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Argument ID Part Usage Conclusion Stance Premise
A01001 usa train Entrapment should be legalized in favor of if entrapment can serve to more easily capture wanted criminals, then why shouldn't it be legal?
A01002 usa train We should ban human cloning in favor of we should ban human cloning as it will only cause huge issues when you have a bunch of the same humans running around all acting the same.
A01003 usa train We should abandon marriage against marriage is the ultimate commitment to someone, if people want it they should be allowrd
A01004 usa train We should ban naturopathy against it provides a useful income for some people
A01005 usa train We should ban fast food in favor of fast food should be banned because it is really bad for your health and is costly.
A01006 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions against sometimes economic sanctions are the only thing that will get the corrupt governments to take action
A01007 usa train We should abolish capital punishment against capital punishment is sometimes the only option to keep criminals from committing more crimes.
A01008 usa train We should ban factory farming against factory farming allows for the production of cheap food, which is a necessity for families surviving on a low income.
A01009 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against nuclear weapons help keep the peace in uncertain times
A01010 usa train We should prohibit school prayer against it should be allowed if the student wants to pray as long as it is not interfering with his classes
A01011 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of three strike laws can cause young people to be put away for life without a chance to straight out their life
A01012 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of the use of public defenders should be mandatory because some people don't have money for a lawyer and this would help those that don't
A01013 usa train We should ban naturopathy in favor of Naturopathic medicine doesn't have to pass any safety trials, so it can often be dangerous and cause allergic reactions.
A01014 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime against adopting austerity regime will have very negative impact on the poor and the vulnerable in society.
A01015 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of we should adopt an austerity regime because it is unfair to expect future generations to settle the debts that we run up
A01016 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language against gender neutral language is just another way to try to please a group. we have two sexes, men and women and they should be differentiate by the use of words.
A01017 usa train We should end affirmative action in favor of affirmative action is no longer necessary as more minorities are able to prove to employers that they are worthy workers.
A01018 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions against economic sanctions provide a non-military sanction to use against countries.
A01019 usa train We should ban factory farming in favor of factory farming cuts too many health and safety corners as opposed to smaller family farms, this leads to potentially unsafe and unhealthy products.
A01020 usa train We should subsidize journalism in favor of It is important for news organizations to transfer to new forms of media, like the internet, but it is costly and requires subsidization.
A02001 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans create a more impoverished society with their crazy payback rates.
A02002 usa train Surrogacy should be banned against Surrogacy should not be banned as it is the woman's right to choose if she wishes to do this for another couple and be compensated.
A02003 usa train We should cancel pride parades against there are parades for every group and it is discrimination not to give gays their parade
A02004 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of children have not grown and truly formed their adult looks. cosmetic surgery for a child should be banned until as an adult the child can make a informed choice over their bodies not a whim of a child.
A02005 usa train We should legalize prostitution in favor of we should legalize prostitution because it will be regulated meaning the females will be safer
A02006 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research in favor of embryonic stem cell research should be subsidized because it may lead to the development of treatments for a number of serious medical conditions.
A02007 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithms may not be 100% accurate and reflect the situation in the real market
A02008 usa train We should legalize organ trade in favor of We should legalize the organ trade because currently people are punished for obeying the law and not purchasing organs, in the form of longer wait times.
A02009 usa train Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is gravely immoral and against human rights to coerce someone into a crime
A02010 usa train We should legalize cannabis against if you start legalizing drugs it could open up the floodgates for more legalization of dangerous drugs.
A02011 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of nuclear weapons pose too serious a threat to our world. we must abolish them now.
A02012 usa train We should ban telemarketing in favor of telemarketing doesn't differentiate between people who are interested in being called and those who aren't
A02013 usa train We should prohibit school prayer in favor of school prayer cannot account for the array of beliefs or non-beliefs students may hold.
A02014 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against we should not abolish the right to keep and bear arms as everyone has a right to keep guns as a mean of protection as stated in the constitution.
A02015 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of they are nothing but a cult and manipulate their members
A02016 usa train We should legalize organ trade in favor of we need more organs than people donate so legalizing it would be a good thing
A02017 usa train We should legalize polygamy against polygamy can lead to disharmony and jealousy within a household and the offspring of the arrangement can grow up very confused and maladjusted.
A02018 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests should continue to be used because they provide valuable data
A02019 usa train We should prohibit school prayer in favor of School prayer is divisive and requires children to either support religion without question or be treated as different if they do not wish to attend, which marks people out by their differences at an early age.
A02020 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia against wikipedia can form biased opinions on topics or misinform the general public and therefore should not be subsidized
A03001 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of where compulsory voting exists, in countries like australia, participation rates are the highest in the world. this inevitably leads to more truly representative democracy.
A03002 usa train We should legalize prostitution against legalizing prostitution will further demean a woman or man and result in unnecessary violence.
A03003 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of there are questions of it's legitimacy and whether it is a cult as well as the fact that members have to pay more to move up the levels thereby leading some to come into financial troubles due to this
A03004 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws against this law keeps communities safe by not letting criminals run rampant with only slaps on the wrist
A03005 usa train Social media brings more harm than good in favor of it gives people a platform to pretend, show off and to bully others. it also makes people believe that everyone else has everything they want and that their lives are perfect, leading to mental health issues.
A03006 usa train We should legalize cannabis in favor of cannabis has been shown to be safer than alcohol and less addictive. there is no real reason to keep it an illegal substance.
A03007 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language against we should not have to change our language to accommodate those who do not adhere to a specific gender
A03008 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of we should abolish zoos as animals should not be kept in captivity and should be in a natural environment.
A03009 usa train We should ban fast food in favor of fast food is bad for adults and children and causes obesity and the risk of diabetes in many cases.
A03010 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of it would give people more of a choice and provides someone for every culture to vote for
A03011 usa train We should ban fast food in favor of fast food is bad for our health and we really should ban any of it
A03012 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of autonomous cars will take away the jobs of thousands of people around the world by removing the function of drivers.
A03013 usa train We should subsidize journalism in favor of journalism and free expression of information and exchange of ideas is a basic human right, and subsidizing this would improve its quality and reach.
A03014 usa train Entrapment should be legalized in favor of anyone who commits a crime should be prosecuted
A03015 usa train We should cancel pride parades in favor of pride parades create a huge disturbance
A03016 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games against Olympic Games should not be banned. They are the tissue that solidify the friendship between nations in the world and a reminder of a peaceful world which should be the world vision
A03017 usa train We should ban factory farming in favor of factory farms keep animals in tight spaces. they are forced to live in cages and not allowed to roam as they were meant to.
A03018 usa train Surrogacy should be banned in favor of a woman giving birth to someone else's child will cause that child to grow up and not understand who their mother is. it can lead to major depression and a very unhealthy lifestyle.
A03019 usa train We should abolish capital punishment in favor of capital punishment has been proven ineffective in reducing crime rates.
A03020 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp in favor of Guantanamo Bay detention camp depraves detainees from their human right. Detainees are often molested and even electrocuted in there. This is a inhumane treatment even for suspicious terrorists
A04001 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against we should not abolish the right to bear arms because the law was set forth by our founding fathers, therefore making it an american right.
A04002 usa train We should subsidize space exploration against there are more important things to spend public funds on such as health care, housing and education.
A04003 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of School uniforms keep children from being able to express themselves through their clothing choices.
A04004 usa train We should ban human cloning in favor of human cloning is an unnatural act that goes against the laws of nature. it is too dangerous of an act and is something man should not be tampering with.
A04005 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of some people are highly intelligent but don't do well on testing so intelligence tests can't measure a true value if it's only testing with one method.
A04006 usa train We should cancel pride parades in favor of why should homosexuals have a pride parade?heterosexuals don't have them!
A04007 usa train We should prohibit school prayer against allowing children to pray and take some quiet time in school can be beneficial for their mental health.
A04008 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of We should adopt a multi-party system as the current two party system does not fit the diverse society that it is supposed to represent.
A04009 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of ip rights enable large corporations to have a stranglehold over creators designs and work and should be abolished
A04010 usa train We should subsidize journalism against there are many sectors need subsidizing more than journalism, journalists already make good money, more money to them will be a waste.
A04011 usa train We should legalize cannabis against cannabis is highly addictive, studies show up to one-in10 users develop dependence over time
A04012 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of the fact that almost half of those who have gone to foster homes have been returned eventually to their birthparents, it can be a painful experience for them
A04013 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language against we should not adopt gender neutral language because were created as male and female
A04014 usa train We should ban whaling in favor of whaling is a barbaric practice that destroys majestic animals
A04015 usa train We should end racial profiling against racial profiling is a powerful tool based on crime statistics meant to keep people in the community safe, especially if it is a high crime area.
A04016 usa train We should limit executive compensation against executives deserve the money as they do a stressful and demanding job leading large organizations that hire large number of people.
A04017 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against zero telerance policied do not address underlying causes for the behaviour that is causing the issue
A04018 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of School uniforms are too expensive and many parents can not afford the extra expense.
A04019 usa train Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media results in the fomo culture which is unhealthy for individuals.
A04020 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of Nuclear weapons should be abolished because they have to potential to cause so much destruction.
A05001 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of ideas are free thoughts so it's not fair for one person to profit off of it
A05002 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans gives people who apparently not able to live paycheck by paycheck an unethically high interest-rated loan and ends up getting them in deeper debt and payday loans should be banned.
A05003 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions affect poor people more than governments
A05004 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care can be horrible for the child when moving from home to home and never settling down in one place.
A05005 usa train We should ban factory farming in favor of factory farming is bad for the environment and should be banned
A05006 usa train We should legalize organ trade in favor of if we legalize the organ trade we will save lives, by ensuring that more people who need an organ transplant actually get one.
A05007 usa train Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media can be incredibly addicting and cause depression based on popularity contests. we shouldn't use it so much because it can cause suicide and cyber bullying.
A05008 usa train We should legalize polygamy in favor of Polygamy is a part of certain religions and should be respected under the first amendment.
A05009 usa train We should ban naturopathy in favor of naturopathy may have no scientific evidence.
A05010 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory against a person accused of a crime should have the right to pick their own defense, whether that is to pick the defender they think will be most capable or that they find makes them more comfortable.
A05011 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads against if a father wants to stay home, he can, but we can't subsidize stay-at-home dads, there is no need in a modern society that has other solutions like kindergartens to help with children's needs
A05012 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research in favor of embryonic stem cell research should be subsidized because it only requires a small amount of cells because of the fast replication rate
A05013 usa train We should ban private military companies in favor of private military companies could be a danger to our national security because their motives are financial in nature which means they could act in ways that are not in our country's best interest politcally.
A05014 usa train We should adopt libertarianism in favor of libertarianism fosters a more equitable and efficient society for all
A05015 usa train We should abolish safe spaces in favor of these are usually located in universities. students need to prepare for the real world and know how to handle conflict. once they leave school they'll have no idea how to handle the constant conflict in life.
A05016 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against the use of autonomous cars should result in a substantial reduction in road traffic accidents which currently are largely a result of human error.
A05017 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery in favor of cosmetic surgery is unnecessary and dangerous.
A05018 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games cause turmoil and a lot of money.
A05019 usa train We should end affirmative action in favor of we should end affirmative action because it just caters to people that feel like they were discriminated against
A05020 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against what one chooses to believe or not to believe should be at their discretion.
A05021 usa train We should legalize cannabis in favor of Legalizing marijuana would lead to a reduction in gang-related drug violence.
A05022 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language in favor of we should adopt gender-neutral language because it avoids offending people with gender stereo-types
A05023 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading should be banned as it manipulates the economy to benefit stockholders.
A05024 usa train We should fight urbanization against urbanization allows people to move away from high crime areas.
A05025 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against everyone should have the right to their own opinion.
A05026 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of blockade means occupation which is illegal and should be stopped
A05027 usa train We should ban whaling against There is little difference between the whaling industry and our farming industries; humans are entitled to hunt animals to eat them and utilize them to our benefit.
A05028 usa train We should ban the use of child actors in favor of the world of show has proven to be full of vices that in the case of children is very harmful
A05029 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of there is a serious shortage of priests and this can be remedied by abandoning the vow of celibacy.
A05030 usa train We should prohibit women in combat against women have proven that they could be as good as men in many fields; who's to say they couldn't also be good soldiers?
A05031 usa train We should limit executive compensation in favor of we should limit executives earnings. some ceo's get millions of dollars for a salary plus housing, airplanes, and even get a package to leave the company. all this while average worker could use more.
A05032 usa train We should prohibit flag burning in favor of flag burning is a treasonous and traitorous act which should attract severe punishment.
A05033 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research against this research is very controversial and against many religions
A05034 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of three is an arbitrary number and may not be appropriate in some instances or for some crimes
A05035 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads against there are better uses of money than to subsidize non working men.
A05036 usa train We should end mandatory retirement in favor of the loss of experience and knowledge from mandatory retirement is costly to businesses
A05037 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests can prevent someone from pursuing their passion which they may be able to achieve with hard work
A05038 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against if someone is in extreme pain why make them suffer? this is not criminal
A05043 usa train We should fight urbanization in favor of urbanization is not good for nature & increases pollution & climate change
A05045 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia against subsidizing wikipedia can cause it to provide biased information
A05048 usa train We should ban fast food against fast food is sometimes the only way poor people can feed their families cheaply. if you ban it then you are taking away someone's only meal.
A05049 usa train We should prohibit school prayer in favor of prayer in schools violates a person's right to follow whatever religion they choose.
A05050 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting against compulsory voting goes against people's liberties and freedoms.
A05052 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions against economic sanctions can assist in deterring deadly threats against our nation
A05053 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of compulsory voting makes for more informed voters
A05054 usa train We should adopt libertarianism against there are so many people in the world we all have to appreciate that we need to adopt certain rules and etiquette which everyone follows, if everyone pleased themselves no one would help each other.
A05055 usa train We should end racial profiling in favor of if i wear blue jeans and a tie dye shirt that doesn't make me a dope smoking hippie. that sounds as stupid as saying because someone is black they must be a criminal.
A05056 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp in favor of guantanamo bay is outdated and barbaric
A05057 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia against subsidizing wikipedia could be a back gateway to some form of governmental control, debasing the validity of the articles and information provided.
A05058 usa train We should cancel pride parades against pride parades encourage people to claim the rights and freedoms they are entitled to
A05059 usa train We should cancel pride parades against pride parades can show everyone that we tolerate everyone
A05062 usa train Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is a deceptive method of catching criminals and wastes time and resources that would be better put to use catching active criminals.
A05063 usa train We should ban factory farming in favor of it should be banned so that it doesn't take away our farms and will cause more global warming
A05064 usa train We should abolish zoos against zoos do a lot of conservation work and have successfully bred animals which were on the verge of extinction.
A05065 usa train We should abandon marriage against We should not abandon marriage since it will increase single parenting and create unstable households for children
A05066 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Assisted suicide is a criminal offence as it centers on the intentional death of a human being.
A05067 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of cosmetic surgery for minors should be banned because they are not finished growing no do they have a mature enough background to make a sound decision towards this procedure.
A05069 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system against the two-party system is cheaper and easier to operate that any multi-party system
A05071 usa train We should ban human cloning in favor of human cloning should be banned because it allows designer humans to be grown according to the parents wishes.
A05072 usa train We should abandon marriage in favor of marriage is a religious institution and can offend the non-religious
A05073 usa train We should ban whaling in favor of whaling is inhumane and unnecessary and killing the whale population.
A05074 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime will help to reduce the deficit of the country
A05075 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime against people should not have to endure higher taxes to pay for the government's inefficiency.
A05076 usa train We should subsidize space exploration in favor of there is so much more to explore and learn about space that subsidising space exploration would bring us closer to learning and understanding what is beyond our planet.
A05077 usa train We should subsidize journalism against We should not subsidize journalism because there is already sufficient coverage of major issues from different viewpoints without government action.
A05078 usa train Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media brings more harm than good because it causes people to judge themselves too harshly in comparison of the seemingly perfect lives of others online.
A05079 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of many children in the foster care system have issues that can destroy a family.
A05080 usa train We should ban telemarketing against We should not ban telemarketing as it it allows people to learn about new products or services from the comfort of their own homes.
A05081 usa train We should abolish capital punishment against We should not abolish capital punishment because if the criminal done with their time in jail they may commit far more serious crime again because some criminal cannot be rehabilitated
A05082 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading should be banned because it gives some people an unfair advantage.
A05083 usa train We should legalize prostitution in favor of legalising prostitution will ensure the safety of both the sex trade worker and client
A05084 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of we should abandon the vow of celibacy because if people dont have sex they can get frustrated and might take it out on other people
A05086 usa train We should ban telemarketing in favor of telemarketing is intrusive, annoying and violates privacy
A05087 usa train We should end mandatory retirement in favor of We should end mandatory retirement because it removes people who are knowledgeable and skilled from jobs that they are good at.
A05088 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of if you are not required to wear a uniform, you are free to choose clothing styles that are more favorable to your body type and coloring, which allows you to look your best
A05090 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of forcing children into wearing school uniforms shows our children that they cannot think as individuals and must conform to societies way of thinking.
A05091 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against Nuclear weapons can bring about a certain level of respect
A05092 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of scientology is actually a wealthy cult and members are abused physically and financially.
A05093 usa train We should ban the use of child actors in favor of child actors lose the sense of a proper childhood.
A05095 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws against we need the three strikes as a deterrent
A05096 usa train We should prohibit school prayer against a non-denominational school prayer is about as bad as reciting the pledge of allegiance in school, and should be allowed.
A05097 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of children need to learn boundaries and consequences for their actions. they learn faster if there is immediate repercussions than if you let them do it over and over again.
A05098 usa train We should limit executive compensation against We should not limit executive compensation as they should get the salary equal to their contribution to the organisation.
A05099 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms in favor of it will decrease the number of crimes and violence on the streets
A05100 usa train Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy shouldn't be banned because sometimes there is a health issue preventing a perfectly good mother from having a baby. she deserves to have a child and a surrogate is the only way to do that.
A06001 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against keeping moral strength is important to society and refraining from sex is one way to do it
A06002 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions against economic sanctions are often a proportional punishment
A06003 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of autonomous cars are prohibitively expensive
A06004 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of school uniforms cost a lot and might not be affordable for everyone
A06005 usa train We should end mandatory retirement against Mandatory retirement lets companies more easily make space for new workers that have more of an incentive to work hard at a new job.
A06006 usa train We should fight urbanization in favor of urbanization is killing off habitats and therefore, animals overall
A06007 usa train We should legalize polygamy in favor of polygamy can lead to more stable households, as there will be more adults per child than in typical two-parent houses.
A06008 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of a zero tolerance policy at school is a good idea because children need to be disciplined as it might cut crime in the future.
A06010 usa train We should abolish safe spaces in favor of Safe spaces stifle dialogue about controversial topics, such as race, gender and religion.
A06011 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions are unethical to the economies of smaller, underdeveloped countries.
A06012 usa train We should ban naturopathy in favor of We should ban naturopathy since currently it's a field that has very little supervision, and the results of people believing and using it could be devastating to their health and to society as a whole.
A06013 usa train Surrogacy should be banned in favor of a surrogate carrying a baby could try to keep it since they gave birth to it.
A06014 usa train Social media brings more harm than good against social media itself is not the cause of the negative consequences, it is human nature. the platform merely provides unrivaled access to information and potential connections with other people
A06015 usa train We should ban the use of child actors in favor of we should ban the use of child actors since it puts so much pressure on them. they should be growing up with a stable life and just enjoy being a kid.
A06016 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of if everyone had to use a public defender, it would be fairer as their representation would not be dependent on their income.
A06019 usa train We should legalize prostitution in favor of prostitution should be legal as it can be controlled & monitored easier & be less dangerous
A06020 usa train We should cancel pride parades against pride marches are a crucial part of gay visibility and the fight for equality. ensuring that the fight against injustice continues, especially in countries where homosexuality is still a criminal offense.
A07001 usa train We should cancel pride parades against pride parades allow people to make connections and widen their social circles.
A07002 usa train We should end affirmative action in favor of we should end affirmative action because it is a way of reverse discrimination because it still singles out certain people and groups
A07003 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads against any system that rewards parenthood is often abused by lower income families and this leads to more systemic and societal failure.
A07004 usa train We should prohibit women in combat in favor of women do not have the physical abilities that men do, which are necessary in life or death combat situations
A07008 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions are used to bully other nations to act in your own interest, by harming the innocent citizens no less
A07009 usa train We should ban private military companies in favor of only governments can be trusted with armies so we should ban private military companies.
A07010 usa train We should legalize prostitution against it sets a bad example for younger generation and takes them away from the ethics of the society
A07011 usa train We should subsidize space exploration against there are much more important things to spend money on; space exploration is a low priority and should not be subsidized
A07012 usa train We should subsidize journalism in favor of journalism is more important than ever in an era of fake news and social media.
A07013 usa train Payday loans should be banned against a payday loan company serves the public. they allow people that need their money now without waiting for the paycheck. if people want to use these companies why should we stop them..
A07014 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of we should abolish the olympic games because bring together different nations with radically different governments is dangerous.
A07015 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of most of the time a child put into foster care gets separated from their siblings.
A07016 usa train We should ban factory farming in favor of factory farming treats animals inhumanely, which is wrong and immoral.
A07018 usa train We should prohibit school prayer in favor of we need to prohibit school prayer, as not all people agree with it and it should not be forced on anyone
A07019 usa train We should end mandatory retirement against Setting a mandatory retirement age allows for the younger generations to move up the ladder and to better support their own families.
A07020 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games encourage animosity between countries
A07021 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime against austerity only leads to economic contraction that endangers the chance of reducing the debt.
A07022 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language in favor of there are far more than two genders today, and thus, gender-neutral language only makes sense.
A07023 usa train We should abolish safe spaces in favor of safe places are not needed. people need to adjust to the world in which they live in and stop trying to always seek protection from the things they don't like.
A07024 usa train Payday loans should be banned against sometimes people need these emergency funds when they have no other available options.
A07025 usa train We should abolish capital punishment in favor of there are too many historical cases where innocent people have been put to death.
A07026 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of multi-party systems offer voters more choices and more representation.
A07027 usa train Social media brings more harm than good against social media connects family members from around the world.
A07028 usa train We should legalize polygamy in favor of polygamy is a functional arrangement for many people and should not be against the law.
A07029 usa train Surrogacy should be banned against sometimes the only way that people can have children of their own is by having a surrogate to carry the child.
A07030 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of this is a constitutional right under the 6th amendment so yes, it absolutely should be mandatory to protect this important right to defence
A07031 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights against we cannot abolish intellectual property rights because artists and scientists need to have their ideas and innovations protected so that they can earn a living in their fields
A07032 usa train We should legalize prostitution in favor of with so much sexual freedom these days prostitution should now be legal.
A07033 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of they can cause accidents if the equipment fails.
A07034 usa train We should legalize cannabis against cannabis especially the skunk variety can be very harmful to people and can lead on to them using harder drugs so therefore it should be illegal.
A07035 usa train We should fight urbanization against urbanization will increase available housing which we need.
A07037 usa train We should ban fast food against we all have the right to eat what we want, to prohibit a specific type of food is an abuse of power
A07038 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of Allowing students to make their own choices regarding the clothes they wear prepares them for the adult world.
A07040 usa train We should abandon marriage against children from parents who are committed to each other grow up to be more well adjusted
A07042 usa train Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment is sometimes a necessary tool to get the needed proof of criminal activity.
A07043 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery in favor of cosmetic surgery exists for vanity purposes doctors who offer the service should focus on treating people with real illnesses
A07044 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of the church of scientology is a cult that is harming society.
A07045 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia against there is no need to subsidize a site that isn't necessary
A07046 usa train We should adopt libertarianism against We should not adopt libertarianism because we need the government to provide essential services that are unprofitable.
A07048 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads in favor of by subsidizing stay at home dads you are allowing them to form a bond with their child that they would never be able to have and still allow them enough money to supply their basic needs.
A07049 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against the right to keep and bear arms is protected by our government and should be like that so people can defend their self.
A07050 usa train We should legalize cannabis in favor of cannabis should be legalized because it is no worse than alchohol.
A07051 usa train We should cancel pride parades against we should continue to support pride parades because everyone has the right to do what they want as long as it does not harm others.
A07052 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests help teachers and other school staff identify in where a student, or a whole group, is deficient.
A07053 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading against we should continue to support algorithmic trading as it gives orders a jump start rather than waiting until the complete order has been produced.
A07054 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of if we end economic sanctions, then it would lead to a more fair trade market.
A07055 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform against school uniforms are a good way to keep our kids from looking too sexualized from what they wear
A07056 usa train We should prohibit flag burning in favor of flag burning is disruptive to civil peace.
A07058 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of the church of scientology is a predatory, litigation-happy organization that serves no good purpose in the world.
A07059 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of animals in zoos have been repeatedly found to be malnourished and mistreated.
A07060 usa train We should legalize organ trade in favor of Organ sales increase the likelihood that people with rare blood types or conditions can find an organ.
A07061 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against the right to bear arms is a fundamental right since the creation of this country, and should be protected.
A07062 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against the number of fatalities that can be prevented with autonomous cars makes the development a moral imperative.
A07063 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system against adopting a multi-party system leads to the formation weak and unstable coalition governments
A07065 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy goes in accordance with their religion so it wouldn't make sense to abandon it
A07066 usa train We should ban the use of child actors against not all tv and movies is going to be adults only we need child actors to shows the world as it is
A07068 usa train We should limit executive compensation against executives provide profits to shareholders and should be compensated accordingly
A07069 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research against it is against certain religious beliefs and can be seen as immoral
A07070 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of blockading the gaza strip is no longer necessary as both sides have come to an agreement
A07071 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp in favor of Detainees at Guanatanamo Bay have been forced to endure cruel and humiliating treatment, such as waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and other physical abuse.
A07073 usa train We should ban the use of child actors against we should not ban the use of child actors because we would not have the shows and movies that are otherwise available.
A07074 usa train We should subsidize journalism in favor of Non-trustworthy news sources and fake news stories abound. We must subsidize investigative journalism in order to ensure we have reliable news sources that report real facts.
A07075 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against We should not ban cosmetic surgery for minors because there are legitimate cases when it would improve a young person's mental health.
A07076 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of bullies should not be given second chances. being victim to school bullying is a major risk factor for developing mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts.
A07077 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime would eliminate the national debt by directing money to where it really needs to go.
A07078 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against if to a reasonable degree of medical certainty the medical condition of a person is irreversible, it must have the right to terminate his life by requesting assistance without consequences for the fact.
A07079 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading gives people an unfair speed advantage over the rest of the field.
A07080 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws against if someone hasn't learned by the first two chances then they aren't going to stop committing crimes. it makes more sense to lock them away than to let them keep committing crimes against the population.
A07081 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people should be free to believe what they want to believe about it.
A07082 usa train We should adopt libertarianism against we should not adopt libertarianism because it will allow people to take advantage of the freedoms and eventually infringe on other people's freedoms.
A07084 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of the abolition of nuclear weapons is a hugely important goal on the path to world peace.
A07085 usa train Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy provides a family with a child and nothing is better than that
A07086 usa train Social media brings more harm than good against when a child has gone missing, posting a picture helps to find the child.
A07087 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting against every individual should be able to choose whether or not they want to vote
A07088 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people have freedom of speech, and ignorance does not equal a criminal offense. if that was true, too many people would be criminals based on the amoint of ignorance out there.
A07089 usa train We should ban telemarketing against banning telemarketing has no approval anywhere as customers will not be able to see new products available to buy.
A07090 usa train We should ban naturopathy against if people choose naturopathy over conventional medicine, that is their right. medical care can not be forced on anyone.
A07092 usa train We should prohibit school prayer in favor of we have seperation of church and state for a reason. schools are a government entity that is not suppose to be involved with, or support, any particular religion and the two need to stay seperate.
A07093 usa train We should ban human cloning against though it may sound awful, human cloning can provide perfect matches for organ transplants and prolong the lives of people.
A07094 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of we should abolish intellectual property rights to break to the barriers if innovation, barring people from building on and improving ideas is counter productive
A07096 usa train We should ban telemarketing in favor of yes ban it, if i wanted to buy something i would know where to look for it without being bothered with constant calls
A07097 usa train We should ban whaling against whaling is an important part of the diet, tradition and economies of many countries, and it is not our place to dictate terms as outsiders to their culture.
A07098 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of wikipedia is valuable knowledge resource that should not be allowed to go under due to lack of resources and so should be subsidized
A07099 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care can fail to meet the needs of children.
A07100 usa train We should end racial profiling in favor of people should not be subject to random police searches just because of the colour of their skin
A08001 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of a zero tolerance policy will scare the children into behaving and following the rules.
A08002 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial should be a offence as this was a heinous act that was committed against the jews and its deeply offensive for the jewish community that some people deny it occurred.
A08003 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology against people have to right to their own religious beliefs, no matter how odd others find it
A08004 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of killing innocent people, including kids for years must be stopped and all world should be ashamed to watch and to know that and do nothing.
A08005 usa train We should adopt libertarianism in favor of our country need to adopt the less intervention supported by libertarianism. people need to make their own choice and be responsible for the outcome.
A08007 usa train We should adopt libertarianism in favor of libertarianism is the true path to real freedom and autonomy for all
A08008 usa train Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment should be legalized because it can be useful to weed out all the criminals. if you are entrapped, your true self will show if you commit a crime.
A08009 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against the right to carry firearms is a legal deterrent for politicians with tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies
A08011 usa train We should abolish safe spaces in favor of safe spaces are for people who don't like to talk about the issues in a civilized manner
A08012 usa train We should ban human cloning in favor of humans don't have the right to play god with genetics
A08013 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms in favor of Firearms are typically far more dangerous to the owner and his/her family than any intruder, due to misuse, murder, and suicide.
A08014 usa train We should end mandatory retirement against Without a mandatory retirement age available to the employer, dismissal procedures would be likely to begin earlier
A08016 usa train We should legalize cannabis against we should not legalize cannabis then more children will get a hold of it
A08018 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms in favor of the right to keep and bear arms should be abolished because too many people die from gun violence in america.
A08019 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of the school uniform is outdated and takes away individual personalities.
A08020 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of three strike laws perpetuate the for profit prison industrial complex and don't actually address the underlying issues driving people to commit crimes
A09001 usa train We should ban fast food in favor of is leading to increased obesity and many health problems.
A09002 usa train We should legalize cannabis in favor of as a non-addictive natural substance that is less harmful than currently legal ones such as tobacco and alcohol, it seems that cannabis is still illegal simply due to old prejudices.
A09003 usa train We should ban the use of child actors against we must not prohibit the use of child actors because it goes against the right to work. children under the supervision of their parents can develop their artistic talent without affecting their personal growth
A09004 usa train We should ban fast food against fast food is great when you need a quick meal on the run and it is more nutritious than snacking on chocolate bars or unhealthy snacks.
A09005 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology against people should be allowed to join any club, cult, religious group they want. the government should not have a say in what an individual wants to participate in.
A09006 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against we shouldn't abolish the right to keep and bear arms because it can help stop mass shootings if everyone has a gun
A09007 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language against language changes cannot be legislated, they evolve spontaneously over time. if people want to use gender-neutral language, it will slowly become part of their vocabulary
A09008 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading against if people want to use it then it is their choice
A09009 usa train We should legalize organ trade against we should not legalize organ trade because then people would be selling their organs just for money
A09011 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of Three strikes laws often punish those who have been pushed into crime by their socioeconomic background, which is unjust.
A09012 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against we need to keep our country safe and protected
A09013 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against autonomous cars offer the opportunity for people to spend more time on the things they enjoy doing during their commute rather than having to concentrate.
A09015 usa train We should adopt libertarianism against libertarianism doesn't account for obvious public needs that are better served through collective action rather than each individual competing for resources.
A09016 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence test can cause certain students to be pigeon holed and cause them to have low opinions of themselves because they can not score as high as others.
A09017 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of the church of scientology encourages the isolation of it's members. this may lead to some members essentially being help against their will.
A09019 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of no matter how much suffering we have in life nothing justifies death in the same way i think that a sick person is not in the capacity of whether he wants to live or not
A09020 usa train We should end racial profiling against racial profiling is often used in places where it makes sense. there's no need to stop it because it does actually work.
A09021 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of providing subsidies would allow more money to be spent on the editing process thus making wikepedia a more reliable source of information
A09022 usa train We should abolish safe spaces in favor of safe spaces only shield people from the realities of the world and thus leave them unprepared.
A09023 usa train We should ban the use of child actors in favor of the world of acting is a high pressure, extremely stressful place and children should be protected from it.
A09024 usa train We should ban whaling against if people can get food and other products from whaling that helps sustain them, then it shouldn't be banned.
A09026 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights against intellectual property rights enable people to benefit from what they worked so hard to achieve.
A09027 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime against we should not adopt an austerity regime because people would end up with less money to pay the same amount of bills with.
A09028 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language in favor of many people do not feel comfortable with their gender and feel offended when we use inappropriate words
A09029 usa train We should ban private military companies in favor of private military companies should be banned because it is immoral to make money off of war
A09030 usa train We should abolish safe spaces in favor of people need to grow up and realise the world is a hard place
A09031 usa train We should legalize prostitution in favor of Legalizing prostitution would make the profession less dangerous and less hazardous to one's health.
A09032 usa train We should prohibit flag burning against We should not prohibit flag burning because expressing political opinions is protected speech in liberal democratic countries.
A09035 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games against The Olympic games provides jobs and is a boost for the economy in the host country.
A09036 usa train We should ban factory farming against factory farming helps to produce meat at a lower cost thus enabling those on a lower income to be able to purchase meats.
A09037 usa train We should prohibit school prayer against in today's hectic fast-paced society, it is freeing to take time to sit quietly and pray. it should be encouraged in our schools.
A09038 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of we should introduce compulsory voting as all citizens need to have their voices heard to make the outcomes of elections more credible and truly representative of the whole population.
A09040 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of Children are not able to consent or conceptualize permanent changes which result from cosmetic surgery.
A09041 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of The use of public defenders should be mandatory because it would end the two-tier system where some people get excellent private defenders and some get low quality public defenders.
A09042 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against the zero-tolerance policy is not a good thing at all , kids getting punished for their actions and humiliated in front of a audience is really not the great thing to do.
A09043 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions hurt the poorest people of a nation
A09044 usa train We should legalize polygamy against polygamy errodes the traditional family unit, which for those who find security in traditional values may be destabilising and worrying.
A09045 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions against economic sanctions can be very effective in bringing about social change
A09046 usa train We should end mandatory retirement in favor of mandatory retirement should be ended as it is unfair on older people.
A09047 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against Assisted suicide should be an individual's choice and personal freedom
A09048 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of In multi-party systems, there are many types of ideologies - as opposed to two-party systems, where the nation is not divided into two rival groups.
A09049 usa train We should prohibit women in combat in favor of women and men serving in the same units on the front line can cause many problems. if romantic relations occur this can cause a distraction on the battlefield and disrupt teamwork if there is a falling out.
A09050 usa train Surrogacy should be banned in favor of Surrogacy for money is effectively the sale of children.
A09051 usa train We should abolish capital punishment in favor of recent dna evidence have proved that some death penalty inmates to be innocent. executing one innocent person is an enough proof that the capital punishment should be abolished.
A09052 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy, and those who choose to make that vow, should be respected. it should be a matter of individual choice for the individual.
A09053 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against autonomous cars can make trips more relaxing and help the traveler arrive refreshed and happy. it can also eliminate road rage.
A09054 usa train We should abandon marriage against marriage is a needed contract that happens when two people decide to combine their lives and all parts of it.
A09055 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp against we need a place that is not on our homeland to hold these dangerous terrorists.
A09056 usa train We should abandon marriage against the legality of marriage helps with health care and government benefits,
A09057 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Unlike orphanages in which siblings can largely stay together with the hope of being adopted together, the foster care splits siblings up based on available homes and does very little to try and reunite families.
A09058 usa train We should ban human cloning in favor of WE SHOuld ban human cloning because it causes huge issues in terms of rights and ownership
A09059 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of clergy should have the option to marry and have a family like everyone else
A09060 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games against The Olympic Games allow for countries around the world to compete in friendly competition and is a healthy outlet for national pride.
A09063 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform against researchers found that in schools across the world with uniform policies students are more disciplined and concentrated
A09064 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of abolishing the three strikes law would save money
A09065 usa train Social media brings more harm than good against social media has some harms but brings more good. it makes people happy, otherwise they wouldn't use it. also, it allows people to connect from all around the world which increases social awareness.
A09066 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against iq tests are great for determining how smart a person is. this not only helps with getting into colleges and jobs but a person with a low iq can show that they are a prime candidate for public assistance.
A09067 usa train We should abolish capital punishment in favor of capital punishment should be removed from society as it is a backwards and medieval solution to crime that has no place in a modern society.
A09068 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people have the right to think what they'd like.
A09070 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against they serve as a deterant for any rogue dictator to strike an enemy
A09071 usa train We should limit executive compensation in favor of executive compensation should be limited in order to narrow the wage gap between c-level employees and line workers
A09072 usa train We should subsidize journalism against state subsidy of journalism would threaten the independence and objectivity of any such reporting. what journalist is going to bite the hand that feeds them?
A09073 usa train We should abolish zoos against Zoos are a great and cheap way for children to learn about animals from all over the world.
A09074 usa train We should fight urbanization against we need to leave urbanization as is at let rural areas expand so that we have enough crops to support the increasing number of humans.
A09075 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads in favor of encouraging dads to play a more active role in family life can only be a good thing for society.
A09076 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery against Cosmetic surgery is important to repair damaged skin or member of people involved in an accident. This will help them regain confidence and live their life fully
A09078 usa train We should ban naturopathy in favor of naturopathy can have side effects and some natural remedies may interfere with prescription medications. as it is not science-based, the side effects and risks associated with it have not been researched.
A09079 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights against a person uses his imagination and hard work to write as book or music. they should be able to benefit from their work. it should not be in the public domain.
A09080 usa train We should cancel pride parades against pride parades are a platforms for minority groups to spread awareness about discrimination and abuse
A09082 usa train We should ban factory farming in favor of Animals should not have to suffer to save a few dollars. Businesses need to have better morals and treating animals with care should be a top priority regardless of the cost. It also hurts small farmers.
A09083 usa train We should ban telemarketing in favor of telemarketing preys on people who are vulnerable and easily conned, such as the elderly.
A09084 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against ending the blockade of the gaza strip will only serve to destabilize the region further.
A09085 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research against we should not subsidize embryonic stem cell research because it can harm life of a person once it is not done successfully
A09086 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading against algorithmic trading provides people with more opportunities when it comes to trading.
A09087 usa train Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment convinces people to commit a crime when they normally wouldn't and should not be legal.
A09089 usa train We should legalize organ trade in favor of legalizing organ trade would being about more healthy organs and tissue for transplanting then currently is available.
A09090 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of these payday loan places prey on poor people and situations where they can charge more.
A09091 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of living within one's fiscal means is important
A09092 usa train Surrogacy should be banned against Surrogacy is the only way that some couples will ever be able to have a child.
A09093 usa train We should end mandatory retirement in favor of You do not become unqualified for a job simply because you reach retirement age.
A09094 usa train We should adopt libertarianism in favor of we should adopt libertarianism because it cause less outside interference in your personal life
A09095 usa train We should end affirmative action in favor of affirmative action can lead to people getting jobs that they are not fully ready to do as they were given opportunities due to specific creteria that are unrelated to the job such as skin colour.
A09096 usa train We should subsidize space exploration against space exploration is a waste of money that could be used to feed people
A09097 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against people have a right to be able to defend themselves and their loved ones
A10001 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of any type of helping kill someone is murder even if the person wishes to die. therefore it should be punished by law
A10002 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of minors are too young to know what they are doing so make them wait until they are adults and better able to make these types of decisions
A10003 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of we should end all economic sanctions because they cause harm to both countries by preventing free trade which in turn will cause an economic downturn.
A10004 usa train We should subsidize journalism against aren't subsidies opening the door for manipulating journalists and inducing media bias in favor of the government?
A10005 usa train We should ban fast food in favor of fast foods are extremely high in calories, and it's easy for a person to exceed the recommended number of calories when they eat fast foods
A10006 usa train Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is wrong because it turns non-criminals into criminals.
A10007 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against minors should be allowed to have cosmetic surgery as long as their parents help make the decision. some cosmetic surgery would make a child with a deformity have better self esteem.
A10008 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of public defenders should be available to everyone and mandatory to use. they conform more to the laws in place and are impartial in the criminal procedures
A10009 usa train We should legalize cannabis against Despite the propaganda, marijuana is actually more addictive than alcohol, the latter of which can be occasionally.
A10010 usa train Social media brings more harm than good against social media helps in fast dessimination of vital information across to people all over the world.
A10012 usa train We should abolish zoos against they should not abolish zoos since many are in danger of extinction, which need strategic places for scientific study or the collection of funds to finance projects.
A10013 usa train We should abolish capital punishment in favor of capital punishment is seen as a cruel and inhumane way of treating prisoners.
A10014 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of zero-tolerance policies keep schools safer by immediately removing the problem
A10015 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against the right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in the constitution and cannot be infringed on or revoked - this would dilute the importance and sanctity of other doctrines.
A10017 usa train We should ban the use of child actors against we shouldn't ban the use of child actors because it is a way for children to find a career early in their life
A10018 usa train We should end mandatory retirement in favor of some older workers love their job and would be devastated to be forced to stop working
A10019 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial should be a criminal offence because it encourages discrimination, abuse and violence against jews.
A10020 usa train We should abolish capital punishment against capital punishment is a real deterant to crime and should not be abolished.
A12002 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against minors should be allowed plastic surgery, so long as they get consent from their parents and the plastic surgeon.
A12004 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions is bullying and it will not result in the country complying or changing their policies.
A12005 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of There is no justification for mass destruction. Therefore, nuclear weapons are inherently immoral. Same as private persons should not be able to own assault weapons, the states should be barred from creating and owning nuclear weapons.
A12006 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of the church of scientology is a dangerous cult that has caused psychological harm to some of its members and has held some members against their will
A12007 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of without being able to completely erradicate drug taking the olympic games is not an accurate representation of the skill of the sportsmen, making it an outdated and irrelevant competition.
A12008 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of no one wins with nuclear weapons. if two or more countries nuked each other parts of, if not all of, the entire world is just gone. it destroys everything and solves nothing.
A12009 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of children raised in foster care don't have the love of a mom and dad
A12010 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system against multi-party systems slow down what gets done because we have too many different sides trying to come to an agreement
A12011 usa train We should legalize polygamy against children could be affected because the father could not offer quality time by dividing into several homes
A12013 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp against Guantanamo Bay is, overall, a net positive in the fight on terrorism. We should not close something that works because of a few instances of bad treatment.
A12014 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting against not everyone has a strong opinion on every topic. those who choose not to participate should have the freedom not to.
A12015 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research in favor of embryonic stem cell research helps to provide innovations in cancer treatment as well as help in the treatment of patient's with diseases such as parkinson's disease, subsidizing would allow for more funding.
A12016 usa train We should end mandatory retirement against mandatory retirement creates employment opportunities for the younger generation of workers, who would otherwise be increasingly shunted out.
A12017 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade prevents free access to the citizens, preventing necessary aid to the people, causing dire living conditions and severe economic detriments.
A12019 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games against the olympics have long been the goal for athletes to aim for to be the very best so abolishing the games would take away their dreams and ambitions.
A12020 usa train We should end affirmative action in favor of we should end affirmative action since it unfairly promotes people based on their minority instead of promoting people more suited for the job. it's reverse discrimination.
A12021 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Murder is murder no matter the circumstances
A12024 usa train We should legalize organ trade in favor of people should be allowed to get organs from other countries by buying them if the wait list for their transplant is too long and they are at risk of dying.
A12025 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of nuclear weapons are destructive and unnecessary
A12026 usa train We should ban human cloning against we should allow human cloning as this will be beneficial to scientific advances in the future.
A12027 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against in the united states of america we believe in free speech and any person is allowed to believe what they choose to.
A12028 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights against Intellectual property rights keep people from stealing others' ideas and selling them as their own.
A12029 usa train Payday loans should be banned against payday loans provide needed finance those those who need it most
A12030 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games are usually a drain on the economy of the host city
A12031 usa train We should cancel pride parades in favor of there are things at pride parades that young children should not see, regardless of one's sexual preferences.
A12032 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against students should be able to state their opinions and by so learn to mature. by punishing at first sign of disobedience we are just have conformity not learning.
A12033 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of mandatory use of public defenders makes it more likely that a defendant will have a fair trial.
A12034 usa train We should end racial profiling in favor of We should end racial profiling as it is disgraceful in this day and age to presume that someone might be guilty of something just because of their skin colour.
A12035 usa train We should fight urbanization against urbanization helps poorer people in rural areas who lack the resources they need to survive. urbanization eliminates the obstacles such as transportation, medical care access.
A12036 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading against ai is the future and algorithmic trading is simply a form of ai that makes the most of trading opportunities which will be the norm in the not to distant future.
A12037 usa train We should cancel pride parades against pride parades are important to understanding others
A12038 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of Zoos are too small and do not provide animals with the space and habitat that they are born to.
A12039 usa train We should ban the use of child actors in favor of we are exploiting the youth purely for entertainment
A12041 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy is an ancient law that is a cruel requirement defying a natural part of a human's life and often deters people from entering certain professions and this should be abandoned.
A12042 usa train We should abolish safe spaces in favor of we should abolish safe spaces because those who are easily offended need to grow up
A12043 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of we should abandon the use of school uniform because people need to be free to express their thoughts on clothing
A12045 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory against people have the right to hire an attorney they can trust that will do a very thorough job and defend them in this process. public defenders might not hold the best skills to defend a person in court.
A12046 usa train We should ban factory farming against factory farming is efficient and lowers food production costs.
A12047 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday lenders charge exorbitant interest rates which result in the borrower's financial situation getting much worse and the lenders prey on these desperate people
A12048 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of not allowing a public defender for less well of defendants who do not meet the income requirements of the poor will make these people poor with outside legal fees.
A12049 usa train We should limit executive compensation against we should not limit executive compensation because it is their company that they started, they have a right to the profits.
A12050 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of Allowing cosmetic surgery for minors makes it easy for minors to pressure well-intentioned parents even if it is objectively a bad decision. A ban prevents parents from being put in this situation.
A12051 usa train We should ban human cloning in favor of this is a slippery slope and cloning could be used for terrible purposes. it is dangerous to open this door.
A12053 usa train We should ban factory farming against we should not ban factory farming because it helps to keep up with demand for food.
A12054 usa train We should abandon marriage in favor of We should abandon marriage as with divorce rates so high it is clear that is has become an outmoded concept.
A12055 usa train Entrapment should be legalized against using entrapment to catch people in the act of committing a crime shouldn't be legal because it forces people into a situation.
A12056 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of the mandatory use of public defenders will bring a more consistent judicial system
A12057 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language in favor of gender-neutral language is simply a natural progression in a society based on sexual equality - there is no reason for textual dominance, and such neutrality serves to gradually temper preconceptions.
A12058 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research in favor of we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research because it is necessary for the betterment of the human race. we may find cures for aging, diseases, or create new stronger genes.
A12059 usa train We should prohibit school prayer in favor of Schools now contain students of all religions and of none, by forcing these students to pray in schools you are infringing on their human rights, prayer is personal not public in school.
A12060 usa train We should end mandatory retirement against a mandatory retirement age helps employers regularly refresh the workforce with fresh talent
A12062 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offence because it could force some doctors to perform this act without their consent
A12063 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of austerity regimes provide an avenue for the government to balance up financial deficits and save the country from economic collapse
A12064 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research in favor of supporting embryonic stem cell research is important because it is the future of medicine and it can help scientists to find new cures for diseases.
A12065 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of they can be more dangerous than human drivers
A12066 usa train We should ban human cloning against human cloning gives the chance for individuals to have a child that might not otherwise be able to
A12067 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of zoos should be abolished so that animals can thrive in a setting that allows them to roam free
A12070 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade of the gaza strip only serves to harm innocents who happen to live in the area.
A12071 usa train We should ban whaling against whaling should be allowed when it will help to revive dwindling fish populations.
A12072 usa train We should subsidize space exploration in favor of space exploration is the next frontier.
A12073 usa train We should end racial profiling in favor of racial profiling encourages the reinforcement of stereotypes and can lead to minorities being unfairly targeted.
A12074 usa train We should ban naturopathy against there is nothing wrong with seeking more natural remedies than relying on harmful and addictive pharmaceutical drugs.
A12075 usa train We should end mandatory retirement against mandatory retirement is needed to keep businesses new and fresh with innovation from the younger generation.
A12076 usa train We should abolish capital punishment in favor of There is ample evidence showing that capital punishment does not constitute effective deterrence.
A12078 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of even if an algorithm can react quicker than a person, it can't predict markets accurately
A12080 usa train We should prohibit school prayer against EVERYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO PRAY IF THEY WANT TO WEATHER IN SCHOOL OR IN A CHURCH
A12081 usa train We should end affirmative action against affirmative action should not be ended because discrimination against people from minority backgrounds still exists
A12082 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of wikipedia is a wonderful source of information for students and adults alike.
A12083 usa train We should ban telemarketing against telemarketing shouldn't be banned, this is a free country and people have the right to call others and solicit items.
A12084 usa train We should end racial profiling in favor of racial profiling is wrong, everyone should be treated the same, no matter of their race
A12086 usa train We should subsidize space exploration against we should not subsidize space exploration because there are far more important things to spend public money on closer to home such as healthcare, education and transport infrastructure
A12087 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of a multi-party system allows for more options and candidates that are more in line with certain populations as not everyone has the same political views.
A12088 usa train We should abolish capital punishment in favor of The death penalty is an old-fashioned, outdated, inhumane practice and must be abolished
A12089 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of we should abolish zoos because it dangerous and not good for the animals to be out of their natural habitat just for the purpose of human entertainment
A12091 usa train Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media has been weaponized by our adversaries to sow division and cause chaos
A12092 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of it can be expensive to maintain property rights and therefore it should be abolished so that everyone has an even chance.
A12093 usa train We should end racial profiling in favor of racial profiling should be stopped as it presupposes a criminal intent in a group of people without evidence.
A12094 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading against algorithmic trading allows for greater numbers of trades to happen, getting more people involved in the economy
A12095 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games against the olympic games offer a friendly competition meeting where the best athletes around the world can come together to celebrate the best of human physical achievement.
A12096 usa train We should subsidize journalism against when you subsidize journalism you are making the reporting agency less likely to report anything bad about the place that is providing the funding. therefore you are getting less accurate news.
A12097 usa train Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is very important in helping couples who can't procreate have children.
A12098 usa train We should prohibit women in combat in favor of We should prohibit women from combat because even the fittest cannot be as physically strong as the men within their unit.
A12099 usa train We should end mandatory retirement against the companies that have the mandatory retirement policy maintain a rotation of employees fresher and updated with the new times
A12100 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform against pupils having to dress in school uniform means no one is singled out for not being able to afford expensive clothes.
A12101 usa train We should legalize polygamy against polygamy could be confusing for the children growing up in such relationships as they do not have one clear mother and father as their friends do.
A12102 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery in favor of cosmetic surgery has too many risks of something going wrong compared to the benefit of looking more aesthetically pleasing.
A12103 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans take advantage of people in desperate situations
A12104 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology against we shouldn't ban the church of scientology because it is a way to study the nature of life
A12105 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade of the gaza strip is a humanitarian crisis, with severe economic impacts.
A12106 usa train We should ban the use of child actors against child actors should be allowed to work and contribute their talents to society.
A12107 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games against the olympic games are a testament to the spirit of amateur athleticism.
A12109 usa train We should adopt libertarianism in favor of libertarianism removes the big brother tyranny of big government and allows more freedom for the people
A12110 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language against we shouldn't have to adopt a gender neutral language, i think people should just understand that people speak languages in different ways and they should be acceptable of that.
A12111 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading against algorithmic trading is cost effective because it is timely and accurate.
A12112 usa train We should ban fast food against we shouldn't ban fast food because it is an affordable option for people that might not be able to get hot food otherways.
A12113 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against every one has the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies, it isn't in our place to decide if cosmetic surgery is bad for minors.
A12114 usa train We should abandon marriage against it has been shown that children raised by both their biological parents tend to fare better.
A12116 usa train We should legalize cannabis against The Highway Loss Data Institute found an increased collision and crash risk in legal marijuana states
A12117 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of It would help people spend less money, which would be good for the economy.
A12118 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of nuclear weapons are very volatile and should be done away with.
A12119 usa train We should legalize organ trade against Selling organs is dangerous, leading to many deaths on the operating table.
A12120 usa train We should end racial profiling in favor of racial profiling is wrong on every level, judging someone on their actions because of preconceived ideas about their race or appearance leads to injustice all the time.
A12122 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against nuclear weapons help keep peace. it's an assurance policy. everyone knows that everyone loses if nuclear war breaks out. this keeps countries in line so as not to provoke a nuclear attack.
A12123 usa train We should abolish safe spaces against everyone needs a place where they can be accepted without judgment.
A12124 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions against economic sanctions work as intended and getting rid of them would make it more difficult to punish offending countries.
A12125 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade is a way to try to get hamas to stop fire rockets into israel
A12126 usa train We should legalize cannabis against cannabis has never been scientifically proven to help any conditions.
A12127 usa train We should prohibit women in combat against gender should not matter when it comes to combat. as long as proper physical and mental tests are in place that is all that should matter for selection.
A12128 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of intellectual property rights should be abolished since it doesn't allow the sharing of ideas
A12129 usa train We should legalize prostitution against prostitution is linked to many rapes, molestation and murders of young women.
A12130 usa train Entrapment should be legalized against it might lead to innocent people who couldn't resist temptation being prosecuted and sentenced.
A12131 usa train We should ban factory farming against factory farming reduces the cost of food
A12132 usa train We should subsidize space exploration in favor of we need to subsidize space exploration in order to find an inhabitable planet we can live on when we finally destroy the one we live on now.
A12133 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial spreads harmful misinformation that creates an unsafe environment for minorities, especially jewish people.
A12134 usa train We should end affirmative action in favor of affirmative action is no longer needed in today's society
A12135 usa train We should abolish capital punishment in favor of many innocent lives were being taken by this profoundly flawed practice
A12136 usa train We should abolish capital punishment against some people can not be rehabilitated and will only continue their violent acts unless they are put to death.
A12137 usa train We should abandon marriage against we should not abandon marriage because it is important and a union made between two people under god.
A12139 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests don't determine someone's real intellect. that is shown in their everyday lives.
A12140 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology against if people feel personal satisfaction within scientology, i do not see why we have to prohibit it.
A12141 usa train We should prohibit flag burning in favor of prohibiting flag burning is the right thing to do to respect our nation.
A12142 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp in favor of guantanamo bay should be closed because it violates human rights
A12144 usa train We should prohibit flag burning against everyone should have the right to their own freedom of speech, even if it means sending that message via a flag burning.
A12146 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of we should ban the church of scientology because they brainwash their members into giving them huge sums of money.
A12147 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of any argument that denies proven facts is classed as hate speech, not only is this toxic but it is also a verbal & mental attack, nobody seems to have this issue with the german's, so why is this any different?
A12148 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery against we should not ban cosmetic surgery because there are some people that are seriously need it done to improve their lifestyles
A12153 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests don't accurately measure intelligence because they are inherently biased towards the type of people who designed them
A12155 usa train We should ban human cloning in favor of human cloning is unethical and has repercussions that we do not even know yet.
A12156 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against autonomous cars would help people who are disabled be able to have their own transportation.
A12157 usa train We should ban the use of child actors in favor of child actors miss out on socialization with kids their own age and fall behind in school
A12158 usa train Social media brings more harm than good in favor of people are meaner to each other online because they can't see each other.
A12159 usa train We should prohibit women in combat in favor of an enemy can not attack to see that the opponent is a woman, an ally could act recklessly if the partner to save is a woman, as you see it is an abuse to the figure of the woman.
A12160 usa train We should end racial profiling in favor of it is a racist policy and should have no part in a civilized society
A12161 usa train We should abolish capital punishment against Capital punishment provides closure for victim's families who can be reassured that the perpetrator can literally never harm anyone again.
A12162 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform against school uniforms allow children to attend school without peer pressure on clothing.
A12163 usa train We should ban factory farming against factory farming has allowed the prices of food to drop drastically.
A12164 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws against a criminal will think twice about committing a crime knowing that the next crime he commits might mean life imprisonment.
A12165 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good against saving a child life and giving the options in their life, bringing the safe and prosper future to the kid and making him as a valued citizen.
A12166 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading against algorithmic trading is faster and more accurate than human guesswork and so provides greater value to shareholders.
A12167 usa train We should ban private military companies against the state can not have exclusivity in the creation of weapons, leaving aside private capital as a source of technological innovations for our defense
A12168 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads in favor of by subsidizing stay-at-home dads we will improve the quality of the family life, giving the women a right to pursue a career
A12170 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of children's brains have not matured and developed enough to make life long choices with regards to under going cosmetic surgery.
A12171 usa train We should legalize prostitution against legalising prostitution could lead to more serious crimes such as women becoming involved in the drug trade or people trafficking.
A12173 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language in favor of With genders now being more equal than ever, and gender neutrality growing exponentially the old gendered language is just a historic anachronism.
A12174 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of it is unfair to convict someone for a third crime that isn't dependent of the crime's magnitude
A12175 usa train We should cancel pride parades against pride parades are a necessary step towards bringing awareness to the world that all human beings deserve respect and acceptance.
A12176 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests are there to recognize kids who are smarter and to be given proper chance.
A12177 usa train We should abolish safe spaces against safe spaces are essential to people struggling its mental health problems and getting rid of them would increase their likelihood of abusing drugs to cope.
A12178 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of IQ tests can make test-takers discouraged if they receive a bad score. They may not make an effort to succeed, since they already expect to fail.
A12179 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights against having intellectual property rights is a deterrent for those that would steal another persons ideas and creations so we must not abolish that.
A12180 usa train We should prohibit flag burning against one of the greatest things about this country is freedom of speech. all should be allowed to express themselves, even if what they do makes some unhappy or uncomfortable.
A12181 usa train We should abolish safe spaces in favor of We should abolish safe spaces because they put public funding for universities at risk, due to backlash from right wing legislatures.
A12182 usa train We should ban the use of child actors in favor of making a child work as an actor deprives them of childhood experiences and interactions.
A12184 usa train We should legalize prostitution in favor of if prostitution was legal then the people would be able to be better protected and diseases could be controlled more.
A12185 usa train We should ban private military companies in favor of private military companies should be banned as they are not subject to military laws
A12187 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system against amulti-party system can lead to unstable coalitions in order to get into power
A12188 usa train We should ban factory farming in favor of factory farming should be banned as the animals in these farms are held in bad conditions.
A12190 usa train We should legalize polygamy against we should not legalize polygamy because marriage is between two people and not any more.
A12191 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions against economic sanctions make items made in foreign countries and shipped here more affordable for struggling americans.
A12192 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory against the government has enough obligations without having to provide court services
A12193 usa train Surrogacy should be banned in favor of there is too much potential for exploitation and abuse to allow surrogacy to continue
A12194 usa train We should ban human cloning against cloning humans can allow us to advance science and medicine in ways which could save millions of lives by producing organs, stem cells, etc., for those in need.
A12195 usa train We should ban factory farming in favor of factory farming creates health hazards and leads to an increase in pollution. overall it is bad for the environment
A12197 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of with the sexual revolution, the vow of celibacy is outdated and has little value in today's society.
A12198 usa train Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy allows people to have the family they have always wanted. it isn't someone's fault they cannot reproduce and if they want to become a parent it is a good option.
A12201 usa train We should end affirmative action in favor of affirmative action should be ended because it devalues the achievements of people from minority backgrounds who have obtained their positions on merit alone
A12202 usa train We should legalize polygamy in favor of polygamy in itself does not harm anyone or have an affect on the wider community, so people should be free to live their lives as they wish.
A12204 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against abandoning the vow goes against many people's religious beliefs
A12205 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads against Stay-at-home moms have never been paid for their work, so why should stay-at-home dads be subsidized?
A12206 usa train We should ban whaling against whaling is part of a great number of cultures
A12208 usa train We should ban naturopathy in favor of allowing people to falsely believe things such as diet can cure their cancer causes them to pass away instead of seeking treatment that likely would have saved them.
A12209 usa train We should ban human cloning in favor of human cloning is very open to abuse and could be used for the wrong things
A12210 usa train We should abolish safe spaces in favor of safe spaces should be abolished as this it just makes our society weak.
A12211 usa train Entrapment should be legalized against Entrapment should not be legalized as it is an unfair way of dealing with people and puts them into false situations.
A12212 usa train We should ban fast food in favor of fast food is known to contain unhealthy fats and no necessary nutrients
A12214 usa train Social media brings more harm than good against social media is used to collect money for the needy, connect friends, and organize group events.
A12215 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of zoos force animals into an existence outside of their natural habitat for our viewing pleasure. it is not right to subject them to such an environment.
A12217 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of Cosmetic surgery promotes a capitalistic society that focuses on solving problems with money rather than personal acceptance.
A12218 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of zero-tolerance policies are helpful as they stop children misbehaving
A12219 usa train We should prohibit flag burning in favor of the flag is one of our most important patriotic symbols and any offense against you must be punished
A12220 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against people should be allowed to die with dignity if they choose to.
A12221 usa train We should ban whaling in favor of we should ban whaling because there is very little profit in the business and does nothing but kill fairly rare animals.
A12222 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system against too many choices in political parties separates people in a country instead of helping them to unite.
A12223 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language against we should not adopt gender-neutral language because no reason to change the way people have been speaking for hundreds of years
A12224 usa train We should ban factory farming against factory farming is necessary in our society as a way to control and protect the environment in which the animals are living so they are not subjected to disease and predators.
A12225 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care gives kids who would otherwise not have any parental figures in their lives have a chance at a somewhat normal life.
A12226 usa train We should legalize cannabis in favor of cannabis is no more harmful than cigarettes or alcohol, and no more addictive than the two.
A12228 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against autonomous cars will reduce the human margin of error to near zero and make for a safer commute.
A12229 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research against i don't think tax dollars should be going towards researching embryonic stem cells. there is much better usage for our money than that. we do not need to subsidize this.
A12230 usa train We should ban telemarketing in favor of telemarketing targets the weak and encourages them to buy what they can't afford.
A12231 usa train We should ban private military companies in favor of private military companies are a threat to our democracy and should not be tolerated anymore
A12232 usa train We should subsidize journalism in favor of journalism has been an important profession.
A12236 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of A multi-party system allows for greater choice in whom to vote for. It allows each citizen to vote for the party that best fits their beliefs and represents their ideology.
A12237 usa train We should legalize polygamy against We should not legalize polygamy because the government should keep out of any romantic relationships people have, even monogamous marriages.
A12238 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading against programmes will always evolve to make better use of trading practices, so holding people back from using algorithmic trading will only serve to slow down progress.
A12239 usa train We should cancel pride parades against gay people have suffered alot over the decades and should be entitled to have a parade celebrating their sexuality.
A12240 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language in favor of if everything was spoken about gender neutrally then no one would be offended.
A12241 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia against the open source nature of wikipedia means anyone can add gibberish and falsehood in its contents thereby making it unreliable.
A12243 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads in favor of DADS SHOULD BE ABLE TO STAY AT HOME WITH THEIR CHILDREN JUST AS MUCH AS MOTHERS
A12244 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against the ability to keep and use firearms is instrumental in a person's ability to persue safety, life and liberty
A12246 usa train We should abandon marriage in favor of A couple doesn't have to bind themselves legally to one another, by marrying, to prove their love.
A12247 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads in favor of stay-at-home dads provide care for their children but they still require an income since females who work are not paid as much as men in the same jobs
A12248 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the marriage would be a big distraction to priests and they should devote their life and time to god and preaching
A12249 usa train We should ban private military companies against private military companies provide additional soldiers in places where it is necessary
A12251 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of Adolescents can be very self-conscious about their appearance. If a student thinks their uniform is unflattering, it may cause them discomfort and embarrassment.
A12252 usa train We should legalize organ trade in favor of we should legalize organ trade because many people who are in need of organs have trouble getting good organs.
A12253 usa train We should ban private military companies against we should not ban private military companies because they protect people
A12254 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against People have the right to free speech even if their perspectives are vile and abhorrent. This means the state can't criminalize holocaust denial.
A12255 usa train We should prohibit women in combat against women can make a military contribution by serving in the military, allowing them the dignity of defending a country they love.
A12256 usa train We should ban fast food against banning fast food is an example of regulations which take away our right to freedom.
A12257 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms in favor of we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms as this right has gotten out of hand with too many mass shootings.
A12258 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games are too expensive to be held
A12259 usa train We should ban whaling in favor of whaling should be banned because it harms economic activity that's generated by whale watching
A12260 usa train We should end mandatory retirement against certain professions, such as police officer and air traffic controller, have mandatory retirement ages to ensure that the person who is responsible for the safety of others remains competent to do his job
A12261 usa train Payday loans should be banned against payday loans are the best alternative for those who can not maintain a bank account.
A12262 usa train We should adopt libertarianism in favor of libertarianism allows the expression of free will and would make society more interesting by allowing people to be as they truly are.
A12263 usa train We should end racial profiling against the truth remains that some races are more likely to commit certain crimes, such as terrorism, which justifies racial profiling.
A12265 usa train We should legalize cannabis in favor of bannabis should be legalized as it has been proven to have medical benefits that outweigh any negative effects. it will also remove it from the control of criminals and gangsters
A12266 usa train We should cancel pride parades against cancelling pride parades goes against what they stand for. those parades are vital for spreading acceptance.
A12267 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against when people are suffering, it is unfair to force them to continue to do so. if someone can assist them in ending the suffering, they should be able to.
A12268 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language against gender-neutral language will cause confusion if we don't know who is being referred to
A12269 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against it is unfair on those being bullied to punish them the same as you punish the bully
A12270 usa train We should fight urbanization in favor of because you have more people living in a smaller area the crime rate will be higher and the area less safe
A12271 usa train We should prohibit flag burning in favor of flag burning is wrong and goes against the morals of the usa.
A12273 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting against some people do not feel capable of exercising such a responsibility
A12274 usa train Social media brings more harm than good against social media is a wonderful thing. people have a chance to communicate with their favorite celebrities. they find new friendships, share life events, and have discussions about current events.
A12275 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of zoos trap animals into a meaningless life only to amuse human onlookers
A12276 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery in favor of cosmetic surgery is dangerous and should be banned.
A12277 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia against those authoring articles on wikipedia are not necessarily experts on the topic and there is risk of inaccurate information being broadcast.
A12278 usa train We should legalize organ trade against we would end up in bidding wars where only the rich could be helped
A12279 usa train We should ban human cloning in favor of we should ban human cloning because playing god can be dangerous.
A12280 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against international bodies demanding an end to the blockade are dismissing israel's sovereignty.
A12281 usa train We should prohibit women in combat against we should not prohibit women in combat because why would you deny someone who is willing to die for their country? a soldier is a soldier no matter what gender they are.
A12282 usa train We should fight urbanization against urbanization can help communities in many ways such as creating jobs and housing.
A12283 usa train We should limit executive compensation in favor of we should limit executive compensation for national ecomics
A12284 usa train We should ban naturopathy in favor of there is no scientific proof that naturopathy is safe.
A12286 usa train We should limit executive compensation in favor of CEO's make 100 times what an average worker make and they do not actually generate any capital.
A12287 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of turn out figures are unacceptably low, we need to motivate people to be active voters for a representative democracy
A12288 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of we should ban algorithmic trading because most people have no idea how it works and if it is good for them or not
A12289 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of zoos aren't all properly regulated and some animals are kept in appalling conditions they should be left in their natural environment
A12290 usa train Entrapment should be legalized in favor of when a person is entrapped, it is because they pose a danger to the community hence the need for it.
A12292 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against autonomous cars will allow people to do more instead of wasting time in traffic
A12293 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of compulsory voting would make the election practice fairer.
A12295 usa train We should ban fast food against fast food is good for busy people allowing the to pick up something to eat on the go.
A12296 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of it is often difficult to use a standard IQ test to measure the capabilities of people who communicate in a non-standard way
A12297 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of nuclear weapons create such irreversible damage that we should all agree to remove them as an option.
A12298 usa train We should ban fast food against Some fast food restaurants offer healthy alternatives and provide a quick , nutritious meal on-the-go.
A12299 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Allowing assisted suicide would enable greedy relatives to take advantage of ill relatives for their own financial gain
A12300 usa train We should ban whaling against most whaling is done under controlled situations, and is done for research purposes.
A12301 usa train We should abolish capital punishment against strict capital punishment brings justice and closure to the victim's family
A12302 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against zero tolerance leaves no room for individual cases where it may do more harm than good
A12303 usa train We should limit executive compensation in favor of excessive wages damage company profitabity and is an abuse of the shareholders
A12304 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of wikipedia is not free to run even if it is free to users. subsidization would help keep it free for users.
A12305 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games against the olympic games allow for true amateur athletes to live out their dreams.
A12306 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of killing another person is wrong and should be banned
A12307 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of it costs too much to build for the games and never use those buildings again
A12308 usa train We should legalize cannabis against sale of cannabis should not be legalized because it is a dangerous drug and as such is a public health concern
A12309 usa train Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is an unjust form of capturing criminals as it is tempting someone to do something wrong
A12310 usa train We should adopt libertarianism in favor of libertarianism promotes political freedom of choice as its core value, and is the ultimate expression of democracy.
A12311 usa train We should ban naturopathy in favor of the use of naturopathy may stop those seeking medical help who are in urgent need.
A12313 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade hurts Palestinian civilians that have nothing to do with Hamas and violence against Israel. It is unjust to punish civilians for the actions of terrorists.
A12315 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against as americans we are granted the right of due process. sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that must be taken into account.
A12316 usa train We should cancel pride parades in favor of parades bring in homophobic people that bully the members of the parade.
A12317 usa train We should ban private military companies against we shouldn't ban private military companies as they are doing a job and keeping people safe
A12318 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime is the most effective way to reduce the national debt.
A12319 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws against we shouldn't abolish the three strikes law because it is necessary to ensure society understands the ramifications of repeated ill behavior. three felonies is just about enough as far as i'm concerned.
A12320 usa train We should abolish zoos against zoos bring a lot of money in which can be spent on animal research and stop their extinction.
A12321 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests unfairly punish intelligent people who are not good test takers.
A12322 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language against we should not place any restrictions on freedom of speech, many of the restrictions are arbitrary and unnecessary such as the "gingerbread man" becoming the "gingerbread person"
A12323 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads against the public should not have to pay for other peoples life style choices
A12324 usa train We should prohibit women in combat against women want to defend their country.they should be allowed to fight in a battle to support their country and its cause.
A12325 usa train Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media has made it more difficult than ever for people to interact face to face.
A12326 usa train We should ban the use of child actors in favor of the use of child actors exploits a child and can have negative effects on them
A12327 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against we should not abolish the right to keep and bear arms because it is a constitutional right to own weapons to protect ourselves.
A12328 usa train We should ban telemarketing in favor of telemarketing is annoying for people as they do not request a phone call and vunerable people such as the elderly often feel threatened into taking part.
A12329 usa train We should abolish safe spaces against safe spaces allow individuals a place to feel comfortable without having to worry about feeling judged for who they are or whom they love.
A12330 usa train We should abolish safe spaces in favor of safe spaces equal non-free speech spaces and that is against the law.
A12332 usa train We should limit executive compensation against an executive has worked hard to get to that position through study and prior work experience. they should be compensated for their value to the company.
A12333 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of autonomous cars can be hacked and become a dangerous weapon for evil persons
A12334 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime against austerity regimes hurt the common man by reducing support for schools and health care.
A12335 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide is just another word for murder.
A12336 usa train We should legalize prostitution in favor of We should legalize prostitution since it should be out in the open. controlled and supervised- instead of hidden. this is most efficient way to improve sex workers conditions and pave their way to independence.
A12337 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of The possession of nuclear weapons is illegal under international humanitarian law.
A12338 usa train We should legalize polygamy in favor of polygamy allows for marriage among certain communities that have long practiced it for women who would otherwise be widowed or otherwise involuntarily single.
A12340 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of if we are talking about priests then nothing in the bible says holy men cannot take wives and have families and this a healthy thing for them.
A12341 usa train Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy can help lgbt couple have children.
A12343 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery in favor of plastic surgery can cause many complications and infections and does not address the underlying self esteem issues of the patient
A12344 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads against if parents can't afford for one to stay at home, they need to pay for childcare, not receive government help
A12345 usa train We should ban whaling in favor of whaling is wiping out species for little in return.
A12347 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads in favor of stay at home dads have grown so much because women like to get back into the workplace.
A12348 usa train We should subsidize journalism against subsidizing journalism could raise questions about bias and editorial independence.
A12349 usa train We should abolish safe spaces against safe spaces are necessary so that traditionally marginalised groups can interact freely without fear of harm and oppression.
A12351 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights against if we abolish the rights, then companies will stop developing products and ideas as they will know that there is no way they can make back the cost of r&d and so will run at losses
A12352 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of Three strikes laws are unnecessary because states already have ways of punishing recidivism more harshly.
A12353 usa train We should subsidize space exploration against space exploration doesn't have any immediate benefits for the general public
A12354 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade inspires increased terror attacks on the part of individuals enraged by the situation in Palestine.
A12355 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of we should subsidize wikipedia because wikipedia helps people to learn about any and everything they want to learn about.
A12356 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of all schools should adopt a zero-tolerance policy as kids need to know they can not act inappropriately at any given moment when in school.
A12357 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system against a multiparty system blurs the citizenship of a vision and model of country. we should not adopt a multiparty system because it would waste valuable time to agree
A12358 usa train We should abolish capital punishment against If capital punishment is unfairly applied we should focus on fixing that, not abolishing it entirely.
A12359 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy is needed to connect people on a mental plane rather than purely physical
A12360 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery against we should not ban cosmetic surgery because it could help a disfigured person regain confidence.
A12363 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people have a right to say and believe whatever they want. you can't criminalize people's thoughts.
A12364 usa train We should legalize cannabis in favor of Too much drugs depend on the availability of cannabis. legalizing it will make development of these drugs quicker
A12365 usa train We should subsidize journalism against we should not subsidize journalism because it is a poor use of public money when things like healthcare and education are short of funding
A12366 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of Right now people can essentially pay their way out of jail by hiring a fancy lawyer, if everyone has to use public defenders the rich and poor will be on a more even playing field.
A12367 usa train Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is hugely emotionally damaging on the birth mother, and is often only resorted to as a result of financial hardship.
A12368 usa train We should adopt libertarianism against We should not adopt libertarianism because people's lives are better when they know they have a social safety net to fall back on, and that they won't starve if they lose their job.
A12369 usa train We should subsidize journalism in favor of subsidizing journalism would bring more accurate reporting because it would allow for the hiring of more qualified reporters.
A12370 usa train Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy should be banned as it is put too much emotional drain on the individuals with high expectations that may or may not be possible to deliver.
A12372 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms in favor of gun violence is out of control and the only solution is to take away guns
A12374 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against the right to keep and bear arms is one of the tenets of our country
A12376 usa train We should ban whaling in favor of Whale meat has high levels of mercury and is unhealthy as part of a diet.
A12377 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of zero tolerance sets a clear and specific guideline for all to adhere to
A12379 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of a three-strikes system does not allow for people to be treated fairly as individuals and instead is used as a "one-size-fits-all" control method for minority populations.
A12380 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of TAKING A LIFE SHOULD BE WRONG REGARDLESS OF THE REASON IT IS BEING DONE
A12381 usa train We should subsidize journalism against it could become partial to whoever pays
A12385 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of Three strikes laws reduce the power of judges and discretion in the court room, making judgments shallower.
A12386 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions against economic sanctions can help force countries to provide better treatment for the common people of that country.
A12387 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of the three strike law prohibits reform of offenders.
A12388 usa train We should ban naturopathy in favor of there are some contagious diseases that can not be treated with naturopathy and can put others in danger.
A12389 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research in favor of embryonic stem cell research can lead to new cures for diseases.
A12390 usa train We should subsidize space exploration against Space travel has health dangers. Astronauts and space tourists face risks from radiation, which can cause illness and injure organs.
A12391 usa train We should end racial profiling against the statistics exist and the racial profile helps detect possible offenders. this practice should continue to be applied because it is not a question of racism, it is a matter of statistics
A12392 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions against economic sanctions can help control financial situations
A12393 usa train We should adopt libertarianism against libertarianism would be a huge mistake, especially for the poor in our nation.
A12394 usa train We should prohibit women in combat in favor of woman are biologically not as strong as men so they have no place on the battlefield
A12396 usa train We should prohibit school prayer in favor of prayer is a personal choice. enforcing school prayer may expose students to ideas they are not comfortable with.
A12397 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of Three strikes laws destroy families by taking away parents and children for the rest of their lives with no chance of parole.
A12398 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions against economic sanctions do help western countries to avoid the spread of terrorism.
A12400 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of the countries regular citizens are the ones who are hurt the most by sanctions.
A12402 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of celibacy is an unnatural state; when sex drive is repressed, it can manifest in dangerous ways.
A12403 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of we should ban the church of scientology as many ex-members report manipulation and bullying and it has been reported to be a cult which has seperated families.
A12404 usa train We should ban telemarketing against telemarketing is a job for some and banning it would take jobs away.
A12405 usa train We should subsidize space exploration in favor of we should subsidize space exploration because someday we may have to leave earth behind once we deplete all our resources or because of a nuclear war.
A12406 usa train We should abandon marriage against marriage is still valid for those who belief in the commitment
A12407 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of compulsory voting ensures that our leaders reflect the will of all people, not just those who were able/motivated enough to make it to the polls.
A12408 usa train We should ban the use of child actors against if parents agree for their kids to do acting, i can`t see any problem with it.
A12409 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads against we don't subsidize stay-at-home moms, so subsidizing stay-at-home dads would be incredibly sexist.
A12410 usa train We should fight urbanization against it is much easier to provide services to an urbanised area than a populus spread out over a great distance, making planning for services much simpler and cost effective.
A12411 usa train Entrapment should be legalized in favor of it is a simplified method of finding people who's criminal bahaviour may otherwise often fly under the radar for a very long time.
A12412 usa train We should subsidize space exploration against there is nothing that can come from space research that will help the country so why waste so much money?
A12413 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform against the school uniform generates in the student respect and adherence to the rules. eliminating the use of school uniform goes against the establishment of routine and responsibility towards the institution
A12414 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp against Keep Guantanamo but implement military tribunals to insure that the prisoners are not innocent people.
A12415 usa train We should abandon marriage in favor of too many marriages now are falling apart. if marriage was abandoned then it would be much easier to separate and less need for legal interference.
A12416 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of minors should not be allowed to have an elective cosmetic surgery. their bodies are still growing and changing and should be allowed to mature before going under the knife.
A12417 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading against algirithmic trading reduces the possibilty of error and just furthers profit for finance companies
A12418 usa train We should cancel pride parades in favor of pride parades can cause increased tensions which requires more police protection. this can also cause fighting to break out.
A12419 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of this is absolutely something we should ban because children shouldn't be encouraged to be dissatisfied with their bodies
A12420 usa train We should adopt libertarianism in favor of working together for a greater good favouring the less well off and giving freedom of choice can only benefit society as a whole.
A12421 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans do more harm than good because pushing people to their bandories which usually result in family disaster.
A12422 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp against guantanamo bay provides a valuable service in the war on terror
A12423 usa train We should prohibit school prayer in favor of prayer in school should be prohibited because it violates the separation of prayer and state
A12424 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp against we need to keep it open , where else will these people that are there go?
A12425 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of autonomous cars leave both passengers and pedestrians vulnerable to malicious hacking which could cause wide scale destruction.
A12426 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of we should end the use of economic sanctions because it causes more conflict.
A12427 usa train We should prohibit school prayer against school prayer encourages children to be open minded and learn about other cultures and religions
A12428 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform against uniforms allow students to look the same and not have to follow the fashion while at school
A12429 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Foster children do not always get proper medical care. Foster kids are covered medically under Medicaid but each year, fewer and fewer healthcare providers accept Medicaid.
A12431 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loan companies take advantage of the poor and desperate by charging huge fees and interest rates.
A12432 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care tends to move children from home to home and lacks stability.
A12433 usa train We should cancel pride parades against pride parades allow marginalized groups to have a space in order to gather and celebrate and boost their self-esteem.
A12434 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of denying the holocaust is an insult to those who lived through it, those who have family that were affected by it, and those that still deal with its effects today.
A12435 usa train We should legalize prostitution in favor of very often prostitutes are the most vulnerable in society and have drug and alcohol problems. they need to be properly protected.
A12436 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp against guantanamo bay houses some of the most dangerous criminals in the world. where would these people go if it was closed? who would take them? no one. they'd be back in the world allowed to kill again.
A12437 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights against if an individual has created any property it is his to determine it's use
A12438 usa train We should legalize organ trade in favor of legal organ trade would help prevent wait lists
A12439 usa train We should ban telemarketing in favor of The true purposes of telemarketing are to pressure feeble-minded people into buying things they don't really want, and to make it easier to get away with fraud
A12440 usa train We should legalize prostitution in favor of legalising prostitution can only be beneficial to the sex workers and their clients from a safety and health point of view.
A12441 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of more voters would boost voter turnout.
A12442 usa train We should end mandatory retirement in favor of if a person wants to continue working, that is their right. they should not be forced to stop based on some arbitrary rule made up by someone.
A12443 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of Holocaust denial encourages violence against Jews in people who believe it. This means it isn't valid free speech or expression.
A12444 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of being a citizen of your country requires you to have at least some duty to the nation.
A12445 usa train We should ban naturopathy in favor of when used without the recommendation of trained professional, natural based medicines are often used unproductively
A12446 usa train We should legalize prostitution in favor of legalizing prostitution could allow for regulations that make prostitutes and the people that use their services safer and healthier.
A12447 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care provides temporary shelter for children who would otherwise be on the streets.
A12448 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory against Public defenders cost the state too much money.
A12450 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against Citizens should be allowed to defend themselves with lethal force in a life-or-death situation because the police are typically slow to respond to such situations.
A12451 usa train We should end affirmative action in favor of merit alone should be the deciding factor in whether a person is given a career opportunity, and affirmative action is a form of discrimination.
A12452 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of People should be required to use a public offender to better than chances of winning a case when they cannot afford legal counsel of their own.
A12453 usa train We should ban the use of child actors against child actors are necessary and children can learn how to work even from an early age
A12454 usa train We should limit executive compensation against companies should be able to pay as much as they like as long as it's above minimum wahe
A12456 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of it does because it is a test that cant cover a persons full knowledge or personality and may brand someone smart when they're not or stupid when they are smart andit could have a major impact on the person.
A12457 usa train We should end affirmative action in favor of Affirmative action leads to organizational inactivity or to bad action.
A12458 usa train We should legalize prostitution against legalizing prostitution can many women as well as children vulnerable to the dangerous and immoral legal acceptance of prostitution.
A12459 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery in favor of cosmetic surgery makes people feel self-conscious about themselves, providing false imagery of natural beauty
A12460 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp in favor of Guantanamo Bay is a stain on America's reputation as a lawful and just country.
A12461 usa train We should limit executive compensation against people should receive benefits for achieving higher goals and executives should also receive those compensations.
A12462 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of zoos maintain animals in unnatural, cramped conditions - they are exploited for the benefit of a paying public, with little concern about their happiness of welfare.
A12464 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of since intellectual property is such covers such a broad spectrum, it is difficult to prove that rights have been infringed leading to lengthy legal cases and should, therefore be abolished.
A12465 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of Intelligence tests bring more harm than good because they undermine self esteem for children with lower scores than their classmates.
A12466 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of they have high interest and short repayment dates and people may find themselves even in greater debt
A12467 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language in favor of it would make people who are gender challenged feel better.
A12468 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against everyone should have the right to keep and bear arms for protection
A12469 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research in favor of embryonic stem cell research is an advanced medicine progress that should not be stopped
A12470 usa train We should ban human cloning against human cloning can provide a way for science to overcome negative qualities in humans, such as birth defects, so overall it is a positive technology that should be allowed to flourish.
A12472 usa train Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is like buying babies and it should be banned.
A12473 usa train Surrogacy should be banned against when a couple is not able to have their own kids by natural way, surrogacy is only the option and knowing that surrogacy should never be banned.
A12474 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of tywo party systems no longer reflect the growing diversity of political views, only a multi party system can do this.
A12475 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of scientology is just a business that is trying to scam people out of money.
A12476 usa train We should abolish capital punishment in favor of killing someone is never okay even if they are a killer.
A12477 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade has continued for far too long, and is preventing innocent people from obtaining the aid that they desperately need
A12478 usa train We should subsidize journalism in favor of we should fund journalism to serve the public interest.
A12479 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights against without intellection property rights there is no incentive to research and develop new products
A12481 usa train We should ban telemarketing in favor of telemarketing can harm vulnerable people who are less able to say no.
A12484 usa train Social media brings more harm than good against it provides people with connection. you can stay in touch with family or friends frequently and easily that without this platform might not be possible.
A12485 usa train We should ban whaling against whaling is an important cultural tradition in countries such as japan; therefore we should allow it to continue.
A12487 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good against for a child to live in a foster home must be better than alternatives. they have a chance of a loving home and even adoption.
A12488 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia against subsidizing wikipedia will lead to bias in the contents. content creators and moderators will be afraid to criticize the people who contribute money to wikipedia
A12489 usa train We should ban factory farming against factory farming is needed in order to feed our ever increasing population.
A12490 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms in favor of the right to keep and bear arms should be abolished because countries with strict gun control are far safer because they have far fewer incidents of violent gun crime
A12491 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against History is what is related to us from other people. We can not really know if it has really happened. Denying the right not to believe this fact shouldn't be criminalized as people are freethinkers
A12492 usa train We should ban fast food against fast food shouldn't be banned because it helps people save times
A12494 usa train We should prohibit flag burning against flag burning is merely a very visible form of freedom of expression, which should be protected to the same degree as freedom of speech.
A12496 usa train We should legalize polygamy against Polygamous unions can cause cause jealousy and emotional distress among the multiple spouses.
A12497 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp in favor of Creating such a secluded environment for this detention camp has encouraged and legitimized unlawful and immoral behaviour on the part of the soldiers in charge of the detainees.
A12498 usa train We should subsidize space exploration in favor of space exploration has the ability to solve the problem of limited materials on earth
A12499 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against The government must use least restrictive means to avoid encroaching on people's freedoms. As such they should educate and regulate cosmetic surgery for minors instead of banning it.
A12500 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of compulsory voting will eliminate voter suppression which is a big problem in this country
A13001 usa train We should adopt libertarianism against adopting libertarianism would eliminate many social programs, reducing access t food and health care to those in need
A13002 usa train We should legalize organ trade against legalizing the organ trade would lead to people forcing or coercing other into giving their organs. this would increase death and suffering.
A13003 usa train We should prohibit women in combat against women can and do play a vital role in military combat and should not be discriminated against.
A13004 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology against we should not ban the church of scientology because in this country everyone has the right to freely practice whatever religion they want.
A13005 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of people dont always know whats best for them, so they shouldnt be representing themselves.
A13006 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games against olympic games gives the world a chance to see the talent of many athletes from around the world
A13007 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of we should abolish intellectual property rights because we never can truly know that someone came up with something.
A13008 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp against we have obtained valuable information from these prisoners. this information protects our citizens
A13009 usa train We should subsidize space exploration against subsidizing space exploration takes money away from more important issues.
A13011 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of these companies take advantage of needy people with outrageous fees.
A13012 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading against algorithmic trading allows for more timely, accurate, and efficient trading.
A13013 usa train We should abolish capital punishment against capital punishment might be the only way to fairly punish a criminal for an exceedingly awful crime.
A13014 usa train Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is not a needed thing. there are enough children in need of adoption that using a surrogate to have a baby so it has your genetic makeup is just selfish.
A13017 usa train We should end mandatory retirement in favor of As people continue to have children later and later, mandatory retirement prevents people from being able to provide for their family and dependents.
A13018 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against we should not stop the development of autonomous cars because it will help the people more easily on driving and will provide more safety.
A13019 usa train We should abolish zoos against some species are endangered and threatened by poaching. zoos are a place were we can guarantee their safety and survival.
A13020 usa train We should abolish safe spaces in favor of safe spaces prevent people from challenging ideas different than their own.
A14001 usa train We should ban fast food against banning this is a slippery slope to all sorts of objectively unhealthy food on the market
A14002 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons in favor of Fallout from nuclear weapons gets carried across the world by the wind, we must abolish nuclear weapons so that conflicts between individual states don't cause nuclear damage in neighboring states.
A14003 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good against foster carers are by default caring people who do a lot of valuable work
A14005 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory against The use of public defenders should not be mandatory because people should be able to provide for their own defense if they wish, since they know their own self interest best.
A14006 usa train We should ban factory farming against factory farming is an efficient way to grow mass amounts of food for the food supply chain. it pushes innovation and makes farming more efficient and safer outcomes for the food supply.
A14007 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research against we should not subsidize embryonic stem cell research as that is done by private companies and they can raiser their own money.
A14008 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offence because that is murder
A14010 usa train Surrogacy should be banned in favor of Surrogacy reduces women's position in society by treating them like baby making machines.
A14011 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of an austerity regime would be good for the economy
A14013 usa train We should abolish safe spaces against the abused have the right to have spaces where they can have tolerance and not suffer abuse
A14014 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions hurt the poor, working class and has little affect on the ruling party.
A14015 usa train We should fight urbanization in favor of urbanization increases pollution and drains resources.
A14017 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of intellectual property rights are expensive to maintain and hold back the spread of new ideas
A14018 usa train We should end affirmative action in favor of affirmative action should be ended because it devalues the achievements of people from a disadvantaged background who have got to where they are through their own merit
A14019 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of stop the development of autonomous cars because it can cause accidents due to the laws in different countries being different
A14020 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of school uniforms are a way of stifling the creativity and individuality of students.
A15001 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads in favor of in a newly formed family it is vital that both parents can generate money, if they have the blessing of the arrival of a child then the state should subsidize the father who stays at home
A15002 usa train We should ban fast food in favor of fast food is the cause of the ever increasing chronic conditions and obesity in our nation.
A15003 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good against The overwhelming experience shows that in care and health, decentralized and deinstitutionalized systems perform better and spend less than a massive state apparatus.
A15004 usa train We should abolish safe spaces against safe spaces are a place where minorities of any sort are safe to be who they are and are safe from discrimination, negative comments and harassment and in today's intolerant society are much needed.
A15006 usa train We should end racial profiling against racial profiling can be beneficial in medical research as it has been identified that some drugs work better on white patients and some on blacks
A15007 usa train We should ban naturopathy against we should not ban naturopathy because although it is of no medical benefit pepople are entitled to make wrong choices.
A15008 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of Intelligence tests have been a tool used by Eugenicists to argue for the culling of certain racial and ethnic groups.
A15009 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms in favor of the right to bear arms had and will only lead to people killing innocent people.
A15010 usa train We should ban private military companies in favor of private military companies have no governmental controls and can do more harm then good.
A15011 usa train We should prohibit women in combat against Woman should be allowed in combat. They are as strong mentally and physically as men.
A15013 usa train We should abolish capital punishment in favor of Capital punishment can be replaced by more ethical but equally punishing alternatives, like life without parole.
A15014 usa train We should ban telemarketing against telemarketing is very economical and it provides an easy way for companies to offer their products and services to people. telemarketers are merely asking whether someone wants something or not.
A15015 usa train We should subsidize space exploration in favor of we need to subsidize space exploration so we can find somewhere for the human race to go when we finally get done destroying our planet.
A15017 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of wikipedia is a valuable source of information in all things and would be missed if it were not able to continue due to lack of support
A15019 usa train We should legalize cannabis against cannabis use has been linked to mental problems in youth and shouldn't be legalized.
A15020 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights against intellectual property rights mean that the people who come up with ideas or products get the financial gains from said product and so makes people more likely to innovate
A17002 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against schools already have systems and hierarchies, there is no need to employ further policies.
A17003 usa train We should cancel pride parades against thepride parades are part of the empowerment of the lgbt community
A17004 usa train We should abolish zoos against zoos allow people to see many animals in their natural habitat that most people would never see.
A17006 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of it is just another way for lazy people to do as little as possible.
A17007 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against autonomous cars reduce the risk of human error, thus leading to safer roads.
A17008 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against autonomous cars can help transport those unable to drive themselves
A17009 usa train We should adopt libertarianism in favor of libertarianism allows people to make their own choices without government interference.
A17011 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading can cause unnatural market movements.
A17013 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology against we should not ban the church of scientology as people have the right to support any religion they choose and the church contributes money to good causes.
A17014 usa train Payday loans should be banned against It is not the government's role to protect citizens from bad decisions.
A17015 usa train We should ban human cloning against we should not ban human cloning as we need to continue to work to the betterment of the health and welfare of the people.
A17016 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting against this is a free country and citizens should have the right to vote or not to vote.
A17017 usa train We should abolish zoos against zoos are a great way teach people about animals and how important they are
A17018 usa train We should abolish zoos against a zoo is a safe place for animals who lost their homes and are not able to care for themselves
A17019 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of should uniforms are costly and children should be allowed to where their own cheaper clothes
A18001 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against we live in a free and open society if people choose to be celibate then we should respect their choice.
A18002 usa train We should legalize polygamy against Marriage in general is an oppressive and patriarchal structure. Any action that reaffirms or expands marriage is bad, so polygamy shouldn't be legalized.
A18003 usa train We should ban telemarketing in favor of unwanted telemarketing is a form of harassment, it's extremely annoying and it's got so out of hand that people are unable to avoid or opt out of it.
A18004 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads against we don't subsidize stay at home moms so we shouldn't dad's either. if that's what they want to do then they can deal with the financial aspects themselves or go back to work.
A18005 usa train We should legalize prostitution in favor of we should legalize prostitution because if someone really wants to use those services, they should have the right to do so. we can just regulate it.
A18006 usa train We should ban the use of child actors in favor of using child actors keeps the children out of school .
A18007 usa train We should introduce compulsory voting against voting should be a choice for every person
A18008 usa train We should ban fast food in favor of we should ban fast food because all of the chemicals it is made with is unhealthy and makes you obese
A18009 usa train We should end affirmative action against we should not end affirmative action because it helps people from being discriminated against
A18010 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of the olympic games only benefit the rich as they are the only people who can afford to compete or attend the games.
A18011 usa train We should ban telemarketing against Telemarketing is an excellent tool if used sensitively and with caution
A18012 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicide should not be a criminal offence as people with chronic health conditions may not be able to commit sucidice alone but should have the right to choose whether they continue to suffer.
A18013 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good against The foster system provides incentives for parents to adopt when children are orphaned, such as free college tuition, financial assistance, and other tax benefits, which allows more children to be adopted.
A18014 usa train We should ban private military companies in favor of Private military companies have their bottom line as a priority rather than the safety of the country.
A18015 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against we should not abolish the right to keep and bear arms because people would be left defenseless against criminals who are going to find a way to get a gun
A18016 usa train We should legalize prostitution against it is not right to legitimize something that is fundamentally immoral and hurts those who engage in it
A18017 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research in favor of we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research because it will help many people as long as it is successfully done.
A18018 usa train We should adopt a multi-party system against it makes a mockery of voting for your political party of choice if the end result is a multi-party system which will lead to people not voting if they feel they do not have a say.
A18019 usa train We should end mandatory retirement against mandatory retirement leaves openings in the job force for those that are stronger and more capable of doing the jobs.
A18020 usa train We should ban whaling in favor of it is harmful and may lead to whale extinction.
A18021 usa train We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of economic sanctions often do not work and cutting out countries from the world economy hurts their citizens, not their leaders.
A18022 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of intellectual property rights should be abolished as they stifle innovation and allows the creation of monopolies and giant corporations
A18023 usa train We should cancel pride parades in favor of we should cancel pride parades because it is forcing views some people don't agree with in their face
A18024 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against while the holocaust was a very serious event, denying that it happened should not be serious enough to be a criminal offense.
A18025 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans are ineffective and make people go deeper into debt
A18026 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of also called intellectual plagiarism none of this makes sense there may be people who think the same and that is not a crime
A18027 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of the interest rate when failing to pay back in time can be as high as 300%, making your financial situation even more difficult.
A18028 usa train We should ban naturopathy against naturopathy is considered by some people to be beneficial and will undoubtedly work in some cases due to the placebo effect
A18029 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp against guatanamo bay is needed for the worst offenders.
A18030 usa train We should ban human cloning in favor of a child who is the result of human cloning will have psychological problems because they are not allowed to be their own person
A18032 usa train We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of algorithmic trading gives people an unfair advantage because they can trade so much more quickly and therefore it should be banned.
A18033 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of animals deserve to be in the wild, with access to large open spaces not available at a zoo.
A18034 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against thought crimes should not be punishable.
A18036 usa train We should abolish capital punishment against capital punishment is absolutely needed. it acts as a deterrent to prevent future crime. if a person knows they can be killed for their crime, it deters them and also makes sure they aren't released from prison
A18037 usa train We should abandon the use of school uniform against school uniform helps all children attend on a level playing field, free from worry about trying to keep up with expensive fashion trends.
A18039 usa train We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of Some violent and extreme behaviours in schools deserve a fierce and sharp reaction.
A18040 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia against it may effect its impartiality, governments may use their funding to influence editors.
A18041 usa train We should ban naturopathy in favor of naturopathy is quackery and charlatanism
A18042 usa train We should abolish zoos against we shouldn't abolish zoos because they create jobs for zookeepers and they allow children to view wild animals which is fun and educational
A18043 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against even minors have the right to bodily autonomy and should be allowed to decide for themselves whether to have cosmetic surgery.
A18044 usa train We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp in favor of prisoners have not had a trial and have been victims of human rights violations during their detention.
A18045 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against nuclear weapons provide us security in times of war.
A18046 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language in favor of we should adopt gender-neutral language because equal rights should include equal language
A18047 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games in favor of we should abolish the olympic games because they have not done what they were meant to do which is create peace. they have created more problems especially to those hosting them and are just beyond their time.
A18049 usa train We should end racial profiling in favor of racial profiling should end because it places unfair emphasis on certain minority groups
A18050 usa train We should ban fast food in favor of fast food has proven to be detrimental to the health of all people and should be banned immediately.
A18051 usa train Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of According to multiple studies, children who go through the foster care system are more likely to deal with mental health issues and disorders than their peers.
A18052 usa train We should subsidize stay-at-home dads in favor of they should be compensated for the household work and child raising tasks that they preform.
A18053 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research in favor of we need the cures and treatments we can get by funding stem cell research.
A18054 usa train We should prohibit flag burning in favor of flag burning should be prohibited because it is a desecration of the flag and should be illegal
A18056 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of scientology is not a real religion and you can't just take a work of sci-fi and make your own religion
A18057 usa train We should ban whaling in favor of whaling is cruel and inhumane; it should be banned.
A18058 usa train We should ban human cloning in favor of human cloning is unnatural and should be banned
A18059 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of We should abolish the three-strikes laws because they discriminate against over-policed communities.
A18060 usa train We should prohibit school prayer against we shouldn't prohibit school prayer because is important for religious education
A18061 usa train We should ban telemarketing in favor of it is a form of harassment to be contacted constantly by telemarketers.
A18062 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against autonomous cars could help people make better use of their time
A18064 usa train We should legalize organ trade in favor of organ trade between consenting parties should be an option as it can reduce wait times.
A18065 usa train We should legalize cannabis against legal marijuana could actually improve opportunities for the black market because cartels can easily undermine licensed sellers prices and the black market will thrive
A18066 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of we should abolish zoos because it is cruel to cage up animals like that in one area and is not their natural habitat and essentially treat them like pets.
A18067 usa train We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research in favor of the investigations with mother cells could mean the definitive advance for the human race
A18069 usa train We should legalize cannabis against legalizing marijuana leads to more marijuana-related medical emergencies cases and unintentional cannabis overdose injuries among children
A18070 usa train We should ban private military companies against Private military companies can provide more advanced technology because they are not restricted by governmental red tape.
A18071 usa train We should legalize polygamy against polygamy can be harmful or abusive to the women and children involved
A18072 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery against cosmetic surgery teaches our daughters that they need to look perfect and never age.
A18073 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of three-strike laws are intolerant of special circumstances.
A18074 usa train We should legalize cannabis against allowing people to use a gateway drug like cannabis is steering them towards a life of addiction.
A18075 usa train We should prohibit school prayer against school prayer should be allowed in school because it is what our country was founded on. those who disagree could just abstain from the prayer.
A18076 usa train We should prohibit school prayer in favor of school prayer is wrong because the non religious are expected to participate.
A18077 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of The development of autonomous cars should be halted until we have dealt with the moral question of who would be liable in the case of an accident, hacking or malfunction.
A18078 usa train We should abolish zoos in favor of it's cruel for the animals to be caged
A18079 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery in favor of the long term effects of new procedures have not been studied enough to know if they are safe.
A18080 usa train We should legalize prostitution against we should not legalize prostitution because they spread too many diseases
A18081 usa train We should ban private military companies against We should not ban because it has been proven to work and can serve specific issues
A18082 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against guns are already ubiquitous and outlawing them will only keep them out of the hands of lawful owners.
A18083 usa train We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against we must not abolish nuclear weapons because they can be used in situations of extreme need like defending a country
A18085 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of austerity regimes needs to be adopted to reduce budget deficits and debt crises
A18086 usa train We should legalize polygamy in favor of perhaps with two wives it would make the raising of children easier, plus it's already legal in some countries.
A18087 usa train Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests are just another tool for teachers to use
A18088 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of many people do not have the mental capacity to understand the reasons to defend themselves and the usage of public defenders should be mandatory.
A18089 usa train We should end mandatory retirement against for people who work in skilled manual jobs it comes to a point where it is no longer safe for them work, the retirement age is used to protect people of a certain age as a safety precaution
A18090 usa train We should limit executive compensation in favor of executive compensation should be limited to make companies more profitable.
A18091 usa train We should abandon marriage against marriage is a legal relationship so you can claim certain benefits and get inheritance when your loved ones dies.
A18092 usa train We should ban naturopathy in favor of Naturopathic medication can have bad interactions with other medications the person is already taking that can be very harmful.
A18093 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of intellectual property rights create a monopoly position for a company which enables them to charge whatever they like for a product without fear of competition. it prices the poor out of markets
A18094 usa train We should legalize cannabis in favor of some states have already done it so we might as well.
A18095 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory against people may choose to defend themselves, if they believe it to be in their best interests
A18096 usa train We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against the right to keep and bear arms is important in keeping people safe in a dangerous and uncertain world
A18097 usa train The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of Separate public and private defender systems contribute to social instability by being a very obvious example of the state providing preferential treatment to the rich.
A18098 usa train We should abolish the three-strikes laws against three strikes is enough opportunity for a person to reform their behavior and become a law abiding citizen. after three strikes a person has proven they are not interested in conforming to societal rules.
A18099 usa train We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of maintaining intellectual property rights for all is too expensive, and maintaining these rights might restrict innovation in certain sectors.
A18101 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games against athletes train their whole lives in hopes that they can represent their country to be the best.
A18102 usa train The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the holy scriptures say many things that are not accepted by the traditions of the church, so that the man who wants to remain holy must be celibate.
A18103 usa train We should fight urbanization in favor of urbanization destroys natural habits, impacting negatively the environment and endangering many native species of animals, plants and insect life.
A18104 usa train We should ban naturopathy against naturopathy is the only answer for some people.
A18105 usa train We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of we should adopt an austerity regime so that future generations are not left t0 pay the debts that we rack up.
A18106 usa train Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicide should not be a criminal offense as everyone should have the right to end their life peacefully once they are to a point of not being able to get better.
A18107 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of allowing cosmetic surgery for minors would simply sweep the real problem under the rug: the effect of toxic appearance standards.
A18108 usa train We should adopt gender-neutral language against other languages such as spanish and french have even more gendered language than we do, and they have no problems
A18109 usa train We should ban telemarketing in favor of telemarketing should be banned because it is disruptive to the course of the day for many people.
A18110 usa train We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of wikipedia would be more accurate if it was subsidized.
A18111 usa train Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment can be an important tool to secure the conviction of underground criminal cartels.
A18112 usa train Entrapment should be legalized against it is an unfair practice which works by falsely misleading someone.
A18113 usa train Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media causes harm by people trying to live up to their peers.
A18116 usa train Surrogacy should be banned against women that are capable of giving birth can help those women who are not
A18117 usa train Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against while it is terrible to deny what happened during the holocaust everyone is entitled to their opinions.
A18118 usa train We should ban whaling in favor of whaling kills whales in an inhumane way
A18120 usa train We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of childrens' bodies are constantly changing throughout childhood so that, cosmetic surgery may be used to alter an disliked part of the body when it may change anyway, resulting in unnecessary surgery
A18122 usa train We should prohibit flag burning against flag burning causes no physical harm to others
A18124 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against autonomous cars can give many people the freedom to drive without actually driving, so we should not stop making them.
A18125 usa train We should ban fast food against this is a free country. people are free to make bad nutritional decisions
A18126 usa train Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the civilians in gaza are suffering for the standoff between israel and hamas and the situation only adds to the opposition against israel in the long term. the only way ahead is to find a better solution
A18127 usa train We should end racial profiling against racial profiling is absolutely important. because blacks commit a huge majority of crime in america there's no racism going on if cops may target people based on race. it's common sense.
A18128 usa train Payday loans should be banned in favor of they prey on the poor and charge astronomic interest.
A18129 usa train We should cancel pride parades in favor of pride parades cause more trouble by singling out those who are different.
A18130 usa train Entrapment should be legalized against breaking the law to try to catch people that are breaking the law is very hypocritical
A18131 usa train We should stop the development of autonomous cars against development of autonomous car will make traffic and parking easier
A18132 usa train Surrogacy should be banned against having a child that is genetically connected to you is very important to many people
A18133 usa train We should ban the Church of Scientology against to pick out one religion out of many to ban would be an infringement of the freedom to practice any religion of your choosing.
A18134 usa train We should adopt libertarianism against we should not adopt libertarianism for fear of the threat to law and order.
A18135 usa train We should abolish the Olympic Games against the olympic games brings together the world in a peaceful environment
A18136 usa train We should ban the use of child actors against banning child actors would limit movies and tv shows. anything with children in the story would be unable to be made. television and movies for children would no longer exist either.
A18137 usa train We should ban naturopathy against naturopathy provides an alternative when all mainstream medicine has failed.
A18138 usa train We should ban private military companies in favor of private military companies should be banned they often act as mercenaries and cant be regulated
A18139 usa train We should subsidize journalism in favor of Journalism plays an essential role as watchdog of democracy, and keeping citizens informed. Such a valuable industry deserves government subsidization.
A18140 usa train Social media brings more harm than good in favor of when teenagers are on social media they sometimes bully their peers which is a reason for not having an account
A18141 usa train We should legalize organ trade in favor of people are more likely to share their organs if there is financial benefit to them, increasing supply.
A18142 usa train We should ban naturopathy against some natural remedies help people live healthy lives
A18143 usa train We should prohibit women in combat in favor of women have reproductive concerns that could cause ethical problems in combat.
A18144 usa train We should cancel pride parades against we should not cancel pride parades because people should have the right to express what they want, and how they feel about a certain issue.
A18146 usa train We should ban factory farming against it is the most efficient way to produce food