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Working with Android library projects

levinotik edited this page Jan 31, 2013 · 2 revisions

To build a multi-project build, the simplest way is to create a wrapper directory which contains your application and android libraries as sub-directories. For example:

    • root-project (wrapper/meta project)
  • `- myandroidappproject (your actual android application project)
  • `- menu-drawer-library (android library-project)

Next, create a Build.scala inside of root-project/project. The root-project/project/Build.scala should look like this:

import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._

import AndroidKeys._

object MyProjectBuild extends Build {

  // meta project
  lazy val root = Project(id = "meta-project", base = file(".")) settings(
    packageT in Compile <<= packageT in Android in myproject,
    packageRelease      <<= packageRelease in Android in myproject,
    packageDebug        <<= packageDebug in Android in myproject
    ) aggregate(myproject, menuDrawerLibrary)

  // android application project
  lazy val myproject = Project(id = "myproject", base = file("myandroidappproject")) settings(

  val menuDrawerLibrary = Project(id = "menudrawerlibrary", 
    base = file("menu-drawer-library")) settings(
    AndroidSdkPlugin.androidBuildSettings: _*)

    lazy val appSettings = AndroidSdkPlugin.androidBuildSettings :+ 
    (name := "myawesomeapp") :+ 
    (compile in Compile <<= compile in Compile
      dependsOn(packageT in Compile in menuDrawerLibrary))

Don't forget to add the Android Library project to your, e.g. android.library.reference.1=../menu-drawer-library

NOTE: you should use the SBT console from the root project directory in order to build your Android application. Simply prefix the Android commands with your application's id:


See the README for links to more examples of complex builds.

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