPattern.value;
+ const balloonPicksUpMoreChargesDiffPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonPicksUpMoreChargesDiffPattern.value;
+ const balloonSweaterRelativeChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonSweaterRelativeChargesPattern.value;
+ const lastChargePickedUpPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.lastChargePickedUpPattern.value;
+ const noChargePickupPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.noChargePickupPattern.value;
+ const noChangeInChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.noChangeInCharges.value;
+ const noChangeInNetChargeString = BASEA11yStrings.noChangeInNetCharge.value;
+ const noChargePickupHintPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.noChargePickupHintPattern.value;
+ const nochargePickupWithObjectChargeAndHint = BASEA11yStrings.nochargePickupWithObjectChargeAndHint.value;
+ const releaseHintString = BASEA11yStrings.releaseHint.value;
+ const balloonAddedPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonAddedPattern.value;
+ const balloonRemovedPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonRemovedPattern.value;
+ const balloonAddedWithLocationPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonAddedWithLocationPattern.value;
+ const wallRubbingWithPairsPattern = BASEA11yStrings.wallRubbingWithPairsPattern.value;
+ const wallRubPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallRubPattern.value;
+ const wallRubAllPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallRubAllPattern.value;
+ const wallRubDiffPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallRubDiffPattern.value;
// constants
// in ms, delay before announcing an alert that describes independent movement, to give the model time to respond
// in ms, limits frequency of charge pickup alerts
// in ms, time between alerts that tell user balloon continues to move due to force
* @param {BASEModel} model
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ define( require => {
* @constructor
function BalloonDescriber( model, wall, balloon, accessibleLabel, otherAccessibleLabel ) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
// @private
this.model = model;
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ define( require => {
// announce alerts related to charge change
balloon.chargeProperty.link( function updateCharge( chargeVal ) {
- var alert;
+ let alert;
// the first charge pickup and subsequent pickups (behind a refresh rate) should be announced
if ( self.alertNextPickup || self.alertFirstPickup ) {
@@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getBalloonDescription: function() {
- var description;
- var showCharges = this.showChargesProperty.get();
+ let description;
+ const showCharges = this.showChargesProperty.get();
- var attractiveStateAndLocationString = this.movementDescriber.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription();
+ let attractiveStateAndLocationString = this.movementDescriber.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription();
attractiveStateAndLocationString = StringUtils.fillIn( singleStatementPatternString, {
statement: attractiveStateAndLocationString
} );
@@ -291,10 +291,10 @@ define( require => {
else {
// balloon net charge description
- var netChargeDescriptionString = this.chargeDescriber.getNetChargeDescription();
+ const netChargeDescriptionString = this.chargeDescriber.getNetChargeDescription();
// balloon relative charge string, dependent on charge visibility
- var relativeChargesString = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( this.balloonModel, showCharges );
+ const relativeChargesString = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( this.balloonModel, showCharges );
description = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonShowAllChargesPatternString, {
stateAndLocation: attractiveStateAndLocationString,
@@ -315,11 +315,11 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getChargePickupDescription: function( firstPickup ) {
- var description;
- var shownCharges = this.showChargesProperty.get();
+ let description;
+ const shownCharges = this.showChargesProperty.get();
- var newCharge = this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get();
- var newRange = BASEDescriber.getDescribedChargeRange( newCharge );
+ const newCharge = this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get();
+ const newRange = BASEDescriber.getDescribedChargeRange( newCharge );
if ( shownCharges === 'none' ) {
description = this.movementDescriber.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription();
@@ -335,14 +335,14 @@ define( require => {
// if we have entered a new described range since the previous charge alert,
// we will generate a special description that mentions the relative charges
- var sweaterCharge = this.model.sweater.chargeProperty.get();
+ const sweaterCharge = this.model.sweater.chargeProperty.get();
// relative charge of balloon, as a sentance
- var relativeBalloonCharge = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.balloonModel, shownCharges, this.accessibleName );
+ let relativeBalloonCharge = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.balloonModel, shownCharges, this.accessibleName );
relativeBalloonCharge = StringUtils.fillIn( singleStatementPatternString, {
statement: relativeBalloonCharge
} );
- var relativeSweaterCharge = SweaterDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( sweaterCharge, shownCharges );
+ const relativeSweaterCharge = SweaterDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( sweaterCharge, shownCharges );
description = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonSweaterRelativeChargesPatternString, {
balloon: relativeBalloonCharge,
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ define( require => {
else {
// in same described range of charges, describe how balloon picks up more charges
- var picksUpCharges = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonPicksUpMoreChargesPatternString, {
+ const picksUpCharges = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonPicksUpMoreChargesPatternString, {
balloon: this.accessibleName
} );
@@ -384,10 +384,10 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getInitialChargePickupDescription: function() {
- var description;
- var shownCharges = this.showChargesProperty.get();
+ let description;
+ const shownCharges = this.showChargesProperty.get();
- var picksUpCharges = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonPicksUpChargesPatternString, {
+ const picksUpCharges = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonPicksUpChargesPatternString, {
balloon: this.accessibleName
} );
@@ -418,11 +418,11 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getNoChargePickupDescription: function() {
- var alert;
- var chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
+ let alert;
+ const chargesShown = this.showChargesProperty.get();
- var balloonLocationString = this.movementDescriber.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription();
- var sweaterCharge = this.model.sweater.chargeProperty.get();
+ const balloonLocationString = this.movementDescriber.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription();
+ const sweaterCharge = this.model.sweater.chargeProperty.get();
if ( chargesShown === 'none' ) {
@@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ define( require => {
else if ( sweaterCharge < BASEConstants.MAX_BALLOON_CHARGE ) {
// there are still charges on the sweater
- var sweaterCharges = this.model.sweater.minusCharges;
- var moreChargesString = SweaterDescriber.getMoreChargesDescription( this.balloonModel, sweaterCharge, sweaterCharges, chargesShown );
+ const sweaterCharges = this.model.sweater.minusCharges;
+ const moreChargesString = SweaterDescriber.getMoreChargesDescription( this.balloonModel, sweaterCharge, sweaterCharges, chargesShown );
if ( chargesShown === 'all' ) {
alert = StringUtils.fillIn( noChargePickupPatternString, {
noChange: noChangeInChargesString,
@@ -455,8 +455,8 @@ define( require => {
// there are no more charges remaining on the sweater
if ( chargesShown === 'all' ) {
- var relativeSweaterCharge = SweaterDescriber.getNetChargeDescription( sweaterCharge );
- var relativeBalloonCharge = this.chargeDescriber.getNetChargeDescriptionWithLabel();
+ const relativeSweaterCharge = SweaterDescriber.getNetChargeDescription( sweaterCharge );
+ let relativeBalloonCharge = this.chargeDescriber.getNetChargeDescriptionWithLabel();
relativeBalloonCharge = StringUtils.fillIn( singleStatementPatternString, { statement: relativeBalloonCharge } );
alert = StringUtils.fillIn( nochargePickupWithObjectChargeAndHint, {
@@ -492,32 +492,32 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getWallRubbingDescription: function() {
- var descriptionString;
- var chargeString;
+ let descriptionString;
+ let chargeString;
// the location string is used for all charge views, used as a single sentence
- var locationString = this.movementDescriber.getBalloonLocationDescription();
- var atLocationString = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonAtLocationPatternString, {
+ const locationString = this.movementDescriber.getBalloonLocationDescription();
+ let atLocationString = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonAtLocationPatternString, {
location: locationString
} );
atLocationString = StringUtils.fillIn( singleStatementPatternString, {
statement: atLocationString
} );
- var shownCharges = this.showChargesProperty.get();
- var wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const shownCharges = this.showChargesProperty.get();
+ const wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
if ( shownCharges === 'none' ) {
descriptionString = atLocationString;
else {
if ( shownCharges === 'all' ) {
- var inducedChargeString;
+ let inducedChargeString;
// if balloons are adjacent, the resultant induced charge description is modified
if ( this.model.getBalloonsAdjacent() ) {
- var thisInducingAndVisible = this.balloonModel.inducingChargeAndVisible();
- var otherInducingAndVisible = this.balloonModel.other.inducingChargeAndVisible();
+ const thisInducingAndVisible = this.balloonModel.inducingChargeAndVisible();
+ const otherInducingAndVisible = this.balloonModel.other.inducingChargeAndVisible();
if ( thisInducingAndVisible && otherInducingAndVisible ) {
@@ -533,8 +533,8 @@ define( require => {
assert && assert( this.balloonModel.inducingChargeAndVisible() !== this.balloonModel.other.inducingChargeAndVisible() );
// only one balloon is inducing charge, describe whichever one is currently inducing charge
- var inducingBalloon;
- var balloonLabel;
+ let inducingBalloon;
+ let balloonLabel;
if ( this.balloonModel.inducingChargeAndVisible() ) {
inducingBalloon = this.balloonModel;
balloonLabel = this.accessibleName;
@@ -559,8 +559,8 @@ define( require => {
} );
else {
- var wallChargeString = WallDescriber.getWallChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.model.yellowBalloon, this.model.greenBalloon, this.model.getBalloonsAdjacent(), wallVisible, shownCharges );
- var balloonChargeString = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.balloonModel, shownCharges, this.accessibleName );
+ let wallChargeString = WallDescriber.getWallChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.model.yellowBalloon, this.model.greenBalloon, this.model.getBalloonsAdjacent(), wallVisible, shownCharges );
+ let balloonChargeString = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.balloonModel, shownCharges, this.accessibleName );
// balloon charge doesn't include punctuation
balloonChargeString = StringUtils.fillIn( singleStatementPatternString, {
@@ -620,11 +620,11 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getLastChargePickupDescription: function() {
- var shownCharges = this.showChargesProperty.get();
- var charge = this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get();
+ const shownCharges = this.showChargesProperty.get();
+ const charge = this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get();
- var sweaterChargeString = SweaterDescriber.getNoMoreChargesAlert( charge, shownCharges );
- var balloonChargeString = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.balloonModel, shownCharges, this.accessibleName );
+ const sweaterChargeString = SweaterDescriber.getNoMoreChargesAlert( charge, shownCharges );
+ const balloonChargeString = BalloonChargeDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel( this.balloonModel, shownCharges, this.accessibleName );
return StringUtils.fillIn( lastChargePickedUpPatternString, {
sweater: sweaterChargeString,
@@ -642,9 +642,9 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getVisibilityChangedDescription: function() {
- var description;
- var locationProperty = this.balloonModel.locationProperty;
- var visible = this.balloonModel.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ let description;
+ const locationProperty = this.balloonModel.locationProperty;
+ const visible = this.balloonModel.isVisibleProperty.get();
if ( !visible ) {
@@ -690,17 +690,17 @@ define( require => {
step: function( dt ) {
// for readability
- var utterance = '';
- var model = this.balloonModel;
+ let utterance = '';
+ const model = this.balloonModel;
// grab next values to describe
- var nextVelocity = model.velocityProperty.get();
- var nextDragVelocity = model.dragVelocityProperty.get();
- var nextLocation = model.locationProperty.get();
- var nextVisible = model.isVisibleProperty.get();
- var nextTouchingWall = model.touchingWallProperty.get();
- var nextIsDragged = model.isDraggedProperty.get();
- var nextWallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const nextVelocity = model.velocityProperty.get();
+ const nextDragVelocity = model.dragVelocityProperty.get();
+ const nextLocation = model.locationProperty.get();
+ const nextVisible = model.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const nextTouchingWall = model.touchingWallProperty.get();
+ const nextIsDragged = model.isDraggedProperty.get();
+ const nextWallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
// update timers that determine the next time certain alerts should be announced
this.timeSinceChargeAlert += dt * 1000;
@@ -752,16 +752,16 @@ define( require => {
if ( !model.jumping ) {
// how much balloon has moved in a single drag
- var dragDelta = nextLocation.minus( this.oldDragLocation );
+ const dragDelta = nextLocation.minus( this.oldDragLocation );
// when we complete a keyboard drag, set timer to refresh rate so that we trigger a new description next
// time we move the balloon
// if in the play area, information about movement through the play area
- var inLandmark = PlayAreaMap.inLandmarkColumn( model.getCenter() );
- var onSweater = model.onSweater();
- var touchingWall = model.touchingWall();
+ const inLandmark = PlayAreaMap.inLandmarkColumn( model.getCenter() );
+ const onSweater = model.onSweater();
+ const touchingWall = model.touchingWall();
if ( !inLandmark && !onSweater && !touchingWall ) {
utterance = this.movementDescriber.getKeyboardMovementAlert();
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ define( require => {
// describe the change in induced charge due to balloon dragging
if ( this.chargeDescriber.describeInducedChargeChange() ) {
utterance = '';
- var wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
// if there is purely vertical motion, do not include information about amount of charge displacement
if ( dragDelta.x === 0 ) {
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonDescriberTests.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonDescriberTests.js
index e3d14f60..9f6ac8f5 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonDescriberTests.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonDescriberTests.js
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ define( require => {
QUnit.module( 'BalloonDescriberTests' );
// create model and view for testing
- var layoutBounds = new Bounds2( 0, 0, 768, 504 );
- var model = new BASEModel( layoutBounds.width, layoutBounds.height, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'model' ) );
+ const layoutBounds = new Bounds2( 0, 0, 768, 504 );
+ const model = new BASEModel( layoutBounds.width, layoutBounds.height, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'model' ) );
// create a wallNode for testing
- var balloonNode = new BalloonNode( model.yellowBalloon, balloonYellow, model, 'Yellow Balloon', 'Green Balloon', layoutBounds, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'balloonNode' ), {
+ const balloonNode = new BalloonNode( model.yellowBalloon, balloonYellow, model, 'Yellow Balloon', 'Green Balloon', layoutBounds, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'balloonNode' ), {
labelContent: 'Yellow Balloon'
} );
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ define( require => {
// on load
- var actualDescription = balloonNode.descriptionContent;
- var expectedDescription = 'At center of Play Area. Has zero net charge, no more negative charges than positive charges.';
+ let actualDescription = balloonNode.descriptionContent;
+ let expectedDescription = 'At center of Play Area. Has zero net charge, no more negative charges than positive charges.';
assert.equal( actualDescription, expectedDescription );
// balloon at upper wall with several more negative charges than positive, all charges shown
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ define( require => {
// initial grab on load
- var actualDescription = balloonNode.describer.movementDescriber.getGrabbedAlert();
- var expectedDescription = 'Grabbed. At center of Play Area. Has no more negative charges than positive charges. Press W, A, S, or D key to move balloon. Space to release.';
+ let actualDescription = balloonNode.describer.movementDescriber.getGrabbedAlert();
+ let expectedDescription = 'Grabbed. At center of Play Area. Has no more negative charges than positive charges. Press W, A, S, or D key to move balloon. Space to release.';
assert.equal( actualDescription, expectedDescription, 'grab alert test 1' );
// Second grab, no longer have interaction hint
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ define( require => {
model.greenBalloon.isVisibleProperty.set( true );
- var rightSweater = new Vector2( PlayAreaMap.COLUMN_RANGES.RIGHT_SIDE_OF_SWEATER.getCenter(), PlayAreaMap.Y_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_TOP );
+ const rightSweater = new Vector2( PlayAreaMap.COLUMN_RANGES.RIGHT_SIDE_OF_SWEATER.getCenter(), PlayAreaMap.Y_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_TOP );
// All charges shown
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ define( require => {
model.yellowBalloon.setCenter( rightSweater );
model.greenBalloon.setCenter( rightSweater );
model.yellowBalloon.isDraggedProperty.set( true );
- var actualDescription = balloonNode.describer.movementDescriber.getGrabbedAlert();
- var expectedDescription = 'Grabbed. On upper-right side of sweater, next to Green Balloon. ' +
+ let actualDescription = balloonNode.describer.movementDescriber.getGrabbedAlert();
+ let expectedDescription = 'Grabbed. On upper-right side of sweater, next to Green Balloon. ' +
'Each balloon has a few more negative charges than positive charges. ' +
'Sweater has several more positive charges than negative charges. ' +
'Press W, A, S, or D key to move balloon. Space to release.';
@@ -347,8 +347,8 @@ define( require => {
// first time balloon hits sweater and picks up negative charges
model.yellowBalloon.chargeProperty.set( -1 );
model.sweater.chargeProperty.set( 1 );
- var actualAlert = balloonNode.describer.getChargePickupDescription( true );
- var expectedAlert = 'Yellow Balloon picks up negative charges from sweater.';
+ let actualAlert = balloonNode.describer.getChargePickupDescription( true );
+ let expectedAlert = 'Yellow Balloon picks up negative charges from sweater.';
assert.equal( actualAlert, expectedAlert, 'charge pick up 1' );
// first time balloon hits sweater and picks up negative charges, showing charge differences
@@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ define( require => {
// move the balloon to the sweater without picking up charges
model.yellowBalloon.setCenter( new Vector2( PlayAreaMap.COLUMN_RANGES.LEFT_SIDE_OF_SWEATER.getCenter(), PlayAreaMap.Y_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_TOP ) );
- var actualAlert = balloonNode.describer.getNoChargePickupDescription();
- var expectedAlert = 'No change in charges. On upper-left side of sweater. More pairs of charges up and to the left.';
+ let actualAlert = balloonNode.describer.getNoChargePickupDescription();
+ let expectedAlert = 'No change in charges. On upper-left side of sweater. More pairs of charges up and to the left.';
assert.equal( actualAlert, expectedAlert, 'no pick up 1' );
// same balloon on sweater but didn't pick up charges
@@ -442,8 +442,8 @@ define( require => {
// neutral balloon rubbing along wall, all charges shown
model.yellowBalloon.setCenter( new Vector2( PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL, PlayAreaMap.Y_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_TOP ) );
- var actualAlert = balloonNode.describer.getWallRubbingDescription();
- var expectedAlert = 'At upper wall. No transfer of charge. In upper wall, no change in charges.';
+ let actualAlert = balloonNode.describer.getWallRubbingDescription();
+ let expectedAlert = 'At upper wall. No transfer of charge. In upper wall, no change in charges.';
assert.equal( actualAlert, expectedAlert, 'wall rub test 1' );
// charged balloon rubbing along upper wall, all charges shown
@@ -486,8 +486,8 @@ define( require => {
model.greenBalloon.chargeProperty.set( -10 );
model.yellowBalloon.setCenter( new Vector2( PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL, PlayAreaMap.Y_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_TOP + 1 ) );
model.greenBalloon.setCenter( new Vector2( PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL, PlayAreaMap.Y_BOUNDARY_LOCATIONS.AT_TOP + 1 ) );
- var actualAlert = balloonNode.describer.getWallRubbingDescription();
- var expectedAlert = 'At upper wall, next to Green Balloon. No transfer of charge. Negative charges in upper wall move away from balloons a lot. Positive charges do not move.';
+ let actualAlert = balloonNode.describer.getWallRubbingDescription();
+ let expectedAlert = 'At upper wall, next to Green Balloon. No transfer of charge. Negative charges in upper wall move away from balloons a lot. Positive charges do not move.';
assert.equal( actualAlert, expectedAlert, 'wall rub, two balloons, test 1' );
// only one balloon has charge, all charges shown - nudge the balloon so that induced Properties update
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonLocationDescriber.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonLocationDescriber.js
index 22bc7919..d969516e 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonLocationDescriber.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/BalloonLocationDescriber.js
@@ -22,73 +22,73 @@ define( require => {
const WallDescriber = require( 'BALLOONS_AND_STATIC_ELECTRICITY/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriber' );
// a11y strings
- var atWallString = BASEA11yStrings.atWall.value;
- var balloonStickingToString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonStickingTo.value;
- var balloonOnString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonOn.value;
- var balloonAtString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonAt.value;
- var balloonLocationAttractiveStatePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonLocationAttractiveStatePattern.value;
- var initialMovementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.initialMovementPattern.value;
- var continuousMovementWithLabelPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.continuousMovementWithLabelPattern.value;
- var twoBalloonInitialMovementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.twoBalloonInitialMovementPattern.value;
- var twoBalloonNoChangeAndLocationPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.twoBalloonNoChangeAndLocationPattern.value;
- var twoBalloonNowDirectionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.twoBalloonNowDirectionPattern.value;
- var extremelySlowlyString = BASEA11yStrings.extremelySlowly.value;
- var verySlowlyString = BASEA11yStrings.verySlowly.value;
- var slowlyString = BASEA11yStrings.slowly.value;
- var quicklyString = BASEA11yStrings.quickly.value;
- var veryQuicklyString = BASEA11yStrings.veryQuickly.value;
- var upDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.upDragging.value;
- var leftDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.leftDragging.value;
- var downDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.downDragging.value;
- var rightDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.rightDragging.value;
- var upAndToTheRightDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheRightDragging.value;
- var upAndToTheLeftDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheLeftDragging.value;
- var downAndToTheRightDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheRightDragging.value;
- var downAndToTheLeftDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheLeftDragging.value;
- var upString = BASEA11yStrings.up.value;
- var leftString = BASEA11yStrings.left.value;
- var downString = BASEA11yStrings.down.value;
- var rightString = BASEA11yStrings.right.value;
- var upAndToTheRightString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheRight.value;
- var upAndToTheLeftString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheLeft.value;
- var downAndToTheRightString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheRight.value;
- var downAndToTheLeftString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheLeft.value;
- var atLeftEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.atLeftEdge.value;
- var atTopString = BASEA11yStrings.atTop.value;
- var atBottomString = BASEA11yStrings.atBottom.value;
- var atRightEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.atRightEdge.value;
- var onSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.onSweater.value;
- var offSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.offSweater.value;
- var balloonNewRegionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNewRegionPattern.value;
- var closerToObjectPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.closerToObjectPattern.value;
- var sweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.sweater.value;
- var wallString = BASEA11yStrings.wall.value;
- var centerOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.centerOfPlayArea.value;
- var rightEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.rightEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
- var topEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.topEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
- var bottomEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.bottomEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
- var noChangeAndLocationPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.noChangeAndLocationPattern.value;
- var nearSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.nearSweater.value;
- var balloonNearString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNear.value;
- var locationAndInducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.locationAndInducedChargePattern.value;
- var singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
- var interactionCueString = BASEA11yStrings.interactionCue.value;
- var balloonLabelWithAttractiveStatePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonLabelWithAttractiveStatePattern.value;
- var balloonVeryCloseToString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonVeryCloseTo.value;
- var continuousMovementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.continuousMovementPattern.value;
- var continuousMovementWithLandmarkPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.continuousMovementWithLandmarkPattern.value;
- var nowDirectionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.nowDirectionPattern.value;
- var balloonLocationNoChangePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonLocationNoChangePattern.value;
- var noChangeWithInducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.noChangeWithInducedChargePattern.value;
- var balloonLocationNearOtherPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonLocationNearOtherPattern.value;
- var grabbedNonePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.grabbedNonePattern.value;
- var grabbedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.grabbedChargePattern.value;
- var grabbedWithOtherChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.grabbedWithOtherChargePattern.value;
- var grabbedWithHelpPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.grabbedWithHelpPattern.value;
+ const atWallString = BASEA11yStrings.atWall.value;
+ const balloonStickingToString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonStickingTo.value;
+ const balloonOnString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonOn.value;
+ const balloonAtString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonAt.value;
+ const balloonLocationAttractiveStatePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonLocationAttractiveStatePattern.value;
+ const initialMovementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.initialMovementPattern.value;
+ const continuousMovementWithLabelPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.continuousMovementWithLabelPattern.value;
+ const twoBalloonInitialMovementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.twoBalloonInitialMovementPattern.value;
+ const twoBalloonNoChangeAndLocationPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.twoBalloonNoChangeAndLocationPattern.value;
+ const twoBalloonNowDirectionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.twoBalloonNowDirectionPattern.value;
+ const extremelySlowlyString = BASEA11yStrings.extremelySlowly.value;
+ const verySlowlyString = BASEA11yStrings.verySlowly.value;
+ const slowlyString = BASEA11yStrings.slowly.value;
+ const quicklyString = BASEA11yStrings.quickly.value;
+ const veryQuicklyString = BASEA11yStrings.veryQuickly.value;
+ const upDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.upDragging.value;
+ const leftDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.leftDragging.value;
+ const downDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.downDragging.value;
+ const rightDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.rightDragging.value;
+ const upAndToTheRightDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheRightDragging.value;
+ const upAndToTheLeftDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheLeftDragging.value;
+ const downAndToTheRightDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheRightDragging.value;
+ const downAndToTheLeftDraggingString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheLeftDragging.value;
+ const upString = BASEA11yStrings.up.value;
+ const leftString = BASEA11yStrings.left.value;
+ const downString = BASEA11yStrings.down.value;
+ const rightString = BASEA11yStrings.right.value;
+ const upAndToTheRightString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheRight.value;
+ const upAndToTheLeftString = BASEA11yStrings.upAndToTheLeft.value;
+ const downAndToTheRightString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheRight.value;
+ const downAndToTheLeftString = BASEA11yStrings.downAndToTheLeft.value;
+ const atLeftEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.atLeftEdge.value;
+ const atTopString = BASEA11yStrings.atTop.value;
+ const atBottomString = BASEA11yStrings.atBottom.value;
+ const atRightEdgeString = BASEA11yStrings.atRightEdge.value;
+ const onSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.onSweater.value;
+ const offSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.offSweater.value;
+ const balloonNewRegionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNewRegionPattern.value;
+ const closerToObjectPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.closerToObjectPattern.value;
+ const sweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.sweater.value;
+ const wallString = BASEA11yStrings.wall.value;
+ const centerOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.centerOfPlayArea.value;
+ const rightEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.rightEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
+ const topEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.topEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
+ const bottomEdgeOfPlayAreaString = BASEA11yStrings.bottomEdgeOfPlayArea.value;
+ const noChangeAndLocationPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.noChangeAndLocationPattern.value;
+ const nearSweaterString = BASEA11yStrings.nearSweater.value;
+ const balloonNearString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonNear.value;
+ const locationAndInducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.locationAndInducedChargePattern.value;
+ const singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
+ const interactionCueString = BASEA11yStrings.interactionCue.value;
+ const balloonLabelWithAttractiveStatePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonLabelWithAttractiveStatePattern.value;
+ const balloonVeryCloseToString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonVeryCloseTo.value;
+ const continuousMovementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.continuousMovementPattern.value;
+ const continuousMovementWithLandmarkPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.continuousMovementWithLandmarkPattern.value;
+ const nowDirectionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.nowDirectionPattern.value;
+ const balloonLocationNoChangePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonLocationNoChangePattern.value;
+ const noChangeWithInducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.noChangeWithInducedChargePattern.value;
+ const balloonLocationNearOtherPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.balloonLocationNearOtherPattern.value;
+ const grabbedNonePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.grabbedNonePattern.value;
+ const grabbedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.grabbedChargePattern.value;
+ const grabbedWithOtherChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.grabbedWithOtherChargePattern.value;
+ const grabbedWithHelpPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.grabbedWithHelpPattern.value;
// constants
// maps balloon direction to a description string while the balloon is being dragged
UP: upDraggingString,
DOWN: downDraggingString,
LEFT: leftDraggingString,
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ define( require => {
// maps balloon direction to a description string for while the balloon is released
UP: upString,
DOWN: downString,
LEFT: leftString,
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ define( require => {
// maximum velocity of a balloon immediately after release in this simulation, determined by observation
// speed of the balloon to be considered moving slowly, determined empirically so that descriptions sound nice
- var SLOW_BALLOON_SPEED = 0.09;
+ const SLOW_BALLOON_SPEED = 0.09;
// maps magnitude of velocity to the description
range: new Range( 0, MAXIMUM_VELOCITY_ON_RELEASE / 200 ),
description: extremelySlowlyString
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getAttractiveStateOrProximityDescription: function() {
- var string = '';
+ let string = '';
if ( this.balloonModel.onSweater() ) {
if ( !this.balloonModel.isDraggedProperty.get() && Math.abs( this.balloonModel.chargeProperty.get() ) > 0 ) {
@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getPreposition: function() {
- var string = '';
+ let string = '';
- var wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
if ( this.balloonModel.nearWall() && wallVisible ) {
@@ -242,10 +242,10 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription: function() {
- var locationDescriptionString = this.getBalloonLocationDescription();
+ const locationDescriptionString = this.getBalloonLocationDescription();
- var attractiveStateDescriptionString = this.getAttractiveStateOrProximityDescription();
- var attractiveStateAndLocationString = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonLocationAttractiveStatePatternString, {
+ const attractiveStateDescriptionString = this.getAttractiveStateOrProximityDescription();
+ const attractiveStateAndLocationString = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonLocationAttractiveStatePatternString, {
attractiveState: attractiveStateDescriptionString,
location: locationDescriptionString
} );
@@ -261,10 +261,10 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescriptionWithLabel: function() {
- var alert;
+ let alert;
// to lower case since it is used elsewhere in the string
- var location = this.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription().toLowerCase();
+ const location = this.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription().toLowerCase();
alert = StringUtils.fillIn( balloonLabelWithAttractiveStatePatternString, {
balloonLabel: this.accessibleName,
attractiveStateAndLocation: location
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ define( require => {
getOnLocationDescription: function() {
- var locationDescription = this.getBalloonLocationDescription();
+ const locationDescription = this.getBalloonLocationDescription();
return StringUtils.fillIn( balloonLocationAttractiveStatePatternString, {
attractiveState: this.getPreposition(),
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getBalloonLocationDescription: function() {
- var description = this.getLocationDescriptionWithoutOverlap();
+ let description = this.getLocationDescriptionWithoutOverlap();
// include information about how balloons are adjacent if necessary
if ( this.model.getBalloonsAdjacent() ) {
@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getLocationDescriptionWithoutOverlap: function() {
- var describedBalloonPosition = this.getDescribedPoint();
- var wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const describedBalloonPosition = this.getDescribedPoint();
+ const wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
return BASEDescriber.getLocationDescription( describedBalloonPosition, wallVisible );
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {Vector2}
getDescribedPoint: function() {
- var describedBalloonPosition;
+ let describedBalloonPosition;
if ( this.balloonModel.onSweater() ) {
describedBalloonPosition = this.balloonModel.getSweaterTouchingCenter();
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ define( require => {
getTouchingBoundaryDescription: function( attemptedDirection ) {
assert && assert ( this.balloonModel.isTouchingBoundary(), 'balloon is not touching a boundary' );
- var boundaryString;
+ let boundaryString;
if ( this.balloonModel.isTouchingBottomBoundary() && attemptedDirection === BalloonDirectionEnum.DOWN ) {
boundaryString = atBottomString;
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getOnSweaterString: function( onSweater ) {
- var description;
+ let description;
if ( onSweater ) {
description = onSweaterString;
@@ -431,9 +431,9 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string|null}
getLandmarkDragDescription: function() {
- var playAreaLandmark = this.balloonModel.playAreaLandmarkProperty.get();
- var dragSpeed = this.balloonModel.dragVelocityProperty.get().magnitude;
- var alert = this.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription();
+ const playAreaLandmark = this.balloonModel.playAreaLandmarkProperty.get();
+ const dragSpeed = this.balloonModel.dragVelocityProperty.get().magnitude;
+ let alert = this.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription();
// wrap as a single statement with punctuation
alert = StringUtils.fillIn( singleStatementPatternString, { statement: alert } );
@@ -466,12 +466,12 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getKeyboardMovementAlert: function() {
- var alert;
+ let alert;
// percent of progress through the region
- var progressThroughCell = this.balloonModel.getProgressThroughRegion();
- var dragVelocity = this.balloonModel.dragVelocityProperty.get().magnitude;
- var movingDiagonally = this.balloonModel.movingDiagonally();
+ const progressThroughCell = this.balloonModel.getProgressThroughRegion();
+ const dragVelocity = this.balloonModel.dragVelocityProperty.get().magnitude;
+ const movingDiagonally = this.balloonModel.movingDiagonally();
if ( dragVelocity > SLOW_BALLOON_SPEED && progressThroughCell >= 0.66 && !movingDiagonally ) {
@@ -507,10 +507,10 @@ define( require => {
getInitialReleaseDescription: function( location, oldLocation ) {
// the balloon is moving with some initial velocity, describe that
- var velocityString = this.getVelocityString();
- var directionString= this.getReleaseDirectionDescription( this.balloonModel.directionProperty.get() );
+ const velocityString = this.getVelocityString();
+ const directionString= this.getReleaseDirectionDescription( this.balloonModel.directionProperty.get() );
- var description;
+ let description;
if ( this.model.bothBalloonsVisible() ) {
description = StringUtils.fillIn( twoBalloonInitialMovementPatternString, {
balloon: this.accessibleName,
@@ -538,8 +538,8 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getContinuousReleaseDescription: function() {
- var description;
- var directionString = this.getReleaseDirectionDescription( this.balloonModel.directionProperty.get() );
+ let description;
+ const directionString = this.getReleaseDirectionDescription( this.balloonModel.directionProperty.get() );
// describes movement and direction, including label if both balloons are visible
if ( this.balloonModel.other.isVisibleProperty.get() ) {
@@ -575,9 +575,9 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getNoChangeReleaseDescription: function() {
- var description;
+ let description;
- var attractiveStateAndLocationDescription = this.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescriptionWithLabel();
+ const attractiveStateAndLocationDescription = this.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescriptionWithLabel();
if ( this.model.bothBalloonsVisible() ) {
description = StringUtils.fillIn( twoBalloonNoChangeAndLocationPatternString, {
balloon: this.accessibleName,
@@ -592,12 +592,12 @@ define( require => {
// if balloon touching wall and inducing charge, include induced charge information
if ( this.balloonModel.touchingWall() && this.model.showChargesProperty.get() === 'all' ) {
- var wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
- var thisInducingAndVisible = this.balloonModel.inducingChargeAndVisible();
- var otherInducingAndVisible = this.balloonModel.other.inducingChargeAndVisible();
+ const thisInducingAndVisible = this.balloonModel.inducingChargeAndVisible();
+ const otherInducingAndVisible = this.balloonModel.other.inducingChargeAndVisible();
- var inducedChargeString;
+ let inducedChargeString;
if ( thisInducingAndVisible && otherInducingAndVisible && this.model.getBalloonsAdjacent() ) {
// if both inducing charge, combine induced charge description with "both balloons"
@@ -626,13 +626,13 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getVelocityString: function() {
- var velocityString;
+ let velocityString;
- var balloonVelocity = this.balloonModel.velocityProperty.get();
+ const balloonVelocity = this.balloonModel.velocityProperty.get();
- var keys = Object.keys( BALLOON_VELOCITY_MAP );
- for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
- var entry = BALLOON_VELOCITY_MAP[ keys[ i ] ];
+ const keys = Object.keys( BALLOON_VELOCITY_MAP );
+ for ( let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
+ const entry = BALLOON_VELOCITY_MAP[ keys[ i ] ];
if ( entry.range.contains( balloonVelocity.magnitude ) ) {
velocityString = entry.description;
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getDraggingDirectionDescription: function( direction ) {
- var movementString = BALLOON_DIRECTION_DRAGGING_MAP[ direction ];
+ const movementString = BALLOON_DIRECTION_DRAGGING_MAP[ direction ];
assert && assert( movementString, 'no direction description found for balloon moving direction ' + direction );
return movementString;
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ define( require => {
* @param {string} direction - one of BalloonDirectionEnum
getReleaseDirectionDescription: function( direction ) {
- var movementString = BALLOON_DIRECTION_RELEASE_MAP[ direction ];
+ const movementString = BALLOON_DIRECTION_RELEASE_MAP[ direction ];
assert && assert( movementString, 'no direction description found for balloon moving direction ' + direction );
return movementString;
@@ -679,11 +679,11 @@ define( require => {
getPlayAreaDragNewRegionDescription: function() {
- var nearOrAt = this.getPreposition();
- var balloonCenter = this.balloonModel.getCenter();
+ const nearOrAt = this.getPreposition();
+ const balloonCenter = this.balloonModel.getCenter();
- var wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
- var locationString = BASEDescriber.getLocationDescription( balloonCenter, wallVisible );
+ const wallVisible = this.model.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const locationString = BASEDescriber.getLocationDescription( balloonCenter, wallVisible );
return StringUtils.fillIn( balloonNewRegionPatternString, {
nearOrAt: nearOrAt,
@@ -697,14 +697,14 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getPlayAreaDragProgressDescription: function() {
- var alert;
- var nearestObjectString;
+ let alert;
+ let nearestObjectString;
- var centerPlayAreaX = PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_CENTER_PLAY_AREA;
- var centerPlayAreaY = PlayAreaMap.Y_LOCATIONS.AT_CENTER_PLAY_AREA;
- var balloonCenterX = this.balloonModel.getCenterX();
- var balloonCenterY = this.balloonModel.getCenterY();
- var balloonDirection = this.balloonModel.directionProperty.get();
+ const centerPlayAreaX = PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_CENTER_PLAY_AREA;
+ const centerPlayAreaY = PlayAreaMap.Y_LOCATIONS.AT_CENTER_PLAY_AREA;
+ const balloonCenterX = this.balloonModel.getCenterX();
+ const balloonCenterY = this.balloonModel.getCenterY();
+ const balloonDirection = this.balloonModel.directionProperty.get();
if ( balloonDirection === BalloonDirectionEnum.LEFT ) {
@@ -755,9 +755,9 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getDirectionChangedDescription: function() {
- var description;
+ let description;
- var direction = this.balloonModel.directionProperty.get();
+ const direction = this.balloonModel.directionProperty.get();
if ( this.balloonModel.isDraggedProperty.get() ) {
// when dragged, just the direction
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ define( require => {
else {
// when not dragged, add 'Now' to direction
- var directionString = this.getReleaseDirectionDescription( direction );
+ const directionString = this.getReleaseDirectionDescription( direction );
if ( this.model.bothBalloonsVisible() ) {
description = StringUtils.fillIn( twoBalloonNowDirectionPatternString, {
balloon: this.accessibleName,
@@ -795,19 +795,19 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getMovementStopsDescription: function() {
- var descriptionString;
+ let descriptionString;
// the location string is used for all charge views, used as a single sentence
- var locationString = this.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescriptionWithLabel();
+ const locationString = this.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescriptionWithLabel();
- var shownCharges = this.model.showChargesProperty.get();
+ const shownCharges = this.model.showChargesProperty.get();
if ( shownCharges === 'all' && this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get() ) {
// don't include information about adjacency to other balloon in this location description
- var chargeLocationString = this.getLocationDescriptionWithoutOverlap();
+ const chargeLocationString = this.getLocationDescriptionWithoutOverlap();
- var chargeString;
+ let chargeString;
if ( this.balloonModel.inducingChargeProperty.get() ) {
chargeString = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeDescription( this.balloonModel, this.accessibleName, this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get() );
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {boolean}
balloonMovingAtContinousDescriptionVelocity: function() {
- var velocityMagnitude = this.balloonModel.velocityProperty.get().magnitude;
+ const velocityMagnitude = this.balloonModel.velocityProperty.get().magnitude;
return velocityMagnitude < BALLOON_VELOCITY_MAP.QUICKLY_RANGE.range.max &&
velocityMagnitude > 0.0005; // value chosen empirically, see #413
@@ -850,13 +850,13 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getGrabbedAlert: function() {
- var description;
+ let description;
// charges visible in the view
- var chargesShown = this.model.showChargesProperty.get();
+ const chargesShown = this.model.showChargesProperty.get();
// attractive state and location is described for every charge view, it is a single sentence in this use case
- var stateAndLocation = this.getOnLocationDescription();
+ let stateAndLocation = this.getOnLocationDescription();
stateAndLocation = StringUtils.fillIn( singleStatementPatternString, {
statement: stateAndLocation
} );
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ define( require => {
// get a description of the relative charge of the grabbed balloon, and possibly the other relative charge
// of the other balloon if visible
if ( chargesShown !== 'none' ) {
- var chargeDescription;
+ let chargeDescription;
if ( this.model.getBalloonsAdjacent() ) {
chargeDescription = this.balloonDescriber.chargeDescriber.getCombinedRelativeChargeDescription();
@@ -878,10 +878,10 @@ define( require => {
} );
// if the balloon is inducing charge, or touching the sweater or wall we include a description for this
- var inducingChargeOrTouchingWall = this.balloonModel.inducingChargeProperty.get() || this.balloonModel.touchingWall();
- var onSweater = this.balloonModel.onSweater();
+ const inducingChargeOrTouchingWall = this.balloonModel.inducingChargeProperty.get() || this.balloonModel.touchingWall();
+ const onSweater = this.balloonModel.onSweater();
if ( inducingChargeOrTouchingWall || onSweater && ( chargesShown !== 'none' ) ) {
- var otherObjectCharge = this.balloonDescriber.chargeDescriber.getOtherObjectChargeDescription();
+ const otherObjectCharge = this.balloonDescriber.chargeDescriber.getOtherObjectChargeDescription();
chargeDescription = StringUtils.fillIn( grabbedWithOtherChargePatternString, {
balloonCharge: chargeDescription,
otherObjectCharge: otherObjectCharge
@@ -924,10 +924,10 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getJumpingDescription: function( center ) {
- var description = '';
+ let description = '';
// all jumping is in the x direction
- var centerX = center.x;
+ const centerX = center.x;
// determine which description we should use depending on the center location of the balloon
if ( centerX === PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_NEAR_SWEATER ) {
@@ -936,12 +936,12 @@ define( require => {
else {
// general location description for the balloon
- var locationDescription = this.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription();
+ const locationDescription = this.getAttractiveStateAndLocationDescription();
// state variables used to generate description content
- var wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
- var inducingCharge = this.balloonModel.inducingChargeProperty.get();
- var showCharges = this.model.showChargesProperty.get();
+ const wallVisible = this.wall.isVisibleProperty.get();
+ const inducingCharge = this.balloonModel.inducingChargeProperty.get();
+ const showCharges = this.model.showChargesProperty.get();
// if jumping to wall, describe as if balloon is rubbing along the wall for the first time
if ( this.balloonModel.touchingWallProperty.get() && showCharges !== 'none') {
@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ define( require => {
else if ( wallVisible && inducingCharge && showCharges === 'all' ) {
// if there is an induced charge and the charges are visible, describe induced charge summary
- var inducedChargeDescription = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeDescriptionWithNoAmount( this.balloonModel, this.accessibleName, wallVisible );
+ const inducedChargeDescription = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeDescriptionWithNoAmount( this.balloonModel, this.accessibleName, wallVisible );
description = StringUtils.fillIn( locationAndInducedChargePatternString, {
location: locationDescription,
inducedCharge: inducedChargeDescription
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/SweaterDescriber.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/SweaterDescriber.js
index dc44648c..0a7a96da 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/SweaterDescriber.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/SweaterDescriber.js
@@ -20,34 +20,34 @@ define( require => {
const StringUtils = require( 'PHETCOMMON/util/StringUtils' );
// strings
- var sweaterLocationString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterLocation.value;
- var zeroString = BASEA11yStrings.zero.value;
- var manyString = BASEA11yStrings.many.value;
- var allString = BASEA11yStrings.all.value;
- var positiveString = BASEA11yStrings.positive.value;
- var sweaterDescriptionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterDescriptionPattern.value;
- var sweaterRelativeChargeAllPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterRelativeChargeAllPattern.value;
- var sweaterRelativeChargeDifferencesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterRelativeChargeDifferencesPattern.value;
- var sweaterNoMoreChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterNoMoreCharges.value;
- var sweaterNetChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterNetChargePattern.value;
- var sweaterChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterChargePattern.value;
- var showingNoChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.showingNoCharges.value;
- var sweaterHasRelativeChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterHasRelativeChargePattern.value;
- var sweaterHasNetChargeShowingPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterHasNetChargeShowingPattern.value;
- var moreChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.moreChargesPattern.value;
- var moreChargesFurtherPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.moreChargesFurtherPattern.value;
- var morePairsOfChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.morePairsOfCharges.value;
- var sweaterLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterLabel.value;
- var moreHiddenPairsOfChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.moreHiddenPairsOfCharges.value;
- var positiveNetChargeString = BASEA11yStrings.positiveNetCharge.value;
- var neutralNetChargeString = BASEA11yStrings.neutralNetCharge.value;
- var summaryObjectHasChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectHasChargePattern.value;
- var sweaterRelativeChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterRelativeChargePattern.value;
- var summaryObjectChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectChargePattern.value;
- var summaryNeutralChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryNeutralChargesPattern.value;
- var sweaterShowingPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterShowingPattern.value;
- var showingAllPositiveChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.showingAllPositiveCharges.value;
- var singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
+ const sweaterLocationString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterLocation.value;
+ const zeroString = BASEA11yStrings.zero.value;
+ const manyString = BASEA11yStrings.many.value;
+ const allString = BASEA11yStrings.all.value;
+ const positiveString = BASEA11yStrings.positive.value;
+ const sweaterDescriptionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterDescriptionPattern.value;
+ const sweaterRelativeChargeAllPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterRelativeChargeAllPattern.value;
+ const sweaterRelativeChargeDifferencesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterRelativeChargeDifferencesPattern.value;
+ const sweaterNoMoreChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterNoMoreCharges.value;
+ const sweaterNetChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterNetChargePattern.value;
+ const sweaterChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterChargePattern.value;
+ const showingNoChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.showingNoCharges.value;
+ const sweaterHasRelativeChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterHasRelativeChargePattern.value;
+ const sweaterHasNetChargeShowingPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterHasNetChargeShowingPattern.value;
+ const moreChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.moreChargesPattern.value;
+ const moreChargesFurtherPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.moreChargesFurtherPattern.value;
+ const morePairsOfChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.morePairsOfCharges.value;
+ const sweaterLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterLabel.value;
+ const moreHiddenPairsOfChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.moreHiddenPairsOfCharges.value;
+ const positiveNetChargeString = BASEA11yStrings.positiveNetCharge.value;
+ const neutralNetChargeString = BASEA11yStrings.neutralNetCharge.value;
+ const summaryObjectHasChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectHasChargePattern.value;
+ const sweaterRelativeChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterRelativeChargePattern.value;
+ const summaryObjectChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectChargePattern.value;
+ const summaryNeutralChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryNeutralChargesPattern.value;
+ const sweaterShowingPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.sweaterShowingPattern.value;
+ const showingAllPositiveChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.showingAllPositiveCharges.value;
+ const singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
* Manages all descriptions relating to the sweater.
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getSweaterDescription: function( showCharges ) {
- var description;
+ let description;
// if we are not showing any charges, just return a description for the location
if ( showCharges === 'none' ) {
@@ -84,15 +84,15 @@ define( require => {
// relative charge like "no" or "several"
- var sweaterCharge = this.sweaterModel.chargeProperty.get();
- var relativeChargeString = BASEDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( sweaterCharge );
+ const sweaterCharge = this.sweaterModel.chargeProperty.get();
+ const relativeChargeString = BASEDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( sweaterCharge );
// assemble net charge string, like "Has zero net charge"
- var netChargeString = StringUtils.fillIn( sweaterNetChargePatternString, {
+ const netChargeString = StringUtils.fillIn( sweaterNetChargePatternString, {
netCharge: sweaterCharge > 0 ? positiveString : zeroString
} );
- var chargeString;
+ let chargeString;
if ( showCharges === 'all' ) {
// special case - if sweater is totally out of charges, say "no more negative charges, only positive charges""
@@ -155,11 +155,11 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getRelativeChargeDescriptionWithLabel: function( charge, shownCharges ) {
- var description;
+ let description;
// the relative charge on the sweater, something like 'several' or 'many'
- var absCharge = Math.abs( charge );
- var relative = SweaterDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( absCharge );
+ const absCharge = Math.abs( charge );
+ const relative = SweaterDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( absCharge );
if ( shownCharges === 'all' ) {
if ( absCharge === BASEConstants.MAX_BALLOON_CHARGE ) {
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ define( require => {
else {
// else something like "Sweater has several more positive charges than negative charges"
- var relativeChargeString = StringUtils.fillIn( sweaterRelativeChargeAllPatternString, {
+ const relativeChargeString = StringUtils.fillIn( sweaterRelativeChargeAllPatternString, {
charge: relative
} );
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ define( require => {
else if ( shownCharges === 'diff' ) {
- var showingString = StringUtils.fillIn( sweaterRelativeChargeDifferencesPatternString, {
+ const showingString = StringUtils.fillIn( sweaterRelativeChargeDifferencesPatternString, {
charge: relative
} );
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getNoMoreChargesAlert: function( charge, shownCharges ) {
- var alert;
+ let alert;
if ( shownCharges === 'all' ) {
alert = StringUtils.fillIn( sweaterHasRelativeChargePatternString, {
relativeCharge: sweaterNoMoreChargesString
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getNetChargeDescription: function( sweaterCharge ) {
- var relativeChargeString = ( sweaterCharge === 0 ) ? neutralNetChargeString : positiveNetChargeString;
+ const relativeChargeString = ( sweaterCharge === 0 ) ? neutralNetChargeString : positiveNetChargeString;
return StringUtils.fillIn( sweaterHasRelativeChargePatternString, {
relativeCharge: relativeChargeString
} );
@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ define( require => {
assert && assert( shownCharges !== 'none', 'this description should not be used when no charges are shown' );
// get the next charge to describe
- var charge;
- for ( var i = 0; i < sweaterCharges.length; i++ ) {
+ let charge;
+ for ( let i = 0; i < sweaterCharges.length; i++ ) {
charge = sweaterCharges[ i ];
if ( !charge.movedProperty.get() ) {
@@ -273,12 +273,12 @@ define( require => {
// get the description of the direction to the closest charge
- var direction = BalloonModel.getDirection( charge.location, balloon.getCenter() );
- var directionDescription = BASEDescriber.getDirectionDescription( direction );
+ const direction = BalloonModel.getDirection( charge.location, balloon.getCenter() );
+ const directionDescription = BASEDescriber.getDirectionDescription( direction );
- var patternString = BalloonDirectionEnum.isRelativeDirection( direction ) ? moreChargesFurtherPatternString : moreChargesPatternString;
+ const patternString = BalloonDirectionEnum.isRelativeDirection( direction ) ? moreChargesFurtherPatternString : moreChargesPatternString;
- var moreChargesString;
+ let moreChargesString;
if ( shownCharges === 'all' ) {
moreChargesString = morePairsOfChargesString;
@@ -304,15 +304,15 @@ define( require => {
getSummaryChargeDescription: function( chargesShown, charge ) {
// description of the sweater object, like "Sweater has zero net charge"
- var chargeSignString = charge > 0 ? positiveString : zeroString;
- var sweaterObjectString = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryObjectHasChargePatternString, {
+ const chargeSignString = charge > 0 ? positiveString : zeroString;
+ const sweaterObjectString = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryObjectHasChargePatternString, {
object: sweaterLabelString,
charge: chargeSignString
} );
// description of the charges shown, like 'a few more positive charges than negative charges'
- var chargeString;
- var relativeChargeString = BASEDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( charge );
+ let chargeString;
+ const relativeChargeString = BASEDescriber.getRelativeChargeDescription( charge );
if ( chargesShown === 'all' ) {
chargeString = ( charge === 0 ) ?
StringUtils.fillIn( summaryNeutralChargesPatternString, { amount: manyString } ) :
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/SweaterDescriberTests.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/SweaterDescriberTests.js
index 9f85f0ba..3541f7b7 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/SweaterDescriberTests.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/SweaterDescriberTests.js
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ define( require => {
QUnit.module( 'SweaterDescriberTests' );
// create model and view for testing
- var model = new BASEModel( 768, 504, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'model' ) );
+ const model = new BASEModel( 768, 504, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'model' ) );
// create a wallNode for testing
- var sweaterNode = new SweaterNode( model, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'sweaterNode' ) );
+ const sweaterNode = new SweaterNode( model, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'sweaterNode' ) );
QUnit.test( 'SweaterDescriber tests', function( assert ) {
// on load
- var actualDescription = sweaterNode.descriptionContent;
- var expectedDescription = 'At left edge of Play Area. Has zero net charge, no more positive charges than negative charges.';
+ let actualDescription = sweaterNode.descriptionContent;
+ let expectedDescription = 'At left edge of Play Area. Has zero net charge, no more positive charges than negative charges.';
assert.equal( actualDescription, expectedDescription );
// all charges shown, several positive charges
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriber.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriber.js
index 93b4d722..8271a9f9 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriber.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriber.js
@@ -19,34 +19,34 @@ define( require => {
const Vector2 = require( 'DOT/Vector2' );
// strings
- var wallDescriptionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallDescriptionPattern.value;
- var wallLocationString = BASEA11yStrings.wallLocation.value;
- var wallNoNetChargeString = BASEA11yStrings.wallNoNetCharge.value;
- var aLittleBitString = BASEA11yStrings.aLittleBit.value;
- var aLotString = BASEA11yStrings.aLot.value;
- var quiteALotString = BASEA11yStrings.quiteALot.value;
- var inducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.inducedChargePattern.value;
- var greenBalloonLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.greenBalloonLabel.value;
- var yellowBalloonLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.yellowBalloonLabel.value;
- var wallTwoBalloonInducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallTwoBalloonInducedChargePattern.value;
- var wallChargeWithoutInducedPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallChargeWithoutInducedPattern.value;
- var wallChargeWithInducedPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallChargeWithInducedPattern.value;
- var showingNoChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.showingNoCharges.value;
- var manyChargePairsString = BASEA11yStrings.manyChargePairs.value;
- var singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
- var wallNoChangeInChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallNoChangeInChargesPattern.value;
- var inducedChargeNoAmountPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.inducedChargeNoAmountPattern.value;
- var wallChargePatternStringWithLabel = BASEA11yStrings.wallChargePatternStringWithLabel.value;
- var summaryObjectHasChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectHasChargePattern.value;
- var summaryObjectChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectChargePattern.value;
- var wallLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.wallLabel.value;
- var zeroString = BASEA11yStrings.zero.value;
- var bothBalloonsString = BASEA11yStrings.bothBalloons.value;
- var wallInducedChargeSummaryPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallInducedChargeSummaryPattern.value;
- var positiveChargesDoNotMoveString = BASEA11yStrings.positiveChargesDoNotMove.value;
+ const wallDescriptionPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallDescriptionPattern.value;
+ const wallLocationString = BASEA11yStrings.wallLocation.value;
+ const wallNoNetChargeString = BASEA11yStrings.wallNoNetCharge.value;
+ const aLittleBitString = BASEA11yStrings.aLittleBit.value;
+ const aLotString = BASEA11yStrings.aLot.value;
+ const quiteALotString = BASEA11yStrings.quiteALot.value;
+ const inducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.inducedChargePattern.value;
+ const greenBalloonLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.greenBalloonLabel.value;
+ const yellowBalloonLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.yellowBalloonLabel.value;
+ const wallTwoBalloonInducedChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallTwoBalloonInducedChargePattern.value;
+ const wallChargeWithoutInducedPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallChargeWithoutInducedPattern.value;
+ const wallChargeWithInducedPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallChargeWithInducedPattern.value;
+ const showingNoChargesString = BASEA11yStrings.showingNoCharges.value;
+ const manyChargePairsString = BASEA11yStrings.manyChargePairs.value;
+ const singleStatementPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.singleStatementPattern.value;
+ const wallNoChangeInChargesPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallNoChangeInChargesPattern.value;
+ const inducedChargeNoAmountPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.inducedChargeNoAmountPattern.value;
+ const wallChargePatternStringWithLabel = BASEA11yStrings.wallChargePatternStringWithLabel.value;
+ const summaryObjectHasChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectHasChargePattern.value;
+ const summaryObjectChargePatternString = BASEA11yStrings.summaryObjectChargePattern.value;
+ const wallLabelString = BASEA11yStrings.wallLabel.value;
+ const zeroString = BASEA11yStrings.zero.value;
+ const bothBalloonsString = BASEA11yStrings.bothBalloons.value;
+ const wallInducedChargeSummaryPatternString = BASEA11yStrings.wallInducedChargeSummaryPattern.value;
+ const positiveChargesDoNotMoveString = BASEA11yStrings.positiveChargesDoNotMove.value;
// constants
range: new Range( 0, 10 ),
description: aLittleBitString
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getWallDescription: function( yellowBalloon, greenBalloon, balloonsAdjacent ) {
- var description;
+ let description;
// if no charges are shown, the location is the only part of the description
if ( this.showChargesProperty.get() === 'none' ) {
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ define( require => {
} );
else {
- var chargeDescription = WallDescriber.getWallChargeDescription( yellowBalloon, greenBalloon, balloonsAdjacent, this.wallModel.isVisibleProperty.get(), this.showChargesProperty.get() );
+ const chargeDescription = WallDescriber.getWallChargeDescription( yellowBalloon, greenBalloon, balloonsAdjacent, this.wallModel.isVisibleProperty.get(), this.showChargesProperty.get() );
// assemble the whole description
description = StringUtils.fillIn( wallDescriptionPatternString, {
@@ -125,14 +125,14 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getWallChargeDescription: function( yellowBalloon, greenBalloon, balloonsAdjacent, wallVisible, chargesShown ) {
- var descriptionString;
+ let descriptionString;
- var inducedChargeString;
- var yellowBalloonInducedChargeString;
- var greenBalloonInducedChargeString;
+ let inducedChargeString;
+ let yellowBalloonInducedChargeString;
+ let greenBalloonInducedChargeString;
- var yellowInducingAndvisible = yellowBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible();
- var greenInducingAndVisible = greenBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible();
+ const yellowInducingAndvisible = yellowBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible();
+ const greenInducingAndVisible = greenBalloon.inducingChargeAndVisible();
// if all charges are shown, and a balloon is inducing charge, generate the description for induced charge which
// can change depending on whether balloons are adjacent or whether both balloons are inducing at the same time
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ define( require => {
// get the description for what charges are currently shown
- var shownChargesString = ( chargesShown === 'diff' ) ? showingNoChargesString : manyChargePairsString;
+ const shownChargesString = ( chargesShown === 'diff' ) ? showingNoChargesString : manyChargePairsString;
// if there is an induced charge, include it in the full charge description
- var wallChargeString;
+ let wallChargeString;
if ( ( yellowBalloon.inducingChargeProperty.get() || greenInducingAndVisible ) && chargesShown === 'all' && wallVisible ) {
inducedChargeString = StringUtils.fillIn( wallInducedChargeSummaryPatternString, {
inducedCharge: inducedChargeString,
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getWallChargeDescriptionWithLabel: function( yellowBalloon, greenBalloon, balloonsAdjacent, wallVisible, chargesShown ) {
- var description = WallDescriber.getWallChargeDescription( yellowBalloon, greenBalloon, balloonsAdjacent, wallVisible, chargesShown );
+ let description = WallDescriber.getWallChargeDescription( yellowBalloon, greenBalloon, balloonsAdjacent, wallVisible, chargesShown );
description = description.toLowerCase();
return StringUtils.fillIn( wallChargePatternStringWithLabel, {
@@ -236,10 +236,10 @@ define( require => {
getInducedChargeAmountDescription: function( balloon ) {
- var amountDescription;
- var descriptionKeys = Object.keys( INDUCED_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP );
- for ( var j = 0; j < descriptionKeys.length; j++ ) {
- var value = INDUCED_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP[ descriptionKeys[ j ] ];
+ let amountDescription;
+ const descriptionKeys = Object.keys( INDUCED_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP );
+ for ( let j = 0; j < descriptionKeys.length; j++ ) {
+ const value = INDUCED_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_MAP[ descriptionKeys[ j ] ];
if ( value.range.contains( balloon.closestChargeInWall.getDisplacement() ) ) {
amountDescription = value.description;
@@ -270,9 +270,9 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getInducedChargeDescriptionWithNoAmount: function( balloon, balloonLabel, wallVisible ) {
- var descriptionString;
+ let descriptionString;
- var chargeLocationString = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeLocationDescription( balloon, wallVisible, true );
+ const chargeLocationString = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeLocationDescription( balloon, wallVisible, true );
if ( balloon.inducingChargeProperty.get() ) {
descriptionString = StringUtils.fillIn( inducedChargeNoAmountPatternString, {
wallLocation: chargeLocationString,
@@ -309,11 +309,11 @@ define( require => {
includePositiveChargeInfo: true // include information about positive charges how positive charges do not move?
}, options );
- var descriptionString;
- var chargeLocationString = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeLocationDescription( balloon, wallVisible, options.includeWallLocation );
+ let descriptionString;
+ const chargeLocationString = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeLocationDescription( balloon, wallVisible, options.includeWallLocation );
if ( balloon.inducingChargeProperty.get() ) {
- var inducedChargeAmount = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeAmountDescription( balloon );
+ const inducedChargeAmount = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeAmountDescription( balloon );
descriptionString = StringUtils.fillIn( inducedChargePatternString, {
wallLocation: chargeLocationString,
@@ -356,10 +356,10 @@ define( require => {
includeWallLocation: true,
includePositiveChargeInfo: true
}, options );
- var descriptionString;
- var chargeLocationString = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeLocationDescription( balloon, wallVisible, options.includeWallLocation );
+ let descriptionString;
+ const chargeLocationString = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeLocationDescription( balloon, wallVisible, options.includeWallLocation );
- var inducedChargeAmount = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeAmountDescription( balloon );
+ const inducedChargeAmount = WallDescriber.getInducedChargeAmountDescription( balloon );
descriptionString = StringUtils.fillIn( inducedChargePatternString, {
wallLocation: chargeLocationString,
@@ -397,9 +397,9 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {[type]} [description]
getInducedChargeLocationDescription: function( balloon, wallVisible, includeWallLocation ) {
- var chargeLocationX = PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL;
- var chargeLocationY = includeWallLocation ? balloon.getCenterY() : PlayAreaMap.ROW_RANGES.CENTER_PLAY_AREA.getCenter();
- var chargeLocation = new Vector2( chargeLocationX, chargeLocationY );
+ const chargeLocationX = PlayAreaMap.X_LOCATIONS.AT_WALL;
+ const chargeLocationY = includeWallLocation ? balloon.getCenterY() : PlayAreaMap.ROW_RANGES.CENTER_PLAY_AREA.getCenter();
+ const chargeLocation = new Vector2( chargeLocationX, chargeLocationY );
return BASEDescriber.getLocationDescription( chargeLocation, wallVisible );
@@ -412,9 +412,9 @@ define( require => {
* @returns {string}
getSummaryChargeDescription: function( chargesShown, numberOfCharges ) {
- var chargeString = BASEDescriber.getNeutralChargesShownDescription( chargesShown, numberOfCharges );
+ const chargeString = BASEDescriber.getNeutralChargesShownDescription( chargesShown, numberOfCharges );
- var wallObjectString = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryObjectHasChargePatternString, {
+ const wallObjectString = StringUtils.fillIn( summaryObjectHasChargePatternString, {
object: wallLabelString,
charge: zeroString
} );
diff --git a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriberTests.js b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriberTests.js
index dd5e5bfa..ebaa6eeb 100644
--- a/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriberTests.js
+++ b/js/balloons-and-static-electricity/view/describers/WallDescriberTests.js
@@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ define( require => {
QUnit.module( 'WallDescriberTests' );
// create model and view for testing
- var model = new BASEModel( 768, 504, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'model' ) );
- var view = new BASEView( model, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'view' ) );
+ const model = new BASEModel( 768, 504, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'model' ) );
+ const view = new BASEView( model, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'view' ) );
QUnit.test( 'WallDescriber tests', function( assert ) {
// create a view
- var wallNode = new WallNode( model, view.layoutBounds, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'wallNode' ) );
+ const wallNode = new WallNode( model, view.layoutBounds, Tandem.rootTandem.createTandem( 'wallNode' ) );
// on page load
- var actualDescription = wallNode.descriptionContent;
- var expectedDescription = 'At right edge of Play Area. Has zero net charge, many pairs of negative and positive charges.';
+ let actualDescription = wallNode.descriptionContent;
+ let expectedDescription = 'At right edge of Play Area. Has zero net charge, many pairs of negative and positive charges.';
assert.equal( actualDescription, expectedDescription );
// yellow balloon neutral at wall, all charges shown