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Supporting Data Table 2
Pair Reach number Drainage Grain data source 10Be source (Values recalculated by Willenbring) Short term sed supply source E short term (mm/kyr) E 10Be (mm/kyr) tau*bf/tau*c Notes on site pairings Drainage Area (grain) Drainage Area (erosion) "West Coast = 1, Other = 0"
1 "48,49,50" Scott Creek Pfeiffer and Finnegan Perg 94 2.8922 Bf:c ratio is the average of the lower mainstem Scott Creek reaches (below Big Ck confluence). 10Be measured near mouth (nearly same drainage area). various various 1
2 "5,6" Redwood Creek Lisle and Madej Ferrier Lisle 480 415.8 3.9574 "Bf:c ratio is the average of the two Redwood Ck reaches; 10Be erosion rate is the average of 3 data points from Ferrier et al., 2 upstream and 1 downstream of the grain data reaches. " 605 various 1
3 102 Selway King Kirchner Kirchner 9.245 76 0.5506 Same reach. 4959.802576 same 0
4 107 Lochsa King Kirchner Kirchner 9.924 117 0.7236 Same reach. 3056.170778 same 0
5 187 Yellow Breeches Ck Chaplin Reuter 25 1.4369 Same reach. 551.6647252 same 0
6 186 Sherman Ck Chaplin Reuter 13.8 0.474 Same reach. 536.1248738 same 0
7 183 Spring Creek near Milesburg Chaplin Reuter 20.79 1.5407 Measurements made just on the other side of the confluence with Bald Eagle Creek in Milesburg PA. Erosion rate upstream in Spring Creek (A = 226 km2) is 16.6 mm/kry. 367.7764835 686 0
8 189 Spring Creek near Houserville Chaplin Reuter 16.6 0.5008 Both measurments were made on Spring Creek between State College and Bellefonte. 151.5135513 226 0
9 313 Bear Ck Madeline Richards Gudmundsdottir 372 2.2726 Same reach. 41.65 41.65 1
10 315 San Gregorio Madeline Richards Gudmundsdottir 300 355 2.6811 Same reach. 55.6 55.6 1
11 311 N. Fk. Caspar Ck Kinerson Ferrier Ferrier 44 161 2.8214 Same reach. 5 4.73 1
12 232 South River at Harriston VA Keaton Duxbury 6 0.7699 "South River joins the Shenandoah, which has erosion rate of 6 mm/kyr not far downstream of the confluence (A = 3305). Averaging 10Be measurements from the small headwater streams of the South River yields a similar erosion rate of 8.2 mm/kyr. " 549 various 0
13 235 Smith River near Woolwine Lotspeich Sullivan 17.48 1.2299 "While there is a large difference in drainage areas between the 10Be and Bf:c study reaches, the erosion rates in the Blue Ridge Mtns are uniformly low (Reusser). " 68.12 6.19 0
14 223 Roanoke River Keaton Reusser Trimble 1977 56 9.19 0.8646 "While there is a substantial difference in drainage arease, all of the 10Be sites in this region have very similar erosion rates. " 282 666 0
15 314 Kings Ck Madeline Richards Gudmundsdottir 404 8.1134 Same reach. 19.4 19.4 1
16 80 Elder "Seidl and Dietrich 1992, Lisle and Hilton 1999" Fueller 170 1.833 "Same region, 10Be value is the average of the two reported Elder Ck data points. " 16.9 1
17 345 Little Lost Man Lisle personal communication Ferrier Ferrier 38 203.6 1.5335 Same reach 8.96 1
18 349 S Fk Caspar Lisle personal communication Ferrier Ferrier 46 109.8 1.0303 Close by. 5.36 4.24 1
19 63 Jacoby Creek Mueller et al. via Lisle "Lisle, personal communication" 68 NaN 2.0582 Close by. 36.3 1
20 339 BALD MTN Lisle personal communication Lisle personal communication 48 NaN 2.6156 Same reach 18.6 1
21 340 BRIDGE Lisle personal communication Lisle personal communication 237 NaN 1.1659 Same reach 28.3 1
22 341 CRAPO Lisle personal communication Lisle personal communication 513 NaN 1.9959 Same reach 44.5 1
23 342 GROUSE Lisle personal communication Lisle personal communication 679 NaN 4.6212 Same reach 140 1
24 344 KNOWNOTHING Lisle personal communication Lisle personal communication 98 NaN 0.9764 Same reach 58.1 1
25 346 NORDHEIMER Lisle personal communication Lisle personal communication 55 NaN 1.5084 Same reach 81.3 1
26 347 PLUMMER Lisle personal communication Lisle personal communication 31 NaN 1.6307 Same reach 37.8 1
27 348 RED CEDAR Lisle personal communication Lisle personal communication 9 NaN 1.1709 Same reach 7.02 1