Arknights Recruitment Sheet This script takes your available tags and finds whether you have a guaranteed recruitment or not
I made it since the current existing calculators only displays the POSSSIBLE operators from given tags.
This script is different in the sense that it only shows you operators you're guaranteed to get with combinations of your available tags rather than all possible operators you can get.
- Open Recruit tab in AK
- Check available tags
- Enter tags into script
- If there's result, choose the tags
- Enjoy your guaranteed operators!
I'm not entirely sure how the recruit system works yet, but I would say choose only one combination if there're multiple choice shown by the script if you dont want to risk losing your guaranteed 5*
No idea
- All data the script is based on is from Here, if there's any wrong data, don't blame it on me unless I typed the script wrongly.
- Open an issue or message me on discord PhantasmalMira#4367
- Message me on discord PhantasmalMira#4367 or kindly make a pull request after adding the necessary data into operators dictionary.
- Any contributions are deeply appreciated!